
Session Start: Sat Mar 04 00:00:00 2000
DarkonZero<A woman customer> I got my Nad's in the mail yesterday.
* MeltingMan laughs
DarkonZeroDamn...now you got me started.
DarkonZero"Honey.....what's with these Nad's you got?
DarkonZero" -husband of woman who bought 2 bottles.
*** omega has joined #deep13
*** omega has left #deep13
MSTManosZoomer lamer 31337 omega.
DarkonZeroThanks Manny.....now I might call people eleet lamers.
DarkonZeroDamn MTV...ever since they showed that movie of theirs...they haven't stopped showing it.
MeltingManheheheh...Tim Allen
*** Defie has joined #Deep13
Defiei have returned
MSTManosHi, Defie.
Defieminues GEORGE unfortunately
MeltingManHey!  It's Defie!
DarkonZeroHekko Defie.
MeltingManWho is George?
Defiehe's asleep
Defiehe was here earlier
Defiehe's my best buddy :-)
MeltingManOh!  Buddies are fun!
Defieyou'll have to meet him sometime MeltingMan
Defiewon't he DZ?
MeltingManIs George all that?
MeltingManHuh, DZ?  Is he?
DarkonZeroUnless you like Karma Chameleon.
DarkonZeroWhich I hate it.
DarkonZeroGeorge is Boy George.
MeltingManOh.....Boy George!  I didn't know you were friends with her----hi--um...
Defieyes i am actually
MeltingManI thought you meant George Kennedy
DarkonZeroCurious George woulda been cooler.
MSTManosThis has been brought to you by Breath-Asure.
MeltingManCurious Boy George....that would have to be R-rated
* Defie feels evil
MeltingManHeheheh....you've come to the right place.  I'm not evil...I just do evil things.
* Defie sits at her george shrine
* MSTManos looks at his watch.
DarkonZeroYou gotta go?
MSTManosTime to call it a night.
DarkonZeroG'night Manny.
* MeltingMan steals Manos's watch
MeltingManNow you can never leave!
*** MSTManos has left IRC
*** MSTManos has quit IRC (Love, peace and chicken grease!)
Defielike from Grim Fandango
Defieevil evil evil
* Defie wonders if she has enough energy left to switch the cd to her culture club one
DarkonZeroI'm the evilest of them all.
Defiereally now...how so
DarkonZeroI don't have to prove it....I just am.
Defiewell then i just won't believe you
Defieyou'll have to be evil alone
* Sound request: can't find 'devoured.wav'
[MeltingMan SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'twisong.mid'
[Defie SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'kittens.wav'
[MeltingMan SOUND]
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 4,1"Speed Racer Theme"4,16,0 from 6,014,1Matthew Sweet14,16,0.6,0
Defiegreat listening entertainment there DZ
DarkonZeroI'm still eviller than you.
Defieuh oh
* MeltingMan ponders drawing a parody of Speed Racer...
Defiehow do you turn the sound off?
* Sound request: can't find 'kittens.wav'
[MeltingMan SOUND]
Defiequick someone help me!
Defiemake it stop!!
DarkonZeroMM...the Fast Driver toon I was talking about earlier made Speed Racer gay.
MeltingManUm....I don't know....did you play some midi that lasts forever?
Defieyeah i did
Defiestupidly enough
MeltingManYeah...I've seen Fast Driver before..
Defieis there a stop command?
MeltingManI think so...
DarkonZeroDefie....type /splay -m [midiname.mid]
Defiewell it's over now...hehe
MeltingManSpeed Racer was gay before Fast Driver, though
* Sound request: can't find 'cats.mid'
[Defie SOUND]
MeltingManJust like all the male characters on Sailor Moon.
DarkonZeroI actually like the Speed Racer toon.....cause of it's inept goofiness.
Defieum...it doesn't work
Defiethe music no stop
DarkonZeroTry /stop [midiname.mid]
MeltingManI did, too....you could see great animation mistakes in Speed Racer..
Defieit's starts it over again
Defiestop unknown command
MeltingManThere were times when the perspective was all messed up...or they had mismatches....or the had a dropped cell or something...
Defiei did it!
MeltingManAnd you can't not love two frames of animation for a character's walk.
DarkonZeroYeah.......the animation flaws are very noticable.
MeltingManIt's like they make every mistake they can.
DarkonZeroHow about the Racer X intros?
MeltingManHeheh....I don't think I ever saw those.
Defiei'm sure if we really tried we could find a better topic of discussion than...Speed Racer
* Sound request: can't find 'japanesetheme.wav'
[MeltingMan SOUND]
MeltingManOh....what's wrong with Speed Racer?  Do you have a better idea?
DarkonZeroWell....what I'm talking about when Racer X talks to Speed then the annoucer chimes in about Racer X being Speed's brother.
Defielet's talk about....hehehheehehehhee
Defieoooooooh on to another train of thought there
DarkonZeroDi I ever mention that there is a Speed Racer in the local phone books here in Vegas?
DarkonZeroDi to Did
DarkonZeroI'm tempted to call the number..
DarkonZeroBut I might get in trouble.
* MeltingMan ponders people that get their names legally changed to the names of fictional characters.
Defiehaha good idea!!
Defiei think i'll change my name to edward
DarkonZeroI'm watching ZDTV now...and thy mention that this guy got his name legally changeed to his domain name of his website.
Defiethat would really get bill's site advertised
Defiei think i'll seriously consider that
MeltingManHeheh....my name is "Dot Com",
DarkonZero"Hi, I'm Dot Org!"
DarkonZeroHello.....I'm www.imadufus.net and welcome to my motivational class.
* Defie wonders how to convince her parents to let her change her name
DarkonZeroWhen you turn 21 you can change your name.....it costs money though.
DarkonZeroI forgot how much the cost is....
Defiedamn...i'm going to be a hobo when i grow up so i won't be able to afford it
DarkonZeroAh....just like me.
Defiestreets of New York, here i come!
DarkonZeroI inspired someone.....*sniff*.
Defiehehe really it wasn't you dearie...
Defieno illusions of grandeur now
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 4,1"Smog Moon"4,16,0 from 6,014,1Matthew Sweet14,16,0.6,0
Defieuh oh time to go warm the sidewalk all
Defieta ta
*** Defie has quit IRC (Heh...heh...if only you knew....)
DarkonZeroIf we only knew what?
MeltingManI dunno
* Sound request: can't find 'texasbob.wav'
[MeltingMan SOUND]
DarkonZeroHmmm....I wonder if anyone else will show up.
MeltingManI don't think so....tis very late...and I'm about to leave...in a few minutes.
DarkonZeroWell......we had a good conversation day.
DarkonZeroI gotta set my VCR soon.
MeltingManOh....It Lives By Night....
MeltingManaka The Bat People
MeltingManI recorded that one twice.
DarkonZeroI'm finally taping them.
DarkonZeroI gots Puma Man.
MeltingManYou just started taping MST3K, eh?
DarkonZeroI gots Diabolik.
DarkonZeroI gots Space Mutiny.
MeltingManI gots 'em all except "Bloodlust" and the KTMA's.  :)
DarkonZeroWell.....Sci-Die is gonna show the first couple of season 8 in April....I'm gonna tape those.
MeltingManAnd I'll have Bloodlust real soon....cuz that's gonna be released by Rhino
DarkonZeroI gotta buy more video tapes.
DarkonZeroI only have one left to use.
MeltingManyou can get 'em cheap if you know where to look.  Buy them in bulk.
DarkonZeroI always buy in multipack.
MeltingManI buy, like 10 or 12 in a package for 10 dollars.
DarkonZeroI might buy some on Sunday.
MeltingManYou recordin' in SP or EP?
DarkonZeroI record in SP.
DarkonZeroI recorded in EP once...and didn't like it.
MeltingManAh...Mine are in EP except for about half of the Sci-Fi's and a few of the CCs
MeltingManAnd the Rhinos of course.
DarkonZeroThe only problem I have is setting the VCR correctly.
MeltingManI like EP....of course if you've got a sucky VCR it's rough.
DarkonZeroI screwed up one tape cause I set the VCR too early.
MeltingManI always set them too early and have them run too late.
DarkonZeroI sorta got a sucky VCR.
MeltingManSo I don't miss anything.
DarkonZeroI do the same.....in setting the VCR...but I really set it too early...the end credits were cut off.
MeltingManwww.speedracer.com : I'm scared!
DarkonZeroWhat's that guy doing with the hammer.....ugh!
* Sound request: can't find 'hammermantheme.wav'
[MeltingMan SOUND]
DarkonZeroThe helmet is cool though.
DarkonZeroI still wanna see the '97 version of Speed Racer.
MeltingManI saw it dubbed into Spanish...it was weird.
DarkonZeroI've seen DBZ in Spanish.
DarkonZeroNow.....DBZ in the original Japanese.......
DarkonZeroI wanna see that.
DarkonZeroOf course with subtitles.
DarkonZeroI even watched Captain Scarlett in Spanish once.
DarkonZeroFor a puppet show....I thought Captain Scarlett was cool.
DarkonZeroStingray sucked though.
DarkonZeroWell......you gonna go.....cause I'm gonna be going.
MeltingManYeah..I'm gonna
*** MeltingMan has left IRC
*** MeltingMan has quit IRC (/me melts away)
DarkonZeroG'night MM....later.
DarkonZeroSay goodbye to me! I'm going M.I.A.!
* DarkonZero hits the off switch on his Portal deck and disconnects to the world known as reality!
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Sat Mar 04 00:50:05 2000
Session Start: Sat Mar 04 12:52:11 2000
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is '2http://www.electricstoat.com/rich1 -Yet another shameless plug by: DarKrow'
*** Set by DarKrow on Sat Mar 04 13:48:58
MeltingManHey there, DK
Cal-CroweI got me a PEZ dispenser today!
Cal-CroweIt looks like Bobo
Greidanusthat reminds me...
* Greidanus is getting a snack
* DarkonZero wishes he PEZ to put into his Garfield dispenser....
DarkonZerohe had...
Geoffd1mm, pez
DarKrowSuper Metroid sucks with a keyboard
GreidanusI have a banana...
DarKrowgood for you
Greidanusbanana good!
DarKrowI have a popsicle
Cal-CroweI have PEZ
* Greidanus whimpers
Cal-Crowe<waqas> i got knife
*** Channel.Service.StarLink.Org sets mode: +o Mars
Cal-CroweI thought Mars was op'd
DarkonZeroI got things!
Greidanushuh? eeewww
DarkonZeroTop that!
DarKrowI got bigger things
MeltingManOh my.
* Greidanus is gonna puke...
DarKrowI like cheese
* DarKrow cocks his head to one side and then to the other
* Cal-Crowe chuckles
* DarKrow pecks Greid
* Greidanus grabs DK's beak
DarKrowDoes anybody updaye deep13.org?
* DarKrow flaps around getting feathers everywhere
DarkonZeroCG's the only one that can update Deep13.org.
* DarKrow claws Greid's arm
* Greidanus grabs DK's feet
* DarKrow tries to fly away
DarKrowThis is painful
* DarKrow pulls out a proton pack (somehow)
* Greidanus lets go
DarKrowthank you
* DarKrow puts it back
* Cal-Crowe works on his site
* DarKrow is listening to Pink Floyd \ Learning to Fly
Cal-CroweI'm re-designing it again
* Greidanus smacks DZ, just for fun
Cal-CroweIt's going to be more streamlined
* DarkonZero ignores Gried.
Greidanusis there not any lufe still left in you?
Cal-CroweDoes anyone have anything that they would like to be put on my site?
