
Session Start: Wed Dec 08 13:19:58 1999
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is '<omega> yeyeye! Rissin' frissin' Rick Rastardly! Medal? Oh-boy-oh-boy-oh-boy!'
*** Set by Locdog07 on Wed Dec 08 11:39:54
DarkonZeroHeloo Sent.
MSTAnonMessage sent.
MSTAnonHmm, I think I'll send out a reminder for SOL Post 42...
DarkonZeroYou're that bored, eh?
MSTAnonWell, I *could* do my Java assignment...
MSTAnonI've got to do my Java assignment, go to the language lab and do a chapter of Japanese, study calculus & psychology, edit SOL Post 42, and call my girlfriend...
DarkonZeroThere he goes with that imaginary girlfriend again.....
Greidanussounds.... fun...
MSTAnonNo, really.
MSTAnonI'm dead serious.
DarkonZeroWith all kidding aside.....you need help Anon.
DarkonZeroThat imagination of yours.....
* Greidanus smacks DarkonZero upside the head
Greidanusleave the poor sap alone!!
* Greidanus smacks MSTAnon upside the head
* DarkonZero walks away rubbin' his face.
Greidanushmm, i just noticed that i...
GreidanusHAVE NO LIFE AT ALL!!!!
DarkonZeroYou what?
MSTAnonTsk, tsk.
*** Cal-Crowe is on IRC
*** Cal-Crowe has joined #Deep13
*** Cal-Crowe has left IRC
*** Cal-Crowe has quit IRC (Parting is such sweet sorrow. got mst3k?)
Greidanushey Cal
MSTAnonYou people clearly don't believe me.
DarkonZeroAnon.....does it matter now?
DarkonZeroI was kidding.
Greidanusi don't really care
* DarkonZero notices that he has his socks on the wrong feet.......
DarkonZeroI gotta start labeling them.
Greidanusheh... uh-huh
Greidanusa sock can usually go on either foot
* DarkonZero gets out a magic marker and writes on the bottom of his feet.....his right foot...he write "Left" and on his left foot....he writes "Right".
MSTAnonHey, you know why Nebraska football players have "TGIF" on their socks?
Greidanusyeah, Toes Go In First
MSTAnonTo remind them that Toes Go In First!
MSTAnonUh, yeah...
* DarkonZero smacks Anon.
* Greidanus makes her giant panda sit on MSTAnon
* DarkonZero gets out his BIG CARTOON MALLET!
DarkonZeroDZ BONK!
* DarkonZero hits Greidanus with his BIG CARTOON MALLET!
* Greidanus runs MSTAnon over with her golf cart
Greidanusdoh, sorry
* DarkonZero runs....
* Greidanus runs DarkonZero over with her golf cart
DarkonZerough....thanks for caring....
* Greidanus runs DZ over, back and forth in her golf cart
DarkonZeroshe really cares alot.
* DarkonZero starts huggin' Greid....and whenever she struggles....she will be increasingly crushed.
* Greidanus whacks DarkonZero over the head with a spiked kudgel
* DarkonZero lets go....
* DarkonZero falls to the floor.
* Greidanus hugs DZ
Greidanusit's ok...
* DarkonZero is still unconcious....
* Greidanus forces DZ awake
* DarkonZero is still unconcious....
* Greidanus kicks DZ until he is concious
* DarkonZero is still unconcious....
* Greidanus torches DarkonZero 's pants
* DarkonZero is still unconcious....and has a smoked....uh...nevermind.
* Greidanus smacks DarkonZero upside the head
* DarkonZero is still unconcious....
* Greidanus yells 'I LUFE YOU, DZ!' into DarkonZero's ear
MSTAnonGreid, 821 & 822 are already taken.
* DarkonZero 's eyes open...then falls back to unconciousness.
Greidanusi thoght yopu said i could do the host segments
MSTAnonYou'll notice DeRaptor and LaNena42 signed up under transcripts.
MSTAnonWe're not transcribing *theater segments*. Hell no.
MSTAnonJust host segments.
MSTAnonWord-for-word, of course.
