
Session Start: Sun Aug 29 12:03:53 1999
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is 'It was a dark and stormy night in #Deep13... '
*** Set by Mars on Sat Aug 28 23:28:11
TimmylingIt seems to be on a teeter-totter.  Cam goes up, Boz goes down.
TimmylingHeyas DZ.
DarkonZeroHey all....
superspyhi dz
TimmylingSo you see, Cam, we were doing good for you.
TimmylingYou're still inviting her in, right?
TheCambotOh, yeah.
TheCambotI figure she has to come in now, to see you all again.
* superspy has to go
DarkonZeroWell....I was excluded that last time.
TheCambotOf course, now she's going to ask about how you found out who she was.
TimmylingBut she said that she somewhat knows of us, vaugely.  Are you telling her of #Deep13 and its people?
superspyjust wanted to find out what happened with our little stalker
TheCambotYou just got here!
DarkonZeroLater spy.
TimmylingBye then/
superspyjeez, don't take it so personally cam
TheCambotA little, Ling.
superspyI was in here for a good 4 hours last night
TheCambotWell, I was here for longer.
TheCambotSo nyaaaa.
superspyI'll probably be back later
* superspy hugs thecambot
TheCambotI'll be waiting.
*** superspy has left #deep13
TheCambotSo what if she asks about it?
TimmylingWe've already explained that you talk about her.
TimmylingTo Katie, that is.
TimmylingWe've already explained to Katie that you talk about her.
TheCambotYou did?
TimmylingBut it wasn't that big of a deal.
TimmylingWe acted casually.
TheCambotFirst I've heard.
TheCambotOh well.
TimmylingI didn't speak with Katie.
TimmylingPeople did.
TheCambotWell, you said we, and I thought...never mind.
Timmyling"We" as in the people that were talking to Katie, as in #Deep13rs.
DarkonZeroExcept me...
TheCambotBut anyway, I told her that I didn't know how they found her handle. I said that someone was on AIM at the same time, which was true, and that maybe I had casually mentioned her handle and not remembered it.
TimmylingNo, it wasn't that.
TimmylingHer handle was fairly obvious.
TheCambotYeah! Maybe I said her name in here. That's not too weird at all.
* Bozarth is away making a Heavyweights sound scheme for ICQ
TheCambotI said that I had introduced her and Danny as I thought they would be coming in.
TimmylingIt's like me using the nick "jlnk" or Boz using "ABozarth."
TheCambotHeavyweights? Why, Boz? I love that movie, but it's not like a favorite or anything.
BozarthCause it's funny
Bozarthand we rented the movie
TheCambotUse all ben Stiller sounds, of course.
BozarthThat movie is hilarious
TheCambotHe was just as funny in that as in Mystery Men.
TheCambotI can't even remember his lines...there was something about brist that was incredibly funny.
TheCambotHey! Listen to this, it's nifty as all get-out: http://www.cdnow.com/cgi-bin/mserver/SID=2119661963/pagename=/share/ensotrack2.html/itemdescriptionid=320959/disc=01/track=05/source=RAM/ra.ram
TheCambotPhil Ochs.
TheCambotHe's the best.
TimmylingIt's times like these when I wish I could understand song lyrics.
DarkonZeroI knew someone would go "huh" to that URL.
TheCambotHe sang about the news.
DarkonZeroOr what is attached to it.
TheCambotThe lyrics are funny sometimes.
TheCambotBut it's just funny to listen to folk songs about Communism and Vietnam.
TheCambotHmmm indeed.
DarkonZeroTHe silence is so....so, dead.
TheCambotAnd the deadness is so, so silent.
DarkonZeroSurrealism....ain't it great.
TheCambotOh, right, I forgot, there's a pool party at 6, and Katie will be there. More talk time.
DarkonZero. to ?
TheCambotTalk time in a bikini.
Bozarthdid I hear bikini?
DarkonZeroSomeone be raising a flag.
TimmylingAnd what time is it for you, Cam?
TheCambotThe sixth chatter is talking up a storm.
Bozarthwow, Cam got invite to a PARTY wow
TheCambotIt's not a party.
TheCambotIt's church.
TheCambotBoz, here's a song that seems like it fits your little friend: http://www.cdnow.com/cgi-bin/mserver/SID=2119661963/pagename=/share/ensotrack2.html/UPC=8122735182/disc=03/track=01/source=ENSO/ra.ram
DarkonZeroYes.....the priest will like all the scantily clad youngsters there.
TheCambotHe won't be there. It's the church youth group.
DarkonZeroAnd no chaperones?
TheCambotWell yeah.
TheCambotHeeeeey, what if she brings Danny? That might actually be good.
TheCambotI could show him up.
DarkonZeroWith what>
DarkonZero> to ?
TheCambotI dunno.
TheCambotIf we were both there at once, she could, like, compare and contrast more easily.
DarkonZeroLike a girl will do tha...wait, some will,
DarkonZero, to .
TimmylingCam, what exactly did you tell Katie about #Deep13?
DarkonZeroYeah, what ling said.
TimmylingI need to see all aspects of this situation, Cam.
TheCambotI said that we're secluded, so newbies are sort of outcasts so I had talked about her a little.
TimmylingJust understand that I need this so I don't make myself look like an idiot and so I don't freak out Katie, IF she does come.
TheCambotWell, I told her you all would try to freak her out.
DarkonZeroUh....then I think I should exclude myself at that time......I can't but be me.
DarkonZeroI always freak someone out.
TimmylingCam, I don't have AIM.
TimmylingSo there.
DarkonZeroICQ is the choice for most.
TimmylingAnd I'd like to keep myself a clean slate, not ask weird questions to strangers.
TheCambotLing, what the...?
TheCambotIsn't your e-mail zapman24@hotmail.com?
TheCambotThen who's that?
TimmylingI have no idea.
TimmylingAn imposter!
TheCambotSomeon'e e-mail here is that.
TimmylingMy e-mail is zapman24@home.com
TheCambotOh crap.
TheCambotNo wonder that guy didn't answer.
TheCambotWhy would there be another zapman24?
DarkonZeroAnd there was no bounce back?
TheCambotAnyway, he's active now.
TheCambotIn AIM.
TimmylingI bet he's nothing like me.
TheCambotYou're lying, aren't you?
TimmylingAnyways, send your danged e-mail the zapman24@home.com.
TheCambotIt's not e-mail.
TheCambotI was talking about AIM.
BozarthI got AIM
TimmylingI do not have AIM, Cam.
TimmylingI don't even have ICQ.
DarkonZeroSo far....I am the only DarkonZero (of that way it is typed) on the internet.
TheCambotLing, the guy's still on.
TheCambotIs zap,man24 a popular name or something?
* DarkonZero still wonders why he still couldn't use that handle on ICQmail.
TimmylingI've gotta go.  I won't BRB, but I won't BBL either.  So...Be Right Back Later.
TimmylingI dunno.
TimmylingI'm outta here.
*** Timmyling has quit IRC (Timmyling)
TheCambotBye Ling.
*** Raven-x has joined #deep13
Raven-xhello everyone
DarkonZeroHey Rave.
Raven-xhas any werid bot joined this channel lately?
TheCambotLast night.
TheCambotDo you know something?
Raven-xyesterday was just freaky
TheCambotOh, you were here?
TheCambotI don't remember anything.
Raven-xafter we banned someone, another person came in and did nothing
TheCambotWe finally got rid of it around 5 AM.
Raven-xand then we banned that guy and then another guy joined in
*** Retrieving #Deep13 info...
TheCambotWe put the channel on invisibly and it gave up.
DarkonZeroAlot of banned IPs.....
*** Retrieving #Deep13 info...
DarkonZeroAnd a couple seemed to be from Canada.
DarkonZeroseemed to seem
TheCambotHey...who's that guy that sings those violent little comedy tunes? M&M or something?
Raven-xstupid canadians
Raven-xeminem I think that is how it is spelled
TheCambotThat's kinda clever.
Raven-xhe's the guy who did that Slim Shady song
TheCambotI'm just trying to see if he's any good.
* TheCambot looks throught the track list.
TheCambot"Cum On Everybody"?
Raven-xoh I guess that is not the guy you are talking about
TheCambotNo, it is.
TheCambotHe sings Slim Shady.
TheCambotBut he also sings something called "Cum On Everybody."
* TheCambot listens to tracks.
TheCambotHe sucks.
DarkonZeroStraight and to the pint.
DarkonZeropint to point
TheCambotNo, to the quart,
DarkonZeroGallon actually.
Raven-xEminem makes up good rhymes but he has an annoying voice
TheCambotThe "public service announcement" is funny.
TheCambotBut he's way too much like rap.
Bozarth"Yeah....Don't do drugs"
TheCambotWhat's the song where he sings "Hey kids, do you like violence?"
Raven-xhehehe that (too much like rap) reminds me about a beavis and butthead episode where they watch a coolio video
BozarthHi, my name is
* DarkonZero continues to listen to his MP3's.
Raven-x(while they watch coolio trying to pawn a cheap radio) "Hey how come coolio has to sell stuff I thought he was a big rich rap star" "That's because Beavis they always get ripped off by the man" "They need to find out where the man lives and kick his ass"
TheCambotI'm listening to tracks of Eminem's older vinyls, and it's totally different music!
TheCambotI mean TOTALLY different!
Raven-xhe made vinyls?
Raven-xI didn't know that
TheCambotListen to the tracks.
TheCambotI would never guess it was the same artist.
Raven-xdoes it sound like old school?
TheCambotIt's like pop.
Raven-xheheh that isn't even rap
TheCambotI know.
TheCambotThey were much better then.
TheCambotThe language isn't even half as bad.
TheCambotWhat the hell happened?
Raven-xwell Eminem just wanted a hit song so he could retired and he got one so now he is no longer working
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 14,1Matthew Sweet's14,16,0:6,04,1"Ultrasuede"4,1
TheCambotHeh. I just now picked up on the irony of my statements.
TheCambot<TheCambot> The language isn't even half as bad.
TheCambot<TheCambot> What the hell happened?
Raven-xheh you know in the 80's rap was gay
DarkonZeroHey....I grew up in the 80's.
DarkonZeroBut you do have a point.
TheCambotRap was better in the 80's.
TheCambotHa! I love how CDNow shortens the album titles to a certain amount opf characters. There's so many funny results.
TheCambotIt lists the album "All For Nothing, Nothing For All" as "All For Nothing, Nothing For Al."
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 14,1Matthew Sweet's14,16,0:6,04,1"Superdeformed"4,1
TheCambotIs Matthew Sweet any good?
TheCambotWhat kinda music?
DarkonZeroTry to find him on CD now..
DarkonZeroIt's rock......sorta like classic rock.
TheCambotIs he funny at all?
TheCambotI like funny.
TheCambotWell then screw him.
TheCambotI'll look him up and give a listen.
TheCambotCDNow just went down!
TheCambotAs soon as I said that!
TheCambotThe powers that be intervened.
DarkonZeroHe has a song called Devine Intervention.....and when you said "screw him", hmmmmm.....
TheCambotIt's up again.
TheCambotThat was odd.
DarkonZero<BobIshmael> How very odd...
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 14,1Matthew Sweet's14,16,0:6,04,1"Good Friend (Girlfriend Demo)"4,1
TheCambotHA! http://www.cdnow.com/cgi-bin/mserver/SID=2119661963/pagename=/share/ensotrack2.html/itemdescriptionid=306695/disc=01/track=09/source=MP2/mpeg=2/mp2.mp2
TheCambotToo many notes!
TheCambotThat's good stuff.
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 14,1Matthew Sweet's14,16,0:6,04,1"Devil With The4,1 3,1Green3,1 4,1Eyes (Remix)"4,1
DarkonZeroCam, what are you listening to?
TheCambotThe Replacements. I'm about to look up Sweet.
DarkonZeroI was just wondering what you were listening to.
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 14,1Matthew Sweet's14,16,0:6,04,1"Dinosaur Act"4,1
DarkonZeroI'm coming back with my dinosaur act.
Raven-xwell I need to go to school now, I'll be back later
*** Raven-x has quit IRC (Leaving)
* TheCambot looks up Matthew Sweet.
DarkonZeroSchool on a Sunday?
TheCambotSon of Altered Beast?
TheCambotNow that's an album title.
TheCambot"Devil With the Green Eyes" is kinda weak.
DarkonZeroThat was a follow up to Altered Beast......he borrowed the games' name for his album.
TheCambotI loved that game.
DarkonZeroThe most rockin' song is "Ugly Truth Rock".
TheCambotHe's not very catchy.
DarkonZeroDevil With The Green Eyes wasn't his best.
TheCambotI need catchy songs. These aren't things that could get stuck in your head.
TheCambotI've listened to three now.
DarkonZeroWell....it takes different kinds.
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 14,1Matthew Sweet's14,16,0:6,04,1"Devine Intervention"4,1
TheCambot"Dinosaur Act" is better.
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 14,1Matthew Sweet's14,16,0:6,04,1"Evangeline"4,1
DarkonZeroMost of his songs are sappy....but I like'em.
*** superspy has joined #deep13
DarkonZeroOk....I was caught up in the moment.
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 14,1Matthew Sweet's14,16,0:6,04,1"Girlfriend"4,1
* superspy is watching jabberjaw for some reason
* superspy looks for the remote
TheCambotMatthew Sweet sucks, DZ. Deal with it.
TheCambotUgh! Jabberjaw!
TheCambotChange it! I can feel the pain through the phone lines...
DarkonZeroCam.....you may think he sucks......I don't.
TheCambotWho, jabberjaw?
TheCambotI doit too. It's nothing to be ashamed of.
DarkonZeroOh no.....not again.
superspyludicrous speed, NOW!
DarkonZeroOh shit.....there goes the planet.
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 14,1The Chemical Brothers'14,16,0:6,04,1"Let Forever Be"4,1
*** Dana has joined #deep13
Danahi ppl
superspyhi dana
* superspy is relieved that dana isn't a lurker
TheCambotI love you, Dana.
TheCambotYou were great in Ghostbusters.
superspyso dana.  how did you come across our little hole in the universe?
Danai wasn't in ghostbusters!
TheCambotYou were too! You don't have to be modest.
TheCambotI won't tell anyone.
Danai'm on the x-files,hehe
* TheCambot whispers to everyone, "Guys, look, it's the Ghostbusters chick!"
TheCambotNo, Dana, you were in Ghostbusters, now say a Ghostbusters line!
DarkonZeroOh......your last name wouldn't be "Scully", huh?
* Bozarth whispers "Must've had a nose job"
Danayeah dnan scully..that's me
DarkonZeroFind any aliens lately?
DarkonZeroOh...wait...denounce any aliens lately?
Danahehe well mulder thinks he found ome
DarkonZeroWell.....tell him it's all illogical or whatever.