DarKrowwell, actually it's something I don't want
DarKrowthey suck
Cal-CroweNo frames on my site
Cal-CroweYou won't find one framed page on my entire site
DarKrowYou should use my design as a template
DarKrowit's very good
Cal-CroweI use shared borders
Cal-CroweShared Borders are my friend.
DarKrowUse Tables
DarKrowI do all my HTML by hand
DarKrowno FrontPage, no HoTMetaL
DarKrowno Visual Page
DarKrowno nothin
Cal-CroweFront Page is great
DarkonZeroDK....if you use nothing....how do you make it?
Greidanusme neither, but I can't do layouts very well
Cal-CroweI don't know HTML well enough to fulfill my design
Greidanuspure html put into notepad
* DarKrow hits cal with a copy of HTML for Dummies
DarKrowI use TextPad 4
Cal-CroweFront Page is the way to go
Cal-CroweIt's cheaper than Adobe Page Maker
* DarKrow is listening to AC/DC \ Back In Black
DarkonZeroI'm gonna use CuteHTML.....once I finish reading my HTML for Dummies book.
Cal-CroweI got CuteFTP
Geoffd1Dreamweaver is the best
* Greidanus is still listening to Queen \ We Are the Champions
Geoffd1Then I use notepad to touch it up or for quick changes
Cal-CroweFP2K/98 is great
Geoffd1www.notepad.org - Site for notepad resources... ;)
DarKrownotepad only opens one file at a time
Geoffd1Eew, Frontpage EVIL
DarKrowMS is evil
Cal-CroweIf you make one error in manual HTML, your whole site could be messed up
Geoffd1That's why you open your page before you upload it
Geoffd1Or in my case, copy it...having your own server is fun
Cal-CroweFront Page is a WYSIWYG program too
Greidanusnot really, just the part you screw up
* DarKrow tries to find Loc's MST family on The Sims
Cal-CroweFront Page can do some really cool things that would take a pro to do in manual HTML
DarkonZeroI really don't care what I use...just as long as I get a webpage up....if either using Frontpage, Frontpage Express, Dreamweaver, CuteHTML, Notepad....or whatever else......
* Cal-Crowe force-feeds DK FrontPage
* DarKrow is listening to AC/DC \ Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap
Greidanusawww... cute!
Geoffd1The HTML builder isn't my most important tool...Photoshop is
Cal-CroweIf I used manual HTML'ing, it would take me years to make my site
Geoffd1When I design a page I create a picture of what it'll look like in photoslop then convert it to HTML
Cal-CroweFront Page comes with the best image tool: Image Composer
Geoffd1Image Composer is guarunteed no match for Photoshop
DarkonZeroI use PSP6.
DarKrowPSP sucks
DarKrowI can't use it
Cal-CrowePSP sucks
Greidanusi use mu
DarkonZeroDK....you suck.
DarKrowthe interface is nasty
Geoffd1PSP is okay, but its layering system pisses me off
DarKrowI tried GIMP for a while
GreidanusI use my unregistered shareware
Geoffd1I need PSP for screen shots, tho
Cal-CroweImage Composer is just as good as Photoshop
Geoffd1GIMP...did they come out with a windoze version of that?
DarkonZeroI like PSP cause it was cheap....and I'm used to it....
Geoffd1Because I can't listen to mp3's under Linux...it hates my sound card
DarkonZeroDK likes MSPaint......he's an avid user.
Cal-CroweMIC only comes with FP98 or FP2000
Geoffd1Paint, heh
Cal-CrowePaint is good
Greidanus...hey!! SHUTUP!
DarKrowI use Photoshop 5
Cal-Crowefor a line or a box.
* Geoffd1 uses Photoshop as well
Geoffd1Photoshop lets me do some cool stuff
Cal-CroweI got FP98 for $60 and it came with MIC and MS Gif Animator
* Geoffd1 goes for an example
Cal-Crowelike what?
* DarKrow falls asleep using his mousepad as a pillow
* Greidanus bangs the gong over DK
* Cal-Crowe watches DK click on eddiedeezen.com
* DarKrow is listening to AC/DC \ Big Balls
Geoffd1That's a good photoshop one
Geoffd1Or http://www.xwing.net/flower.jpg
Geoffd1I'd like to see any paint program beat those... ;)
Cal-CroweMIC can do that
DarKrowNo It Can't
Cal-CroweMicrosoft Image Composer
Geoffd1It can't do that
Cal-CroweMIC RULES!!!!
Cal-CroweYes it can.
DarkonZeroPSP 6 could do that, but I actually don't know, cause I never messed with it that far.
Cal-CroweIt has over 50 effects with about 10 settings each
* DarKrow pulls out his proton pack
Cal-Croweabout 500 different effects in all
* DarKrow powers it up
Geoffd1PSP 6 could do those, yes. But PSP has a crap interface and setup, IMO
* DarKrow points his proton pack at Cal
Cal-CroweMIC is more for making multi-element graphics
* Geoffd1 stops DarKrow. He's not worth wasint energy. ;)
DarkonZeroWell......I got used to it....I like PSP 6 and it works.
Cal-Crowegood example...
Geoffd1PSP 6 *works*, but I just don't like it. Nothing wrong with it, it's a perfectly good program
DarkonZeroI could understand where you're coming from.
DarKrowi'll stick to Photoshop
DarkonZeroI might move up to Photoshop........once I get the cash for it.
Cal-Crowehttp://calvincrowe.tripod.com/12345.htm 's animation there was 100% made with MIC and Gif Animator
Cal-CroweWhat am I supposed to use?
DarKrowThe web was made for still images
Geoffd1Gif animation is good, if it's small and you only have 2 or 3 frames.
Geoffd1But shockwave you should use, yes.
DarKrowAnimation is a bandwith hog
DarkonZeroCC...Dk doesn't like anything that is thoughtful and exciting.
Cal-CroweDK, i use only about 3-4 images on my CITS site.
DarkonZeroDK....are you using a 300 Bps modem?
Cal-CroweI have 56K
DarKrowI have 56k too
Cal-CroweMost people have 56K modems
DarKrowbut I prefer smooth, streamlined pages
DarKrowlike mine
Geoffd1I have cable...my perception of reality is somewhat altered thus
DarKrowfew frills
* DarKrow chokes Geoffd1
DarkonZeroI have DSL.....
Geoffd1You'd hate me even more if you knew all I did with the cable. ;)
Geoffd1Let's just say it pays for itself, though...
DarKrowStarted a server
DarKrowi know
Geoffd1Yeah, that and I run ftp sites and stuff
Cal-CroweMy ISP is a Cable Modem ISP but I can't get cable out where I live
DarKrow<Geoffd1> Or in my case, copy it...having your own server is fun
Geoffd1Yeah...that's my web server
DarKrowMy friend has his own server
Geoffd1Then I have an ftp server too, and a shell accnt server...I milk this thing for all it's worth. ;)
DarKrowthat's what's hosting my site
DarkonZeroThe cable company out here is exprimenting with the connection speeds for cable modems........a guy I know has T1 line speed.
Geoffd1I know...I have near t1
Geoffd1Fastest I've seen down is like 350k/sec
Geoffd1Up maxes out at like 150...but it's often slower
DarkonZeroMy DSL line is bogged down cause of a whole lotta peole on the damn network.
DarkonZeropeople even
Cal-CroweIt would take just a minute to d/l 5MB
Geoffd1DSL shouldn't be bogged down cos of other people...that's the cable
DarKrowI want Cable or DSL or even ISDN
Geoffd1Yeah, I came to cable from a 28.8...I was glued to the computer for weeks straight
DarkonZeroWell....the guy who installed the DSL line musta fugged up.....cause I can only d/l at 15.5/sec.
Greidanusooh, I want a cable modem!
DarKrowWe all do, Greid
DarkonZero15.5 k that is.
* Greidanus daydreams
* Cal-Crowe pours water on Gried
* DarKrow looks at Greid
* Greidanus smacks Cal
* DarKrow hands Gried a towel
* Cal-Crowe pours more water on Greid
Geoffd1Most typically I see speeds about 30-80k...most web sites don't allow you to take more bandwidth then thbat
Geoffd1I don't bother with TV...I just watch a live CNN feed or something. ;)
* DarKrow cries
Geoffd1Oh, stop it
DarKrowI hate you
Geoffd1I was tortured a lot before I got cable
DarkonZeroI always watch Yahoo Broadcast.....
Geoffd1I was on a 486 with a faulty 28.8 for years
* Greidanus whimpers
DarKrowI got to get cable
Geoffd1I got cable and a few new comps...now I am happy...(almost)
DarkonZeroI miss my VIC 20 with a 300 bps modem.
Geoffd1The first computer I relly used was a VAX 11/750...running BSD 4.3 (unix)
DarKrowI have an Apple II/gs in my basement
DarKrowi think It has a modem
Geoffd1I got to use unix when I was 5. ;)
DarKrowMy first computer was a 486/33 with DOS, Win 3.1 and a 14.4 faxmodem
GreidanusI used to have an old 386 with a busted CD-ROM drive and a slow modem
DarKrow3.5 inch drive, 5.25 inch drive, 400 MB HD
DarKrowand 4 MB of RAm
DarKrowMy brother filled it with his frickin Wizardy Games
DarkonZeroWhat's wrong with Wizardry!
Cal-CroweMy first computer was a dual 5-1/2 floppy 285 DOS
Geoffd1My first *personal* computer was a 286 with a 20 meg hard drive
*** Bozarth is on IRC
Cal-CroweIt had NO hard drive
DarKrowDZ, the games were huge
Geoffd1My dad had some other comps before tho, that I used... DEC Rainbow, PDP/11, Commie 64, then eventually he got a Gateway 2000
DarKrowWizardry 5 and 6 took up 300 MB
DarkonZeroMy first computer was really a Commodore Vic 20.....back in '84.
Cal-CroweMy computer was monochrome too
DarKrowI believe you
Geoffd1Back in the day, my 486 was good...I had like 2 gigs when a quarter of that was common...but by the end it was considered crap
DarkonZeroI was 7 at the time.
*** Bozarth has joined #Deep13
DarKrowI first used Apple IIs
DarkonZeroI forgot how old I was.
DarkonZeroHekko Boz!
DarKrowI learned a bunch of LOGO stuff and forgor it
Bozarthwhat's up?
Cal-CroweBoz, your shocked movie was disturbing
Geoffd1Apple 2's rock. I got one just to play around with even after they stopped selling 'em
DarKrowI have a IIgs in the basement
DarkonZeroBoz....you're floating head was inspiring to Sent.
Cal-CroweApple IIe's were great
DarkonZeroyou're to your
Geoffd1repeat 360 [ repeat 4 [ fd 20 rt 90] ]
Geoffd1That'll draw a flower
Cal-CroweI used to play Reader Rabbit all the time
DarKrowI hate macs, but I'm trying to convince my school to give me a Mac Classic
Geoffd1I have a stack of those in my basement, DarK
DarKrowcuz it's old
DarKrowMy Middle School had a Commie PET in the basement
Geoffd1They have these padded carrying cases
Geoffd1They're funny
DarKrowit was in the Lost and Found room
GreidanusI remember Reader Rabbit!
Geoffd1My school hangs on to all computers for dear life
Geoffd1They let me trash a pair of apple 2's for parts, tho
DarKrowit had keys like Chicklets and a cassette tape drive
Geoffd1A Mac Classic? That doesn't have chiclet
* DarkonZero figures on purchasing a Commodore 128D from this one site.....
DarKrowAnd my elementary school had old Trash 80s
DarKrowno but the PET didi
Cal-CroweDammit...I wish I had FP 2K back...
