
Session Start: Wed Mar 01 00:00:00 2000
DarkonZeroThough those things weren't stupid.
CrowTRobotwhat's round on the end and high in the middle it's oh-hi-oh-hi-oh!
MeltingManOh how high I owe!
DarkonZeroThe Brakettes scare me.
MeltingManHow about Franz Shoebert....any song with the word "Shoe-losophy" in it....
DarkonZeroI sang along with that song.
DarkonZeroBut I forgot the words.
CrowTRobotI don't wear shoes.
DarkonZeroBut I blame my old brain for that.
DarkonZeroI guess listening to wav #3 depleted my memory.
DeRaptorhey, shut up!
DarkonZeroI was kidding.....sorry.
DarkonZeroI listen to Ana Ng too much...
DarkonZeroOf course it was a fave song of mine since '86 or '87 or whenever it came out.
[MeltingMan SOUND]
* CrowTRobot eats the cellophane.
* MeltingMan has never heard this all the way through until now....
[MeltingMan SOUND]
DarkonZeroShe only knew some of the lyrics....she forgot the rest.
DarkonZeroOr didn't want to continue.
MeltingManHeheh....I'd hope it's the latter.
DeRaptorIt's the latter.
[MeltingMan SOUND]
DarkonZeroAll the wavs that contain heavy breathing  out of the numerical wav is Sent.
[MeltingMan SOUND]
DarkonZeroOne is pretty obvious......when The Jeffersons theme chimes in.
DeRaptorYeah. Like we'd rather hear the jeffersons than Sent's no doubt entertaining voice.
DeRaptorProvided he's a stoned as Cam.
MeltingManCam's a mess and a half.
DarkonZeroI blanked when I made my message.
[DeRaptor SOUND]
DarkonZeroCam and his obsession of washing mashings that clean clothes.
DarkonZeromachines even
MeltingManGood gracious.
* Sound request: can't find 'toobad.wav'
[MeltingMan SOUND]
DarkonZeroListen to spy talk about exploding orange juice on #15.
[MeltingMan SOUND]
DeRaptorIsn't this one spy?
MeltingManYeah...spy's a cheese.
DarkonZeroI'm #10
DarkonZeroLing is #4.
[MeltingMan SOUND]
DarkonZeroBoz is #11 and #14
DarkonZeroI wished Sent a happy birthday on his VMB.
[MeltingMan SOUND]
[MeltingMan SOUND]
MeltingManYou guys scare me.
[MeltingMan SOUND]
DeRaptorWe try.
DarkonZeroYou should have heard Raven's early messages.
[DeRaptor SOUND]
DeRaptorYeah, 4.wav sounds like something 'ling would say.
[DeRaptor SOUND]
CrowTRobotI'm number 67.
DarkonZeroThat was Raven.
DeRaptoryou are not, Crow.
CrowTRobotYes I am.
MeltingManRaven was the masturbating voodoo doll?
DarkonZeroYou should hear the one that Raven left that says that Bob is De's father.
MeltingManThere's probably a band called The Masturbating Voodoo Dolls
DeRaptorIt would figure.
DeRaptor"But dude, it's symbolism!"
* MeltingMan chuckles.
DeRaptorCrow, there IS no 67.wav
[MeltingMan SOUND]
CrowTRobotThat's because I used my super saiyen powers to delete it.
DeRaptorYou did not. quit fibbing.
CrowTRobotMake me.
* DarkonZero remembers a band in Florida called "Dead German Tourists".....they became a new item after all the killings of German tourists in Florida.
* DeRaptor changed the name of that sound.
MeltingManYeah....there was band called the "Dead Dianas", too...
CrowTRobotCan somebody help me hot glue fur to myself?
DeRaptorQuiet, Crow.
* DarkonZero wishes he could get his pseudo-band, "Darkon & The Zeros" a record deal.......
* CrowTRobot forms a record company and gives Darkon a deal.
DeRaptorCrow, that's a lemonade stand.
DarkonZeroQuiet thing!
CrowTRobotHey, a business is a  business!
CrowTRobotThat's it, no record deal for you, mister!
*** MeltingMan has left IRC
*** MeltingMan has quit IRC (/me melts away)
DarkonZeroOk, thing.
*** MeltingMan is on IRC
*** MeltingMan has joined #Deep13
MeltingManGosh darnit.
DeRaptorwb melting one.
MeltingManDammit...Bush won in Va.
DarkonZeroIn high school...I wrote this paper on politics...and the teacher said I would make a good President.
DarkonZeroHmmmm....the first slacker President......
CrowTRobotI'd vote for you...IF YOU DIDN'T CALL ME THING!
DarkonZeroYou can't vote...thing.
MeltingManCrow isn't old enough to vote.
* CrowTRobot sniffles.
DarkonZeroHe's only 10.
DeRaptorThat and they don't let robots vote, the bigots.
MeltingManCrow should run...but he wasn't born in this country.
MeltingManActually...Servo would make a better president.
DarkonZeroWhat my paper was about....I mocked politics and politicians.
DeRaptorCrow should be...the...er...gee, are there ANY political positions Crow would be good for?
* CrowTRobot sniffles and makes bambi eyes.
CrowTRobotUmmm...Secretary of Cuteness? Heheheheheheheheh...
DeRaptorQuiet, you.
MeltingManWhy don't you be secretary of lick me, Crow.
CrowTRobotbut you taste like placenta!
DeRaptorsecretary of jump up my tiny golden ash?
CrowTRobotI hate you.
DeRaptorHe can dish it out, but he can't take it. sheesh.
CrowTRobotI hate both of you! All three of you!
DarkonZeroWho said he could dish it out?
*** jason is on IRC
CrowTRobotClimb up my rear and die, white boy!
DarkonZeroYou already got the homeless housing in there.
* CrowTRobot glares.
[MeltingMan SOUND]
DarkonZeroCrow....use less turtlewax.
* CrowTRobot leaps at Darkon all of a sudden and tries to claw his eyes out.
DarkonZeroDamn......that makes about 100 eyes I lost.
DarkonZeroI can't see clearly now....my eyes are gone!
DarkonZeroI can't get around obstacles in my way!
* CrowTRobot chews on DZ's optic nerve.
DarkonZeroOh great.....
DarkonZeroWould you like to chew on my ass now?
* CrowTRobot runs.
DarkonZeroNow I feel better.
* DarkonZero regrows his eyes.
DarkonZeroI try.
DarkonZeroAnd I somewhat succeed.
DarkonZeroActually....I dismally fail.
*** jasoN has left IRC
DeRaptorYou made him run away....
CrowTRobotI'm under the couch...come and get me!
