
Session Start: Mon Nov 08 17:14:57 1999
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is '1,4This topic in aid of Greidanus 1,0Everyone get a chance to say farewell to our close friend, she'll be leaving for a while'
*** Set by Locdog07 on Mon Nov 08 12:59:02
*** CallipyG has joined #deep13
*** Mars sets mode: +o CallipyG
DarkonZeroHey CG.
CallipyGhey dz
CallipyGwhats up?
[CallipyG SOUND]
DarkonZeroNot much but getting a new high speed connection tomorrow.
CallipyGkick ass.
CallipyGare you running linux with it?
DarkonZeroNope.....old Windoze 98
CallipyGwhat question does that answer?
DarkonZeroGoing to 2000
DarkonZeroBut I have no idea when I will update to Win 2000.
CallipyGi was wondering if you could possibly start hosting people's sites, but i dont trust windows
DarkonZeroI don't think I would be able to host sites anyway....sorry.
CallipyGbesides, i didnty even ask you yet  hehehe
CallipyGthats perfectly alright
DarkonZeroBob asked me if I'd host a chat server.....and have him as the administrator.
DarkonZeroBut.....him being Bob.....nope.
DarkonZeroI would never let Bob onto my puter.
CallipyGthats a smart thing...
DarkonZeroYuppers to that.
DarkonZeroWhat have you been up to?
CallipyGwell, i'd love more than anything to get a linux system with a DSL, and run a webserver off of it
CallipyGof course, i'd want to network my windows computer to it
DarkonZeroI would like the same....but I don't have the money for it.
CallipyGwell, this is why i work
DarkonZeroThe puter I'm using is not mine entirely...it's a family puter.
DarkonZeroI work too.....but don't make enough.
CallipyGi also want to buy a car..a cheap car
DarkonZeroAs do I my friend...as do I.
*** Bozarth is on IRC
*** Bozarth has joined #Deep13
BozarthI'm here
Bozarthwhy's Gried leaving?
DarkonZeroI have no idea
DarkonZeroSo...how's it going Boz?
BozarthGood. could be better, could be worse. How are those pics coming along
BozarthI sense a big "not good"
DarkonZeroSorry....I quit working on 'em since no one else was intereted.
DarkonZerointerested even.
BozarthHow are things with you?
DarkonZeroBut.....to tell the truth....I didn't start on 'em cause of my job.
DarkonZeroMe...I'm fine.
Bozarthwhat jog?
DarkonZeroI work in a arcade.....since April.
Bozarththat must be real fun
DarkonZeroNot really...
DarkonZeroI run into alot of the French.
DarkonZeroAnd you know I hate the French.
DarkonZeroI haven't been on IRC for a few days a week.....for 2 weeks.
DarkonZeroSo...basically....I don't know what's going on anymore.
BozarthI introduced my friend to this channel
BozarthHe's a good guy
DarkonZeroAnd who is this friend?
Bozarthhis nick is Milenko
DarkonZeroI think I remember that nick.
CallipyGi'm going for a while
Bozarththat's about all I can think of
DarkonZerolater CG.
CallipyGill prollay be back later
*** CallipyG has left IRC
*** CallipyG has quit IRC (Leaving)
DarkonZeroI can't wait till I get my guitar back tomorrow.
DarkonZeroThen I'll play all the Foo Fighters songs I like.
DarkonZeroBTW....would you like a MP3 of the new single?
Bozarthwhich song is it again?
DarkonZeroLearn To Fly
Bozarthsure, why not
DarkonZeroOk....hold on...
* Pump DCC up to 99999999 bytes
DarkonZeroTomorrow....I get DSL.....
DarkonZeroYeah....a high speed internet connection....a bit faster than cable.
DarkonZeroOr maybe faster.
DarkonZeroAnd I'm gonna have fun playing all my games online now.
DarkonZeroEspecially Mechwarrior 3.
* DarkonZero realizes he has too many MP3's.
Bozarthhow many do you have?
DarkonZeroMost I made myself.
DarkonZeroMan.....I wonder where everyone else is.....
BozarthI dunno
DarkonZeroI've seen Bob a few days ago.....
DarkonZeroI noticed ever since I haven't shown up as often.....no one else is around.
BozarthWell, god knows what people do outside here
DarkonZeroWell.....I remember eveyone being here alot a few weeks ago.
DarkonZeroOh well....
DarkonZeroI just hope this channel won't die......cause it'll give HG to laugh at.
DarkonZeroAnd no one won't like that.
*** IncMeltMan is on IRC
*** IncMeltMan has joined #Deep13
IncMeltManOR DZ?
* IncMeltMan goofed typing.
IncMeltManAnd Bozarth!
DarkonZeroI was about to correct ya.....you got to if first,
DarkonZero, to .
DarkonZeroSo.....IMM.... how are ya?
IncMeltManI'm good and well.
DarkonZeroNow...what shall we discuss?
IncMeltManUm...I don't know.  I'm a lousy topic-picker.
DarkonZeroAs am I....
DarkonZeroMan...I feel bad that I wasn't able to get this lithograph of Mike and the bots painted by Dave Dorman.
IncMeltManYeah...the one I got wasn't autographed.
IncMeltManI might take it to con and try and get Mike and Bill and Kevin to sign it, though.  That would be better.
*** Bozarth has left IRC
*** Bozarth has quit IRC (Ping timeout for Bozarth[qcyb-ppp-66.adams.net])
DarkonZeroThe one Another Universe had was signed by the artist.
DarkonZeroSo...you're going to the con, eh?
IncMeltManYeah...so is the Sci-Fi one.
DarkonZeroIt'll be good to see the others....
DarkonZeroI'll be the oldest.
DarkonZeroI think.
IncMeltManHow old are you?
IncMeltManAh...I'm 19.
DarkonZeroWhen it comes I'll be 24.
