
Session Start: Sat Feb 05 01:40:52 2000
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is '<MSTAnon> AIDs is God's punishment for being gay.'
*** Set by Locdog07 on Sat Feb 05 01:26:03
Locdog07hi DZ.
DarkonZeroSent....new HL update will be out next week. And two new TFC maps will come with it.
Locdog07Why does that message only pertain to Sent?
Sentroid91I guess cause i'm a deathmatcher
DarkonZeroAnd me and Sent have played....against each other.
[Locdog07 SOUND]
* Locdog07 listens to his Travis album
Locdog07It's good to know that you are home for Christmas.
Locdog07It's good to know how you are doin'.
Locdog07It's good to know that you all know I'm hurting.
Sentroid91Travis Tritt?
DarkonZeroNo....a Brit band just named "Travis".
* Locdog07 looks at DZ
Locdog07Hey...how you know?
DarkonZeroI heard they are going on tour with Oasis.
Locdog07They shouldn't get compared to Oasis.
DarkonZeroWell...they are.
DarkonZeroPersonally...I haven't heard their stuff.
Locdog07When the last laugh fades away.
Locdog07Ma vie, toute ma vie.
Locdog07When there's nothing more to say.
Locdog07Ma vie, my oh my.
Locdog07It's the last laugh of the laughter.
Locdog07Walken crisps?
Sentroid91heh. Chris's real name is Ronald Walken
Locdog07Ronald McWalken.
Locdog07Well, I try.
[Locdog07 SOUND]
* Locdog07 wonders if anyone is named "Bleh"
Sentroid91Bleh yourslef. :P
* Locdog07 looks at DZ
Sentroid91Bada bing!
Locdog07Kaboom, Zaloom! Yadadadadadadada!
* Sound request: can't find 'markhenry.wav'
[Locdog07 SOUND]
* Locdog07 should prolly go.
[Locdog07 SOUND]
Locdog07bye now.
DarkonZeroBuh bye.
Locdog07Byeeeeeee Dizzy
* Locdog07 wonders if DZ is a member of the Yolk Folk.
DarkonZeroI might be.
* Sentroid91 decides he'll stay here, but go to sleep
* Locdog07 watches DZ jump around
Locdog07bye now
Locdog07Gonna go play GTA2
*** Locdog07 has left #Deep13
Sentroid91In other words I think i'll pull a superspy, who in turn is pulling a me
* Sentroid91 is away... REASON: 9,14,1Type /ctcp Sentroid91 page to page.
*** Locdog07 has left IRC
* Sentroid91 is away... REASON: 9,1sleeping.... uh...bb.....whenever....4,1Type /ctcp Sentroid91 page to page.
-Sentroid91- 9,1End of line. 5S9-MegaScript by Sentroid91
*** BobIshmael is on IRC
*** BobIshmael has joined #deep13
BobIshmaelGood ol' Anon.
BobIshmaelWake up, you morons.
BobIshmaelLook at it.
BobIshmaelAdmire it. Love it.
* DarkonZero is not impressed.....
BobIshmaelYou love it, boy. It's your secret passion, admit it.
DarkonZeroMy secret passion is.....er......HEY!
DarkonZeromIRC 5.7 is really keen.
DarkonZeroI endorse it.
BobIshmaelI hope it dies.
DarkonZero<mIRC> I hope you die!
BobIshmaelWhere the hell's spy?
BobIshmaelI hope he dies.
DarkonZeroHe's been like that since.....uh......9 something PST.
DarkonZeroHey....what's with the wishful thinking?
BobIshmaelGo to hell.
BobIshmaelI mean..
DarkonZeroI said it once....I'll say it again. Once Satan found out I was "friends" with you.....he kicked me out.
BobIshmaelI'll have to remember that when I'm trying to think of something witty to say.
DarkonZeroWhich is never, right?
* DarkonZero wonders if he should install MS Agent.....so his mIRC proggie can talk.....with a little character even.
BobIshmaelThat doesn't really sense, fired-boy. You see, I said "...trying to think of something witty to say." Operative words being "trying" and "think of". You see? If I'd said "...saying something witty" your little retort would make sense. Have a nice day.
DarkonZeroStill....I stand by my words.
* DarkonZero has to goto a job fair in a few or so hours.
BobIshmaelI hope they murder you.
BobIshmaelI hear they do that at job fairs.
DarkonZeroThanks for the boost, pal!
* DarkonZero hugs Bob.
BobIshmaelMy kingdom for a handgun.
* DarkonZero hands Bob a hundgun.......that shoots water.
DarkonZeroHence a handgun that shoots water.......
BobIshmaelAtilla the Hundgun.
* DarkonZero gets out crickets for Bob's audience.
DarkonZeroThere ya go.
BobIshmaelAgain, clever.
*** BobIshmael has left IRC
*** BobIshmael has quit IRC ("Yeah. If I drank less coffee, I probably would be more emotionally stable" --TMCM)
DarkonZeroSay goodbye to me! I'm going M.I.A.!
* DarkonZero hits the off switch on his Portal deck and disconnects to the world known as reality!
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Sat Feb 05 02:21:16 2000
Session Start: Sat Feb 05 20:04:50 2000
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is '* Cal-Crowe changes topic to 'Cal-Crowe farts. Cal-Crowe has been kicked from #Deep13 by Sentroid91 (Butt love is a no no (_)_) )'
*** Set by DeRaptor on Sat Feb 05 19:42:51
* Malon is not speaking because her mom took the keyboard away. She is stuck using popups and character map
jasoNicer, hi DZ
DarkonZeroUh........nevermind.....I'm outta here.
