
Session Start: Sat Aug 07 15:38:38 1999
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is 'A quick lesson in learning the British language. 1: "Nick"- To steal, or cut yourself shaving. 2: "Tax"- To steal. 3: "Steal"- To cut yourself shaving.'
*** Set by Locdog07 on Fri Aug 06 23:41:05
DarkonZeroHey all!
CalIf Sci-Fi is going to delete the MST page, I'll put it on my page
MSTAnonOoh, songs. That's never been done before. ;)
CalPeople can stubmit stuff they want
DarkonZeroSavie it Cal.
MSTAnonAnd the problem with putting the official site on one's own is that it's heavily-copyrighted stuff.
CalI have a way around that
MSTAnonA disclaimer? Wow.
CalI'm thinking of only putting Say What? and the Experiments pages up
MSTAnonBelieve me, dozens upon dozens of MSTie webmasters are just dying to mirror the official site.
MSTAnonBut, more than likely, the Satellite News will get it simply because the Brains favor them. =P
DarkonZeroWell...I just popped in to say "hi" and to watch 1013 in a few hours.....WATCH IT!
Calgot about 24 hours
MSTAnonWell, 26.25 hours.
DarkonZeroI slpt too long.
MSTAnonStupid [Enter] key.
CalI decided to make my Tripod page MST only..
DarkonZeroslpt to slept
CalI'm putting my Calvin and Hobbes page on FreeYellow
DarkonZeroMy fault!
DarkonZeroI was ready to set my VCR too,
MSTAnonCheck it out: 46 screenshots from my BBI tour one year ago today!
Calis it www.msties.com?
MSTAnonThat's the one.
DarkonZeroI'll see ya guys later.....bye
DarkonZeroMe! I disconnect from you...all!
* DarkonZero hits the off switch on his Portal deck and disconnects to the world known as reality!
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Sat Aug 07 15:44:07 1999

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