
Session Start: Thu Jul 29 23:04:20 1999
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is 'Here he is! Punt you like a hurricane!'
*** Set by BobIshmael on Thu Jul 29 21:57:06
-S9-Sentry- Hello, DarkonZero and welcome to #Deep13. My functions are as follows... @quote @gatestaff @plug @8ball <question> S9 order <something> S9 clean
S9-SentryHello, DarkonZero.
* DarkonZero hits the on switch on his Portal deck and materializes into the virtual room!
Gokuhey DZ
DarkonZeroHey ku....
BobIshmaelYeah, the BWP looks like the only good movie this summer.
DarkonZeroI might see that tomorrow.
BobIshmaelIt's an indy film, isn't it?
DarkonZeroI think
BobIshmaelI figured. Indies are usually the best.
TGoodchildBut speaking of good movies, how about Eyes Wide Shut? Anybody?
BobIshmaelHaven't seen it.
BobIshmaelLook good (and erotic), though.
* DarkonZero tries to hold bacl laughter.
BobIshmaelIt's good because of the erotica.
DarkonZerobacl to back.
BobIshmaelBacl to the future?
* BobIshmael ducks.
Sentroid99Bacl to the Future 4 & 5
DarkonZeroWhat about 6?
Gokudid BWP come out?
Sentroid99No 6 planned yet
Sentroid99only 4 & 5 are planned
TGoodchildIt's not in wide release yet, Goku
CallipyGGoodchild: I saw Eyes Wide Shut
Gokuwe don't have it yet near me
TGoodchildHow'd you like it, Callipy?
TGoodchildMe neither, Goku... *sigh*
CallipyGit was really weird
BobIshmaelWeird, like Back to the Future? Or weird like Brazil?
TGoodchildIt was really a Kubrick film for kubrick people, know what I mean?
CallipyGto state it in a 3rd grade sentence
TGoodchildWeird like... well.. Clockwork Orange.
BobIshmaelDude! Brah!
CallipyGi havent seen Clockwork Orange!  dammit!
CallipyGi've seen parts of it
DarkonZeroI seen it.....a long time ago.
TGoodchildAnd BTW, how can you consider Back to the Future weird?
BobIshmaelOkay... If he went into the past, he would have already done everything he needed to do in the past, so he shouldn't have gone in the past at all.
BobIshmaelIt's like the Terminator.
Sentroid99He didn't exactly go to the past on purpose, you know.
DarkonZeroA point made weirder!
TGoodchildAh, the self-correcting no-paradoxes allowed idea of time travel.
BobIshmaelYes! Stupid idea, time travel!
DarkonZeroIs it?
BobIshmaelYes! Stupid movies about time travel!
DarkonZeroThat's better.
Sentroid99Bite me, Bob. :P
DarkonZeroThough I liked BTTF.
*** Goku has quit IRC (buh bye)
Sentroid99You make as many ridiculous complaints as Loc does.
TGoodchildWhat else did I see this summer... anyone seen The Haunting?
CallipyGi heard it sucked.
BobIshmaelWhy, thank you.
DarkonZeroI saw The Flaunting!
* BobIshmael watches 7 Days.
BobIshmaelOkay, if he goes back in time. What happens to his past self?
BobIshmaelEverytime he goes back, shouldn't there be a copy of him?
BobIshmaelOr, at least, one copy.
Sentroid99That's what they explained in part 2.
BobIshmaelMaybe I didn't see it. How did they explain it?
Sentroid99Evidently, you haven't studied the BTTF movies as thorough as I have.
BobIshmaelOh, BTTF.
BobIshmaelI'm talking about 7 Days, but it works for BTTF too. I suppose.
Sentroid99Ok...... Biff steals the almanac from Marty in 2015 when they go there to stop Marty Jr from going to jail.
BobIshmaelYou heard him, DZ.
Sentroid99Then they go back to 1985, and find that Regular Biff now owns the entire town of Hill Valley
Sentroid99It's my major. BTTF 101
TGoodchildI always liked the Heinlein explanation of time travel...
BobIshmaelThat being?
TGoodchild"Marty, you could travel back to make your dad a stud instead of a wimp...
DarkonZeroI studied Star Wars several times....how come they never showed a Stormtrooper stepping in Dewback crap?
TGoodchild"But you didn't, because he's still a wimp, so therefore you can't."
TGoodchildTricky, eh?
Sentroid99Then Doc explains that since Old Biff gave the Almanac to Young Biff, it "alter"ed time creating an "alter"nate Hill Valley 1985
BobIshmaelWell, doesn't that make time travel impossible.
TGoodchildNo, it just makes altering the past impossible... if you really give a crap...
BobIshmaelOr, at least, changing things inn- Yeah.
Sentroid99So they have to go backwards to the time when Old Biff gave Young Biff the book, so he can't make those bets to make him rich and change his future.
BobIshmaelI do. Time travel and nuclear weapons are the few things that interest me.
BobIshmaelThat and rubber duckies.
BobIshmaelAnd Las Pistas de Blue, on Telemundo.
