
Session Start: Wed Dec 22 01:02:08 1999
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is 'Happy Saturnalia, you pagan dogs! '
*** Set by Mars on Tue Dec 21 22:06:02
BobIshmaelOh, hey, look.
DeRaptorHey DZ.
DarkonZeroWhere am I?
DarkonZeroHow did I get here?
BobIshmaelHe's all doped up again.
DarkonZeroWhat year is this?
DarkonZeroIs it 1996?
BobIshmaelDZ, you can draw, right?
DarkonZeroI need to find the 12 monkeys army.
DarkonZeroAnd yes....I can draw.
BobIshmaelThen I have a proposition for you...
BobIshmaelWe create a comic where I write, you draw, and I get all the profits.
BobIshmaelWhat do you think?
DeRaptorYay! DZ has a brain!
DarkonZeroI get all the profits.
DarkonZeroBob....all for me....none for you.
BobIshmaelThat's not very Musketeer'ish.
BobIshmaelFine, then. Damn you both! I'll learn to draw and then I'll have all the blueberry muffins I want!
DarkonZeroI'm not a Musketeer.
BobIshmaelWait... No..
BobIshmaelWhat was I going to do again?
DarkonZeroBob.....you were gonna urinate on yourself.
BobIshmaelNo, I don't think that's it.
DarkonZeroNo....that's what you said.
BobIshmaelSay, that reminds me, how's your brother?
DarkonZero<BobIshmael> I need to urinate on myself.
DarkonZeroOh...the l'il bro is just dandy.
BobIshmaelAre you sure you don't want to go with my Bob Gets All The Profits idea?
* DarkonZero ponders watching 12 Monkeys again....
BobIshmaelLast chance.
DarkonZeroI'll get back to you on that.
DarkonZeroLike.....let's say......never.
* BobIshmael checks his planner.
BobIshmaelNever's not good for me.
BobIshmaelHow about...
DarkonZeroWell...it's plenty good for me.
* BobIshmael flips through his planner.
DarkonZeroNext Tuesday is not good.
BobIshmaelI have an opening... Now.
DarkonZeroAnd neither is now.
BobIshmaelHow about NOW?
BobIshmaelHow about three seconds from now?
DarkonZeroThree seconds from before mighta been good.....but it's too late.
BobIshmaelYou'll rue the day you denied me whatever it is I'm trying to get you to do!
BobIshmaelIn other news, Windows is a lot less annoying when you turn all the sounds off.
DarkonZeroI'm gonna be a food thinkner.
DarkonZerothikener even.
DarkonZeroDamn words.
BobIshmaelYes, rue.
BobIshmaelrue1 (r)
BobIshmaelv. rued, ru·ing, rues.
BobIshmaelv. tr.
BobIshmaelTo feel regret, remorse, or sorrow for.
BobIshmaelv. intr.
BobIshmaelTo feel regret, remorse, or sorrow.
BobIshmaelSorrow; regret: “To their rue, the Social Democrats have to acknowledge that the Conservative-Liberal coalition has captured the center where elections are won” (Elizabeth Pond).
* DarkonZero doesn't feel regret remorse or sorrow.
DarkonZeroI'm fine.
DarkonZeroHow about you?
BobIshmaelI said "You'll". Future tense.
BobIshmaelMeaning, sometime in the future you'll feel regret.
* BobIshmael enrolls DZ in high school.
BobIshmaelOnce you graduate, you can speak to me.
DarkonZeroWell....in the future....I'll be my hapless, dumb self.....that won't remember to rue the day.
BobIshmaelSpeaking of which...
BobIshmaelDid they fire your pathetic self?
DarkonZeroThey were nice to me.
BobIshmaelLike hell they were.
DarkonZeroThey think I might kill them.
BobIshmaelEven more reason to fire you.
DarkonZeroBut....that's my guess.
* DeRaptor yawns.
* DarkonZero slaps De.
DarkonZeroWAKE UP!
* BobIshmael decides to get food.
DarkonZeroWatch as the Bob goes foraging.
DarkonZeroEwww......he's eating danduff flakes!
DarkonZeroThe cannibal!
DarkonZeroEating of his own dead skin!
* DeRaptor kicks DZ.
* DarkonZero slaps De.....again!
* DeRaptor pulls DZ's hair o ut.
DarkonZeroo ut!
* DarkonZero waves his hand in De's face.
* DeRaptor bites DZ's hand.
DarkonZeroAfter watching 12 Monkeys.....I'm not sure if I'm insane or not.
DarkonZeroAnd the latter isn't the best thing.
DeRaptorah, hell, I'm goin' to bed.
DeRaptorg'nite, y'freaks.
* DeRaptor Leaps through a run in the pantyhose of the space-time continuum...
*** DeRaptor has left #Deep13
*** DeRaptor has left IRC
DarkonZeroHmmm....Bob not back.
DarkonZeroMe go.
DarkonZeroSay goodbye to me! I'm going M.I.A.!
* DarkonZero hits the off switch on his Portal deck and disconnects to the world known as reality!
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Wed Dec 22 01:25:16 1999
Session Start: Wed Dec 22 10:00:26 1999
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is 'Happy Saturnalia, you pagan dogs! '
*** Set by Mars on Tue Dec 21 22:06:02
* DarkonZero hits a switch on his Portal deck and just fades out into...4,1THE LIMBO4,16,0!6,0
Session Close: Wed Dec 22 10:00:35 1999
Session Start: Wed Dec 22 13:24:30 1999
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is '* Cal-Crowe sweats <Locdog07> Oh great, and I just mopped up Defie's drool'
*** Set by Locdog07 on Wed Dec 22 12:23:20
DarkonZeroWhat's going on?
