
Session Start: Fri Feb 21 00:00:00 2003
Session Ident: #Deep13
@Sentroid91Subject: Re:00:00
@Sentroid91Awww, Senty needs a hug. *huggles* How long have you been stalking me, you nut? XD00:00
@Sentroid91I think it's time I added that Mr. Blonde pic I just made00:00
DarkonZeroWow....she considers you stalking her.....she feels special now.00:00
DarkonZeroSpecial as in Special Olympics.00:01
DarkonZeroIf all else fails....put it on someone else.00:05
DarkonZeroPoor Robby.00:05
@Sentroid91I'm not telling her anything that isn't false.00:06
@Sentroid91He did tell me.00:06
DarkonZeroTrue dat.00:06
* Tigger (Tigger@Psi-3BFF1CC.client.attbi.com) has left #Deep1300:07
DarkonZeroOne by one.00:07
DarkonZeroFuck....I feel like going back to sleep.00:08
DarkonZeroI better not be fuckin' diabetic.00:08
* Sentroid91 changes topic to '9http://www.deep13.org | Dick Anderson. Gone at last | Return of the beggers! http://www.geocities.com/pleasegiveadollar/| http://Deep13.youaremyfriend.com'00:19
@Sentroid91http://www.wrestlecrap.com/ - LOL I knew he'd use it!00:35
@Sentroid91Oh, and speaking of which. I really felt sorry for the little dog in the skit, who was hovering around in mid air for a good ten minutes in a swaying crate. And after opening the first crate to find a tiny little puppy, can someone please explain why Taker then smashed the second box open? What if it had been another little dog?00:38
@Sentroid91Turtle Power!00:42
@Sentroid91Yeah, I was just wondering if you heard anything about Fugofugo Yumeji , who uses kinda...turtle gimmick, in Japan. He wears a large golden turtle shell on his back. While he wrestles. He can't be pinned, because with the turtle shell, his shoulders don't touch the ground. Or that's the way it was supposed to work, anyway. The "shell" just smooshed down, and his shoulders easily touched. But when the Japanese are stealing Jim herd's ideas, they don't00:42
@Sentroid91Just thought I'd let you know...00:42
@Sentroid91RD: Maybe he's Gamera?00:42
@Sentroid91I was watching MST3K and got the perfect quote for WWE right now - "They're promising entertainment, but I'm not that optimistic."00:44
@Sentroid91RD: Man do I miss that show.00:44
* Sentroid91 is now known as Sentroid[SLEEPING]01:37
* Sentroid91 has left IRC01:37
* DarkonZero is now known as DZ{Away}02:24
* DarkonZero has left IRC02:24
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] You are already identified02:24
* Jouva is on IRC04:29
* Jouva (jouva@fluffy.moufette.com) has joined #Deep1304:29
* ChanServ sets mode: +ao Jouva Jouva04:29
* @Jouva shoots out a decoy scientist and watches it explode.04:29
* Jouva (jouva@fluffy.moufette.com) Quit (Quit: *bang* *bang* Oh thank you very much. A shot in the face. How nice.)04:53
* Jouva has left IRC04:53
* Jouva is on IRC04:57
* Jouva (jouva@fluffy.moufette.com) has joined #Deep1304:57
* ChanServ sets mode: +ao Jouva Jouva04:57
* @Jouva shoots out a decoy scientist and watches it explode.04:57
@JouvaApparently, something I was supposed to do for work was JUST called off so I'm gonna be in at normal time, SOOOO I've got another half hour.04:59
TimeJouva: what are your regularly scheduled hours?05:06
@Jouva8:30 to 505:09
@JouvaThis WAS gonna be 8 to 505:09
TimeSo unpaid overtime 8)05:13
TimeThat was a recent Dilbert I saw.05:13
@JouvaOk time for work05:25
* Jouva (jouva@fluffy.moufette.com) Quit (Quit: *bang* *bang* Oh thank you very much. A shot in the face. How nice.)05:26
* Jouva has left IRC05:26
* @Min runs off to do something.07:29
* Min is now known as Min[OUT]07:29
* Min has left IRC07:29
* DZ{Away} is now known as DarkonZero07:29
* DarkonZero is on IRC07:29
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] You are already identified07:29
@Sentroid[SLEEPING] oh yay. something blew up in Staten Island.07:30
@Sentroid[SLEEPING]i haven't seen smoke like that since 9/1107:34
* DarkonZero starts waking process......07:40
DarkonZeroI AM FRICKIN' PESTO!07:57
@teenMSTieOur server needs a good warez channel07:59
@teenMSTiewarez and pr0n07:59
DarkonZeroThat'll a "underwarez" chan then, eh?07:59
* DarkonZero rocks....and rolls....all of the time.08:00
* @teenMSTie kicks DeeZ in the nuts08:02
DarkonZeroI knew you'd do that.08:02
DarkonZeroSince you like nuts and all.08:03
* DarkonZero runs off....laughing maniacly.08:04
* DarkonZero gets about 2 feet and starts wheezing.....08:05
* teenMSTie changes topic to '9http://www.deep13.org | Dick Anderson. Gone at last | Return of the beggers! http://www.geocities.com/pleasegiveadollar/| http://Deep13.youaremyfriend.com | WaReZ and pr0n!'08:11
DarkonZeroNice way to get unwanted folks in here.08:13
@teenMSTieYeah. I'm going back to bed.08:13
@teenMSTieYou can deal with them.08:13
* DarkonZero is now known as DZ{Away}08:13
* DarkonZero has left IRC08:13
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] You are already identified08:13
* teenMSTie is now known as teen[nap]08:14
PrincessLeia2heh, an op telling an non op to "deal with" people, i love how irresponsible people are %P08:22
* DZ{Away} is now known as DarkonZero08:33
* DarkonZero is on IRC08:33
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] You are already identified08:33
@teen[nap]Bite me, its fun!08:33
DarkonZeroYou go and do that yourself then.08:35
* teen[nap] (teenMSTie@4304A9C.FBFA26E1.742A5DD3.IP) Quit (Ping timeout)08:43
* Sentroid[SLEEPING] (servo911@Oper.PsiBlade.net) Quit (Ping timeout)08:43
* bie (Jagu@Psi-F3C178A.dyn.optonline.net) Quit (Ping timeout)08:43
* Ocean-Saurian (Ocean-Saur@Psi-15212611.ipt.aol.com) Quit (Ping timeout)08:43
* Ocean-Saurian has left IRC08:43
* Disconnected08:43
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** Looking up your hostname...08:43
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** Checking ident...08:43
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** Found your hostname08:44
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** No ident response; username prefixed with ~08:45
* Attempting to rejoin channel #Deep1308:45
* Rejoined channel #Deep1308:45
* Topic is '9http://www.deep13.org | Dick Anderson. Gone at last | Return of the beggers! http://www.geocities.com/pleasegiveadollar/| http://Deep13.youaremyfriend.com | WaReZ and pr0n!'08:45
* Set by teenMSTie on Fri Feb 21 08:07:1308:45
* DarkonZero is on IRC08:45
* Peacimowen is on IRC08:45
* PrincessLeia2 is on IRC08:45
* shade is on IRC08:45
* Time is on IRC08:45
* Ocean-Saurian is on IRC08:45
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Your nick has been registered with PsiBlade. If you are the owner of this nick, please identify now.08:45
-NickServ- [SYNTAX] /NickServ identify <password>08:45
* Ocean-Saurian (Ocean-Saur@Psi-15212611.ipt.aol.com) has joined #Deep1308:45
-ChanServ- [#Deep13] Welcome to #deep13. Be sure to visit our website at http://www.deep13.org/ but you probably already knew that.08:45
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Password Accepted - You are now identified08:45
* ChanServ sets mode: +o Ocean-Saurian08:45
PrincessLeia2that server burped08:46
DarkonZeroI WANNA DO IT AGAIN!08:46
PrincessLeia2i love people who use unsafe web colors08:48
DarkonZeroLike green?08:48
PrincessLeia2like #v8v8v808:49
PrincessLeia2it wont work in all browsers, so you end up with a page that looks like crap08:50
DarkonZeroThat's their call.....if they want their page to look like crap....let 'em.08:50
DarkonZeroOr e-mail them.....and tell them about it.08:51
PrincessLeia2i sometimes email people08:51
* teen[nap] is now known as teenMSTie08:51
PrincessLeia2it's this animaniacs quiz08:51
* ChanServ sets mode: +o teenMSTie08:51