Geoffd1Yeah, pets did
DarKrow<DarKrow> My Middle School had a Commie PET in the basement
Cal-CroweFP 98 is a pain in the ass
DarkonZeroI gotta go for now...I'll be back later.....see ya.
DarkonZeroMe! I disconnect from you...all!
* DarkonZero hits the off switch on his Portal deck and disconnects to the world known as reality!
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Sat Mar 04 13:41:18 2000
Session Start: Sat Mar 04 15:16:48 2000
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is '2http://www.electricstoat.com/rich1 -Yet another shameless plug by: DarKrow'
*** Set by DarKrow on Sat Mar 04 13:48:58
MeltingManHey there, DZ
DarKrowHey DZ
DarkonZeroSo.....silence, eh?
MeltingManDidja see the new pic at my homepage, DZ?
DarkonZeroI didn't even know you had a homepage.
DarkonZeroYOu look like ketchup wearing a shirt.....with ketchup stains.
DarkonZeroBut it's reall cool.
DarkonZeroreally even
DarkonZeroYour site is really cheery.
DarkonZeroMy site is dark and cold.
DarkonZeroOr course I just use the colours black, red, gray and silver.
MeltingManAh...I like bright colors.  
DarkonZeroOf course...I haven't worked on my site for over 3 months....I'm still trying to come up with my new design.
DarkonZeroStill incorporating the same colours.
MeltingManI don't think I'll ever have a design.  My site is just a site for site's sake.
DarkonZeroPlain and simple...that's the way to go.
DarkonZeroBut me.....I like a bit of flair.
* DarkonZero lights his site on fire....
DarkonZeroThere....that might help.
MeltingManHeheh...whoo!  Now it's bright!
DarkonZeroMM...you put together a good site......
MeltingManYeah...it's only been up for a month.
DarkonZeroNot the Brak picture!!!
Geoffd1What do you people think of this design? http://www.xwing.net/hothmain.html
MeltingManHeheh...I liked that.
MeltingManNeat design, I think.
DarkonZeroGeoff......it cool. But the vast picture of space reminds me of what's inside Anon's head.
Geoffd1Yeah, I'm gonna create some intro graphic in photoshop
* MeltingMan snickers
DarkonZeroGeoff.....you should make it a site map.....
DarKrowSitemap's suck
DarKrowindividual links
DarKrowthey load faster
DarkonZeroDK....shut up.
MeltingManHeheh...oh boy.
DarkonZeroThe  graphic makes a great base for a site map.
DarkonZeroJust add a few pics of planets.....and make each planet a link.
Geoffd1Yeah, that's a good idea
MeltingManThat is...
DarKrowI hate site maps
DarkonZeroHave some Rebel pilot floating in space and he ends up being a link to "people".
Geoffd1I have an auto site map builder...and a site search
Geoffd1That design is just for a subsection of my site
Geoffd1...Totally different from the main site
DarkonZeroNice status bar scroll.
MeltingManThat's good.
DarKrowI don't do scrolls
DarKrowJust don't like them
DarKrowI do do mouseover msgs
DarkonZeroAre we talking to you!?!
MeltingManI do do do....I da da da...that's all I want to say to you.
DarkonZeroDK is becoming Grumpy.
DarkonZeroI don't like cheese!
DarkonZeroThe next thing DK will say.
DarKrowI like cheese
* DarKrow munches on some sharp cheddar
GreidanusDarKrow want a cracker?
*** DarKrow has left IRC
*** DarKrow has quit IRC (BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Geoffd1Cheddar muches?
DarkonZeroSHEESH....I never saw anyone hate everything that improves the look of a website.
*** MSTManos is on IRC
*** MSTManos has joined #Deep13
DarkonZeroThe next thing DK will have is mouseovers on text that bring up text of text.
MeltingManHey there, Manos
DarkonZeroHekko Manos!
MSTManosThat should be shameful, or maybe not...
MSTManosAnd who's Geoffd1 with his fancy-shmancy cable modem?
DarkonZeroRASSM member.
MSTManosThat's good.
Geoffd1I don't post to RASSM...just chat in #rassm and post to @rassm
MSTManosDespite all its members, they can't register the channel.
Geoffd1We just haven't bothered
Geoffd1We were talking about me hosting #rassm...off a random linux box
MSTManosWow. A group lazier than us?
* DarkonZero wonders if he should get Xoom.com's free ISP service......naw.
MSTManosThere'll be ads and stuff.
MSTManosI use a free ISP minus the ads.
DarkonZeroI know.
MSTManosAnd it'll probably my permanent ISP if I make ends meet (in other words, I find a way to post to ATTMTN)
DarkonZeroActually....I do have the service.....since I am a Xoom member.
DarkonZeroAnd ads don't bother me....as long as they aren't pop-ups.
*** Geoffd1 is now known as Geoffffood
MSTManosFood... I need food.
MSTManosWe'll probably order pizzas.
*** MeltingMan has left IRC
*** MeltingMan has quit IRC (/me melts away)
MSTManosAnd they actually have a free DSL service, whom I'm waiting to get a response from.
MSTManos2 months.
DarkonZeroEr... .net...
DarkonZeroI forgot.
MSTManosSome guy on AIM is stalking mr.
MSTManosmr. = me.
DarkonZeroHmmmm.....not good.
MSTManosHere's his prof: hey evr1 wazup. i think hendrix is the best singer ever! i like korn,limp and any other hardcore bands.i.m me if u lik korn 2 .  i lov 2 watch mst3k im me if u know what dat iz...
MSTManos...ff7 is the greatest game ever made. i am the one winged angel. im only if u think u r cresent fresh enough. bobba fett is the greatest movie character eva.a few quotes   "reality leaves alot 2 the imagination"-john lennon.   "the blues r easy 2 play but not 2 feel youve got to know much more then the technicalities of notes. you've
MSTManosgot know sounds and what sound goes between the notes"JIMI HENDRIX
MSTManosin the words of slater:check ya later,man
DarkonZeroHe can slaughter the English language very well.
MSTManosThe service is called FreeXDSL.
*** Greidanus has left IRC
*** Greidanus has quit IRC (Ping timeout for Greidanus[isp15-50.ply.adelphia.net])
MSTManosThey even give you a free card.
*** Farhan has joined #deep13
MSTManosConnection card, that is.
MSTManosAny relation to Gohan?
DarkonZeroNearhan! WHERE ARE YOU!!!!
*** MSTManos has left IRC
*** MSTManos is now known as Nearhan
NearhanI'm right here.
*** Nearhan is now known as Farku
*** Farhan has left #deep13
*** Farku is now known as MSTManos
*** MSTManos is on IRC
DarkonZeroSent posted on ATTMTN.
DarkonZeroAs FrankoJStallone.
MSTManos We cannot locate the message board you are looking for right now. Our system is undergoing some maintance and some message boards may not
MSTManos be available. Please try again.
* DarkonZero wonders why these ads for the X10 wireless vid cam always have these porn-like models in them.
MSTManosOne of these days, ATTMTN will be readily available to the entire world.
DarkonZeroThe world will dread that day.
DarkonZeroThat's if I'm still posting.
*** MSTManos has left IRC
*** MSTManos has quit IRC (Love, peace and chicken grease!)
DarkonZeroDamn....I'm hungry now....later room.
DarkonZeroSay goodbye to me! I'm going M.I.A.!
* DarkonZero hits the off switch on his Portal deck and disconnects to the world known as reality!
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Sat Mar 04 16:03:08 2000
Session Start: Sat Mar 04 16:23:47 2000
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is '2http://www.electricstoat.com/rich1 -Yet another shameless plug by: DarKrow'
*** Set by DarKrow on Sat Mar 04 13:48:58
*** Cal-Crowe is on IRC
*** Cal-Crowe has joined #Deep13
DarkonZeroHekko CC!
MSTManosHi, Cal.
Cal-CroweI just made a photo manipulation for my dad
Cal-CroweAnyone want to see it?
DarkonZeroOh no.....
MSTManosPhoto manipulation?
Cal-CroweI get a picture and I re-touch it
Cal-CroweIt's pretty good
Cal-CroweIt's a picture of my uncle
Cal-CroweThere was some stuff on the wall and some holes in the picture I took out
MSTManosI'll take it.
Cal-Crowewait...I'm going to put it on the web since it's two pics
DarkonZeroMake your frickin' mind up Cal!!!!
Cal-CroweI'm putting it on the web to save your time!
Cal-CroweThis is the original
Cal-CroweThe re-touch
Cal-CroweNotice that the fish is gone in the 2nd pic?
DarkonZeroYOu definitely needed to hide the fish.....
Cal-CroweBut the background blends in perfectly now!
DarkonZeroYou used MIC?
DarkonZeroGood work.
Cal-CroweIt took me 30 min to do
DarkonZeroYOu also got rid of the glare that was on that wall too.
Cal-CroweI'm working on a 2nd PM (Photo Manipulation)
Cal-CroweI just got to find the picture...
Cal-CroweIt's me "firing" an anti-aircraft missile launcher
Geoffd1I did a series of joke pictures relating to Darth Maul
Geoffd1ex: http://www.xwing.net/minimaul.gif
Geoffd1ex: http://www.xwing.net/chefmaul.jpg
Geoffd1I did like 6 or 7
MSTManosPizzas are here. Later.
*** MSTManos has left IRC
*** MSTManos has quit IRC (Love, peace and chicken grease!)
Cal-CroweGood work on those...
DarkonZeroWatch as Chef Maul prepares a mynock for the Skywalker party.
Cal-CroweI want to make some Terry Gilliam-style animations with some pics
DarkonZeroThe only pics that I can do really good work with are screenshots of Team Fortress Classic.
DarkonZeroI make little comics of the screenshots.
* Cal-Crowe makes a funny solbase.com page
Cal-CroweDarn, it's offline (hehehe)
Geoffd1TFC rocks
DarkonZeroI usually pick on the newbies of TFC.
Geoffd1You can tell someone's a newbie when they use a HWGuy
Geoffd1HWGuy's piss me off
Geoffd1I'm usually a demoman or an engineer
DarkonZeroI got this screenshot of a Medic defending the flag....
DarkonZeroI'm an engineeer all the way.
DarkonZeroI'll play a HWG when the team need more defense.
Geoffd1If I start off as an engineer I stick with that until I get pissed off and need to go blow things up
DarkonZeroI tend to always join team where everyone want to go offense.....I hate that.
DarkonZeroEven guys who are HWG's.
DarkonZeroThey think they could run the flag back with no problem.
Geoffd1I usually go for offense...unless I'm an engineer
Geoffd1Ocassionally I snipe for a change...cable gets good pings
DarkonZeroI'm both defense/offense.
DarkonZeroI'll do either/or.
DarkonZeroI always wanna get a good screenshot of a dispenser kill when I'm a engineer.
Geoffd1I like to drop dispensers in doorways.
DarkonZeroI always drop a dispenser on the flag.
* DarkonZero plans on adding a TFC section to his site to display his screenshots.....his modified screenshot.
Cal-CroweAnyone use Flash 4?
DarkonZeroI got it.....but haven't used it.
DarkonZeroIt's installed....but nothing made yet.
DarkonZeroAnd it's only a demo.
*** MSTManos is on IRC
*** MSTManos has joined #Deep13
DarkonZeroWB....pizza boy!
MSTManosHehehe. Thankee.
*** DeRaptor is on IRC
*** DeRaptor has joined #Deep13
* DeRaptor leaps into #Deep13 via a perpendicular universe.
*** Mars sets mode: +o DeRaptor
DeRaptor'lo you freeks.