DarkonZeroCause you might chew on my ass or something.
CrowTRobotI don't want anything to do with your ass! That's disgusting!
CrowTRobotDo you WANT me to chew on your ass?
DarkonZeroI know you want to.
DarkonZeroBut I'm keeping far away from you.
DarkonZeroYou robot wannabe.
CrowTRobotYou sick bastard! Keep your ass away from me!
CrowTRobotI'm more robot than you can HANDLE!
DarkonZeroWho would want to handle you>
DarkonZero> to ?
DarkonZeroWell....other than De.
MeltingManOh wow...
* DeRaptor glares.
DarkonZeroDe....use less turtlewax.
DeRaptorDude, Melty you sound exactly like Joel when you say that. And you've got that spaced-out look in yer eyes, too.
* DeRaptor snickers.
* DeRaptor pours the turtlewax on DZ.
DarkonZeroI'M SHINY!
* DeRaptor wonders why everyone watched "A Wish for Wings that Work" at work today.
* MeltingMan only has one eye.
CrowTRobotI'm shinier.
MeltingManThe other one melted out.
DarkonZeroMM......just use a ping pong ball with a dot on it.
DeRaptorBet your stereoscopic vision's gone all to pieces then, huh?
CrowTRobotThat's what I do!
CrowTRobotEr...I mean...
CrowTRobot...if my eye fell out, is what I mean.
MeltingManWhen one eye falls out they both do for you, Crow
CrowTRobotI'm more robot than your MOTHER can handle!
* DeRaptor looks at Crow.
DarkonZeroYou wanna mess with my momma?!?!
* Sound request: can't find 'momsong.wav'
[MeltingMan SOUND]
* DarkonZero thinks he has the greatest mom in the world.
CrowTRobotYour momma can't HANDLE me!
* DarkonZero gets his mom......
* DarkonZero 's mom kicks Crow's tin plated backside.
CrowTRobotIt's gold-plated molybdenum, so bite me! Ya big doofus!
DarkonZeroI am not a doofus...I like cheese!
DarkonZeroBob Dole thinks you're a thing.
DarkonZeroCrow....call me that again!
CrowTRobotBob Dole thinks you smell like asparagus pee!
* DarkonZero will always stand proudly when he is called a freak!
DarkonZeroCrow...you are asparagus pee.
DarkonZeroOk.....so you're asparagus pee.
DarkonZeroNot a thing.
CrowTRobotI'm 100% american male robot!
* DarkonZero with his stupid vivid imagination pictures a asparagus stalk taking a leak.
DeRaptorwell, Idunno about the 100% male part...but yeah, the other two check out.
CrowTRobotHey, who asked you, DE?
* DeRaptor shrugs.
* DeRaptor has taught Crow all about the concept of asparagus pee.
DarkonZeroSo...you're the pee master?
* DarkonZero keeps a far distance away from De.
* DeRaptor laughs maniacally.
MeltingManOh boy...
DarkonZeroDe...you left a puddle.
DeRaptorNah uh! Avoreptilians don't pee!
DarkonZeroYou in particular do.
DeRaptorI do not! That's apple juice!
DarkonZeroDrink it then.
* DeRaptor shows everyone the glass of applejuice she was drinking.
DeRaptorpeeing is a primitive thing! Only amphibians and mammals do it!
DarkonZeroWell...apparently you just did.
DeRaptorI spilled my apple juice, ninnyhammer!
DarkonZeroDrink it.
MeltingManI has to go now.  Good night.
DarkonZeroG'night MM.
MeltingManEnjoy your pee talk.
DeRaptornight, melty.
MeltingManHeheh...I melt away now.
* DeRaptor drinks the apple juice.
*** MeltingMan has left IRC
*** MeltingMan has quit IRC (/me melts away)
DarkonZeroSo...that's what makes MM all squirmy.
DarkonZeroPee talk.
DeRaptorIdunno, robot genital talk seems to make  him squirm too. But then, I'm not a big fan of it either.
DarkonZeroI am not either.
DarkonZeroN seems proud of it though.
DeRaptorN is just twisted. He's his mother's soN.
DarkonZeroOh so true....
* DarkonZero hates Cow & Chicken.....
* DeRaptor feels DZ's pain.
DeRaptorThat show has to be the worst R&S ripoff I've ever seen.
DarkonZeroAnd then repeats it.
DarkonZeroOver and over again....
* DarkonZero decides to watch ZDTV.....
DarkonZeroI am a geek.
DarkonZeroAnd I am proud.
DeRaptorwave your freak flag high, my friend.
CrowTRobotCan I chew on your ass now?
DarkonZeroI have it on a flag pole outside.
DarkonZeroNot my ass.
CrowTRobotStop typing things in my window, De!
DeRaptorI am a big doodie  head who watches pokemon
DeRaptorHey! Stop that!
* DeRaptor swats Crow with a rolled up newspaper.
CrowTRobotYou started it!
DeRaptorDid not!
DarkonZeroNow ladies......please stop.
CrowTRobotvulture face!
DeRaptorMetal mouth!
DeRaptorwalking coathanger!
* DarkonZero covers his head a runs away crying.
DeRaptorgears for brains!
DeRaptorOh, man....now look what we did!
DarkonZeroI'm not a peabrain!
CrowTRobotMaybe his brain will explode!
DarkonZeroIt might.
* DarkonZero makes Crow's head explode.
DarkonZeroI'm sorry.
* DeRaptor gives crow sugar...um...cubes.
DarkonZeroI had a brain fart........
DeRaptorI was wondering why it smelled like fish...
DarkonZeroDamn...not again.
* DarkonZero gets the vaccuum cleaner.
DarkonZerospy shoving fish in my ears while I'm not looking.
DarkonZeroOf course....I am a target of ridicule.
DarkonZeroAnd I'm proud!
*** BobIshmael is on IRC
*** BobIshmael has joined #deep13
CrowTRobotI stuck a tube of cocaine up  your nose, don't forget that.
DarkonZeroBig Bird is tormenting Bob again......
BobIshmaelSHUT UP!
DeRaptorI sent it to torment you, Bob.
DeRaptorIt's one of my minions.
* DeRaptor had a frog do that to her in Jamaica once.
BobIshmaelNo, it's been here for ahile now.
BobIshmaelawhile, rather.
DarkonZeroThe only sound that bothers me is my dad's snoring.
DeRaptorIt might be hurt. If you go outside and rescue it, maybe you'll become bestest friends forever and ever.
BobIshmaelIf I go outside, I'm shooting it.
DarkonZeroNice Bob...reeeeeal nice.
