
Session Start: Thu Dec 02 19:18:17 1999
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is 'Dennis backwards is Sinned. So maybe Cam's right when he said that Dennis Morgan is a fake. DennisBMC: THANKS and we appreciate your comments. Keep the faith '
*** Set by Sentroid91 on Thu Dec 02 16:23:18
DeRaptorHeya DZ.
DarkonZeroHey De....
DarkonZeroHey Sent....
Sentroid91*Goku* You suck I didn't know there was a real Goku
Sentroid91-> *Goku* there is.
Sentroid91*Goku* well you didn't have to ban me
Sentroid91-> *Goku* I didn't ban you
Sentroid91*Goku* someone die
Sentroid91*Goku* did
Sentroid91-> *Goku* Mars did
* DeRaptor shakes her head at 'troid.
Sentroid91*Goku* *** You were kicked from #Deep13 by Sentroid91 (BANNED)
Sentroid91-> *Goku* whatever
Sentroid91-> *Goku* oh, and the real Goku says he's going to burn all your underwear
Sentroid91*Goku* and what is the real goku's name right now
Sentroid91*Goku* that is what it says in my status
Sentroid91-> *Goku* he doesn't have one, because you stole it from him, you Mexican robber.
DarkonZeroThat's strikes me as funny for some reason.
Sentroid91*Goku* Shut up
Sentroid91*Goku* I didn't even know
Sentroid91*Goku* and YOU ban me for it
*** Locdog07 is on IRC
*** Locdog07 has joined #Deep13
*** Mars sets mode: +o Locdog07
* Locdog07 pounces into #Deep13 without his stupid luggage case.
DeRaptor'lo dog.
DarkonZeroHey Loc...
* DeRaptor watches 1003.
*** Shard has joined #Deep13
* DeRaptor thinks things about Crow in chains that are just plain wrong.
Locdog07Oh, you and your little chain fetish with Crow, De.
DeRaptorHello, real 'ku.
* DeRaptor sticks her tongue out.
Locdog07Hi movie with muppets in it.
Shard-> *Goku* Your underwear is soooo burned
Sentroid91*Goku* I am not coming back
Sentroid91*Goku* That is a sorry channel
Sentroid91-> *Goku* good. don't do me any favors then
Sentroid91*Goku* ok I will request a kill for you then
Sentroid91-> *Goku* good, please do
Sentroid91*Goku* no I don't do that
Sentroid91-> *Goku* BlueChillm protects our channel
* Sound request: can't find 'clues28.wav'
[Locdog07 SOUND]
Shard<Goku> cool
Shard<Shard> You won't be saying that when you have no underwear!
Shard<Goku> what are you talking about
Sentroid91tell him you're the real Goku, Goku
Shard<Shard> I am talking about you trying to be me, fake me
Shard<Shard> But you're not me, you're fake me
Shard<Goku> oh
Shard<Goku> that cool
Shard<Shard> Can you stop being fake me?
Shard<Shard> Is it cool?
Shard<Goku> what
Shard<Shard> Stop being fake me, fake me!
ShardEven if he doesn't give me my name, I get to confuse the hell out of him
Sentroid91*Goku* good for you
Sentroid91-> *Goku* yes, very
Sentroid91*Goku* I am glad you are happy
Sentroid91-> *Goku* in other words, if you even try to get me killed, all I have to do is e-mail BlueChillm, and he'll have you a-b-c-1-2-3-lined
Locdog07Don't you do that with everyone
[Locdog07 SOUND]
Shard<Goku> fake you
Shard<Goku> ok
Shard<Shard> Fake me?
Shard<Shard> You make no sense
Shard<Shard> You're probably a dubbie
Shard<Goku> what
Shard<Shard> You, fake me, are probably a dubbie, one who only watches Cartoon Network shit
Sentroid91*Goku* shut up I don't care
Sentroid91-> *Goku* Really? Then you don't mind if I e-mail him?
Shard<Goku> who?
Shard<Goku> Dude just ask for your name back dumbass
Shard<Shard> You fake me!, you're fake me, I am realy me! stop being fake me!
Shard<Goku> and ask nicely
Shard<Shard> May I please have my name back, fake me
Shard<Goku> NO cause you said fake me
Shard<Shard> You are fake me, are you real me?
Shard<Goku> if you ask nicely and stop insulting me I will gladly give it back
Shard<Shard> I am not insulting you, are you real me?
Sentroid91anyone feel like pingkilling him?
Sentroid91Last time we did he had a tremendous lag
Shard<Goku> no
Shard<Goku> ok real you
Shard<Shard> Then you're fake me
Shard<Goku> ok
Shard<Shard> can I have my name back?
Sentroid9153 secs to be exact
Shard<Goku> what is the magic word?
Shard<Shard> huzzah?
*** Goku has left IRC
*** Goku is on IRC
*** Shard is now known as Goku
Goku<Vegetto> there you go
Goku<Goku> Thank you
Goku<Vegetto> np
Goku<Goku> Was huzzah the magic word?
Goku<Vegetto> no but I don't care
Goku<Vegetto> what kind of name is shard
Goku<Goku> Oh, it should of been the magic word, Shard is the name I use when theres a fake me running around
Goku<Vegetto> see ya
Goku<Goku> bye now
Sentroid91oh crud
Sentroid91He gave up so easily
GokuWow, a fake me has never been so understanding, at least he was literate
Locdog07That's even better than the real you, 'ku
Sentroid91I was just about to pingkill him with 6 Lodo clones
* DeRaptor ponders the fact that somebody is using the nick Lodovik.