DarkonZeroHekko De.
DeRaptorWho's the new freek?
DarkonZeroHe's a #rassm guy.
MSTManosHi, De.
* DarkonZero kicks De cause he feels like it.
DarkonZeroAhh....I feel better.
* DeRaptor eats Darkon's hands.
* DeRaptor cooks them inside his head.
DarkonZeroLike that's not the first time.
DeRaptoryeah it is. I usually just eat your head raw.
DeRaptorYou sure grow those things back fast.
DarkonZeroWell.....still....you're eating my head.
Cal-CroweDoes anyone have Boz's Floating Head movie?
* DeRaptor wants it.
DarkonZeroCC...I have it!
Cal-CroweIT's funnt
DeRaptorthank ya
Cal-CroweIT really shows Boz's lack of sanity
DeRaptoralready gettin' it, but thanks anyway DZ.
DarkonZeroNo prob...
* MSTManos wants it.
DeRaptorheheheh. crazybozzy
DarkonZeroI couldn't find it for some reason...then it jumped at me.
MSTManosDZ beat Cal to the punch with me.
MSTManosMan, Boz sure is goofy.
* DeRaptor watches head.swf and falls off her chair snickering.
Cal-CroweI'm making a flash movie....
DarkonZeroHis little brother looked so happy to got down by eyelasers.....
DarkonZerogot to go
DarkonZeroBye Cal.
* DeRaptor imagines a flash of Cal running around on little stick robot legs and falls off her chair again.
DeRaptorbye bye DZ
DarkonZeroI was correcting my sentnce....
MSTManosBye, DZ.
DarkonZeroI'm not going.
DarkonZeroI thought Cal was leaving..
DeRaptord'oh! heheh
DarkonZeroThat's why I said bye.
Cal-CroweI'm hanging on
DarkonZeroDamn the word "got"
* MSTManos laughs.
DarkonZeroBoz's floating head looks like it's spacing out.......then get mad when he sees his happy little bro.
Cal-CroweI'm making a Joe Don Baker movie...
Cal-CroweIt'll be funnt
DarkonZeroI'm gonna usse Flash strictly for animation.
Cal-CroweI'll get brain damage..
* Cal-Crowe looks for MST3K pics
MSTManosI think Boz has serious problems... or, as I've said, is just plain goofy.
*** Bozarth is on IRC
*** Bozarth has joined #Deep13
DarkonZeroWhen DK comes back....just keep mentioning Flash........then you'll see his impression of Grouchy Smurf.
MSTManosSpeak of the devil.
DarkonZeroHekko Boz.
Cal-Crowe<MSTManos> I think Boz has serious problems... or, as I've said, is just plain goofy.
DeRaptorHey Boz.
DeRaptorWe were just watching your floating head.
Bozarthgee thanks Manos
BozarthI see
MSTManosHuh? Cal, stop saying quotes that I didn't say.
BozarthI don't blame you
* DeRaptor snickers.
MSTManosFreaking liar.
MSTManosI would never say that. Never.
MSTManosCal hated it.
* DeRaptor snickers at Manny.
BozarthI just made it to test flash
MSTManosI liked it.
Cal-CroweI like it!
DarkonZeroI sent it to Sent.......it inspired him to shoot himself.
BozarthIf I knew floating heads offended him so much, I wouldn't have made it
DeRaptorwow!: http://www.dialasong.com/
MSTManosYeah, Cal's a moron, isn't he?
DarkonZeroScrew Sent....he has a obsession with Frank Stallone......and that's weird.
DeRaptorBun Bun was on the Drew Carey Show.
MSTManos"Be sure to stalk Frank Stallone at aleo2ply@aol.com"
Bozarth"We have some demands, don't we, Commander Bun Bun?
* Bozarth looks to see what sounds he has on mIRC
* Sound request: can't find 'vmb2.wav'
[Bozarth SOUND]
*** CalvinCrow has joined #Deep13
CalvinCrowDANG PEER!
MSTManoswb, Cal.
[Bozarth SOUND]
*** Cal-Crowe has left IRC
*** Cal-Crowe has quit IRC (Ping timeout for Cal-Crowe[ETCD-055.ellijay.com])
CalvinCrowIf you send a sound to your clone, it'll die
DeRaptorstoopid Penn
DeRaptorreally? Wow.
* Sound request: can't find 'mileage.wav'
[Bozarth SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'vmb2.wav'
[Bozarth SOUND]
*** CalvinCrow is now known as Cal-Crowe
*** Cal-Crowe is on IRC
MSTManosBegone, ye ghost of Cal.
[Bozarth SOUND]
MSTManosHuh. For a minute there, I thought I was lagging.
Bozarthwho did the Christopher Walken impression into the VMB?
Bozarthhe should be ashamed
Bozarthgotta go
Bozarthsee ya
MSTManosBye, Boz.
DeRaptorbya bozz
*** Cal-Crowe has left IRC
*** Cal-Crowe has quit IRC (Ping timeout for Cal-Crowe[])
*** Bozarth has left IRC
*** Bozarth has quit IRC (what's this cord do? *YANK* oh, poopie)
*** Cal-Crowe is on IRC
*** Cal-Crowe has joined #Deep13
DarkonZeroWB Cal.
DarkonZeroSilly Boz....floating heads are for only evil people.
MSTManosAnd Trix are for kids. Okay, not really.
* DarkonZero really is a floating diembodied head.....
DarkonZerodisembodied even.
MSTManosomega's dracula?
DarkonZeroSTUPID "S"!
Cal-CroweThis Flash movie is going to be cool.
MSTManosI see.
* DeRaptor is gonna draw DZ as a floating disembodied head, now.
DarkonZeroI'm a floating disembodied head in a pickle jar....a huge pickle jar.
* DeRaptor writes that down.
DarkonZeroDon't think that I don't have a body.....I gots one.......a wimpy mechanical one.
DarkonZeroThat wears the stereotypical nerd outfit.
DarkonZeroDarn....I gotta go for now.....I'll be back after a bit.
DarkonZeroMe! I disconnect from you...all!
* DarkonZero hits the off switch on his Portal deck and disconnects to the world known as reality!
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Sat Mar 04 17:38:11 2000
Session Start: Sat Mar 04 18:15:00 2000
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is '2http://www.electricstoat.com/rich1 -Yet another shameless plug by: DarKrow'
*** Set by DarKrow on Sat Mar 04 13:48:58
*** Cal-Crowe has left IRC
*** Cal-Crowe has quit IRC (http://calvincrowe.tripod.com)
MepitansCameron1111: Are you a BeaR?
MepitansCameron1111: Or a delicios drink that comes in many colors
DeRaptorwb DZ.
MSTManosHuggieBear03: i'm guessing your gay
MSTManosMST Manos: I sure am!
MSTManosMST Manos: As gay as gay can be!
MSTManosMST Manos: Isn't today a wonderful, gay day?
MSTManosMST Manos: Have you ever been to gay Paris?
DarkonZeroYOu got issues.
MSTManosNo shirt.
MepitansHuggieBear03: neither
MepitansCameron1111: So you lied to me?
MSTManosHuggieBear03: nope
MSTManosMST Manos: epno
MSTManosMST Manos: Hello.
MSTManosMST Manos: What's your favorite scary movie?
MepitansHuggieBear03: how did i lie to you
MepitansCameron1111: I thought you were a delicios drink, or at least a bear...no I am so hurt to find you are neither
MepitansShe asked me my e-mail & sent me her pic
Mepitansodd person
DarkonZeroKu...you sly dog.
MepitansI confuse the hell out of her
Mepitansthen insult her
Mepitansthen she send me her pic
MepitansOdd peopel
Mepitansmy head is messed up today
MepitansI read 2 years worth of spawn comics
Mepitansthey are some sick stuff in em
MepitansDude this guy, Billy Kincad(or something like that) worked on an icecream truck then killed kids and the one, he cut her fingers up then glued them to construction paper saying I LOVE TO FINGER PAINT!
Mepitansand Iw as reading it in the car and my mom was like talk
DarkonZeroAh.....issue 5 of Spawn.
MepitansI NEED #4!
MepitansI don't have it
Mepitansit drives me mad
DarkonZeroGood luck....
MepitansI just want to read it
* DeRaptor thinks 'ku is high, as usual.
DarkonZeroIt took me till a QVC thing on comics to get issue #1.
MepitansI have 2 copies!
DarkonZeroI only got 1.
DarkonZeroI wish I had 2.
MepitansI didn't want to
MepitansI got them off this guy
Mepitanshe was like here have 2
MepitansI was like wow
MepitansI got 2 #8s too
MepitansHe was a cool guy
DarkonZeroI got two #7.
DarkonZeroOf Youngblood....I got 2 different covers of #0.
MepitansI like have 1-50 missing like 6 then like 2 in the 70s 2 in the 80s then 90 and 91
Mepitans4 in the 80s actually
MepitansI want some Youngblood
Mepitansjust early ones with chapel, what happens to him?
DarkonZeroI got comics from Viz Comics........I got the whole Battle Angel Alita set of Part 1.
MepitansI want the Angela miniseries and the violator
MepitansGet them soon
DarkonZeroBut since I got them direct...they were pretty much bad copies.
MepitansI haven't found any comic but spawn that I like
DarkonZeroI haven't collected for about 7 years......
Mepitansso you're not up to date on spawn?
DarkonZeroLast issue I got was 13.
Mepitansangela just came back
Mepitansbut did nothing but go to Cogs hideout
Mepitanswhich he isn't there
Mepitansbecause hell is after him
DarkonZeroHell rejected my request if I could join them........damn them.
MSTManosGotta go.
DarkonZeroBye Manny.
*** MSTManos has left IRC
*** MSTManos has quit IRC (Love, peace and chicken grease!)
* DarkonZero feels like getting some issues of Ninja High School.......
DarkonZeroI like that comic.
Mepitansnever saw it
* DeRaptor gets bored.
* DeRaptor hurts people.
DarkonZeroThough it's American drawn manga.
MepitansDe, have manga day
Mepitansand make all the frames to the comic backwords
Mepitansand more anime bangs on de and everyonE!
Mepitansand more Japanese stuff!
DeRaptorbackwards frames?
DarkonZeroJapanese read from right to left.
Mepitansand the books are backwords too
DarkonZeroActually the text is from top to bottom....and the books go from right to left.
DarkonZeroI got a copy of a weekly Japanese comic serial called Shonen Jump that a friend gave to me.
DarkonZeroMulticoloured pages.
MepitansTheres a huge manga shelf at local comic shop
Mepitansohhh ahhhhh
Mepitans4[Couch Burners Inc.]4/14Ol Dirty Bastard4]/14Got Your Money(Vinyl Single) (1999)4[4/14Got Your Money(Dirty)4[/143:564[/145.42 MB
DarkonZeroI looked at the Dragon Ball section in the comic.....it was weird.
MepitansHow can anyone name themselves that?
MepitansThis song is so odd
MepitansThis guy sent me like 30 comics free
Mepitansthe name of the comic, DarkHorse comics
Mepitansnot drawn very well didn't really read it yet
DarkonZeroOh....X......that comic came out when the Barb Wire character was published by Dark Horse.
Mepitansis it good?
DarkonZeroI don't know....never read it.
DarkonZeroI got 2 issues of a Judge Dredd comic.
DarkonZeroWeird stuff Judge Dredd is.
MepitansI got these old Transformers things from 85 I think
Mepitansit is like profiles of them
DarkonZero- the
* DarkonZero thinks of e-mailing Ben Dunn...the creator of Ninja High School.
