
Session Start: Thu Jun 13 17:27:23 2002
Session Ident: #Deep13
* Now talking in #Deep13
* Topic is '1,0http://www.deep13.org | Again. Get the colors right. | New at Deep13.org: Rob's picture. THE HORROR! And, uh, a logo Urb came up with.'
* Set by RobertoKay on Tue Jun 11 18:57:43
* Cal is on IRC
* DarkonZero is on IRC
* Min is on IRC
* Sentroid91 is on IRC
* TServo4 is on IRC
CalHey DZ
-NickServ- This nickname is registered and protected. If it is your
-NickServ- nick, type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY password. Otherwise,
-NickServ- please choose a different nick.
-ChanServ- 8***PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE YOU SAY OR DO ANYTHING*** Welcome to #Deep13. Established in 1997, now on the ZiRC Network. Be forewarned this is NOT #dapcentral related and you will NOT find servers to DAP here as of yet. No espanol, francais, deutch, or otherwise here. English :only. Finally, we are NOT a help channel so please go elsewhere for IRC assistance. For more info please go to 13,11http://www.deep13.org
-NickServ- Password accepted - you are now recognized.
TonicBHCal, it's not gonna work
TonicBHbesides, we're still trying to get the goddamn "Comedy Central to air old MST3ks" petition working
TonicBHbut Petitions are pointless and usually don't work
DarkonZeroKinda like dot com IPO's
@Sentroid91speaking of which... it's up to 1,089 now
DarkonZeroI wonder if the online petition to get the 20 piece McNuggets price lowered is doing well.
@Sentroid91In addition to the WWE.com story about Steve Austin that Bob just posted, I have heard that on this weekend's Confidential show both Jim Ross and Vince McMahon have very stiff things to say about Austin. Exactly what those things are, I am not sure, but apparently they are pretty bad, as word was going around the office today that this week's Confidential is a "must see" show.
@Sentroid91Given that this is the wrestling business, anything is possible (and this could always end up being a work) but as of right now, the general consensus around the business is that this is a very real situation, with some people saying they wouldn't be surprised if Austin never worked again
CalI like the one trying to get The Two Towers renamed because Peter Jackson titled it to offend 9-11 victims.
CalI'd like to know how a book written in the 1940's was made to offend people affected by an event in 2001.
TonicBHMcDonald's Chicken McNuggets = Crap.
TonicBH... Ernest Borgnine on Hollywood Squares right now.
CalDrawn buttah
TonicBHAmerica is full of idiots.
TonicBHnuff said.
TonicBH80% of America's population is full of idiots
TonicBHthe remaining 20% work for Microsoft.
CalThat's being generous
Cal99% are idiots
DarkonZeroBTW....if anyone wanted to look....The Brick Testament has new entries.
DarkonZeroYou gotta look....I didn't go through 'em.
TonicBH... repeating, Ernest Borgnine on Peter Marshall's Hollywood Squares on Game Show Network...
DarkonZeroJacob Wrestles God is good.
DarkonZeroNothing like God doing a powerbomb.
TonicBHErnest Borgninny
* TonicBH found his Petition signing, #662. dangerously close to #666
TonicBH"MST3k was a cult classic. A program that anyone could watch and laugh at the comments Joel/Mike and the Bots would make. It's gonna be off Sci-Fi in January 2003, and it may be a good time for Comedy Central to snatch up the rerun rights. I hope this becomes a reality."
TonicBHDeclare 9/11 a national friggin holiday?! http://www.petitiononline.com/1105/petition.html
@TServo4Hey, if I'm off from work, I don't care ;)
* @Sentroid91 takes out his air taser 15(======)1=11~~~~~~~~
* @Sentroid91 zaps Cal with it until they combust.
* @Sentroid91 applies pressure to his right wrist.
* @Sentroid91 shoots out a yellow cable at DarkonZero, grabs them by the neck, and snaps it.
DarkonZerohttp://www.thereverend.com/brick_testament/genesis/rape_treachery_and_slaughter/gn34_24.html -- Mass circumcision anyone?
* @Sentroid91 applies pressure to his right pinky finger.
* @Sentroid91 shoots a red acidic substance into Min's face and watches as they shatter into pieces.
TonicBHPut FDNY, NYPD and PAPD on a Wheaties Box? WTF? http://www.petitiononline.com/sgt964/petition.html
* @Sentroid91 applies pressure to his ring and middle fingers on his right wrist.
* @Sentroid91 shoots out a blue cable, swings it at TonicBH, and slices them apart.
[@TServo4 SOUND]
TonicBHyou're right, Cal: 99% of America is idiots
* @Sentroid91 applies pressure to his index and middle fingers on his right wrist.
* @Sentroid91 shoots out a green cable and impales it through TServo4's chest.
@TServo4That's a pretty bold statement.
@TServo4There are a lot of intellegent people out there.
TonicBHI know
TonicBHbut look at the petitions I posted
TonicBHone wants to put an FDNY, NYPD and PAPD on a Wheaties Box
TonicBHand someone wants to make 9/11 a national holiday
@TServo4So they're a little...eh...overpatriotic.
@TServo4I don't think there's anything wrong in supporting your country.
TonicBHI guess
TonicBHbut the WAY they're doing them is stupid
TonicBHPetitions almost never work
@TServo4Depends on what you're petitioning for.
@TServo4and how you do so.
CalSome do
TonicBHI guess
TonicBHPetitions have to be done right in order to work
TonicBHthat's how Sci-Fi grabbed MST3k's rights
CalLast year, only a non-widescreen version of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory was released to DVD
CalThanks to a petition, a widescreen version was released
CalOver 15,000 signatures
TonicBHit COULD work
TonicBHit just needs more people to sign it
CalI got a copy, BTW.