MSTAnonAnd no stage directions.
Greidanusdah, gotta go for a bit
MSTAnonWhat can I mark you down for?
Greidanussee ya, guys
Greidanuslemmie check
* MSTAnon waits.
Greidanusi'll email you tonight, my mom's kicking me off.
*** Greidanus has left IRC
*** Greidanus has quit IRC (Don't let Bonnie Hammer ruin your life too!!)
Sentroid91Hey, can I sell out too.... uhh... I mean... is there an ep guide I can do for you Anon?
MSTAnonHost segment transcripts?
GokuYou played Donkey Kong 64 yet Anon?
MSTAnonWhere should I send you the dibs list?
MSTAnonI played the game for a few minutes at Target. =P
Sentroid91heh. Target's cool
MSTAnonMessage sent.
DarkonZeroTargets are cool....
MSTAnonI think I'll rent DK64 after finals, though.
* DarkonZero slaps a target on the back of Sent.
DarkonZeroYou're gonna get it!
* DarkonZero gets out his ATOMIC DEATH RAY!
* DarkonZero uses his ATOMIC DEATH RAY on Sentroid91 ! He got 'em good!
* Sentroid91 wonders how an ATOMIC DEATH RAY would work on someone who's dead like himself?
DarkonZeroNice frilly magic.
*** Locdog07 is on IRC
*** Locdog07 has joined #Deep13
*** Mars sets mode: +o Locdog07
* Locdog07 pounces into #Deep13 without his stupid luggage case.
* Sound request: can't find 'barnstoned.wav'
[Locdog07 SOUND]
* DarkonZero looks at the new Antacrtic Press website....
[Sentroid91 SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'gordon_vox.wav'
[Locdog07 SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'barnstoned.wav'
[Locdog07 SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'barnwatto.wav'
[Locdog07 SOUND]
*** Greidanus is on IRC
*** Greidanus has joined #Deep13
Locdog07hello Greid
Greidanusand, i redid that choice, it's in your mailbox, Anon
MSTAnonAh, thank you.
Greidanusno problem
* Sound request: can't find 'clues47.wav'
[Locdog07 SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'hh.wav'
[Greidanus SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'clues47.wav'
[Locdog07 SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'clues22.wav'
[Greidanus SOUND]
* MSTAnon marks Greid down for 812 and 818.
Locdog07...excuse me, I'm trying to...
Locdog07sound clues47.wav
* Sound request: can't find 'clues47.wav'
[Locdog07 SOUND]
MSTAnonThank you, Greid!
* MSTAnon goes back to playing Final Fantasy VIII.
*** MSTAnon has left IRC
*** MSTAnon is now known as MSTAway
GokuI got 12% into DK
GokuI was sick so didn't play much
GokuI rented Rainbow 6 PSX it kicks ass
Locdog07Anyone see the lame "DK Gorilla Project" they have at donkeykong.com ?
Locdog07They just re-do all the lines from Blair Witch...
Locdog07Only they compact them all into one scene
Locdog07"Hey it's Mr. Punctuality!" "Have you ever heard of the DK Gorilla?" "Where are we?"
Greidanusoh, and ill brb, dinner
* Sound request: can't find 'clues45.wav'
[Locdog07 SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'clues4.wav'
[Locdog07 SOUND]
* Locdog07 ponders putting Christmas decorations up...
Sentroid91uhh, where?
Locdog07Yeah, why not?
*** Locdog07 changes topic to '0,4*****3,0<omega> yeyeye! Rissin' frissin' Rick Rastardly! Medal? Oh-boy-oh-boy-oh-boy!0,4*****'
Sentroid91ah, good
* Locdog07 now ponders putting Xmas decorations up in his own home
* Sentroid91 starts to put the finishing touches on the Starship Troopers MSTapes ep
Locdog07When you touch your MSTapes, the Saints cry
Locdog07The Sents cry, even
* Sentroid91 cries
* Sound request: can't find 'barnstoned.wav'
[Locdog07 SOUND]
Locdog07Why was Seinfeld so popular?