* Malon clobbers Zaloom with a bullwhip
*** Cal-Crowe has joined #deep13
*** Malon was kicked by Zaloom (12ZALOOM!)
*** Malon has joined #Deep13
* jasoNic makes fun of malon while she can't retaliate
MeltingManHey DZ>
* Malon clobbers Zaloom with a bullwhip
*** Cal-Crowe has left #deep13
* DeRaptor continues to wonder why she set the channel +i...she didn't press anything...mustabeen a rogue script...
*** Malon was kicked by Zaloom (12ZALOOM!)
*** Malon has joined #Deep13
* DarkonZero decides to take his time on leaving.....
* Malon pokes Zaloom
* Sound request: can't find 'joedonsong.wav'
[jasoNic SOUND]
* Malon smacks Zaloom upside the head
* Zaloom is afk
*** omega has joined #Deep13
* Zaloom is away... REASON: 9,1afk4,1Type /ctcp Zaloom page to page.
[MeltingMan SOUND]
*** Cal-Crowe has left IRC
omega#omega is cool
* DeRaptor kills omega with a chocolate bunny guillotine.
*** omega was kicked by Zaloom (auto-ye kick)
* Malon clobbers Zaloom with a bullwhip
*** omega has joined #Deep13
*** omega was kicked by Zaloom (auto-ye kick)
*** omega has joined #Deep13
omegaFUC U@
MeltingManye old auto-ye kick
* DarkonZero watches "The Producers"......
[MeltingMan SOUND]
*** omega is now known as Cal-Crowe
*** Cal-Crowe is on IRC
* jasoNic watches DZ watching "The Producers"
* Sound request: can't find 'themaster.wav'
[jasoNic SOUND]
Malon10,1 (¯`·..9»º13©9º«.13**0 yeyeye 13**9.»º13©9º«..·10´¯).
jasoNicdo you have TheMaster.wav iMM?
* Cal-Crowe watches jasoN watch DZ watch The Producers
* MeltingMan produces a movie about jasoNic watching DZ watching "The Producers"
* DeRaptor cringes.
* Sound request: can't find 'nossir.wav'
[MeltingMan SOUND]
Cal-CroweWhat channel is The Producers on?
MeltingManNosir, I don't
DeRaptorI bet he'd just sit there and not even riff it. pshhh.
jasoNicit's the theme song to The Master
MeltingManThat's cool.
jasoNicthe original, not the movie version
* jasoNic happens to own master Ninja vol 1-7
DarkonZeroActually....."The Producers" is quite good.
MeltingManGeez, jasoN.  Do you watch them often?
jasoNicya, it's one of my favorites
jasoNicthat was to DZ
Cal-CroweSpringtime for hitler....and germany...
jasoNicum..no, not very often
jasoNicmel brooks is the best
* DeRaptor listens to Zorak sing.
[jasoNic SOUND]
MeltingManDo you have Pod People UnMSTed in any of it's forms?
DarkonZero"The Producers" is on TMC.
Cal-Crowedamn...I wish my satellite worked
DarkonZeroZero Mostel is damned funny!
MeltingManDo you like my story, 'soNic?
* Cal-Crowe falls on his keys
* DeRaptor steals Cal's shirt and runs it up the flagpole.
* Sound request: can't find 'themaster.wav'
[jasoNic SOUND]
Malon10,1 (¯`·..9»º13©9º«.13**0 GTG, see you in my Hell!! 13**9.»º13©9º«..·10´¯).
Cal-CroweI'm maked!
Cal-Crowebye Greed
Cal-Croweenjoy your hell
*** Malon has quit IRC (Education? BAH!)
* DeRaptor steals Cal's net and uses it to fry a fish.
* Cal-Crowe streaks
DeRaptorNah uh! You still got shorts.
* Cal-Crowe pulls a new net out of his gym bag
DeRaptorEwww...or you did.
MSTManosWell, I noticed a room with 18 members, no topic... and kinda new.
[MeltingMan SOUND]
* DeRaptor thinks the fish tastes of testors and spits it out.
DarkonZeroMM.......you sound like Norm MacDonald.
MSTManosSo, I went in, and the op there tells me that the room is to gather up windows 98 keys... so I figure a warez freak.
MSTManosAnd he says yes.
MeltingManYeah, that's about how I sound when I speak.
MSTManosAnd now, there's a buttload of G-lines being handed out.
MSTManosDon't miss the action #rizaz.
DarkonZeroMM.....as Norm MacDonald in the sequel to Dirty Work!
*** spymovie is now known as superspy
*** superspy is on IRC
jasoNichi supperspy
DarkonZeroSpy...you were in a movie?
DarkonZeroA spy movie even....eh?
superspywent to see a movie
DeRaptorwhich movie was it?
superspyacting sucks, but kevin smith writes some pretty nifty dialogue
jasoNici ordered the clerks DVD..still waiting for it
* DarkonZero can't believe for a job interview....he had to do a bit of stage performing.
MeltingMan"I'll f*ck anything that moves!!!!!"
jasoNicDZ applied to be a clown
* DeRaptor runs from Melty.
superspyDZ, what kind of job was it?
MeltingManI'm not saying I will....darnit.
jasoNicuh..de..you're moving
* DeRaptor notices the quotation marks.
DarkonZeroActually.....I applided at the MGM Grand Hotel.
* DeRaptor still hides.
* DeRaptor laughs at N.
DarkonZeroApplied even.
jasoNichey, it's true
Cal-Croweyou can be a showgirl....err...i mean a dealer
* DeRaptor puts marionette strings on N and makes him move.
* jasoNic goes psycho and whips out some guns and shoots everyone
[MeltingMan SOUND]
superspyDZ: trying out for the part of dorothy?
* DeRaptor is shot.
[MeltingMan SOUND]
DarkonZeroAt the MGM the employees are called "Cast members".....
* jasoNic is a puppet
DeRaptorweiner man!
* jasoNic punches DZ
jasoNicde made me do it!!
* jasoNic punches cal
jasoNicde made me do it!!
jasoNichey, this is convenient
* Cal-Crowe cuts jason in two
Cal-Crowede made me do it!