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 14,1The Chemical Brothers'14,16,0:6,04,1"Music: Response"4,1
Bozarthbye guys
DarkonZeroBye Boz.
superspybye boz
Bozarthsee ya later
*** Bozarth has quit IRC (Me! I disconnect from you all! Cause I tripped on the phonw line!)
*** Dana has quit IRC (Read error to Dana[pm3-22-167.ama.arn.net]: Connection reset by peer)
*** Dana has joined #deep13
TheCambotWHAT THE HELL? My computer just made a noise!
DarkonZeroHeelo again.
TheCambotIt sounded like a gun loading!
Danawell i apparently got d/s what did i miss?
* TheCambot looks through all his windows for a possible source.
TheCambotI can't find one!!!
TheCambotMy computer's going to shoot me!!!
DarkonZeroCam...it's gonna kill itself.
DarkonZeroGet the gun away from it.
TheCambotI'm not kidding, it made a gun-cocking noise!
DarkonZeroWell....your computer must hate something about lif.
TheCambotI just refreshed every window, and none of them did it again.
DarkonZerolif to life
TheCambot"Life? Don't talk to me about life!" --My computer
Danahow odd
superspycam, what irc client are you using?
superspymIRC makes funny noises
TheCambotIt does?
TheCambotNever did it before.
TheCambotI don't pick up any WAV's here.
* DarkonZero hears his mIRC client fart.....
superspythrough the PC speaker
TheCambotBecause mIRC is actually on another computer and I'm accessing it through this one.
superspyI like mIRC better than Pirch
superspydoesn't crash nearly as often
TheCambotSo when someone plays a sound, I don't here it.
* DarkonZero decides not to listen to any MP3's anymore.
TheCambotAnd I've been using mIRC for nearly six months now, and it's never made a noise before!
DarkonZeroFor today.
DarkonZeroIt's doing what I said.
DarkonZeroIt wants to end it all....
DarkonZeroBeing a crap computer and all.
DarkonZeroOk.......now what?
* TheCambot listens to R.E.M sound samples.
TheCambotHey, I actually like these guys.
TheCambotNever heard 'em before.
DarkonZeroI quit listening to them ever since Shiny Happy People.
TheCambotI'm going through all sorts of bands that were popular a year or two ago.
TheCambotBecause I can't like something while it's popular.
DarkonZeroSame here.
DarkonZeroCam is a rebel.....
DarkonZeroA rebel with a cause....
superspycam, how isolated are you?
TheCambotAll the way.
superspyyou haven't heard a band that's been around for more than a decade?
DarkonZeroHe's in a basement.
superspyget out of the house, man!  ;)
TheCambotI heard OF them.
TheCambotJust hadn't actually heard them.
DarkonZeroCam just watches Bill Murray movie while sitting on a bedpan.
superspywell, what do you think?
TheCambotI heard Weird Al sing "Bang and Blame."
TheCambotThey're above average.
TheCambotBut average sucks.
superspywhat'd you think of rushmore?
TheCambotIt was the coolest movie I could ever imagine.
superspywell, your taste in movies could be salvaged yet
TheCambotHave you seen Bottle Rocket?
Danaanyone seen blair witch project?
* superspy raises his hand
superspyI have
TheCambotGo to hell, Dana.
DarkonZeroUgh......"Meet The Stupids" is on.
TheCambotSo have I.
DarkonZeroI haven't....
TheCambotSpy, have you seen Bottle Rocket?
TheCambotAnd yes?
DarkonZeroI want to see it.
superspysorry, dana.  Cambot gets like that.  it's time for his medication
Danaoh hehe
* superspy gives cam his medication: two whacks upside the head with a louisville slugger
superspykeep meaning to
DarkonZeroTake some thorzine.
TheCambotWell see it.
TheCambotIt's by the Rushmore guys.
superspyI know
TheCambotIt's a better movie, but it's not as funny.
TheCambotOne character, Dignun, is nearly the funniest charcter is cinema history.
TheCambotOwen Wilson plays him.
TheCambotHe's up there with Carl Spackler.
superspyCarl Spackler?
superspycomes from a long line of bathroom contractors, eh?
DarkonZeroSpackler.....Carl Spackler....
DarkonZeroWall repair.
superspyLicense to Paint
TheCambotAre you saying you don't know who Carl Spackler is? He's in Caddyshack. Bill Murray. The funniest character of all time.
*** Dana has left #deep13
DarkonZeroI spackle where there neds to be spackled.
DarkonZeroneds to needs
superspyI spackle for the rich, I spackle for the poor
DarkonZeroI just spackle, man!
DarkonZeroWell what?
TheCambotChicken butt.
superspyI hate edited for tv movies
superspybut it's better than nothing
* DarkonZero kicks Cam in his chickn butt.
TheCambotI hate edited for movies tv.
TheCambotUSA had the right idea for Private Parts. THAT's how movies should transfer to TV.
superspylotsa bleeps?
TheCambotI hate it when they cut out entire scenes.
TheCambotI'd rather have bleeps.
TheCambotUsually, they cut out any scene with the F word.
superspyI'd rather have random animal noises
TheCambotAnd any scene with nudity.
DarkonZeroHehe...get this.....my little brother is watching old wrestling stuff from WWF on the spanish channel.
TheCambotPrivate parts just bleeped and blurred.
* TheCambot ponders watching the Spanish channel just to see that.
DarkonZeroWell later guys.....I need to eat. Later.
TheCambotFine! Go eat!
DarkonZeroMe! I disconnect from you...all!
* DarkonZero hits the off switch on his Portal deck and disconnects to the world known as reality!
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Sun Aug 29 13:57:22 1999
Session Start: Sun Aug 29 18:30:38 1999
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is 'Sure. Ruin my fun. '
*** Set by Mars on Sun Aug 29 18:24:22
TheCambotWanna take this inside...punk?
TimmylingHeyas DZ.
TheCambotWho said anything about fighting?
TheCambotI was just going to build a shed with you.
DarkonZeroHey Ling.
TheCambotAnd then lock you inside!
superspyhi DZ
TimmylingWe've discovered that Cam is an obese midget on stilts.
BobIshmaelAnd that he didn't know "mayhap" was a word.
TheCambotWe've also discovered that Timmyling wears "tighty-whiteys."
DarkonZeroCam.....an obese midgt on stilts, eh?
TimmylingAnd that Cam the elfin tub 'o lard is particular to the movie "Dr. Strangelove."
DarkonZeroNo.....Cam is a obese Gidget on stilts.
TheCambotAnd that the girl I love is a powderkeg of confusion and bad continuity.
BobIshmaelHe said something amusing about a tr- Oh, right. I'm not s'posed to say.
TimmylingYeah, that was hilarious.
BobIshmaelIt was.. If it had actually happened.
TheCambotThe devil made me say that.
TimmylingYeah, yeah, tell it to the judge.
TimmylingYa midget.
BobIshmaelDZ, do you have my Sound Collage?
TheCambot<Sentroid> Asshole!
BobIshmaelIt's art, y'know.
BobIshmaelTrue art.
* TheCambot switches into Sent mode.
DarkonZeroAnd who is this True Art?
BobIshmaelIt's an audio collage of pure bliss.
TimmylingOf what sounds?
* Sound request: can't find 'badguy.wav'
[BobIshmael SOUND]
DarkonZeroI'll be right back! OK.
* DarkonZero will be right back...he's off to do somethin'.
DarkonZeroI'll be right back...really, I will!
TheCambotDanny's on.
BobIshmaelReally, he will
* DarkonZero : 6,1 Gotta drain the wizard. 6,16,0.6,0
TheCambotThat means Katie's not with him.
superspyor the date ended early
TimmylingDo I care?
BobIshmaelEwww, Wizard Whizz.
TimmylingProbably not.
TimmylingBut maybe.
BobIshmael"That's mah pee."
TimmylingDanny is of no use to me.
Timmyling"Pots!  Pots for throwing pee at your neighbors!
* Sound request: can't find '2001-15.wav'
[BobIshmael SOUND]
Timmyling"Pots!  Pots for throwing pee at your neighbors!"
TheCambotI changed my mind. Danny's an idiot.
* DarkonZero is back from whatever...
DarkonZeroWell, I'm back.
TimmylingBut you wish you weren't, right.
TimmylingC'mon, say it.
TimmylingSay it, dammit!
TheCambotDanny: " im studying right now.  I had a great weekend.  Got to spend alot of time with katie. it was cool.
TheCambotWhy would he tell me that>
TimmylingHe didn't put a space between "a" and "lot."
TheCambotEither he knows I like her and he's rubbing it in, or he's just dumb enough to think I would care.
TheCambotHeh. We fought about that.
TheCambotI told him it was two words, and he yelled at me.
DarkonZeroAwww....Cam haa a fight.
Timmylinghaa a?
TheCambotTold me it wasn't English class.
TimmylingIt isn't English class?
TimmylingOr it wasn't "in" English class?
DarkonZeroI meant had.
TheCambotBecause I corrected him.
TimmylingOr it wasn't "part of" English class?
TheCambotStop talking, Ling.
TimmylingI'm not talking.
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 14,1Tubeway Army's14,16,0:6,04,1"Me! I Disconnect From You"4,1
TimmylingI'm typing.
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 14,1Tubeway Army's14,16,0:6,04,1"Are 'Friends' Electric?"4,1
* DarkonZero ponders on the songs meaning......
DarkonZeroThat's the answer.
[BobIshmael SOUND]
BobIshmaelWell, DZ? Art, no?
TheCambotACK! Danny checks Katie's e-mail with her!
TimmylingDanny seems like the kind of guy who would say "I type good."
TheCambotWhat if I had insulted him in my message to her?
DarkonZeroPlay it again, Bob.
TimmylingThen you'd be dead.
[BobIshmael SOUND]
TimmylingBetter check your back files.
DarkonZeroYes.....THAT IS ART!
BobIshmaelThank you.
DarkonZeroIt was beautiful.
BobIshmaelEveryone thinks so. I must be artistic and not know it.
TheCambotWho checks e-mail together? Really!
BobIshmael'ling would think so, if he wasn't using Java.
TheCambotWouldn't it be kind of awkward when they stumble across porn spam?
TheCambotAuuuugh! He's going to start coming to church.
DarkonZeroEveryone thinks I'm artistic....but I tell them that I'm autistic.
TheCambotI am completely dead.
TheCambotI'm just going to kill myself.
*** superspy has quit IRC (Ping timeout for superspy[gyarados-23.dynamic.rpi.edu])
TheCambotI should write an autobiography first.
BobIshmaelSo, I've been talking to a ghost for the past five minutes.
TheCambot"By the Time You read This, I'll Be Dead."
BobIshmaelLucky me.
TimmylingYou're not serious, Cam.
TheCambotOf course not.
DarkonZeroBob....you never know.
TimmylingBecause it's so sad when a midget dies.
TheCambotIf I was serious, I wouldn't share it with any of you.
TheCambotI'd go quietly.
TheCambotBut I'd have to write an autobiography first.
BobIshmaelYou can't QUIETLY kill yourself. It doesn't work that way.
TheCambotDoes so. Hanging is pretty quiet.
BobIshmaelYou kill yourself and then it's a big deal for everyone else.
DarkonZeroAll the screaming you'll be making.
TheCambotKatie just e-mailed Danny! Means she might come on!
DarkonZeroUh....I gotta go.....
DarkonZeroAnd go.
TimmylingBye DZ.
* BobIshmael hits DZ with a broom.
DarkonZeroWell....I haveta go......
BobIshmaelGet out!
*** Bozarth has joined #Deep13
DarkonZeroMe! I disconnect from you...all!
* DarkonZero hits the off switch on his Portal deck and disconnects to the world known as reality!
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Sun Aug 29 18:47:14 1999
Session Start: Sun Aug 29 19:14:04 1999
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is '<Timmyling> What do I look like, Java Tech Support?!? '
*** Set by Mars on Sun Aug 29 19:10:33
TimmylingHi DZ.
BobIshmaelOr maybe eat razor blades.
BobIshmaelAnything would be better than this.
DarkonZeroHey Ling....and all.
TimmylingKatie's here, it's just that she can't talk.
TheCambotIt's not working for her.
BobIshmaelOr won't.
*** test has quit IRC (test)
TimmylingIt hates her.
BobIshmaelKatie should get a pet ferret.
TimmylingIt wants to kill her.  Or at least do bodily harm.
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 14,1Tubeway Army's14,16,0:6,04,1"Are 'Friends' Electric?"4,1
TimmylingRun, Katie!  Before it's too late!
BobIshmaelDZ, are ferrets legal in Nevada?
*** Katie is now known as test
TheCambotNow try.
[BobIshmael SOUND]
BobIshmaelAre you sure?
TimmylingYou there?
DarkonZeroYes...they sell them in the pet store in the mall.
BobIshmaelLucky stiff.
BobIshmaelGet a pet ferret.
BobIshmaelDo it for me.
*** Briggs has joined #deep13
BobIshmaelIn fact, get a pet ferret and mail it to me.
DarkonZeroI wish I could...but it will scare the beejesus outta my mom.
TheCambotWould an IRCop know what's going on?
BobIshmaelHeya Stube.
TimmylingHey there, Briggs.
TheCambotIs there a help room or something?
BobIshmaelMayhap they would, Cam.
Briggs'allo allo all.
TimmylingThere's #beginner, but that's filled to the brim with foreigners.
BobIshmaelAgain, #oasis
TheCambotI'm at oasis.
BobIshmaelTry #oasis
TheCambotThank you, Bob.
BobIshmaelMaybe #oasis
TheCambotI've got it.
TheCambotWhat about #oasis, Bob?
BobIshmaelI don't know. What about it?
TheCambotBob, they're not talking to me.
BobIshmaelHmm... BTTF isn't as bad as I thought.
TimmylingCan Katie still see what we're saying, Cam?
BriggsWhat's the problem, Cam?
TheCambotYes, she can see.
TimmylingOh, good.
TheCambotSo don't say anything naughty.
DarkonZeroOooh.....let us be naughty,
BobIshmaelI agree.
DarkonZeroOk...let's not.
TimmylingThen let me be the first to release a piece of incriminating evidence said by our own John Ferrer.
DarkonZeroOk...we will.
TheCambotI'll make you all sit in the corner.
TheCambotDah! You know my name!
BobIshmaelI call second!
TheCambotYou all are quite the gossips.
TimmylingI messed up the stupid effect.
TimmylingOh well.
DarkonZeroSorry Ling....maybe next time.
* BobIshmael wonders why the Libyans in BTTF are driving a Microbus.
DarkonZeroThey like VW's.
BobIshmaelI didn't know Libya was big on VWs.
* BobIshmael re-reads that sentence.
BobIshmaelLibya? Libiya? Lybia?
TheCambotI got a helper.
TheCambotIn #beginner
TimmylingA foreign helper?
