
Session Start: Thu Feb 03 12:35:08 2000
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is 'My inside is outside. My right side's on the left side. 'Cause I'm writing to reach you, will it never reach you? Only want to teach you...about you.'
*** Set by Locdog07 on Thu Feb 03 08:51:03
MeltingManhey, DZ
DarkonZeroIf it ain't Dullard.
DarkonZeroHey Dull......how are ya?
MeltingManI'm decent.  Loc was in here about a half hour ago for approximately half a minute, then he got peered.
*** TheBigN has joined #Deep13
* TheBigN jasons in
MeltingManHey, N
* DarkonZero runs....
TheBigNhi teen-gang!
TheBigNit's a MST thing, you wouldn't understand
DarkonZeroI mighta missed it.....there was a 2 year period where I did miss alot of eps.
DarkonZeroAnd I'm old.....my memory wasn't like it used to be.
MeltingManI didn't get it.  I've seen all the non-KTMA eps except Teenage Crimewave.
TheBigNit was something they used in the teen movies
TheBigNhehe, i love when eBay freezes up when i'm trying to last-minutes outbid someone
TheBigNif i knew where it came from, i'd tell you
TheBigNi thought there were 2 you needed iMM
MeltingManTHere were...but I've seen Wild Rebels before.
MeltingManThere are, even/
MeltingManI have a little bit of it on tape.
TheBigNthat's cool that there actually a "new" one for you though
MeltingManI've seen the last sketch in Teenage Crime Wave.
MeltingManSomething about mace...I barely remember it.
TheBigNit was definitely in joel-era..i just remember him yelling "let's go, teen-gang!"
TheBigNwell maybe by next week you'll have it
* TheBigN watched son of blob last night
* Sound request: can't find 'restrictedarea.wav'
MeltingManOh....I heard about that from the B-Fest...Is it any good?
TheBigNworth watching if you like bad 70's movies
MeltingMan70s movies get pretty repulsive sometimes...how is it like in that manner?
TheBigNit's not "repulsive"
TheBigNi'd say "goofy"
TheBigNsometimes "bizarre"
DarkonZeroOr "pretty much crap".
*** Chuck has joined #deep13
TheBigNi wouldn't say that, but i kinda like crappy movies
Chuckyeah like a cowboy in your us of a
Chuckyippy yi ya yay
DarkonZeroThe hell?
DarkonZero<Chuck> yeah like a cowboy in your us of a
DarkonZeroCouldn't be anymore clearer.
TheBigNi agree
* MeltingMan looks up.
DarkonZeroAS we us you do thing stuff and that.
MeltingManMy name is Chuck, too.
TheBigNthat's far too many people named chuck..
TheBigNi'm sorry, but one of you will have to become "charlie"
*** DarkonZero has left IRC
*** DarkonZero is now known as Charlie
MeltingManDZ will be "charlie"\
TheBigNthanks DZ
*** TheBigN is now known as Charles
CharlieWho you talkin' to?
Charleswho YOU talkin to?
Chuckcharles in charge
CharlieWho you talkin' to?
Chuckgreat american tv yes?
* Charlie is laughing out loud....so much he sounds like Krankor!
* /sound: unable to play 'krankor.wav'
[Charles SOUND]
*** MeltingMan has left IRC
*** MeltingMan is now known as Chas
[Charles SOUND]
Charlesi'm on top
Charlesthat means my name is better
ChasChuck pile!  Whoo!
Charlesoh, i dont know.
* Sound request: can't find 'ohidontknow.wav'
[Charles SOUND]
*** Charles is now known as DarkonjasO
*** DarkonZero is on IRC
*** Charlie is now known as DarkonZero
*** DarkonjasO is now known as darkoN
* DarkonZero gives Chuck an atomic wedgie!
Chuckwhat is this?
DarkonZeroIt's a fun thing.
*** Chas is now known as meltingmaN
DarkonZeroChuck is askme@1Cust48.tnt1.kcy1.da.uu.net * askme
DarkonZeroChuck is askme@1Cust48.tnt1.kcy1.da.uu.net * askme
DarkonZeroWould we want to?
darkoNwhat should we ask?
darkoNhey Chuck, what's your sister's middle name?
DarkonZeroIdunno....do birds fly?
Chuckno sister
Chuckonly 5 brothers
DarkonZeroStill......what is your sister's middle name?
darkoNyeah, please answer
darkoNit's important
Chuckno sister
Chuck5brothers only
darkoNwe know, but what's her middle name??
Chuckwho in the hell are you?
DarkonZeroWe are us of that and this.
darkoNoh, i think you know who i am..
DarkonZeroWe are you.
darkoNyou are us.
DarkonZeroSimple enough answer?
Chuckwhy are you do talk to me like this?
DarkonZeroCause we are in a good ood.
Chuckwhat is ood?
DarkonZeroIt's like uud, but better.
darkoNmuch better!
darkoN15,2Quote added: 2,15 <Chuck> why are you do talk to me like this?
darkoN15,2Quote added: 2,15 <Chuck> yeah like a cowboy in your us of a
darkoN2,15Quote:15,2 <MSTManos> jasoN's dad is a bitter man... <Greidanus> hehe <jasoNic> my dad? <MSTManos> Oh... no, not your dad. <MSTManos> Your mom. <MSTManos> She's a bitter lady.... <jasoNic> yeah, my mom <jasoNic> never met my dad *** Locdog07 has joined #Deep13 <jasoNic> hi 'dog <Locdog07> Hey 'son <jasoNic> oh, so you're my dad! <Locdog07> Yeah. <Locdog07> Me and Bob drank far too much.
* DarkonZero tries to figure out what makes #Deep13 a magnet for newbies........
Chuckwhat is this you speak of to me
darkoNwe speak to you of broccoli
darkoNculliflower too, but mostly broccoli
[darkoN SOUND]
darkoN.sound pee_wee_.wav
[darkoN SOUND]
[darkoN SOUND]
Chuckhow old is all you?
meltingmaNI want Pee_wee_.wav
darkoNi'm 12
DarkonZeroI'm 95.
darkoNhey, can i go out with your sister?
Chucki come back later and i sit on your face
darkoNhey chuck, can i go out with your sister?
DarkonZeroHe's gonna sit on your face N!
Chuckok i sit on you face now
darkoNno, he's gonna sit on YOUR face DZ
* DarkonZero hides....
*** darkoN is now known as MeltingN
* DarkonZero feels a certain (but stupid) power surge through him...
DarkonZeroI AM...!
* DarkonZero becomes in a flash (and a stupid pose) a 70's Japanese superhero known as 15,1ULTRA DORK15,16,0!6,0
*** DarkonZero has left IRC
*** DarkonZero is now known as UltraDork
meltingmaNGotta go...bbl
*** meltingmaN has left IRC
*** meltingmaN has quit IRC (/me melts away)
*** Chuck has quit IRC (sit on you face)
* UltraDork is laughing out loud....so much he sounds like Krankor!
UltraDork*** Chuck has quit IRC (sit on you face)
UltraDorkI AM NO LONGER...!
* UltraDork loses his dumb power and returns back to his old moronic, sorta secret alter-ego, DarkonZero.
*** DarkonZero is on IRC
*** UltraDork is now known as DarkonZero
MeltingN15,2Quote added: 2,15 *** Chuck has quit IRC (sit on you face)
MeltingNboth chucks have left us
DarkonZeroWhere does it say "NEWBIES ARE WELCOME!" in #Deep13?
