
Session Start: Sun Jun 27 13:49:19 1999
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is '2http://www.solbase.com <teenMSTie> Isn't Mr. Bean british comedy? Because if it is I am going to spank the queen of england so hard she'll cakk biw'
Locdog07Found the movie yet, Cam?
* DarkonZero hits the on switch on his Portal deck and materializes into the virtual room!
DarkonZeroHey all....
DarKrowHey DiscoveryZone
Prometheus17Hi, DZ.
TheCambotHaven't left, Loc.
* BobIshmael coughs.
TheCambotI have to leave some time to do laundry.
BobIshmaelSo, uh, attend anything recently?
TheCambotWho, me?
* BobIshmael waves to Film Cam.
Prometheus17Can anyone tell me a site with MST3K wavs?
DarkonZeroWell....I thought I just pop in......I gotta go soon.....work.
*** Lodovik has quit IRC ((signed off))
TheCambotThere's one really good one.
* Locdog07 can't stop listening to The Saga Begins
DarkonZeroProm.......Area 51
TheCambotI'll look for it.
TheCambotLoc, I didn;t like that song.
Locdog07Why not?
TheCambotI only read the lyrics.
Locdog07Oh my
Locdog07You have to see it
Locdog07It's so amazing
Locdog07Hear it, even
TheCambotI didn't DISlike it, it just wasn't that funny.
Locdog07It's not meant to be funny
Locdog07It's telling the story
Locdog07I love it.
DarKrowArea 51 IS real
Locdog07If you ever hear it, it's clear he's not trying to make a joke or anything..
TheCambotWell then what's the point?
* Locdog07 loves it
DarkonZeroOnce again.....
DarKrowI like the song Mr. Roboto by Styx
DarKrowand Peace Frog by the Doors
Locdog07It's a song. What's the point in any song?
*** Lodovik has joined #Deep13
*** Lodovik sets mode: +o Lodovik
TheCambotI'm gradually learning to hate Weird Al.
Prometheus17wb, load.
* Locdog07 doesn't even know who he is
TheCambotBut why sing about that unless it's funny?
Prometheus17oops lodo
BobIshmaelYep, a big steaming load.
DarKrowWB Ts
TheCambotWhat, Loc?
TheCambotYou don't know who Weird Al Yankovic is?
Locdog07Why does a song about Star Wars have to be funny?
TheCambotYou're listening to his song, dip!
Locdog07He's not exactly known over here.
DarkonZeroWell....I'm goin' now...later all.
Locdog07I know that, Cam
*** Lodovik has quit IRC ((signed off))
DarkonZeroMe, I disconnect from you...all!
* DarkonZero hits the off switch on his Portal deck and disconnects to the world known as reality!
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Sun Jun 27 13:53:52 1999

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