
Session Start: Mon Aug 05 20:57:12 2002
Session Ident: #Deep13
* Now talking in #Deep13
* Topic is '9http://www.deep13.org | http://www.deep13.org/deep13-map-preview.jpg <-- Not in here? Talk to Rob. | Min's in New Hampshire for the week... with no online access! Yay....? | http://mstiegate.com/ircstats -- No more fucking with the mIRCstats, please?'
* Set by RobertoKay on Sat Aug 03 21:30:24
-NickServ- This nickname is registered and protected. If it is your
-NickServ- nick, type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY password. Otherwise,
-NickServ- please choose a different nick.
-ChanServ- 8***PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE YOU SAY OR DO ANYTHING*** Welcome to #Deep13. Established in 1997, now on the ZiRC Network. English ONLY, please. For more info please go to the F.A.Q. section of 9http://www.deep13.org or msg Sentroid91 for the Do's and Don'ts list. Thank you, and have :a nice stay.
-NickServ- Password accepted - you are now recognized.
* DarkonZero is on IRC
* Halo09 is on IRC
* Negaweapon is on IRC
* Ocean-Saurian is on IRC
* Sentroid91 is on IRC
@Sentroid91No, actually I was away fantasizing about a sledgehammer and your face.
@Sentroid91Hey DZ.
@Sentroid91They were showing Circus Circus today on Game Show Channel
DarkonZeroWhen do I get the sledgehammer to the face?
NegaweaponAnd next time, we'll rearrange more than your furnature.
moreysurf8I don't get the game show channel
Ocean-Saurianit's discovery zone!
Ocean-Saurianhey DZ
* RobertoKay is on IRC
* RobertoKay (hquiej@ZiRC-631.we.client2.attbi.com) has joined #Deep13
* Sentroid91 sets mode: +o RobertoKay
* Ocean-Saurian runs
NegaweaponI do believe I'm going to go try and sleep or something of the ilk.  Mayhaps... I shall return.
* Negaweapon (Nega@ZiRC-23442.ipt.aol.com) has left #Deep13
* RobertoKay changes topic to '9http://www.deep13.org | 13,8In memoriam of a local hero of mine (Rob's) Chick Hearn, 1916-2002. God fucking damn it, I'll miss you.'
* RobertoKay changes topic to '9http://www.deep13.org | 8,13In memoriam of a local hero of mine (Rob's) Chick Hearn, 1916-2002. God fucking damn it, I'll miss you.'
* TonicBH smacks Sent
* Negaweapon has left IRC
DarkonZeroThe colors scare me.
@Halo09for us in the PST
@Halo09chich hearn?
TonicBHChick Hearn died? ironic, I was reading an IMDB entry on him
@Halo09chick hearn?
@RobertoKayLos Angeles Lakers announcer.
@RobertoKayHe was announcer for 40-something years.
TonicBHnever missed a game until 12/2K1
@Sentroid91Urb: They always ruin it
@RobertoKayDamn, he was one honest and friendly guy. Compared to the fuckers who he usually has to talk about.
Ocean-SaurianDon't say that tonic...not all the good poeple are dying...I am not dead
* moreysurf8 (deep13@ZiRC-58623.dyn.optonline.net) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
* moreysurf8 (deep13@ZiRC-58623.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #Deep13
TonicBHI still wonder why people like Wrestling like the WWE
TonicBHit's must-drop-IQ-TV!
* DarkonZero listens to a CD track of 4,1"KRWLNG"4,16,0 from 6,014,1Linkin Park14,16,0.6,0
* HuzzahMan|away (~TBCrowFan@ZiRC-24214.ipt.aol.com) Quit (Ping timeout)
Ocean-Saurianping got him
* Ocean-Saurian eats his last stick of Pockey
* moreysurf8 (deep13@ZiRC-58623.dyn.optonline.net) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
* DarkonZero listens to a CD track of 4,1"PLC.4 MIE HÆD"4,16,0 from 6,014,1Linkin Park14,16,0.6,0
* @Halo09 storms off to watch the ol' wrasslin show
* Halo09 is now known as Halo[away]
* Halo09 has left IRC
* RobertoKay (hquiej@ZiRC-631.we.client2.attbi.com) Quit (Quit: I'M IN HELL!!! OH-OHHHHH!!!!!! http://www.deep13.org/gqindustries)
* RobertoKay has left IRC
DarkonZeroWow....most folk leavin'.
