
Session Start: Sat May 18 07:01:32 2002
Session Ident: #Deep13
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is '2http://deep13.moufette.com | http://www.mediasoft.ro/omega/dracula/dracula.jpg -- Take a trip down memory lame. | Episode II is out, and guess who Serf met? http://www.mst3k.cc/tom/leesig.jpg | Spider-Man and Star Wars were excellent. Are the kids finally going away? Stay tuned!'
*** Set by RobertoKay on Sat May 18 11:13:42
-ChanServ- ***PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE YOU SAY OR DO ANYTHING*** Welcome to #Deep13. Established in 1997, now on the ZiRC Network. Be forewarned this is NOT #dapcentral related and you will NOT find servers to DAP here as of yet. Also, If you don't speak english, be forewarned: :we speak english. No espanol, francais, deutch, or otherwise here. English only. Finally, we are NOT a help channel so please go elsewhere for IRC assist
* DarkonZero EMP's everyone.
@MinHi DZ
@MinI ish havin' a PARTAY today
* @JoMomma drops pack minimizing the EXPLOSHUN
DarkonZeroAh.....birthday...I assume.
[@JoMomma SOUND]
DarkonZeroHappy Birthday!
@Minand I should stop typing in a lisp!
@JoMommaYesh Russhel?
DarkonZeroMy birthday was on monday.
@Minah, how the hell old are ya now, foo'?
@MinOLD MAN!!! hah... not really.
@Minbreakfast, hold on.
@JoMommaAdminMod: It's not just for breakfast anymore.
DarkonZeroI just downloaded Frontline Force 1.6.
DarkonZeroI'm awaiting Firearms 2.6 later today.
DarkonZeroBacko bits?
@MinI need a new message other than "This is twisted..." for my S&I server with Admin Mod
@MinDZ should play SCience an' Industry with us, some time
@Min'tis fun!
DarkonZeroI'll give it a go someday....but my JK2 saber dueling I want to master at this time.
@Minyou have the demo or the full version?
@Mingrr... I thought you could double up on servers in this new mIRC version...
DarkonZeroYou can.
DarkonZeroBut I try not to.
DarkonZeroToo distracting.
@Minwell, I can't figger it out
DarkonZeroWhat's the prob?
@Mindunno! whe.
@JoMommaBBL and schtuff
*** JoMomma (jomomma@fluffy.moufette.com) Quit (Quit: Cedar lattice works every time.)
*** JoMomma has left IRC
* DarkonZero watches a preview for Star Wars: Galaxies.....and it's awesome.
DarkonZeroI want to play it.....cause later after its release....space travel will make its way into the game.
@Minno shit, Sherlock!
DarkonZeroThe space travel will be an expansion pack for the game.
DarkonZeroGreat....now I feel like playing Asheron's Call....which I do own.....and really suck at.
DarkonZeroI spend most of my time running away from things.
@MinI needs me a new quit message...
* DarkonZero checks on his.
@Minright now, mine's... " *thinking* Go find a cheerleader and saw her legs off. -- Johnny C. "
DarkonZeroHeh....mine still has the DEVO influence.
@Minwhich is?
DarkonZeroA slightly modified line from "Beautiful World"
DarkonZeroBut I just changed mine.
@Minwhich is?
@Minwhat's it now, then?
DarkonZeroA line from a Local H song. "If I were Eddie Vedder...would you like me any better?"
DarkonZeroHmmm....I could use a Mc Chris line.....like "My backpack got jets...I'm Boba the Fett."
@MinI'm thinkin' o' changing mine to a state test reference... "Always avoid the Hell that is the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System."
@Minthe dudes who wrote the math part of that test were seriously overestimating the knowledge of high school students... they gave 10th graders abouyt 30 Pre-Calculus level questions.
* DarkonZero nearly pisses himself laughing.
@Min...I hope yer not being sarcastic.
DarkonZeroImagine if they did that for where I live.
@MinIt took the whole sophomore class a whole school day ta finish the damned thing.
DarkonZeroAt least they finished it.
@MinHEE.. in Cali, that'd be even MORE insane.
@Minyeah.. them MCAS guys had better lower the amount of points needed to pass that portion...
DarkonZeroAt least they know pre-calc.
DarkonZeroI don't.
