
Session Start: Fri Feb 28 02:11:40 2003
Session Ident: #Deep13
* Now talking in #Deep1302:11
* Topic is '9http://www.deep13.org | Welcome to the new and improved #Dead13: Where everyone comes in to be idling jackass retards. | R.I.P: Mr. Fred Rogers; You will be missed.| Our mood ring is now... 8yellow. '02:11
* Set by Sentroid91 on Thu Feb 27 20:05:3902:11
-ChanServ- [#Deep13] Welcome to #deep13. Be sure to visit our website at http://www.deep13.org/ but you probably already knew that.02:11
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Password Accepted - You are now identified02:11
* ChanServ is on IRC02:11
* DarkonZero is on IRC02:11
* Min is on IRC02:11
* Ocean-Saurian is on IRC02:11
* Peacimowen is on IRC02:11
* PrincessLeia2 is on IRC02:11
* shade is on IRC02:11
* teenMSTie is on IRC02:11
* Time is on IRC02:11
* Ocean-Saurian (Ocean-Saur@Psi-621F702.ipt.aol.com) Quit (Connection reset by peer)03:02
* Ocean-Saurian has left IRC03:02
* Thordis[AWAY] (~Thordis@Psi-2B7A8AF1.VIC.dft.com.au) Quit (Quit: Whoops, wrong button!)04:46
* Thordis is on IRC04:46
* Thordis (~Thordis@Psi-2B7A8AF1.VIC.dft.com.au) has joined #Deep1304:46
* Thordis is now known as Thordis[SLEEPING]04:47
* Thordis has left IRC04:47
* Jouva is on IRC05:04
* Jouva (jouva@fluffy.moufette.com) has joined #Deep1305:04
* ChanServ sets mode: +ao Jouva Jouva05:04
* @Jouva shoots out a decoy scientist and watches it explode.05:05
* Jouva (jouva@fluffy.moufette.com) Quit (Quit: *bang* *bang* Oh thank you very much. A shot in the face. How nice.)05:23
* Jouva has left IRC05:23
* KatLady is on IRC06:42
* KatLady has left IRC06:42
* KatLady is on IRC06:42
* KatLady (~MSTieGate@Psi-33D4BBD7.phila.k12.pa.us) has joined #Deep1306:42
PrincessLeia2morning kat06:43
KatLadymorning Leia06:44
PrincessLeia2yay it's friday06:46
KatLadyI just played the typing Mavis Beacon game06:48
KatLadymy typing speed is 64 wmp06:48
KatLady97% accuracy06:48
* DarkonZero wakes up from happy fun nap time.06:51
PrincessLeia2morning deez06:51
KatLadymorning DeeZ!06:58
DarkonZeroheh...morning Kat.06:59
* DarkonZero remember putting his arms in his shirt before taking the nap in his chair.....he just doesn't remember when he took them out.06:59
DarkonZeroI would have had woken up to have done so.07:00
DarkonZeroI'm not THAT coordinated when sleeping.07:00
PrincessLeia2i am07:00
DarkonZeroActually.....how the hell would I know if I'm not if I'm not awake to tell.07:01
PrincessLeia2maybe you work up for a couple minutes and forgot?07:01
DarkonZeroI dunno.07:01
DarkonZeroMy brain is acting a bit foggy.07:02
DarkonZeroAt least I remember who I am this time.07:02
PrincessLeia2meestar darkon07:05
DarkonZeromissessess Leia07:07
KatLadyI woke up on my floor once07:08
PrincessLeia2i have done that07:08
DarkonZeroI've done that alot.07:08
PrincessLeia2but it was after a night of intense drinking07:08
KatLadyi do that sober07:08
PrincessLeia2woke up under my kitchen table once, ah those were the days07:08
PrincessLeia2a friend of mine had crawled next to me and he's like "wake up babe" i was completely wasted.. he was trying to mess with me, it worked!07:09
KatLadyI bet you thought you did him when you were drunk.07:09
PrincessLeia2i did for a second, then i realized i was dressed and under the kitchen table %)07:09
PrincessLeia2and he was laughing07:09
* DarkonZero 's typing skills provided by....Wannabe Hackers.....if you need somewhat l33t typing but really bad spelling.....call on Wannabe Hackers.07:10
PrincessLeia2like that quote of mine on bash.org... i was like "oh, this kid is so 1337" and he goes "what is 1337?"07:10
* KatLady belches loudly enough to make the walls of deep13 rattle07:10
KatLadyexcuse me07:10
KatLadyI'm deadly07:11
* DarkonZero burps....and it barely makes water in a glass ripple.07:11
KatLadylast night me and my dog had a gas war07:11
KatLadyhe started it07:11
KatLadyI had some tacos for dinner07:12
KatLadynad it gave me really bad gas07:12
KatLadyeh, just my dumb spelling error.07:12
PrincessLeia2this "snow storm" really wimped out07:12
* KatLady looks out the window07:13
KatLadyit's barely snowing07:13
DarkonZero<Snow Storm> Shhhh.....I'm helluva tough!07:13
KatLadyI want to get out of school early.07:13
PrincessLeia2there is like 1/2 inch other there, what happened to 4-8 inches?!07:13
DarkonZero<Snow Storm> I'LL SHOW YOU THE 4-8 INCHES!!!07:14
PrincessLeia2it should, i want snow %(07:15
KatLadyme too!07:15
DarkonZeroThat totally didn't sound right.07:15
KatLadysomeone just threw a snowball at the window07:15
KatLadyheh, it splattered07:15
PrincessLeia2that took like, all the snow on the ground to make07:15
DarkonZeroin a 2 square ft area.07:16
PrincessLeia2these southerners here just cant deal with snow07:16
PrincessLeia2ONE snowstorm and the roofs collapse, what's up with that?07:16
KatLadyI find it extremely hilairious when people hear that there's going to be a snowstorm and they get all scared and mob grocery stores and such07:17
PrincessLeia2buncha crazies07:18
DarkonZeroYou gotta quit telling them how bad it is.07:19
KatLadythat fact that it's mostly obeese people is even funnier07:19
PrincessLeia2missing one meal for them is like us missing a day07:20
KatLady5 mins until the bell rings07:20
PrincessLeia2i shouldnt be mean, i am sure it's just genetics that makes them go to mcdonalds everyday07:20
KatLadythey still go there even though they know it's unhealthy07:21
KatLadymy mom called me a tuna can this morning07:21
KatLadyI walked into the wall on my way to the kitchen for breakfast and she was like "haha, good one tuna can!"07:22
PrincessLeia2are you processed and full of chemicals? or just dont contain any dolphin?07:23
KatLadyI'm radioactive07:23
* PrincessLeia2 remembers to pack her geiger counter if she ever goes to meet kat07:24
KatLadyradioactive tuna.......eat it before it eats you.07:24
PrincessLeia2we buy that tuna that comes in the pouch07:25
PrincessLeia2the expensive stuff, it tastes better than the canned stuff07:25
KatLadyugh. tuna makes me wanna vomit.07:25
PrincessLeia2i dont like it as much as i used to07:26
KatLadythe stuff reminds me of dog food07:26
KatLadyI'll take a sandwich with provolne cheese over tuna any day.07:27
* DarkonZero looks at Penny Arcade and laughs as Gabe cries.07:29
* KatLady sings "Cry baby Cry"07:30
* DarkonZero cries.....and runs off.07:30
KatLadyI'm sowwy07:30
KatLadycome back DeeZ07:30
* DarkonZero returns.07:30
PrincessLeia2mood swimg deez07:30
DarkonZeroI just wanted the drama of it all.07:30
KatLadybell rang07:30
KatLadymust go to class07:30
PrincessLeia2cya KatLady 07:30
DarkonZeroLater Kat.07:30
KatLadymight be in here later on tonight07:30
KatLadylater Leia, later DeeZ07:31
* KatLady (~MSTieGate@Psi-33D4BBD7.phila.k12.pa.us) Quit (Quit: HabberNet JavaChat -- http://www.habber.net/chat)07:31
* KatLady has left IRC07:31
DarkonZeroHeh....I voice chatted with Kat the other night.....I think she's afraid to do so again.07:31
PrincessLeia2her parents prolly watched that news report about sexual predators on the net07:33
DarkonZeroHer parents were asleep when she was talking with me.07:33
PrincessLeia2male + over 20 = OMG THEY WANT TO KIDNAP AND RAPE OUR DAUGHTER07:33
DarkonZerowhen asleep?07:33