* jasoNic eats Manos' favorite donuts
jasoNicde made me do it!!
* DeRaptor remembers she heard somewhere that "Being John Malkovich" was supposed to end with "Put Your Hand Inside the Puppet Head".
DeRaptorYep. I did.
Cal-CroweI'm making a fan fiction for my website
* DarkonZero wishes he applied for "Lion habitat host" instead of "Attractions Attendant".
Cal-CroweBeing Ernest Borgnine
* DeRaptor has a lion eat Darkon to make him feel better.
[MeltingMan SOUND]
MSTManosHEY! THAT'S OUR JOKE! #chatters
DarkonZeroDammmit De.....I wanted to do that on my own!
* Sound request: can't find 'themaster.wav'
[jasoNic SOUND]
MeltingManhow'd you get the theme, 'soNic?
* DarkonZero smacks De for ruining his dream.
jasoNicer..i recorded it
Cal-CroweMike Nelson plays a puppeteer that finds a door that leads into Borgnines head
MeltingManDammit, how'd you get a copy of The Masters from the TV show?
Cal-CroweIt gets boring
jasoNici bought them
jasoNicon eBay
MeltingManOh....I didn't know they ever released anything like that.
jasoNic14 GLORIOUS episodes of the Master!
* DeRaptor blinks.
* jasoNic tapes de's eyes shut
MeltingManYou already have them in Master Ninja 1-7 mode, though?
DarkonZeroYeah, only 14....then it was cancelled.
DarkonZeroI remember watching it on TV when I was a kid.
MeltingManSo you have them twice.
* DeRaptor peels the tape off and duct-tapes jasoNic's buttcheeks shut.
jasoNicit's basicly 7 tapes, 2 eps to a tape..they aren't like the movies MST showed that are together
* superspy just realized he missed mst today
* jasoNic tears the tape off
Cal-Crowe14 eps of The Master?
* jasoNic shrieks like a girl
* Sound request: can't find 'aaahahahaha!!!.wav'
[MeltingMan SOUND]
jasoNicyes, cal
MeltingManLike that?
* Sound request: can't find 'aaahahahaha!!!.wav'
[MeltingMan SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'aaahahahaha!!!.wav'
[MeltingMan SOUND]
jasoNicsend it to me and i'll let you know
superspymelty, are you laughing at me?
superspystop laughing at me!
* Sound request: can't find 'aaahahahaha!!!.wav'
[MeltingMan SOUND]
superspyeveryone's laughing at me!
jasoNicunable to connect.
Cal-CroweSex, Drugs and Rocky Road: The Story of Bobby Baskins and Richard Robbins
* DeRaptor takes away Melty's Nitrous oxide.
* Sound request: can't find 'aaahahahaha!!!.wav'
[MeltingMan SOUND]
jasoNicnope, not like that
* Sound request: can't find 'aaahahahaha!!!.wav'
[MeltingMan SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'ahhh.wav'
[jasoNic SOUND]
jasoNiclike that
* MSTManos looks up.
MeltingManSend me that.
MSTManosThe Master was on TV Land for a while.
[MeltingMan SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'ahhh.wav'
[jasoNic SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'ahhh.wav'
[jasoNic SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'ahhh.wav'
[jasoNic SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'ahhh.wav'
[MeltingMan SOUND]
jasoNicit was?
* superspy turns off his speakers
Cal-CroweI hope in 10 years, MST will be on TV land
* Sound request: can't find 'ahhh.wav'
[MeltingMan SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'ahhh.wav'
[MeltingMan SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'ahhh.wav'
[MeltingMan SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'ahhh.wav'
[jasoNic SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'ahhh.wav'
[MeltingMan SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'ahhh.wav'
[jasoNic SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'ahhh.wav'
[jasoNic SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'ahhh.wav'
[MeltingMan SOUND]
MSTManosSure was.
* Sound request: can't find 'ahhh.wav'
[MeltingMan SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'ahhh.wav'
[jasoNic SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'ahhh.wav'
[MeltingMan SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'ahhh.wav'
[jasoNic SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'ahhh.wav'
[jasoNic SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'ahhh.wav'
[MeltingMan SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'ahhh.wav'
[jasoNic SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'ahhh.wav'
[MeltingMan SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'ahhh.wav'
[jasoNic SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'ahhh.wav'
[MeltingMan SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'ahhh.wav'
[jasoNic SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'weiner2.wav'
[Cal-Crowe SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'ahhh.wav'
[jasoNic SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'ahhh.wav'
[MeltingMan SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'ahhh.wav'
[jasoNic SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'ahhh.wav'
[MeltingMan SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'ahhh.wav'
[MeltingMan SOUND]
* DarkonZero is glad he's listening to MP3s
* MSTManos is glad he doesn't have those sounds.
* Sound request: can't find 'weiner2.wav'
[Cal-Crowe SOUND]
[MeltingMan SOUND]
jasoNicyou spoilsports
*** jasoN has left IRC
jasoNicparty poopers
* MeltingMan goes to a poop party!
* DeRaptor is as well glad that she is listening to music.
* MeltingMan poops.
DarkonZeroHey...that other Jason is gone.
*** jasoNic has quit IRC (Read error to jasoNic[98A9E8D9.ipt.aol.com]: Connection reset by peer)
* DeRaptor backs away.
* Sound request: can't find '321_ninja.wav'
[MeltingMan SOUND]
DarkonZeroNow our N is gone.
DarkonZeroWow.....I gots me powers!
DeRaptorsomebody's killing jasons!
superspyhey, where'd N go?
MSTManosN died.
Cal-CroweHotdog, Hotdog, Hotdog. I know a weiner man. He owns a hot dog stand. He gives me everything weiners on down. Someday I'll have that life, he'll be me weiner wife. Hotdog i love that weinerman HOTDOG....And now something completley different...a man with 3 buttocks
MSTManosIt was horrible.
