
Session Start: Tue Nov 30 00:56:19 1999
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is '<ThejasoN> i'm the sexual object, or whatever it was 6* DeRaptor watches a bunch of seventy-year-old women drool over N's body. <ThejasoN> o_O'
*** Set by DeRaptor on Mon Nov 29 22:12:54
* DarkonZero is gonna take a bit of a nap...
DarkonZeroPlease do not disturb me. If you have to mess with someone...choose someone else, not me.
*** DarkonZero has left IRC
*** DarkonZero is now known as DZisAsleep
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Tue Nov 30 01:11:05 1999
Session Start: Tue Nov 30 12:28:56 1999
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is '<ThejasoN> i'm the sexual object, or whatever it was 6* DeRaptor watches a bunch of seventy-year-old women drool over N's body. <ThejasoN> o_O'
*** Set by DeRaptor on Mon Nov 29 22:12:54
*** Disconnected
*** Attempting to rejoin...
*** DarkonZero is on IRC
*** Rejoined channel #Deep13
*** Topic is '<ThejasoN> i'm the sexual object, or whatever it was 6* DeRaptor watches a bunch of seventy-year-old women drool over N's body. <ThejasoN> o_O'
*** Set by DeRaptor on Mon Nov 29 22:12:54
-> [DarkonZero] PING
-> [DarkonZero] FINGER
-> [DarkonZero] VERSION
-> [DarkonZero] TIME
*** Disconnected
*** Attempting to rejoin...
*** DarkonZero is on IRC
*** Greidanus is on IRC
*** Rejoined channel #Deep13
*** Topic is '<ThejasoN> i'm the sexual object, or whatever it was 6* DeRaptor watches a bunch of seventy-year-old women drool over N's body. <ThejasoN> o_O'
*** Set by DeRaptor on Mon Nov 29 22:12:54
*** Greidanus has joined #Deep13
*** Greidanus has left #Deep13
-> [DarkonZero] PING
-> [DarkonZero] FINGER
-> [DarkonZero] VERSION
*** Disconnected
*** Attempting to rejoin...
*** DarkonZero is on IRC
*** Rejoined channel #Deep13
*** Topic is '<ThejasoN> i'm the sexual object, or whatever it was 6* DeRaptor watches a bunch of seventy-year-old women drool over N's body. <ThejasoN> o_O'
*** Set by DeRaptor on Mon Nov 29 22:12:54
*** Disconnected
*** Attempting to rejoin...
*** DarkonZero is on IRC
*** Rejoined channel #Deep13
*** Topic is '<ThejasoN> i'm the sexual object, or whatever it was 6* DeRaptor watches a bunch of seventy-year-old women drool over N's body. <ThejasoN> o_O'
*** Set by DeRaptor on Mon Nov 29 22:12:54
* DarkonZero is gonna take a bit of a nap...
DarkonZeroPlease do not disturb me. If you have to mess with someone...choose someone else, not me.
*** DarkonZero has left IRC
*** DarkonZero is now known as DZisAsleep
* DZisAsleep is done taking a nap...
DZisAsleepHello there!
*** DarkonZero is on IRC
*** DZisAsleep is now known as DarkonZero
*** MeltingMan has joined #Deep13
DarkonZeroHey MM.
* DarkonZero uses MM as a test subject.
DarkonZeroYou're gonna get it!
* DarkonZero gets out his ATOMIC DEATH RAY!
* DarkonZero uses his ATOMIC DEATH RAY on MeltingMan ! He got 'em good!
DarkonZeroThat works....
DarkonZeroBut I need to make it a popup.
* MeltingMan wishes he had a gif of Gamera swinging on the pole from "Gamera vs. Guiron"
DarkonZeroIt'll make it easier...then I won't haveta type the name in.
DarkonZeroAh....the Olympic Gamera scene!
DarkonZeroEr...make the Gymnastics Gamera!
MeltingManHeh...yeah.  I read an interview with the director of Gamera vs. Guiron (and all the Gamera movies except Gamera vs. Barugon) and he said he did that because the olympics were coming up.
*** Greidanus is on IRC
*** Greidanus has joined #Deep13
MeltingManHeya Greidanus!
* Greidanus runs DZ over with her golf cart
* DarkonZero gets out his BIG CARTOON MALLET!
* DarkonZero hits Greidanus with his BIG CARTOON MALLET!
MeltingMan"What have they done with Casey Martin!?" - Crow in "Hobgoblins"
Greidanushold on, brb
*** Greidanus has left #Deep13
*** Greidanus has left IRC
*** Greidanus is on IRC
*** Greidanus has joined #Deep13
* MeltingMan is getting all the MST eps he doesn't have (excluding KTMA's) real soon.
* Greidanus whacks DarkonZero over the head with a spiked kudgel
MeltingManI traded a copy of Blood Hook for them.
* DarkonZero gave Greidanus a BOOT TO THE HEAD!
Greidanushey, well now we knot that works
Greidanuslook up ^
DarkonZeroMM...Greid hates me.
* MeltingMan knots that work!
GreidanusYUP IT DO!!
Greidanusdelayed reaction syndrome?
MeltingManWhy, who coud hate DZ?
* DarkonZero hugs Greid anyways.....
* Greidanus loads DarkonZero into her Uzi
MeltingMancoud = could
* Greidanus shoots DZ at the floor
Greidanusi dont hate you, im just having fun with ya!
Greidanusplayful violence!
* DarkonZero hugs Greid again.
*** Locdog07 is on IRC
*** Locdog07 has joined #Deep13
* Locdog07 pounces into #Deep13 without his stupid luggage case.
MeltingManHeya Loc!
*** Mars sets mode: +o Locdog07
* Greidanus torches DarkonZero 's pants
Greidanushi Loc
Locdog07Hiya Greid
Locdog07Hi DZ
Locdog07Hi MM
DarkonZeroI'm gonna be doing something for a bit.
Locdog07Which M&M are you, anyhow?
* DarkonZero is busy, he Working on popup or something .
Locdog07Jon Lovitz?
*** DarkonZero has left IRC
*** DarkonZero is now known as DZisBusy
MeltingManThe melting one
Greidanusthe one that melts everywhere!
MeltingManI melt in your mouth...
* Locdog07 is only on for a second.
* Sound request: can't find 'forever.wav'
[Locdog07 SOUND]
MeltingManAdios in advance
DZisBusyI'm done with what I was doing. So...hence, I'm back!
*** DarkonZero is on IRC
*** DZisBusy is now known as DarkonZero
MeltingManis for cookie
Locdog07I've had an idea for a new thing for my site, so when I leave I'll be working on it.
Greidanusand in your hand...
MeltingManThat's good enough for me!
DarkonZeroI gave up actually.
* Sound request: can't find 'xpac.wav'
[Locdog07 SOUND]
* MeltingMan looks at Grade A's lag
Greidanushmm, a good reason not to be doing something
Greidanusyep, im lagging like hell
Locdog07What's the big deal about Toy Story 2?
Greidanusbeats me
MeltingManUm.....it's supposedly good.  I haven't seen it.
MeltingManI'll wait for home video.
Locdog07Hmm...Tim Allen
Greidanuslet me change servers, ill brb. but, which servers are you guys on?
Locdog07"I'm just like Tim Allen! I build stuff, and I have a criminal record!"
MeltingManThis time they have the rights to use Barbie.  They couldn't last time cuz Mattel wouldn't let them....then they saw how popular the first movie was and realized how stupid they were.
Locdog07So..Mattel then.
MeltingManCuz they're gonna make a lot of money off Toy Story 2
Locdog07You just felt you had to say it twice, huh?
Greidanuswhich server are you guys on, DZ, MM
Locdog07Mattel, won't you?
MeltingManHee hee
DarkonZeroI'm on the Witchita Falls one.
MeltingManMy server smells like cheese.
DarkonZeroI'm on the Witchita Falls one.
Greidanusah, brb
Locdog07Blair Witchita...
*** Greidanus has left IRC
*** Greidanus has quit IRC (Don't let Bonnie Hammer ruin your life too!!)
*** Greidanus is on IRC
*** Greidanus has joined #dEEP13
*** Greidanus has left #dEEP13
*** Greidanus has joined #Deep13
Greidanusaccidentally hit caps lock
* MeltingMan read Mike's latest article in Home Theatermag...it's not online yet...he talks about the remakes of Pinnochio and 101 Dalmations
MeltingManJohnny Depp13
* MeltingMan spelled "Dalmations" wrong
* Locdog07 never saw Pinnochio or 101 Dalmations remakes...
Locdog07Ya did, huh?
MeltingManNeither have I.
MeltingManYeah...and I can't remember how to spell it right.
Greidanusive seen the 101D
Greidanusits spelled right
Locdog07My sister has the 101D but I never watch it.
* Sound request: can't find 'clues28.wav'
[Locdog07 SOUND]
MeltingManNo...it's spelled "Dalmatians"
* Locdog07 had better go
Greidanuswell, im bad at spelling SOME things...
Locdog07Bye all :)
Greidanusbye Loc
* Sound request: can't find 'forever.wav'
[Locdog07 SOUND]
*** Locdog07 has left IRC
*** Locdog07 has quit IRC (Leaving)
* Greidanus smacks DarkonZero upside the head
MeltingManOver here we have a place called "Discovery Zone"....it's some sort of place for little kids...and the slogan is "DZ, where kids wanna be!"...that's what I think of when I hear your name, DarkonZero.
* Greidanus pokes DarkonZero
* Greidanus sees DZ fall over
* DarkonZero hugs Greid.
* Greidanus runs DarkonZero over with her golf cart
* DarkonZero gets up and brushes himself off.
* Greidanus torches DarkonZero 's pants
DarkonZeroI gots me some hot pants!
* Greidanus dumps a bucket of water over DarkonZero 's head
DarkonZeroYou like?
*** Cal-Crowe is on IRC
*** Cal-Crowe has joined #Deep13
MeltingManI gotta go.  bbl.  Oh, and hi, Cal!
Cal-CroweGreid! DZ! MELT! oh, hi Mars
*** MeltingMan has quit IRC (IncredibleMeltingMan melts away)
* Greidanus runs Cal-Crowe over with her golf cart
* DarkonZero jumps onto Greid's back!
* Greidanus throws DZ of in her frantic bucking like a horse
* Cal-Crowe does a skid on Greid
* Cal-Crowe drives on the wall
* DarkonZero runs back and jumps back on!
* Greidanus throws DZ off in her frantic rage
* Cal-Crowe drives in circles really fast
* DarkonZero runs back and jumps back on again!
*** Goku is on IRC
* Greidanus makes her giant panda sit on DarkonZero
* Cal-Crowe starts to seperate
* Cal-Crowe stops
*** Goku has joined #Deep13
* Cal-Crowe is thrown across the room
Greidanushehe, ow...
Greidanushi Goke
* Cal-Crowe hits the wall
* Greidanus smacks Cal-Crowe upside the head
* DarkonZero manages to get out from under Greid's panda and runs away.
* Cal-Crowe puts Greid's panda in Zoo Atlanta
* DarkonZero runs into the basement.
* Greidanus locks the door and the bulkhead exit
DarkonZeroI'll be right back! OK.
* DarkonZero will be right back...he's off to do somethin'.
DarkonZeroI'll be right back...really, I will!
* DarkonZero : 6,1 gettin' some eats 6,16,0.6,0
Greidanushmm, reminds me! ill brb too
Cal-CroweGoldfinger is going to be on tonite
Cal-CroweBond: "Do you expect me to talk?" Goldfinger: "No, Bond, I expect you to die."
Greidanusmm... reeses peanut butter cups!
* Cal-Crowe raids his fridge
Greidanusand it's like "Hey, why not!"
*** Locdog07 is on IRC
*** Locdog07 has joined #Deep13
*** Mars sets mode: +o Locdog07
* Locdog07 pounces into #Deep13 without his stupid luggage case.
Greidanuswb, Loc
* Cal-Crowe comes in with a 7up and some crackers with dip
* Sound request: can't find 'forever.wav'
[Locdog07 SOUND]
GreidanusMY REESES!
* Locdog07 goes to put a NEW THING on his website
* Locdog07 looks at Greid
Greidanusmy Reeses!
* Cal-Crowe opens his case of Resses candy
Cal-CroweI got regular, cookie, sticks, pieces, and minis
Cal-Crowe$10 each except $20 for the minis
* Cal-Crowe waves the candy around Greid
* DarkonZero is back from whatever...
DarkonZeroWell, I'm back.
DarkonZeroHey...I'll be back later....
DarkonZeroSay goodbye to me! I'm going M.I.A.!
* DarkonZero hits the off switch on his Portal deck and disconnects to the world known as reality!
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Tue Nov 30 13:29:41 1999
Session Start: Tue Nov 30 13:41:15 1999
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is '<ThejasoN> i'm the sexual object, or whatever it was 6* DeRaptor watches a bunch of seventy-year-old women drool over N's body. <ThejasoN> o_O'
*** Set by DeRaptor on Mon Nov 29 22:12:54
Cal-Crowe<_CURT__IS_> fuck you my men
DarkonZeroWhat the hell?!?
Cal-Crowe<_CURT__IS_> any female in there?
