
Session Start: Fri Feb 04 12:35:28 2000
*** Now talking in #Deep13
MeltingManThis sound is cool.
DarkonZero10 MB!?!?!/
MeltingManUm...I guess so, yeah.  I should have made it less quality.
MeltingManYou won't be able to tell it's high quality.\
* MeltingMan grumbles...and wonders why this 60 second file is so big.
DarkonZeroType /pdcc 999999999
DarkonZeroI should be getting it faster.....cause I do have a DSL connection.....hmmm....
DarkonZeroCause a 10 min file should take 10 min......
DarkonZero10 MB file.
MeltingManMy connection sucks, though
*** MeltingMan has left IRC
*** MeltingMan has quit IRC (/me melts away)
*** Disconnected
*** Attempting to rejoin...
*** DarkonZero is on IRC
*** Greidanus is on IRC
*** Rejoined channel #Deep13
*** DarkonZero has left IRC
*** DarkonZero has quit IRC (Read error to DarkonZero[user3215.lv.sprint-hsd.net]: Connection reset by peer)
*** DarkonZero is on IRC
*** Darkon0 is now known as DarkonZero
DarkonZeroWell.....it seems that Greid is dead.....
DarkonZeroPoor Greid.....
* DarkonZero takes Greid body and buries her.....
* DarkonZero says a eulogy....
DarkonZeroYadda.....yadda....yadda.....she's dead.
*** Disconnected
*** Attempting to rejoin...
*** DarkonZero is on IRC
*** Greidanus is on IRC
*** Rejoined channel #Deep13
*** Topic is 'AL GORE: freedom of religion does not mean freedom from religion... DERAPTOR: That's it, I'm moving to Canada.'
*** Set by DeRaptor on Thu Feb 03 22:21:16
*** DarkonZero has left IRC
*** DarkonZero has quit IRC (Read error to DarkonZero[user3215.lv.sprint-hsd.net]: Connection reset by peer)
*** DarkonZero is on IRC
*** Darkon0 is now known as DarkonZero
*** MeltingMan is on IRC
*** MeltingMan has joined #Deep13
DarkonZeroI got peered twice.
*** Disconnected
*** Attempting to rejoin...
*** DarkonZero is on IRC
*** Greidanus is on IRC
*** MeltingMan is on IRC
*** Rejoined channel #Deep13
*** Topic is 'AL GORE: freedom of religion does not mean freedom from religion... DERAPTOR: That's it, I'm moving to Canada.'
*** Set by DeRaptor on Thu Feb 03 22:21:16
*** DarkonZero has left IRC
MeltingManHold on...delete that one...I've got a version that's only 1.3 megs
Darkon0THE HELL?!
*** DarkonZero is on IRC
*** Darkon0 is now known as DarkonZero
DarkonZeroMM.....control yourself man!
MeltingManWhadaya mean.
DarkonZeroYOu DCC'ed me twice.
MeltingManYeah....it said, "DarkonZero" no such nick....I thought I'd sent it before you changed you name.
DarkonZeroWell.....I'm pretty quick.
MeltingManYeah...I can tell.
DarkonZeroI can't type well......but I know how to get things done.......if I'm not lazy.
*** Disconnected
*** Attempting to rejoin...
*** DarkonZero is on IRC
*** Greidanus is on IRC
*** MeltingMan is on IRC
*** Rejoined channel #Deep13
*** Topic is 'AL GORE: freedom of religion does not mean freedom from religion... DERAPTOR: That's it, I'm moving to Canada.'
*** Set by DeRaptor on Thu Feb 03 22:21:16
*** DarkonZero has quit IRC (Read error to DarkonZero[user3215.lv.sprint-hsd.net]: Connection reset by peer)
*** DarkonZero is on IRC
*** Darkon0 is now known as DarkonZero
DarkonZeroOdd....the DCC didn't stop.
MeltingManYou're so damn quick
DarkonZeroI am ninja!
DarkonZeroIf I get peered again........I'm gonna kill Starlink.
MeltingManWe gotta get out of Starlink.
MeltingManWhen are we gonna get out of Starlink, DZ?
DarkonZeroYeah...I know.....but some of us are settled with here. And I don't know when were getting out.
DarkonZerowe're even....
MeltingManWho's settled?
DarkonZeroI think DK......
MeltingManEverytime I try to get settled I get peered or netsplit.
