
Session Start: Tue Feb 15 00:16:42 2000
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is '3,0 HAPPY BIRTHDAY BARBBB! 14,15 -- To all D13'ers: if you could be an animal, what kind would you be? Send answers to stupidquestion@terribleclaw.com'
*** Set by DeRaptor on Mon Feb 14 00:01:28
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Tue Feb 15 00:44:38 2000
Session Start: Tue Feb 15 14:50:52 2000
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is '3,0 HAPPY BIRTHDAY BARBBB! 14,15 -- To all D13'ers: if you could be an animal, what kind would you be? Send answers to stupidquestion@terribleclaw.com'
*** Set by DeRaptor on Mon Feb 14 00:01:28
TServo4hey DZ!
MeltingManHey there, DZ.
MeltingManCalifornia Institute of the Arts, Graduate Composition Program
MeltingMan              Boston University School for the Arts, Graduate Composition Program
MeltingMan              University of Massachusetts, Bachelor of Music Magna Cum Laude
MeltingMan              Grove School of Music, Film Composition Program
TServo4hekko to you too!
MeltingManwww.admmusic.com : It's the official site of the guy that did the Hobgoblins music.
DarkonZeroM...what the hell are you doing?
MeltingManI accidentally cut and pasted.
TServo4I sent that letter to TVM
MeltingManWhat did you say?  You weren't too mean were you?
TServo4Well, if you count "I think your movie sucks andd should have never been made!!!!"
TServo4I wrote like a 2 page letter just telling him why not
MeltingManOh my...
MeltingManI'm glad it was made, though.
TServo4I'm waiting for him to reply....or to atleast have a heart attack....
TServo4"He loves to hear from his fans all over the world!"
MeltingManhttp://www.filmtracks.com/titles/monstrous.html : Hey!  You can buy the music from The Mole People!
TServo4you mean the WIld World of Batwoman?
MeltingManhttp://www.filmtracks.com/titles/monstrous2.html : And from Gorgo
TServo4Phase IV is on #1 also
DarkonZeroI'll be back in a bit.
DarkonZeroMe! I disconnect from you...all!
* DarkonZero hits the off switch on his Portal deck and disconnects to the world known as reality!
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Tue Feb 15 14:57:11 2000
Session Start: Tue Feb 15 15:25:00 2000
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is '3,0 HAPPY BIRTHDAY BARBBB! 14,15 -- To all D13'ers: if you could be an animal, what kind would you be? Send answers to stupidquestion@terribleclaw.com'
*** Set by DeRaptor on Mon Feb 14 00:01:28
*** MeltingMan is on IRC
*** MeltingMan has joined #Deep13
DarkonZeroHey MM.
MeltingManHey DZ.  I'm back.
DarkonZeroYup...that you are.
MeltingManHave you seen Loc in here lately?  I haven't seen him in like, two days.  I'm just surprised cuz he's usually in here all the time.
DarkonZeroI guessing he might be in one of his moods...or something else.
DarkonZeroI could guess why Sent is gone.....it's his computer...might be down again.
* MeltingMan scratches his head.
DarkonZeroAre you sure that's a good idea?
MeltingManUm....no.  But that hasn't stopped me before.
DarkonZeroWelllyou making yourself disproportioned....now you got some of your head on your hand...if that is your hand.
MeltingManIt all flows together, though.
*** Cal-Crowe is on IRC
*** Cal-Crowe has joined #Deep13
Cal-CroweDZ! MM!
* Sound request: can't find 'omega.wav'
[Cal-Crowe SOUND]
[Cal-Crowe SOUND]
MeltingManHey Cal
Cal-Croweerr, LUFE!
* Cal-Crowe slaps Mars around a bit with a large trout
* Cal-Crowe slaps DarkonZero around a bit with a large trout
*** MeltingMan has left IRC
*** MeltingMan has quit IRC (/me melts away)
*** Greidanus is on IRC
*** Greidanus has joined #Deep13
DarkonZeroHekko Greid.
Greidanushekko to you too
Cal-Crowehi Greedy
Cal-CroweHow's your science project going?
Greidanusalmost done, just need to write the rest of it up
* Sound request: can't find '3butts.wav'
[Cal-Crowe SOUND]
* Cal-Crowe throws an axe across the room
* DarkonZero throws a Cal across the room......
* Cal-Crowe throws DZ across the room
*** Greidanus has left IRC
*** Greidanus has quit IRC (Ping timeout for Greidanus[])
Cal-Crowe===================:*(|  |)
DarkonZeroI look nothing like that.
DarkonZeroYou'll never get it right.
DarkonZero>B) <- That's me.
* DarkonZero kicks Cals metal (_)_).
Cal-CroweLeave my golden ash alone
DarkonZeroI'll be back later.....
DarkonZeroSay goodbye to me! I'm going M.I.A.!
* DarkonZero hits the off switch on his Portal deck and disconnects to the world known as reality!
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Tue Feb 15 16:40:16 2000
Session Start: Tue Feb 15 17:20:33 2000
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is '3,0 HAPPY BIRTHDAY BARBBB! 14,15 -- To all D13'ers: if you could be an animal, what kind would you be? Send answers to stupidquestion@terribleclaw.com'
*** Set by DeRaptor on Mon Feb 14 00:01:28
Cal-Crowehey DZ
DarkonZeroIf you could be a rock....what kind would you be?
Cal-CroweA pyrite
DarkonZeroIf I were to be a sea animal...I'd be a stoned crab......not a Stone Crab.....a stoned crab.
Cal-Crowe"Look at that little crab! It's heating something on a bent spoon..."
*** Jason is on IRC
DarkonZeroOr I'd be a sea horse....and be at a sea ranch.
DarkonZeroGonna be in those sea rodeos!
Cal-CroweJunior Seahorse Rodeo Daredevils...
DarkonZeroBut back to being a stoned crab.....
DarkonZero<Me> You gotta try this kelp man.....'tis trippy.
