
Session Start: Tue Feb 12 07:01:20 2002
Session Ident: #Deep13
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is '2http://www.deep13.org/ Beware of 10% days. | #deep13: Now with the beer by the root. We're also the channel that explains boogers and the Kool-Aid guy to the rest of the uncivilized world... and Loc. | Note to newbies: Don't let Robby scare you away.'
*** Set by Sentroid91 on Tue Feb 12 05:36:33
-ChanServ- Welcome to #Deep13. Established in 1997, now on the ZiRC Network. Be forewarned this is NOT #dapcentral related and you will not find servers to DAP as of yet. If you don't speak english also be forewarned, we speak english. For more information please go to 2http://www.deep13.org and/or 9,1http://www.mstiegate.com . Thank you, and have a nice stay.
* DarkonZero notices how ridiculous CAP Alert is.
@RobertoKayIt's almost like a parody.
DarkonZeroBut it just happens to be real.
DarkonZeroHAHAHAHAH! They happen to "review" Kung Pow........which is low on wisdom.
DarkonZeroAnd in Impudence......they consider flatulence a travesty.
@RobertoKayOh, man.
* DarkonZero now looks at www.morons.org
* DarkonZero now reads a piece of satire of CAP Alert reviewing The Bible.
*** usernew (~usernew@ZiRC-18518.mclink.it) has joined #Deep13
@RobertoKayWelcome to #Deep13
*** usernew (~usernew@ZiRC-18518.mclink.it) Quit (Quit: )
DarkonZeroI think you were over the top there Robby.
@RobertoKayI guess I was.
DarkonZeroCurious Geroge 5:542-543 Where the hell are my bananas.  I toldeth you to bringest me bananas and they are not here. I slingeth my feces at you.
@RobertoKayHey. Only one or two of the Oscar nominees for best picture actually suck.
DarkonZeroThose being?
DarkonZeroOh...Moulin Rouge.
DarkonZeroWhy not the category, "Best use of flatulence in a dramatic movie"?
DarkonZeroThe Academy better jump on that one.
DarkonZeroI thin MTV already picked that up though.
DarkonZerothin to think.
@RobertoKayThey probably did.
* DarkonZero will return in a bit.....the toilet calls for pee.
* DarkonZero returns.
DarkonZeroThanks.....though I only had to pee. No school today?
@RobertoKayI go in a couple of minutes.
@RobertoKayIncidentally, I return around 1 PM.
DarkonZeroCool.....I'll probably be on.....if not....I'm gaming.
* DarkonZero listens to Deltron 3030 too much.
@RobertoKayI'm leaving now... adios.
*** RobertoKay (~hquiej@ZiRC-16429.we.mediaone.net) Quit (Quit: RobertoKay)
*** RobertoKay has left IRC
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Tue Feb 12 08:20:20 2002
Session Start: Tue Feb 12 17:16:18 2002
Session Ident: #Deep13
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is '2http://www.deep13.org/ Beware of 10% days. | #deep13: Now with the beer by the root. We're also the channel that explains boogers and the Kool-Aid guy to the rest of the uncivilized world... and Loc. | Note to newbies: Don't let Robby scare you away.'
*** Set by Sentroid91 on Tue Feb 12 11:40:30
-ChanServ- Welcome to #Deep13. Established in 1997, now on the ZiRC Network. Be forewarned this is NOT #dapcentral related and you will not find servers to DAP as of yet. If you don't speak english also be forewarned, we speak english. For more information please go to 2http://www.deep13.org and/or 9,1http://www.mstiegate.com . Thank you, and have a nice stay.
DarkonZeroI'm not new here.
@Sentroid91WOW! Cause I could've sworn....
* DarkonZero goes to order a couple of pizzas.
@Sentroid91with the beer of the root
* @JoMomma 01011001 01100101 01110011. *01100010 01101111 01101111 01101101*
DarkonZeroJo stuck in binary again?
* @JoMomma Sí. *auge*
KatLadyhi DZ!
DarkonZeroHey Kat.
* @Sentroid91 Ja... * Hochkonjunktur *
@JoMommaHochkonjunkTor Johnson
KatLadyyou on java, DZ?
DarkonZeroNope.....not on java.
@Sentroid91Are you on Netscape for Linux?