DarkonZeroAnd I forgot who else.
DarkonZeroWho knows.....
DarkonZeroGalaxynet was ok.....
DarkonZeroIt was better than DALnet.
MeltingManOh yeah...we were at Galaxynet for a while, weren't we.
DarkonZeroWe left cause Lodo found us....or something...I forgot.
DarkonZeroOf course Sent always wants Lodo to show up.
MeltingManYeah...that was it.  But he's...um...found us here, hasn't he.
MeltingManSent wants everyone to show up.
DarkonZeroI know.....and it's getting old.
DarkonZeroActually.....it died.
DarkonZeroAnd was buried.
MeltingManIt's rotting now.
MeltingManAnd boy does it stink.
DarkonZeroI've decided not to raid HG anymore......cause I already am done with that.
MeltingManI didn't know anyone still raided HG.
DarkonZeroI was the last person to keep doing that.
DarkonZeroI stopped last month after the weirdness with Ironf.
DarkonZeroActually...in Dec.
MeltingManI never "raided" them...they just sort of dragged me into their world.
*** Greidanus has left IRC
*** Greidanus has quit IRC (Read error to Greidanus[isp15-79.ply.adelphia.net]: Connection timed out)
MeltingManI couldn't have cared less about HG until THX1138 went and drug out information about me.
DarkonZeroWell that's HG.....
MeltingMandrug isn't a verb.
MeltingManUnless you drug someone with medicine.
DarkonZeroOf course...my tracks are covered.....so I'm safe.....I think.
MeltingManOr something....but it's not a verb the way I used it.
*** Cal-Crowe is on IRC
*** Cal-Crowe has joined #Deep13
*** Greidanus is on IRC
*** Greidanus has joined #Deep13
MeltingManHey, Cal and Greid!
* Cal-Crowe laughs at the topic
GreidanusI AM RUDE, AREN'T I!?
Cal-CroweMy computer had a stroke on Wed.
DarkonZeroNo....you're Grude!
Greidanusthat can't be good...
Cal-CroweIt's barely working...
Cal-CroweThe internet is one of the only things working now...
DarkonZeroMy puter is slowly dying.....
DarkonZeroNope...just Grude.
Cal-CroweMy computer is about 6 years old...a computer year is 16...
Cal-Crowe16x6......you get the picture....
GreidanusMy hard drive is wasting away, along with the power controller
Cal-CroweGood Thing: My parents want to get a Dell with the Pentium III
MeltingManNow a bad thing and you get a ram chip.
DarkonZeroMy computer is less than a year old.......and it's already dying. I make it push it's limits.
Cal-CroweI'm taking my computer to Dr. Kevorkian instead of the computer fixit place
Greidanusheh, you're lucky. If my 'puter breaks down, I'm getting an old 386 with a busted CD ROM
* Cal-Crowe wonders if he can play sounds...
* Sound request: can't find 'originaldedodedo.wav'
[Cal-Crowe SOUND]
MeltingManI can hear sounds.
Cal-CroweSound is dead...
Cal-CrowePrinter won't work
GreidanusBut I heard it.... *shudder*
Cal-CroweI'm grateful that I got my 'site up before this happened...
GreidanusThat 386 computer in my basement is, I think about as old as I am. Beats me, I don't know when 386's came out
[MeltingMan SOUND]
DarkonZeroCal....have ya defragged the drive......that may help?
Cal-Crowecirca, 1980s
MeltingManThat's me....all of them.
Cal-CroweThe processor is a Intel 5030
Greidanusthe BIOS of my 'puter is quirky too
Cal-CroweThe modem and the hard drive are 3 years old
MeltingManMy favorite part is where I unplugged the microphone.
GreidanusJust feel lucky that you all have good computers, unlike my reconstructed bargain-basement model
[MeltingMan SOUND]
* DarkonZero is listening to a MP3 of modem squeals.....
MeltingManOh...so you can't hear my wav?
Greidanusdammit, BBL
DarkonZeroI heard it....
*** Greidanus has left IRC
*** Greidanus has quit IRC (Education? BAH!)
DarkonZeroIt was humorous.
MeltingManI think I do a good impression of Joel.
Cal-CroweI asked a computer specialist about how powerful my computer is.....he laughed
Cal-CroweI can bend my voice pretty well...