@Minmost kids just used deductive reasoning or pulled the answers outta their asses
@Minincluding me, wherin I'm supposedly sub-genius level
@Min(I just don't try! XD)
DarkonZeroI don't give a damn what I do much anymore.
DarkonZeroKinda explains why I'm still single.
@MinI know you're smart enough ta have a better job than what you're doing now... or were doing.
@Minwell, the female gender is fickle, in general. if not, they're just slightly oversensitive.
DarkonZeroI fix vid games for a living....kinda...I like it. I know I could better...but it's the question if I want to do better.
@Minhow well are ya paid?
DarkonZeroSince I'm in training....$9.38 per hour.
DarkonZeroOnce I get outta training $12.00 per hour
@Minnot bad... but since I've just entered the working age, I could be mistaken. heh
DarkonZeroHell....kids you're age where I live are making $5.15 per hour....up to $7.00
DarkonZeroyou're to your
DarkonZeroMY grammar.....yeesh.
DarkonZeroWay too much reading articles online from those who can't spell of have bad grammar.
DarkonZeroof to or
* @Sentroid[SLEEPING] has returned.
*** Sentroid[SLEEPING] is now known as Sentroid91
*** Sentroid91 is on IRC
* DarkonZero runs.
@Sentroid91I just dreamed I was The Prisoner
@Sentroid91And I saw that freaking bubble
DarkonZeroDid you watch The Prisoner?
*** Min is now known as Min[Cleaning]
DarkonZeroodd even.
@Sentroid91Actually I just found out the show existed this week
@Sentroid91And I thought it was funnt since it was on the Simpsons
DarkonZeroI saw Ep 2 last night.
@Sentroid91don't say anything.
@Sentroid91Joey said it was awesome
@Sentroid91Loc said it was fucking awesome
DarkonZeroI thought you saw it.
@Sentroid91I said it was mother fucking awesome
@Sentroid91and Robby said Yoda kicks jedi ass
@Sentroid91now you have to add to that
@Sentroid91very good
DarkonZeroThe Yoda saber fight was very cool.
@Sentroid91sounds like something Meps would say... but nevertheless... very good
@Sentroid91that scene made the movie
DarkonZeroThe Winda/Fett fight was lackluster.
@Sentroid91<HuzzahMan3000> i heard yoda kicks major ass in ep2
@Sentroid91<Sentroid91> he does indeed
@Sentroid91<HuzzahMan3000> does he look funny running?
@Sentroid91<HuzzahMan3000> does he run?
@Sentroid91<Sentroid91> nope
@Sentroid91<Sentroid91> no running. just fighting
@Sentroid91<HuzzahMan3000> so he stays in his hover thing and kicks ass?
@Sentroid91<Cal> no
@Sentroid91<Cal> He usually just stands
@Sentroid91<RobertoKay> No.
@Sentroid91<RobertoKay> But he's quick as lightning with his saber.
@Sentroid91<Cal> Saber???
@Sentroid91<Cal> Yoda has a saber?
@Sentroid91<Sentroid91> Sadly HomeGame said it best....
@Sentroid91<Sentroid91> "Yoda kicks ass Neo style"
@Sentroid91<RobertoKay> Wait... did you see the film, Cal?
@Sentroid91<Cal> I saw the trailer
@Sentroid91<HuzzahMan3000> so did i
@Sentroid91<RobertoKay> Watch the film.
@Sentroid91<HuzzahMan3000> i'm goin to
@Sentroid91<RobertoKay> I explained the all-but-a-thong-and-a-smiling-buttcheek experience, right?
@Sentroid91<HuzzahMan3000> no..
@Sentroid91<RobertoKay> While waiting at the line for the movie, one such person kept passing by.
@Sentroid91<HuzzahMan3000> welll i gotta go
@Sentroid91<HuzzahMan3000> sorry missed the story
@Sentroid91<HuzzahMan3000> i'll have to hear it sometime later
@Sentroid91*** HuzzahMan3000 (HuzzahMan3@ZiRC-24810.ipt.aol.com) Quit (Quit: )
@Sentroid91*** HuzzahMan3000 [HuzzahMan3@ZiRC-24810.ipt.a
@Sentroid91I feel so sorry for Robby.
@Sentroid91Even I didn't have to endure seeing that.
@Sentroid91And I went to NYC to see the film.
DarkonZeroAh...Robby thought the Coruscant nightclub scene memorable.