*** Bozarth is on IRC
DarkonZeroSuperspy is 20
IncMeltManWhen it comes I'll be 20....um....a month later.
*** RiffRaff has joined #deep13
IncMeltManDon't know you.
DarkonZeroWe got some RiffRaff here!
RiffRaffwho's DarkRow?
RiffRafflol :)
RiffRaff<Crazyhed88> go into Deep13 and see ik Darkrow is in there
RiffRaffi dunno
RiffRaffsomeone asked :)
DarkonZeroWell....he's not here......
*** Bozarth has joined #Deep13
DarkonZeroWB Boz.
IncMeltManNope, nope, nope.
IncMeltManHello, Boz!
RiffRaffthanks :)
* RiffRaff waves
*** RiffRaff has left #deep13
BozarthIMM, do you know why Greid's leaving?
DarkonZeroLook who made the topic....
DarkonZeroIt vcould be one of his sarcastic things...or be serious.
BozarthGod knows what
DarkonZeroIt's hard to tell with Loc......but that's Loc.
DarkonZeroAnd we lufe him for that.
DarkonZeroI think.
DarkonZeroBoz....having ISP probs?
DarkonZeroIt seems that you get booted off every once and a while.
Bozarthare there any other kind?
DarkonZeroWell....your computer may be hiccuping.....
Bozarththis has been happening for 2 weeka
DarkonZeroMine was doing that for a while...till I did  a defrag.
Bozarththat might work
* IncMeltMan looks at the SciFi Channel's ratings and finds that Robocop 3 was the highest rated thing on the channel last week....geez!
DarkonZeroYou also check your physical connection.....make sure it's not loose.
* DarkonZero is laughing out loud....so much he sounds like Krankor!
* /sound: unable to play 'krankor.wav'
DarkonZeroIMM was that true?
IncMeltManYep....that's what it says on the site.
IncMeltManThey show their top 10 rated programs on the site on Monday.
*** Goku has joined #Deep13
DarkonZeroI don't even watch Sci-fi anymore.....I try to tape MST3K though.
IncMeltManSometimes I check to see if MST's one...I've only seen it there once, and that was for Diabolik.
Gokuno Bob
Gokume stay
Gokufor awhile
DarkonZeroKu....did Bob do anything to ya?
GokuYes, made me pissed
DarkonZeroThat's our Bob....
DarkonZeroHe does that Ku....you either get used to it.....or just ignore it, and leave for a while.
DarkonZeroI'd choose the latter.
DarkonZeroUgh.....I'll be back later....I gotta go and pick a number.....
DarkonZeroTill then....later.
IncMeltManAwww...bye, DZ.
DarkonZeroI'll be back in a hour or so....
DarkonZerobye all.
DarkonZeroMe! I disconnect from you...all!
* DarkonZero hits the off switch on his Portal deck and disconnects to the world known as reality!
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Mon Nov 08 18:17:05 1999
Session Start: Mon Nov 08 18:44:47 1999
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is '1,4This topic in aid of Greidanus 1,0Everyone get a chance to say farewell to our close friend, she'll be leaving for a while'
*** Set by Locdog07 on Mon Nov 08 12:59:02
*** Retrieving #Deep13 info...
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Mon Nov 08 18:45:40 1999
Session Start: Mon Nov 08 19:52:00 1999
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is '1,4This topic in aid of Greidanus 1,0Everyone get a chance to say farewell to our close friend, she'll be leaving for a while'
*** Set by Locdog07 on Mon Nov 08 12:59:02
Greidanushi DZ
Greidanushavnt see you in a while, and probably wont
DarkonZeroOh....I haven't been on in a while.....and what is the reason of the leaving? It's on the minds of some.
Greidanusparents pissed beacuse of grades, they cancel internet
Sentroid91<Sentroid91> The server split, and Lodovik took over a lemon #Deep13
DarkonZeroThe parents.....a obstacle you must kil....er.....get used to.
Greidanushehe, im softening them up already. bawled my eyes out today
*** DeRaptor is on IRC
*** DeRaptor has joined #Deep13
* DeRaptor leaps into #Deep13 via a perpendicular universe.
*** Mars sets mode: +o DeRaptor
DeRaptorHey freeks.
* Sentroid91 clings to De like a magnet
DarkonZeroAh....the tried and true bawling bit....did it work?
DeRaptorWhere you going, Greidy?
Sentroid91<Sentroid91> The server split, and Lodovik took over a lemon #Deep13
* DeRaptor attempts to scrape 'troid off on the wall.
Sentroid91and Anon's a leak, and Callip won't let me ban him
Greidanusyeah, it seems theyre reconsidering
DarkonZeroHehe....that's good.
* DeRaptor stands around looking confused.
DarkonZeroAs always.....
Greidanusok, who wants to go first?
DarkonZeroGo where?
*** IRIshmael has joined #deep13
IRIshmaelI AM!
Greidanusoh, hi Bob
IRIshmaelI mean, DZ!
IRIshmaeloh, hi KK.
DeRaptorHello Baboo-...er, Ishmael.
IRIshmaelHello Deedoloooldyly- I mean, Raptor.
* DeRaptor razzes Ish.
Greidanuslotsa sugar names and acronyms tonight, who wants some?
* IRIshmael points to DZ.
IRIshmaelHe does.
DarkonZeroI do?
IRIshmaelYes. Very much so.
* Greidanus offers a sugar name "Honey" to DZ
*** DarkonZero has left IRC
*** DarkonZero is now known as HoneyZero
Greidanushey, i accidentally did a double!! d'oh
HoneyZeroDoes it work?
* DeRaptor blinks confusedly.
Greidanushmm, i dont know....
IRIshmaelI have to learn to blink like that.
*** HoneyZero is now known as Honeycomb
* Greidanus duct tapes De's eylids open
* DeRaptor tapes Greidy's face open.
Greidanuswhat face? i never had a face!