TheCambot'Kay, Katie?
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 14,1Gary Numan's14,16,0:6,04,1"This Wreckage"4,1
TheCambotNo, it's an op.
[BobIshmael SOUND]
[BobIshmael SOUND]
BobIshmaelAnd, finally...
[BobIshmael SOUND]
DarkonZeroAnd what if God's dead.....
DarkonZeroDamned my slow typing.
BobIshmaelWhat an odd thing to say.
TheCambotDZ, what are you talking about>
DarkonZeroIt's the first line in the song.
BobIshmaelHe's high.
DarkonZeroAm I?
BobIshmaelIsn't it?
DarkonZeroNot really...
DarkonZeroHmmm.....De left.
DarkonZerohe was on ICQ
DarkonZeroImeant SHE!
BobIshmaelSure, you did.
*** test has quit IRC (test)
TheCambotShe's gonna try closing and re-opening her browser.
DarkonZeroI suck at typing.
TimmylingThis proves it.  DZ is, in fact, high.
DarkonZeroThatnks Ling.
TimmylingNo problem.
BobIshmaelDZ, were you one of the many #Deep13 VW fans?
DarkonZeroWell....I am sick right now.
DarkonZeroVW fans......where?
TheCambotPoor Katie.
TheCambotLing, that was not a good joke, BTW.
TimmylingYeah.  Having to bear through us/
BobIshmaelCam, sort of.
TimmylingWhich one, Cam?
TheCambotTurn off the caps, DZ!
BobIshmaelGood, look at that.
DarkonZeroI did.
TheCambotLing, when you said you were going to bring out incriminating evidence.
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 14,1Gary Numan's14,16,0:6,04,1"Tracks"4,1
*** katie has joined #Deep13
BobIshmaelAnd again...
TimmylingOh, I stopped right after "see", right?
TimmylingHi there.
katieoh yes!
katiehi everyone.
BobIshmaelHola, por favor.
TheCambotBriggs, you're a genius!
BobIshmaelNo, I'm an genius.
TimmylingAnd a small victory is won.
DarkonZeroAs am I.
TheCambotEveryone tell Briggs he's a genius.
TimmylingI'm more of a genius than any of you.
katieyou are a cenius briggs!
TheCambotA cenius?
*** TheCambot is now known as Cenius
*** Cenius is now known as TheCambot
TimmylingThanks for that pointless joke, Cam.
TheCambotKatie, here's the scoop. To do actions, type /me action.
TheCambotLike this...
* TheCambot jumps.
TimmylingNo, actions don't work.
TheCambotThat was fun!
TheCambotThey don't?
BobIshmaelDZ, did you see the "MiniHome?"
TimmylingActions don't work.
TheCambotThey work in other Java chjats!
TimmylingThey don't here.
TheCambotWell, never mind, Katie.
TheCambotI was wrong.
TimmylingProving that StarLink is a stupid system.
BobIshmaelDamn you! Look at the page!
TheCambotWhat page?
BobIshmaelSo, John, did you even kill that cat you were talking about?
BobIshmaelI didn't think you would.
TheCambotLet's not address me as John. That limits my chances of you stalking me.
BobIshmaelIf you want to me a real man, you need to kill small animals.
TheCambotKatie enjoys stalking.
TimmylingOkay, John.
katiethere's nothing wrong with that.
TheCambotWith stalking or killing small animals?
TheCambotOr both?
BobIshmaelYou told us your name when you were telling us about your hatred for people of color.
katiekilling small animals is mean.
DarkonZeroI want one.
BobIshmaelI know, katie! John won't listen to us!
TheCambotYeah! You guys are meanies!
BobIshmaelWe keep telling him to stop! He's a rasict animal killer!
katieI know. I know...
TheCambotI only killed one or two!
BobIshmaelHow can you be friends with such a cruel person?
TimmylingHe's also an obese midget on stilts.
TheCambotOr three or four or eleven.
TimmylingStupid midget.
katiewell you know... birds of a feather flock together.
BobIshmaelFat, stupid midget.
BozarthMaybe I should just talk here
TimmylingYou do that, Boz.
TheCambotSo Katie, you kill small animals too?
katieoh yeah. all the time.
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 14,1Gary Numan's14,16,0:6,04,1"We Are Glass (Transmutator Mix)"4,1
BobIshmaelSmall world.
TheCambotWhat have you killed?
TheCambotStay away from my dog.
TheCambotI want to kill him myself.
*** DeRaptor has joined #Deep13
* DeRaptor drops into #Deep13
DeRaptorOW! The floor in here is hard.
TimmylingHi De.
*** Mars sets mode: +o DeRaptor
DarkonZeroHey De.
BriggsSorry... felt the need to 'AHEM'
TheCambotDe, look who the cat dragged in.
DeRaptorhey all.
BobIshmaelHeya De.
BozarthHi de...Loc there yet?
* TheCambot points at Katie.
katiehey babe.
TimmylingWe're live here at Katietalk '99 2: Electric Bugaloo
DeRaptorThat must be one strong cat.
TimmylingWe're live here at Katietalk '99 2: Electric Bugaloo.
TheCambotI dunno, I bet Katie's pretty light.
TimmylingDang periods.
TimmylingAnd refreshing.
TheCambotMy cat could drag her in. Or at least, it could, if I HAD a cat.
TimmylingShe's got a smooth taste that won't let you down.
DeRaptorYou want a tiger ro something, don't you?
katiehow did you know timmy?
BobIshmaelOh, DZ, you saw the MiniHome? Nice, eh?
* DeRaptor thinks katie needs some fattening up.
* DarkonZero wonders why he can't say a freakin' thing.
DarkonZeroDAMNED ME!
* DeRaptor gives katie a huge chunk of fudge.
BobIshmaelDamn you.
DarkonZeroThanks Bob.
DeRaptorSorry, dear, but when the average house cat can drag you around, YOU GOTTA EAT SOMETHIN'!!!
DarkonZeroFor the participation.
katiethanks babe.
BobIshmaelYou're very welcome.
* Briggs does the happy dance of a man doing ten things at once.
TheCambotThere's too much damning going on.
* DeRaptor wonders what this "babe" thing is all about.
* DeRaptor looks at Darkon.
* BobIshmael looks at De, at katie, and back at De.
BobIshmaelI think I'll keep quiet.
TimmylingWell, see, De, when a mommy and a daddy love each other very much, they...
TheCambotYou've all been damned. No need for double-damning.
katieI call everyone babe.
TheCambotShe does. I can verify it.
BobIshmaelYou don't call me "babe."
DarkonZeroNow we know and knowing is half the battle.
katiehey bob babe.
BobIshmaelBob Babe?
TheCambotBob bBabe!
TimmylingSo you're really calling us pigs, is that it?
BriggsNo, but I'd go as far as to call you a pig, Bob.
TheCambotBob babe!
TheCambotThat's catchy!
BobIshmaelI am a pig.
BriggsNow all we need is singing mice.
DarkonZeroAs am I...to a point.
BobIshmaelIn the figurative sense, of course.
TimmylingAnd a stupid goose and some cute animatronic thingies.
TheCambotBabe was a better talking pig than Gordy, but not better than Wilbur.
TimmylingAnd a weird voice to dub over a mechanical pig.
BobIshmaelNothing can top Wilbur.
* DarkonZero is now fightened by all this Babe talk.
*** TheCambot is now known as Wilbur
TimmylingMy neighbors are named the Wilburs.  I wish I was kidding.
*** Wilbur is now known as John
BobIshmaelOr Mr. Ed.. Though he's not a pig.
BobIshmaelHe's a horse..
BobIshmaelOf course..
BobIshmaelOf course..
TimmylingA horse with peanut butter in his mouth.
BobIshmaelElaine Bane?! What the hell kind of name is that?
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 14,1Gary Numan's14,16,0:6,04,1"We Are So Fragile (Death Ride 69 Mix)"4,1
JohnA klaw is a klaw, and no one has seen a talking klaw, unless that klaw is the famous Mr. Klaw.
*** DarkonZero is now known as MrZero
* Briggs tosses a lightning bulb at Cambot.
*** John is now known as Cam
*** Briggs is now known as TheCambot
CamAnd a deadly silence fell.
BobIshmaelDid I tell you all about that severe thunderstorm that supposedly warrants the Emergency Broadcast System?
TheCambotTee hee.
CamHey! Stoppit, Briggs!
*** Timmyling is now known as Briggs
* TheCambot looks sad.
* Cam pounces on Briggs.
BriggsTee hee.
*** BobIshmael is now known as JohnFerrer
*** TheCambot is now known as Timmyling
*** Cam is now known as BobIshmael
*** JohnFerrer is now known as JohnFerret
BobIshmaelNow it's entirely confusing.
JohnFerretWho are you?
TimmylingTell me about it.
BobIshmael"Just smile and nod," Katie.
JohnFerretWho's that?
MrZeroAnd you didn't want any freaking out moments.
katieI am.
JohnFerretIs that me?
BobIshmaelJason said that quite a bit.
* DeRaptor hides.
BozarthEveryone! Back to original Names!
BobIshmaelThe smiling and the nodding.
katieyes he did.
BriggsAnd the freakish part is that this is a normal day.
TimmylingI am... um.. who am I again?
*** JohnFerret is now known as BIshmael
katiedid you have fun tonight?
*** BobIshmael is now known as TheCambot
*** BIshmael is now known as BobIshmael
BriggsI would, but Timmyling is used up.
TheCambotI had enough fun.
BriggsSomebody get out of Timmyling!
TimmylingI can't go back to me... someone else is me...
*** Briggs is now known as NotBriggs
katieoh. I thought it was lots of fun.
NotBriggsGet out!
*** Timmyling is now known as Briggs]
TheCambotYou guys are such ceniuses.
*** Briggs] is now known as Briggs
*** NotBriggs is now known as Timmyling
*** Mars changes topic to '<Briggs> Somebody get out of Timmyling! '
TimmylingI liked the old one better, Bob.
* MrZero listens to a MP3 of 14,1Gary Numan's14,16,0:6,04,1"I Die, You Die (Information Society Mix)"4,1
* DeRaptor blanches at the topic.
* BobIshmael is away and wasn't the one who changed the topic. He swears.
TimmylingYeah, sure.
TimmylingWho else oly changes the topic through Mars?
TimmylingOil of Oly.
BobIshmaelDe. It was De! Blame De.
DeRaptorOr does he...
*** Lodovic has joined #Deep13
DeRaptorTwarn't me!
* DeRaptor blinks.
LodovicI am sorry.
LodovicI am stupid.
DeRaptorWho are you?
LodovicI suck.
TimmylingOr not.
BobIshmaelWho are you?
TheCambotKatie, I had lots of fun. There were just a few things that weren't so great.
LodovicAnd I'm running away.
TheCambotBut let's not talk about that.
*** Lodovic has quit IRC (Lodovic)
TimmylingHe's gone.
BobIshmaelLodovic is ~java@ABD163F9.ipt.aol.com * MSTieGate Java Chat
BobIshmaelThe hell?
TheCambotThe heaven?
BozarthWhat a great night it is!
katielike what babe?
TheCambotLet's not talk about what.
*** MrZero is now known as DarkonZero
BriggsThat would be someone using the Java thing at the website, right?
TheCambotDah, Katie, your smileys are rubbing off on me.
TimmylingOh no.  You know it's bad when the smileys start flying.
TheCambotA smiley fly?
katieI like my smilies!
TimmylingSmileys are the devil.
* BobIshmael goes away and watches his stupid movie.
TheCambotNow I be done seen 'bout everything when I see a smiley fly!
*** BobIshmael is now known as BobIshAWAY
TheCambotI seen a horse fly!
BozarthAss fly
TheCambotI seen a dragon fly!
TheCambotI seen a rubber band!
DeRaptorI seen a bot fly!
* DeRaptor throws Timmyling accross the room.
*** Timmyling is now known as BobIshmael
DeRaptorWoops, got carried away...
TheCambotBut I be done seen 'bout everything when I seen an elephant--I mean a smiley flyyyyyy!
BobIshmaelThis is stupid.
*** BobIshmael is now known as Timmyling
DarkonZeroWho would like to see the "ass fly" again?
TimmylingWhat'd you do that for, De?
TheCambotI hope none of you are too distanced from your Disney movies to not get that joke.
DeRaptorIdunno. Effect?
* DeRaptor stays well away from the evil empire...well, the one other than the SciFi Channel anyways.
TheCambotMuch silence.
DeRaptorvery much.
TheCambotVery, very much silence.
DeRaptorI do know where all that fly stuff comes from, though.
TheCambotDumbo, Dumbo, Dumbo!
TheCambotYou silly billies!
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 14,1Gary Numan's14,16,0:6,04,1"Remember I Was Vapour"4,1
TheCambotEveryone knows that!
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 14,1Gary Numan's14,16,0:6,04,1"I'm An Agent"4,1
TimmylingDumbo, the offical movie of Johnny Ferrer.
TheCambotI thought it was an easy joke.
TheCambotListen, Ling, we can take this outside.
TimmylingDZ!  Stop!  I couldn't care less!
*** BobIshAWAY is now known as BobIshBACK
TimmylingOutside is inside, remember, Cam?
TheCambotOh, right. Well forget it.
BobIshBACKThe hell? Lodovic was Stube.
* BobIshBACK glares at Stube.
TheCambotKatie, why did you say no?
*** BobIshBACK is now known as BobIshDUMB
katiejust seemed appropriate at the time.
TheCambotI'm losing all your comments among these overly talkative fellows I call my friends.
TheCambotI'm gonna do it too.
BobIshDUMBWe all hate Cam. Don't be fooled.
katieI don't.
TheCambotNo one hates me.
katieI like him.
BobIshDUMBSure you do, katie.
TheCambotYeah, she likes me.
TimmylingThat's so sweet.
BobIshDUMBHow cuuuuute.
DeRaptorI think my parakeets hate Cam.
TimmylingBut of course, I hate him.
* TheCambot clears throat.
* Bozarth hits the AWWW track
BobIshDUMBIf I had parakeets they'd hate Cam.
DarkonZeroI hate Cam on days with prime numbers.
TheCambotYou do not, Ling, you bought me flowers.
TheCambotYou do not, DZ, you bought me a flowers...on a day with a prime number.
TimmylingIt musta been another Timmyling.
DeRaptorThey were Raflesia, weren't they, 'ling?
TheCambotHe lookes just like you.
TimmylingPeople must be using my radiant charm to get places.
*** BobIshDUMB is now known as BobIshAWAY
TheCambotAnd it had a sweet letter saying "Cam, it's me, Timmyling, from #Deep13. I love you like my own father! Love Timmy. XOXOXOXO."
TimmylingWell, there you have it.
TheCambotSo explain that!
DeRaptorHey, todee is Erhardt's birthday.