* Sound request: can't find 'snorks.wav'
[MeltingMan SOUND]
* Cal-Crowe gets some lemonade
Cal-CroweDid anyone find the Pokemon/breasts picture disturbing?
DarkonZeroCal...I didn't get the one you were sending me.
Cal-CroweI found something MORE disturbing
MeltingManDid I draw it?
Cal-CroweWhat's the addy for the Hitler/Radiator pic again?
MeltingManHold on....
MeltingManhttp://www.geocities.com/Vienna/9938/object.html : This is the page that has it...it's in the old stuff
DarkonZero<Hitler> Hiel! I'm Hitler......do you need a radiator?
Cal-CroweIt's Furheriffic!
Cal-CroweI found a really disturbing pic...
DarkonZero<Hitler> If it doesn't work well.....I'll send the SS to your home and kil....er.....fix the problem.
DarkonZeroNext time on "Gnomes getting it on with deer!".....
MeltingManThings are not what they seem!!!
Cal-Crowe"Open Here"
MeltingManHeheh...I've seen all of this stuff.
DarkonZeroYes...if you want you kids to meet in the singles bar type setting......
MeltingManHeheh...there's one sign in there that says "Kids With Gas Eat Free" or something....
MeltingManThey meant if you buy gasoline...
Cal-CroweKids can't drive though...
Cal-CroweDo they hijack a car?
MeltingManI don't know.
Cal-CroweWould you like to use one of your lifelines?
MeltingManNo.....I'd like to kill you for referencing "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire"
*** TServo4 has joined #deep13
TServo4hey all
MeltingManHey there, TS4
TServo4I have a guest for you all
Cal-CroweHey TS
*** TServo4 is now known as TVMikels
MeltingManOh my....
TVMikelsHeey very'bdy, did you like my movie?
Cal-CroweHELL NO!
TVMikelsIt was called "The Girl in Gold Boots" and now I'm selling crap from it!
TVMikelsyou can find it on ebay!
TVMikels<goofy laugh>
*** TVMikels is now known as TServo4
*** MeltingMan has left IRC
*** MeltingMan has quit IRC (Read error to MeltingMan[ppp-080132.hfx.cstone.net]: Connection reset by peer)
*** MeltingMan is on IRC
*** MeltingMan has joined #Deep13
TServo4Who I though I got lost a sec there
MeltingManWhat happened to Ted?
TServo4I killed him.
TServo4Oh, wait!  OHHHH NOOOO!
*** TServo4 is now known as TVMikels
TVMikelsThought he coulld get rid of me huh?....
MeltingManMy favorite part was the part where The Girl with Gold Boots danced.
* Cal-Crowe gets his rifle
TVMikelsoh yeah?
TVMikelsI worked on that for quite some time
MeltingManShe was definitely in gold boots!  Your movie lives up to its name!
TVMikelsyes, that it does....he he he
MeltingManHow about the part where the guy that looks like Regis Philbin materializes out of nothing...what was your inspiration for that?
TVMikelsWell, we hired him from the EL Fudge factory really
TVMikelshe's magical you know
Cal-CroweHe's an icky elf
MeltingManAh ha...and he slid in filth!
* Sound request: can't find 'aha.wav'
[MeltingMan SOUND]
TVMikelswell, I don't see any reason to make fun of him...He was a very good actor
TVMikelsI especially liked how he played out the robbery scene
TVMikelsand the dunebuggy scene....
*** Cal is on IRC
*** Cal has joined #Deep13
TVMikelsand the eerie haunted house bar sene....
MeltingManDo you still keep in touch with the musical group that performed such hits as "The Girl in Gold Boots"?
CalThe peering cut my connuction off
TVMikelsyes, they are actually good friends of mine
MeltingManWhy do they all look like Tab Hunter?
TVMikelsumm, we made them out of cardboard, that's why....
*** Cal has left IRC
*** Cal has quit IRC (Excess Flood)
TVMikelsSo how'd you like the robbery scene, huh?  I really worked hard on that bit!
*** Cal is on IRC
*** Cal has joined #Deep13
*** Cal-Crowe has left IRC
*** Cal-Crowe has quit IRC (Ping timeout for Cal-Crowe[brga1pool2-a27.blrg.tds.net])
MeltingManLet's talk about Catalina Caper...you did cinematography for that movie...what was the best thing about working on that film?
CalMWa ha ha ha
*** Cal has left IRC
*** Cal is now known as Cal-Crowe
*** Cal-Crowe is on IRC
MeltingManI liked the robbery scene.
TVMikelsI think making the shots of the crayola hatted man.  And the creepy girl....
* Cal-Crowe belches
MeltingManDo you still keep in touch with that guy that played Exeter on Mork and Mindy and did stupid pratfalls in Catalina Caper?
TVMikelsthe thug was actually my boyfrie.....I mean a friend of mine I met at a restaurant
MeltingManDid you get to meet Little Richard?
TVMikelswe had some "Creative Differences" somewhere
Cal-CroweWhat did you think of working with Little Richard?
TVMikelsyes, he is a genious
TVMikelsI think he was really a little out of it at the time
TVMikelsmabey it was alll the sedatives we gave him....
MeltingManHow about Tommy Kirk and Lyle Waggoner?
TVMikelsTK was good in bed...I mean boating and LW was a little  off...
TVMikelsthat answer your questions?
*** TVMikels is now known as TServo4
* Cal-Crowe retches
* MeltingMan shudders at the thought of ex-mouskateer Tommy Kirk in bed with Ted V Mikels...
*** TServo4 is now known as TVMikels
MeltingManI've seen a picture of Ted...he has this really great handlebar mustache.
TVMikelsSorry about that....
MeltingManYou should be.
TVMikelsthank you.  I worked on that moustache for some time
* MeltingMan is done with questions...
TVMikelswell I have to go bye
TVMikelsnick TServo4
TVMikelsWheeeew!  I'm back!
*** TVMikels is now known as TServo4
* MeltingMan is still suffering from nausea after the Tommy Kirk thing...