*** DarkonZero is on IRC
*** Honeycomb is now known as DarkonZero
* DeRaptor screams as that Backstreet-boys-parody-jack-in-the-box song starts to lodge itself into her head.
Greidanushehe, i feel sorry for you
* IRIshmael blinks confusedly, as well.
*** DarkonZero has left IRC
*** DarkonZero is now known as FooZero
IRIshmaelOh.. That.
* DeRaptor watches the phantom vapid-teen-boys run off, terrified.
*** Greidanus is now known as KarateKid
* FooZero runs away.
IRIshmaelOh... Greid is that Karate Kid, for those of you who didn't know.
IRIshmaelthat? Siiiigh...
KarateKidevery one loves kung foo fighting!!! <doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo!>
IRIshmael"The," you moron.
*** KarateKid is now known as TheKarateK
*** DarkonZero is on IRC
*** FooZero is now known as DarkonZero
TheKarateKhmm, now i know my limit, i guess
*** TheKarateK is now known as Greidanus
IRIshmaelYou sure do, tKK.
*** Guest79535 has joined #Deep13
*** Guest79535 has left #Deep13
IRIshmaelWhat an odd handle, says I.
Greidanussays me too
DarkonZeroHmmm....a guest with a short visit time.
DarkonZeroOh well.
* Sound request: can't find 'clues21.wav'
[Greidanus SOUND]
Greidanusreally short
CallipyGCallipyG16: Anon, is there any reason we should ban you from #Deep13?
CallipyGMSTiesAnon: No.
DarkonZeroI can think of one.
CallipyGthere you have it
IRIshmaelI didn't ban him! I swear!
DeRaptorWell, he should...um...be temporarily banned every time he farts.
*** DeRaptor was kicked by Mars (kick sent by IRIshmael (No South Park fans. ))
* Greidanus isnt looking at you
CallipyGnobody banned him
*** DeRaptor has joined #Deep13
* DeRaptor leaps into #Deep13 via a perpendicular universe.
*** Mars sets mode: +o DeRaptor
CallipyGSent wants to
* DeRaptor eyes Ish warningly.
DeRaptorGet those scripts under control, mister.
CallipyGDZ: whats that reason
* Sentroid91 feels sick
DarkonZeroHmmmm.....Mars has a (f)art kick....
DarkonZeroThe reason?
IRIshmaelUh... Yeah... Maaaaaaaaaaars.
DarkonZeroI forgot now.
* IRIshmael whistles innocently.
Greidanushe saw Sent's script and wanted to play with Mars
IRIshmaelI had to take care of Anon.
IRIshmaelHe kept farting all the damn time.
DarkonZeroWhat about Cal?
*** BobIshmael is on IRC
*** IRIshmael is now known as BobIshmael
DarkonZeroHe does the same.
BobIshmaelHe's a moron, too.
DeRaptorSo do it with the action command and not the text!
Greidanusand all of us far(t) ing folk
* BobIshmael glares at Greid.
Sentroid91<Sentroid91> I don't see what the big deal is on whether we ban Anon or not
Sentroid91<Sentroid91> He doesn't talk much
Sentroid91<Sentroid91> And when he does. It's always "My site. My site"
Sentroid91<DeRaptor> Except to fart...
Sentroid91* DeRaptor chuckles.
Sentroid91<Sentroid91> Even i'm not that obsessive about my site
*** Sentroid91 was kicked by Mars (kick sent by BobIshmael (No South Park fans. ))
*** Sentroid91 has joined #Deep13
Sentroid91friggin kick scripts
*** Sentroid91 was kicked by Mars (kick sent by BobIshmael (I assume you mean "Frank Stallone." Bye. ))
*** Sentroid91 has joined #Deep13
BobIshmaelFine... I'll remve it.
*** Sentroid91 was kicked by Mars (kick sent by BobIshmael (I assume you mean "Frank Stallone." Bye. ))
*** Sentroid91 has joined #Deep13
BobIshmaelI'm not removing THAT, though.
*** Mars sets mode: +o Sentroid91
BobIshmaelI'm not removing THAT, though.
Sentroid91good, you don't have to
* DeRaptor starts poking Bob repeatedly.
BobIshmaelI've hand enough of your damned Frank Stallone.
Sentroid91i'll just keep saying Frank12o
BobIshmaelYou might as well worship George Kennedy.
DarkonZeroI won't do that.
Sentroid91Bob, i'm crazy. Not sick.
Sentroid91I worship brother's of Blockbuster Movie actors who starred in B-movies and sang Frank Sinatra songs
BobIshmaelYou're no better than HomeGame, Sent.
DeRaptorOh, and you are, Mr. nasty-to-the-newbies?
Greidanusooh, how low can we go?
* DeRaptor shrugs.
Sentroid91you forgot Mr. Asshole Attitude, De.
DeRaptorAll I know is Timmyling would win at limbo.
* DarkonZero gets out the limbo stick.
BobIshmaelI'm not nasty to newbies. I'm nasty to moron.
*** Raven-x is on IRC
*** Raven-x has joined #deep13
BobIshmaelGreid is a newbie and I'm n- Well, I tolerate her.
Raven-xhello everyone
DarkonZeroYeah....Bob is nasty to me.
DeRaptorHey Ravoid.
BobIshmaelomega, however, is an idiot and I'm nasty to him.
Raven-xBob is nasty to almost everyone
Greidanushi Raven
BobIshmaelWell... Was.
BobIshmaelBite me, Guammer.
Raven-xsee what I mean
DeRaptorWell, I just don't think it gives people a very good impression of MiSTies when they come into an MST chatroom and get bombarded by insults from people they don't even know.
Raven-xwell omega is so fun to pick on though
DarkonZeroWell....most of 'em were'nt MSTies.
BobIshmaelDe, we normally don't do that... But everyone on this server is Romanian.
