
Session Start: Sun Mar 02 00:00:01 2003
Session Ident: #Deep13
* Syntopicon (~syntopico@84417EC.761338A7.37687273.IP) Quit (Quit: )00:00
* Syntopicon has left IRC00:00
* Thordis yawns00:00
* TonicBH (~bbj17@Psi-F478488.tnt2.portland.or.da.uu.net) has joined #Deep1300:06
* Mepitans is on IRC00:09
* Thordis is now known as Thordis[AWAY]00:09
* Thordis has left IRC00:09
* a_shade (~Mystic@.) has joined #Deep1300:09
* Mepitans (Mepitans@Psi-391F7B91.zoominternet.net) has joined #Deep1300:09
DarkonZeroYo Meps.00:10
MepitansOh no you don't sista00:10
MepitansI made this thing00:11
MepitansI took pictures but forgot the cord at school00:11
DarkonZeroDid you find the llama school?00:11
Mepitansit is00:11
Mepitansgirlscout mint chocolate ice cream, mint milano cookies, marshmellows, and chocolate putting put all over the top00:11
MepitansI've got to get to llama school00:11
* DarkonZero continues to watch .hack.00:11
Mepitansthat show is so freaky00:12
DarkonZeroFirst ep is playing again.00:13
DarkonZeroThe opening theme for Dragon Ball is f'ed up.00:14
Thordis[AWAY]Hmmm, is it worth me get the Vol. 2 of the DVDs?00:16
DarkonZeroI dunno.00:16
MepitansWho is Thordis00:18
Mepitansremember thor from scifi?00:18
Mepitanshe said he would hack us all00:18
MepitansUS ALL00:18
* Thordis[AWAY] is a friendly, (but odd) Aussie.....00:19
Mepitanssitting in chairs is fun00:20
Thordis[AWAY]'specially comfy cahirs.....00:20
DarkonZeroI'm doing so now.00:20
MepitansDARKON ZEROO00:20
* Thordis[AWAY] hurts the Typo Fairy....00:20
MepitansDid Bob ever resurface?00:20
MepitansI shall hunt him down00:21
Thordis[AWAY]Mr. TheNanite?00:21
DarkonZeroAnother Bob, Thordis.00:21
MepitansHe ruled the sea!00:22
MepitansI have MIB II in my room00:22
Mepitanswaiting for me to watch it00:23
MepitansI am scared00:23
Mepitansof the badness00:23
DarkonZeroPh33r not the badness.00:23
Thordis[AWAY]ph34r C|-|33s3!00:23
DarkonZeroIs it deadly cheese?00:25
Thordis[AWAY]ph34r 1t's ch33z1n3ss!00:25
* DarkonZero throws cheese at Thordis.00:26
* Thordis[AWAY] is g3771ng 1|\|70 th3 wh0l3 l33t 7h1ng!00:26
DarkonZeroYou l33t15700:27
* TonicBH gets out a l33t plunger and plunges Thordis' head until her l33tness is gone00:27
* DarkonZero is now known as DZ{Away}00:28
* DarkonZero has left IRC00:28
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] You are already identified00:28
* shade (~Mystic@.) Quit (Connection timed out)00:28
* shade has left IRC00:28
* a_shade is now known as shade00:28
* shade is on IRC00:28
* ChanServ sets mode: +o shade00:28
Thordis[AWAY]l33tness 1n th3 h34rt c4n n3vr b3 t4k3n.......00:28
* DZ{Away} needs food.00:28
Thordis[AWAY]Prattchet tributeness!00:28
Mepitansbye bitaches00:37
* Mepitans (Mepitans@Psi-391F7B91.zoominternet.net) Quit (Foozone.Quit: )00:37
* Mepitans has left IRC00:37
Thordis[AWAY]Okay, I'm getting. Vol.1, Vol.2, Eegah, Brain that Wouldn't Die, Mitchell, Manos, & the books Mind Over Matters and Movie Megacheese..... If anyone wants a discount on these from Amazon, /msg me your email addy now......00:47
Thordis[AWAY]Anybody? Nobody?00:51
* TonicBH has an Amazon.com account...00:52
TonicBHwant my email address?00:53
TonicBHwell...? :P00:53
Thordis[AWAY]it's not what's in the finger section?00:53
TonicBHwhat's in the finger section?00:54
* Thordis[AWAY] is now known as Thordis00:57
* Thordis is on IRC00:57
* Thordis finishes placing her order......00:58
Thordisooooh, I'm gonna get to see MST3K00:58
* Thordis bounces in her chair.....00:59
* TonicBH claps01:00
Thordisohshit.... I'm missing Simpsons01:05
* Thordis is now known as Thordis[TV]01:05
* Thordis has left IRC01:05
* DZ{Away} is now known as DarkonZero01:07
* DarkonZero is on IRC01:07
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] You are already identified01:07
* Tigger has left IRC01:11
* Thordis[TV] goes to get something to eat.01:26
* Thordis[TV] is now known as Thordis[ORDERINGPIZZA]01:27
* Thordis[ORDERINGPIZZA] (~Thordis@Psi-2B7A8AF1.VIC.dft.com.au) Quit (Quit: Something wrong with the phone, I'm getting the noise of the DSL.........)01:33
* Thordis is on IRC01:51
* Thordis (~Thordis@Psi-2B7A8AF1.VIC.dft.com.au) has joined #Deep1301:51
* DarkonZero burps...01:57
* Thordis moves her chair 5mm closer to the screen.....01:58
DarkonZeroOh....thanks for the discount.01:59
DarkonZeroI don't know when I'll use it since I'm strapped for cash.02:00
* DarkonZero is poor.02:00
ThordisThey were offering it, so I grabbed some email addys and put them in.....02:00
* TonicBH is similarly strapped02:00
* Thordis is happy she has her pension....02:00
TonicBHonly $1202:00
TonicBHplus about $330 in savings02:00
TonicBHanyways, off I go02:01
DarkonZeroIf I don't find a job soon...I'll be in debt in under a month.02:01
* TonicBH (~bbj17@Psi-F478488.tnt2.portland.or.da.uu.net) Quit (Quit: "The Future is Whatever you make it. So make it a good one."-Back to the Future Part III)02:01
ThordisSo you have no regular income?02:02
DarkonZeroNope....not anymore.02:02
Thordismy pension is a goooooooooood thing.....02:04
Thordismy parents take about $80 a week for rent, and the rest is mine...... mwahahahahahaha02:05
* Thordis is drunk with power.....02:05
DarkonZeroMy parents don't charge me for anything......yet.02:05
DarkonZeroI just hope I move out by the time I hit 30......02:06
ThordisHow old are you?02:06
DarkonZeroSoon to be 2702:06
ThordisOf course, I'm difficult to live with..... and I do actually have a regular income, all in all, I'm still getting a great deal.....02:07
Thordispizza's here!02:07
* Thordis is now known as Thordis[EATING]02:10
* Thordis has left IRC02:10
* Thordis[EATING] is now known as Thordis02:37
* Thordis is on IRC02:37
ThordisOhhhhh yeah....02:37
* Thordis settles back in her chair.....02:38
DarkonZeroDamn.....I wish I could order pizza right now.02:38
[Thordis TIME]02:38
ThordisPizza at 2:30 am?02:39
DarkonZeroThere is only one place in town the takes orders 24 hours a day.02:39
Thordisthey don't deliver?02:39
DarkonZeroThey do.02:39
DarkonZeroI just don't have the cash.02:39
* Thordis nods sagely....02:39
-> [DarkonZero] FINGER02:45
[DarkonZero FINGER]02:45
[DarkonZero FINGER reply]: Darkon J. Zero (DarkonZero@Factory0Studios.net) Idle 321 seconds (<^> 0_0 <^> FUCK OFF!)02:45
* DarkonZero doesn't feel well.....02:45
DarkonZeroDag nab pretzels and cheese.02:45
-> [Thordis] TIME02:46
[Thordis TIME reply]: Sunday, 2 March 2003 9:45:11 PM02:46
ThordisGlass of Coke is good for nausea.....02:47
DarkonZeroMY family has gotten on this drinking juices kick.....I haven't seen a Coke in the house for over a month.02:47
ThordisDid you go through withdrawl?02:48
DarkonZeroI think I'm still going through it.02:48
ThordisI get all jittery when I'm suffering from Coke withdrawl......02:48
DarkonZeroI get the same way.02:49
DarkonZeroI get antsy and tired at the same time.02:49
Thordisoh yeah....02:49
Thordisand then there's the powerful craving...02:49
ThordisHell if you live somewhere not close to a 24 shop......02:50
DarkonZeroHell...I live in a 24 hour town.02:50
* Thordis sometimes wishes she were in Queensland... more specifically, Surfer's Paradise02:51
ThordisPractically everything in within short walking distance there.....02:51
ThordisAnd as I remember, the first ever place I saw a 24 grocery store....02:52
DarkonZeroWhere I live the supermarkets are open 24 hours.02:52
ThordisWell these days, yeah.....02:52
DarkonZeroNot like them olden times.02:52
DarkonZerothe 80s02:52
ThordisAll the major chains are open all hours, 02:52
ThordisWell in the 80s, Surfer's had an all-hours place.02:53
DarkonZeroI guess it took America to catch on.02:53
Thordisheheh, NightOwl. The logo had an owl on it with 2 flashing blue lights for eyes.....02:53
ThordisFor the longest time now, Surfer's Paradise has been, like..... at least quarter Japanese.....02:54
* DarkonZero is reminded to continue his Japanese lessons.02:55
ThordisI have a cousin studying in Japan, she reckoned she learned more Japanese whilst she was still home in Queensland...02:55
ThordisThere places up there that only show prices in yen....02:55
ThordisI was surprised that I couldn't get a Calpis Soda last time I was there though....02:56
ThordisAll I could find was Calpico water.... euhck!02:56
* DarkonZero is now reminded to make fun of Cal with the word "Calpis"02:57
ThordisStill, I did have a nice conversation with a girl named Noriko who was there to study.....02:57
DarkonZeroWe used to make fun of Cal by calling him a hockey player.....cause we type in his name into a search engine once and it came up with this hockey player.02:58
Thordiswhat an odd result.....02:58
DarkonZeroWelll Cal used to go by the name Calvin Crowe.02:58
ThordisShe confirmed that I was pronouncing 'kawaii' correctly.....02:58
* Thordis is unfamiliar with hockey.....02:59