* DeRaptor gets the pooper scooper.
*** jasoN is on IRC
*** jasoN has joined #Deep13
* jasoN jasons in
[jasoN SOUND]
jasoNi's back
Cal-CroweHotdog, Hotdog, Hotdog. I know a weiner man. He owns a hot dog stand. He gives me everything weiners on down. Someday I'll have that life, he'll be me weiner wife. Hotdog i love that weinerman HOTDOG....And now something completley different...a man with 3 buttocks
MSTManosN? I thought you were dead!
jasoNstill alive
* MSTManos shoots jasoN with his HYPER BEAM!
* MSTManos must recharge!
jasoNexcept now that dickweed who thiefed my nick is gone
MeltingManWhy not stay here forever so he can't do it agian.
Cal-Croweforever and ever
DarkonZero<jasoN> your misconception of my somewhat deadth were completely exaggerated Manos....muwahahahahahahahaha1
DarkonZero1 to !
* Sound request: can't find 'aaahahahaha!!!.wav'
[MeltingMan SOUND]
DarkonZeroYes.....N says, "deadth" alot.
MSTManosI see.
jasoNyes i do
jasoNi do?
* MSTManos shoots MSTManos with his HYPER BEAM!
* MSTManos must recharge!
* Sound request: can't find 'c_is_for.wav'
[MeltingMan SOUND]
* Cal-Crowe shoots MSTManos with his FART RAY!
*** Cal-Crowe was kicked by Zaloom (auto-fart kick)
*** Cal-Crowe has joined #Deep13
* Cal-Crowe slaps Zaloom around a bit with a large trout
[jasoN SOUND]
[jasoN SOUND]
Cal-CroweSent, you dickweed
[MeltingMan SOUND]
* Zaloom is away... REASON: 9,1 afk
jasoNsent kinda sucks
* Zaloom is away... REASON: 9,1 afk
jasoNwe shou;d punch him
* MeltingMan has several versions of powerhouse aka music.wav .... this is his favorite still.
* jasoN punches sent
* DarkonZero makes everyone make a shrubbery while using.....A HERRING!
Cal-CroweLets all punch him at the same time
* jasoN punches sent
* Cal-Crowe punches Sent
Cal-Crowecome on!
* Zaloom is away... REASON: 9,1 afk
Cal-CroweManos, super, MM, DZ, De!
DarkonZeroCal.....N......in "Double Jackasses"......not coming anywhere to being made!
Cal-CroweLets give him a good punch!
* superspy punches N
* jasoN LOOKS AT dz
* jasoN switches off the capslock and resumes looking at DZ
* jasoN punches DZ in the kneecap
jasoNtake that, you cad
DarkonZeroI'm a Computer Aided Designer?
jasoNcad (noun)
jasoN[English dialect, unskilled assistant, short for Scottish caddie]
jasoNFirst appeared 1833
jasoN 1 : an omnibus conductor
jasoN 2 : a man who acts with deliberate disregard for another's feelings or  rights
* DarkonZero goes to apply for a job in architechture.
jasoNDZ, you act with deliberate disregard for my feelings and rights!!
* Cal-Crowe becomes a circus freak
jasoNyou do you, cal
* MeltingMan hasta disconnect for a while now...
Cal-CroweDo I do what do I do know?
MeltingManbye, folks.
jasoNcya iMM
DarkonZeroN....you have rights?
MSTManosBye, Melty.
*** MeltingMan has left IRC
*** MeltingMan has quit IRC (/me melts away)
jasoNa couple
* MSTManos tests something.
* MSTManos shoots MSTManos with his HYPER BEAM!
* Sound request: can't find 'hyper.wav'
* MSTManos must recharge!
Cal-Crowehehehe Uncle Jemina's Mash Liquor 190 proof
MSTManosYep. Works.
* jasoN throws a squirrel at MSTManos
Cal-Crowehehe! they're paroding Two Of Us
* MSTManos shoots jasoN's_squirrel with his HYPER BEAM!
* Sound request: can't find 'hyper.wav'
* MSTManos must recharge!
* jasoN throws a squirrel at MSTManos
* MSTManos shoots jasoN's_squirrel with his HYPER BEAM!
* Sound request: can't find 'hyper.wav'
* MSTManos must recharge!
* jasoN throws a squirrel at MSTManos
* MSTManos shoots jasoN's_squirrel with his HYPER BEAM!
* Sound request: can't find 'hyper.wav'
* MSTManos must recharge!
* jasoN throws a turtle at MSTManos
* MSTManos shoots jasoN's_turtle with his HYPER BEAM!
* Sound request: can't find 'hyper.wav'
* MSTManos must recharge!
* jasoN throws 2 turtles at MSTManos
* MSTManos shoots jasoN's_turtles with his HYPER BEAM!
* Sound request: can't find 'hyper.wav'
* MSTManos must recharge!
* jasoN throws a DeRaptor at MSTManos
* DarkonZero thinks he listens to the song "Aurora" just way too much.......
* MSTManos shoots jasoN with his HYPER BEAM!
* Sound request: can't find 'hyper.wav'
* MSTManos must recharge!
MSTManosDK's online.
MSTManosLemme do something funny.
* jasoN laughs as his DeRaptor hits Manos in the ear
*** Cal-Crowe has left IRC
*** Cal-Crowe is now known as pootypants
MSTManosI thought I killed you with my HYPER BEAM.
jasoNit takes more then that to kill me
MSTManosHmm. Lemme try again.
jasoNi'm helluva tough..like T
* MSTManos shoots jasoN with his HYPER BEAM!
* Sound request: can't find 'hyper.wav'
* MSTManos must recharge!