BobIshmaelOr Portugese.
DarkonZeroOr French.
Raven-xor some big cricket fan
DarkonZeroOr Canadian.....or shall we leave this one out.
DeRaptorwell, whatever.
DeRaptorI just don't want us turning into another elitist homegame, is all.
BobIshmaelMe either..
DarkonZeroAnd we won't.
DarkonZeroI hope.
DarkonZeroI think I just jinxed it.
BobIshmaelSo I suggest we demand Sent stop referring to FS..
BobIshmaelAnd we don't make fun of newbies, only idiots.
Greidanustrue, thats the main reson we all left scifi: because of morons and flamers
DeRaptorOkay then.
BobIshmaelI spoke to a very mature 15 year old Trekkie the other day.
* DeRaptor calms down and douses herself with paint thinner.
Sentroid91I suggest that we demand friggin order in this messed up room
DeRaptorBut...order isn't FUN!
DarkonZeroBob....I thought you hated Trekkies.
Sentroid91I'd take order over chaos anyday
BobIshmaelI do, but this one WANTED to watch MST3K...
DarkonZeroI'm sorta neutral....
BobIshmaelOr he claimed he did.
Raven-xheh I know trekkies all of them have 13 inch thick glasses
* DeRaptor looks at her glasses.
* Sentroid91 checks his gla... er, sunglasses
Greidanushmm, i dont really think so. my dad's a trekkie and he has 20-20 vision
* BobIshmael checks his contacts... Ow.
DarkonZeroI was a Babylon 5 fan....till they stopped airing it.
Greidanusahem, Bob
Raven-xI'm ashamed to admit I watched Seaquest
DarkonZeroI did too.
Greidanuseeww... you should be
* DarkonZero kicks himself for ever watching SeaQuest.
DarkonZeroAnd that'll be alot of kicking....I'll be right back.
DarkonZeroI'll be right back! OK.
* DarkonZero will be right back...he's off to do somethin'.
DarkonZeroI'll be right back...really, I will!
Raven-xoh well I grew out of it, now I have more productive things to do
* DarkonZero : 6,1 Kicking himself. 6,16,0.6,0
Greidanusi used to watch power rangers (but how can you blame me, i was 7 years old!!)
* DarkonZero is back from whatever...
DarkonZeroWell, I'm back.
* DeRaptor thinks power rangers needs a goood MiSTing.
BobIshmaelI used to watch TMNT... And still would if it was on.
DarkonZeroIt already MST's itself De.
BobIshmaelTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles...
BobIshmaelTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles...
BobIshmaelTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles...
Raven-xoh yeah, I knew someone who had everything TMNT
BobIshmaelHeros on the half-shell! Turtle power!
Raven-xthen his mom sold them to the salvation army
BobIshmaelI used to have a TMNT sleeping bag.
Greidanushehe, i remember in kindergarten, i never hung with the gals, i was always playing april in a game of TMNT with the boys
BobIshmaelAnd had a bunch of Turtles action figures..
BobIshmaelI even had the little sewer play set
BobIshmaelI even had the little sewer play set.
Sentroid91I had a pooload of those
BobIshmaelIt was the coolest.
Sentroid91I had the van
Sentroid91the first van
DarkonZeroI watched G.I. Joe when I was a kid.....had most of the figures....
DarkonZeroAnd the Go Bots.
* CallipyG has to go...
DarkonZeroBye CG.
Sentroid91I had one G.I. Joe figure growing up
BobIshmaelI wanted the van.
Raven-xI was a big TF fan when I was growing up, it was tuff cause no one in my school liked transformers anymore, except people 17 years older than me
DeRaptorbya G
Greidanusbye G!
GreidanusCG more like
BobIshmaelI was pissed that a friend had the van and I didn't.
CallipyGLodo is banned from the other side of the netsplit, so..
Sentroid91I had alot of TF's too
BobIshmaelAdidas, Callip.
*** CallipyG has left IRC
*** CallipyG has quit IRC (Leaving)
Raven-xau revior
DarkonZeroI forgot about my Tranformers: The Movie tape!
BobIshmaelWhy were we bashing Anon earlier?
DarkonZeroCause we felt like it.
Raven-xI got mine last year
DeRaptorBecause it's fun? idunno.
DarkonZeroAnon makes himself a target.
DarkonZeroAs with Cam.
Raven-xI actually like TF:TM despite the fact that overall it was a bad movie
DarkonZeroOh well....
DarkonZeroI'm still looking for the Special Edition of Army of Darkness.
Raven-xthe new transformer series "Beast Machines" is pure crap
DarkonZeroAnd I can't find a copy anywhere.
DarkonZeroRaven....don't tell spy that.
DarkonZeroActually.....go ahead.
Greidanusall 100% pure, filtered, distilled, pasteurized crap
DarkonZeroI don't know his opinion of it.
Sentroid91not really
Sentroid91I saw it the other day, it was pretty good
Raven-xat least some of the crappy characters are dead
Sentroid91I had no idea Rhinox and Silverbolt were turned into Vehicons
DarkonZeroAll I do is Watch all the Cartoon Cartoons.....Space Ghost......DBZ......and some others.
BobIshmaelThat's all well and good.. But what about TMNT?
DarkonZeroBob read the comic.
Greidanusme too, wasting away my life by myself...
BobIshmaelI don't watch TV anymore. It's all crap.
Greidanuseverything good's gone, while all the crap takes its place <sniffle>
Raven-xno what ticked me off was that Hasbro wanted to make anniversary edition Tf toys that were to come out this year, get this they are all the GN1 Tfs but they don't transform they are stuck in robot mode
Raven-xknow not no
Sentroid91That really sucks
DarkonZeroStupid Hasbro!
BobIshmaelAnyone remember the Turtle toys that talked?
Raven-xtell me about it, and Hasbro allowed Animorphs to share the Transformers label to sell their product
* DeRaptor searches for her time machine.
