
Session Start: Thu Nov 11 01:52:53 1999
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is '"...best wishes to Unkal on getting married tomarrow. May your future be filled with joy" I give it two months. '
*** Set by Mars on Wed Nov 10 21:30:54
BobIshmaelWB, DZ.
BobIshmaelYou missed me dancing the "My Page Doesn't Look Like Crap Anymore jig."
DarkonZeroWeird....my computer froze...and I couldn't shut it off.
DarkonZeroUh huh.
BobIshmaelC'mon, light- PANDA!
BobIshmaelWow. I just had a weird IRC flashback.
* DeRaptor pokes Bob, then falls over, asleep.
DarkonZeroI hope it doesn't happen again.
BobIshmaelIt wo- BUBBLEGUM!
* DarkonZero goes back into looking at info for the Python programming language.
BobIshmaelIs Python worth learning?
DarkonZeroI dunno.
BobIshmaelI figure C is the only thing I'll waste my time on.
DarkonZeroI just feel like it.
DarkonZeroJust like how I learned how to say "butter" in Japanese.
BobIshmaelHow do you say "butter" in Japanese?
BobIshmaelStupid Japanese.
DeRaptorThat language sounds heavy on the cognates.
BobIshmaelCogswell's Cognates!
BobIshmaelSpacely was a jerk. I never liked that guy.
BobIshmaelThen again, Cogswell wasn't the nicest guy, either.
* BobIshmael goes to screw with targets and what-not.
DarkonZeroWho said it was?
BobIshmaelNo one, I'm just stating the obvious.
DarkonZeroWell thank you Capt. Obviuos!
DeRaptorthat's it, my download is finished. I'm going to bed.
DeRaptorg'nite, all.
*** DeRaptor has left IRC
*** DeRaptor has quit IRC (I could never sleep my way to the top, cuz my alarm clock always wakes me right up...)
BobIshmaelOkay, that was an easy problem to fix.
DarkonZeroWas it now?
*** Sylvia has joined #deep13
SylviaWhere are U from?
DarkonZeroDesert land.
DarkonZeroNear casinos.
DarkonZeroYou're a quiet one.
SylviaIam from India.
SylviaWhere is casinos?
DarkonZeroI live in America.
DarkonZeroA casino is a place to lose money.
SylviaWell, What are U doing?  r U working / studying?
DarkonZeroI'm here chatting.
DarkonZeroAnd what you up to?
* BobIshmael looks up.
BobIshmaelDZ, handle this situation as I would.
BobIshmaelHold on..
*** Mars sets mode: +o DarkonZero
-Mars- You are opped by BobIshmael.
BobIshmaelDZ, handle this situation as I would.
* BobIshmael goes back to his HTML.
*** Sylvia has quit IRC (Ping timeout for Sylvia[])
DarkonZeroWell....I didn't have to do anything.
DarkonZeroI RULE!
*** Locdog07 is on IRC
*** Locdog07 has joined #Deep13
*** Mars sets mode: +o Locdog07
DarkonZeroHey Loc!
* Sound request: can't find 'clues28.wav'
[Locdog07 SOUND]
Locdog07Can't stay long
* BobIshmael looks up.
*** Mars sets mode: -o DarkonZero
-Mars- You are deopped by BobIshmael.
BobIshmaelYou've served your purpose.
DarkonZeroBob....what's this about a hanging?
BobIshmaelI have no idea what you're talking about.
DarkonZeroYou should...you wrote it.
* BobIshmael hides he appointment book that reads, "Hang DZ."
BobIshmaelI did no such thing.
DarkonZeroOk....so...you're chickening out of it.
DarkonZeroThought so.
DarkonZeroOh really?
Locdog07In Sue's bored nation.
DarkonZeroI knew it!
DarkonZeroYou were gonna hang me?
BobIshmaelYeah, we hang people for fun overhere.
* Sentroid91 falls through the floor
DarkonZero? to .
BobIshmaelWe got termites?
*** Sentroid91 has left IRC
*** Sentroid91 has quit IRC (uh, yeah... I was peered.)
DarkonZeroAnd now.....what were you gonna hang me for?
* BobIshmael shrugs.
BobIshmaelWhatcha got?
DarkonZeroLots of it.
BobIshmaelWe'll hang you for not sharing beer with the rest of ATTMTN.
Locdog07Attack of The Terrible Monster Turnips from Nantucket
DarkonZeroIt seems you didn't get my response.
BobIshmaelLoc, you'll hang for that.
Locdog07oh yeah?
* Locdog07 hangs Bob
* Sound request: can't find 'clues28.wav'
[Locdog07 SOUND]
Locdog07I gotta go.
* BobIshmael looks u- Err, down.
BobIshmaelYou can't hang ME.
BobIshmaelAdidas, Loc.
* Sound request: can't find 'clues28.wav'
[Locdog07 SOUND]
*** Locdog07 has left IRC
*** Locdog07 has quit IRC (Leaving)
BobIshmaelHola, DZ.
DarkonZeroYou going?
BobIshmaelNo. You?
DarkonZeroI was readig something.
DarkonZeroMy grammar for one.
