
Session Start: Thu Jul 27 20:57:07 2000
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is '<IncredibleMeltingMan> I liked the urine. | <DeRaptor> heheheh...dog sex! | <Locdog07> Hey, Melt, I already did that'
*** Set by UrbanD on Thu Jul 27 19:14:04
spyoramano, I don't want to see melt topless
Locdog07I do.
spyoramaDZ on the otherhand....
Locdog07DZ wants him literally topless, i.e. severed in half.
DarkonZeroWell....I see nothing has changes for the better.
DarkonZerochanged even.
Locdog07I have changes for the better!
* Locdog07 throws changes for the better out the window
DarkonZeroWell.....look at the rocket wit there......WOOO!
* DeRaptor throws Loc at Darkon.
* spyorama throws DeRaptor at Deraptor
* Locdog07 hits DZ square on
spyoramahekko, even?
* Locdog07 throws Urban at De
DarkonZeroHekko spy!
*** jasoN is on IRC
*** jasoN has joined #Deep13
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o jasoN
* jasoN jasons in
DarkonZeroAnd hekko to all that really care!
* Sound request: can't find 'littlenoonch.wav'
[jasoN SOUND]
DeRaptorHey N
*** RobertoKay has joined #Deep13
DeRaptorAnd hello there Robbie
Locdog07Heya N and Manos
Locdog07Joo see Bill's cartoon, Manny?
DarkonZeroWho is this Manny?
* DeRaptor chews on her salad.
DarkonZeroI see no Manny here.
* DeRaptor points to the "hquiej".
* Locdog07 eyes DZ
DarkonZeroAll I see id Roberto Sancho Kay.
Locdog07You fuss pot.
DarkonZerois even.
Locdog07id? I see no id here.
RobertoKayI don't look at TBH.
* DeRaptor throws her id......out the window.
Locdog07It's not at TBH, Manny.
* Locdog07 watches ravenous DeRaptor fans jump on De's id
RobertoKayNo, anyways...
DarkonZeroMore of that rocket wit....geez.
Locdog07Oh, okay, Mr "ROTATE THE BLOWHOLE"
RobertoKayThat was Mep.
Locdog07You said it a lot too.
DarkonZeroYes...that was Meps.
DarkonZeroI said it in honor of Meps.
Locdog07And why?
DarkonZeroAnd only a few times.
* DeRaptor lights Loc's rocket wit's fuse and aims it at Darkon.
DarkonZeroWell.....I'm not here to jibber-jabber with malcontents.......I'm here to make amends with those that care.
RobertoKayKind of like when everyone adapted to quoters, "anime" emoticons, etc.
Calvin-CroweR O T A T E  T H E  B L O W H O L E !
RobertoKayHell, even Cal said it.
* Locdog07 wonders why Manos is hanging out in that dark alley in a suit, sniffing and dropping cigarette after cigarette...
Calvin-CroweR O T A T E  T H E  B L O W H O L E !
Calvin-CroweR O T A T E  T H E  B L O W H O L E !
Calvin-CroweR O T A T E  T H E  B L O W H O L E !
Calvin-CroweR O T A T E  T H E  B L O W H O L E !
Calvin-CroweR O T A T E  T H E  B L O W H O L E !
* RobertoKay wonders why Loc is in that dark room.
* jasoN throws Calvin-Crowe helluva far away!
* DarkonZero wonders why Loc is eyeing Sancho in a dark alley.....
Locdog07I'm developing my photos!
Locdog07Now shut the door!
* RobertoKay shuts it... BobIshmael style.
spyoramaI bet they're dirty!
Locdog07Ewww, Manos, that was dirty.
Calvin-CroweDeraptor Derapor how sweet are the flowers tonite
Locdog07Do it again
Calvin-Crowein the nice trees and stuf
Calvin-Croweif i had a penguin mabey it would help me describe my lov to you
* DeRaptor bites Cal.
Calvin-CroweDeraptor Derapor how sweet are the flowers tonite
Calvin-Crowein the nice trees and stuf
Calvin-Croweif i had a penguin mabey it would help me describe my lov to you
* Locdog07 wonders why there's a short kid reciting poetry to De's id
RobertoKayI guess every time I mention Bob, that means I'm alluding to an orgy, right?
Locdog07Well, yeah.
RobertoKay"Bob ate cereal this morning." "Eww"
spyoramaBob would
Locdog07Well, if you crawled out of the guy's ass for a second, maybe I wouldn't make these allusions.
RobertoKayEat cereal?
* Locdog07 puts nipple juice on his cereal.
RobertoKayDid I mention I liked the guy like a brother?