PrincessLeia2heh, i'm Mindy08:56
PrincessLeia2ok lady08:56
DarkonZero<PL2> Hi pretty lady.08:56
DarkonZeroI'm frickin' pesto.08:57
PrincessLeia2it's fucking freezing in here08:57
* PrincessLeia2 goes to get more clothes08:57
DarkonZeroI could imagine.08:57
* PrincessLeia2 shivers08:59
PrincessLeia2just like an hour ago i was hot, bleh08:59
PrincessLeia2stupid cold09:00
* DarkonZero goes and beats up the cold for Leia.09:03
* DarkonZero loses.09:03
DarkonZeroIT'S TOO FRICKIN' COLD!09:03
DarkonZeroAnd the cold is fighting dirty.....it like kicked sand in my face.09:04
* PrincessLeia2 coughs09:04
PrincessLeia2it feels like someone took my insides out, stomped on them, and then put them back in... wrong09:04
* teenMSTie is now known as teenMSTIe[eat]09:04
DarkonZeroSounds like a time for a warm drink.09:04
DarkonZeroThat's an odd feeling.09:05
DarkonZeroHopefully you feel better later.09:11
DarkonZeroOr sooner.09:11
DarkonZeroOr now.09:11
DarkonZeroYou know me.....Mr. I hope people get sick.09:11
* Jouva is on IRC09:17
* Jouva (jouva@fluffy.moufette.com) has joined #Deep1309:17
* Jouva shoots out a decoy scientist and watches it explode.09:17
* ChanServ sets mode: +ao Jouva Jouva09:17
DarkonZeroEnter Jo.09:17
* Jouva is now known as Sandman09:17
* Jouva has left IRC09:17
* Sandman is now known as Jouva09:18
* Jouva is on IRC09:18
* PrincessLeia2 takes some dayquil09:25
PrincessLeia2noew this says "non-drowsy" but i know I'll be half asleep in an hour09:25
DarkonZeroOr fully asleep.09:25
DarkonZeroOr find yourself outside in the snow.09:26
PrincessLeia2it's not like nyquil, nyquil is like *coma*09:26
DarkonZeroI could use a nice coma today.09:27
@JouvaIn bed09:27
PrincessLeia2i took nyquil last night, i woke up and was completely disoriented09:27
DarkonZeroFUCK YEH!09:27
* Saurian-Ocean (~deep13@Psi-248B0EA5.cust.uslec.net) has joined #Deep1309:27
PrincessLeia2'lo OS09:27
@JouvaDZ: Sorry, we're all outs of comas, but you can have your choice of a comma or a comb09:28
* PrincessLeia2 puts on some gloves, and drops some frenchfries into Ocean-Saurian's fishtank09:28
DarkonZeroWhen I went to sleep yesterday from 3 pm till 7 pm PST...when I woke up...I thought it was the next day.09:28
DarkonZeroAnd for some reason....I thought I was late for something.09:29
* teenMSTIe[eat] is now known as teenMSTie09:29
* Saurian-Ocean wonders why leia put gloves on09:29
Saurian-OceanI never bite!09:29
DarkonZeroIt be frickin' cold mon!09:30
PrincessLeia2when i used to work third shift at a gas station i'd fall asleep... then wake up at 6... it was very strange not knowing if it was am or pm09:30
PrincessLeia2Saurian-Ocean: i am sick %(09:30
Saurian-OceanWhat do you have? Cold? Flu?09:30
@teenMSTieI had bronchitis09:30
PrincessLeia2i am coughing my lungs up09:30
PrincessLeia2it feels great09:30
Saurian-OceanOh, I already had that cold09:31
PrincessLeia2hurtys %(09:31
Saurian-OceanActually I used to hate people who gave me colds... but now I don't mind having a cold... it immunes me to getting that cold again09:31
DarkonZeroReminds me when I had bronchitis, pneumonia, and strep throat......09:31
DarkonZeroI miss the passing out though.09:31
@teenMSTieReminds me of when I had your mom.09:32
PrincessLeia2i just hate how i have so little energy09:32
DarkonZeroHave a coughing fit...and I'd pass out.09:32
Saurian-OceanI hate coughing fits09:32
DarkonZeroAgain....get well soon.09:32
Saurian-OceanIt's just like "kill me now!"09:32
Saurian-Oceanyes, soon to the get well cubed, leia09:33
DarkonZeroBroken tag09:33
Saurian-OceanThat's why I don't make webpages09:34
PrincessLeia2<3 webpages09:34
Saurian-Oceanbecause they would turn out like crap09:34
PrincessLeia2you are too hard on yourself09:34
DarkonZeroI think most of us are in here.09:35
Saurian-OceanHeh, well I some how associate HTML and programming to be in the same catagory09:35
Saurian-Oceanso that's why I stay away from it09:35
Saurian-OceanSo... like since my college is connect to the mall...09:35
Saurian-Oceandoes anyone want somthing?09:35
PrincessLeia2my problem with webpages lately as i am either in a creative mood or a scripting mode... so i have pages with nice design and no content, or no design and lots of content09:35
PrincessLeia2html is really easy09:36
PrincessLeia2php is where it gets difficult09:36
PrincessLeia2javascript is just stupid09:36
Saurian-OceanMaybe after college is when I'll try my hand at it09:36
Saurian-OceanYeah but Java programes grow with each day09:36
Saurian-OceanI think so09:37
Saurian-Ocean...don't quote that09:37
PrincessLeia2naw, javascript is so 199909:37
* DarkonZero quotes that.09:37
PrincessLeia2it's barely supported anywhere09:37
* Saurian-Ocean beats up DZ09:37
DarkonZeroI'm not here.09:37
Saurian-OceanActually I like Java interfacing09:37
Saurian-Oceanbut that's because I use winblows09:38
@JouvaWith root beer09:38
PrincessLeia2like real java?09:38
PrincessLeia2java != javascript09:38
PrincessLeia2but i hate them both09:38
Saurian-Ocean<Leia> LINUX FOREVER!09:38
PrincessLeia2java and windows dont really get along09:38
PrincessLeia2sun and microsoft hate each other09:38
DarkonZeroSun tried to release a Java based OS.09:39
PrincessLeia2part of the anti-trust settlement MADE microsoft allow java development on their platform09:39
Saurian-OceanMaybe that's why it takes a year to load09:39
PrincessLeia2java is slloooow (says the perl grrl)09:39
Saurian-OceanI wouldn't mind a Java based OS09:40
Saurian-Oceanthough... I would want it to be faster09:40
PrincessLeia2it would be slow as dirt and use all your resources %)09:40
PrincessLeia2C is good09:40
Saurian-OceanWell, I use 56k so I don't think I would notice the differance09:40
DarkonZeroIthink Sun tried to release a Java based OS...I really can't remember.09:40
PrincessLeia2not just web stuff would be slow, even if there were programs in your OS they'd all be *slow*09:41
Saurian-OceanOnce Java works it's way into the cache, it's nice and fast09:41
DarkonZeroI know they were hard up on everyone programming in Java years back.09:41
PrincessLeia2basing an OS on java would be very slow, it's much more complicated than a program09:41
PrincessLeia2yeah, i considered learning java back in the day09:42
* DarkonZero goes back to programming in Basic.09:42
PrincessLeia2i did learn some, but i just didnt have any practical application, so i forgot everything09:42
PrincessLeia2<3 perl09:43
* Saurian-Ocean laughs at programmers, and pays with a DIMM09:43
Saurian-Oceanactually I think it's funny how Programmers and A+ people fight somtimes09:46
Saurian-Oceanwell, they fight here09:46
Saurian-OceanMostly Programmers and Networking people here09:46
DarkonZeroTechs and programmers never get along.09:46
PrincessLeia2buncha geeks09:46
PrincessLeia2that's because most techs are stupid09:47
* Saurian-Ocean pushes up glasses09:47
DarkonZeroTechs like to blame software....programmers like to blame hardware.09:47
Saurian-OceanI RESENT THAT09:47
Saurian-OceanHah! How true DZ09:47
Saurian-OceanI always blame software09:47
PrincessLeia2i said "most" %)09:47
PrincessLeia2i dont blame hardware, i blame my own dumb self, and i'm almost always right %)09:47
DarkonZeroLittle Ms. Can't-Be-Wrong.09:48
PrincessLeia2like, oh man, the mistake i made yesterday... i pasted something in the wrong place and forgot about it, then the script kept breaking and i couldnt figure out what the problem was %s09:48
Saurian-OceanNah, I bet you know more about programming and A+ stuff then I do09:48
PrincessLeia2i must have looked over the mistake 50 times before i found it09:48
PrincessLeia2i dont know anything about A+09:48
Saurian-Oceanlike I said, more then me09:49