DarkonZeroI can't pronounce anything in Japanese correctly....yet02:59
Thordis'specially ice hockey....02:59
ThordisI can say 'kawaii' and 'baka'02:59
DarkonZeroI like watching ice hockey...even though I really don't know the mechanics of the game.02:59
ThordisGive blood, play hockey.03:00
DarkonZeroBaka is simple enough.03:00
DarkonZeroOf course...I am baka ni.03:00
* Thordis only knows a small bit of fanboy Japanese.....03:00
* Thordis wa baka gaijin otaku no onna....03:00
DarkonZeroan idiot foreigner fanboy, eh?03:01
Thordiswell, fangirl....03:01
ThordisPlus otaku means something like "one with the house....."03:02
DarkonZeroHeh....I fit that description.03:02
ThordisSince I don't get out much, it's particuarly apt...03:02
DarkonZeroThat's understandable.03:03
DarkonZeroMe...I'm just lazy.03:03
* Guest36471 (~java@Psi-3F555BDA.as0.ptld.mi.voyager.net) has joined #Deep1303:03
* Thordis bought a lonely planet Japanese phrasebook, she must remember to study it sometime....03:03
ThordisHeh, I'm lazy too.03:03
DarkonZeroI'm teaching myself Japanese......mostly through a website.03:04
ThordisSame here, but not as much 'learning' as picking up an occasional word....03:04
DarkonZeroBut....I get bored easily....so I quit after 30-40 minutes.03:05
ThordisYou use the Japanese<->English dictionary at http://linear.mv.com/cgi-bin/j-e/dict03:05
DarkonZeroNever have.....but I must now.03:05
* DarkonZero bookmarks the site.03:06
* Thordis adds yesjapan to her Japanese language bookmarks....03:06
@Sentroid91That last boss in Metroid Prime is a biatch03:06
@Sentroid91Hello, Gues03:06
DarkonZeroThe folks that run YesJapan.com......they run a live class here in my town.03:07
Thordiswell, that'd make learning easier....03:07
DarkonZeroI didn't find that out until I became a member of the site.03:07
DarkonZeroOnce I get a job...I'm gonna take the live classes.03:08
* DarkonZero needs to shave.03:09
* Thordis remembers that she has make a list of stuff from Japan that she wants to send to her cousin to get for her.....03:10
DarkonZeroSounds like a huge list.03:11
* Guest36471 (~java@Psi-3F555BDA.as0.ptld.mi.voyager.net) Quit (Quit: HabberNet JavaChat -- http://www.habber.net/chat)03:11
DarkonZeroAnd I guess Japan scared the Guest.03:11
Thordisnot yet, but it'll probably get there pretty fast.....03:11
ThordisI want all the Shinesman manga for a start.....03:11
ThordisPlus a selection of Zoids models and custom parts.....03:12
ThordisDepending on what's most cost effective, I'll either get her to get me some soundtrack cds or get them from Amazon......03:13
DarkonZeroI can't figure which....03:14
ThordisHeh, silly me, I once tried to translate an anime op song on my own..... crashed and burned03:15
DarkonZeroImport costs are high here.03:15
ThordisEven higher here03:15
ThordisThe Aus dollar is holding strong at the moment... at about 60 cents US03:15
Thordisand that's the highest it's been for ages....03:16
DarkonZeroI got through specialty shops online...line J-List.com and stuff.03:16
DarkonZero-got + go03:16
* Thordis waves.03:16
DarkonZeroI'm staying.03:16
* Thordis stops waving.03:16
DarkonZeroI was correcting my sentence.03:16
Thordisahh, now I see03:17
ThordisQuick on the Uptake day is next month.....03:17
DarkonZeroI type like I talk...I fumble up my words.03:17
ThordisI don't have that much anime stuff.... mainy a few DVDs.....03:18
DarkonZerohttp://www.jlist.com/ <- where I go to get some stuff.03:18
ThordisI get my DVDs from http://www.madman.com.au/03:19
DarkonZeroTHEY'RE MAD!03:19
ThordisThey started off small, but these days they tend to have more extras on the DVDs than the US relases do....03:19
ThordisTotally nuts....03:20
DarkonZeroAnother place where I get some DVDs is http://www.discountanimedvd.com/03:20
ThordisThey had a presence at the anime con I went to last year. (My first con, yay!)03:20
DarkonZeroI still have yet to go to a con.03:21
DarkonZeroIf I had the cash...I'd go to the one they hold in California.03:21
ThordisLocal based too, so if they ran out of any title they were selling at the con, they just have someone pop back over to the office to get more.....03:22
DarkonZeroNot bad.03:22
ThordisPlus they have a board on the website, so you can bitch at the people who work there... ;)03:23
DarkonZeroI only did that once.03:23
ThordisI'm hoping to go the con again this year..... I'm even thinking of cosplaying03:24
DarkonZeroMY friends keep telling me that I look like Yajarobie from DBZ.03:24
ThordisShag out the hair, get some stubble, wear a striped robe and sandals and carry a sword.... simple enough costume to work up....03:25
DarkonZeroA friend actually suggested that if the DBZ movie that is planned on getting made here in the States....I should try for the part of Yajarobie.03:25
ThordisI'm thinking Van from Zoids:CC.03:26
ThordisI'm definately short enough for it, his outfit means I don't need an anime chick's figure03:26
Thordisthe tough part'd be getting my hair uo under the wig03:27
* Thordis 's hair goes down to about her knees.....03:27
@Sentroid91where've I heard that before?03:28
DarkonZeroI can see where that could be a difficulty.03:28
ThordisMaybe I should just find some johdpurs and hairdye and go as Duo....03:28
ThordisOr a *really* short Sai from Hikaru no Go.....03:28
ThordisHeh... chibi Sai!03:28
DarkonZeroI'm not into Zoids:CC that much....03:28
DarkonZeroI like the Bit Cloud storyline.03:29
ThordisI saw NC/0 before I saw CC.....03:29
ThordisI think it was better that way, CC and GF have a more serious storyline.... you see NC/0 first, you don't know how less than stellar the plot is.....03:30
ThordisMy fave from NC/0 was Jamie...... heh, kawaii!03:30
ThordisAnd his great love for his Pteras....03:31
ThordisThe first zoids model I got was a Pteras.... just so's I could yell "No, my Pteras!"03:31
ThordisThen a Raynos, then a Liger Zero....03:32
ThordisBut after seeing CC, I want a Blade Liger and a Sabre Tiger!03:32
ThordisAnd after seeing some custom work on various models, I want to have a go at kitbashing...03:34
* DarkonZero 's brain is running a blank now....03:35
ThordisHere we go- the starting page of these custom zoid models.... http://www.aardwulf2015.crosswinds.net/zoids/nightmare.html03:35
DarkonZeroVery nice.....though I'd left out the gold.03:36
ThordisThe first one doesn't do much for me, the next one, the Helcat BFG Special is a good one though....03:36
ThordisBun-Bun the Destroyer is classic...03:37
ThordisYui-chan's page is fun03:38
Thordisbut my fave is the Snow Sabre.....03:38
ThordisTimber is hot schiznits in Oregon, heheheheh03:38
DarkonZeroLooks kinda washed out...but that's just the camera flash.03:39
ThordisAlthough, the teal caps on Yui are purty....03:39
ThordisI love the http://www.aardwulf2015.crosswinds.net/zoids/yui-random.jpg03:40
Thordismaking fun of poor Jamie though.....03:40
ThordisHeh, the 'mecha equivalent of a VW Bug'.....03:41
DarkonZeroIf I were to build one of those.....I'd stick a color scheme of red, black, and dark gray.03:41
DarkonZeroOr replace the gray with silver.03:42
DarkonZeroBut that's me.03:42
ThordisWhich? The Pteras?03:42
* ChanServ sets mode: +oq ChanServ ChanServ03:42
* ChanServ sets mode: +oq ChanServ ChanServ03:42
* ChanServ sets mode: +qo Sentroid91 Sentroid9103:42
* ChanServ sets mode: +o shade03:42
* Thordis is cracks up at ChanServ's antics.....03:43
DarkonZeroThat's our ChanServ.03:43
DarkonZeroIt feels like a chisel is being pounded into my head.03:44
DarkonZeroA dull chisel.03:44
ThordisThere's a great list of the Japanese Zoids models at http://www.artvilla.com/zoids/z99/03:45
ThordisPlus a listing of the Customize Parts..... http://www.artvilla.com/zoids/z99/cps.htm03:46
ThordisHelps me plan what I want...03:46
ThordisAnd time for some painkillers for you young man!03:46
DarkonZeroHeh....once painkillers was mentioned.....the pounding went away.03:47
ThordisAhhh, it was frightened into retreat!03:47
* Sentroid91 is now known as Sentroid[SLEEPING]03:48
* Sentroid91 has left IRC03:48
Thordisoooh, I want a Saber Tiger with the CP-02 flight pack and the CP-22 Dual Sniper Rifle.....03:50
* Thordis looks at the CP-05 heavy beam cannon and smiles....03:51
ThordisOoo-hoo baby!03:51
ThordisI love the tiny "Command Zoids" on the list too.... heheheheh, 'Shotgaroo'03:52
ThordisOoo, the Battlerover looks kinda nifty.....03:54
Thordisbathroom break!03:55
* Thordis realises you really wanted to know this.... ;p03:55
* Thordis is now known as Thordis[AFK]03:55
* Thordis has left IRC03:55
@Sentroid[SLEEPING]Give me good old G1 Transformers anyday03:59
* Thordis[AFK] is now known as Thordis04:09
* Thordis is on IRC04:09
* shade (~Mystic@.) Quit (Connection reset by peer)04:09
* shade has left IRC04:09
DarkonZeroNow I will go to get sick.....04:10