Sentroid99so, getting to my point, when they finally arrive in Hill Valley 1955, Doc tells Marty that both their other selves are there.
BobIshmaelNo, no. Sent! I was talking about 7 Days.
*** MSTManos has joined #deep13
S9-SentryLook alive people! MSTManos is here!!!
DarkonZeroUh.....that was six days ago Bob.
Sentroid99<Doc Brown> The other me, is Doc Brown from 1955. The other you is you from 1985. The other me is the one who helps the other you.
MSTManosI'm back... and same as ever!
DarkonZeroHey Manos....
DarkonZeroSame as ever? What inept?
Sentroid99you misspelled sane and you forgot to add in to that
MSTManosSo I did... what's your point?
BobIshmaelSent! In 7 Days, the main character goes back 7 days. He doesn't go forward in time, though. He just stays there.
Sentroid99if I ever left, I'd come back and say.  I'm back... and insane as ever!
Sentroid99Well, i've never heard of 7 Days.
TGoodchildIt's a TV show, sentroid...
* MSTManos promises never to say "I'm back... and same as ever!" again.
BobIshmaelIt's on every Wednesday at 8.
TGoodchildOh, we also had Austin Powers II this summer...
Sentroid99Ok, now i've heard of the TV show, but still, I've never watched it.
* Sound request: can't find 'minime.wav'
[Sentroid99 SOUND]
TGoodchildPretty good, except for the incredibly painful product placements...
Sentroid99And Mini-Me
BobIshmaelI just told you the plot! Now answer me! Why isn't there a copy of him in the past?
TGoodchildWhat, you didn't like Mini-Me, sentroid?
DarkonZeroIf that guy goes back 7 days.........won't he be in the news?
Sentroid99I'm not saying I didn't
Sentroid99I'm just saying it was weird
Sentroid99<Dr Evil> He's not fitting in? Is he giving off a creepy Oompa-Loompa vibe?
*** DarkonZero is now known as Mini-Zero
TGoodchilddammit, sentroid, I was about to say that!
Sentroid99<Dr Evil> Zip it!
Mini-ZeroOk...enough of the evil.
[Sentroid99 SOUND]
* BobIshmael returns to this window.
BobIshmaelSo! Looks like your degree in BTTF has gotten you nowhere, Sent!
TGoodchildSo, Bob, what sort of movies do you like?
BobIshmaelGood ones.
BobIshmaelAnything Monty Python. Brazil is good, too....
TGoodchildComedy kind of guy, huh?
Sentroid99No, because I have no knowledge of this 7 days TV show.... it's sounds like a bomb of a show at that.
TGoodchildMyself, I love the classics...
MSTManosAnyone know how long Monty Python has been on A & E?
Sentroid99a few weeks, I think
BobIshmaelYes, but I don't strictly like comedies only.
MSTManosI just discovered it last Saturday
BobIshmaelClassics, like?
Sentroid99Frankly, I think A & E's been changing it's format
Mini-ZeroI WORK ON SAT.!
TGoodchildRight now my big three are The Third Man, The Big Sleep, and Casablanca.
Sentroid99Maybe they might pick up MST?
* Mini-Zero hopes for that!
MSTManosWe better hope so
* Mini-Zero prays for that!
MSTManosCould MST co-exist with Jack Perkins?
Sentroid99But Scifi's making it that this Diabolik ep is the very last one.
*** Mini-Zero is now known as Mini-Sent
BobIshmaelAnd, TGood, I've only seen parts of Casablanca. But, all the classic movies I've seen are a lot better than newer ones.
MSTManosThe commercial shows
* Sentroid99 is startled.
BobIshmaelMore importantly, would Jack Perking guest star on MST?
Sentroid99I shall call him, Mini-Sent
MSTManosAnd, oh hell yes, the commercial shows all right...
TGoodchildI don't know why they can't write great dialogue any more...
Mini-SentHmmmm.....Jck Perking on MST3K.....
Sentroid99But Jack Perkins isn't on Biography anymore.
Mini-SentHi...I'm Peter Graves.
Sentroid99so is he even aligned with A & E anymore?
Sentroid99Peter Graves either
Sentroid99Some new old guy took over, I heard.
MSTManosJack Perking? LOL
Mini-SentPeter Graves still does Biography.
* BobIshmael just noticed that.
*** Mini-Sent is now known as PeterGrave
BobIshmaelShut up, Manny!
Sentroid99I dunno
*** PeterGrave is now known as PeteGraves
MSTManosHey, it's just a little joke, Bob
Sentroid99Uh, Mr. Graves... I have a question?
Sentroid99Have you ever seen a grown man naked?
* BobIshmael wipes a single tear from his eye.
PeteGravesI think.
PeteGravesIt was me.
PeteGravesI think.
Sentroid99uh, I mean ohh
TGoodchildMr. Graves... do you like gladiator movies?
PeteGravesWould you like to fly the S.O.L. little Sent?
Sentroid99Surely, you must be joking.
PeteGravesI'm not joking and don't call me Shirley
MSTManosOkay, Shir
*** PeteGraves is now known as ShirGraves
Sentroid99Frankly, I don't think you should call him Shirley
MSTManosOkay, sure.