* DarkonZero is having brain problems.07:34
PrincessLeia2my parents were paranoid back when i was in high school, it was so cute07:34
DarkonZeroI thought when I reread what I typed.....I thought it said "when asleep"07:34
PrincessLeia2"dont meet any of those internet people they could be murderers"07:34
PrincessLeia2"ok dad" *meets them*07:34
* PrincessLeia2 doesnt get murdered07:34
PrincessLeia2it was more like "hey mom, dad said I couldnt meet my friend Ian, can i?" "your dad said no? well then sure!"07:35
PrincessLeia2there were so many good things about my parents hating each other07:35
DarkonZeroI need food.....07:37
DarkonZeroMe be back after breakfast.....or after giving up on finding something to eat.07:37
PrincessLeia2i need to go clean the kitchen and stuff anyway07:38
* PrincessLeia2 wanders07:38
* DarkonZero does the same....07:38
* DarkonZero is now known as DZ{Away}07:38
* DarkonZero has left IRC07:38
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] You are already identified07:38
* DZ{Away} is now known as DarkonZero08:05
* DarkonZero is on IRC08:05
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] You are already identified08:05
* bieee|zzzz is now known as bieee08:15
* @bieee was away 10.187222 hours. (611.233333 minutes) or (36674 seconds).08:15
@bieeemurr...sleep is good09:02
* DarkonZero agrees.09:03
PrincessLeia2mmm sleep09:03
@teenMSTieSweet, sweet sleep.09:05
* DarkonZero sleeps....09:06
* DarkonZero wakes up.09:06
DarkonZeroThat was good.09:06
* Jouva is on IRC09:33
* Jouva (~jomomma@fluffy.moufette.com) has joined #Deep1309:33
* ChanServ sets mode: +ao Jouva Jouva09:33
* @Jouva shoots out a decoy scientist and watches it explode.09:34
@JouvaYo Yo Ma09:48
DarkonZeroHeh...I had a person I don't even know add me to their LJ's frieds list.09:49
PrincessLeia2they are prolly one of those people who have 543465465345 friends and never reads any of them09:49
PrincessLeia2those people are great09:49
DarkonZeroShe just IM'ed me outta nowhere.09:49
PrincessLeia2oh, an admirer09:49
DarkonZeroI dunno.09:50
PrincessLeia2yay deez has a stalker09:50
DarkonZeroShe lives in Nevada.....but in Dayton.09:50
PrincessLeia2good thing you put your name in your last entry09:50
DarkonZeroWell....she's into things I never expected......I attract peculiar women.09:52
DarkonZeroShe likes MST3K.09:52
DarkonZeroThat could be it.09:53
DarkonZeroHere's the whole IM conversation I had....09:54
DarkonZero[02/28/2003] [09:44] AboveTheCliche: I'm adding you to my LJ friends.09:54
DarkonZero[02/28/2003] [09:44] DarkonZero: Okie.09:54
DarkonZero[02/28/2003] [09:44] AboveTheCliche: Just thought you should know.09:54
DarkonZero[02/28/2003] [09:44] DarkonZero: no prob.09:54
DarkonZeroI am so mean and uncaring at times.09:54
DarkonZeroBut....whate was there to care about really?09:54
DarkonZero-whate +what09:55
* @teenMSTie is bored out of his mind.09:55
PrincessLeia2hehe deez09:55
DarkonZeroKill your neighbor.09:55
@teenMSTieKill thy neighbor, as thyself?09:57
DarkonZeroPretend to be someone else.09:58
@JouvaWork time10:00
* Jouva (~jomomma@fluffy.moufette.com) Quit (Quit: *bang* *bang* Oh thank you very much. A shot in the face. How nice.)10:01
* Jouva has left IRC10:01
PrincessLeia2he is so talkative10:01
DarkonZeroThat's our Jo.10:01
@teenMSTieThe man is a genious. Give him a break.10:02
PrincessLeia2wtf is a genious? %P10:02
* DarkonZero would break Jo a piece of a Kit Kat bar....but he left.10:02
DarkonZeroI think teeine meant genius.10:03
DarkonZeroteenie even10:03
PrincessLeia2i know what he meant, i was teasing10:03
DarkonZeroI know.10:03
@teenMSTieI'm not a genius, because I can't spell it.10:04
@teenMSTieJo is one, though.10:04
* DarkonZero is all out übersmart.10:14
DarkonZeroI was looking at that girls' LJ profile...she has someone from your friends list listed in hers.10:15
DarkonZeroSmall world.10:15
DarkonZeroThe dude is from Reno....px...something.10:16
DarkonZeroI forgot already.10:16
PrincessLeia2pdx6 ?10:16
DarkonZeroThat be it.10:16
PrincessLeia2maybe she found you by wandering around people's friends lists10:17
DarkonZeroI guess your call is correct......10:17
DarkonZeroShe's probably the type who likes all these people in her friends list.10:18
* DarkonZero looks at the #Deep13 topic....10:19
* PrincessLeia2 never pays attention to that topic10:19
DarkonZeroApparently someone else is now complaining about the idleness.10:19
DarkonZeroI got over it.10:19
DarkonZeroI think.10:20
* PrincessLeia2 idles to check deez's theory10:20
* DarkonZero idels too.10:20
DarkonZeroIf I can spell it right.10:21
* DarkonZero tries again....10:21
* DarkonZero idels.10:21
PrincessLeia2actually, not everyone idles all the time10:21
PrincessLeia2i mean10:21
PrincessLeia2i said that wrong10:21
PrincessLeia2no one idles all the time i meant10:21
PrincessLeia2s'just we are "alive" at different times in the day10:21
DarkonZeroVery true.10:21
PrincessLeia2it's good, makes it more likely that someone will be around when people drop by10:21
DarkonZeroHell....I wouldn't be numbah one if I idled alot.10:22
DarkonZeroI realized I usually talk two times more than anyone else in here.10:23
DarkonZeroAccording to the stats.....10:24
PrincessLeia2i've actually dropped down in the stats a bit lately10:24
DarkonZeroI noticed.10:24
PrincessLeia2it thinks i'm an op again *kicks the ircstats*10:24
DarkonZeroI never noticed that.10:25
PrincessLeia2it does that sometimes10:25
DarkonZero101 lines of all caps........10:25
PrincessLeia2'cause sometimes when chanserv dies i give ops to ops10:25
DarkonZeroI wondered who does that.10:27
DarkonZeroThen again....I'm dumb.10:27
PrincessLeia2are not10:27
* DarkonZero is sometimes überdumb.10:28
DarkonZeroAt leat I know I'm self-defeating.10:29
DarkonZeroleast even.10:29
* DarkonZero checks his e-mail.10:30
DarkonZeroApparently I sent myself an e-mail telling me to enter a contest.10:30
DarkonZeroI gotta quit spamming myself.....yeesh.10:31
@teenMSTieYeah. What were you thinking?10:45
DarkonZeroI dunno....I got drunk.....one thing lead to another......10:46
@teenMSTieI suppose you were sexually harassing yourself, as well.11:03
* DarkonZero hides his shame.11:03
DarkonZeroI make myself so tempting!11:04
DarkonZeroSelf-eroticism Moment #31211:06
@teenMSTieDeeZ is da debbil11:06
PrincessLeia2hehe deez11:06
DarkonZeroIf I keep this up...I'll lose all my online friends within a wekk.11:07
DarkonZeroweek even11:07
DarkonZeroWhatever the hell a "wekk" is?11:07
@teenMSTieYour mom?11:08
DarkonZeroHeeeyyyy....you might be right?11:08
DarkonZero? to .11:08
* @teenMSTie enjoys Armagetron11:09
* teenMSTie changes topic to '9http://www.deep13.org | Welcome to the new and improved #Dead13: Where everyone comes in to be idling jackass retards. | R.I.P: Mr. Fred Rogers; You will be missed.| Our mood ring is now... 8yellow. | Armagetron'11:09
PrincessLeia2what my mom is rhymes with hitch11:09
DarkonZeroYou saif that a year ago.11:09
PrincessLeia2so deez, you ever get armegetron running happily?11:11
DarkonZeroI have some sweet screenies.11:11
* Ocean-Saurian is on IRC11:12
* Ocean-Saurian (Ocean-Saur@Psi-2DFE4E0D.ipt.aol.com) has joined #Deep1311:12
* ChanServ sets mode: +o Ocean-Saurian11:12
DarkonZeroI have a screenie of my cycle scraping against the wall.11:12
