
Session Start: Thu Nov 04 20:11:05 1999
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is 'Today is dedicated to the memory of Samurai88. His e-mail addy is gone. But his legend will live on in MST-history.'
*** Set by Sentroid91 on Thu Nov 04 16:11:51
IncMeltManHiya DZ
DarkonZeroSo...what's been going on other than the topic?
IncMeltManum....not much.
DarkonZeroOther than utter silence....
DarkonZeroOh well...
IncMeltManI saw Hobgoblins UnMSTed and transcribed the stuff that got cut out.
DarkonZeroOk...I'm overdoing it.
DarkonZeroBut cool.
IncMeltManIt's on a post on the bboard....lemme direct you two it.  Someone did "Manos" earlier, too.
IncMeltMantwo = too
DarkonZeroDon't you mean "to".
DarkonZero. to ?
* IncMeltMan looks.
DarkonZeroAnd is this the Sci-fi BBoard?
DarkonZeroIf it is....sorry....I stay away...
DarkonZeroI never gone to the BBoard for a long time.
*** Raven-x is on IRC
*** Raven-x has joined #deep13
DarkonZeroAnd I never will.
Raven-xhello everyone
IncMeltManHeya Raven.
Raven-xI had a dentist appointment yesterday, it wasn't fun having someone drill into your teeth
IncMeltManDamn...someone's spamming again...it's a few pages back now.
DarkonZeroIMM...it's typical.
IncMeltManhttp://www.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/247/23199  Here's Hobgoblins.
IncMeltManYeah...I know....at least they've been deleting it rather quickly recently so far.
* BobIshmael backs.
Raven-xI liked Hobgoblins episode
BobIshmaelDZ, Guammi.
* DarkonZero ponders if he should plague his mind with Sci-fi....
Raven-xdespite the pain
DarkonZeroNever going back to The Sci-fi site ever....
BobIshmaelDZ, you're a three-legged beaver.
IncMeltManOh...so you won't read my Hobgoblins stuff?
DarkonZeroSorry IMM.
Raven-xhey IMM where did you find this Hobgoblin info?
Raven-xdid you attain a copy of hobgoblins?
* DarkonZero wonders if he's been gone too long from #Deep13....
BobIshmaelBurn in hell. All of you.
DarkonZeroI have....
Raven-xbob why are you so mad?
DarkonZeroI have been gone too long....cause I was burning in hell.
BobIshmaelShut the hell up, Guammi.
BobIshmaelOnce the UK retakes Guam, we're going to bomb your ass.
* IncMeltMan doesn't have a problem with the people at the scifi site...they're nice folks. It's the management at the Sci-Fi Channel itself that's evil
DarkonZeroBob loves Guam....
Raven-xBob loves it enough to burn it
DarkonZeroI love France enough to bomb the hell outta it.
Raven-xahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the crap bastard Lue Bega's song "mambo no. 5" is on the tv and my sister insists on watching it
Raven-xwhy you hate france so much, does it have something to do with the Fifth Element
DarkonZeroNo...I hate France cause they stink...literally.
DarkonZeroAnd they don't want to learn English....
DarkonZeroTHEY SUCK!
BobIshmael*grumble* Three-legged beaver.
Raven-xdidn't they kick Brazil's ass at the world cup?
DarkonZeroWOW! "Being DarkonZero" is a hit!
DarkonZeroI like me....
BobIshmaelThree-legged beaver.
DarkonZeroOk...I lied.....
DarkonZeroTwo-assed Ish.
* BobIshmael snickers because he knows what a "three-legged beaver" is and DZ doesn't.
BobIshmaelStupid old man.
DarkonZeroI know I'm stupid...and proud of it.
* BobIshmael looks it up in his CB Dictionary..
BobIshmael"Three-legged beaver: Male homosexual."
*** Sentroid91 is on IRC
*** Sentroid91 has joined #Deep13
* Sentroid91 emerges from the soulgate leading from the 7th Dimension
*** Mars sets mode: +o Sentroid91
* Sound request: can't find 'jericho.wav'
[Sentroid91 SOUND]
BobIshmaelSent, are YOU a three-legged beaver?
Sentroid91how'd you guess?
* BobIshmael snickers.
Raven-xwell I need to get going now
DarkonZeroBye Raven.
