
Session Start: Sun May 19 04:00:05 2002
Session Ident: #Deep13
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is '2http://deep13.moufette.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=21&mode=&order=0&thold=0 <-- Please read. (And this one isn't about "Celebrity Boxing II." Although if you don't read it, we may have to call in Manute.) | Britney says a SWEAR WORD: http://ww2.peterjun.com/downloads_/britneybeach.asf'
*** Set by Sentroid91 on Sun May 19 02:34:44
-ChanServ- ***PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE YOU SAY OR DO ANYTHING*** Welcome to #Deep13. Established in 1997, now on the ZiRC Network. Be forewarned this is NOT #dapcentral related and you will NOT find servers to DAP here as of yet. Also, If you don't speak english, be forewarned: :we speak english. No espanol, francais, deutch, or otherwise here. English only. Finally, we are NOT a help channel so please go elsewhere for IRC assist
*** Retrieving #Deep13 info...
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Sun May 19 04:08:59 2002
Session Start: Sun May 19 08:29:19 2002
Session Ident: #Deep13
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is '2http://deep13.moufette.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=21&mode=&order=0&thold=0 <-- Please read. (And this one isn't about "Celebrity Boxing II." Although if you don't read it, we may have to call in Manute.) | Britney says a SWEAR WORD: http://ww2.peterjun.com/downloads_/britneybeach.asf'
*** Set by Sentroid91 on Sun May 19 02:34:44
-ChanServ- ***PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE YOU SAY OR DO ANYTHING*** Welcome to #Deep13. Established in 1997, now on the ZiRC Network. Be forewarned this is NOT #dapcentral related and you will NOT find servers to DAP here as of yet. Also, If you don't speak english, be forewarned: :we speak english. No espanol, francais, deutch, or otherwise here. English only. Finally, we are NOT a help channel so please go elsewhere for IRC assist
*** Sentroid[SLEEPING] is now known as Sentroid[NotHome]
@Sentroid[NotHome]<Sentroid91> http://www.mstiegate.com/bol13.jpg
@Sentroid[NotHome]<Sentroid91> http://www.mstiegate.com/bol13b.jpg
DarkonZeroFine then....leave.
DarkonZeroI thought Mugsy was the assassin.
@Sentroid[NotHome]yeah, i'm gonna make pics for him eventually
@Sentroid[NotHome]i'm still here, BTW.
DarkonZeroDidn't I tell you to leave.....or to give me some Pop-Tarts?
DarkonZeroI'd rather have the Pop-Tarts.
@Sentroid[NotHome]i haven't had a pop-tart in years.
DarkonZeroDAMN YOU!
DarkonZeroGet some now!
@Sentroid[NotHome]it's not my fault.
DarkonZeroI'll make it your fault.
@Sentroid[NotHome]I bet you will.
DarkonZeroAh....a bettin' man, eh?
DarkonZeroWell....I bet you don't have strudels either.
@Sentroid[NotHome]Can't say that I do.
@Sentroid[NotHome]I'm not a strudel person.
@Sentroid[NotHome]How about some Hi-C and Turkey?
DarkonZeroNaw...doesn't work.....makes me gassy.
@Sentroid[NotHome]"Brought to you by the National Hi-C and Turkey Board. They go together like Dr. Pepper and Trout."
DarkonZeroTHE HELL?! The pic of cal on the site looks odd.
DarkonZeroBut I don't have room to talk.
@Sentroid[NotHome]I didn't know Robby updated....
@Sentroid[NotHome]He looka like Joey.
DarkonZeroHe's pimpin'.
@Sentroid[NotHome]And his servo head is white.
DarkonZeroYou and your fuzzy picture.
DarkonZeroYou're a Speckled Sentroid.
@Sentroid[NotHome]And I guess nobody influenced him(*cough*serf/jo*cough*) to cut the globe away from the base.
@Sentroid[NotHome]That should change in another week. Verizon's sending me a free digital camera.
DarkonZeroWhy...so you can stay with their sucky service? j/k
@Sentroid[NotHome]So far their service is far from sucky. It's even better than @Home was.
DarkonZero<Verizon> PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! DON'T LEAVE US! We'll give you this nifty camera.
@Sentroid[NotHome]actually it was more like <Verizon> PLEASE PLEASE DON'T GET CABLE! We'll give you this nifty camera.
DarkonZeroI gots Cox cable.
DarkonZeroIt's not too bad.
@Sentroid[NotHome]I hope it doesn't suck.
@Sentroid[NotHome]Does it suck, Cox?
DarkonZeroThe upstrean kinda blows.
DarkonZeroupstream even
@Sentroid[NotHome]Does Cox suck cock?
DarkonZeroSave the puns for 3PO
@Sentroid[NotHome]3PO sucks cock?
DarkonZeroThat's an image.