DarkonZeroI do Bob.....
BobIshmaelOr the ones that changed, much like Transformers.
DarkonZeroThey were nightmarish.
Raven-xoh yeah
Sentroid91You know what sucks? How they incororated the Animorphs series into the Transformers collection
BobIshmaelThey changing ones or the talking ones?
Greidanusanimorphs, ewwww..... how dare you even say the name....oops i did too
* DarkonZero goes to kill Sent now.
Sentroid91They can't even make one person to transform into a T-Rex... no. they need three people
DarkonZeroI'm personally gonna kill you!
* Sentroid91 runs, with his MST Catalog in his hand
DarkonZeroThat show is awful.
Greidanusheh, leave it to me in your will!!
DarkonZeroI saw one ep and couldn't help but put it out of it's misery.
BobIshmaelStupid worthless tables.
* DeRaptor shudders at the memory of the pokemon cartoon.
Greidanusbooks, awful, except for one MST ref in one
Raven-xyou know what if you say you liked Animorphs in #cybertron on Dalnet, be prepared for alot of flying objects to be coming toward your direction (chairs, stones, knives)
DarkonZeroMention Star Wars in a Trek room you get the same thing....
* BobIshmael will BRB.
DeRaptorI thought it was the other way around...or...hmmm.
DarkonZeroIt goes either way.
Greidanuswhere somehow (beats me) there's a poster with Mike and the bots on it in some comic shop
Greidanusthe only highlight in the animorphs series, for me mostly
DarkonZeroThen bring in babylon 5.
Raven-xshoot you know what, I have to leave, I'll be back in maybe 3 hours
DarkonZeroBye Raven.
Raven-xgoodbye everyone, goodbye Greidanus
*** Raven-x has left IRC
*** Raven-x has quit IRC (Leaving)
Greidanusd'oh, lol
Greidanusdah, need sugar, brb
DarkonZeroI miss the Battletech cartoon that used to be on......the animation was awful...but the story was great.
Sentroid91okay! someone please agree with me, that this new Joan of Arc movie looks awful?
DarkonZeroOk...I will.
DarkonZeroI agree to agree.
Sentroid91I mean, it's the same guy who directed the Filth Element... and he picked the same girl who played Carrot Top in that movie to be Joan of Arc.
DeRaptorUm...okay, I'll agree too.
*** BobIshmael has left IRC
*** BobIshmael is now known as BuddyBear
BuddyBearAnd I agree with you.
*** ThejasoN has joined #Deep13
* ThejasoN jasons in
ThejasoNtis i!
* BuddyBear sings the Buddy Bear song.
Greidanusam i lagging, or is it too quiet in here?
*** souperspy has joined #deep13
ThejasoNhey supperspy
DeRaptorTHE jasoN? Sheesh, Cam started something.
BuddyBear"If you ever disagree, it means that you are wrong."
*** DeRaptor has left IRC
*** DeRaptor is now known as LaDeRaptor
BuddyBear"Yeah, we are the BUddy Bears! We always get along!"
souperspyhi, N
*** BobIshmael is on IRC
*** BuddyBear is now known as BobIshmael
souperspywho's Greidanus
BobIshmaelI... feel... faint...
* BobIshmael passes out.
souperspyAHH a buddybe--oh
ThejasoNcome on De, i've been doing this for over a year...you never (sniff) pay attention
* DarkonZero misses the Garfield cartoon too.
*** Sentroid91 has left IRC
*** Sentroid91 is now known as LeBigMac
ThejasoNoh, hi mom
Greidanusyep, im lagging
* Sound request: can't find 'momsong.wav'
[ThejasoN SOUND]
BobIshmaelsoN, can you re-send that?
souperspyyeah, I don't have that, either
* DarkonZero feels a certain (but stupid) power surge through him...
DarkonZeroI AM...!
* DarkonZero becomes in a flash (and a stupid pose) a 70's Japanese superhero known as 15,1ULTRADORK15,16,0!6,0
*** DarkonZero has left IRC
*** DarkonZero is now known as UltraDork
ThejasoNmy DCCs have been slow as hell lately
BobIshmaelDid I mention that I hate tables?
BobIshmaelBecause I do.
BobIshmaelHTML tables, that is.
UltraDorkWe know Bob.
BobIshmaelI like the coffee kind and the dinner kind.
UltraDorkI thought you meant the one you're computer is on.
BobIshmaelNot the end kind, they're useless.
souperspywhy do you hate tables, bob?
BobIshmaelMy computer is on a desk.
BobIshmaelBecause I just do.
* UltraDork knows that Bob seccretly loves tables....he just won't admit it.
*** MSTAnon is on IRC
*** MSTAnon has joined #deep13
ThejasoNhey poobah
souperspyhi, anon
Greidanushi Anon
* MSTAnon points and laughs at UltraDork.
BobIshmaelI DO NOT!
BobIshmaelAnon, we were bashing you for some reason.
UltraDorkWe forgot what about though.
MSTAnonThat's nice.
UltraDorkLet us bash Anon some more.
UltraDorkShall we?
BobIshmaelSent seems to know why.
Greidanusheh... no
UltraDorkI AM NO LONGER...!
* UltraDork loses his dumb power and returns back to his old moronic, sorta secret alter-ego, DarkonZero.
*** DarkonZero is on IRC
*** UltraDork is now known as DarkonZero
* ThejasoN jasons!!
* souperspy smacks N, for old time's sake
* DarkonZero looks at the nicklist....and a tear appears in his eye.
*** superspy is on IRC
*** souperspy is now known as superspy
superspy...stupid dal.net
* ThejasoN sets supperspy's nose on fire
Greidanuswhat, DK?
DarkonZeroI'm not DK?
ThejasoNhe's gettin all mushy on us
DarkonZero? to !