TonicBHf00d's good
@TServo4food?  what is this food?
* DarkonZero thinks of downloading the free "America's Army" game.
@Sentroid91you do the patch?
DarkonZeroI wanna be all that I can be.
* Sound request: can't find 'bobevil.wav'
[@TServo4 SOUND]
* TonicBH just sent one of his friends an email to the MST3k on CC petition
DarkonZeroLast night.
[@TServo4 SOUND]
DarkonZeroThe Frito Bandito = Frito whore.
@Sentroid91The Frito Bandito = DK
DarkonZeroDeeKer is a Frito whore?
@TServo4Frito Bandito = foreign guy I know.
@TServo4He is so the frito bandito
@Sentroid91uh... isn't he?
* TonicBH eats some pretzel sticks
* JoMomma is on IRC
* JoMomma (jomomma@fluffy.moufette.com) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +a JoMomma
* ChanServ sets mode: +o JoMomma
* @JoMomma comes in as an annoying midget.
[@JoMomma SOUND]
@TServo4El Cho.
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
* DarkonZero goes to watch the Jackass: The Movie trailer....
* Sound request: can't find 'anorange.wav'
[@TServo4 SOUND]
@TServo4I'm thinking of something orange..
@TServo4Something oooorrrannnge..
@TServo4give up
@TServo4It's an orange!
@TServo4Now I'm thinking of something blue...
@TServo4something bluuuueeeee
DarkonZeroDammit.....there's a link for the House of the Dead trailer....but it's broken.
* @Sentroid91 applies pressure to his ring and middle fingers on his right wrist.
* @Sentroid91 shoots out a blue cable, swings it at TonicBH, and slices them apart.
* @Sentroid91 applies pressure to his ring and middle fingers on his right wrist.
* @Sentroid91 shoots out a blue cable, swings it at TServo4, and slices them apart.
* @TServo4 uses DeeK's cheap continuity to glue himself back together
* @JoMomma applies pressure to his right knee and... does... nothing.
* @Sentroid91 applies pressure to his right wrist.
* @Sentroid91 shoots out a yellow cable at JoMomma, grabs them by the neck, and snaps it.
* Sound request: can't find 'robotarm.wav'
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'robotarm.wav'
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'robotarm.wav'
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
* @JoMomma grows a new neck at that point.
@Sentroid91quit accepting it
* @Sentroid91 applies pressure to his index and middle fingers on his right wrist.
* @Sentroid91 shoots out a green cable and impales it through DarkonZero's chest.
* @JoMomma applies pressure to to a remote control button.
@Sentroid91[DarkonZero GET] robotarm.wav
@Sentroid91[DarkonZero GET] robotarm.wav
@Sentroid91[DarkonZero GET] robotarm.wav
* @JoMomma sends multiple annoying midgets after Sent and DZ to shut them up
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
* @JoMomma sends multiple annoying midgets after Sent and DZ to shut them up
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
[@JoMomma SOUND]
DarkonZeroSHHH! I'm watching people fly out of golfcarts.
* Sound request: can't find 'explode_poopie.wav'
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'thunderpoopie.wav'
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
@Sentroid91how sad
@JoMommaKurt Ingle?
@Sentroid91the fact that Hogan has to mention that he's bald.. bald bald bald.
@TServo4If you're listening to this song.
* Sound request: can't find 'sundaysundaysunday.wav'
[@TServo4 SOUND]
@Sentroid91!Tservo4 sundaysundaysunday.wav
* Sound request: can't find 'vent.wav'
[@JoMomma SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'thundertits.wav'
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
DarkonZeroAskin' the wrong person.
Calmmm brussels sprouts
DarkonZeroPoint that sound towards a female....or Ironf.
* DarkonZero thinks of playing Magic: The Gathering Online.
CalI wonder if Ironf ever had a baby shower by accident
DarkonZeroBut it costs money.
Cal"When is your due date?"
Cal<Ironf> What do you mean?
DarkonZeroThe pic that Sent made a couple of years ago......looked like Ironf was about to give birth to a family.
* Sound request: can't find 'vent.wav'
[@JoMomma SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'vent.wav'
[@JoMomma SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'vent.wav'
[@JoMomma SOUND]
CalI made one too
CalIt hade Ironf towering over St. Louis
DarkonZeroOh yeah.
DarkonZeroI still got that one.
DarkonZeroI'm surprised that I still have shit from that long ago.
DarkonZeroNothing like storing shit away.
@TServo4Cal, pick up in Aisle 3
Calbang bang
@TServo4no no...wait till you hear this
@TServo4it's quite funny.
@Sentroid91<Cactus Cal> BANG BANG!
CalMaxwell's silver hammer
Calcame down onto her head
[@JoMomma SOUND]
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
[@JoMomma SOUND]
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
CalTs4, play the sound
@TServo4I don't have it in my sounds folder..
CalCome on
CalYou would play it for her, you can play it again.
@TServo4play it in Winamp
@TServo4okay okay
* Sound request: can't find 'Max's_Silver_Hammer_chords.mp3'
[@TServo4 SOUND]
@TServo4do you hear it?
CalThis is weird
@TServo4yeah, I dug it up in my collection.
CalWhere'd you get this?
@TServo4probably ran it off from some tapes I had
@JoMommaI can't believe they made Farrooq say that
Calsay uncle?
@Sentroid91in Ultimate Warrior time
@JoMommaHe said he masturbated... on UPN
@JoMommaI mean he said it on UPN
@JoMommaHe didn't DO it on UPN
@TServo4Heh...ratings grabber.
* Disconnected
Session Close: Thu Jun 13 18:25:26 2002

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