Saurian-Oceanwell, I must be off09:49
Saurian-OceanI'll be home in a bit09:49
* PrincessLeia2 yawns09:49
Saurian-Oceana little bitty bit09:49
PrincessLeia2i have stuff to work on anyway09:49
PrincessLeia2see ya OS09:49
Saurian-Oceansee ya!09:50
* Saurian-Ocean (~deep13@Psi-248B0EA5.cust.uslec.net) Quit (Quit: Leaving)09:50
* Jouva (jouva@fluffy.moufette.com) Quit (Quit: *bang* *bang* Oh thank you very much. A shot in the face. How nice.)10:00
* Jouva has left IRC10:00
* Tigger (~Boo@Psi-3BFF1CC.client.attbi.com) has joined #Deep1310:02
DarkonZeroHey Tigg.10:02
Tiggerhey dz..10:02
PrincessLeia2yay dayquil zone-outs10:07
Tiggerthanks to somebody in here...my AIM has a 45% warning level.10:07
PrincessLeia2buncha punks in here10:07
DarkonZeroDamn that Joey.10:07
Tiggerdid you see what his is at now?10:08
Tiggerit was at 100% last night..now its at like 7810:08
Tiggeroh..i warned his other account to 100%10:08
PrincessLeia2jesus christ10:08
PrincessLeia2i log onto AIM just to laugh at OS's warning level and i get two IM's right away10:09
DarkonZeroIt wouldn't have started if Joey wouldn't have started talking about things made with Spam.10:09
Tiggerdont even go there today10:10
DarkonZeroI won't.10:10
DarkonZeroHe's the one that started it.10:10
PrincessLeia2spam is not teh tasty10:11
DarkonZeroI only said 2 things......and he went off.10:11
Tiggerok stop!10:11
Tiggercrap..i come online..and more people start asking me why i was warned...and then they warn me too10:11
Tiggertime for me to hide from aim10:12
PrincessLeia2i dont talk to many people in here on IM10:12
PrincessLeia2i think i am trying to avoid these crazies10:12
DarkonZeroI've noticed.10:12
PrincessLeia2the only people on my list are those who added me to their from the deep13 profile10:13
DarkonZeroI don't IM anyone unless they IM me...or if I really wanna talk with anybody.10:13
Tiggeri think i used to have yer sn on my buddy list..but i donno what happened to it..lol10:13
Tiggeri have like 60 people on my buddy list..so hey10:13
* Tigger is now known as TigAFK10:14
* DarkonZero thinks of finishing his new profile for Deep13.org.10:17
* DarkonZero thinks of doing it later.10:21
PrincessLeia2mine is long because i love talking about myself10:22
DarkonZeroI saw.10:22
DarkonZeroI actually used yours as a template for my new one.10:22
DarkonZeroIt helps me alot.10:23
PrincessLeia2good good10:23
DarkonZeroHell....I might as just copy yours and use it.10:23
* PrincessLeia2 looks at her own profile10:24
PrincessLeia2tservo4 hates me noew 'cause New York is under my dislikes10:24
DarkonZeroHe'll get over it.10:24
DarkonZeroI think,10:24
PrincessLeia2he doesnt come around much anymore10:24
DarkonZeroThat's his choice.10:25
DarkonZeroHe makes himself busy.....or something.10:25
DarkonZeroI was kinda like that.10:25
DarkonZeroOf course...I used to work nights alot.10:25
PrincessLeia2i think he has a life too10:26
DarkonZeroI wonder where he found it?10:26
DarkonZeroMornings are frickin' SLOW!10:45
* PrincessLeia2 talks10:45
* DarkonZero wanders off momentarily.....10:46
* Disconnected10:57
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** Looking up your hostname...10:57
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** Checking ident...10:57
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** Found your hostname10:57
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** No ident response; username prefixed with ~10:58
* Attempting to rejoin channel #Deep1310:58
* Rejoined channel #Deep1310:58
* Topic is '9http://www.deep13.org | Dick Anderson. Gone at last | Return of the beggers! http://www.geocities.com/pleasegiveadollar/| http://Deep13.youaremyfriend.com | WaReZ and pr0n!'10:58
* Set by teenMSTie on Fri Feb 21 08:07:1310:58
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Your nick has been registered with PsiBlade. If you are the owner of this nick, please identify now.10:58
-NickServ- [SYNTAX] /NickServ identify <password>10:58
-ChanServ- [#Deep13] Welcome to #deep13. Be sure to visit our website at http://www.deep13.org/ but you probably already knew that.10:58
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Password Accepted - You are now identified10:58
* DarkonZero is on IRC10:58
* Ocean-Saurian is on IRC10:58
* Peacimowen is on IRC10:58
* PrincessLeia2 is on IRC10:58
* Sentroid91 is on IRC10:58
* shade is on IRC10:58
* Time is on IRC10:58
* Sentroid91 is now known as Sentroid[SCHOOL]10:58
* Sentroid91 has left IRC10:58
* TigAFK (~Boo@Psi-3BFF1CC.client.attbi.com) Quit (Connection timed out)11:03
* Tigger (~Boo@Psi-3BFF1CC.client.attbi.com) has joined #Deep1311:09
DarkonZeroThat doesn't sound good.11:22
* Tigger is now known as TigAFK11:32
PrincessLeia2i just found out my sister's canadian boyfriend has a warrent out for his arrest11:32
PrincessLeia2"it's all a misunderstanding"11:33
TigAFKwoah...major server lagging..11:34
-> [DarkonZero] PING11:35
[DarkonZero PING]11:35
[DarkonZero PING reply]: 1sec11:35
@Ocean-Saurian78 people have seen my profile on match.com11:38
DarkonZeroAnd 0 responded11:38
@Ocean-Saurianhow much e-mail have I gotten?11:39
PrincessLeia2you have to pay to respond11:39
PrincessLeia2i doubt 10% of the people on there actually pay11:39
@Ocean-Saurian1 e-mail... and it was a prank11:39
PrincessLeia2stupid quilly11:39
DarkonZeroThe one I put up on Love@AOL a long time ago is long gone now.11:39
@Ocean-SaurianWell, I put my AIM name in my profile so people don't don't have to pay11:39
* TigAFK is now known as Tigger11:42
Tiggerhrm..those new oreo cookies taste just like the cookies the girlscouts sell11:42
@Ocean-Saurianmaybe the oreo company mobbed the girlscouts and STOLE the cookies11:43
Tiggerits the double stuff ones...with mint and creme..11:44
Tiggeri decided i need to hide them from my dad tho..or they will be gone in one day..hehe11:44
@Ocean-SaurianThat's like pizza arou... OH I just remebered! We have left over pizza! Brb11:44
PrincessLeia2wow, i must be ill, the mention of pizza didnt make me want any11:45
* Cal is on IRC11:45
* Cal (~pmccart@2C021B26.163D95E3.11FE9AD7.IP) has joined #Deep1311:45
DarkonZeroHOLY SHIT! IT'S CAL!11:46
PrincessLeia2it's funny when you have people on your IM list and you forget who they are11:52
Tiggeri know that feeling11:53
DarkonZeroHeh....I get the same way.11:53
PrincessLeia2then they IM you and you play this fun game, trying to figure out who they are without admitting you have no clue11:53
* Cal (~pmccart@2C021B26.163D95E3.11FE9AD7.IP) Quit (Ping timeout)11:53
* Cal has left IRC11:53
DarkonZeroHmmm.....who is this Leia26?11:53
PrincessLeia2a cute chix0r from #deep1311:54
Tiggeri dont have leia on my buddy list...hrm11:54
DarkonZeroReally? I thought it was some guy posing as a girl.11:54
PrincessLeia2i dont have tigger on mine, or deez actually11:54
Tiggeri think i used to have deez11:54
PrincessLeia2i dont turn it on much tho, 'cause i always have people bugging me when i am trying to work11:55
@shadeI ahte when people have odd names on aim11:55
@shadecause I'm like11:55
@shadethe fuck11:55
@shadeI know who tehy are for like a day11:55
Tiggermine is just Tigger Tiffer    its not too odd11:55
@shadethen never talk to them on aim11:55
@shadethen I go through my list like months later11:55
@shadeand am like11:55
PrincessLeia2i usually just Alias people to their IRC nicks, or something i will recongnise11:56
PrincessLeia2so i see Ocean-Saurian's nick as "Ocean-Saurian" ... makes life much easier11:56
Tiggerwhats really confusing is my mom's AIM nickname..11:56
* Tigger shows off her little age thingy she made when she was bored...11:57