DarkonZeroMeeZ thinkin' of kickin' withz da mad flow.
* HuzzahMan|away (~TBCrowFan@ZiRC-24214.ipt.aol.com) has joined #Deep13
* HuzzahMan|away is now known as HuzzahMan3000
DarkonZeroYo hOmz
HuzzahMan3000Thank you
HuzzahMan3000I would like chips
HuzzahMan3000So what was the "final score"?
DarkonZeroImz kickin' wid da mad flowz
HuzzahMan3000Did I finally triumph over OS?
DarkonZeroTell me if I'm too "down".
Ocean-SaurianI think you did
Ocean-Saurianbut I will bring you down
HuzzahMan3000are the stats still up?
Ocean-Saurianyou can't look
* HuzzahMan3000 wants to cry
* moreysurf8 (deep13@ZiRC-58623.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #Deep13
HuzzahMan3000but i won't
HuzzahMan3000at what?
* HuzzahMan3000 is afraid to look at Darkon's nakedness
DarkonZeroNO! NOT MINE!
Ocean-SaurianYES YOURS
@Sentroid911,9Quote containing "DZ's":9,1 <Sentroid91> who is this beans character? And if I don't know him/her/Ru-Paul what's stopping me from fragging them? <Beans> I am beans <Beans> No one special <jasoN> BEANS IS DZ'S LOVER <DarkonZero> Well...I don't want Beans. <DarkonZero> MM could have Beans. *** Beans has quit IRC <jasoN> wow, i guess he didn't want MM <DarkonZero> MM...you gotta do something about your complextion. 1,9Number o
@Sentroid911,9Quote containing "DZ's":9,1 <Sentroid91> who is this beans character? And if I don't know him/her/Ru-Paul what's stopping me from fragging them? <Beans> I am beans <Beans> No one special <jasoN> BEANS IS DZ'S LOVER <DarkonZero> Well...I don't want Beans. <DarkonZero> MM could have Beans. *** Beans has quit IRC <jasoN> wow, i guess he didn't want MM <DarkonZero> MM...you gotta do something about your complextion. 1,9Number o
@Sentroid911,9Quote containing "DZ's":9,1 <Sentroid91> who is this beans character? And if I don't know him/her/Ru-Paul what's stopping me from fragging them? <Beans> I am beans <Beans> No one special <jasoN> BEANS IS DZ'S LOVER <DarkonZero> Well...I don't want Beans. <DarkonZero> MM could have Beans. *** Beans has quit IRC <jasoN> wow, i guess he didn't want MM <DarkonZero> MM...you gotta do something about your complextion. 1,9Number o
@Sentroid911,9Quote containing "DZ's":9,1 * DeRaptor licks her lips and watches from a safe hiding spot. <DeRaptor> what's spy doing to DZ's box? 1,9Number of Quotes found: 2
Ocean-SaurianDZ your nudness would be scary
Ocean-Sauriandance on any coin machines latly DZ?
DarkonZeroNope....I gave those up for girls.
Ocean-SaurianI am going out with a girl named "Change Machine 3000"
Ocean-Saurianshe's hot as hell
Ocean-Saurianyou should see her!
Ocean-SaurianDamn does she have a nice face...it's so great to watch her face light up as you plug her in
@Sentroid911,9Quote containing "greidanus bangs":9,1 * Greidanus bangs her head on the keyboard * jasoN helps Greid <jasoN> *bang* <jasoN> *bang* <jasoN> *bang* <Locdog07> N is banging Greid <Immortal> SEXO! <Locdog07> Gotta get me some o' that anus. <Immortal> out of order greid :P * Locdog07 puts a coin in Greid's anus and an "out of order" sign flashes 1,9Number of Quotes found: 1
moreysurf8Hi I'm Karl Malone
@Sentroid91HuzzahMan3000 couldn't decide whether to stay or go and joined #Deep13 31 times during this reporting period...