DarkonZeroLoc....that's a stumper of a question.
DarkonZeroBut a real answer is this....people are stupid.
*** Tjarda has joined #Deep13
Tjardaof coure mom kicked me off...
Locdog07Hi Tjarda
Tjardakick the clone!
Sentroid91No, probably because he complains about things that really happen
*** Greidanus was kicked by Locdog07 (Locdog07)
Sentroid91Such as when you go to the doctor's office
DarkonZeroAnd people are stupid.
Locdog07"Hey, I respired last night. What a let down!!!" *audience laugh* "It's funny because it's true!"
Sentroid91They make you wait 50 years in the waiting room, then... they make you wait another 50 in the office on that deli paper
* Sound request: can't find 'gordon_vox.wav'
[Locdog07 SOUND]
*** Greidanus has left IRC
* DarkonZero sees Sent slowly turning into Seinfeld.
*** Sentroid91 has left IRC
*** Sentroid91 is now known as Sentfeld91
Sentfeld91What is the DEAL with chatrooms?
Locdog07People like Sent hang round in them
*** Sentroid91 is on IRC
*** Sentfeld91 is now known as Sentroid91
* Sentroid91 gives Loc a talking pen
Sentroid91<Pen> Time to write.
*** Tjarda has quit IRC (Ping timeout for Tjarda[isp15-34.ply.adelphia.net])
Locdog07You wrote Greid out of the story
* Sound request: can't find 'goldmanyes.wav'
[Locdog07 SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'nao.wav'
[Sentroid91 SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'xpac.wav'
[Locdog07 SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'nao.wav'
[Goku SOUND]
GokuOh, it's me the D-O double G
Locdog07Is it, now?
* Sound request: can't find 'xpackane.wav'
[Sentroid91 SOUND]
Gokudon't have that one
Sentroid91uhh, which one?
* Sound request: can't find 'barnstoned.wav'
[Locdog07 SOUND]
Locdog07Kitties fighting outside the window!!!!!
Sentroid91<Kel> First the donkey ran away.... then Babe Ruth died.......
Sentroid91hmm, Goku's on TV.... no, wait... that's Hoku
Locdog07Moku Joku
Sentroid91hmm, X-mas Leprechauns?
*** Sentroid91 has left #Deep13
*** Sentroid91 has joined #Deep13
* Sentroid91 emerges from the soulgate leading from the 7th Dimension
*** Mars sets mode: +o Sentroid91
* Sound request: can't find 'xpackane.wav'
[Sentroid91 SOUND]
* DarkonZero feels the powers that be...well...emerge.
Locdog07He pooped
DarkonZeroI AM...!
* DarkonZero becomes in a weird transformation...a huge, lumbering superhero (who has his own comic, to boot). His name...15,1MEGATON MAN15,16,0!6,0
*** DarkonZero has left IRC
*** DarkonZero is now known as MegatonMan
* MegatonMan pummels Loc.
Sentroid91powers that be? Vince Russo?
Locdog07a huge, lumbering poop
* MegatonMan pummels Sent.
* MegatonMan is scared of Loc's love for poop...
* Sentroid91 jumps out of the way and takes out his E.P. Rifle
MegatonManHad your nose rubbed in it too much, eh?
* Sentroid91 shoot MegatoonMan in the leg
* Locdog07 growls
Locdog07I'll pee on you fer that
* Locdog07 pees all over MegatonMan
* MegatonMan is scared of Loc's love for pee too....
MegatonManHad your nose rubbed in it too much, eh?
* Sentroid91 throws his slime on MegatoonMon
MegatonManAre you sure that's slime?
MegatonManLoc might like it.
MegatonManLet him have some.
Sentroid91yes. it's my slime... I'm a ghost, y'know
MegatonManThat's weird.
* Sentroid91 falls through the floor and dissapears
*** Vegetto has joined #Deep13
Sentroid91Hey, Veggie
Vegettowaz up
MegatonManWe have ourselves a Veg...Veg....Vegtable.
GokuTha ghetto
GokuIn da house!