@Sentroid91<Mouse> I want to go home and rethink my life.
DarkonZeroWell.....when Obi walked in is when I went "HOT DAMN!" Cause I saw some ass.
DarkonZeroThat girl in the red.
@Sentroid91<Mouse> Something that involves not getting shot up by Agents.
@Sentroid91The girl in the red dress?
DarkonZeroMore like see through pants and thong.
DarkonZeroThen later....natalie Portman's tits.
* DarkonZero leaves for a moment.
* DarkonZero returns.
DarkonZeroAnd what ther hell happened to Jar-Jar? Did he got to school or something?
DarkonZerother to the.
* DarkonZero wonders where the extra letters are coming from.
*** Halo09 (~none@ZiRC-19465.sjsu.edu) has joined #Deep13
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Halo09
* DarkonZero decides to become a token black guy.
@Halo09man that is wack!
* DarkonZero goes back to being his half-white and half-asian self.
DarkonZeroBut with and east indian accent.
DarkonZeroWhich is hard to convey in a IRC chat.
@Halo09lots of e's.
* @Sentroid91 reverts back to his 1/3-white, 1/3-italiano, 1/3-hispanic self
@Sentroid91but with a scottish accesnt.
@Sentroid91and i'm worse than you this morning.
@Sentroid91Probably because I dreamt I was The Prisoner
DarkonZeroSent is in a bubble today....yu can now call him Bubble Boy.
@Sentroid91yeah, let's play Trivial Pursuit
DarkonZeroI'd rather play yachtzee.
DarkonZeroYell that out in a crowd.
@Sentroid91with root beer
@Sentroid91BTW: www.terminator3.com
DarkonZeroNothing like adding a line from the chat into your Livejournal entry.
DarkonZeroread mine.
DarkonZeroAnd 37 entries from you I hear.
@Sentroid91actually that was a spoof
@Sentroid91on IncredibleMeltingFeeb's "LiveJournal"
@Sentroid91if you could call it that
DarkonZeroHey....come on...cut the guy some slack. Just frickin' ignore him if he's gonna keep going on....and leave him be.
@Sentroid91Yeah. I am now.
@Sentroid91I spoke my peace in that last journal entry.
@Sentroid91Like I told Joey.... if they don't want to end this, then it's their problem.
DarkonZeroI read.....you had a frickin' lot to say.
DarkonZeroSo.....when's the next novel?
@Sentroid91whenever I feel like talking.
@Sentroid91I was gonna post the other night when I got in trouble. But I figured I wouldn't
DarkonZeroI like this livejournal thing....I rant alot.
@Sentroid91I rant alot... I just try not too post too much
DarkonZeroAs do I.
DarkonZeroBut there is nothing like posting about a girl that makes you feel weird....like I did.
*** TServo4 is on IRC
*** TServo4 (trats_pmuj@ZiRC-36847.dyn-adsl.bestweb.net) has joined #Deep13
*** TServo4 (trats_pmuj@ZiRC-36847.dyn-adsl.bestweb.net) has left #Deep13
*** TServo4 (trats_pmuj@ZiRC-36847.dyn-adsl.bestweb.net) has joined #Deep13
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o TServo4
DarkonZeroHe doesn't know if he's coming or going.
@TServo4I'm going somwhere.
@TServo4I'm going nowhere.
DarkonZeroUgh....I'm going in my pants.
DarkonZeroEveryone die again?
@Sentroid91yep yep
DarkonZeroAnd did you punch me in the eye?
DarkonZeroMy eye hurts....or it's my allergies.
@Sentroid91my allergies are gone.
*** Min[Cleaning] is now known as Min
DarkonZeroGo back to cleaning!
@TServo4The new matrix teaser is out
DarkonZeroI downloaded it.
DarkonZeroBut I don't know why I registered Quicktime.
*** RobertoKay is on IRC
*** RobertoKay (hquiej@ZiRC-61901.we.client2.attbi.com) has joined #Deep13
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o RobertoKay
DarkonZeroRight on.
@Sentroid91I can't wait til 3.... Arnold marathon
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 4,1"Yellow Lasers"4,16,0 from 6,014,1MC Frontalot14,16,0.6,0
DarkonZeroI'm being a Star Wars geek today.......gonna listen my 2 Star Wars related songs.