* BobIshmael ponders finding an old keyboard for his semi-working 16mhz, 286 with 2megs of RAM.
BobIshmaelGeez, I sound like I'm bragging, don't I?
BobIshmaelI am.
*** ShirGraves is now known as Darkon_7
BobIshmaelYou all wish you could have a box like that.
* BobIshmael hugs the 20 pound computer.
Darkon_7D'oh.......I must be combined with my Ultra_7 nick.
*** Darkon_7 is now known as UltraZero
BobIshmaelActually, I think it weighs more than that. I can barely lift the damn thing.
TGoodchildAnyway, at the risk of changing the subject... anyone else seen The Big Sleep?
UltraZeroOh Bob.....love your computer....
*** omega has joined #Deep13
S9-SentryLook alive people! omega is here!!!
TGoodchildhey there omega!
MSTManosHey there omega
omegahow is every one
*** UltraZero is now known as DarkonZero
Sentroid99Omega Supreme?
BobIshmaelHow are we what?
*** BobIshmael is now known as Alpha
*** DarkonZero is now known as Linux
AlphaC'mon! We can get an greek alphabet thing going on!
*** Sentroid99 is now known as sigma
omegalinux much bt\etter
AlphaLinux is not is the greek alphabet!
*** Linux is now known as Zed
omegalinux much better
*** Alpha is now known as RedHat
*** sigma is now known as Unix
*** Zed is now known as Mandrake
RedHatBoy, are we having fun or what? "Or what."
RedHatBite me.
*** RedHat is now known as BobIshmael
MandrakeI can't.
*** Unix is now known as Sentroid99
BobIshmaelSure you can! You can accomplish anything!
*** Mandrake is now known as BobIshmeal
*** omega has quit IRC (Read error to omega[media-gw.planet.ro]: Connection reset by peer)
*** Sentroid99 is now known as BobIhsmael
MSTManosomega seemed like a fun guy
*** omega has joined #Deep13
BobIshmaelHe did.
S9-SentryOh look who's here, it's what's his face. Is it omega??
TGoodchildParts: The BobIshmael Horror!
MSTManosHe's back! Yay!
* BobIshmael hugs omega.
BobIshmealIt's "Appriciate Bob Day"!
BobIhsmaelOmega Supreme is back!
BobIshmaelBoy, easy audience.
*** BobIhsmael is now known as Sentroid99
*** BobIshmeal is now known as DarkonZero
BobIshmaelDamn right.
BobIshmaelomega, how are YOU doing?
DarkonZeroIt's "Depriciate Bob Day"!
S9-SentryI can't really say. You see, i'm only a bot. Ask Sentroid91.
DarkonZeroHow am I?
BobIshmaelNo one cares about you, DZ.
DarkonZerohow is Manos?
BobIshmaelWe only want to know about omega.
MSTManosI'm fine... what's your point?
DarkonZeroMY PEZ!
*** DarkonZero is now known as PEZHead
BobIshmaelomega, have you seen our PEZ?
* MSTManos stares at omega
PEZHeadWhat happened to our PEZ?
* PEZHead starts to sob......
omegawhat is PEZ
BobIshmaelomega, you didn't take our PEZ.. Did you?!
*** PEZHead is now known as DarkonZero
omegawhat is that
BobIshmaelAccording to this scan, you have our PEZ!
BobIshmaelPlease give it back.
DarkonZeroYuppers on that.
omegawhat the fuck it is
omegawhant a kill
BobIshmaelThis isn't funny, give our PEZ back now.
DarkonZeroPlease watch the language.
TGoodchildWatch the language? Do we have minors among us tonight?
omegawhat is that
DarkonZeroYou know....PEZ.
BobIshmaelIf you don't knwo what it is, then why did you take it?
*** Sentroid99 has quit IRC (Read error to Sentroid99[cc434209-a.avnl1.nj.home.com]: Connection reset by peer)
*** S9-Sentry has quit IRC (Read error to S9-Sentry[]: EOF from client)
omegawhat is that
CallipyGOmega, give back the PEZ or we'll be forced to have Mars take decisive action.
DarkonZeroHe's playing dumb.......
MSTManosOmega, we're nice people here, and we refuse to use any of that crappy potty language... oops
omegai don't now what is it
omegai'm a nice guy
omegatell me what is it
MSTManosWait a minute, we're talking about the hard candy, right?
BobIshmaelOkay, fine. We know you're a nice guy, so please give it back.
TGoodchildHey, do you think you could cut back on the casual swearing? - Hell yes!
omegatell me what is it
* CallipyG watches the firing squad (version 2.1, compliments of Tyris) line up in front of: omega If omega makes a move of any kind, they will be shot. Also, if anyone accidentally says "Fire" omega might get shot by accident so be careful.
*** BobIshmael changes topic to 'PEZ Missing from #Deep13: 13.7pu'
BobIshmael(PEZ Units)
*** BobIshmael changes topic to 'PEZ Missing from #Deep13: 13.9pu'
omegait a a candy
*** omega was kicked by CallipyG (4FIRE!)
*** omega has joined #Deep13
omegawhat is it
* CallipyG watches the firing squad (version 2.1, compliments of Tyris) line up in front of: omega If omega makes a move of any kind, they will be shot. Also, if anyone accidentally says "Fire" omega might get shot by accident so be careful.