DarkonZeroMust be subliminal.
MeltingNi think it is
MeltingNyou have to admit, they are good for a laugh
DarkonZeroYeah.....but they can get us k-lined too.
DarkonZeroBut some of them are just too stupid.
MeltingNthere are other servers, i say
DarkonZeroBut everyone seems to be settled here.
MeltingNyeah well
DarkonZeroWell.....I'm taking off for now.....I'll see ya later.
MeltingNwe were settle at scifi too
MeltingNokay, cya
* MeltingN jasons out as well
DarkonZeroSay goodbye to me! I'm going M.I.A.!
* DarkonZero hits the off switch on his Portal deck and disconnects to the world known as reality!
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Thu Feb 03 13:28:40 2000
Session Start: Thu Feb 03 15:12:51 2000
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is 'Today's word of the day is: Zaloom!'
*** Set by Sentroid91 on Thu Feb 03 14:09:02
*** Sentroid91 has left IRC
*** Sentroid91 is now known as Beakman
DarkonZeroI just got outta a game of TFC.....
DarkonZeroMade 4 dispenser kills.
BeakmanI think jasoN got pissed cause I sent him a chain letter that my cousin sent me
* Beakman feels like playing TFC... or HL... or OF
DarkonZeroI tooka couple of screenshots of the game.....
DarkonZeroI'll get them to ya as soon as I'm done.
Beakmanuhm ok
BeakmanYou don't wanna play a HL or OF game, do you?
DarkonZeroNot now......maybe later.
*** Defie has joined #Deep13
Defiehi DZ
* Defie pecks Beakman
Defiegee everyone's so damn talkative today
* Defie wonders if she may need to bring in her *friend*
DarkonZeroI'm working on something....
BeakmanI'm working on something... that is anything
*** szumka has joined #deep13
*** szumka has left #deep13
Defieaugh where's she go!
DarkonZeroWell....I'm finished.
DarkonZeroAnd now time to sleep....
* DarkonZero is gonna take a bit of a nap...
DarkonZeroPlease do not disturb me. If you have to mess with someone...choose someone else, not me.
*** DarkonZero has left IRC
*** DarkonZero is now known as DZisAsleep
* Defie throws pizza sauce at DZ
* DZisAsleep wakes up.......gives Defie the raspberry.....then goes back to sleep.
* Defie sighs and wishes something fun would happen in her frightfully boring life
* Defie sings and dances
*** Defie has quit IRC (In this town we call home, everyone hail to the Pumpkin Song)
*** szumka has joined #deep13
*** Locdog07 has joined #Deep13
*** Mars sets mode: +o Locdog07
* Locdog07 pounces into #Deep13 doing crotch chops.
* Locdog07 commands everyone to MAKE SOME NOISE!!!
szumkaduh, duh, duh
szumkaI ame Larry ZOnka! I ame de's sisters, feirnd
szumkaand I lufe you all!
Locdog07Sent, stop this now.
* Beakman is away... REASON: 9,1playing HL: Opposing Force4,1Type /ctcp Beakman page to page.
Locdog07Get back here.
Locdog07Explain what the hell you think you're doing.
szumkaVhere is the Beakman?
*** szumka was kicked by Locdog07 (This really isn't funny.)
*** szumka has joined #Deep13
*** szumka is now known as Zaloom
Locdog07De's sis says you're a bastard.
ZaloomThat's what I said when she ruined one of my MSTapes
Locdog07why were you mocking someone I don't know?
Locdog07someone you don't know
Locdog07stupid typos
* DZisAsleep is done taking a nap...
DZisAsleepHello there!
*** DarkonZero is on IRC
*** DZisAsleep is now known as DarkonZero
DarkonZeroI gotta go.
Locdog07Oh, hi DZ.
DarkonZeroSay goodbye to me! I'm going M.I.A.!
* DarkonZero hits the off switch on his Portal deck and disconnects to the world known as reality!
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Thu Feb 03 16:16:09 2000
Session Start: Thu Feb 03 16:59:20 2000
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is 'Today's word of the day is: Zaloom!'
*** Set by Sentroid91 on Thu Feb 03 14:09:02
Zaloom91Loc got upset
DarkonZeroI could tell.
Zaloom91But he's better now
DarkonZeroYou want the shots now? It took me so long cause I had puter prob.....
*** Greidanus is on IRC
*** Greidanus has joined #Deep13
DarkonZeroHey Greid.
* Greidanus has no keyboard again, because of the horrible tyrants, MOTHER and FATHER
* DarkonZero would laugh.....but doesn't feel like being cruel.
Zaloom91Yeah, Loc might come back and get pissed cause we're razzing Greid
DarkonZeroHow you like the pics?
Zaloom91hold please
* DarkonZero hears Muzak.....
* Zaloom91 looks at dispensers....
DarkonZeroPlease not that the dispenser that is gonna be blown up....is actually mine.
DarkonZeronot to note
Zaloom91Now I feel like playing
* Zaloom91 pokes Greid, and hangs a keyboard way above her head
DarkonZeroI might play in a little bit.......just to get screenshots.
DarkonZeroThe pic Badsituation.jpg......you haveta know the game in order to understand.....
DarkonZeroBut I like my dispenser one.....
Zaloom91me 2
DarkonZeroThat's my best one.
DarkonZeroIn flagtoss....I shoulda had the flag say something.
*** Greidanus has left #Deep13
DarkonZeroHey...Ku is on.....ask him if he wants to play/
*** Greidanus has left IRC
Zaloom91He was busy before
Zaloom91I'll check, though
Zaloom91Servo411: You still busy?
Zaloom91Cameron1111: AH!
Zaloom91Cameron1111: you pulled me out of a HL game!
Zaloom91Servo411: d'oh, sorry
Zaloom91Servo411: DZ wanted me to ask you if you wanted to play
DarkonZeroAh.....tell him to get back into his game.
Zaloom91I think he did. He's not talkin' anymore
DarkonZeroOh well....
*** Timmyling is on IRC
*** Timmyling has joined #Deep13
TimmylingHi there.
DarkonZeroHey Ling.......LTNS.
DarkonZeroI think.
DarkonZeroLing has a lyric piece from Milli Vanilli.
TimmylingI do?
DarkonZeroTimmyling is ~zapman24@cc552257-a.wlgrv1.pa.home.com * Baby you know it's true.
Zaloom91d'oh. I have to stop watching Beakman
TimmylingI never noticed that before.
Zaloom91actually it's Girl, you know it's true.
* DarkonZero had too much Sprite.....
* Timmyling expreses his hate for the new Mrs. Butterworhth's commercials.
DarkonZeroThe grandma one is frightening.
Zaloom91Talk to baby
DarkonZeroHey Sent.......you think Ling might have the game?
Zaloom91Who knows. Ask 'em
TimmylingWhat game?
DarkonZeroLing.....do YOU have Half-Life?
Zaloom91You should get it, 'ling. Basically all of us here have it
DarkonZeroWatch out Sent.....you might piss Loc off.
Zaloom91I just realized something... I have another game that I got for x-mas that I haven't even touched yet
TimmylingWhy should I?  I'd get bored of it quickly.  I'm happy with simple shareware games like my beloved Ballistic.
Zaloom91Well cause it has multiplayer deathmatch
DarkonZeroWell.....and HL has Team Fortress...
TimmylingIt takes months for even the most experienced to get a grip on those kinds of games.