DarkonZeroNow it's NJS V.2
DeRaptorI have cooties.
DarkonZeroDe...we know that.
MepitansWHere do I get some of those?
* DeRaptor gives everyone cooties.
MepitansFrom DE!
* DarkonZero scrubs away the cooties.
DarkonZeroI didn't ask for any.
* DarkonZero wonders if he should buy the Gigantor comic from Antarctic Press.
MepitansIf I wasn't so lazy I
Mepitans'd have my comic drawn and scanned
Mepitansbut friend hasn't been able to come down to draw it
MepitansMy artistic ablities don't go past stick figures
DarkonZeroIf I had a bit more inspiration...I'd continue with my projects.
MepitansMy superhero doesn't have name
Mepitanshe needs one
Mepitanshis real name is Spencer, someone on scifi helped me come up with that
Mepitanshockey fights are the best
MepitansHockey is the best, because of them
MepitansWhat is that?
MepitansMy mom is mad
DarkonZeroThe hell?
* DeRaptor is BITEY!
* DeRaptor bites and spread cooties.
Mepitansbecause she was like "Clean your room then take a shower"(this went on for like 3 minutes) the whole time I was yelling SHABONG!!!!!!
MepitansI want cookies
Mepitansnot cooties
MepitansIt's my new favorite word
DarkonZeroKu....don't yell SHABONG so much.
MepitansWhy not
* DeRaptor gives Mars cooties.
DarkonZeroThen you will have to clean your room and take a shower more often.
* Geoffd1 parts
*** Geoffd1 has left #deep13
Mepitanswho was that?
DarkonZeroHe's a member of #rassm.
DeRaptorA BITEY member of #rassm.
Mepitans*** Now talking in #rassm
Mepitans*** Set by mirage on Sat Mar 04 21:40:21
Mepitans«Geoffd1» Yes...some of it is sneakily loaded from cnn.com, but most is on my site
Mepitans* mirage waves.
Mepitans«Mepitans» Hi
Mepitans«Geoffd1» Hello
Mepitans«Mepitans» so.....SHABONG!!!!
Mepitans«Chris» It's a deep thirteen loser.
Mepitans* mirage tilts his head.
Mepitans«Mepitans» YEAH!
Mepitans«Geoffd1» #deep13, Matt
Mepitans«mirage» ...what's deep thirteen?..
Mepitans«Mepitans» Being a loser is so hip
Mepitans«Mepitans» I feel so cool
*** MeltingMan is on IRC
*** MeltingMan has joined #Deep13
DarkonZeroHekko and WB, MM!
MeltingManHey there!
DeRaptorhey Melty.
DeRaptorWe've invaded #rassm.
MeltingManA WB when I've been gone for like, three hours.
MeltingManWhat server is that on?
* DarkonZero watch Feivel Goes West.....
DarkonZerowatches even
MeltingManFeivel Goes Direct To Video
* DarkonZero now changes the channel.
DeRaptorthis one
MeltingManHeheh...you're better than me...I'm watching the tearful 8 is Enough reunion show on PAX.
DarkonZeroTerminator is on....oh joy.
MeltingManAdam Rich before he went to prison.
* DarkonZero changes the channel once again.
DarkonZeroI guess I'm gonna watch ZDTV.....like I always do.
* MeltingMan points to the new pic at his site....
DeRaptorheheh, you look like Brak.
Mepitanswhat site?
* DeRaptor likes the daisies.
Mepitanswhats your site!
DeRaptordaisies and melting flesh go well together.
MeltingManYeah...I thought so.  heheheh
DarkonZeroI'll be back....I gotta do a reboot.
DarkonZeroMe! I disconnect from you...all!
* DarkonZero hits the off switch on his Portal deck and disconnects to the world known as reality!
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Sat Mar 04 19:18:41 2000
Session Start: Sat Mar 04 19:22:30 2000
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is '2http://www.electricstoat.com/rich1 -Yet another shameless plug by: DarKrow'
*** Set by DarKrow on Sat Mar 04 13:48:58
MeltingManwb, DZ.
MeltingManOh....they say "no"
DeRaptorwb, zero.
DeRaptorOh. Morons.
DarkonZeroWhat's going on?
MeltingManWe was in #rassm.  Now it's just me in there.
DeRaptorThey're a bunch of doodieheads and won't admit it.
MeltingManYah....they don't have regular heads.  They have....doodie heads.
MeltingManThat's why they're doodie heads.
DeRaptorBig steenky doodie heads!
MeltingManStinky doodie heads that smell......like......doodie.
DeRaptorYeah! And they're steenky and stuff.
MeltingManAnd we're......not. And we......don't
DeRaptorAnd...they all belong to the secret occult club of doodies.
DeRaptorAnd they don't like anybody talking about their doodies 'cuz it's secret.
MeltingManI think you're right.  Stupid secret doodies with stupid secrets.
DeRaptorDeRaptor's New Motto: I'm sorry, am I freaking you out? I am? GOOD!
MeltingManFREAK OUT!
* DeRaptor freaks out.
* DeRaptor finishes freaking out and notices that there are few inorganic objects left in recognizable form within the channel.
* MeltingMan needs the wav of Frank saying "I am the button...."
MeltingManTrails, man.....
* MeltingMan waves his hand in front of his face...
*** DeRaptor has left IRC
*** DeRaptor is now known as BITEY
*** BITEY is now known as DeRaptor
*** DeRaptor is on IRC
[MeltingMan SOUND]
MeltingManFirst thing I did when I got a microphone.....sad, really.
MeltingManFUNNT!  Yeah.....it's funnt!
* Sound request: can't find 'descrow2.wav'
[DeRaptor SOUND]
DeRaptorthere's sad for ya.
MeltingManI never heard that...
*** Boink has joined #deep13
MeltingManHey there, Boink!
*** Boink is now known as Geoffd2
*** DeRaptor has left IRC
*** DeRaptor is now known as cooties
cootiesYou've got me, babe.
*** cooties is now known as DeRaptor
*** DeRaptor is on IRC
Geoffd2Bans are nothing! Yuk Yuk
* Sound request: can't find 'descrow2.wav'
[DeRaptor SOUND]
MepitansI froze 2 peoples comps, they got me up to 100% on AIM
Mepitansso I was mad
DeRaptoryou bad 'kuku!
Geoffd2100%? Of what? I don't use AIM
MeltingManYeah.......you be bad!
MepitansI feel bad now, not so much because I froze them, but because I will be slashed many times at hockey tommorow
DeRaptorNaughty kuku! Into the spanking machine witchoo!
MepitansIs it a kinky spanking machine, or a bad one
DeRaptorYou as well, Monseiour rassm weirdo!
* MeltingMan ponders drawing a Hybrid of Goku from DragonBall and the bird that's Koo-koo for Cocoa Puffs....
DeRaptorA bad one!
DeRaptorno kinkiness for chu!
DeRaptorI still have to draw the flamethrower Goku.
DeRaptorAnd you can be burning a couch and I can be jumping off of it.
Mepitansfor what?
DeRaptorGeoffy, are you that Giraffe from Toys 'R' Us?
Mepitansthe Deep13 pic?
Geoffd2No, I'm not
DeRaptorUhhh...I guess.
DeRaptorYou should be.
Geoffd2If I were I'd tell you to run
MeltingManfor president?
DeRaptorThen I could put pretty bows on your horns.
Geoffd2Well, I don't have them...so too bad
DeRaptorI guess I'll just have to put them on your bunny ears, then.
Geoffd2I don't have those either
Geoffd2Not your day, is it?
MepitansYou'll lose to braK!
Geoffd2So, Mep - Do any coding other then mIRC?
DeRaptorThen I'll tie one to your tail!
MepitansYes I do indeed
Geoffd2Ah...in what?
MeltingManbraK....that would be jasoN as Brak.
DeRaptorUmmmm...I don't remember.
MepitansHTML javascript
Mepitansbegining C and Java
DeRaptorha ha! And ZorIshmael.
* MeltingMan chuckles.
Geoffd2I've known C for a while...recently got into windoze programming, but it's hell
Mepitansyes I know
Geoffd2Javascript is a derivitive of C, so it's easy
Geoffd2Then I did some stuff in VB, too
MeltingManWait...that would make Zorak Brak's mom....which is too disturbing for me
*** JASON is on IRC
Geoffd2Like an mp3 search program (still beta)
MepitansI am doing an independant study of Java next year
Geoffd2independent study? Like, for school?
MepitansSo I can learn something useful
DeRaptorYou  mean Bob as N's mom isn't disturbing enough already?
Mepitansand not be in class
Mepitanswin win situation
* DeRaptor needs a good site for DBZ pictures now.
MeltingManI have no problem with that.
Geoffd2I know some other languages too...like I can do assembly on pc's and motorola 68k's, but that's sorta useless
MepitansWhy do ya need DBZ pics?
DeRaptorto draw CHOO!
Geoffd2Motorola 68k is it least mildly useful...my graphing calc has a 68k in it
*** jasoN has left IRC
* Sound request: can't find 'devoured.wav'
[MeltingMan SOUND]
MepitansI DIE! http://ssjgohan.freeservers.com/cgi-bin/i/image/gokuu-radditz.jpg
Geoffd2You know that picture looks sorta wrong
MepitansYeah I know
MeltingManHeheh...oh boy.
MeltingManGoku swings both ways.
* DeRaptor clicks on "chibi gokuu" and waits for evil.
Mepitans4[Couch Burners Inc.]4/14Mindless Self Indulgence4]/14Tight (98)4[4/14Tornado4[/142:584[/141.70 MB
DeRaptorYAH! Chibi evil.
MepitansThats his brother too
MeltingManHeheh...I won't go there, then
Geoffd2[14mp23] 1404. rob d 2-14 clubbed to death.mp3 <1472m14 262s14> <141282kbps14>
* MeltingMan ponders a Chibi Melting Man...
MepitansWow this band is so extreme
MepitansTHat would be cool
* DeRaptor plots to draw chibi EVERYBODY in an evil evil way.
* DeRaptor ponders a chibi timmyling and thinks that would be going overboard.
MepitansDe, have your manga day and make everyone chibi@
MepitansWow that would be scary
DeRaptorheehee. Phil and Rusty would be PISSED.
MepitansChibi Robot..
DeRaptorChibi Crow...
DeRaptorI tried that, and it scared me.
MeltingManScan it!
DeRaptorwhy does goku have bosoms?: http://ssjgohan.freeservers.com/cgi-bin/i/image/gokuu-paikuhan.jpg
MepitansHe likes to keep his girlish figure
MeltingManGoku needs a man-sier
DeRaptorHe needs a bra.
Geoffd2He had some corrective surgery done?
Geoffd2How do you know he's not wearing one?
Mepitansyeah yeah
DeRaptorummmm...I don't?
Geoffd2Do you want to know would be a better question
DeRaptorActually...yeah, it does look like he's got some major "support" going on...push up type thing.
Geoffd2Could be the shirt.
DeRaptorYeah, all those anime freaks wear tight shirts.
* DeRaptor ponders chibi Bob and shudders, but starts to draw chibi deep 13 anyway.
MeltingManheheh...oh no.
MepitansThe UCB message board started a petition for General Mills to give the rabbit trix
*** Cal-Crowe is on IRC
*** Cal-Crowe has joined #Deep13
MeltingManHe got Trix once, actually.
Mepitansthey have like 100 people
Geoffd2lol...the rabbit should get the Trix, actually
DarkonZeroHekko Cal.
MeltingManYeah...they had a pole in the early 80s and he got 'em.