*** RobertoAway is now known as RobertoKay
@RobertoKayxquote, search DC
@Sentroid911,9Quote containing "DC":9,1 * TonicBH is worried <Sentroid91> not bored? <TonicBH> I'm worried that the PS2 will kill the Dreamcast. <Sentroid91> duh <TonicBH> It won't. <Sentroid91> Well first of all, DC isn't a DVD player. <TonicBH> It'll have one sometime next year <Sentroid91> Yeah, just like Saturn was gonna have a disk drive <TonicBH> But it might have DVD support. <Sentroid91> My ass might have DVD support <JoMomma> O_O
*** KatLady (vicfal@ZiRC-1987.246.212.166.Dial1.Philadelphia1.Level3.net) Quit (Ping timeout)
*** KatLady has left IRC
*** KatLady is on IRC
*** KatLady (vicfal@ZiRC-1041.246.213.230.Dial1.Philadelphia1.Level3.net) has joined #Deep13
* @RobertoKay wonders if he can stick a DVD in Sent's ass yet.
@JoMomma5 inch diameter?
KatLadyokie dokie
DarkonZeroUnless Sent is only equipped for a 3 incher.
KatLadyI found a place that just might work for us deep13ers to voice chat
KatLadyhere's the URL
@JoMommaWell hmmmm
KatLadyemail me at ScorpionQueen83@juno.com to tell me if you like it or not
@JoMommaOk here's the thing now
KatLadygotta go
KatLadywhat thing now?
@JoMommaGreid's computer was upgraded
@JoMommaI should ask Joey what happened with his
KatLadyand what does that have to do with voicechatting?
DarkonZeroLater Kat.
@JoMommaIf Joey's soundcard was upgraded, then we can use whatever we want really
KatLadyok then
KatLadywell check the site out
KatLadyand tell me in an email
KatLadyI can't stick around for anyone's opinion
KatLadyI have to go
DarkonZeroHas anyone used Paltalk?
@JoMommaI think it sucked add
@JoMommaadd? ass
KatLadybye bye all
*** KatLady (vicfal@ZiRC-1041.246.213.230.Dial1.Philadelphia1.Level3.net) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
*** KatLady has left IRC
* DarkonZero wonders if Sent's ass uses Spatializer technology.
* Sound request: can't find 'gauss2.wav'
* @Sentroid91 gets out his Gauss Rifle and shoots right through DarkonZero 15|_-_-_-_\7==|= 8-------------(O_X)8----------------|
DarkonZeroBOZ IS ON!
@JoMommaTHE BED!
*** Bozarth (padboy51@ZiRC-64015.adams.net) has joined #Deep13
DarkonZeroHey Boz.
BozarthHey all
@Sentroid91You forgot to tell me you were coming
DarkonZeroLong time.
BozarthOh yeah... sorry
BozarthDid I tell you guys that I'm into D&D now?
@RobertoKayYou nerd.
Bozarthso, i'm still a geek
DarkonZeroHey.....I play RPG's......I just don't have the time now to do so.
Bozarthyeah...pretty much
*** JoMomma is now known as JoMomma-AFK
*** JoMomma has left IRC
BozarthI just tried to install Baldur's gate 2, but my computer sucks balls
DarkonZeroWow.....the imagery there.
Bozarthdon't read too much into that...
DarkonZeroThough it isn't a RPG....I play too much Day of Defeat.
DarkonZeroI like the sound the spade (shovel) makes when you hit someone with it.
BozarthI hear that's a very good game
DarkonZeroMan.....I wasted my money on The Sims.....I knew I'd quit playing after a week.
Bozarththe sims just was too hard for me to keep up with
DarkonZeroI let it run on its own one day.....and my guy lost his job....and had to pee badly.
Bozarthdid you turn on free will?
DarkonZeroI think I did.
@Sentroid91where's that?
Bozarthany of you guys have palTalk?
*** JoMomma-AFK is now known as JoMomma
*** JoMomma is on IRC
DarkonZeroJo says it's crappy.
*** JoMomma changes topic to '2http://www.deep13.org/ Beware of 10% days. | #deep13: Now with the beer by the root. We're also the channel that explains boogers and the Kool-Aid guy to the rest of the uncivilized world... and Loc. | Note to newbies: Don't let Robby scare you away. | Retro #deep13 quote: Pootertoots!'
@JoMommaMaybe it wasn't I dunno. I know we rejected it for one reason or another. Maybe it wasn't half-duplex
* @JoMomma 01011001 01100101 01110011. *01100010 01101111 01101111 01101101*
BozarthI see
BozarthI don't always use it, just when I'm bored
* @Sentroid91 shrugs
@Sentroid91what's that? PalTalk?