*** Raven-x has left IRC
*** Raven-x has quit IRC (Leaving)
BobIshmaelI bet you're a pavement princess, too.
BobIshmaelOr prince, in this case.
BobIshmaelA three-legged beaver pavement prince.
DarkonZeroBob is angry at...uh....um.....New Mexicans.
*** Sentroid91 has left IRC
*** Sentroid91 has quit IRC (Read error to Sentroid91[cc434209-a.avnl1.nj.home.com]: Connection reset by peer)
DarkonZeroThat's why he's saying such things.
BobIshmaelI'm angry at my crappy haircut.
* DarkonZero ponders on scanning his face again.
*** Sentroid91 is on IRC
*** Sentroid91 has joined #Deep13
* Sentroid91 emerges from the soulgate leading from the 7th Dimension
*** Mars sets mode: +o Sentroid91
BobIshmaelI would, but my scanner takes forever.
* Sound request: can't find 'jericho.wav'
[Sentroid91 SOUND]
BobIshmael<BobIshmael> A three-legged beaver pavement prince.
BobIshmael<BobIshmael> Comeback?
DarkonZeroWb Sent.....
Sentroid91@#@#(*$&@()*&!!!!frickin' computer!@(*&$!@#!@#$@!$@#!
BobIshmaelChoo copy that?
DarkonZeroMan....my puter had a virus...and is now acting screwy.....DAMNED MCAFEE!!!
BobIshmaelShould I 10-9?
DarkonZeroDAMN THEM!
BobIshmaelIs that a 10-9, pavement prince?
Sentroid91oh, that's right. You got a CB Radio
DarkonZeroI'm just waiting for a backup device to backup all my stuff....
DarkonZeroThen total reinstall of stuff.
Sentroid91Could you do me a favor, Bob. Go look for Sam. I know he does some stuff on HAM Radio with his father.
DarkonZeroHAM radio is monitored.
DarkonZeroYou need a FCC licsence to do that.
BobIshmael10-10. I got a rig, not a roast.
BobIshmael(Okay, I made that "roast" stuff up, but it sounds cool, no?)
DarkonZeroRescue 911
BobIshmael10-3, I said. Did you copy that? 10-3!
DarkonZeroBob loves his CB.
DarkonZeroCB=Corned Beef.
BobIshmael"10-3: Stop transmitting."
* Sentroid91 goes to get Mr Egg. #Deep13's new Chineese minstrel
*** Mr_Egg has joined #Deep13
BobIshmaelNo, no, Sent. It's "Chineeze."
* Mr_Egg plays some Chinese music in memory of Samurai88
DarkonZeroI tried to learn Japanese earlier...then got lost.
DarkonZeroToo many syllables.
DarkonZeroI didn't give up.
DarkonZeroI just quit for today.
BobIshmaelThat's a 10-10. You're a failure. Comeback?
DarkonZeroI'm trying to learn how to say "Bob is a big dum.....er.....great guy.
DarkonZero+ "
BobIshmael10-3, pavement princess.
DarkonZeroHey Bob.....nice haircut.....did a gardener do it?
DarkonZeroOk....I take that back.
BobIshmael10-10. A moron did it.
BobIshmaelAn ACTUAL moron, that is.
* DarkonZero is now totally unsure if he's going to THE CON!
*** Mr_Egg has quit IRC (I'm gone. Happy now?!)
BobIshmaelThee-legged pavement prince.
BobIshmaelThree, rather.
BobIshmaelWAIT! WAIT!
Sentroid91no. thy is thee
BobIshmael10-22. Repeat, 10-22.
DarkonZeroANd he is pee!
BobIshmaelThree-legged pavement prince.
Sentroid91radish rose whatchamawhosits
*** Goku is on IRC
*** Goku has joined #Deep13
IncMeltManHeya Goke!
GokuHi hi!
GokuHehe no one knows who Warwick Davis is :(
DarkonZeroI do.
DarkonZeroThe little guy.
Goku*** AquaKnight (AquaKnight@ has joined #Deep13
Goku<Goku> Hi
Goku<AquaKnight> ...
Goku<AquaKnight> Hello.
Goku<Goku> Do you know where he is?
Goku<AquaKnight> ........
Goku<Goku> Is that a no?
Goku<AquaKnight> umm.....yes.