TServo4I killed him
TServo4he he he
MeltingManTed made a movie called "Dr. Sex" in 1960.
MeltingManHe also directed "Astro-Zombies"
MeltingManAnd "Blood Orgy of the She-Devils"
TServo4the doll squad
MeltingManHaven't seen that one.
* MeltingMan enjoys the Brak sounds...
TServo4He also made a greman film called Missile X - Geheimauftrag Neutronenbombe
MeltingManBrak has a picture of that girl that drew all those neat pictures of him on his site...
MeltingManShe owns the "Brak's Scrapbook" site.
TServo4where's that?
MeltingManWhere's what?
TServo4the site
MeltingManWhich one, Brak's or hers?
MeltingManUn Momento
TServo4put adress here
MeltingManhttp://www.CartoonNetwork.com/spaceghost/cod/brak/061599/index.html :
MeltingManThere are other parts...
MeltingManhttp://www.CartoonNetwork.com/spaceghost/cod/brak/index.html : This is the most recent
TServo4I wonder if Zorak has a site...
MeltingManMoltar does, too.  So does the rest of the Council of Doom..
TServo4cuz I know Clay Croaker and I wanna see if it links to him
MeltingManWell....he's the art director for The Brak Show...
* MeltingMan wishes he knew Clay Croaker.
TServo4yeah, I met him at a party....
TServo4When I used to live in Atlanta
TServo4he almost NEVER does Zorac's voice
* Cal-Crowe will be back in 10-15 min.
MeltingManWho does the voice, then?
TServo4CC does the voice
TServo4I ment publically
MeltingManOh.....well...that's different.
Cal-CroweC. Martin Croacker
TServo4like at a party, he'll never do it
MeltingManI wouldn't expect him to.
TServo4he has a really heavy southern accent
TServo4The only time I ever heard him say it was when he did the "Pizza" song for us at a pizza hut...
MeltingManSo you ate pizza with Croaker.
TServo4yup.  meat lover pizza
MeltingManI thought he was a vegitarian.
TServo4deep dish
TServo4He's how I met Joelie-poelie-puddin-n-pie
TServo4on the phone anyway...
TServo4he's really a bog MSTie it turns out....
TServo4I think....
TServo4I dunno.
TServo4He eats pizza though
TServo4I hven't seen him in about a year...
* DarkonZero is busy looking at message boards on Delphi.
* Sound request: can't find 'hammermantheme.wav'
[MeltingMan SOUND]
MeltingManSend me those wavs, too
* Sound request: can't find 'kingbrak.wav'
[MeltingMan SOUND]
DarkonZeroWhat was the other one I played?
MeltingManThat's it.
[MeltingMan SOUND]
DarkonZeroI forgot the name of the wav.
DarkonZeroI got over 1000 wavs...and I forget all the names.
* Sound request: can't find 'lostdog.wav'
[MeltingMan SOUND]
Cal-Crowebrooks and duhn duhn duhn!
MeltingManSend me that.........more wavs is good.
DarkonZeroThat was a wav from Space Mutiny.
MeltingManyeah...I know.
[MeltingMan SOUND]
Cal-Crowesend me that
Cal-Crowespace mutiny was funny
* Sound request: can't find 'popeye.wav'
[MeltingMan SOUND]
* Cal-Crowe looks for a .wav of Piggy Hill
TServo4what's this week's episode?
MeltingManOh man.....shame on you, Cal.
MeltingManOf what?
MeltingManUm....Devilfish, I think.
TServo4ahh good
* DarkonZero oges to the forsaken place to check.....
* /sound: no such file 'thunderfist.wav'
MeltingManWhat gumby sounds are those?
* Sound request: can't find 'gumbythm.wav'
[MeltingMan SOUND]
DarkonZeroOne is from Pod People....the other...i don't know.
DarkonZeroThey're both joel era.
TServo4do the huzzah one
* /sound: no such file 'renfest.wav'
MeltingManOh...k.  Don't send those.
Cal-CroweDang no Piggy Hill sound
* /sound: no such file 'pumaman1.wav.wav'
Cal-CroweDevil Fish is next Sat?
TServo4I need that one....
Cal-Crowe"Devil Fish with satanic string beans and deep-lucifered potatoes!"
* MeltingMan hopes CN puts Speed Racer back into rotation soon...
Cal-Crowe"How do you like the pork tartar, honey?
* Sound request: can't find 'japanesetheme.wav'
[MeltingMan SOUND]
* /sound: no such file 'dontwork.wav'
* /sound: no such file 'donotwork.wav'
MeltingManWhat are those wavs of?
DarkonZeroThe work.wav was a Zorak sound....
MeltingManSend me that.
[Cal-Crowe SOUND]
DarkonZeroNo.wav is from Kids In The Hall.
[Cal-Crowe SOUND]
MeltingManDon't send me that.
TServo4crap...my cambot broke...
* MeltingMan lets out a "The Hell?
Cal-CrowePoor guy
TServo4oh, wait, I just need to get a screwdriver hold on
Cal-CroweHow could you let Cambot break?
TServo4ok got it.  No, he's just worn.  He's about 5 years old...
* MeltingMan raises an eyebrow....
MeltingManUh huh....
Cal-CroweDo you sleep with him
TServo4heh, no
* /sound: no such file 'jellied-whoopass.wav'
Cal-CroweI gotta go
*** Cal-Crowe has left IRC
*** Cal-Crowe has quit IRC (http://go.to/cits)
* MeltingMan wonders what the heck TS is laughing at.
TServo4just things...
TServo4I'm reading this EG entry
DarkonZeroIf you want some MST3K sounds..... goto: http://www.zianet.com/area51/mst3k/index2.html
TServo4Thanks.  I'm probebly gonna post up my sounds this week. I've got a whole bunch I recorded myslef...
DarkonZeroOnce this is over...I'm taking off for now.
DarkonZeroMe! I disconnect from you...all!