Geoffd2They had one later, too
Geoffd2Where he got them
Cal-CroweI'd let the rabbit eat the trix
Geoffd2Me too
Cal-CrowePoor rabbit
Cal-CroweTrix is the only thing he likes
DarkonZeroThe rabbit did get Trix..and ate them.
Cal-CroweThe children?
DarkonZeroIt was when they intro'd a new shape.
DarkonZeroAnd flavor.
DarkonZeroAnd that was his only time he ever ate Trix.
* Cal-Crowe has a stroke of genius!
Geoffd2Okay. So there's this rabbi, who goes on a mission to help a jungle tribe. The people in the tribe were called Trids. One day the people began to look nervous, and ran up trees. Then a big gorilla came out, and started kicking the trids. The rabbi went up to him, and said, "Hey! Pick on someone your own size!" (he was a big guy), and the gorilla responded: "Silly rabbi, kicks are for trids!"
* DeRaptor sniffles about the poor rabbit.
MeltingManDon't.  That rabbit's a jerk.  I hate his cereal.  He hates it too, he just won't admit it cuz he tried so hard to get it for all those years.
MeltingManAnd it would be embarassing.
Geoffd2Yeah, talk about a marketing disaster
Geoffd2You know, I just had an idea.
Geoffd2Anyone want to dress up as the rabit, burst into an office building with a gun, take some hostages, and demand Trix in the bargaining?
*** CalvinCrow has joined #Deep13
DeRaptorhey CC.
MeltingManHeheh....the rabbit goes on a shooting spree!
MeltingManwb, Cal
CalvinCrowDIE CLONE!!!!!!
* CalvinCrow slaps Cal-Crowe around a bit with a large trout
* Geoffd2 slaps Cal-Crowe around a bit with a large Kipper.
* Geoffd2 slaps Cal-Crowe around a bit with a large Swordfish. Ow, That's gonna leave a mark!
* Geoffd2 slaps Cal-Crowe around a bit with a large lobster. It attaches itself to Cal-Crowe's nose. Geoffd1 grins evilly.
* CalvinCrow slaps Cal-Crowe around a bit with a large trout
* CalvinCrow slaps Cal-Crowe around a bit with a large trout
* CalvinCrow slaps Cal-Crowe around a bit with a large trout
* Geoffd2 slaps Cal-Crowe around a bit with a large barracuda.
Geoffd2Hmm, out of fish popups
*** Cal-Crowe has left IRC
*** Cal-Crowe has quit IRC (Ping timeout for Cal-Crowe[ETCA-064.ellijay.com])
Geoffd2Ah, oh well
*** CalvinCrow is now known as Cal-Crowe
*** Cal-Crowe is on IRC
* MeltingMan draws a Chibi IMM...it looks like Chucky after he got melted in the machine in Child's Play 2
Cal-CroweWould anyone like to play a "MST3K Quote game" if I had it on my site?
Cal-Crowecrap...here comes another peer
Geoffd2Hmm... *ponders writing an oracle program*
Cal-Crowe-WichitaFalls.TX.US.StarLink.Org- *** Notice -- Invalid username: "clTIKTAKzz" [TIKTAK!clTIKTAKzz@]
MepitansI'll be on scifi
*** Mepitans has quit IRC (buh bye)
* Cal-Crowe slaps DeRaptor around a bit with a large trout
* Cal-Crowe slaps DarkonZero around a bit with a large trout
* Cal-Crowe slaps Geoffd2 around a bit with a large trout
* Cal-Crowe slaps MeltingMan around a bit with a large trout
* Geoffd2 slaps Cal-Crowe around a bit with a large barracuda.
* DeRaptor slaps Geoffd2 around a bit with Joe Don Baker's undies.
* Geoffd2 slaps DeRaptor around a bit with Bill Clinton's used cigars
MeltingManOh...and they're bigger and smellier than any barracuda
MeltingManThat's not right....it's wrong, in fact
* Geoffd2 slaps Scream 3 around with a large trout...DOWNLOAD FASTER
*** CalvinCrow has joined #Deep13
* Geoffd2 wonks Cal-Crowe on the head with a frying pan.
* Geoffd2 kicks Cal-Crowe in the rump.
* Geoffd2 pokes his finger up Cal-Crowe's left nostril in a less than friendly manner.
Geoffd2Old popups, yes
* Geoffd2 describes a mysterious runic symbol in the air, causing Cal-Crowe to experience a sudden lack of control over his bowels.
CalvinCrow-WichitaFalls.TX.US.StarLink.Org- *** Notice -- Received KILL message for Nas99. From MrB Path: cc523003-a.venc1.fl.home.com!MrB (no porn is allowed on StarLink)
DeRaptorRobots don't have bowels.
*** Cal-Crowe has left IRC
*** Cal-Crowe has quit IRC (Ping timeout for Cal-Crowe[ETCH-048.ellijay.com])
Geoffd2Uh, hmm
DarkonZeroThen why is Cla leaking oil?
DarkonZeroCal even
*** CalvinCrow is now known as Cal-Crowe
*** Cal-Crowe is on IRC
DeRaptorCal, clean that up!
Cal-CroweEat me.
DarkonZeroYou heard him De.
DeRaptorno. You'd taste like molybdenum or something.
* Cal-Crowe whacks Geoff2 with a rubber hose
* Geoffd2 smacks Cal-Crowe once. And again, and again, and again.....eventually Cal-Crowe explodes from the incoming plethora of smacks.
Cal-Crowedammit...FP won't let my work on my site!@
Geoffd2Front Page? HAH!
* DeRaptor throws Geoff into a vat of liquid jello.
Cal-CroweFP is the best
* Geoffd2 eats Jello...mm, cherry
* Geoffd2 serves DeRaptor a spawnly smackdown.
* DeRaptor thinks chibi Bob is WRONG, WRONG, WRONG...but draws it anyway in her chibid13 quest.
* DarkonZero thinks of writing a song for what is currently going on in #Deep13. It will be called "There's A Whole Lotta Smackin' Going On!"
* Geoffd2 looks for more smack popups
* Geoffd2 slaps Mars around with a few thousand lines of code and yells 'DEBUG THIS!'
* DeRaptor thinks a chibi-'ling would have serious problems with being top-heavy.
* Geoffd2 slaps Mars on the back in greeting. By accedent or luck, that slap was just hard enough and timed just right so it sends Mars flying into the pool.
* Geoffd2 thwaps Mars with an 4I11M7A9C.
Geoffd2Then...I'm out of smack popups..
* MeltingMan stares at this Chibi IMM he drew...
MeltingManIt's worse than the Powerpuff IMM.
DeRaptorthat's pretty bad.
MeltingManI think I'll scan it...I had to put this skelatal IMM face on the big-ass Chibi head....
MeltingManIt looks like one of the Garbage Pail Kids
*** MeltingMan has left IRC
*** MeltingMan has quit IRC (/me melts away)
*** Geoffd2 has quit IRC (Wasted away in margaritaville...searching for my lost shaker of salt...)
*** CalvinCrow has joined #Deep13
*** Cal-Crowe has left IRC
*** Cal-Crowe has quit IRC (Ping timeout for Cal-Crowe[ETCC-161.ellijay.com])
CalvinCrowIs there a way I can keep peer for disconnecting me?
*** CalvinCrow is now known as Cal-Crowe
*** Cal-Crowe is on IRC
Cal-Crowefor-> from
DarkonZeroTry a reboot.
*** CalvinCrow has joined #Deep13
*** MeltingMan is on IRC
*** MeltingMan has joined #Deep13
CalvinCrowHey MM
CalvinCrowDoes anyone know how to be peer-proof?
DeRaptorIdunno, does anybody know how to be disease-proof?
DeRaptorand wb, meltoid
*** Cal-Crowe has left IRC
*** Cal-Crowe has quit IRC (Ping timeout for Cal-Crowe[ETCA-046.ellijay.com])
*** CalvinCrow is now known as Cal-Crowe
*** Cal-Crowe is on IRC
MeltingManHey there...
Cal-CroweWho is peer?
MeltingManWho isn't peer?
Cal-CroweIS there any way you can prevent peer from d/c you?
Cal-CroweI've been peered 10 times in an hour!
DarkonZeroTry a reboot.
Cal-CroweI did
DeRaptorwow! heheheheh
DeRaptorheheh, chibi bob is flipping chibi N off.
Cal-CroweWhere is this?
DeRaptorin the picture I'm drawing.
MeltingMangonna reconnect again....I'll be back in two minutes and two seconds.
*** MeltingMan has left #Deep13
*** Cal-Crowe has left IRC
*** Cal-Crowe has quit IRC (Ping timeout for Cal-Crowe[ETCF-194.ellijay.com])
*** MeltingMan has left IRC
*** MeltingMan is on IRC
*** MeltingMan has joined #Deep13
MeltingManHmmm....where Cal go?
*** Cal-Crowe is on IRC
*** Cal-Crowe has joined #Deep13
MeltingManThere he go!
Cal-CroweIf I find out who is peering my, I'm going to do something bad...
DeRaptorwb the both of you.
DeRaptormaybe it's somebody in #rassm?
Cal-CroweWhat do you think about a MST3K Quote game?
Cal-CroweIs it a good idea?
MeltingManHmmm...I dunno...I'd like it if it's one of those "What is that a reference to" games...that sort of thing is funnt for me.
Cal-Croweit would be something like...
*** DarKrow is on IRC
*** DarKrow has joined #Deep13
Cal-CroweCrow: "Well, "It" shouldn't drink so much coffee!"
DarkonZeroHey DK....how's the Flash thing going?
Cal-CroweYou have to guess which episode it's from
*** Mars sets mode: +o DarKrow
Cal-Crowehey DK
DarKrowflash thing?
DarKrowWhat flash thing
DarKrowHey Cal, Hey DZ, Hey Melty, Hey De
DarkonZeroThe Flash thing you said you enjoyed making.
DarkonZeroYou like Flash.
DeRaptorHeya DK.
DarKrowI hate Flash
MeltingManHi there, DK
MeltingManI like Flash Gordon
DarKrowOh god
*** DarKrow changes topic to 'Live from irc.starlink.org it's #Deep13 Night Live! (And a bad joke)'
Cal-CroweThe Quote game would have the quote and a drop down list of 10 episodes you have to choose from
* DeRaptor wonders what everyone will think of their chibi versions...
DarkonZeroI'm gonna go....see ya.
DarKrowI was watching Doctor Who a little while ago
DarkonZeroSay goodbye to me! I'm going M.I.A.!
* DarkonZero hits the off switch on his Portal deck and disconnects to the world known as reality!
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Sat Mar 04 20:46:17 2000
Session Start: Sat Mar 04 22:28:17 2000
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is 'My brain is at least as big as a good sized golf ball!'
*** Set by DeRaptor on Sun Mar 05 00:15:19
Mepitans4[Couch Burners Inc.]4/14Atari Teenage Riot4[4/14Speed4[/142:484[/142.57 MB
* MSTManos finishes up recharging and slaps De again.
DarKrowi'm peered
* DeRaptor pokes Manos in the eyes repeatedly.
DeRaptoreww. poor birdie
MeltingManHey there, DZ
TServo4ucb is on....
DarKrowor not
* MSTManos decides to go out the easy way by throwing DK at De.
TimmylingHey DZ.
* DeRaptor gives the birdie a feathernoogie.
MepitansUCB is oN!
TServo4I just said that!
Mepitansbut I said it louder
* TServo4 shoots Mep with his laser
* Sound request: can't find 'blaster.wav'
[TServo4 SOUND]
DeRaptorHe said it with a flamethrower.
