
Session Start: Mon May 20 16:46:22 2002
Session Ident: #Deep13
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is '2http://deep13.moufette.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=21&mode=&order=0&thold=0 <-- Please read. (And this one isn't about "Celebrity Boxing II." Although if you don't read it, we may have to call in Manute.) | R.I.P: British Bulldog'
*** Set by Sentroid[NotHome] on Sun May 19 08:58:09
-ChanServ- ***PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE YOU SAY OR DO ANYTHING*** Welcome to #Deep13. Established in 1997, now on the ZiRC Network. Be forewarned this is NOT #dapcentral related and you will NOT find servers to DAP here as of yet. Also, If you don't speak english, be forewarned: :we speak english. No espanol, francais, deutch, or otherwise here. English only. Finally, we are NOT a help channel so please go elsewhere for IRC assist
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
* DarkonZero hates the ICQ startup sound.
DarkonZeroI'm using headphones and that shit blasts into my ears.
DarkonZeroATHF kicked some ass last night with MC Pee Pants.
DarkonZeroAnd on Welcome to Eltingville......ECW was chanted.
@Sentroid91Who was MC P Pants?
DarkonZeroA giant spider.
@Sentroid91Well... i'll be able to catch up on AHTF soon.
@Sentroid91I'm getting cable on Wednesday.
DarkonZeroAt the beginning Dr. weird said it was his fiancee.
DarkonZeroBut Eltingville is cool....if you like comics and other nerdly things. Of course Evan Dorkin created Eltingville.
DarkonZero<Dr. Weird> GENTLEMEN.....BEHOLD! RIBS!
@Sentroid91<Dr. Weird> HOW ARE YOU GENTLEMEN!
@Sentroid91<Ignignokt> Move zig. <Err> Damn right! We smoke as we move the zig.
@Sentroid91I sent ATHF.com a question
@Sentroid91"Who would win in a fight? The Zero Wing(All Your Base...) guys or the Mooninites?"
DarkonZero<Err> Damn straight!
DarkonZeroMC Chris does the voice of the giant spider a.k.a. MC Pee Pants
DarkonZeroAfter that ep.....they showed Sealab's "All That Jazz" which intro'ed MC Chris.
@Sentroid91What's he say? "I WANT SEX!" ?
DarkonZeroHe did a new song just for the ep of ATHF.
*** Min is on IRC
DarkonZeroAnd did the voice for the spider.
*** Min (Min@ZiRC-60457.ply.adelphia.net) has joined #Deep13
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Min
* @Min charges into the room, wearing a HEV and carrying a bowie knife, dives behind the couch and listens for any 4EVIL afoot!
* @Min breathes a sigh of relief, crawls over the couch and falls head-first onto the floor, shouting, "HIIII-OW!!"
@Sentroid91<Hesh> If i'm gonna be a robot, I want to be a tiger.
@MinLet's Bowl! is odd.
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
@JoMommaWith root beer
[@JoMomma SOUND]
[@JoMomma SOUND]
DarkonZeroThe spider was like holding up puppet of MC Pee Pants.
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
[@JoMomma SOUND]
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
[@JoMomma SOUND]
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
[@JoMomma SOUND]
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
DarkonZeroThe spider's plot was to drill a hole to hell to release demons.
@JoMommaSTOP IT!
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
@MinI just realized that I got about 135 bucks fer meh birthday.
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
@JoMommaDA: It's a bunch of sounds in a series
@Min...and you guys are really annoying.
@Sentroid91I got more than that on my tax return today.
* DarkAngel swings down towards Sentroid91.
* Sound request: can't find 'kabong.wav'
* DarkAngel hits Sentroid91 in the head with a guitar.
DarkAngelKABONG! *clang*
* DarkonZero uses his Jedi stupid trick....
* Sound request: can't find 'gauss2.wav'
* @Sentroid91 gets out his Gauss Rifle and shoots right through DarkAngel 15|_-_-_-_\7==|= 8-------------(O_X)8----------------|
DarkonZeroYou will not give me the money.