BobIshmaelWere you serious about that "bad influence" thing?
DarkonZeroAm I?
BobIshmaelNo, not at all.
DarkonZeroI should be.
BobIshmaelIf anything, I'm the worst influence here.
BobIshmaelWell, you ain't.
BobIshmaelWhat with me being an op and encouraging everyone to drink and smoke.
BobIshmaelDZ, drink and smoke.
BobIshmaelI don't care what, just drink and smoke.
BobIshmaelDrink a Red Bull and smoke a ham, for all I care.
DarkonZeroNoper to that.
DarkonZeroI'll get my guitar....
DarkonZeroActually....no I won;t.
* DarkonZero wonders if he should scan his face again.
* BobIshmael takes a break from HTML to check his mail.
DarkonZeroCHECK IT!
*** BIshmael has joined #deep13
BIshmaelStupid no good.
*** BobIshmael has left IRC
*** BobIshmael has quit IRC (Read error to BobIshmael[dialup-]: Connection reset by peer)
BIshmaelDisconnected after "...to check his mail."
* BIshmael steps away from DZ.
BIshmaelMayhap you would explain that?
DarkonZeroThey're holding a Battlebots event in Vegas.
DarkonZerowww.battlebots.com explains even more.
DarkonZeroNext week.
BIshmaelI know the premise of it.
DarkonZeroI'm going to Comdex this year.
BIshmaelYou make robots to kill other people's robots, right?
BIshmaelDidn't you ask to me help you build one?
DarkonZeroI think I did.
DarkonZeroToo late now.
BIshmaelOh well.
DarkonZeroI'll throw in a cardboard box with rocks in it.
*** BobIshmael is on IRC
*** BIshmael is now known as BobIshmael
DarkonZeroAnd use ropes to move it.
* BobIshmael laughs.
BobIshmaelThat's the first laugh I've has all day. Thanks.
BobIshmaelFeel proud, old man.
DarkonZeroThat was actually funny....that's a first.
BobIshmaelGive me a middle name/initial.
BobIshmaelI figure I could be Bob P. Ishmael
* DarkonZero is a semi-proud old man.
BobIshmaelAnd the "P" could stand for Pez.
DarkonZeroP fits.
BobIshmaelAlright, then.
DarkonZeroJ. fits me.
DarkonZeroDarkon J. Zero
DarkonZeroJ is for Jerk.
BobIshmaelJ is for jovial...
BobIshmaelAnd joking..
BobIshmaelAnd ja- Yeah.
DarkonZeroYou seem to be in a good mood.
DarkonZeroThat's a first.
DarkonZeroBob B. Ishmael.
BobIshmaelI be Ishmael, alright.
* DarkonZero chuckles a bit....then realizes the follie.
* DarkonZero parts the smarts with a fart.
*** Retrieving #Deep13 info...
* BobIshmael looks up.
*** Retrieving #Deep13 info...
BobIshmael"Now, don't you start that a'ain."
DarkonZeroTHE CON!
DarkonZeroWe haven't talked about that in a while.
DarkonZeroOf course....we burned it out.
* DarkonZero wonders when he's gonna send the affidavit in that he printed out.
* BobIshmael looks up.
BobIshmaelThe Con is good.
BobIshmaelAbout which part shall we speak of?
DarkonZeroCon good.
BobIshmaelCan I ask you a serious question?
DarkonZeroWell...I covered the "pissing off other show fans".
DarkonZeroAnd yes...ask away.
BobIshmaelDo you think my age will be any sort of factor when meeting other D13'ers? Everything seems to think I'm 20-something.
BobIshmaelI'm in my prime, I'm not an old fogey!
DarkonZeroWhy do you think we get somewhat along?
DarkonZeroNot cause of age.
BobIshmaelBecause I'm driving you?
BobIshmaelOh, you mean in general.
DarkonZeroHey...does it matter what others think?
DarkonZeroFrankly...I don't care.
DarkonZeroA bit.
DarkonZeroI make friends with anyone....as long as they're cool...with me.
* DarkonZero sounds like a old dork.
DarkonZeroI thought everyone knew I'm older than ya anyway.....
DarkonZeroThough you seem more mature than I.
BobIshmaelHELL NO!
DarkonZeroWho thinks you're the oldest person on #Deep13?
BobIshmaelExcept for my boss, but that's only because he can fire me.
* BobIshmael ponders calling up all the #deep13'er on the way to The Con and saying, "I'm 16 *click*"
BobIshmaelDZ, DZ, DZ, DZ, DZ.
DarkonZeroI was the only one?
* BobIshmael looks up.
BobIshmaelEveryone who doesn't know my age thinks I'm one of the oldest here.
BobIshmaelThat's nearly everyone but you, De, Manny...
BobIshmaelLoc, I think.
DarkonZeroHehe....let them think that...then surprise 'em.
BobIshmaelOr I could say "Bob couldn't make it. I'm his little brother."
DarkonZeroI forgot who...but some think I'm 15.
* BobIshmael snickers.
BobIshmaelI'm laughing WITH you, old man.
* DarkonZero remembers a co-worker telling him to grow-up.