* DarkonZero hits the off switch on his Portal deck and disconnects to the world known as reality!
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Tue Feb 15 19:26:05 2000
Session Start: Tue Feb 15 20:41:21 2000
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is '3,0 HAPPY BIRTHDAY BARBBB! 14,15 -- To all D13'ers: if you could be an animal, what kind would you be? Send answers to stupidquestion@terribleclaw.com'
*** Set by DeRaptor on Mon Feb 14 00:01:28
*** MeltingMan is on IRC
*** MeltingMan has joined #Deep13
MeltingManHey there.
DarkonZeroHekko MM.
DarkonZeroThey're dead.
DarkonZeroAs usual.
DarkonZeroOh well....
TheCambotWHo's dead?
MSTAnonI'll bet you're waiting for SOL Post 44.
TheCambot(Say yes so we don't have to.)
DarkonZeroWe're waiting for the bus.,
MSTAnonBut she lives just right around the corner!
TheCambotLike that Violent Femmes song.
* Sound request: can't find 'de-bus.wav'
[MeltingMan SOUND]
TheCambotWe're waiting for Godot.
TheCambotOr rather, GorGO.
[MeltingMan SOUND]
TheCambotThere's going to be a live-action Tick series.
DarkonZeroCasting is in process for the pilot.
TheCambotIt damn well better begood.
DeRaptorThat's a long shot.
TheCambotSome guy from Seinfeld is Tick.
DarkonZeroHe'll be Tick.
* DeRaptor is instantly frightened by Melty's filename.
TheCambotAnd Barry Sonnenfeld is directing the pilot.
TheCambotBen Edlund wrote it though, so at least the pilot has to be good.
* DarkonZero laughs at MM's picture....
TheCambotBen Edlund's never written as much as a sentence that wasn't wonderful.
* DeRaptor rotfl at picture.
MeltingManNotice the bouquet of weiners.
TheCambotI'm going to bed.
DeRaptorIs that Loc's meat?
DeRaptorgood night, Camboy.
DarkonZeroSo...MM when the the special day gonna happen?
*** TheCambot has left IRC
*** TheCambot has quit IRC (Leaving)
MeltingManI hope not....if it is that weiner man has some explainin' to do!
DarkonZeroThe the special day!
MeltingManAttack of the the Special Day.
DarkonZeroWell...when is the date set for this...uh...."marriage"?
MSTAnonLas Vegas shotgun weddin'?
* DeRaptor laughs at Anon's ignorance.
* MeltingMan is marrying a weinerman who gives him everything from weiners on down, Anon.
DarkonZeroIf TS4 was here....he'd talk about how he met the Weinerman.
DarkonZero<TS4> yeah....me and the weinerman had a pizza at pizza hut.
DeRaptorWow, Melty, you got some hips.
MSTAnonUh... Eww?
DarkonZeroDe's jealous....
* DeRaptor shoots a spitball at DZ.
DarkonZeroMY EYE!
DeRaptorHeheheh, send Anon the gif.
MSTAnonI don't know if I want to see this...
DeRaptorYou probably don't.
MSTAnonYou're probably right.
* DeRaptor wonders if Anon gets creeped out by Bugs Bunny dressing in drag and attempting to seduce Elmer Fudd.
DarkonZeroHe probably does....
MeltingManHe probably dresses up in drag and attempts to seduce Elmer Fudd!?
DarkonZero<Anon> MY GOD! THAT AIN'T NATURAL! A hunter being seduced by a rabbit in women clothing!
* MSTAnon gets creeped out by Bugs Bunny dressing in drag and attempting to seduce Elmer Fudd.
* DarkonZero notices the Anon is creeped out by the aforementioned stuff that was said by everyone.
DarkonZeroThe Anon....
DarkonZeroI've been around newbies too much.
MSTAnonDe, do you see a Yada online?
* DarkonZero will stop playing games for a week.
*** ThejasoN has joined #Deep13
* ThejasoN jasons in
* Sound request: can't find 'hammermantheme.wav'
[ThejasoN SOUND]
MSTAnonHi, jasoN.
*** jasoN has left IRC
ThejasoNhow come there's no topic?
MeltingManHis fart sure was out of site!
ThejasoNit sure was!
DarkonZeroN...it's the server you're on.
MSTAnonTime to roll.
ThejasoNAW YEAH!
* ThejasoN pictures iMM rapping
ThejasoNso what's going on this evening?
DarkonZerothe usual.
MeltingManHe set the weiners down and....they soon began to grew!
DarkonZeroMM creeping us out with his pictures.
ThejasoNiMM, NO!
[MeltingMan SOUND]
MeltingManYou can't stop us, Anon!
MeltingManI mean, jasoN!
DarkonZeroIs it rag on Anon night again?
* MSTAnon pushes send.
* MeltingMan wonders what the hell....he said Anon for...
* DeRaptor looks at Melty.
ThejasoNi camnt stop..what?
MeltingManYou said...."No!"..it had to mean something.
MeltingManI say "Yes!"
ThejasoNhey iMM, do me a favor
* DarkonZero need to kill this current conversation for the good of all #Deep13!
ThejasoNtype:  jquote, search S&M
MeltingManjquote, search S&M
MSTAnonYou've got mail...
ThejasoNQuote containing S&M: 15,2<MSTAnon> S&M is good.
MSTAnon...pattern baldness!
MeltingManHehehe...Anon LOOOOOOVES S&M.
DarkonZeroN will never let that die....
DarkonZeroAnd I'm DAMN TOOTING!
MeltingManHappy Valentines day, ANon.
ThejasoNi never will
ThejasoNit was that funny
MSTAnonOh, I played Goldeneye with this cute girl I know last night. =)
MeltingManOh wait...Valentines was yesterday.
ThejasoNc'mon people, i finally got my quote-searcher working..play with it
MeltingManjquote, search tobacco
ThejasoN10No quote containing 6tobacco 10were in my file.