*** DarKrow is on IRC
pootypantsDK is going to find this dunny
jasoNnope, i'm still here
MSTManosHow dunny.
ZaloomFried Chicken's Lonely Harts Club Band
* MSTManos shoots jasoN with his HYPER BEAM!
* Sound request: can't find 'hyper.wav'
* MSTManos must recharge!
*** Zaloom is now known as Sentroid91
*** Sentroid91 is on IRC
*** pootypants is now known as Zaloom
* MSTManos shoots jasoN with his HYPER BEAM!
* Sound request: can't find 'hyper.wav'
* MSTManos must recharge!
*** jasoN has left IRC
*** jasoN is now known as Sentroid92
* Sentroid91 is back FROM: 9,1afk
*** Zaloom is now known as Sentroid93
* MSTManos shoots Sentroid92 with his HYPER BEAM!
* Sound request: can't find 'hyper.wav'
* MSTManos must recharge!
Sentroid91DAH! Not this again!
Sentroid92we are the sentroid squad
* MSTManos continues using HYPER BEAM against jasoN.
*** Darphod_K has joined #Deep13
Darphod_K4,1A black bird enters the room
*** Mars sets mode: +o Darphod_K
Sentroid92beware, evil!
*** Sentroid92 was kicked by Sentroid91 (12ZALOOM!)
DarkonZeroHey DK.
*** Sentroid93 was kicked by Sentroid91 (12You are considered a stalker. Don't ask, because you won't get an answer. You know why you were kicked.)
*** Sentroid92 has joined #Deep13
MSTManosHey! A black bird!
* Sentroid92 jasons in
[Sentroid92 SOUND]
Sentroid92hi DK
Darphod_KHey N
*** poopypants has joined #Deep13
Darphod_KHey Cal!
Sentroid92wb poop
Darphod_KI just got The Sims!
* MSTManos shoots 4,1the_black_bird with his HYPER BEAM!
* Sound request: can't find 'hyper.wav'
* MSTManos must recharge!
Sentroid914,1A gay bird flies through the window and dies
Sentroid91Fried Chicken's Lonely Harts Club Band
*** Sentroid92 is now known as jasoN
*** jasoN is on IRC
MSTManosOh, right. Where was I?
* MSTManos shoots jasoN. with his HYPER BEAM!
* Sound request: can't find 'hyper.wav'
* MSTManos must recharge!
jasoNyou were picking on me
MSTManosSure was.
* MSTManos shoots jasoN with his HYPER BEAM!
* Sound request: can't find 'hyper.wav'
* MSTManos must recharge!
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Session Start: Sat Feb 05 21:07:12 2000
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is '* Cal-Crowe changes topic to 'Cal-Crowe farts. Cal-Crowe has been kicked from #Deep13 by Sentroid91 (Butt love is a no no (_)_) )'
*** Set by DeRaptor on Sat Feb 05 19:42:51
jasoNhey, i have a friend who's trying to use the javachat from deep13.org and he says it's not working..any tips for him (besides get mIRC)
DarKrowThe Sims is fun
DarKrowHey DZ!
Sentroid91What the hell is Ben Stiller doing on SNL?
jasoNwb DZZ
DarKrowget pIRCh
DarkonZeroHey all.
Sentroid91Is he pulling a John Goodman?
Sentroid91He's on SNL frequently but he's not part of the cast
* superspy pops back in and waves hello
DarkonZeroI like mIRC.....mIRC 5.7 rules!
* jasoN screams and runs away
jasoNi haven't gotten 5.7 yet..how's it better then 6?
* MSTManos likes hyper.wav
* Sound request: can't find 'hyper.wav'
* Sound request: can't find 'seizure.wav'
[jasoN SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'burns.wav'
[jasoN SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'hyper.wav'
* Sound request: can't find 'hyper.wav'
DarKrowI'll wait for mIRC 6
* Sound request: can't find 'hyper.wav'
* Sound request: can't find 'hyper.wav'
jasoNme too..last time i upgraded i forgot to move my logfiles and they went byebye
DarkonZero5.7 can run Microsoft Agent......
jasoN2,15Quote:15,2 <Lord Nikon> blah <Wookieegirl> bleh! <jasoN> blih!
jasoN2,15Quote:15,2 * Crass passes gas <Crass> aww damnit...
jasoN2,15Quote:15,2 <Calell> hey, i have a few lynyrd skynyrd wavs and damnit i'm gonna make someone listen to em!!!!!!!!!! <Frodie> whew....there are times when I'm glad not to have mIRC <Frodie> this is one of them
DarkonZeroWell N......all you gotta do is just install in the same directory.
jasoNwhat's microsoft agent?
jasoNno..somehow i deleted them when i installed the new copy..
jasoNi dunno how
DarKrowit's little animated talking characters
jasoNo i c
jasoN2,15Quote:15,2 * MeltingMan looks in the mirror....only to find that it's not a mirror at all...but a photograph of a peanut! <MeltingMan> ARRHHHGGGHHH!!!
MSTManosUm... what the hell DO those animated characters do, anyway?
DarkonZeroWell.....with 5.7......it'll save them......
DarkonZeroThose characters can read the text.
jasoNforget it DZ..i wont join you with your little 5.7 conspiracy
DarKrowAgent sux
DarkonZeroI still gots all my settings.....
DarKrowit's like Office Ass-istant
DarkonZeroI'm happy with it.
MSTManosOffice Assistant rules, man.
DarkonZeroDK is right.
* Sound request: can't find 'makingpeoplehappy.wav'
[jasoN SOUND]
MSTManosAt least when it's in its little cage,
jasoNDZ is right about DK being right!
* DarkonZero goes to get a drink.....