* DarkonZero is liking his new King Kai symbol shirt.......
Greidanusdah, I gotta go for a bit]
Greidanussorry, be back in, say, 20 minutes
*** Greidanus has left IRC
*** Greidanus has quit IRC (Sic em' SAMBA!!)
*** Cal-Crowe is on IRC
*** Cal-Crowe has joined #Deep13
Cal-CroweThe IMDb is avertising MST3K Poopie! on the goofs pages
BowkuWhast the page>
Cal-Crowelook on the Goofs pages on the IMdb
Cal-CroweBTW, I found a new horrible movie to riff
Cal-CroweSecond Sight (1989
Bowku4[Random Burnings]4/14DMX, Method Man, Ja Rule, Nas 4]/14Belly Soundtrack (1998)4[4/14Grand Finale4[/147:234[/144.23 MB
BowkuNo idea
Bowku4[Random Burnings]4/14They Might Be Giants4]/14(Live)4[4/14No One Knows My Plan.mp34[/142:054[/141.68 MB
BowkuSomeone must of sent that to me
Cal-Crowehttp://us.imdb.com/Title?0098276 Second Sight (AKA Crap)
DarkonZeroI'll be back later....
DarkonZeroSay goodbye to me! I'm going M.I.A.!
* DarkonZero hits the off switch on his Portal deck and disconnects to the world known as reality!
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Wed Dec 22 13:59:12 1999
Session Start: Wed Dec 22 14:29:08 1999
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is '* Cal-Crowe sweats <Locdog07> Oh great, and I just mopped up Defie's drool'
*** Set by Locdog07 on Wed Dec 22 12:23:20
*** Greidanus has left IRC
*** Greidanus has quit IRC (Ping timeout for Greidanus[isp15-62.ply.adelphia.net])
* DarkonZero burps...
Cal-CroweYour burp broke my glass of Pibb
* DarkonZero expects Cal to say "YEEHAW" next....
DarkonZeroI bought Quake 3 and I am now frustrated with it.
DarkonZeroI realized I really suck at it.
* Cal-Crowe hands DZ a Quake 3 for Dummies book
Cal-CroweThat will be 20 bucks
* DarkonZero thumbs through the book.
DarkonZeroThe pages are blank!
Cal-Crowemwa ha ha ha
* DarkonZero hits Cal over the head with the book!
Cal-CroweI got a paper cut!
Cal-CroweI don't feel so good...
* Cal-Crowe falls down
*** Locdog07 is on IRC
*** Locdog07 has joined #Deep13
* Locdog07 pounces into #Deep13 without his stupid luggage case.
*** Mars sets mode: +o Locdog07
DarkonZeroOh great....he thinks he's The Fonz.
[Cal-Crowe SOUND]
*** SantaBoz has joined #Deep13
Locdog07Santy Boz!
Locdog07Hooray fer Santy Boz.
SantaBozHo ho ho. Where's my gift?
Locdog07First take back those three insults.
SantaBozBut SantaBoz is selfish and greedy
* Cal-Crowe hands Boz a box
* Locdog07 hands Boz a paper tissue
SantaBozA gift! Goody!
Cal-CroweThere's nothing IN the box, but I bet you could make something cool out of it
* SantaBoz gets an idea
* Locdog07 takes the lightbulb from over Boz's head and gives it to him as a gift
* DarkonZero hands Boz and anvil and leads him to a cliff.
* SantaBoz sets the box on fire and sets in on Cal's head.
DarkonZeroand anvil?
SantaBozthere, I made Cal Flambe
DarkonZeroAn anvil.
SantaBozCool anvil.
* SantaBoz hits DZ with it.
*** Locdog07 changes topic to '1,0All Hail Mandark'
SantaBozperfect for hitting people who give bad gifts
* Cal-Crowe catches Boz on fire
Locdog07-KING HELL!
* Cal-Crowe melts
* Sound request: can't find 'fall.wav'
[Locdog07 SOUND]
* Cal-Crowe solidifyds
* Cal-Crowe pours gloopstick on Boz
SantaBozThere was a local tragedy where 12 girls caught each other on fire rehearsing a christmas show. happened a hundred years ago, too
Locdog07They still had Christmas back then?
SantaBozEarly stages of development
Cal-CroweBefore Tickle Me Elmo
* Locdog07 laughs
SantaBozYes, Even the Cabage Patch dolls
Locdog07So, we're in the year 9 BTME
* Cal-Crowe makes an evil Tickle Me Elmo
* Cal-Crowe tickles Elmo
Locdog07<Elmo> Get your f**king hand off me you f**king homo!
Locdog07<Disney> We honestly had no f**king idea it would do that.
SantaBozMy brother is in a wrestling e-fed. He's called the Cookie Monster and he carries a rewired Tickle Me Elmo
Cal-Crowe<Elmo> Don't YOU TOuch me!!!! YOU ******* SON OF A ***** I'll BUST YOUR ****ING *** DOWN THE **** STREET!
* Locdog07 can imagine Elmo swearing
[Cal-Crowe SOUND]
Locdog07"Todays letters are F...U...."
SantaBozElmo want you to **** a tree, you m*****f******"
DarkonZeroAfter a few more years of Seasame Street...he will.
SantaBozOr just the letters F and U
Cal-CroweElmo goes on a killing spree
Cal-CroweHe kills Grover with a knife
Locdog07Elmo slits his wrists and goes around the Street spraying red fluffy muppet blood on everything.
SantaBozI'm gonna cap your ass!
DarkonZeroMr. Snufflelupagus is on his way to mass murder.....
Cal-CroweHe kills Big Bird with a cattle prod
Cal-CroweSnuffelupigas hangs people with his trunk
Locdog07Telly commits suicide after mass depression.