*** BobIshmael changes topic to 'PEZ Missing from #Deep13: 14.2pu'
omegai will give it back bit tell me what is it
*** omega was kicked by CallipyG (4FIRE!)
*** omega has joined #Deep13
* CallipyG watches the firing squad (version 2.1, compliments of Tyris) line up in front of: omega If omega makes a move of any kind, they will be shot. Also, if anyone accidentally says "Fire" omega might get shot by accident so be careful.
omegaand pls stop
*** omega was kicked by CallipyG (4FIRE!)
*** omega has joined #Deep13
BobIshmaelomega, give our PEZ back!
TGoodchildwhee! Fun with bots! How... what's the word... shallow?
omegaok i guve it back
*** BobIshmael changes topic to 'PEZ Missing from #Deep13: 14.7pu'
omegabut pls shut up
BobIshmaelKnock it off! Give ALL of our PEZ back!
CallipyGGoodchild, first of all, it's called a script; second of all, it's how i kick most people.
omegabut first tell me what is it
TGoodchildwell, whichever, it's a bit lame, callipy.
*** Sentroid99 has joined #Deep13
*** Mars sets mode: +o Sentroid99
MSTManosomega, I thought we said no potty talk...
BobIshmaelPEZ is what #deep13 thrives on! IT can't exist without it!
omegapotty smotty
BobIshmaelSo stop taking it and give it back!
DarkonZeroWe really need it!
CallipyGwhy do you say that, Goodchild?
CallipyGdid I ever use it on you?
TGoodchildWell, not yet...
CallipyGthen shut the fuck up!
Sentroid99PEZ leads to hunger, hunger leads to thirst, thrist leads to more hunger
BobIshmaelQuiet, both of you! Can't you see we have a larger problem!
BobIshmaelPEZ is the mindkiller! PEZ is the little death that brings total oblivion!
TGoodchildI just think using chat to lord your programming mastery over others is a bit ... well ... silly.
TGoodchildDune fan, eh, Bob?
BobIshmaelI thought it was alright.
TGoodchildThe movie?
CallipyGi'm not lording my programming mastery over anyone.
CallipyGi'm kicking him.
BobIshmaelI don't need IRC to lord my programming mastery over others.
* Sound request: can't find 'badboycd.wav'
* omega ! waves with WavGet V1.8 (http://www.wavget.com) [badboycd.wav 553KB 3:08 11kHz 24kbit/s] [New Files]
-omega- DarkonZero badboycd.wav is on the way! [WaVGeT]
Sentroid99ick. I hated that program
BobIshmaelAnd, TGood, I've yet to read the book. So, yes, the movie.
DarkonZeroNow......the PEZ......how many units do we have left.
DarkonZero. to ?
BobIshmaelLooks like 18.3
DarkonZeroIs it still dropping?
CallipyGIf I wanted to lord my programming mastery over everyone, T, i'd do something like this:
*** BobIshmael changes topic to 'PEZ Missing from #Deep13: 15.0pu'
* CallipyG bites TGoodchild in the G!
omegaif don't unload that script i can get you g:line
BobIshmaelCallipyG: The /me Programming Master!
* omega Programming Master!
DarkonZeroBut bad speller.
omegayes it is true
TGoodchildWhat's a G!?
* MSTManos will explode in...
CallipyGit's a letter in your nick
omegayoul see
BobIshmaelErr, PEZ.
* CallipyG bites TGoodchild in the c!
* CallipyG bites TGoodchild in the i!
* CallipyG bites TGoodchild in the h!
* CallipyG bites TGoodchild in the d!
* MSTManos explodes
* CallipyG bites TGoodchild in the G!
CallipyGi'm sure you get the idea.
*** MSTManos is now known as ManosRIP
DarkonZeroUh oh.....Manos died.
omegapls come to #omega and i have something for all
CallipyGthat one probably took me longer than the firing squad.
DarkonZeroUh huh.....
Sentroid99sure we won't
BobIshmaelWe will if you give us our PEZ back!
omegaDarkonZero CallipyG and TGoodchild
DarkonZeroYes....please...our PEZ/
CallipyGWhy type /kick when you can do something more interesting?
*** BobIshmael changes topic to 'PEZ Missing from #Deep13: 15.3pu'
omegaok here is your PEX
omegaok here is your PEZ
BobIshmaelCallipy, TGood! Stop bickering and try to help get our PEZ back!
omegafuck you
DarkonZeroNo......that is not our PEZ.
BobIshmaelomega, yeah. Real funny. Seriously, give it back.
Sentroid99Mars told me to tell you guys to stop
TGoodchildHow can you have pez in IRC?
Sentroid99omega, please do not use offensive language in this channel. (You will not be warned again)
*** ManosRIP is now known as MSTManos
TGoodchildAm I getting kicked repeatedly or am I just having connection troubles?