Zaloom91DZ: You ever hear of a game called Thief Gold?
Zaloom91Is it good? That's the game I got that I haven't touched yet.
DarkonZeroI heard it's good......I haven't played it though....
Zaloom91It seems to have alot of awards.
Zaloom91Not as many as HL, though
* DarkonZero has a headache.......
DarkonZeroI'm gonna lay off from playing games for a bit......a few hours or so.
*** meltingmaN is on IRC
*** meltingmaN has joined #Deep13
meltingmaNHey there.
*** meltingmaN has left IRC
*** MeltingMan is on IRC
*** meltingmaN is now known as MeltingMan
MeltingManHow are things down in Deep13?
DarkonZeroPretty much the same....
TimmylingHey IMM.
* MeltingMan looks over to the side....'ling! 'long time.
MeltingManBeen a 'ling, 'ling, 'ling, lonely, lonely time?
TimmylingI've been delving into non-cybernetical matters.
TimmylingOr something.
* MeltingMan got some talking Powerpuff Girls dolls....they talk and their eyes light up like they're possessed.
MeltingManBubbles says "I'm hardcore!"
* MeltingMan looks at the jpg.
MeltingManIt's DiSpencer's Gifts.
DarkonZero<PPG Dolls Designer> MAN! It'll be soooooo cool if their eye lit up! <Some kid> MOMMY! BLOSSOM HAS THE DEVIL IN HER!
*** Disconnected
*** Attempting to rejoin...
*** Rejoined channel #Deep13
*** Topic is 'Today's word of the day is: Zaloom!'
*** Set by Sentroid91 on Thu Feb 03 14:10:01
*** DarkonZero has left IRC
*** DarkonZero has quit IRC (Read error to DarkonZero[user3150.lv.sprint-hsd.net]: Connection reset by peer)
Darkon0I'm never gonna say "D'oh" ever again......it gets me peered.
*** DarkonZero is on IRC
*** Darkon0 is now known as DarkonZero
MeltingManUm...would a "d'oh" be appropraite....oh...I'll wait 'til you get peered.
DarkonZeroI'm safe.
MeltingManButtercup says "I think you're asking for heiny whoopin'"
MeltingManBlossom says "Prepare to get stomped!"
MeltingManBlossom says "We're the Powerpuff Girls!"
MeltingManBubbles says "C'mon, let's go save people and stuff."
[Zaloom91 SOUND]
MeltingManButtercup says "Smash!  Bash!"
* DarkonZero would so like to kill Toyota for ever resurrecting that "I'm Too Sexy" song........
[MeltingMan SOUND]
DarkonZeroMan....it was bad when it was a liked song when I was in high school....of course I hated it.
MeltingManIt was a liked song?
DarkonZeroBy the stupid folks that liked it.
DarkonZeroBasically....the really popular kids.
MeltingManIt's a bad song, but I don't hate it as much as some.  I like the name of the guy that sings it.
MeltingManRight, said Fred.
MeltingManIn fact....it's quite a terrible song.
DarkonZeroI know....
MeltingManDefinitely in the top 25 worst songs of the decade.
MeltingManButtercup says "Right in the kisser!"
MeltingManBubbles says "I can handle the rough stuff, too"
MeltingManBlossom says "Girls!  Trouble!  Move out!"
TimmylingHeyyy...speaking of inappropriate commercials, is anyone else freaked out by that car rental ad that has the jetpack guy fly into the telephone wires and electrocute himself?
DarkonZeroI thought that was funny....
DarkonZeroAs with the one with the aroma therapy candles.
MeltingManI missed that one....but I liked the one for Uncle Ben's rice where the guy and the gal are turned on by rice.  Uncle Ben says "Go get you some....rice!"
TimmylingI don't see Uncle Ben saying that.
DarkonZeroI think I seen that comm.
MeltingManHe doesn't say that, but it's implied.  We see his face and he winks.  It's scary.  Uncle Ben shouldn't have sex in his commercials.
MeltingManImagine if Mrs. Butterworth had a commercial like that.... *shudder*
* DarkonZero is watching the news......sees some guy with the name "Hugh Scully" and then notices the guy has a huge gourd of a head.
MeltingManI'm staying the hell away from Uncle Ben and his rice.
* Timmyling remembers the idiotic Mrs. Butterworth commercial where the woman tries to talk "Syurp" or some dumb unfunny joke like that and it has the obviously manipulated film of the girl going "glug."
DarkonZero<Hugh Scully> Hi, I'm Hugh Scully.... *Hugh Scully topples over cause of his huge head.
* DarkonZero is gonna take a bit of a nap...
DarkonZeroPlease do not disturb me. If you have to mess with someone...choose someone else, not me.
*** DarkonZero has left IRC
*** DarkonZero is now known as DZisAsleep
*** Zaloom91 has quit IRC (Ping timeout for Zaloom91[cc434209-a.avnl1.nj.home.com])
*** MeltingMan has left IRC
*** MeltingMan has quit IRC (/me melts away)
*** Timmyling has left IRC
*** Timmyling is now known as LingAWAY
*** Bozarth is on IRC
*** Bozarth has joined #Deep13
* DZisAsleep is done taking a nap...
DZisAsleepHello there!
*** DarkonZero is on IRC
*** DZisAsleep is now known as DarkonZero
DarkonZeroHey Boz.
DarkonZeroSo.....how are ya?
BozarthDoes anybody have that picture of Gried?
DarkonZeroWhat pic?
BozarthI heard there was a picture of Greid somebody had
DarkonZeroI got one.....
DarkonZeroLemme send it to ya.
DarkonZeroWhatta you need it for?
LingAWAYUm...I'm still away, but send it to me.
* LingAWAY is temporarily here.
Bozarthjust want to see it
DarkonZeroOh....simple enough.
* Pump DCC up to 999999999 bytes
-> [Bozarth] PING
DarkonZeroBoz has been peered.....
Bozarthsend again
DarkonZeroI know....
* Pump DCC up to 999999999 bytes
*** MeltingMan is on IRC
*** MeltingMan has joined #Deep13
MeltingManHey there.
LingAWAYWelcome back, Man.
DarkonZeroWB MM.
MeltingManMan, it's good to be back.  Yepperoni...
DarkonZeroMM is definitely high.
MeltingManHey there, Boz.
*** Zaloom91 has joined #Deep13
* Zaloom91 emerges from the soulgate leading from the 7th Dimension
*** Mars sets mode: +o Zaloom91
* Sound request: can't find 'xpackane.wav'
[Zaloom91 SOUND]
Zaloom91Theif Gold keeps freezing on me
Zaloom91Plus my modem stopped working for awhile. I was afraid they cut it on me cause I haven't paid them yet.
MeltingManThat sounds not good....maybe bad, even.
BozarthAh yes. Fandemonium III has Trey Parker vs. Matt Stone as a possible fight
MeltingManI hope they both kill eachother.  Then everyone wins.
BozarthAnd Sammy Hager vs. David Lee Roth vs. Gary Chapone
MeltingManDavid Lee Roth will get stomped.
Bozarththese are suggestions, you need to vote
MeltingManOh....never mind.
DarkonZeroThanks for the downer Boz......
DarkonZeroTsk...tsk...tsk.....what are we gonna do with you?
DarkonZeroAny suggestions anyone? But not from you Boz.
DarkonZeroCause....that's why!
BozarthI sent in a suggestion for a Kids in the Hall superfight
Zaloom91KitH superfight?!