Tigger11,2I am 918wks 1day 3hrs 23mins 3secs (17.596553 years) old.11:57
Tigger9,3I turn 18 in 20wks 6days 20hrs 36mins 57secs. July 18th.11:57
Tigger4,5I graduate in 16wks 7hrs 2mins 57secs. June 13, 2003.11:57
* @shade be 634737425 Seconds old. (20.113615262 years old)11:57
* PrincessLeia2 blinks11:57
@shadeso tigs11:58
@shadewhere ya goin to college?11:58
Tiggerhavent decided yet..11:58
Tiggerprobably not going to get accepted into CalPoly..11:58
Tiggerbut OSU, USU, and SDSU are looking really good as of now..11:59
@shadewell, if you end up going to OSU, lemme know so we can meet up sometime :p12:00
PrincessLeia2<tigger> no you are creepy!12:00
@shadeI wouldn't be surprised if she thought that12:01
PrincessLeia2well you are a fairly shadey character... oh hahahahaaa12:01
DarkonZeroshade trying to work his mojo12:01
Tiggerwell..in the future..i plan to try to meet most of my online friends..hehe12:01
@Ocean-Saurian<Tigger> Note to self: Don't come back to deep 13... they can read minds12:01
* @shade slaps his knee12:01
Tiggereverybody in here does it12:01
@shadeYes, why right now, I'm reading you--- OMG thats dirty! Shame on you Tigger!12:02
PrincessLeia2i havent met anyone in here, well besides time12:02
* DarkonZero plans on trying to meet all his online friends and kil....er...give them gifts.12:02
@shadeI haven't met anyone in here, at all12:02
* Tigger blinks12:02
PrincessLeia2jo, bie and sent live fairly close12:02
Tiggerwhat the heck?12:02
@Ocean-SaurianI'm with you Shade12:02
Tiggeri am so confused..12:02
PrincessLeia2but furries scare me12:02
* @shade ruffles Tigger's hair12:02
* PrincessLeia2 hides her stuffed animals12:03
* Tigger looks up at her hair now sticking straight up in the air..12:03
@Ocean-SaurianActually I wouldn't mind going to a fur con to meet like 4 deep 13er's12:03
Tiggerer wait..thats the way my hair always is now..lol12:03
@Ocean-Saurianthough my parents would probably would never look at me the same12:03
PrincessLeia2there was a furcon near here that jo and bie were at, but those people are weirdos!12:03
Tiggerhopefully when i go off to college...i will still be able to come online and all that...and talk to you crazy peeps12:03
@shadeif I went to a furcon12:04
@shadeI'd just say its a general con12:04
@shademy parents wouldn't nkow :p12:04
DarkonZeroI wouldn't mind meeting anyone anywhere, just as long as I get to kil....er...give them gifts.12:04
@shadethough I probably wouldn't go to on12:04
@shadeI'd love to go to an anime con though12:04
PrincessLeia2i'd wear a fur coat12:04
@Ocean-SaurianOh man, that's like begging for a beat down at a furcon12:04
DarkonZeroor by PETA.12:05
PrincessLeia2i wouldnt wear fur anyway, i like cute furry animals too much12:05
@Ocean-SaurianYou know sombody should walk in naked into a furcon and rub their skin and say "Like my new skin coat? It's human!"12:05
PrincessLeia2not much fur on humans12:06
DarkonZeroJoey....you go and do that.12:06
@Ocean-SaurianSure there is... have you seen Robin Williams latly?12:06
* Tigger runs around in circles12:08
* @Ocean-Saurian runs around in octagons12:08
* DarkonZero runs into walls.12:08
@Ocean-SaurianMan I am sleepy12:09
* Tigger yawns12:09
Tiggeri stayed up till really early in the morning..12:10
Tiggerthats not good for me..12:10
DarkonZeroI sleep off and on.12:12
Tiggerwell..i cant do that..i have school from 8 AM till 3 PM12:12
PrincessLeia2i try to keep a normal schedule, because otherwise I feel tired all the time12:12
DarkonZeroWho says you can't sleep in school...I did.12:12
Tiggeri've never fallen asleep in school12:12
@shadeI have!12:13
PrincessLeia2me too12:13
PrincessLeia2in health class12:13
@shadeI fell asleep in lots of classes12:13
DarkonZeroI fell asleep mostly in history class and drooled all over my book.12:13
@shadethe ones that stick out though are accounting, biology, and business12:13
Tiggeri was really sick and almost fell asleep in P.E.12:13
PrincessLeia2goverment class too...12:13
PrincessLeia2damn that was  boring class12:13
@shadeaccounting cause its a boring class at 8am12:13
Tiggerbut i never really fell asleep12:13
@shadebiology, cause it was boring and such12:14
@shadeand business cause my teacher had a monotone voice12:14
@shadeput me to sleep12:14
Tiggeri have english at 8AM..then i have a t.a. period..then i go to Current Issues, then physics, calculus,and spanish 212:14
Tiggeri love my hard schedule..hehe12:14
DarkonZeroI slept on the bus to and from school.12:14
DarkonZeroI slept alot.12:14
DarkonZeroI wonder why I was so tired.12:14
PrincessLeia2economics was boring too, so i sat in the back and messed around with friends the entire time, we were the giggly-always-in-trouble-but-got-highest-grades part of the class, it was nice having friends ... even if it was only in the last half of my senior year12:15
DarkonZeroOh yeah....trying to do my homework all last minute and staying up late.12:15
* Tigger laughs..12:15
* Tigger looks over at her homework12:16
DarkonZeroWhen I took my SATs...I thought playing D&D was more important.12:16
Tiggeri did really crappy on my sat's12:17
DarkonZeroI gotta look for my scores.....they're funny.12:17
Tiggermine was 470 Verbal..470 Math..940 Total12:18
DarkonZeroI think I made a total of 660.12:18
DarkonZeroI dunno.12:18
DarkonZeroIt's been a long time.12:18
* Tigger shakes her head..12:19
Tiggerbut it felt really good to know that i did better than ex best friend..lol12:19
DarkonZeroI haven't looked at my scores since I got them.12:19
@shadeI never took the SATs12:19
Tiggershe gets straight a's cause she is like a teacher's pet..and like..she loves to rub it in...and then i did better than her on the sats..and i laughed12:19
PrincessLeia2i got 550 on math and 550 on verbal, i was disappointed..12:20
* Tigger shrugs12:20
PrincessLeia2but i didnt really try, and i was stressed out12:20
PrincessLeia2i tend to work myself up about those things to a point where i cant concentrate12:20
Tiggeri was surprised that i got = on both..i didnt think that was supposed to happen..12:20
Tiggeri cant do good on tests..12:20
Tiggeri bombed all of my finals last semester..12:20
DarkonZeroI was just too concentrated on the game of D&D I was gonna play after taking the SATs.12:20
Tiggeryet thanks to teacher errors..i got a 3.8 GPA12:20
PrincessLeia2hehe deez12:20
DarkonZeroThen the use of calculators happened a few months later.12:21
DarkonZeroI took them when you weren't allowed to use calculators.12:21
PrincessLeia2i had a 93 average in high school i dunno what that translates into point average, it's different everywhere... but it's an A nonetheless12:22
DarkonZeroI think I got a 2.41 GPA.12:22
DarkonZeroI hated applying myself.12:23
DarkonZeroI get bored with stuff too quickly.12:23
PrincessLeia2i didnt have anything better to do12:23
Tiggeraround here... A = 4.0 = 95-100%  A- = 3.7 = 90 - 95%12:23
PrincessLeia2ah, so around a 3.8 then12:23
DarkonZeroAnd we end it on that.....thank you Leia.....12:26
@shadeI LIK ECHEESE12:26
DarkonZeroYou lick electronic cheese?12:27
PrincessLeia2mmm chez12:27
DarkonZeroEveryone should have a hobby.12:27
* DarkonZero needs frickin' chocolate.12:28
* DarkonZero steps down from the soap box.12:31
Tiggerholey crap..i just got an acceptance letter in the mail..12:36
* DarkonZero crosses fingers.12:36
DarkonZeroGood or bad?12:37
DarkonZeroThat's good.12:37
Tiggerits one of the 6 that i applied to12:37
Tiggerhere's hoping for the rest..hehe12:37
DarkonZeroGood luck again.12:37
PrincessLeia2yay tig!12:37
Tiggercause this one is the University of Arkansas..hehe..i am still waiting on 5 more responses12:38
* Tigger bounces around12:40