MSTAnon<ThejasoN> c'mon people, i finally got my quote-searcher working..play with it
MeltingManjquote, search yahoo
ThejasoNhmm, that's not right
ThejasoN10No quote containing 6yahoo 10were in my file.
* DeRaptor wonders if "playing Goldeneye" is a euphemism.
MSTAnonNo, De.
MSTAnonThe N64 game.
MeltingManWow!  Heeheehee.
MSTAnon<ThejasoN> c'mon people, i finally got my quote-searcher working..play with it
MeltingManI don't want know what the golden eye is...
DarkonZerojquote, Bon
DarkonZerojquote, Bob
ThejasoNtype:  jquote, search Bob
* DarkonZero goes back to listening to music....
ThejasoNok, brb
DarkonZerojquote, search Bob
ThejasoNQuote containing Bob: 15,2<MSTAnon> 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211706798214808651328230664709384460955058223172535940812848111745028410270193852110555964462294895493038196 <Goku> mmmmm pi * BobIshmael smacks Ku. <BobIshmael> No puns. <Goku> but it's all I'm good for! <BobIshmael> "KU! AH! GOOD GOD NOW! WHAT IS HE GOOD FOR?"
*** ThejasoN has quit IRC (Leaving)
MeltingManUh oh....
MSTAnon<ThejasoN> c'mon people, i finally got my quote-searcher working..play with it
DarkonZerojquote, search MM
DarkonZerojquote, search MeltingMan
MeltingManjasoN isn't here.
* DarkonZero kicks himself.....
* Sound request: can't find 'lostdog.wav'
[MeltingMan SOUND]
DarkonZeroI was singing along with "Why Does The Sun Shine?"
DarkonZeroSo I was sorta distacted.
DarkonZerodistracted even
MSTAnon<ThejasoN> c'mon people, i finally got my quote-searcher working..play with it
DarkonZeroAnon.....it doesn't have the same impact as "<Anon> S&M is good."
MSTAnonWhat's so funny about that?
DarkonZeroThink about it.
MSTAnonIt's a Metallica album...
*** DeRaptor has left IRC
*** DeRaptor has quit IRC (Ping timeout for DeRaptor[pm2-41.mry.redshift.com])
DarkonZeroit's so funny on many levels of funny.
MSTAnonI don't get it.
MeltingManWhy is the album called S&M, Anon?
MSTAnonSymphony & Metal.
MeltingManAha.....but why abbreviate that?
MSTAnonUh, it's the album title?
DarkonZeroMM...if we tried to explain....he's gonna have an anuerysm...
MeltingManOh yeah....better not.
MSTAnonC'mon, tell me!
MeltingManYes, that's why Anon.
MeltingManIt's because it's the album title....that's why it's funny.
*** ThejasoN has joined #Deep13
* ThejasoN jasons in
* Sound request: can't find 'hammermantheme.wav'
[ThejasoN SOUND]
DarkonZeroWB N.
MSTAnon<ThejasoN> c'mon people, i finally got my quote-searcher working..play with it
ThejasoNhey, my computer's working now and everything
* ThejasoN eyes Anon
ThejasoNyou think you're funny, don't you?
DarkonZeroI already told him it doesn't have the same impact.
ThejasoNit really doesn't
ThejasoNmaybe i should take out the middle part
ThejasoNhere Anon
ThejasoN"c'mon people..play with it"
ThejasoNthere ya go
MSTAnon<ThejasoN> "c'mon people..play with it"
DarkonZeroNow that has impact!
ThejasoNthe quotation marks are kinda lame though
ThejasoNc'mon people..play with it
ThejasoNNOW it has impact
MeltingManjquote, seach MSTAnon
MeltingManjquote, search MSTAnon
ThejasoNQuote containing MSTAnon: 15,2<MSTAnon> 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211706798214808651328230664709384460955058223172535940812848111745028410270193852110555964462294895493038196 <Goku> mmmmm pi * BobIshmael smacks Ku. <BobIshmael> No puns. <Goku> but it's all I'm good for! <BobIshmael> "KU! AH! GOOD GOD NOW! WHAT IS HE GOOD FOR?"
MeltingManjquote, search butt
MSTAnon<ThejasoN> "c'mon people..play with it"
ThejasoNQuote containing butt: 15,2* EVILjasoN tapes de's eyes shut * DeRaptor peels the tape off and duct-tapes EVILjasoN's buttcheeks shut. * EVILjasoN tapes de's ears shut <EVILjasoN> haha! <EVILjasoN> i found a loophole
ThejasoNi took off the quotation marks anon
ThejasoNtry to keep up
DarkonZerojquote, search Manos
ThejasoNQuote containing Manos: 15,2<ManosMan> Hmm... am I right when I say most of you here hate rap music? <Goku> I like some rap music, you know the kind you can't hear <Goku> wait...no that silence
MSTAnon<ThejasoN> c'mon people..play with it
MeltingManjquote, search chuck
ThejasoNQuote containing chuck: 15,2<DrEvil> who's the asshole <BobIshmael> I think the asshole is DrEvil. * DeRaptor chuckles. * Goku gets ready for another exciting game of "Who's the asshole"
DarkonZerojquote, search Darkon
MeltingManjquote, search fart
ThejasoNtry <chuck>
ThejasoNQuote containing fart: 15,2<Sentroid91> hey! That Karl Marx-looking man is gone from b-moviechannel.com <MeltingMan> Awww. <MSTAnon> Okay, time for go to bed. * MSTAnon farts. <DarkonZero> He's gonna smell bad in the morning. <Sentroid91> who? Karl Marx? <DarkonZero> No...Anon. <MeltingMan> He smells bad now. <Sentroid91> what about Karl? <MeltingMan> I'm not smelling Karl.
ThejasoNQuote containing Darkon: 15,2<DarkonZero> We even had a seminar about sexual harrassment....I broke every rule so far.
MSTAnon<ThejasoN> c'mon people..play with it
DarkonZeroANon...you killed it.