* @Min fires up her portable teleportation device and calls up none other than the survivalist physicist, Gordon Freeman. She whispers something in his ear. He nods, pulls out his trusty crowbar and punches holes into Sentroid91 with it.
* @Min shoves a crowbar up DarkAngel's ass.
[@JoMomma SOUND]
@Sentroid91Yvan Eht Nioj
DarkAngelWho the fuck is Min?
* @Min empties a snark's nest into DarkonZero's pants.
@MinGreidanus, foo'
@Sentroid91Min = a fool
DarkAngelI see
DarkAngelHi anus
DarkonZeroAhem....you will not give me the money.
* @Sentroid91 rolls up his sleeve to reveal a webshooter.
* @Sentroid91 shoots sticky, unbreakable webs at Min
@MinI'm not a frickin' anus!@
DarkAngelyes you are an anus, anus
* @JoMomma doesn't give DZ $6000 then
@Sentroid91<Min> ....anymore.
* Sound request: can't find '37.wav'
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
@JoMommaSix... thousand... dollars.
@JoMomma37! AAAAAAAAH... wait...
@JoMommaIn bed?
Calin bed
* @Min burns the webbing, and is pretty much unharmed... 'cept some scorch marks on her HEV
DarkonZeroWait.....I wanna see if this works.
CalSentroid91 isn't the only one with sticky fingers after using the web. >:)
* DarkonZero feels a certain (but stupid) power surge through him...
DarkonZeroI AM...!
* DarkonZero becomes in a flash (and a stupid pose) a 70's Japanese superhero known as 15,1ULTRA DORK15,16,0!6,0
-> *NickServ* identify giz91473
*** DarkonZero is now known as UltraDork
*** DarkonZero has left IRC
*** UltraDork is on IRC
-NickServ- Your nick isn't registered.
@JoMommaYa know...
@JoMommaI almost read that wrong...
*** Cal is now known as DarkonZero
*** Cal has left IRC
*** DarkonZero is on IRC
@JoMomma[20:08:31] <Cal> Sentroid91 isn't the only one with sticky fingers after using the web. >:)
@JoMomma[20:08:40] <DarkonZero> I AM...!
DarkonZeroI forgot...
*** DarkonZero is now known as Cal
*** DarkonZero has left IRC
*** Cal is on IRC
CalI can get ghosted
@JoMommaNice Try Cal
*** Cal is now known as DorkonZorro
*** Cal has left IRC
UltraDorkI AM NO LONGER...!
* UltraDork loses his dumb power and returns back to his old moronic, sorta secret alter-ego, DarkonZero.
-> *NickServ* identify giz91473
*** UltraDork is now known as DarkonZero
*** UltraDork has left IRC
*** DarkonZero is on IRC
-NickServ- Password accepted - you are now recognized.
* @Min stuffs DorkonZorro into a blender and hits "Liquify."
*** DorkonZorro is now known as UltraDork
*** UltraDork is on IRC
* @Min quickly reveals an Egon strapped to her back and releases a stream of highly energized death upon UltraDork.
DarkonZeroI thought I registered Ultra.....DAMMIT!
*** Botman (jomomma@ZiRC-17868.the.botcave.net) has joined #Deep13
UltraDorkDa da da da da da da da
*** Botman (jomomma@to.the.botcave.net) has left #Deep13
*** Botman (jomomma@to.the.botcave.net) has joined #Deep13
@Minwasn't used in a while, so they prolly deleted the registration
DarkonZeroI'll re-register it later.
*** UltraDork is now known as Carl
*** UltraDork has left IRC
@Sentroid91Even if someone else registered it, you could always whine to the IRCops. That's what De and Melto did.,
*** Botman is now known as CarlsJr
@Min...dun be childish.