* shade is on IRC04:10
* shade (~Mystic@.) has joined #Deep1304:10
* ChanServ sets mode: +o shade04:10
ThordisHeh, with the con, I had to talk my brother into going, now he's all gung-ho to come back again this year....04:11
ThordisHe wanted to go as Sepiroth for a while, but really he hasn't figure for it.....04:11
DarkonZeroUnless you're ultra thin.04:12
ThordisNow after seeing some of Excel Saga, he's thinking of going as Illpalazzo-sama.....04:12
ThordisWith that cloak, it don't matter what you look like underneath.....04:13
ThordisAnd if he does manage to one day get in shape, then he'll already have the white wig....04:13
DarkonZeroI'd just go as Yajarobie every year.04:13
DarkonZeroI'd have to where a wig...I don't wanna grow my hair out anymore.04:14
ThordisI don't want to have to cut my hair.....04:14
DarkonZeroI'd like to go as Terry Bogard...but that'll require me to really get into shape.04:16
ThordisHeh, last year, one person who really got a big response was the guy that went as Ash Ketchum.... he even had a plushie pikachu.04:16
DarkonZeroAnd wear tight jeans.04:16
ThordisThen there was this asian chick who went as Rei Anyanami....04:16
DarkonZeroI know...i'd go as a Snorlax.04:16
ThordisFor her q&a, when asked what she thought of the other pilots, she said something in japanses about Shinji that was too fast to follow, and finished up with "Asuka..... bitchy."  Big reaction there....04:18
* Thordis whacks Typo Fairy04:18
DarkonZeroThe only problem I'd see with cosplaying a Pokemon is that everyone will though a "PokeBall" at you.04:18
* DarkonZero cuts his fingers off.04:19
DarkonZerouh oh....04:19
DarkonZeroI needed those.04:19
ThordisMany people thought he was pretty brave to go as a Pokémon chara....04:19
* DarkonZero tries to think of other chracrtes he could possibly cosplay.04:20
ThordisHeh, I made the mistake of not wearing a watch, and I almost asked a Xelloss what time it was....04:20
* DarkonZero kills his spelling.04:20
ThordisBut then I realised "Sore wa himitsu desu"04:20
ThordisOh, here it is- check this page, this guy has a *great* Gary Oak costume.... http://www.geocities.com/waynekaa/garyoak.htm04:23
DarkonZeroHeh....translation please....I got lost. >:-D04:23
ThordisSore wa himistu desu- That is a secret.... Slayers... ehh, whenever you get Xelloss04:24
ThordisI've only ever seen the first 2 ep of Slayers..... dubbed.04:24
DarkonZeroI have yet to see it.04:24
DarkonZeroLast bit of anime I ever bought was Hellsing.04:27
* Thordis has never seen Hellsing....04:27
ThordisI think I may know someone who has a DVD though.....04:27
DarkonZeroIt's good if you're into the whole Vampire thing.04:28
* Thordis has seen the first 2 DVDs of Excel Saga through a friend of her brother's who owns them....04:29
DarkonZeroI only have the first DVD of that series.04:29
Thordisheheheh, those wacky Puchuu eh?04:29
* Thordis checks Megatokyo.... still no new comic....04:33
DarkonZeroNot till Teusday for you I assume.04:33
DarkonZeroTuesday even04:33
Thordisthat is if Piro gets it up on time....04:34
ThordisHeheheh, I loved the 'Mosh Mosh Revolution' one.04:34
DarkonZeroFred is stressing about alot of things......since he started a new comic and all.04:34
ThordisJunpei was fun too.04:34
ThordisI remember a page where someone listed an ambition to oneday cosplay as.... what was it's name? Ramiel.... 04:37
ThordisThe eight-sided killer dice 'o doom.04:38
ThordisOh hey, now here is a cosplay! http://mopock.com/ZOIDS/photos/NaomiFluegel.html04:40
* DarkonZero stares at the picture for a long while.04:44
ThordisNow she's got the figure to pull off that costume!04:44
* Thordis mutters ................ bitch .....................04:44
ThordisNice work on the costume itself too....04:45
* DarkonZero steals the picture for further examination.04:45
[Thordis TIME]04:47
Thordis4:47 am?! Oh, yeah- it's only Sunday morning there.....04:48
* Thordis used to pull all-nighters on the comp. She remembers how it'd be getting light through the windows, she'd look at the clock and think "ohshit..."04:49
ThordisStill, I had nowhere to go.... so I could just sleep all day.04:49
DarkonZeroHeh....I have places to go....but I just end up sleeping all day.04:50
Thordistime for me to finish my drink and head off to bed.04:51
Thordishere- http://www.geocities.com/mst3kfiction/04:51
DarkonZeroWell....good night to ya.04:51
ThordisThe only decent MST3K fics I've found that are actually about MST3K....04:52
ThordisTry under series- "Homecoming" from SL Watson..... one way to pass the time.04:53
ThordisNight... er morning04:53
* Thordis is now known as [SLEEPING]04:53
* Thordis has left IRC04:53
* Disconnected05:23
Session Close: Sun Mar 02 05:23:58 2003
Session Start: Sun Mar 02 09:12:13 2003
Session Ident: #Deep13
* Now talking in #Deep1309:12
* Topic is '9http://www.deep13.org | MST: The Movie: Right now on WAM! | R.I.P: Mr. Fred Rogers; You will be missed.| Our mood ring is now... 8yellow. | Armagetron'09:12
* Set by Sentroid91 on Sat Mar 01 20:57:5909:12
-NickServ- [SYNTAX] /NickServ identify <password>09:12
* Cal is on IRC09:12
* ChanServ is on IRC09:12
* DarkonZero is on IRC09:12
* Jouva is on IRC09:12
* Min is on IRC09:12
* Ocean-Saurian is on IRC09:12
* Peacimowen is on IRC09:12
* PrincessLeia2 is on IRC09:12
* shade is on IRC09:12
* Time is on IRC09:12
-ChanServ- [#Deep13] Welcome to #deep13. Be sure to visit our website at http://www.deep13.org/ but you probably already knew that.09:12
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Password Accepted - You are now identified09:12
PrincessLeia2morning deez09:13
DarkonZeroLet me put you at ease......09:14
PrincessLeia2this is creepier than the normal deez %(09:15
* DarkonZero quits putting people at ease.09:15
* Jouva is now known as Jouva-AFK09:16
* Jouva has left IRC09:16
PrincessLeia2yes, thanks09:16
DarkonZeroI'm gonna take that quiz over.09:18
DarkonZeroThe new result is up.09:31
PrincessLeia2hehe, that's better ;)09:32
DarkonZeroHehehe....thought so.09:32
DarkonZeroback-o bits?09:45
DarkonZeroOk.....you don't have to be mean about it.09:46
* PrincessLeia2 gives deez a cookie09:47
* DarkonZero takes the cookie and runs to a corner.09:48
DarkonZeroI feel like watching the movie "Willard".09:48
DarkonZeroWhen it comes out.09:48
PrincessLeia2wow, they actually released jungle book 2 in the theater09:48
PrincessLeia2that's unlike disney, usually the sequels are "direct to video"09:49
PrincessLeia2but it's made 33 million, so they must be doing something right %)09:49
DarkonZeroOh god.....NOOOOOOOO!09:49
* DarkonZero jumps out a window.09:50
CalDisney is the vacuum of creativity.09:50
PrincessLeia2toy story 2 was actually pretty good09:50
CalMainly because Pixar did it.09:50
PrincessLeia2the second pocahontas movie wasnt terrible either, but that was direct to video too09:50
CalThey actually are CREATIVE.09:50
PrincessLeia2second lion king movie sucked09:50
CalI wanted to go to a showing of Pocahontas, just to shout out that she died at the age of 30 in England09:51
Calof smallpox09:51
* DarkonZero is now getting attention cause of his LJ.09:51
PrincessLeia2i dont think i watched many other sequels after the disppointment of TLK209:51
@Ocean-Sauriantender loving kare?09:51
PrincessLeia2the lion king 209:51
CalI hate The Lion King09:53
PrincessLeia2i think i want to see "the life of david gale"09:53
PrincessLeia2kevin spacey rocks09:53
DarkonZeroI hate anything really annoyingly musical like the Disney flicks.09:53
CalDumbo is the newest Disney movie I like.09:53
* PrincessLeia2 snuggles with her Stitch stuffed animal09:54
DarkonZeroWas Lilo & Stitch  a musical?09:54
CalNone of Disney's movies in the last decade are original, either.09:54
DarkonZeroI wanna see that.09:54
* Jouva-AFK is now known as Jouva09:54
* Jouva is on IRC09:54
PrincessLeia2DarkonZero: not musical09:54
DarkonZeroI'll see that.09:54
CalLeaving out the cheapquels09:54
PrincessLeia2but it did have a fair amount of elvis, which was annoying09:54
PrincessLeia2the next disney movie will be musical09:55
CalBeauty and the Beast was done better in 1944 by Jean Cocteau09:55
* @Ocean-Saurian snarles at stitch09:55
PrincessLeia2"Home on the Range" coming out in 2004..09:55
CalAladdin is a rip-off of "The Thief and the Cobbler" which they based the movie on....without credit.09:55
CalThe Lion King is Hamlet plus Bambi09:56
@Ocean-Saurianoh my god, it is!09:56
CalHunchback was better in the Charles Laughton version09:56
CalPocahontas leaves out historical stuff09:56
PrincessLeia2i think cal just has a problem with disney ... you could take most film studios and say the same thing about their movies09:57
@Ocean-SaurianCal hates disney09:57
PrincessLeia2disney is such an easy target tho09:57
@Ocean-Saurianafter they ripped him off09:57