DarkonZeroTime for me to mess with the guy.
Locdog07hey DZ
* Greidanus runs DarkonZero over with her golf cart
spookiwell bye
*** spooki has left #Deep13
Greidanusheh, my golf cart scares him to death after i ran him over with it in #SOL
* Greidanus wais
* Greidanus wails
Greidanushe was STALKING ME!!
Goku-> *_CURT__IS_* wee lufe u
DarkonZero<DarkonZero> Well........it seems we got someone who likes to bug.
DarkonZero<DarkonZero> Aren't ya gonna say something?
DarkonZero<_CURT__IS_> yes
DarkonZero<_CURT__IS_> fuck you
DarkonZero<DarkonZero> Wow....you amaze me with your speaking skills.
DarkonZero<DarkonZero> You seem so.....uh....how should I put it......dumb.
Goku_CURT__IS_ No such nick/channel
Greidanuswas here a min ago
DarkonZeroOh well...it was fun while it lasted.
* Sound request: can't find 'xpac.wav'
[Locdog07 SOUND]
*** MSTieBot has joined #Deep13
* MSTieBot is now self aware
MSTieBot12The next question is...
MSTieBot12Who wrote this bot?
Locdog07Okay, new thing is up at my website
Cal-CroweLord Fubar
MSTieBot»«»« 15 seconds remaining »«»«
MSTieBot»«»«»«» 04TIME IS UP01 «»«»«»«
MSTieBotAnswer:12 AKUMA---
MSTieBot12Please wait for the next question
*** MSTieBot has quit IRC (Read error to MSTieBot[cc434209-a.avnl1.nj.home.com]: Connection reset by peer)
Cal-CroweCan I submit some questions?
DarkonZeroHe's in #SOL, am I right?
DarkonZeroHmmm.....he's just zoomin' then.
* Sound request: can't find 'forever.wav'
[Locdog07 SOUND]
* Cal-Crowe gets some foo
* DarkonZero runs around.
Locdog07"I pity those fools" - Joel
*** Locdog07 changes topic to '"I pity those fools" - 0,4Joel'
Greidanus<Troy> Look, FOO!
Cal-Croweoops food
DarkonZeroThose fools being...omega, MrB, Emeneezer, Binx...and many others.
*** Locdog07 changes topic to '"I pity those fools" - 0,4Joel3,0 <Locdog07> Why do I get the feeling he's talking about us?'
Cal-CroweEmeneezer Booze
GokuWho is MrB?
GokuSeen him
Gokudon't know who it is
*** JavaMon has joined #deep13
Locdog07Java Mon!
Greidanuso9h, crap. SENT!!!
Locdog07Is that like Pokemon?
* Locdog07 kicks JavaMon
DarkonZeroOh yeah....CC....your friend, Sharene appeared one night under the nick of "kenn".
*** Mars sets mode: +o JavaMon
JavaMonwhy the hell won't the server work?
Greidanusit should...
JavaMon*** Connect retry #2 CricInfo.FL.US.Starlink.Org (6667)
JavaMonLocal host: cc434209-a.avnl1.nj.home.com (
JavaMon*** Connection attempt timed out...
[Locdog07 SOUND]
DarkonZeroThe server doesn't like you......
Greidanusjoin ANOTHER server!
JavaMonport 6667?
JavaMon*** Connection attempt timed out...
*** GERMAN19 has joined #Deep13
DarkonZeroA GERMAN!
GokuAre you french?
Cal-CroweAre you the 19th German
DarkonZeroWell.....we got ourselves a person who just comes in here and squats without sayin' anything.
Cal-CroweIs your real name Dieter?
DarkonZeroIt's Monica....
DarkonZeroHello Monica....
* Greidanus extends her Uzi
Cal-CroweMonica Lewinski
*** Sentroid91 is on IRC
*** Sentroid91 has joined #Deep13
*** Mars sets mode: +o Sentroid91
* Sentroid91 emerges from the soulgate leading from the 7th Dimension
* Sound request: can't find 'xpackane.wav'
[Sentroid91 SOUND]
Locdog07* Greidanus extends her Uzi
Sentroid91You die, server!
*** JavaMon was kicked by Sentroid91 (12Happy «105»th FUNNT!!!! Kick everyone!)
*** GERMAN19 has left #Deep13
Sentroid91BobIshmael: I need your #Deep13 quotes!
Sentroid91Servo411: you'll have to kill me
Sentroid91Servo411: first
Sentroid91BobIshmael: Send 'em to my email address, pronto! Don't make me tell you twice, young man.
Sentroid91BobIshmael: No. The line is "Over my dead body!" Then I say "That can be arranged."
Sentroid91Servo411: Go to hell, Powers.
Sentroid91Servo411: Damn, three times.
Cal-CroweBond: "Do you expect me to talk?" Goldfinger: "No, Bond, I expect you to die."
Locdog07No *mister* Bond
Locdog07<Greidanus> woooo...
Greidanus*PACKERS!* WOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooo...
Locdog07Wow..original, DZ. *clap-clap*
Cal-CroweUrkelfinger: No, Mister Bond, I expect you to get down with your bad self!
* Sound request: can't find 'xpac.wav'
[Locdog07 SOUND]
Locdog07And of course, the really "clever" parody that they had in Austin Powers, simply replacing the word talk with "pay" and Bond with "Powers"
* DarkonZero applauds Loc's originality.....if he could find Loc's originality.
* Locdog07 glares at D
* Locdog07 glares at DZ, too
* Cal-Crowe puts DZ in a sphere
* Sound request: can't find 'forever.wav'
[Locdog07 SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'hh.wav'
[Locdog07 SOUND]
Greidanus*GREIDANUSES!* WOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooo....
Locdog07Those are some Greidanuses.
Greidanusi come from a long line of Greidanuses
Greidanusrather, a very, VERY short line of Greidanuses
Cal-Crowehow short?
* DarkonZero laughs at the Flying Pig sketch.
* Sound request: can't find 'xpac.wav'
[Locdog07 SOUND]
DarkonZeroOk....you bunch of anuses....get outta here.....
Cal-CroweI don't give a flying dutchman!
Locdog07Bye DZ
* DarkonZero looks at the confused Loc.
Greidanusuh, he's not going
* Locdog07 cries
* Greidanus whacks both DZ and Loc with the clown hammer
Greidanusgotta go for a little bit
* Cal-Crowe takes the clown hammer
* Greidanus leaves before he can whack me
*** Greidanus has left IRC
*** Greidanus has quit IRC (Don't let Bonnie Hammer ruin your life too!!)
* DarkonZero gets out his BIG CARTOON MALLET!
DarkonZeroDZ BONK!
* DarkonZero hits CC with his BIG CARTOON MALLET!
* Cal-Crowe bonks DZ on the head with a railroad tie
DarkonZeroYou're gonna get it!
* DarkonZero gets out his ATOMIC DEATH RAY!
* DarkonZero uses his ATOMIC DEATH RAY on CC ! He got 'em good!
* Cal-Crowe bonks DZ on the head with Ernest Borgnine
* DarkonZero gave CC a BOOT TO THE HEAD!
* Cal-Crowe bonks DZ on the head with a cotton ball
* Cal-Crowe sees DZ wither up
Cal-Crowewww.eeggs.com Cool secrets
Sentroid91Edison Valley Eggs
Sentroid91Edison Valley Eggs.... you gonna love our eggs!
*** stoned has joined #deep13
Cal-Crowewww.eeggs.com is TV/Movie/Computer/Book/Art/Games secrets
Cal-Crowehi stoed
*** stoned has left #deep13
DarkonZeroDamn...I was going to stone him.......
DarkonZeroThen he woulda been truly stoned.
* Sound request: can't find 'forever.wav'
[Locdog07 SOUND]
[Cal-Crowe SOUND]
Cal-CroweFruittie Sex!
[Cal-Crowe SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'whathe.wav'
[Locdog07 SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'clues35.wav'
[Locdog07 SOUND]
* /sound: no such file 'dahell.wav'
* Sound request: can't find 'whathe.wav'
[Sentroid91 SOUND]
[Cal-Crowe SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'clues26.wav'
[Cal-Crowe SOUND]
Locdog07Gotta go
DarkonZeroBye Loc.
Locdog07Bye all
[Locdog07 SOUND]
*** Locdog07 has left #Deep13
* Sound request: can't find 'cluesmix.wav'
[Sentroid91 SOUND]
Sentroid91BTW: Did I mention I saw Blue's Clues yesterday?
*** Locdog07 has left IRC
* DarkonZero burps....
* Cal-Crowe farts
Sentroid91They had a Green doggie too
*** Cal-Crowe was kicked by Sentroid91 (auto-fart kick)
Sentroid91it was the x-mas special
*** Cal-Crowe has joined #Deep13
*** Cal-Crowe was kicked by Sentroid91 (12Happy «106»th FUNNT!!!! Kick everyone!)
*** Cal-Crowe has joined #Deep13
* Cal-Crowe breaks wind.
* DarkonZero watches "Roughnecks: The Starship Trooper Chronicles"....
[Sentroid91 SOUND]
* Cal-Crowe floats an air biscuit
Sentroid91The only cartoon that's worse than the movie was
Sentroid91You asked for it
* Cal-Crowe tears off his ears
Sentroid91S9, I command you to enter the room!
*** S9-Sentry has joined #Deep13
S9-SentryHello, S9-Sentry.
S9-Sentry12S9=QUOTER: 4,6"I'm trying to find a secret passage. But be careful, we might encounter a Nazi. Or even a mummy!" --John Lithgow (3rd Rock From the Sun)
S9-Sentry12S9=QUOTER: 5,2<Samurai88> "Millions of southerners saw that scene and said "What?" <Servo911> "No, just Ironf." --MSTapes: ID4
Cal-Crowes9 clean
DarkonZeroOk....I take leave......
S9-Sentry12S9=QUOTER: 7"I'll take The-rapists for two-hundred, Alex." --Darrell Hammond (SNL)
S9-Sentry12S9=QUOTER: 7,2"Eat my photons, smallheads!!!" --Brack (MST: The Movie)
S9-Sentry12S9=QUOTER: 7,2 <Kevin McDonald> "Daddy? What's that bad man doing to my pet donkey?" <Dave Foley> "That's not just a bad man, son. That there's Hitler. You can f**k your pet donkey." --(The Kids in the Hall)
S9-Sentry12S9=QUOTER: 7"I'll take The-rapists for two-hundred, Alex." --Darrell Hammond (SNL)
S9-Sentry12S9=QUOTER: 2,7"ACTING!" --Jon Lovitz (SNL)
S9-Sentry12S9=QUOTER: 7,2"This planet both sucks and wipes!" --Joseph Gordon-Levitt (3rd Rock from the Sun)
S9-Sentry12S9=QUOTER: 9,2"Isn't it alittle late to be selling cookies?" --Whoopi Goldberg (Loaded Weapon 1)
S9-Sentry12S9=QUOTER: 8,2"Uh, you got any gum? --Norm McDonald as David Letterman (SNL)
S9-Sentry12S9=QUOTER: 5,2<Samurai88> "Millions of southerners saw that scene and said "What?" <Servo911> "No, just Ironf." --MSTapes: ID4
S9-Sentry12S9=QUOTER: <Sentroid91> I still need a quote finding thingie.
DarkonZeroSay goodbye to me! I'm going M.I.A.!
* DarkonZero hits the off switch on his Portal deck and disconnects to the world known as reality!
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Tue Nov 30 14:25:39 1999
Session Start: Tue Nov 30 18:08:58 1999
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is '15,12http://www.deep13.org: over 2000 served. Est: Aug. 1999'
*** Set by Sentroid91 on Tue Nov 30 18:14:23
-Crowebot- 9,1 Hello4,1 DarkonZero 9,1and welcome to12,1 #Deep13 9,1I am dumb bot, type 4,1!Commands9,1 for a list of Commands, 9,1and 12,1!Rules 9,1for a list of the Channel Rules!!!
Greidanushey DZ
* Greidanus runs DarkonZero over with her golf cart
* DarkonZero dies.....
*** DarkonZero has left IRC
*** DarkonZero is now known as DZIsDead
Greidanusoh, c'mon. you're not dead...
Sentroid91<Qrow> Last night  you said www.mstiegate.com was up but its not <Sentroid91> no I didn't <Qrow> Yes you did! <Sentroid91> I said mstiegate.cjb.net was up! stop putting words in my mouth! <Sentroid91>  you said last night that you ate a donkey <Qrow> I did.
DZIsDeadI am too!
*** DZIsDead is now known as DarkonZero
DarkonZeroHey guys! I'M NOT DEAD!
DarkonZeroIsn't that great!?!
Sentroid91S9, I command you to enter the room!
*** S9-Sentry has joined #Deep13
S9-SentryLook alive people! S9-Sentry is here!!!
*** Sentroid91 is now known as JarJarBink
*** Greidanus was kicked by JarJarBink (12How wude.)
*** Greidanus has joined #Deep13
S9-SentryOh look who's here, it's what's his face. Is it Greidanus??
*** Greidanus was kicked by JarJarBink (12Happy «108»th FUNNT!!!! Kick everyone!)
*** Greidanus has joined #Deep13
S9-SentryHello, Greidanus.
