
Session Start: Wed Aug 23 21:45:57 2000
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is '<IncredibleMeltingMan> I snot!'
*** Set by Locdog07 on Wed Aug 23 20:04:18
DeRaptorwow...they woulda blown a fuse at that.
Locdog07Yeah, I figured.
DarkonZeroWell......seems that Qrow is complaining about DK banning him.
DarKrowQrow deserved it
DarKrowWhat's up DZ?
TimmylingQrow can go...do some things that don't involve us.
Locdog07Hey DZ.
DarkonZeroOh me......not much......I thought I'd drop in...God told me to.
Locdog07Alanis Morrisette spoke to you???
DarKrowGod, huh... great timing
Locdog07oh, wait...
DarKrowwe've been tearing this site apart
Locdog07or reading it,.
* jasoN looks up
[jasoN SOUND]
* DarKrow listens to Pac-Man Fever '99
DeRaptorheheh...they don't even mention taoism in their discussion of the ying yang.
* Timmyling eyes the Sit and Spin cartoonist's IRC handle..."pixelicious."
Locdog07she said "Big Ones" is the only net comic that makes her laugh out loud
Locdog07She's a bubbly dumb head.
DarkonZeroCapalert.com? Is it a warning that caps will be revolting soon?
TimmylingNothing would please me more than to slowly suffocate this girl.
Locdog07want to talk to her, 'ling?
TimmylingNot especially.
DarKrowit's a Christian Movie Review site
Locdog07I thought you woulda wanted to yell at her, 'ling
IncredibleMeltingManOh.....Hi, DZ!
TimmylingIt's a lot more fun behind her back, and I would feel extremely guilty if I did, Loc.
Locdog07You've got guilt?
* Locdog07 gives 'ling a vaccine for that
TimmylingI get guilt from giving people food.
DarkonZeroAfter you spit in it, eh?
DarKrowThey didn't watch more than 70 minutes of Bulworth
TimmylingThat's beside the point.
* Timmyling considers adding a webcomic review page to his page.
Locdog07That'd be good
DarKrowyeah! yeah!
Locdog07be honest
DeRaptoryeah, trash my crap!
TimmylingI will be.
* Locdog07 trashes De's crap for free
DarkonZeroI already have a destruction of the world page started....why not that. Sounds good.
TimmylingBut not many people agree with my opinions.
* Locdog07 stomps a mudhole on Phil until she rises up and crushes him like a bug
DarkonZeroI disagree.
TimmylingAnd my site is completely unknown.
* Timmyling ponders ways to promote this theoretical webcomic review page.
TimmylingWell, there's #webcomics, for one.
TimmylingI don't go on newsgroups.
DarkonZeroTheoretical webcomics? An idea that had many a scientist laughed at.
Locdog07Scientists are always laughed at them, look at them.
Locdog07They wear white labcoats, that is a fashion no-no.
TimmylingLike the supermodel from Puma Man.
TimmylingWith a see-through hat and zebra-style top to "match."
DarkonZeroOh....BTW...ATTMTN is dead.
* Timmyling mourns.
Locdog07Too... much... abbreviation... too... strong...
TimmylingWell, more than half of its members have left D13.
DarkonZeroRemarQ was purchased.......
DarkonZeros another reason.
DeRaptorDid BobIshmael just drop off the face of the earth or what?
DarkonZeroIt's still on the Supernews servers....for a fee to look at it.
Locdog07I think the face of the earth dropped off him.
TimmylingManos has told me the truth about BIshmael, but I'm not about to disclose it here.
DarkonZeroBob is in ol' San Diego.....living it up with Elvis and Jerry Garcia.
DarkonZeroQrow and his topic changing......
* Timmyling ponders the webcomic review page's design.
DarkonZeroJust have a huge header on the page that says "Pure Crap!"......sums it up well, eh?
* IncredibleMeltingMan eeps at a yin yang being an "offense to God" at capalert and giggles at Scary Movie's score of -192
DeRaptorThe TRUTH about BobIshmael, eh?
DeRaptorThat oughtta be......interesting....
DeRaptorWas he at the con?
*** MSTAnon has left IRC
DarkonZeroWell....seems that question made Anon leave.
DeRaptorand what was Anon doing on?
* Locdog07 blinks
Locdog07Anon was Bob!
DarkonZeroBob would kill after hearing that.
DeRaptorSo what IS Bob?
DarkonZeroI'll e-mail him that question....he'll answer promptly.
DarkonZero<Darkon> What are you Bob? <Bob> DIE!