DarkonZeroOk....you have redeemed yourself.
BozarthMark doing the head crusher! Think about it
Bozarth"I crush your head!"
Bozarth"Who is your head crusher? ME! By appoinment only!"
DarkonZeroOr Kevin being the girlfriend of head crusher....
DarkonZero"There is nobody home!"
Zaloom91Flea killed Kenny G.
Zaloom91"You Bastards!"
MeltingManMy goodness.
BozarthKevin as the "EVIL!" guy
Zaloom91Kevin would do the face pincher
BozarthOr Dave as the axe-murderer
Zaloom91And Scott as Buddy
BozarthScott as the over-bering mother
Bozarthor Buddy
DarkonZero"I pincha your face!"
* Sound request: can't find 'head1.wav'
[Zaloom91 SOUND]
BozarthBruce as Gavin
LingAWAYBruce as the Eradicator.
* Sound request: can't find 'eradicator.wav'
[Zaloom91 SOUND]
Zaloom91Oh. And what about Paul Bellini?
BozarthOh lord. They must do this fight
Bozarthyou guys go suggest it
LingAWAYHe can just be Bellini.
* MeltingMan will be back in a lil bit...
*** MeltingMan has left IRC
*** MeltingMan has quit IRC (/me melts away)
DarkonZeroScott as the running faggot.
Zaloom91he could take off his towel and start whipping people with it
Zaloom91Scott as Idiot Boy
DarkonZeroOr that.
BozarthMark as Mississippi Gary
BozarthBruce as Kathy
DarkonZeroMark as Daryl....
*** gin has joined #deep13
DarkonZeroOk....who asked for the gin?
LingAWAYHey, a strong drink's just entered the room.
* LingAWAY goes back to being away.
ginha ha !!!
DarkonZeroIT LAUGHS!
*** Zaloom91 is now known as tonic
ginsee u!!
LingAWAYBye then.
tonicuh, bye
LingAWAYU, that is.
DarkonZeroBye bye!
tonicuhh... who's leaving again?
DarkonZeroNot me....
*** gin has left #deep13
BozarthMark as Don Roritor from Brain Candy
*** tonic is now known as Zaloom91
Zaloom91Craig Kilborn vs Tom Green?! YEAH!
LingAWAYKilborn better win or justice as we know it will die.
Zaloom91That reminds me. Tom was supposed to be on The Late Late Show last night
Bozarthyou think it'll be his voice?
*** DeRaptor is on IRC
*** DeRaptor has joined #Deep13
* DeRaptor leaps into #Deep13 via a perpendicular universe.
*** Mars sets mode: +o DeRaptor
DarkonZeroHey De.
DeRaptorLing came back!
Zaloom91hey, De
DeRaptorwhom is the zaloom?
*** Zaloom91 is now known as Beakman
* DeRaptor dances around the tiny afk-bot and falls on her face.
DeRaptorOh...yeah...the 91...
* DeRaptor runs in circles around Sentro.
* Beakman turns De into Lester
* DeRaptor runs into a wall.
*** DeRaptor has left IRC
*** DeRaptor is now known as Lester
LesterWho am I again?
BeakmanThe rat
LingAWAYI never liked Beakman.
BeakmanAnd today you're afraid to go into the bathroom cause i've just said that toilets explode
LingAWAYGimme Bill Nye anyday.
BeakmanDoes Bill Nye say his last name as an exclamation?
Bozarthdon't think so
LingAWAYBeakman is to Nye as Batman is to Superman.
DarkonZeroBut did Beakman ever say "BUNGHOLE" for an experiment?
BeakmanBill Nye was cool when he was in BTTF: The Cartoon
* Lester wants to see that cartoon again, now.
BozarthI remember that
* Beakman does too
* Lester wonders why "explorer" keeps erroring.
BeakmanSciFi had it for a short while. But then they killed off all their cartoons.
BeakmanThen they picked up this lame BKN thing
Beakmanand Beakman's World
LesterSciFi blows....but we all knew that, a million times over.
Beakmanwell all except for Beakman.
LesterACKPTH! MY COMPUTER'S SICK! better restart...
BeakmanAnd whatever MST sence they have left
BeakmanMusta been that sandwich Lester ate
*** Lester has quit IRC (Read error to Lester[pm3-88.mry.redshift.com]: Connection reset by peer)
DarkonZeroWell.....I'm off to grab some screenshots........later.....
DarkonZeroSay goodbye to me! I'm going M.I.A.!
* DarkonZero hits the off switch on his Portal deck and disconnects to the world known as reality!
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Thu Feb 03 19:37:03 2000
Session Start: Thu Feb 03 21:00:27 2000
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is 'Today's word of the day is: Zaloom!'
*** Set by Sentroid91 on Thu Feb 03 14:09:02
DarkonZeroMan....all the screenshots I got stink.....
Sentroid91<Sentroid91> <Sentroid91> http://www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/Set/4567/paul.html
Sentroid91<Sentroid91> <Sentroid91> ZALOOM!
Sentroid91<Sentroid91> <Sentroid91> Hey, Check out Lester without the rat suit... http://home.earthlink.net/~mritts/Rittspix.JPG
Sentroid91<Sentroid91> <MeltingMan> To be like the Beak-Man...the live like the Beak-man
Sentroid91<Sentroid91> <Sentroid91> Paul Zaloom should help bring back MST
Sentroid91<Sentroid91> <MeltingMan> How would he do that?
Sentroid91<Sentroid91> * Sentroid91 shrugs
Sentroid91<Sentroid91> <MeltingMan> It's nice that P
Sentroid91Z stands for some other "celebrity" other than Pia Zadora.
Sentroid91<Sentroid91> <Sentroid91> Well he does wear a bright green lab coat like some other scientist we grew up with
Sentroid91<Sentroid91> <MeltingMan> Um....yeah, I know that.
Sentroid91<Sentroid91> <Sentroid91> That'd be cool
Sentroid91<Sentroid91> <Sentroid91> Beakman and Dr. Forrester
DarkonZeroYeah.....of the game I was just playing.....
MSTManosI see.
DarkonZeroHere I'll send ya one.
MSTManosWell, um... I'm a little tired, especially after a week of what seemed to be hell. So here I am, seeking some sort of relaxation.
MSTManosI will now meditate and make Sent float.
DarkonZeroBut that Sent.....he's ruining it.
MSTManosThat's why I'm making him float.
* DeRaptor looks up and waves to DeeZee.
DarkonZeroHe's aghost....how can you make a ghost float?
DarkonZeroHi De.
MSTManosOh... a ghost, you say?
DarkonZeroHe already floats.
MSTManosWell, I wasn't informed.
MSTManosI guess I'll make him explode, instead.
DarkonZeroHow he floats.....I don't wanna know.....
MSTManosHey, Sent, do you have that Orbit font?
DarkonZeroI had it Manny.
MSTManosMe too, but that was before the "Great Purge".
Sentroid91uh yeah. Why?
DarkonZeroI had to do the same....
MSTManosI need it.
Sentroid91uh Why?
MSTManosCuz I don't have it anymore?
Sentroid91Did you have it to begin with?
Sentroid91okay.. so why do you want it?
MSTManosSo that way I can have yet another font in my hard drive. C'mon, just hand it over.
Sentroid91ok, fine
MSTManosBoy, is this a lifeless room.
* DeRaptor hears the bugs chewing the walls.