SantaBoz"And now a very special presentation of Sesame Street's 'I'm gonna git you, Sucka.' Starring Elmo."
Locdog07DeRaptor3K: Big Bird takes a hint from Hitchcock and starts pecking everyone's eyes out.
SantaBozBert would strangle Ernie to death for feeding oatmeal to his pidgeons
Locdog07Doin' the *strangle* *choke*...pigeon!
SantaBozHey, Bert, why are ya lookin' at me funny?
Cal-CroweI'll br baq in a dwew
Locdog07In mountain dew?
SantaBozI think he tried to speel but it didn't work out too good
DarkonZeroI'm off again....see ya later or something.
DarkonZeroSay goodbye to me! I'm going M.I.A.!
* DarkonZero hits the off switch on his Portal deck and disconnects to the world known as reality!
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Wed Dec 22 14:57:52 1999
Session Start: Wed Dec 22 21:34:52 1999
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is '"***REINDEER POOP ALL ROUND***" Is this some British joke or something, Loc? I don't get it.'
*** Set by BobIshmael on Wed Dec 22 19:58:39
DeRaptorBob, quit threatening 'ku.
CamHa! He calls musical instruments musenstrumens! That's better than omega.
BobIshmaelI'm not threatening him! I'm just pointing out a pretty obvious fact!
BobIshmaelOne day, he will die.
BobIshmaelIsn't that amazing?
DarkonZeroAs will you Bob.
BobIshmaelShut up.
*** MeltingMan has left IRC
*** MeltingMan has quit IRC (Ping timeout for MeltingMan[ppp-080152.hfx.cstone.net])
CamThere is something worse than death.
CamBuddy's disease.
DarkonZeroOr Limbaugh.
* DeRaptor thinks Bob will die before 'ku.
CamOr Mahir.
*** MeltinMan has joined #Deep13
MeltinManBe gone, clone!
GokuI got acupuncture done again today, it's so freaky, the needles are so small but when she puts them in I couldn't move my legs or arms, or sit up
* MeltinMan grrrs.
DeRaptorwb, Melty.
GokuI got acupuncture done again today, it's so freaky, the needles are so small but when she puts them in I couldn't move my legs or arms, or sit up
Gokuwhat the fuck!
DeRaptorThe clone's not here.
*** MeltingMan is on IRC
*** MeltinMan is now known as MeltingMan
MeltingManIt was when I came in....I think I was lagged.
DeRaptor'ku, you're an odd'n.
DarkonZeroKu....you are momentarily paralyzed.
MeltingManHeya DZ.
GokuI was lagged by 2 screens
* BobIshmael wonders if people would pay him to jab needles in them.
CamWow. Listen to this now: http://chooser.mp3.com/cgi-bin/download/mp3-download.cgi/2/1229/311945/5/mp3s/5/mahir_cagri/mpg24/she_can_stay_my_home.m3u
BobIshmaelDamnit, it's windy out!
BobIshmaelNo, Cam.
* DarkonZero jabs long metal spikes into Bob for nothing.
CamDo it!
BobIshmaelHell, you're almost as bad as Sent with his "Frank Stallone" crap.
* MeltingMan would like to point out that Ninja Golf is one of this weeks Inexplicable Objects.
CamIt's a foreign guy doing techno! Is it Mahir? Uh...no, of course not.
BobIshmaelOh. And look at the moon.
CamBob! No! No one's as bad as Sent with his frank STallone crap and you know it.
DarkonZeroFULL MOON!
BobIshmaelIt's a huge motherfucking moon, DZ. Bigger than it's been in a century.
CamThe moon is brighter than it's been in three hundred something years, and I still can't see it. Oh. I was looking at my ceiling.
* MeltingMan saw the moon today. It was big and bright.
CamBrighter. Not bigger. The moon doesn't grow.
MeltingManYes it does.  
CamAnd not a century. Three hundred something years.
BobIshmaelNo, Cam. The moon comes closer to the Earth and, therefore, appears larger.
CamSHUT UP AND LISTEN TO http://chooser.mp3.com/cgi-bin/download/mp3-download.cgi/2/1229/311945/5/mp3s/5/mahir_cagri/mpg24/she_can_stay_my_home.m3u !
DarkonZeroFrankly....I like nights when the moon is full......all the lunatics come out.
BobIshmaelThen shouldn't you be outside, DZ?
DarkonZeroOh yeah....
* DarkonZero goes....
* DarkonZero comes back...
DarkonZeroIT BE COLD!
* BobIshmael takes another look at the moon, just to freak himself out.
CamHere. here's the Mahir story as told by the real Mahir. No more Mahir after this link, I promise. http://members.xoom.com/_XMCM/primall/mahir/ing.htm
* DarkonZero wonders if Cam really loves Mahir.....
CamStill, just make note...we could have been stars.
DarkonZeroYeah...he does.
CamI don't love him! I think he's humorously dumb and foreign like omega, and he's famous! Omega was humorously dumb and foreign, and we could have been the ones to bring him into the spotlight! Damn cruel fate!
* Cam weeps.
DarkonZeroCam....you love him....admit it.
* BobIshmael returns.
DarkonZeroYou wouldn't be saying so much about him if you didn't.
BobIshmaelIt was much larger this evening.
DarkonZeroJust like a few months ago.
BobIshmaelStupid moon. I hope it dies.
*** _SHE_ has joined #Deep13
DarkonZeroBob......you should make a whole section on your site of what should die.
*** MeltingMan has left IRC
*** MeltingMan is now known as _HE_
*** DarkonZero has left IRC
*** DarkonZero is now known as _PEE_
GokuA match made in..well somewhere
*** Cam is now known as _PAT_
*** Goku has left IRC
*** Goku is now known as _IT_
_PAT_Hell should die?