MSTManosOmega, we've talked about that potty talk!
omegapotty smotty
* CallipyG realizes that from that last comment TGood obviously has no sense of humor and stops bickering
BobIshmaelPotty smotty? Where?!
MSTManosPotty smotty?
omegayour not funny
*** omega was kicked by BobIshmael (My not funny?)
*** omega has joined #deep13
*** BobIshmael changes topic to 'PEZ Missing from #Deep13: 15.7pu'
TGoodchildNo, I've got a sense of humor, just not a lot of IRC knowledge...
omegathat will be funny when you get k:lined
*** omega was kicked by Sentroid99 (12Don't come back til you find Bob's PEZ!)
*** Sentroid99 sets mode: +b *!*HT_OMEGA@*.planet.ro
*** Sentroid99 sets mode: -b *!*HT_OMEGA@*.planet.ro
CallipyG-Mars- omega is NOT an Irc Operator.
Sentroid99Yup. Mars knows best
CallipyGoh, he's gone
TGoodchildWow, you just kind of exiled omega, eh?
Sentroid99Anyways, who's he to come into our room and complain about us?
Sentroid99There's a thing called leaving.
TGoodchildI think he was just confused about the whole PEZ deal. So am I, now that I mention it...
BobIshmaelHe was.
Sentroid99no, I just wanted him kicked so he wouldn't come back for awhile
BobIshmaelBut, he was stupid or he was a kid, so he deserved it.
MSTManosHe's not gonna come back with that PEZ, is he?
Sentroid99note that I unbanned him right after that
Sentroid99I hope he does
TGoodchildSo, anyway, two questions.
Sentroid99omega on @#omega @#A.F.L #BAM
MSTManosHell, he was stupified!
BobIshmaelThat's why I didn't kick him (that often) and rambled on about PEZ.
*** omega has joined #Deep13
BobIshmaelThat's the whole point, Manos.
DarkonZeroOUR PEZ!
Sentroid99Did you find Bob's PEZ?
TGoodchild1. How do you get pez in IRC?
omeganop i don't get pez in irc
BobIshmaelomega, will you just check your computer?
Sentroid99well you should try. It's pretty easy.
BobIshmaelThat way you can see you took it (even if by accident).
omegahow and what to search
MSTManosHow? What?
Sentroid99for Bob's PEZ!
BobIshmaelWhat sort of computer do you have?
Sentroid99a Compac?
BobIshmaelIBM? What brand of computer?
TGoodchild2. Is all this uncontrolled scrolling on my screen caused by being kicked, or what?
Sentroid99I bet he's got a Compaq Presario, or some other brand.
MSTManosIBM? Mac? Linux Red Hat? Unix?
omegai have linux
Sentroid99On a Compaq?
omeganop 486
Sentroid99Exactly, a Compaq.
MSTManosBrand name...
BobIshmaelOkay, omega. Is there a grill on the back?
DarkonZeroWell...still you have to check it.
omegagrill nop
BobIshmaelHow about a fan?
* Sound request: can't find 'badboycd.wav'
* omega ! waves with WavGet V1.8 (http://www.wavget.com) [badboycd.wav 553KB 3:08 11kHz 24kbit/s] [New Files]
-omega- DarkonZero badboycd.wav is on the way! [WaVGeT]
omegawhat fan
DarkonZeroCooling fan.....
BobIshmaelIs there a small fan on the back of your computer?
omegalet me check
TGoodchildOkay, well, I signed on to chat, not to watch lame-ass pranks. Adios.
*** TGoodchild has quit IRC (TGoodchild)
Sentroid99is there a plug coming out of the back?
BobIshmaelWhat is TGood talking about? I think he's high.
Sentroid99Or is it flat, with two knobs? And do you have to shake it to make the picture more clear?
BobIshmaelHe needs to stop abusing drugs.
CallipyGTGoodchild is an asshole.
BobIshmaelNo fan?
omegawhat fan
BobIshmaelOn the back of your computer.
omegaon the back of the comp'
BobIshmaelBehind that fan is your ASB PCP Bus...
BobIshmaelIf you did take our PEZ, there will be two plasma lines on it.
BobIshmaelIf you didn't there won't be any lines.
BobIshmaelCan you see the ASB PCP Bus?
omegano lines
*** TGoodchild has joined #Deep13
DarkonZeroAre you sure?
BobIshmaelHow can you see that? Do you have a flashlight or something?
omegayes i'm sure
TGoodchildOkay, nevermind...
omegayes that is my network adapter
TGoodchildI gotta admit I'm curious to see how the prank turns out.
MSTManosNetwork adapter?
BobIshmaelNo, next to the network adapter.
MSTManosOoh, impressive
omegayes i have netwok
omegayes i have network
BobIshmaelThe ASB PSP Bus is next to your adapter, BEHIND the fan, and next to the RSVP Chipset.
* Sound request: can't find 'badboycd.wav'
* omega ! waves with WavGet V1.8 (http://www.wavget.com) [badboycd.wav 553KB 3:08 11kHz 24kbit/s] [New Files]
MSTManosNo, you don't have network?