DarkonZeroThis is how it goes with me and girls.....I say, "Hi."....they say, "Sick perv!" and they proceed by walking away.
DarkonZeroSometimes running.
@Sentroid911,9Quote containing "darkonzero":9,1 <DarkonZero> Two......I don't like where the room has gone lately. <DeRaptor> Where has the room gone? <Sentroid91> into Hershey's rooms and cream 1,9Number of Quotes found: 17
Ocean-Saurianyour a ladys man
DarkonZeroTry harassment.
@Sentroid91your ladys a man
@Sentroid911,9Quote containing "harrassment":9,1 <DarkonZero> We even had a seminar about sexual harrassment....I broke every rule so far. 1,9Number of Quotes found: 1
DarkonZeroThere we go.
@Sentroid911,9Quote containing "different":9,1 <ShenMerrick> Why can't you people realize that hands means HANDS, and boobs are totally different!!!! <Shade> Because hands aren't round with nipples 1,9Number of Quotes found: 1
@Sentroid911,9Quote containing "strokes":9,1 <Sentroid91> Gary Coleman needs a new show. Diff'rent Strokes 2000, Gary Coleman adopts a couple of white kids (Eminem and Kid Rock) 1,9Number of Quotes found: 1
Ocean-Saurianthat's great
DarkonZeroI'm gonna buy a PS2 in a couple of weeks.
DarkonZeroANd buy the ethernet adapter.
moreysurf8Def Leppard made a new video, I saw it on VH1 this morning
DarkonZeroAnd buy SOCOM.
moreysurf8then I realized I was watching VH1 and turned it off
DarkonZeroAnd then I'll kick ass in SOCOM.
DarkonZeroThey I'll buy a X-box.
DarkonZeroAnd throw it at my brother.
DarkonZeroTo knock him silly.
DarkonZeroAnd I'll take his wallet.
@Sentroid91I signed up to be a X-Box Live Beta Tester
DarkonZeroAnd use his credit cards.
Ocean-SaurianI didn't you know you had a brother
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
DarkonZeroI have two brothers
DarkonZeroAnd older and younger.
DarkonZeroAn even
@Sentroid91Crazy Bob
DarkonZeroOh.....the night I had Bob harass my brother.
Ocean-SaurianMan you would think DZ's parents would stop after him
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
@Sentroid91<DZ> .... oh... crappies
Ocean-SaurianMy parents stopped after me, I mean
@Sentroid91Dis is grandpa.
Ocean-SaurianBut that's only because their first child was a failur (i.e. my brother) so they tried again
Ocean-Saurianand finally got it right
* Sound request: can't find 'englishpow2.wav'
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
moreysurf8should I buy the lord of the rings2 disc set or the exteneded edition
@Sentroid91Though Cal claims they give you like a $10 rebate with the 2-disc for the extended
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'englishpow7.wav'
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
HuzzahMan3000What's the difference?
* Sound request: can't find 'englishpow6.wav'
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
DarkonZeroCal dispenses DVD's from his ass.
@Halo[away]more discs of fun and goodness
@Sentroid91uh... between the two?
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
moreysurf8doesn't the extended have an R rating with extra footage
Ocean-SaurianI love an ass dispenser...that...dispenses DVD's...you have to clean them off, they won't play in a DVD player if you don't
* Sound request: can't find 'englishpow6.wav'
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
@Sentroid91The extended has a 2 1/2 cut from the original film
@Sentroid912 1/2 hour
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
DarkonZeroI tried to buy resident evil today..........but it isn't out until tomorrow.
HuzzahMan3000so its like 4-5 hours now?
HuzzahMan3000and the 2 disc doesn't have that?
@Sentroid91I thought you said it was worth renting, not buying?
Ocean-SaurianI wanna but kung pow
moreysurf8isn't simpsons season 2 out today
DarkonZeroYou can rent it....I'm buying it cause I liked the movie.
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
@Sentroid91I would probably like it, cause I liked Mortal Kombat
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
moreysurf8I'm gonna get some sleep
DarkonZeroSuper Mario Bros......that movie has to stay away from DVD format.
moreysurf8see you guys later
DarkonZeroBUt some mook might want to have it on DVD.