* _HE_ listens to Cam snivel.
*** DeRaptor has left IRC
*** DeRaptor is now known as _ME_
_IT_Hello my good friend Pat
_ME_ha ha@
*** BobIshmael has left IRC
*** BobIshmael is now known as _HELL_
_IT_Damn Mars, always trying to be so untrendy
_HE_That name fits you better than most, Bob.
_PAT_I'm not sniveling.
_ME_Yeah, stupid Mars, thinking for himself.
_HELL_Go to me!
_SHE_hi everbody!
_IT_8,1Quote added: 6,8 <_HELL_> Go to me!
_HELL_About damn time you said something.
_PEE_Now break out laughin.
_PEE__SHE_ is abc@dl-pm2-06.poa.zaz.com.br * jon Bon Jovi
_HE_Heya _SHE_, you inspired us!
_PAT_Are we funny, SHE?
_HELL_Alright, this bites.
*** _HELL_ is now known as BobIshell
*** TheCambot is on IRC
*** _PAT_ is now known as TheCambot
*** _PEE_ is now known as FooFghter
*** _IT_ is now known as ASSMAN
ASSMANI am the assman!
_SHE_i love bon jovi!!
TheCambotBob, I shell.
*** _HE_ is now known as omega
*** FooFghter is now known as FooFighter
BobIshellDZ, just curious, but do you know what a "foo fighter" is?
*** _ME_ is now known as _DE_
*** _DE_ is now known as NotMe
FooFighterYes....I know what a foo fighter is.
omegaI iz tom Curze!
*** ASSMAN is now known as SomeoneEls
*** omega is now known as Wallace
SomeoneElsI am someone else!
BobIshellThen tell me.
TheCambotmeltie...please...don't taunt.
*** SomeoneEls is now known as BobSmith
WallaceI'm Wallace.
*** TheCambot has left IRC
*** TheCambot is now known as Gromit
*** Gromit is now known as Cam
FooFighterA Foo Fighter is another name for a UFO.
CamI felt like I had to.
BobIshellGood man.
WallaceCrackin' toast, Cam!
*** _SHE_ is now known as BonJovi
*** NotMe is now known as NotDe
*** Wallace is now known as NotCheese
CamWhy the hell would it be another name for a UFO? Why name it a foo fighter?
CamUFO's fight good guys, as everyone knows, not foo.
BobIshellIn the 1950s, Air Force pilots began calling UFOs "foo fighters."
FooFighterFoo comes from a French word for fire.
BobIshellIt's slang.
BobIshellDoes it?
CamFire fighters is TAKEN.
BobIshellNo matter.
*** BonJovi is now known as _SHE_
NotCheeseI pity da foo!
CamIt still makes no sense. Why did they call them foo fighters?
BobSmithFeu rules!
*** NotCheese is now known as Mr_T
Mr_TI pity da fue!
FooFighterThe Air Force thought they were some sorta of attack craft.
BobIshellWhy my generation says half of the things they do?
BobIshellAnswer: People are idiots.
*** Mr_T is now known as Thong
FooFighterThong.....fish is done.
* Thong bats at fish in the creek.
*** _SHE_ has left #Deep13
*** FooFighter is now known as Ator
BobIshellIs that supposed to be a Calvin & Hobbes ref?
ThongIs the exercise working?
AtorI can feel it here and here.
* NotDe eats fish.
CamI still want to know why anyone would nickname a UFO a "foo fighter."
AtorCam....the master of dragging on.
BobIshellDZ's already explained.
BobSmithBUnBun is gonna go after Santa again!
BobSmithWHa hoo!
CamNo he didn't.
BobIshellYes, he did.
CamHe said the Air Force thought they were an attack craft.
AtorThe craft looked like a ball of fire.....and the Air Forcce thought they were being attacked.
AtorForce even.
CamThat is the stupidest thing I have ever heard.
*** DeRaptor is on IRC
*** NotDe is now known as DeRaptor
*** MeltingMan is on IRC
*** Thong is now known as MeltingMan
AtorCam......eat a Snickers.
AtorIt might satisfy you more.
*** DarkonZero is on IRC
*** Ator is now known as DarkonZero
CamThey just decided to call these hulking reminders of death a name made up of a German word for "fire" and the English word "foghter"?
BobSmith Bye peopel
CamFighter even.
*** BobSmith has quit IRC (buh bye)
BobIshellFrench word.
MeltingMan"Fog hatter"
DarkonZeroNot German....
CamIf I was being attacked by something, I wouldn't call it a foo fighter. They didn't either. It's a lie.
MeltingMan<Scottish Guy> I say it's foggy!
DarkonZeroI miss the days when Cam would ramble on about a girl that didn't like him.
BobIshellYeah, what happened to those days, Cam?
* DarkonZero hears crickets.
DarkonZeroOh, Cam.
DeRaptorYeah, Cam, aren't there enough girls who don't like you that you can choose ONE to talk about?
DarkonZeroWhere are ya?
* MeltingMan hears Cricket on this server
DarkonZeroOk.....let's all back off that subject.
DarkonZeroWe already humiliated him enough before about it.
CamI am going to be meeting some of you at the con, after all. You don't want me to bring any weapons.
* DeRaptor runs.
DarkonZeroCam....bring the weapons.
DarkonZeroBRING IT ON!
DarkonZeroYou're gonna get it!
* DarkonZero gets out his ATOMIC DEATH RAY!
* DarkonZero uses his ATOMIC DEATH RAY on Cam ! He got 'em good!
MeltingManYou did say you were from North Carolina....so I can assume you're a big fan of the NRA?