*** Sentroid91 is on IRC
*** JarJarBink is now known as Sentroid91
GreidanusCal, just keep Crowebot out
CrowebotI'm going to stay in my own room
*** Crowebot has left #Deep13
S9-SentryC-ya, Crowebot.
*** Cal-Crowe has left #Deep13
S9-SentryGoodbye, Cal-Crowe.
*** Sentroid91 sets mode: +b Greidanus!*Greidanus@isp15-37.ply.adelphia.net
*** Greidanus was kicked by Sentroid91 (12<JarJarBinks> How wude!)
*** Sentroid91 sets mode: -b Greidanus!*Greidanus@isp15-37.ply.adelphia.net
*** Greidanus has joined #Deep13
S9-SentryLook alive people! Greidanus is here!!!
Sentroid91hehee! I made a new kick
Greidanuswhat? the' Greidanus-on-a-rampage Kick?
Sentroid91<danielc> hi yea
Sentroid91<Sentroid91> hello
Sentroid91<danielc> what is this channel about?
Sentroid91<Sentroid91> MST3000
Sentroid91<Sentroid91> and no, you probably haven't heard of it
Sentroid91<danielc> no....don't know what the hell it is...so I guess I'll be seeing yea
Sentroid91* Added danielc to user list
Sentroid91* Added danielc to user list
Sentroid91 PoWeR BoMbEd danielc
Sentroid91* Timer 1 activated
Sentroid91* Timer 2 activated
Sentroid91*** danielc was kicked by Sentroid91 (<JarJarBinks> How wude!)
Greidanuscome back in, you're unbanned
GreidanusDrF, heh. he goes nuts on everything
*** DeRaptor is on IRC
*** Schultz has joined #Deep13
S9-SentryHola, Schultz.
SchultzHey y'all
Sentroid91Gah! Colonel Klink's minion!
* Sentroid91 hides
*** DeRaptor has joined #Deep13
* DeRaptor leaps into #Deep13 via a perpendicular universe.
*** Mars sets mode: +o DeRaptor
S9-SentryOh look who's here, it's what's his face. Is it DeRaptor??
DarkonZeroHey De...
* Sentroid91 uses De as a dino shield against Colonel Klink's minion, Schultz.
* DeRaptor fehs at S9.
DarkonZeroTime for a bit of solitude...
* DarkonZero gets out his 4,1CUBE OF SOLITUDE4,16,0...and steps into it.
*** DarkonZero has left IRC
*** DarkonZero is now known as DZInCube
* Greidanus weilds the Uzi
* DeRaptor looks at Schultz.
DeRaptorYour comic strip is getting really tired, you know.
Sentroid91Hey, Chuck
*** Shard has joined #Deep13
*** Cal-Crowe has joined #Deep13
S9-SentryLook alive people! Shard is here!!!
S9-SentryGreetings, Cal-Crowe.
* DeRaptor throws DZ's cube in the pool.
*** Schultz has left #Deep13
S9-SentryC-ya, Schultz.
ShardSomeones using my name!
* Greidanus can jump on the couch freely, since Goke isnt here
ShardGoku is rbonilla@hunt-pri1-a45.txucom.net * Why do you want to know????
ShardGoku on #40up #beginner
ShardGoku using WichitaFalls.TX.US.StarLink.Org [] WebFire's StarLink IRC Server
ShardGOku End of /WHOIS list.
* Shard pulls out his trusty flame thrower
* Shard spins his gun around his finger and aims it at the couch
* Shard sees the couch burn to crisps
Shard-> *Goku* excuse me I have been using that name for quite awhile
Shardno answer
*** Crowebot has joined #Deep13
S9-SentryHola, Crowebot.
DeRaptorOh, don't tell me I'm about to be peered...
Sentroid91heh, Quentin Tarantino's Welcome Back Kotter
DZInCubeIt's time to return to socializing...
* DZInCube steps out of his 4,1CUBE OF SOLITUDE4,16,0...and puts it away.
*** DarkonZero is on IRC
*** DZInCube is now known as DarkonZero
Sentroid91More like Deadshift
Sentroid91More like Deadshit
Cal-Crowe!pie for Mars
* Crowebot 9,1Throws a pie at 12 Mars
Sentroid91<Mars> HEY!
Cal-Crowe!pie for Sentroid91
* Crowebot 9,1Throws a pie at 12 Sentroid91
Greidanusthat other Goku responded to me, he wont give up the nick
Cal-Croweping kill him
Sentroid91pk isn't too effective here
Shardnukes don't work
ShardI can't hit him
*** Shard has quit IRC (buh bye)
Sentroid91uhm... want me to try?
*** Shard has joined #Deep13
S9-SentryGreetings, Shard.
Sentroid91uhm... want me to try?
Cal-Croweheh heh
* DarkonZero hits a switch on his Portal deck and just fades out into...4,1THE LIMBO4,16,0!6,0
Session Close: Tue Nov 30 18:40:49 1999
Session Start: Tue Nov 30 18:50:39 1999
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is '15,12http://www.deep13.org: over 2000 served. Est: Aug. 1999'
*** Set by Sentroid91 on Tue Nov 30 18:14:23
-S9-Sentry- Hello, DarkonZero and welcome to #Deep13. Type @commands to see all of my functions.
S9-SentryHello, DarkonZero.
Goku<Krillen> happy now
Goku<Goku> quite so
*** Krillen has joined #Deep13
S9-SentryLook alive people! Krillen is here!!!
Greidanusugh... i have to go...
KrillenI am getting you killed now
KrillenI warned you
KrillenGreidanus and goku
Krillenboth of you
*** Sentroid91 sets mode: +b Krillen!*rbonilla@hunt-pri1-a45.txucom.net
*** Krillen was kicked by Sentroid91 (12<JarJarBinks> How wude!)
DarkonZeroI guess I might go as well....
DarkonZeroSay goodbye to me! I'm going M.I.A.!
* DarkonZero hits the off switch on his Portal deck and disconnects to the world known as reality!
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Tue Nov 30 18:51:31 1999
Session Start: Tue Nov 30 19:04:37 1999
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is '15,12http://www.deep13.org: over 2000 served. Est: Aug. 1999'
*** Set by Sentroid91 on Tue Nov 30 18:14:23
-S9-Sentry- Hello, DarkonZero and welcome to #Deep13. Type @commands to see all of my functions.
S9-SentryGreetings, DarkonZero.
DeRaptorI can't help it if my ISP sucks...
Sentroid91Maybe your server can't handle Glen.starlink.whatever
Sentroid91<Sentroid91> since De's seemed to have died, I think i'll show her my new kick
Sentroid91* Added DeRaptor to user list
Sentroid91* Added DeRaptor to user list
Sentroid91 PoWeR BoMbEd DeRaptor
Sentroid91* Timer 1 activated
Sentroid91* Timer 2 activated
Sentroid91*** DeRaptor was kicked by Sentroid91 (<JarJarBinks> How wude!)
Sentroid91uh, I mean...
Sentroid91<Sentroid91> De: Try CricInfo.FL.US.Starlink.Org Port 6667
Sentroid91hey. that fake Goku's banned from #omega too
DeRaptor...how do you know?
Sentroid91uh, cause he's listed on the #omega banlist
*** Goku has left IRC
*** Goku has quit IRC (Ping timeout for Goku[lcm27.zbzoom.net])
DeRaptorOh...yeah...I guess you can pull that up here.
*** Sentroid91 has left IRC
*** Goku is on IRC
*** Sentroid91 is now known as Goku
Gokujust in case
*** Retrieving #Deep13 info...
Gokujust in case that fake Goku tries to take the nick back
DeRaptor'ku could still change his name to like...Goku3000 or something...
GokuWhich? the fake one?
DeRaptorEr...well, the real one...I mean, it'd make it so he wouldn't have to fight for his nick...
*** Goku sets mode: -o Goku
S9-SentryC-ya, S9-Sentry.
*** S9-Sentry has left #Deep13
Gokuhe's coming back, I think
Gokulemme do a funnt on him
Gokupretend he ghosted
DeRaptorUh oh.
DeRaptorwith your IP?
Gokujust pretend
*** Sentroid91 is on IRC
*** Sentroid91 has joined #Deep13
* Sentroid91 bows as his master, The Black Angel of Death enters #Deep13.
*** Mars sets mode: +o Sentroid91
* DeRaptor blinks at 'troid's bowing to himself.
DeRaptorYou're odd.
Sentroid91solbase turned black now
Sentroid91just as it should.. heheee
DarkonZeroI made the call.
Sentroid91what call?
DeRaptorDZ really controls SOLBase, and #Deep13 both. He just poses as an innocent, confused chap from Las Vegas.
GokuCameron1111: yah
GokuServo411: k
GokuCameron1111: did that moron take my name?
GokuServo411: nope, you ghosted
DeRaptorHe controls the UN, too.
DeRaptorThose balck helicopters? His idea.
*** Shard has joined #Deep13
Sentroid91Hola, Shard.
Shardlong ghost
* Goku comes back to life and jumps on Shard
ShardYou evil man!
*** Goku has left IRC
*** Goku is now known as Sentroid92
* DarkonZero is laughing out loud....so much he sounds like Krankor!
*** Goku is on IRC
*** Shard is now known as Goku
Sentroid92actually I was saving it for you
Sentroid92In case "he" took it back
GokuYou scared the shit out of me
*** Sentroid91 has left IRC
*** Sentroid91 is now known as S9-Sentry
DarkonZeroThat waas rather FUNNT!
DeRaptortsk, tsk....such evilness.
Sentroid92I must be getting my skills back then
*** Sentroid91 is on IRC
*** Sentroid92 is now known as Sentroid91
*** Locdog07 is on IRC
*** Locdog07 has joined #Deep13
S9-SentryGreetings, Locdog07.
*** Mars sets mode: +o Locdog07
* Locdog07 pounces into #Deep13 without his stupid luggage case.
Locdog07Hullo all
* DarkonZero goes to scan the net for animation proggies....
Gokuum, what user lever are you Sent
Sentroid91the smeg?
Gokuwhat user level are you?
*** DarkonZero has left IRC
*** DarkonZero is now known as DZisSurfin
*** Locdog07 sets mode: +o Sentroid91
*** Sentroid91 sets mode: -o Sentroid91
*** Mars sets mode: +o Sentroid91
Sentroid91dumb bot
S9-SentryI am a highly intelligent computer created by a specter(ghost). You are a blithering bumpkin. There's a difference!
Gokuon 100:TEXT:@op me:#:/mode $chan +o $nick
DeRaptorLoc...try to give your sounds maybe...less obvious names, Idunno if this is a transfer that got left off or what...
Locdog07Oh, okay...
Gokuok sent?
*** Sentroid91 sets mode: -o Sentroid91
* S9-Sentry shoots with a beam and receives the sacred @
*** S9-Sentry sets mode: +o Sentroid91
DeRaptorIdunno, did you start sending me something called boom.wav before? I don't remember...
[Sentroid91 SOUND]
Locdog07I forget
* Sound request: can't find 'boom.wav'
[DeRaptor SOUND]
Locdog07I only made this today
* Locdog07 looks at the freaky new Jurassic Park fighting game that came out recently...
Locdog07That's just wrong.
Sentroid91Jurassic Park fighting game?
Sentroid91Primal Rage?
DeRaptorehhhh...what's it do?
Locdog07You fight each other as dinos
Sentroid91Primal Rage?
* Locdog07 looks for a link
Locdog07No, Sent
Sentroid91Primal Rage 2?
Locdog07Jurassic Park: Warpath, I think
DZisSurfinHey....checkout TheThreshold.com.....a new show called "Pokemon Must Be Destroyed" is on there.
Sentroid91Then they'll make Jurassic Park vs Primal Rage
DeRaptorGood grief. I bet it pits velociraptor against t. rex, doesn't it? Sheesh.
Locdog07Prolly, De
Sentroid91Primal Rage is cool
Sentroid91I like Vertigo
DeRaptorWasn't there a feathered raptor in Primal Rage or something?
* Locdog07 finds the link
GokuYeah heheh
Sentroid91I think that was Vertigo
*** Sentroid91 has left IRC
*** Sentroid91 is now known as Vertigo
DeRaptorOh. Hum.
* Vertigo hypnotizes De with his tail
Locdog07Hmm...where'd that link go now...
* Vertigo stabs De with his pointy tail
* DeRaptor kills the stupid fakey-dinosaur.
* Locdog07 puts Vertigo on a very very high ladder
Locdog07Ah, found it yet again
*** Vertigo is now known as Diablo
* Diablo burns De... very badly in fact
Diablono pics?
* DeRaptor throws Diablo in the pool and wipes the carbon off.
Locdog07yeh, there's pics
DiabloWhose idea was this game, anyway? As if
Diablo                   it weren't enough for the world to endure the
Diablo                   lethargic silicon fallacy that was Primal
Diablo                   Rage, someone then decided to create a
Diablo                   bigger, better dinosaur trap. "We can
Diablo                   rebuild it. We can make it stronger. We can
Diablo                   make the six-million-dollar dinosaur fighting
Diablo                   game!" This must have been the rallying cry
Diablo                   at some forsa
Diablonm, I found pics
* DZisSurfin laughs as Pikachu gets taken out with a jackhammer!