PrincessLeia2'lo Ocean-Saurian 11:12
@Ocean-SaurianHey there11:12
* PrincessLeia2 drops some virtual gummie bears into Ocean-Saurian's tank11:12
DarkonZeroThe only prob I have with Armagetron is that I can't make my cycle all black.....right now it's a somewhat dark gray.11:13
* @Ocean-Saurian nibbles on teh gummie bears11:14
DarkonZeroYet....the AI gets a black cycle.11:14
DarkonZeroOf course the AI is dumb as rocks.11:14
DarkonZeroLoc showed me that earlier.11:14
@teenMSTieSomeone should set up an armagetron server.11:19
@teenMSTie24 hour11:19
@teenMSTieIt would be like a party11:19
PrincessLeia2you volunteering? %D11:19
PrincessLeia2i dont have the bandwidth for such a thing11:20
@teenMSTieSomehow, I don't think the eithernet in my room would handle it well.11:20
DarkonZeroI started a 20 AI player single player game.......what a show that is.....11:20
@teenMSTieI did that.11:20
DarkonZeroDO you use the modified settings config?11:21
@teenMSTieYou did who in the who-what?11:21
DarkonZeroAt the site there is a settings confg file that makes the game play a bit faster.11:21
DarkonZeroWithout it...the cycles seem like they're moving hella slow.11:22
@teenMSTieOn mine it seems fine, so I guess I must have it.11:22
DarkonZerohere's the file in all it's .TXT glory!11:23
@teenMSTieI think I'm going bald.11:24
DarkonZeroNice seguay.11:24
DarkonZeroIs your hair falling out in clumps?11:24
@teenMSTieJust thinning out.11:25
@teenMSTieAnd receeding.11:25
DarkonZeroYou might be....11:25
DarkonZeroGo talk to Cy Sperling.11:25
@teenMSTieBut, you know what they say, balding men have more testosterone. And, since I'm only 18, I must have a ton of the shit.11:25
@teenMSTieI hate that guy.11:25
* DarkonZero looks a bash.org......11:27
DarkonZeroWhen people that don't know what "dunno" means.11:28
PrincessLeia2i dunno what dunno means %o11:28
DarkonZeroIt looks like a setup dialogue though.11:29
PrincessLeia2bash.org is a bad place11:29
PrincessLeia2i have wasted too many hours there11:29
DarkonZeroI wasted too many hours on porn sites.........11:29
PrincessLeia2i'm glad i'm not a single guy11:29
DarkonZeroI recently stopped looking cause it gets too much of the same.11:30
PrincessLeia2Pink Floyd is only good while inebriated11:31
DarkonZeroor on othe substances.11:31
DarkonZeroother even11:31
PrincessLeia2i guess that's the point11:32
DarkonZeroPretty much.11:33
PrincessLeia2i've had some great experiences with radiohead and weed11:34
PrincessLeia2but radiohead is always good11:34
DarkonZerowith the weed.11:34
@shadeseen it :p11:43
@shadethats great though11:44
* Thordis[SLEEPING] (~Thordis@Psi-2B7A8AF1.VIC.dft.com.au) Quit (Ping timeout)11:44
* PrincessLeia2 giggles11:45
@shadewtf kind of icon is that for Mozilla11:45
@Ocean-Sauriandamnit people, if you want linux too look like windows, just buy windows for god sake...11:54
@Ocean-SaurianThat's like saying "I want a cake... but I want it to look like a hamburger"11:54
DarkonZero<O-S> Hi...my name is Joey....new spokeperson for Microsoft.......please buy our product.11:55
@Ocean-SaurianHey! It's good money!11:55
@Ocean-SaurianI mean11:56
* DarkonZero watches as many Linux users smother O-S in his sleep.11:56
@Ocean-Saurian...Windows XP... so great that it can kick it's own ass anyday11:56
DarkonZeroWINDOWS ME RULES!11:57
@Ocean-Saurianick man11:57
PrincessLeia2people can use windows if they want11:57
* DarkonZero gets laughed at alot for that.11:57
PrincessLeia2someone needs to pay for bill gates' dinner11:57
@Ocean-SaurianME is just garbage11:57
* @teenMSTie is too stupid to use anything other than windows, dos, or macos.11:57
DarkonZeroI had no probs with ME.11:57
DarkonZeroMe....on the other hand...I do have problems with.11:58
@Ocean-SaurianME is like 98... with a sticky residue11:58
@teenMSTieI like XP. Unfortunately, this particular machine runs 98.11:58
@Ocean-SaurianI hate XP11:58
PrincessLeia2i use win2k on my other harddrive11:58
@Ocean-SaurianI'll never use it11:58
PrincessLeia2xp is pretty evil with their anti-piracy "updates"11:58
@teenMSTieThat is true.11:59
@teenMSTieIts way better than 98, though.11:59
@Ocean-SaurianYeah Windows2000 or WindowsNT are the ones to us11:59
@teenMSTie98 is an extremely inconvienient piece of software. You have to tell it to do absolutely everything, and configure everything manually.11:59
* DarkonZero does that on a daily basis.12:00
@teenMSTieI've never used 2000. Wonder if I could bum a copy off someone I know.12:00
@Ocean-SaurianI *could* give you a copy... but then I could get into some deep shit for it 12:00
@teenMSTieAgain, DeeZ, I'm very stupid when it comes to computer setup.12:00
@bieeeget it?...fox-duck...:D12:00
@teenMSTieThats just wrong.12:00
@teenMSTieI DID successfully install a NIC, though.12:01
@teenMSTieI was proud of myself.12:01
DarkonZeroheh....that's good.12:01
DarkonZeroThis is a picture De intro'ed me to after I said something to her....12:02
PrincessLeia2DarkonZero: i am scarred for life now, ty12:03
DarkonZeroI'm sorry.12:03
DarkonZeroI even made a LJ post about it.12:03
@bieeeducks have footlong penisesseses?12:03
DarkonZeroOnly one duck in particular.12:04
DarkonZeroArgentinian Lake Ducks.12:04
DarkonZeroI do not know what possessed De to show (and tell) me about that.12:05
DarkonZeroOther than I said something around the lines of sex....12:05
@bieeeArgentinian Lake Ducks, eh?12:06
DarkonZeroWhen ducks with dongs kill conversations........12:17
@Ocean-SaurianNext time... on 20/2012:28
DarkonZeroTee hee!12:38
* Ocean-Saurian (Ocean-Saur@Psi-2DFE4E0D.ipt.aol.com) Quit (Ping timeout)12:40
* Ocean-Saurian has left IRC12:40
* DarkonZero is now known as DZ{Away}12:55
* DarkonZero has left IRC12:55
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] You are already identified12:55
* Cal is on IRC13:11
* Cal (~pmccart@Psi-2E07D94E.wi.tds.net) has joined #Deep1313:11
* DZ{Away} is now known as DarkonZero13:24
* DarkonZero is on IRC13:24
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] You are already identified13:24
DarkonZeroWelcome Mr. McCart.13:25
DarkonZeroDAMMIT MAN!13:47
DarkonZeroYou ruined the scene!13:47
* DarkonZero forces Cal to be on "Inside The Actor's Studio with James Lipton".......13:59
* Cal looks at the de-bearded DarkonZero13:59
DarkonZeroI had a beard?14:00
DarkonZeroSo....how goes the search for a new webhost?14:00
CalI think Crosswinds will be good14:01
CalI'm still waiting for a confirmation email.14:01
CalAt least they try to do some stuff manually...14:02
CalI think Tripod is run totally by a computer...14:02
DarkonZeroAnd they have some guy kick it every once in a while.14:03
CalThe FP stuff has gotten WORSE on Tripod in just two days14:03
CalAt first, it was saying that my page wasn't accessible14:03
CalNow, it's saying that I'm trying to access a non-existant server!14:04
DarkonZeroTripod: We are the excellence in webhosting.........that's what my mom says.14:04
CalTripod was great before it was devoured by Lycos14:05
CalI had 50 MB of space14:05
CalUnlimited bandwidth14:05
DarkonZeroLycos devoured Angelfire too.14:05
CalImage hosting14:05
CalI coulda been a contenda!14:05
CalOh...wrong line...14:05
CalI looked at Angelfire's stuff and it looks worse14:06