RobertoKayEven once?
* Locdog07 whispers to N
spyoramayou only like family members?
Calvin-CroweDeraptor Derapor how sweet are the flowers tonite
Calvin-Crowein the nice trees and stuf
Calvin-CroweDeraptor Derapor how sweet are the flowers tonite
Calvin-Croweif i had a penguin mabey it would help me describe my lov to you
DarkonZeroBob was the best friend we had and still have...bob is the best.
RobertoKayHell, I don't even care about Bob enough to talk "sweet talk" about him.
Locdog07Good? He's the best.
spyoramaDe, do you just "like" Deffi---er, nevermind.  Bad example
Sentroid91<jresh> lufe is the most power full thing in the hole world and can hurt like nothing can. I LUFE YOU DERAPOR!
* Sentroid91 giggles
DarkonZeroWow......loving words from jresh.
Locdog07Well, at least he's persistant.
* Locdog07 wonders about these guys who lufe De and how their screws are loose
spyoramawhat're you saying, loc?
DarkonZeroYou got some screws loose, eh?
* Locdog07 blink blinks
Locdog07Well, I was neutered.
Locdog07So my screws aren't even attached anymore.
spyoramadoesn't seem to have affected anything, you still hump bob's leg
jasoNno screwing for loc
Locdog07Well, duh.
DarkonZeroAnd quit blinking blinks....he doesn't like it.
Locdog07Blinks likes it and he knows it.
*** RobertoKay is now known as blinks
*** RobertoKay has left IRC
Locdog07He's just in denial.
blinksBite me, Loc.
*** blinks is now known as RobertoKay
*** RobertoKay is on IRC
DarkonZeroUm....you shouldn't have said that.
* TonicTH is bored
* Locdog07 blinks
RobertoKayI didn't.
* Locdog07 takes TonicTH to the magic closet and shows him non-boring stuff
DarkonZeroWith his mental state.....he probably find it....well...um.
Locdog07EROTIC, DZ?
DarkonZeroYou said it, not me.
Locdog07You thought it.
DarkonZeroI'm innocenyt.
Locdog07Yeah, but you're not innocent.
RobertoKayYou say it out loud as if it were a desire of yours to say it.
RobertoKay"Hey Marty." "EROTIC!"
*** Billus has joined #Deep13
* DeRaptor digs a tunnel to Australia and lives with the kangaroos.
Sentroid91No, don't.
Billushi all
DarkonZeroNope....just typing fast.....going to Pennsylvania in 9 hrs.
Sentroid91Bill them, but not me
Locdog07Those aren't kangaroos, De.
spyoramawhat's in pennsylvania?
* Calvin-Crowe walks over to the ice machine and falls in the hole
jasoNi am
spyoramaaside from Dracula? /:)
DarkonZeroMy family.
Locdog07Visiting anybuddy, DZ?
jasoNbut i dont count
* Calvin-Crowe falls on De
Locdog07Say hi to them from us, DZ
jasoNwhere abouts in PA, DZ?
spyorama<DZ> wherever you're not
jasoNwhere's that?
DarkonZeroNear Harrisburg.
jasoNand spy, don't make me hurt you
jasoNyou're a bad son..
DarkonZeroAnd no...I wil not say hi to them for you.
spyoramais that a threat, white boy?
Locdog07You're no fun, DZ.
jasoNdont make me tan your hide, little boy
* Calvin-Crowe rides a kangaroo
* spyorama moons N
Locdog07umm... wow
DarkonZerothough some of my relatives are MSTies....I wouldn't dare intro any of them to you.
* Calvin-Crowe rides a kangaroo into @Deep13
Locdog07And why not?
* Calvin-Crowe throws a lawn dart at spy's ass
* jasoN throws spyorama helluva far away!
DarkonZeroYou know why.
jasoNthanks Cal
* Locdog07 blinks
jasoNyou're a good son
* RobertoKay wouldn't either.
Locdog07You'd intro them to Robby, though?
jasoNnot like Spy
*** spyorama changes topic to '<jasoN> and spy, don't make me hurt you <spyorama> is that a threat, white boy? | <IncredibleMeltingMan> I liked the urine. | <DeRaptor> heheheh...dog sex! | <Locdog07> Hey, Melt, I already did that'
Billussee u have to leave
DarkonZeroYes....since Sancho is a really good friend.
*** Billus has left #Deep13
Sentroid91No we don't.
RobertoKayFriend, not sexual partner, Loc.
Locdog07Eesh, and we've scarred you in some way?
* Locdog07 blinks
spyoramaCal's my brother?