TimmylingWait, this card has Cam's return address on it.
TheCambotShhh, Ling!
TimmylingAn imposter!
TimmylingGet out of Timmyling, Cam!
TheCambotUh, you were at my house when you sent it!
TheCambotYeah, that's it!
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 14,1Gary Numan's14,16,0:6,04,1"Dark"4,1
* DeRaptor sees Cam running around inside Timmyling and blinks.
TimmylingI was?  I thought your house was a cardboard box.  It's too small to fit 2 people.
DarkonZeroWrong song.
TimmylingSo take that!
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 14,1Gary Numan's14,16,0:6,04,1"Innocence Bleeding"4,1
TheCambotAlright, mister, you're in for it now.
TimmylingFor a treat?
* TheCambot pulls out two pencils, hands one to Ling, and holds his out.
TimmylingOh goody!
TheCambotGive it your best shot!
TheCambotKatie, come be the referee for our pencil war.
TimmylingWait.  This is an innuendo of some sort.
TimmylingI won't go through with it.
TheCambotEverything is an innuendo of some sort, if you think about it.
TimmylingI like that word.
katieditto babe.
* DeRaptor rolls out a huge vast wad of uncomfortable silence.
DarkonZeroI thought I was supposed to do that.
TimmylingThat John Phillip Sousa.  What a guy.
TheCambotEven left field didn't see that coming, Ling.
TimmylingHe worked in my home town, you know.
TimmylingSo there.
TimmylingI'm famous.
TheCambotWell, I'm related to Pam and Mel Tillis@!
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 14,1Gary Numan's14,16,0:6,04,1"M.E."4,1
TheCambotAnd my mom's a published author!
DeRaptorJohn Denver died right outside my house. True story.
TheCambotAnd I know Katie, who's going to a famous author.
TheCambotSo I'm more famous!
TimmylingI'm related to the guy on the $10,000 bill.
DarkonZeroBoz....is lost.
TheCambotI'm related to a guy on the 10 Most Wanted...No, wait, that's ME.
DeRaptorI figured.
katieI'm related to the woman who killed Superman and the guy who drew x-men.
TimmylingKatie is, frankly, stunned.
BriggsAnd I saw Ozzy moon the crowd at the Black Sabbath concert I saw!
* BobIshAWAY looks up.
TheCambotThe woman who killed Superman?
BobIshAWAYA woman killed Superman?
BobIshAWAYGeez, you'd think it'd take more than that.
katiemy aunt wrote the one where superman died.
* BobIshAWAY goes back to what he was doing.
DeRaptorI...um...met Roger Corman once and he signed my Gunslinger tape!
TheCambotYou should gloat on that!
TheCambotYou've never mentioned it.
katieI'm sorry.
BozarthBad Katie
* DarkonZero had nothing happen to him except....uh...nothing.
TheCambotWho draws X-Men? I'm geeky enough to maybe recognize his name.
TimmylingI met...um...Buzz Aldrin and he signed my Buzz Aldrin book.
BozarthStan Lee
katieWalt Simonson?
BozarthStan Lee
TheCambotNever heard of him.
katiehe doesn't do it anymore.
TimmylingStan Simonson.
TimmylingWalt Lee.
TheCambotStan Lee did Spiderman, you dope.
TheCambotI met Beakman!
Bozarthand X-Men, dope
TheCambotOf "Beakman's World."
TimmylingBeakman was strange.  I liked Bill Nye better.
TheCambotHe was boring, but he signed by Beakman science kit!
TimmylingBill Nye taught me all that I know.
DarkonZeroOk....I would never freely admit to meeting Beakman.
DarkonZeroBut that's me.
DeRaptorUm...James Gurney drew an Amargasaurus in my copy of the second Dinotopia book-thing...hmm.
TheCambotDe, that's the worst one yet,
TheCambotYou're just struggling to know famous people.
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 14,1Matthew Sweet's14,16,0:6,04,1"Dinosaur Act"4,1
BozarthLouis Anderson returned the letter I sent him
TimmylingRobert Ballard signed my book that has an upside-down picture in it.
DeRaptorBut the Roger Corman thing is...sorta cool, right?
DeRaptorI mean, he IS the most MSTied of directors...
TheCambotI talked to Bill Murray's agent on the phone. Not Bill himself, but hey! His agent!
* BobIshAWAY looks up again.
TheCambotCorman is a cool guy.
BobIshAWAYI don't know any famous people, but I'm famous enough already. So it sort of works out.
* BobIshAWAY looks back down.
BriggsWell, gotta run.  Back later, maybe... I dunno.
DeRaptorHeheh, he looked at my tape and he was like "What's this?"
DarkonZeroBob is famous in the way of himself.
DeRaptorLike he didn't know what they were doing to his movies...hmm.
* Briggs waves goodbye and dives out the window.
*** Briggs has left #deep13
DeRaptorI was the only person in the audience at the talk thing he gave with an MST3K shirt on, and was too chicken to ask any questions...
TimmylingI met...um...the pizza guy from Domino's.
TheCambotI met the Bi-Lo clerk.
DarkonZeroLing....you always meet that pizza guy.
* DeRaptor chuckles.
TheCambotAnd the video store guy. He's my neighbor!
DeRaptorY'know how 'ling likes that pizza guy.
TimmylingSeveral people have called me "ma'am" over the phone.
* DeRaptor laughs.
TheCambotHappened to me twice.
DeRaptorHigh pitched voices?
TheCambotIt's not funny, De! It's a serious matter!
TimmylingNo, just stupid people.
TheCambotI don't know what I sound like. Ask Katie over there.
DeRaptorThey took you for deep voiced women, then?
DarkonZeroI sound like a feeb.
* DeRaptor wonders if Cam and 'ling have microphones...
TimmylingMy voice is too weird to categorize.
DarkonZeroEveryone knows that.
TheCambotYeah, like Gretta Garbo and that Grace Under Fire lady.
TimmylingI have speaker-microphones, De.
TimmylingWhich means cheap-o quality,
TheCambotI don't, De.
* BobIshAWAY looks up, yet again.
* BobIshAWAY laughs at the "Ma'am" thing.
TheCambotBob has the world's worst microphone.
TimmylingShutup, Bob.
TheCambotNot funny, Bob!
BobIshAWAYMy microphone is fine.
TheCambotIt clicks!
TheCambotOh, you said that was the sound program.
BobIshAWAYThat MS' Sound Recorder.
* DarkonZero thinks he sounds more and more like a feeb each day.
BobIshAWAYThat to That's
TimmylingWhen I make a sound it sounds like a fan is blowing into my speaker.
DarkonZeroEspecially my laugh.
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 14,1Matthew Sweet's14,16,0:6,04,1"Devine Intervention"4,1
TimmylingI laugh too loudly.  People have been scared of my laugh.
BobIshAWAYOh.. I _know_ I sound like a feeb.
BobIshAWAYOther than that, I'm perfect in everyway.
DarkonZeroBob is the only one who likes my Heston impression.
TimmylingExcept for applying spaces when nessecary, Bob.
BobIshAWAYOther than that, I'm perfect in everyway.
* DeRaptor wonders if 'ling's laugh is evil.
TimmylingOther than that, I'm perfect in every way.
TheCambotYou all talk too much.
BobIshAWAYOther than that, I'm perfect in everyway.
BobIshAWAYI'm sorry, ma'am.
* DeRaptor sounds like...um...something.
TimmylingMy laugh is simply very loud, De.
TheCambotKatie, did you ever see Bowfinger?
DeRaptorBut loud and evil?
TimmylingShutup, Bob.
DarkonZeroCam....you complain too much.
BobIshAWAYI'll try to use more spaces, ma'am.
katienope i didn't.
TimmylingNo, just loud.
katiemommy and summer did, but I was in school.
* BobIshAWAY resumes his away-ness.
TimmylingCall me ma'am again, Bob, and it means you like to skip and jump and press wild flowers.
TheCambotDid they like it?
DarkonZeroDe....uh, I forgot what you sound like.
BobIshAWAYBut.. I DO!
TimmylingAnd put on women's clothing.  And hang around in bars.
katieI think mommy did.
* BobIshAWAY skips and jumps and presses wild flowers.
TheCambotSummer didn't then?
* DeRaptor calls Cam and 'ling "ma'am" to see what happens.
katieI don't know.,.. didn't talk to her about it.
TheCambotLet's get her, Timmy.
TheCambotOh, well.
TimmylingI'm having enough trouble with Bob, De.
* DarkonZero remembers the time a health food store called him and asked a hypothetical question and DZ answered with "No".
katiehey kids... I hate this but I have to go.
* DeRaptor grins widely, exposing sharp knifeblade-like teeth. and stuff.
katiebye y'all.
TheCambotBye Katie.
* DarkonZero remembers the time a health food store called him and asked a hypothetical question and DZ answered with "No" and hung up.
*** katie has quit IRC (katie)
TimmylingI remember I once was asked on the phone "when can I call back?"  and I said "Probably never" and hung up quickly.
DarkonZeroForgot to end it properly.
TheCambotI had Boz go undercover with her in AIM, and my chances are zippo.
TheCambotI'm more depressed than ever.
TimmylingWell, that was less satisfying then it would be, Cam.
* TheCambot punches through a wall.
DarkonZeroWell Cam.....that's us.
TheCambotBoz asked her questions about her and me dating.
TheCambotAnd none of them turned out well.
TimmylingYou forgot that we have comeback lines for everything.
BozarthI'm Mr. Cash to you
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 14,1Matthew Sweet's14,16,0:6,04,1"Good Friend (Girlfriend Demo)"4,1
TimmylingCam, you tried to make me go undercover.
TimmylingYou lousy ne'r-do-well.
TheCambotLordBozarth: LordBozarth: so..if you're such a close friend with John, would you ever consider going out with him?
TheCambotktrawson: hm... he's two years younger than me...
BozarthListwn to this
BozarthLordBozarth: well, I better go...nice talking with you
Bozarthktrawson: bye sweetie.
BozarthLordBozarth: aww, aren't you lovely
Bozarthktrawson: :)
Bozarthktrawson: goodnight babe.
DarkonZeroWell.....life in definition is: The thing that sucks and surrounds us.
DarkonZeroSorta like the force/
TimmylingDammit, I never get any mail.
BozarthBye guys! I'm off
TheCambotI have to go.
TimmylingBye Boz.
DarkonZeroBye BOZ!
*** TheCambot has quit IRC (Leaving)
TimmylingBye Cam.
DeRaptorhmm. I thought the force more blowed.
Bozarthwhat a night, heh?
DeRaptorBye Boz then.
DarkonZeroDe.....I did say "sorta".
BozarthI want a log of this tomorrow
TimmylingWe managed to kill off another one of Cam's hopes and dreams.
BozarthAnother day, and dream dashed
*** Bozarth has quit IRC (I'm off)
TimmylingAnd then there were 5.
* DarkonZero knows all his hopes and dreams are to come.....in cans of six or twelve.
DarkonZeroI'm goona start drinking.
TimmylingI think you've already started.
DarkonZeroWell...that's what you think.
* DarkonZero needs a keg.
TimmylingIt is, isn't it?
*** BobIshAWAY is now known as BobIshmael
BobIshmaelWhooo! Kegger!
BobIshmaelI mean-
BobIshmaelNo, I mean that.
* DeRaptor shakes her head.
DeRaptorJust because Kevin Murphy has become perpetually drunk...
* DarkonZero changes his mind now.
BobIshmaelSee, that's all DZ needs.
BobIshmael<BobIshmael> Alcohol is great.
BobIshmael<DZ> Eww, I'm gonna be sick.
DeRaptorThis movie sponsored by the booze council....
* DarkonZero wonders what he really needs.
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 14,1Matthew Sweet's14,16,0:6,04,1"I've Been Waiting"4,1
* BobIshmael ponders breaking into a Spice Girl song... but stops.
TimmylingYou need to live and laugh and love, DZ.
DarkonZeroI got the laugh part...
DarkonZeroAnd the last one...no chance of that in hell.
TimmylingHard Rock Live?
DarkonZeroThe silence.....isn't it lovely?
DeRaptorliving...loving...novel concepts, yes.
* BobIshmael wonders how come he has no emotional turmoil to speak of.
BobIshmaelI need some of that. Can I get that at K-Mart?
*** DarkonZero is now known as Poopyhead
BobIshmaelI'll ask around. I'm sure K-Mart has distress for sale.
TimmylingYou can get anything at Big K-Mart.
PoopyheadFor less.....no, that Wal-mart.
BobIshmaelPersonally, all I get is ill.
TimmylingEven though they changed absolutely nothing in the stores, it's still BIG.
BobIshmaelAnd a slight headache.
DeRaptorHmm. I've got a little bit of that stuff, if you want to take it off my hands.
*** Poopyhead is now known as DarkonZero
BobIshmaelSure, De.. What kind is it?
DarkonZeroHers is a bit dirty.....
TimmylingI wish Charlie Chaplin was on.
BobIshmaelThat's what I thought.
DarkonZeroIt needs to be laundered.
TimmylingHe's funny and stuff.
BobIshmaelI wish the Stooges were on right now...
BobIshmaelOr the Marx Brothers.
DeRaptorUm, actually, I cleaned it up a while ago.
* DarkonZero wishes something in his mind was on.
TimmylingYeah, or A Streetcar Named Desire.
DeRaptorIt's still a little dingy, but nice and shiny now.
BobIshmaelYeah, or A Stree- Wha?
TimmylingOld movie that I like.
BobIshmaelOh, alright, De... What sort of turmoil is it?
BobIshmael'ling, I know what it is. Don't patronize me.
DeRaptorUm...emotional, y'know.
TimmylingOkay, Bob.
BobIshmaelAny sort of specific turmoil?
BobIshmaelI'm fond of childhood trauma, myself.
BobIshmaelAny of that?
DeRaptorHmm...well, mostly social ostracization and loneliness. You dig that?
* DarkonZero 's personal turmoil hit him again yesterday at work and removed every bit of his "chipperness".
BobIshmaelHmmm... I don't have much of that. It's a deal.
* BobIshmael takes De's emotional turmoil.
DarkonZeroUh.....I think I'll buy it De.....to add to more of mine,
DarkonZeroThat's my problem at this time of life.
* DeRaptor gives Bob some and Darkon some.
DeRaptorThat didn't sound right.
TimmylingDo any of you have any schizophrenia?  I could go for a spot of that right now.
DarkonZeroDe....take it back quick.
DeRaptorHmm. Sorry, 'ling. Might have to go to Big K for that.
* DeRaptor founds Big 3Kmart
TimmylingNot even agoraphobia?
BobIshmael'ling, I have a little bit of that. It runs in the family, so I'll have to charge you more.
DarkonZeroI got agoraphobia.
BobIshmaelNot agoraphobia.
DarkonZeroTo a point.