DarkonZeroI've been dead.
MSTManosWell, it'll be a while before I start my room.
MSTManosYes, I'm starting a room.
Sentroid91uh... why?
Sentroid91For the Manos Men?
Sentroid91very odd
MSTManosWow. They have an Atari font.
Sentroid91I can see how that would be good, seeing that there should definately be more MST rooms on this server.
MSTManosMaybe... it's too bad that it's on another server, however.
Sentroid91another server?
MSTManosAnother server.
* DeRaptor ponders opening the church of mistianity.
Sentroid91good answer
Sentroid91You're gonna start yet another MST room on a completely different server in hopes of finding people who'll go there, and you're only answer is because?
MSTManosPerhaps I should further mention it's not even an MST room.
Sentroid91A room for the Manos Men which has absolutely nothing to do with MST?
MSTManosAnd Sent is shocked beyond all recognition.
Sentroid91actually i'm very confused
MSTManos... beyond all recognition.
Sentroid91I guess you could say that
MSTManosWell, these days, MST rooms aren't much, seeing as how MST isn't on the air that much.
Sentroid91That last sentence makes me feel like deleting my crosswinds site
MSTManosAs for why I wouldn't create a room on this server... well, it's not that difficult to figure out why.
MSTManosWell, opinions vary, Sent.
Sentroid91Well you seem as though you're giving up completely
MSTManosIdeas like MSTapes and Homegame are worthwhile, though. I'll give you that.
Sentroid91First your site... then your newsletter, and now talking about a room for the Manos Men which has nothing to do with MSTapes
Sentroid91your last sentence threw me off
MSTManosWe don't dabble much in MST 3K, frankly.
MSTManosOn IRC, at least.
Sentroid91That's probably because we've exhausted most of that talk already.
MSTManosAnd the clock has stopped.
MSTManosWell, you can't judge things or make arguments simply because of names.
MSTManosIf it's called "Manos Men", it doesn't mean MST 3K.
Sentroid91Not really. Just that MST Info won't tell us anything about the Brains meeting with that Dennis Morgan of BMC
DeRaptorThat guy lives in a garage.
Sentroid91And he doesn't update his site
MSTManosSampo and Erhardt have mentioned numerous times that BMC isn't that big a channel.
MSTManosIn fact, like De said... run by a guy in his garage in his Culver City home.
Sentroid91well of course not. It's only in its infancy
* DeRaptor sighs.
MSTManosMST 3K was too, except a few hundred people were able to see it.
Sentroid91not really, MST was 11 years old
MSTManosWith BMC, it's kind of fictional.
MSTManos11 years ago, Sent. That's what I meant.
Sentroid91Hey! Jay Mohr as Chris Walken is on SNL!
[Sentroid91 SOUND]
MSTManosUmm... k.
Sentroid91heh, Rick James...
MSTManosI better find more interesting fonts. The Atari font was the only good thing I found.
Sentroid91I lufe you
DeRaptorOh, go lufe yourself.
* Sentroid91 ponders banning himself
MSTManos"lufe is a wonder full thing in the hole wide whorld that tom curze sais so yeye"
Sentroid91"pls get hime darcula!"
MSTManosBOB! Bring your mummy out!
Sentroid91I revamped that pic
Sentroid91wanna see?
MSTManosThere better be more bat shit and other omega-related stuff that's more laughable.
MSTManosIOW... yes.
Sentroid91there is
MSTManos<Lodovik> FUNY!
Sentroid91oh c'mon. It wasn't that funny, was it?
MSTManos<Lodovik> I M LAFFING
MSTManosThe whole immature drawing thing makes me think that omega drew that.
MSTManosAnd in my opinion, that's pure hilarity.
* Sentroid91 feels like he's in some boring solemn thing where he doesn't care, or something
MSTManosIsn't that called "spacing out"?
MSTManosBecause I do something similar like that every day. It's neat, and there's talking flowers, blue skies and other neat stuff.
Sentroid91no, it's called I feel sucky for some reason and I feel like my MST stuff is dying quickly
MSTManosI see.
MSTManosWell, I should go out for a drink or something.
MSTManosExcuse me.
*** MSTManos has left #Deep13
*** Sentroid91 is now known as omegah
DeRaptorIt's not dying...it's...going to sleep for a long long time...yeah...
*** Sentroid91 is on IRC
*** omegah is now known as Sentroid91
* DeRaptor glares after Manos.
DeRaptorWhat's his deal?
Sentroid91beats me?
* DarkonZero stops trying to make a Servo model for HL.
DarkonZeroI goota get used to the proggie.
DarkonZeroAnd I don't feel like it now.
DarkonZeroI'm in a mental bind right now.
DarkonZeroThe program is great though.....and justy for $20.
* DarkonZero thinks he played games just too much and is burned out.
*** jasoN is on IRC
*** jasoN has joined #Deep13
* jasoN jasons in
[jasoN SOUND]
DarkonZeroHey N.
DeRaptorYou can always hear him coming in.
* Sentroid91 zalooms away from chain letter disgruntled N.
jasoNthat's cause i'm the toughest..the toughest man in the world..the toughest..the toughest man in the world.
jasoNcome on sent, i was just kidding
jasoNthat was HUMOR
Sentroid91No you weren't
jasoNget it?
jasoNfunny haha
* Sentroid91 stares at N's evil eyes
jasoNshut up, i'll tell you when i'm mad at you
Sentroid91Yes dear
Sentroid91<Parrot> Yes dear
* jasoN is listening to the ever-cool soundtrack to Transformers: The Movie
DeRaptor<Parrot> Braaaawch!
jasoN<Parrot> Mr.T is helluva tough
DeRaptorhawoo: http://www.real.com/rjcentral/skins/index.html?src=promotional
jasoNwe need MST skins
* DarkonZero is gonna take a bit of a nap...
DarkonZeroPlease do not disturb me. If you have to mess with someone...choose someone else, not me.
*** DarkonZero has left IRC
*** DarkonZero is now known as DZisAsleep
* DeRaptor messes with Darkon while he sleeps...wait...that doesn't sound right...
* DeRaptor runs.
* jasoN punches DZ in the head
jasoN15,2Quote added: 2,15 * DarkonZero is gonna take a bit of a nap... <DarkonZero> Please do not disturb me. If you have to mess with someone...choose someone else, not me. * DeRaptor messes with Darkon while he sleeps...wait...that doesn't sound right...
Sentroid91I erased my genocide file and all my bot scripts/quotes are gone. :(
jasoNaww man
jasoNi've done that
*** superspy is on IRC
DeRaptoreep...poor Sentry!
Sentroid91i'm just glad I had extra copies of all 16 MSTape logs in my MSTieGate file
jasoN2,15Quote:15,2 <RicciFan> I was watching Ruby Ridge, An American Tragedy and guess who plays a lawyer? <Erhardt> If it's an American tragedy, then it must be Adam Sandler.
*** superspy has joined #deep13
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Sentroid91hey spy
DeRaptorheyyyy sooper.
*** ray_cute has joined #deep13
DeRaptor/top AL GORE: freedom of
DeRaptor           religion does not mean freedom from religion...
DeRaptorStupid carriage returns.
superspywassat, de?
*** Haily has joined #deep13
superspy(the quote, not the carriage return)
*** DeRaptor changes topic to 'AL GORE: freedom of religion does not mean freedom from religion... DERAPTOR: That's it, I'm moving to Canada.'