Tiggeryay..i got my first acceptance letter..i am so happy..12:40
@Ocean-SaurianHeh congrats12:44
* Tigger grins extremely big like12:45
* Cal is on IRC12:52
* Cal (~pmccart@Psi-3DB611B3.wi.tds.net) has joined #Deep1312:52
@teenMSTieIts CAL!12:52
DarkonZeroHOLY SHIT!12:52
@teenMSTiePretty much.12:56
* DarkonZero is now known as DZ{Away}13:10
* DarkonZero has left IRC13:10
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] You are already identified13:10
@teenMSTieHey, kids! Its your old pal, Stinky Wizzlteeth!13:15
@teenMSTieAnd I'm bringing Christmas presents of WaReZ and pr0n!13:15
* RobertoKay is on IRC13:57
* RobertoKay (hquiej@Oper.PsiBlade.net) has joined #Deep1313:57
* ChanServ sets mode: +ao RobertoKay RobertoKay13:57
* DZ{Away} is now known as DarkonZero14:05
* DarkonZero is on IRC14:05
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] You are already identified14:05
* RobertoKay changes topic to '9http://www.deep13.org | Return of the beggers! http://www.geocities.com/pleasegiveadollar/| http://Deep13.youaremyfriend.com | WaReZ and pr0n!'14:05
@RobertoKaySupport your local nightclub.14:05
* @RobertoKay wants to point out he hasn't been home since finutes before 7 AM.14:05
@RobertoKayfive minutes14:06
DarkonZeroCondensing words again?14:06
DarkonZero9 minutes later.....14:15
@RobertoKayI'm going for a nap... later.14:17
* RobertoKay is now known as RobertoNapping14:17
* RobertoKay has left IRC14:17
* DarkonZero pushes the bed Robby is napping on, out into traffic.14:18
Tiggerlol yer so nice14:21
DarkonZeroThat I am.14:21
Tiggerour house got egged one time14:26
Tiggerit sucked14:26
DarkonZeroI could imagine.14:27
Tiggernobody liked my brother in school apparently14:27
Tiggerok..i gotta go afk to work on scholarship stuff14:28
* Tigger is now known as TigAFK14:28
* Jouva is on IRC14:29
* Jouva (jouva@fluffy.moufette.com) has joined #Deep1314:29
* ChanServ sets mode: +ao Jouva Jouva14:29
* @Jouva shoots out a decoy scientist and watches it explode.14:30
* teenMSTie (teenMSTie@4304A9C.FBFA26E1.742A5DD3.IP) Quit (Ping timeout)14:46
* teenMSTie (teenMSTie@4304A9C.FBFA26E1.742A5DD3.IP) has joined #Deep1315:12
* ChanServ sets mode: +o teenMSTie15:12
CalDoes it have a name?15:14
CalI should not have asked.15:15
DarkonZeroYeah....shouldn't have.15:15
* DarkonZero goes to lie down for a bit....15:28
* DarkonZero is now known as DZ{Away}15:28
* DarkonZero has left IRC15:28
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] You are already identified15:28
* TigAFK (~Boo@Psi-3BFF1CC.client.attbi.com) Quit (Connection timed out)15:30
* shade (~Mystic@.) Quit (Connection reset by peer)16:02
* shade has left IRC16:02
* shade is on IRC16:02
* shade (~Mystic@.) has joined #Deep1316:02
* ChanServ sets mode: +o shade16:02
@ChanServ[shade] <@Sentroid91> Swimfan4u: I think I've fucked the Croc Hunter, but I'm not sure... I'm forgetting everything these days16:02
@teenMSTie!help fun16:27
@teenMSTie!setinfo message|#deep13|Its teen.16:28
@teenMSTie!help commands16:28
@teenMSTie!help srvx16:30
* ChanServ sets mode: -o teenMSTie16:31
* ChanServ sets mode: +o teenMSTie16:31
@teenMSTie!help fun16:32
@teenMSTie@weather 4885816:32
@teenMSTie!setinfo message|#Deep13|I WNAT PR0N!16:33
* teenMSTie was kicked by teenMSTie (teenMSTie)16:33
* teenMSTie (teenMSTie@4304A9C.FBFA26E1.742A5DD3.IP) has joined #Deep1316:33
* ChanServ sets mode: +o teenMSTie16:33
@ChanServ[teenMSTie] message|#Deep13|I WNAT PR0N!16:33
@teenMSTie!help fun16:33
@teenMSTie!setinfo I WNAT PR0N!16:33
* teenMSTie was kicked by teenMSTie (pants)16:35
* teenMSTie (teenMSTie@4304A9C.FBFA26E1.742A5DD3.IP) has joined #Deep1316:35
* ChanServ sets mode: +o teenMSTie16:35
@ChanServ[teenMSTie] I WNAT PR0N!16:35
@teenMSTie!help fun16:36
* Tigger (Tigger@Psi-3BFF1CC.client.attbi.com) has joined #Deep1316:37
@teenMSTie!setinfo He likes pancakes.16:37
@teenMSTie!help commands16:38
* @teenMSTie is bored.16:38
Tiggerapparently so16:38
Tiggeri'm incredibly bored..and hyper all at the same time...its insane16:42
Calplay Tribes216:43
Tiggeri have never played tribes before16:44
Tiggeri hear its really addicting16:44
CalIt is16:44
CalIt's fun, though16:44
CalEspecially in Masters servers with teamkilling on16:44
Tiggeri see16:44
CalOne of the weapons is a nuclear bomb16:44
* Cal (~pmccart@Psi-3DB611B3.wi.tds.net) Quit (Quit: At that moment, the Chosen One learned a valuable lesson about iron claws - they hurt like crap, man!)16:47
* Cal has left IRC16:47
* Tigger is now known as TIGafkMOO16:57
* Cal is on IRC17:17
* Cal (~pmccart@Psi-3DB611B3.wi.tds.net) has joined #Deep1317:17
* RobertoNapping (hquiej@Oper.PsiBlade.net) Quit (Ping timeout)17:22
* TIGafkMOO (Tigger@Psi-3BFF1CC.client.attbi.com) Quit (Connection timed out)17:35
* Tigger (Tigger@Psi-3BFF1CC.client.attbi.com) has joined #Deep1317:46
* Min[OUT] is now known as Min17:53
* Min is on IRC17:53
@Jouva<ABC Family Channel Censored Line> This is a bunch of stuff17:56
* shade (~Mystic@.) Quit (Connection reset by peer)18:00
* shade has left IRC18:00
CalCheck out the Devil's Advocate link18:06
CalIt's hillarious18:06
* Min[PEERED] (~avasquez@Psi-26525BE8.ply.adelphia.net) has joined #Deep1318:07
* shade is on IRC18:08
* shade (~Mystic@3E57C51.64899A28.6B1D113E.IP) has joined #Deep1318:09
* shade pokes TX18:09
@JouvaShall I delink?18:10
shadelet it do it naturally18:10
shadeTX isn't responding18:10
shadeit may be down for a ram switchout18:10
@JouvaBut I figured I'd squit it so I could connect PA quicker18:10
shadeTX may just be uberlagged18:11
@JouvaThat's some huge lag18:12
@JouvaOk I think it's dead Jim18:12
shadeprobably :/18:12
* Min (~avasquez@Psi-26525BE8.ply.adelphia.net) Quit (CA1.US.PsiBlade.net TX.US.PsiBlade.net)18:12
* Min has left IRC18:12
* Peacimowen (~Taiyoushi@Psi-3BEDA166.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) Quit (CA1.US.PsiBlade.net TX.US.PsiBlade.net)18:12
* Peacimowen has left IRC18:12
* ChanServ (Services@psiblade.net) Quit (CA1.US.PsiBlade.net TX.US.PsiBlade.net)18:12
* Tigger (Tigger@Psi-3BFF1CC.client.attbi.com) Quit (CA1.US.PsiBlade.net TX.US.PsiBlade.net)18:12
* PrincessLeia2 (~Lanfear2@Admin.PsiBlade.net) Quit (CA1.US.PsiBlade.net TX.US.PsiBlade.net)18:12
* PrincessLeia2 has left IRC18:12
* Time (~Time@Admin.PsiBlade.net) Quit (CA1.US.PsiBlade.net TX.US.PsiBlade.net)18:12
* Time has left IRC18:12
@JouvaThere squit18:12
@JouvaDah no link for PA18:12
shadetime never added a CA1 link?18:13
@JouvaNo I think maybe the IP is wrong on my end18:13
@JouvaYeah lemme fix that18:14
@JouvaWait hmmmm18:14
@JouvaNow MINE is being laggy18:15
shade<3 the internet18:15
@teenMSTieMy pants are on fire18:23
@teenMSTiehappy purple turtle fun tractor underpants joe planet.18:23
* Time is on IRC18:25
* PrincessLeia2 is on IRC18:25
* Time (~Time@Admin.PsiBlade.net) has joined #Deep1318:25
* PrincessLeia2 (~Lanfear2@Admin.PsiBlade.net) has joined #Deep1318:25
* Tigger (Tigger@Psi-3BFF1CC.client.attbi.com) has joined #Deep1318:25
* Jouva_ (jouva@fluffy.moufette.com) has joined #Deep1318:25
Tiggerwho broke it?18:25
shadetx is back up18:25
shademust have uberlagged18:25
* shade (~Mystic@3E57C51.64899A28.6B1D113E.IP) Quit (Quit: (Insert witty quit message))18:25
* shade has left IRC18:25
* shade is on IRC18:25
* shade (~Mystic@.) has joined #Deep1318:25
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Your nick has been registered with PsiBlade. If you are the owner of this nick, please identify now.18:28
-NickServ- [SYNTAX] /NickServ identify <password>18:28
* ChanServ (Services@psiblade.net) has joined #Deep1318:28
* ChanServ sets mode: +oq ChanServ ChanServ18:28
* ChanServ sets mode: +o shade18:28