*** DeRaptor is on IRC
*** LaDeRaptor is now known as DeRaptor
* superspy sets N's butt on fire
ThejasoNDZ..if you hug me, i'll kick your ass
DarkonZeroI won't.
ThejasoNah, speaking of asses
* ThejasoN runs around on fire
superspywhat if I hug you?
Greidanusd'oh, sorry, i got confused
ThejasoNif you hug me, i'll still kick DZ's ass
* superspy hugs N
* ThejasoN kicks DZ's ass
* DeRaptor wonders how N was born...
* Sound request: can't find 'mrsparkle.wav'
[LeBigMac SOUND]
DarkonZeroDe....it was a long process.
* DeRaptor looks at Bob.
* DeRaptor shudders.
DarkonZeroA long, weird one.
ThejasoNthey had to do it surgicly
* BobIshmael looks up.
ThejasoNhi mom
* DeRaptor rotfl.
BobIshmaelPlease don't bash me, De. I'm very fragile.
ThejasoNjust talking about you
BobIshmaelHi soN.
* DeRaptor chews on the walls.
BobIshmaelAnd I can dig it.
Greidanushow can you chew on a wall??
DarkonZeroDe.....now De...be careful of the drywall.....don't damage the drywall.
* Sound request: can't find 'somethingsomething.wav'
[LeBigMac SOUND]
ThejasoNif your teeth are long enough, you can do lots of stuff
ThejasoNenjoying my site, sent?
DeRaptorwell...I'm chewing on the edge of the wall...on the doorframe, sorta...
BobIshmaelIt's a flat surface!
LeBigMacyes, now
BobIshmaelYou can't chew- Oh.. Nevermind.
* DeRaptor pulls her head out of the doorframe so nobody can slam the door on her.
* Greidanus extends her choppers and starts knawing the opposite wall
* DeRaptor slinks into the rafters and chews on them.
* ThejasoN takes a bite out of the center of the wall, just to prove that it can be done
BobIshmaelWho would even think of such a thing?!
superspyhow'd you do that?
* DarkonZero steps out and notices that everyone goes to slam the door shut.
ThejasoNi have magical powers and stuff
LeBigMacWhen did you put mentiongold.wav up there, N?
* superspy fondly remembers when Bart broke the laws of gravity just to be a smartass
* Greidanus spits and says
ThejasoNdunno, why?
Greidanus we got termites
LeBigMac*** Attempting to rejoin...
LeBigMac*** Topic is '<Warwick> Have I mentioned that I want me gold?'
LeBigMac*** Set by Sentroid91 on Mon Nov 08 01:34:19
* Sound request: can't find 'mentiongold.wav'
[LeBigMac SOUND]
superspysimpson, bob
* Greidanus continues gnawing the wall
BobIshmaelHow did he do that?
superspyneed a napkin, greid
superspyhe walked up the wall
* DarkonZero is still outside the door.....
Greidanusokay SS
BobIshmaelHe did?
* superspy hits bob
DarkonZero[From outside] Hello!
* Greidanus brings out an extra bandana
DarkonZero[From outside] Hello?
BobIshmaelDZ, you have to stay out there. You'll let a draft in.
DarkonZero[From outside] Ok....
BobIshmaelSeriously, why did Bart walk up a wall?
* superspy tosses DZ's box out the window
* DarkonZero waits patiently outside in the freezing cold.
BobIshmaelHey! Look at that.. .It's hailing outside.
BobIshmaelAnd snowing.
BobIshmaelAnd raining.
Greidanusand sleeting!!
BobIshmaelAnd there's a tornado, too.
superspyit's jasoNing outside, too
Greidanusa tsunami...
BobIshmaelWow. Now locusts are falling from the sky.
BobIshmaelMust be armageddon.
DarkonZero[From outside] I'm  a postman....I can handle it.
* ThejasoN looks
* DeRaptor paints "Bob is a hermaphrodite" on the wall.
ThejasoNmy god, it IS jasoning
Greidanusthe plague sets in...
MSTAnonHey, look! Famine and Pestilence are at the door!
BobIshmaelDE! I'm fragile. Please stop.
superspy* Famine knocks at the deep13 door
* ThejasoN drops bob on a hard surface
DeRaptorHi Famine!
* DeRaptor lets famine in.
* Greidanus doesnt let the famine in
superspy<Famine> Hi!
DeRaptorBoy, it's been a while, huh?
DarkonZero[From outside] Hey....Death is out here.....he says he's look for Bob.
superspy<Famine> Can I come in?
* Sound request: can't find 'fooledyou.wav'
[LeBigMac SOUND]
DeRaptorCare to have dinner wi-...hey, where'd all the food go?!
* Greidanus lets Death in
BobIshmaelUh.. Death....
* Sound request: can't find 'distruct.wav'
[LeBigMac SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'fooledyou.wav'
[ThejasoN SOUND]
superspy<Famine> sorry.
BobIshmaelI'm still wating for War, can you wait a minute.
DeRaptorGeez! I shoulda known! Out!
superspywar's stuck in traffic, bob
DarkonZero[From outside] Can I come in now?
* DeRaptor shoves FAmine out the door.
Greidanus<Death> Hi Bob, ive come to take your soul!!
BobIshmaelThen Death will just have to wait for War to get it.
superspy<Famine> *sniff*
BobIshmaelAnd don't forget the fourth horseman! Ned!
* Sound request: can't find 'distruct.wav'
[LeBigMac SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'distruct.wav'
[LeBigMac SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'distruct.wav'
[ThejasoN SOUND]
DarkonZero[From outside] Hello! Can I come in now?
BobIshmaelDeath, War, Famine, and Ned.
DeRaptorI thought it was Pestilence...hmph.
* superspy slips DZ a sandwich
DarkonZero[From outside] Ok....
* Sound request: can't find 'morebe~1.wav'
[LeBigMac SOUND]
BobIshmaelYou're letting apocalyptic horsemen in, close the window.