*** MSTManos has joined #deep13
DeRaptorHey Manny.
MSTManosTwo newbies? Oh wow.
DeRaptorIn't it?
MSTManosTwo questions.
MSTManos1.) Have you been helped?
*** Haily has left #deep13
MSTManos2.) What part of Eurasia are you from?
MSTManosMake that one newbie.
MSTManosPraise me.
DeRaptorScared 'im off. WHOOOO! GO MANNY!
MSTManosAnd ray is not cute.
MSTManosRay is subtle.
*** Haily has joined #deep13
DeRaptorUnless he's Raymond, Zorak's little bitty nephew.
* superspy is having fun with ray. hopefully he's logging
MSTManosOh, Jesus. When I said "Have you been helped?", I meant "Go away!"
MSTManosThat's kind of me.
MSTManosLike, when I say "I love myself", I really mean "I hate myself, and want to die".
Hailyr u ok
MSTManosOr when I say, "Brownies, anyone?" I really mean "If there is hope... it lies in the proles".
MSTManosNo, ratty newbie. Begone.
* DeRaptor eats all the brownies.
superspyuh oh
MSTManosBrownies, anyone?
* superspy doesn't tell de what was in the brownies
* DeRaptor wonders why spy has two heads and five huge yellow bloodshot eyes and is advancing towards her with a bazooka.
*** Haily has left #deep13
* DZisAsleep is done taking a nap...
DZisAsleepHello there!
*** DarkonZero is on IRC
*** DZisAsleep is now known as DarkonZero
*** jasoN is on IRC
*** jasoN has joined #Deep13
* jasoN jasons in
[jasoN SOUND]
*** ray_cute was kicked by Mars (kick sent by Sentroid91)
DeRaptorwb N
DeRaptorwas he hitting on you too, Sent?
Sentroid91jas. we're crucifing a fag newbie
jasoNhi manoS
jasoNoh, cool
Sentroid91as usual. The fags come after me
Sentroid91*ray_cute* hi
Sentroid91*ray_cute* asl pls
Sentroid91<Sentroid91> a: No s: Shut up l: Go away
Sentroid91<ray_cute> where r u
Sentroid91<Sentroid91> i'm in your attic
Sentroid91<Sentroid91> can you see me?
jasoNhow do i go about joining you in mocking him and everything he believes in?
DeRaptor<ray_cute> hello
DeRaptor<ray_cute> asl pls
DeRaptor<DeRaptor> hmmm....no?
DeRaptor<ray_cute> pls
DeRaptor<DeRaptor> Would you like to buy a vowel?
DeRaptor<ray_cute> u mean we will go to cr and do something
Sentroid91<ray_cute> no
DeRaptor<DeRaptor> cr?
Sentroid91<Sentroid91> oh. that's too bad
Sentroid91<ray_cute> i love u
Sentroid91<Sentroid91> I lufe you
Sentroid91<ray_cute> why
Sentroid91<ray_cute> is it bad love someone
DeRaptor<ray_cute> yes we will perform some sexy things
Sentroid91<Sentroid91> because lufe is most powerful in the hole wurld. Even more than Tom Curze
DeRaptor<DeRaptor> If I give you a sheep, will you go away?
Sentroid91<ray_cute> really
Sentroid91<Sentroid91> ye
Sentroid91<ray_cute> u know i'm gay and i like u so much
Sentroid91<Sentroid91> ye and yew are Tom Curze
Sentroid91<ray_cute> are u finish masturbating
Sentroid91<Sentroid91> no, actually it's against my religion
Sentroid91<Sentroid91> And you know, in my religion we crucify faggots.
Sentroid91<ray_cute> really
MSTManos<ray_cute> i love u mstmanos
MSTManos<ray_cute> what cletus
MSTManos<MSTManos> Let's elope and get permission from the Shah.
MSTManos<MSTManos> He will honor our vows or disapprove and send us to the guillotine.
Sentroid91<Sentroid91> yep
Sentroid91<ray_cute> but us we love so much did u know taht
Sentroid91<Sentroid91> would you like to be crucified?
Sentroid91<ray_cute> really
Sentroid91<ray_cute> crucified me...
MSTManos<ray_cute> who's shah, is that that ur gf
MSTManos<MSTManos> No, he is our great dicatator.
MSTManos<MSTManos> He rules above us all, and whatever he says goes.
Sentroid91If he/she/Ru Paul comes back a few more minutes, I may just have enough log to make another project for the MSTies Against Idiocy site I started
superspy[01:27] <ray_cute> no i feel hot talking to u
superspy[01:28] <superspy> really?  aw shucks.  that means a lot to---HEY!  are you coming on to me?
superspy[01:29] <ray_cute> would u want to
superspy[01:29] <superspy> well, it depends....
superspy[01:30] <superspy> how comfortable are you with the concept of "inflatable bear pillows"?
Sentroid91i'll try finishing those pages up soon
Sentroid91Can't tell when, though
MSTManos<ray_cute> how many times did u masturbate in a day
MSTManos<ray_cute> i'm just asking u
MSTManos<MSTManos> The Shah is most likely to behead you or send you to the pillars for that kind of language.
MSTManos<MSTManos> And believe me, you're not going to like the pillars.
Sentroid91someone join #Cyberfriends
Sentroid91OMEGA IS ON!
* superspy has a plan
superspysend our buddy ray to omega
Sentroid91tell ray that omega said he want's to f**k him
superspy[01:31] <ray_cute> what's that i don't understand u
superspy[01:33] <superspy> it's an ancient, ceremonial love toy that I use quite often.  however, I must warn you in advance that if the ceremony is performed incorrectly, you'll be forcibly launched into space to forever be exposed to bad, bad movies.
superspy[01:34] <ray_cute> how many times did u masturbate in a day
superspy[01:35] <superspy> wait, does this count federal holidays, or just purely religious ones?
Sentroid91I hope someone went to get omega
DeRaptorHmmmm...ray musta figgered out I'm a girl.
MSTManos<omega> welcome to #omeha
*** omega has joined #deep13
omegahappy bday sent
omegayou had it yestoday
*** omega was kicked by Sentroid91 (auto-ye kick)
*** omega has joined #deep13
*** omega has left #deep13
Sentroid91uh, no
*** jasoN has left IRC
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*** MSTManos has left IRC
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Sentroid91-> -omega- that was Loc, you retard
*** MSTManos is on IRC
*** MSTManos has joined #Deep13
DeRaptorwb Manny
MSTManosI was trying to pingkill SpeedBot.
*** MSTManos has left IRC
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*** MSTManos is on IRC
*** MSTManos has joined #Deep13
Sentroid91-omega- i don't speake to fuckers
Sentroid91-> -omega- then stop talking to me
Sentroid91-> -omega- better yet. get a life
Sentroid91-omega- you started it
Sentroid91-> -omega- did not
*** MSTManos has left IRC
*** ManosMan is on IRC
*** MSTManos is now known as ManosMan
ManosMan-> *omega* So, who in StarLink was stupid enough (I'm sorry... retarded enough) to give you a bot on your channel?
ManosMan<omega> tom curze
ManosMan<omega> ywywywwywyw
superspyray left me
Sentroid91I went into #cyberfriends and invited omega into that channel
ManosMan<omega> A Blu did
ManosMan<ManosMan> Ah.
ManosMan<ManosMan> Tell him I think he's a silly fool.
Sentroid91Yeah, that really bites.