RobertoKayYou were going to soon.
spyoramabut we look nothing alike!
jasoNhe is now
DarkonZeroI'd intro them to Sent.....but then Sent would say something along the lines of Pennsylvania sucks.....
Locdog07Oh, I see, it's cuz I'm British.
Sentroid91Now, why would I go do something like that?
jasoNPA kicks ass
spyoramaHey, Cal.
jasoNin a boring sort of way
spyoramaWanna go Menenedez on N over there?
* spyorama flees
-RobertoKay- Like that's an excuse.
DarkonZeroYeah.....you being a Brit is keeping me from introing them to you.
* Locdog07 just throws a cricket bat up in the air
DarkonZeroMy sister-in-law is Canadian.
spyoramanobody's perfect.
Locdog07And that means...?
DarkonZeroAnd they like to meet her.
Locdog07So what'd I do?
DarkonZeroBut she has personality.
Locdog07Greid's dad liked me. :P
DarkonZeroUnlike some I knew in here.
-RobertoKay- What about a life?
Calvin-Crowe9,1Quote:1,9 <DeRaptor> (_(==||)__)________) <== Urban's butt with boot-print on it.
Locdog07Wow, thats cold, DZ.
Sentroid911,9megascript quoter: 9,1 * Calvin-Crowe tapes himself to the underside of N's car * jasoN laughs at cal as he gets on the plane <Calvin-Crowe> ARGHHH! <Sentroid91> heheee
* Locdog07 puts DZ on the fire
Calvin-Crowe9,1Quote:1,9 <DarKrow> (_)_)_)_)_)_)_)_)_)_)_)_)_)_)_)_) <TServo4> cha cha cha chia..
Sentroid911,9megascript quoter: 9,1 <Cal-Crowe> Yay! I'm the only Calvin Crowe in Georgia <Sentroid91> Yeah. And you're a bowhunter. * Cal-Crowe slaps Sentroid91 around a bit with a large trout <Sentroid91> Don't deny it Cal. I've got pictures of you and John Rocker shooting a deer with a crossbow
DarkonZeroWell.....someone wants me burned.
Locdog07No, just want ya ta warm up!
[Calvin-Crowe SOUND]
* spyorama steals DZ's box
* DeRaptor licks her lips and watches from a safe hiding spot.
Locdog07ummm... De?
* jasoN laughs
DeRaptorwhat's spy doing to DZ's box?
DarkonZeroSpy...keep the box...some of the stuff I stole from ya is in there.
DeRaptorHell, why is he TOUCHING DZ's box?
jasoN15,2Quote added: 2,15 * DeRaptor licks her lips and watches from a safe hiding spot. <DeRaptor> what's spy doing to DZ's box?
spyoramaDZ?  I'm pretty sure this vibrating thing isn't mine
* RobertoKay would introduce the following people: DZ, Sent, 'ling, Jimmy and Bob... well, Bob if he's not a prick.
Sentroid919,1 (Quote has been added: Have a nice day)=1,9* DeRaptor licks her lips and watches from a safe hiding spot. <DeRaptor> what's spy doing to DZ's box?
jasoNHA HA
* Locdog07 throws the vibrating thing to De
Locdog07Here, ya lip licker.
* DeRaptor throws it back at Loc.
spyoramawhat about me, manny?
* Locdog07 blinks
DarkonZeroOh.......that old football game.....I thought I threw that out.
DeRaptorYou'll...appreciate it more than me.
Locdog07Will not.
RobertoKayOnly if you don't run away.
DeRaptorya huh
* Locdog07 throws it to Manos
RobertoKayBecause you're prone to running away a lot...
jasoN<Locdog07> hmm...maybe i will
spyoramaam not!
* spyorama flees
Locdog07spy is French
Sentroid91Robby, have you been seeing somebody behind my back?
jasoNfrench spy!
jasoNyou're no son of mine!
Sentroid91Who the hell is this Jimmy?
RobertoKayJimmy runs MSTieHeavensGate.
* Locdog07 frenches spy- oh...
spyoramaam too!  And I've got the maternity tests to prove it!
* spyorama stabs Loc
Locdog07That's not a maternity test, thats just murder.
Sentroid91are you serious?
DarkonZeroIt seems that ones that are not part of the group are not interested in conversation of "vibrating things". Ironically....the ones that are part of the group are interested......odd.....wait that's not odd....it's typical for #Deep13.
RobertoKayNot really. "Jimmy" is an in-joke character.
Sentroid91* RobertoKay would introduce the following people: DZ, Sent, 'ling, Jimmy and Bob... well, Bob if he's not a prick.