Cal15 popup ads14:06
DarkonZeroMy current webhost really sucks.14:06
DarkonZeroIf you want quality...you gotta pay.......or bulid your own box.14:06
CalI know14:06
CalI really want my own server14:07
CalBut I am kind of broke14:07
DarkonZeroI'm just gonna go with a reliable webhost.14:07
CalI got a lot of money saved away for college...and I guess I should use it for that before making my own server. :D14:07
CalOff topic...14:08
CalBut, do you have Winamp?14:08
DarkonZeroYes....yes I do.14:08
CalCould you turn on #Deep13 radio for a moment?14:08
CalJust put that in the location window14:08
CalAnd tell me if anything is coming through14:09
DarkonZeronot realy.....14:09
DarkonZeronow something is playing.14:10
CalWhat does it sound like?14:10
CalAh, ok.14:10
DarkonZeroSounds good.14:10
CalI sucessfully hacked into the #Deep13 Radio server. >:)14:10
* Cal slaps Sentroid[SLEEPING] around a bit with a large trout14:11
DarkonZeroSorry Cal....I was on the phone.14:14
DarkonZeroIt actually sounds real good.14:14
CalCan you hear a voice?14:15
DarkonZeroBela Lugosi?14:15
DarkonZeroI hear ya.14:15
DarkonZeroOdd how you almost sound like me.14:16
CalI'm gonna burn some more mp3s...I just got a Carl Stalling CD14:16
CalNothing but Looney Tunes music14:17
DarkonZeroBurn or rip?14:17
CalWhoops, rip.14:17
CalI also got some Irish pub songs14:17
DarkonZeroI still have yet to broadcast myself.14:17
CalYou should try it14:17
DarkonZeroHow did you prevent other sounds from playing when speaking?14:18
CalI turn off my speaker14:18
DarkonZeroAh....the simple solution.14:18
DarkonZeroI might have to do a test run one day and give it a go.14:18
CalYou could also mute everything but your mic volume14:19
CalI'm gonna let Dark Side of the Moon run so I can rip a couple more CDs14:19
* DarkonZero has to remember to keep the mixer controls running when he decides to DJ.14:20
DarkonZeroI keep shutting them off.14:20
CalYeah...it's a natural reaction.14:21
DarkonZeroI just have the problem with having the system sounds playing during the broadcast.....I have a solution.....but it kinda fugs up my theme settings.14:22
DarkonZeroI think.14:22
CalYou'll eventually fix it14:24
CalEven if you don't know how you did it.14:24
* DarkonZero still considers waiting till he builds a separate box to do broadcasting from.14:25
@teenMSTieWell. Spring break. Time to shut down da computer.14:25
CalTeen, don't leave us!14:25
* teenMSTie (teenMSTie@4304A9C.FBFA26E1.742A5DD3.IP) Quit (Quit: I WNAT PR0N!!!)14:25
* teenMSTie has left IRC14:25
CalJust out of curiosity...14:26
CalIs this coming through in stereo?14:27
DarkonZero24 kbps at 22 kHz.14:27
CalWell, I guess you can only fit so much in a compressed audio feed14:27
CalThat's not terrible14:28
DarkonZeroIt sounds good.....14:28
DarkonZeroThough I uploaded a couple of mp3s that were recorded in stereo...and you can only hear the left channel of it.14:29
CalBeatles tracks, I assume?14:29
DarkonZeroMC Chris.14:29
DarkonZeroThe skits.14:29
CalSome tracks have a weird bias towards one speaker14:29
* Ocean-Saurian is on IRC14:30
* Ocean-Saurian (Ocean-Saur@Psi-203B2ACF.ipt.aol.com) has joined #Deep1314:30
DarkonZeroOne character had the left channel...the otehr character had the right.14:30
* ChanServ sets mode: +o Ocean-Saurian14:30
CalSome of Sgt. Pepper has all the vocals in one channel, the instruments in the other.14:30
@Ocean-SaurianYes, tis I14:30
DarkonZeroJoy is a MS pimp.14:30
DarkonZeroJoey even14:30
@Ocean-SaurianYep, dats me yo14:30
DarkonZeroYou're Joy?14:31
@Ocean-Saurianthe MS pimp14:31
DarkonZeroOnce I gets the cash...I found the perfect computer to make my broadcast box.14:32
DarkonZeroI just need the bare essentials.14:32
DarkonZeroI'll be playin' mad tunes, yo!14:33
* shade (~Mystic@.) Quit (Connection reset by peer)14:34
* shade has left IRC14:34
* shade (~Mystic@.) has joined #Deep1314:35
* ChanServ sets mode: +o shade14:35
* Cal wonders what the sheet music for The Great Gig In The Sky looks like14:35
* Jouva is on IRC14:40
* Jouva (jouva@fluffy.moufette.com) has joined #Deep1314:40
* Jouva shoots out a decoy scientist and watches it explode.14:40
* ChanServ sets mode: +ao Jouva Jouva14:40
Cal#Deep13 Radio is ON14:42
@MinMurr. What the heck happened to the Dr. F soundboard?14:44
CalMurray The Cop knows14:49
DarkonZero<MurryTheCop> Yah.....ya called me?14:51
Cal#Deep13 radio might go down for a moment while I open my new playlist15:04
DarkonZerono prob15:04
CalAfter "Nowhere Man" it's going to be off for a few minutes15:11
@JouvaIt should still be up15:12
CalSo, sit down!15:12
CalOk, radio is back on15:23
DarkonZeroi on phone15:29
@Ocean-SaurianI don't care15:43
* @Ocean-Saurian hungs up DZ's phone15:43
DarkonZeroThe English language once again eludes Joey!15:43
DarkonZero<English> HA HA HEE HEE! YOU CAN'T CATCH ME, JOEY!15:46
DarkonZero<French> I sucka asa languagey, eh......15:47
DarkonZero<Japanese> HAI!15:49
@Ocean-SaurianWell, I do well at physics... does that count?15:56
DarkonZero<Physics> Lemme see how far I can count.....1....2.....uh.....um....15:58
DarkonZeroI guess not.15:58
* Tigger is on IRC15:58
* Tigger (Tigger@Psi-3BFF1CC.client.attbi.com) has joined #Deep1315:58
DarkonZeroHy tigg.15:58
* Tigger nods15:59
CalI just turned the radio back on16:13
* DarkonZero is now known as DZ{Away}16:27
* DarkonZero has left IRC16:27
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] You are already identified16:27
CalPioneer 7 finally died16:31
* @Sentroid[SLEEPING] has returned.16:50
* Sentroid[SLEEPING] is now known as Sentroid9116:50
* Sentroid91 is on IRC16:50
* Syntopicon is on IRC16:56
* Syntopicon (~syntopico@84417EC.761338A7.37687273.IP) has joined #Deep1316:57
CalPioneer 7 finally died16:57
CalThe signal isn't readable anymore16:58
CalBeing that it's roughly 3 billion miles away16:58
@Sentroid91is this a satellite we're talking about?17:01
@Sentroid91BTW: Predator tonight @ 10pm17:17
* Synt (~syntopico@84417EC.761338A7.37687273.IP) has joined #Deep1317:40
* Syntopicon (~syntopico@84417EC.761338A7.37687273.IP) Quit (Killed (NickServ (Ghost command used by Synt)))17:43
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* Synt is now known as Syntopicon17:43
* Syntopicon is on IRC17:43
* Tigger is now known as TigAFK17:50
* Tigger has left IRC17:50
* Ocean-Saurian (Ocean-Saur@Psi-203B2ACF.ipt.aol.com) Quit (Connection reset by peer)17:57
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* TigAFK is now known as TIgger18:25
* TIgger is on IRC18:25
* TIgger is now known as TiGgEr18:27
* TIgger has left IRC18:27
* TiGgEr is on IRC18:27
* TiGgEr is now known as Tigger18:27
* TiGgEr has left IRC18:27
* Tigger is on IRC18:27
* Guest35778 (~java@Psi-23D84AAE.nas8.des-moines1.ia.us.da.qwest.net) has joined #Deep1318:42
* Guest35778 is now known as miss_interoceter18:43
* Thordis is on IRC18:45
* Thordis (~Thordis@Psi-2B7A8AF1.VIC.dft.com.au) has joined #Deep1318:45
CalSent: MSTapes still on for to-night?18:45
miss_interoceterFORK! no wait a minute18:49
Calcomputer fucked up again18:50
* Cal (~pmccart@Psi-2E07D94E.wi.tds.net) Quit (Quit: At that moment, the Chosen One learned a valuable lesson about iron claws - they hurt like crap, man!)18:50
* Cal has left IRC18:50