Locdog07heh...did that happen?
*** MeltingMan has joined #deep13
S9-SentryGreetings, MeltingMan.
Locdog07Heya Melt
MeltingManHeya folks!
Diablolooks kinda lame
Locdog07Well, duh, Sent.
DeRaptorHey Melty.
*** Sentroid91 is on IRC
*** Diablo is now known as Sentroid91
Sentroid91They should've made PR2
Sentroid91But they never did...
Sentroid91It died....
Sentroid91along with Judge Dredd: The Arcade Game.... heeehe
* DeRaptor wonders what kind of crazy idiot would pit a velociraptor against a T. rex in a video game, anyway...
Locdog07A money-hungry, crazy idiot, De.
Gokuvelociraptors are like 2 and 1/2 feet tall aren't they?
* Locdog07 looks at De
* MeltingMan finally figures out that Sent was talking about Primal Rage
Sentroid91Could be worse.
Sentroid91Could be a T-Rex vs a Compy
* Locdog07 wonders if his "The Diary" idea at his website will actually do any good...
DeRaptorEh, they have a Giganotosaurus, eh?
MeltingManT-Rex vs. Billy Barty
Locdog07Canadian, eh?
Sentroid91Better yet.... make it like Super Smash Brothers.... T-Rex vs 50 compys
* Sound request: can't find 'practiseboom.wav'
[Locdog07 SOUND]
MeltingManI like Smash Bros.
GokuI like it too
Sentroid91I still never got Capt. Falcon or Nest
DeRaptorheheh...maybe fifty 'raptors, but even fifty compys...that'd be...not a very fair match, nope, nope.
Sentroid91I got Luigi and Jigglypuff, though
* Locdog07 shudders
Sentroid91I think the two best characters are Samus and Link
GokuMe too
Locdog07Greidanus signed my guestbook, yay...
MeltingManI like Luigi.
GokuI like Samus then Link
Gokuthen Jigglypuff
Sentroid91He can't do anything
* DeRaptor blinks.
MeltingManSounds like a song.
Locdog07Jiggylpuff is a he? I thought he was labeled as "somewhat-ambiguous"
Sentroid91he falls asleep
Sentroid91Beats me
Sentroid91Stop it, Loc
Sentroid91I hate Jigglypuff
* DZisSurfin laughs as Pikachu gets launched outta a pitching machine and hit with a bat.
Sentroid91Gamera vs. Pikachu... that should be a Gamera:GotU bonus round
Sentroid91Gamera vs a bunch of pikachus
Sentroid91and then he can blow up and dive head first into the Eiffel Tower
MeltingManPika-choose your weapon!
* Locdog07 oughtta smack IMM for that
* MeltingMan ducks.
* DeRaptor would like to see Gamera roast Pikachu and then stomp on him.
* Locdog07 sniffles...
MeltingManAnd then kill him!
Sentroid91"Hey, we just fixed ze Eiffel Tower!
Locdog07That reminds me of what Kevin said....on the Last Dance tape...
Locdog07"What're you gonna do with the Bobo mask when you're done filming this?"
Locdog07"I think I might tear it off and stomp on it"
* Sentroid91 would like to see Pikachu blow up and dive head first into the Eiffel Tower
* MeltingMan misses Bobo
* DZisSurfin laughs as Pikachu gets fitted with cement shoes and thrown off a pier.
Locdog07Yeh, we could have a huge stack of dead bodies just stuck on the Eiffel Tower, but the French people don't notice cuz they're used to the natural stench of the place.
MeltingManKevin's physical discomfort was worth it.
DeRaptorKevin apparently didn't think so.
* Locdog07 sighs
DeRaptorAlthough...he still wore it...I guess.
Sentroid91Loc, can you make me a movie with KnP with Pikachu blowing up and diving head first into the Eiffel Tower?
Locdog07He said he was gonna make some of the writers who wrote lines for Bobo wear the mask for a few days to see how they liked it
Locdog07Sure, Sent, when I get around to it.
* Sentroid91 checks his watch
DeRaptorwtf? They pitted a giganotosaurs against a 'raptor?
* MeltingMan sees sci-fi headline "Did O'Donnell snare spidey role?"....I hope they don't mean Rosie
* Locdog07 remembers a letter in the latest Cable Guide complaining about Pokemon
Locdog07They said it was too much like cock-fighting.
DeRaptorheheh...what'd it say?
DeRaptorWell it...sorta is, isn't it?
Sentroid91Melt: Rosie O'Donnell as Spiderman?!
* Sentroid91 shudders
Sentroid91ooh, another good quote for deep13.org
* Locdog07 shudders
MeltingManI think they mean Chris O'Donnell
MeltingManI'm not sure.  I don't feel like checking.
Locdog07Of course, if we're supposed to believe Hollywood. Christina Ricci is going to turn into Rosie O'Donnell. Poor girl...had her whole life to live too...
Goku8,1Quote added: 6,8 * MeltingMan sees sci-fi headline "Did O'Donnell snare spidey role?"....I hope they don't mean Rosie
Sentroid91 <Qrow> Last night  you said www.mstiegate.com was up but its not <Sentroid91> no I didn't <Qrow> Yes you did! <Sentroid91> I said mstiegate.cjb.net was up! stop putting words in my mouth! <Sentroid91>  you said last night that you ate a donkey <Qrow> I did.
S9-Sentry12S9=QUOTER: 4,3"I must stop Christmas from coming. But how?" (The Grinch That Stole Christmas)
S9-Sentry12S9=QUOTER: <Locdog07> The Shatner's really hit the fan.
S9-Sentry12S9=QUOTER: 5,2"Hello? I'm still alive, only i'm very, badly burned!!!" --Will Ferrell (Austin Powers)
S9-Sentry12S9=QUOTER: 8,2"Uh, you got any gum? --Norm McDonald as David Letterman (SNL)
S9-Sentry12S9=QUOTER: 8"When I play The King and I, its The King Kong and I!" --MST #309 (The Amazing Collossal Man)
S9-Sentry12S9=QUOTER: 7,2 <Kevin McDonald> "Daddy? What's that bad man doing to my pet donkey?" <Dave Foley> "That's not just a bad man, son. That there's Hitler. You can f**k your pet donkey." --(The Kids in the Hall)
S9-Sentry12S9=QUOTER: <Cal> I got to sit in Ted Turner's seat at Turner Field once. <Sentroid99> You sat in every single seat?
S9-Sentry12S9=QUOTER: <synchroid> You don't see that cereal anymore, do you? Urkel O's either. <BobIshmael> No, you don't and for good reason. <synchroid> Exactly... Still. They had no reason to get rid of Ice Cream Cones cereal. <BobIshmael> I mean.. Just the idea that you're eating Urkel is enough to give you nightmares for life.
S9-Sentry12S9=QUOTER: * MeltingMan sees sci-fi headline "Did O'Donnell snare spidey role?"....I hope they don't mean Rosie <Sentroid91> Melt: Rosie O'Donnell as Spiderman?! * Sentroid91 shudders <MeltingMan> I'm not sure. I don't feel like checking.
S9-Sentry12S9=QUOTER: 8,9"Well slap me around and call me Susan!" --Damon Wayans (Blankman)
S9-Sentry12S9=QUOTER: 2,4"Dah!" --DeRaptor
Locdog07Inch High Private Eye was just on...icky.
S9-Sentry12S9=QUOTER: 8,2"Uh, you got any gum? --Norm McDonald as David Letterman (SNL)
S9-Sentry12S9=QUOTER: <Cal> I got to sit in Ted Turner's seat at Turner Field once. <Sentroid99> You sat in every single seat?
S9-Sentry12S9=QUOTER: 7,2"Ok, lets have a scene with the bobbies!" --Bill Murray (The Man Who Knew Too Little)
S9-Sentry12S9=QUOTER: 7"I'll take The-rapists for two-hundred, Alex." --Darrell Hammond (SNL)
S9-Sentry12S9=QUOTER: 8,9"Well slap me around and call me Susan!" --Damon Wayans (Blankman)
S9-Sentry12S9=QUOTER: 3"Well La-de-freakin-da!!!" --Chris Farley (SNL)
S9-Sentry12S9=QUOTER: <TheCambot> Ling, are you sure you were using IRC and not, like, Minesweeper?
S9-Sentry12S9=QUOTER: 8,5"This has been a special report from the Weird Butt network, we now return you to your regularly scheduled program." --Joe the announcer (Freakazoid)
S9-Sentry12S9=QUOTER: 7,2"Ok, lets have a scene with the bobbies!" --Bill Murray (The Man Who Knew Too Little)
S9-Sentry12S9=QUOTER: 4,6"I'm trying to find a secret passage. But be careful, we might encounter a Nazi. Or even a mummy!" --John Lithgow (3rd Rock From the Sun)
S9-Sentry12S9=QUOTER: 4,3"I must stop Christmas from coming. But how?" (The Grinch That Stole Christmas)
S9-Sentry12S9=QUOTER: 3"Well La-de-freakin-da!!!" --Chris Farley (SNL)
* Locdog07 hides from the random colors and shapes
Sentroid91NO! THE CANNON!
Locdog07It's like 2001: A Space Odyssey or something...
* Locdog07 sits and watches the colors fly by
S9-Sentry12S9=QUOTER: 5,2<Samurai88> "Millions of southerners saw that scene and said "What?" <Servo911> "No, just Ironf." --MSTapes: ID4
S9-Sentry12S9=QUOTER: 7,2"This planet both sucks and wipes!" --Joseph Gordon-Levitt (3rd Rock from the Sun)
S9-Sentry12S9=QUOTER: 7,2"Ok, lets have a scene with the bobbies!" --Bill Murray (The Man Who Knew Too Little)
S9-Sentry12S9=QUOTER: 7,2"Eat my photons, smallheads!!!" --Brack (MST: The Movie)
S9-Sentry12S9=QUOTER: 3"Well La-de-freakin-da!!!" --Chris Farley (SNL)
S9-Sentry12S9=QUOTER: <Locdog07> The Shatner's really hit the fan.
S9-Sentry12S9=QUOTER: 2,4"Transmission, incoming from the Big Giant Head! Thank you for calling the Big Giant Head, he cares about you!" --French Stewart (3rd Rock from the Sun)
S9-Sentry12S9=QUOTER: 1,4 "I'll always be that Protestant chick who never killed anyone." --Christina Applegate (Mafia!)
*** DarkonZero is on IRC
*** DZisSurfin is now known as DarkonZero
S9-Sentry12S9=QUOTER: 2,7"ACTING!" --Jon Lovitz (SNL)
* DarkonZero hits a switch on his Portal deck and just fades out into...4,1THE LIMBO4,16,0!6,0
Session Close: Tue Nov 30 19:42:47 1999
Session Start: Tue Nov 30 20:04:45 1999
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is 'If you can't beat us, why not 4,13Join us?'
*** Set by Locdog07 on Tue Nov 30 20:09:23
-S9-Sentry- Hello, DarkonZero and welcome to #Deep13. Type @commands to see all of my functions.
S9-SentryHola, DarkonZero.
[Sentroid91 SOUND]
* Locdog07 wonders if www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Picture/2953/Diary.html will do any good...
MeltingMan'lo DZ
* DarkonZero would like to kill Sent.
DarkonZeroAnyone else feel the same way?
Sentroid91uh.... why? and i'm already dead.
* DarkonZero calls for the Ghostdusters.
DarkonZeroThey kill ya know.
* Sentroid91 is a demon ghost
DarkonZeroI'll call on someone else.
* DarkonZero feels a certain (but stupid) power surge through him...
Sentroid91Call Al
DarkonZeroI AM...!
* DarkonZero becomes in a flash (and a stupid pose) a 70's Japanese superhero known as 15,1ULTRADORK15,16,0!6,0
*** DarkonZero has left IRC
*** DarkonZero is now known as UltraDork
* Sentroid91 does too
*** Sentroid91 has left IRC
*** Sentroid91 is now known as FeebBoy
* Locdog07 looks at the huge argument on http://www.eeggs.com/Movies/Films/Aladdin%20%28Disney%29/1093.html
* FeebBoy !
*** Locdog07 has left IRC
*** Locdog07 is now known as GeekGirl
* GeekGirl tucks her jeans into her socks
*** DeRaptor has left IRC
*** DeRaptor has quit IRC (Ping timeout for DeRaptor[pm1-212.mry.redshift.com])
*** Cucumber has joined #Deep13
S9-SentryGreetings, Cucumber.
Cucumbernick DeRaptor
GeekGirlHi Cucumber...
* UltraDork stays away from GeekGirl......
*** GeekGirl sets mode: +o Cucumber
*** DeRaptor is on IRC
*** Cucumber is now known as DeRaptor
MeltingManNick De Raptor. Nick of Raptor
* DeRaptor stares at Servo's head on sweetys.com
DeRaptorYeah. Quiet, Meltoid.
FeebBoyNick Cage Raptor?
* GeekGirl sniffs.
* GeekGirl gets a nose-bleed.
* GeekGirl goes to the bathroom.