-omega- DarkonZero badboycd.wav is on the way! [WaVGeT]
BobIshmaelIt's not next to the fan, it's behind it.
MSTManosThe movie with Peter Finch? You don't have that?
omegayes i have then how do i have internet
TGoodchildRSVP Chipset...  that's the module that responds to invitations automatically, right?
MSTManosUh...how about via modem?
omegai have out modem
* Sentroid99 is afk
MSTManos(Yeah, right)
BobIshmaelomega! I just scanned you again, you do have it! Look again.
omegaif you guys ask again something there is a room for every one in my ignore list
omegai don't have it
BobIshmaelThen why does this scan say you do?
omegai have just about top of you
MSTManosUh, then why are we here instead?
omegadon't get me upset
Sentroid99You know. Someone once told me, if you don't like it, then leave.
BobIshmaelWhat about us? We're upset that you took our PEZ!
CallipyGThere might be a room for everyone on your ignore list... but we're not on your ignore list
omegayou will be
TGoodchildAnywhoo, as I said long ago... anyone seen 'The Big Sleep'?
CallipyGAnd when we do get there, we ain't budging from #Deep13
BobIshmaelHold on, is he saying he's ignoring everyone on this server?
Sentroid99So basically, it's an empty threat, omega.
DarkonZeroI guss so.
omegafuck you
*** omega has left #Deep13
CallipyGWhen you look at it that way, Bob, yes
MSTManosWhat have we said about that potty mouth, omega... oh, he's gone
TGoodchildWhat am I missing here?
DarkonZeroAnd hence he left.
Sentroid99well that was FUNNT!
CallipyGWhat an incredible closing statement!
TGoodchildYeah... destroying some random stranger... fun.
*** omega has joined #Deep13
TGoodchildI'm beind ignored, aren't I?
omegaif you whant it you have to beg
Sentroid99Back to annoy us some more?
CallipyGomega's got NETWORK!
DarkonZeroOh....you're back....with our PEZ I assume?
TGoodchildIt would help if I could spell, huh?
MSTManosThe 1975 Peter Finch movie!
*** TGoodchild has quit IRC (TGoodchild)
DarkonZeroYes....he is....TGoodshoes.
MSTManos2,0You were kicked from #omega by Blue_Boy (!!!!!BOOM!!!!!)
CallipyGTGood:  is mirc ignoring you? No.  am I ignoring you? Yes.
CallipyGof course, he left before i said that.
*** BacallNBog has joined #Deep13
CallipyGOmega, don't you dare disrespect me
CallipyGI'm 52 years old
Sentroid99That's sorta sad. I mean it seems as though are friend here, is trying to be a room.
CallipyGI was in Nam
MSTManos<Blue_Boy>  MSTManos has been placed on the Shut The Fuck Up List. One word from you and your gone. =)
*** BacallNBog has quit IRC (BacallNBog)
CallipyGI got my fucking legs blown off by the Viet Cong
MSTManos2,0*** You were kicked from #omega by Blue_Boy (YOU have been WaveBanned!!!! We dont like you! >=|)
CallipyGi demand RESPECT, boy! RESPECT!
* Sound request: can't find 'mombitch.wav'
* omega ! waves with WavGet V1.8 (http://www.wavget.com) [mombitch.wav 539KB 69,0 Sec 8bit Mono 8,0kHz] [All Files]
Sentroid99Cause you'll find.... that sooner or later..... you won't be able to amount to JACK SQUAT!
*** BobIshmael has quit IRC (Ping timeout for BobIshmael[dialup-])
-omega- DarkonZero mombitch.wav is on the way! [WaVGeT]
[Sentroid99 SOUND]
*** Bacall has joined #Deep13
BacallWell, not literally.
BacallI'm a huge fan.
MSTManos(Psst! Is that a good thing?"
MSTManos(Psst! Is that a good thing?)
CallipyGyeah? well
DarkonZeroI'm not sure.
Sentroid99Why would you want to be Lauren Bacall? You're supposed to be TGoodchild.
omegahey mrs owner
* CallipyG ! waves with WavGet V1.9
BacallYeah, see... I was having some form of computer trouble?
BacallSo I wanted to start back at square one.
MSTManos2,0*** You were kicked from #omega by Blue_Boy (Blue_Boy)
Sentroid99Mrs Owner? Wasn't that Andy Griffth's neighbor in The Andy Griffith Show?
CallipyGSent, I believe it's referring to me, so to humor it...
*** CallipyG is now known as Mrs_Owner
* Mrs_Owner wonders where Mr_Owner is
BacallSo what's going down now?
*** DarkonZero is now known as omiga
Sentroid99omega, stop harrassing the poor woman!
MSTManos5,0-omega- if you say a nother word what i did your a gonner got it
*** Sentroid99 is now known as Mr_Owner
Mrs_Ownerthere you are.
Mr_OwnerGet off my friggin yard you damn kid!
omegawhat the
omegachannel is this
omigaI'm omiga.
omegaomiga get of my alternative
Mr_OwnerThis would be #Deep13, the Mystery Science Theater 3000 channel
*** omiga is now known as Om-ida
BacallAmazing how dropping one letter from off screws up a whole sentence...
