
Session Start: Fri Dec 24 21:41:00 1999
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is 'Happy Saturnalia, Bob. Now stop changing the topic, you shouldn't even have ops.'
*** Set by Locdog07 on Fri Dec 24 06:19:09
DarkonZeroJingle bells!
DarkonZeroJingle bells!
DarkonZeroJingle all the way!
DarkonZeroOh what fun!
DarkonZeroThat's I'm alone!
*** qui-jin has joined #deep13
* qui-jin 12 gets a good running start and kicks 4 DarkonZero 12 really hard in the nads
qui-jin10I guess it's true what they say about 2 DarkonZero ... 10Nothing says lovin' like lovin your cousin
qui-jinyour a fag!!!!!!
*** qui-jin has left #deep13
DarkonZeroMe! I disconnect from you...all!
* DarkonZero hits the off switch on his Portal deck and disconnects to the world known as reality!
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Fri Dec 24 22:10:30 1999

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