Cal-CroweI can do a great Dr. Strangelove voice
MeltingManHeh...I can't do that accent well at all.
Cal-Crowe"Animals will BE BRED AND SLAUGHTERED!"
* /sound: no such file 'dzasdrnick.wav'
* /sound: no such file 'dzasdr.nick.wav'
MeltingManAh nuts....brb
MeltingManbbl, actually
*** MeltingMan has left IRC
*** MeltingMan has quit IRC (/me melts away)
Cal-CroweDamn...i wish my sound card worked...
Cal-CroweI hope the new one come with a microphone
DarkonZeroWhat new one?
DarkonZeroAnd where from?
Cal-CroweA Dell
DarkonZeroIt will....
Cal-CroweDell Dimention
Cal-CroweI'm keeping the monitor, speakers, and printer.....i just need the computer
Cal-CroweGah....my computer won't get out of low res mode....
Cal-Croweand it's in 16 colors mode......
Cal-Crowe<Greidanus> BLEAUGH!!!
DarkonZero<Cal's Puter> Come on buddy......pull my cord and end it......argh....
Cal-CroweIt's OK little buddy
* Cal-Crowe starts a flashback
* Cal-Crowe is seen throwing a football to his computer
* DarkonZero enteres Cal's flashback and sees Cal's Puter first steps.....
* Cal-Crowe potty trains his computer
* DarkonZero is now mortified......
* Cal-Crowe sees his computer go to school for the first time.
* DarkonZero sees Cal's Puter first time processing Basic.
Cal-CroweThis would make an excellent video idea...
DarkonZeroIt would.
Cal-CroweEspecially the football scene...
Cal-CroweThis is like something that would be on Dexter's Lab
DarkonZeroYeah....sounds like it.
Cal-CroweWhen and if I get the new one, I'm making a video of that...
DarkonZeroI would send you a screenshot of a game I played yesterday....but it may kill your computer.
Cal-CroweDon't DCC me anything
Cal-CroweIt's going to get erased anyway
DarkonZeroI was about to.....then thought about.....then decided to......then I smacked myself.
DarkonZeroNo prob.
DarkonZeroI gots me a P3. I gotta wait till next year to exchange it.
Cal-CroweI could make the cord wag like a tail with a thread
DarkonZeroI'll be right back! OK.
* DarkonZero will be right back...he's off to do somethin'.
DarkonZeroI'll be right back...really, I will!
* DarkonZero : 6,1 I dunno 6,16,0.6,0
Cal-CroweDZ, will you be back?
* DarkonZero is back from whatever...
DarkonZeroWell, I'm back.
Cal-CroweAre you back?
DarkonZeroNo...not really.
* DarkonZero burps....
* Cal-Crowe watches the ground shake.
DarkonZeroSent is on!
DarkonZeroBut should we care?
DarkonZeroI dunno.
Cal-CroweOdd...the 'net is faster now...
*** Sentroid91 is on IRC
*** Sentroid91 has joined #Deep13
* Sentroid91 emerges from the soulgate leading from the 7th Dimension
*** Mars sets mode: +o Sentroid91
* Sound request: can't find 'xpackane.wav'
[Sentroid91 SOUND]
DarkonZeroHow are ya?
Sentroid91Omega added me to ICQ
Cal-Crowehey Sent
Sentroid91Fine. u?
DarkonZeroI'm fine.
Sentroid91I changed my name to Franko. So he didn't know it was me
Sentroid91Now. I wonder what'll happen when I change it back...
DarkonZeroOn my ICQ....you're S91.
Cal-CroweSent, don't DCC me anything
DarkonZeroNow it's Franko.
Sentroid91Manos said it changed on his
Cal-CroweMy computer crashed and it's on lifesupport
Sentroid91Hey everybody,
Sentroid91                So I'm starting to think these rumours are hilarious.  The other night
Sentroid91                on Kilborn he asked me if I was dating Monica Lewinsky.  I said no
Sentroid91                comment, sort of for a joke, and now I'm wondering if I've started
Sentroid91                something.  
Sentroid91                I guess some reporter from The Edmonton Sun saw me standing with Monica
Sentroid91                at
DarkonZeroIn order to make it say another nick...you gotta update the user's detail...and I just did.
Sentroid91                the Kids In The Hall Show and now all of a sudden I'm dating her.  The
Cal-Crowewhat's that from
Sentroid91reporter should have asked a few questions and gotten a few facts...