miss_interoceterso why are we all here tonight?18:50
miss_interoceterthis has the feeling of a 7th grade dance in here.18:51
ThordisWell, it's the afternoon, and I've been up for about an hour. Gotta do something.18:51
miss_interoceterah.  night for me already18:52
miss_interoceterSo.... Manos.18:52
Tiggeri've got a really odd random question for you peeps..18:53
ThordisI'm thinking of getting it from Amazon.com yes..... is it worth the purchase price?18:53
Thordisoooooh! Random Question!18:53
Tiggerif an online friend offered to just give you $500..and told you that you didnt hafta pay it back..would you take it?18:53
miss_interoceterWell to answer your second question first...18:54
ThordisDepends if there are any strings attached......18:54
Tiggernope..none at all18:54
Thordisdirty money?18:55
miss_interoceterthere's a long dissertation on why or why not to buy manos at the sci-fi website18:55
ThordisHmmmm, is this $500 US?18:55
miss_interocetersounds like a trap of some sort18:56
miss_interoceterare you offering us $500, Tigger?18:57
Thordisokay $500 US is...... $821.42 AUD. If it's not money from an illeagal source, then - yeah, I'd take it.18:57
miss_interoceterSo you're in Australia?  Or do you just favor their currency?18:58
ThordisNope, in Australian18:59
ThordisWith our exchange rate as it usually is, you'd only faour it if you were going to New Zealand.....18:59
* Thordis whacks Typo Fairy19:00
ThordisI'd use it to buy MST3K DVDs. Then I'd get to see MST3k for free! Like peeps in the US who have seen it on tv......19:00
miss_interoceterso how did you ever get to see MST19:00
ThordisI haven't.... yet.19:01
miss_interoceterseriously?  you've never seen MST???19:01
ThordisThat's why I want to order some DVDs....19:01
miss_interoceterhmm.   let me think about that one.  what would I recommend?19:02
ThordisI have seen webpages, downloaded sounds and some short movie clips.... I have a .ram of Mike Nelson giving a speech at Carnegie-Mellon......19:02
ThordisWhere's the essay on to buy (Manos) or not to buy?19:03
Thordis(that is the question!)19:03
* Thordis sniggers.19:03
miss_interoceterMitchell, Brain that Wouldn't Die, Beginning of the End, Skydivers, Bloodlust (if you like the Brady Bunch or not)19:04
ThordisWell, I was already planning to get Mitchell and the Brain That Wouldn't Die......19:05
* Cal is on IRC19:05
* Cal (~pmccart@Psi-2E07D94E.wi.tds.net) has joined #Deep1319:05
miss_interoceterat www.scifi.com/mst3000 click on Bulletin Board and one of the recent posts from today or yesterday was someone asking about whether to get Manos or not19:06
miss_interocetermy argument there falls flat though since you've never seen any episodes19:06
ThordisThe movie too...... except Amazon has the staring price for new and used from $100 US.....19:07
Thordisstaring price?19:07
miss_interoceterthat's a lot of money just to stare at it19:07
* Thordis chases Typo Fairy with a big stick.19:07
CalUniversal might re-release it19:07
miss_interoceterdefinitely the movie must get the movie too although it's not the finest hour19:08
* Thordis is in the process of looking at the Universal Website...19:08
miss_interoceterre-release in what form19:08
ThordisWell, I've seen This Island Earth once, many years ago..... So it'd be good to see how they treated it.19:08
miss_interoceterThis Island Earth can be yours if the price is right!19:09
miss_interoceterIt's an excellent choice for their medium, but they go to the lowest common denominator sometimes and that can get old19:09
CalA lot of it was Grammercy's fault19:10
CalThey wanted just a mildly cheesy (not bad) movie19:10
miss_interoceterYeah.  They really got pushed around19:10
CalRiffs everyone would get19:10
Caland a short movie19:10
CalDespite all the crap the Brains had to deal with, it's not terrible19:11
CalI mean...they made them work with focus groups19:11
ThordisStill, my brother loved the trailer I downloaded, so it'd be just the thing to get him started on it..... and maybe my mother too.19:11
* Thordis looks at the Universal site and discovers it sucks......19:14
* Tigger runs around in circles19:14
miss_interocetergotta go talk to again later thordis.  go get some dvds!19:14
CalUniversal could do a reasonably good special edition DVD19:14
* bobthenanite (~robotechW@41BD2A5.B5358C06.707C90BE.IP) has joined #Deep1319:14
CalThe deleted scenes could be added19:14
bobthenaniteI'M BACK!!!19:14
CalThe entire This Island Earth could be on the DVD19:15
@MinAnd the alternate script. x_x19:15
bobthenanitemiss me?19:15
* miss_interoceter (~java@Psi-23D84AAE.nas8.des-moines1.ia.us.da.qwest.net) Quit (Quit: HabberNet JavaChat -- http://www.habber.net/chat)19:15
CalTrailers, behind the scenes stuff19:15
bobthenaniteand commentary mst3k-style19:15
ThordisHow could I? I don't know you.19:15
bobthenaniteToo bad for you Thordis19:15
* Thordis laughs at her not-funny joke......19:15
CalOf course, Universal has to do The Fast and the Furious: Tricked Out Edition19:15
@MinI doubt they ever would. It wouldn't be "profitable" enough for them.19:15
Cal2 Fast 2 Furious19:16
bobthenaniteCal knows me...and Sent...19:16
* bobthenanite is now known as BobTheNanite19:16
@MinI recall you from some MSTapes riffs, before.19:16
BobTheNaniteyes...back in the early days when this was starting out on the SciFi Channel chatroom19:17
BobTheNaniteI've been through a lot since then...a whacky failed teenage engagement, brain tumor, cancer, and now I have found a company interested in reading one of my scripts19:18
@MinI remember you from a couple recent ones, too. The fall of 2002, I think. But I could be mistaken.19:18
BobTheNaniteDo you recall the movie?19:18
ThordisWell I can't compete with that...... just OCD and a half-assed suicide attempt for me......19:19
@MinDunno... maybe during The Mummy, Buckaroo Banzai, (or something like that...) or Kung Pow!19:19
BobTheNanitenope...wasn't me19:20
BobTheNanitefall 2002 is when i turned the magic age of 19, then two weeks later found out i had a brain tumor the size of a tennis ball19:20
@MinI don't really remember, so I'm prolly wrong on the movie thing.19:20
@MinWhee. o.o19:20
BobTheNaniteyes...much fun19:20
ThordisWooo, did you get to play a few sets with it when they took it out?19:21
BobTheNanitehad to get it removed, and the radiation to stop the cancer from growing left me with random patches of male-pattern baldness19:21
BobTheNanitei asked if i could keep a piece19:21
BobTheNanitethey said no :('19:21
@Sentroid91well... it IS cancer19:21
ThordisYeah, but what was he going to do with it? Drop in the water supply?19:22
BobTheNanitebut now i'm writing a script for a Denver the Last Dinosaur movie and I have the WEP corporation interested in reading it (they own the rights)19:22
ThordisOoooooh! Denver!19:23
* RobertoKay is on IRC19:23
* RobertoKay (hquiej@Oper.PsiBlade.net) has joined #Deep1319:23
ThordisI don't get to see my psych files...... really, do they think I'll go in a rampage if I see something I don't like?19:23
* ChanServ sets mode: +ao RobertoKay RobertoKay19:23
BobTheNanitehmmm...I hope not19:23
Thordisin a? on a......19:23
* Thordis whacks Typo Fairy...19:23
ThordisI vaugely remember some parts of Denver episodes.....19:24