* superspy spills DZ's drink all over dz's shirt
* Sound request: can't find 'makingpeoplehappy.wav'
[jasoN SOUND]
* jasoN spills spy's drink on DZ's shirt too
* superspy throws a glass of wine in N's face
jasoNhmm..it's saying "*** Unable to resolve local host for DCC Send"
* DarKrow dumps Pan Galactic Gargle Blasters on everybody
*** jasoN has left IRC
*** jasoN has quit IRC (Leaving)
superspytry again, N
*** jasoN is on IRC
MSTManosAnyone looking for a good laugh... http://members.tripod.com/MSTManos/secret2.html
*** jasoN has left IRC
*** jasoN is on IRC
*** jasoN has joined #Deep13
* jasoN jasons in
[jasoN SOUND]
MSTManoswb, jas.
jasoNwhy wont it let me DCC
* DarkonZero is laughing out loud....so much he sounds like Krankor!
Sentroid91say. I wonder if scifry.com is still down...
MSTManosWell... as long as Tripod is up, many people will be happy.
*** jasoN has left IRC
*** jasoN has quit IRC (Leaving)
Sentroid91yep. looks like it is
DarkonZeroManny.....noce job on crossing out "Has no area."
MSTManosThanks... that was my wit going nuts.
Sentroid91Aren't we lucky we have a semi-stable server?
DarkonZeroVery noce!
*** jasoN is on IRC
*** jasoN has joined #Deep13
* jasoN jasons in
[jasoN SOUND]
* Sentroid91 zalooms in
MSTManosArea of Residence: <crossed out part>Has no area</crossed out part>. Saint Gheorghe, Romania.
jasoNthere we go
Sentroid91Family: Mother, father, two brothers. (A recent report, however, notes that all four
Sentroid91of these people refuse to claim Henning as a member of their family.)
* Sound request: can't find 'makingpeoplehappy.wav'
[jasoN SOUND]
Sentroid91<Sentroid91> omega?
Sentroid91[02:09] <omega> yes?
Sentroid91[02:09] *** Sentroid91: you're not channel operator
Sentroid91[02:09] <Sentroid91> don't shoot. I come in peace
Sentroid91[02:10] <omega> ok
Sentroid91[02:10] <omega> or i may say hello franko
Sentroid91[02:10] <Sentroid91> ah
Sentroid91[02:10] <Sentroid91> You're not as stupid as you seem to be.
* jasoN dozes off
Sentroid91[02:11] <Sentroid91> I like that
Sentroid91[02:11] <omega> get out of my list now!
DarkonZeroManny......where'd you score the pic?
Sentroid91[02:11] <omega> before i kick your cock so hard the balls fall out
DarKrowDamn Cat!
Sentroid91[02:11] <Sentroid91> such language. What the fuck did I do to you?
DarKrowmy cat's making loud noises
Sentroid91[02:15] <Sentroid91> I only want to be your friend, omega. i'm serious.
Sentroid91[02:16] <Sentroid91> And Bob said he was sorry for doing that fake sound of you
Sentroid91[02:16] <omega> is bob on
Sentroid91[02:16] <Sentroid91> no, he's at college now
Sentroid91[02:16] <omega> get the others here
Sentroid91[02:16] <Sentroid91> no one else is here.
Sentroid91[02:17] <omega> hey franko
Sentroid91[02:17] <franko> hi john
Sentroid91[02:17] <franko> hi omega
Sentroid91[02:17] <omega> i whant you to meet my worst nightmare
MSTManoso-mee's site... http://www.mediasoft.ro/omega
Sentroid91[02:17] *** Sentroid91: you're not channel operator
Sentroid91[02:17] <Sentroid91> hi frank
Sentroid91[02:17] <omega> Sentroid91
Sentroid91[02:17] <franko> so is this the guy u were talking about
Sentroid91[02:17] <omega> you 2 now
Sentroid91[02:17] <franko> john
Sentroid91[02:17] <Sentroid91> wow. i'm flattered megs.
DarkonZeroWho's John?
DarkonZeroOr is he simply stating where he is going?
Sentroid91John? John who?
DarkonZero<Sentroid91> [02:17] <omega> you 2 now
DarkonZero<Sentroid91> [02:17] <franko> john
DarkonZero<Sentroid91> [02:17] <Sentroid91> wow. i'm flattered megs.
*** Sentroid91 has left IRC
*** Sentroid91 is now known as John_G
DarkonZeroI think I pissed Bob off last night......
MSTManosWhat's new?
John_GI think I want to piss Bob off tonight
MSTManosEverything pisses off Bob.
*** John_G is now known as Sentroid91
*** Sentroid91 is on IRC
MSTManosCall him "James" a lot.
DarkonZeroActually....I had some pretty good wit goin' last night.....and I mighta offended Bob with it.
DarkonZeroWait.....lemme get them.
MSTManosHe said something about an IP. Was it hal.palermo.edu or something?
*** Sentroid91 changes topic to '<Sentroid91> Ah, that Bob. What a *censored by SFC*..... uh... I mean guy.'
Sentroid91there. I liked that topic
DarKrowUh, I got The Sims!
Sentroid91Whoopie, DK
MSTManosWow. Good for you.
DarkonZero<DarkonZero> Hey....what's with the wishful thinking?
DarkonZero<BobIshmael> Go to hell.
DarkonZero<BobIshmael> I mean..
DarkonZero<BobIshmael> Yeah.
DarkonZero<DarkonZero> I said it once....I'll say it again. Once Satan found out I was "friends" with you.....he kicked me out.
DarkonZero<BobIshmael> Clever.
DarkonZero<BobIshmael> I'll have to remember that when I'm trying to think of something witty to say.
DarkonZero<DarkonZero> Which is never, right?
* jasoN wonders what "i got The Sims" means
Sentroid91<Sentroid91> Ah, that Bob. What a shmuck..... uh... I mean guy.
superspyactually, dz, his little "I hope they murder you" comment was somewhat amusing
* superspy keeps logs
* Sentroid91 does too
DarkonZeroI know spy....
