
Session Start: Fri Sep 17 09:38:48 1999
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is '<DeRaptor> What would YOU do if you were a Hurricane? <CallipyG> Sit here in #Deep13, just like i'm doing right now <Locdog07> Callipy blows already, ya see'
*** Set by Locdog07 on Thu Sep 16 14:02:50
DarkonZeroMe! I disconnect from you...all!
* DarkonZero hits the off switch on his Portal deck and disconnects to the world known as reality!
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Fri Sep 17 09:39:06 1999
Session Start: Fri Sep 17 20:30:08 1999
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is 'The real #Deep13... And we don't lie about celeberty chats.'
*** Set by DarKrow on Fri Sep 17 19:17:37
DarkonZeroHey all!
MSTManosHey there, DZ.
ThejasoNi try to stop in from time to time
DeRaptorHeya Nosaj, Darkon.
ThejasoNhi Dz
DarkonZeroThey Might Be Giants CONCERT!
DarkonZeroI'M GOING!
MSTManosjas, watch me get Joe McCarthy on your ass soon.
ThejasoNwho's that?
* MSTManos has never listened to TMBG and hasn't considered whether or not to do so soon.
MSTManos'Sides, my favorite band "died" 5 years ago.
DarkonZeroAnd I'm going to the "Weird Al" CONCERT too.
* MSTManos HAS listened to Weird Al. And he likes him.
DeRaptorHmmm...where're these concerts, now?
DarKrowLodovik keeps saying what he;s not
* DeRaptor is sort of afraid of music fans...
Cal-CroweI was at the Weird Al chat on Wed.
DarkonZeroAt the Hard Rock Hotel here in Vegas.
MSTManosLodo is saying no to what?
DarKrowI'm going off
DarKrowJay Leno's on
*** DarKrow has quit IRC (BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
DarkonZeroHe goes for Leno...ugh.
MSTAnonHey, yeah!
MSTAnonWeird Al concert on October 10th!
Gokubetter than Leno
DarkonZeroSept. 29th here.
GokuI want to goto a TMBG concert
*** Locdog07 has joined #Deep13
*** Mars sets mode: +o Locdog07
GokuI don't think they are coming to Pittsburgh for awhile
[Locdog07 SOUND]
* MSTManos notices a lot of TMBG fans. So he's gonna say something that might disturb them...
GokuThe one colege pissed them off
* Sound request: can't find 'kevin.wav'
[Locdog07 SOUND]
Goku*correct typo on college
Gokuif thats right hehe
Gokuwhat DZ?
DarkonZeroCheck out www.theymightbegiants.com
* DeRaptor waits for Manos' disturbing thing...
DarkonZeroThe concert dates are there.
* Cal-Crowe wonders if there will be a Wierd Al concert around Atlanta...
MSTManosThere's a radio station here in L.A. called KROQ. There's two DJ's in the morning who are supposed to be the main stars of the station, other than the "Loveline" guys...
MSTAnonWeird Al October 10th! Woo-hoo! =D
DarkonZeroThe week after next week....AL PLAYS VEGAS!
Gokunone in PA
MSTAnonI met him in a swamp down in Dagobah where it babbles all the time like a giant carbonated soda... S-O-D-A soda...
GokuNY isn't that far though
MSTManosAnyways, several months ago, they were having a top "106.7" bands thingy (named after the call numbers, which isn't much of a surprise) and they brought up the topic of TMBG.
Cal-CroweNov. 19!!!
GokuIf I went to NY I would see 3 or 4 of the 4 shows
* DarkonZero ppnders on listening to the Bum Bum Song MP3.
DarkonZeroppnders to ponders
MSTAnonI saw the little runt sitting there on a log. I asked him his name and in a raspy voice, he said, Yoda. Y-O-D-A Yoda...
DarkonZeroWe know the sng.
DarkonZerosng to song
MSTManosThey mentioned about how TMBG was in the list from 3 years ago, and they started talking about how TMBG will never make the list in a million years. They also brought up how some Internet fans would help them make the list, and the DJ's highly doubted them.
[Locdog07 SOUND]
MSTManosThey never did. But at least my favorite band ranked #6.
MSTManosSo I didn't go away sad. Of course, when they mentioned that they'd have Trey Parker and Matt Stone as guests, I stopped listening to them.
DarkonZeroTMBG are at least still making albums.
* Sound request: can't find 'kevin.wav'
[Locdog07 SOUND]
MSTManosAnd that's my TMBG story. Of course, I never heard them, and I don't know if I ever will.
MSTAnonUgh. That dork on ICQ again.
DarkonZeroOnly $18 for TMBG tickets too.
DeRaptorI could bombard you with mp3s, Manos.
Cal-CroweThere will be a Weird Al concert almost in every state
MSTManosThat's okay. My hard drive is full of 'em.
MSTManosAnd I don't intend to change my choice for "favorite all-time band".
MSTAnonDammit! Weird Al tickets will run me $34!
DarkonZeroManos.....what IS your fave band?
MSTManosOf course, I still hate boy bands, and the rest of the pop and rap B.S. Except for the Beastie Boys.
MSTAnonAnd that's for one!
MSTManosOh, my favorite band is Nirvana.
Gokume too!
GokuI have 104
DarkonZeroI am a fan too.
* Sound request: can't find 'kevin.wav'
[Locdog07 SOUND]
MSTManosOh good.
Cal-CroweIt's uninteligable
Cal-CroweI just can' get it thorough my skull
Cal-CroweIts hard to bargle nowdle zouss
MSTManosWeird Al made Nirvana feel famous.
Cal-Crowewith all the marbles in my mouth
DarkonZeroCal...you forgot the "?" after zounds.
* Cal-Crowe shoots marbles out of his mouth like a bazzooka
Cal-Croweoh yeah...
* Locdog07 sighs
* DeRaptor wonders why everyone on Deep Blurting hates Hal Sparks...
MSTAnonI love the smell of Nirvana in the morning... It smells like... victory.
Locdog07Hal Sparks, yup, he sure does.
Cal-CroweMeet Hally Sparks
* MSTManos stares at Loc.
DarkonZeroOr bacon?
MSTManosHal Sparks is weird.
Locdog07Hi Manos
MSTManosBut all things must evolve.
DarkonZeroOr move on.....
MSTManosLike Lodo. Eventually, in 20 years, puberty will set in.
[Locdog07 SOUND]
MSTAnonHow can I ****in' afford a concert t-shirt if Ticketmaster jacks up the price?
MSTManos(This is not a guarantee.)
DarkonZeroAnon......that's corporate things for ya.