* Sound request: can't find 'clues47.wav'
[Sentroid91 SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'xpac.wav'
[Goku SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'goldmanyes.wav'
[Sentroid91 SOUND]
MegatonManWOO.....we gotta do something?
Sentroid91regarding what?
* MegatonMan does something.......he pummels everyone.
* Sentroid91 peeks out from under the floor
* Sentroid91 goes back through the floor
MegatonManI AM NO LONGER...!
* MegatonMan in a weird reverse transformation...15,1MEGATON MAN15,16,0 becomes mild mannered moron, DarkonZero.
*** DarkonZero is on IRC
*** MegatonMan is now known as DarkonZero
Sentroid91what ever happened to UltraDork?
Sentroid91and FeebBoy?
Sentroid91and GeekGirl?
* Sound request: can't find 'xpac.wav'
[Goku SOUND]
*** Vegetto has quit IRC (Don't Mess with ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Sentroid91oh, we will... we will....
DarkonZeroIf he doesn't want to be messed with...why does he show up here?
Sentroid91we mess with all the idiots
DarkonZeroI know...
Sentroid91just because we don't tolerate idiocy here
Sentroid91hence the creation of the MAI
Sentroid91MSTies Against Idiocy
* Sound request: can't find 'barnwatto.wav'
[Sentroid91 SOUND]
DarkonZeroI'll BBL....
DarkonZeroSay goodbye to me! I'm going M.I.A.!
* DarkonZero hits the off switch on his Portal deck and disconnects to the world known as reality!
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Wed Dec 08 15:21:08 1999
Session Start: Wed Dec 08 15:51:58 1999
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is '0,4*****3,0<omega> yeyeye! Rissin' frissin' Rick Rastardly! Medal? Oh-boy-oh-boy-oh-boy!0,4*****'
*** Set by Locdog07 on Wed Dec 08 14:23:44
[Locdog07 SOUND]
Locdog07I gotta go
Locdog07I suddenly got a burst of eneger
DarkonZeroI hope you use that energy for good...
* Locdog07 takes his eneger with him
*** Locdog07 has left #Deep13
*** Locdog07 has left IRC
*** Sentroid91 has left IRC
*** Sentroid91 has quit IRC (Don't forget to visit http://mstiegate.cjb.net)
*** MSTAnon is on IRC
*** MSTAway is now known as MSTAnon
* MSTAnon farts.
DarkonZeroNever part the smarts with a fart...ok!
* MSTAnon is smart.
* MSTAnon departs.
*** MSTAnon has left IRC
*** MSTAnon has quit IRC (Be sure to join MSTies Anonymous at... http://www.msties.com/)
*** Vegetto has joined #Deep13
Vegettocome to #GoRPG goku so I can beat on your head
*** Sentroid91 is on IRC
*** Sentroid91 has joined #Deep13
* Sentroid91 emerges from the soulgate leading from the 7th Dimension
*** Mars sets mode: +o Sentroid91
* Sound request: can't find 'xpackane.wav'
[Sentroid91 SOUND]
*** CallipyG is on IRC
DarkonZeroWB Sent.
Sentroid91anyone watching the Daily Show?
Sentroid91Some guy from Taiwan married a Barbie doll
*** CallipyG has left IRC
DarkonZeroI'm currently looking at About.com's hub of MST3K sites....
Sentroid91you mean mst3k.about.com?
Sentroid91Bob Dole's on now
DarkonZero<Bob Dole> Bob Dole don't care about Bob Dole.
DarkonZero<Bob Dole> Bob Dole only cares about Bob Dole when Bob Dole is Bob Dole.
Sentroid91<Bob Dole> I'm Bob Dole!
DarkonZero<Bob Dole> No...I'm Bob Dole....you're not Bob Dole.
* DarkonZero thinks of seeing the movie "Galaxyquest"....
Sentroid91<Bill Clinton> I'm the President..... President Clinton...... I like sex....
Sentroid91I'd like to see the Andy Kauffman movie
Vegetto-Trunks: "Yeah, Goten and I beat up the Power Puff girls today. We couldnt take it anymore!  They were just too Freakin
Vegetto        Stupid!!"