Sentroid91                The
Sentroid91                way reporters do...
Sentroid91                Here's the facts.  A couple of months ago Glenn Humplik tried to barge
Sentroid91                into a party with a video camera where Monica was and interview her for
Sentroid91                the show.  Monica declined to be interviewed but did talk all night
Sentroid91                with
Sentroid91                one of the writers on our show.
Sentroid91Another one of Tom's annoying messages
Sentroid91hey went out on a few dates.  Which
Sentroid91                was
Sentroid91                reported on in USA Today, and Entertainment Tonight...  
Sentroid91                I guess they don't see that stuff in Edmonton...  or maybe Edmonton Sun
Sentroid91                reporters work so hard that they don't have time to pay attention to
Sentroid91                that
Sentroid91                sort of stuff...  little things like the media.  
Sentroid91Anyway, while she was seeing this writer on our show they went on a few
Sentroid91                double dates with Derek (another writer) and his wife. During that time
Sentroid91                Monica and Dereks wife Tammy became friends.  Monica and Dereks wife
Sentroid91                Tammy
Sentroid91                now hang out all the time.
Sentroid91I went to the Kids In The Hall with Derek and Tammy.  After the show,
Sentroid91                Monica and a guy who she was on a date with that night... who wasn't
Sentroid91                me...
Sentroid91                met up with us and we all went to this Kids In The Hall after party
Sentroid91                together.  Andy Dick was with us too...  I am also not dating him....
Sentroid91                Dating is kind of a rad word when you really listen to it... is that a
Sentroid91                fifties word?  I dunno...
Cal-CroweI wonder if Monica likes waffles...
*** Sentroid91 changes topic to '"Andy Dick was with us too... I am also not dating him...." -- Tom Green'
Sentroid91Anyway, the only reason I'm trying to set the record straight is
Sentroid91                because I just met this girl a few weeks ago, and I really like her...
Sentroid91                and
Sentroid91                don't want her to get mad at me and think that I'm dating Monica...
Sentroid91                because this girl who I have really gone out on a few dates (cool
Sentroid91                fifties
Sentroid91                word) with is really cool, and cute and stuff... and I'll tell you
Sentroid91                about
Sentroid91                her later.
Sentroid91                Tom
Sentroid91                The official Tom Green Website
Sentroid91                http://tomgreen.com/
* Cal-Crowe goes to weirdal.com to see if his question was answered...
* DarkonZero goes to Planetfortress.com to see if his picture is up.....
* Sentroid91 checks his other mail.... TV Guide thingy....
Sentroid91hmm, nothing good on Friday... as usual
Sentroid91Unless I get desperate enough to watch Flubber
* Cal-Crowe backs away from Sent
DarkonZeroNO PIC!
Sentroid91Then again, TBS is having Dinner and a Movie tonight.
Cal-CroweWhat movie?
Sentroid91And it's actually a good movie for a change. Overboard with Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn
Cal-CroweIf D&M showed MST3K the movie, the dinner would be cool...
Sentroid91And Mike Nelson as the guest
Sentroid91Or Kevin
Sentroid91or both
* DarkonZero wonders what D&M would make if "Dawn Of The Dead" was shown........
Sentroid91You could probably ask them, DZ
Cal-CroweJohnny's Stew
Sentroid91I think they have some Ask D&M at tbs.com
DarkonZeroI will.....but not now.
Cal-CroweDawn Of the Dead casserole
Sentroid91Last night I found a whole bunch of sites for Beakman's World
Cal-CroweI got the Best of... tape
Sentroid91that Speedy person is in #omega again
Sentroid91Best of what?
Cal-CroweBest of Beakman's World
* Cal-Crowe sees if The Palace works...
Sentroid91ah. Speedy is really NightHawk
Sentroid91oh that's very nice. Every page on his/her site has a title followed by the words "Let's go have some fun!!!"
DarkonZeroIt should be, "Let's go and see more of my crap!!!"
Sentroid91hmm, speedy's dead
Sentroid91*** Topic is ''---->>>>> finaly countdown <<<<<----- only 4 days and firebird is 17 yahoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)))))))))))))))))) ----->>>>> finaly countdown <<<<<-----'
Sentroid91*** Set by omega on Wed Feb 02 13:40:57
Sentroid91<Sentroid91> 'lo
Sentroid91<Sentroid91> how aer you?