TimmylingMan, someone's GOT to have at least obsessive-compulsive disorder.
DarkonZeroI do.
DarkonZeroI do.
TimmylingGive it to me.
BobIshmael'ling, my schizophrenia is still up for grabs.
DarkonZeroNo....it grown on m.
DarkonZerom to me
TimmylingI'll take it, Bob.
DeRaptorEverybody wants prosthetic foreheads on their real heads.
DeRaptorWell, on Metaluna at least.
DarkonZeroTrek fans...
* BobIshmael hands his mental problems off to 'ling.
BobIshmaelTake care of 'em.
DeRaptorWhat about Trek fans?
BobIshmaelHey! I feel... "normal."
DarkonZeroThey want prosthetic foreheads.
TimmylingIt's a truckload of disorders, syndromes, and phobias.
BobIshmaelWhat the hell am I doing here, talking to your weirdos?
DeRaptorOh yeah.
BobIshmaelyour to you
DeRaptorKlingon deal...thing...a majig.
TimmylingI feel so...dirty.
TimmylingBob, you better take it back.
* BobIshmael takes his mental disorder back.
TimmylingBefore I develop a fear of socail life--ahh.
BobIshmaelThat's more like it.
DarkonZeroOk.....this is getting me down even more than I am.
*** DarkonZero is now known as MikeDowns
TimmylingDe, how far are you on that image?
* BobIshmael ponders giving 'ling the lecture he gave to Callip.
BobIshmaelEh, maybe later.
TimmylingNot to nag or anything.
DeRaptorOh...I...need to do that.
*** MikeDowns is now known as DarkonZero
TimmylingWhatzit, Bob?
BobIshmaelMaybe later.
TimmylingWhat's it on, though?
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 14,1The Chemical Brothers'14,16,0:6,04,1"Let Forever Be"4,1
DarkonZeroI feel a bit better now.
DeRaptorOh, nobody ever send any email to deraptor@subdimension.com anymore.
BobIshmaelAbout you inferring anything about my "social life."
TimmylingOh, too bad.
BobIshmaelMaybe later, huh?
TimmylingNo thanks.
DarkonZeroUh.....De...what about @mindless.com?
BobIshmaelMaybe later.
TimmylingMaybe never.
BobIshmaelI sent all my mail to earthling.net/com
TimmylingYou stupid midget on stilts.
BobIshmaelAnd you will learn not to assume anything about me.
DeRaptor@mindless still works.
DeRaptorand @earthling.net
* DarkonZero realizes how stupid he is by having 9 e-mail address.
* DeRaptor kicks Darkon.
DarkonZeroOr is it 10.
DarkonZeroI forgot and ow.
DeRaptorOh, I thought you were talking about me...
DeRaptorStupid me.
DeRaptorBut I do have a lot of email addresses too.
DarkonZeroWell...kick me again.
DeRaptor'ling, what background color do you want?
DarkonZeroCome on....kick me.
* DeRaptor throws soft fluffy things at Darkon instead.
DarkonZeroI told someone to slap me once....and they did.....it was to wake me up/
DarkonZeroI was getting sleepy.
TimmylingI think I'll brag more about my marble ball I got at Pier 1 Imports today.
DarkonZeroAnd man, she hit me hard.
TimmylingI got a marble ball at Pier 1 today.  Nyah nyah nyah.
* DarkonZero takes the marble ball and shove it.....WHOA!
DeRaptorWhat do you...do with your marble ball?
DarkonZeroPlay marbles.
DarkonZeroAnd won.
TimmylingYou...um...throw it through the windows of hated enemies.
TimmylingDZ, it's too big.
DarkonZeroSo...you knocked out Rush Limbaugh for me?
TimmylingIt's about the size of a bocce ball.
TimmylingAnd on;y 6 bucks!
BobIshmaelWHY would you WANT a marble?
* BobIshmael quickly goes AFK.
TimmylingNot a marble.  A marble ball.
TimmylingNo DCCs, De.
* DarkonZero ponders on going to F.A.O. Shwartz to buy marbles.....
TimmylingI'm lashed ot Java.
TimmylingGruesome, I know.
* DeRaptor emails.
* DeRaptor sculpts Crow out of marble.
* DeRaptor has to leave...
*** DeRaptor has left #Deep13
* DarkonZero thinks of the uses he can do with the marbles.
DarkonZeroI'll put them next to a stairway.
DarkonZeroUh....you didn't see that.
DarkonZeroWhat a concept.
TimmylingI think I'll contemplate empty space.
DarkonZeroOh...Cam's head.
TimmylingFor bringing Katie in here, what a dope.
DarkonZeroThat was the worst thing he ever did.
DarkonZeroShe barely said anything.
DarkonZeroExcept "babe".
TimmylingYeah, and when she did, it was to Cam.
BobIshmaelWhat a freak.
* BobIshmael is back, by the way.
DarkonZeroHey Bob....
DarkonZeroBeen surreal.
BobIshmaelHas it?
DarkonZero. to ?
BobIshmaelAh. No.
BobIshmaelHave YOU?
BobIshmaelOr 'ling, for that matter?
DarkonZeroExcept yesterday.
DarkonZeroAt wrok.
DarkonZerowrok to work
BobIshmaelDo tell.
DarkonZeroThat was what we were talking about earlier.
DarkonZeroWell what?
TimmylingWell well.
DarkonZeroWell well well.....
TimmylingAaanyways.  I'm gonna cut 'n paste somethin'.  Do not be alarmed.
* DarkonZero likes his Crosswinds POP3 e-mail account.
TimmylingGovernment computer to flood: $1200.
TimmylingDrawing utensils for fake-looking Dracula pics: $98.
TimmylingUpsetting shorts with the American flag on them: $12.
TimmylingHeroin and crack cocaine bought off the street: $23
TimmylingMental hysteria and insanity: Priceless.
TimmylingThere are some things omega can't buy, but for things you can, there's American Master Visa Gold.
TimmylingThank you.
* DarkonZero applauds.
*** Timmyling has quit IRC (Timmyling)
*** Timmyling has joined #Deep13
TimmylingWB, me.
TimmylingWhy thank you, me.
DarkonZeroI thank me for thanking me.
* BobIshmael returns.
BobIshmaelBite me, you.
Timmyling"I'd like to thank me for flying Me Airways."
* BobIshmael eats a tamale.
DarkonZeroBob will be running soom.
DarkonZerosoom to soon
BobIshmaelHEY! Tamales is good.
* BobIshmael "mmmmmms" again.
DarkonZeroBut....you'll be running soon.
BobIshmaelI'm immune to Mexican food side effects.
BobIshmaelSo, again, mmmmmmmmm.
DarkonZeroBut....you'll be running soon.
BobIshmaelI will?
BobIshmaelAny particular reason why?
DarkonZeroBecause...you will.
BobIshmaelIs there a marathon tomorrow or something?
DarkonZeroThe race to the bathroom '99.
BobIshmaelAh, but...
BobIshmaelI'm immune to Mexican food side effects.
DarkonZeroBut....you'll be running soon.
DarkonZeroI won!
* BobIshmael decides to listen to Buddy Holly.
DarkonZeroYou mean Gary Busey.
*** Retrieving #Deep13 info...
BobIshmaelNope, Buddy Holly.
DarkonZeroYou mean Gary Busey.
TimmylingCool...Hurricane Dennis is gonna kill North Carolina.
TimmylingI hate North Carolina.
BobIshmaelFine. Gary Busey
DarkonZeroI won again!
BobIshmaelCam's in SC.
* BobIshmael grins evilly.
BobIshmaelThink we could bribe the hurricane to go after Cam?
DarkonZeroLing....bad stuff happen to you in NC?
DarkonZeroIn a Deliverance sorta way?
* BobIshmael wonders why Windows comes with a Weezer video.
BobIshmaelWindows... Weezer.
BobIshmaelIf you have Windows 95 and the Windows 95 CD, it's on there.
BobIshmaelThe CD, I mean.
DarkonZeroI gots 98.
BobIshmaelIt's under Media or Video or something.
BobIshmaelYou would.
* BobIshmael wonders what would happen if they played Buddy Holly's "Rave on" at a rave.
* DarkonZero ponders on kil...er....giving Bob a bomb.
BobIshmaelA bomb.. Is that supposed to be better?
DarkonZeroI thought so.
*** MSTManos has joined #deep13
BobIshmaelWell, I don't.
TimmylingHeyas, Manos.
BobIshmaelJust kill me and be done with it.
MSTManosWell, I guess everyone has heard of last night's stalker problem.
BobIshmael"Hey guys, I saw zees on Mannix once."
*** omega has joined #deep13
TimmylingOh great.
MSTManosHey, Bob, I left early. Have a log of what happened after I left last night?
BobIshmaelNot much happened.
DarkonZeroWas I there?
DarkonZeroI forgot.
MSTManosStill, it should be cool to read.
BobIshmaelWe found out that whats'er face is a fan.
MSTManosWell, with a name like Xeno, whaddya' think?
BobIshmaelOne of the IRCops, I mean... And then Cam wound up irritating her.
MSTManosThat wacky Cam!
MSTManosIrritating people is his best job.
BobIshmaelShe liked us and everything, but then Cam annoyed her and she left with "don't ask me for help again."
TimmylingSpeaking of which, Katie came on tonight.
DarkonZeroHe brought Katie in.
MSTManosOh, shit!
BobIshmaelYeah, what a loser.
BobIshmaelI mea-
*** TheCambot has joined #Deep13
MSTManos(Pardon the French)
BobIshmaelHi Cam.
TheCambotI cannot even begin to sleep.
BobIshmaelWe weren't talking about you.
DarkonZeroHIIII CAM!
MSTManosAnd speaking of Katie.
TheCambotWhat in God's name am I gonna do?
TimmylingHi Cam.
* TheCambot slumps into a chair.
BobIshmaelomega, don't lurk.
MSTManosBob, just give me the log!
BobIshmaelSorry, can't.
TheCambotThis sucks entirely too much.
MSTManosWhy not?
BobIshmaelI don't know.
BobIshmaelWhat's today?
MSTManosI wanna see all the stuff!
BobIshmaelThe 29th?
*** omega has left #deep13
BobIshmaelI went to sleep around 6am, Sat. morning..
BobIshmaelI'm not sure what today is.
TimmylingWell, it's technically the 30th.
TheCambotDid Bozarth post everything Katie told him?
TimmylingOn the East Coast.
MSTManosWell, omega finally figured he's not needed here.
TheCambotQuiet, Tim.
BobIshmaelIt's 9 here.
TimmylingNo, Cam.
DarkonZeroBob......it's Sat night.
BobIshmaelIs today Sunday?
BobIshmaelOH!? IS IT?!
BobIshmaelSheesh! I thought it was Sunday.
DarkonZeroI forgot what day it was...
BobIshmaelIs it Sunday?1
BobIshmaelIs it Sunday?!
TheCambotMy life is over. I say that all the time, though.
DarkonZeroIt's Sunday.
MSTManos95% to be exact
BobIshmaelFreakin' hell, I'm confused.
DarkonZeroIt's Sunday...Bob.
TheCambotBob, where you are, it's Sunday night.
TimmylingWhere you are, yes, it's Sunday, Bob.
TheCambotWhere I am, it's early Monday morning.
BobIshmaelHow could it be Sunday? Didn't I go to sleep Saturday morning?!
MSTManosI only went to sleep at 1 AM. Lucky duck.
* BobIshmael shakes his head.
MSTManosI wanted in on the action!
BobIshmaelScrew it, it doesn't matter what day it is.
MSTManosIt's anyday.
TheCambotI'm in the middle of a crisis here, and you're talking about what day it is!
BobIshmaelDoesn't matter. I just need the date of last night.
MSTManosAugust 28... is that clear?
BobIshmaelOr.. No, last night.. Right?
TheCambotLast night was the 28th.
DarkonZeroCam.....we support you.......to a point.
* BobIshmael checks his logs.
TheCambotSaturday night, the night of the stalker.
DarkonZeroWhat stalker?
BobIshmaelThen maybe I went to sleep this morning.
TheCambotThe robo-stalker.
*** MSTManos has quit IRC (Read error to MSTManos[p152.netwood.net]: Connection reset by peer)
BobIshmaelI coulda sworn it was Sat, though...
DarkonZeroI was told of that.
BobIshmaelI went to sleep while watching "Batman: Beyond," I think.
*** MSTManos has joined #deep13
BobIshmaelI didn't know cartoons came on Sunday morning.
BobIshmaelWb Manny.
MSTManosWell, they do, Bob.
TheCambotThey do, Bob.
DarkonZeroThey do now Bob.
BobIshmaelWell, I guess that's cleared up then.
TheCambotMore than Saturday morning, actually.
TheCambotThey screwed up the system.
MSTManosOf course, they've never been as popular as Saturday morning cartoons.
DarkonZeroThe WB  network shows them on Sunday.
TheCambotRight, but my crisis?
TheCambotUh-huh, but my crisis?
* TheCambot attracts attention to himself.
* DarkonZero kicks Cam.
TheCambotStop it.
MSTManosI wasn't here, so I don't really care.
BobIshmaelY'know what we need?
DarkonZeroA keg?
BobIshmaelWe need a full-motion animated movie that's rated PG-13 or R.
BobIshmaelAnd a keg.
TheCambotThere's a movie coming out...
DarkonZeroBob......Heavy Metal.
TheCambotA computer-genereated one...
TimmylingBob...Japanese Anime.
TheCambotcalled Blue Planet or something.
TheCambotIt's a parody on computer-geneated movies.
BobIshmael'ling, riiight.  And those come out all the time in the theater, don't they?
MSTManosBob... I'm not responding.
TheCambotBob, this one is theatrical.
TheCambotThe trailer's pretty funny.
TimmylingYou didn't say anything about the frikkin' theaters, Bob.
TheCambotIt has an ant walking by, and he introduces himself as Adam Ant, and his friend as Kenny Lightyear or something.
DarkonZeroThere is a Japanese animated moving coming out called "Perfect Blue".....it's about a actress and her stalker.
TheCambotAnd they have this conversation, and then someone steps on Kenny, and blood squirts everywhere, and you can imagine what Adam Ant says.
DarkonZeromoving to movie.
TheCambotThen it goes through all these space scenes why a woman makes orgasmic noises.
Timmyling"Dammit?"  "Holy sheist?"  "Fork?"
* BobIshmael ponders buying a camera and making films with his free time.
TheCambotDoesn't sound so good when you talk about it.
BobIshmaelI have too much free time.
TheCambotAnyways, my crisis.
DarkonZeroDo we need to know.
MSTManosLike I said,I wasn't here, so I don't really care.
DarkonZeroCam.....shut up.
BobIshmaelI'll make movies with my free time.
BobIshmaelActually.. I need a job.
DarkonZeroSoory...but shut up/
BobIshmaelSomeone hire me to do something.
