
Session Start: Thu Oct 28 23:21:25 1999
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is 'We're riffing Blair Witch tomorrow. And don't give me that bs that you can't find it. It's everywhere!'
*** Set by Sentroid91 on Thu Oct 28 21:35:50
BobIshmaelGuess who bought a CB radio!
DarkonZeroI did.
BobIshmaelNo, try again.
DarkonZeroI did.
BobIshmaelNo. You get one more chance.
DarkonZeroThat guy over there did......
* DarkonZero points.
BobIshmaelClose enough.
BobIshmaelYeah, I did.
BobIshmaelOf course, I live in the armpit of SoCal, so I can't recieve that well.
* DeRaptor plots the destruction of Oscar...
BobIshmaelBut still... It's neato-mosquito.
BobIshmaelA friend and myself were tormenting "Mod Squad Mobile" from Honolulu earlier.
BobIshmaelHow so?
DarkonZeroI dunno....
DarkonZeroSmall talk.
DarkonZeroMe try.
DarkonZeroMe fail.
BobIshmaelVery much so.
DarkonZeroWell...with that outta the way.
DarkonZeroWhat else do you want to call me tonight?
BobIshmaelEr... A cab?
DarkonZeroThe fare is gonna be....uh.....expensive.
BobIshmaelQuiet, you.
BobIshmaelCan I call your brother again?
BobIshmaelIt's only...
DarkonZeroBrother not here.
DarkonZeroHe gone.
BobIshmaelWho's there then?
DarkonZeroNo one....
BobIshmaelHe's in a drunken stupor. Don't cover for him.
DarkonZeroI am?
DarkonZeroI am.
DarkonZeroWhat of it?
BobIshmaelUh... I meant your brother, but you'll do in a pinch.
* DarkonZero listens to AKA Driver again.....
* BobIshmael listens to...
* Sound request: can't find 'akadriver.mid'
[DeRaptor SOUND]
* BobIshmael flips through his CDs.
DarkonZeroI like the song....
DarkonZeroToo much.
DarkonZeroCause it rocks.
DarkonZeroIT ROCKS!
BobIshmaelOkay, I've narrowed it down to three choices...
BobIshmaelRocket From the Crypt...
BobIshmaelThe Aquabats...
BobIshmaelAnd Rammstein.
DarkonZeroTHEY ROCK!
BobIshmaelThank you.
BobIshmaelYou think everything rocks, DZ.
BobIshmael"Ice cream?! THAT ROCKS!"
DarkonZeroNo I don't.
DarkonZeroOk...ice cream does rock.
BobIshmael"Mittens?! THEY ROCK!"
DarkonZeroThem too.
BobIshmael"ROCKS ROCK!"
DarkonZeroMan....making a MP3 of Fingertips was sorta hell.....
DarkonZeroIt wasn't.
DarkonZeroThough I got all the 21 parts converted.
DeRaptorHow about connected?
* DeRaptor curses at scene.org
* DarkonZero listens to Subliminal.
DarkonZeroI should listen to Sleeping In The Flowers....
DarkonZeroI will...
* BobIshmael backs.
BobIshmaelYep, Rammstein sure do rock.
BobIshmaelOf course, I knew that already.
DarkonZeroOr....Hirate Mich.
DarkonZeroActually Hirate Mich....sorta bites.
BobIshmaelA friend of mine wanted to borrow Warcraft 2, so I asked for his Rammstein CD for colattere- colate-
BobIshmaelNow I feel like a moron.
* Sound request: can't find 'subliminal.mid'
[DeRaptor SOUND]
BobIshmaelNormally, I misspeel words because I can't type... This one I truly don't know how to spell.
BobIshmaelI'm so ashamed!
* BobIshmael runs to his room, crying.
* DarkonZero wonders if a drunk guy will show him how to spin his head round and round.
BobIshmaelYou mean, while it's still on your shoulders?
DarkonZeroI dunno.
BobIshmaelBecause THAT would be hard.
* BobIshmael ponders buying a drum set to relieve some of his built up agression.
BobIshmaelOf course, I haven't drummed in 3-4 years, but who cares?
DarkonZeroOh well....
DarkonZeroI still don't know how to play guitar.
DarkonZeroI still haven't fixed my guitar.
BobIshmaelI'll teach you how to not play drums, if you teach me how to now play guitar.
* BobIshmael hides something.
BobIshmaelI'm sorry... I can't teach you how to not play drums.
BobIshmaelI actually know how to play drums... I'm so ashamed!
* BobIshmael runs to his room, crying... again.
DarkonZeroI sorta know how to play drums.