ThejasoNat least he's having fun
MeltingManjquote, search heh
ThejasoNQuote containing heh: 15,2<Locdog07> hej <Locdog07> heh, evem <Locdog07> even, even
ThejasoNtry <chuck>
MeltingManjquote, search <chuck>
ThejasoNQuote containing <chuck>: 15,2<Chuck> why are you do talk to me like this?
ThejasoNchuck rules
DarkonZerojquote, search MeltingMan
MeltingManjquote, search rules
ThejasoNQuote containing MeltingMan: 15,2* ThejasoN grabs strudel and eats it «strudel» ow with the eating «MeltingMan» strudel is Jerry Lewis. «MeltingMan» "Ow, with the eating....OH LADY!!!"
ThejasoN10No quote containing 6rules 10were in my file.
ThejasoNi have to fix that..
DarkonZeroWho was this strudel character?
MSTAnonSo, what do you guys think of this month's newsletter?
MeltingManHe was just some idiot that came in one day and left.
DarkonZeroOh me.
MeltingManOr she, I don't know.
DarkonZeroIt was me.
DarkonZeroI was being stupid that day.
DarkonZeroI do that every once in a while.....keeps Bob on his toes.
* MeltingMan doesn't remember.
DarkonZeroAnd I was bored.
MeltingManjquote, search remember
ThejasoNthere we go, fixt
ThejasoNQuote containing remember: 15,2<Rockman-x> does ne1 remember how to become one of those guys with an astix by my name i forgot
MeltingManjquote, search blood
ThejasoNQuote containing blood: 15,2<DeRaptor> heehee. BLOOD!
DarkonZerojquote, search strudel
ThejasoNQuote containing strudel: 15,2* ThejasoN grabs strudel and eats it «strudel» ow with the eating «MeltingMan» strudel is Jerry Lewis. «MeltingMan» "Ow, with the eating....OH LADY!!!"
DarkonZerojquote, search strudel
MeltingManjquote, search mars
ThejasoNQuote containing strudel: 15,2* ThejasoN grabs strudel and eats it «strudel» ow with the eating «MeltingMan» strudel is Jerry Lewis. «MeltingMan» "Ow, with the eating....OH LADY!!!"
ThejasoNQuote containing mars: 15,2* Epona yawns * jasoN throws a marshmallow into Epona's open mouth * Epona spits marshmallow into jasoN's eye
DarkonZerojquote, search panties
ThejasoNQuote containing panties: 15,2*** strudel was kicked by BobIshmael (No. Not "panties". Just "Ni!")
MeltingManjquote, search uncle
ThejasoNwow, i have everything
ThejasoN15No quote containing 2uncle 15were in my file.
MeltingManNo uncles.
ThejasoNnot uncle..
MeltingManjquote, search pig
ThejasoN15No quote containing 2pig 15were in my file.
ThejasoNsomeone say something funny using the work "uncle"
DarkonZerojquote, search Cal
ThejasoNQuote containing Cal: 15,2<Host> <syrguy19> to <Host>: i wanna ask kevin, if he plans on recording an album because he has a great vioce! <KevinMurphy> Thank you. I will do an album of favorite barbershop grunge songs. <KevinMurphy> it will be called "harmonize with my ass."
MeltingManNo pigs, either....probably know pig's uncles.
DarkonZerojquote, search (_)_)
ThejasoNQuote containing (_)_): 15,2*** Topic is '* Cal-Crowe changes topic to 'Cal-Crowe farts. Cal-Crowe has been kicked from #Deep13 by Sentroid91 (Butt love is a no no (_)_) )'
MeltingManjquote, search aaa
DarkonZerojquote, search omega
ThejasoNQuote containing aaa: 15,2<Wookieegirl> there's a cat butt on my shoulder <Wookieegirl> normally this might bother me <Wookieegirl> but it's waaaaarmmm
ThejasoN15No quote containing 2omega 15were in my file.
ThejasoNi dont have omega?!
DarkonZerojquote, search hoobies
ThejasoNQuote containing hoobies: 15,2<jasIshmael> i got an official regulation DeRaptor© martialarts practice dummy <jasIshmael> it's nifty <jasIshmael> wanna see it? <BobIshmael> Not really. <jasIshmael> oh, okay <jasIshmael> (noone ever supports my hoobies) <jasIshmael> ot hobbies <jasIshmael> or or * DeRaptor buys N a bra to support his hoobies.
MeltingManjquote, search wonder
ThejasoNQuote containing wonder: 15,2<Daphne> lol@jason <jasoN> lolback@daphne * Daphne laughs even harder at jason * jasoN laughs even harder at daph * NightHawk wonders what's so funny * Daphne turns and looks at nighthawk * Daphne laughs at nighthawk * jasoN laughs at nighthawk too <NightHawk> when you ppl get out of the nuthouse, will you tell me WHAT IS SO FUNNY???!!!???!!!???
MeltingManjquote, search 3
ThejasoNQuote containing 3: 15,2<MSTAnon> 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211706798214808651328230664709384460955058223172535940812848111745028410270193852110555964462294895493038196 <Goku> mmmmm pi * BobIshmael smacks Ku. <BobIshmael> No puns. <Goku> but it's all I'm good for! <BobIshmael> "KU! AH! GOOD GOD NOW! WHAT IS HE GOOD FOR?"
DarkonZeroWell....is that hoobies problem ok?
MSTAnon<ThejasoN> c'mon people..play with it
MeltingManjquote, search hate
ThejasoNQuote containing hate: 15,2<ManosMan> Hmm... am I right when I say most of you here hate rap music? <Goku> I like some rap music, you know the kind you can't hear <Goku> wait...no that silence
ThejasoN15,2Quote added: 2,15 <MSTAnon> <ThejasoN> c'mon people..play with it
DarkonZerojquote, search breasts
ThejasoNQuote containing breasts: 15,2<Sampo> Tomorrow's ep is new--1007- Track of the Moon Berast <berttil144> Breasts? <MSTAnon> 1007 Track of the Moon Breast. <Sampo> Or moon breast, as the case may be <MSTManos> LOL! <Erhardt> Track of the Moon Breast definitely would have been a better movie! <Erhardt> Breasts on the moon. How did they get there? <MSTAnon> D'oh!