Mr_OwnerBut of course, your mind wouldn't know about that, would it?
MSTManos2,0*** You were kicked from #omega by omega (omega)
BacallNow you're gettin' it...
Mr_OwnerMy God! Omega is O.J. Simpson!
*** Om-ida is now known as omaga
omagaI'm omaga
*** Mrs_Owner is now known as omuga
*** MSTManos is now known as omoga
BacallHow do you change your name?
*** Mr_Owner is now known as omyga
omugaBacall: try /nick, but i dunno if it'll work on java
*** FourSpeed has joined #deep13
omagaWe like omega......so we try to be.
*** Bacall is now known as TGoodchild
omygahello there, FourSpeed
TGoodchildAh... that's more like it.
omugai have a Twenty-One Speed
*** dhunter has joined #Deep13
*** dhunter has left #Deep13
omegaany one whanc wave ban
omogaWhoa, where are all these people coming from?
omagaI had a ten speed...then it went down to 2 speed.
TGoodchildAre we doing anything but toying with omega's mind?
FourSpeedhow many "clones" are in here anyway (and do I really want to know????)
omugaomoga: i bet they're omega's friends
omygaonly one. Omega's the clone
*** omoga is now known as omega2
*** Prometheus has joined #Deep13
omega2Hey there Prom
*** omaga is now known as omega3
TGoodchildAn entire war over a minor reference to PEZ..
omega3Hey Prom.
PrometheusHi, everyone
TGoodchildAm I being ignored?
omugahehe... Prom walked in at such a quirky time
omugaNo, Goodchild... you're just being cynical
TGoodchildActually I'm mainly being confused.
omega2Gotta go, folks. Lemme know what happens.
omygak, c-ya
PrometheusSee ya
*** omyga is now known as omega_
*** omega2 has quit IRC (Leaving)
*** omega3 is now known as O-mega
TGoodchildWhat am I missing here?
O-megaWe are the omega fan club.
omega_Mr. O Mega
omegalets party
*** Blue_Boy has joined #deep13
omugahey, did the big man himself ever give us back our PEZ?
omega!party on
* Blue_Boy has enabled the Partyline, with currently 0 user(s), type !joinp to join it.
O-mega!bite me
*** Blue_Boy has left #deep13
TGoodchildI think I'm looking like an idiot to you folks?
TGoodchildAm I right?
omegabye and fuck you
omugaNo, you're just looking cynical!
*** omega has quit IRC (don't have much fun with out me)
O-megaUh huh.
omega_yeah, you do that, omega
*** omega_ is now known as Sentroid99
*** omuga is now known as CallipyG
*** FourSpeed has left #deep13
O-megaT....we do this.....cause we can.
*** O-mega is now known as DarkonZero
DarkonZeroThat was fun.....
Sentroid99how bout we give him a visit from our good buddy Lodovik?
DarkonZeroDo it!
TGoodchildThings back to (semi) normal?
CallipyGWhere is our good buddy Lodovik?
*** Lodovik has joined #Deep13
*** Lodovik was kicked by Sentroid99 (Sentroid99)
*** Lodovik has joined #Deep13
LodovikGreetings, Lodovik.
Lodoviki'm right here
Lodovikcrud, omega left now!
*** Lodovik has quit IRC (Leaving)
TGoodchildSee, I just sign on to IRC to *talk* - am I missing the point?
DarkonZeroT.....IRC is not just for talk.
TGoodchildI see that - but stuff like what just happened just irritates me.
CallipyGDZ couldnt have said it better
CallipyGDon't be one-dimensional
CallipyGHave fun!
TGoodchildWell, see, when stuff like that happens... I don't know what's going on..
TGoodchildI get lost.
CallipyGT, we were lost too
CallipyGdo you think we all knew who each other were?
CallipyG[that sentence coulda been better phrased, undoubtedly]
TGoodchildNo, no, I mean spending a half an hour playing tricks on omega...
TGoodchildI lose sight of the point.
*** Lunanick has joined #Deep13
CallipyGSome stuff in life doesn't have a point... you do it just for the hell of it
Sentroid99hello there, Lunanick
LunanickLife has no point.
DarkonZeroAnd neither do we.
LunanickYou just do it for the hell of it.
CallipyGthats something i wish my dad would learn
TGoodchildLet me rephrase... I don't particularly enjoy it - I get bored and frustrated.
CallipyGYeah, Lunanick, but some things in life have a point
LunanickLike what.
CallipyGothers don't
Sentroid99Everything happens for a reason. Like I'm getting fired from Drug Fair so I can get that vacation I wanted.
TGoodchildI'd rather talk than mock strangers, see.
DarkonZeroWe talk......just we do it differently.
CallipyGi go to work every day, Lunanick, so i can make money
CallipyGgoing to work has a point
CallipyGit may suck, but it has a point
DarkonZeroYes....going to work has a point.
TGoodchildMaybe I'm just jealous because the focus of the conversation got snatched away from me...