* Locdog07 blinks at DZ's totally confusing sentence
RobertoKayWell, whenever I mention a list of people, I put in "Jimmy" for my own amusement.
Sentroid911,9[s9=mS]=Now Playing 9,1-9=9-+{9,1Fat Boys - My Nuts.mp3 9}+-9=1-9Size9-1=9-+{9 2.51MB 9}+-9=1-
Locdog07Jimmy Smits.
DarkonZeroYeah.....Jimmy Smits Loc....
Sentroid91Oh, your father?\
* jasoN kicks manos in the jimmy
* Locdog07 eyes DZ and his hateful attitude to meeee...
Locdog07What I do?
Locdog07Was it my tellin' you I love you?
RobertoKayYes, Loc. And by the way, he means that the in-touch regs are used to a bunch of "vibrating" things, if you get my drift, and I know you do.
Locdog07Oh, hush, lambkins.
Sentroid911,9[s9=mS]=Now Playing 9,1-9=9-+{9,1George Clinton and Parliament Funkadellic - Give up the Funk.mp3 9}+-9=1-9Size9-1=9-+{9 0.34MB 9}+-9=1-
DarkonZeroWow....Loc the gay is out!
Locdog07jquote, search deep13 faq
jasoN15No quote containing 2deep13 faq15 were in my file.
spyoramacurb your gays!
Sentroid91  9,1Quote containing faq: 1,9 <DAway> Where is the D13 faq? * Sentroid91 points to Loc <Sentroid91> Oh! You said FAQ!
*** spyorama is now known as quotethief
quotethief2Quote added: <DAway> Where is the D13 faq? * Sentroid91 points to Loc <Sentroid91> Oh! You said FAQ!
DarkonZeroWell....the fad just got bigger.
Locdog07Not really.
*** quotethief is now known as spyorama
Locdog07Just your ego.
* jasoN runs spyorama over with his custom 1982 GMC van!
-RobertoKay- But that quote was a bit funny.
DarkonZeroI have an ego?
Sentroid91dah! nickthief!
* Sentroid91 slaps spy
DarkonZeroI know I have an Eggo....it's in the toaster.
* spyorama slaps Sent back
* RobertoKay finds a bit odd that it seems like only yesterday when Loc took a cuss-word rampage from CG too seriously and now takes NOTHING seriously that much. To quote BIshmael, "How very odd..."
RobertoKayBut like Bob, I could be an idiot myself.
jasoN"How very odd..." is Loc's middle name
Locdog07bob ain't an idiot
Sentroid91yes he is
RobertoKayHe is.
RobertoKayOh, right, he's Loc's "sexy" idiot.
* RobertoKay expected that, nonetheless.
* /sound: no such file 'howveryodd.wav'
Locdog07And so it gives you a right to be moody, huh?
RobertoKayWell, I'm only human.
RobertoKayI can have mood swings when I feel like it.
DeRaptorWhere the heck's Bob been anyway?
-RobertoKay- "I'm only human"... that might scare a few people.
DeRaptorI bet he's hiding in his basement from the nukes.
DeRaptorwb freeeekish urb
*** UrbInAbsentia is now known as UrbInDe
Locdog07wb Urb.
*** UrbInDe is now known as UrbanD
Locdog07Bob is on the moon fighting the evil space Nazis.
RobertoKayHe tells me he's got "better things to do." Irony in itself, because when I mailed him asking the same question, he responded within 24 hours.
Sentroid91  9,1Quote containing Hurricane: 1,9 <BobIshmael> Well, as much as I'd love to continue in this conversation... I need to get to sleep and go back to having one of those... things tomorrow. <BobIshmael> Those things... What're they called? <Sentroid91> as do I. I've got something fun planned. <BobIshmael> Adios, pal. <Sentroid91> Ever hear of Hurricane Harbor? *** BobIshmael has quit IRC <Sentroid91> I guess not. He doesn't get out much
UrbanDof course, the one time he was online at all that week was when he responded, manny
jasoNloc, stop IMing me
RobertoKayI don't know that...
jasoNthis is a funny one, too..
jasoN Nicole29199153: Hey Sexy JRW78 ~~*CLICK ME PLEASE~~*:Þ  i feel like i know u and  i love you.. <3
Sentroid91stop that, N
jasoNHA HA
DarkAngelI liked last nights IM, N.
jasoNshe loves me!
Locdog07N, go get 'er.
jasoNtoothlessgirl was this afternoon
DarkAngelOh yeah.
DarkAngelShe'll give you a gumjob!
jasoNno she won't
UrbanDas oppposed to a toothjob?