* MSTAnon always needs a concert t-shirt.
MSTAnonThose damn bastards at Ticketmaster...
DarkonZeroDAMN THEM!
MSTAnonHell, tickets to Family Values last year ran me $35!
MSTManosAh, so you went?
DarkonZeroFamily Values tour.....
DarkonZeroYou went?
MSTAnonIndeed I did.
MSTManosUh... cool.
MSTAnonHad to see Rammstein.
DarkonZeroOh ok...
MSTAnonSaw 'em again this June.
MSTAnonGot another concert t-shirt.
MSTManosThey've got a new live album out.
MSTAnonGot a *backstage pass*.
DarkonZeroI missed the Fear Factory and Orgy concerts here.
GokuMr. Burns owns Ticket Master
* MSTAnon got to talk to Rammstein in German! =D
DarkonZeroAnon.....you didn't call them "Crap heads" did you?
Goku"Hah SMithers, you said no one would pay 100% service tax"
DeRaptorDer Urvogel ist mein. Ja.
* Sound request: can't find 'martian.wav'
[Cal-Crowe SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'kevin.wav'
[Locdog07 SOUND]
DarkonZeroDu hast miche.
Goku"Well Mr. Burns it keeps a healthy mix of the rich and the ignorant"
MSTAnonIch habe mit Rammstein "Scheisskopf" nicht gesagt.
* DeRaptor doesn't know German or anything.
Locdog07I know some German
DeRaptorYo aprendio Espanol!
Locdog07Ich bin nicht Freuilan Meyer
MSTAnonBut now I've got to go to the Weird Al concert.
MSTManosBueno, De!
MSTManosYo tambien. Pero solo un poquito.
DeRaptorer...make that aprendi I think.
Gokunigoku sugoi!
DeRaptorStupid verbs.
DarkonZeroI know a little Tagalog.
MSTAnonA long, long time ago in a galaxy far away, Naboo was under an attack.
Cal-CroweIf I go to the Weird Al Concert on Nov. 19, It will be my first concert
DeRaptorKambotto! Jipushii! Tom Saakitto! Karaaaaasu!
MSTAnonAnd I thought me an' Qui-Gonn Jinn could talk the Federation in to maybe cutting them a little slack.
MSTAnonBut their response, it didn't thrill us. They locked the doors and tried to kill us.
* MSTManos can speak mock Japanese.
MSTAnonWe escaped from that gas, met Jar Jar and Boss Nass.
Locdog07Anon, you're missing words
* MSTManos coughs out a new nick
* DeRaptor thinks we need famous song parodists to write about MST!
GokuI know a couple words
*** MSTManos is now known as ManosMan
MSTAnonWe took a bongo from the scene and we went to Theed to see the Queen. We all wound up on Tattoine.
ThejasoNcan one of you fine young people with a nice connection send me the rest of toearth.wav?
* Cal-Crowe rasies his hand
MSTAnonThat's how we found this boy.
Locdog07Anon, wrong, wrong
MSTAnonOh my, my this here Anakin guy. Maybe Vader someday later, now he's just a small fry.
* Sound request: can't find 'kevin.wav'
[Locdog07 SOUND]
MSTAnonHe left his home and kissed his mommy goodbye, sayin' soon I'm gonna be a Jedi. Soon I'm gonna be a Jedi.
Cal-CroweHe left his home and kissed his mommy good bye
DarkonZeroOk.....we know the song.
Locdog07Better go
MSTAnonDid you know this junkyard slave isn't even old enough to shave? But he can use the Force, they say.
ThejasoNbye loc
DarkonZeroHow ya doin' Bernie?
DarkonZeroOY VAY!
DarkonZeroOY VAY!
* ThejasoN throws a squirrel at anon
* Sound request: can't find 'amish.wav'
[Cal-Crowe SOUND]
MSTAnonOh, do you see him hitting on the Queen though he's just 9 and she's 14? Yeah, he's probably gonna marry her someday...
MSTAnonOw! QUit it.
Locdog07Bye all
DarkonZeroBye Loc.
*** Locdog07 has left #Deep13
DeRaptoradios loc...d'oh
MSTAnonWell I know he built C-3PO and I've heard how fast his pod can go! But we were broke, it's true... So we made a wager or two-o!
* DeRaptor kicks Anon for singing Weird Al's fanboy song.
MSTAnonHe was a prepubescent flyin' ace and the minute Jabba started off that race, well I knew we'd win 1st place. Oh yes, it was our boy.
* DarkonZero does the same.
* ThejasoN does the same
ThejasoN(it looked fun)
MSTAnonWe were singin' my, my this here Anakin guy. Maybe Vader someday later, now he's just a small fry.
* Cal-Crowe does the same...whoooo!
* DarkonZero does the same....again.
MSTAnonHe left his home and kissed his mommy goodbye, sayin' soon I'm gonna be a Jedi. Soon I'm gonna be a Jedi.
* DeRaptor kicks Anon to a bloody pulp! It's fun!
* ThejasoN does the same....again.
* ManosMan kicks Anon just cuz he feels like it.
* ThejasoN continues kicking anon
DeRaptorHe just keeps going and going and going and going...
MSTAnonWell we finally got to Coruscant; the Jedi Council we knew would want... to see how good the boy could be.
* ManosMan kicks Anon for demeaning me and stuff.
ThejasoNis he still alive?
* Sound request: can't find 'notdead.wav'
[ThejasoN SOUND]
* DarkonZero feels he should remove his socks....cause they STINK!
* Cal-Crowe throws lands mines at anon
GokuI'm not dead!
DarkonZeroThey really do.
MSTAnonSo we took him there and we told a tale how his midichlorians were off the scale and he might fulfill that prophecy...
Cal-Crowekilling is fun!
ThejasoNyou have this one?
MSTAnonOh, the Council was impressed, of course! Could he bring balance to the Force?
ThejasoNi feel..happy!  i feel..happy!
MSTAnonThey interviewed the kid... Oh, training they forbid!
* Cal-Crowe saws Anon in half
* DeRaptor throws a dead gungan at Anon.
* Cal-Crowe saws Anon in half
* Cal-Crowe saws Anon in half
* Cal-Crowe saws Anon in half
DarkonZeroNow look what you did.
* Cal-Crowe saws Anon in half
* Cal-Crowe saws Anon in half
* ManosMan is at Geffen's Nirvana site.
MSTAnonBecause Yoda sensed in him much fear, but Qui-Gonn said, now listen here. Just stick it in your pointy ear. I still will teach this boy.
DeRaptorA stinky rotting dead gungan.