* FeebBoy glares at the Urkel look-alike
UltraDorkGirl problems....
* GeekGirl wavers her freak-flag high
*** Locdog07 is on IRC
*** GeekGirl is now known as Locdog07
Locdog07Man...my alter ego is...interesting...
* FeebBoy goes and gets a box of Urkel-O's
Locdog07Maybe I should take off the outfit.....soon...
DeRaptorOh. You.
MeltingManThey're Urkellicious!
DeRaptorI shoulda figured you were a transvestite....heehee.
FeebBoyLoc's really Tim Curry
UltraDorkOk....time for a mind wipe.
* Locdog07 beams
DeRaptorSo...do you play the drag queen circuit or what?
FeebBoyEther that, or he's a British Ru-Paul
*** FeebBoy is now known as Ru-Paul
* Locdog07 struts.
* DeRaptor looks at the Servo article in Modeler's Resource.
Ru-PaulYou go girlfriend
Locdog07Uh-huh, sister, let me tell you!
Ru-Paul"You ain't all that and a bag of potato chips."
* Locdog07 puts a pink feather in his fur
*** Ru-Paul is now known as Dr_Evil
* DeRaptor blinks.
* MeltingMan ponders becoming "IncredibleMeltingShe-Male"
* DeRaptor snickers.
UltraDorkI knew I shouldn't have shown up again.
Locdog07Hey, come out of the closet, Melty!
* Locdog07 cheers Melt
Dr_Evil"Don't mess with me, i'm one crazy mo-fo. I had to pop a cop, because he wouldn't give me my props in oaktown.... no? I've heard that somewhere."
DeRaptorOh, that reminds me...I gotta put some locks on my underwear drawer...
MeltingManI can't think of a way to say it in 10 letters, though
* Dr_Evil smells Lodo germs in De's underwear drawer
* UltraDork goes to the corner.......
* MeltingMan vomits
Locdog07That was just SICK
DeRaptorI meant...Crow keeps...um...nevermind.
* UltraDork mumbles.....
Locdog07Well, it's not like *you* need it, De...walking around half-nude all the time.
DeRaptorWell, it's just, all this talk of transvestitism just reminded me to do that, is all...
* DeRaptor pulls her shirt down.
* Locdog07 snickers
UltraDorkI AM NO LONGER...!
* UltraDork loses his dumb power and returns back to his old moronic, sorta secret alter-ego, DarkonZero.
*** DarkonZero is on IRC
*** UltraDork is now known as DarkonZero
Dr_EvilDeRaptor> Tom Servo raided their camp for underwear.
Dr_EvilSentroid91> Lodovik?
Dr_EvilSentroid91> Or the real Tom Servo?
Dr_EvilDeRaptor> Um...the real one...I hope Load-o doesn't collect underwear.
Dr_EvilSentroid91> I'd say who's underwear he collects. But I wouldn't be nice.
Dr_Evil* DeRaptor shudders.
Dr_EvilDeRaptor> Anyways...movie...tobacco addict....everybody gonna die...whee.
Dr_EvilSentroid91> Let's just say you should put locks on your dressers, De.
Dr_EvilDeRaptor> maybe I should just lock my room.
* Locdog07 locks De in her room
Locdog07That'll do the trick
*** S9-Sentry is now known as Mini-Me
Locdog07Wait...did I lock her in their with her floraliers?
* Locdog07 opens the door
* DeRaptor puts Loc in a bag and hangs him upside down in the bathroom.
Locdog07This room is so tidy!
* Dr_Evil changes the name on the door from De's Room to Sent's Room
* DeRaptor goes to the store for some primer and Testors Lime Gold Metal Flake and Flat Black.
* Locdog07 changes the name on the bathroom to "Loc's room"
* DeRaptor sets a big bear trap by the door.
* Locdog07 gets caught in the bear trap
* Dr_Evil changes the sign #Deep13 to #Sent'sHouse
Locdog07Lucky I'm not a bear or this would really hurt
* Locdog07 grimaces
* MeltingMan thinks toilets are neat...when they're clean at least.
DarkonZeroMM just wants a swirlie!
DarkonZeroGET HIM!
* DarkonZero tackles MM.
* DeRaptor rotfl.
* MeltingMan doesn't mind for some reason
* DeRaptor watches Melty stand there, hypnotized by the swirling water.
Locdog07Wait, isn't he already one big giant swirly?
* DeRaptor rotfl some more at the mental image.
* Locdog07 swirls MM's mucky mess of a body
MeltingManYeah...it's just like the hypnodisk.
* Locdog07 drinks from the toilet
Locdog07Mmmm...toilet water...
Locdog07Hey, I'm a dog, aren't I?
* DarkonZero wonders if Loc does that for real.
Locdog07Can't I get a little respect around here?
Locdog07Of course not!
* DarkonZero shudders.
* MeltingMan thinks they should make coffee mugs shaped like toilets
* DeRaptor looks at Melty.
DeRaptorYou are one weird mammajamma.
MeltingManToilets are fun.
DeRaptorMaybe you should have one installed on your spaceship.
* DarkonZero wonders if MM is gonna make a theme park based around toilets in the future.
DeRaptorRight next to the TV.
Locdog07Who has a spaceship?
MeltingManHey! What a great idea@
Locdog07IMM has a spaceship?
MeltingManFlushing Meadows.
MeltingManYeah....I have a spaceship?
Locdog07Cooool...can I take it for a ride? I promise I won't hit any guys and have them turn into zombies and come chasing you
DeRaptorUh...you could get one.
* DarkonZero builds a spaceship outta Lego pieces....
MeltingManToiletship B-M
* Locdog07 wonders where Joel got his spaceship
DarkonZeroThere...I'm done.
* DarkonZero hops into his ship...and it immediately breaks.
Locdog07"Hey, NASA, can I have a spaceship?" "Only if you'll take your filthy body out of our headquarters...is that fish I smell?"
DarkonZeroDamn Legos...
* DeRaptor wonders if the 'bots smelled fish on Joel.
DeRaptorwaitaminute...that sounds gross...
Locdog07"Joel, smell our fish!" "Huh?" "Smell 'em, Joel?" "You're scaring me guys..." "Smell our fish!!!"
* MeltingMan ponders a "Cold Fish Shop"
* DeRaptor looks longingly at a replica of a Deinonychus skull on eBay that's $150...
Locdog07Yeesh, De, your dead bodies sure are expensive....
* Locdog07 looks for a gun
* DarkonZero subjects everyone to watching a ep of Cow & Chicken......
Locdog07Tiny cartoon butts!
DeRaptorIt's a REPLICA.
DarkonZeroYou feel any pain?
* MeltingMan decides that it's on right now and he'll watch it.
DeRaptorI hate that cartoon...
DarkonZeroI shut the TV off when it came on.
* DarkonZero decides to breakout WinAmp......
MeltingManIt's the one where Cow and Chicken go to military school......at least it isn't the one with the "Seargent Weenie-Arms"....he has a self-explanitory name
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of the Foo Fighters' "Headwires"
MeltingManWhen Cow gets her head shaved she gets her ears shaved off....
MeltingManShe has little scars where her ears were
DarkonZeroThat's a old cartoon gag......except for the scars....
DeRaptorGeez...that cartoon...really...scares me.
DarkonZeroCourage: The Cowardly Dog...I find it to be ok.
DarkonZeroIt has it's moments.
MeltingManRed Guy's name is "Mrs. Beaver"
DeRaptorWell, considering he never wears pants...
* Locdog07 looks at De
Locdog07You can talk, Mrs. Beaver
* DarkonZero snickers....
* Dr_Evil watches The Blues Brothers
* DeRaptor throws a bowling pin at Loc. A heavy, wooden bowling pin.
* Locdog07 gets it wedged in his mouth
Locdog07Oh, great, now I look like Crow...
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of the Foo Fighters' "Learn To Fly"
MeltingManOh my...it's the cartoon where Cow and Chicken meet their cousing...and he's a big Snail.....it's really gross.
MeltingManSnail Boy appears nude.
Locdog07cousing, whenever I sing, whenever I sing...
Dr_EvilAnyone ever watch that demented SpongeBob nicktoon?
DeRaptorUh...how do these people wind up having animal children, anyhoo?
DarkonZeroI quit watching Nick.
Locdog07Experiments, De...
DeRaptorI watched part of SpongeBob a couple times...really, really scary.
DeRaptor*drooool*: http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=206856532
MeltingManUm....Snailboy's parents are a snail and a woman with no upper half of the body.
Dr_EvilWhat's the deal with the little guy trying to steal the hamburger?
* Locdog07 wipes De's mouth
DeRaptorActually...that's a damn good price for a skull replica...
MeltingManThe Hamburgler?
* DarkonZero laughs at the thought of his dad seeing Dragon Ball Z in Spanish then his dad sayin', "The hell?"
Dr_Evilno, some little fish in that SpongeBob show
MeltingManYeah...cheaper than my giant foam razor.
* DeRaptor doesn't want to think about how Snailboy was conceived...
* Dr_Evil doesn't want to thing about how SpongeBob was conceived
MeltingManSnail Boy's voiced by Billy West, I think
* Locdog07 doesn't want to think about how any of us were conceived either...
DeRaptorHuh. I thought Charlie Adler did everybody on that cartoon.
* DeRaptor wonders how Crow was conceived...and realizes it wasn't that nasty at all...
DarkonZeroAlder does the main characters....
Dr_EvilWell, he can't do everyone
Dr_EvilDespite the fact that he's damn good
Dr_EvilMr. Bighead was his best.
* Locdog07 remembers Crow thinking he was "conceived" by a big sweaty Maltese man...
Dr_Evilone of them
DeRaptorHe's certainly changed his role of preference a bit since Buster Bunny...
Dr_EvilCrow thought he was concieved by Joe Don?
DeRaptorUh...when was this, Loc?
MeltingManThis Snail-boy episode was written by Bob Camp, the guy that screwed up Ren and Stimpy.
Locdog07In Final Justice...
Dr_EvilAnd Ickis
* DarkonZero remembers Alder as the voice of Bill on "The Terrible Thunderlizards".
* DeRaptor shudders at the idea of Joel and Joe Don in...nevermind.
Locdog07When he gave his report on Maltese Men
* DeRaptor shudders.
Dr_EvilYeah, and Bill!
* DeRaptor shudders some more.
Locdog07Wait...that would explain how Joel noticed the baby oil so quickly...
DeRaptorWhich one was Bill?
Dr_Evil<Bill> When does the hurting stop?
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of the Foo Fighters' "M.I.A."
Dr_EvilBill was the one who kept getting hurt
* /sound: no such file 'hurting.wav'
Locdog07Crow's bill got hurt in K01.
Locdog07Joel smacked him accidentally in the first host segment.
DeRaptorCrow's Bill got fired after 1013.
MeltingManI Remember Charlie Adler as the voice of "Professor Monkey-for-a-head" on Earthworm Jim.
Dr_Evilmore specifically, Bill was the one who kept getting his skull sucked by the Jungle Slugs
* Dr_Evil wants to play EWJ 3-d
MeltingManHe has a monkey for a head
Locdog07Yeh, I know
MeltingManIt's sad, really
DeRaptoryeah, but...which species was he? I recall a parasaurolophus and a ceratopian...
Dr_Evilthe human
DeRaptorThe HUMAN...
DeRaptorYeah, there were those little guys, too, huh.
Dr_EvilThat was funny when the monkey zapped the professor and he shrank
* Locdog07 remembers the ending to Earthworm Jim 2
* Locdog07 unzips his costume
*** Locdog07 has left IRC
*** Locdog07 is now known as Cow
Dr_EvilThe greatest Thunderlizards ep was the Magnificent Five
Dr_EvilWith El Gordo, and Mr. T-Rex
DarkonZeroI remember that ep.....sorta.
Dr_EvilI have mp3's of that ep if anyone wants them
* DeRaptor wonders if Eek reruns are still playing...
Dr_EvilI haven't seen them
*** Locdog07 is on IRC
*** Cow is now known as Locdog07
Dr_EvilI think Fox Family cancelled them
Dr_EvilAlong with The Real Ghostbusters
Locdog07Yeesh, a little Amish guy came and squeezed my udders.
DeRaptorYeah, those are two cartoons I'd like to see again. Hmph.
MeltingManThey might bring them back into rotation, though
Locdog07The Real Ghostbusters...I 'member that
Dr_EvilI hated when they replaced the Eek time slot with that dumb French show Oggy and the Cockroaches
MeltingManI used to love "Real Ghostbusters" when I was a kid.
DarkonZeroThe only way is if CN picks them up....
Locdog07Me too...
* Locdog07 remembers Slimer and thinks he resembles Adam Sandler
MeltingManCN can't pick them up....Fox and Turner don't get along
Dr_EvilThe only thing Gaumont ever made good was Space Goofs
* DeRaptor remembers watching Real Ghostbusters...
* DarkonZero for some reason misses the godawful Star Wars "Droids" cartoon.
Dr_EvilI found Oggy to be really boring
Dr_EvilIt was like Tom and Jerry
Dr_Evilonly made by the French
* Dr_Evil misses the old Transformer and BTTF eps they showed on the SciFi channel on weekday mornings
* Locdog07 misses his brain...