BobIshmaelDZ, I'll make you a webpage for $1000 bucks.
TheCambotKatie knows I like her, and has known, she wishes I didn't like her, she doesn't think she'd ever date me, and she likes Danny more than me because he's "more mature."
DarkonZeroThere are plenty of depressed folk in here already.
BobIshmaelI'm perfectly happy, thank you.
DarkonZeroBut that's besides the point.
BobIshmaelIt's just you, Cam, Loc.. And everyone else.
TheCambotAnd I think that's a bad situation and I need a shoulder to cry on.
BobIshmaelGet away from me, Cam.
DarkonZeroAnd me....
TheCambotI have not the foggiest notion of what I'm going to do.
MSTManosCam, I wouldn't be surprised because of lack of maturity. That's my opinion.
MSTManosHold on, lemme rephrase that/
TheCambotWhy don't you?
DarkonZeroMost of the girls that like my immaturity.
MSTManosCam, I wouldn't be surprised if someone looked over you because of lack of maturity. That's my opinion.
BobIshmaelWhere the hell is all this good TV that everyone's talking about?
DarkonZeroDamn....that made no snce.
TheCambotThat's worse.
DarkonZeroAnd my spelling is bad.
MSTManosYou're welcome.
TimmylingCam, what can I say?  You missed the boat.
TheCambotIt doesn't work that way, Ling.
MSTManosBob, good TV died not too long ago.
TheCambotI don't miss boats. I swim after them.
DarkonZeroThen drown.
MSTManosAnd time after time, the engine sputters in your face.
TimmylingYou eventually suffer exaustion and drown.
TheCambotI have to tell her Wednesday. I really do have to.
DarkonZeroWell.....do it.
BobIshmaelI think I'll be a hobo for a bit.
BobIshmaelJust for the hell of it.
TheCambotGo for it, Bob.
MSTManosI already converted into a drug addict.
* BobIshmael tries to find a frieght train.
BobIshmaelI don't think any are near me.
BobIshmaelWait... There might be.
TheCambotI converted into a hopeless romantic...wait, I didn't change at all.
DarkonZeroMe.....a millionaire.....in my mind......while staying at Belle Vue.
BobIshmaelI'll be a hobo... Or Buddy Holly.
BobIshmaelBuddy Holly.
BobIshmaelBuddy Holly.
BobIshmaelBuddy Holly.
BobIshmaelBuddy Holly.
TheCambotBuddy Holly.
*** Mars changes topic to 'Buddy Holly. '
DarkonZeroMatthew Sweet.
TheCambotDefinately no.
DarkonZeroyou suck Cam.
MSTManosWho sucks Cam?
TheCambotI knew that was coming.
* BobIshmael shudders.
* BobIshmael bathrooms: Vomiting.
DarkonZeroHey....I did make the call....
DarkonZeroBob had o run.
DarkonZeroo to to
MSTManosYou equals... ?
TheCambotYou equals huh.
TheCambotTimmy, are you there?
TheCambotYou weren't talking.
TheCambotSo nya.
MSTManosI wonder if I had better stuff to do today... nope.
TheCambotI'm sure you did. Go find something.
TheCambotPlay Jenga.
TheCambotThat's always a good time-consumer.
TimmylingJenga isn't really a good game for 1.
MSTManosWell, arguing with you is one of them. But I do that all the time, with no wasted opportunities.
TheCambotIt's been done, Ling.
TheCambotThere's nothing wrong with one-man Jenga.
TimmylingWithout sucess.
TheCambotNot that I would know.
MSTManosI'm not even gonna ask.
* TheCambot closes blinds and continues playing Jenga by himself.
* TheCambot points to the INNUENDO-FREE label on the jenga box.
TheCambotYou and your sick mind.
TimmylingYou're the one who suggested the innuendo here!
MSTManosDon't look at me.
TheCambotI was going to say I wish Katie was here to play Jenga with me, but now I can't.
MSTManosOh God.
TimmylingI used to build mazes out of Jenga and make gerbils run through them.  They never learned to knock down the Jenga walls.
TheCambotI really meant Jenga.
MSTManosYa know, it's this kind of whining that... forget it.
MSTManosI wonder if I had even better stuff to do today... nope.
TheCambotGrrr. This isn't the sort of support I need. I'm going to try sleep again. I'll probably se you again before the sun dawns.
*** TheCambot has quit IRC (Leaving)
TimmylingYou've dug your own grave, Cam.
DarkonZeroI say he's gonna come back soon.
MSTManosI've got five bucks riding on it.
TimmylingPlace your bets on how long before he comes back.
DarkonZeroI say within 2 hours.
MSTManosNow it's becoming a pool.
TimmylingI say within 1.
MSTManosWithin the next 45 minutes.
DarkonZeroOk....I change mine to 40.
DarkonZerominutes that is.
* BobIshmael returns.
BobIshmaelI say within one hour, too.
MSTManosIt would actually be easy to say 40 minutes... but the easy part kills it all.
MSTManosI mean 40 hours.
TimmylingPlace your own bet.
MSTManosUh, nevermind.
BobIshmaelI did.
TimmylingYou placed mine.
BobIshmaelAre you saying only one person can bet on a horse?
TimmylingNo, I'm saying that "within 1 hour" is already taken.
BobIshmaelIt can't be "taken."
MSTManosThis is more of a pool.
TimmylingSo there.
TimmylingYes it can.
*** Mars changes topic to 'Can't. '
* BobIshmael points to the topic.
* MSTManos is afk
BobIshmaelLooks like I win.
TimmylingBecause you set a topic?
BobIshmaelI'm glad you agree.
TimmylingI'm glad too.
TimmylingBut I more think that you're a suffering fool.
TimmylingBut that's just me.
DarkonZeroRemind me to kill my little brother.....ok?
BobIshmaelThat's what I thought.
BobIshmaelIt is you.
BobIshmaelSure thing, DZ.
MSTManosI've got some advice, DZ...
MSTManosWrite it down. That way you remember better.
BobIshmaelOr kill him now.
DarkonZeroUh.....I can't....if my parents see it.....they'll kill me.
TimmylingWell, kill your parents, too.
BobIshmaelKill them all.
DarkonZeroWell......then I will have no place to live.
TimmylingThen kill the landlord.
MSTManosThen that would make DZ the evil Menendez.
DarkonZeroOk.....remind me to mame my little brother.......
*** DeRaptor has joined #Deep13
* DeRaptor drops into #Deep13
DeRaptorOW! The floor in here is hard.
TimmylingHi De.
*** Mars sets mode: +o DeRaptor
DarkonZeroNevermind....I glad you helped/
MSTManosDZ, just bomb the whole damn place, place a dead body that looks similar to yours, then run.
DeRaptor'lo there.
DarkonZeroHey De.
TimmylingAny time.
MSTManosOh, hi De.
DeRaptorWhatcha talkin' about, Manos?
MSTManosAsk DZ.
TimmylingDZ is gonna kill his little brother.
DeRaptorWhat's he talkin' about, Darkon?
TimmylingBut there's complications.
DarkonZeroNothing....they made me change my mind.
* BobIshmael looks up.
TimmylingSo he has to kill everyone he knows.
DeRaptorPlant a poisonous snake in his bed.
BobIshmaelThere's no "e" in maim, 'ling.
DeRaptorSorry, was just watching the crocodile hunter on Animal Planet...
BobIshmaelYou're thinking of "Maine."
TimmylingShut up, Bob.
DarkonZeroWatch me go next to this Croc and shove my foot in his bum.
BobIshmaelIsn't that a South Park quote?
DeRaptorI think it is...
DarkonZeroI didn't know...
* MSTManos gets his rifle ready.
BobIshmaelI don't see why everyone makes fun of him.. I like that guy.
DeRaptorThat crocodile hunter guy is freakin' nuts, though.
BobIshmaelHe's a moron. But I like him.
DarkonZeroOk....I am ready to die.
TimmylingI remember the Croc hunter once saying "by crickie!"  Very strange.
DeRaptorHeheh. It is fun to watch a guy act like a moron and almost get bitten by deadly snakes, I guess.
BobIshmaelThis one episode he went under a house to fetch out the world's most poisonous snake.
TimmylingOf course, he says that every day.
DeRaptorIsn't that the beaked seasnake?
DeRaptorWhat would a seasnake be doing under a house?
BobIshmaelWell.. Not MOST.
BobIshmaelBut close.
TimmylingOne ep he almost was killed, while the stupid cameraman was just standing there.
BobIshmaelOne of the top three, I swear.
DarkonZeroI remember watching one where he was moving the grass and a croc attacked the mower.
BobIshmaelI saw that one.
MSTManosYes, DZ?
DarkonZeroMoving the grass?
BobIshmaelWe'll just pretend you said "mowing."
DarkonZeroThat word is stuck.
DarkonZeroIt's stuck in my head.
TimmylingAnd the sad part is that "v" is nowhere near "w."
DarkonZeroI think I shall move on.
DeRaptorGreidanus had to go to a counselor about his MST3K obsession...
DeRaptorRemind me to never drop by his part of the country.
DarkonZeroWe will.
DarkonZeroOr won't.
* DarkonZero needs to take another 5 hour nap.
TimmylingI remember one Croc ep where the idiot flung himself at a giant desert lizard...and missed.
BobIshmaelFlung himself.. That's an amusing mental image.
DeRaptorlizards are cute...huh huh.
DarkonZeroI wish monkys flung dung at him.
Timmylinghuh huh?
* DeRaptor catches an ora and trains it to eat Sci-Fi Execs.
* MSTManos is afk. It has something to do with a box.
DarkonZeroI was going to ask that.
DeRaptorA box...
BobIshmaelHe's playing with the box.
DarkonZeroWhat are monkys.
DeRaptorWhat's eww, 'ling?
BobIshmaelI used to make little forts out of boxes when I was younger...
BobIshmaelMeaning... Last week.
*** omega has joined #Deep13
* MSTManos would like to let everyone know he's listening to a box.
DeRaptorSayyy...it's that guy!
MSTManosOh, shit.
DarkonZeroWhich guy?
* DeRaptor picks up omega and feeds him bugs.
TimmylingOmega.  Great.
DarkonZeroAre you tom Curze yet?
TimmylingOmega.  He lufes yew.
MSTManosHello, omega. What do you whant?
* DeRaptor trains her pet omega to eat SciFi Execs alongside her pet ora.
* BobIshmael ftps to Callip's site and notices nothing is there.
* omega picks up DeRaptor and puts him to the man eating annaconda
DarkonZeroAnna Conda?
* omega picks up DeRaptor and puts him to the man eating spiders
TimmylingAnnacondas don't eat humans, omega.
BobIshmaelAnaconda don't eat people.. Do they?
* omega picks up DeRaptor and puts him to the man eating snake
TimmylingThere are no man-eating spiders, omega.
BobIshmaelPlural. Anacondas.
omegaye they do
TimmylingThere are no man-eating snakes.
DarkonZeroDe......when did you become a he?
DeRaptorspiders only eat people on bad movies on mst3k.
*** Mars changes topic to '<DarkonZero> De......when did you become a he? '
omegathe anaconda eats the human in one pice
* DeRaptor watches the omega play in the corner.
TimmylingAnd they have really huge white eyes that disturb people.
DeRaptorGood question, Darkon...um, I think it was a couple minutes ago.
DeRaptorI changed back right now though.
omegadid you guys say something
BobIshmaelPhew, thank goodness.
DarkonZeroHey...no bad speeling.
DeRaptorAwww...look, it's talking!
BobIshmaelNo punctuation, though.
omegadid you guys say something
MSTManosI have an idea, o-mee.
TimmylingOmega, if you knew anything, you'd know that an Anaconda eats only plants and small animals.  A human would be too big of a meal.
DarkonZeroAnd maybe children...oops.
DeRaptorUm...snakes don't eat plants.
omegathe anaconda is 20 feet long
MSTManosAnacondas... don't they simply kill humans?
BobIshmaelTo the best of my knowledge, humans don't taste to great anyhow.
TimmylingOh, well, small animals, then.
DeRaptorBut they don't eat people much either.
DeRaptorOnly little kids I thinks.
MSTManosAnacondas... don't they simply kill humans?
BobIshmaelI didn't know Anacondas weren't poisonous.
DarkonZeroLike omega>
BobIshmaelWeren't to were.
omegafuck all off
DeRaptorThey're constrictors...
*** omega has left #Deep13
DeRaptorthey no got venom.
DarkonZero<omega> fuck all off
DeRaptorthat omega. Such a pottymouth.
DeRaptortsk, tsk.
BobIshmaelWe should report him to #oasis
MSTManosomega has enough meat to feed a plant
BobIshmaelSuch language for a Romanian.
TimmylingThe kid's made up of bones and skin.
MSTManosUh, we're talking about the potty mouth, right?
* DeRaptor feeds omega to AudreyII.
BobIshmaelDon't they behead you in the country for profanity?
MSTManosOr his English?
DarkonZeroHe says we should do that......sorta like Santa on Christmas night.
DarkonZero<omega> fuck all off
DarkonZeroThat's impossible.
* BobIshmael watches the last five minutes of that $1,000,000 show.
MSTManosI don't know much about my saliva...
MSTManosYou'd understand if you were watching the show.
* DarkonZero tries to do what omega said......but stops before he starts.
* DeRaptor blinks at Darkon.
DarkonZeroI got tired.
DeRaptorOh, didja know they're making a pokemon movie?
DeRaptorYep, the apocalypse is near.
TimmylingAnd right after the craze died down, too.
DarkonZeroOh the silences we have.
DeRaptorKinda like the South Park Movie.
* BobIshmael returns.
MSTManosReally? Is that there much cursing and sick humor?
DarkonZeroAnd Bob saves the day....
DeRaptorDarkon, are you programed to go "DAH!" Every time somebody mentioned South Park?
BobIshmaelHe should be.
TimmylingSouth Park.
TimmylingSouth Park.
DeRaptorWell, it's not a 'bot then I guess.
* MSTManos raises his hand.
TimmylingSouth Park.
MSTManosI hate South Park.
DarkonZeroOh....you though I was a bot/.
DarkonZeroOh....you though I was a bot/.
TimmylingSouth Park.
DeRaptorI think that's been established.
DarkonZeroOk.....I'm insulted.....to think I was Mars-like.
DeRaptorWell...I just meant that the DAH! wasn't scripted is all...
DeRaptorbad semantics...yep yep
TimmylingHeehee...I remember when we flooded omega because his script made it so that he said "Yep?" when someone mentioned his name.
* DeRaptor chuckles.
TimmylingWe said about 3 million "omegas."
MSTManosDoesn't that mean 3 MegaOmegas?
* DeRaptor blinks.
* DarkonZero goes to kill Manos.
* DeRaptor climbs the wall and clings to the chandelier, shaking.