DarkonZeroI missed an "E" in SHESH!
MSTAnonHe was singin' my, my this here Anakin guy, maybe Vader someday later now he's just a small fry.
DarkonZeroJohn Shesh?
* Cal-Crowe drops a car on Anon
MSTAnonHe left his home and kissed his mommy goodbye, sayin' soon I'm gonna be a Jedi. Soon I'm gonna be a Jedi.
* ThejasoN tears a hole in anon's head
MSTAnonWe caught a ride back to Naboo 'cause Queen Amidala wanted to. I frankly would've liked to stay.
MSTAnonWe all fought in that epic war and it wasn't long at all before little hotshot flew his plane and saved the day!
MSTAnonAnd in the end... [remainder of the song omitted for spoilers]
* Cal-Crowe thrusts a harpoon through Anon's torso
DarkonZeroOk....who thinks it's a cool toy when you inject a plastic bug with goo and then disect it?
Cal-CroweThar she blows!
MSTAnonOh, and...
DeRaptorI think it's a little late for spoilers.
DeRaptorBut...I shouldn't say that.
DarkonZeroI'll sing.....
MSTAnonOh, may I?
DeRaptorUm...I haven't seen the movie yet, yeah!
* ManosMan wants to hurt Anon in the worst way.
ThejasoNhey de, wasn't Anon's singing forbidden in the #d13 charter?
MSTAnonA long, long time ago in a galaxy far away, Naboo was under an attack.
ThejasoNi seen to remember...
ManosManDe, you have power...
* DeRaptor takes a piece of paper out of a safe and scribbles something on it.
DeRaptorIt is now.
* MSTAnon is just kidding.
DeRaptorYou have two seconds to comply, Anon.
DeRaptorOkay, good.
* Cal-Crowe throws a frisbee with razor blades on the side at Anon's neck
MSTAnonOw! Quit it.l
DarkonZeroHey.....what about Bob saying stuff......shouldn't that be in it too?
DarkonZeroThe charter.
* Cal-Crowe throws a blowing ball at Anon
DeRaptorWell, he shouldn't speak unless spoken to.
Cal-Croweerr, bowling
DarkonZeroYeah....that'll work.
* ManosMan wonders if he should announce that Mars is his new pet.
* DeRaptor writes that down too.
MSTAnonSo Manos, who are the nominees?
DeRaptorDoes Mars agree to this, Manos?
MSTAnonAnd De, who do you report things to?
Cal-CroweI'm writing this little MST3K event
ManosManNo, but I forced him, so it's okay.
Cal-Crowewould you like to use it on #Deep13.com?
MSTAnonD'oh! You completely missed the joke.
DeRaptorreport it to http://terribleclaw.com/thecouch/askde.html... Yeah.
ManosManAnon, don't act like you don't know.
* DarkonZero goes to get his "Cranberry Medley" drink....
DarkonZeroI'm off!
MSTAnonNo, really! Who are the nominees?
Cal-CroweIt's a radio show of a MST movie awards
Cal-Crowefor example, Torgo could get the lifetime achievement award
ManosManFor the best episode, all season 10 episodes
DarkonZeroMe BACK!
Cal-CroweTorgo: "Thank You"
Cal-CroweWe could use clips from many epsiodes
ManosManFor best host segment, all season 10 host segments
Cal-Crowesince Mike's Torgo says "Thank You" in Double 007
DeRaptorThat had to be the gogo dancing in 1002...
ManosManFor the Best Website, Crowmistie! Best of MST 3K, the JDB Porkapalooza, Anon's site, De's site, and the Sloe Gin Circus.
Cal-Crowenot all of the season 10s were all good
MSTAnonIt would have to be the Ernest Borgnine children's books in 1003.
Cal-Crowewait a minite
DeRaptorNo...wait...it was the song in 1013.
ManosManFor the best headline, any news story from the past year.
MSTAnonTo Earth...
* MSTAnon coughs.
MSTAnonBest Headline: MST3K Cancelled. =(
MSTAnonOr is it?
ManosManAnd I get to choose the winners of the Best Brainer and Best Fan.
DeRaptorNo, that's most depressing headline.
*** IncMeltMan has joined #Deep13
DeRaptorHeya Meltoid!
ManosManHey there, IMM.
ThejasoNhi IMM
Gokuhi hi!
ManosManWhoa. The "Heart Shaped Box" video is weirder than I thought.
* ThejasoN vaguely remembers an IMM from way back
MSTAnonIncorporated Melting Man.
DarkonZeroYou didn't know that?
DeRaptorBest Headline (if it were true): Sci-Fi Channel Execs die in fiery plane crash.
ManosManI never saw it, okay?
ManosManI just saw a still photo.
IncMeltManNo.  That's not OK.
Cal-CroweBest villian A: Ellija Calgon B: Lord Voltare C: Krankor D: The Master E: Dr.Z/Dr. Leapold
GokuTorgo is in FF8
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Session Start: Fri Sep 17 21:11:06 1999
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is 'The real #Deep13... And we don't lie about celeberty chats.'
*** Set by DarKrow on Fri Sep 17 19:17:37
IncMeltManHello, DZ.
DarkonZeroUnexpected lockup.
MSTAnonWhat about Money Talks and Progress Island USA?
DarkonZeroOf course they all are.
MSTAnonBoth classics in their own right.
MSTAnonAnd who can forget Days of our Years and Chicken of Tomorrow?
IncMeltManI liked "Here comes the Circus".
DarkonZeroCentury 21 Calling.....
IncMeltManOh...Days of our Years....dark and dreary....but funny, too
MSTAnonLest we forget Century 21 Calling or Uncle Jim's Dairy Farm.
IncMeltManHee hee
DeRaptorCase of Spring Fever was hilariously evil.
* MSTAnon starts to weld.
IncMeltManThe life of misery and torture for many innocent people that follows bad safety.
* MSTAnon continues to weld stuff.
IncMeltManI don't think welding those ice cubes is going so well, Anon.
DeRaptor'least he's not singin'.
* Sound request: can't find 'anang.mid'
* DeRaptor plays a random They Might Be Giants midi: 11,2AnaNG.mid
* MSTAnon is still welding.
MSTAnonYou shut up!
DarkonZeroDe...good choice.
* MSTAnon welds away.
* DeRaptor makes a life-size Michaelangelo's David out of two ice cubes.
DeRaptor'mjust efficient, I guess.
DarkonZeroOf me......how thoughtful.
MSTAnonOh, c'mon!
* MSTAnon is welding.
DarkonZeroHi.....I'm David.
DarkonZeroWell I am.