Sentroid91The leprechaun
Goku<Goku> You know where he is!
Goku<AquaKnight> no. yes. perhaps???!!!!
Goku<Goku> Ok
Goku<Goku> Where is he?
Goku<AquaKnight> who?
Goku<Goku> Warwick!
Goku<AquaKnight> What?
Goku<Goku> Warwick!!!!!!!!
Goku<AquaKnight> Warick......WHO????!!!
Goku<Goku> Mr. Davis
Goku<AquaKnight> ^%!@E%^@$%$@# All right WHO IS WARWICK DAVIS?????!!!!
Goku<Goku> Jeeze
Goku<Goku> you don't get out much
Goku<AquaKnight> and why do I know where he is?
Goku<Goku> I am asking you that!
Goku<AquaKnight> ASKING ME WHAT???!
Goku<Goku> WHERE IS HE!
GokuThen he stormed out
DarkonZeroAh....playing "I gotta find Warwick Davis", eh?
GokuHe can hide in places most men can't
DarkonZeroJust like my "Searching for Akmed" game.
Sentroid91"A Leprechaun's home has many suprises."
* Sound request: can't find 'lephome.wav'
[Sentroid91 SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'lephome.wav'
[Goku SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'yofrank.wav'
[Sentroid91 SOUND]
BobIshmaelWait... Who's Akmed?
BobIshmaelAm I Akmed or Habib?
DarkonZeroYou're Habib.
DarkonZeroI'm Akmed.
BobIshmaelAre you sure?
DarkonZeroBut I was close.
Sentroid91I'm still Gene Sparticus
BobIshmaelNo, you're Habib!
BobIshmael** habib has joined #Deep13
BobIshmael<habib> heelo...
BobIshmael<BobIshmael> Hi habib.
BobIshmael<DeRaptor> 'allo.
BobIshmael<BobIshmael> Where are you from?
BobIshmael<habib> i am habib
BobIshmael<BobIshmael> Hi habib.
BobIshmael<habib> frm pakistan
BobIshmael<BobIshmael> What?!
BobIshmael<BobIshmael> I don't like Pakistanis!
BobIshmaelSO HA!
BobIshmael<habib> por aked
DarkonZeroYou were Habib in the HomeLamers channel.
BobIshmaelWas I?
BobIshmaelAre you sure?
BobIshmaelYou da boss.
DarkonZeroI really feel like messing with the HomeLamers again.
Goku5 in there now
BobIshmaelIs EvilJen in there?
BobIshmaelOr EJ?
BobIshmaelOr whatever her nick is.
Goku#MST-HomeGame Plumm H fdjhbvasghj@ :0 rjisdaflh
Goku#MST-HomeGame Ironf H TLister@ :0 Tiny Lister
Goku#MST-HomeGame THX-1138 H Respectthecock@ :0 Emperor of the Universe and Master of Time and Space
Goku#MST-HomeGame Q H Q@ :0 melissa lupton
Goku#MST-HomeGame Booda Dude H DiGiTaL@ :0 DiGiTaL-WaVe
Goku#MST-HomeGame End of /WHO list.
GokuCall her!
GokuTell her to get on!
DarkonZero#MST-HomeGame THX-1138 H Respectthecock@ :0 Emperor of the Universe and Master of Time and Space
Sentroid91that guy's lost it
BobIshmaelWho wants a picture of my CB?
DarkonZeroTHX-1138 - Emperor of his bathroom in his parents' basement.
Sentroid91hmm, Booga Dude has a kih IP like Ironf.... I wonder if that's that Bulkrose guy.
*** BIshmael has joined #deep13
BIshmael<Sentroid91> that guy's lost it
BIshmael<BobIshmael> Who wants a picture of my CB?
BIshmael<BobIshmael> Actually, it's a drawing scanned from the owner's manual.
BIshmael*** Disconnected
BIshmaelWhat'd I miss?
Sentroid91<DarkonZero> THX-1138 - Emperor of his bathroom in his parents' basement.
Sentroid91<Goku> hehe
Sentroid91<Sentroid91> LOL
Sentroid91<Sentroid91> hmm, Booga Dude has a kih IP like Ironf.... I wonder if that's that Bulkrose guy.