*** DieRaptor has joined #Deep13
Locdog07did you guys hear Dexter's Lab has been renewed?
*** DeRaptor was kicked by UrbanD (UrbanD)
*** Locdog07 sets mode: +o DieRaptor
Locdog07wb, or something
*** DeRaptor has left IRC
*** DieRaptor is now known as DeRaptor
*** DeRaptor is on IRC
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o DeRaptor
DeRaptorI can op myself, Loc. eesh.
DeRaptorstupid scanner.
Locdog07Uh... okay.
* TonicTH stuffs a turkey into Urban's mouth
UrbanDhow do u op yerself?
* jasoN laughs at de's misfortune
UrbanD<Timmyling> No.
spyoramathe chanserv does it, urb
RobertoKaySay, DZ, did ya send Bob the mail yet?
*** UrbanD is now known as UrbanE
*** UrbanE has left #Deep13
*** UrbanE has joined #Deep13
* UrbanE pimps his way in, wondering...
* Sound request: can't find 'wheremy.wav'
[UrbanE SOUND]
*** UrbanE is now known as UrbanD
*** UrbanD is on IRC
UrbanDwhere's chanserv?
jasoNit hates you
spyoramadid you auth?
DarkonZeroShoot....I keep forgetting to send Bob the e-mail.
jasoNit hates you
RobertoKayHe's like God... he looks over you but you can't see him.
Locdog07I can see God.
*** ChanServ sets mode: -o UrbanD
RobertoKaySend it to him. I wanna see his response so I can giddily anticipate seeing him.
UrbanDapparently chanserv doesn't auto op from a nick change.
jasoNhe he
DarkonZeroI'll e-mail Bob on the proposed trip next year to the San Diego Comic Con.
*** spyorama sets mode: +o UrbanD
UrbanDoooo.  san diego.
*** ChanServ sets mode: -o UrbanD
spyoramaI'm chanserv in disguise /:)
*** ChanServ sets mode: -o spyorama
DeRaptorSo does anybody know if it's true that Bob was at the con?
* TonicTH puts glue on Sent's Chair
*** UrbanD has left #Deep13
Sentroid91dah... foiled!
*** UrbanD has joined #Deep13
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o UrbanD
* UrbanD pimps his way in, wondering...
* Sound request: can't find 'wheremy.wav'
[UrbanD SOUND]
Locdog07I sensed his odour.
RobertoKayRight. And I'll have the parrot, the white shirt, baseball cap and other stuff for the NaziParrotAnon costume.
* spyorama blinks
DarkonZeroSancho...you think Bob will wear a costume?
Locdog07But it coulda just been a passing dung-cart.
*** ChanServ sets mode: -o Sentroid91
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Sentroid91
spyoramais someone playing with the op list?
* Sentroid91 lets go of chanserv
Locdog07New Hounds Home.
RobertoKayHe could dress as a snowboarder...
Sentroid91uh, no?
RobertoKayOr Too Much Coffee Man.
UrbanDno.  it's chanserv.  it does it on it's own, remember?
*** ChanServ sets mode: -o UrbanD
Sentroid91oh, right
DarkonZeroBob would be Too Much Coffee Man.
*** ChanServ sets mode: -o DeRaptor
Calvin-CroweThe hell?
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o DeRaptor
Sentroid91so chanserv's decided to deop random ops then
jasoNyou foo
spyoramasomeone took away my cinnamon roll and I'm not happy.
DarkonZeroMe....I'm just gonna go in my work uniform and intro myself as a new superhero.
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o spyorama
RobertoKayThe basic plan goes this way, if I recall... you drive over from L.V., pick me up in L.A., stay over at Bob's place in S.D. and go to the con.
DarkonZeroYeah.....that's how it's gonna work.
RobertoKayThat's long for Locdog07 I hear.
*** UrbanD has left #Deep13
*** UrbanD has joined #Deep13
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o UrbanD
* UrbanD pimps his way in, wondering...
* Sound request: can't find 'wheremy.wav'
[UrbanD SOUND]
Locdog07What's long for me...?
RobertoKayAnd then at some point, we'll all be dressed sharply, each with a pair of sunglasses and red hats.
UrbanDred hats.
RobertoKayThe superhero name.
Calvin-CroweI don't wear anything
Locdog07Uh... ooookay.
RobertoKayYes. Urb fears the communists.
DarkonZeroWe were gonna bring a digital recorder (audio and vid) and a laptop, right?
RobertoKayI'm not sure about the laptop.
Locdog07Do you enjoy pointing out random facts, Robby?
TonicTHWell, I'm outta here. g'bye.