CamI'm from Sout--uh, I mean, I'm from an island in the Caspian Sea.
CamSo I'm not going to answer.
* MeltingMan shouldn't talk....he lives about 5 feet away from N.C.'s border.
* BobIshell looks up.
CamI'm not in NC.
BobIshellDon't steal jokes, Cam.
CamI don't know what you mean, Bob. Go away.
MeltingManSteal money.
* BobIshell goes back to &TOTSE
DeRaptorShouldn't Bob capitalize the H in his current name?
CamBut he should also capitalize the N in NCP on his site.
BobIshellI'll whatever I damn well please!
MeltingManBob I. Shell.
Camyeah, whatever he damn pleases!
BobIshellI'll do whatever I damn well please.
BobIshellAnd, Cam, Katie hates you and you're ugly.
CamOops. I left out a "he'll."
BobIshellThat'll learn you to make fun of my typos.
CamNo it won't.
* BobIshell resumes his &TOTSE'ing.
CamYou're not really supposed to use an apostrophe.
DarkonZeroWhatever Bob is resuming.....it's rather...uh...disgusting.
DarkonZeroI assume.
* DeRaptor wonders what the hell &TOTSE is.
CamAnd really, just capitalize the H. You're embarrasing is.
* Cam wonders too.
BobIshell& The Temple of the Screaming Electron
DarkonZeroHe's looking at porn.
DeRaptorI see.
CamHe's reading erotic fiction. Huh.
DarkonZeroBob is probably lookin' at nude drawings of Ziggy.
MeltingManDid you ever notice that Ziggy doesn't wear pants?
CamThere's no pictures. It's erotic fiction.
* DarkonZero is disgusted of that last thing he said.
MeltingManWhat's wrong with nude Ziggy?
* BobIshell looks up.
CamBob, why are you reading erotic fiction?
BobIshellWhy are you even concerned with the erotic fiction, Cam?
CamThe rest is just links.
BobIshellClick on "Know", you moron.
MeltingManErotic fiction = Eroction.
CamIf you are TOTSEing, that should mean you're there.
BobIshellOh, indeed.
CamI thought those were links too.
CamThey ain't.
BobIshellChrist, it's hard to believe that a MSTie could be so fucking stupid.
* BobIshell storms back to "Satanism."
DarkonZeroBob.....stupidity is the way to go these days.
CamSaid the guy not creative enough to find a better word than fuck.
DarkonZeroSatanism is old.
BobIshellI'm too angry to be creative, you fucking idiot...
DarkonZeroAwww.....poor Bob.
BobIshellI could say it one more time to further prove your point.
CamYou are reading the erotic fiction, aren't you?
DarkonZeroHe's angry.
BobIshellI am not angry.
BobIshellI'm happy as could be.
BobIshellI'm filled with joy.
BobIshell*beaming smile*
DarkonZeroBob....an angry flower he is.
BobIshell*mumble* i hope you die
* MeltingMan is sliced in half by the beaming smile
DeRaptorThat's nice, Bob.
* BobIshell smiles s'more.
* DeRaptor plants Bob in a pot, waters him, and puts him in a nice sunny window.
* BobIshell looks around.
CamJesus. He's reading how to make bombs.
CamEveryone be nice to Bob, there's a TOTSE section about how to make bombs.
MeltingManHow to make a bomb:  Put Pauly Shore in your movie.
* BobIshell wonders if he can convince Satan to kill you al- Er... I mean... Damn.
BobIshellForget I said anything.
* BobIshell whistles nonchalantly.
CamLook, he's building bombs.
CamBob, I apologize for everything.
CamHey! This has a Church of the SubGenius section!
* DeRaptor dumps a cup of fertilizer on Bob.
DeRaptorEAT UP!
DarkonZeroBob.....you are just talking about a friend of your's named Bill Satan...aren't you?
DarkonZeroyour's -'
CamBob, every page here has a porn ad on it. And they're really bad porn ads.
BobIshellCam, why is porn the first thing you notice on every page?
MeltingManAre they French Canadian porn ads?
CamMaybe because it's at the top and it's the only thing with color and the mere fact that it's naked women licking things?
CamSort of hard not to notice amongst the text.
MeltingManAre they licking stop signs in below zero weather?
* DeRaptor gets her nailclippers and holepunch and ponders using them to take over the world.
MeltingManCuz that hurts.
DarkonZeroDe....all you need is a paper shredder.
CamYou have to read the crap as a link back to the page scrunched up against the left? What sort of design is this, Bob?
* BobIshell finds it odd that nearly everypage he as visited has an ad for Linux or anonymizer.com, whereas all the pages Cam visits have porn and erotic fiction.
BobIshellGo figure.
CamEveryone look at this...look how Bob has to read! http://www.totse.com/files/FA036/subgappl.htm
DeRaptorDo you know it hurts from firsthand experience, Melty?
CamI just got one for Linux.
CamFree Power.
DeRaptor..."poke that ass"....oy.
BobIshellYou don't have don't have the brainpower to use Linux, so don't take it's name in vain.
CamI can't read this, Bob! It's green and underlines, and in a teensy weensy margin!
BobIshellHey, I didn't ask you people to visit, y'know.
CamDon't have don't have.
DarkonZeroI didn't.
MeltingManYeah....I don't enjoy the sport of frozen pole frenching.
BobIshellAlso, these were formatted to HTML from 1980s text files.
DarkonZeroMM...it seems you are reigning champion.
BobIshellHell, why am I defending someone else's site?
CamI'm just wondering why they thought it would be easy to read something green and underlined. I can't follow the words with my mouse, because it's a link and the hand gets in the way!
MeltingManYeah...I'm good at it, though.
BobIshellIf you don't like it, shut the hell up and stop bothering me.