Cal-Crowe"Cleavent Derrik sings on Realchannel" -scifi.com
Sentroid91*** Topic is '. ======>>>>welcome<<<<=======  2 1 of the most kewlest channels around ======>>>>#Beyond_Reality<<<<======= '
Sentroid91*** Set by NightHawk on Fri Feb 04 15:18:25
Sentroid91<NightHawk> hi there :)
Sentroid91<Sentroid91> hello
Sentroid91<Sentroid91> ho aer you?
Sentroid91<NightHawk> i'm ok, thnx :)
Sentroid91<NightHawk> and you ?
Sentroid91<NightHawk> :)
Sentroid91<Sentroid91> good/
Sentroid91<Matrix> heee hooo
Sentroid91<Sentroid91> P:)
Sentroid91<NightHawk> hiya matrix :)
Sentroid91<NightHawk> how are you doing ?
Sentroid91<Matrix> how you all ?
Sentroid91<Matrix> lol
Sentroid91<Matrix> i'm fine, thank god it's weekend
Sentroid91<Sentroid91> I lufe your site.
Sentroid91<NightHawk> he he, thnx :)
Sentroid91<Sentroid91> P:)
Sentroid91damn, I should check and see if I still have a spy script
Sentroid91wow! I do
Sentroid91DZ: Say !spy on #Beyond_Reality
Sentroid91or Cal
DarkonZero!spy on #Beyond_Reality
DarkonZero!spy #Beyond_Reality
DarkonZeroIs it enabled?
Sentroid91try now
DarkonZero!spy on #Beyond_Reality
Sentroid91i'm not sure
DarkonZero!spy #Beyond_Reality
Sentroid91try it now
DarkonZero!spy on #Beyond_Reality
DarkonZero!spy #Beyond_Reality
Sentroid91i think I had to delete the ;'s
DarkonZeroThat maybe it.
Sentroid91try one more time
DarkonZero!spy on #Beyond_Reality
DarkonZero!spy #Beyond_Reality
*** S9-Sentry has joined #Deep13
*** Mars sets mode: +o S9-Sentry
* S9-Sentry emerges from the soulgate leading from the 7th Dimension
* Sound request: can't find 'xpackane.wav'
[S9-Sentry SOUND]
DarkonZero!spy on #Beyond_Reality
DarkonZero!spy #Beyond_Reality
Sentroid91!spy on #Beyond_Reality
* Sentroid91 wishes he never did delete all his files
Cal-Crowes9 clean
Cal-CroweS9 clean
Sentroid91that's gone too
Sentroid91all my scripts were deleted
Cal-CroweDamn..... I'm pissed...
Sentroid91ooh, I found clean
S9-Sentryit's @S9 clean
Sentroid91@S9 clean
* S9-Sentry sprints over to the mess and cleans it up promptly...then turns away with a grumble and returns to his seat.
Sentroid91@S9 order poopie
* S9-Sentry approaches Sentroid91 with a smile on his face, and gives them poopie .
Cal-CroweBRB i think I fixed my 'puter
Sentroid91well. at least I have something left
Cal-CroweIf I'm not back in 10 minutes, my computer is a goner
Cal-CroweI'll see you in a couple of days!!
*** Cal-Crowe has left IRC
*** Cal-Crowe has quit IRC (http://go.to/cits)
*** MeltingMan is on IRC
*** MeltingMan has joined #Deep13
MeltingManHey there.  
* MeltingMan hmmms at a Tom Green quote.
MeltingManSo he's NOT dating Monica Lewinsky?
* MeltingMan hopes that Conan does an "If they mated" with those two.
DarkonZeroNo...he's just getting....*COUGH*.
MeltingManOh, DZ.
*** Greidanus is on IRC
*** Greidanus has joined #Deep13
Greidanushello, hello!
MeltingManHey there, 'danus
DarkonZeroHey Grude.
Sentroid91You have a keyboard today?
DarkonZeroHmmm....guess not.
Greidanusyep, it usually gets taken away at night
* Greidanus smacks DZ with her keyboard
* DarkonZero hits Greis with his....uh...monitor.
GreidanusDamn, am I a good remixer...
DarkonZeroGreid even
* Greidanus smacks him again
* DarkonZero tackles Greid....
DarkonZeroWHY YOU!