DarkonZeroWarning....incoming game.
*** Vegetto has left #Deep13
GokuI wanna see the Kauffman movie too
GokuDid you see whatt hey did at the press conference?
Sentroid91nooo, wha?
Sentroid91He married a Barbie doll?
Gokuone second
GokuI'll get the URL
GokuThe funny part http://movies.ign.com/news/2957.html the first half http://movies.ign.com/news/2951.html the messed up audio clip(listen to after readin) http://moviemedia.ign.com/video/carreyex.mov
DarkonZeroAgain...I'll be back later.
DarkonZeroSay goodbye to me! I'm going M.I.A.!
* DarkonZero hits the off switch on his Portal deck and disconnects to the world known as reality!
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Wed Dec 08 16:33:33 1999
Session Start: Wed Dec 08 21:11:45 1999
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is 'So... In other news... '
*** Set by Mars on Wed Dec 08 20:46:02
MajinTrunkHi DZ
MajinTrunkNotice how Bob and DZ are never in the same room together!
MajinTrunk*** BobIshmael has quit IRC ("Yeah. If I drank less coffee, I probably would be more emotionally stable" --TMCM)
MajinTrunk* zerothegh wonders where everyone is
MajinTrunk*** DarkonZero (DarkonZero@user3092.lv.sprint-hsd.net) has joined #Deep13
MajinTrunkDUN DUN DUN!
DarkonZeroNot the Bob....DZ thing again.
Sentroid91hey DZ
zerotheghheehee oooh a mysterious phenomenon
zerotheghohh someone kill cathy17
zerotheghshe's stalking me
DarkonZeroFor all you know I could be Sent too.
zerotheghi'm telling you
Sentroid91DZ, please don't... I don't feel so good
Sentroid91"There's something wrong with my brain!'
* zerothegh clones her sheep
DarkonZeroDid I come in at a weird time...cause if I did...cand I be part of that weirdness too?
zerotheghcandid camera
zerotheghthere's one in this room
zerotheghright now
zerotheghand it's taking pictures of all of us
zerotheghi should know
zerotheghi set it up
DarkonZeroHmmmm....and I thought I was paranoid.
DarkonZeroWelcome paranoid one!
* zerothegh grooves...again
* DarkonZero feels the powers that be...well...emerge.
DarkonZeroI AM...!
* DarkonZero becomes in a weird transformation...a huge, lumbering superhero (who has his own comic, to boot). His name...15,1MEGATON MAN15,16,0!6,0
*** DarkonZero has left IRC
*** DarkonZero is now known as MegatonMan
MegatonManWOO...what's going on?
MajinTrunkOh my
MajinTrunkYou should have seen the last BTL super hero battle
MegatonManWOO...what went on there?
MajinTrunkTAP was a disco guy, and I was a hair bands, then Dave was a TMBG guy
* zerothegh drinks more coffeeeeffeeeefeeee
MajinTrunkI forget the names
* zerothegh jitters madly
MajinTrunkIt was very funny
MajinTrunkI have quotes!
* MajinTrunk finds them
* zerothegh boots everyone in the rear
MajinTrunk<Groovy-Strobelight Man> I'm a supa hero!
MajinTrunk* Groovy-Strobelight Man flashes, attempting to give seizures <TheDave> You just flashed TOM. *** Man With His Hand In His Pants (Radical Nadicle@ has joined #BotTestLab
MajinTrunkTheres two
MajinTrunkhere a funny oe
MegatonManI AM NO LONGER...!
* MegatonMan in a weird reverse transformation...15,1MEGATON MAN15,16,0 becomes mild mannered moron, DarkonZero.
*** DarkonZero is on IRC
*** MegatonMan is now known as DarkonZero
MajinTrunk<Atlas> Who wants to play a game? <Atlas> Called..Brandon's Algebra! <Goku> Are we doing your homework TAP? <TheDave> I remember when he hosted a tailweave, then wrote it down for his homework..