Locdog07Where oh where can my little brain be...
* DeRaptor only vaguely recalls the BTTF cartoon...
* DarkonZero has Loc's brain.....and shoves it into the garbage disposal.
Dr_Evil"I think perhaps the thing I miss the most is my mind." --Dom DeLuise (Silence of the Hams)
Locdog07Oh no! I'd do something about that if I still had my brain...
Locdog07Da noive.
Dr_EvilIt was pretty good, De
* Locdog07 remembers how Christopher Lloyd was doing all these scientific demonstrations
Dr_EvilKinda educational
Dr_EvilLike Hysteria
Dr_EvilThough I even said this morning that Hysteria can be boring sometimes
DeRaptorHeh...those egg-babies scare me.
DarkonZeroI like ReBoot....it's silly, but I like it.
DeRaptorA lot.
MeltingManHysteria was ok....except they went back to that cheap animation....ugh!
Dr_EvilBig Fat Baby?
DeRaptorStupid cheap animation.
DeRaptorI want Tokyo Movie Shinsha!
Dr_EvilI don't like the Starship Troopers cartoon
DeRaptorAnd Startoons!
* DeRaptor realizes she can still name all the animation companies that did Animaniacs.
* DeRaptor blinks.
Locdog07Wow, De.
MeltingManHeh.  They all suck except WB.
Dr_EvilI want Mr. Sparkle!!!
Locdog07You're a fully fledged freak.
* Sound request: can't find 'mrsparkle.wav'
[Dr_Evil SOUND]
MeltingManDumb cost-cutters.
DeRaptorUh...wasn't I already, Loc?
Dr_Evilthe store?
Locdog07Yes, but now you're...even moreso.
DarkonZeroSunbow is a good animation company.....
DeRaptorWell...that's just me, then.
* Locdog07 gives De a "I'm with stupid ON THE MOON!" tee-shirt
* MeltingMan has never heard of cost-cutters.
* DeRaptor remembers how Akom animated the Warner siblings and shudders.
Dr_Evilit's a store
DeRaptorOh, did everyone see Mike's article for ironminds?
Dr_EvilI worked for Drug Fair, which is owned by the same company
Dr_Eviland they both suck
MeltingManYea!  Whoo!
Locdog07yeh, wheee!
Locdog07<MeltingMan> Yea!  Whoo!
Locdog07<Locdog07> yeh, wheee!
MeltingManHee hee!
* Locdog07 likes how all the ghosts in The Fruitties have to say "I'm a ghost" before anyone gets scared
MeltingManStill...no one's worse than Kennedy....that even below their low standards.
DarkonZeroGoes to check www.animag.com to see if there is gonna be another Animation Conference in Pasadena in Jan. 2000.
DarkonZeroI am goin...
MeltingManBob Goen?
DarkonZeroDamn Animation Magazine owes me a buck....I sent them one for a directory of schools and I never got it.
* MeltingMan needs to subscribe to some good Animation publications.
DarkonZeroThere is gonna be one!
DarkonZeroThe World Animation Celebration....I hope I can attend.
DeRaptorAh wha?
MeltingManWhere is it?
DarkonZeroIt's gonna be in Hollywood this time around.
MeltingManOh...can't go out there.
DarkonZeroAnd it's being held in May....not January.
*** CallipyG is on IRC
*** CallipyG has joined #deep13
Mini-MeHola, CallipyG.
*** Mars sets mode: +o CallipyG
Locdog07Hi Callip
CallipyGLoc, how long's this gonna take?
CallipyGcan you email it?
* Locdog07 shrugs
* Locdog07 shrugs
DeRaptorHeya G
CallipyGhey d
Dr_Evilhey e
Locdog07Hey a
Locdog07Hey d
CallipyGnever mind..its going pretty fast
CallipyGwhat happened to the topic?
DeRaptorDamned if I know.
*** CallipyG changes topic to 'Pick a topic. Any topic.'
CallipyGwho has the ironf picture/
MeltingManHmmm...they're making a movie based on "Curious George"!
DeRaptorAnd I thought a live action Rocky and Bullwinkle was bad...
* DarkonZero takes a look at this animation product called "The Video Lunchbox" and is interested.
* Locdog07 thought a live action Scooby Doo was bad
DeRaptorAnd Sailor Moon...and made by Disney, no less. Ow.
DarkonZeroThe Sailor Moon movie is a bust.
DarkonZeroNot being made.
Locdog07Well, it'll have busts.
* Locdog07 ducks
* DeRaptor throws the couch at Loc.
* Locdog07 deserves to be hit, so he lets it impact into his face
* DeRaptor blinks.
DeRaptorGeez. You're stupid.
DarkonZeroThough the Rocky and Bullwinkle movie is being made as we speak.
Dr_EvilWith Jason Alexander as Boris, right?
* DeRaptor wonders who Natasha will be.
DarkonZeroRobert DeNiro as "Fearless Leader"...
Dr_EvilJuila Louis-Dreyfuss
DeRaptorSheesh...they're gonna make it all pseudo-dramatic, aren't they?
Dr_Evilwith Jerry Seinfeld and Michael Richards as Rocky and Bullwinkle
* DeRaptor imagines MST3K being remade in about 20 years, with CG 'bots...
* Locdog07 worries about Americans sometimes...not as much as he worries about the English, of course
Dr_EvilCallipy has bots?
*** Dr_Evil changes topic to '* DeRaptor imagines MST3K being remade in about 20 years, with CG 'bots... <Dr_Evil> Callipy has bots?'
* DeRaptor worries about humans in general.
Dr_Evilyes indeed.... humans..... what a droll species
DeRaptor"Callipy has bots?"...sounds like your inquiring if he has some kind of disease...or parasite...
Dr_Evilor that he was pregnant
* Locdog07 checks Callip's orifices for bots
Locdog07Nope...you're clean. Next.
* DeRaptor averts her eyes.
* Locdog07 checks Sent's orifices
Locdog07Hey..you have a nanite up your butt...
* DarkonZero runs away.
Locdog07How'd that get there?
* DeRaptor hides.
* DarkonZero goes into the pool.
* DarkonZero submerges....
Dr_Evil I don't have a butt
DarkonZeroDIVE! DIVE!
Dr_Evildon't you see my deep13.org pic?
* DeRaptor hides where she's not telling.
Locdog07In an orifice?
* DarkonZero wishes that the Video Lunchbox wasn't outta his budget.
Dr_Evilin your locked underwear drawer?
MeltingManHo my.
* Dr_Evil continues to watch The Blues Brothers
Locdog07In the closet?
Locdog07Come out of the closet, De.
Dr_EvilDe's gay!
*** Locdog07 has left IRC
*** Locdog07 is now known as LittleKid
DeRaptorI'm not in the closet.
LittleKidLike, you're gay, and stuff!
*** Locdog07 is on IRC
*** LittleKid is now known as Locdog07
Dr_EvilYou're in a cent
Locdog07You're in Sein
Dr_Evilyou're in a nutshell
*** Dr_Evil is now known as A_Powers
DeRaptorewww! It's the ewwy guy!
A_PowersNo, this is me in a nutshell..... Help! I'm in a nutshell! How did I get into this nutshell?!
Locdog07With his ewwy little car!
* Mini-Me beats up Austin Powers
* Sound request: can't find 'lhotpocketknaw.wav'
[A_Powers SOUND]
*** A_Powers is now known as Dr_Evil
* Sound request: can't find 'practiseboom.wav'
[Locdog07 SOUND]
* CallipyG has to go now
Locdog07bye Callip
Dr_Evilnot on me
DeRaptorbya G.
DarkonZeroLater CG....
*** CallipyG has left IRC
*** CallipyG has quit IRC (Leaving)
* Sound request: can't find 'lhumpinglaser.wav'
[Dr_Evil SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'lhumpinglaser.wav'
[Dr_Evil SOUND]
DeRaptorha ha! http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=206856532
* Sound request: can't find 'lphaselaser.wav'
[Dr_Evil SOUND]
Locdog07you got it?
* DeRaptor ponders the replica of Sue's skull in the window of the gallery near where she works...
* Sound request: can't find 'lpossesedchair.wav'
[Dr_Evil SOUND]
DeRaptorThat one's a big sucker.
DeRaptorAnd it's Sue the T. rex, btw.
DeRaptorNot any other Sues you might know.
* Locdog07 sues the T-Rex
MeltingManCongrats, De!
* DeRaptor grins.
DeRaptorWell, there goes a big chunk of my paycheck.
DeRaptorOh well.
* Sound request: can't find 'lumpalumpa.wav'
[Dr_Evil SOUND]
* DeRaptor ponders posing her Crow replica with the skull, when it's done.
* MeltingMan ponders Crow with a raptor head...and freaks out.
* DeRaptor ponders drawing that for Melty's benefit.
* DeRaptor wonders how big the skull is in comparison to Crow...
MeltingManI could prolly draw that myself.
* Sound request: can't find 'lzipit.wav'
[Dr_Evil SOUND]
* DeRaptor ponders scanning the bit of fossil bone she found and asking if anybody knows what it is.
Locdog07My analysis is: Dem bones, dem dry bones.
DeRaptorIt's not a dinosaur, there's no Mesozoic or terrestrial deposits around here.
DeRaptorI guess it's probably some kind of sea mammal...I just wish I knew which kind.
DeRaptorbone is pretty solid...few haversian canals...I wonder if it could be a turtle or something...
Dr_EvilMr Mime
Dr_Eviland yes, that's a Pokemon
Dr_EvilJynx is the evolved version of Mr Mime
DarkonZeroAnd we needed to know that cause....?
Dr_Evilcause there are alot worse things out there than Pokemon
* Sound request: can't find 'lumpalumpa.wav'
[Dr_Evil SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'lpossesedchair.wav'
[Dr_Evil SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'lzipit.wav'
[Dr_Evil SOUND]
MeltingManLike......MORE POKEMON!
Dr_Evilno... like DIGIMON!
MeltingManWell...Digimon isn't popular....
Dr_Evilyeah, but it sucks
MeltingManAnd it's because of Pokemon that it exists.
Dr_Evilnot really, Digimon was here first
MeltingManSo Japan doesn't exist?
Dr_EvilFirst Tamagotchi, then Digimon, then Pokemon
DeRaptor<Crow> I wish.
Dr_EvilYeah, but Japan doesn't have anything to do with the States
Dr_EvilI wish France didn't exsist
* DeRaptor shoves Crow back into his room.
MeltingManWell.....anyway....it's all awful.
Dr_Evilbut then where would Ro-Man have landed?
Dr_Eviland Monster Rancher sucks even more
* DarkonZero ponders buying the Infra-Man movie.......
Dr_EvilI rented that..... centuries ago
DarkonZeroAS did I.
Dr_EvilI vagely remember it, though
Dr_Evil I think I was like 6 when I saw it
DarkonZeroI only remember the part where this guy gets knocked out...the a second later he gets up.
Dr_EvilI only remember something about a secret cave... and a bomb, or something
Dr_Eviland then Infra-Man comes out of nowhere, or something
Dr_EvilIssat Inframan?
* Sound request: can't find 'practiseboom.wav'
[Locdog07 SOUND]
Dr_EvilThunderball fists?
DarkonZeroGot'em off the Stomp Tokyo site.
MeltingManRoger Ebert gave Infra-man 3 stars.
MeltingManout of 4
Dr_EvilWhat about Siskel?
MeltingManSiskel didn't review it, I don't think...I only have Roger Ebert's book
Dr_EvilLike what Jeffrey Ross said about Mystery Men....
Dr_Evil"Siskel was gonna review that movie, but he took the easy way out."
* Sound request: can't find 'amazing.wav'
[Dr_Evil SOUND]
[Dr_Evil SOUND]
[Dr_Evil SOUND]
* MeltingMan goes to find his book to see if he can quote something from the review.
*** Mini-Me is now known as S9-Sentry
*** Dr_Evil is now known as Sentroid91
[Sentroid91 SOUND]
DarkonZeroI'm not sure if that's the whole clip....or if it was cut off.
* Sound request: can't find 'clues28.wav'
[Locdog07 SOUND]
DarkonZeroHis hands fire off....come back and smack him in the face.
DarkonZeroPoor Infra-Man.
Sentroid91Gamera vs Infra-Man
Sentroid91on Loc's game
* Locdog07 doesn't know who that is
* DarkonZero ponders on a Ultra Dork comic.....
Sentroid91Then we all know what happens to Infra-Man
Sentroid91He blows up and dives head first into the Eiffel Tower
MeltingMan"Within the first 4 minutes of Infra-man (A) a giant flying lizard attacks a school bus (B) The earth cracks open (C) Hong Kong is destroyed in flames (D) Mountains disintegrate to reveal the forms of reptilian monsters with blinking yellow eyes, (E) a professor announces that a 20-million year old woman is unleashing the hibernating monsters upon civilization, (F) the Science Headquarters is shaken by a second quake, (g) the Mutants attack
Sentroid91ah, I remeber the bus now
MeltingMan(H) the proffesor, obviously shaken, informs a secret meeting of world leaders, "This situation is so bad, that it is the worst there has ever been".