* Greidanus charges DZ
DarkonZeroDamn......not a VISA!
* Greidanus slices DZ up with her mom's VISA
MeltingManThey have "Make 7 Up Yours" t-shirts now.
Greidanushi guys
MeltingManThey say "Make 7" on the front and "Up Yours" on the back.
* DarkonZero wants one of those shirts...
* Sentroid91 2
Greidanusthis is greid's mom talking
MeltingManOh my.
Greidanushi dz
DarkonZeroHello again.
Greidanushow old are you dz
DarkonZeroI'm old.
Greidanushow old
DarkonZeroI would not like to disclose that........I'm ashamed of my age.
Greidanusjust behave yourself please
DarkonZeroYou got it.
MeltingManYou're in trouble, DZ.
DarkonZeroI know....
*** S9-Service has joined #Deep13
Sentroid91man I have way too many downloaded mIRCs
Greidanusare you lying to me dz
DarkonZeroOf course not.
Greidanusgood boy   bye
*** Servo911 has joined #Deep13
MeltingManWhat did you do, DZ?
Sentroid91When'd they update mIRC?!
DarkonZeroI have no idea.
Sentroid91i'll brb
MeltingManThat was weird.
DarkonZeroI know.
*** Sentroid91 has left IRC
*** Sentroid91 has quit IRC (Don't forget to visit http://mstiegate.cjb.net)
*** S9-Sentry has quit IRC (Don't forget to visit http://mstiegate.cjb.net)
*** Servo911 has quit IRC (Leaving)
*** S9-Service has quit IRC (The Bar is now closed... keep chatting!)
*** [TerMin8oR has joined #Deep13
MeltingManI'm scared...what if Greid's mom's with the FBI....
[TerMin8oRShe might try to take our keyboards all away
*** Sentroid91 is on IRC
*** [TerMin8oR is now known as Sentroid91
Greidanusyou bet
* DarkonZero still feels that he's in trouble.....
GreidanusD'oh, sorry. My mom was sitting in the computer chair while I cleaned my room
MeltingManI'm still scared....I don't know if I should talk.  
GreidanusDon't worry, my own personal tyrant is gon!
Greidanusgone, even
DarkonZeroI'm sorry Greid.
MeltingManI'm sorry, too.....
DarkonZeroI'm scared.
GreidanusI guess tormenting DZ runs in the family, though
MeltingManIs there a reason she singled DZ out?
GreidanusI don't know
DarkonZeroI thnk the tackling thing.
Greidanuswanna ask her?
DarkonZeroNot me....
* Sentroid91 1is AWAY. 10Reason:12 Downloading mIRC 5.7 10Pager is:12 on 14-5=15{4T5ê10r2M6ï10ñ1386t3ð12r15}5=14-
DarkonZeroI'm already scared.
MeltingManYes, ask her.  Make sure she doesn't have any dirt on me....not that there is any.
*** Locdog07 is on IRC
*** Locdog07 has joined #Deep13
*** Mars sets mode: +o Locdog07
* Locdog07 pounces into #Deep13 doing crotch chops.
* Locdog07 commands everyone to MAKE SOME NOISE!!!
* Sound request: can't find 'x-pac.wav'
[Locdog07 SOUND]
* Locdog07 whimpers
MeltingManHey Loc!  You just missed an encounter with Greid's mom...
DarkonZeroI'll brb.....I'm gonna do the same thing Sent is doing.
Locdog07very...very scary...
DarkonZeroSay goodbye to me! I'm going M.I.A.!
* DarkonZero hits the off switch on his Portal deck and disconnects to the world known as reality!
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Fri Feb 04 14:34:10 2000
Session Start: Fri Feb 04 15:07:07 2000
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is '"Andy Dick was with us too... I am also not dating him...." -- Tom Green'
*** Set by Sentroid91 on Fri Feb 04 13:44:56
* Sound request: can't find 'epona.mid'
[Greidanus SOUND]
Cal-Crowehey DZ
GreidanusGosh, you people love me for some odd reason...
Cal-CroweI was k-lined 8 times in the act of killing Greid's ghost
* Sound request: can't find 'epona.mid'
[Greidanus SOUND]
*** Sentroid91 has joined #Deep13
* Sentroid91 emerges from the soulgate leading from the 7th Dimension
* Sound request: can't find 'xpackane.wav'
[Sentroid91 SOUND]
DarkonZeroI got in trouble with Greid's mom.