DarkonZeroStop mentioning it Bob.
BobIshellI'm not, oh kind Sir. Cam is.
CamAnd your name doesn't look like Bob is hell, it looks like Bob I. Shell!
* MeltingMan looks at a porn ad on Bob's site and hopes that is a woman.
DeRaptorHard to tell, isn't it?
CamI want to read this stuff, but it was formatted by someone who thought that making it cool was more important then making it easy to read.
DarkonZeroGood one Cam.
MeltingManIt's just a close-up of a torso.
MeltingManIt's not at all attactive.
BobIshellWell, then, I guess you can't read it. Too bad. And I so wanted your comments and all of the files.
BobIshellAnd? Christ! on!
CamWell, if you keep saying you're going to &TOTSE, someone's bound to ask what &TOTSE is! If you didn't want us to know, you should have said soemthing like...like...BRB!
MeltingManJohnny might have got breast implants.
BobIshellI didn't say that I didn't want you to know, I just don't want YOUR (TheCambot's) annoying comments on everything.
CamIf you wouldn't use acronyms nobody knew, we wouldn't ask questions, now, would we?
CamI was just noting that there's porn everywhere and that it's hard to read.
BobIshellCam, if I agree, will you shut up about it?
* BobIshell wonders if this pact with Satan works.
* DarkonZero is now sided with Cam.
BobIshellThink Satan'll kill you for me, Cam?
BobIshell...And DZ, too?
DeRaptorWill Satan kill Bonnie and Doug and stuff first?
MeltingManThe hell?
DeRaptorAnd drew barrymore?
DarkonZeroBob...me and Satan have this agreement.
BobIshellDe, make your own pact! I'm killing DZ and Cam.
BobIshellWell... Satan is.
DarkonZeroHe won't harm me.....
DeRaptorI want Drew Barrymore dead. And that's final.
* DarkonZero kills Drew Barrymore.
CamI happen to like Church of the SubGenius stuff. I don't like the fact that it's been displayed in such horrible format. Too bad their god shares a name with someone who actually LIKES this format.
* DeRaptor does a happydance.
DeRaptorokay, okay.....
CamWhat does "helmy" mean?
* MeltingMan reads a porn ad at "Church of the SubGenius" that says "Amazing Dildo Cam".
CamIt's on this ASIAN COCKSUCKERS banner.
* DarkonZero still wonders if he listens to "Cars" too much.
MeltingManSounds like if you became a superhero, Cam.
* DarkonZero is laughing out loud....so much he sounds like Krankor!
* /sound: unable to play 'krankor.wav'
* DeRaptor snickers.
* DeRaptor rotflhao, in fact.
CamWow! It has a picture of a lady holding a guy's...um...yeah...and the...um...yeah...that's coming out is SHINING!
MeltingManIt also says "Helmy" on it, BTW.
DarkonZeroMM...nice touch!
CamThey gave it this bright aura!
* DeRaptor hides.
DarkonZeroCam....it's what they call "censoring".
* BobIshell regrets giving Cam this URL.
BobIshellI wonder how I can simply ignore the porn ads.
BobIshellI also wonder why Cam is obsessed with them.
BobIshellMust be genetic.
CamNo, seriously, it's not censoring.
CamThey make it glow.
* DarkonZero is now scared.
CamOr glimmer, really.
CamLike when cartoons smile really large, and they glimmer.
* MeltingMan has no idea what Cam is talking about.
CamI have to look at the ads, because the text is too hard to read. They could at least not center it.
CamSHINE! That's the word!
CamIt shines!
CamNow I have a LIVE FISTING ACTION banner, and it says helmy too. WHAT is HELMY?
MeltingManSo some of these people have glowing, radioactive areas?
CamNot areas.
CamAnd it's not like it's glowing.
DeRaptorMaybe it's the porn company.
CamIt's like it's really special, so they made it shine with a heavenly aura.
* DarkonZero is now scared of all this pron talk.
DarkonZeroporn even.
CamWOW! I found a normal one!
* DarkonZero kicks himself for starting it.
MeltingManA "normal" porn banner?
CamThis one doesn't have the text all to the left and green and linked!
DeRaptorOdd. I'm getting mostly normal banners.
CamNo, the text.
CamWHy do you always notice the banners?
CamBob, why the hell didn't you tell me that not all the text was like that?
BobIshellBecause I figured you weren't THAT stupid.
BobIshellNo offense, of course.
* BobIshell smiles politely.
BobIshell*mumble* satan will have you soon
* DarkonZero punches Bob's smiling face!
* BobIshell continues to smile.
CamWell, if I go to nine pages, and they're all done that way, I figure it's some sort of pattern, ya know.
BobIshellHi, DZ.
CamWOW! ASCII pictures of Jesus Christ on the cross!
* DarkonZero punches Bob's smiling face...again.
DarkonZeroHey...this is fun....anyone else what to do the same?
DarkonZerowhat to want
CamUm...they messed them up.
CamBob, whoever runs this site is/are idiot(s).
DarkonZeroASCII PICS!?!
CamThey have ASCII art and they didn't center it so it's not right.
* DarkonZero remembers the BBS'ing days.
DeRaptorascii is evil.
DarkonZeroANSI wasn't bad.
CamLook at this: http://www.totse.com/files/FA038/jesusasc.htm
DarkonZeroI used to do ANSI art.
CamCould they not look and realize that the Messiah's head was not even with the rest of his body?
* BobIshell looks up and laughs at DZ.
DarkonZeroI used to run a BBS.
CamI got a Viagra banner!!!
DarkonZeroThat's why.
BobIshellThat's retro lame.
CamBob, explain http://www.totse.com/files/FA038/jesusasc.htm
CamDefend THAT.