@Sentroid911,9[s9=mS]=Now Playing 9,1-9=9-+{9,1star wars episode 1 soundtrack - duel of the fates.mp3 9}+-9=1-9Size9-1=9-+{9 5.09MB 9}+-9=1-}
@TServo4Ditto...I'm going into Brooklyn to see the Magic of Myth exhibit again
@Sentroid91i like the phone number for that place
@Sentroid91it's like 1-888-###-R2D2
DarkonZeroI'll do some saber dueling later on JK2.
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 4,1"Fett's Vette"4,16,0 from 6,014,1MC Chris14,16,0.6,0
DarkonZeroI don't give a fuck....I'm after Solo. For all I know he could be hiding at Yoda's dojo.
* DarkonZero sends out clones of himself......and watches them destroy arcade games while trying to fix them.
DarkonZeroI am Darkon J. Zero a.k.a. Destroyer of games.
* DarkonZero goes to look at the omey Drac.
DarkonZero<Dracula> Damn bats...every night with the shitting.
*** Sentroid91 (_pee_@ZiRC-33797.mad.east.verizon.net) Quit (No route to host)
*** Sentroid91 has left IRC
@TServo4I just love the fact that his teeth have thier high beams on.
@TServo4nothing more annoying than waking up cause the damn vampire that's about to bite you is shooting 1000 watts of light into your face
DarkonZero<Dracula> My teeth are too bright...brighter than the sun......AAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGH!
@TServo4"Count Dracula for Crest Ultra Whitening toothpaste..."
@TServo4And why is there a solar eclipse occouring?
DarkonZeroThe classic was from Meps "I'll get you, Captain America!"
@TServo4Is that a technicality that vampires can come out during a solar eclipse?
@TServo4Yeah, I loved that one.
@Mincuz you went blind?
@TServo4We're making fun of omegah's vampire pic
* DarkonZero feels a rash forming on the back of his neck.
DarkonZeroThe curse of the picture.
@TServo4Did one form the last time you saw it?
DarkonZeroMaybe....I don't remember.
@Min7,1Min's Holographic Quote Projector! --> 14,1<Greidanus> who here be a foo?
@Min7,1Min's Holographic Quote Projector! --> 14,1* Greidanus clicks her butane torch
@Min7,1Min's Holographic Quote Projector! --> 14,1* superspy turns out the light in the closet <superspy> so, who wants chinese? <Greidanus> ...hey!
@Min7,1Min's Holographic Quote Projector! --> 14,1<UrbanD> i'm not a potato bitch <spyorama> he's a potato whore
@TServo4well, off to the Magic of Myth show...see ya
*** TServo4 (trats_pmuj@ZiRC-36847.dyn-adsl.bestweb.net) Quit (Quit: I wonder if there's beer on the sun... [http://www.mst3k.cc])
*** TServo4 has left IRC
* DarkonZero looks at his crappy webpage.
DarkonZeroCapt. Jimmy needs more enhancements.
@Minheheh. I gotta do some more goddamn cleaning...
DarkonZeroWe'll still be here.
DarkonZeroI told ya you missed a spot.
@Minheh. no, just other rooms.
DarkonZeroWe'll see ya later.
* DarkonZero needs caffine.
*** Sentroid91 is on IRC
*** Sentroid91 (_pee_@ZiRC-33797.mad.east.verizon.net) has joined #Deep13
*** ChanServ sets mode: +q Sentroid91
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Sentroid91
* @Sentroid91 injects poison into #Deep13
* Sound request: can't find 'nwo.wav'
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
DarkonZeroOh...almighty sofa hog....what will we do?>
* Sound request: can't find 'ddp2.wav'
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
DarkonZeroI'll be right back....reboot.
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Sat May 18 09:49:02 2002
Session Start: Sat May 18 09:57:04 2002
Session Ident: #Deep13
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is '2http://deep13.moufette.com | http://www.mediasoft.ro/omega/dracula/dracula.jpg -- Take a trip down memory lame. | Episode II is out, and guess who Serf met? http://www.mst3k.cc/tom/leesig.jpg | Spider-Man and Star Wars were excellent. Are the kids finally going away? Stay tuned!'