PrincessLeia2forget that disney *invented* the full length animated feature genre09:58
PrincessLeia2forget that they even invented the idea of a theme park!09:58
DarkonZeroYes...a theme park that rips you off.09:58
@Ocean-SaurianNo Mr. Disney made those09:58
PrincessLeia2mr. disney IS disney09:58
@Ocean-SaurianHe's still alive?!?09:59
@Ocean-SaurianMY GOD!09:59
@Ocean-SaurianHe's old!09:59
CalDisney didn't technically invent the animated feature09:59
PrincessLeia2here we go09:59
CalThere was a 1926 animated film called "The Adventures of Prince Achmed"09:59
CalIt's roughly 80 minutes long09:59
PrincessLeia2it made no money and no one has ever heard of it10:00
PrincessLeia2good example!10:00
PrincessLeia2i said they created the genre, not created the medium, asshat10:00
CalNo, it was mildly popular in Europe10:00
@Ocean-SaurianHey Cal?10:01
@Ocean-SaurianWhere do we live?10:01
@Ocean-Saurianthat's right!10:02
* DarkonZero damns himself.10:09
DarkonZeroI scared away a girl cause she though she scared me away.10:09
DarkonZeroFUCK BEANS!10:09
@Ocean-Saurianwell... if you insist10:10
DarkonZeroShe wouldn't have found me without my LJ.10:10
* @Ocean-Saurian fucks beans10:10
* @Jouva fucks donuts10:10
DarkonZeroLuckily I added her to my ICQ contact list.10:10
* DarkonZero has to remember to respond when people IM me.10:11
DarkonZeroDarkonZero is a go getter. DarkonZero will improve the economy.10:12
DarkonZeroNow she'll think I'm sort of weird stalker if I go and IM her and shit.10:13
PrincessLeia2arent you?10:13
DarkonZeroOn occasion.10:13
@Ocean-Saurian<DZ> well yeah, but I don't want other people to know it10:13
* @Ocean-Saurian yipes and hides in his castle10:13
DarkonZeroOk....I'm sorry.10:14
* @Ocean-Saurian eats the "/2"10:14
PrincessLeia22's are leet10:14
DarkonZero3's are leeter.10:15
@Ocean-Saurianwhy was 6 afriad of 7? because 7 8 9! *laughs insanly*10:16
PrincessLeia2hehe, i havent heard that one in a long time10:16
@Ocean-Saurianfirst time I heard that was on space ghost10:16
@Ocean-Sauriancartoon planet that is10:16
DarkonZeroI heard that in the 3rd grade.10:17
PrincessLeia23rd grade for me too10:17
@Ocean-Saurianoh hey, does anyone know the longest word in the world?10:17
PrincessLeia2what language?10:17
@Ocean-Sauriangood guess though10:18
@Ocean-Saurianit's "smiles" because there is a mile between the two "s"s10:18
* DarkonZero just got an IM of sorts from that girl telling me that she added him to her contact list...lucky lad he is.10:21
DarkonZeroI'm a lucky lad!10:21
PrincessLeia2did she include a webcam url?10:21
DarkonZeroIf she did....I would have looked....then declined.10:22
PrincessLeia2oh i was gonna say "i know her!"10:22
DarkonZeroOddly enough....her name is Elizabeth too.10:22
PrincessLeia2be wary of people named elizabeth10:23
DarkonZeroI alreay am.10:23
* DarkonZero is wary of Leia.10:23
DarkonZeroOf course really be wary of people named Elizabeth...and they happen to be a guy.10:24
DarkonZerouh....tee hee....?10:25
* DarkonZero runs.10:25
* DarkonZero has hit the 1400 mark in mp3s.10:26
DarkonZeroI'm still not done ripping CDs.10:26
* DarkonZero thrills as Scooby Doo e-mailed him.10:28
DarkonZeroIt's not everyday you get a e-mail from Scooby Doo.10:30
DarkonZeroDAMMIT! IT'S ONLY SPAM!10:31
* DarkonZero runs off...crying...10:31
PrincessLeia2scooby has sold out!10:31
DarkonZero"My therapist saya you're always making withdrawals from my self-esteem account to fill your ego balloon. It's subconscious." - Gabe crying to Tycho, Penny Arcade.10:36
DarkonZero-saya +says10:36
* Tigger is on IRC10:37
* Tigger (Tigger@Psi-3BFF1CC.client.attbi.com) has joined #Deep1310:38
PrincessLeia2'lo Tigger (%10:38
DarkonZerohye tigg10:38
* Tigger waves10:39
@Ocean-SaurianHey Tigger10:44
@Ocean-SaurianCome on get in the boat, Tigger, come on and get in the boat, Tigger, Tigger! (Ala strong bad)10:45
* Tigger blinks10:46
Tiggerno..i dun like boats..10:47
DarkonZeroI'm gonna go all out meps and yell that outside........tomorrow.10:47
* Tigger glares10:47
PrincessLeia2i like boats10:49
@Ocean-SaurianCome on get in the boat, Leia, come on and get in the boat, Leia, Leia! (Ala strong bad)10:49
PrincessLeia2the family of my best friend growing up had a sailboat, we used to get to sail around a bunch of islands in maine, it was so cool10:49
DarkonZeroI like sinking boats.10:50
Tiggeri almost drowned in a swimming pool when i was younger...yet i still swim..but i dont like boats..10:50
DarkonZeroPaper ones.10:50
* DarkonZero realizes he's getting too silly and goes for some breakfast.10:51
PrincessLeia2i almost drowned once in a pool, but my cousin saveedededded me, arent you glad she did?10:52
* DarkonZero is now known as DZ{Away}10:52
* DarkonZero has left IRC10:52
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] You are already identified10:52
DZ{Away}I'd say.....no....but since I'm nice.....you get a maybe.10:52
PrincessLeia2yay, thanks deez10:52
DZ{Away}I know...I'm dumb....sorry.10:53
* a_shade (~Mystic@.) has joined #Deep1311:00
* shade (~Mystic@.) Quit ([TX.US.PsiBlade.net] Local kill by a_shade (DIE))11:01
* shade has left IRC11:01
* a_shade is now known as shade11:01
* shade is on IRC11:01
* ChanServ sets mode: +o shade11:01
* DZ{Away} is now known as DarkonZero11:02
* DarkonZero is on IRC11:02
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] You are already identified11:02
DarkonZeroWow....2 bowls of cereal in under 8 minutes.11:03
Tiggerdang dude..lol11:09
* Tigger runs around in circles11:09
Tiggerdid i tell you guys that i kinda sorta got accepted into another school?11:09
DarkonZeroLooks like someone had a bag of sugar.11:09
DarkonZeroI'm not sure.11:09
DarkonZeroI might have been away if you have.11:09
Tiggerwell..i did..kinda sorta..get accepted into CalPoly11:10
DarkonZerokinda sorta?11:10
Tiggerthats the school i figured i had no chance at getting into..and was going to give up on the application process..11:10
Tiggerthey have accepted me cause of my application..but now they are asking for the other stuff..like reccomendation letters and stuff..11:11
Tiggerand they hafta accept everything totallt11:11
* Rubicant (~Rubicant@Psi-1F261BA3.sub3.oplnk.net) has joined #Deep1311:12
Tiggerhi Rubicant11:13
Rubicanthi :)11:16
* DarkonZero goes to watch the trailer for the Cowboy Bebop movie.11:18
* DarkonZero now goes to reboot.11:22
DarkonZeroDamn bucket o' mine.11:22
* Disconnected11:22
Session Close: Sun Mar 02 11:22:33 2003
Session Start: Sun Mar 02 11:28:10 2003
Session Ident: #Deep13
* Now talking in #Deep1311:28
* Topic is '9http://www.deep13.org | MST: The Movie: Right now on WAM! | R.I.P: Mr. Fred Rogers; You will be missed.| Our mood ring is now... 8yellow. | Armagetron'11:28
* Set by Sentroid91 on Sat Mar 01 20:57:5911:28
-ChanServ- [#Deep13] Welcome to #deep13. Be sure to visit our website at http://www.deep13.org/ but you probably already knew that.11:28
* Cal is on IRC11:28
* ChanServ is on IRC11:28
* DarkonZero is on IRC11:28
* Jouva is on IRC11:28
* Min is on IRC11:28
* Ocean-Saurian is on IRC11:28
* Peacimowen is on IRC11:28
* PrincessLeia2 is on IRC11:28
* shade is on IRC11:28
* Tigger is on IRC11:28
* Time is on IRC11:28
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Password Accepted - You are now identified11:28
* Ocean-Saurian (Ocean-Saur@Psi-38AF3A46.ipt.aol.com) Quit (Connection reset by peer)11:52
* Ocean-Saurian has left IRC11:52
* Tigger is now known as TigAFK11:53
* Tigger has left IRC11:53
* Jouva is now known as Jouva-OUT11:55
* Jouva has left IRC11:55
* Ocean-Saurian is on IRC11:57
* Ocean-Saurian (Ocean-Saur@Psi-1FEEDC4D.ipt.aol.com) has joined #Deep1311:57
* ChanServ sets mode: +o Ocean-Saurian11:57
* @Ocean-Saurian 's water11:57
@Ocean-Saurian2... to 4 months... for cable internet11:57
* @Ocean-Saurian cries11:57
* Rubicant (~Rubicant@Psi-1F261BA3.sub3.oplnk.net) Quit (Connection timed out)11:58
* Syntopicon is on IRC11:59
DarkonZeroFrickin' AdCritic.com became a paysite.11:59
* Syntopicon (~syntopico@84417EC.761338A7.37687273.IP) has joined #Deep1311:59
DarkonZeroI'm not gonna pay some site to just look at commercials.12:00
DarkonZeroDamn them.12:00
Calbrb...gonna try reinstalling FrontPage >:(12:23
* Cal (~pmccart@Psi-2E07D94E.wi.tds.net) Quit (Quit: At that moment, the Chosen One learned a valuable lesson about iron claws - they hurt like crap, man!)12:23
* Cal has left IRC12:23
* DarkonZero is now known as DZ{Away}12:31
* DarkonZero has left IRC12:31
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] You are already identified12:31
* DZ{Away} is now known as DarkonZero12:59
* DarkonZero is on IRC12:59
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] You are already identified12:59
@Ocean-SaurianRip Torn is such a redundant name13:04
* Guest (deep13@Psi-20D483EA.Dial1.Chicago1.Level3.net) has joined #Deep1313:08