BobIshmaelIt's not hard.
DarkonZeroI just bang.
BobIshmaelYOu just hit a round thing with a stick.
DarkonZeroAnd that's it.
BobIshmaelNot hard at all.
* DeRaptor thinks Bob's spoiledness factor needs to be taken down a notch.
* DarkonZero listens to Snail Shell.
*** Mars changes topic to '<DarkonZero> I just bang. '
DarkonZeroLove the topic.
DarkonZeroLOVE IT!
BobIshmaelDon't we all?
* DeRaptor blinks.
DarkonZeroYes...we all love it.
DarkonZeroDon't we?
BobIshmaelLove, love, love.
* DarkonZero tries his hardest to get others to love the topic.....
BobIshmaelIf we love the topic, we better not change it.
DarkonZero#timetrax may love it.
* DeRaptor is scared of the topic.
* BobIshmael points to De's golden 8@13.
* DarkonZero wonders if he is a snowball in Hell.
BobIshmaelAvalanche or roadblock?
BobIshmael"Was tust du?"
BobIshmael"Was fühlst du?"
BobIshmael"Was bist du?"
* DarkonZero listens to "Learn To Fly".
BobIshmael"Doch nur ein Tier!"
BobIshmaelThat's from the song "Tier."
BobIshmaelAnyone want the translation of the entire song?
DarkonZeroNot really.
DarkonZeroWell...not me.
BobIshmaelWas bist du!?
DarkonZeroI dunno....
DarkonZeroAsk that guy....
* DarkonZero points...
BobIshmaelYou told me to listen to Rammstein, so know you have to put up with me.
DarkonZeroI am.
* DeRaptor wonders if she can sing like a girl.
BobIshmaelBestrafe mich. bestrafe mich. Stroh wird Gold und Gold wird Stein deine Größe macht mich klein, du darfst mein Bestrafer sein ja!
BobIshmaelAnd BabelFish translates that as...
BobIshmael"Punish me punish me. Straw will gold and gold will stone your size makes me small, you may my Bestrafer be!"
BobIshmaelStupid BabelFish.
BobIshmaelI think the last line is "you may be my punisher."
BobIshmaelThough, I think the word actually translates as "torture." Oh well.
BobIshmaelStupid Germans... Stupid BabelFish... Stupid RadioShack.
*** Mars changes topic to 'Come! Join the quiet introspection channel! We don't chat here. '
* BobIshmael grumbles.
BobIshmaelNo one is transmitting, so you could at least TRY to amuse me.
* BobIshmael wonders why BabelFish translate "hate" as "have."
BobIshmaelYou. You have. You have me.
BobIshmaelStupid, stupid, stupid BabelFish.
DeRaptorAnd why does it translate "bitch" as "woman"? Or "shit" as "excrement"? We may never know. Or care.
BobIshmaelI car- Oh, wait. I don't.
* Sound request: can't find 'delalala!.wav'
[BobIshmael SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'delalala!.wav'
[BobIshmael SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'delalala!.wav'
[BobIshmael SOUND]
* BobIshmael has earphones on.
* BobIshmael decides he isn't listening to German industrial music loud enough.
BobIshmaelA few more decibels will do.
BobIshmaelAh. Much better.
BobIshmaelY'know, I read a magazine where they referred to Rammstein as a neo-Nazi band. Just goes to show how stupid Americans are.
[BobIshmael SOUND]
DeRaptorThey probably think nazis wear leiderhosen.
BobIshmaelDon't they?
* BobIshmael wonders how he can modify his newly aquired CB radio.
BobIshmaelMaybe if I throw it out a third story window. That'd modify it good.
BobIshmaelSigh. I could be doing something useful right now (read: playing Simon: The Sorceror), y'know.
DarkonZeroOh...sorry....had a interruption.
BobIshmaelYou hate me.
* BobIshmael runs to his room, crying.
DarkonZeroNo....I hate me...you hate you.
DeRaptorYup. We hate you. So?
DarkonZeroI hate this....
* BobIshmael comes back from his room.
* BobIshmael runs to his room, crying.
* DarkonZero gets out a sock.
* DarkonZero wonders if he'll ever burn out right.....
BobIshmaelLet's find out.
* BobIshmael lights DZ on fire.
DarkonZeroQuite warm.
BobIshmaelYou're buring out right from where I am.
DarkonZeroI am...thanks.
BobIshmaelDid I mention what my costume is this Halloween?
BobIshmaelNo, of course not.
BobIshmaelI only came up with a day or two ago and I haven't been here until now.
DeRaptorDo tell, crybaby.
DarkonZeroI'm going as a 6 year old.