DarkonZeroBob aspires to be Ted Nugent.
BobIshmaelHEY! You don't have to deal with Mr. Let's Chirp at Midnight and Annoy Everyone!
BobIshmaelWhere "everyone" is me.
DarkonZeroThough I like cats...there wsa this one cat that annoyed the hell outta me.
DeRaptorSure it's not a frog?
DarkonZerowsa to was
BobIshmaelDo frogs make chirping noises?
DeRaptorFrogs chirp too and they're more nocturnal.
DeRaptorLittle tree frogs.
BobIshmaelThen it might be a frog.
DarkonZeroThe frog likes ya Bob.
DeRaptorAnd they're more likely to go on and on monotonously probably.
BobIshmaelHey! The bird-frog shut up.
DarkonZeroAnd crickets chirp too.
CrowTRobotwow...a frog with wings...
CrowTRobotCan I have on, De?
DarkonZeroCome on De...give in.....let Crow have one.
CrowTRobotHe'll have to find one on his own, then.
DarkonZeroWow.....what a transformation De.
DarkonZeroWhen did you become Crow?
CrowTRobotDon't type into my window, you idiot!
CrowTRobotBig stupid dinosaur...
BobIshmaelSure, DZ. Point out every mistake. Can't you build up, rather than tear down?
DarkonZeroI do both.
DeRaptorI should scan now.
DarkonZeroYeah....get the comic out to your public!
* DeRaptor runs off, dragging Crow with her.
DarkonZeroDe......can I have your autograph?
* superspy comes waltzing back in
DarkonZeroDe-emphasize "BOB!"
DarkonZeroBob no like.
BobIshmaelYeah, do tell.
* DeRaptor signs DZ's forehead with a laundry pen.
DarkonZeroAwww.....BOb we lufe you man!
BobIshmaelGo to hell.
superspyde, can I have crow's autograph?
BobIshmaelYeah, me too.
DarkonZeroThanks De......now I can have many diseases.
superspyuh huh
superspynice weather we're having...
DarkonZerospy....should we tell Bob of yesterday's topic?
BobIshmaelNot really.
superspyplease, don't
DarkonZeroI won't.
*** CrowTRobot has quit IRC (Ping timeout for CrowTRobot[pm2-40.mry.redshift.com])
DarkonZeroI hated that topic.
*** DeRaptor has left IRC
*** DeRaptor has quit IRC (Ping timeout for DeRaptor[pm2-40.mry.redshift.com])
DarkonZeroAnd we still don't know who started it?
DarkonZero? to .
DarkonZeroWell...I don't know.
superspycombination of de and N, I think
* superspy reads way up
superspybob, I feel your pain
BobIshmaelYeah, yeah.
* superspy points to the crows outside his window every damned morning
BobIshmaelDid this topic involve me, by any chance?
* superspy tries something
*** superspy has left IRC
*** superspy is now known as DeRaptor
*** DeRaptor is on IRC
*** DeRaptor has left IRC
*** DeRaptor is now known as superspy
*** superspy is on IRC
*** DeRaptor is on IRC
*** DeRaptor has joined #deep13
DarkonZeroWB De.
* DeRaptor wants ops
DeRaptor(it's me, I'm trying something)
*** superspy has left IRC
*** superspy is now known as spybot
*** DeRaptor has left IRC
*** DeRaptor is now known as superspy
*** superspy is on IRC
* superspy wants ops
*** spybot sets mode: +o superspy
*** superspy has left IRC
*** superspy has quit IRC (Leaving)
*** spybot is now known as superspy
*** superspy is on IRC
DarkonZeroWell......what di you finally do spy?
superspywanted to see if your little tip works
DarkonZeroAnd did it?
superspyand it does, although I needed to add a wildcard because of those dynamic IPs
DarkonZeroWell that happens.
DarkonZeroType 9 mighta worked.
superspyusing sent's levels
DarkonZeroBut I'm not sure.
superspythey don't make sense, but I'm using them
DarkonZerospy...does Sent make sence?
superspyon occasion
DarkonZeroBut overall?
superspyok, you've got a point
DarkonZeroWell.....that's Sent.
BobIshmaelNow, about this topic.
DarkonZeroHe's a good kid...but he gets annoying.
superspywhat of it?
DarkonZeroBob it was not about you.
DarkonZeroIt was a weird and yet disturbing topic.
BobIshmaelTell me what it was.
superspyit's horrid
DarkonZeroI truly is a horrid topic.
DarkonZeroIt even
BobIshmaelTell me.
DarkonZeroIt was about Crow having an "area".
superspywhether or not he did, that is
DarkonZeroYeah...pretty much that.
DarkonZeroAnd it went on for an hour or so.
superspyit didn't go for that long
DarkonZeroAm I exaggerating?
DarkonZeroOk I guess I was.
DarkonZeroBut it sorta continued today.
* superspy wonders what movie "once in a lifetime" was on the soundtrack t
DarkonZeroDown And Out In Beverly Hills?
DarkonZeroThe movie was on earlier.....
superspyI know...
superspyjust trying to download a better mp3 of it
superspythis one's got a glitch about 30 seconds in
DarkonZeroWell.....excuuuuuuuuuse me!
superspyand I vaguely remember hearing it in a movie
superspyso I asked....now I know
superspyand it's still going in my 80s folder as opposed to the "movies" folder
DarkonZeroYou are proud of your Db, huh?
DarkonZeroWell....if you want any songs from me (which I think you don't), just ask.
DarkonZeroAll my MP3s are 128 kbps at 44Mhz.
superspythat's pretty standard
DarkonZeroI could make them 320 kbps....
superspythat's pretty silly
DarkonZeroYeah....I know.
DarkonZeroTakes too much HD space.
DarkonZero96 kbps is good...but is noticable...in sound quality.
DarkonZeroIn fact...I'm ripping discs now..
superspymulti-tasking while doing that can cause glitches
superspybad DZ, bad
DarkonZeroWell...I only got mIRC running.
DarkonZeroAnd it didn't do much.
DarkonZeroAll of mine are perfect.
DarkonZeroThe only prob I have is that the even tracks don't get ripped the first time around.
DarkonZeroLike right now.
*** DeRaptor is on IRC
*** DeRaptor has joined #Deep13
* DeRaptor leaps into #Deep13 via a perpendicular universe.
DarkonZeroWB De.
DeRaptorHello again.
* DeRaptor wants ops
DarkonZerouh oh....
BobIshmaelSo very insecure, this one.
* DeRaptor stares at Bob.
superspyhey, de
DeRaptor'lo spy.