@Sentroid91I keep getting messages from them
@JoMommaYeah I did too
Bozarthnot me
@Sentroid91is it good?
Bozarthit's decent
* Bozarth is AFK
* Bozarth is back
DarkonZero....with root beer.
* DarkonZero leaves for he has pizza to munch on.
@JoMommawith the beer by the root
DarkonZeroLater folks.
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Tue Feb 12 18:31:33 2002
Session Start: Tue Feb 12 20:35:32 2002
Session Ident: #Deep13
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is '2http://www.deep13.org/ Beware of 10% days. | #deep13: Now with the beer by the root. We're also the channel that explains boogers and the Kool-Aid guy to the rest of the uncivilized world... and Loc. | Note to newbies: Don't let Robby scare you away. | Retro #deep13 quote: Pootertoots!'
*** Set by JoMomma on Tue Feb 12 18:13:01
-ChanServ- Welcome to #Deep13. Established in 1997, now on the ZiRC Network. Be forewarned this is NOT #dapcentral related and you will not find servers to DAP as of yet. If you don't speak english also be forewarned, we speak english. For more information please go to 2http://www.deep13.org and/or 9,1http://www.mstiegate.com . Thank you, and have a nice stay.
@Sentroid91It's you.
@Sentroid91Rav just told us that Jimmy Neutron got nominated for that award
DarkonZeroI was just playing DoD....nothing like the "thunk" of a shovel hitting Allied troops in the head.
* Sound request: can't find 'shovel.wav'
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
Raven-XI mean there are plenty of animated movies made in countries other than the u.s. they should have considered
@Sentroid91Pokemon 3
@Sentroid91Pokemon: Mewtwo
@Sentroid91Lady and the Tramp 2
Raven-XJin roh, what ever that movie was called,
@Sentroid91Peter Pan 2
Raven-Xwhich was like a spinoff of Little Red riding hood, with machine guns
Raven-XDragonBall Z, gahhh
@Sentroid91Ah. I got it...
@Sentroid91Osmosis Jones
@Sentroid91Or they could've nominated this....
Raven-XM.Jordan gets a lifetime achievement award in animation for starring in Space Jam, and the nike loony toon commercials
DarkonZeroNickelodeon paid alotta money to be nominated.
@Sentroid91<Rikishi's Kids> Our daddy works in a place where he gets to stick his ass in people's faces
Raven-Xif Steve Jobs had more money, Monster's Inc would have gotten a best picture nomination
@Sentroid91hey... I know what could've been nominated!
@Sentroid91N*Sync's appearance in Episode Two
Raven-XTv's Fun House?
@Sentroid91<Yoda> WAZAAAAAP!
Raven-Xand where is Mst3k's nomination for best original screenplay?
Raven-Xor Joel Hodgeson's lifetime achievement award
Raven-Xand John Willams got two nominations for best film score, the academy loves to kiss his ass
@Sentroid91Or Mike's cheese award?
DarkonZeroI was reading CAP Alert earlier........they get on Kung Pow for flatulence.
Raven-XMike's Mega Cheese
Raven-Xbodily fluids too
Raven-Xthe milke squirted out of the cow's uter
DarkonZeroKung Pow.....it was a funny ass movie.
DarkonZeroEspecially after the end credits.
Raven-XKung Pow wasn't that bad huh?
DarkonZeroI liked it.....it had a friend of mine rolling on the theater floor.
Raven-XI was just turned off by the Matrix spoof, how many times has that been in a movie? too many
Raven-Xlike when it was used in Shrek, I just thought that was so lame
Raven-Xheh oh and Shrek, Drek gets nominated for best animated feature
Raven-Xheh Shrek and A Birth of a Nation are related, both a propaganda, designed to get people to hate something
DarkonZeroShrek wasn't too bad.......though it does get stale after multiple viewings.
Raven-Xheh I found Shrek stale from the start, why doesn't Peter Kratzinberg just outright say "GO TO HELL DISNEY" insted of present us with a movie about an Ogre, with the underlying message that said "GO TO HELL DISNEY"
DarkonZeroCAPalert parody......
Raven-Xso what fart and belch jokes were left out of Shrek? heh I guess they have a chance to put them in Shrek 2, not to mention som product placement, so expect pepsi logos, and compaq pesarios to appear
* DarkonZero watches a few movie trailers.....