* Locdog07 snickers
*** BobIshmael is on IRC
*** BobIshmael has joined #deep13
Locdog07Hullo Bob
Locdog07You're not Lodo, are you?
BobIshmaelHullo Loc
DeRaptor'lo Bobbo.
BobIshmaelLet me check..
BobIshmaelBurn in hell.
BobIshmaelNope. Same ol' Bob.
BobIshmael'lo Deedly.
GokuHi Bob
Locdog07What are you, Ned Flanders?
GokuYou missed fake me
BobIshmaelHi Goku
* DeRaptor still thinks that pork commercial with the cartoon pigs is really disturbing.
Locdog07Don't eat pork, not even with a fork...can't touch this.
BobIshmaelLike that M&Ms commercial where the giant M&Ms eat the small ones?
Locdog07You haven't seen the British pork commercial with all the people growing pig=snouts things...
GokuFake me didn't like being fake me
GokuHe was confused
* Sentroid91 wonders what he should do with these 6 Lodo clones that were ready to make the fake Goku lag?
DeRaptorUm...kill them slowly and painfully?
Sentroid91hmm, good idea.
GokuLet them all kill each other
Locdog07How about slowly, painfully, and amusingly?
GokuLike ther eal Lodo personalities eventually will
GokuAnyone find out where the hell Qrows been?
BobIshmaelAnyone find out why I should carE?
BobIshmaelAnyone find out why I should care?
GokuYeah I did.
GokuI forgot.
Locdog07Hey...that reminds me, Qrow did the "lap 1" voice thing in MST-Racer, didn't he?
BobIshmaelCan you do nothing right?
DeRaptorWhat is wrong with the kid in MSoMW?
Sentroid91Beats me. I thought that was you, Loc
Locdog07He's related to you, De.
DeRaptorBite me.
Sentroid91Cam IMed that Dennis Morgan guy. He seems really boring
DeRaptorstupid dennis guy.
Locdog07Hmm...who's this?
GokuWhat Dennis guy?
GokuCams on now
GokuHaven't talked to Cam in awhile
Sentroid91The one who may save our beloved show
GokuOh neat!
Locdog07Oh, him.
Locdog07The B-Movie guy?
Sentroid91with BMC
* Goku has been out of it
GokuI want that channel
* Locdog07 thought Sampo and Erhardt said something about that being an impossibility or something...ah well, don't want to look like an MST-deserter or something. Yay Dennis, huh.
Gokueven if it doesn't pick up MST3k, but I hope it does really really bad
* Sentroid91 does too, though I doubt i'll get it, cause my cable co sucks and doesn't carry CN or FX
GokuI don't get FX
Locdog07What's FX?
Sentroid91a Fox channel
Locdog07I see
Sentroid91They got the A-Team
BobIshmaelIt's Fox, without the "o."
Sentroid91And In Living Color
* Locdog07 wonders
Locdog07Lots of SG Guests this week...
* Goku watches Kotter go delusional
Locdog07according to the site
Locdog07C. Martin Croker,
Locdog07  George Lowe, Mike
Locdog07  Lazzo, Dave Willis,
Locdog07  Jim Fortier, Matt
Locdog07   Maiellaro, Mark
Locdog07    Banker
Sentroid91ah, I forgot about Kotter
Locdog07Do they work for the show or sumpin?
DeRaptorUh...C. Martin Croker does Zorak and Moltar, and George Lowe does SG.
* BobIshmael has no idea who any of those people are.
Locdog07I thought so
Sentroid91and Andy does Brak and Lokar
* BobIshmael resumes fiddling with a walkie-talkie.
*** MSTAnon is on IRC
*** MSTAnon has joined #deep13
GokuHi Anon
BobIshmaelAnon, come to lurk and plug?
Locdog07Hello Anon
Locdog07Eww, don't put the image of Anon lurking in my head...
BobIshmaelThe ol' lurk and plug.
[Locdog07 SOUND]
Sentroid91Anon? Lurk? He couldn't lurk if he fell asleep at his computer.
* MSTAnon lurks.
GokuI wonder if fake me will come back, yet again
* Sentroid91 poots
[Locdog07 SOUND]
Locdog07odetojoy, eh?
* Sound request: can't find 'odetojoy.wav'
[Locdog07 SOUND]
*** DeRaptor has left IRC
*** DeRaptor has quit IRC (Ping timeout for DeRaptor[pm1-220.mry.redshift.com])
BobIshmaelYou meant "annoying," right?
Locdog07No, it was fun
Locdog07Have you guys heard who the new Anakin is gonna be
* Sound request: can't find 'whathe.wav'
[Locdog07 SOUND]
[BobIshmael SOUND]
*** MSTAnon has left IRC
*** MSTAnon has quit IRC (Read error to MSTAnon[res090185.HALLS.ColoState.EDU]: Connection reset by peer)
DarkonZeroBob's gonna be the new Anakin...we all knew that.
Locdog07Bob has spikey blonde hair and an inability to act, eh?
[BobIshmael SOUND]
BobIshmaelErr... I have blond hair.
DarkonZeroBob has blond hair?
BobIshmaelAnd it's kinda spiky.
Locdog07Guys with blond hair freak me out SO much!
BobIshmaelAnd I can't act.
BobIshmaelIt's almost brown. A dark blond.