* Syntopicon (~syntopico@84417EC.761338A7.37687273.IP) Quit (Connection timed out)13:10
* Syntopicon has left IRC13:10
* Guest (deep13@Psi-20D483EA.Dial1.Chicago1.Level3.net) Quit (Connection reset by peer)13:14
* Guest (deep13@Psi-20D483EA.Dial1.Chicago1.Level3.net) has joined #Deep1313:17
GuestHello? Anyone there?13:17
GuestCome on, somebody talk to me so I can put off writing my novel13:18
PrincessLeia2i am only here for a couple minutes tho13:18
@Ocean-Saurianyeah it's her heh13:19
GuestYeah... i'm glad you're there. Now I can put pf working for another hour.13:19
* @Ocean-Saurian acts like a child13:19
DarkonZeroYou are one.13:19
GuestSo wher were you guys anyway? Watching Mst?13:19
PrincessLeia2i was reading13:20
@Ocean-SaurianNah... just.... uh...stuff heh13:20
PrincessLeia2children of dune, yay13:20
DarkonZeroI'm browsing around.13:20
PrincessLeia2omg! scifi changed their website13:20
GuestDune ...you like that novel?13:20
PrincessLeia2i've read dune and dune messiah, just started children of dune, i like13:20
GuestHow can you browse and still come here?13:20
GuestI mean how did you know I was here?13:21
@Ocean-Saurianwell he uses IRC13:21
PrincessLeia2an irc client13:21
@Ocean-Saurianso do a lot of us13:21
* Guest confused.13:21
PrincessLeia2we all use irc ;)13:21
PrincessLeia2Guest: there are programs you can download to get into chat13:21
PrincessLeia2instead of going through a browser13:21
GuestIRC calls you back if someone comes to the chat room?13:21
* Guest is now known as Jackie_Frost13:21
Jackie_FrostThen how did you know?13:22
PrincessLeia2uh, we just sometimes look in chat13:22
Jackie_FrostBut how can you leave the website without your name being kicked off?13:22
@Ocean-Saurianit's a program13:22
@Ocean-Saurianyou just minimize it13:22
PrincessLeia2yeah, you can download a program and it lets you go into chat without being at the website13:23
Jackie_FrostOhhh ...you minimize it.13:23
Jackie_FrostI have a new question Proffesor Ocean ....13:23
DarkonZeroI use a program called mIRC.....I leave it running. So I don't have to use the browser as my chat clieent.13:23
DarkonZeroBut I am in need of a spell checker.13:24
* Jackie_Frost confused by DarkonZero13:24
PrincessLeia2it's the program you can download13:24
@Ocean-Saurianprofessor Ocean? Heh13:24
Jackie_FrostOh yeah ...What's with the @ at the front of your name?13:25
@Ocean-Saurianit means I'm a channle operator13:25
@Ocean-SaurianI can kick/ban people13:25
Jackie_FrostYou're in charge???13:25
PrincessLeia2crazy huh?13:25
Jackie_FrostWow ...how do I get to be in charge!13:25
@Ocean-SaurianYou have to come here for a long long long time13:26
Jackie_FrostSo biee and Min and Jouva are in charge?13:26
@Ocean-Saurianand use IRC heh13:26
@Ocean-SaurianWell, Jo has some more powers, that I don't (since he owns the server and all)13:26
Jackie_FrostCan I be in charge? Can I CanI?13:26
PrincessLeia2there are different levels of ops, there are owners of the room, co-owners and normal ops13:27
@Ocean-SaurianSure, send me 50 bucks13:27
PrincessLeia2Jackie_Frost: careful, begging like that is a good way to be banned from rooms, just so you know %)13:27
Jackie_FrostSo let me guesse Sentroid is the owner ...13:27
Jackie_FrostOcean, are you a co-owner?13:28
* [SLEEPING] is now known as Thordis13:28
* Thordis is on IRC13:28
@Ocean-Saurianbut I do co-own my own room13:28
@Ocean-Saurianit's a debate room13:28
* Thordis awakens during the oft-fabled 'morning'13:28
DarkonZeromorning Thordis.13:28
ThordisUuuuuhg, so there's a 8 in the morning....13:28
Jackie_FrostGood morning Thordis.13:28
DarkonZeroYes....there is.13:28
* Thordis yawns13:29
Jackie_FrostHey Thordis did you know this Chatroom is like a godfather operation?13:29
Jackie_FrostI'm trying to figure out what level Ocean is. I think he's like a hired hitman (-:13:29
PrincessLeia2hey Thordis ... did you by anychance give my email address to amazon.com ?13:29
@Ocean-SaurianI'm only a normal op13:29
ThordisI knew that intellectualy....(sp? it's too early for spelling!) but still......13:29
DarkonZeroHeh...I've been here longer than O-S.....13:30
ThordisYes, yes I did.....13:30
Jackie_FrostThen what am I? A serf on the great land of Chatroom?13:30
@Ocean-SaurianYour just a reg13:30
ThordisNow kneel pesant!13:30
PrincessLeia2Thordis: please dont do that %( i know it seems like a good deal and stuff, but that's how email addresses get on spam lists13:30
PrincessLeia2that's for everyone, dont give my email addy out to companies! %)13:30
@Ocean-SaurianOh yes13:30
Jackie_FrostI want to rise to the higher classes! Tell me how to do that Ocean.13:30
@Ocean-SaurianThordis THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE EMAIL13:31
Thordisall right, I'll leave it out in future....13:31
Jackie_FrostPrincess ...did you get tons of e-mail?13:31
* @Ocean-Saurian hugs Thordis13:31
PrincessLeia2thanks %)13:31
Thordisand yours too grouchy pants....13:31
PrincessLeia2hey, i'm not trying to be mean, i just really hate spam13:31
Jackie_FrostI hate spam too. I also hate how you have to go through tons of security before you reach e-mail.13:32
PrincessLeia2Jackie_Frost: i get tons of email at my yahoo! account, that's the one i give to companies, i try to keep my princessleia.com email address just for friends13:32
Jackie_FrostAt least you have to if you are on netscape...13:32
Jackie_FrostWhat's the best e-mail service? That butterly thing I keep hearing about?13:32
ThordisI've bought from Amazon before, and still the most mail I usually get is the weekly joke forwarded from my mother at work.....13:33
@Ocean-SaurianJackie, I think you need to get AOL13:33
Jackie_FrostI got netscape mail now. AOL is the best, huh?13:34
* Rubicant (~Rubicant@Psi-1F261BA3.sub3.oplnk.net) has joined #Deep1313:34
@Ocean-SaurianWell, AOL is for new users to the internet13:34
Jackie_FrostRubicant ...we're talking about e-mail and spam. Have some.13:34
ThordisNow stop requiring me to think, my brain won't be coming online 'till at least 11am AEDST..... and even that's pushing it.....13:35
Jackie_FrostMy father pays for my internet service though.13:35
Jackie_FrostSo I'm forced into accepting Earthlink...13:35
Jackie_FrostAnd I take it there is no way I can get AOL e-mail without getting all of AOL?13:35
* Thordis hears her geriatric dog barking again, makes a despairing noise, and goes to shut him up......13:35
* Jackie_Frost wonders if her cat would help...13:36
@Ocean-SaurianYeah, download AIM13:36
Jackie_FrostThere's that pesky AIM again ...it's like a fly buzzing around my ears 9-:13:36
@Ocean-SaurianHeh, it's a useful tool13:37
Jackie_FrostBut AIM would really solve all of my problems huh?13:37
@Ocean-SaurianYeah, and It makes coffee and does the laundry13:37
Jackie_FrostI know, but I feel like I do when my friends tell me about Dawson Creek ...something in me resists it. (-:13:37
Jackie_FrostLol, Ocean13:38
@Ocean-SaurianDawsons Creek just sucks13:38
Jackie_FrostShhhh ...I think we have several fans here.13:38
Jackie_FrostBut privately....I agree with you.13:38
@Ocean-SaurianI mean you're talking to computer wizards (well... some of us anyway) and I think just about everyone in deep 13 uses it13:38
ThordisGah, he was still woofing his stupid head off at 2am.... 2 AM, no wonder I have so much trouble getting to sleep at night- how can I sleep when that bloody boneheaded old dog won't shutup!!!!13:39
Jackie_FrostYeah, I know, I know, I know ...13:39
Jackie_FrostDo you keep your dog inside or outside?13:39
@Ocean-SaurianI don't see what's keeping you... I don't think it would overload the hard drive unless your hard drive is a floppy disk13:39
Jackie_FrostThe same thing that made Eve pick the apple...being told not too.13:40
Jackie_FrostOr in this case ...being told to do it.13:40
Thordisinside.... and it would be cruel to start booting him out at his age..... plus his voice carries just as well from outdoors....13:40
* Thordis uses AIM, but only a little more often than she uses ICQ13:40
Jackie_FrostBut I will eventually. Maybe when I leave the chatroom.13:40
@Ocean-Saurianbe right back13:41
Jackie_FrostI'm surprized he would bark indoors. What is he or she baking at?13:41
ThordisHmmm, and the last time I used icq was...... Dec 6 2001.13:41
Jackie_FrostWhat makes your dog bark?13:42
ThordisHe's pretty much just barking for attention.....13:42
Jackie_FrostIs he deliberatley trying to wake you up?13:42
ThordisOr to be helped to stand up13:42
Thordisor to be helped outside13:42
Thordisor to be helped inside13:42
Jackie_FrostYou can try squirting water ....that's what I do to my cats when they get the midnight crazies...13:43
ThordisOr for some mysterious reason that probably he doesn't even know....13:43
ThordisEhh, I've done that on occasion13:43