DarkonZeroHell....I'll bring the laptop.
Locdog07Bye Tony.
*** TonicTH has quit IRC (Quit: Torgo has got me. SAVE ME BEFORE HE KILLS ME!)
RobertoKayOnly if the time calls for it.
RobertoKayDo you even have one?
DarkonZeroNot yet.
DarkonZeroI will be getting one.
RobertoKaySo then that's not gonna work.
Calvin-CroweWhat con?
DarkonZeroIt's sorta of a incentive from the new family business.
RobertoKayAnd we'll be singing most of the time and only record the good stuff.
RobertoKayThat makes sense.
RobertoKayI think. I've never had to work.
Locdog07How old are you again, Robby?
DarkonZeroCal...the San Diego Comic Con.
RobertoKayThe San Diego Comic Book convention.
* DeRaptor wonders why the main character in Zombie College looks like a Klasky-Csupo reject.
RobertoKayI'm the ripe old age of sixteen.
Locdog07Cuz you're blind, De?
Calvin-CroweI heard about it on www.cartoonresearch.com
RobertoKayYou should maybe come...
RobertoKayWe'll say "hi" and everything.
RobertoKayOr happily parody Anon with my NaziParrotsAnonymous persona.
DarkonZeroI'm the ripe old age of 18......according to what girls have told me.
* Locdog07 blinks
spyoramaat least you don't get carded on occasion, dz :)
* DarkonZero looks frickin' young for his age.
DarkonZeroSpy...I do get carded.
DarkonZeroBut back to the con.
Locdog07You kinda act that way too, DZ.
* RobertoKay coughs.
* Locdog07 grins and paints a target on his fore-head
RobertoKay"It's evolution, baby!"
DarkonZeroCrud.....I forgot about the World Animation Celebration held in LA.
RobertoKayOh, right...
Calvin-CroweBosko says "The dirty fuck!"
RobertoKayThat's when you just visit me.
RobertoKayAnd give Bob a call.
RobertoKayAlbeit a prank call.
DarkonZeroWe'll try to get Bob out to LA.
DarkonZeroWith a prank call.
jasoNoh wow..
jasoN footlessleper:  Hey Sexy JRW78 ~~*CLICK ME PLEASE~~*:Þ  I need some hot nuts to love. <3  
jasoNthis is getting odd
Locdog07Squirrels, N
DeRaptorI think you have a stalker, N.
Locdog07Get your squirrels to forage around for nuts, N
* Sentroid91 ....
RobertoKaySo, still on AOL, N?
* jasoN 's squirrels stay away from his nuts
jasoNwhy yes, i am..how did you guess?
* RobertoKay laughs a bit.
DarkonZeroN will die as an AOL'er.
RobertoKayI dunno. Maybe the IMs by strange, sex-obsessed people who aren't #Deep13'ers.
Locdog07footlessleper: hey there
Locdog07Locdog08: so you want N's nuts?
Locdog07footlessleper: I lufe you
spyoramawhat are you saying, robby?
Locdog07me blinks
*** Calvin-Crowe has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
*** Calvin-Crowe has joined #Deep13
UrbanDwb tough guy
jasoNokay, who is it?
* jasoN eyes you all
Calvin-Crowe!@@#@#!@#!@&$!#($#!&$(!#@*(#$!$#!&$(#!&$#@%^!($@%&&($#@&@#($&#($ PEER!
jasoNtell me who
spyoramaeat with that mouth, cal?
Sentroid91who? what? what? who?
jasoN footlessleper:  Hey Sexy JRW78 ~~*CLICK ME PLEASE~~*:Þ  I need some hot nuts to love. <3  
jasoN footlessleper: ~~*Please CLICK ME?~~*:Þ
jasoN footlessleper: ~~*CLICK ME? Free T porn~~*:Þ
jasoNi suspect this isn't random
RobertoKay"Supercalifragalisticexpialadocious Peer!"?
* Locdog07 thinks De is after N
[Calvin-Crowe SOUND]
jasoNno, de is usually pretty open when she's trying to sell me T porn
Locdog07Umm, wow.
DeRaptorwow! Somebody IS stalking you, N!
Sentroid91whoa, scary
spyoramaI don't have a stalker :(
DeRaptorMaybe it's resh.
jasoN footlessleper:  Hey Sexy JRW78 ~~*CLICK ME PLEASE~~*:Þ  I need some hot nuts to love. <3  
jasoN footlessleper: ~~*Please CLICK ME?~~*:Þ
jasoN footlessleper: ~~*CLICK ME? Free T porn~~*:Þ
jasoN footlessleper: ~~*CLICK ME? Free N porn~~*:Þ
* spyorama open solicits for stalkers
Sentroid91Nah... resh ain't that subtle.