IncMeltManOh....like in the short....Hey, Anon.....AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
DeRaptorAnon! Are you welding down there?!
* MSTAnon turns suddenly, scarring IMM for life with his blow torch.
* MSTAnon turns suddenly, scarring De for life with his blow torch.
Cal-CroweBest Stinger: A: "Mom, my nuts."  B: "I'm comeeeeing!" C: "Rowsdower."  D: "This is where the fish live."  E: "Har Har Har Har Har(krankor)
DarkonZeroNo.....1013's made no sence.
* DeRaptor wipes off the carbon take.
IncMeltManThe best stinger is the one from Rocket Attack USA>
DarkonZeroThe BEST STINGER AWARD goes to "Is that stud coming?".
Cal-CroweI'm comieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeng!!!
DeRaptor"Is that stud, coming?" made no sense?
Cal-CroweIs that stud coming?
* DeRaptor hums Ana Ng along to her midi.
MSTAnonWhat about "Rock 'n' roll Martian"?
GokuI have a flamethower!
DarkonZeroDe...you go and do that.
IncMeltManF**kin' old martian.
Cal-CroweRock and roll martion whoooa
* Sound request: can't find 'mrstrain.mid'
* DeRaptor plays a random They Might Be Giants midi: 11,2MrsTrain.mid
* Sound request: can't find 'martian.wav'
[Cal-Crowe SOUND]
MSTAnonNow that was a great Stinger.
Cal-Croweoh my...
Cal-CroweI gotta go
*** Cal-Crowe has quit IRC (See ya!)
DarkonZeroOr...."Thong, dinners' ready."
MSTAnonFaaaaar out!
IncMeltManThong, the fish is ready!  This is where the fish live....
[ThejasoN SOUND]
* DeRaptor used to have an index card next to her fishbowl that said that.
DeRaptor"This is where the fish lives" that is.
IncMeltManOh....that's good.
DeRaptorIn fact, I think I'm gonna do that again.
IncMeltManCuz having a cooked fish in the bowl...
* DarkonZero used to have a sign on the toilet that said, "This is where you....you know...go."
IncMeltManReady for Thong.....
MSTAnonWay to use Post-It Notes, DZ.
* DeRaptor blinks.
DarkonZeroOk.....I didn't
[Goku SOUND]
DeRaptorpost-it notes are cool!
DarkonZeroI wish I did though.
Gokuthey taste funny
GokuI mean...
Goku....thats what I've heard
*** Raven-X has joined #deep13
MSTAnonToo much information, Goku.
Goku...by some random person
Raven-Xhello everyone
DarkonZeroGoku...you don't eat Post-It notes...unless....
IncMeltMan'ello '-X
ThejasoNhi raven
GokuHi Rav
Raven-Xright now I'm working on the engine thruster for Tom, it is a pain in the butt
IncMeltManSpeaking of Raven....I just watched Corman's classic "The Raven" on AMC.
IncMeltManIt's got a great cast...but it's stupid as heck.
Gokuhehe aww I missed it
MSTAnonNever more! Never more! Never more!
Raven-Xwas it a guyt in a custume?
MSTAnonNever more! Never more! Never more!
IncMeltManA young Jack Nicholson...an old Peter Lorre....
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 14,1Nine Inch Nails'14,16,0:6,04,1"Starfookers, Inc."4,16,0 from the album:6,012,1"The Day The World Went Away - Halo 13"12,16,0
* MSTAnon listenst to Running With Scissors.
IncMeltManPeter Lorre was the title character of course.
* Sound request: can't find 'hallofheads.mid'
* DeRaptor plays a random They Might Be Giants midi: 11,2HallOfHeads.mid
MSTAnonA long, long time ago in a galaxy far away, Naboo was under an attack.
DarkonZeroAnon....so you're lisenst?
MSTAnonShut up.
* DeRaptor aims the kick ray.
MSTAnonI'll bet you don't want to hear another peep out of me, huh?
DarkonZeroOk.....I'll sing the "Bum Bum Song" if no one gets along in here.
Gokuthen we'll all unite to kill you
DarkonZeroSo....I died many times.
DarkonZeroI'm immortal.
* IncMeltMan wonders how long it will take before Tom Green ends up hospitalized.
DarkonZeroAnd I throw darts to boot.
DarkonZeroMy bum is on the mIRC.....my bum is on the mIRC.....hehe.
Raven-XYour mother were a hamster and your father smelt of elder berries
*** ManosMan has joined #deep13
* Sound request: can't find 'hampster.wav'
[ThejasoN SOUND]
ManosManUm. Hi.
IncMeltMan'ello, 'nosMan
DeRaptorwb Manos.
* DeRaptor puts the sign on the fishbowl.
* Sound request: can't find 'meetjamesensor.mid'
* DeRaptor plays a random They Might Be Giants midi: 11,2MeetJamesEnsor.mid
DarkonZeroRaven....thanks for reminding me.
DarkonZeroI quoted from most MP movies all day.
Raven-XI let my friend borrow my Squirm video, he thought it was hillarious
IncMeltManMarry Poppins?
Raven-Xcause of that one hick guy in it (the one named Richard I think)
IncMeltMan"Chim chimminy....chim chimminy..."
DeRaptorUh oh...Cam's on AIM.
Raven-XI never understood the Mister Beardsly thing?
* Sound request: can't find 'cursumperficio.mid'
[DeRaptor SOUND]
DarkonZeroI'm glad I'm not on AIM.
ManosManQuick! Make him feel unwanted! Actually, just do what we always do. It's the same thing.
DeRaptorHeheh. The ingrate.
DarkonZeroWay too much talking for me.
DarkonZeroOh...I talk too much anyways...
DarkonZeroI'm rambling again.
ManosManIt's not that I hate Cam... it's just that I'm personally annoyed by the guy.
DarkonZeroManos....I am too...
DarkonZeroYou're not alone.
*** TheCambot has joined #Deep13
* DeRaptor whistles.
IncMeltManHello, Cam...we were just talking about you.
ManosManHello jerk... I mean Cam.
MSTAnonOkay, um...
ManosManOops. How'd that slip out of my mouth?
* MSTAnon has Java homework to do for tomorrow.
* DeRaptor wonders where BobIshmael has been...Crow hasn't gotten a good tinking in a while.
MSTAnonBye, all.
DeRaptoradios, Anon.
Gokuwheres Bob!
IncMeltManSee ya, Anon
ManosManBob's monitor killed itself.
DarkonZeroBob's still planning my beheading.
*** MSTAnon has quit IRC (Be sure to join MSTies Anonymous at... http://www.msties.com/)
ManosManHe mailed me a few days ago.