*** Set by RobertoKay on Sat May 18 11:13:42
-ChanServ- ***PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE YOU SAY OR DO ANYTHING*** Welcome to #Deep13. Established in 1997, now on the ZiRC Network. Be forewarned this is NOT #dapcentral related and you will NOT find servers to DAP here as of yet. Also, If you don't speak english, be forewarned: :we speak english. No espanol, francais, deutch, or otherwise here. English only. Finally, we are NOT a help channel so please go elsewhere for IRC assist
* Looking up Halo09 user info...
*** DarkonZero is on IRC
*** Halo09 is on IRC
*** RobertoKay is on IRC
* Looking up Min user info...
*** DarkonZero is on IRC
*** Halo09 is on IRC
*** Min is on IRC
*** RobertoKay is on IRC
@Min...Link? whee!
DarkonZeroI am here to take your pasteries....especially Pop-Tarts. If you do not provide the Pop-Tarts.....YOU WILL DIE!
DarkonZeroSo....*cough*.....the Pop-Tarts.....you die if you don't give me any.....um....hello?
@Min7,1Min's Holographic Quote Projector! --> 14,1* Greidanus kills her idiot husband <Locdog07> greidy got back.
@Min7,1Min's Holographic Quote Projector! --> 14,1<rockerbot27> her middle name is Heelbeast! <rockerbot27> wait... <rockerbot27> Heelbeast! I like that name!
DarkonZeroOk.....no Pop-Tarts...I'll settle for strudels also.
@Halo09why hello.
@Halo09it smells like apples in my room .
*** KatLady is on IRC
*** KatLady (vicfal@ZiRC-28261.214.213.152.Dial1.Philadelphia1.Level3.net) has joined #Deep13
DarkonZeroHey Kat.
KatLadyhey DZ
KatLadymy life fucking sucks right now.
@Halo09hekllo kat.
KatLadyfirst someone breaks into my new car and shatters my windows, and now I have Pink Eye.
KatLadyhey Halo!
DarkonZeroLife suck in general.
KatLadyLife suck?
* KatLady life sucks
DarkonZeroI lost the "s".
KatLadymmmmmmm...delicious life
* KatLady sucks the life outta DZ
DarkonZeroThat's an image.
* DarkonZero runs.
KatLadyI'm evil.
DarkonZeroI'm perverted.
DarkonZeroIn which is evil.
*** Phoenix322 (gd@im.addicted.to.orange.juice) has joined #Deep13
* KatLady trips DZ and sends him sprawling into an acid pit
*** Phoenix322 (gd@im.addicted.to.orange.juice) has left #Deep13
*** KatLady is now known as Katafk
*** KatLady has left IRC
DarkonZeroMe falling into acid pits scares people away.
@Halo09and now the guy steals pants and they skate after him
@Halo09has anyone seen this shite show "SK8" ?
@Halo09it's fucking hilarious.  so terrible.
@Halo09chasing after a shoplifter on skateboards
@Halo09oh yes
DarkonZeroNews to me.
@Halo09now the 3 of them jump over a car
@Halo09on the highspeed skating chase
@Halo09it's opn NBC
@Halo09saturday mornings
@Halo09eg, now.
DarkonZeroI'm still waiting for the G4 Network to start airing in Vegas.
@Halo09oh nollie fakie to get away from the people chasing him
DarkonZeroI see.
@Halo09oh, general skate term here, skate term there.. yes, more action!
@Halo09action, skating, poor scripts! yes! yes! yes!
DarkonZeroI want to get the G4 Network to watch other nerds duke it out on a LAN.
DarkonZeroAnd they win money.
DarkonZeroI'd like to win money playing multiplayer games.
DarkonZeroG4 Network is a tv network all about computer gaming.
DarkonZeroOk...not just computer games...video games too.
*** Katafk is now known as KatLady
*** KatLady is on IRC
* KatLady is away: eating food
*** KatLady is now known as Kat-food
*** KatLady has left IRC
Kat-foodgotta go
Kat-foodbye bye strange peoples
*** Kat-food is now known as KatLady
*** KatLady is on IRC
KatLadylater DZ.
*** KatLady (vicfal@ZiRC-28261.214.213.152.Dial1.Philadelphia1.Level3.net) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
*** KatLady has left IRC
DarkonZeroThat was nice...but she was here for next to forever.
@RobertoKay"My move... that one goes there. Idiot."
* DarkonZero falls asleep.
DarkonZeroI'll be bcak later.
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Sat May 18 11:08:26 2002

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