Sentroid91<BIshmael> <Sentroid91> that guy's lost it
Sentroid91<Sentroid91> wb
Sentroid91<BIshmael> <BobIshmael> Who wants a picture of my CB?
DarkonZero<DarkonZero> THX-1138 - Emperor of his bathroom in his parents' basement.
DarkonZeroBut....that's just a mild one.
* IncMeltMan quietly leaves for to go to bed.
DarkonZeroG'nite IMM.
*** IncMeltMan has left IRC
*** IncMeltMan has quit IRC (IncredibleMeltingMan melts away)
BIshmael* IncMeltMan quietly leaves for to go to bed.
DarkonZeroOk......raid HomeLame?
BIshmaelHe's high.
DarkonZeroBut as who?
*** BobIshmael has quit IRC (Ping timeout for BobIshmael[dialup-])
DarkonZeroIf I go in as UltraDork...I'm a instant target.
BIshmaelYou could go as Habib.
BIshmaelOr Aked.
DarkonZeroI need a new nick.
DarkonZeroSomething they wouldn't know.
BIshmaelSmooch Lipster.
BIshmaelBiff Hardneck.
BIshmaelChad McRunfast
GokuCool pics bob!
DarkonZeroI'll use that one.
*** BIshmael is now known as ChdMcRnfst
ChdMcRnfstThanks, Ku.
ChdMcRnfstDZ, can I throw your brother a land line?
DarkonZeroHe's not here.
DarkonZeroEr....home I mean.
ChdMcRnfstSent, can I throw you a 10-21.
DarkonZeroOk....I'm going to HomeLame.....
* Sentroid91 1,114 I a15m AW14AY2 [12 •9 2 12 •2 ]14 P15age14r 2 [12 •9 2 12 •2 ] 14L15ef14t 2 [12 •9 12:11:20 12 •2 ]
DarkonZeroKu....you already there?
ChdMcRnfstDZ, wachoo think about cb.gif and sunflowerseed.jpg?
DarkonZeroPretty much crap.
*** Mars sets mode: +o ChdMcRnfst
ChdMcRnfstDZ, wachoo think about cb.gif and sunflowerseed.jpg?
ChdMcRnfstGood man.
*** Mars sets mode: -o ChdMcRnfst
DarkonZeroThen pretty much ctrap.
DarkonZerocrap even
* ChdMcRnfst cries.
ChdMcRnfstWhat the hell was that cartoon's name?
ChdMcRnfstSnapple Puss?
ChdMcRnfstSwaggle Puss?
Goku<SSJ10Goku> hello
Goku<Goku> Hi person
Goku<SSJ10Goku> why are you calling me person
Goku<Goku> You are a person aren't you?
Goku<SSJ10Goku> yes
Goku<Goku> Ok person
* Sentroid91 is away.
DarkonZeroI'm going in to HomeLame as "WeezerFan".
*** ChdMcRnfst is now known as SnagglePus
SnagglePusHoo, even.
*** BobIshmael is on IRC
*** SnagglePus is now known as BobIshmael
GokuI am in HomeGame
BobIshmaelI am in hell.
* Goku dances around in HomeGame
DarkonZeroBob...join us.
BobIshmaelYeah.. Intermission.
BobIshmaelDoo.. Duh... doo.. Doo-doo-doo-doo-doo... Duh... doo dooo.
* BobIshmael streches.
BobIshmaelI would... but..
BobIshmaelDoo.. Duh... doo.. Doo-doo-doo-doo-doo... Duh... doo dooo.
DarkonZeroI'm a high, bong hitting Weezer fan.
BobIshmaelTell me something I didn't know.
BobIshmaelOr don't know, as it were.
DarkonZeroNo...in HomeLame I am.
BobIshmael<DarkonZero> *bong hit*
* DarkonZero now ponders on actually getting a bong.
BobIshmaelThey call you.. uh...
BobIshmaelDark.. on... Stoned.. because you wake and bake everyday.
DarkonZeroI'm baked alright......it's hot in the house.
* Sentroid91 1,114 I a15m AW14AY2 [12 •9 2 12 •2 ]14 P15age14r 2 [12 •9 2 12 •2 ] 14Ti15me Aw14ay 2 [12 •9 15mins 12 •2 ]
BobIshmaelNext time I hear that, he's being kicked.