MajinTrunk<Drova> Do.. not fool yourself.... Goku.
MajinTrunk<Drova> You are more power...ful than me.
MajinTrunk<Drova> I will.. just.. lay here and die now.
MajinTrunk<MajinTrunk> Why are we talking like Shatner?
* zerothegh is not on crack...she's on.....JACK!
DarkonZeroAnd who might this "Jack" be?
zerotheghWOOO HEEEEE
DarkonZeroLooks like someone had a bit too much to drink for someone's liquor cabinet.
DarkonZeroAnd I gotta stop.
DarkonZeroDamn me.
* zerothegh growls
*** Locdog07 is on IRC
*** Locdog07 has joined #Deep13
* Locdog07 pounces into #Deep13 without his stupid luggage case.
*** Mars sets mode: +o Locdog07
zerotheghhey i know you!
DarkonZeroIT'S LOC!
DarkonZeroGET HIM!
* Locdog07 looks at zero
zerotheghget who...me?
* zerothegh pounces on loc
* Locdog07 runs away
MajinTrunk<Goku> Quote: <TheDave> An anagram for "mother in law" is Woman Hitler.. <TheDave> Coincidence? -Quote courtesy of ZeroCool
zerotheghhey who's this zerocool?
DarkonZeroNow that's a quote!
zerotheghi sense copyright infringement
DarkonZeroThat's someone who liked the movie "Hackers".
MajinTrunkQuote:7,2 *** Goku changes topic to 'Trying is the first step towards failure
*** Locdog07 changes topic to '*Doorbell Sound*'
Sentroid91hey, Loc
MajinTrunkHe took one of mine
zerotheghi like that topic
MajinTrunkQuote:7,2 <Goku> say something stupid for my quoter <KasuminoKaze> Something stupid for my quoter. <Goku> good enough for me!
MajinTrunkQuote:7,2 <Adi> Forward not Backward Upward not Downward and always twirling twirling!
MajinTrunkQuote:7,2 <Goku> Several employees of a large (un-named) aerospace company decide to rob a bank on their lunch hour (Figuring that the police would never look for them at the plant). Of course, they forgot to remove their ID badges while they were robbing the bank! (And I thought wearing mine into the grocery store was embarrassing.)
* zerothegh dances on the ceiling
* Locdog07 wonders if zero wants our extensive collection of Blue's Clues sounds, mwahahahaa
zerotheghno thanks
zerotheghi don't like blue
zerotheghhe peed on my fire hydrant
MajinTrunkQuote:7,2 <Goku> Halo set the key! <Haloflux> only if you promise not to kick eachother anymore <exogen> I PROMISE! *** exogen sets mode: +o exogen *** Goku sets mode: +o Goku *** Gogo sets mode: +o Gogo *** Haloflux was kicked by exogen (exogen) *** exogen was kicked by Gogo (bad) *** Gogo was kicked by Goku (even worse)
zerotheghi bit him in half
zerotheghbut he came back together again
Locdog07You're Alice Cooper?
MajinTrunkMy Wierd Al reference that no one got!
MajinTrunkQuote:7,2 International Day Nicks: IrvBot = Iraqbot
* zerothegh grooves...for yet another time
* zerothegh clones sheep like mad
zerotheghdon't step on the sheep!
DarkonZeroI'm leavin' the room to take a nap.....damn I'm old.
Locdog07Zero the Ghoat.
* DarkonZero hits a switch on his Portal deck and just fades out into...4,1THE LIMBO4,16,0!6,0
Session Close: Wed Dec 08 21:27:20 1999
Session Start: Wed Dec 08 21:28:37 1999
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is '*Doorbell Sound*'
*** Set by Locdog07 on Wed Dec 08 21:26:55
DarkonZeroOk....I'm not that old.
zerotheghhey look who's here
zerotheghlong time no see
zerotheghJINGle bells JINGle bells
* zerothegh laughs evily
zerotheghyou have a fun name
zerotheghoh sorry...did you send me sometimg loc?
