
Session Start: Tue Feb 22 00:00:00 2000
MeltingManIt was up against 60 minutes.  I was the only one that watched it.
DarkonZeroI watched it....
MeltingManThat means two people watched it.
* DeRaptor wonders about Melty's fascination with "bad" things...and stuff.
* DeRaptor stops wondering 2 seconds later and looks for things in the fridge.
DarkonZeroWhat's wrong with bad things?
DarkonZeroI'm a collector of bad merchandise.
MeltingManBad things amaze me.  I wonder what goes into the minds of the people that create them.  
DeRaptorMy budgies think the squabbling racoons outside are other budgies.
* DarkonZero still has a Nintendo R.O.B. in a box....but in pieces.
MeltingManLike Sailor Moon.....I've started watching that.  It's the most annoying thing ever created.  
DeRaptorHeheheh...you noticed that too?
MeltingManThere's this one character that's female, and looks and sounds just like Mikey in "Teenage Strangler".
DarkonZeroI saw Sailor Moon when it first aired in America....and knew right off that it was annoying.
*** BobIshmael is on IRC
*** BobIshmael has joined #deep13
* DeRaptor ponders the best methods of keeping Melty far, far away from Pokemon.
MeltingManAnd the male characters are all so feminine...
MeltingManSpeaking of which...
DeRaptor'lo fishmeel.
*** jaejae has joined #deep13
*** jaejae has left #deep13
BobIshmael'lo, um, De.
MeltingManjaejae the jet plane!!!
* DarkonZero is laughing out loud....so much he sounds like Krankor!
MeltingManNow there's a slice of hell!
DarkonZeroDe....did Cal ever show you certain picture from Pokemon?
MeltingManOh my.....he showed me.
DarkonZeroIt's disturbing.
DarkonZeroYeah....I know he showed you...I was there.
DeRaptorI...do I want to know?
DarkonZeroI'm not sure.
MeltingManIt's worse than anything I've ever created.
DarkonZeroI got a bad copy that Cal sent me.
MeltingManWell.....maybe not Popeye the Sailor Moon.
DarkonZeroMM...it is worse than that.
MeltingManyeah, you're right.
DeRaptorOoooh, yikes. I remember that thing.
* DeRaptor flees.
DarkonZeroTo describe it...it's the character James.....and he has something(s) he shouldn't have.
DeRaptorOh...he's in drag with a stuffed bra or something?
DarkonZeroStuffed no.
MeltingManStuffed with.....um....
DarkonZeroWell.......that got her.
DarkonZeroI guess one of the animators got a little bit carried away.
MeltingManYou could say that.
DeRaptorWell, you know how the japanese are, what with their Ranma 1/2 and stuff.
* DarkonZero still has yet to see a ep of Ranma.
DarkonZeroRanma was created by a female.
* MeltingMan remembers a crossover "Renma 1/2" starring Ren Hoek
DeRaptorI've never seen it either. It just...gets around.
DeRaptorActually, that's conceivable.
MeltingManI didn't create that.
DeRaptorRen or Renda.
MeltingManRen and Stimpy are soooooooooooo gay.
DeRaptorYou know...if we all changed our genders...Loc would have to be LocBitch07.
* DeRaptor snickers.
DarkonZeroRumiko Takahashi was on something when she created Ranma.
MeltingManThat's an idea!
*** DeRaptor has left IRC
*** DeRaptor is now known as HeRaptor
* HeRaptor watches football.
*** MeltingMan has left IRC
*** MeltingMan is now known as MeltWoman
* BobIshmael looks up.
* MeltWoman marries a weiner woman.
BobIshmaelYou people sicken me.
DarkonZeroI'm staying outta this one....
DarkonZeroBob....feel free to puke at any time.
DarkonZeroMM.....what you did is only legal in Hawaii.
HeRaptorMean ol' continental states.
MeltWomanYeah...and I'm MW now.
MeltWomanyes.  Wisconsin.
* BobIshmael wonders what sort of prescription drugs he can order online.
HeRaptorMmmmmm...cheese...and packers.
DarkonZeroBob is searching for Viagra.
BobIshmaelA Viagra joke.
DarkonZeroBob...I was being serious.
BobIshmaelAre you sure you werem
BobIshmaelAre you sure you weren't just being an idiot?
* HeRaptor watches more football.
DarkonZeroFootball sucks.....hookey is better, eh!
*** MeltWoman is now known as MeltingMan
*** MeltingMan is on IRC
HeRaptorDuh...big guys...hit each other...stuff...
MeltingManI miss my weiner man.
*** HeRaptor is now known as DeRaptor
*** DeRaptor is on IRC
DeRaptorOkay, that's just getting weird.
BobIshmaelWhat the f-
BobIshmaelWhat is this and how did it end up on my harddrive?
DarkonZeroYou were probably on a bender and thought it would be good.
DarkonZeroThen you enjoyed the song very much.