TheCambotI need to talk to Bob, too, actually.
TheCambotThank ya ManosMan.
DarkonZeroActually I can wait for Bob.
ThejasoNi miss my mom
DarkonZeroThough it worries me.....
ManosManIn the mail, he was his weird self.
ManosManHe wanted me to summarize a mail he got from the Gateway Con folks.
* IncMeltMan gets sucked into the vortex of afk
DarkonZeroI'm still waiting for them to contact me.
DarkonZeroI e-mailed them a couple of days ago.
DarkonZeroAbout the availability of tickets an stuff....
TheCambotTell me what you find out.
TheCambotAre we all planning to hang out together? I don't want any ploys to avoid me...
ManosManBob was asking the Gateway Con folks about making the MST exhibit the biggest.
DarkonZeroYeah.....he's got it all over Remarq.
DarkonZeroWell....not all over.
TheCambotYou still use that newsgroup?
ManosManCam, I'd be lying if I said I'd avoid you.
TheCambotWhat's it called again? I don't even remember.
TheCambotI don't remember what that stands for...Something about Tom Servo...
DeRaptorno s. newgroup.
ManosManAnd I spelled it right.
DarkonZeroIt's newgroup.
IncMeltManAT&T Mountain....
DeRaptorNope, it's newgroup. It's weird.
TheCambotIt is newgroup.
ManosManAnd it's taught, not taugh
DarkonZeroWell I missed a "t"....SHEESH.
DeRaptorIt goes back to when some other obnoxious fellow calling himself Tom Servo was apparently tormenting Usenet or something and he taught his cronies to "newgroup" to make lots of newsgroups. Or something like that.
DarkonZeroI was the great "Actin' Emperor" you know.
DeRaptorWell, I'm STILL the Grand High Pope of MiSTianity!
DarkonZeroLet me emphasize the WAS.
DarkonZeroDe....don't rub it in.
DarkonZeroI'm still something on ther.
* ManosMan plans on being the "Mysterious Peasant"... but, no.
IncMeltManDe's high....huh huh huh....
DeRaptorOnly on elmer's glue...wait, that didn't sound right.
Gokuthat guy who sings that scares me
* DeRaptor falls off of wherever she's high and takes much too long to fall.
DarkonZeroNow moving on....
GokuAnd now for something completely diferent
DarkonZeroDe's doing her Crow oiimpression again.
DarkonZeroYes I meant Oiimpression.
IncMeltManA water buffalo cannot be taught to use tweezers.
* ManosMan hurts himself.
ManosManDon't ask why.
DarkonZeroIMM....yes they can.
* ManosMan is possessed.
* ManosMan falls into a hole.
IncMeltManHow'd you do it?
DarkonZeroYou got to let them learn first...silly.
* ThejasoN shall be going
ThejasoNgood night kids
ManosManUm, bye jasoN.
DarkonZeroAnd is he "The" jasoN?
ManosManAnd just cuz I'm 6 years younger doesn't make me a kid.
*** Raven-X has quit IRC (Read error to Raven-X[ppp131.C.ite.net]: Connection reset by peer)
DeRaptorbye Nosaj.
DarkonZeroI'm older...and I'm still a kid....at heart...burn.
IncMeltManNo saj!  Ping ping!
* ThejasoN grabs Cam's autographed picture of Steve Reeves and races out of #deep13
*** ThejasoN has quit IRC (Leaving)
IncMeltManSteve Reeves is the shiniest Herc.
DarkonZeroVery shiny.....
* DeRaptor projects Cam's autographed picture of Shirley Jones somewhere.
DarkonZeroSteve Reeves is so bright...I gotta wear shades.
IncMeltManYou could shave while looking in your reflexion on one of his pecs.
TheCambotI didn't even know I had autographed pictures of anyone but me.
IncMeltManNot that I do...that often....
DeRaptorYou would think of that, wouldn't you, IMM?
TheCambotWanna see my wallet?
DarkonZeroReflexion......nice use of pun.
TheCambotThis is me...
TheCambotThis is myself...
IncMeltManYeah!  hee hee
TheCambotand this is I...
* DeRaptor steals Cam's picture of katie.
IncMeltManthat's just a drawing!
DarkonZeroHe drew it himslef.
TheCambotI stole a picture of Katie, so it's only fair that it's stolen from me.
DarkonZeroslef.....I meant that.
DeRaptorOh yeah...a stick figure with big...um...maybe you should have this back, Cam.
TheCambotOne big cycle of thievery...
DarkonZeroHey...Bob has a picture like that.
DarkonZeroA stick figure with big...um......
GokuI shall call you, Brostoff!
TheCambotThis conversation sucks, I'll be back when it's over.
*** TheCambot has quit IRC (Leaving)
DeRaptorBig ears...it's weird.
DeRaptorStupid oversensitive Cam.
* DeRaptor dances on Cam's grave.
DarkonZeroHey....I'm oversensitive.
ManosManOoh. Cam's gone.
DeRaptorOh yeah.
Gokuwhat dance?
IncMeltManOh...Cam fall down the hoooollllle.
GokuI only know the tea pot dance
DarkonZeroBut not as much as Cam.
GokuI dislike that dance much so
DeRaptorWhat about the chicken dance?
* Sound request: can't find 'chickendance.mid'
[DeRaptor SOUND]
GokuI know that too!
* ManosMan ponders dropping Cam off on some godforsaken desert.
DarkonZeroWhat's with De and chickens.....hmmm?
DeRaptorchicken puppets!
DeRaptorCrow has a chicken puppet, and it's cute, okay? Geez.
DarkonZeroThere is something more.
DarkonZeroI like insinuating.
DeRaptorWell...I do share a certain affinity with all feathered creatures.
Gokuthey did it at the roller skating rink I was at!...I ran into ppl and tripped them when they did it!...then was put in the penalty box
IncMeltManEven Jesse Ventura?
DeRaptorUhhh...except for him.
*** TheCambot has joined #Deep13
ManosManOh no.
IncMeltManwb, Cambot.
* DeRaptor wonders what kind of freaks would elect a cross-dressing wrestler and a huge bald nazi governer anyways...
DeRaptorwb Camboy.
IncMeltManThe best damn freaks in the world.
DeRaptorHmmm...I guess.
DarkonZeroI'm a freak and I love me.
TheCambothas anyone seen Rashomon?
* DeRaptor stands up.
DeRaptorHello, I'm DeRaptor, and I'm a freak.
GokuQuote:7,2 *** now is now known as Sentroid91
TheCambotHI DE!