Mepitansand I am so adopted
Mepitansthat you wouldn't understand how loud I said it
TServo4Well, you can write, cant you?
DeRaptorHey 'ku, an internet search for "mepitans" turns up absolutely zilch. Is that just a random word you thought up?
MSTManosNo he can'y.
MepitansNo he is a character in my comic book
TServo4YOUR comic book?
Mepitanscomic book
TServo4YOUR COMIC BOOK!!!!!!!???????
MepitansI write it
MepitansI can't draw
* DeRaptor wonders what would happen if SHE started naming herself after characters in HER comic...oh, wait...
MSTManosYou... write... comic books.
TServo4oh, no TVM SIGN!
MepitansYes mam
*** TServo4 is now known as TedVMikels
*** TedVMikels is now known as TServo4
* DeRaptor wonders how much fire is in 'ku's comic books.
Mepitansnone so far
TServo4sorry bout that
Mepitansbut only 2 have been written
DeRaptorNo burning couches?
Mepitansoh you wait
Mepitansthere will be
TServo4how about defromed surgion clowns?
MSTManosTHRILL! as Mepitans burns MORE couches!
Mepitansmaybe 3
MepitansNo Mep won't burn any
* Sound request: can't find 'kill_clownsback.wav'
[TServo4 SOUND]
MepitansMep is very important
MepitansHe prevents the main character from being naked the whole comic
TServo4with censors?
MSTManosTha... that makes sense.
Mepitansno just like shadowed
Mepitansif you read the comic
TServo4ahhh ok.
Mepitansit would make sense
MSTManosHmm... is Reagan dead yet?
DeRaptormakes y'wonder.
TServo4nope, sorry
MSTManosI'd like to see a site that has a Countdown to Reagan's Death thingy.
TServo4"Go ahead, make my day!"
* DeRaptor is laughin'.
[DeRaptor SOUND]
* TServo4 makes Reagans day and pulls off his life support
TServo4santa liqour.....funny
* DeRaptor asks Santa Liquor for some booze.
*** TServo4 is now known as SantaLiquo
* Sound request: can't find 'descrow2.wav'
[DeRaptor SOUND]
* SantaLiquo passes De one
* DarKrow gets a hit from his Bong
* DeRaptor gets drunk and ambles around the channel hilariously!
DeRaptormmmm, bong.
* DarKrow offers De his bong
*** SantaLiquo is now known as TServo4
* DeRaptor asks Santa Liquor for a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster.
TServo4I still have that damn burn....
DeRaptorIs Santa Liquor related to George?
* DarKrow is listening to Sesame Street Stoned
TServo4it destroyed the fingerprint on my right thumb
* DarKrow takes another bong hit
TimmylingIt stole your identity.
DarKrowanybody want some?
TimmylingNo thanks.
* TServo4 learned the hard way that Crow's eyes are flammable
* DarKrow smokes a joint too
DeRaptorhey, if you burn some more ping pong balls, your fingerprints will be untraceable!
* Timmyling watches DK O.D.
* DeRaptor picks up the 'ling and ties pretty ribbons to it.
*** JoelRaptor has joined #Deep13
TServo4nah, I'd be the only guy without fingerprints
* BobIshmael looks up.
MeltingManOh wow...
* JoelRaptor enters dressed in black and smoking a joint
BobIshmaelO.D.? On pot?
DeRaptorUh oh.
DarKrowNeat trick
* BobIshmael pats 'ling on the head.
DarKrowI'd end up o'd ing on the bong
DeRaptorMan, he's a little kid dromaeosaur! Who gave him the goddamn joint!
TServo4De, better kill him
* DeRaptor takes JR's joint away.
*** Locdog07 has left IRC
*** Locdog07 has quit IRC (Leaving)
BobIshmaelYou think that, buddy.
JoelRaptorbite me sis
DarKrowJR's a little Goth now
Mepitansfundementalist christians vs crazy christians in basketball
DarKrowI hope I didn't influence him
DeRaptorWhat are crazy christians? Are they like "Jesus died for your right to PAR-TAY!" or something?
JoelRaptorooh! Is that a bong?
* JoelRaptor takes a hit from DK's Bong
* DeRaptor puts JR in his crib.
TimmylingNever mention anything having ever to do with Upright Citizens Brigade.
* JoelRaptor climbs out and breaks the crib
DarKrowviolent little dromausaur
* DeRaptor puts JR in a straight jacket and ships him off to Juvie Hall.
JoelRaptorIt's REBELLION!
JoelRaptordeal with it!
DeRaptorpink boy.
* JoelRaptor claws his way out and returns to D13
DeRaptorMan! You can't stop that little bastard.
* DeRaptor puts a red jumpsuit on JR.
DarKrowhe's high
* JoelRaptor takes off the jumpsuit and dyes it black
* JoelRaptor puts it back on
* DeRaptor puts a cute little gizmonics patch on it.
MSTManosTS4 is dead.
* DarKrow flies into the rafters
*** Timmyling has left IRC
*** Timmyling has quit IRC (UnitedChat Rules)
TServo4no, I'm back
* DeRaptor shoots JR into space and makes him watch adam sandler movies.
JoelRaptorooh, is that Styx music?
* DeRaptor waits for JR to build cute robots.
[DeRaptor SOUND]
*** Timmyling is on IRC
*** Timmyling has joined #Deep13
DeRaptorwb 'lingling
MSTManoswb, 'ling.
TServo4De, did you finish youra?
DeRaptormy what? Oh, no...
* JoelRaptor attempts to build robots
DeRaptorHow could I? I don't have no instructions. :P
DeRaptorOr hardware for Crow, but I need instructions to figure out what all I need.
JoelRaptor<JR's Bot>Kill Kill Kill Kill *crash* General Protecton Fault... Error 93
* DeRaptor waits for stoopid modeler's resource to publish the crap.
TServo4It easy, I'll semnd them to you as soon as I transfer them from the booklet
DeRaptorgood one, JR.
DeRaptorOh, okie.
* JoelRaptor destroys the bot
DeRaptorTry one that doesn't want to kill everyone.
TServo4which instructions do you need?
JoelRaptorI did try... that's what came out
* JoelRaptor builds another bot...
TServo4and comes out with me
DeRaptorI'm gonna build Servo, but not for a while, and I already have the MR instructions for hims.
JoelRaptor<JR's Bot 2.0> I wuv you... I wuv you... I wuv you
DeRaptorKILL IT!
* JoelRaptor shoots the bot
TServo4yeah Gypsy's the easiest IMO
JoelRaptor<JR's Bot 2.0> I *coff* wuv you
* JoelRaptor shoots the bot again
DeRaptorTry building one half way in between or something.
* JoelRaptor builds another bot
JoelRaptor<JR's Bot 3.0> I'm so depressed.... Life don't talk to me about life.
DarKrowIt's Marvin
TServo4Joey the Lemur!
JoelRaptor<JR's Bot 3.0> I have this terrible pain in the diodes down my left side
JoelRaptormy bad
* Sound request: can't find 'marviniloveyou.wav'
[DeRaptor SOUND]
* TServo4 gives JR a shock to the shammies
DarKrow!DeRaptor marviniloveyou
JoelRaptorThat HURT!
* Sound request: can't find 'marvin-job.wav'
[BobIshmael SOUND]
* JoelRaptor destroys the Bot
* Sound request: can't find 'mstback.wav'
[TServo4 SOUND]
JoelRaptorI suck at bot building
DeRaptorBuild an obnoxious 'bot that hates bad movies.
* Sound request: can't find 'mstback.wav'
[TServo4 SOUND]
JoelRaptorWhat do you think Ive been trying to do?
TServo4damn, this sound isn't working...
* JoelRaptor builds a new bot from scratch
JoelRaptor<JRBot95> What's up... Who are all of you *crash!* Error... Error... Examine
* JoelRaptor attempts to fix the bot
DeRaptorman, did you use microsoft crap on that thing?
JoelRaptorCustom OS
MSTManosSell those robots to your enemies!
JoelRaptortoo late
* JoelRaptor points to the burnt bot parts
* TServo4 points to the flaming crow eyes in his hand
JoelRaptor<JRBot98> What's going on? Who am I?
JoelRaptor<JRBot98> Who are you?
JoelRaptoryour creator
* TServo4 kills JRBot98
* JoelRaptor claws out TS4's throat
* TServo4 fixes it and brings it back
JoelRaptorthank you
TServo4better now
* JoelRaptor attempts to put TS4's thoat back
JoelRaptor<JRBot98> Hi,
TServo4too late.   YOU KILLE ME!
JoelRaptor<JRBot98> what the hell kinda name is JRBot98
* JoelRaptor tinkers with his bot
DeRaptorAwww, lookit the cute little 'bot with the stupid name!
JoelRaptor<MechaDeth> The hell!
* DeRaptor cackles.
JoelRaptorgood enough
DeRaptorName him schnookiwookums pants.
JoelRaptorHELL NO!
JoelRaptor<MechaDeth> HELL NO!
JoelRaptorI got to go
JoelRaptorI'll see you peeps around
TServo4cya jr
DeRaptoradios, JR.
* JoelRaptor puts out his joint and leaves
*** JoelRaptor has quit IRC (BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
* DarKrow relites JR's joint which he left on the floor
DarKrowstupid kid... he's been bogarting the damn thing
* DarKrow smokes it with a roach clip
DarKrowi'm so stoned
DeRaptorWow, I always thought birdies just got high with their wings.
DeRaptor*badum dum ching*!
DeRaptorkill me.
* DarKrow glares at De
DarKrowmaybe later, when I'm not so f'd up
BobIshmaelThere's three different Terran version of the Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster. What a pain in the ass.
TServo4well Time for go to bed here, cyall later
* DarKrow looks and see's MechaDeth lying inert on the floor
MSTManosBye, TS4.
DarKrowTime for go to bed too
*** TServo4 has quit IRC (Read error to TServo4[user-2iveaug.dialup.mindspring.com]: Connection reset by peer)
* DarKrow turns of MechaDeth
DarKrower off
* Sound request: can't find 'reagandead.wav'
DarKrowGood night
MeltingManRonald Reagan sounds like Bill Cosby.
MeltingManAnd eat a pudding pop!
*** DarKrow has left IRC
*** DarKrow has quit IRC (6* DarKrow falls asleep on his keyboard)
BobIshmaelA high Bill Cosby, maybe.
MSTManosWell, he's 98% dead, you'd expect him to sound like that... I think.
* Sound request: can't find 'reagandead.wav'
MeltingManHe's Darth Reagan.
* DeRaptor imagines Reagan in Darth Maul makeup and snickers.
MeltingManHeheh...sketch time.
*** Mepitans has quit IRC (buh bye)
MSTManosOur big crowd has uickly disintegrated.
TimmylingMuch like our words.
*** Goku is on IRC
Timmyling...And much like our conversations.
MSTManosYep, yep.
DeRaptorevilness, evilness.
BobIshmaelI can't stand Strangers With Candy. It's missing some of that one stuff... What's it's called?
BobIshmaelOh, that's right. Humor.
TimmylingA dash of acting, or good writing might help.
MSTManosIt's the show everyone loves to hate.
TimmylingPerhaps a plot.
TimmylingQuality certainly wouldn't hurt.
BobIshmaelNot at all.
BobIshmaelBut you can't always get what you want.
* DeRaptor is TERRIFIED of that show.
MSTManosAnd that's why South Park still lives.
[DeRaptor SOUND]
MSTManosAnd other similar (God help us) shows.
BobIshmaelAnd that's why I don't have an ICBM with a nuclear warhead.
* DeRaptor looks at Bob.