BobIshmaelI'm going as a Japanese Nuclear Technician.
BobIshmaelLast year, I went a Human Bomb/the Unabomber.
BobIshmaelAnd the year before, a disgruntled postal worker.
BobIshmaelMy costumes rock. Of course, I only think of them days before Halloween.
BobIshmaelSo I don't have much time to get everything together.
BobIshmaelIt's not a hard costume, though... I already have a white jumpsuit..
DarkonZeroThe year before the postal worker....you were Barney.
DarkonZeroWeren't you!?!
BobIshmaelI'll just draw a few radiation symbols on there, as well as a few Japanes flag- Yes.
BobIshmaelThen alls I need is a hardhat.
BobIshmaelMy costume last year rocked, if I do say so myself.
* DeRaptor still doesn't know what she's gonna be.
BobIshmaelI'll be heading up to my aunt's for her annual Halloween party, I'll try to steal a picture of my most awesome costume, so I can all rub in the fact that your costumes bite.
DeRaptorProlly just put on a party dress and a hideous mask or somethin'...
[BobIshmael SOUND]
DarkonZeroI gotta go to work in a costume....so I'm just going into work in my regular clothes.....then find a hapless family and become their 6 year old son.
* DarkonZero listens to Doctor Worm.
* BobIshmael plays the drums.
BobIshmaelI can't handle criticism, though.
DeRaptorBob, to show us your costume, you'd have to show us a picture of YOU...you paranoid boy...
*** Disconnected
*** Attempting to rejoin...
*** Rejoined channel #Deep13
*** Topic is 'Come! Join the quiet introspection channel! We don't chat here. '
*** Set by Mars on Thu Oct 28 23:56:50
BobIshmaelI don't get it.
BobIshmaelMy costume is me?
* DarkonZero shudders...
BobIshmael<DeRaptor> Bob, to show us your costume, you'd have to show us a picture of YOU...you paranoid boy...
BobIshmaelI don't follow.
* DarkonZero write on his shirt..."Please no mental images!"
DeRaptorWell, you'd be IN your costume for the whole effect, right?
BobIshmaelI'm sorry, I still don't understand.
BobIshmaelYes, I would be wearing my costume for effect.
BobIshmaelI mean, it being Halloween and all.
* DarkonZero listens to "Battle For The Planet Of The Apes".
BobIshmaelHey, good buddy, you reading the mail or what?
* DarkonZero listens to "I Palindrome I".
* DeRaptor reads Usenet and a MiSTing of a talk.origins cook.
BobIshmaeltalk.origins has a cook?
BobIshmaelWhy doesn't ATTMTN have a cook?!
DarkonZeroWe only have room for a microwave.
BobIshmaelWell... Throw Cam overboard, then.
DarkonZeroWow....that gives us room for a coffeemaker.
BobIshmaelOkay, okay... Get the coffeemake...
BobIshmaelHow about we tear down a wall or two?
DarkonZeroWe're in deep space, remember?
BobIshmaelYeah, what's your point?
DeRaptorheehee: http://pinky.wtower.com/mst3k/cgi/mstdisplay.pl/alert_scientific_creationism.WK.txt?htmlmode=on&filename=alert_scientific_creationism.WK.txt
DarkonZeroWell....the gaping vast intellegence of HomeLame will seep in.
BobIshmaelOh... And we don't want that... Right?
BobIshmaelJust making sure you knew.
DarkonZeroI already knew.
BobIshmaelMich hast.
BobIshmaelMich hast du.
BobIshmaelJust making sure.
DarkonZeroOk...you hate me.....like that's new.
BobIshmaelMe hate you, actually.
DarkonZeroI hate me.
BobIshmaelMy German isn't very... er... good.
DarkonZeroYOu hate you.
* DarkonZero wants a shoehorn....the kind with teeth.
BobIshmaelOkay, here you go.
* BobIshmael give DZ a shoehorn with teeth.
BobIshmaelYeah, yeah. I bet you thought there was no such thing, huh?
BobIshmaelIt's a common misconception.
* BobIshmael listens to RFTC.
DarkonZeroNo....I did know of such a thing.
DeRaptorLooove people are there, the smell of love is everywhere (sounds like a lemon), why can't you be sensitive and good? Why don't you want to be understood? I've got a match,  your embraaace and my collapse!
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 14,1Kraftwerk's14,16,0:6,04,1"Pocket Calculator"4,1
* BobIshmael can't think of a song whil listening to a different one.
DarkonZeroOld German techno.
BobIshmaelAs opposed to the new German techno.
DarkonZeroThey pretty much sound the same.