Sentroid91When I ask for a bot, they can't give us one, but omega just gets all the bots he wants for nothing
* DeRaptor gives spy "Chicken Soup for the Dumped Person's Soul."
Sentroid91Where the hell is BlueChillm when you need him?
superspythanks, de
ManosManHow about...
superspybut I'm over him, his family didn't like me anyway
ManosManomega gets bots because he's "special".
ManosManAnd by special, I mean dead stupid.
Sentroid91special.... as in retarded special?
ManosManWhat else?
Sentroid91I wish there was another way to contact BlueChillm
DeRaptorpoor spy, there will be other cute rays...
Sentroid91ray.... ray was gay..... gay ray......
Sentroid91gay, gay ray....
[ManosMan SOUND]
* Sentroid91 goes to megs's site and gets his ICQ #
[Sentroid91 SOUND]
ManosManWell, I played the sound again.
*** jasoN is on IRC
*** jasoN has joined #Deep13
* jasoN jasons in
[jasoN SOUND]
ManosManwb, jas.
jasoNhi supperspy
* Sentroid91 checks out omega's stats on ICQ: #25299050
ManosManFAVORITE OBSESSSIONS: tom curze,romania,hello my name is omega
superspyech, I'm gonna check out early, folks
superspyI'm dead tired.
DarkonZeroBye spy.
ManosManPERSONAL FRIENDS:josef stalin,omega,omega,omega,tom curze
ManosManAdios, spy.
jasoNcya spy
[ManosMan SOUND]
*** superspy has left #deep13
jasoNthis sound lowers my IQ every time you play it
*** superspy has left IRC
* ManosMan makes jasoN stupider...
[ManosMan SOUND]
* jasoN waits for someone to add a comment to Monos' comment
*** ManosMan has left IRC
*** ManosMan is now known as MSTMonos
*** omega has joined #deep13
MSTMonosYes, jas?
Sentroid91wb, megs
MSTMonoswb, d'oh-mega.
omegawho asked you Sentroid91
jasoNhi omega
omegahey MSTMonos what are they doing to you
*** omega was kicked by Sentroid91 (12<omega> Fuck you)
MSTMonosWhat are they doing to me? They're lufing me.
*** Sentroid91 has left IRC
*** Sentroid91 is now known as Torgo
*** omega has joined #Deep13
jasoNwb, omega-san
omegayou 2 Torgo
*** omega has left #deep13
jasoNyou know, i dont think i like that guy
MSTMonosthey r trying to capitalise mý.
TorgoIs he waiting for us to ban him or something?
MSTMonosOh damn, he left.
MSTMonosLet's wait for Kitana to come in and warn us of a J-line.
DeRaptorJ-Line? Is that where they kick you off just for being in a channel?
TorgoAnyone notice that my ICQ nick changed?
MSTMonosSure did, Franko.
Torgooh, great
* jasoN threatens everyone with an N-LINE!!
TorgoNow megs won't know it's me
TorgoWhat about Z-line
* DeRaptor wonders if we could set up a MUD or something.
MSTMonos<Kitana> You have been warned. If you kick someone from a room for being a jackass, you will be killed from the server. For good. And all your friends are going down. Down. That is my final warning. Don't piss me off.
* Torgo ponders calling 00-40-67-312284 collect in the middle of the day
MSTMonos<Kitana> This is your FINAL warning.
Torgosounds like MrB
MSTMonos<Kitana> Because from now on, I will be interfering in your matters for 24 hours a day.
Torgo<MrB> You are evading a ban. Leave now or i'll abc and xyz-line you
Torgokitana No such nick/channel
Torgokitana End of /WHOIS list.
Torgo24 hours a day, huh?
DeRaptorcheese. Somebody's obsessive.
MSTMonos<Kitana> And we will be sending a spy to #omega and hundreds more to #Deep13.
Torgo<MrB> I lufe MrsB
*** cal is on IRC
Torgo<MrsB> Get the hell away from me, you perv!
MSTMonos<Kitana> Don't interrupt me. I will not let you argue, or else I will kill #Deep13 and all its patrons.
*** MSTMonos is now known as Kitana
KitanaThis is my final warning.
*** Kitana is now known as Kitty
Torgo<Kitana> And Sentroid91 is to blame, even though he didn't do anything
*** Torgo is now known as MrPee
DeRaptorteeny weeny itty bitty batty: http://www.batcon.org/batsmag/images/v2n1b.jpg
KittyEveryone will be banned for life, beacuse one person is to blame.
MrPeebat shit?
KittyYou're trying to interrupt me. That's it.
KittyA K-Line for DeRaptor.
KittyThat is final.
KittyYou've crossed the line BIG TIME.
KittyYou have interfered in our interfering of matters, and now you will pay the price.
Kitty<MSTManos> And you can quote me on that.
* DeRaptor pets the kitty.
DeRaptorOw! It bites!
* Kitty K-lines DeRaptor :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
* DeRaptor kicks the cat.
*** DeRaptor sets mode: +s
* jasoN N-Lines DeRaptor
DeRaptorDamn spammers!
* DeRaptor D-Lines N, right in the patootie!
DarkonZero<AZCB> visita WWW.cdfull.com.ar MP3,JUEGOS,PROGRAMS,UTILITARIOS,y todo lo que imagines .....Thanks/gracias
DarkonZero<DarkonZero> No thanks.......I gots my own.
DarkonZero<DarkonZero> Would you like any?
MrPeesay. anyone happen to know TS's phone number off hand?
KittyThe old phone number is no longer in use.
MrPeeoh goody
MrPeewell what number is on the interNIC search?
KittySame one.
MrPeewhich is?
KittyTS decieved us...
MrPeewell is there any number I can send to omega's ICQ homepage?
DeRaptorI know his ICQ #...
MrPeeI don't need that. Need a phone number
DeRaptor10756635 if you want it.
* Kitty feels like getting Anon's number.
MrPeewell it's getting late, so I must be going
MrPeeso until tomorrow....
*** Sentroid91 is on IRC
*** MrPee is now known as Sentroid91
KittyAdios, Sent.
*** MSTManos is on IRC
*** Kitty is now known as MSTManos
DarkonZeroBye Sent.
*** Sentroid91 has left IRC
*** Sentroid91 has quit IRC (Don't forget to visit http://mstiegate.cjb.net)
MSTManos*COUGH!* 0,0303-252-9167
MSTManos*COUGH!* 0,0 303-252-9167
*** Cal has left IRC
MSTManosBy the way, if anyone feels like calling a psycho, there's a guy whose number is 310-315-1937
MSTManosIt's not mine.
DeRaptorwho's that?
MSTManosThe webmaster of some weird site I stumbled upon.
MSTManosI oughta ask Bob if this blurry pic I found on his site is actually his own.
jasoNwhat kind of stuff?
DeRaptorwhat's he look like?
MSTManosYou figure it out.
MSTManosIt's not much of a pic, really.
DeRaptoroh...kinda like Anon's?
MSTManosThere it be.
DeRaptordude. That is awful.
DeRaptorStill, you'd think Bob would look well....eviller?
MSTManosLooks can be decieving. Although maybe that's not Bob.
DarkonZeroBob told me it was a friend of his.....who knows.
DeRaptorhmmmm...yeah...Bob probably has horns and a tail.
jasoNhey, quit making fun of my mother
DeRaptorBut whyeeeee?
DeRaptorYeah, a saint like HITLER!
* DeRaptor doesn't know why she said that.