CamIf you put ASCII art on a page, you make sure it looks right.
BobIshellI'm not defending anything, I've just been trying to get you to shut up.
* DarkonZero ponders calling up any old BBS's.
BobIshellGranted, it's pretty bad HTML, but it has information on almost anything you can think of.
CamOKAY! Thank you!
MeltingManHow about olive loaf?
CamAll I needed you to say.
MeltingManJust what is the deal with that stuff?
CamBad HTML.
BobIshellGood. Now will you shut up?
* DarkonZero smacks the HTML with a rolled-up newspaper.
CamEVERYONE LOOK AT THIS: http://www.totse.com/files/FA137/index.htm
BobIshellFine, then. Cam, where was that URL on bomb-making?
CamDo it! Now!
BobIshellThis better not be porn or Jesus.
CamThey didn't even finish the sentence!
CamHave they never looked through their site?
* DarkonZero ponders going to look for some old floppies with ANSI drawing proggies.....
BobIshellCam, the only quote so many characters of the title. Stop bitching already.
CamWell that sure is stupid.
DarkonZeroDOS RULES!
BobIshellThis used to be a BBS and it didn't make a graceful transistion to HTTP.
* DarkonZero is now officially bored.
* MeltingMan did not expect a link to the Sci-Fi Channel on that site.
*** DeRaptor has left IRC
*** DeRaptor has quit IRC (Ping timeout for DeRaptor[pm5-145.mry.redshift.com])
MeltingManMan, there's this really scary anime porn banner.
*** DeRaptor is on IRC
*** DeRaptor has joined #Deep13
* DeRaptor leaps into #Deep13 via a perpendicular universe.
*** Mars sets mode: +o DeRaptor
DarkonZeroWB De.
MeltingManwb, De
DarkonZeroKill her.
DarkonZeroOr wound.
CamShe is stupid. I talked to her.
*** DeRaptor changes topic to 'Christmas?! Who the hell gives a reindeer's ass about CHRISTMAS?!'
MeltingManHow old is your sister, De?
DarkonZeroMy little brother is 20.
DarkonZeroOk...he's not so little anymore.
CamBob, there's a rat manual in here for you.
* MeltingMan enjoys the heightened feelings of depression and anger and joy at Christmas.
*** Cam is now known as OliveKlozo
MeltingMan<Martian> He wears a red suit and shouts "ho, ho, ho". <Crow> Wait a minute, he just described Huggy Bear!
OliveKlozoWow. I accidentally made a name I like.
OliveKlozoOlive Klozo!
OliveKlozoI was supposed to be Oliver Klozoff.
DarkonZeroWHO IS HE?
MeltingManKLOSO the clown.
OliveKlozoDo you sing like Olive Oyl on purpose?
MeltingMan"He's large....and he's mine..."
OliveKlozoUh...so...this design sure is stupid.
DeRaptorI bet the feeling's mutual.
OliveKlozoUh...man...what a crazy porn ad.
* MeltingMan wonders if he and Roger Ebert are the only ones that liked the Popeye movie with Robin Williams and Shelly Duvall.
OliveKlozoI didn't hate it. It was just there.
MeltingManThe porn ad or Popeye?
* BobIshell returns.
DarkonZeroI like the Popeye movie.
BobIshellI hated it. Popeye's huge forearms scared me.
BobIshellIt's not right.
MeltingManI thought the Popeye movie was fantastic.
MeltingManYes it is!
BobIshellThose arms scared me.
BobIshellAs did Gizmo from "Gremlins."
OliveKlozoAwwwwww...Gizmo was cuuuuuuuute.
MeltingMan"I yam what I yam and that's all what I am!" -Popeye on his large forearms.
BobIshellI rather liked the gremlins, I hated Gizmo, though.
OliveKlozoAwwwww, come ooooooon, he was adorablllllllllle.
BobIshellHe was frightening.
* BobIshell ponders the trouble involved with installing Linux.
OliveKlozoHe was a wittle cutie-pie, yes he was.
MeltingManHe could take a nothing day and suddenly make it seem worthwhile!
OliveKlozoYeah. I guess he could.
* DarkonZero kills Gizmo.
MeltingManThat means no Gremlins 3.
* MeltingMan is glad there were never CGI Gremlins.
OliveKlozoGremlins 2 was a good movie.
OliveKlozoFor a sequel.
OliveKlozoFor a blockbuster sequel.
MeltingManI haven't seen Gremlins 2 in years.
OliveKlozoThat talking one was good, anyway.
* DeRaptor sits in the corner and ponders the death of Pikachu, per normal.
* DarkonZero kills Pikachu.
DarkonZeroHey that reminds me.
DarkonZeroThe death to Pikachu thing I mentioned a while back.
DarkonZeroIf I could only remember.
DarkonZeroFound it.
OliveKlozoThe name mustbedestroyed.com was wasted on Pikachu?
OliveKlozoHow stupid.
OliveKlozoWhy couldn't they use pokemonmustbedestroyed.com?
DarkonZeroPokemon is a registered trademark.
DarkonZeroPikachu gets beheaded!
OliveKlozoNo one cares.
DarkonZeroCorporate sector does.
DeRaptorStupid children do.
BobIshellWhoo. 40mb download.
* BobIshell does the Why Must Everything Be So Damned Difficult dance.
* DarkonZero notices that Bob is having a difficult time of dancing.
* Sound request: can't find 'brightside.wav'
[BobIshell SOUND]
BobIshellAh. This song makes me feel better.
BobIshellWait... No, it doesn't. It's too happy.
DarkonZeroAlways look on the brightside of life...*whistling*
[BobIshell SOUND]
OliveKlozoI thought that song was completely original for Life of Brian. It apparently wasn't.