* DarkonZero goes to looks for some funny Asian movies called "Mad Missions"....
* Sentroid91 still wants to riff Jack Frost and Uncle Sam
Sentroid91then infra man
DarkonZeroDamn....I can't find them....
DeRaptorWho wants to see my bone?
*** S9-Sentry has quit IRC (I'm gone. Happy now?!)
DarkonZeroWhen you put it that way De....no.
* Locdog07 grabs De's bone and buries it
DeRaptordamn you people.
MeltingManHeh...I um.....saw your .... bone
DeRaptorOkay, who wants to see my fossil.
DarkonZeroOk...I will.
Locdog07Where did you dig up that old fossil?
DarkonZeroYour grandma looks nice for a fossil.
* DarkonZero smiles.
Locdog07DZ and De's gramma, sittin' in a tree...
DeRaptorAnybody else?
Locdog07I may as well
* DarkonZero looks at it....
DeRaptorIt's a fossil bone I found...probably from a sea mammal...anybody?
* Locdog07 ponders saying "Yes" again
DarkonZeroLooks like a rock to me......that's my scientific analysis.
Locdog07Oh, I'm gonna go for it...
* Sound request: can't find 'whathe.wav'
[Locdog07 SOUND]
DeRaptorfine. be that way.
DarkonZeroOf course......everything looks like a rock to me......Loc's head for instance.
Locdog07Hey, you noticed my new head?
Sentroid91Loc's head is the Rock?
DarkonZeroNo......wait.....Loc's head is full of rocks.....
* Sound request: can't find 'arnrock.wav'
[Sentroid91 SOUND]
* Locdog07 shakes his head and rocks come out of his ears
DarkonZeroEither way it goes.
* Sound request: can't find 'clues35.wav'
[Locdog07 SOUND]
Locdog07De, may I please see your fossil thing?
* Sound request: can't find 'clues43.wav'
[Sentroid91 SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'clues41.wav'
[Sentroid91 SOUND]
* DarkonZero looks at the picture again....zooms in and finds little people.
*** Cucumber has joined #Deep13
*** Mars sets mode: +o Cucumber
* Sound request: can't find 'clues37.wav'
[Sentroid91 SOUND]
* Cucumber shouts and grumbles and swears.
*** Cucumber is now known as D-Raptor
*** DeRaptor was kicked by D-Raptor (STUPID GHOST!)
* Sentroid91 is still missing clues 38-40 of his Blue's Clues collection
DarkonZeroA swearing Cucumber.
Locdog07De, may I see that pic?
D-RaptorI gotta change my alternate nic...
Sentroid91Sounds like something from The Three Amigos
*** Sentroid91 has left IRC
*** Sentroid91 is now known as Fat_Bastar
*** Fat_Bastar is now known as FatBastard
*** DeRaptor has left IRC
DarkonZeroIn order to identify it better I need to see all sides.....
FatBastardMr. English Colonel always telling me what to do....... Oh! I'm a hard case, he says....
D-RaptorMINE!: http://www6.bcity.com/dinodreamsinc/deinskull.jpg
FatBastardWell listen up, Sonny Jim! I ate a baby!
Locdog07Hey, De, your fossil has a goofy face on it!
FatBastardOh, aye! Baby! The other, other white meat!
* Locdog07 goes to edit the image
D-Raptordoes it.
FatBastardBaby! It's what's for dinner!
* D-Raptor sends FB back in time and stuffs his infant self down his throat.
*** DeRaptor is on IRC
*** D-Raptor is now known as DeRaptor
* FatBastard plays his bagpipes and makes everyone fall asleep
FatBastardBy the way....
FatBastardWould you like some chicken? I've got more!
DarkonZeroI gotta go for a while...I'll be seein' ya weenies later!
*** Sentroid91 is on IRC
*** FatBastard is now known as Sentroid91
DarkonZeroMe! I disconnect from you...all!
* DarkonZero hits the off switch on his Portal deck and disconnects to the world known as reality!
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Tue Nov 30 21:45:52 1999
Session Start: Tue Nov 30 22:52:07 1999
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is '15,12Welcome to #Deep13. Come visit us at http://www.deep13.org.... Idiocy is not tolerated in here.'
*** Set by Sentroid91 on Tue Nov 30 22:29:39
Sentroid91wb, DZ
MeltingMan'lo DZ
*** DarkonZero is on IRC
*** DeRaptor is on IRC
*** MeltingMan is on IRC
*** Sentroid91 is on IRC
Sentroid91you just missed the assault on the omega's
DarkonZeroOh well....
DarkonZeroYou have fun?
Sentroid91<omega_> hey ppl
Sentroid91<Sentroid91> hey there fake omega
Sentroid91<omega_> no i'm shell omega
Sentroid91<Sentroid91> but you're not Tom Curze
Sentroid91<omega_> very one nows that
Sentroid91<Sentroid91> You're not Romanian omega.
Sentroid91<omega_> yes i am dick head
Sentroid91<Sentroid91> omega_ is omega@zippy.shellyeah.org * ShellYeah User (http://www.shellyeah.org)
Sentroid91omega is ~HT_OMEGA@media-gw.planet.ro * just ask
Sentroid91<Sentroid91> so.. you use two different ISP's to chat?
Sentroid91<Sentroid91> loser
Sentroid91<Sentroid91> anyways, where was I?
Sentroid91<Sentroid91> Idiocy always makes me lose track of thinking
Sentroid91* Sentroid91 cracks up at Chris Rock
Sentroid91<Sentroid91> anyone want this mp3?
Sentroid91<DeRaptor> sheesh.
Sentroid91-omega- you have left the most friendly chan in starlink i hope you will visit us again!
Sentroid91-> *omega* blow me
Sentroid91<Sentroid91> *omega* fuck you
Sentroid91<Sentroid91> <Sentroid91> Wow, you cuss perfectly
Sentroid91<Sentroid91> <Sentroid91> I'm proud of you
Sentroid91<Sentroid91> <Sentroid91> Now try improving on your english
Sentroid91<Sentroid91> *omega* what
Sentroid91*** Sentroid91 changes topic to 'Welcome to #Deep13. Come visit us at http://www.deep13.org....    Idiocy is not tolerated in here.'
Sentroid91* DeRaptor blinks.
Sentroid91<MeltingMan> The bad kind of idiocy, though....talking about Elmer Fudd's vagina from Tiny Toons is OK
Sentroid91<DeRaptor> ewww.
Sentroid91<Sentroid91> bad kind meaning i'm the real omega, though my nick is omega_ and my IP is completely different and I like confusing people and calling them dick heads
Sentroid91*** Sentroid91 is now known as omega__
Sentroid91<omega__> I am the real omega!
Sentroid91* Sentroid91 waits at the door with a lead pipe for that little Romanian SP-looking weenie.
Sentroid91<Sentroid91> <omega> love e ne
DarkonZeroThanks Sent...I'll read the transcript of the All News Channels site.
Sentroid91<Sentroid91> <Sentroid91> ...right....
Sentroid91* Sentroid91 still waits at the door with a lead pipe for that little Romanian SP-looking weenie.
Sentroid91* DeRaptor hands 'troid a bigger lead pipe.
Sentroid91* Sentroid91 takes out a crossbow with a poison-tipped arrowhead in case megs's head it made of rock, being that he's dumber than one
Sentroid91<DeRaptor> whooo
Sentroid91<Sentroid91> damn, omega left
Sentroid91<Sentroid91> now all I have to do is wait for netsplit
Sentroid91But remember, no matter what a stripper tells you, there is no sex in the Champagne Room
* DarkonZero is watching Evil Dead 2.......
Sentroid91oh smeg, she died again
* Sentroid91 goes into the reverse world
DarkonZeroIf you see "CHAINSAW" a little later...it's because of the movie.
DeRaptorI'm fine, I'm fine.
* Sentroid91 pulls De into the reverse world
* DarkonZero is frightened of the nude dancing corpse.
DarkonZeroI'm absolutely frightened.
DarkonZeroAhh....good....it's at a funny part.
DarkonZeroAsh is going insane.....
DarkonZeroHis dead girlfriend's disembodied head is biting his hand.
DarkonZeroLaugh riot.....
DarkonZeroHe's getting pummeled with a dummy.
DarkonZeroHe's splitting her skull......
* DarkonZero is have a wholesome good time.
DarkonZerohaving even.....
Sentroid91go tell omega
DarkonZeroNaw....I'll leave that to you.
* /sound: no such file 'giveme.wav'
* /sound: no such file 'giveback.wav'
*** DeRaptor has left IRC
*** DeRaptor has quit IRC (Ping timeout for DeRaptor[pm1-212.mry.redshift.com])
Sentroid91actually he left
Sentroid91so did De
* MeltingMan ponders Beck's new album.
DarkonZeroDe's comin' back.
DarkonZeroEVIL HAND!
DarkonZeroUgh....slow part in movie.
*** DeRaptor is on IRC
*** DeRaptor has joined #Deep13
* DeRaptor leaps into #Deep13 via a perpendicular universe.
*** Mars sets mode: +o DeRaptor
DarkonZeroWB De.....
* DeRaptor grumbles.
* MeltingMan likes movies where the whole film is the slow part
MeltingManwb, De
DarkonZeroAnd damn your ISP.....
DarkonZeroDAMN YOU!
DarkonZerook.....he's trying to drown his hand.
DarkonZeroAnd now he's wrestling....
DarkonZeroWith his hand.
DarkonZerohand won.
DarkonZerohand is going after a cleaver.
DarkonZeroHand gets stabbed.
* MeltingMan is cold.
DarkonZeroThis movie is brought to you by: DarkonZero babble-vision.
* DeRaptor wonders if her dad will get the Iron Giant on DVD.
MeltingMan20š outside.....25š inside
* MeltingMan wants a DVD player
DarkonZeroPuts hand under bucket...sets books on top...top book titled "Farewell To Arms".
DarkonZeroHand escapes.
MeltingManLaserblast is out on DVD
DarkonZeroHand flies the birdie.
DarkonZeroHole in wall....
DeRaptorSo is TIE.
DarkonZeroBlood flies out!
* Sentroid91 is gonna go now... c-yas tomorrow
*** Sentroid91 has left IRC
*** Sentroid91 has quit IRC (Don't forget to visit 9,1http://mstiegate.cjb.net)
DarkonZeroBlood goes back in hole.
DarkonZeroHe sits down....chair breaks.
DarkonZeroStuffed deer head laughin at him.....as with lamp and books and stuff......and him.
MeltingManSo are Soultaker and Final Justice!
MeltingManAnd Werewolf!
DarkonZeroRemember.....DarkonZero's Babble-vision is good.
* DarkonZero ends Babble-Vision.
* DarkonZero starts up Ramble-Vision.....
DarkonZeroOnly kidding.....
*** Cucumber has joined #Deep13
*** Mars sets mode: +o Cucumber
CucumberDamn this ISP.
DarkonZeroAlready have....
*** DeRaptor has left IRC
*** DeRaptor has quit IRC (Ping timeout for DeRaptor[pm1-212.mry.redshift.com])
DarkonZeroBut...WB though.
*** DeRaptor is on IRC
*** Cucumber is now known as DeRaptor
* DarkonZero awaits his phonecall from Suncoast for his Transformers tape.....
DarkonZeroDamn Suncoast.
* DeRaptor wants to see the Iron Giant again.
DarkonZeroI'd like to see Iron Giant.....I'll buy it on Friday.
DeRaptorWhy is this thing galloping?:
* DarkonZero laughs as Bruce Campbell screaed like a girl.
DarkonZeroscreamed even....
* MeltingMan looks at De's weird gif.
* DarkonZero looks at everyones blank looks.
* DeRaptor wonders about some people.
DarkonZeroDon't wonder too long......or impending normality will set in.
MeltingManDirecTV lists Scooby Doo, Dexter's Lab, and Courage the Cowardly Dog as "Children" and Powerpuff Girls, Gumby, Speed Racer, and The Fllinstones as "Gen. Interest"...Space Ghost is listed as "Talk"
DarkonZeroYes...they do talk.
DarkonZeroAnd interesting.
MeltingManDirecTV lists MST3K as a drama
* DarkonZero is laughing out loud....so much he sounds like Krankor!
DarkonZeroWell....if you think about it.....it is.
* DeRaptor does a spit take.
MeltingManIt is mysterious.
*** Cortan has joined #Deep13
DeRaptorYou're right...they probably just took one look at the name and labeled it a "drama". Morons.
MeltingManThe Iron Cortan!
Cortani come in and im already mighty eh:P
DeRaptorOh, and hi, Cortie.
Cortan*L* at cortie never been caled that before
Cortannice to meet you all
MeltingManBillie Cortan
MeltingManLead singer for Smashint Pumkins.
Cortan*L* actully the name comes from highlander the cartoon
Cortanah i like smashing pumpkins
Cortani like korn too
* DarkonZero remembers "Highlander: The Animated Series"......
Cortanreally not many know of the cartoon
* MeltingMan ponders Billy Corgan's bald head.
DarkonZeroI was a avid watcher of it.
* DeRaptor ponders asking Cortan the necessary question...