BobIshmaelYou don't see me begging for ops, do you? I'm content with who I am.
superspythat's why it didn't give you ops
superspyyour IP isn't giving me the redshift crap
DeRaptorBob, I was trying to trigger a script that Sent wrote. Hush your beak.
superspyhang on
DeRaptorNo...wait...I use that phrase for Crow, not obnoxious humans. ignore that.
DeRaptorthe last part.
DeRaptorThe first part you'd better pay attention to.
superspytry it now, de
* DeRaptor wants ops
*** superspy sets mode: +o DeRaptor
* DeRaptor snickers.
superspyde, are you turning british on us?
DeRaptorJust...um...always looking for new different words.
superspynext you'll be eating crumpets and stuff
DeRaptorstrip's up.
* DeRaptor pretends she's not drinking tea.
superspyI bet you wave like the queen
DeRaptorI kicked the queen's ass!
superspylike hell you did
* superspy pictures de storming the palace with crow in tow
BobIshmaelI doubt those fruity gaurds with the fuzzy hats would put up much fight.
DeRaptorYeah, I kicked their asses too!
superspyI bet you stole their hats, too
DarkonZeroDe's just a hella tough ass kicker!
* DeRaptor tosses spy a fuzzy hat.
* superspy wears the fuzzy hat
DarkonZerospy..oyou can't say anything now.
DarkonZero-o on oyou
superspysure I can
superspyit's you who can't say anything, mr. anderson...
DarkonZerospy....don't be THX.
* superspy takes dz's mouth away just like they did to keanu in the matrix
superspyoh dear god, that was the best part of the movie
DarkonZeroTHX said the same thing before he banned me.
superspyI'm supposed to know this?
DeRaptorkeanu not talking was a VERY good idea.
DarkonZerospy.....it's in the memo.
superspywhy couldn't he stay that way for the entire movie?
superspywhat memo?
DarkonZeroDamn spy...you're that far behind.
* DeRaptor should go sleep now...not been getting much of that of late.
DarkonZeroG'night De.
DeRaptornight night.
* DeRaptor runs away before spy can call her a wimp.
*** DeRaptor has left IRC
*** DeRaptor has quit IRC (Behold the power of my own personal savior, CHEESE!)
DarkonZeroWell......how are you, Bob?
DarkonZeroICraveTV is now in trouble.
DarkonZeroOh well....that happens.
DarkonZeroI watch ZDTV too much.
superspythey're out of business, nevermind in trouble
DarkonZeroThey're trying to fight it......sorta.
BobIshmaelLooks like Godzilla's on AMC.
BobIshmaelI think it's Godzilla vs MechaGodzilla, actually.
DarkonZeroGamera was on last night.
DarkonZeroNice music.....
DarkonZeroThe Japanese are particualrly proud with the achievements they made with Godzilla......
* superspy should go
DarkonZeroG'night spy.
* superspy looks at the banlist
superspywell, that's silly
*** Retrieving #Deep13 info...
superspyomega can just switch nicks and waltz right in
*** superspy sets mode: -b omega!*@*
*** superspy sets mode: +b *!*@*.planet.ro
DarkonZeroWho set the bans?
superspythat one?  I think cal
superspyactually, why I asked for help in modifying sent's script was because of him
superspyI left for 20 minutes, came back, and everyone had ops :)
superspyhe switched his name to Yuji to get ops
DarkonZeroHe also switched his name to De's.
DarkonZeroAnd all the others.
superspyoh well
superspyhe can't do it anymore
DarkonZeroAnd then others followed him.
*** Retrieving #Deep13 info...
DarkonZeroUh....why is Ling banned?
superspysent did that, didn't he...?
DarkonZeroI dunno.
*** superspy sets mode: -b Timmyling!*java@cc552257-a.wlgrv1.pa.home.com
DarkonZeroSent has been acting weirder than usual lately.
* superspy shrugs
*** superspy sets mode: -b *!*@1Cust105.tnt4.pensacola.fl.da.uu.net
DarkonZeroWho's that?
superspywhoops, wrong one
*** Retrieving #Deep13 info...
*** superspy sets mode: +b *!*@1Cust105.tnt4.pensacola.fl.da.uu.net
DarkonZeroCal and his stupid bans......
superspyaw, screw it
superspyI'll keep the last of cal's bans in place, they're better than nothing, I don't know Lodovik's provider
DarkonZeroLike he'll ever show up.
superspyyeah, you never know, though
DarkonZeroSent always provokes him.
superspyI mean omega barely shows here
DarkonZeroActually.....Sent provokes all of them.
superspyok, gotta go
*** superspy has left IRC
*** superspy is now known as spysleepin
DarkonZeroLater, Bob.
DarkonZeroSay goodbye to me! I'm going M.I.A.!
* DarkonZero hits the off switch on his Portal deck and disconnects to the world known as reality!
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Wed Mar 01 02:28:15 2000
Session Start: Wed Mar 01 18:50:56 2000
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is 'Gay little kittens are neat. They're absolutley facinating. '
*** Set by Greidanus on Wed Mar 01 19:19:15
*** Cal-Crowe is on IRC
Sentroid91hekko, DZ
DarKrowHey DZ
* DarkonZero now feels special.
DarkonZeroI can now join the Special Olympics!!!!
*** Bozarth is on IRC
*** Bozarth has joined #Deep13
DarkonZeroHekko, Boz!
Bozarthhey guys
DarKrowHey Boz
BozarthI made a movie with Flash 4
DarkonZeroI wish I could afford Flash 4.
Cal-CroweHow much does Flash 4 cost?
BozarthIt's the demo
DarkonZeroOr Shockwave Studio.
Cal-Crowewhat's the addy?
Bozarthit's somewhere on Macromedia.com
DarkonZeroFlash 4 costs $300.
Bozarthit's for 30 days...but I can always reinstall it
DarkonZeroAnd Shockwave Studio costs $1000 to $2000
Bozarthanyone want to see my film?
DarkonZeroI might later....
DarkonZeroI got the demo of Flash 4...and still haven't installed it.
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*** DarKrow has quit IRC (BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Cal-CroweWhat movie is it?
Bozarththe floating head
DarkonZeroIt's Boz's disembodied head.
Cal-CroweI'd like to get some software to make my MST3K episodes into Quicktime movies
Bozarthwith pibg-pong ball eyes
DarkonZeroThe Quicktime software is sorta expensive....I think....I never checked inot it.
Sentroid91Make them like Briggs makes the MSTape ads, Cal
DarkonZeroYes...make them look like Colorforms.
Sentroid91no one's in #omega! And I took over!
Cal-CroweI'll use photos though
Cal-CroweI want audio and video
Sentroid91HEEKO? The magic dwarf?