BobIshellOh, do enlighten us, Cam.
* Sound request: can't find 'brightside.mid'
[DeRaptor SOUND]
OliveKlozoI mean, I guess it could be. But there's another version of it, witch some different words, that I've heard in a couple other movies.
*** omega has joined #Deep13
*** omega has left #Deep13
BobIshellWhat a jerk.
OliveKlozoWas that really him?
OliveKlozoI've got to go about making him famous.
DarkonZeroHe still has that wonder full topic up.
OliveKlozoHe banned me.
OliveKlozoHe was talking to Mars and making emoticons with hats.
OliveKlozoHe wished Mars a "Marry christmas.
BobIshellWow. 7% of 44mb downloaded.
*** smOkeClOud has joined #Deep13
OliveKlozoHis reason for banning me was "English only."
BobIshellLook! It's a hippie!
OliveKlozoSmokecloud, want ops?
BobIshellHe's all doped up, lookatem!
smOkeClOudnaww not really
BobIshellCam, shut up.
BobIshellSee! He's wasted!
OliveKlozoCome on, Cloud, want ops?
*** omega has joined #Deep13
BobIshellHey, Cam, want ops?
smOkeClOudhow bout i dont and say i do
OliveKlozoHi omega.
omegahey bob
OliveKlozoMarry xmas omega.
BobIshellCam, you didn't answer me.
DarkonZeroOh look....if it ain't our favorite "friend".
omegahey pain in the but DarkonZero
DarkonZeroWell...it looks like he's learning.
DarkonZeroWow....what improvement.
omegajack ass
BobIshellDo they have Christmas in Romania, omega?
BobIshellI thought they had Flogging Day.
BobIshellOr is that Greece?
omegado you guys now what we had on 1989 21 and 22 th of dec.
BobIshellNo, what?
smOkeClOuda fat sack of dope?
DarkonZeroA good floggin' I suppose.
omegawell on 21 we had an anty Comnutiest strike and on 22 they shot Ceausescu
BobIshellI was going to say "A bath?" but I think that's Greece, also.
DarkonZeroThen Comnutties!
DarkonZeroThem even.
BobIshellCommunist, I think he means.
BobIshellWaitaminute... Is Romania a communist nation?
* BobIshell goes to figure that out.
omegauntil 1989
*** omega_ has joined #deep13
BobIshellSo, we're celebrated your relatively new democracy?
omega_omegas bot has arrieved
OliveKlozoIs an anti-Communist strike a strike againt Communists or a strike against anti-Communists?
omegaagaints Ceausescu
*** omega has left #Deep13
OliveKlozoInspector Clouseau
*** omega_ has left #deep13
DarkonZeroThanks for that bit of history omega!
* BobIshell goes to romania.com
BobIshellI think it's missing something.
BobIshellThey have some interesting logs, though.
* DarkonZero ponders finishing up Resident Evil 2.
* MeltingMan goes to bed.
DeRaptornite, Meltoid.
*** MeltingMan has left IRC
*** MeltingMan has quit IRC (waaaaa)
*** OliveKlozo is now known as Helmy
HelmyWho wants to hear a joke?
HelmyIt's from Bob's site.
HelmyHAHAHA. That's not the joke.
HelmyStop me if you've heard it before.
HelmyA man's driving along, and his car suddenly stops. The only landmark is a big pink house on a hill...
* DeRaptor drums her claws on the table.
HelmyHe goes to the house and knocks on the door. A lady dressed in pink answers...
HelmyHe tells her about his car and asks if he can stay overnight. She reluctantly agrees, provided that he can get out by 8:00 in the morning...
HelmySo she directs him up the pink stairs into the first pink bedroom on the left.
HelmySo after a while, another guy is driving along, and HIS car stops right behind the first guy's! He goes to the pink house, asks the pink lady if he can stay for the night, and she hesitates but says he can as long as he's out by 8:15.
HelmySo she directs him up the pink stairs to the second pink bedroom on the left.
HelmyAnd now a third guy drives along, and HIS car stops behind the first two cars! He asks the lady to stay, and she says that she only has one more bedroom, but he can stay if he gets out by 8:30 in the morning, and not one second later.
HelmyHe thinks her a little odd, but he takes the third bedroom on the left and the three men sleep well in their pink rooms...
HelmySo at 7:45, the lady wakes up the first guy, and won't let him leave without having breakfast, so he reaches into the pink cupboard and has some Cheerios in a pink bowl.
HelmyHe leaves by 8:00, and at *:05, she waskes up the second guy, who has a pink bowlful of corn flakes.
Helmy8:05 even.
* BobIshell returns and scrolls up.
BobIshellThis better be good, Cam.
Helmyhe leaves by 8:15, and at 8:20 she wakes up the third guy, in a hurry, and tells him to eat very fast, because he must get out before 8:30.
HelmyHe offers to leave without breakfast, but she insists.
*** maul has joined #deep13
maulhi again
BobIshellHow nice of her.
BobIshellIs that the punchline?
HelmyHe hurriedly eats a pink bowlful of Cheerios, and rushes out at 8:30. The lady slams the door behind him and the lights go out...
HelmyThe men never know what happened...what's the moral of the story?
HelmyTwo out of three men prefer Cheerios to corn flakes.
* Helmy falls over laughing.
DarkonZeroThat's it....
* BobIshell shrugs.
DarkonZeroI'm outta here.....good night.
HelmyCheerios to corn flakes!
DarkonZeroBye all!
DarkonZeroSay goodbye to me! I'm going M.I.A.!
* DarkonZero hits the off switch on his Portal deck and disconnects to the world known as reality!
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Wed Dec 22 23:47:07 1999

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