Cortanim kind of a highlander bluff thats my fav series
Cortanthe nessessary ? uh oh hides:P
DeRaptorHighlander bluff? Is that where they swing their sword at you but don't cut your head off?
Cortan*L* could be you never know:P
Cortani have a replica of the sword used on highlander
DarkonZeroAh.....the kitana.....
Cortanya thats it it hads a dragon handle on it
DarkonZeroI know that sword well.....
Cortani collect replica sword s have the one from mask of zorro too
DarkonZeroI was stabbed by it.
Cortanso whats this channel about
* DeRaptor snickers.
MeltingManUm...it's made by fans of Mystery Science Theater 3000.
DeRaptorWell, I presume you're familiar with the Sci-Fi Channel...if you ever caught some heads yakking over movies, that's what this place is themed around, yes.
Cortan*LOL* oh ok i like that show have some videos of it
DarkonZeroA MSTie?
DeRaptorWHOOO! We got one.
DarkonZeroCould it be?
MeltingManWow!  It's nice to finally get someone in here that knows what MST3K is.
* DeRaptor flaps her pseudo-wings and falls over.
Cortanim what you call a nerd:P
* DarkonZero gets all pixelated....
DeRaptorWell, join the club!
DarkonZeroOh damn....
Cortani like that show cause its just funny never knew there was a club on it here this is cool
* MeltingMan payed $300 for a giant foam razor used in "Wild World of Batwoman"
DeRaptorHeheh...hell, there's a whole cult.
DarkonZeroCould someone adjust my resolution?
Cortan*L* i like to collect old b movies like the ones they show on that show
DeRaptorI'm building me a genuine replica of Crow, too.
Cortanreally thats cool
DeRaptorHe's gonna annoy my sister.
DeRaptorBig ol' beak's good for bitin'.
DarkonZeroOr pokin'....
MeltingManWow!  I love the old B-movies.  My name is taken from "The Incredible Melting Man"....the whole thing doesn't fit here, though
Cortanmy fav episode is a chrismas one the did i dont remember it but the movie was so bad and elfs where scary
DarkonZeroMe.....I'm the average schmoe!
DeRaptorOr pecking at flashing lights when one's arms don't work...
DeRaptorSanta Claus?
MeltingManSanta Claus Conquers the Martians?
Cortanever seen cat woman from marz that one is funny
DeRaptorSanta Claus Conquers the Mart-...what he says.
Cortanyeah thats the one
DeRaptorAh...the martians one?
DeRaptorDid it have Mike or Joel?
MeltingManHeh....yeah.  That's a funny one.
Cortanim looking for the video that one made me laugh so much
DeRaptorWell, maybe you can help us nag Rhino into releasing it...heheh...
Cortan*L* oh ok
MeltingManIt hasn't been released on home video....you have to find bootleg copies of those.
Cortanyeah they have a few on video that i have
MeltingManUnless you recorded 'em when they aired.
DarkonZeroOk....who here actually like the movie "Santa Claus Conquers The Martians"?
* DeRaptor has some bootleg copies of both, but the quality's real bad.
Cortannope i was dumb:P
DarkonZeroCasuse the remake is coming and I'm scared.
Cortanah it  would probally be like mine:P my tv is 30 years old:P
MeltingManI just like the song...."Hooray for Santy Claus"....I hope they keep that in the remake
DeRaptorheheh...they're gonna put that "Santy Claus" song in it, I bet...it'll get stuck in my head...
Cortan*LOL* the songs are funny
Cortanthere was this one i was watching that was so funny it was a dragon and some madien type story
DeRaptordamn...my santyclaus.wav musta gotten damaged...anybody wanna send it to me?
MeltingManProbably Sword and the Dragon
Cortanim a big fan but i need to memorize:P
* DarkonZero welcomes Cortan with a open Umbilicus.
DarkonZeroUp you go!
MeltingManOr "The Magic Sword".
* DeRaptor needs to see more of the old eps...she din't even start watching till the SciFi Era...dammit...
Cortanim looking at your webpage now:p
MeltingManI can send you some eps, De.
DeRaptorOh? But I probably don't have nothin' to trade for 'em...
Cortani used to watch it when it came on local tv late at night
DarkonZeroAh...the hour.
Cortangive em your bra:P
DeRaptorUnless you don't have a copy of Humanoid Woman...
MeltingManI don't have that!  Sure.
Cortani like the 50 foot woman one
MeltingManHeh...."Village of the Giants"
DarkonZeroI miss that ep.
MeltingManThat movie's weird.
Cortan*L* so how many chat here
Cortandont mind me i say spontanious wierd things ad you wonder why i say it:P
DarkonZeroHey....that's my schtick!
DarkonZeroOh well....
MeltingManUm.....I don't know.  We normally don't have more than 7 or 8 at a time at the most.  Usually it's like this.
Cortanah sounds good to me most dont like me cause im wierd:P
DarkonZeroThe same goes here....
MeltingManJoin the club.
DarkonZeroThey don't like me now.
Cortani have no idea what most of these buttons in this program do si if i push something wrong and soemthing happens its not me its the ghost of the computer:P
MeltingMank, I guess
Cortanim also known as the bad speller and typeo man whatch out its catching:P
DarkonZeroWe get used to it.
DarkonZeroI think...
DarkonZeroDo we?
Cortanthe world may never know:P
*** DeRaptor has left IRC
*** DeRaptor has quit IRC (Ping timeout for DeRaptor[pm1-212.mry.redshift.com])
MeltingManYeah...but we still torment people who spell stuff wrong
Cortan*L* oh no hides under couch:P
DarkonZeroThat's if they don't know what MST3K is too....
Cortan i wonder how you spell the letter A :P
*** DeRaptor is on IRC
*** DeRaptor has joined #Deep13
Cortani have some tools that might let me put some episodes on the ne t in quicktime movies
* DeRaptor leaps into #Deep13 via a perpendicular universe.
*** Mars sets mode: +o DeRaptor
MeltingManwb, De.
DarkonZeroWB De....
* DeRaptor curses at her ISP.
Cortanwelcome back
* DarkonZero kicks the hell outta De's IP.
Cortanoops got to go all its getting late ill come chat with you agian sometime:)
DarkonZeroBye Cortan...and your always welcome......
DeRaptorBya, Mr. good-crazy person
MeltingManOK, then.
* DeRaptor roasts redshift on a spit in the middle of the room.
MeltingManAdios, Cor.
DeRaptorAnybody want a slice?
DarkonZeroRoasted Redshift.....naw.
DarkonZeroSmells like crap.
* DeRaptor saws off a heaping helping of roasted redshift and gnaws on it.
MeltingManYep....I'll pass...it's too red.
DeRaptorKinda tough, too.
*** Cortan has left #Deep13
* DarkonZero hugs the lamp.
DarkonZeroHi lamp.
* DeRaptor looks at the lamp.
DarkonZeroHowzit goin.
DeRaptorUh...it's a nice lamp, DZ, but...um...y'know...
* DarkonZero knocks over the lamp.
MeltingManIs it a magic lamp?
* DarkonZero hugs De's tail.
DarkonZeroHello tail.
* DeRaptor smacks DZ with her tail.
* DarkonZero gets up and hugs De.
DarkonZerohello De.
* DeRaptor knocks DZ's legs out from under him and stomps on his ribcage.
* DeRaptor gives DZ a platypus to hug.
* DarkonZero coughs up blood.
DarkonZeroD'oh.....I need that.
* DarkonZero gets out a straw and sucks up the blood.
* DeRaptor reminds DZ that platypodes have poisonous spurs on their hind feet.
* DarkonZero gets up and feels better.
DarkonZeroI!'m not huggin' the Plat!
DeRaptorha ha!
[DeRaptor SOUND]
DarkonZeroThank for laughin' at my misfortune......you're a real friend.
DeRaptorI know. :)
* DarkonZero slugs De in the snout!
* DeRaptor 's nose bleeds.
* DarkonZero runs....
DarkonZeroFor some tissues....
* DeRaptor snorts blood on DZ's clean white underwear.
* DeRaptor stops the nosebleed.
DarkonZeroYou and underwear....
* DeRaptor flaps again.
DarkonZeroDe's fixated on undies tonight.
* DeRaptor tries to fly, but it's no good.
* DarkonZero gets out a step ladder....
DarkonZeroUse that.
DarkonZeroor is it too high?
* DeRaptor almost flies, but then falls down again and hits her head.
DarkonZeroHere's the tissues for you bleedin' snout.
* DarkonZero hands De some tissues.
DeRaptorIt stopped.
* DarkonZero slugs De in the snout again.
DarkonZeroThere....you need them now?
* DeRaptor rips DZ's face off...again.
* DeRaptor gets her own tissues.
DarkonZeroMy face.
* DarkonZero gets out a hot glue gun and gets his face.....then glues his face back on.
DeRaptorDZ....it's upside down.
* DarkonZero adjusts his face.
* DeRaptor finds a cake recipe in the kitchen that calls for a cup of Melty.
* DeRaptor blinks.
DarkonZeroIf he offers...I'm gonna be sick.
DeRaptorHmmm...I don't blame you.
* DeRaptor mops up a puddle Melty left by the fridge.
DarkonZeroAre you sure that's a puddle of Melty?
DarkonZeroLoc was there earlier.
DeRaptorWell...it has that distinct odor.
DeRaptorAnd it's not yellow.
* DarkonZero trusts De's judgement......
DarkonZeroWell.....not really.
MeltingManhttp://www.scifi.com/usfeed/events.html  info about the MST chain reaction...sorta.  It's been extended to 5 episodes
DarkonZeroThanks Sci-Fi......one extra ep!
* DarkonZero boots Sci-Fi in the ass.
DarkonZeroI'll be right back! OK.
* DarkonZero will be right back...he's off to do somethin'.
DarkonZeroI'll be right back...really, I will!
* DarkonZero : 6,1 potty 6,16,0.6,0
* DarkonZero is back from whatever...
DarkonZeroWell, I'm back.
* MeltingMan hopes he can get good copies of "Incredibly Strange..." and "Agent for HARM" at least out of this marathon.
* DarkonZero 's mind goes flatline.
DarkonZeroWay to rant De.
*** DeRaptor has left IRC
*** DeRaptor has quit IRC (Ping timeout for DeRaptor[pm1-212.mry.redshift.com])
DarkonZeroWay to leave De!
*** DeRaptor is on IRC
*** DeRaptor has joined #Deep13
* DeRaptor leaps into #Deep13 via a perpendicular universe.
*** Mars sets mode: +o DeRaptor
MeltingManI thought she'd get pinged out soon.
* DeRaptor swears profusely.
MeltingManHow long have you been gone?
DarkonZeroWB once again.....
DarkonZeroAgain.....way to rant De......thanks for adding to my discussion.
DeRaptorwhat was the url for the chain reaction again?
DeRaptorthank ya.
MeltingManYou can't vote yet.
MeltingManAnd it doesn't mention voting.
MeltingManBut it does say "MST3K Chain Reaction" and have a pic of Crow....so that's nice
MeltingManand the "Schedulebot" link is screwed up....but it's scewed up for all the other Chain Reaction's too..
DarkonZeroSchedulebot SUCKS!
MeltingManYeah....it just says TBA
DarkonZero<ScheduleBot> Hello...I have no friggin' idea what's on...so quick buggin me!
MeltingManThe Sci-Fi Channel's magazine mentioned all the Chain Reactions except ours.
DarkonZeroThe mag is fugged up too.
*** DeRaptor has left IRC
*** DeRaptor has quit IRC (Ping timeout for DeRaptor[pm1-212.mry.redshift.com])
MeltingManYeah....they just now (december) "fixed" the magazine to conform with the channel's new "2.0" look
DarkonZero2.0 + CRAP!
MeltingMan#2 = crap = Scifi 2.0
*** DeRaptor is on IRC
*** DeRaptor has joined #Deep13
* DeRaptor leaps into #Deep13 via a perpendicular universe.
*** Mars sets mode: +o DeRaptor
DeRaptorThat's it, I'm on the verge a just goin' to bed.
DarkonZeroWell good night De....if you're going.
* DeRaptor whacks redshift over the head with Crow's beak-to-be.
DarkonZeroIf not.....DAMN REDSHIFT!
* DeRaptor wonders why deep blurting has been down for days...
* DeRaptor looks at the "novus ordo seclorum" on the back of a dollar bill.
MeltingManTry this link?
MeltingMan'tworks for me
*** DeRaptor has left IRC
*** DeRaptor has quit IRC (Read error to DeRaptor[pm1-212.mry.redshift.com]: Connection reset by peer)
* MeltingMan thinks De would be better off on java
DarkonZeroMM....she says "Bye".
DarkonZeroShe's off to bed.
DarkonZeroOh well....
* MeltingMan ponders over the fact that it's 3:30am....and he has to get up at 8......
MeltingManI think I'll go for bed now.  'nite
*** MeltingMan has left IRC
*** MeltingMan has quit IRC (IncredibleMeltingMan melts away)
DarkonZeroWell....godd night room.
DarkonZeroSay goodbye to me! I'm going M.I.A.!
* DarkonZero hits the off switch on his Portal deck and disconnects to the world known as reality!
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Wed Dec 01 00:27:30 1999

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