DarkonZeroPerfect Anakin then!
BobIshmaelGuess so.
Locdog07Except Natalie Portman would refuse to smootch with him.
BobIshmaelI think I'll like this role...
[Locdog07 SOUND]
* DarkonZero burps...
* BobIshmael /sound offs while he fiddles with a walkie-talkie.
Locdog07I feel good!
BobIshmaelDoesn't anyone want to know WHY I'm fiddling with a walkie-talkie?
DarkonZeroNot really.'
BobIshmaelLoc, are you James Brown?
BobIshmaelCould you pretend, DZ?
Locdog07Definetly, HUH! GOOD GOD!
DarkonZeroBob....go play with a electrical source...that'll be more interesting.
BobIshmaelSuch bitterness.
BobIshmaelSo much hate. Let in the love, DZ.
DarkonZeroThat's is love, Bob.
DarkonZeroTiugh love.
BobIshmaelTell him, Jam- Er... Loc- Er... You.
DarkonZeroTough even.
*** BobIshmael has left IRC
*** BobIshmael is now known as TiughLove
DarkonZeroDAMN I!
* DarkonZero thinks Loc is doing something else other than a James Brown impression....
DarkonZeroOdd grunting?
Locdog07COME ON!!!
Locdog07JUMP BACK!
Locdog07KISS MYSELF!!!
TiughLoveWho did that war song?
TiughLoveI always though it was James Brown, but I'm not too certain.
DarkonZeroWhich war song?
Locdog07WAR! HUH!
Locdog07GOOD GOD, Y'ALL!
DarkonZeroWasn't James Brown....
DarkonZeroI forgot who did that song.
* DarkonZero thinks Quake 3 Arena is making him a killer.....a lame one...but still, a killer.
GokuI am getting Jalf Life for Christmas
TiughLoveYou couldn't kill, DZ, you're too old.
DarkonZeroI'm buying Q3A tomorrow or something.
Locdog07Java Life
* TiughLove foods.
DarkonZeroThe character models for Q3a look great.
DarkonZeroThey even brought back the Doom guy.
DarkonZeroAnd the Quake guy.
DarkonZeroDoom guy is known as Doom.
DarkonZeroQuake guy....known as Ranger.
* DarkonZero ponders playing Quake 3.....
DarkonZeroMaybe later.
TiughLoveMan... Was Loc right? Am I the only one here with a life?
Locdog07Yes, Bob
Locdog07Very much so
Locdog07HUH! GOOD GOD!
TiughLoveWow... That's firghtens me.
TiughLoveWow... That frightens me.
DarkonZeroBob....you spent most of your time on CB's.
DarkonZeroOr HAM radio.
* DarkonZero smiles.
DarkonZeroNo thanks.
Sentroid91Did I miss something?
DarkonZeroSent...learn to pay attention.
TiughLoveWell, id- Err, DZ, did you view the gif?
DarkonZeroDon't feel like it.
TiughLoveYou know what _I_ feel like?
*** Mars sets mode: +o TiughLove
Locdog07An idiot?
*** Locdog07 sets mode: -o TiughLove
TiughLoveTake a wild guess.
TiughLoveMars will do my bidding.
DarkonZeroNo....I don't feel like it.
Locdog07Sorry, Bob, no ops. It's punishment.
TiughLoveUm... Loc... Where have you been for the past..
* TiughLove looks at his watch.
TiughLoveI never take ops.
Locdog07I know you're allowed op priveliges, but you're not allowed ops.
Sentroid91Mars does my bidding now
TiughLoveYou're high, aren't you?
* DarkonZero sees a bong in Loc's paw.
TiughLoveDZ, view the gif. It'll be worth it.
TiughLoveI beg you in the nam- Oh. Thank you.
Sentroid91hmm, Cliffhanger on FOX
Gokusleep now bye
*** Goku has left IRC
*** Goku has quit IRC (buh bye)
Sentroid91I think they said Friday
DarkonZeroI get nothing Bob......
DarkonZerook...I got it.
Sentroid91"You get... NOTHING! YOU LOSE! Good day, sir!"
[TiughLove SOUND]
DarkonZeroHmmm.....are you telling me something Bob?
[Sentroid91 SOUND]
TiughLoveOf course not. What gives you that idea?
DarkonZeroGrammar....it's good to make incorrect.
Sentroid91Kelsey Grammer?
* DarkonZero throws apostrophes around.
Locdog07Bo'b, for H'adun!
* TiughLove decides to go outside and try to do that thing that no one asked him about.
TiughLoveBRB. AFK. TLA.
Sentroid91"Yeah, PDQ, ASAP, you SOB.
* DarkonZero realizes what he said involves French....and he kills himself.
Locdog07I'm almost French.
Locdog07Bonjour, mon petit ami!
* DarkonZero comes back from the dead to kill Loc for speakin' French.
Locdog07Est-ce que tu as une grande bayonette pour mes parents
* DarkonZero liked the folks from England he met today.....
DarkonZeroThey were quite nice.
Locdog07Who dat?
Locdog07Aren't I nice?
DarkonZeroNo comment.
DarkonZeroI kid.
Locdog07Where everybody knows your name...
Locdog07And they're always glad you came...
* DarkonZero thinks Loc is pissed.
DarkonZeroAnd I don't mean angry.
* Locdog07 hiccups
Locdog07Well, I'd have to be at 4:30 am
* DarkonZero sees a can od Guinness in Loc's paw.