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'englishpow6.wav'
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
* moreysurf8 (deep13@ZiRC-58623.dyn.optonline.net) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
* Sound request: can't find 'englishpow5.wav'
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'goodnight.wav'
[HuzzahMan3000 SOUND]
HuzzahMan3000Yes it does
* Sound request: can't find 'englishpow5.wav'
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
Ocean-Sauriandamnit sent, leave the room for a few minutes so I can type "h" like a billion times
* Sound request: can't find 'kungpow3.wav'
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
* Ocean-Saurian cries
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
DarkonZeroOnce I put the remainder of my paycheck into the bank....I'm gonna finally order the first component(s) to build my own computer......the motherboard, processor, and RAM.
* Sound request: can't find 'kungpow4.wav'
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
Ocean-SaurianI am building my own computer too
Ocean-SaurianI and going to have dual xeon processors
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
DarkonZeroI'm going with an AMD 2100+ XP
Ocean-SaurianMine would crush yours
DarkonZero1.7 GHz.
@Sentroid91Mine crushes all
@Sentroid911.8 GHZ
Ocean-Sauriannot dual pentium 3 xeon's
Ocean-Saurianwith like a gig of RAM
HuzzahMan3000Well, I must depart now
HuzzahMan3000Goodnight to all
DarkonZeroI'm gonna have a RAID setup.....with 2 100 gig HDs....giving me a supposible 200 gigs of HD space.
HuzzahMan3000and to all a uh..
HuzzahMan3000well I messed that up.
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'goodnight.wav'
[HuzzahMan3000 SOUND]
* HuzzahMan3000 (~TBCrowFan@ZiRC-24214.ipt.aol.com) Quit (Quit: leaving)
Ocean-Sauriandamn you DZ
Ocean-Saurianwait...200 gigs?
Ocean-SaurianI have a tower that had 9 drives! beat that!
DarkonZeroHD space.
DarkonZeroI don't need that many drives.
DarkonZeroI just need space.
Ocean-Sauriandude I have had this computer for like 3 years and it has 13 gig, I have only used up 4 gig
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
DarkonZeroI got too much stuff on the bucket I'm using now....and it has a 20 gig HD.
Ocean-Saurianoh never mind
Ocean-SaurianI ahve 6 gig used up
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
Ocean-SaurianI was thinking of getting a 60 gig hard drive for this computer
Ocean-SaurianIt's a nice little computer
Ocean-Saurianit's my baby
* Sound request: can't find 'kungpow4.wav'
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'kungpow3.wav'
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
Ocean-Saurianit's pulled through so many times it's not funny
@Sentroid91Taco Bell
DarkonZeroI'm thinking of going with 1 gig of RAM
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'kungpow3.wav'
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
Ocean-Sauriantrust me DZ
@Halo[away]i agree with DZ, the best thing in the world is to use RAID as dummy IDEs... it's so nice!
Ocean-Saurianyou will never need anything more then 512
DarkonZeroI like overkill....but sometmes it's not needed.
@Sentroid91Taco Bell
@Sentroid91Taco Bell
@Sentroid91Like me
@Sentroid91512 MB DDR
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
Ocean-SaurianNo, SDRAM is what you want
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
DarkonZeroAnd since it will be my gaming rig......a Geforce 4 Ti 4600.
@Sentroid91<English Man> I am a man, you know. I go pee-pee standing up.
Ocean-SaurianI am putting in a Radion all in wonder 64 in this bad boy I am making
Ocean-Saurianbecause you will never need 128, so I got 64
DarkonZeroWith the games I play...the 128 megs is much needed.
DarkonZeroIn my opinion.
Ocean-Saurianwell I would rather pay 150 bucks for 64 then 250 for 128
DarkonZeroI only have one game that isn't graphic intensive...that's Magic: The Gathering Online.
DarkonZeroAnd fuck speakers for my computer......since I've gotten used to playing games with the headphones on....I need no speakers.
DarkonZeroThe speaker cost will save me some bucks.
DarkonZero...if I don't get 'em.