DarkonZero[From outside] Thanks SS!
* Sound request: can't find 'morebe~1.wav'
[LeBigMac SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'knockers.wav'
[LeBigMac SOUND]
* DarkonZero sits on the stoop outside.
* Greidanus lets her pet flies free in the room!
* Sound request: can't find 'morebeans2.wav'
[LeBigMac SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'morebe~1.wav'
[ThejasoN SOUND]
* DeRaptor is scared now.
* Sound request: can't find 'morebe~1.wav'
[ThejasoN SOUND]
superspywhat kind of pet, Greid?
* Sound request: can't find 'morebe~1.wav'
[ThejasoN SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'morebe~1.wav'
[ThejasoN SOUND]
Greidanusyep. im a beaver with pet flies and an Uzi.
GreidanusFLIES are my pets
superspyaw, man!
superspyflies are SO annoying
* DarkonZero sees Kevin, Mike and Bill walk by outside.....
Greidanusyes, can i hep you?
DarkonZero[From outside] Hi guys....
* BobIshmael notices his MST-sense tingling.
* Sound request: can't find 'knockers.wav'
[ThejasoN SOUND]
superspybob?  let DZ in already
* Greidanus lets them in, but not DZ
* BobIshmael leaps outside!
[LeBigMac SOUND]
* BobIshmael is spit on and shoved aside by the Brains.
Greidanushey Bill!!
* DeRaptor offers the Brains a BH voodoo doll.
BobIshmaelEr... The UniFil Gang, I meant.
LeBigMacBill? McNeel?
DarkonZero[From outside] Hi Kevin Miller......Bill Jones....and Mike Reeves.
* BobIshmael lights DZ on fire.
* Greidanus snickers
BobIshmaelDon't set off my MST-sense.
DarkonZero[From outside] AGH!
* BobIshmael walks back inside and slams the door on the flaming DZ.
* DarkonZero just burns now outside.
superspybob?  is that your wallet sitting out there?  I think you dropped it
*** DarkonZero has left IRC
*** DarkonZero is now known as DZonfire
* DeRaptor sees Mike Down walk by on the other side of the street.
* DZonfire picks up Bob's wallet.
* DZonfire sees Bob's wallet go up in flames.
* BobIshmael detonates the C4 hidden in his wallet.
BobIshmaelStupid flaming DZ.
DZonfire[From outside] Can I come in now?
Greidanuswell, that wouldnt do anthing, hes already flaming!
*** LeBigMac is now known as NakedGumby
Greidanusdear god, put some pants on!!!
* DZonfire look in through the window.
NakedGumbyDid they fix that nick limit thing?!?!?!
DeRaptorI'M BLIND!
* DZonfire taps on the window.
* Sound request: can't find 'ahhh.wav'
[ThejasoN SOUND]
*** NakedGumby is now known as abcdefghij
* Greidanus shuts her beaver eyes
*** abcdefghij is now known as NakedGumby
NakedGumbynope. It just so happens that this nick fits
[ThejasoN SOUND]
* DZonfire taps on the window again.
* BobIshmael looks up.
BobIshmael10 is the limit.
* NakedGumby  
* BobIshmael points to his nick.
* DZonfire goes back to sit on the stoop.
BobIshmaelIt fits snugly.
* DeRaptor wonders when the episode of Freaks and Geeks with Trace as a science teacher will air...
Greidanuswhoa, cool!!!
DZonfire[From outside] Now can I come back in, please?
NakedGumbyBiff Tannen's in that show
* DZonfire checks the knob......and it's still locked.
*** superspy has left IRC
*** superspy has quit IRC (Write error to superspy[grimer-23.dynamic.rpi.edu], closing link)
DeRaptorIdunno when it's on. Sampo announced it on atm and ratmm
DeRaptorAnyways, I wonder how Trace can possibly do anything related to science in a not-mad way...
*** superspy is on IRC
*** superspy has joined #deep13
* superspy kicks peer's ass
DeRaptorhello again, spy.
superspyDZ's still on fire?
Greidanuswb, superspy
DZonfire[From outside] WB spy....
* ThejasoN wishes he had teachers in back high-school like Trace
ThejasoNback in
DeRaptorDude, Ratliff meta-MiSTing, yikes!: http://www.remarq.com/transcript.asp?g=rec%2Earts%2Etv%2Emst3k%2Emisc&tn=50111286&sh=fcebe4b7e98a55f5&idx=-1
superspydon't we all, N
* DeRaptor ponders having Dr. F as a science teacher...
ThejasoNthat'd rule
ThejasoNhell, i'd take him as a librarian, i'm not picky
DeRaptorheheheh...but it really wouldn't work if your librarian shot you into space, now would it?
DZonfire[From outside] Not really!
superspysure it could
ThejasoNit would be kinda cool for awhile, til i realized that it's not as much fun being the stranded one
superspyhe could send you lame books
Greidanusi wouldnt care if my science teacher shot ME into space
superspycan I shoot my gym coach into space?
*** MSTAnon has left IRC
*** MSTAnon has quit IRC (Be sure to join MSTies Anonymous at... http://www.msties.com/)
superspytalk about an idiot.  glad I'm ota that hellhole
ThejasoNsure, spy
NakedGumbyno, i'm boycotting that site now..... for alittle while
* DZonfire is finally burning out.......
* DZonfire brushes the ash off of himself.
superspyN, can I shoot you into space?
*** DarkonZero is on IRC
*** DZonfire is now known as DarkonZero
* DeRaptor wonders why DZ didn't just roll in the snow.
* ThejasoN ponders it
ThejasoNno, spy
DarkonZero[From outside] Remember...I'm a moron!
BobIshmaelOr in the tornado.
DarkonZero[From outside] The obvious eludes me.
BobIshmaelGo roll in the tornado, it'll be fun.