Locdog07I'd best get going
Locdog07Bye :)
*** Locdog07 has left IRC
*** Locdog07 has quit IRC (Leaving)
* DarkonZero sees a huge bong in Sent's hand.
DarkonZeroWell....it seems that I'll be going.....bye.
DarkonZeroSay goodbye to me! I'm going M.I.A.!
* DarkonZero hits the off switch on his Portal deck and disconnects to the world known as reality!
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Thu Dec 02 20:34:11 1999
Session Start: Thu Dec 02 20:40:14 1999
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is 'Dennis backwards is Sinned. So maybe Cam's right when he said that Dennis Morgan is a fake. DennisBMC: THANKS and we appreciate your comments. Keep the faith '
*** Set by Sentroid91 on Thu Dec 02 16:23:18
*** DeRaptor is on IRC
*** DeRaptor has joined #Deep13
* DeRaptor leaps into #Deep13 via a perpendicular universe.
*** Mars sets mode: +o DeRaptor
TiughLoveWB, old man.
TiughLoveWB, De.
DeRaptorBob... you freak..
TiughLoveEr... Pardon?
* TiughLove speaks to his lawyer.
* DarkonZero thought he was hostile.....
* TiughLove remains silent.
* DeRaptor jumps on the couch.
* DarkonZero notices a pixie stick straw in De's claw.
* Sentroid91 watches fake Goku run in and burn the couch
* DeRaptor jumps off.
Sentroid91heh, Callipy keeps going in and out of AIM
DeRaptorcrazy guy.
* DarkonZero falls asleep and drools all over.......
* DeRaptor lines DZ's pen with towels.
* DarkonZero wakes up.....
DarkonZeroWho poured water on me?
Sentroid91Lester did
* DarkonZero shakes his cane in the air.
Sentroid91<Lester> What?! I'm eatin' here!
DarkonZeroNevermind you little punk!
DarkonZeroI forgot.
* DarkonZero notices that Sent still has the huge bong.
* DeRaptor doesn't want to know.
* TiughLove looks at his mIRC clock.
TiughLove226 hours and 18 minutes.
*** BobIshmael is on IRC
*** TiughLove is now known as BobIshmael
*** Cortan has joined #Deep13
BobIshmaelCortan Cough and Cold.
Cortanhey guys how you been:)
BobIshmael"Will anything cure this splitting headache?"
BobIshmael"*bing* New... Cortan!"
Cortani always take excedrine numbs the body:P
BobIshmaelDoes it really?
Cortanyeah you turn into a zombie:P
BobIshmaelI gotta try some of that stuff.
Sentroid91Hmm. Is this the character you were mentioning yesterday, DZ?
Cortanhave any of yo u ever seen when bambi meets godzilla thats funny
DarkonZeroI've seen it....
DarkonZeroOld piece of animation.
Cortani just saw it for the first time funny
Sentroid91Well then, I guess it's time I welcomed Cortan.
Sentroid91Welcome, Cortan.... I am Satan.... uhm, I mean Sentroid.
Cortanim watching an old episode of mystery now:)
Cortan*L* hello sentroid
* DeRaptor ponders holiday nicks...
*** DeRaptor has left IRC
*** DeRaptor is now known as DeReindeer
Sentroid91Tom Santa
BobIshmaelStupid pagan holiday.
Cortanhow about santa cortan:P
BobIshmaelI refuse to celebrate this Roman orgy holiday.
Cortannaw doesnt roll of the tounge:P
BobIshmaelOff, you feeb.
BobIshmaelThe word is "off!"
BobIshmaelAnd it's "tongue."
BobIshmael"Tounge" rhymes with "lounge."
BobIshmaelAnd it's "doesn't."
DeReindeerWhat pagan holiday is this, Bob?
BobIshmaelBonjour, mon petit ami!
BobIshmael* DarkonZero comes back from the dead to kill Loc for speakin' French.
BobIshmael<Locdog07> Est-ce que tu as une grande bayonette pour mes parents
Sentroid91"<Sentroid91> hewwo hewwah! wemebah me? ime jooshe's tounge!"
Cortansorry if im slow eating:P
Cortanjust had to look up on you guys:P
Sentroid91What's the deal with the *L* Cortan?
DarkonZeroSent....that's his way of LOL.
Cortanoh thats short for laughing
BobIshmaelThe Feast of Saturnalia, De.
DeReindeerThat's Sent's thing.
* DarkonZero feels a certain (but stupid) power surge through him...
DarkonZeroI AM...!
* DarkonZero becomes in a flash (and a stupid pose) a 70's Japanese superhero known as 15,1ULTRADORK15,16,0!6,0
*** DarkonZero has left IRC
*** DarkonZero is now known as UltraDork
Sentroid91no, my thing is ook!
BobIshmaelWell, smarty-arthomoplogist, what do you have to say?
Sentroid91and the channel's thing is FUNNT!
Cortanwhats everyones fav  B movie
* UltraDork is stumped by Cortan's question.
Sentroid91Jack Frost..... the killer snowman one
Cortani think ive seen that one actully.
Sentroid91It was pretty bad
Cortanits funny i like watching thoughs mroe then the new movies out today:)
Sentroid91Uncle Sam was too
* UltraDork thought "Silent Night, Deadly Night" was a laugh riot......
Cortanoops i got to go guys. sooner or later ill chat in here longer:)
UltraDorkI laughed so hard....Feeb Boy almost wet his pants.