MajinTrunkQuote:7,2 *** Fuukommunist China (Jer@ has joined #Anime
MajinTrunkQuote:7,2 <FeiAmethyein> school starts soon... <FeiAmethyein> i need to get unugly really soon now.
Locdog07I tried to...
MajinTrunkQuote:7,2 <Allison> u prefere talk in english or in french if u speak in french ? ? ? ? <Goku> I like Australian <Allison> oh im sorry i cant speak australian with u because i dont know how speak in australian
zerotheghhow fun
MajinTrunkI like #Anime!
zerotheghgood for you
MajinTrunkIt is!
* Sound request: can't find 'pikasex.wav'
[Locdog07 SOUND]
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 14,1Gary Numan's14,16,0:6,04,1"Engineers"4,1
MajinTrunkQuote:7,2 <ssgoku> r u a retard?
* zerothegh becomes a cow
*** Jing has left #deep13
zerotheghoh man
zerotheghJong left
Locdog07oh woman
zerotheghi'm so sad now
zerotheghi liked that guy
zerotheghhe had such a fun name hehe
* zerothegh sings JINGle bells
MajinTrunkQuote:7,2 <AndroidNumber18> Trunks: "Mom! You built a time machine, Dragon Ball radar and a whole lot of other inventions and you can't even program a VCR???"
MajinTrunkQuote:7,2 "You are invited to take advantage of the chambermaid." -In a Japanese Hotel
MajinTrunkQuote:7,2 <Goku> They have those? <Wookieegirl1> I MADE IT MYSELF <Wookieegirl1> doh <ThejasoN> heh <Wookieegirl1> stupid keyboard <Goku> You made the stupid keyboard yourself? <Wookieegirl1> yeah, that's why it doesn't work <Wookieegirl1> no no no, my iron suit <Wookieegirl1> it says "i'm serious" YET STILL FEMININE
MajinTrunkQuote:7,2 <Atlas> Wouldn't it be easier to sneak a gun in, shoot Ben, and STEAL BEN STEIN'S MONEY!
zerotheghKILL BEN STEIN!!!
MajinTrunkQuote:7,2 <BobIshmael> No one likes you, Sent. <BobIshmael> Ass that quote, Ku.
* Locdog07 hides in a corner
MajinTrunkQuote:7,2 * Art Turkey grabs Time Magazine, and opens up to page 53! * Art Turkey flashes it to Henry, revealing a picture of Clinton in a bathing suit! *** Henry was kicked by Art Turkey (Ouch........Thats gotta leave a mark.....)
* DarkonZero gets out his BIG CARTOON MALLET!
DarkonZeroDZ BONK!
* DarkonZero hits zerothegh with his BIG CARTOON MALLET!
MajinTrunkQuote:7,2 <WereWraith> OY! with the crashing, boom! with the exploding things!
[Locdog07 SOUND]
DarkonZeroNow I feel better....
* zerothegh suddenly becomes sober
zerotheghthat's not fair
zerotheghi liked being hyper
zerotheghdamn damn damn
DarkonZeroNo more pixie stix for you
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 14,1Gary Numan's14,16,0:6,04,1"I Die, You Die (Information Society Mix)"4,1
MajinTrunk"Theres no sugar in pixie stix"
DarkonZeroPixie stix is colored cocaine.
* DarkonZero wishes he never snorted a pixie stick.
* zerothegh appluads
* Locdog07 appulads
[Locdog07 SOUND]
DarkonZeroDamn siblings.......
DarkonZeroI gotta go....for now.
zerotheghoh...not me then
Locdog07Bye DZ
zerotheghi thought you were cursing me hehe
zerotheghi'm so paranoid
DarkonZeroHehe....of course not you...you FEEB!
zerotheghdontcha know
* DarkonZero writes "FEEB" on everyone's foreheads.
zerotheghlook there's a penguin standing here with a gun to my head
* Locdog07 shoots DZ
DarkonZeroSay goodbye to me! I'm going M.I.A.!
* DarkonZero hits the off switch on his Portal deck and disconnects to the world known as reality!
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Wed Dec 08 21:36:46 1999

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