MSTManosI'm gonna go hunt.
* DarkonZero stops.
*** MSTManos has quit IRC (Leaving)
DarkonZeroI suck.
TimmylingMan, where IS Cam?
* DeRaptor sits up there, pondering having a Californian MSTieCon...
BobIshmaelHe's hunting a Twinkie, I bet.
BobIshmaelDe, do it!
TimmylingAww.  No Pennsylvanians allowed, De?
BobIshmaelYou could hold it at the Mystery Spot!
DeRaptorWell, you can come if you wanna pay the airfare, is all.
DarkonZeroAnd no Nevadans.
DeRaptorSame for Nevadans.
BobIshmaelYeah! A three day con! And we'll go to the Mystery Spot every day!
DarkonZeroI'll drive.
DeRaptorBut...wouldn't it be better to stalk Joel and Trace and Frank?
TimmylingProbably not.
BobIshmaelToo much work, De.
BobIshmaelWe'd have to sneak around outside their houses.
* DarkonZero wants to deassociated himself from De.
TimmylingWe could hunt down and kill sitcom stars, though.
BobIshmaelAnd it's kinda hard to have thousands of people stalking the same people at once.
DarkonZeroI'll do what Ling suggests.
*** MSTManos has joined #deep13
DeRaptorThat would be fun...
BobIshmaelManny, hunt downt hat Twinkie?
MSTManosAlright. Came back from my hunting trip.
BobIshmaelhat to that
TimmylingI've got dibs on Luke Perry.
DeRaptorManos, what do you think about having a MSTieCalCon?
MSTManosGreat idea.
DarkonZeroWhat about a MSTieLoCalCon?
DeRaptorWhere would it be?
TimmylingWith guest Pennsylvanians.
BobIshmaelI pondered having one before, but one thing keeping me from that dream..
BobIshmaelI have $40 to my name. Will that help?
DeRaptorHmm...Howabout Monterey? It's right smack in the middle of the state...
* DeRaptor grins.
MSTManosI mean, it IS the capital of the whole damn state...
BobIshmaelHow about San Diego?
DarkonZeroI pondered having one in Vegas......they had a MST3K film fest though.
MSTManosI live in L.A., but I'm not even gonna ask for consideration.
MSTManosNo gracias.
BobIshmaelSan Diego is nicer than Sacramento and it saves me time.
BobIshmaelHonestly, though.. San Diego is nice.
BobIshmaelWe got lots of worthless crap here.
TimmylingHow about Philadelphia?  Nice, flat, warm Philadelphia.
BobIshmaelBut it's pretty worthless crap
DarkonZeroBob......you should be a spokeperson for Diego.
MSTManosAnd you get lots of visitors from Mexico, there.
DeRaptorHmm...L.A. is too close to Hollywood.
BobIshmael"San Diego: We gots lots of crap."
DeRaptorEden Prairie's antithesis.
TimmylingMaybe Philadelphia.
DarkonZero"Las Vegas: Porn anyone?"
Timmyling"Philadelphia: What smell?"
BobIshmaelDe, hold your 'con in SD.
MSTManos"Los Angeles: Fuck Off"
BobIshmaelIt's much better than LA. No smog.
BobIshmaelWell, a tiny bit of smog. But not much.
BobIshmaelWe got a nice beach and everything.
DeRaptorHmmm...beaches are good.
Timmyling"Philadelphia: We like fresh victims."
DarkonZero"Las Vegas: Hey, I used up my college tuition on the slot!"
DarkonZero"Las Vegas: Hey, I used up my college tuition on the slots!"
BobIshmaelWe could have a MSTie Beach Party..
BobIshmaelMSTies on Party Beach!"
* DeRaptor looks for an essay that completely sums up Monterey County...
DeRaptor"Monterey: Where?!"
Timmyling"Philadelphia: Give in."
BobIshmaelOn beach party?!
MSTManos"Los Angeles: MSTie Population - 1"
* BobIshmael shakes his head back and forth.
DarkonZero"Las Vegas: We have strip clubs, and plenty of 'em! WOO!"
Timmyling"Philadelphia: Some day you'll have to come."
BobIshmaelI'd like to bash SD, but I can't think of anything I can bash.
BobIshmaelOther than the fact that I live near it.
DeRaptorHere: http://www.snickeringlemming.com/main/mtrantmo/monterey.htm
DeRaptorThat's the place where I live.
*** omega has joined #deep13
BobIshmaelGreat. It's omega.
BobIshmaelLucky us.
DarkonZero"Las Vegas: Hello....we are multinational corporation trying to make Las Vegas better, and we want your money too."
MSTManosThat is one goofy-assed... oh, shit.
Timmyling"Philadelphia: Don't mind the homeless people."
DarkonZeroSo....omega....what was the last command you told us?
MSTManosHi o-mee
BobIshmael"I want this county to burn."
DarkonZeroNot that,
MSTManosI wouldn't say such a thing about L.A.
BobIshmaelomega, plan on leaving or should we force you out?
MSTManosBesides, it already HAS burned.
TimmylingOr will you just spout another curse word?
BobIshmael<omega> fuck all off
omegaomega is away
DeRaptorMonterey: "Sick of San Jose? Come on down and screw up this place. The residents won't mind."
DarkonZeroFEWK YOU!
MSTManosNo you're not.
omegaomega is away
DeRaptorOhhh...we can annoy the afk person!
MSTManosYou're not away.
BobIshmael<omega> omega is an idiot
TimmylingWillow Grove: "We coulda' been BIG."
* DeRaptor feeds omega kibbles and bits.
MSTManosYou're not away.
omegaomega is away sinc 7:00am (eet)
DarkonZero"Las Vegas: Hey.....nudity is rampant.....come join the fun!"
MSTManosNo thanks, already did.
omega12funny now quit yer smilin! 12¶1,9:6+6D
TimmylingWillow Grove: "Don't hate us because we're concrete."
DarkonZeroomega sounds like Bob Dole.
TimmylingYeah, let's give omega a fall
* BobIshmael plays his Sound Collage.
MSTManosRomania: "oh ye and im Tom Curze"
[BobIshmael SOUND]
BobIshmaelThat's got to cheer you up.
TimmylingJeese, just forget it.
BobIshmaelMy Sound Collage, 'ling?
omega<BobIshmael> BobIshmaelis an fuck indiot
omega<BobIshmael> BobIshmael is an fuck indiot
DarkonZero"Las Vegas: Hey....you want to play for comps.....hehe!"
omega<BobIshmael> BobIshmael is an fucking indiot
Timmyling<omega> ei cant speel reit
MSTManosUh, Bob doesn't spell like that.
BobIshmaelI don't even know where to begin with that.
BobIshmaelLet me try...
MSTManosBob isn't a complete idiot, like you are omega.
BobIshmael"New! The '57 Chevy Indiot!"
*** Timmyling has quit IRC (Timmyling)
* DeRaptor gets omega a brand new collar.
DarkonZero<omega> Hi.....I'm a loser child.
*** Timmyling has joined #Deep13
DeRaptorOhh, doesn't it look cute in purple?
MSTManoswb, 'ling
* DeRaptor tousles the omega's fur.
TimmylingAaanyways.  Omega.
BobIshmaelFor a Romainian, anyway.
DarkonZero- the ~
BobIshmaelMinus the extra "i"
MSTManosRomania: "fuck off"
omega<BobIshmael> <------------------------- idiot in the us
omega<BobIshmael> <------------------------- idiot in the us
omega<BobIshmael> <------------------------- idiot in the us
omega<BobIshmael> <------------------------- idiot in the us
omega<BobIshmael> <------------------------- idiot in the us
omega<BobIshmael> <------------------------- idiot in the us
omega<BobIshmael> <------------------------- idiot in the us
TimmylingIdiot in the us?
MSTManosUh, omega, you're the idiot.
omega<BobIshmael> <------------------------- idiot in the us
DarkonZerohas has no point.
MSTManosGot that, idiot boy?
omega<BobIshmael> <------------------------- idiot in the us
omega<BobIshmael> <------------------------- idiot in the us
omega<BobIshmael> <------------------------- idiot in the us
omega<BobIshmael> <------------------------- idiot in the us
omega<BobIshmael> <------------------------- idiot in the us
BobIshmaelMaybe it's poetry?
omega<BobIshmael> <------------------------- idiot in the us
omega<BobIshmael> <------------------------- idiot in the us
omega<BobIshmael> <------------------------- idiot in the us
DeRaptorHelp, there's an idiot in us!
*** Mars sets mode: +b *!*HT_OMEGA@*.planet.ro
*** omega was kicked by DeRaptor (Quit the spamming.)
BobIshmaelThat's better.
MSTManoso-mee, you're a bastardous idiot.
BobIshmaelDe, we could have silenced him without the kick.
TimmylingRomainia: "yeyeye"
MSTManosBob, I can't control myself!
TimmylingYeah, omega is fun.
*** DeRaptor sets mode: -b *!*HT_OMEGA@*.planet.ro
MSTManosThere's no point in controlling my hate for omega!
MSTManosI'm just gonna lash out, as always.
MSTManosSo screw all that.
BobIshmaelIf we wish him to be silenced, just ban him.
BobIshmaelThat way he remains in the channel, but he shuts up.
DarkonZeroThen kick as a last resort.
BobIshmaelThat's Bob Tip #78
* BobIshmael ponders going to #oasis and telling about this constant flooding.
BobIshmaelI wouldn't mind omega being banned from this serve.
* DarkonZero thinks DarkonZero is a complete feeb.
BobIshmaelomega might. I wouldn't.
BobIshmaelserve to server.
MSTManosOmega has the intelligence of a pile of bullshit... THERE, I SAID IT!
* MSTManos mumbles
DarkonZeroBut we knew that.
TimmylingOmega is like a bowl of pus.
BobIshmaelWide and shallow?
TimmylingOmega is like a stream of bat's piss.
MSTManosOmega has the intelligence of a pile of BULLSHIT... THERE, I SAID IT!
* BobIshmael just realize no one will get that "Wide and shallow" reference.
DeRaptoromega is a little yappy pet that needs discipline.
MSTManosIf omega share's a brain with someone, he's still got half a brain.
BobIshmaelSo, De, where are you going to hold this 'con?
MSTManosOmega has more wit than a mushroom.
BobIshmaelFather Mushroom?
TimmylingMost things do.
DeRaptorI have no idea.
MSTManosWell... LESS WIT!
DarkonZeroomega is 4 quarters short of a dolar.
BobIshmaelSan Diego. Trust me on this.
DarkonZerodolar to dollar
BobIshmaelOr, I hate to say it, Vegas.
BobIshmaelVegas is ugly, though.
Timmylingomega is 52 cards short of a deck.
DarkonZeroOk...why Vegas.
* BobIshmael shrugs.
* MSTManos sighs.
BobIshmaelPeople always have 'cons in Vegas.
MSTManosLook, I didn't want to resort to this, but...
BobIshmaelComicons.. DefCons..
TimmylingVegas is icky.  Philadelphia is nice.
* DarkonZero no longer wants to sell Vegas......he doesn't even want to live there anymore.
BobIshmaelManny, it's only a few hours to SD>
MSTManosThank you.
BobIshmaelManny, it's only a few hours to SD.
TimmylingPhiladelphia is the way to go.
TimmylingPhiladelphia loves you.
TimmylingPhiladelphia needs you.
BobIshmaelActually, about one assuming no traffic.
DeRaptorHmmm...well, we could torment Hollywood...
* MSTManos thinks pink flamingos.
DeRaptorCould MST their precious movies...heehee...
TimmylingCome to the city of Brotherly Love.
DeRaptorooooh...plastic flamingos...
BobIshmael'ling, Philly bites.
BobIshmaelLA doesn't seem so bad, really.
MSTManosIn front of the local USA Networks studios.
TimmylingHave you even BEEN to Philly, Bob?
BobIshmaelI hated it.
TimmylingSure you have.
BobIshmaelStupid cracked bell.
BobIshmaelHow do you know I didn't?
MSTManosMST a movie at the Mann Chinese
BobIshmaelYou don't.
TimmylingStupid nothingness and illegal immigrants.
BobIshmaelSo be quiet.
TimmylingHow do I know that you have been to Philly?
MSTManosL.A. beats S.D. in every way when it comes to illegal immigrants.
*** Raven-x has joined #deep13
DarkonZeroLing......they have illegal immagrants almost everywhere....SHEESH!
Raven-xhello everyone
MSTManosHey there, R-x.
BobIshmaelYeah, Manny's right.
TimmylingNot in Philly, DZ.
TimmylingPhilly loves you.
TimmylingCome to Philly.
Raven-xthe coast Guard caught alot trying to sneak into the micronesian islands
DarkonZerouuuure to Suuuure.
MSTManosWell, except for entrance, since you have that there border.
DarkonZero1 to !
TimmylingPhiladelphia is superior in every way.
DarkonZeroTHE TOPIC!
DarkonZeroCAHNGE IT!
DarkonZeroomega got to me.......shit.
DarkonZeroDamned his bad spelling.
MSTManosLook, Philadelphia produced Will Smith. Now can we just admit Philly bites?
BobIshmaelNo, 'ling, it isn't. At least, I have the guts to admit LA maybe a better choice.
DeRaptoroh, 'ling, didja get yer pictsher?
BobIshmaelIt's close to Glamis, too.
Raven-xfor some stupid reason Clinton wanted the 8,000 chinese immigrants imprisoned to be released as american citizens, but that creates problems
TimmylingPhiladelphia is the city that loves you back.
TimmylingYes, De.
TimmylingTanks a buttload.
DeRaptordja like it?
BobIshmaelWe could have a MSTie camp-out.
DarkonZeroBye all.....
MSTManosLook, Philadelphia produced Will Smith. Now can we just admit Philly bites?
TimmylingI liked it.
DarkonZeroMe! I disconnect from you...all!
* DarkonZero hits the off switch on his Portal deck and disconnects to the world known as reality!
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Sun Aug 29 22:21:02 1999
Session Start: Sun Aug 29 22:22:34 1999
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is '<DarkonZero> De......when did you become a he? '
*** Set by Mars on Sun Aug 29 21:50:20
TimmylingCome to Philly and love.
MSTManoswb, DZ
BobIshmaelWB DZ.
Timmylingwb DZ.
MSTManosOkay, I have an idea.
TimmylingWe all love Philly.
MSTManosHow about we just have a con where we travel every place we've mentioned?
TimmylingPhiladelphia is the grandest city in the...tri-state area.
BobIshmaelI'm up for that.. But I doubt anyone else is.
BobIshmaelOther people have lives. And jobs.
TimmylingAnd money.
DeRaptorHmm...that sounds fun....wish it would work...
DarkonZeroIf I hear "Philly" or "Philidelphia" I'm gonna stomp a new mudhole in someone.
MSTManosWell, it was just a thought.