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Password Accepted - You are now identified18:28
* Jouva_ (jouva@fluffy.moufette.com) Quit (Quit: *bang* *bang* Oh thank you very much. A shot in the face. How nice.)18:31
* Tigger is now known as TigAFK18:31
* Sentroid[NotHome] (servo911@Psi-3E986347.midltn01.nj.comcast.net) has joined #Deep1318:38
* Sentroid[SCHOOL] (~theturn@Psi-3E986347.midltn01.nj.comcast.net) Quit (Connection reset by peer)18:38
* Sentroid[NotHome] has returned.18:45
* Sentroid[NotHome] is now known as Sentroid9118:45
* Sentroid91 is on IRC18:45
* ChanServ sets mode: +qo Sentroid91 Sentroid9118:45
@Sentroid91i'm here. anyone riffing Spider-Man?18:45
CalI will18:46
* TigAFK is now known as Tigger18:47
* Sound request: can't find 'soft.wav'18:48
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]18:48
@JouvaThis site had a survey thing that was asking how long you're on the internet weekly18:52
@JouvaAnd the highest answer was "more than 5 hours"18:52
@JouvaFer christ sake I'm on more than 5 hours a _day_18:52
@Sentroid91We know.18:54
@Sentroid91or at least I do18:54
@Sentroid91since i'm on longer. :D18:54
* tservo5000 (~MSTieGate@Psi-1C5F2DAE.rochester.rr.com) has joined #Deep1319:03
@Sentroid91last call for Spider-Man riff. locking #SatelliteOfLove in 2 minutes19:06
* Sentroid91 (servo911@Psi-3E986347.midltn01.nj.comcast.net) has left #Deep1319:06
* Jouva (jouva@fluffy.moufette.com) Quit (Connection reset by peer)19:24
* Jouva has left IRC19:24
* Jouva_ (jouva@fluffy.moufette.com) has joined #Deep1319:24
* Jouva_ shoots out a decoy scientist and watches it explode.19:24
* Thordis (~Thordis@Psi-2B7A8AF1.VIC.dft.com.au) has joined #Deep1319:32
[Thordis USERINFO]19:58
* Min[PEERED] sits in a corner of the room, sets her HEV suit to sleep mode and drifts off into subconsciousness, clutching a crowbar for protection.20:00
* Min[PEERED] is now known as Min[SLEEP]20:00
Thordismmmmmmmm sleep............20:02
Thordissleep is good!20:02
Tiggernot when its this early in the evening..20:03
Tiggerwell..for me..not for her..i think20:03
Thordis'specially when you have a waterbed....... mmmmmmmmmm waterbed..... (homer simpson style drool noise)20:03
Min[SLEEP]It's 11, here. And I went to bed at 3 AM last night.20:04
ThordisWell I just got out of bed a few hours ago..... so maybe no sleep for me now20:04
@Ocean-SaurianI used to have a waterbed20:04
@Ocean-SaurianBut it's a bitch to buy sheets for the dang thing and have the sheets stay on20:05
Thordis(smug mode on) as a baby, I slept in a cot with a water-matress20:05
Tiggeri killed my waterbed..lol20:05
Tiggerdang thing20:05
Thordiseh, I just re-tuck the edges of my sheets before I jump in20:05
Thordisstandard size matress was it?20:05
Thordisthey're easy to replace20:06
TimeI used to have a Super Single WaterBed.20:06
* MossMan (Taiyoushin@Psi-3BEDA166.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) has joined #Deep1320:06
@Ocean-SaurianI used to do that but the foam was all like popping up20:06
@Ocean-SaurianI have a queen water bed20:06
ThordisMine's a custom size, I have to wait to get a new one20:06
TimeIt was diffiult to have sex0 on.20:06
ThordisThen there was the time I burnt out the heating pad20:06
TimeFun though. 8)20:06
@Ocean-SaurianYes! I don't understand how ANYONE could have sex on one of those things20:06
Thordisget a waveless?20:07
@Ocean-Saurian...what the hell would be the point of a waterbed?20:07
TimeWaveless matresses.20:07
ThordisSuper comfy20:07
@Ocean-SaurianEh, I have a new bed now... though I lufed my waterbed20:07
ThordisSuper "Stuff getting up, I'm spending the rest of my life in bed" comfy20:08
TimeI went from a Waterbed to a Futon. 8)20:08
TimeI lub my futon.20:08
TimeOur. I mean.20:08
TimePrincessLeia2 and I 8)20:08
Thordiswhat, it isn't co-owned by any dogs or cats as well?20:09
TimeThordis: no pets.20:09
TimeThordis: Going to wait till we get a house for that.20:09
Thordisoooh, bereft.20:09
* Tigger glares at her futon..20:10
Thordison the other hand, no large warm masses to trip over when walking down a dark passageway20:10
Thordisand no cat pawsies walking over your keyboard20:12
* Tigger laughs..i let my hamster crawl on my keyboard20:12
@Ocean-SaurianI wish my cat was more active... the damn thing ways 40 punds20:12
Thordisooh, diet time for kitty20:12
Tiggerhah..my biggest cat is 20 pounds..20:12
TimeGood lord.20:13
Tiggerthats bigger than a small child20:13
TimeIt could take on a dog.20:13
ThordisThe joys of having a small cat.... not sure how much she weighs, and even then, having to convert it into imperial....20:14
@Ocean-SaurianIn our family we over feed things... *points to his picture on Deep13*20:14
* Tigger has 3 cats...and they are insane..20:14
Tiggerbut i do own an animal that weighs around 1200 pounds20:14
ThordisWe once had a small cat that was ready to take on a dog.20:14
ThordisShe jumped head-first into our german shepherd's mouth20:15
Tiggeri had a rabbit jump head first into our dog's mouth20:15
Thordissort of a "Hah! Eat me!" situation....... tough cat, real tough cat.20:16
ThordisI always had small scratches all over my hands and arms.....20:16
Tiggerheh..so thats where all those scars on my arms came from..lol20:17
ThordisIsn't it great owning.... being owned by a cat?20:17
Thordis"You! Feed me human slave!"20:17
Thordis*sigh* afk20:18
* Sentroid91 has left IRC20:19
* Min[SLEEP] (~avasquez@blackmesa.us.gov) Quit (Connection reset by peer)20:19
* Ocean-Saurian (Ocean-Saur@Psi-15212611.ipt.aol.com) Quit (Connection reset by peer)20:19
* Ocean-Saurian has left IRC20:19
* Ocean-Saurian is on IRC20:19
* Ocean-Saurian (Ocean-Saur@Psi-15212611.ipt.aol.com) has joined #Deep1320:19
* ChanServ sets mode: +o Ocean-Saurian20:19
* Min is on IRC20:19
* Min (~avasquez@Psi-26525BE8.ply.adelphia.net) has joined #Deep1320:19
* Min breathes a sigh of relief, crawls over the couch and falls head-first onto the floor, shouting, "HIIII-OW!!"20:20
* ChanServ sets mode: +o Min20:20
* Sentroid91 is on IRC20:20
ThordisTrade you warm & wet afternoon for a cool evening20:23
* Tigger blinks20:23
ThordisAhh blinking, one of life's great semi-autonomic actions....... Let's all enjoy a good blink together.20:24
* Thordis blinks20:25
* Jouva is on IRC20:25
* Jouva_ (jouva@fluffy.moufette.com) Quit (Connection reset by peer)20:25
* Jouva (jouva@fluffy.moufette.com) has joined #Deep1320:25
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* Jouva shoots out a decoy scientist and watches it explode.20:25
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* Tigger shakes her head20:25
* Crowbie is now known as JessK0r20:25
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Thordishmmm, no.... a sneeze is more satisfying20:25
* bie (Jagu@Psi-F3C178A.dyn.optonline.net) Quit (Connection reset by peer)20:25
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* Ocean-Saurian (Ocean-Saur@Psi-15212611.ipt.aol.com) Quit (Connection reset by peer)20:26
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ThordisStar of the new sequel to that hit Kevin Klein movie In&Out!20:27
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ThordisI don't care what my psychiatrist says, I am not cut out to be a stand-up comedian20:28
* tservo5000 (~MSTieGate@Psi-1C5F2DAE.rochester.rr.com) has joined #Deep1320:28
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* Thordis uses the nifty time query.20:35
ThordisHeheh, Greetings from the world of tomorrow!20:35
* Thordis prods the channel with a stick.......20:38
ThordisArgh! It liiiiives!20:41
* Thordis hides under the stick20:41
* Thordis (~Thordis@Psi-2B7A8AF1.VIC.dft.com.au) Quit (Quit: )20:45