Cal-CroweSee ya
* Cal-Crowe goes away like a bad habit
*** Cal-Crowe has left IRC
*** Cal-Crowe has quit IRC (8==8 ======)
Bozarthhey spy, want my Flash movie?
superspynot now, kinda busy
DarkonZeroBoz...I take a look at it.....once this song is over in a few seconds....
DarkonZeroAny URL or what?
Bozarthno...I'll send it DCC
DarkonZeroAnd how do I start it?
DarkonZeroDouble click?
Bozarthyeah, just open it
DarkonZeroI had to pwen it with my browser.....and man it was FUNNT!
DarkonZeroopen even.
Bozarthheh...you liked it?
DarkonZeroNice background music.
DarkonZeroYeah...it was good.
DarkonZeroI see you toated your brother with lazer eyes.
superspyspeaking of macromedia
superspyoh, <bleep>
DarkonZerotoasted even
superspyhave to make a director project that's due tomorrow.
* superspy bangs his forgetful head against the wall
DarkonZeroI gotta watch it again....
DarkonZeroYou sure said that enough.
BozarthYeah...well...it's a floating head too
DarkonZeroDamn...now I want Flash 4......full version!
DarkonZeroI got toon I wanna put out.
Bozarththe demo is like the full version, only the library isn't as big
DarkonZeroWell.....when I start working and get the money...I'm buying the full version.
DarkonZeroI wish I could afford Shockwave studio.
DarkonZeroSince Flash 4 is a good proggie...I will be willing to spend $400 or get my little brother to get it with his student discount.
DarkonZeroOnce I have it...I'll be working on a long time project that I kept in mind.
Bozarthcool...what is it?
DarkonZeroI don't have a specific name for it....but is based on me and my high school friends.
DarkonZeroI'm still trying to come up with a name for it.
DarkonZeroBut that'll come later.
Bozarthwhat's it about?
DarkonZeroHigh school......
DarkonZeroI always wanted to do a comic of my high school experiences.
DarkonZeroWhich were odd.
Bozarthyeah...mine too...still in high school though
DarkonZeroWell.....never too soon to start.
BozarthI have been doing little drawings and charactures of people...studenyts and teachers
DarkonZeroHehe....I still can't get some of the images of teachers outta my head.
BozarthThere's this one girl who asks really stupid questions in our religion class
BozarthI drew a picture of her raising her hand and my teacher thinking "Oh God, now what?"
DarkonZeroWe had this guy that was on the football team that always talked about a little personal activity he loves doing.
DarkonZeroAnd I mean PERSONAL!
Bozarthsomething involving a monkey I'm guessing?
DarkonZeroYou could say that.
Sentroid91http://mstapes.cjb.net   I made a new kick ass logo for anyone who hasn't seen yet
Bozarththere was this one kid on the wrestling team who was the only one not to do that...they started making fun of him til they badgered him enough to do it...ever since, he's been hornier than a dog in heat
Bozarthgod's honest truth
Sentroid91<Dewey> Read me a story
BozarthSo I hate the wrestling team for that
BozarthWe have this 6'7" tall math teacher with a lazy eye and thick glasses
Bozarthwe make fun of him so much
BozarthI could write a book
DarkonZeroThe art teacher I had was a surfer....he sounded so Californian.
Sentroid919,1Quote added: 1,9 * MSTManos thinks jasoN is dead. * Sentroid91 knows jasoN is dead. <MSTManos> The killer got to him... well, Dewey got to him. <Locdog07> Dewey gets to everyone <Sentroid91> Dewey wanted N to read him the entire Bible <jasoN> shush, i'm halfway through Leviticus
BozarthWe have detentions at 6:30 in the morning...he always threatened us to see us at "6:30 in the morning" when we were bad...one time, a kid got up to sharpen his pencil, and the teacher told him to sit dow, he goes "I'm just sharpening my pencil" "Well, I'll sharpen your pencil at 6:30 in the morning."
DarkonZeroThat doesn't sound right.
Bozarthno, not at all
DarkonZeroLuckily the kid didn't say "I'm just f*cking around."
DarkonZeroAnd then the police would come in on that one.
BozarthToday in religion class..are teacher was like "If a guy is promiscouos he what? A stud, a pimp....but if a woman is...she's what?" and I screamed out "SLUT!!!"
DarkonZeroNice going Boz.....
* DarkonZero applauds Boz for his achievement.
Bozarthand for some reason this girl brought up gays and lesbians being called stuff like that...and why gays are looked down upon but people like lesbians or something....this guy goes "Well, guys think lesbians are cool."
BozarthI love that class
BozarthI'm full of stories and I'm only a sophomore
DarkonZeroMy sophmore year I skipped school.
DarkonZeroNot everyday.
Bozarthwow....how'd you pull that off? oh wait
DarkonZeroI got off the bus and walked away.
DarkonZeroAway from school.
DarkonZeroBut I do regret doing that.
DarkonZeroI had to makeup classes during my Senior year.
Bozarththat sucks
BozarthSome kids tried to skip school...the parents of one went out of town, so the other kid came over...the school calls the parents' cell phone...so they turned around and drug them out of bed and took them to school
BozarthI think I should write a book instead of my script
DarkonZeroDo whatever that works for you.
BozarthI came to an extreme stand still on my script
DarkonZeroThat happens...unfortunately.
BozarthI started writing it as a love story for this girl who rejected me...I just put myself in the situations I'd like to be in...and putting some parody here and there...but I fell out of love with her and now I can't write
DarkonZeroSo...the inspiration just faded.....cause your feelings faded...it happens.
Bozarthyeah...maybe I'll start up again...
BozarthI think I'm falling for another girl...I keep drawing pictures of her...and I'm kinda trying not to fall for her too
BozarthCause last time I was in love I felt really bad about it...and she's relatively a friend...but not close friends...so I don't want to screw that up
DarkonZeroWell....you can't help how you feel at times.
DarkonZeroBut it seems you beat those feelings to an inch of their lives.
Bozarthyeah, but I think I'm gonna play it cool and start acting more friendly to her...talking to her more...stuff like that..hopefully when her boyfriend (the senior) goes to college, that whole mess will end
DarkonZeroDo whatever that keeps you from being beaten up.
Bozarththat goes without saying
* superspy reads up
BozarthI just hope that when I grow up that I can be an actor or something famous, you know....mostly cause I can see how all the high school chick will through themselves at me
superspyyep.  telling a lacrosse player to "fuck off" was a mistake I made exactly once during my freshman year
DarkonZeroNow spy has this hobo smile.
superspywell, it was more of a "throw" than a punch
DarkonZerospy will be mistaken as a hockey player now.