Ocean-SaurianI got some black logitech speakers
Ocean-SaurianI don't like headphones...it makes bacteria grow in your ears 300 times faster
Ocean-Sauriantrue fact
Ocean-SaurianI am done for the day
* Ocean-Saurian wipes the sweat away from his forhead
Ocean-Saurianit takes a lot outta ya
Ocean-Saurianyou know...guys? Guys? ....guys?
DarkonZeroOnce my rig is done....I'm gonna finally have alot more fun.....since the damned box wont be in the living room.
Ocean-SaurianYou won't have a 17 inch flat screen monitor though DZ
DarkonZero19 inch....or 22 inch.
DarkonZeroThis last paycheck I got (today) I made $904.......
DarkonZeroBUt I burn my money too much at times.
DarkonZeroLike my game buying bunge a couple of weeks ago.
DarkonZerobinge even.
Ocean-Sauriandamn you DZ
Ocean-Saurianyour computer will NOT crush mine
Ocean-SaurianI won't allow it
DarkonZeroI don't care about crushing anybody else's......I just wanna the most outta my games.
Ocean-Saurianoh ok
Ocean-Saurianhey sent, update the IRC stats
* Cal is on IRC
* Cal (~pmccart@216.170.248.ZiRC-54424) has joined #Deep13
DarkonZeroAfter I'm done making my game rig...I'm making another computer to offload all the other stuff onto so I can keep certain things running while I play games...mIRC for example will stay on since it'll be on another computer.
CalI got a birthday reminder for Jo
DarkonZerofor or from?
Ocean-Saurianreally? what it say?
CalI sent him a "congrats on the baby" card
CalIt was either that or a gay & lesbo card
CalI thought the baby would be funnier
Ocean-Saurianhis Mom probably freaked on him
CalI think Tom lives alone
CalHe might still live with his parents...
Ocean-Saurianno, he lives with his parents
Cal<Jo's Momma> You know, honey...most people leave home at your age...
Ocean-Saurian<Jo's Mom> And you embarress me
DarkonZeroI haven't left home yet......I stay to help my parents out.
CalBTW...I'm finally finishing a video of mine...for the 3rd time
CalThe first time...it was kind of a rough cut
CalThe second time...
Ocean-SaurianI don't believe that for a second DZ
CalThe credits lasted for 1/3 of the video
Ocean-Saurianhelp them out with what?
Caland the file got coruppted
Ocean-Sauriandriving them crazy?
Ocean-Saurianpoor cal
DarkonZeroI stay to help pay the bills.
DarkonZeroMy parents are kinda in debt.
Ocean-Saurian<DZ> My parents say that I am only 14, to get that tax deduction
DarkonZeroNo they don't.
Ocean-Saurianto you?
Ocean-Saurian<DZ> only on weekends they do
DarkonZeroYo...I'm being serious.
CalDZ...you live in Vegas, right?
Ocean-Saurian...all righty?
DarkonZeroYeah...I live in Vegas.
CalJust take your life savings and play some blackjack
Ocean-SaurianHey DZ do you have to be 21 to go into the casinos?
CalEither you'll regret it or you'll become insanely rich
DarkonZeroYes...you have to be 21 to play in casinos in Vegas.
CalI thought you were 28
Ocean-SaurianI love to play black jack
DarkonZeroAnd no Cal....gambling is not good...that's how my parents got into debt.
CalI know
CalI'm being sarcastic
DarkonZeroSarcasm.....weed of Cal.
Ocean-Saurianyeah, my mother loves to gamble. I think it's retarded to play the coin machines
DarkonZeroI only play every once in a while.
Ocean-SaurianIt's so stupid, you put in a damn 10 bill and you hit nothing
CalI like games of chance that don't involve money exiting from my wallet.
Ocean-SaurianI did that with a slot machine, it pisses me off
Ocean-SaurianI mean with black jack, I feel safer
CalVideoWave crapped out...with 90% of the video rendered... >:(
Ocean-Saurianyou have a change
DarkonZeroCal....you thought I was 28?
DarkonZerosubtract 2.
CalYou said you were 28 at a time
DarkonZeroI'm 26.
Calclose enough
DarkonZeroI may have been fucking around.