BobIshmaelDZ, could you give Cortan the URL I gave you?
UltraDorkBob....I forgot it.
Cortanoooo jumps up and down i wanna see i wanna see:P
* BobIshmael goes to find it.
Cortanoh ok looking now:)
UltraDorkBob is a bitter flower.
Cortando you guys now any good fan sites of mystery
DeReindeerof the science theater variety?
BobIshmaelWell, De, what have you to say?
Cortanyeah :)
DeReindeer'bout what?
BobIshmaelThe Feast of Saturnalia, De.
DeReindeeruh...idunno. Something to do with Romans and Sent.
BobIshmaelYou typed "What pagan holiday is this, Bob?" as if I was wrong or something.
Cortanoops i better get going loks at site this is funny
* DeReindeer ponders celebrating the winter solstice.
DeReindeerBut, nobody mentioned Saturnalia before you were saying that.
Cortankeep me updated guys my web adress is Thekitchensink300@yahoo.com
*** Cortan has left #Deep13
BobIshmaelNo, you mention holiday nicks and I said I refuse to celebrate a pagan holiday.
DeReindeeruh...okay then.
BobIshmaelIt actually was an orgy holiday. It was a massive party.
DeReindeerHmmm...dammit, that sounds fun!
DeReindeeranyway, my parents are making me go. bubye.
* BobIshmael gets ready to paste.
*** DeReindeer has quit IRC (I could never sleep my way to the top, cuz my alarm clock always wakes me right up...)
BobIshmaelIt is now the month of December, when the greatest part of the city is in a bustle. Loose reins are given to public dissipation; everywhere you may hear the sound of great preparations, as if there were some real difference between the days devoted to Saturn and those for transacting business....Were you here, I would willingly confer with you as to the plan of our conduct; whether we should eve in our usual way, or, to avoi
BobIshmael--From the Epistol
BobIshmaelThat's "Epistolae"
* UltraDork tries to look interested.
BobIshmaelYou'd think it was interesting if you weren't a moron.
UltraDorkI'd rather read about the Illuminate.
UltraDorkCults are a thing I'm interested in....
UltraDorkNot that I'd join one.....though I am already part of one.
UltraDorkI AM NO LONGER...!
* UltraDork loses his dumb power and returns back to his old moronic, sorta secret alter-ego, DarkonZero.
*** DarkonZero is on IRC
*** UltraDork is now known as DarkonZero
* DarkonZero wonders what the Free Masons are planning for Bob.
BobIshmaelSo... In the interest of stupid conversation, what're you doing for New Years?
BobIshmaelI'm already a Mason, you spaz.
BobIshmaelAnd I don't appreciate you calling Free Masons a cult.
*** Mars sets mode: +o BobIshmael
BobIshmaelDZ. Stop.
BobIshmaelFree Masons do good work. It's morons like you that call us a cult or a secret society.
*** Mars sets mode: -o BobIshmael
* DarkonZero wonders what good work Bob did....
BobIshmaelI repeat...
BobIshmaelSo... In the interest of stupid conversation, what're you doing for New Years?
DarkonZeroCatholicism....it's a cult.
DarkonZeroChristianity.....a cult.
DarkonZeroAn orginized group....cult.
DarkonZeroCorporate America....cult.
DarkonZeroBill Maher.....idiot.
DarkonZeroBill Maher.....not funny.
DarkonZeroDennis Miller....was funny....then became not funny.
DarkonZeroPolitics....joke of the free world.
DarkonZeroDemocracy.....even bigger joke.
* DarkonZero remains neutral.
DarkonZeroI choose whatever.....decisions weren't a forte of mine.
[BobIshmael SOUND]
BobIshmaelSo... You're a stupid person who doesn't vote.
* DarkonZero notices that Bob is irritated and has to resort to playing something that may annoy......
[BobIshmael SOUND]
DarkonZeroWow....I got to Bob.
BobIshmaelAnswer me. Are you?
DarkonZeroI choose not to vote.
BobIshmaelThen get out of my country, you waste of space.
BobIshmaelYou're no better than the idiots I meet on a day to day basis.
* DarkonZero thinks Bob must be Republican.
BobIshmaelAnd I mean that in the nicest way.
BobIshmaelGreen, if anything.
BobIshmaelReform, if Jesse Ventura wasn't the spokesperon.
BobIshmaelperson, even.
DarkonZeroBob...you feel better now....I certainly do.
[BobIshmael SOUND]
DarkonZeroAparrently not.
DarkonZeroMisspelled it...
DarkonZeroOh well.
BobIshmaelTo err is stupid.
DarkonZero<DeRaptor> Bob... you freak..
DarkonZero<TiughLove> Er... Pardon?
DarkonZeroIt seems I can't explain.
DarkonZeroFor I am me.
*** DeReindeer has joined #Deep13
*** Mars sets mode: +o DeReindeer
DeReindeerFeh and stuff!
DarkonZeroHey De...
DarkonZeroFeh back at ya.
DarkonZeroDe...it seems i irritated Bob.
DeReindeerHuh. That's really hard.
* DarkonZero still doesn't know how.
BobIshmaelBecause you don't vote... And you're a moron.
DarkonZeroI maybe a moron.....but a happy moron.
* BobIshmael foods.
* DarkonZero ponders voting....
DarkonZeroNaw...I'm too lazy.
* DeReindeer ponders voting for Mike Nelson for president.
DarkonZeroWell...I'll definitely do that.