Sentroid91[02:17] <omega> hmmmmm
Sentroid91[02:17] <omega> 2 sticky bans
Sentroid91[02:17] <franko> only on icq :D
Sentroid91[02:17] <franko> what did i do
Sentroid91[02:18] <omega> 1 i don't like #deep13
Sentroid91[02:18] <omega> 2 i hate #deep13
* jasoN does too
Sentroid91[02:18] <franko> what is #deep13
Sentroid91[02:18] <omega> sent
Sentroid91[02:18] <Sentroid91> It's a room about MST
DarkonZero<BobIshmael> Where the hell's spy?
DarkonZero<DarkonZero> Sleepin'.
DarkonZero<BobIshmael> Oh.
DarkonZero<BobIshmael> I hope he dies.
Sentroid91[02:18] <franko> o i c
Sentroid91[02:18] <Sentroid91> and now that you've said that omega, you no longer have the right to call me Sent
Sentroid91[02:18] <omega> so john i shoud do that kick on you
Sentroid91[02:19] <franko> kick?
Sentroid91[02:19] <om
Sentroid91[02:19] <omega> <omega> before i kick your cock so hard the balls fall out
Sentroid91[02:19] <Sentroid91> and don't call me john either. The name's Richard, bucko. Get it right.
Sentroid91[02:20] <franko> his name is john
Sentroid91[02:20] <omega> that was when i was 8 now i'm 12
Sentroid91[02:20] <franko> it is liar!!!
Sentroid91[02:20] <omega> hey sent!!!
Sentroid91[02:20] <Sentroid91> That's not what it says on my birth certificate
Sentroid91[02:20] * omega kicks sent's cock so hard the balls fall out
Sentroid91[02:20] -franko- <omega> that was when i was 8 now i'm 12 -- AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Sentroid91[02:21] <Sentroid91> ooh, a pop up
Sentroid91[02:21] <Sentroid91> that got me good
Sentroid91[02:21] <franko> ow thats gotta hurt !
Sentroid91[02:21] <omega> you bet
DarkonZero<BobIshmael> My kingdom for a handgun.
DarkonZero* DarkonZero hands Bob a hundgun.......that shoots water.
DarkonZero<DarkonZero> Hence a handgun that shoots water.......
DarkonZero<BobIshmael> Atilla the Hundgun.
DarkonZero* DarkonZero gets out crickets for Bob's audience.
DarkonZero<DarkonZero> There ya go.
DarkonZero<BobIshmael> Again, clever.
DarkonZero*** BobIshmael has left IRC
DarkonZero*** BobIshmael has quit IRC ("Yeah. If I drank less coffee, I probably would be more emotionally stable" --TMCM)
Sentroid91[02:21] <franko> john ur being a loser
DarKrowI'm gonna leave
Sentroid91[02:22] <Sentroid91> shut your hole, Steven
Sentroid91[02:22] <franko> bite me
Sentroid91[02:22] <franko> i should hurt u
Sentroid91[02:22] <omega> no fiting
Sentroid91[02:22] <franko> fighting
Sentroid91[02:22] <omega> ye do it Steven
Sentroid91[02:22] *** Sentroid91: you're not channel operator
Sentroid91[02:22] <omega> who cares of the typo
Sentroid91[02:22] <franko> but how ?
Sentroid91[02:22] <franko> sorry omega
Sentroid91[02:22] <Sentroid91> Christ man. All I wanted to do is be friends and you guys pull this fucking bullshit on me.
Sentroid91[02:22] <omega> kick he cock or something
DarKrowgood bye
Sentroid91[02:23] <SpeedBot> hey whatch your mouth sent!
Sentroid91[02:23] <Sentroid91> LOL
Sentroid91[02:23] <Sentroid91> HAHA! Even your gay bot can't speak right
Sentroid91[02:23] <franko> i wanna hurt sent but how ?
Sentroid91[02:24] <omega> if you wanna be freinds get out of #deep13 and play like a nice man'
Sentroid91[02:24] <SpeedBot> i say broke his hand
MSTManos<omega> kick he cock -- AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Sentroid91[02:24] <SpeedBot> i'm not gay!
Sentroid91[02:24] <franko> hey omega i wanna hurt sent
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*** DarKrow has quit IRC (BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
MSTManosOh. DK left.
Sentroid91[02:24] <Sentroid91> fine then, prove it. Say I am Tom Cruise
Sentroid91[02:29] <Sentroid91> and you wonder why the others treat you like garbage
Sentroid91[02:29] <omega> any last words
Sentroid91[02:30] <omega> sent until you don't leave permanatly #deep13 i whont be your friend
Sentroid91[02:30] <franko> hey john have u seen manos ?
Sentroid91[02:30] <franko> he was gonna send me a mail last nite
Sentroid91[02:31] <franko> john!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sentroid91[02:31] *** Sentroid91 is now known as omegais
Sentroid91[02:31] *** omegais is now known as ashmuck
Sentroid91[02:31] *** ashmuck is now known as ashmuck
Sentroid91Session Close: S
Sentroid91ooh. there's someone in #100%Comedy-less
Sentroid91It's Shell!
Sentroid91#100%comedy can't join channel (address is banned)
MSTManos*** Now talking in #100%comedy
MSTManos*** Topic is ' You know you're addicted to IRC when:   You get up at 2 am to go to the bathroom but turn on the computer instead!!! '
MSTManos*** Set by Shell on Wed Feb 02 14:53:33
MSTManosWow. Funny.
MSTManosI laughed so hard, I couldn't even make a sound.
DarkonZeroThat's 100%Crap.
*** Sentroid91 has left IRC
*** Sentroid91 has quit IRC (Don't forget to visit http://mstiegate.cjb.net)
MSTManos<Shell> are you behaving tonite?