* BobTheNanite claps, trying to revive Typo Fairy, then cuts off her wings and flicks it in the head, laughing maniacally19:24
BobTheNanitedenver, the last dinosaur, he's my friend and a whole lot more19:25
BobTheNanitedenver, the last dinosaur, shows me a world i never saw before19:25
ThordisDenver, the last dinosaur, shows me a world I never sawwwwwwww, before!19:25
BobTheNanite:) very good19:25
Thordisdamn my fumbly fingers....19:25
ThordisOne ep, there was a kinda time-machine thingy..... they tossed a go-go boot in it and saw a scene of go-go dancers..... 19:26
* ILikeMike (~MSTieGate@Psi-3A0877E7.ny325.east.verizon.net) has joined #Deep1319:27
ThordisThen the bad guy wanted to grab a piece of Denver's shell and toss it in.19:27
* ILikeMike (~MSTieGate@Psi-3A0877E7.ny325.east.verizon.net) Quit (Quit: HabberNet JavaChat -- http://www.habber.net/chat)19:28
ThordisAnd I remember a scene where one of the group carried around a map of Colorado, 'cause that way he could always find Denver.19:29
BobTheNaniteba-dump bumo19:30
@RobertoKayI'll never understand "travelling."19:33
BobTheNanitehey bob19:34
@RobertoKaySaying hi to yourself?19:34
ThordisIf it was the process of going from one destination to another you didn't understand, you'd be in real trouble19:34
@RobertoKayThat's why I put it in quotes.19:35
ThordisDidn't make it any clearer...19:35
BobTheNaniteno, you19:35
Thordisbut then, I don't follow basketball....19:35
@RobertoKayI assumed it probably would've helped to distinguish it from the usual word, but I guess that didn't work.19:35
@RobertoKayAnd Bob, the unwritten rule here is you can call me Rob, Robert, Rube or Manos, but not, ever, Bob.19:36
BobTheNaniteokie dokie19:36
BobTheNanitedo you remember me?19:36
ThordisReally? I like the sound of 'Roberto'19:36
@RobertoKayRoberto's good.19:36
@RobertoKayBTN, yes, you came here on a lark occasionally.19:37
@Sentroid91BTW: Riffing Predator at 11pm EST in #SatelliteOfLove.19:37
* Thordis likes being able to roll her 'r's.....19:37
BobTheNanitei used to be a regular, among the firsts actually, but then MSTapes started dying down and i had college approaching19:37
ThordisWatch me do a cat impression!19:38
@RobertoKayBy the way, I want to point out someone began bidding on my children's anthology series book thing, meaning I might be in DA MONEY soon.19:38
BobTheNanitecool, you and me both Rube19:38
@RobertoKayWell, that's very interesting.19:38
BobTheNaniteand how19:38
ThordisI can touch the tip of my nose with my tongue too!19:38
* BobTheNanite enjoys Thord's purring...but doesn't know why19:38
* Thordis is coming off like she's 10 years old.......19:39
ThordisI'm in touch with my inner child....19:39
BobTheNaniteyou're not 10?19:39
@RobertoKayI just want to point out what a horrible experience was to have to pass Beverly Hills and Hollywood on the way to run an errand.19:39
@RobertoKayit was.19:39
* Thordis is 2319:39
* BobTheNanite is 19 going on 4019:40
@RobertoKayDear LORD, the billboards there made me feel so inferior.19:40
* Tigger yawns19:40
@RobertoKayAnd I swear to God, two of them had PR0N STARS.19:40
ThordisI was in my 30s in my pre-teen years.....19:40
BobTheNanitewell, now i have the glasses and male-pattern baldness to match my attitude19:41
ThordisMaybe if I add up my chronological age, biological age, and mental ages then average them, I'll get my current age.......19:41
@RobertoKayI passed the Beverly Hills Hotel, the Roxy, the Cinerama Dome (which I've been inside,) Hollywood High School, and Spago.19:41
* BobTheNanite wants to point out that a GARFIELD movie is being made starring Brecken Meyer as Jon and Jennifer Love Hewitt as his g/f19:41
@RobertoKayIt's an annoying place.19:41
CalRob: did you see any of the Cinerama movies?19:42
@RobertoKayDon't you remember?19:42
* Tigger looks up into the sky19:42
Tiggermy dad is flying in an airplane right now19:42
@RobertoKayI went to see the "Lawrence of Arabia" re-release.19:42
CalOh yeah19:42
BobTheNanitewhat's the diff between chronological and biological age?19:42
@RobertoKayThough that was a 70mm film, and not a Cinerama.19:42
@RobertoKayDoesn't really count, but I went inside the golf ball, so it counts for something.19:43
@RobertoKayOh yeah, I also passed the Palladium. ALL IN ONE DAY.19:43
ThordisI started puberty wayyyy earlier than anyone else...... so I'd say that gives me a few more years on the biological front....19:43
* Tigger blinks19:43
CalRob, you got to walk where Critter passed19:43
@RobertoKayYeah, I was taking a bus that rolled mostly through Sunset.19:44
BobTheNanitesometimes, i'm biologically 45 and other times i'm 1519:44
@RobertoKayOn a 25-cent transfer, no less.19:44
ThordisOoohh, altogether, I'm a bit over 18......19:44
Thordisor should I have added my apparent age too?19:45
BobTheNanitei'm about 2819:45
BobTheNanite21 in Canadian years19:45
ThordisStill a bit over 18 when you add my apparent age.....19:45
ThordisI can pass for about 17...... a short 17.19:46
BobTheNanitehow tall?19:46
* Tigger is about..well..hrm..i dont know how old i look..or how old i act..but i do know how long its been since i was born..lol19:46
ThordisAbout 2-3 years ago I could pass for 16.... so as ageing goes, I'm doing all right.19:47
ThordisSee, you really do get wrinkles from the sun!19:47
CalI think it's funny when mistaken for someone younger19:47
BobTheNanitei can pass for 1419:47
BobTheNaniteor 4019:47
* Thordis hardly ever goes outside.19:47
CalI go along with whatever I'm mistaken for19:47
* Thordis is not sure she's actually ever acted 16.......19:48
* Thordis plugs in the heater. Cold day......19:49
* Thordis unplugs heater again after scolding from her mother....19:50
BobTheNanitewhere is everyone? state? planet? decade?19:51
* Thordis goes to fix overlocker for her mother19:51
* Thordis is now known as Thordis[FIXING]19:52
* Thordis has left IRC19:52
* Thordis[FIXING] has |\/|4d 0\/3rl0ck3r 7|-|r34d1|\|g 5k1llz!!!!!!!!!!! w00t!!!20:08
@RobertoKayI find it funny that our local station is using WCW Thunder's old theme as a commercial break segue.20:09
* Thordis[FIXING] is now known as Thordis20:09
* Thordis is on IRC20:09
@RobertoKayFor Laker games.20:09
* Thordis stretches those sore muscles on her back.......20:11
* ILikeMike (~MSTieGate@Psi-3A0877E7.ny325.east.verizon.net) has joined #Deep1320:11
ThordisBending over to re-thread on overlocker is hard on the ol' back....20:11
Thordison? an20:11
* Thordis chases Typo Fairy with a chainsaw....20:12
Thordisfiddly work too, especially if you have short 'lil fingers.....20:12
Syntopiconsounds like fun...next time, just dump some water on it, that'll get everything right into place20:13
@Sentroid91last call: riffing in #SatelliteOfLove.20:13
* Sentroid91 (servo911@Oper.PsiBlade.net) has left #Deep1320:13
BobTheNaniteauf wiedersehen20:14
* BobTheNanite (~robotechW@41BD2A5.B5358C06.707C90BE.IP) has left #Deep1320:14
Caldu hast caligari20:37
@bieeeich liebe calimari :D20:40
* feJ (~none@Psi-1D0BFBE3.student.appstate.edu) has joined #Deep1320:43
* ChanServ sets mode: +o feJ20:43
@bieeewas ist los mit calimari? Es schmeckt gut20:44
@feJhey... jeff got a D in spanish 20:47
* Tigger has an A in spanish right now..20:48
Tiggerbut bieee is talking in german..or something20:48