TheCambotWhat a stupid joke.
IncMeltManRashomon....like Pokemon with bad skin?
* DarkonZero waves his freak flag.
* DeRaptor hits herself with a dead Gungan.
DeRaptorbad! bad raptor!
DarkonZeroOh...yeah......I gotta design my freak flag still for my site.
* TheCambot waves his flag freak...one of those folks that burn a flag if it touches the ground.
* DeRaptor passes a law against freak flag burning.
DarkonZeroDe....you already passed it.,
DarkonZeroLast week.
GokuQuote:7,2 <Goku> YOU SPEAK OF THE DEVIL! <Fuuko> What about me? <Ikari> no way <Fuuko> That's me <Fuuko> Everyone's moving online nowadays... <Fuuko> You know I can get souls online for half the price I can get them through the mail system?
DeRaptorSay...that reminds me, we should write up some laws for the chatroom.
DeRaptorWell, I'll write it down this time.
IncMeltMan"Do not violate Ape....er....Chat law!"
DarkonZeroCam cannot speak of you-know-who anymore.
ManosManOkay. Law One: I am to hurt someone every time I come in.
DeRaptorOkay, I pass no freak flag burning as the first amendment. Anything else to pass? That doesn't consist of methane?
Gokuno one may burnith, thy couches but thy Goku of Vegeta
* DeRaptor writes that down.
ManosManUnless Cam isn't here. Then I won't hit anyone.
GokuFuuko, a character in the Recca anime
IncMeltManSecond law...he who hath smelt it shall haft delt it.
DarkonZeroDarkonZero is an idiot.....so he has free run of the snack bar.
Goku8,1Quote added: 6,8 <IncMeltMan> Second law...he who hath smelt it shall haft delt it.
Gokuyour idiocy has been imortalized have a nice day :)
* DeRaptor tries to keep track of all these.
DarkonZeroI got them logged De.
ManosManThird Law: Hurt Cam at all times, emotionally and/or physically
DarkonZeroPass the third law...please!
ManosManOkay... we'll do this in a democratic way.
ManosMan2 votes win the law.
DarkonZeroFourth Law: Manos is invisible...so watch your step at all times.
ManosManMe and DZ will vote.
GokuFourth Law: Give the Rabbit some damn Trix, I mean he's the freaking mascot!!!!!!!! just give him the cereal!!!!!!!
DarkonZeroThat's a better 4th law.
DarkonZeroYours is better.
ManosManFifth Law: Demean Mars at all times.
Gokuoh ok
ManosMan<Mars> Hey!
ManosManShut up, Mars.
DarkonZero<Mars> What the fric!
IncMeltManSixth Law:  Lodovik is stupid.
DeRaptorHmm. I've got over seven laws by now.
DeRaptorthat's not a law, it's a given.
DarkonZeroSixth Law: No one shall use the bathroom and do number 3 in there.
DeRaptorOkay, law one is No Freak Flag Burning.
ManosManActually, "Lodovik is Stupid" should be an amendment.
DeRaptorVotes on the No Freak Flag Burning statute are to be noticed to me.
DarkonZeroAnd me.
DarkonZeroAnd him.
DarkonZeroAnd hr.
ManosManSeventh Law: Always keep Bob from becoming rich at all times.
DeRaptorWe need at least four "yes" votes to pass a law.
DarkonZeroI'm for it
ManosManYes. (What?)
GokuSay hi to baby '37!
Gokuda daa da da!
IncMeltMan8th Law...Watch out where the huskies go, and don't you eat that yellow snow.
Gokuda daa da da!
ManosManEighth Law: Prevent Cam from making laws.
* DarkonZero still wonders if 'friends' are electric.
ManosManOr voting for them.
ManosManOr against them.
ManosManOr whatever.
DarkonZeroManos......to keep Cam from doing anything...right?
ManosManYeah, pretty much.
DarkonZeroI say yes to that.
DarkonZeroBut that's me.
ManosManNinth Law: Eat me.
DarkonZeroManos....I would never do that.
ManosManDid I say that out loud? I'm so sorry.
DarkonZeroWe don't even know what you taste like.
DarkonZeroOk....that came out wrong.
DarkonZeroCompletely wrong.
ManosManEr, Ninth Law: With the exception of the UK, demean all Europeans at all times.
DarkonZeroBut....what the hey!
* TheCambot returns from his unannounced leave and happily begins to read through what he missed expecting harmless chitter-chatter to perk him up, but instead finds numerous wrong-doings against his well-being, cries endlessly, and shoots himself.
GokuTenth Law: Never eat that thing in the back of the fridge, don't even look at it
ManosManLet's party!
TheCambotYou've killed TheCambot. Game over.
* ManosMan high-fives DZ.
DarkonZeroThe knob.
* ManosMan has a party, and everyone is invited!
DarkonZeroKnob is part of DZ's internal vocabulary.
DarkonZeroI am.....a knob.
ManosManWell, except for the following people.
* ManosMan tries to pick up the book of uninvited guests.
ManosManLittle help here?
DarkonZeroMe....I knew it.
DarkonZeroI never get invited.
* DarkonZero runs off.
ManosManUh, since you hate DZ a lot, I'll invite you... but this is the LAST time!
GokuQuote:7,2 <Adi> Forward not Backward Upward not Downward and always twirling twirling!
GokuQuote:7,2 <Darphod_K> let me gues what number <Darphod_K> 1-900-hotdyke <Timmyling> Yup.
ManosManOops! DZ? I mean Cam.
GokuQuote:7,2 <Atlas> that settles it. Fuuko is a nazi, and founded the KGB. Anyone disagree?
Gokuquotes quotes quotes!!!!!!!!!!
* DeRaptor has recorded 16 laws so far.
DarkonZeroIt's 42.
IncMeltMan17th law:  Anny and all, persuns who commit mispelings and bad punchuashun will b. seveerley mocked.
DeRaptorI'd like to pass a 17th: No one is to tink, damage, or otherwise harass Crow unless the day of the week ends in a Y.
DeRaptoror 18th.
TheCambotFrank Herbert's son wrote a new Dune book? Way to come up with your own original ideas, Frank Jr.!
ManosManNineteenth Law: Bonnie Hammer criticism must never be limited
DarkonZeroOk....I'm for both.
DarkonZeroI misread.
Goku32nd Law: No one is to bring up the fact that Goku is showing his own idiocy when spelling immortilized wrong as adding a quote
DarkonZeroThe word never turned invisible.
TheCambotOh my god! The new Sci-Fi Weekly has yet another slant against MST.