DarkonZeroCome on spy...let me go on.
superspysorry, but if anything, all I got was a small concussion and a blow to my ego
superspyI got the last laugh, though.  latest word has him failing out of college.  a bad one, at that.
DarkonZeroAwwww..........I feel bad for that guy.
superspydon't, seriously.
DarkonZeroActually.....not really!
superspyanyway, back to Boz's story...
DarkonZerospy...I like your story better.
superspyfunny.  I don't :)
DarkonZeroDamn I miss this girl I worked with.
Bozarthok...what about my story?
DarkonZeroI wanted to see her today...but was too lazy.
Sentroid91ooh. DZ's in lufe?
DarkonZeroYou butter believe it!
Bozarthshe pretty?
DarkonZeroShe's not like really attractive.
*** Sentroid91 changes topic to 'Attention K-Mars shoppers! DZ's in LUFE!!!!!'
DarkonZeroBut I think she is.
* Sentroid91 ponders un +s'ing the room.
DarkonZeroDo it.
Sentroid91nah. damn Canadians will come back and start nuking me again
DarkonZeroBut +n
DarkonZeroNo external messages.
Sentroid91what about it?
DarkonZeroDon't need anybody voicing off from outside.
*** superspy sets mode: +n
Sentroid91oh, ok. thanks spy
Sentroid91BTW: I've got funnt news
DarkonZeroAnd what is this funnt news?
Sentroid91Remember how Lodo has my phone number and home address?
Sentroid91well he did
DarkonZeroDi you manage to get his?
Sentroid91until I moved and my parents changed their phone number tonight
DarkonZeroForget what I asked.
Sentroid91nope. he's pretending to be some guy named Troy Cundiff
BozarthWell, I gots to go to bed..see you guys later
DarkonZeroSooner or later Lodo is gonna have an identity crisis and forget who he really is.
DarkonZeroG'night Boz.
Sentroid919,1Quote added: 1,9 <DarkonZero> Sooner or later Lodo is gonna have an identity crisis and forget who he really is.
* Sentroid91 is away... REASON: 9,1brb4,1Type /ctcp Sentroid91 page to page.
*** Bozarth has left IRC
*** Bozarth has quit IRC (Home is where I want to be, but I guess I'm already there)
DarkonZeroImagine him applying for a job.....he ends up putting "Troy Plank", "Sorceror Bobby" or something to that nature as his name.
DarkonZeroMaybe even "Ima Beotch".
DarkonZeroAnd apply for a position as, "Nut Juggler".
* DarkonZero is away! 9REASON:9(I gots to be.)
* Sentroid91 is back FROM: 9,1brb
*** jasoN is on IRC
*** jasoN has joined #Deep13
* jasoN jasons in
[jasoN SOUND]
jasoNwho's DZ in lufe with?
Sentroid91Some girl he met at work
Sentroid91<DarkonZero> Damn I miss this girl I worked with.
Sentroid91<Bozarth> ok...what about my story?
Sentroid91<DarkonZero> I wanted to see her today...but was too lazy.
Sentroid91<Sentroid91> ooh. DZ's in lufe?
Sentroid91<DarkonZero> You butter believe it!
Sentroid91*** Retrieving #deep13 info...
Sentroid91<Bozarth> she pretty?
Sentroid91<DarkonZero> Yeah....
Sentroid91<DarkonZero> She's not like really attractive.
Sentroid91*** Sentroid91 changes topic to 'Attention K-Mars shoppers! DZ's in LUFE!!!!!'
Sentroid91MST3Kies - Thanks for your continued support and wonderful letters. The channel is
Sentroid91    continuing its pursuit to obtain MST3K programming for your entertainment. We won't
Sentroid91    let you down. Once we get the programs that we need we will dedicate a time slot for
Sentroid91    it to air. You have two very devoted MSTies fans that have been working with us in this
Sentroid91    effort and I'd like to personally thank Jason and Justin for their help. Keep up the good
Sentroid91    work.
Sentroid91man... Dennis Morgan hasn't updated his newsletter since December
jasoNwho's that?
Sentroid91The B-Movie Channel guy
* jasoN rocks to the new AC/DC album
Sentroid911,9[S9-MS²]9,1/9AC-DC9]/91,9[1/1Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap9,1[/146:099,1[/143.52 MB
jasoNgonna get the new one?
Sentroid91the new mp3? I have it
jasoNtis pretty good
jasoNno, the new album
jasoNcame out yesterday
jasoN"can't stand still" is the best song on the album
* Sentroid91 checks his pockets and techno-organic moths come out of them
jasoNsounds familiar
Sentroid91what does?
jasoNhaving no money
jasoNalmost too familiar
* Sentroid91 tried going to www.ineedwork.com
jasoNworking for a living..where's the fun in that?
* Sound request: can't find 'ladiesnight.wav'
[jasoN SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'beavislf.wav'
[jasoN SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'beavislf.wav'
[jasoN SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'beavislf.wav'
[jasoN SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'beavislf.wav'
[jasoN SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'beavislf.wav'
[jasoN SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'beavislf.wav'
[jasoN SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'beavislf.wav'
[jasoN SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'beavislf.wav'
[jasoN SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'beavislf.wav'
[jasoN SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'beavislf.wav'
[jasoN SOUND]
jasoN2,15Quote:15,2 <Aurora> why do you like long hair, you guys? <Slave456> Good question <Frodie> because....the same reason all those kids like Applejacks... <jasoNic> yeah, and just think..girls with applejacks in their long hair.. <jasoNic> think of THAT <Frodie> yeah!!!
* Sound request: can't find 'beavislf.wav'
[jasoN SOUND]
jasoN2,15Quote:15,2 *** Kernil has joined #StarWars <jasoN> hi kernil <Kernil> hello <jasoN> is that kernil klink? <jasoN> i guess not. <Kernil> no <jasoN> hehe <Kernil> kernil sanders
* Sound request: can't find 'beavislf.wav'
[jasoN SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'beavislf.wav'
[jasoN SOUND]
jasoNhmm, can anyone tell i'm bored?
jasoN2,15Quote:15,2 * Wookieegirl needs some beauty sleep as well... wanna look good for those rpgers and pokekids
* Sound request: can't find 'beavislf.wav'
[jasoN SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'beavislf.wav'
[jasoN SOUND]
jasoN2,15Quote:15,2 <pilot> who else is a girl. <jasoN> i'm a girl <Flinch²> I am too <pilot> Flinch your a girl! <Flinch²> yup <pilot> well your real cool .