Sentroid91Plus he has no reason to stalk N
Locdog07Are you saying my 'soN isn't attractive?
UrbanDhe's butt-ugly.
* Locdog07 whimpers!¬
* spyorama quietly gets rid of his AOL account, footlessleper
UrbanDhaha.  leper pr0n.
*** Calvin-Crowe has quit IRC (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Cal-Cal)))
*** Calvin-Crowe has left IRC
* jasoN put that foo' on ignore
jasoNHA HA
*** Cal-Cal has joined #Deep13
DarkonZeroWell....#Deep13 went from MST3K and toon talk....etc' of the nerd verse to just porn......thank you ops of #Deep13....thank you.
UrbanDare you still whining?
RobertoKayYes. Awards are being sent to your addresses.
DarkonZeroAre you still stupid?
spyoramaJesus, DZ
Cal-CalBox ICQ'd me about Napster
Cal-Calthere's a petition
jasoNi'd guess "yes" and "yes"
RobertoKayIs Urb still a #Deep13 "genius"?
Sentroid91actually it went from that... to Sent going bored and insane thus imitating one of N's spammers
spyoramaSo we're not talking about mst or the "normal" stuff for one night
* DeRaptor puts centipedes in DZ's hair.
spyoramalet's not get all uppity about it
DarkonZeroOne night?
RobertoKayYes. You seem to know every detail of this room's norms.
Locdog07It's more like gone to "fun" to "fun with occasional bouts of moany people coming in and whining because they can't have fun"
DarkonZeroOne night?
RobertoKayOne night, spy?
spyoramaI generalize
*** Negaweapon has joined #deep13
NegaweaponAllo allo!
Locdog07hey Negs!
Sentroid91allo, mon crab
DarkonZeroLoc...you seem to be the moany one....you being jealous of Melty and all.
NegaweaponI've got pictures!
RobertoKayChrist, you're not a very frequent regular, are you?
* Locdog07 blinks
RobertoKayAnd don't run away again, spy.
spyoramabut you're making it seem like we've turned into a soft porn room
RobertoKayIt hasn't.
DarkonZeroSoft porn?
Locdog07Maybe I try and leave real life behind when I come in here, DZ, so I don't let it get everyone else down.
RobertoKayIt's a harcore porn.
* spyorama reads up
spyoramajealous of melty?
DarkonZeroEscapism is the problem.
* Negaweapon makes the ceremonial 'wachika' noise...
Locdog07Uh, no.
Sentroid91Hey... I think I put N into cardiac arrest
Locdog07spy, forget it. Eesh.
UrbanDDz, for someone who hasn't been here in a month, you're the last person to have the right to complain about the status quo.
Sentroid91JRW78: i'm ignoring you
RobertoKayWhich is technically when I come in.
Sentroid91footlessleper: i'm on ignore now?
Sentroid91footlessleper: BTW: Franko ain't on now
Sentroid91footlessleper: N?!
Sentroid91footlessleper: wake up foo!
Locdog07So you're just here to back him up, huh Manos? Like there's any need to attack us.
Sentroid91no. he ain't on now
DarkonZeroUrb...I haven't been here for a month cause of that fact.
UrbanDAnd we sure didn't miss you.
DarkonZeroI noticed.
DarkonZeroThat's the other thing.
UrbanDGood thing.
Locdog07Actually it's more like you were in a huge depression bout because things don't go your way, DZ.
Sentroid91  9,1Quote containing rooms: 1,9 <DarkonZero> Two......I don't like where the room has gone lately. <DeRaptor> Where has the room gone? <Sentroid91> into Hershey's rooms and cream
* RobertoKay coughs harder.
UrbanDrooms and cream.  hehe.
UrbanDCream of Manchester!
Locdog07Oh, and since you guys don't like the room, mind if I ban you two moaners so you never have to worry about it again?
RobertoKayTHANK YOU!
DarkonZeroWell.....if you like?
DarkonZeroGo ahead.
Locdog07You're the guys asking for it.
RobertoKayThat'll solve my problem once and for all.
RobertoKayBy all means.
*** Cal-Cal has quit IRC (Quit: Ping Timeout)
DarkonZeroGo ahead.
Sentroid911,9[s9=mS]=Now Playing 9,1-9=9-+{9,1Offspring [Soundtrack - Me, Myself, And Irene] - Total Immortal.mp3 9}+-9=1-9Size9-1=9-+{9 2.69MB 9}+-9=1-
*** Calvin-Crowe is on IRC
UrbanD69! hahaha.