DarkonZeroAnd decided not to delete it
BobIshmaelThat doesn't sound like me at all.
DarkonZeroThat's a exact description of you.
MeltingManHey they're showing the superfreinds thing on ABC!
BobIshmaelSuperfriends "thing"?
DarkonZeroShall we let him know?
BobIshmaelWho are you talking to?
DarkonZeroI'm talking to all the people...the masses of people!
BobIshmaelI should fake ADD to get some free meth.
DarkonZeroToo late...I did that.
* DeRaptor tries using vine charcoal on her comic...and eeps at the results.
DarkonZeroI gots in trouble.
* DeRaptor ponders taunting Bob because he seems tauntable tonight.
* DeRaptor decides she's too lazy.
DarkonZeroAh...what it's like to be a slacker.....
* DarkonZero wishes he wasn't a big slacker......
* BobIshmael wishes he had the power of life and death.
DarkonZeroDamn....Bob's on one of his life and death binges again.
* DarkonZero remembers when Bob couldn't stop rambling about nuclear war.....
DeRaptorBob is just like little Crow...he wants to control who lives and who dies...it's cute!
DeRaptorWell, okay, so it's not, it's disturbing.
DeRaptorJust thought I'd say that.
DarkonZeroWell, you did....and failed.
* BobIshmael mumbles something about weapons grade plutonium and goes back to his manifesto.
DarkonZeroHere goes another 5 weeks of nuclear war.
DeRaptorOh, man.
* DeRaptor sits back and waits for it to pass.
DeRaptorI think he's just dissapointed since we didn't all perish on New Year's.
BobIshmaelThere's always May 5.
DarkonZeroMay 5th?
DarkonZeroDamn......8 days before I turn 24 years old.
BobIshmaelYeah. The planets are aligning and it's going to cause a polar shift.
DarkonZeroThanks Bob.....you bring in such a downer.
DeRaptorThat or he's just full of shit.
DarkonZeroI'm not making it up!
DarkonZeroBob.....you bring in such a downer.
* DeRaptor wants Bob's manifesto so she can figure out how to MiST.
BobIshmael3 months until you all perish! And me, too... I suppose.
DeRaptoryou're awaiting it eagerly, I bet.
DarkonZeroBob's gonna be under a cardboard box thinking that it's a bombshelter or some sort of protection.
* DeRaptor doesn't want to know what newsgroups Bob reads.
MeltingManYeah, really.
BobIshmaelYou'll be wishing you had a cardboard box and an M-16 when all hell breaks loose.
DarkonZeroI already have the m-16.
DarkonZeroI don't need the box.
DeRaptorOh, I'll be fine. My pet magical winged tyrannosaurus will protect me.
DarkonZeroWait.......what if Bob is right?
DarkonZeroNaw.....he's never right.
DeRaptorYeah! What if donuts start falling out of the sky!
BobIshmaelI'm not making this up... Well, as far as the planets are concerned.
BobIshmaelI'm just assuming that there'll be a polar shift.
DarkonZeroActually......I did see donuts fall from the sky......
BobIshmaelWishful thinking, I suppose.
BobIshmaelThat's because you were on acid, dumbass!
DarkonZeroNo...it was after an accident.
DeRaptorAnd...what exactly will this polar shift DO that will cause the end of civilization?
DarkonZeroSomeone hit the Dunkin' Dounts guy.
DarkonZeroPolar shift...I thin causes a gravitational imbalance....
DarkonZeroI'm not etirely sure.
DarkonZeroentirely even.
* DeRaptor floats off the ground and then is flattened into the floor.
DeRaptorDamn you, Bobbo.
* DeRaptor goes to scan.
* BobIshmael is busy finding a reputable URL to quote from.
DarkonZeroWhen the graviatational imbalance would cause natural diasters.
DarkonZeroWhen to The
* MeltingMan must sleep now....be back tomorrow.
*** MeltingMan has left IRC
*** MeltingMan has quit IRC (/me melts away)
BobIshmaelWe can see the African continent in a normal earth at left. In the picture at right the pole has shifted approximately 90°.
BobIshmaelThe real danger here, if such a thing is possible, is that the ice surrounding and on top of the Antarctic continent (seen in the picture at left) would rapidly melt. The melting ice would rapidly raise the water level of the oceans causing significant flooding.
*** DeRaptor has left IRC
*** DeRaptor has quit IRC (Read error to DeRaptor[pm3-70.mry.redshift.com]: Connection reset by peer)
DarkonZeroAnd hence making Kevin Costner famous for predicting the future.
BobIshmael"Volcanic activity and earthquakes would presumably become quite severe as the tectonic plates are jostled about."
DarkonZeroWith all that said and done.....let's move on.
DarkonZeroOk...it's not done.....but still.
DarkonZeroWell....I'm gonna go....later.
DarkonZeroMe! I disconnect from you...all!
* DarkonZero hits the off switch on his Portal deck and disconnects to the world known as reality!
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Tue Feb 22 00:59:12 2000

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