MSTAnonjasoN, man. You're incriminating yourself.
ThejasoNi know
ThejasoNit's all fun
MSTAnonIt's about time.
MeltingManjquote, search poop
ThejasoNQuote containing poop: 15,2<jasoN> my highschool just served poop <jasoN> it was funny <jasoN> they didn't even pretend
ThejasoNit's about space.
MeltingManjquote, search space
ThejasoNQuote containing space: 15,2* superspy straps a clockwork orange-type device to de and makes her watch old benny hill reruns <superspy> we're training her to laugh at benny hill, N <superspy> we're SO evil <EVILjasoN> i know * DeRaptor rips all the stuff off and shoots N and spy into space to watch Adam Sandler movies.
MeltingManjquote, search time
ThejasoNQuote containing time: 15,2<Goku> You're older than you've ever been! <Goku> And now you're even older! <Goku> And now you're even older! * Fuuko kicks Goku <Fuuko> You're in more pain than you've ever been in * Fuuko kicks him a few more times <Fuuko> And now you're in more pain <Fuuko> And now you're in more pain
MeltingManjquote, search tongue
ThejasoNQuote containing tongue: 15,2<Sub-Zero> I dont know ohhh yeah your the guy with the flamthrower and tongue ouchies ok your crazzier then i lol
MeltingManjquote, search melt
ThejasoNQuote containing melt: 15,2<Goku> Gumbys on at like 3am CN <IncMeltMan> It's in between "Superfriends" and "Speed Racer" in CN's "Cartoons that are really great if your stoned block"
MeltingManOf course anything's really great if you're stoned.
DarkonZeroThe Gary Coleman Show for example.
ThejasoNunless you're actually "stoned"
MeltingManThat's not great.
ThejasoNlike in the biblical days
ThejasoNright.  not very great at all
MeltingManEeeeverybody must get stoned!
* ThejasoN has a "life of brian" flashback
ThejasoNi just got that on DVD..lots of cool extras
* DarkonZero remembers when Jesus was stoned.
MeltingManjquote, search brian
ThejasoN15No quote containing 2brian 15were in my file.
ThejasoNsearch for jesus
MeltingManjquote, search brain
ThejasoNQuote containing brain: 15,2* jasoN accidently dunks harpy's head in a vat of boiling acid <jasoN> oops * HarpyDragon 's head dissolves * jasoN watches harpy's brains dissolve... (this is where i would add a comment, if i chose to) <HarpyDragon> You just did add a comment <jasoN> no, it was an aside <HarpyDragon> Whatever
ThejasoNi know that's there
MeltingManjquote, search jesus
ThejasoNQuote containing jesus: 15,2*** DeRaptor changes topic to '* jasoN throws a squirrel at Jesus'
ThejasoNjesus was you iMM..remember?
MeltingManYeah, I remember...
ThejasoNMr. peanut too
DarkonZeroAnd I was that extra!
MeltingManThat reminds me, I deleted that self portrait I did...send it to me if you have it.
ThejasoNwhat was it called?
MeltingManchucko47, I think....but never mind....DZ sent it..
DarkonZeroActually...I sent you Bob's mod of it.
MeltingManAh....send me the original, please.
DarkonZeroNo prob.
ThejasoNsend it to me too..i think i lost it
ThejasoNwhat was bob's mod called?
MeltingManHappy Go Lucky Jesus
DarkonZeroEr.... .gif
ThejasoNhow the heck did i lose these files?
ThejasoNoh, ok
DarkonZeroYou want Bob's mod?
*** ThejasoN has quit IRC (Read error to ThejasoN[ABD734C2.ipt.aol.com]: Connection reset by peer)
MeltingManThe Mod Squad.
* MeltingMan looks over to the side.....De's gone, too...
DarkonZeroAnon.....why'd you creep them out!?!?!
MeltingManYeah...stupid Anon.  
MSTAnonYou guys have a newsletter in your e-mail!
*** ThejasoN has joined #Deep13
* ThejasoN jasons in
* Sound request: can't find 'hammermantheme.wav'
[ThejasoN SOUND]
ThejasoNdamn AOL
MeltingManwb, Thej
DarkonZeroWB N.
ThejasoNdamn Anon
ThejasoNprobably the S&MVirus
DarkonZeroNo....it was one that Anon made.......it whined the fizzled.
MSTAnonIt's the newsletter.
MSTAnonJust plain vanilla text.
DarkonZeroYes...whined the fizzled!
* DarkonZero wants a really really big bag of Cracker Jack.
ThejasoNme too
MeltingManIt's the William Conrad signiture Snack Size.
ThejasoNWilliam Conrad!
ThejasoNi don't care, my room is safe
*** Raven-X is on IRC
*** Raven-X has joined #deep13
Raven-Xhello everyone
MeltingManHey, Raven!
ThejasoNhi raven
Raven-XI was out for a week cause of PC problems
ThejasoNi know how that is
Raven-Xout of the internet, and then out of the apartment
ThejasoNhey, someone type jquote, search S&M please
* MeltingMan has to go.....he will be back tomorrow....
MeltingManjquote, search S&M
ThejasoNbye iMM
ThejasoNQuote containing S&M: 15,2<MSTAnon> S&M is good.
*** MeltingMan has left IRC
*** MeltingMan has quit IRC (/me melts away)
MSTAnon<ThejasoN> c'mon people..play with it
DarkonZeroI gotta leave also.....I gots to defrag the HD.
DarkonZeroMe! I disconnect from you...all!
* DarkonZero hits the off switch on his Portal deck and disconnects to the world known as reality!