Jackie_FrostThordis, how do you get that sleep message. First of all do you have to leave the computer on all night?13:43
PrincessLeia2Jackie_Frost: you asked about email, I have had a lot of luck with Yahoo!13:44
Jackie_FrostYahoo email?13:44
* Thordis hates Yahoo13:44
PrincessLeia2it's nice, fast, and free13:44
Jackie_FrostI might check into that. Are there any down sides?13:44
Thordisand it won't let me have Thordis as my login name......13:44
PrincessLeia2well we do our own email %) but as a secondary yahoo is nice, and you can access it anywhere13:44
Jackie_FrostThordis, why do you hate it?13:45
PrincessLeia2oh yeah, it's a huge site, so you have to be creative with your name13:45
Thordis /\13:45
Jackie_FrostWe'll still love you, Thordis. Why do you hate it?13:45
ThordisI used to have Thordis on egroups, then Yahoo took it over and took my nick.....13:45
PrincessLeia2afk, going to the store13:46
ThordisBefore that, it was geocities...13:46
Jackie_FrostYeah ...tell me about it. I had to change my real name so many times it hardly resembles it anymore.13:46
Jackie_FrostMy e-mail name looks closer to Jackie_Frost, then my real name.13:46
Jackie_FrostYou seem clever with the names Princess Leia, but why the 2. Is there a Princess Leia 1?13:47
ThordisSquirting water at Rebel usually only get gets him to shut up for a little bit longer between sessions.... that dog's so old, he probably doesn't even remember why he starts barking.13:48
Jackie_FrostYou know why ...13:48
* Jackie_Frost sings off key13:49
Jackie_FrostHe's a rebel and he never ever will be any good.13:49
Jackie_FrostHe's a rebel and he never will act like he should ...13:49
Thordis2.... heh, simple number- I couldn't pick what number Stunt Wedge I wanted to be....13:49
Jackie_FrostJust because he doesn't act like all of the other dogs do...13:49
Jackie_FrostHe's a rebel and he's good to me!13:50
Jackie_FrostSorry ...you can see how terribly bored I am.13:50
@Ocean-Saurianman korea is messed up13:50
@Ocean-SaurianIt's like... they have a new toy, and they wanna play with it13:50
Jackie_FrostOcean ...you're back!13:50
Thordishey, the ocean was attacking them!13:50
Jackie_FrostWho is man korea?13:50
Thordishe means North Korea.....13:51
@Ocean-SaurianOh sorry, my english professor didn't come over to spell check my work13:51
Jackie_FrostOhhh you're talking about the news ...13:51
ThordisMaybe it was some insurrectionist kelp?13:51
Jackie_FrostHere in Chicago everyone is all panicky.13:51
ThordisShifty salmon?13:52
ThordisTroublemaker tuna?13:52
Jackie_FrostBuying up duct-tape and gas masks...13:52
@Ocean-SaurianHeh, people a screwed up too13:52
Jackie_FrostHow did we get to fish?13:52
ThordisThem firing a missile at the ocean....13:52
Jackie_FrostI didn't hear that. When was that? Today?13:53
@Ocean-Saurianmy mom was all like "Do we have a portable radio?!?" I'm like "Yeah because tomarrow we all DIE from Saddam... when his missles can't reach the US"13:53
* Syntopicon is on IRC13:53
* Syntopicon (~syntopico@84417EC.761338A7.37687273.IP) has joined #Deep1313:53
ThordisThis was a few days ago.....13:53
@Ocean-SaurianNo! They can't fire a missle into my home13:54
SyntopiconThordis, I own 2/3 of what I could get 10% off of13:54
* @Ocean-Saurian buys duct tape... for... underwater purposes13:54
ThordisSouth Korea was doing.... something, an election I think, and North Korea fired a missile at the ocean13:54
ThordisWell, now you can get that other 1/313:54
Jackie_FrostWhat? As a warning shot!!!13:54
ThordisI tell 'ya, those ocean waves really need to be taught a lesson.13:54
DarkonZero<North Korea> WE HATE OCEAN! SO WE FIRE MISSILE!13:55
ThordisIt was some insurrectionist kelp......13:55
Jackie_FrostDid Bush say anything about it?13:55
ThordisShifty salmon13:55
DarkonZeroSo that's how North Korea will respond to elections......by firing missile into the ocean.......13:56
Jackie_FrostMaybe it's like an old Western "The next one will be at your heart South Korean!13:56
ThordisI don't pay much... err any attention to my country's politics, why would I bother about the Moron in Chief of the US?13:56
DarkonZero<North Korea> WE HATE ELECTION.....uh........SO WE FIRE MISSILE AT OCEAN!13:57
@Ocean-SaurianWell, I kinda had to pay attention13:57
Jackie_FrostYou're a bold one, Thordis. (-:. But I've never been crazy about Bush either,13:57
SyntopiconI suppose it is like a shot accross the bow13:57
@Ocean-SaurianI mean... I live in VA, you never know when another sniper will strike13:57
Syntopiconbut Ive not seen it used across a country before13:57
Jackie_FrostOhhh. Yeah. How did younhandle the Sniper while that was going on?13:58
SyntopiconI ate him13:58
Syntopiconhe tasted great13:58
Jackie_FrostI'd be afraid to leave the house.13:58
@Ocean-SaurianI bought a t-shirt with a bullseye on it and stood at a gas station13:58
SyntopiconI dumped sweet and sour sauce on him13:58
ThordisGah, we have an ugly little troll for Prime Minister, you guys have George W......13:58
Jackie_FrostLOL, Ocean!13:58
SyntopiconId rather have a troll13:59
ThordisNot ours.....13:59
@Ocean-SaurianI mean... it's the least I could do! The guy needed a target13:59
Jackie_FrostMe too.13:59
Jackie_FrostDid they close the schools down while that was going on.13:59
@Ocean-Saurianwell a kid was shot13:59
@Ocean-SaurianSo yeah heh13:59
Jackie_FrostWell I would ave enjoyed the days off ...that's about it.14:00
@Ocean-Saurianthe asswipe got the poor kid in the leg14:00
SyntopiconMr Sniper had no effect on Myrtle Beach14:00
ThordisI have an alternative to war, and it'd generate a lot jobs in the aerospace industry too.14:00
Syntopiconwe didn't get any days off...14:00
Jackie_FrostWhat is it?14:00
ThordisWe hollow out a farkin' big asteroid......14:00
Jackie_FrostHow old are you Synto?14:01
@Ocean-Saurianand watch the damn thing impolde14:01
Syntopiconand play ping pong with it14:01
Jackie_FrostGo on Thordis ...14:01
ThordisDump all those that feel the burning need to kill others over ... whatever on it14:01
Syntopiconwill be older in may14:01
Thordisand let them kill each other off14:01
DarkonZeroSo will I.14:01
Jackie_FrostMe too ...I'll be older eventually. lOL14:01
DarkonZeroTomorrow I'll be older than yesterday.14:02
@Ocean-Saurianwell how old are you?14:02
ThordisMeanwhile back on Earth..... people go about their days in peace14:02
Jackie_FrostI'll answer you the way I answer my students 5+5+5+5+14:02
Jackie_Frost and you can add on another 5.14:02
Jackie_FrostLOL Ocean!14:02
DarkonZeroHOLY MOSES!14:02
@Ocean-Saurianwow thanks Syntopicon14:03
Jackie_FrostDoes that impress you?14:03
* DarkonZero feels old again.14:03
@Ocean-SaurianI can't add14:03
Thordisteaching at that age?14:03
SyntopiconI didnt think you could, Ocean-Saurian14:03
Jackie_FrostI never said I was 25...14:03
ThordisDo you want to be grey by 30?14:03
Syntopiconso I thought I would help you14:03
Jackie_FrostI'm 32.14:03
@Ocean-SaurianYou're such a good friend14:03
SyntopiconI know, I know14:03
Thordisgrey by 35?14:04
Jackie_FrostAnd yes I did find one gray hair yesterday ...)-:14:04
@Ocean-SaurianWow... that must have sucked14:04
ThordisKids.... uhhghghgh......14:04
Jackie_FrostIt did. I told my kids they giving them to me.14:04
* Syntopicon just wants to lose an arm by 3014:04
DarkonZeroI have gray hairs....and I'm only 26.14:04
Jackie_FrostMy mother went gray at 18.14:05
@Ocean-SaurianI have gray hairs.... I collected them at the barbar shop14:05
ThordisFrank, we need a chainsaw accident over here buddy!14:05
DarkonZeroO-S quit eating the gray hair.14:05
Thordislose an arm?14:05
@Ocean-Saurianew man14:05
@Ocean-SaurianI don't eat them14:05
ThordisWhat, do you have 3 of them or something?14:05
Jackie_FrostI have a student who eats boogers ...14:05
DarkonZeroOr quit making that beard so you can make a fake ID.14:06
ThordisThankyou for sharing....14:06
Jackie_FrostThat's not exactly right. He smears them on the table...14:06
@Ocean-SaurianActually... I think all your students eat them, you just don't know it14:06
DarkonZeroI like paste.14:06
SyntopiconI was think the arm would be lost in a longlining accident, but hey, chainsaws are fun too14:06
Jackie_FrostLoosing an arm?!?14:06
Jackie_FrostWhy would anybody want to loose an arm?14:07
Syntopiconfun and enjoyment!14:07
DarkonZeroShocking yourself is fun.14:07
@Ocean-SaurianSo people can do stuff for you14:07
Jackie_FrostWhat does your name meam, Syntopicon?14:07
Syntopiconsyntopicon = collection of essays14:07
Thordis<Syntopicon> It was so much fun, I lost an arm!14:07
Jackie_FrostThe average male arm weighs 15 pounds.14:08
@Ocean-SaurianOcean-Saurian = Retard14:08
Jackie_FrostIt's true.14:08
@Ocean-SaurianHEY WAIT A MOMENT!14:08
Syntopiconhmm, I dunno how much mine weighs14:08
ThordisHeck of a way to loose weight.....14:08