jasoN2,15Quote:15,2 <JediKat> yes...he is....special.. <JediKat> SPECIAL * JediKat looks at jas <jasoN> so would you say i'm special? <JediKat> at a special time <JediKat> i think...i think...i think jason is special * JediKat knows that mastermind1787 is not srecail <jasoN> hehe <jasoN> srecail <JediKat> specail rather <JediKat> shut up jas * JediKat fwaps jas while saying lalala
jasoN2,15Quote:15,2 <KevinMurphy> There will be no other show like MST, quote me on that.
jasoN2,15Quote:15,2 <RevengeOfTheCambot> I might feel bad about making someone make a fool out of themself for the purpose of sexual self-exploration......................nahhh!
jasoN2,15Quote:15,2 <Locdog07> I'm British. <DarkonZero> Like that's an excuse.
jasoN2,15Quote:15,2 *** Gillian (Gillian@d132.cherco.net) has joined #Deep13 <IncMeltMan> Is the Skipper in? <IncMeltMan> Oh....wait <IncMeltMan> can you change it to Gilligan so what I said would be funny.
jasoN2,15Quote:15,2 <Bah Thrawnbug> use my metal chinese balls
jasoN2,15Quote:15,2 <ManosMan> Hmm... am I right when I say most of you here hate rap music? <Goku> I like some rap music, you know the kind you can't hear <Goku> wait...no that silence
jasoN2,15Quote:15,2 <Cybob> locdog hum? <Locdog07> I hum? <Cybob> typo <Cybob> hun
jasoN2,15Quote:15,2 <Wookieegirl> I don't even wear underwear, thanks to Yoda <Wookieegirl> you know that <JabroniGirl> O_O <Wookieegirl> ...you had to be there <jasoN> i WAS there and it still sounds odd
jasoN2,15Quote:15,2 * Locdog07 imagines De swallowing and then gettin' heart burn <MeltingMan> .... <Locdog07> Whats wrong, MM? <MeltingMan> Never mind.... <Locdog07> NOO!!!
* jasoN throws a squirrel at Sentroid91
* Sentroid91 slaps jasoN around the room with a chair.
jasoNwhat kind of chair?
Sentroid91uhm... a wooden folding one
jasoNoh, okay..that's acceptable
Sentroid91you want a squirrel?
Sentroid91take this one
Sentroid91oh wait.. that ain't it
Sentroid91this is it
*** Locdog07 is on IRC
*** Locdog07 has joined #Deep13
* Locdog07 pounces into #Deep13 doing crotch chops.
* Locdog07 commands everyone to MAKE SOME NOISE!!!
* Sound request: can't find 'x-pac.wav'
[Locdog07 SOUND]
* Locdog07 wants ops
*** Sentroid91 sets mode: +o Locdog07
* Locdog07 congratulates D
jasoNhey 'dogg
Locdog07It's me, it's me...
* DarkonZero is back from whatever...
DarkonZeroWell, I'm back.
jasoNwb, loverboy
Sentroid91<Sentroid91> Rollin', rollin', rollin'.... get those Locdog's rollin'
Locdog07Ohhh, you're in love with my 'soN?
DarkonZeroYeah...what of it!?!?
jasoNeh..no, loc
Locdog07What's wrong with my 'soN?
jasoNi'm too straight
DarkonZeroYeah...as am I.
Locdog07How dare you!
jasoNi dont get all drunk and have sex with bob, like SOME people
Locdog07You are an insult to the trans-sexual beings that make up this family!
* DarkonZero will go see the girl he misses at her workplace tomorrow.
Locdog07The girl with the thing at the place with the deal
jasoNso tell us all about it, DZ
Locdog07Of Tom & fame
DarkonZeroN....it's a long story....a very long and boring story.
DarkonZeroJust like...uh....the story of Bob.
Locdog07"We walked very very very very very slowly up to each other and fell in love. Boooring"
DarkonZeroLet's just say when I first met her...I just fell for her...the typical stuff.
Locdog07Oh, that ain't boring.
DarkonZeroI haven't seen her for over a month.
jasoNso the important thing is, what does she think of you?
* Sound request: can't find 'toocool.wav'
[Locdog07 SOUND]
DarkonZeroWell...I know she likes me....but is hold back on having a full relationship cause she doesn't wanna get hurt...again.
Locdog07Your braces might accidentally lock when you kiss, huh?
jasoNto hell with that, life's too short to hold back.  she should go for it
DarkonZeroOf course...I was egging her on to break up with the guy that didn't appreciate her.
* Locdog07 remembers seeing that happen and a guy had to come along with a blow torch and seperate the two
jasoNdid she do it?
DarkonZeroNot sure...I haven't seen her since the time we talked about it.
* Sentroid91 gets out his blowtorch
Sentroid91and don't make fun of people with braces, Loc. :P
jasoNhmm, well i wish you luck
DarkonZeroThanks N.
Locdog07Sorry...umm...why, who has braces?
Locdog07Good luck, DZ. And I mean that.
Sentroid91uhm... I do
DarkonZeroN...I wish you luck with that Mylasian girl.
DarkonZeroThanks Loc.
jasoNoh, thanks
jasoNi think
Locdog07You have braces, Sent?
Sentroid91And I got black and green rubber thingies too
Locdog07That's weird...I never imagined that
jasoNand loc, if this is another crappy song, you can prepare to die
* Sound request: can't find 'kurtangle.wav'
[Locdog07 SOUND]
Sentroid91well I just got them last month
* jasoN kills loc
DarkonZeroHey....who wants to see Boz's Flash animation of his floating head vapourising his little bro?
Sentroid91uh, me?
DarkonZeroI'll send it to ya.
* Locdog07 remembers seeing Boz's brothers in a netmeeting...
Sentroid91Boz is in the mafia?
DarkonZeroYou gotta open it with a Flash enable browserSent.
[Locdog07 SOUND]
* Sentroid91 goes to shoot himself now
jasoNmay i help?
* Sound request: can't find 'fullauto.wav'
[jasoN SOUND]
[Locdog07 SOUND]
DarkonZeroApparently Sent was inspired by Boz's work.
Sentroid919,1Quote added: 1,9 <DarkonZero> Hey....who wants to see Boz's Flash animation of his floating head vapourising his little bro? <Sentroid91> uh, me? <DarkonZero> I'll send it to ya. <Sentroid91> ohkay...... * Sentroid91 goes to shoot himself now <DarkonZero> Apparently Sent was inspired by Boz's work.