DarkonZeroI pissed that person off a bit....cause I couldn't explain why I didn't have a driver's licsence.
BobIshmaelI was talking to 30-something guy at work and he said something along the lines of "You carry yourself in a very mature manner... I don't if that's healthy."
BobIshmaelI guess I'm diseased.
DarkonZeroSome people say the same thing to me......at times.
BobIshmaelOr I'm an genius.
DarkonZeroThen they see me at work.
BobIshmaelHuh, I'm just the opposite.
DarkonZeroI'm only mature when I have to be.
BobIshmaelSame here.
BobIshmaelWhich, for me, is at work.
DarkonZeroAt work...I get to mess around.
BobIshmaelI have to deal with gimps and geezers, they don't put up with my shenanigans.
BobIshmaelNor does my boss, who I think hates me.
BobIshmaelOh well.
BobIshmaelS'not that great a job, anyway.
DarkonZeroOf course...I feel ashamed about my job at times.
BobIshmaelIt pays... the... uh.... Con.
DarkonZeroMy tax return will do that.
BobIshmaelHuh. I ran out of question for my Faq about me.
BobIshmaelHuh. I ran out of questions for my Faq about me.
BobIshmaelAny suggestions?
BobIshmaelAlready covered.
BobIshmaelI don't have much family.
BobIshmaelAnd even so, why would I want to talk about them?
DarkonZeroI dunno....
DarkonZeroMy family is weird.
BobIshmaelDamn right.
DarkonZeroAnd I'll warn everyone about them.
BobIshmaelI guess I'm done with the FAQ, then.
BobIshmaelYippie. Three more pages to go.
DarkonZeroThat's more than what I got done.
BobIshmaelHuh. Have to get up in 6 hours. Of course, I can go back to sleep in 7 hours.
BobIshmaelBut then I have to wake up again in 9 hours.
BobIshmaelWork on my webpage.
DarkonZeroGo for it.
DarkonZeroI still got 5 hours till I got to go to work.
BobIshmaelDon't stay on my account.
DarkonZeroHey...I'm fine...
DarkonZeroI've done it before.
DarkonZeroOnly had 3 hours sleep....and felt great....then slept when I got home.
BobIshmaelEvery try a Red Bull?
BobIshmaelEver, even.
DarkonZeroI don't drink much.
DarkonZeroI have a feeling Loc is gonna be back soon.
BobIshmaelRed Bull isn't an alcoholic drink, you feeb.
BobIshmaelOr did you mean drink, at all.
DarkonZeroI thought it was.
BobIshmaelIt's full of vitamins and caffeine, though.
BobIshmaelWaaaaay to much of both.
BobIshmaelTastes good, though.
DarkonZeroI still wanna know what a Jolt tastes like.
BobIshmaelProbably like a Mt. Dew, but not so... green.
DarkonZeroI'll have to buy a 6 pack of Jolt.
BobIshmaelBuy a Red Bull, too.
BobIshmaelCaffeine usually  makes me tired and the Red Bull nearly put me to sleep.
DarkonZeroSame goes for me.
BobIshmaelSo if you're a "normal" person, it'll be like crack.
BobIshmaelDamn. Oh well.
BobIshmaelDZ, could you create a "IAQ" graphic for my website?
BobIshmaelLike a FAQ, but not. I can send you the one I have now.
BobIshmaelIt ain't too grand.
DarkonZeroSend it...and I'll see what I can do.
BobIshmaelThat thing in the back is a question mark I scanned from a magazine.
BobIshmaelI had to enlarge it by about 500%.
DarkonZeroYOu want it to say "IAQ"?
BobIshmaelOriginally, it was supposed to say FAQ. But, then I though, "Screw that."
DarkonZeroOk....I'll work on it later....brain not at full capacity.
DarkonZeroRemind me about it.
DarkonZeroI forget alot.
BobIshmaelThat's perfect, though. I'm going for surreality.
BobIshmaelBut it's not that important.
* BobIshmael begins work on the remaining pages.
* DarkonZero forgot who sent him the pic of Katie...and some guy.
BobIshmaelManos, probably.
DarkonZeroOh yeah...
DarkonZeroI'm working on the .jpg now.
DarkonZeroIt's not that hard.
BobIshmaelNo, but I'm lazy.
BobIshmaelActually, I couldn't make it look good.
DarkonZeroI'll try too clean it up.
BobIshmaelBeat with a stick, if you like.
* DarkonZero beats the .jpg with a stick....
DarkonZeroNope....not working.
BobIshmaelOh well, just a suggestion.
DarkonZeroI didn't clean it up....
DarkonZeroJust want to know what you think.
* BobIshmael shrugs.
BobIshmaelThat's great, thanks for doing my work for me.
DarkonZeroHehe....no prob.
DarkonZeroI'm glad PSP had color capture.
DarkonZeroHey Bob...I'll see ya later...my brain is starting to play tricks.
BobIshmaelAdidas, DZ.
DarkonZeroMe! I disconnect from you...all!
* DarkonZero hits the off switch on his Portal deck and disconnects to the world known as reality!
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Thu Nov 11 04:01:08 1999

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