CallipyGuh, T, i dont think there WAS a focus
DarkonZeroJealous....what is there to be jealous of?
DarkonZeroWe neever focus...unless we want to.
TGoodchildWell, see, before, people were actually responding when I talked... I like that... keeps me interested.
DarkonZeroWe are interested in only weirdness....
DarkonZeroSome of the time.
DarkonZeroAnd fun....
CallipyGChaos is fun.
CallipyGOrder is not fun.
DarkonZeroChaos...and fun....go hand in hand.
*** CallipyG changes topic to '<DarkonZero> Chaos...and fun....go hand in hand.'
TGoodchildWell, I'm an architect... I have a perverse fascination with order (and Lauren Bacall)
DarkonZeroArchitecture it has too muh order.
DarkonZeromuh to much
*** Lunanick has quit IRC (Read error to Lunanick[sdn-ar-001idboisP066.dialsprint.net]: Connection reset by peer)
TGoodchildhey, hey... I don't bad-mouth your life's work, do I?
CallipyGits not bad-mouthing, T, its his opinion
DarkonZeroNo......but there is order, and ther is chaos.....you gotta face both.
DarkonZerother to there
DarkonZeroSee....this is chaos.....
TGoodchildWell, duh. Architecture is about shaping the environment to human needs - and humans are the most chaotic force in the universe...
DarkonZeroAnd this is talk.....and you said there was no talk.
CallipyGthat's why it has so much order
TGoodchildNo, I said I prefered talk.
CallipyGi hope you realize that, being an architect and all
DarkonZeroWe are fans of a funny (and chaotic) show.
DarkonZeroThat's why we are the way we are.
CallipyGT, are you a Republican?
TGoodchildTough question.
TGoodchildI'm a registered Democrat, a knee-jerk Libertarian, an optimistic anarchist, and a fan of Ayn Rand.
TGoodchildGot that?
DarkonZeroThat we do.....
CallipyGknee-jerk Libertarian?
*** Sentroid99 has quit IRC (Ping timeout for Sentroid99[cc434209-a.avnl1.nj.home.com])
TGoodchildYeah, my first impulse is "Why do we need a government to do *whatever*"
CallipyGthat's a good first impulse.  A good second and third impulse too, i might add.
DarkonZeroMine is.....why as there ever a government.
DarkonZeroas to was
DarkonZeroI lose a bunch of letters, hehe.
TGoodchildAnyway, all I was trying to say was that I don't see the humor in screwing with omega.
TGoodchildDidn't need to bring chaos and order and whatnot into it.
DarkonZeroWell....we always mess with someone.
CallipyGNo, I didn't, but what the hell?
DarkonZeronot all the time......just who we think deserves it.
DarkonZeroWell.....me and Bob.....that pretty much sums it up.
CallipyGdid you happen to grasp omega's probable mental capabilities, T?
TGoodchildSo he was slow... at least he seemed slow in IRC.
TGoodchildI was slow when I started doing this... hell, I still am.
CallipyGyeah, well that's where the "probable" comes into play.
TGoodchildSee, I identified with omega a bit.
CallipyGYes, but you don't have an ego about you
DarkonZeroActually omega has knowledge of IRC.......
TGoodchildOh, you'd be surprised, Callipy...
DarkonZeroThough he was poor at it.
CallipyGIt hasn't shown, T, or else you'd be "exiled" along with him
TGoodchildWell, besides, omega's problem wasn't ego, it was simple manners.
TGoodchildEgo is a good thing (most of the time)
CallipyGNo, if you go deeper, it was his ego that was the problem.
CallipyGTo a certain extent, it is.
TGoodchildAnyway... debating psychology through a computer is dangerous...
TGoodchildIt's getting on towards 2 AM in Roswell... think I may call it a night.
CallipyGall righty then\
DarkonZeroHave a good night.
CallipyGit's been fun... we don't get many truly intelligent people passing through here much.
TGoodchildadios, all!
*** TGoodchild has quit IRC (TGoodchild)
CallipyGthey are usually the caliber of omega
DarkonZeroYes...that is true.
DarkonZeroAnd that's why w mess.
DarkonZerow to we
DarkonZerome and Bob, that is.
CallipyGTGood just needs to lighten up a little and he'll be fine
* CallipyG snaps fingers in the air for Prom
DarkonZeroMust be dead.
CallipyGOr you-know-where, talking with you-know-who (wink wink)
*** Prometheus has quit IRC (Read error to Prometheus[max1-80.indianapolis.corecomm.net]: No route to host)
CallipyGstill could be you-know-where
CallipyGjust not here
DarkonZeroLemme check.
CallipyGcheck for you-know-who too
*** Prometheus has joined #Deep13
DarkonZeroCrap...I'm lagd out.
DarkonZerolagged I mean
DarkonZeroWell folks...I'll see ya later....I gotta go. Gotta get up early in the morning.
PrometheusSee ya, DZ
CallipyGi'm leaving too
DarkonZeroMe! I disconnect from you...all!
* DarkonZero hits the off switch on his Portal deck and disconnects to the world known as reality!
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Fri Jul 30 01:00:57 1999

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