* DarkonZero stares into the subliminal.
superspydon't look too long, DZ.  you'll go blind
DeRaptorThe spiraling shape will make you go insane, too.
DarkonZero[From outside] The insanity is already set in.....always has been.
* Greidanus runs outside and jumps into the tornado
* DarkonZero takes the opprotunity to run throught the open door.....
* DarkonZero takes the opprotunity to run throught the open door.....but fail.
DarkonZero[From outside] Fails even.
BobIshmaelI need to get going... I'll be on AIM from 1230 to 1430, PST, tomorrow.
* DarkonZero runs into the wall instead.
ThejasoNbye mom
BobIshmaelBye, soN.
* Sound request: can't find 'momsong.wav'
[ThejasoN SOUND]
* BobIshmael stares at everyone else.
* NakedGumby  
DarkonZero[From outside] Bye Bob!
BobIshmaelBye, DZ. Bye, soy.
* ThejasoN lets DZ in
superspywait, BOB?
* BobIshmael stares at De, Greidanus, and NakedGumby.
superspyyes, n?
superspybob.  what's your aim screenname?
* DarkonZero sits on the comfy couch.
* DeRaptor gets bored and ponders SQUISHING.
BobIshmaelAnyhow, adidas.
BobIshmael'member, 1230 ro 1430, PST, tomorrow.
BobIshmaelro to to
* superspy ponders scanning the huge japanese comic book he found sitting in the middle of a stack of campus newspapers
DarkonZeroYou'd pretty much find me as DarkkonZero everywhere.....except offline.
* Greidanus gets out of the tornado and rushes inside with tousled fur
*** BobIshmael has left IRC
*** BobIshmael has quit IRC ("Yeah. If I drank less coffee, I probably would be more emotionally stable" --TMCM)
* DarkonZero wonders why he can never spell his nick right.
Greidanusme too, im known as Greidanus everywhere online
DarkonZero<DarkonZero> You'd pretty much find me as DarkkonZero everywhere.....except offline.
Greidanusyah, we know
DarkonZeroDarkonZero...now with 2 "k"'s!
ThejasoNi pick different names everywhere to confuse people
ThejasoNbbl perhaps
ThejasoNbye kids
DarkonZeroDarkonZerok.....unknown brother of Turok!
* ThejasoN DZs out
NakedGumbyCopyright © 1994-1999 Netscape Communications Corporation, All rights reserved.
*** ThejasoN has quit IRC (Leaving)
DarkonZeroI wonder if that other Jason will show?
superspywhat other jason?
DarkonZeroThere's another Jason that comes onto Starlink.
DarkonZeroI don't bother him though.
* DarkonZero wonders why he is being un-DarkonZero-like.
DarkonZeroOh well.....
NakedGumbyIs he one of the 4 omegas?
* DarkonZero tries to be more superspy-like.
* superspy DZ's in irony
superspyech.  I better go.  I'm exhausted.  had a long day
* DarkonZero fails at being superspy-like.
DarkonZeroBye spy!
DarkonZeroI gotta lose the "!" when saying bye.
* superspy hands DZ "Being 'Superspy-Like' for Dummies"
superspyit's even autographed
superspy..........to some guy named Fred
DarkonZeroI got most of those "For Dummies" books.....
DarkonZeroOk....Not most.
DarkonZeroOnly a few.
superspyat least you don't have "WEBTv for Dummies"
DarkonZeroThat's true.
* DeRaptor snickers.
DeRaptorAOL for dummies?
DeRaptorAOL IS for dummies...
superspyDe: That book exists and it scares me
superspythe AOL book, too
DarkonZeroI laugh at that every time I go to Barnes & Noble.
* Greidanus snickes
DarkonZeroI see it....laugh.....then move on to laugh some more.
superspyI'm really going now
superspy...really, I am
DarkonZeroThen I see the book....."How to learn French in 3 weeks" and laugh even harder.
DarkonZeroBye spy....
* DeRaptor puts a net over the door.
* DarkonZero knows that when he leaves....all he's gonna hear is, "BYE YOU OLD DORK!!!".
* NakedGumby 1,114 I a15m AW14AY2 [12 •9 io 12 •2 ]14 P15age14r 2 [12 •9 po 12 •2 ] 14L15ef14t 2 [12 •9 12:33:14 12 •2 ]
* DarkonZero goes to kick NakedGumby.....but thinks about it and sits back down.
DeRaptorEveryone who thinks Sent should change his name, say "Ay!"
DarkonZeroAY YIE YIE!
* superspy cuts through the net while De isn't looking and opens the door
DarkonZeroBye spy....
DarkonZeroGood luck with that thing!
*** superspy has left #deep13
* DeRaptor throws a net at spy, but to no avail.
*** superspy has left IRC
* DeRaptor throws the net over Sent until he changes his nick.
* DarkonZero goes to the corner for a few......hours.
DarkonZeroHello corner.
* Greidanus goes and chews on a log
DeRaptoroooh, got any more logs?
* Greidanus hands De a log
* DarkonZero looks at the nicklist again.......and sniffles.
DarkonZeroA really weird family.
DarkonZeroBut still family.
DeRaptorI'm that sister that made you wish you were adopted.
DarkonZeroMy borther makes me wish that.
DeRaptorYuh huh.
DarkonZeroOh hell.....bye, I gotta go for a while....I'll be back later, maybe.
DarkonZeroMe! I disconnect from you...all!
* DarkonZero hits the off switch on his Portal deck and disconnects to the world known as reality!
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Mon Nov 08 21:35:11 1999
Session Start: Mon Nov 08 21:48:27 1999
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is '1,4This topic in aid of Greidanus 1,0Everyone get a chance to say farewell to our close friend, she'll be leaving for a while'
*** Set by Locdog07 on Mon Nov 08 12:59:02
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Mon Nov 08 21:49:02 1999

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