MSTManosI like Philly Cheese Steaks.
BobIshmaelDidn't De suggest a MSTCaliCon? Why would we go to Philly, anyway?
* DarkonZero stomps a mudhole in Manos!
MSTManosYeah! What's the big deal?
* DarkonZero stomps a mudhole in Bob!
TimmylingThe City of Brotherly Love welcomes you.
BobIshmaelHi DZ.
Raven-xPhiladelphia is a GRATE CITY IT PRODUCED WILL SMITH, oh wait never mind Philadelphia sucks
* DarkonZero stomps a mudhole in Ling!
BobIshmaelThe City of Brotherly Love can bite me..
BobIshmaelThe jerks.
TimmylingI didn't say that word, DZ.
* DarkonZero stopms a mudhole in Raven!
DarkonZeroSo...you started it.
TimmylingI said The City of Brotherly Love.
* DarkonZero stomps a mudhole in Ling!
* BobIshmael wonders if Glamis is closer to SD or LA.
* DeRaptor wishes she had a van.
DeRaptorIt could be the MSTieMobile...
TimmylingJust think about it.  You...and Philadelphia.
* DarkonZero stomps a mudhole in Ling!
* BobIshmael will be getting a Microbus..
BobIshmaelIt'll be a Camper, though. Not a Transporter.
MSTManosI was thinking...
Raven-xyou know what is hillarious about Guam is I bought Blue Oyster Cult tickets at the gas station
BobIshmaelBut it won't be anything, until I get the money.
BobIshmael"Imperial Sand Dunes Recreation Area"
MSTManosHow about we just get a map of Cali and randomly select a city?
BobIshmaelThat's the official Glamis name.
DeRaptorhmm...we'd wind up in Colterville or something.
BobIshmaelBecause most cities bite.
TimmylingOkay, okay.  California.  I'll move Philly to CA.
BobIshmaelLA and SD both have good points.
* DarkonZero stomps a mudhole in Ling!
* DeRaptor looks at Darkon and blinks.
BobIshmaelI'm assuming LA has good points.
TimmylingI'm sure there's room in CA for Philly.
BobIshmaelSD is fairly nice, if I say so.
DarkonZeroLing says it about 99% of the time.
* DarkonZero stomps a mudhole in Ling!
DeRaptorstomps...a mudhole...
TimmylingA mudhole in the shape of Philly?
* DarkonZero stomps a mudhole in Ling!
MSTManosHow many mudholes you got in your body, 'ling?
* DarkonZero goes into a corner.
TimmylingPhiladelphia doesn't appreciate your stomping, DZ.
TimmylingSupress yourself.
* BobIshmael thinks a Con is a great idea.
TimmylingOr Philadelphia will destroy you.
TimmylingPhiladelphia knows all.
DarkonZeroI'll be right back! OK.
* DarkonZero will be right back...he's off to do somethin'.
DarkonZeroI'll be right back...really, I will!
TimmylingPhiladelphia is grand.
* DarkonZero : 6,1 Something. 6,16,0.6,0
* BobIshmael ponders how much it would cost to rent a con-type building for a few days.
DeRaptorwhat the hell is the mudhole stomping thing about anyways?
TimmylingA few thou, I'd think, Bob.
Raven-xdid that transvistite comedian go to Philadelphia?
BobIshmaelA few thou isn't too bad.
* DeRaptor thinks we should choose a city, all move there, and petition to have it renamed MSTropolis.
TimmylingPhiladelphia never makes mistakes.
* MSTManos ponders stuff
BobIshmaelDe, do you know about Slab City?
DeRaptorShut up about Philadelphia, 'ling.
BobIshmaelSlab City!
DeRaptorOr I'll squeeze you.
TimmylingPhildelphia doesn't like your tone.
DeRaptorUm...where, praytell, is Slab City?
BobIshmaelIt's near...
BobIshmaelHold on, let me find out..
TimmylingSlab City, eh?
BobIshmaelSlab City is an anarchist commune, btw.
Raven-xnooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo on the front ZDTV web page they have the words "Quake film project" when will they learn video games and movies don't mix well
* DeRaptor squeezes the 'ling brutally.
DeRaptoranarchy. cool.
TimmylingPhiladelphia will punish you.
DarkonZeroRaven......it's a Quake .avi.
BobIshmaelAnarchy is the literal sense. Not burning things and worshipping satan.
MSTManosOoh. Anarchy is fun.
Raven-xoh ok
MSTManosI've learned lots from anarchist people.
* DarkonZero is back from whatever...
DarkonZeroWell, I'm back.
TimmylingAnd you wish you weren't, right.
TimmylingSay it.
BobIshmaelGlamis... http://members.aol.com/ftpupload/index.html
BobIshmaelNow to show you Slab City...
* DeRaptor puts baby clothes on the 'ling and pushes it around in a baby carriage.
*** omega has joined #Deep13
* DarkonZero tries to erase such an image.
*** omega has left #Deep13
Raven-xI have a good question, why are those two hosts on Gamespot so hidious?
DarkonZeroI have a new repulse power.....oh, wait...it's not new.
TimmylingPhiladelphia does not love as much anymore.
BobIshmaelIf we hold in con is SoCal, we have so many things to do.
TimmylingPhiladelphia is slightly pissed off.
MSTManosEspecially in L.A.
*** omega has joined #Deep13
DarkonZeroHell.....I'd go to Bumpkin Town, USA.
TimmylingHey stinker.
MSTManosDo you suppose if we couldn't agree between SD and LA, we could just do this in Orange County?
DarkonZeroIf the con was held there.
omegamanos when i was away you forgot !
MSTManosOh shit.
BobIshmaelI don't like Orange County for some reason..
MSTManosI forgot... what?
BobIshmaelToo much crime, I think.
MSTManosNo, that's L.A.
DarkonZeroomega.....do you like cheese?
BobIshmaelOh, right.
omegai hate cheese
BobIshmaelSD is virtually crime-free.
TimmylingPhiladelphia is its own county.
TimmylingPhiladelphia is amazing.
DarkonZeroomega.....do you like porno?
MSTManosI believe the only trouble SD gets is from Mexicans.
*** Mars changes topic to '<DarkonZero> omega.....do you like porno? <omega> yaeh '
MSTManosMexicans, by the way, looking to run, run, run!
DarkonZeroomega.....are you Mexican?
BobIshmaelWell, not so much SD, as SD county.
BobIshmaelWhere I live gets all the illegals.
MSTManosMexican-Romanian folk are just as stupid.
DeRaptorhmm. How can ya not like cheese?
BobIshmaelUSA! USA! Nuke all the other countries!
DarkonZeroomega.....do you like Hillary?
BobIshmaelEspecially Romania.
omegaus us
BobIshmael"Slab City (or "The Slabs," a WWII-era Marine facility where squatters and seasonal snowbirds live in old RVs and rusting vehicles among the concrete remnants)."
omegai will go to us and kill : BobIshmael MSTManos DeRaptor Timmyling
DarkonZeroomega....do you like Bucharest?
omegafuck bucharest
BobIshmaelI fear your might, omega. I'm truly scared.
* DeRaptor shakes her head.
omegait is romanian city i live in hungarian city
TimmylingOmega, don't hate the U.S.  You seem to like it.  You have shorts with the American flag on them.  
DarkonZeroomega....do you like to "love" your mom?
* DeRaptor duct tapes omega to the couch and makes him watch Manos: The Hands of Fate...UNMISTED!
omegaDarkonZero get the hell of me
BobIshmaelSlab City is nicer than it sounds.
MSTManosOmega, your water gun violence attempts don't scare us in the least.
BobIshmaelThough I don't know if it's good con material.
DarkonZeroomega....do you like to play with pies??
omegabla blabla
omegabla bla bla
DarkonZeroomega....do you like are you the anti-christ?
MSTManosOmega, your water gun violence attempts don't scare us in the least.
Raven-xhey i'm gonna play that investment chalenge game on the zdtv website, which company should i invest in, just pick a one out of no where
omegano body else has the gut to join #omega just MSTManos
DarkonZeroWait...he may inderstand.
*** Mars changes topic to '<omega> bla blabla '
MSTManosAnd yet you always kick me out.
omegathats the fun
BobIshmaelWas that you, De?
DarkonZeroomega....do you like your shoes on the wrong feet?
*** Mars sets mode: +b *!*HT_OMEGA@*.planet.ro
BobIshmaelSilence, peon.
BobIshmaelAhhhh. Much better.
BobIshmaelSo peaceful. So quiet.
BobIshmaelExcept for the voices in my head.
DarkonZeroHey....he need to answer my questions?
* DeRaptor whistles innocently.
BobIshmaelOther than that.
DarkonZeroomega....are you a pusher?
MSTManosomega, get the hell out. Now.
Raven-xso no one thinks I should buy 100,000 dollars worth of coke stocks good I saved alot of fake money
BobIshmaelCare to do the honors, De?
MSTManosThe Royal Kick
* DeRaptor thinks Manos should get to do it.
DarkonZeroWatch an "ass fly".
*** DeRaptor sets mode: +o MSTManos
TimmylingManos the op!
TimmylingAll bow down!
BobIshmaelHe's a god now.
DarkonZeroGo M!anos
TimmylingHe's above us.
*** omega was kicked by MSTManos (I ain't Tom Curze)
BobIshmaelNow de-op that mortal!
* DeRaptor wonders if she should deop Manos or op everybody...
*** MSTManos sets mode: -o MSTManos
BobIshmaelMay I?
BobIshmaelOp everyone, that is.
MSTManosWell, that was fun.
DeRaptorI like my godessliness.
BobIshmaelIt's be anarchy.
BobIshmaelIt's to it'll.
DarkonZeroI don't care if I'm oped.
DeRaptorWell, if you wanna op everybody, Bob, be my guest.
MSTManosModerate the room and make the rest of us speakers.
DeRaptorhmm...okay! :)
*** Mars sets mode: +o Timmyling
*** DeRaptor sets mode: +m
DarkonZeroI had so many more questions to ask omega?
#Deep13 Cannot send to channel
*** Mars sets mode: +o Raven-x
*** Mars sets mode: +o MSTManos
*** DeRaptor sets mode: +v BobIshmael
*** Mars sets mode: +o DarkonZero
-Mars- You are opped by BobIshmael.
*** Blue_Boy has joined #deep13
*** DeRaptor sets mode: -m
BobIshmaelI don't need a voice.
DarkonZeroUh...I don't want to be oped.
MSTManosWho wants to go first?
DeRaptorHi omega-or-friend-of-said-freak
TimmylingHi stinky.
MSTManosI wanna kick again.
Blue_Boywho is omega
MSTManosUh, don't fool us.
*** Mars sets mode: +o BobIshmael
MSTManosWe know you're omega.
BobIshmaelI couldn't figure out how to devoice myself.
Blue_Boywho is omega
MSTManosShut up.
BobIshmaelI hate Romanians.
DarkonZeroWhy is Blue Boy blue....was he doing some sort of one person activity?
MSTManosExcuse me...
Blue_Boyit is easy bob /mode #chan -v nick
*** DeRaptor changes topic to '"You're going to Minnesota to see a gumball machine and a bowling pin?" -- Kenneth Morgan's brother'
Blue_Boyfuck all hahaha
BobIshmaelShut up, omega. I know how to devoice myself like that.
Raven-xblue boy is an idiot
*** Blue_Boy was kicked by MSTManos (You're omega.)
*** Blue_Boy has joined #deep13
Raven-x<Omega> you suck buster
*** Blue_Boy has left #deep13
TimmylingBlue_Boy can suck my p....acifier.
DarkonZeroUh......please deop me.
MSTManosYou sure?
MSTManosAny doubts?
DarkonZeroNo...just me.
DarkonZeroNo doubts.
MSTManosOkay. You asked for it.
*** MSTManos sets mode: -o DarkonZero
*** Mars sets mode: +b *!*tomi@*.planet.ro
*** BobIshmael sets mode: -sno DeRaptor
MSTManosExcuse me, but I've always wanted to do this...
BobIshmaelThe hell?
*** Mars sets mode: +o DeRaptor
*** MSTManos was kicked by MSTManos (Whee!)
*** MSTManos has joined #deep13
BobIshmaelWasn't me, I swear. I was trying to de-op everyone.
MSTManosThat was fun!
* DeRaptor shakes her head.
TimmylingI wish I could take advantage of my op-ness.
TimmylingHow the heck do you kick people?
MSTManosUh... can I get opped again?
TimmylingI wanna kick myself.
Raven-xhas anyone in here ever tried that ZDTV online trade game?
DarkonZeroNot me.....
BobIshmaelI'll have to leave here real quick.
*** BobIshmael has left #deep13
DarkonZeroThough I am a registered member of ZDTV.
TimmylingSo...no one's gonna tell me how to kick?
TimmylingNot even message me?
* DeRaptor doesn't like the 2nd prediction.
* DeRaptor glares at 'ling.
DeRaptorYou freakin' pessimist...
* DeRaptor sighs.
TimmylingBMC is doomed to fail.
Raven-xto kick I think you throw your leg out as far away from your body as you can
TimmylingFunny funny.
* DeRaptor wishes the BMC wasn't doomed...or something good would happen...or...um...something.
MSTManosUm, Erhardt told me the other day that a lot of people are in denial about BMC.
MSTManosAnd I had to believe him.
* DeRaptor sighs...
DarkonZeroLing.....it's /kick omega.
DeRaptorBad bad bad.
TimmylingDenial in what way?  That it'll fail?  Or it'll pick up MST?
MSTManosWell, let's face it. BMC is almost nonexistent.
TimmylingDummy me.
MSTManosAll of the above.
MSTManosIncluding it's existence.
TimmylingCount me in, I guess.
DeRaptorwull...everything's gotta start somewhere, right?
* DeRaptor sighs.
* DeRaptor kicks things.
*** BobIshmael has joined #deep13
DarkonZeroWB Bob.
MSTManoswb, Bob.
* BobIshmael is fed up with omega now..
DeRaptorShould we just perpetually ban him?
Raven-xhey I bought a 1,000 shares in Sky Tel UI'm gonna blow away the 100,000 dollars I got in play money
BobIshmaelYou won't mind if he's k-lined, well you?
TimmylingNot at all.
BobIshmaelI just sent BEING the log of last night and right now.
DarkonZeroWell.....I'm gonna go.....I gotta get my Factory going.
TimmylingBye DZ.
DeRaptorbye bye Darkon.
TimmylingHold on.
Timmyling*** KICK :Not enough parameters
TimmylingWaah!  I wanna kick myself!
BobIshmael- /kick #channel nick
DarkonZeroOh....I forgot #channel\
DeRaptor/kick #Deep13 Timmyling in fact.
TimmylingDummy me again.
DarkonZeroBye again.
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Sun Aug 29 22:56:34 1999

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