BobIshmaelWhat? What?!
TimmylingAnd that's why I can't get a taser.
BobIshmaelI'll get you a taser, 'ling.. For a price.
TimmylingWhat kind of price?
BobIshmaelA big one.
DeRaptorHowabout some pepper spray?
* BobIshmael looks through his security catalog.
TimmylingNo...I wanna electrocute people.
BobIshmaelI love this thing.
* MSTManos looks up.
MSTManosA soul, perhaps?
BobIshmaelLesee.. Mag-lites, smoke bombs, tactical batons...
TimmylingI don't think you want mine.  It's thin and emaciated.
BobIshmaelNight vision..
BobIshmaelLockpick set..
* MSTManos would like poisoned mace.
BobIshmaelTelephone bugs...
BobIshmaelMiniature camera...
* DeRaptor feeds 'ling's soul chocolate cake.
BobIshmaelTrip wire...
MSTManosThe kind of mace that leaves you blind for the rest of your life, and spices up your enchiladas really good.
BobIshmaelRazor wire...
TimmylingTrip wire?
TimmylingHow much?
BobIshmaelI'm sure there's a taser in here somewhere.
DeRaptorThe kind of mace that they put cobra venom in.
BobIshmaelAnd $9 for the expensive stuff.
TimmylingAh, trip wire is trip wire.
BobIshmaelCool, I need one.
*** MSTManos has left IRC
*** MSTManos has quit IRC (Leaving)
BobIshmaelAnyway, back to tasers..
BobIshmaelGas mask...
BobIshmaelMetal detectors...
BobIshmaelA lot of neat crap that is just so keen I can't even say it...
BobIshmaelSpcialty ammo...
DeRaptorsay it anyway.
*** MSTManos is on IRC
*** MSTManos has joined #Deep13
TimmylingWelcome back.
BobIshmael"Liquid key-scratch" and the like.
MSTManosThankee. I figured I was doin' the lag dance.
BobIshmaelYou might like this.. Here, let me type out the entry...
BobIshmaelActually, screw it..
BobIshmaelTasers, tasers.
BobIshmaelI guess they don't carry 'em. Just buy one online.
BobIshmaelAnyone see anything wrong with that URL?
DeRaptorBob is testing us.
BobIshmaelMaybe it's a pun.
MSTManosI win.
DeRaptorHey 'ling, "electro-muscular disruption" sounds FUN!: http://www.selfdefence.com/air_taser.htm
*** UrbanD has joined #deep13
DeRaptorHey Urban.
BobIshmaelUrbandy? Is that like burgandy?
UrbanDit's more like TurbanD.
UrbanDor.. BourbanD.
UrbanDis there any such thing as a bad sized golf ball, btw?
MSTManosHey there, UD.
BobIshmaelYeah, the ones the size of a football aren't too keen.
TimmylingDe, do you think that means they twitch violently and scream?
BobIshmaelOh, oh! I finally saw 1013.
DeRaptorHmmm...maybe...I hope.
TimmylingMe too.
UrbanDhello manos
UrbanDbut.. there are no football sized golf balls.  they're footballs at that point.  <blink>
BobIshmael$50 for a 400,000v stun gun.
UrbanDyes, and hello to de.
DeRaptorNot if they're shaped wrong.
BobIshmaelMaybe in your fantasy world, freak.
UrbanDwow.  harshness.
MSTManosWelcome to Bob's world. Cigarette?
DeRaptorThat's Bob.
* UrbanD straps on his anti-negativity helmet
MSTManosSure is.
BobIshmaelThat's me.
* BobIshmael shrugs, cocks his head, and smiles.
MSTManosIt's the BIsh we've all come to know and love... well, minus the love.
UrbanDBIsh ?
UrbanDoh, short for BobIsh, et al.. i get it.
BobIshmaelSee, isn't it witty?!
BobIshmaelBecause of my moniker and all... AHAHAHAHAHA!
* DeRaptor punches her screen.
UrbanDi do that sometimes.  mostly when i'm playing Dig Dug.
* BobIshmael sighs.
BobIshmaelI haven't played Dig Dug in the longest time.
* BobIshmael runs off, crying.
DeRaptorHe's got "unstable" written aaaaal over him.
* BobIshmael opens the door.
BobIshmaelSHUT UP!
UrbanDwow, this guy's like me, with a different name.
MSTManosHe didn't even go into his room... he just ran off.
UrbanDpeople like me till they find out i'm unstable.
BobIshmaelOh, right.
UrbanDi've suplexed 3 mothers into coffee tables.
* BobIshmael looks at his feet.
BobIshmaelWell, you see..
UrbanDnot at the same time.
* BobIshmael runs to his room.
BobIshmaelSHUT UP!
UrbanDnevermind, he's like me and then some.
UrbanDall that and a party mix.
* BobIshmael casually opens the door and returns to the channel.
BobIshmaelI finally saw 1013.
* DeRaptor laughs as the room's stupidity monitor rises.
DeRaptorAs previously stated.
DeRaptorSad, non?
BobIshmaelI'm as bad as Reagan.
BobIshmaelOr DK.
BobIshmael(bong hit)
*** MSTAnon is on IRC
* Sound request: can't find 'reagandead.wav'
*** MSTAnon has joined #deep13
DeRaptorwb Anon. It's still weird in here.
MeltingManHey there, Anon
UrbanD1013 ?
* BobIshmael feels the room's gay level increase.
MSTAnonWhat about 1013?
BobIshmaelBecause, y'know, what with Anon being gay and all.
MSTManosRoberto here just saw it.
BobIshmaelNot that there's anything wrong with that.
BobIshmaelMy first episode in months, I tell you.
DeRaptorBob is very sensitive to gayness.
DeRaptorHe has gaydar in his brain.
UrbanDsomeone i was having dinner with tonight asked if i was part mexican.
UrbanDi said "what?  NO!" really loud.
BobIshmael"...And I killed him."
UrbanDthen i realized we were in a Mexican restaurant.
UrbanDit was kinda unnerving.
UrbanDi mean, sounding like i took offense.
MSTManosGood one.
UrbanD<blink blink>
BobIshmaelYeah, really.
* UrbanD runs away from the silence
TimmylingMan, you really screwed up that time.
BobIshmaelI'm highly offended, my ancestors would not approve... My white Scottish, English ancestors.
UrbanDme too.
UrbanDi mean, mine too.
BobIshmaelGo to hell, whitey!
UrbanDkill whitey!
BobIshmaelYou think this is funny, white-boy?
UrbanDeat me, eurodog.
BobIshmaelSee, when we -s the channel, we get The Man in here.
BobIshmaelDid I mention I saw 1013?
* DeRaptor sees the lack of +sing and eeps at the spam possibility.
*** DeRaptor sets mode: +s
MSTAnonIsn't that what the Internet is all about?
MSTManosAnd of course, the #zurna folk.
TimmylingWhat about the #zurna folk?
UrbanD+s - ?
UrbanDi mean, +s = ?
UrbanDwait, manos, there's porn on the internet?
MSTManosI have a theory that all Turks are not allowed to make contact with anyone on the Internet, except in the #zurna rooms where they are able to speak to their own countrypeople. Which is why they're banned from exclusive rooms. Even #cricket.
MSTManosI'm not kidding. There's lots of porn, it even surprised me.
UrbanDwasnt that in a TMBG song?
UrbanDwow.  i've never come across any.
BobIshmaelOkay, you've got one mark going for you.
* UrbanD slaps his forehead at the bad pun
DeRaptorYou obviously don't have an @yahoo.com addy.
MSTAnonSurprising. You'd think they'd regulate that kind of thing.
DeRaptorpun? where?
UrbanDwell, i have a hotmail address, but i only go on there every other day to delete the 500 spam messages without looking at any.
TimmylingHey, that reminds me.  My email addy is a year old and it still hasn't gotten one spam letter.
BobIshmaelCan I call Anon a dumbass, for no particular reason?
UrbanDi won't point out the pun.  i might desensitize some folks here.
MSTManosYou know what else they have on the Internet? Pirated software.
MSTManosNo fooling.
BobIshmaelBecause he's a big ol' dumbass.
UrbanDno shit?
MSTManosThey even have a name for it: warez.
UrbanDlike PlankWalk95 ?
MSTAnonYou don't say?
MSTManosSounds like a Lodovik-approved program.
*** Goku has left IRC
UrbanDwhat, plankwalk?
BobIshmaelHey, Manny...
UrbanDi have no idea.
BobIshmaelKnock, knock.
UrbanDde:  <UrbanD> wow.  i've never come across any.
MSTAnonYou know what else they have on the Internet? Web pages.
UrbanD<UrbanD> wow.  i've never come across any.  [porn]
MSTManosWho's there?
DeRaptorthat's a pun?
UrbanDwow, i've heard about web pages.  i've read about them in books.
TimmylingIt's a really dirty pun, De.
MSTAnonAnd now they've even got these things called chatrooms. Ever heard of 'em?
MSTManosAnon who?
BobIshmaelAnon is a big dumbass.
MSTAnonIn fact, I've heard that people can even get ops by pressing Alt and F4!
BobIshmaelThank you!
TimmylingNo.  You've killed the joke.  I'm sorry.
* DeRaptor is ashamed.
DeRaptorOH! THAT!
DeRaptorThe "come" thing...GEEZ!
*** Mars sets mode: +o BobIshmael
* DeRaptor bangs her head on the wall.
DeRaptorStupid, stupid, STUPID!
BobIshmaelI'm going to ask permission to kick Anon.
MSTManosPING me, please.
UrbanDlil miss Johnny come lately.
MSTManosMy life depends on it.
* UrbanD slaps forehead again
BobIshmaelMSTManos, MSTAnon.. They're so similar.
UrbanDanon, i heard that if you go to a dos prompt and type DELTREE at a C: prompt, your computer will spit $50,000 in cash out of the floppy drive.  try it!
MSTAnonEver try typing FORMAT C: on the DOS prompt?
*** MSTManos has left IRC
*** MSTManos is now known as ManosMan
*** ManosMan is on IRC
MSTAnonIt's really fun!
BobIshmaelI also heard that if you drink bleach, you'll die and I won't care. Isn't that amazing, Anon?!
UrbanDadvantage, BobIshmael
MSTAnonYou're going to drink bleach, Bob? That's great!
BobIshmaelHA! I though you were ignoring me!
DeRaptorCan I drink some radiator fluid?
* BobIshmael does the "I fooled the dumbass" dance.
UrbanDare you running low on it, De?
* BobIshmael hands out "I fooled the dumbass" cigars.
UrbanDit goes good with broccoli.  the lush green of the vegetable compliments the neon green of the radiator fluid nicely.
* BobIshmael hands out the "I fooled the dumbass and all I got was this stupid shirt" shirt.
DeRaptorhave any?
UrbanDshirts?  no. BIsh makes those.
UrbanDI have some brocolli tho.  it's stuck in my teeth.
ManosManAny more souveniers you wanna hand out, BIsh?
* ManosMan realizes he spelled that wrong, but doesn't care for correcting it.
ManosManEven if I spelled it right.
DeRaptorI mean, radiator fluid.
* BobIshmael looks up.
BobIshmaelOh, yes, one.
BobIshmaelI made it specially for Anon. It's the "I came to #Deep13, annoyed Bob, and plugged my site. Oh, and I'm a big dumbass." shirt.
ManosManAnd that is... ?
BobIshmaelA tad wordy, but I think it looks nice.
BobIshmaelTry it on, Anon.
BobIshmaelAnd, here, have a glass of bleach.
Session Close: Sun Mar 05 00:00:00 2000

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