
Session Start: Wed Jul 12 22:49:57 2000
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is 'How could you compare a WW2 movie with Matt "I couldn't act out of a wet paper bag" LeBlanc with a movie based on "The Ladies Man"?'
*** Set by Sentroid91 on Wed Jul 12 17:49:32
jasoNholy cow
jasoNDZ and Anon
jasoNthis is weird
NovaPhoenixthere is a holy cow?
Sentroid91only in India, Pheeny
NovaPhoenixfunny thing, i got a book "the path to perfection"   tis funny
MSTAnonI gotta go run some errands in preparation for tomorrow's drive out to St. Louis...
ChrisLitte late, isn't it?
jasoNnot if you're anon
MSTAnonNot really.
jasoNhe has super powers
ChrisI have super powers.
ChrisI can make myself look like an ass at will.
MSTAnonI've got to go to King Soopers for some bubble envelopes, Super Kmart for a CD/cassette player adaptor, and Kinko's to print up some propaganda for www.msties.com .
DeRaptorDZ AND Anon...that is weird.
MSTAnonHow many brochures should I print up?
jasoNthe way you phrased that made me giggle De
ChrisYou're no fun.
MSTAnonI can only afford so many.
DeRaptorN, you giggle if somebody sneezes.
* MSTAnon ponders whether to get regular white paper or Forrester green...
* Chris sneezes.
MSTAnonYou think so, De?
jasoNi can;t help it if your cheeks flap when you sneeze
MSTAnonI could probably get 500 white or only 200 green. =/
DeRaptorwhich cheeks are we talking about?
jasoNhey Anon
jasoNget them done in GREEN
MSTAnonEveryone wants green MSTies Anonymous brochures?
DeRaptorgreen is prettier!
Session Close: Wed Jul 12 22:55:58 2000

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