DarkonZeroThat's if he runs.
* BobIshmael ponders scanning stuff.
* Sentroid91 ponders pondering
[BobIshmael SOUND]
* DeReindeer wants to vote for him anyhoo.
* DarkonZero ponders Sent's pondering.
BobIshmaelMan... This is annoying.
DarkonZeroIt is...
* BobIshmael wonders why Loc only sends him annoying wavs.
DarkonZeroI find it rather enjoyable.
[BobIshmael SOUND]
DarkonZeroNow that is annoying.
[BobIshmael SOUND]
DarkonZeroAs with that.
* DarkonZero sneezes.....
[BobIshmael SOUND]
* DarkonZero wishes that he never drank the big glass of Sprite.
DarkonZeroGood mixing job Bob.....
* DeReindeer reads Bob the Angry Flower.
DeReindeerThis is weird.
DarkonZeroHe's Angry.
DarkonZeroAnd a flower.
* DarkonZero goes to d/l more eps of Computer Stew.
[BobIshmael SOUND]
BobIshmaelI thought so, DZ.
DarkonZeroComputer Stew is amuzing....and the host looks sorta like Joel.
*** super31 has joined #Deep13
DarkonZeroA SUPER 31!
DarkonZero31 is really super.
*** super31 has left #Deep13
* DeReindeer smells the reek of canadian bacon all over Bob the Angry Flower.
DarkonZeroAnd we end it with that happy little note.....
DarkonZeroBob....the Angry Flower.
DarkonZeroAnd back bacon.
* DeReindeer snickers.
DeReindeerBob, are you really the angry flower? He seems a lot like you...
Sentroid91Well wha'dya know? If it ain't the little flower.
DarkonZeroYeah....even down to the smell of back bacon.
* DeReindeer plucks Bob's petals.
DarkonZeroDe....those were his ears.
* DeReindeer glues Bob's ears back on.
DarkonZeroYou put his ears on the wrong sides of his head...I don't think one should be on his chin.
DeReindeerOh...and I guess the other one shouldn't be on his kneecap, either...
DarkonZeroHey.....a Picasso!
* DeReindeer laughs at "The Abduction"
* DarkonZero wonders why Bob, The Angry Flower reminds him of the animation Crazy Daisy Ed.
BobIshmael<DeReindeer> Bob, are you really the angry flower? He seems a lot like you...
BobIshmaelspy made that same observation.
BobIshmaelAnd, DZ, I thought the same thing when I first saw BtAF.
DeReindeerWell, maybe because it's true.
BobIshmaelShut the hell up!
[BobIshmael SOUND]
DarkonZeroWell folks....I take leave for now.....BBL....
DarkonZeroSay goodbye to me! I'm going M.I.A.!
* DarkonZero hits the off switch on his Portal deck and disconnects to the world known as reality!
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Thu Dec 02 21:58:15 1999
Session Start: Thu Dec 02 23:29:32 1999
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is 'Bob smells like old cheese. He's a flower, too. A pansy, if you will.'
*** Set by DeReindeer on Thu Dec 02 23:09:48
DeReindeerHey Zero.
DeReindeerBob the freak is away.
DarkonZeroHey De...
DarkonZeroI noticed....
DarkonZeroThe angry flower freak.
DeReindeerHe's a pansy.
* DeReindeer plucks Bob's petals again.
DarkonZeroHmmm....are you sure you should be plucking him?
DeReindeerUh...why shouldn't I be?
DarkonZeroI dunno.....once you start.....you might unveil many evils.
DeReindeerLook! It's my uncle!: http://www.angryflower.com/drugs.gif
* DeReindeer wonders why nobody makes plush dinosaurs.
DarkonZeroI have beanie ones at work.
* DeReindeer thinks a cute little fuzzy Sinosauropteryx should sell perfectly well...hmph.
DarkonZeroShiny beanie ones.
* DarkonZero wonders why they are shiny.
DarkonZeroDamn sequins.
* DeReindeer ponders other situations in which DZ would say that...
DarkonZero<Some girl> Oh...look at that dress!
DarkonZeroDamn sequins.
*** Jason is on IRC
DarkonZeroDidn't have the same impact.
DeReindeer6* DZ in drag gets his dress caught on the corner of the table.
DarkonZeroDamn stupid sequin joke.
DeReindeer<DZ> Damn sequins.
DarkonZeroThanks for picturing me in drag...I never would have saw that day.
* DeReindeer rotfl.
*** jasoN has left IRC
DarkonZeroI can't believe I'm gonna be Santa this year for my workplace.
* DeReindeer ponders making plush dinosaurs.
DarkonZeroNo...make that Satan.
DeReindeerI'm gonna make a ovi-raptor.
DarkonZeroSend a pic of it...when you're done.
DarkonZeroAnd if you make it.
DarkonZeroThis year.
DarkonZeroOr within the next few weeks.
DarkonZeroOr minutes.
DarkonZeroOne of those.
DeReindeerProbably not till I finish crow and his chicken puppet.
DarkonZeroSend a pic of those.....when you get them done....etc.
DeReindeerheheh, oh, I will.
DarkonZeroAnd I'll frighten your sister with a pic of me as Santa.
DarkonZeroThat sound good?
DarkonZeroOk....this is the real deal with me and cameras....in most pictures, you'll see my back.
DarkonZeroRunning away.
DarkonZeroI really don't like gettin' pictures taken of me........
DarkonZeroHas to do with my soul or something.