*** Carl is now known as Botman
* @Min kicks CarlsJr's hiney.
* DarkAngel whines
* DarkAngel whines
*** Sentroid91 is now known as Green_Goblin
*** Sentroid91 has left IRC
DarkonZeroHmmm......I also gotta register HellMacGee.
* @Green_Goblin throws pumpkin bombs at everyone from the sky.
*** CarlsJr is now known as HellMacGee
*** HellMacGee is on IRC
*** HellMacGee is now known as Botman_
*** HellMacGee has left IRC
@MinI wanna play some S&I or somethin'...
@Green_GoblinI already played HL
DarkonZeroI feel like saber dueling.
@JoMomma<Min> Just not S&M
@Minbut I wasn't there!
DarkonZeroNo.....I feel like playing some Asheron's Call.
*** Botman is now known as Cal
*** Cal is on IRC
DarkonZeroWhere I died 19 times.
*** Botman_ is now known as Botman
@Minfeh, always the games I DON'T have.
DarkAngelhaven't played that in forever
@MinI likes it.
DarkonZeroAsheron' Call is a MMORPG.
@JoMommaI was just playing that a bit ago
DarkAngelJK2 == <3<3
@JoMommaOur team was in NEGATIVE money
@JoMommaWhen the other one had like $200,000
@JoMommaAnd we ended up winning by a few thousand dollars
@Green_Goblinoi... brb
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 4,1"Fett's Vette"4,16,0 from 6,014,1MC Chris14,16,0.6,0
@JoMommaBasically some guy just kept destroying equipment and nobody killed him :P
@JoMommaFor like the longest time
* Sound request: can't find 'ratraceouttake.wav'
@Minhold on.
DarkonZeroI'm kinda into playing DoD alot more.
DarkonZeroDoD rocks.
@JoMommaDZ plays with WOPR
@JoMommaErr... what's that computer name
@JoMommaIt's listed as WOPR but has another name
@JoMommaWashuChanFan (6:41:15 PM): You'll be dead
@JoMommaSupahDelfin (6:41:21 PM): in bed?
@JoMommaWashuChanFan (6:41:28 PM): with head
@JoMommaSupahDelfin (6:41:35 PM): in red
@JoMommaWashuChanFan (6:41:44 PM): behind the shed
@JoMommaSupahDelfin (6:41:48 PM): I said
@JoMommaWashuChanFan (6:41:56 PM): JEEEEEEEED
@JoMommaSupahDelfin (6:43:59 PM): He's making bread
@JoMommaWashuChanFan (6:44:15 PM): with chunks of lead
@JoMommaSupahDelfin (6:44:48 PM): With his friend, Ned
*** Green_Goblin (servo911@ZiRC-9528.mad.east.verizon.net) Quit (Ping timeout)
DarkonZeroLoc and Jo's hip-hop debut.
@MinI shall run meh S&I server.
DarkonZeroJo....aren't you supposed to say "Word"?
@Min...but wait a minute, or so.
* DarkonZero thinks of chucking his Geforce 3 to go back to his Voodoo 4.
@JoMommaOr 37
@JoMommaIn a row
DarkAngelchuck it this way
@JoMommaChuckola it this way
DarkonZeroI only paid $180 for it.
DarkonZeroThough it was made in Taiwan.
*** Botman (jomomma@to.the.botcave.net) Quit (Quit: o/` Bot man / Bot man / Bot man! o/` )
* DarkonZero wonders why he still has Cheating-Death....
DarkonZeroNo servers use it.
DarkonZeroWell......except older ones that haven't upgraded.
* @JoMomma drags DarkAngel to AC in a lame attempt to make a mini meet of Deep13ers... or something...
@Minoh, an' if you care to play, DZ, ...heh... (I doubt it...) then you'll need the two map packs from http://www.planethalflife.com/the-lab/
DarkAngelI dunno if I'll be able to afford going to AC
DarkonZeroI'll be found in Morningthaw....if you play AC.