* Sentroid91 I am AWAY [ • 2 • ] Pager [ • 2 • ] Time Away [ • 15mins • ]
DarkonZeroBob....you know you will.
*** Sentroid91 was kicked by Sentroid91 (12«64» FUNNT!!!! Kick)
BobIshmaelHe wasn't even away.
BobIshmaelWhat a loser.
* BobIshmael rummages around HomeGame's site and finds something about "Bobby."
BobIshmaelIt wasn't about me.
DarkonZeroHmmm....this is a first....I haven't been kicked yet.
DarkonZeroOf course...the major players left.
BobIshmaelYou should just take a bow and run away.
DarkonZeroNaw....they're coming back in.
DarkonZeroIronf and THX are there.
BobIshmaelI'm concerned that you're going to make HG think that we care about them.
Gokudid SciFi die?
DarkonZeroGot nuked?
GokuI can't spoof on
GokuIt's all messed up
DarkonZero<Goku> He needed ot be delt with
DarkonZero*** Freiza has joined #MST-HomeGame
DarkonZero*** Ironf has quit IRC ((signed off))
DarkonZero<shutiro> ahhhh
DarkonZero*** Ironf has joined #MST-HomeGame
DarkonZero<Ironf> I wonder if Qualodia will do anything
DarkonZero<WeezerFan> Yeah...that guy is something.
DarkonZero*** shutiro has quit IRC ((signed off))
DarkonZero*** Freiza has left #MST-HomeGame
DarkonZero*** Goku has quit IRC ((signed off))
DarkonZero<Ironf> That's a shame, nukenabber just nailed his ass.
DarkonZero<THX-1138> Wa wa wa waaaaaa
DarkonZero<Trademark> Whoa.  Big old loadbomb just hit.
Gokuk I'll have to wait
Gokubrb reboot
*** Goku has left IRC
*** Goku has quit IRC (buh bye)
DarkonZero<Ironf> Well we're in the middle of nailing someone's ass to the wall. Please pardon our silences.
DarkonZeroNow that's funny.
BobIshmaelHG is just like us, y'know.
BobIshmaelThey have their... whoevers and we have out omega.
BobIshmaelout? our.
*** Goku is on IRC
*** Goku has joined #Deep13
DarkonZeroKu....does this sound right...
*** Sentroid91 has joined #Deep13
* Sentroid91 emerges from the soulgate leading from the 7th Dimension
*** Mars sets mode: +o Sentroid91
* Sound request: can't find 'jericho.wav'
[Sentroid91 SOUND]
DarkonZero<Ironf> Well we're in the middle of nailing someone's ass to the wall. Please pardon our silences.
DarkonZeroDoes that sound right at all?
DarkonZeroGo to events and see the topic of my room.
Sentroid91which room would that be?
BobIshmaelWhat's the topic?
DarkonZeroIt's not that inventive....but effective.
DarkonZero#MST-HomeGame plays ball for the other team...in fact they play with...er...you figure it out.'
DarkonZeroThat's what I put.
*** Goku has left IRC
*** Goku has quit IRC (buh bye)
*** Goku is on IRC
*** Goku has joined #Deep13
DarkonZeroWB Ku.
*** Briggs has joined #deep13
* Briggs hangs his head in silence at the official loss of Samurai.
DarkonZeroWell....look who it is!
DarkonZeroHowzit going?
BriggsI'm ok.
* Sentroid91 would bring Mr Egg back in, but he's busy making music on scifi.com
*** Sentroid91 has left IRC
*** Sentroid91 is now known as Mr_Egg
* Mr_Egg plays some more Chinese music in memory of Samurai88
BriggsI never really knew him...  I met him twice, I think... he was vanishing as I joined.
BriggsBut somehow, even though I never knew him, I still feel the loss.
GokuHe ruled!
GokuHe riffed with me a couple times
GokuThose were the days
DarkonZeroS88....we will miss ya.
* DarkonZero bows his head.
Gokuput a S88 memorial on the site hehe
* BobIshmael looks up.
BobIshmaelDZ, did you even know Sam?
BobIshmaelThat's what I thought.
BriggsHey, what was his real name, anyway?
Mr_EggMichael Richardson
* Goku wonders why people don't say 'These are the days' does like progressivly get worse?
