
Session Start: Thu May 16 21:00:09 2002
Session Ident: #Deep13
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is '2http://deep13.moufette.com | http://www.mediasoft.ro/omega/dracula/dracula.jpg -- Take a trip down memory lame. | Episode II is out, and guess who Serf met? http://www.mst3k.cc/tom/leesig.jpg'
*** Set by RobertoKay on Thu May 16 19:03:13
-NickServ- Password accepted - you are now recognized.
-ChanServ- ***PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE YOU SAY OR DO ANYTHING*** Welcome to #Deep13. Established in 1997, now on the ZiRC Network. Be forewarned this is NOT #dapcentral related and you will NOT find servers to DAP here as of yet. Also, If you don't speak english, be forewarned: :we speak english. No espanol, francais, deutch, or otherwise here. English only. Finally, we are NOT a help channel so please go elsewhere for IRC assist
@Halo09hey DZ
@Sentroid91Why do I screw up like that?
DarkonZeroDon't kow.
DarkonZeroknow even
@Sentroid91<mmoneymark> Sentroid91 registered the nicknames of two users
@Sentroid91<mmoneymark> and that is an abuse of nickserv
@Sentroid91<mmoneymark> I believe he will be warned, and the nicks will be dropped
@Sentroid91<JoMomma> Which nicknames?
@Sentroid91<mmoneymark> I just want to make sure everyone realizes what is and isn't allowed
@Sentroid91<mmoneymark> deraptornery and incrediblemeltingman, I believe
@Sentroid91<mmoneymark> I've told the same thing to #SatelliteOfHate
@Sentroid91<JoMomma> We've been here for a bit, they just came over to possibly see if they could tick us off. I told everybody not to bug em and start sanything
@Sentroid91<mmoneymark> if they come in her
* DarkonZero annoys his dad by speaking to him in a East Indian accent.
DarkonZeroAnd I see you found the picture of Dick Dastardly again.
@Sentroid91thanks to bob... who was here again
@Sentroid91last night
DarkonZeroHeh....never thought you say something like "thanks to Bob". You guys put your differences aside?
@Sentroid91like a year ago
DarkonZeroOh....man...I'm behind the times.
DarkonZeroI'll be back later.
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Thu May 16 21:38:15 2002

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