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Tue Feb 15 21:43:33 2000
Session Start: Tue Feb 15 22:54:55 2000
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is '3,0 HAPPY BIRTHDAY BARBBB! 14,15 -- To all D13'ers: if you could be an animal, what kind would you be? Send answers to stupidquestion@terribleclaw.com'
*** Set by DeRaptor on Mon Feb 14 00:01:28
MSTAnonThat's probably something to find out, eh?
ThejasoNhey DZ
*** DeRaptor has joined #Deep13
* DeRaptor leaps into #Deep13 via a perpendicular universe.
*** Mars sets mode: +o DeRaptor
ThejasoNyeah, it is
ThejasoNhi De
MSTAnonHi-D, DZ.
ThejasoNbout time you folks show up
*** DarkonZero is on IRC
*** DeRaptor is on IRC
*** MSTAnon is on IRC
*** ThejasoN is on IRC
ThejasoNi tell you anon...$1/ticket..they'll come, dont worry
MSTAnonPoor college kids will go to anything that's FREE.
DeRaptorHekko...is that like...um...one of those things?
DeRaptor$1/ticket for WHAT?
DarkonZeroNo...it's just hekko.
* MSTAnon is planning a double-feature of an MST3K episode and a raw B-movie.
ThejasoNan MST ep?  you didn't mention that
ThejasoNwhich one and how?
MSTAnonOh, all the executive officers signed a letter to BBI asking for permission to screen episodes.
ThejasoNi seee
MSTAnonHey, you never know.
ThejasoNthe theater has video projection equipment?
MSTAnonIt can project 16mm, 35mm, and VHS.
ThejasoNthat's cool.  i wish we had that
MSTAnonOh, isn't it?
MSTAnonThat means a better selection of B-movies to choose from. =)
ThejasoN2,15Quote:15,2 <Yoda> hehe * jasoN reminds yoda she's supposed to try other laughs to break the "hehe" habbit <jasoN> hehe <Yoda> he haw <Yoda> teehee <Yoda> haahaaa <jasoN> lol <Yoda> harharhar <Yoda> hardyharhar <jasoN> *snicker* <jasoN> *chuckle* <Yoda> *guffaw*
ThejasoN<MSTAnon> S&M is good.
ThejasoNyeah, that's pretty good
ThejasoNshame they dont have 70mm
ThejasoNi'd love to see a 70mm film some day
MSTAnonIsn't that like, IMAX?
*** DeRaptor has left IRC
*** DeRaptor has quit IRC (Ping timeout for DeRaptor[pm5-132.mry.redshift.com])
MSTAnonNo, that's probably something else...
ThejasoNit was supposed to be the next big thing, but it was too expensive i think..i'm told the picture quality is amazing
ThejasoNthe film is not only twice as big as 35mm, but it's twice as thick
ThejasoNi dont think they make 35mm films anymore though..sad
MSTAnonAh, I see.
ThejasoNi think that IMAX uses 70mm, but it was used in theaters before IMAX i think
ThejasoNto project on a screen that big and keep the definition, you'd almost need 70mm
MSTAnonIt's freaking three-stories tall!
*** DeRaptor is on IRC
*** DeRaptor has joined #Deep13
* DeRaptor leaps into #Deep13 via a perpendicular universe.
*** Mars sets mode: +o DeRaptor
* DeRaptor eats her ISP.
DarkonZeroAnd hekko!
ThejasoNIMAX'll probably go to digital at some point soon
ThejasoNi hear the digital is still pretty buggy though
MSTAnonYeah it will.
MSTAnonI hear tell of Episode II: Electric Bugaloo using all digital.
ThejasoNplus most theaters wont have it since the price tag is so high
DeRaptorOf what, Star Bores?
MSTAnonI'm sure it'll get a full release.
MSTAnonNot that I'd care.
ThejasoNdigital's a good idea, but even the big theater chains wont be able to afford it by then i dont think
MSTAnonWell, filming in digital vs. screening in digital are two very different things.
ThejasoNlike anyone'll notice if it was filmed digitally anyway
MSTAnonLucas will. Hehe.
ThejasoNyeh, well he can afford it to i'd bet
MSTAnonBut of course, all Hell will break loose if baka DiCaprio gets cast.
ThejasoNthey better not
MSTAnonI'm not even a fan, and I'd be pissed.
ThejasoNi think the latest rumars are that he's not gonna be in it
*** DeRaptor has left IRC
*** DeRaptor has quit IRC (Ping timeout for DeRaptor[pm5-132.mry.redshift.com])
ThejasoNhey anon, you wanna rent a copy of Women of the Prehistoric Planet from me?
ThejasoNcheep prices
MSTAnonNah, I can procure it if I need to.
ThejasoNfrom where?
ThejasoNohh, on video
ThejasoNthat's no fun
MSTAnonI'm sure some distributor has it, too.
ThejasoNi doubt it..it wouldn't be legal
ThejasoNthis is what i'm told, anyway
MSTAnonWe'd *buy* the rights from them to screen it.
MSTAnonThey ship the film out to Colorado, we screen it, and return it.
ThejasoNyeah, but i don't think anyone has a 35mm copy to rent
MSTAnonI dunno about that particular title.
ThejasoNmost films you cant book in 35mm cause there are no theater rights on them
ThejasoNthe copyrights are tricky
MSTAnonIt doesn't matter what format I book films in, so long as it's a good B-movie to riff.
ThejasoNbut i still like to brag that i got it
* ThejasoN rules
ThejasoNi have critters and critters 2 too
ThejasoNand the Smurfs!
MSTAnonThat's not redundant...
ThejasoNwhat's not?
MSTAnonOoh, Viking Women and the Sea Serpent...
MSTAnon$200 to screen a 16mm or 35mm print.
ThejasoNwhere's this at?
MSTAnonKit Parker.
MSTAnonThat'd be hella cool to screen, huh?
ThejasoN$200 is alot
DarkonZeroMe! I disconnect from you...all!
* DarkonZero hits the off switch on his Portal deck and disconnects to the world known as reality!
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Tue Feb 15 23:23:16 2000

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