DarkonZeroWow....2 quote in one day.
jasoN15,2Quote added: 2,15 <DarkonZero> Hey....who wants to see Boz's Flash animation of his floating head vapourising his little bro? <Sentroid91> uh, me? <DarkonZero> I'll send it to ya. <Sentroid91> ohkay...... * Sentroid91 goes to shoot himself now <DarkonZero> Apparently Sent was inspired by Boz's work.
DarkonZeroI'm on a roll!
DarkonZeroA kaiser roll!
Sentroid91I should go edit that Lodo one. You had alot more funnt stuff to say after I added it
* jasoN rolls a large truck onto DZ
Locdog07I'm on a swiss roll
Sentroid919,1Quote added: 1,9 <DarkonZero> Sooner or later Lodo is gonna have an identity crisis and forget who he really is. <DarkonZero> Imagine him applying for a job.....he ends up putting "Troy Plank", "Sorceror Bobby" or something to that nature as his name. <DarkonZero> Maybe even "Ima Beotch". <DarkonZero> And apply for a position as, "Nut Juggler".
Locdog07Imagine that being a circus act...
jasoNoh no..hehe
Locdog07"Come one, come all, see the nut juggler! He defies all known laws of physics! He swings his nuts from the trapeze! Then he lights his nuts on fire and eats them!"
Locdog07Lodo is a carny.
jasoN"and lets give a big round of applause for Lodovik, the Amazing Nut Juggler!"
Locdog07Imagine the make-up he would have.
jasoNno, i wont
Locdog07Crotch inspired designs...
jasoNi said no!
Locdog07With a big "U FUNY!" tattooed on his forehead backwards
* jasoN vomits all over loc
*** S9-Mars has joined #Deep13
S9-MarsHi, S9-Mars
S9-Mars9,1S9-Quoter: *** Cal-Crowe is now known as BubbaHump <BubbaHump> DAH!!! *** BubbaHump is now known as BubbaGump <Sentroid91> Bubba Hump? <Sentroid91> Cal's become a porn star...... again <BubbaGump> Please look away from the humping
S9-Mars9,1S9-Quoter: <MSTManos> <jasoN> my dad has a cock <MSTManos> <jasoN> he trains it <MSTManos> <jasoN> it's helluva tough <MSTManos> That was FUNNT beyond all recognition.
Sentroid91xquote, search 15
S9-Mars1,9Quote containing 15: 9,1<MSTManos> Opbuin Software, a new software project by NGI, has begun to offer software on CD. This project will be bundled with the main NGI site and will offer various public domain software, shareware, and other compilations on CD. <MSTManos> This, from a 15-year old rich kid whose most memorable quote is "HAHAHA U MAKE ME NUTS JUGGLE!"
* Sound request: can't find 'hhh.wav'
[Locdog07 SOUND]
DarkonZeroAnd to that effect..."NUT JUGGLING" killed te conversation.
DarkonZerote to the.
jasoN2,15Quote:15,2 <Yoda> hehe yes I can go on the commercial now "Never worry about falling off when you're hanging on to the neck of a rabid wookiee by your teeth just use polident"
Locdog07Nut Juggling Killed The Radio Star
jasoN2,15Quote:15,2 <Yoda> theres a might hot he-yoda that just moved into the mudhole next door I bet with this new hair of mine I could snag a date with him easy!
jasoN2,15Quote:15,2 <Starshipe> jessee can you show us that beutiful ass? * jasoN looks at shipe <jasoN> o_O <Starshipe> lol wrong chat guys sorry lol
* Locdog07 imagines her calling up people and saying "jessee can you show us that beutiful ass?" and then saying "lol sorry wrong number lol"
jasoNwould you laugh, or actually say "lol" ?
Locdog07Say "lol"
jasoN2,15Quote:15,2 * Epona yawns * jasoN throws a marshmallow into Epona's open mouth * Epona spits marshmallow into jasoN's eye
DarkonZeroA long time ago, me a nd a friend used hyperlink to make prank phone calls...it didn't work too well cause we couldn't say anything. But you couold hear the person on the other end just ramble on.
Locdog07A long long time ago, me had a friend.
DarkonZeroAwww....you gots friends here.
DarkonZeroWelll maybe not N.
DarkonZeroN hates everybody.
* Sound request: can't find 'tastetough.wav'
[Locdog07 SOUND]
* jasoN throws a squirrel at DarkonZero
* Sound request: can't find 'jasontough.wav'
[Locdog07 SOUND]
jasoNi do not, i'm full of love
DarkonZeroFor Bob.
* Sentroid91 throws http://www.stickdeath.com/stkzilla.htm at N
jasoNOW!  that HURT!
jasoNoh my...
* Sound request: can't find 'toocool.wav'
[Locdog07 SOUND]
* DarkonZero looks at the topic and thinks omega's response will be, "Hte hole wyde werld ist hapy fur yew!!!"
jasoNthat url
Sentroid91There's your squirrel, N
Locdog07You know, the robot in First Spaceship On Venus is called "Omega"
Locdog07It ends up driving round and around in a circle and then runs over one of the crew...
DarkonZeroVenus soon realized who it was and tried to leave.
Sentroid91<omega> ye  ye  ye   ye  ye Buck  ye ye  ye
Locdog07oh my god Sent...that URL....
DarkonZeroThe URL I intro'ed to Sent.
DarkonZeroKu is pissed though.
jasoNpoor squirrel
DarkonZeroThey stole his ideas.
Sentroid91<Stickdeath> YOU STOLE ME SHIT!
Locdog07<Wallace> GET OFF ME CHEESE!!!
* jasoN has to go now
DarkonZeroLater N.
jasoNgoodnight, foo's
* jasoN jasons off to bed
*** jasoN has left IRC
*** jasoN has quit IRC (Leaving)
DarkonZeroIf N keeps N'ing, he'll lose an eye while N'ing.
Locdog07yep yep
DarkonZeroDarn....I gotta go for now....be back later.
DarkonZeroSay goodbye to me! I'm going M.I.A.!
* DarkonZero hits the off switch on his Portal deck and disconnects to the world known as reality!
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Wed Mar 01 21:55:51 2000
Session Start: Wed Mar 01 23:24:11 2000
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Disconnected
*** Attempting to rejoin...
*** Rejoined channel #Deep13
*** Topic is 'Attention K-Mars shoppers! DZ's in LUFE!!!!!'
*** Set by Sentroid91 on Wed Mar 01 22:04:28
* spystuff pokes DZ
spystuffknow where I can get a picture of a 35mm film reel canister?
DarkonZeroOh....I thought you were doing spy stuff?
DarkonZero35mm film can...nope.
spystuffI am doing spystuff
DarkonZeroOk...I take that back....
Session Close: Thu Mar 02 00:00:00 2000

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