DarKrowand where is Bob
DeRaptor11,2Magical Evil Random Quote With "go to hell" In It: 2,11<BobIshmael> I should really learn some impulse control. <DeRaptor> wow...did BOB just say that...? <BobIshmael> GO TO HELL! 11,2 quotes found: 1
Locdog07dude, heheh
DeRaptorAnd was that a pic of him on his website, even though he said it isn't.
Locdog07De is so interested in Bob
* Locdog07 snickers
DarkonZeroBob might show up........but since the word of him being online after hours might have pissed him off.
DeRaptorI'm curious, you feeb@
* DeRaptor wonders what capalert would think of mst....
Tiggernite all!
DeRaptorbye femmetigger
*** MSTAnon is on IRC
DeRaptoraaaand there's anon again.
DarkonZero<Capalert> MST3K......PURE SATANIST EVIL!
Tiggernite all!
IncredibleMeltingManNitey night.
Tiggerbye peoples
*** Tigger has left #deep13
DarkonZeroSince when are we peoples?
DeRaptorwait...tiffany...tiger? Like that suburban jungle comic?
DarKrowI am offended by the concept of being a 'people'
DeRaptorI am never a peoples.
Locdog07Soylent Green is made from peoples
*** UrbanD is on IRC
*** UrbanD has joined #Deep13
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o UrbanD
* UrbanD pimps his way in, wondering... where my niggaz?
Locdog07hey Urb
* Sound request: can't find 'wheremy.wav'
[UrbanD SOUND]
IncredibleMeltingManHey there, Urban.
DarkonZeroWell....hekko Urb.
DeRaptor'lo urbie.
DarKrowhttp://www.capalert.com/capreports/missiontomars.htm Oh, my god!
DarkonZeroCapalerts views on the CBS TV movie of Jesus..... <Capalert> PURE SATANIST EVIL!
TimmylingHey Urb.
TimmylingWhat's Bob's site's URL?
TimmylingWhere's this supposed picture of him on the site?
UrbanDmission to mars offense to God: "teaching of evolution and false origins of life"
DarkonZeroIt's on the "Worst webpage ever made" section.
TimmylingOh, that one.
DarKrowCrosswinds is being a bitch
UrbanDas per usual.
DarkonZeroOh....BTW....HOLY SCHNIKES! Got enough ops?
DarKrowthe nCP Bunch?
TimmylingSo far evolution has had overwhelming and conclusive evidence, while even one shred of creationism evidence is yet to turn up.
*** DarKrow is now known as Theocrat
*** DarKrow has left IRC
TheocratScience is Satan's work!
TheocratScince's only purpose is to defame God!
Theocratand Evil-Lution is a lie!
DeRaptorAnd them feathered dinosaur fossils and ape humans was made by satanists!
DarkonZero<Scientists> We are here to defame God....God didn't make the universe........it was all caiuse of some space thinga-ma-jig.
Timmyling<Ned Flanders> Science is like a guy who ruins a movie by telling you the end!
UrbanDdoes anyone have a sure-fire way to crash explorer?  (no jokes please)
TheocratAll those Scientists are heathens!
TimmylingThat Simpsons episode kind of sucked, but the quote's idiocy stands.
*** Theocrat is now known as DarKrow
*** DarKrow is on IRC
DarKrowI hate religion
* DarKrow finally views Bob's site... and vomits
DarkonZeroBob was in his colorful stage in life.
UrbanD<De> lookit me make cool enyes!
DarkonZeronauseatingly colorful.
UrbanDtechnicolor yawns?
DarKrowCrosswinds is being a bitch
UrbanDas per usual.
* Timmyling designs a logo for his webcomic review page..."And Then Some."
* Locdog07 blinks
TimmylingDumb name, or...?
DarkonZeroAnd then some....
Locdog07I just didn't get it
UrbanDjesus fuck, i fucking hate the entire goddamn windows OS.
* Timmyling thinks of an alternate.
*** UrbanD has quit IRC (Quit: this is your world in which we grow, and we will grow to hate you.)
*** UrbanD has left IRC
DarkonZeroHow about "And now for something completely different"? Eh? Eh?
* Locdog07 thinks Urb had a pretty good one
Locdog07oh, wait... he was just mouthing off, nevermind
TimmylingNaw, it's kind of unoriginal.
* Locdog07 sends Urb's little comments off to capalert
Locdog07"Jesus fuck, implies sexual activity with Jesus Christ. This is unacceptable."