@feJwell... wooopppiiiedeee dooo for you20:48
@feJi passed high school and got into college... so i happy either way20:48
Tiggeri got three months left of high school..who knows about college20:49
@feJsilly spanish... tricks are for kids20:49
* Turquoise (~java@Psi-2384FB2A.malvrn01.pa.comcast.net) has joined #Deep1320:54
Turquoisewhat's shakin tonight20:55
Turquoiseand for the record, that is the first time i've ever said "what's shakin"... so i'd prefer if you didn't judge me on that statement alone.20:55
Syntopiconbooty at the club I didnt want to go to20:55
* @bieee is a HS dropout...but speaks fluent german so bite me x.x20:56
Turquoisehah, ok, thanks for sharing, bieee?20:56
Turquoiseyeah. damn curfews. i had to be home at 11. otherwise i'd still be out..20:56
Syntopiconlol, no curfew20:56
SyntopiconI just dont really like clubs all that greatly20:57
Turquoisesay, anyone know any publication that still occasionally writes on or mentions mst3k?20:57
Syntopiconno, but I am hungry, and I neither feel like making nor eating ramen, and that is all I have right now  :(20:59
Turquoisehaha, damn, ramen is good stuff21:00
Turquoisesomewhere in between spaghetti and microwave pizza21:00
CalRamen is great21:00
Syntopiconindeed, but Im just not in the mood right now21:00
* KatLady is on IRC21:01
* KatLady (vicfal@Psi-1B74EB50.Dial1.Philadelphia1.Level3.net) has joined #Deep1321:02
KatLadyhi turquoise21:02
Turquoisewhat's going on21:04
KatLadysomething wrong?21:05
@feJtv guide mentions mst3k occasionally... like when mike writes an article21:05
@feJsome online tech things will sporadically mention it, but that depends on the writer being a mstie (tech writers tend to be msties, for some reason)21:05
Turquoisek.. thanks. hehe.21:05
@feJTime Magazine will also mention the show occasionally21:06
Turquoisei gotta get going. arbitrary bedtimes. grr.21:06
@feJRichard Corliss loves the show, he will mention the show in his Time articles if he can slip a ref. in21:06
Turquoisethanks for the info, i'll prob be back in later this weekend21:06
SyntopiconI love being 700 miles from control21:06
KatLadyhey Syn21:06
Turquoiseheh.. i can't wait... only 18 more months or so21:06
KatLadylater Turquoise21:06
@feJman, you have big keyboard21:06
* Turquoise (~java@Psi-2384FB2A.malvrn01.pa.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: HabberNet JavaChat -- http://www.habber.net/chat)21:06
Syntopiconits a hop skip and a jump to space21:07
* KatLady sniggers21:12
* RobertoKay (hquiej@Oper.PsiBlade.net) Quit (Quit: Whatever.)21:14
* RobertoKay has left IRC21:14
* Thordis is cold once again and huddles into her parka.....21:28
Syntopicon'tis a bit nippy21:29
Syntopiconbut dorm rooms arent supposed to be comfortable21:29
KatLadypoor thordy21:30
* KatLady gives thordy her sleeping bag21:31
KatLadyit withstands temps past 40 degrees below zero.21:31
SyntopiconI wish Id have brought mine with me...might have even made the bed more comfy21:31
* Thordis rubs her cheek against her silk parka...... Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm silk.....21:31
Syntopiconsilk is good, but air is better21:32
ThordisEl-cheapo sleeping bags when unzipped and layed flat are decent doona substitutes.....21:32
Thordisand provide a colourful bedspread....21:32
Syntopiconmethinks a bit of dialect correction is needed21:33
Thordisyeah, doona21:33
Syntopiconterm is not familiar to American eyes21:33
ThordisUhhh, not 'zactly a quilt, 'cause you need a cover for it...21:33
Syntopiconahh, ok, got ya21:33
Thordisyou buy your doona and a bed linen set, then put the doona in the doona cover.21:34
Syntopiconno doona for me21:34
Syntopiconsheets and a quilt21:34
Thordisyou need a big warm doona.....21:36
Thordisor a sleeping bag that can be unzipped into a flat rectangle of warmness.21:37
* Hombre (Hombre@Psi-994A07E.tnt1.birmingham.al.da.uu.net) has joined #Deep1321:38
KatLadyReturn Of The Hombre21:39
ThordisSounds like the sunscreen21:39
ThordisHombré Solré....21:39
KatLadyyep, it's Hman21:40
KatLadyhe has returned21:40
* TonicBH (~bbj17@Psi-7E6253.tnt1.portland.or.da.uu.net) has joined #Deep1321:40
KatLadyhey ton21:40
ThordisAmbré Solré......21:40
* Hombre is now known as Sabeau21:40
Sabeauwow, it's been almost two months since Ive been here21:41
KatLadyok I gotta go21:42
KatLadyme tired21:42
Tiggernite KatLady21:42
KatLadynite Tig21:42
Syntopiconenjoy the sleep!21:42
KatLadyI will21:43
* KatLady (vicfal@Psi-1B74EB50.Dial1.Philadelphia1.Level3.net) Quit (Quit: Leaving)21:43
* KatLady has left IRC21:43
ThordisSleep is good.21:43
ThordisSleep is even more good with a nice bed.21:43
* Tigger glares at her futon21:43
Tiggeri wish i knew..lol21:43
* Thordis happily thinks of her nice waterbed......21:43
ThordisMmmmmmmm, bed.......21:43
* Syntopicon looks up at his bunk21:44
Tiggeryeah..i had a waterbed..till i killed it21:44
Syntopiconwell, at least I have a fridge under my bed!21:44
ThordisWell, you see, you can't get away with stabbing a waterbed......21:44
Syntopiconbut you can shoot it!21:45
ThordisThey tend to react badly to that sorta thing....21:45
ThordisI did kill my heater pad and had to get a new one.....21:45
ThordisHeheheh, I've got a little hole burned through the wooden base of my bed.....21:46
Syntopiconthat cant be healthy21:46
ThordisAnd on the pad itself, some of the covering was burnt black and the wires were exposed.....21:46
ThordisIt's just a tiny hole.....21:47
ThordisI got a new heater pad and everythings just fine21:47
Thordisand now I makes sure not to turn it up so high....21:47
Tiggermy heater thingy burnt up..and thats how i killed my bed..21:47
Thordisdid it damage the mattress?21:48
Tiggeryeah..it melted it21:48
Tiggerit got too hot..and tripped out21:48
Tiggerthen my room tried to flood21:48
ThordisMine just killed itself, the mattress was fine......21:48
ThordisWell, except for the fact that it was as warm as an iceberg.....21:49
ThordisThe heat pad is an essential part of the waterbed.....21:49
ThordisYou can't just warm up the mattress with your own bodyheat, it's impossible.21:50
@feJmy matress stays nice and warm from my hot body21:50
ThordisStill, I do prefer my waterbed- the way it shapes itself to your body is great.21:51
SyntopiconI prefer the dirt, the way the rocks dig into your back is great!21:52
Sabeauone of the bars on my futon broke21:52
Tiggeri've been sleeping on the bars of my futon21:52
* Thordis ctcp pings herself, just 'causa the cool ping noise ircle makes.....21:52
ThordisWhat happened to the futon mattress?21:53
Sabeauumm....yeah, anyways, I fixed it by tying up a huge mass of phone cord21:53
ThordisSo when someone phones you, you answer the bed?21:53
Thordis*bed starts ringing* Sorry, gotta answer that.....21:54
Sabeauno...I answer the vibrator....it's on the end of the cable21:54
Sabeauno, not kinky; convienient21:55
Sabeauand, in more ways than they know, I let the people I phone know what I think about 'em21:55
Sabeauyes, I wanna f**k em, that's what I let them know ;)21:56
Syntopiconyou want to fasteriskasteriskk them?21:57
* Thordis (~Thordis@Psi-2B7A8AF1.VIC.dft.com.au) Quit (Ping timeout)21:57
* Thordis has left IRC21:57
Sabeauyeah, that's right...I speak in large words21:57
Sabeaulike I don't say flabbergast (sp?)21:58