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* MossMan is now known as Peacimowen21:05
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* RobertoNapping (hquiej@Oper.PsiBlade.net) has joined #Deep1321:10
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@RobertoKayMy brother's an idiot for downloading CometCursor.21:10
@RobertoKayI, however, am a genius for knowing to get rid of it.21:11
@Ocean-Saurian<Rob> So... gloat gloat gloat gloat, gloat gloat!21:11
ThordisOkay, I'll bite.. what is CometCursor?21:11
@RobertoKayHello, I've never seen you before in my life.21:11
@RobertoKayBut I digress.21:12
ThordisHello, I am Thordis. You have now seen me once in your life.21:13
@RobertoKayCometCursor is like this website enhancement do-hickey where visitors to a site automatically have their cursor changed.21:13
@RobertoKayBut like MIDIs, they're annoying as hell.21:13
Thordisnow that's silly, what if they have an ureasonable emotional attachment to the little arrow thier browser uses?21:14
Thordis*sniff* I love that little arrow!21:14
@teenMSTieAs a musician, MIDI is an invaluable tool in my everyday life. Unfortunately, it sounds like a dying nut.21:14
@RobertoKayOh, sure, MIDIs are wonderful.21:14
@RobertoKayI just don't like them on websites.21:15
Thordisplease, when I die, I will *not* sound like a midi..... I hope21:15
@Ocean-SaurianYeah, you'll sound like a MP321:15
@teenMSTieHeh. I remember when everyone put a MIDI on their website. Now it just sounds dumb.21:15
@RobertoKayAnd SUPER-ANNOYING.21:15
@RobertoKayBut I imagine they're integral to musicians and whatnot.21:16
ThordisI like the websites that give you the option of turning the MIDI off21:16
@RobertoKayOh yeah.21:16
Thordisalso integral to bored people that need to kill a few minutes by changing the instruments and seeing what it sounds like.21:17
ThordisVital if you need to know what the Sailor Moon theme would sound like if played soley by taiko drums.21:18
ThordisBut useless if you want to hear Ghostbusters entirely in humourous chicken squwarks, why doesn't my MIDI app have a humourous chicken squwark option? I call that a grave oversight.21:20
* Peacimowen (Taiyoushin@Psi-3BEDA166.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) Quit (Ping timeout)21:21
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@RobertoKayOh my God, thank Jeebus I have a positive bank balance now.21:23
@Ocean-Saurian<Rob> Man does a penny make a differance21:23
@RobertoKayYou really make a habit out of mocking me, huh, Joey?21:24
ThordisAnd more so than 1 cent Aus.....21:24
@RobertoKayTo be honest, though, it's not really my money.21:24
@RobertoKayI had to sell off some books which my parents paid for.21:25
@RobertoKayDon't let them know.21:25
@Ocean-SaurianWell, I mean I just veiw deep 13, see who said the last line and then mock it21:25
@Ocean-SaurianYou just happen to be that person... a lot21:25
@Ocean-Saurianand If I can't mock the person, then I just say somthing stupid21:25
ThordisIZ quotes are always good.21:26
* Sentroid91 has left IRC21:33
* Sentroid91 is on IRC21:34
* Sentroid91 (servo911@Psi-3E986347.midltn01.nj.comcast.net) has joined #Deep1321:34
* Sentroid91 injects poison into #Deep1321:34
* Sound request: can't find 'nwo.wav'21:34
[Sentroid91 SOUND]21:34
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* Thordis will now take donations to set up a research faciltiy that will engineer an antidote21:35
@Sentroid91in jail21:37
ThordisThe research facility will be in jail?21:38
ThordisI demand a white collar minimun security facility!21:40
* Thordis nails Typo fairy with a flyswatter.21:40
@Sentroid91Try Boggo Road. :D21:42
@Sentroid91and once again the chat is shot.21:43
Thordisthe poison had killed it.21:44
ThordisBut the real question is.... was the poison tasty?21:45
@Sentroid91no idea21:46
Thordisanother mystery for the ages then21:46
@Sentroid91ironically it'll be a year this week that the poison was originally injected.21:47
Thordisslow acting stuff then?21:47
Thordisbut still faster than cigarettes...... if the application of this poison can be made to look cool- voila! Cash City here we come!21:48
Thordisgah- I'm missing Hamtaro!21:49
* Eric (~MSTieGate@Psi-35CA3A08.tnt3.gary.in.da.uu.net) has joined #Deep1321:50
@RobertoKayJust curious.21:50
* Eric (~MSTieGate@Psi-35CA3A08.tnt3.gary.in.da.uu.net) Quit (Quit: Eric)21:50
@RobertoKayWho here knew about Great White before today?21:50
@RobertoKayCuriosity killed the Eric.21:50
ThordisGreat White?21:51
@RobertoKayYes. A band.21:52
@RobertoKayThat I never ever heard of.21:52
ThordisAnd untill today, neither had I.21:53
@RobertoKayOh my God.21:53
@RobertoKayI'm trying to sell some unused textbooks on Amazon.21:54
@RobertoKayFor one book, people are selling for as low as $2.50.21:54
@RobertoKayI mean, WTF?21:54
ThordisMmmmmm cheap book.21:54
@RobertoKayYes, I know it's an outdated version, but people can't be THAT desperate to sell it for that low.21:55
Thordismaybe it has pages missing?21:55
@RobertoKayEven if no one is buying it lately.21:55
ThordisPeople drew filthy disgusting comics in the margins?21:55
@RobertoKayMind you, the sellers set the price.21:56
ThordisThe seller regards the book as the source of all evil and missfortune in their life and is desperate to sell it off?21:57
* @Ocean-Saurian eats his chocolate keyboard21:57
@RobertoKayIt's not the only one.21:57
@RobertoKayA lot of people are selling it low.21:57
Thordisoh bugger, I was so busy typing, I missed dancing along with Hamtaro to the closing credits....21:58
@RobertoKayIncidentally, I was rated by one book company as being one of their favorite customers.21:58
Thordiswhat sort of books did you get from them?21:58
* Jouva (jouva@fluffy.moufette.com) Quit (Quit: *bang* *bang* Oh thank you very much. A shot in the face. How nice.)21:59
* Jouva has left IRC21:59
@RobertoKayCollege is amazing.22:00
ThordisPity I'm so unsuited to study22:00
@RobertoKayNeither am I. But I go anyway.22:01
Thordisno, I super unsuited to study- OCD so I drive myself into panic attacks and add to that a touch of ADD, it's like concentrating though a thick layer of static electricity.22:03
@RobertoKayOf course, I should point out that I, too, have that small touch of ADD you speak of.22:05
ThordisTake anything for it?22:05
@RobertoKayI took Prozac, but I think that was to combat mood swings.22:06
@Sentroid91wow. Marshmallow Peeps have been around for 50 years22:06
@RobertoKayI was gonna see about my Social Anxiety Disorder, but I forget to call.22:06
@RobertoKayI think I'll do that maƱana, though.22:07
ThordisProzac- good stuff. I'm on prozac- less side effects than the previous stuff I took and impossible to overdose on I've read.22:07
@RobertoKayOkay. I've officially listed all my textbooks that I'm not using.22:08
ThordisSt John's Wort is a natural anti-depressant, kinda minty smell to it.22:08
@Ocean-SaurianSo Thordis, you're naturally really hyper?22:09
@RobertoKayI should look into that. I've heard good things.22:09
@Sentroid91so is kava-kava22:09
ThordisNaturally hyper...... hmmm sometimes22:09
@Ocean-Saurianor wait22:10
ThordisA psychiatrist I used to see had this theory.....22:10
@Ocean-SaurianProzac is made for poeple to liven up22:10
ThordisPeople naturally have different levels of .... call it motivation22:10
@RobertoKayIt didn't help much for me, but there were some notable differences I noticed when I finished taking it.22:10
@RobertoKayMaybe I should continue taking it, but God knows how much more that could help.22:11
@RobertoKayEspecially since I wasn't really in any social environment when I was actively taking the stuff.22:11