DarKrowThey look WAY too deep
Timmyling"'jesus fuck, i fucking hate the entire goddamn windows OS' implies wanton violence and hate.  This is unacceptable."
*** TonicBH has joined #Deep13
* TonicBH enters #Deep13 from Mobius, Carrying a pair of RC-P90s.
DarKrowHey Tonic
* DarKrow shoots Tonic with a BFG
* TonicBH just watched Survivor
TimmylingHey, how about "Needle In A Haystack?"
DeRaptor'lo TBH.
Locdog07Thats gud, 'ling
DarKrowHow about "Web Comic Reviews"
TimmylingUh-oh.  DK's gon' be angry at chew, Tonic.
DarKrowI don't care
DarKrowI don't care
DarKrowI don't care
* DarkonZero feels the need to make fun of people while playing Counter-Strike.......
DarKrowI don't care
DarKrowI don't care
DarKrowI don't care
DarkonZeroLater all.
DarKrowBuy DZ
Locdog07Bye DZ
TimmylingBye DZ.
Locdog07DarKrow, don't go, it's too dangerous.
DarkonZeroSay goodbye to me! I'm going M.I.A.!
* DarkonZero hits the off switch on his Portal deck and disconnects to the world known as reality!
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Wed Aug 23 22:22:52 2000
Session Start: Wed Aug 23 23:08:29 2000
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is '<IncredibleMeltingMan> I snot!'
*** Set by Locdog07 on Wed Aug 23 20:04:18
DeRaptorwb deez
DarkonZeroThanks DK.....
DarkonZeroAnd who is this "deez" guy?
IncredibleMeltingManHey there, Darkon
Locdog07The Beadly Deez
DarkonZeroOk......hekko to all!
IncredibleMeltingManEep.....Loc thinks your bedly.
* Locdog07 eeps
Locdog07I said beadly
Locdog07I meant I can put beads in his hair
DarkonZeroUm...no thanks.
DarkonZeroNo need for beads.
DarkonZeroThough they may be quite lovely during the spring.
* Locdog07 should probably get going
Locdog07Bye folks.
DarkonZeroAwww.......don't go Lambeck!
*** Locdog07 has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
*** Locdog07 has left IRC
DarkonZeroI coulda called him Shoes McGee.
DarkonZeroBut I refrained.
DarkonZeroI'll refer to N as Shoes McGee.......
DarkonZeroShoes McGee is sure quiet.
DarkonZeroHEY SHOES!
DarkonZeroDamn you then Shoes.
DarkonZeroDAMN YOU!
* jasoN looks up
DeRaptorwow....darkon, are you in "slithering flesh seeing" mode?
DarkonZeroAh...there's Shoes McGEe.
DarkonZeroAwww......Qrow needs #Deep13......he says it's his life.
DarkonZeroThen he corrects himself.
DarkonZero<Qrow> well most of it..
DarkonZero<Qrow> i do have a real world life however i prefere this one...
jasoNtell him that i said "ARRRRRRRR!"
* jasoN gonna go
DarkonZeroLater Shoes.
* jasoN jasons out!
*** jasoN has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
*** jasoN has left IRC
DarKrowI'll Be Back Tomorrow
DarKrowor later today
DarKrowor whatnot
DarkonZeroI'm surprised De remember the thing that sorta creeped her out the last time I brought it up.
*** DarKrow has quit IRC (Quit: * DarKrow opens the Multiverse Vortex and jumps in. The vortex closes behind him. ( http://www.electricstoat.com/rich ))
*** DarKrow has left IRC
DarkonZeroOne by one...I kil them.
DarkonZerokil.....the new shortened version.
DarkonZeroI'll be right back! OK.
* DarkonZero will be right back...he's off to do somethin'.
DarkonZeroI'll be right back...really, I will!
* DarkonZero : 6,1Get some eats....6,16,0.6,0
* DarkonZero is back from whatever...
DarkonZeroWell, I'm back.
DarkonZeroDamn eats.....too hot.
IncredibleMeltingManYep!  Good to have you back!
DarkonZeroyou're just saying that.
* DarkonZero wonders if Qrow know what "paraphrasing" is.........
DarkonZeroQrow says he wants De........to use her ol' Cambot script to so he can join in our banter.
DeRaptoreep...dunno if that even works anymore.
DarkonZeroQrow is really saying your name alot De......
DarkonZeroHe even put it in the #SOL topic.
DarkonZeroPoor sap......
DeRaptorfreak even?
DarkonZeroI like "sap" better.