DarkonZeroO-S I agree.14:08
@Ocean-SaurianA lot of people would14:08
DarkonZeroOk...I don't then14:08
* TigAFK is now known as Tigger14:08
* Tigger is on IRC14:08
DarkonZeroI don't wanna be part of that lot14:08
Jackie_FrostTigger! I tried to reach you yesterdat!14:08
@Ocean-SaurianWow, why were you trying to reach her yesterdat? That's personal14:09
ThordisGodzilla would be considered an ocean saurian wouldn't he?14:09
@Ocean-Saurianbecause he is mutated14:09
Jackie_FrostDay okay Ocean Yesterday! (-:14:09
Syntopiconactually I dont really want to lose it, I just forsee it happening for some odd reason14:09
ThordisBut he's saurian based.... and he lives in the Ocean...14:10
Jackie_FrostI wanted to ask her how do you do a personal page here at the website.14:10
* DarkonZero watches as 11 different topics are discussed.14:10
Syntopicongo to tag one of the sharks, have it thrash, fall in, and get my arm ripped off by another, would be fun!14:10
ThordisYou're just being elist......14:10
@Ocean-SaurianHe doesn't live in the ocean14:10
@Ocean-Saurianhe lives on monster island14:10
DarkonZeroGodzilla lives in the ocean.14:10
Jackie_FrostDon't imagine stuff like that Synto ...it sounds like the begining of a good horror story to me.14:10
ThordisIn the 2000 cartoon he lived in the ocean.....14:10
@Ocean-Saurianright, that's where he sleeps14:10
@Ocean-Saurianthe cartoon sucked ass14:11
ThordisBut the Godzilla was cute14:11
Jackie_FrostYou ever see the Mst Godzilla?14:11
@Ocean-Saurianjust because you sleep somwhere doesn't mean you sleep there14:11
Thordisjust because you sleep somwhere doesn't mean you sleep there...............14:11
DarkonZeroMaster philosopher......Ocean-Saurian.14:12
@Ocean-SaurianI meant live, you hosers14:12
DarkonZeroNOW HE'S CANADIAN!14:12
Jackie_FrostDidn't you mean loosers?14:12
* Thordis continues chuckling....14:12
Syntopiconmore likely losers14:13
@Ocean-SaurianI call everyone a hoser14:13
Thordissay about! say about!14:13
Jackie_FrostOkay class...settle down.14:13
Syntopiconunless you think we are all loose14:13
Thordissay about! say about!14:13
@Ocean-SaurianWAHHHHH! POKEMON14:13
ThordisBulba-saur! SAUR!14:13
Jackie_FrostYou spelled his name wrong...14:13
ThordisNononono, I was doing the Bulbasaur chant!14:14
Jackie_FrostI was referring to Pinochute ...whoops that's not right either.14:15
Jackie_FrostThat sounds right.14:15
Thordisthat was a pikachu cry!14:15
Jackie_FrostWell ...it still sounds right.14:15
Jackie_FrostHow about the mating cry of the wallabe?14:16
* Thordis thinks about cosplaying as a member of the Cult of Chu....14:16
ThordisDon't know about marsupial sounds.....14:17
Jackie_FrostHow about the mating crys of the human male?14:17
Jackie_Frost"Hey-be-be Hey-be-be Hey -bebe!"14:17
Thordis"Oi! Show us 'ya......"14:17
Jackie_FrostFar side joke.14:18
Jackie_FrostWell you guys ...I probably should get back to that novel.14:18
@Ocean-SaurianSpend more usless time here!14:18
* Thordis waves14:18
Jackie_FrostI only got five chapter finished ...14:18
* Syntopicon flips a bird14:18
Jackie_FrostI got ten more to go.14:18
Thordishow many pages?14:19
@Ocean-SaurianWell, send me a copy of the novel when you're done!14:19
Jackie_FrostOcean ...thanks for the name though.14:19
Jackie_FrostYou bet Ocean. Bye ...14:19
* Jackie_Frost (deep13@Psi-20D483EA.Dial1.Chicago1.Level3.net) Quit (Quit: )14:19
DarkonZeroNext person that brings up mIRC again with her is dead.14:20
ThordisIf it's around 500 pages, she should be done by teatime......14:20
@Ocean-Saurianwatch it be a book on the A B C's14:20
Thordisshe can give you a headache yesno?14:20
Syntopiconwith who?14:20
@Ocean-SaurianYeah, getting her to download AIM is hard enough14:20
DarkonZeroMy head is splitting cause of the questions.14:21
DarkonZeroOk...enough of that.14:21
ThordisMaybe she can find a patient 5 year old to explain things to her.....14:21
DarkonZeroI'm not entirely mean.14:21
Syntopiconwho what where when why are you talking about?14:21
Thordisthe erstwhile Ms Frost....14:21
DarkonZeroWe tried to explain to Jackie what mIRC is.14:21
SyntopiconI see14:21
SyntopiconI understand14:22
DarkonZeroShe didn't grasp the idea I wasn't using the Java client.14:22
* Thordis claps her hand to her forehead....14:22
DarkonZeroCause I said I was browsing around.14:23
@Ocean-Saurian<Jackie> What's browsing? Do you turn brown? Do you get disturbed?14:23
ThordisGah, kinda like explaining various computer apps to my mother......14:23
DarkonZeroOk ok....she's a n00b......we established that....we could be a bit patient with her.14:24
ThordisBut she uses a comp at work and at least knows some of the basics14:24
ThordisI am patient!14:24
DarkonZeroAre not/.14:24
* Thordis is exceedingly patient.......14:24
DarkonZeroShe does get the record on the stats for most questions asked.14:25
Syntopiconwait, wait, you mean, I dont have to use the java chat thingy!?14:25
* Thordis looks for something on her comp.....14:25
Syntopiconargh, dun wanna eat!14:26
* DarkonZero quits reading Sexy Losers.14:26
Syntopiconbut need to.............14:26
Thordiseat and chat, you still have two hands at the moment....14:27
Syntopiconno, I have to go to the commons to get food, no food in this room14:27
* DarkonZero only has one hand available when looking at certain sites.14:27
@Ocean-Saurianhey I'm patient14:27
Thordisget food then come back.14:27
@Ocean-SaurianI express it differntly though14:28
Syntopiconyou dont understand, I dont want to eat, because it tastes like shit14:28
Thordishttp://deadtroll.com/video/livehelldesk.html   -almost Jackie's male counterpart14:28
DarkonZeroIt is shit.14:28
Syntopiconwell, we kinda thought the dorm pipes led to the commons...14:29
DarkonZeroThe Commons is a better way of saying "septic tank".14:29
* Cal is on IRC14:30
* Cal (~pmccart@Psi-2E07D94E.wi.tds.net) has joined #Deep1314:30
DarkonZerowb Cal14:30
* Tigger is now known as TigGONE14:30
* Tigger has left IRC14:30
Syntopiconcome to my school, you can eat there without a meal plan for 6$14:30
DarkonZeroShe is totally gone.14:30
DarkonZeroWhat does the meal plan consist of?14:31
DarkonZeroBetter shit?14:31
Syntopiconno, it consits of getting to eat without paying $614:31
Syntopiconand a line of credit at the grille14:31
Syntopiconwhich is slightly better shit14:31
DarkonZeroSo you could eat shit for free.....or pay for shit.14:32
Syntopiconthat is why next year I am moving to the dorms with a kitchen14:32
Syntopiconand not getting a meal plan14:32
DarkonZeroOr you could leave campus and go eat there.14:32
Syntopiconand will turn into a french speaking chef14:32
Syntopiconyes, there are some good restaurants around14:33
Syntopiconbut several close for off season14:33
Syntopicondamn tourist area14:33
Syntopiconcant wait for spring break season14:33
Syntopiconall the traffic will be teriffic!14:33
DarkonZeroThey have a restaurant across the street from UNLV......it's onpen 24 hrs.14:34
DarkonZeroNothing like a Carrows.14:34
Syntopiconwe have a waffle house close by14:34
SyntopiconI had pizza last night, and that was good14:34
Syntopiconbut no such luxury tonight14:34
ThordisMe too14:34
DarkonZeroBut you're trying to avoid spending cash.14:35
DarkonZeroI see.14:35
DarkonZeroHeh...like money cam come from our asses.14:35
DarkonZeroIf it did...we'd be rich.14:35
SyntopiconI need to save moneys for birthdays and when there is more stuff to do here14:35
Thordiswell according to you, the food does....14:35
Syntopiconthe piping systems go from the dorm halls, straight to the kitchen14:36
DarkonZeroInto already boiling pots.14:36
DarkonZeroOh god I just pictured that.14:36
Syntopiconwhere it is shaped into various things, colored accordingly, and all taste is removed, unless it is exceptionally shitty14:36
* DarkonZero gets a spoon to gouge out his brain.14:36
Syntopiconwell, time to go eat14:37
DarkonZerogood luck.14:37
* Syntopicon is now known as Syn-eating14:37
* Syntopicon has left IRC14:37
Thordisbon appetit...14:37
* Thordis yawns14:37
DarkonZeroIt's just you and me.....you wanna?14:38
* Thordis plans her up and coming siesta......14:38
Thordis9:37 am buddy......14:38
DarkonZeroI've been awake all the time you were asleep.14:39
[Thordis TIME]14:39
Thordis4am to 2pm?14:39
DarkonZeroI sleep at odd times.14:40
DarkonZeroAnd I sleep in front of my computer.14:40
ThordisAnd I thought I did.......14:40
DarkonZeroI sleep in front of my computer not by choice.14:40
DarkonZeroI just have to until I clear the crud off of my bed.14:41
ThordisAfter I spend all night in front of the comp, I'm usually of to bed by 9am at the latest....14:41
DarkonZeroI sleep if my eyes are having trouble staying open.14:42
ThordisGet a nice big box, use that as temp crud storage, and sort it all out later........14:42