DarkAngelhow do you play AC? :p
@JoMommaA different AC
@MinMMORPGs suck, these days.
@JoMommaAsheron's(sp) Call...
@JoMommaBut I've just heard of it
@JoMommaI just know I'll be able to easily afford AC considering I have almost no transportation issue
DarkAngeltransportation and lodging is major for me
DarkonZeroFirst month is for free
DarkAngelseeing as its all the way over fucking there
* DarkonZero just woke up like 15 minutes ago......brain still thinking single-minded.
*** Sentroid91 is on IRC
*** Sentroid91 (servo911@ZiRC-9635.mad.east.verizon.net) has joined #Deep13
*** ChanServ sets mode: +q Sentroid91
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Sentroid91
* @Sentroid91 injects poison into #Deep13
DarkAngelI don't like the idea behind pay to play, thus I don't like MMORPGS :p
* Sound request: can't find 'nwo.wav'
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
@JoMommaSent: with S&I if you care
@Minheh. COME TO S&I!
@JoMommaSetup TEH SERVAR
DarkonZeroI found myself playing Asheron's Call for 5 hours this morning withut realizing I've been playing that long.
DarkonZeroI thought I was playing for an hour.
@Sentroid91I have Clerks on broadcast
@Sentroid91addy goes into File, Open URL in WMP
*** Halo09 is on IRC
DarkonZeroDamn ZiRC's socks server....
DarkonZeroIt gave me the wrong pair.
*** Halo09 (~none@ZiRC-19465.sjsu.edu) has joined #Deep13
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Halo09
* DarkonZero pummels Halo.
DarkonZeroWait...I forgot.
* DarkonZero pumels DA.
DarkonZeroThe misspelling ruins it.
* DarkonZero pummels DA.
DarkonZeroCorrections are good.
* DarkAngel ponders
DarkAngelwhy am I being pummeled?
DarkonZeroFor the hell of it.
DarkAngelI see.
DarkonZeroLater this year I may drop my AC account and get Star Wars Galaxies.
*** Halo09 changes topic to 'http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1352881188 <-- Brotha, can you spare $20 mil?'
DarkonZeroAbout fucking time that Robert DeJesus took my $15.00 for his book.
@Halo09i would make a bid on that, knowing that there is a 99% chance of being outbid, but i'm afraid that perhaps i WOULDN'T be outbid, and have to come up with the $20 million.
DarkonZeroI bet half of those are false bids.
@Halo09you'll notice that they have a reserve on the auction for a trip to space.
@Halo09this is to ensure that they get their money's worth, and not end up having to sell it to someone for $3.65
@Halo09plus shipping.
* DarkonZero realizes that he better get money in his bank account or he'll be the the poor house again.
DarkonZeroI've been spending way too much online.
* Sound request: can't find '37dicks.wav'
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
DarkonZeroDamn my debit card.
* DarkAngel flashes his BREASTS OF DOOM
DarkonZeroThe hell?
* Sound request: can't find '37dicksb.wav'
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
DarkonZeroIN a row?
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find '37.wav'
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
DarkonZeroQ3 total conversion.
@Sentroid91a mod?
@Sentroid91or a game?
DarkonZeroA total conversion are what mods were used to be called.
@Sentroid91so it's a Q3 mod then?
DarkonZeroHL has one coming also.
@Sentroid91They kinda already have one.
@Sentroid91It's mediocre at best, though.
DarkonZeroThis is one based on the movie.
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
* DarkAngel deletes wavs
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
@Sentroid91http://www.planethalflife.com/botm/ rather
DarkonZeroLooking at it now.
@JoMommaThanks so much for making those sounds WAY TOO LOUD
DarkonZeroThe Megaman X model is poorly skinned...but I know I couldn't do any better......until I get back into drawing.
@Sentroid91They were much louder, Jo.