@Sentroid[NotHome]Probably not far off from that pic of the Crow with the dildo and De going down on it.
@Sentroid[NotHome]Oh man... I didn't know this.
DarkonZero<C-3PO> Excuse me Master Luke....but it seems my mouth doesn't function for such a request.
*** Sentroid[NotHome] changes topic to '2http://deep13.moufette.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=21&mode=&order=0&thold=0 <-- Please read. (And this one isn't about "Celebrity Boxing II." Although if you don't read it, we may have to call in Manute.) | R.I.P: British Bulldog'
DarkonZeroWow....how'd he die?
@Sentroid[NotHome]i'm reading it now.
@Sentroid[NotHome]Today's edition of the Calgary Sun has more details on the death of former WCW and WWF wrestler Davey Boy Smith, The British Bulldog.  Smith died yesterday morning while he was on vacation in Invermere, British Columbia.  He was with his girlfriend Andrea Hart, the wife of his former brother-in-law, Bruce Hart.  The paper has quotes in it from Ross Hart, who said that the family was saddened by the passing.  He also said that reports
DarkonZeroOk......he died.....of what?
DarkonZeroOr from what?
@Sentroid[NotHome]They haven't said.
@Sentroid[NotHome]Drugs, probably.
DarkonZeroI bet the Bushwackers got him.
@Sentroid[NotHome]They Bushwacked him
*** mmoneymark (cause_for_@usercom.zirc.org) has joined #Deep13
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Sun May 19 09:56:57 2002
Session Start: Sun May 19 19:09:36 2002
Session Ident: #Deep13
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is '2http://deep13.moufette.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=21&mode=&order=0&thold=0 <-- Please read. (And this one isn't about "Celebrity Boxing II." Although if you don't read it, we may have to call in Manute.) | R.I.P: British Bulldog'
*** Set by Sentroid[NotHome] on Sun May 19 08:58:09
-ChanServ- ***PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE YOU SAY OR DO ANYTHING*** Welcome to #Deep13. Established in 1997, now on the ZiRC Network. Be forewarned this is NOT #dapcentral related and you will NOT find servers to DAP here as of yet. Also, If you don't speak english, be forewarned: :we speak english. No espanol, francais, deutch, or otherwise here. English only. Finally, we are NOT a help channel so please go elsewhere for IRC assist
[@JoMomma SOUND]
@JoMommaIt is you.
@JoMommaHAH... that announcer so butchers the way "Get the F out" is supposed to be said
CalI'd like the end of X-Files (series finale) to reveal that Scully is really a bloodsucking alien
Cal<Scully> Ah...Chris Carter...I'll eat him next
DarkonZeroThat sounds morelike wangsucking alien.
@Sentroid91From Cox?
@JoMommaSent... you watching
@Sentroid91No. I'm reading the reports from 1wrestling.
@Sentroid91Did Angle ever get the haircut?
@JoMommaIt's Rico and Rikishi vs Billy and Chuck
@JoMommaFrom what I can tell no... I think Edge got screwed over
@Sentroid91THey probably should've raised the stakes.
@Sentroid91The loser should kiss the rear of a donkey
* Sound request: can't find 'dustyass.wav'
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
@JoMommaDid it say if Edge won?
@JoMommaOr not
@Sentroid91It said he did
@JoMommaOk... well Edge seemed pissed
@Sentroid91and then Angle got pissed and ran off
@JoMommaSo I think he got shaved
* Sound request: can't find 'kissass.wav'
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
@JoMomma<JR> Rico's got some splainin to do.
@JoMommaOh... Edge didn't get shaved
@JoMommaHe's trying to get him shaved
@JoMommaAnd now Edge is about to get his hair cut
@Sentroid91By HBK?
@Sentroid91What is HBK doing?
@JoMommaHe was shown on footage
@JoMommaAnd now it seems like Kurt WILL be shaved
@Sentroid91Where's Beefcake when you need 'em?
@JoMommaNighty night for Kurt... he got the sleeper put on him... and now... shave
@Sentroid91oh.. I see
@Sentroid91They promoed the new Mean Gene show
@Sentroid91With HBK
@JoMommaNow the crowd is saying good bye to Kurt's hair
@JoMommaHe told them to chant "You're bald" instead of "you suck"
* Cal yodels
@JoMommaAnd WWF/E shows more music videos these days than regular MTV programming
@JoMommaHulkamania has... CACHNCERRRRRRRRR
@JoMomma"The then WWF championship"
@JoMommaHogan with a superplex? o_o
@JoMommaHeh... UT beat Hogan now.
@Sentroid91So I wonder where Hogan goes now... back to Smackdown?
@JoMommahttp://www.lycanthrope.net/~boogi/clock1.jpg  <--- Is it 3:25... or is it 6:15?
@JoMommaSent, whois me on my server
DarkonZeroI'll be back later...
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Sun May 19 19:52:36 2002

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