DarkonZeroHeh....I'd have to take a picture of my room for anyone to understand.14:42
ThordisI usually arange my clothes by a complex filing system known as 'the big pile of clothes beside my bed'........14:43
DarkonZeroHey.....that's my idea.14:43
DarkonZeroExcept mine's behind the door.14:43
ThordisI want a mining hat with a torch on it for when I go digging for a specific item of clothing.....14:43
DarkonZeroI have fun balancing stuff.14:44
ThordisI have this great space between my bed and the side window.... that's where the pile goes.....14:44
DarkonZeroI don't have much space in my room.14:45
ThordisMy 'balancing' area would be my dressing table....14:45
ThordisI just keep my purse, sunglassess and a few necklaces right on top for easy access....14:45
ThordisIf you add it all up, I might have 1 to 1 and 1/2 square meters of clear floor space14:46
ThordisSo as you can see, I run a pretty tight ship.... ;p14:47
* Thordis must remember to get some camphor for her clothespile.......14:47
DarkonZeroHeh....I guess we're the same in some ways.14:47
Thordishmm, yeah, but I keep my bed clear.....14:48
* DarkonZero goes to check his face......it's peeling and stuff.14:48
* DarkonZero returns....14:49
Thordispffft, batman......14:50
ThordisHeheheh, I know Val Kilmer was pissed that O'Donnel had a bigger 'bulge' than he did....14:51
ThordisI want to know, why did they feel that nipple defeniton was a priority?14:52
* Thordis whacks Typo Fairy14:53
DarkonZeroAsk the director.14:53
* Thordis is still waiting for her brain to come online......14:53
DarkonZeroGive it a good kick14:58
* Thordis considers getting a laptop she could network to her comp, so she could do this whilst lying down in bed.......14:58
ThordisMmmmmmmm, bed...................14:59
ThordisAnd you! In these breaks in conversation, you should be clearing your bed!15:00
ThordisHow can you defile the altar of sleep?!15:00
ThordisThe bedroom is the temple of laziness!15:01
DarkonZeroCause I can?15:01
ThordisBed is good!15:01
ThordisYou only hurt yourself.......15:01
DarkonZeroI know....15:02
* DarkonZero is a dumb male.15:02
ThordisI couldn't stand to sleep in a chair if I had a decent bed nearby......15:03
DarkonZeroAgain....you'd have to see it for yourself15:03
ThordisYou have a digital camera?15:04
ThordisHow much of this stuff could be thrown out without undue mental anguish?15:05
DarkonZeroI dunno.15:06
* Thordis has put on a parka. The warmth makes her drowsy......15:06
* DarkonZero laughs as the old #Deep13 messageboard is still not down.15:06
* Syn-eating is now known as Syntopicon15:14
* Syntopicon is on IRC15:14
[Thordis TIME]15:16
ThordisGotten part of your bed cleared?15:17
DarkonZeroReading the ol' #Deep13 messageboard brings back memories.15:17
DarkonZeroI'm lazy.15:17
* DarkonZero runs off.....crying.15:18
* Thordis smirks15:18
* Thordis yawns....15:23
* Thordis stretches.....15:23
ThordisHmm, yes.15:24
Syntopiconhmm, monty python....15:24
Syntopiconor csci work15:24
Syntopiconor go get lab results from one of my lab people15:24
ThordisI'm gonna go take a nap.15:24
ThordisLater peeps....15:24
* Thordis is now known as Thordis[SLEEPING]15:24
* Thordis has left IRC15:24
Calya ya ya ya15:26
DarkonZeroIt's too funny how most of the arguements on the messageboard like petered out after a while.15:27
Syntopiconis it?15:28
DarkonZeroI'm reading all the posts that were made on the old #Deep13 messageboard at EZboard.com15:29
DarkonZeroHell...I started most of them15:29
SyntopiconI dont think I was visiting in the message board era15:29
Syntopiconbut there were some fun arguments on the boards I was visiting during that time15:30
DarkonZeroJust be glad you didn't get involved.15:30
Syntopicon'cause I floated from scifi to uo to both15:30
* DarkonZero decides to sleep or something....15:50
* DarkonZero trees....15:50
* Disconnected15:50
Session Close: Sun Mar 02 15:50:54 2003
Session Start: Sun Mar 02 23:10:50 2003
Session Ident: #Deep13
* Now talking in #Deep1323:10
* Topic is '9http://www.deep13.org | MST: The Movie: Right now on WAM! | R.I.P: Mr. Fred Rogers; You will be missed.| Our mood ring is now... 8yellow. | Armagetron'23:10
* Set by Sentroid91 on Sat Mar 01 20:57:5923:10
-ChanServ- [#Deep13] Welcome to #deep13. Be sure to visit our website at http://www.deep13.org/ but you probably already knew that.23:10
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* DarkonZero is on IRC23:10
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* Peacimowen is on IRC23:10
* PrincessLeia2 is on IRC23:10
* Sentroid91 is on IRC23:10
* shade is on IRC23:10
* Syntopicon is on IRC23:10
* Time is on IRC23:10
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Password Accepted - You are now identified23:10
@Sentroid91"Did they ever catch the people who were sending Tampax through the post?"23:12
* TigAFK (Tigger@Psi-3BFF1CC.client.attbi.com) Quit (Ping timeout)23:25
* Disconnected23:25
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* Rejoined channel #Deep1323:27
* Topic is '9http://www.deep13.org | MST: The Movie: Right now on WAM! | R.I.P: Mr. Fred Rogers; You will be missed.| Our mood ring is now... 8yellow. | Armagetron'23:27
* Set by Sentroid91 on Sat Mar 01 20:57:5923:27
* Sentroid91 (servo911@Psi-3E986347.midltn01.nj.comcast.net) has joined #Deep1323:27
* Sentroid91 injects poison into #Deep1323:27
* Sound request: can't find 'nwo.wav'23:27
[Sentroid91 SOUND]23:27
* bieee beats livejournal23:28
DarkonZeroHeh....I know what ya mean.23:28
* Min is on IRC23:28
* Min (~avasquez@Psi-26525BE8.ply.adelphia.net) has joined #Deep1323:28
* ChanServ sets mode: +o Min23:28
* ChanServ sets mode: +o bieee23:28
* Tigger is on IRC23:28
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Your nick has been registered with PsiBlade. If you are the owner of this nick, please identify now.23:28
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-ChanServ- [#Deep13] Welcome to #deep13. Be sure to visit our website at http://www.deep13.org/ but you probably already knew that.23:28
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* ChanServ sets mode: +qo Sentroid91 Sentroid9123:28
* Tigger (Tigger@Psi-3BFF1CC.client.attbi.com) has joined #Deep1323:28
DarkonZerowb Tigg23:28
* @bieee wonders when her photoshop spawned a status bar23:34
DarkonZeroWhen it had the mad proggie sex.23:34
@bieeeproggie uNF23:35
* bieee is now known as bieee|bed23:37
* Tigger blinks23:38
DarkonZeroJust run around in a dircle and you should be able to catch up.23:40
DarkonZeroYes...a dircle.23:40
* Tigger yawns23:40
Tiggerno..no running for me..23:40
* DarkonZero hands Tigg a pillow.23:40
Tiggeri just like stole computer from the school to work on accomplishing that goal that i thought i failed at..23:40
Tiggerand worked on it for 7 hours straight through..23:41
Tiggergotta be awake in 6 hours too23:41
Tiggernite nite peeps23:43
* Disconnected23:44
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** Looking up your hostname...23:44
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* Topic is '9http://www.deep13.org | MST: The Movie: Right now on WAM! | R.I.P: Mr. Fred Rogers; You will be missed.| Our mood ring is now... 8yellow. | Armagetron'23:45
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* DarkonZero is on IRC23:45
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DarkonZeroWhen "ssssllllLEEEEEP!" d/cs ya.23:46
* Thordis is on IRC23:50
* Thordis (~Thordis@1F8A6AB4.8183FE65.694A10BD.IP) has joined #Deep1323:50
DarkonZerowb Thordis23:51
* Thordis watches 'Battlebots' in utter perplexity......23:51
ThordisWhat is this crap?23:51
DarkonZeroJust what you said.23:52
ThordisYou ever seen Robot Wars from the UK?23:52
DarkonZeroIt's like fun for a bit...then after a while it gets crappy.23:52
ThordisIn that show, the robots are actually capable of inflicting damage.....23:53
ThordisBut this, all the machines here seem to do is bump into each other a few times.....23:54
DarkonZeroSome of those teams stick witrh a particular type.....which involves alot of bumping.23:55
ThordisI have to admit Battlebots looks to have a large budget, but that's it.....23:55
DarkonZeroBattlebots got cancelled.23:55
* Thordis imagines seeing Razer and Hypnodisc let loose of these wimpbots and seeing the metal fly..... mweheheheheh23:56
ThordisI can see why, it's about as extreme as tofu....23:56
DarkonZeroBattlebots wasn't all too bad...it just decided to go downhill and failed.23:57
DarkonZeroI like watched the first season...then quit.23:57
ThordisDid it ever have any robots that were any good?23:57
DarkonZeroA few.....but I can't recall them.23:58
ThordisI liked Robot Wars, the robots just kept getting better and more powerful......23:58
Session Close: Mon Mar 03 00:00:00 2003

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