@JoMommaThen fix your mic or input source
@Sentroid91You should've seen the original models, DZ
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
*** JoMomma (jomomma@fluffy.moufette.com) Quit (Quit: Cedar lattice works every time.)
*** JoMomma has left IRC
DarkonZerohttp://www.bidforpower.com if only they were able to stay with the DBZ stuff.
* Cal drops ice into DZ's shirt
DarkonZeroI have a shirt on?
* DarkonZero thinks of installing Q3 again.....just to play Bid For Power.
*** JoMomma is on IRC
*** JoMomma (jomomma@fluffy.moufette.com) has joined #Deep13
*** ChanServ sets mode: +a JoMomma
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o JoMomma
* @JoMomma shoots out a decoy scientist and watches it explode.
DarkonZeroKILL HIM!
* Cal slaps JoMomma around a bit with a large trout
DarkonZeroI got too many games on this computer.
DarkonZeroMost of them mods.
@Minwha happah, Jo?
@JoMommaI crashed and I forgot your IP
@MinI'm watchin' Whose Line, now
@JoMommaCause I forgot how to turn off sound events and those 37 sounds were just too loud
DarkonZeroI forgot I extracted sounds from a PAK file......that's also a bit of bulk on the hard drive.
DarkonZeroI goota go reboot.
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Mon May 20 18:16:15 2002
Session Start: Mon May 20 18:22:17 2002
Session Ident: #Deep13
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is 'http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1352881188 <-- Brotha, can you spare $20 mil?'
*** Set by Halo09 on Mon May 20 17:33:01
-ChanServ- ***PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE YOU SAY OR DO ANYTHING*** Welcome to #Deep13. Established in 1997, now on the ZiRC Network. Be forewarned this is NOT #dapcentral related and you will NOT find servers to DAP here as of yet. Also, If you don't speak english, be forewarned: :we speak english. No espanol, francais, deutch, or otherwise here. English only. Finally, we are NOT a help channel so please go elsewhere for IRC assist
DarkonZeroSo.....anyone got milk?
DarkonZeroAnd I'm still awaiting the Pop-Tarts of the Apoc......Apocol.......just Pop-Tarts.
DarkonZeroDon't laugh.
* DarkonZero kills Cal.
DarkonZeroI'll be right back.
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Mon May 20 18:32:36 2002
Session Start: Mon May 20 18:34:24 2002
Session Ident: #Deep13
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is 'http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1352881188 <-- Brotha, can you spare $20 mil?'
*** Set by Halo09 on Mon May 20 17:33:01
-ChanServ- ***PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE YOU SAY OR DO ANYTHING*** Welcome to #Deep13. Established in 1997, now on the ZiRC Network. Be forewarned this is NOT #dapcentral related and you will NOT find servers to DAP here as of yet. Also, If you don't speak english, be forewarned: :we speak english. No espanol, francais, deutch, or otherwise here. English only. Finally, we are NOT a help channel so please go elsewhere for IRC assist
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
@JoMommaIn bed
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
Calin bed redux
DarkonZeroDammit.....computer is acting up......gotta reboot.
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Mon May 20 18:39:44 2002
Session Start: Mon May 20 18:43:17 2002
Session Ident: #Deep13
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is 'http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1352881188 <-- Brotha, can you spare $20 mil?'
*** Set by Halo09 on Mon May 20 17:33:01
-ChanServ- ***PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE YOU SAY OR DO ANYTHING*** Welcome to #Deep13. Established in 1997, now on the ZiRC Network. Be forewarned this is NOT #dapcentral related and you will NOT find servers to DAP here as of yet. Also, If you don't speak english, be forewarned: :we speak english. No espanol, francais, deutch, or otherwise here. English only. Finally, we are NOT a help channel so please go elsewhere for IRC assist
* DarkonZero stabs certain people.
@JoMommaWith bed
@JoMommaIn root beer
DarkonZeroI'll be back later.
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Mon May 20 19:02:58 2002

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