TheCambotWhy don't they just shut the hell up?
IncMeltManWhat did they say?
ManosManTwentieth Law: MST 3K criticism is disallowed, and will result in the death penalty.
TheCambotktrawson: then I guess were screwed.
TheCambotVanityRain: We are not.
TheCambotktrawson: why?
TheCambotVanityRain: We have a while.
TheCambotktrawson: okay
TheCambotVanityRain: 70 to 90 years.
TheCambotVanityRain: Give or take.
TheCambotktrawson: well actually I'll be marriend to daniel in about 8.
TheCambotNo one saw that.
TheCambotNO ONE.
* ManosMan runsd laughing his ass off.
TheCambotStupid freaking ctrl+paste...
ManosManrunsd = runs
* TheCambot kicks keyboard.
GokuRule 20: No one saw that, no one!
* ManosMan falls on the floor, and bangs it a lot, all the while laughing.
DarkonZeroHe typed that yet he kick the keyboard.
IncMeltManExcept everyone....
* DeRaptor points and laughs at Cam.
TheCambotThis season there were more cancellations than last, and fewer new shows are set to premiere. That would seem to be bad news for SF. However, many shows were lost because they had either run their course or because key actors decided to move on (MST3000, DS9, Hercules, B5, and Sliders). While many fans will miss their beloved shows, new series are being developed to fill the void. In fact, SF has become so respectable that some of the bigg
DeRaptorI now have 21 laws.
TheCambot(James Cameron with Dark Angel, Francis Ford Coppola with First Wave, and Oliver Stone with Witchblade).
TheCambots what Sci-Fi said.
DeRaptorOh, FUCK Sci-Fi!
DeRaptorRun its course indeed...
DeRaptorThey were just too cheap to pay for the movies is what that means!
* IncMeltMan wonders how B5 fans will feel....
DarkonZeroSci-fi likes those DTV deals.
IncMeltManDid any of their cast quit?
DarkonZeroDTV= Direct to video.
IncMeltManMaybe I'm just mistaken.
TheCambotI was more angry about them saying that they could just snap their fingers and fill the void because they have James Cameron.
ManosManTwenty-First Rule: Saying "FUCK Sci-Fi" will result in a free dinner at... anyplace.
DeRaptorThat too...
TheCambotWell yippee-freaking-doo.
DeRaptorFill the void indeed...
DeRaptorThey think we're morons and we'll take whatever crap they shove down our throats? Bastards.
GokuQuote:7,2 <gohan> fuuko should be my dady <Fuuko> That would require some major surgery
DarkonZeroAnd when was this realized?
GokuQuote:7,2 <Goku> look at #stargate(#stargate (topic: sex chat))<Goku> Tibro I said look not go!
Gokuquotes quotes quotes
DeRaptorLaw 23 is "Thou shall not suffer a Sci-Fi Exec to live among you."
* ManosMan ponders saying that he did something really lewd with Bonnie Hammer's... gluteus maximus.
DarkonZeroIf a Sci-fi Exec lived next to me....I'd torment them.
ManosManAnd even her... vagina.
* DeRaptor stares at Manos.
DeRaptorI don't wanna know.
ManosManI'll shut up.
IncMeltManI think that's wise
* DeRaptor curls up into a little ball and shudders.
DarkonZeroYou ok De?
DeRaptorI don't think I want to meet you IRL now, Manos.
* ManosMan hits himself.
ManosManUm... okay.
DeRaptorI mean, WHERE did that come from?
ManosManExcuse me for a second...
* DeRaptor smacks Manos with that same dead Gungan.
IncMeltManHell...I think.
DarkonZeroIf anyone met me IRL...you'd be seeing me hit on girls....alot.......then I stop.
*** ManosMan has quit IRC (I have to listen to Nirvana's "Something In The Way" for it's dark chords.)
DarkonZeroI'd stop for....about an hour....then I'd start again.
* Sound request: can't find 'cursumperficio.mid'
[DeRaptor SOUND]
*** War has joined #Deep13
DeRaptorHello my friend War.
GokuWar huh ok now! what is it good for?
DarkonZeroGOOD GOD!
* DeRaptor wonders if War is the War from Good Omens.
DarkonZeroOr the lawn gnomes......
IncMeltManHeh heh
[DeRaptor SOUND]
*** War has left #Deep13
DeRaptoroops. scared 'im off.
DarkonZeroOur blandness.
DarkonZeroWas it our blandness?
*** ManosMan has joined #deep13
DeRaptorHello again. Feeling better?
DarkonZeroNice to see you again.
ManosManOkay. I'm listening to the song NOW.
*** Raven-X has joined #deep13
DeRaptorStill need to be slapped around a bit with a dead Gungan?
Raven-Xmy pc crashed
DeRaptorgrr...I gotta go.
Raven-Xso here I am
*** DeRaptor has quit IRC (Arrivaderchi, sad, strange little peoples...)
Gokuc ya
ManosMan"And the animals I've trapped have all become my pets... It's okay to eat fish, cause it don't have any feelings..."
Raven-Xnow that the op is gone SW SUCKS,
* DarkonZero needs to stop hitting on girls so much.....especially his female co-workers.
ManosManNow I'm completely disturbed.
ManosManThanks for helping me realize that. Honest.
DarkonZeroRaven.....open thought is free here.
Raven-Xdon't dip your quill in company ink
* ManosMan kills someone.
ManosManForget it.
DarkonZeroI hit on girls too much.....at work.
Raven-Xwhere do you work?
ManosManI'm not even gonna ask.
DarkonZeroOk...I don't hit on them that much.
DarkonZeroI work in a casino's arcade.
Raven-Xoh, hehehe I was imagineing a scene at a fast food restaurant
ManosManAh, yes. Nirvana can truly play some dark, haunting chords with
DarkonZeroThe cocktail waitresses I avoid cause I know I'd get slapped.
Raven-Xdo you get free games?
ManosManOh, right. You're from Las Vegas.
DarkonZeroFree games.....not really.
Raven-Xdo the machines use cards insted of coins?
TheCambot<DarkonZero> I flirt with all the ladies in my workplace. <NotDarkonZero> Where do you work? <DarkonZero> A fish hatchery.
DarkonZeroHey...there is a fish hatchery here too.
DarkonZeroBut...I don't work there.
TheCambotNever mind.
*** ManosMan is now known as Dark
Raven-Xyeah I'm managing a hot fish tank what ever that is
DarkonZeroWe even had a seminar about sexual harrassment....I broke every rule so far.
DarkonZeroI sorta hit on the out of town girls too.