Raven-XShrek 2 is gonna be a failure, unless they get a REAL story, but I don't see that happening, when they have to put product placement into the movie
DarkonZeroIf N'Sync does appear in Ep 2.....I dunno what I'm gonna do.
DarkonZeroProbably ruin the movie.
Raven-Xheh Episode 1 was bad enough without NSync
DarkonZeroIce Age looks to be a good movie to see.
Raven-XI have only seen that one trailor for it, the one where the squirrel is running with his precious acorn
DarkonZeroI'm watching that one right now.
DarkonZeroThen I'm gonna watch the new trailer.
Raven-Xheh how much money is Vanilla Ice getting for licensing his song for that trailor?
DarkonZeroI don't like when the first trailer chimes into "Ice, Ice Baby".
Raven-Xheh NO ONE, like sit when anything goes "Ice Ice Baby"
DarkonZeroMore acorn antics with the second trailer......and there is a third.
DarkonZeroSecond trailer more detailed on "plot".
DarkonZeroMovies have plots these days?
Raven-XBrith of a Nation's plot was "kill negros" and its sad that people still consider that a good movie, I'm sorry but any propaganda flick like Birth of a NAtion is not worthy of praise
DarkonZeroNot at all.
Raven-Xgawd, and AFI had the nerve to put that in the top 100 films of all time
Raven-Xwhat is next Triumph of the Will best foreign film?
@RobertoKayYes, it's a movie from a more bigoted period of American history.
Raven-Xa really bigoted period
@RobertoKayAnd yes, the film does emulate those sentiments.
Raven-Xand the racisim I can't look past
@RobertoKayBut still, the film did have what people consider a structured plot and some camera work ahead of its time.
@RobertoKayAs did Triumph of the Will.
Raven-Xthats still no excuse
Raven-Xa plot that was sick, and a story that was so inaccurate to the truth
Raven-Xthe origins to the KKK was laughable, but the sad part is, people at that time believed it
@RobertoKayThat was some eighty years ago.
@RobertoKayIt still has historical value.
Raven-Xheh maybe, but to say its a great film, I don't think people should be praising it, even for its technical aspects. its scarey to think thats what film makers want to make their films like
* DarkonZero d/ls the MST3K: TM trailer.
Raven-Xthe "techinical brillances" in Birth of a Nation only had one specific purpose, to get white americans to join up with the KKK, or at least sympathize with them, there for its the film's downfall
@Sentroid91MST trailer? where's this?
DarkonZeroI'll send it to ya if ya want....low quality though.
Raven-Xheh well I;m gonna go
*** Raven-X (as@202.123.139.ZiRC-64196) Quit (Quit: )
*** Raven-X has left IRC
@RobertoKayDZ... day off?
* Pdcc is on
* Pdcc is on
* DarkonZero now awaits his "All your base..." shirt.
@Sentroid91I got the Naboo Starfighter and Millenium Falcon in Rogue Leader
DarkonZero2 days.
@Sentroid91All you base is old
DarkonZeroI know.
DarkonZeroBut I wanted the shirt.
@Sentroid91Even Stephanie's mad at you
@Sentroid91ye... look...
* DarkonZero ducks.
@RobertoKayShe's going to team up with Vince and Gangrel to become the Unholy Trio.
@RobertoKayBut more realistically, she's going to be an nWo whore now... like Elizabeth, only 500 times as bitchy.
@Sentroid91or Torrie Wilson
@Sentroid91yeah. she was an nWo whore too if you remember
@RobertoKayOh, goody. Maven's getting pushed on SmackDown!
@Sentroid91what happens? does he win another belt?
@Sentroid91and where exactly are you looking?
@Sentroid91ah I see
@RobertoKayHe's tagged with HHH in a tag team with "You Suck" and 'Taker.
@Sentroid91and "teh Rock" is not there
@RobertoKayWas he on RAW?
@Sentroid91He's busy with that Scorpion King shit
@Sentroid91but on the rajah site they made a typo
@RobertoKaySpeaking of typo: http://m.doubleclick.net/693286/sc_flashbox_static.jpg
DarkonZeroPenny Arcade oversteps itself with the Fruit Fucker 2000.
DarkonZeroBut what the hey.
DarkonZeroCiao.....I'm outta here.
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Tue Feb 12 22:29:27 2002

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