DarkonZeroAnd my fear of others opinions.
DeReindeerI like the soul thing better.
* DarkonZero takes a picture of De.
DeReindeerMY SOUL!
* DeReindeer snatches at the picture.
DarkonZeroHere....you can have it back.
DarkonZeroThat's Bozo's soul.
DeReindeerWell, I still own Crow's soul.
DarkonZeroYou are the Crow soul keeper?
DarkonZeroKeeper of Crow's soul....
DarkonZeroSoul keeper of Crow.
* DarkonZero realizes he's wearing that title down.
* DarkonZero gives De her soul.
DarkonZeroThere ya go.
DeReindeerthank you.
* DeReindeer puts Crow's soul in a safe spot.
DarkonZeroAh...the glass jar in the cabinet.
DarkonZeroWow....whatta safe place.
* DarkonZero ponders installing Macromedia Director 7......
* DarkonZero wonders if hes bad enough breath that would stop others from chattin'.
DarkonZeroOr if it's my grammar.
* DeReindeer puts on a gas mask.
* DarkonZero sulks.
DarkonZeroIt was my breath.
DarkonZeroDamn breath.
* DarkonZero breaks out the Breath Asure.
* DarkonZero wonders if he mentions Breath Asure in HG.....if he will be accepted.
DarkonZeroBut would I ever do that?
DeReindeerHeh...I dare you.
DarkonZeroHold on.
DeReindeerI still say the flower is bob.
DarkonZeroI'm in HG now.
DarkonZeroAnd their blandness is deafening.
DarkonZeroI have said anything yet....
DarkonZeroNow I will.....about Breath Asure.
DarkonZero<DarkonZero> I have said anything yet....\
* BobIshIdle returns from PI.
* DeReindeer plucks Bob's petals.
*** Mars changes topic to 'Bob smells like old cheese. He's a flower, too. A pansy, if you will. <BobIshmael> Yeah! I hate that guy! Let's beat him up! '
* BobIshIdle blushes.
*** BobIshmael is on IRC
*** BobIshIdle is now known as BobIshmael
DarkonZeroI'm just babbling about George Kennedy now.
BobIshmaelThis kid on PI was a total dickhead.
BobIshmaelAs was this other kid.
BobIshmaelAnd I'm a dickhead.
BobIshmaelAs are most of my friends.
DeReindeerNo, you're a flower.
BobIshmaelSo... This leads me to this conclusion..
BobIshmaelMy generation is full of dickheads and idiots.
DeReindeerFunny, I reached that conclusion years ago.
BobIshmaelShut up.
* BobIshmael ponders getting a BB gun and shooting out someone's window to prove his theory.
DeReindeerYou shut up, you vegetable.
BobIshmaelFlowers aren't vegetables.
DarkonZeroSHUT UP!
DeReindeerOkay, you pansy.
DeReindeerdaisy, daisy...
BobIshmaelFlowers aren't pansies, either.
DeReindeerBut pansies are flwoers. You could still be a pansy.
BobIshmaelThey are, as DZ pointed out, flora and nothing more.
BobIshmaelIf I'm a pansy, I can be a flower. But if I'm a flower, I can't be a pansy.
DeReindeerThat makes no sense.
DeReindeerYou're still a pansy.
DarkonZeroHG is ignoring me now.
BobIshmaelDoesn't it, though?
DeReindeerHG does that, DZ.
DarkonZeroNow I'm calling them trekkies.
DeReindeerhoo boy.
DeReindeerAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!! http://www.angryflower.com/claptr.gif
DeReindeerConsidering I just watched 1003...that's bad, it is.
DeReindeerOh...didn't I already see this?
DeReindeerBob probably made me...
* BobIshmael looks.
DarkonZeroNow...I'm calling them Doctor Who fans.
BobIshmaelNo, this is a first for me.
BobIshmaelI need to get a clapping monkey.
* DeReindeer wonders who showed her the clapping monkeys then...
BobIshmaelAre you sure you didn't dream it?
BobIshmaelThat's happened to me before.
DeReindeerNo. I've seen that strip before.
BobIshmaelIn a dream, probably.
* DeReindeer smacks Bob with...one of her antlers.
DarkonZeroHey...need help....think of a unfunny person.
DarkonZeroBill Maher.
* BobIshmael listens to Blues Traveler.
BobIshmaelI never claimed he was funny, DZ.
* DeReindeer wants somebody to make MST3K action figures. NOW.
BobIshmaelI claimed the show was good.
BobIshmaelAs do we all, De.
DarkonZeroI'm about to be kicked.
BobIshmaelIf you say so.
*** Mars sets mode: +o BobIshmael
BobIshmaelNot yet, you weren't.
BobIshmaelAnytime you're ready.
DeReindeerHe means in HG, pansy.
BobIshmaelNo, he doesn't.
DarkonZeroWow.....Bob is still irate with me.
BobIshmaelI am?
*** Mars sets mode: -o BobIshmael
DarkonZeroEvilJen kicked me....
BobIshmaelYou too?
* BobIshmael ponders scanning a picture of him from two years ago.
DeReindeerBob is just a really ANGRY flower, DZ.
* BobIshmael decides against it.
DeReindeerWhat, afraid of us seeing your wilted petals?
BobIshmaelNo, my hippie hair.
BobIshmaelAnd it's not a very good quality picture...
BobIshmaelAnd my family's in it.
DarkonZeroHere is the stinger that got me kicked.