Ocean-Sauriandamn DZ
CalThat's not good either.
Ocean-SaurianI am sure glad you told me that, It would have taken me forever to subtract two
Ocean-SaurianI am 18, I am legal...whoo?
DarkonZeroNo prob...I know about your math problems.
CalDZ...do you have any idea what kind of STD's are in some of those Vegas whores on the streets?
Ocean-SaurianI was uh...well...uh...ok
Ocean-Saurian<DZ> yeah Ebola
DarkonZeroThere's whores in my town!?!?!
Ocean-Saurian<DZ> along with Ecoli
CalWindows XP is officially being a dickweed
CalVideoWave crashed, but I can't close it.
DarkonZero<Windows XP> I'm officially a dickweed.
CalBRB...gonna restart
* Cal (~pmccart@216.170.248.ZiRC-54424) Quit (Quit: We like it very much!)
* Cal has left IRC
DarkonZeroThe only difficult part about building my computer is which OS to have....Windows 98, ME, or XP Home.
DarkonZeroDeeK would say Linux.....
DarkonZeroBUt Deek is in my town.
DarkonZeroI dunno about introing DeeK to all the peeps I know.
Ocean-Saurianyou will ruin your name forever
* Cal is on IRC
* Cal (~pmccart@ZiRC-41964.wi.tds.net) has joined #Deep13
Ocean-SaurianI don't mean for a month, a year, a century, I mean forever
DarkonZeroWell....he's gonna have to...he's going with me to my local arcade to play some Counter-Strike.
CalJoel...DZ...what net speeds ya got?
DarkonZeroMines slow.....
Ocean-Saurian56k, suits me fine
Ocean-SaurianEveryone else is leaving phone lines open, and it gives me more bandwidth! (I wish)
DarkonZeromy current speed is 432 kbps.
Ocean-Saurianmy parents don't see a need for the internet really
Ocean-Saurianreally? mine is much faster then that
DarkonZero432 kbps is 432,000 bps
Ocean-SaurianI must be off
Ocean-Saurianoh hehehe
Ocean-SaurianI was like
DarkonZeroit used to be over 1.5 mb
Ocean-Sauriandamn, how do you even use it?
Ocean-Saurianagain, I must be off
DarkonZeroLater O-S.
Ocean-Saurianfare thee well!
* Ocean-Saurian bicycle kicks outta the room
DarkonZeroDamn my brother running a mail server.
* Ocean-Saurian (Joel@ZiRC-23274.ipt.aol.com) Quit (Quit: Connection reset by peer)
* Ocean-Saurian has left IRC
DarkonZeroThe connection speed would be much faster if that damn mail server wasn't running.
CalI was wondering
Cal'cause I'm close to finishing this video
CalYou might want to take a look at it
DarkonZeroSure Cal.
CalIt's barely 3 minutes long
CalWould you like Windows Media or RealVideo?
DarkonZeroEither is fine.
* DarkonZero is now away! - 4,1Reason:(gettin' some eats)4,1
Calcrashed again
CalI need to get a video editing program that WORKS
* Cal (~pmccart@ZiRC-41964.wi.tds.net) Quit (Connection reset by peer)
* Cal has left IRC
* Cal is on IRC
* Cal (~pmccart@ZiRC-41964.wi.tds.net) has joined #Deep13
Calmy PC just restarted by itself
Calhttp://www.dvdfile.com/images/stills/159x75/startrek_ii.jpg  Looks like you got a boogie.
@Sentroid91Troll Bogies?
CalWe need to MSTapes this
@Sentroid91Why? Cause of the owl?
CalIt's a bad movie
Caland plenty of potential
@Sentroid91I didn't think it was.
CalVery well
* Cal takes out his iron claws and throws them at Sentroid91.
* Cal rips Sentroid91's shirt off
@Sentroid91Shirt ripper!
* @Sentroid91 repairs his shirt
* DarkonZero is now back! Away cause - 4,1(gettin' some eats)4,1
CalIf you have an ass, I'll kick it!
* Cal walks to the other side of the room
DarkonZeroLater guys...I'm takin' off.
* Disconnected
Session Close: Mon Aug 05 23:08:41 2002

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