ThordisHave you tried any other anti-depressants? Different brands affect you in different ways?22:11
* Tigger (Tigger@Psi-3BFF1CC.client.attbi.com) has left #Deep1322:12
ThordisOne psych had me trying various types of meds to see if there was something more effective for me availible22:12
ThordisBack to the theory- some people are naturally ambitious motivated go getters, and some are born happy just to drift through life. I'm the latter- born with low reserves of motivation- so, naa, I'm really that hyper.22:14
@Ocean-SaurianI'm kinda happy that I don't have to take medication22:15
@Ocean-Saurianbut then again, that's likly to bite my ass when I am older... I'll have so many medications... because that's how my luck works22:16
ThordisBut you're not one of those people that are opposed to taking medications in general?22:16
@Ocean-SaurianNo, because there can be chemical imbalances in the brain, the medication is there to even out the imbalances22:17
@Ocean-SaurianPeople need to understand how the brain works, I mean society needs more understanding of it.22:19
ThordisIn some ways it's like food- you get elements from food that your body requires to keep running, and the pills I take are part of that whole concept.....    oooh, deep thinking going on.22:19
@Ocean-SaurianAh... food is a differnt point, because there are chemicals in the food that can throw off your imbalance more...could cause a mental scar22:20
ThordisMmmmmm bad fat.......... (homer simpson drool)22:21
@RobertoKayThordis: not particularly. I never visit my "drug shrink" that often.22:21
@RobertoKayIn response to the question you retorted earlier.22:22
ThordisEhh, it's been ages since I last went to a shrink.... my GP handles my perscription these days22:22
@Ocean-SaurianI wouldn't mind seeing a shrink though22:23
ThordisDepends on the shrink- last guy I saw was soft-spoken with a heavyish asian accent, I could only understand what he was saying roughly half the time.22:24
@Ocean-SaurianWell, I think a lot of the shrinks out today don't know how to properly communicate with their customer22:25
@Ocean-SaurianThey have to truly love their patient on a certain level, according to Scott M. Peck22:25
ThordisIt depends on what therapies you're willing to try too.22:27
@Ocean-SaurianNo, there is no try22:27
@Ocean-Saurianif you try, you will always fail22:27
ThordisVery Yoda22:27
@Ocean-SaurianAnd, for a clear definition of "love" read The Road Less Traveled22:28
@Ocean-SaurianI might be very yoda, but it's true22:28
Thordislove in gerneral or eros, fillios, or agape?22:29
@Ocean-SaurianIn general22:29
ThordisAnd I am suddenly reminded- I must get more information on kitty prozac and similar treatments for my cat.22:31
@Ocean-SaurianI doubt animals "need" it unless it creates a problem for the animal22:32
ThordisThe cat is overgrooming in places.... stress inflicted by the puppy22:32
Thordisshe's scabbing in some places22:33
Thordisit's not a given that we'll want that sort of treatment for her, it's just good to explore all availble options22:34
ThordisWe are in the process of finding another puppy so our current 'monster' has someone with similar energy to play with, which should draw attention away from the cat.22:36
* Sound request: can't find 'lephome.wav'22:40
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]22:40
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CalGot it, GEORGE?22:51
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-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] You are already identified22:58
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Session Close: Fri Feb 21 22:58:32 2003
Session Start: Fri Feb 21 23:09:22 2003
Session Ident: #Deep13
* Now talking in #Deep1323:09
* Topic is '9http://www.deep13.org | Return of the beggers! http://www.geocities.com/pleasegiveadollar/| http://Deep13.youaremyfriend.com | WaReZ and pr0n!'23:09
* Set by RobertoKay on Fri Feb 21 14:01:1723:09
* Cal is on IRC23:09
* DarkonZero is on IRC23:09
* Min is on IRC23:09
* Ocean-Saurian is on IRC23:09
* PrincessLeia2 is on IRC23:09
* RobertoKay is on IRC23:09
* shade is on IRC23:09
* Time is on IRC23:09
-ChanServ- [#Deep13] Welcome to #deep13. Be sure to visit our website at http://www.deep13.org/ but you probably already knew that.23:09
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* DarkonZero will return again later....23:25
* Disconnected23:25
Session Close: Fri Feb 21 23:25:33 2003
Session Start: Fri Feb 21 23:37:35 2003
Session Ident: #Deep13
* Now talking in #Deep1323:37
* Topic is '9http://www.deep13.org | Return of the beggers! http://www.geocities.com/pleasegiveadollar/| http://Deep13.youaremyfriend.com | WaReZ and pr0n!'23:37
* Set by RobertoKay on Fri Feb 21 14:01:1723:37
-NickServ- [SYNTAX] /NickServ identify <password>23:37
-ChanServ- [#Deep13] Welcome to #deep13. Be sure to visit our website at http://www.deep13.org/ but you probably already knew that.23:37
* DarkonZero is on IRC23:37
* Min is on IRC23:37
* Ocean-Saurian is on IRC23:37
* PrincessLeia2 is on IRC23:37
* shade is on IRC23:37
* Time is on IRC23:37
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Password Accepted - You are now identified23:37
@Ocean-Saurianhey DZ23:40
@Ocean-Saurianisn't that a candy?23:41
DarkonZeroNo...that's Rolo23:41
* Sentroid91 is on IRC23:42
* Sentroid91 (servo911@Psi-3E986347.midltn01.nj.comcast.net) has joined #Deep1323:42
* Sentroid91 injects poison into #Deep1323:42
* ChanServ sets mode: +qo Sentroid91 Sentroid9123:42
* Sound request: can't find 'nwo.wav'23:42
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]23:42
* Sentroid91 is now known as Sentroid[SLEEPING]23:42
* Sentroid91 has left IRC23:42
@Ocean-SaurianHey DZ, did I tell you about my dad wanting a "Matrix" printer?23:44
@Ocean-SaurianHeh we were in CompUSA and my dad was looking at printers and he was like "Joey help me find a matrix printer" and I was like "...Martrix? What the hell is that?" after a while I finally realized he meant "Dot-Matrix" and I said "Why would you want somthing so old?"23:45
DarkonZeroSLEEP DAMMIT!23:45
@Ocean-Saurianand he was like "Old?! They can't be that old!" and I said "Dad... they don't make them anymore... no more dot matrix printers... gone"23:46
@Ocean-SaurianAnd he has weird reasoning when It comes to computers23:47
@Ocean-Saurianhe thinks if you own 15 commadore 64's it should be as good as a brand new computer23:47
DarkonZeroI'd like to say "your dad is a moron", but I have my standards.23:48
DarkonZeroYour dad has a ID 10T problem.23:48
@Ocean-SaurianHeh, really23:49
DarkonZeroMy dad gets the same way.23:50
DarkonZeroAnd he mostly works with computers now.23:50
@Ocean-SaurianI said "You know dad... I was thinking of buying a new laptop" and he was like "You don't need another laptop! You have one and your mother has one!" When mine has like a 400MHz AMD and the other one probably has 600MHz Celeron23:50
@Ocean-SaurianHeh... I was like "Yeah... that's great... I'll just hot glue the two together and it will be a 1.1 GHz AMCeleron"23:52
@Ocean-SaurianI think my math teacher is too anal... We had word problems on our test and he was like "Show your work" well... why the hell should I show it to you when you GAVE us the answer in the book a while ago (he takes ALL questions FROM the book that he gives us answers too)23:54
@Ocean-SaurianSo... I suck at word problems, so guess what I do? Memorize the questions and answers!23:55
@Ocean-SaurianI mean that's the logical thing to do... right?23:57
@Ocean-SaurianHow about you? Are you good at math?23:57
Session Close: Sat Feb 22 00:00:00 2003

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