DarkonZeroCause you wanted to.
DeRaptorOh yeah.
MSTManosBob has a ranting section in his Crosswinds page.
DeRaptorWhy am I not surprised?
MSTManosBecause Bob is that kind of guy.
MSTManosAnd he even has links and stuff.
MSTManos"Wow. I've been a member of MSTies Anonymous since September-October of 1997. Amazing, 'idn't it? In fact, I think I was the 99th member...
MSTManosNow I'm something like 96th because MSTAnon had a few people killed.
jasoNwhat's the url?
* MSTManos looks at the clock.
MSTManosMy time is up.
* jasoN did too
*** MSTManos has left IRC
*** MSTManos has quit IRC (Love, peace and chicken grease!)
DeRaptorAnon kills people?
DeRaptorWait, that should be "Anon kills people. I already knew that."
jasoNit wouldn't surprise me
jasoNhe scares me
jasoNand i dont mind saying so
DeRaptorfrightening little boy, y'know.
jasoNi do
jasoNi wonder if people talk about how weird i am when i'm not around
DarkonZeroWe do.
jasoNthat makes me feel all tingley inside
* DarkonZero has to go puke now......after hearing what N said.
* DeRaptor goes catatonic again.
* jasoN does a command so that he fits in
DarkonZeroYou don't.....
jasoNshut up i do
DarkonZeroDo not.
jasoNdont make me have Anon kill you
* DeRaptor ponders drawing N as a forrester.
jasoNyeah right, you said y ou'd do that months ago
DarkonZeroAll Anon will do is see me....fart.....then run.
jasoNdon't raise my *sniff* hopes again
DarkonZeroOr he'd brag...then run.
jasoNyou never know..he's a pretty scary cat
DarkonZeroTo you.....
jasoNbesides, you say that like ANon wouldn't be immune to the smell of farts by now
DarkonZeroNo......basically what I said....he'd just fun then run......
DarkonZerofun to fart
DeRaptorI procrastinate a lot.
jasoNoh, i thought you meant he'd see you fart, then he'd run
jasoNcause i could see that
* DarkonZero know procrastination all too well.....he's a master of it.
jasoNthat'd be a pretty obvious reaction
DarkonZeroOk....it'll work either way.
jasoNthat's what i thought
* jasoN sets DZ and De on fire
* DarkonZero douses himself in the pool.
* DarkonZero gets outta the pool.
* DarkonZero shoves De into the pool....just to help her out.
* DeRaptor throws gas on N and brushes against him.
* jasoN burns, but doesn't mind
jasoNahh, nice warm fire
DarkonZeroComplete nut roasting in a gas fire........
* jasoN pretends to laugh
DarkonZeroYou're not trying hard enough.....
jasoNyou're not saying anything funny enough
DarkonZeroSo....neither are you.
jasoNbut i'm not trying to
DarkonZeroYou are too.
jasoNam not
jasoNyeah, well you suck
DarkonZeroYou did before I did.
jasoNno way, i'm perfection itself
* DarkonZero looks.........
DarkonZeroWhere is perfection?
DarkonZeroI certainly don't see it....
jasoNwhy, right here
jasoNi am evil incarnate
* DarkonZero looks at the Van Gogh on the wall......
DarkonZeroOh that piece of perfection.
jasoNdont tough my painting
jasoNit cost a fortune
* DarkonZero is speechless due to N's grammar.
jasoNsheesh, like you never typo..
DeRaptorY'know, Van Gogh used paints with chemicals in them that made him go insane.
DeRaptorPeople who own his paintings have a much greater suicide rate than the normal person...
* DarkonZero is still speechless.......cause of N's grammar.
jasoNhey DZ, your speechlessness isn't working..try harder
DarkonZeroNo thanks.....
DarkonZeroI feel like talkin' now.
jasoNoh, good
jasoNi used reverse psychology to make you talk
jasoNyou fell right into my plot
DarkonZeroYeah...a bad plot.
jasoNbut a plot, nonetheless
DarkonZeroBut still, a bad one....
jasoNat least i HAVE a plot
DarkonZeroYou should call it a "trap" instead.
DarkonZeroOr "crap" even.
jasoNi should stop bickering with you
DarkonZeroShould you now?
DarkonZeroGood.....that's what I didn't want.
DarkonZeroPoor N.
jasoNpoor me
DarkonZeroPoor DZ.
* DarkonZero throws macaroni at De.
* jasoN throws tomatos at De
* DeRaptor eats and eats and grows and grows.
* DarkonZero runs outta fear......fear that gas is coming.
* jasoN must be going
jasoNgoodnight, kids
DarkonZeroBye N.
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DarkonZeroGood....I didn't have to say anything.
DeRaptorwhat's with meggie?
DarkonZeroI dunno.
DarkonZeroI guess his feebishness compels him to zoom.
DarkonZeroHave you taken a look see at the .jpg I sent ya......uh....make that forced you to d/l?
DarkonZeroJusta checkin'.
* DarkonZero tries again at 3D models......
DeRaptorgonna keep making Tommy?
DarkonZeroI'm trying...
DarkonZeroThanks for the encouragement.
DeRaptoryay! :)
* DarkonZero wishes he had steadier hands.......or maybe the nervous tick he has.
DeRaptorI get those next to my eyes...they're annoying.
DarkonZeroActually.....I've been getting them after I had these headaches.........
DeRaptorYou've gotta lay off the pot, DZ.
* DeRaptor grins evilly.
DarkonZeroThanks for the intervention........though I really never smokedthe stuff.....though I had seeds of that plant in my nose once. Stupid skater friends....
DarkonZeroOk......so far I have Tom's head....and it probably took me like 15 minutes.....I'm not sure. But I still need to make the mouth and stuff....or something. I dunno.
DeRaptormouth could just be a sphere cut in half...
* DarkonZero realizes that he's gotta do programmin'.......
DeRaptorOh? Owie
DarkonZeroIt might not be that hard....
DarkonZeroThat 13MB d/l I had was some of the stuff I needed to complete the model.
DeRaptorI program for a living...but it's coldfusion, which is real easy...
DeRaptoryike...what was it, some dll?
DarkonZeroIt's a file called .qc....it's a scripting launguage that the game uses.
DarkonZeroIt might not be that hard.
DarkonZeroI'm up for any challenge.
DeRaptorah...yikes, though.
DarkonZeroWell....I always wanted to learn how to program.
DarkonZeroOther than in Basic.....though I never knew Basic that well either.
DeRaptorstart with mirc script or something easy...
DarkonZeroThough I don't do mIRC scripts....I know I can. Anyways.....I can always use the .qc file they I was provided as an example....and/or to modify.
DarkonZeroSo far....s'okay.
DeRaptorso when do I get to see?
DarkonZeroI dunno really....I'm too much of a perfectionist.....so it may take a while.
* DarkonZero just stares at what he has.....
DarkonZeroJust like my drawings.....only a head.
DeRaptorleeeeeetle heads.
DarkonZeroPretty much.
* DarkonZero decides to save his progress for another time....
DeRaptordoobie doo
DarkonZeroWell.....I had fun.
DarkonZeroI guess I'll see you later.....good night.....and give your sister a good slug in the arm and tell her it's from me.
DarkonZeroSay goodbye to me! I'm going M.I.A.!
* DarkonZero hits the off switch on his Portal deck and disconnects to the world known as reality!
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Fri Feb 04 01:29:06 2000

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