Sentroid91oh, I don't like this mIRC at all
Cal-CroweHow did you get in trouble with Gried's mom?
Sentroid91try playing a sound file that has a name that's has more than 8 letters
DarkonZeroI don't know Cal.....
Greidanus<Greidanus> this is greid's mom talking
Greidanus<DarkonZero> Oh....
Greidanus<DarkonZero> Hmmm.
Greidanus<DarkonZero> Hello.....
Greidanus<Greidanus> ahhh
Greidanus<Sentroid91> .....
Greidanus<MeltingMan> Oh my.
Greidanus<Greidanus> hi dz
Greidanus<DarkonZero> Hello again.
Greidanus<Greidanus> how old are you dz
Greidanus<DarkonZero> I'm old.
Greidanus<Greidanus> how old
Greidanus<DarkonZero> I would not like to disclose that........I'm ashamed of my age.
Greidanus<Greidanus> just behave yourself please
Sentroid91I'm suprised she didn't yell at me
Sentroid91I bet if she were gay she would have
GreidanusI think it may be family instinct to pick on DZ
Sentroid91All the gays on this server have to bother me. I have no idea why.... There was that freak last night.
Greidanus<MeltingMan> You're in trouble, DZ.
Greidanus<DarkonZero> I know....
Greidanus*** S9-Service (bartender@cc434209-a.avnl1.nj.home.com) has joined #Deep13
Greidanus<Sentroid91> man I have way too many downloaded mIRCs
Greidanus<Greidanus> are you lying to me dz
Greidanus<DarkonZero> Of course not.
Greidanus<Greidanus> good boy
Sentroid91You try playing a 9+ named wav, DZ?
Cal-CroweDZ is really 11 like omega
DarkonZeroI haven't installed it yet.
Sentroid91you feeb@
* Sound request: can't find 'epona.mid'
[Greidanus SOUND]
DarkonZeroWell....why should I if you're complaining about it...already!
*** Sentroid92 has joined #Deep13
DarkonZeroWell....why should I if you're complaining about it...already!
*** Cal-Crowe has left IRC
*** Cal-Crowe is now known as Sentroid93
*** Sentroid91 has left IRC
*** Sentroid91 has quit IRC (Don't forget to visit http://mstiegate.cjb.net)
*** Sentroid92 has quit IRC (The Bar is now closed... keep chatting!)
*** Sentroid91 is on IRC
*** Sentroid93 is now known as Sentroid91
*** Sentroid99 is on IRC
*** Sentroid99 has joined #Deep13
Sentroid91mwa ha ha
DarkonZeroI'll brb....I'm gonna install mIRC 5.7
*** Mars sets mode: +o Sentroid99
* Sentroid99 emerges from the soulgate leading from the 7th Dimension
* Sound request: can't find 'xpackane.wav'
[Sentroid99 SOUND]
*** Sentroid91 was kicked by Sentroid99 (12TUBE!)
*** Sentroid91 has joined #Deep13
DarkonZeroSay goodbye to me! I'm going M.I.A.!
* DarkonZero hits the off switch on his Portal deck and disconnects to the world known as reality!
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Fri Feb 04 15:15:52 2000
Session Start: Fri Feb 04 15:18:38 2000
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is '"Andy Dick was with us too... I am also not dating him...." -- Tom Green'
*** Set by Sentroid91 on Fri Feb 04 13:44:56
-Sentroid92- 9,1Hi8,1 DarkonZero9,1, Welcome to8,1 #Deep139,1! I'm your Bartender, for my commands please type 8,1!BAR9,1 now!
MeltingManHey, DZ.
Cal-CroweHey DZ and MM
DarkonZeroOk...I still haven't installed it.
* MeltingMan looks at all the Sentroids.
*** Cal-Crowe has left IRC
*** Cal-Crowe is now known as Sentroid93
Sentroid99My what a shitty downloaded script
*** Cal-Crowe is on IRC
*** Cal-Crowe has joined #Deep13
Greidanushi clone
Cal-CroweI'm not a clone.
DarkonZeroSay goodbye to me! I'm going M.I.A.!
* DarkonZero hits the off switch on his Portal deck and disconnects to the world known as reality!
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Fri Feb 04 15:19:48 2000

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