DarkonZero<EvilJen> why don't you get yourself some tenticle anime porn and go whack off to it,
DarkonZero<DarkonZero> Hmmm....
DarkonZero<DarkonZero> Naw...it seems you covered that area.
BobIshmaelAnd I'm ashamed of them.
BobIshmaelGood one, DZ!
* BobIshmael ponders adding that to that to the deep13.org quotes file.
BobIshmaelShould I? Or is it in bad taste? I can't tell.
DarkonZeroThey sure talk about masturbation alot.
BobIshmaelApparently, some people don't find school shootings a subject of humor... I learned that the hard way.
BobIshmaelI try not to do anything that may be in bad taste now.
BobIshmaelAnd I just hate everyone instead.
DeReindeerD'OH!: http://www.angryflower.com/ivedec.gif
BobIshmaelYes? No?
BobIshmaelIt's a simple question, you dolts.
DarkonZeroBob....your hate is what makes you a angry pansy.
BobIshmaelSure. Now answer me.
BobIshmaelAnswer the question.
DeReindeerUm...Yes? No? What was the question?
* BobIshmael looks at his watch and thinks of his job.
BobIshmaelCapitalism crushes dreams.
BobIshmaelI need to ditch this job before I start thinking like the people I hate.
DeReindeerHumanity in general does, methinks.
BobIshmaelI don't truly hate, I'm just always pissed off.
DarkonZeroBob...I'm the same way.
BobIshmaelNo, just capitalism.
DarkonZeroIs it good though to want to kill those people?
BobIshmaelAnd the majority of the world runs on the blood of the workers, so therefore the world crushes dreams.
BobIshmaelSee... I used to say things like that, but evidently people start taking you (read: me) serious.
* BobIshmael ponders installing a phone tap on the cop's house, across the street.
BobIshmaelStupid pig.
* DarkonZero now knows why his supervisors won't yell at him.
DarkonZeroThey pretty much are scared of me.
DarkonZeroI think.
DarkonZeroSeriously.....I don't want to kill them.....maiming.....that's whole other thing.
DeReindeerHmmmm...say...I'm good at maiming...can I help?
BobIshmaelIs CGA better than EGA?
DarkonZeroSure De...
BobIshmaelEGA's better, right?
DarkonZeroI think EGA is better.
BobIshmaelI think so, too.
BobIshmaelYou bastard.
DarkonZeroThough it is quite old tech.
* DarkonZero remembers the monochrome days.
DarkonZeroDamn green graphics.
DeReindeerIf robots and bears are natural enemies, what was Crow's deal in 813?: http://www.angryflower.com/festiv.gif
DarkonZeroDe...it's like that Tootsie Pop deal.....we may never know.
DeReindeerOh yeah.
DeReindeerMaybe Crow is just stupid, and also separated from his cultural roots being trapped in space and all, and so doesn't know of the animosity his kind bears towards bears.
DarkonZeroThat maybe it...
DeReindeerOr maybe it's just a bunch of absurdity I should just not think about.
DarkonZeroThat too....
DeReindeerDammit...now I'm addicted to this flower comic.
DarkonZeroI knew you were....
DarkonZeroIt was imminent.
* DeReindeer throws a tantrum.
DarkonZeroGive www.dotcomix.com a try.
*** Dufus has joined #deep13
DeReindeerhello, dufus.
BobIshmaelWhat an odd handle.
Dufusthank you.
BobIshmaelUh... You're very welcome?
Dufusthank you.
BobIshmaelNo, thank YOU, kind person.
Dufusyou're welcome.
* Dufus is him.
BobIshmaelSoceity's got it all wrong, this polite stuff bites.
* DeReindeer snickers.
DufusBob.....what old cheese are you?
BobIshmaelI don't see how that concerns YOU.
BobIshmaelIt's a rather personal matter, you see.
DeReindeerWe must know.
DarkonZeroYeah Bob.
* BobIshmael speaks to his lawyer.
BobIshmaelMy lawyer, speaking on the behalf of my doctor, has advised me not to say due to medical reasons.
* Dufus is him.
* Dufus points to DarkonZero.
DeReindeerIt's Gouda, isn't it?
BobIshmaelIs he?
* DeReindeer slinks off towards bed.
BobIshmaelIt wouldn't surprise me.
DarkonZeroGood night De.
DeReindeernight night.
* DeReindeer Leaps through a run in the pantyhose of the space-time continuum...
*** DeReindeer has left #Deep13
* BobIshmael looks at DZ's IP.
BobIshmaelYou dumb bastard.
DarkonZeroWho's dumb?
DufusSorry.....I was bored.
DarkonZeroYeah...I was.
*** Dufus has quit IRC (null)
DarkonZeroDev Null?
BobIshmaelI miss that psuedo-person.
DarkonZeroI miss Soledad.
DarkonZeroBut now....there is Kate.
DarkonZeroOh...you don't have ZDTV, do you?
BobIshmaelNo. Does The Site still air?
DarkonZeroThe Site is no longer.
BobIshmaelI didn't think so.
DarkonZeroThe Site was off the air 3 years ago.
BobIshmaelI know.
BobIshmaelJust wishful thinking, you dumb bastard.
DarkonZeroI'll BRB...gotta reboot puter.
DarkonZeroSay goodbye to me! I'm going M.I.A.!
* DarkonZero hits the off switch on his Portal deck and disconnects to the world known as reality!
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Fri Dec 03 01:25:57 1999

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