BobIshmaelThat's what THEY want you to think.
DarkonZeroPretty much.
* DarkonZero ponders on the next subject for "Being DarkonZero"
BobIshmaelI have to see that movie tomorrow.
BobIshmaelEr... Being John Malkovich, I mean. Not "Being DarkonZero."
BobIshmaelWhat's above a hour?
DarkonZeroI was trying to be John Malkovich......couldn't get the nerve to shave my head.
BobIshmaelThere has to be another unit of time above the hour.
DarkonZeroThere is.
DeRaptorA day...
BobIshmaelAbove a hour and below a day.
BobIshmaelAbove a hour and below a day.
DeRaptorThere ain't. Deal with it.
BobIshmaelAbove a hour and below a day.
BobIshmaelAbove a hour and below a day!!
DeRaptorAn episode of MST3K. There.
DarkonZeroThe time it takes Dan Quayle to figure out out to spell "cat".
BobIshmaelThat's two hours.
DarkonZeroDanny boy is getting better.
BobIshmaelI meant the ep, but whatever floats yer boat.
BobIshmaelYou know me by name... DROP OUT!
* DeRaptor chuckles.
BobIshmaelYou used to be a lot like your mom... You used to be a lot like your dad... You used be a lot like a son of a bitch, and that's the way it goes.
DeRaptorSomeday mother will die and I'll get the money...
DeRaptorMom leans down and says "My sentiments exactly..."
DeRaptor"You son of a bitch!" I Palindrome I...
BobIshmaelI hope those are the lyrics to a song, De- Oh. Nevermind.
DeRaptorAnd I am a snake-head eating the head on the opposite side...
* DarkonZero wonders if he's addicted to the time track.
BobIshmaelDe, you should be a songwriter.
DarkonZeroAm I?
BobIshmaelTime Trax?
BobIshmaelOr is this a song, too?
DarkonZeroTime track.
DarkonZeroIt's part of a song.
DarkonZeroYou thought I was addicted to Time Trax, huh?
BobIshmaelThought? I know you are.
BobIshmaelI took you to DeTox, remember?
DarkonZeroI loathe that show.
BobIshmaelYou were shaking something bad.
BobIshmaelSure... NOW.
* DarkonZero has a big blank space in his mind.
DarkonZeroOh wait...
DarkonZeroThat's always been there.
* DarkonZero remembers he was vapour....
DarkonZeroI remember I was just like you.
BobIshmaelSorry. I'm better now.
DarkonZeroTension Breaker?
BobIshmaelI should stop acting on impluse- I'M NOT INSANE!
DeRaptorHmmm...your names ARE both the same length and it DOES kinda look like somebody's talking to himself....
DarkonZeroI think out loud....thank you very much!
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 14,1Gary Numan's14,16,0:6,04,1"Tracks"4,1
* BobIshmael coughs.
BobIshmaelThat wasn't me. That was the guy in my head.
DarkonZeroYou forgot to finish it.
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 14,1Orgy's14,16,0:6,04,1"Stitches"4,1
* BobIshmael listens to a WAV of 1,14DarkonZero's1,14:1,4"Lame"
DarkonZeroIt's silences like these that makes me think I shuld get that lobotomy.
DarkonZeroListen to grandpa.wav....might make you feel better.
[BobIshmael SOUND]
DarkonZeroIt makes it worse.
BobIshmaelLucky thing I didn't have my speaker on the entire time.
DarkonZeroThat's good.
* DeRaptor gives Bob his earmuffs back.
BobIshmaelAnd did you record that Whozits Whatiz sound?
BobIshmaelI took them off... Ears bleeding. Voices in head.
BobIshmaelThese are good things.
BobIshmaelAkmar Alten, I think his name was.
BobIshmaelAllen Annie?
BobIshmaelAlfred Alcaster?
DarkonZeroAkmed Ahmed?
* DeRaptor wonders if she should let the guy in her head into the chatroom...
DarkonZeroYou already have...
DarkonZeroSeveral occasions.
DarkonZeroEvery year.
DeRaptorOh yeah.
DeRaptorWell, he is pretty obnoxious...
DeRaptorSpoiled rotten little critter.
DarkonZeroWell....I'm off.....
BobIshmaelStupid CB and computer interferring with eachother.
BobIshmaelStupid DZ.
DarkonZeroTime for me to stay off again for a few days.....later.
BobIshmael!, EVEN!
DarkonZeroI am.
DarkonZeroMe! I disconnect from you...all!
* DarkonZero hits the off switch on his Portal deck and disconnects to the world known as reality!
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Fri Oct 29 01:03:54 1999

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