SabeauI say phlahbbuhrghasst21:59
SabeauIT'S FUNNY! SHUT UP! NO, YOU SHUT UP! WAHHH!!!!!!!!22:01
* DZ{Away} is now known as DarkonZero22:06
* DarkonZero is on IRC22:06
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] You are already identified22:06
* Sabeau (Hombre@Psi-994A07E.tnt1.birmingham.al.da.uu.net) Quit (Quit: bye)22:17
* Sentroid91 (servo911@Oper.PsiBlade.net) has joined #Deep1322:25
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* Jouva (jouva@fluffy.moufette.com) Quit (Quit: *bang* *bang* Oh thank you very much. A shot in the face. How nice.)22:26
* Jouva has left IRC22:26
* Cal (~pmccart@Psi-2E07D94E.wi.tds.net) Quit (Quit: At that moment, the Chosen One learned a valuable lesson about iron claws - they hurt like crap, man!)22:28
* Cal has left IRC22:28
* ILikeMike (~MSTieGate@Psi-3A0877E7.ny325.east.verizon.net) Quit (Quit: HabberNet JavaChat -- http://www.habber.net/chat)22:29
* feJ (~none@Psi-1D0BFBE3.student.appstate.edu) Quit (Quit: poof, now im over here)22:45
* Syntopicon (~syntopico@84417EC.761338A7.37687273.IP) Quit (Quit: )22:45
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* RobertoKay is on IRC22:46
DarkonZeroOne by one....22:46
* RobertoKay (hquiej@Psi-1C921DA0.lax1.dsl.speakeasy.net) has joined #Deep1322:46
* ChanServ sets mode: +ao RobertoKay RobertoKay22:46
DarkonZeroI thought someone was taking a break.22:46
Tiggerthats what he said..at one time..lol22:46
DarkonZeroYeah...last night.22:47
DarkonZeroAh well....22:47
@RobertoKayIt's Friday, and I have nothing better to do.22:47
DarkonZeroNice to see 'im though.22:47
@RobertoKayTry not to expect me here during weekdays any more.22:48
DarkonZeroWell...that is your choice.22:49
DarkonZeroLike I'm gonna go to your house and force you to go on.22:49
@RobertoKayI forced myself to go on.22:52
@RobertoKayThe powers that be of boredom did, actually...22:53
DarkonZero<Robby> I was hankering for porn.22:53
DarkonZeroI'll join in....22:55
TonicBHGreetings. *boom*23:01
* Thordis is on IRC23:02
* Thordis (~Thordis@Psi-2B7A8AF1.VIC.dft.com.au) has joined #Deep1323:02
ThordisWell, the power's back, and I've just turned everything on that was connected to the UPS....23:03
* Thordis opens her bottle of Coke, the label says 1 in 12 wins a free Coke. Thordis looks under the lid. She didn't win, figures.......23:05
TonicBHthose contests are usually rigged23:06
TonicBHlike ones in TV Dinners for "WIN A FREE TRIP TO JAMAICA!"23:06
TonicBHwhen in reality there is no winner and the TV Dinner company just got higher sales23:06
ThordisAhh bugger, the Austar box's gorked....23:06
@RobertoKayDAMNIT, I wish I was driving already so I could find something to do tomorrow night or something.23:07
@RobertoKayMy friend cancelled a midnight stakeout he and various others were planning to do.23:07
@RobertoKay... mostly because I tipped off other people about it.23:08
@RobertoKayBut only you and I know that.23:08
* Thordis reinserts the smartcard, power cycles the unit and waits again.....23:08
Thordisa stakeout?23:08
ThordisWhat were you staking out?23:08
* Thordis considers playing some Exile, or EV Nova.....23:09
@RobertoKayPeople were egging my friend's car, so they wanted to catch the people responsible.23:09
ThordisAnd then you chase after the perps with batons?23:10
ThordisMy mother has an English Bobby's police baton..... heheh, I wonder where she got it?23:10
@RobertoKayI have no idea.23:10
@RobertoKayMy friend and most of his friends are bohemians.23:11
ThordisWould cast iron frypans be an acceptable alternative?23:11
Thordis*bonk!* Heheheheheh23:12
@RobertoKayI'm just curious. WHY, and I mean, WHY would people want to see footage of the astronauts' final moments on the shuttle?23:12
Tiggernite peeps23:12
ThordisMorbid curiosity.....23:12
ThordisNigt Tiggs23:12
* Thordis hurts Typo Fairy23:12
* Tigger (Tigger@Psi-3BFF1CC.client.attbi.com) Quit (Quit: )23:12
* Tigger has left IRC23:12
@RobertoKayYes. With "morbid" emphasized in bold and multiple underlines.23:12
@RobertoKayI mean, seriously, the whole hoopla behind it is that everyone knows that moments later, they DIE.23:13
@Sentroid91I think it's to take our minds off of Iraq23:13
@RobertoKayWhy would the MEDIA do that?23:14
ThordisEhh, I came in just before the second tower collapse on September 11- One of my first thoughts was "This'll make even better TV than the NSW bushfires."23:15
@RobertoKayI just think it's kind of an example of how voyeuristic society has become in the last couple of years.23:15
* TonicBH is curious about something23:15
@Sentroid91Anyone see the monstrosity they picked to be the new World Trade Center?23:16
@RobertoKayI mean, really, it's the equivalent of watching a beloved relative's last few moments of life, knowing all the while that he's gonna buy the farm seconds later.23:16
TonicBHSent: Not me23:16
ThordisUhm, I saw a brief shot of the drawing.....23:16
@RobertoKayWhy didn't they just go with the middle finger design instead of picking something out of Metropolis?23:16
ThordisI'm not sure if it was supposed to be a building though.....23:16
@RobertoKayThough having never seen Metropolis, the reference may not be accurate.23:17
@RobertoKayAs far as I know, there's actually LESS of the building and more emphasis on the surrounding plaza thing.23:17
* Thordis would like to see a big cube......23:18
ThordisCubes are all cubish......23:18
@RobertoKayWith... something something.23:19
@Sentroid91Just be glad Disney didn't get a shot at it... imagine what they'd put in.23:20
TonicBHa New York Disneyland23:20
ThordisOooh how about a big Hourglass-shaped building?23:21
@Sentroid91A Giant Epcot Center and/or Magic Kingdom23:21
@Sentroid91How about a giant net to catch terrorists?23:21
* TonicBH still wonders why the fuck he can't find The Living Daylights anywhere.23:22
ThordisA Giant version of Tom Servo......23:22
ThordisThe bubble could be a super-sized greenhouse.23:22
@Sentroid91How about the island from The Prisoner?23:23
@RobertoKayMy god. Simplicity is too much of a fucking hassle these days, huh?23:23
TonicBHit's strange... I can find every other Bond film on VHS *BESIDES* that one23:23
ThordisWhat, just have them put in a standard 'ol fucking big tower?23:26
@RobertoKayWhy not?23:27
@RobertoKayI don't appreciate high art, though, so maybe that's it.23:27
ThordisWhat like those paintings that look they were painted by a messy toddler?23:29
ThordisWell, I don't see what's so great about them either......23:31
* DarkonZero is now known as DZ{Away}23:34
* DarkonZero has left IRC23:34
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] You are already identified23:34
@RobertoKayI'm convinced that I'm done for the night, so adios.23:35
* RobertoKay (hquiej@Psi-1C921DA0.lax1.dsl.speakeasy.net) Quit (Quit: Whatever.)23:35
* RobertoKay has left IRC23:35
* Thordis is now known as Thordis[AWAY]23:36
* Thordis has left IRC23:36
TonicBHxquote, search ... shit23:45
TonicBHI forgot it, son of a bastich23:45
* DZ{Away} is now known as DarkonZero23:48
* DarkonZero is on IRC23:48
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] You are already identified23:48
* Disconnected23:48
Session Close: Fri Feb 28 23:48:37 2003

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