MSTManos*** jasoN (~frrr@98A7F6C9.ipt.aol.com) has joined #100%comedy
MSTManos<MSTManos> Don't you mean "2nite"?
*** Sentroid91 has joined #Deep13
jasoNi laughed, but it was at Manos' sound
jasoNso it doesn't count
Sentroid91oops, brb
*** Sentroid91 has left IRC
*** Sentroid91 has quit IRC (Don't forget to visit http://mstiegate.cjb.net)
superspyshiny, happy people holding hands!
*** Zaloom has joined #Deep13
Zaloomthere. that's better
DarkonZeroSent...look at this....
DarkonZeroThat car pic has been up for that past month...other than the othr one......about time they did something to it.
*** MSTManos has left IRC
*** MSTManos is now known as Pokemanos
DarkonZeroKILL HIM!
*** Zaloom is now known as Squirtke
* Pokemanos shoots DarkonZero with his HYPER BEAM!
* Sound request: can't find 'hyper.wav'
[Pokemanos SOUND]
* Pokemanos must recharge!
SquirtkeSpy, DZ... come to #100%Comedy before they ban the three of us
DarkonZeroI've been banned from there all ready.....
Pokemanos<Cruiser> is Pokemanos a greek version of Pokemon?
Squirtkejust change your username
Squirtkethat's what I did
DarkonZeroAnd I'm not into raiding anymore.
Pokemanos<Pokemanos> Um... I like gyros
Pokemanos<Cruiser> is Pokemanos a greek version of Pokemon?
Pokemanos<Pokemanos> Um... I like gyros
Squirtke* Shell is too old for pokeman stuff
Squirtke<Shell> her daughter is too old for pokeman stuff too!
Squirtke<Squirtke> who's daughter?
Squirtke<Pokemanos> No one's too old for the Pokemon.
Squirtke<Cruiser> where is everyone from in here?
Squirtke<Pokemanos> I be from Jamaica, mon.
Squirtke<Cruiser> serious?
Squirtke<Squirtke> I from Iowa
Squirtke* Shell is in Canada
jasoNmaybe he/she knows Rowsdower
Squirtke<Pokemanos> Yep. We have lots of cockfights here in Mexico.
Squirtke<Cruiser> you love baseball?! some kind of Communist Hungarian you turned out to be!
Squirtke<Shell> lol
Squirtke<jasoN> my dad has a cock
* Squirtke dies laughing
DarkonZeroN...nice one.
Pokemanos<jasoN> my dad has a cock
Pokemanos<jasoN> he trains it
Pokemanos<jasoN> it's helluva tough
PokemanosCockemon, I choose YOU!
Squirtke<jasoN> we have alot of cocks on our farm.  but most of them are pretty small
jasoN<Cruiser> OH, those kind of cocks! I was thinking abo....never mind
PokemanosHAHAHA! What a fool!
jasoNthe subtlity of my humor evaids most people
PokemanosSmart comedy really decieves these fools.
PokemanosWhereas jokes like "You know you're addicted to IRC when:   You get up at 2 am to go to the bathroom but turn on the computer instead!!!" make them laugh.
Squirtke<jasoN> have you ever seen a cock cruiser?
Squirtke<Cruiser> is it the same as a rooster?
Squirtke<Squirtke> u funy
Squirtke<jasoN> yeah, pretty much
Squirtke<Cruiser> then yes
PokemanosThis gets better every minute.
* superspy traps manos in a pokeball
SquirtkeYou know what would make this classic?
SquirtkeIf Bob came.
SquirtkeDespite our feelings for the poor sap. Bob can be quite a smartie and match wits with the worst of the Starlink idiots
Pokemanos<Cruiser> there is a rugby league team in Australia called the roosters
Pokemanos<jasoN> i wonder why they didn't call themselves the Cocks
Pokemanos<jasoN> do they win alot?
Pokemanos<Cruiser> they usually make the finals but then lose
Pokemanos<Pokemanos> It seems that they can't score.
* DarkonZero is laughing out loud....so much he sounds like Krankor!
DarkonZeroNice innuendo Manny.
Squirtke<Cruiser> I was giving the drumroll to the awful puns made by Pokemanos and Jason
Squirtke<Cruiser> badum, ching!
Squirtkeuhh... that's a drumroll?
Pokemanos<Cruiser> jason, how old are you?
Pokemanos<jasoN> 12
superspyhey, what room are you guys in?
Pokemanos<Pokemanos> <Cruiser> particularly americans cum hungarians cum brazilians cum vietnamese cum...
Pokemanos<Pokemanos> EWW!!!
SquirtkeWell at least we know why Sea is so goddamned boring.
SquirtkeCanadians couldn't see a good comedy if it bit them in the ass
PokemanosUnless they're watching the BBC.
SquirtkeI bet jestr's a friggin' Canadian too
Squirtkewell she know's i'm me
Squirtke*Shell* sent ? you bored?
Pokemanos<Cruiser> the town i came from was so small, even the mice wore shoes!
Squirtke<Squirtke> hello?
Squirtke<Squirtke> you talk to me?
PokemanosHell no.
Squirtke<Shell> ya i talk to you
Squirtke<Squirtke> hello
Squirtke<Squirtke> a/s/l?
Squirtke<Shell> ya right!
jasoNdamn, i'm really lagging
*** Pokemanos is now known as Shellder
Squirtke<Squirtke> u r kewl, shell
ShellderI am now Shellder.
Squirtke<Shell> Zaloom@cc434209-a.avnl1.nj.home.com
Squirtke<Shell> !
Squirtke<Squirtke> ye. I am Zaloom. Paul Zaloom
DarkonZeroI'll see ya guys later....
DarkonZeroSay goodbye to me! I'm going M.I.A.!
* DarkonZero hits the off switch on his Portal deck and disconnects to the world known as reality!
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Sat Feb 05 22:04:39 2000

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