Locdog07Well, if you guys hate us so much, why not leave by your own free will? Oh, I forgot, you can't do something without the other guy doing it with you.
*** Calvin-Crowe has joined #Deep13
NegaweaponYouknowwhat?  I'mgonnaleaveandcomebackwhenit'scalmer.
DarkonZeroI thought #Deep13 was a place I'd like to be...but not anymore.
*** Negaweapon has left #deep13
Calvin-CroweWell, I gotta go
Sentroid91Nega... don't.... NO! I NEED YOU!
DarkonZeroLater Cal.
Calvin-CroweI'll be back on the 7th
Locdog07Whatever, DZ. If you can't leave of your own free will, then there must be somethin' wrong with ya. So I'm just gonna ignore you and everything you say.
*** Calvin-Crowe has quit IRC (Quit: Ping Timeout)
*** Calvin-Crowe has left IRC
RobertoKayBye, Cal. By then, I'll have a cable modem.
RobertoKayWell, I still prefer the ban.
DeRaptor<Sentroid91> I'll always love you *sniff* Negaweapon!
RobertoKayBecause I need it.
Locdog07So you can feel like a victim, huh?
RobertoKayI really do. This is no joke.
RobertoKayNo, no B.S. involved.
Locdog07Well, I'm not gonna do it.
* Sentroid91 beheads De and takes her head
Locdog07I like you too much.
DarkonZeroI have left with free will.....but I was trying to come back and make amends.....but which no one really actually cares of what who says and feels....it's just all made into a joke on a quoter.
* DeRaptor watches the people fight and crap.
RobertoKayThen it'll be like prolonging a type of suicide.
* UrbanD sits back and shares popcorn with De
* Locdog07 whistles and hides under the couch
RobertoKayHey, DZ.
RobertoKayThis is great.
DarkonZeroyes it is.
DarkonZeroTelling the truth is fun.
RobertoKayThey're all just hiding from our angst.
UrbanDhow do you expect us to react when you come back in and start saying how the room has turned to crap and that we're all idiots?
RobertoKayI didn't say you were ALL idiots.
DarkonZeroUrb...you're the idiot.
RobertoKayBut I still don't like the room.
DarkonZeroBut the room is crap.
UrbanDwell, you expect positive reaction from us then?
* Sentroid91 has a suggestion....
RobertoKayUrb, can I say something to you?
Locdog07"Lick me" - Sent
Sentroid91Pointless bickering = #Deep13  Sensible chatter = #SatelliteOfLove
*** Sentroid91 has left #Deep13
RobertoKayWhich is where I'll be heading once I make my final statement.
DarkonZeroAs am I.
Locdog07Well, it's kinda hard not to go where Manos goes when you're so far up his ass.
* DeRaptor is the idiot, so there!
DarkonZeroOooh...resorting to that, eh> Just like an HG'er.
Locdog07Nuh uh, De.
* DeRaptor blinks.
UrbanD'this room is crap.  but we're here to SAVE the room from porn and caringlessness and everyting that is bad!' you sound like a fundamentalist.
Locdog07I'm the idiot.
DeRaptorI'll be the idiot if I want to!
* Locdog07 grins
* Locdog07 strips De of her title
* Locdog07 is idiot, duh-huh
* DeRaptor cries.
* UrbanD strips De of her clothing
Locdog07Eesh... Urb.
* DeRaptor strips Urb of his skin.
UrbanDstill .. you're nekkid!
Locdog07Can I have his skin?
UrbanDsell it on eBay!
RobertoKayUrb, you were never (ever) here when we were less critical of the room. Now, at first assumption, you'd guess that my angst was basically a little biased towards our nostalgic tastes. and you would be perfectly correct. But not entirely. Realize this room isn't even moderately the same compared to when Sent was our "all-around leader". Porn and other sexual innuendo, especially from a person of Loc's background, does not appeal to
DeRaptorI'm a cartoon dinosaur you idiot!
Locdog07The invisible word
* DeRaptor shakes her chest feathers for all to see! oohoo!
UrbanDnot appeal to?
* Locdog07 puts blue censor rectangles on De's chest
UrbanDde, shake it baby.
Locdog07Duke Urban
RobertoKayNow that I said my words of invisible target, I'm off. And Loc, I beg you, please ban the hell out of me.
* DeRaptor eats them.
RobertoKayGoodnight. And good riddance.
*** RobertoKay has left #Deep13
UrbanDDuke Urban!
Session Close: Thu Jul 27 22:03:50 2000

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