DarkonZeroSay it with me....
* DarkonZero gets out a gun...
DarkonZeroSAY IT!
IncredibleMeltingManYou won't fire that gun.  You wuss!
* DarkonZero fires the gun.....
DarkonZeroMY FOOT!
IncredibleMeltingManThe gun is now out of a job!
DarkonZeroBad pun.....bad pun....whatcha gonna do....whatcha gonna do when they hurt you........
IncredibleMeltingManWho's gonna hurt me?
DarkonZeroBad puns.
DarkonZeroThat's who.
DarkonZerothey're already damaging my liver.
* DeRaptor pokes melt.
* IncredibleMeltingMan wakes up!
DarkonZeroOne wakes up....while the other sleeps.
DarkonZero<BobIshmael> How very odd.....
DarkonZeroHush Bob!
DarkonZero<BobIshmael> Go to hell.
* DeRaptor dances!
IncredibleMeltingManWhatcha dancing to?
DarkonZeroPssst....she's gone crazy.
IncredibleMeltingManHeheh...so you just look like a frak dancing in the silence.
IncredibleMeltingManfreak, even
IncredibleMeltingManShe's been crazy!
DeRaptorI AM crazy!
DarkonZeroI know...I just had to say something.
* DeRaptor grabs melt and makes him dance too.
DeRaptordance, you nutty nut nuts!
DarkonZeroUm.......should I be seeing this?
IncredibleMeltingManGah!  Shame on you, DZ.
* DeRaptor runs
DarkonZeroI was saying that if I was watching this....it will forever warp my mind.
DarkonZeroTwo nuts just dancing to silence.
DeRaptorbut I thought it was already warped.
DarkonZeroNo it's tarnished.
IncredibleMeltingManYour mind is stupid, anyway.
* IncredibleMeltingMan is mean now!
DarkonZeroNo thanks to you.
DarkonZeroYou mad eme stupid.
IncredibleMeltingManYeah!  You shouldn't be so influenced!
DeRaptoryep yep.
DarkonZeroI am influenced by the toads.....nothing more.
DarkonZeroYou just made me stupid.
IncredibleMeltingManThe tiny toads?
DarkonZeroWith your fumes and all.
IncredibleMeltingManI make no fumes!
DeRaptoreat the tiny toads!
DarkonZeroYou do make fumes.....no one wanted to say anything till now.
* DeRaptor waves the meltfumes away with her hand.
* DarkonZero checks out www.osmosisjones.com
DarkonZeroNot much content.
DarkonZeroJust a page with a cool picture.
* IncredibleMeltingMan grumbles at the lack of pink Powerpuff Girl T-shirts that adult heterosexual males can wear.
DarkonZeroWell....there are reasons.
DarkonZeroI just won't name them.
* DeRaptor wonders if that's a contradiction in terms...
DarkonZeroRemind me later to burn my eyes.
DarkonZeroAfter reading that.....I got images.
DarkonZeroAlso....remind me to gouge my brain.
* IncredibleMeltingMan ponders sending a pic.....
DarkonZeroNo need.
IncredibleMeltingManYou sure?
DeRaptorSend him a nice high res version!
DarkonZeroVERY SURE!
DarkonZeroNO NEED!
IncredibleMeltingManWell....if you change your mind...
IncredibleMeltingManJust remember.
DarkonZeroTrust me....I'll forget.....
DarkonZeroI'd rather have a picture of De wearing a mumu.
DeRaptordo it, IMM...get yerself a pink shirt and a camera, and...mumu?
DeRaptorthe hell?
DarkonZeroNo offense De.
* IncredibleMeltingMan scratches his head.....an' looks for PPG tishirts at trend-zone.com
* DeRaptor ponders drawing melt in a ppg shirt and sending it to dz.
DarkonZero<Dr. Smith> Oh the pain.....the pain!
IncredibleMeltingManA real pretty one!
DeRaptorheheheh...now I gotta do it!
DeRaptoryeah...with pink ruffles and stuff.
DeRaptorA tank top even!
DarkonZeroI'd like to have a shirt of this pic I'm looking at....it's Goku dressed like Forrest Gump and sitting on a bench.
DeRaptorcould almost be mepitans.....
DeRaptoror is that who you mean?
IncredibleMeltingManSEXAH is as SEXAH does
DarkonZeroNo....I'm not talking about Meps.
DarkonZeroSilly Dino....
IncredibleMeltingManYeah.....I figured that.
Session Close: Thu Aug 24 00:00:00 2000

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