*** Dark is now known as ManosV2
DarkonZeroMan....and I still haven't gotten in trouble.
Goku8,1Quote added: 6,8 <DarkonZero> We even had a seminar about sexual harrassment....I broke every rule so far.
Gokuyour idiocy has been imortalized have a nice day :)
Raven-Xthis one punk I thought was my friend has no ambition, his only goal in life is to have a leather Jacket
DarkonZeroI may have now jinxed myself by saying that.
ManosV2You know DZ, a guy like you... I can't imagine you hitting on girls.
DarkonZeroOh...I changed recently.......
ManosV2But, I don't know you IRL, so... screw my opinion.
TheCambotStop saying IRL? It's stupid!
DarkonZeroI used to be so shy.
TheCambotAll abbreviations are stupid!
DarkonZeroGO KU!~
ManosV2No Cam, your jokes are stupid.
TheCambotSay Federal Bureau of Investigations! It doesn't take so much time!
Raven-Xgood thing you don't work at a fast food restaurant, I would be scared to death to eat food around the equation (guy with hots for a girl) + Girl
TheCambotIn Flaming Loincloths?
ManosV2CIAM = Cam Is a Moron
GokuIn Fake Life!
GokuIn Fake Life!
GokuIn Fake Life!
DarkonZerogquote search DarkonZero
DarkonZeroI got it wrong.
Raven-Xgetting on my nerves already
DarkonZeroKu.....what is it again.
DarkonZero. to ?
GokuGquote, search
DarkonZeroGquote, search DarkonZero
GokuQuote containing DarkonZero: 7,2<DarKrow> what's a feeb?! <DarkonZero> It's like a dolt...but worse.
Raven-XDarkon it is a good thing you don't work at a fast food restaurant, you might have quickies while cooking a burger
* ManosV2 heaves...
DarkonZeroRaven.....there are plenty of storage rooms......
GokuI would say I ho! but that would be odd
Raven-Xoh god
DarkonZeroBut alas.....me and the girl would be heard.
Raven-Xin the words of Scott Blakula (forgot hwo to spell) from Quantom Leap "Oh Boy"
DarkonZeroAnd me fired.
TheCambotThis conversation relaly sucks.
DarkonZeroIt does?
DarkonZeroUnless you mean.
ManosV2Cuz we're not talking about you?
ManosV2I see.
ManosV2Selfish bastard.
DarkonZeroIf anyone has stuff to share.....go for it.
ManosV2You don't ever think of us, do you Cam?
TheCambotI do so! Well, not you, Manos.
DarkonZeroOh....Manos....I thought that was directed to me.
* Raven-X hands DArkon a lollipop he found on the ground
ManosV2No, DZ...
DarkonZeroThanks Raven.....
ManosV2This was just another easy attack on Cam.
Raven-Xjust get the dirt off of it
DarkonZeroThe lollipop is sure.....dirty,
Raven-Xand rat turds
Gokusleep now bye
*** Goku has quit IRC (buh bye)
Raven-Xand cocroach eggs
DarkonZeroUgh.....I feel sick.
IncMeltManTime for go to bed!
*** IncMeltMan has quit IRC (IncredibleMeltingMan melts away)
DarkonZeroMy song for De is playing now.
Raven-Xhey I was wondering, you guys think the Star Wars games are pointless (Side Scrollers and the pod racer game)
DarkonZero"She's Got Claws"
Raven-XI thought it was "CAT SCRATCH FEVER"
DarkonZeroThe RPG isn't bad...the pen and paper one I mean.
DarkonZeroCat Scratch Fever...?
Raven-XI really think the video games are pointless with awful graphics
Raven-XCat Scratch Fever.... is a Ted Nugent song
DarkonZeroYeah.....a co-worker of mine was bragging about getting Episode 1 game.
Raven-Xand the thing about SW games is that they are not fun at all
DarkonZeroHe even had the booklet on him
ManosV2I gotta go. Bye.
DarkonZero! to .
*** ManosV2 has quit IRC (And the day remains the same! No thanks to the Manos Man!)
Raven-XEpisode 1 game sucks, he needs to play Fallout or Fallout 2
DarkonZeroX-wing though is not a bad game.
DarkonZeroRaven...he bought it for the Playstation.
Raven-Xwell the flight sims are fun
DarkonZeroI'm getting one.....just to play certain games.
DarkonZeroUm Jammer Lammy!
Raven-Xyou know Sega really needs our help. I got the Genesis when I was 10 and I fell in love with it
Raven-Xso I'm getting a dream cast
DarkonZeroI hated the Genesis.
DarkonZeroBut I will get a Dreamcast.
Raven-XI like the idea of Internet Games on a consol system
DarkonZeroThose won't be implemented till next year.
Raven-Xbesides that, Dreamcast games, are nearly impossible to pirite
Raven-Xor emulate
DarkonZeroPS2 looks good.
DarkonZeroVery good.
Raven-XI'm will get a Dreamcast for House of Dead 2, I'm addicted to that
DarkonZeroHOD2? Hehe....
Raven-XPS2 looks to "ehh?"
DarkonZeroWell......I'm a pure out gamer.....
DarkonZeroThat's why I'll have all the consoles.
Raven-XHouse of Dead 2, is freakin hard, I lost ten bucks on that game and I went no where, that is why I'll get it for dreamcast
Raven-XI save money in the long run
Raven-Xand they said it was exactly like the arcade version
DarkonZeroOnce you beat it though......it's feels like sorta of a waste.
DarkonZeroHOD was too short.
Raven-Xsame with Time Crisis
Raven-Xthat game was easy and short
DarkonZeroI have it for this computer of mine and it just felt empty when I completed it.
DarkonZeroHOD I mean.
Raven-Xthey got that for Pc?
Raven-XI want to buy it
Raven-XI'll buy it then
DarkonZeroThe graphics sorta bite though.
Raven-Xthen get house of dead 2
Raven-Xcause it was first
Raven-Xit is harder than Time Crisis
DarkonZeroI played Time Crisis......is bit too.
DarkonZerois to it
*** Raven-X has quit IRC (Read error to Raven-X[ppp024.B.ite.net]: Connection reset by peer)
TheCambotEveryone left.
TheCambotGood job, DZ.
TheCambotJust scare everyone off.
DarkonZeroCam.....you done that job a way lot better than me.
DarkonZeroYou still do a better job at that.
DarkonZeroWell.......it seems I shall go......buh bye!
DarkonZeroMe! I disconnect from you...all!
* DarkonZero hits the off switch on his Portal deck and disconnects to the world known as reality!
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Fri Sep 17 22:47:48 1999

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