DarkonZeroI met Sam a couple of times....
DarkonZeroI think.
BriggsOk... gimme a sec...
DarkonZeroI forgot.
Gokulike = life
DarkonZero<Goku> Hi
DarkonZero<WeezerFan> Hey....uh....
DarkonZero<WeezerFan> Why did I come back?
DarkonZero<Goku> You forgot your bong?
DarkonZero<WeezerFan> Oh yeah...
DarkonZero* WeezerFan gets his bong....
DarkonZero<WeezerFan> I found something out about this room.....it's weird.
DarkonZero<WeezerFan> It has something to do with salami and hiding it.
DarkonZero<WeezerFan> But...in a weird way.
DarkonZeroI sunk low.
DarkonZeroOk....I wasn't ready to go back to HomeLame.
DarkonZeroDAMN ME!
Mr_Egg* DarkHaven hears eery chinese music in the background while he stares down loc
Mr_Egg<Locdog07> Is someone playing eerie chinese music over there?
Mr_Egg<Cal-Crowe> what the...
Mr_Egg* Locdog07 shoots the chinese guy playing music
Mr_Egg<Locdog07> Damnit!
Mr_Egg<DarkHaven> lol
Mr_Egg<Locdog07> I hate when people do that
Mr_Egg<Sentroid91> Loc! You shot Mr. Egg!
Mr_Egg* Cal-Crowe blows up the Chinese man
Mr_Egg<Locdog07> I'm not an egg.
Mr_Egg<Sentroid91> I am NOT an egg!
Mr_Egg* Timmyling kneels besides the fallen Chinese man.
Mr_Egg* Greidanus plugs Mr. Egg with 5
BriggsHis e-mail addy was superrat something, right?
Mr_Egg* Sentroid91 goes and brings Mr. Egg back to life
Mr_Egg*** Sentroid91 is now known as Mr_Egg
Mr_Egg* Cal-Crowe makes more sounds...
Mr_Egg* Greidanus plugs Mr. Egg with 90 rounds
Mr_Egg<Mr_Egg> Wing wong wang! WUUU!
Mr_Egg<Cal-Crowe> Womp
Mr_Egg* Timmyling folds his arms.
Mr_Egg<Greidanus> hehehe
Mr_Egg<Mr_Egg> Ow
Mr_Egg*** Mr_Egg is now known as Sentroid91
Mr_Egg* Sentroid91 goes and brings Mr. Egg back to life, again... and hides him from people that want to kill him
* Mr_Egg plays some more eerie Chinese music
BobIshmaelThe primary colors are blue, red, and yellow...
BriggsI believe I have found the last post by him at that hidden place I am no longer allowed to talk about.. (winks knowingly at everyone>
Mr_Eggand is not a color
*** Mr_Egg was kicked by Mars (kick sent by BobIshmael (I'm allerigic to eggs. ))
*** Mr_Egg has joined #deep13
BobIshmaelHow did that egg get ops, anyway?
* Mr_Egg emerges from the soulgate leading from the 7th Dimension
*** Mars sets mode: +o Mr_Egg
* Sound request: can't find 'jericho.wav'
[Mr_Egg SOUND]
Mr_Egglike that
BobIshmaelWhy does that egg have Sent's alias?
* Mr_Egg plays some more eerie chinese music
*** BobIshmael was kicked by Mr_Egg (12«65» FUNNT!!!! Kick)
*** BobIshmael has joined #Deep13
*** DarkonZero has left IRC
*** DarkonZero is now known as Vishna
* Vishna play some happy polka music!
* BobIshmael looks up.
VishnaGot that wrong name..
BriggsDoes anyone want to know when?
BobIshmaelLose that, Sent.
*** Vishna is now known as Lars
*** DarkonZero is on IRC
*** Lars is now known as DarkonZero
* Mr_Egg takes his mandolin back out and plays music with Vishna
BriggsDoes anyone really care, after all?
BriggsSaturday, 29-May-1999 10:03:45
DarkonZeroMy puter's dying.....that's what got all my attention.
DarkonZeroOh...that reminds me......I gotta go.....later all.
DarkonZeroMe! I disconnect from you...all!
* DarkonZero hits the off switch on his Portal deck and disconnects to the world known as reality!
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Thu Nov 04 22:00:32 1999

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