
Session Start: Thu Feb 20 00:40:40 2003
Session Ident: #Deep13
* Now talking in #Deep1300:40
* Topic is '9http://www.deep13.org | DarKrow couldn't decide whether to stay or go and joined in 41 times during this reporting period. | 60 lines of txt until DeeK is off the stats | Return of the beggers! http://www.geocities.com/pleasegiveadollar/| http://Deep13.youaremyfriend.com'00:40
* Set by Sentroid91 on Wed Feb 19 23:30:5000:40
* DarkonZero is on IRC00:40
* Min is on IRC00:40
* Peacimowen is on IRC00:40
* PrincessLeia2 is on IRC00:40
* Sentroid91 is on IRC00:40
* shade is on IRC00:40
* Time is on IRC00:40
-NickServ- [SYNTAX] /NickServ identify <password>00:40
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Password Accepted - You are now identified00:40
-ChanServ- [#Deep13] Welcome to #deep13. Be sure to visit our website at http://www.deep13.org/ but you probably already knew that.00:40
@Sentroid91Hang on a sex00:41
@Sentroid91Raldo is on00:45
DarkonZeroI'll be back after bit......I need something to eat.00:46
* DarkonZero is now known as DZ{Away}00:46
* DarkonZero has left IRC00:46
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] You are already identified00:46
* KServo (~creaturec@CB831F0.B877A190.5C98C3CE.IP) has joined #Deep1301:29
* KServo (~creaturec@CB831F0.B877A190.5C98C3CE.IP) Quit (Quit: )02:17
* Sentroid91 is now known as Sentroid[SLEEPING]02:21
* Sentroid91 has left IRC02:21
* ChanServ (Services@psiblade.net) Quit (TX.US.PsiBlade.net services.psiblade.net)02:26
* DZ{Away} is now known as DarkonZero02:53
* DarkonZero is on IRC02:53
* Disconnected02:53
Session Close: Thu Feb 20 02:53:30 2003
Session Start: Thu Feb 20 04:54:05 2003
Session Ident: #Deep13
* Now talking in #Deep1304:54
* Topic is '9http://www.deep13.org | DarKrow couldn't decide whether to stay or go and joined in 41 times during this reporting period. | 60 lines of txt until DeeK is off the stats | Return of the beggers! http://www.geocities.com/pleasegiveadollar/| http://Deep13.youaremyfriend.com'04:54
* Set by Sentroid91 on Wed Feb 19 23:30:5004:54
* DarkonZero is on IRC04:54
* Min is on IRC04:54
* Peacimowen is on IRC04:54
* PrincessLeia2 is on IRC04:54
* shade is on IRC04:54
* Time is on IRC04:54
* Jouva is on IRC05:06
* Jouva (jouva@fluffy.moufette.com) has joined #Deep1305:06
* Jouva shoots out a decoy scientist and watches it explode.05:06
* DarkonZero hides.05:07
* @bie explodes.05:21
* Jouva (jouva@fluffy.moufette.com) Quit (Quit: *bang* *bang* Oh thank you very much. A shot in the face. How nice.)05:25
* Jouva has left IRC05:25
PrincessLeia2hrm, what happened to jef anyway? fall off the world?06:33
DarkonZeroI dunno.06:34
DarkonZeroI didn't kill him.06:34
* PrincessLeia2 blames shade 06:34
* DarkonZero would blames Princess......but Princess is here.06:37
DarkonZeroNo school for Min?06:41
DarkonZeroMin need school.06:41
DarkonZeroFor learn.06:41
@MinIt's February vacation, foo'.06:41
DarkonZeroYou need learn.06:42
DarkonZeroGo for school.06:42
@MinI know. I learn stuff every day, foo'.06:42
DarkonZeroGO! NOW!06:42
* @Min kills DeeZ06:42
DarkonZeroMy eye you killed....cause of no learn.06:43
PrincessLeia2so what happened to make everyone hate deek? *points to topic*06:44
DarkonZeroDeeK beacame dick.06:44
PrincessLeia2so a couple of you guys got into a stupid fight? %P06:45
PrincessLeia2the people in this room fight more than i care to believe06:45
DarkonZeroI wasn't part of it.06:45
PrincessLeia2and it's always over stupid shit06:45
DarkonZeroI was a bystander.....innocent.06:45
DarkonZeroI actually wouldn't mind seeing De and Melto back either.06:46
DarkonZeroIncredible Melting Man.06:46
DarkonZeroAKA Chuck06:46
PrincessLeia2from what i've seen the people who are real asses (CAL!) get accepted back, and the people who are decent get driven out by power hungry ops06:46
DarkonZeroI made that arguement long ago.06:47
PrincessLeia2well at least i know it's not just me that sees this %)06:47
DarkonZeroSure I may have a few probs with some folks...but i get over it.....or voice off about it in my LJ.06:48
PrincessLeia2sometimes you need to make personal sacrifices for the better of the community06:48
* PrincessLeia2 learns grammar06:48
PrincessLeia2better should prolly be benefit06:49
* DarkonZero makes Leia go for school.06:49
PrincessLeia2i am done with teh skoolin06:49
DarkonZeroYou need more.06:49
PrincessLeia2wow, i've been out of school for almost 4 years %o06:49
PrincessLeia2what have i dont with my life?06:49
PrincessLeia2nothing %(06:49
DarkonZeroAlmost 10 for me.06:49
PrincessLeia2s'ok, i'm only 21 i have a few more years before i give up hope and realize i am a loser %s06:50
DarkonZeroYou're not that only one.06:50
DarkonZerotaht to the06:50
* DarkonZero goes back to school06:50
* DarkonZero is a confirmed loser.06:51
* PrincessLeia2 pats Deez on his back06:51
DarkonZeroPretty much when everyone calls you one constanly.....you're nailed with the title.06:52
DarkonZeroconstantly even06:52
PrincessLeia2heh, my alcoholic father thinks i'm a failure %D06:53
PrincessLeia2like he's in a position to judge me06:53
PrincessLeia2http://www.princessleia.com/Snowstorm2003.html <-- teh snow06:55
DarkonZeroThe last time I saw snow was when i went to Canada going through Montana.06:57
DarkonZeroOf course it wasn't that deep.06:57
DarkonZeroExcept at this one rest stop.....06:57
PrincessLeia2i love snow %)06:59
DarkonZeroSo do I....with the exception of yellow snow.06:59
DarkonZeroAnd/or snow covering rocks and you almost fall onto them.07:00
PrincessLeia2yeah, those are bad kinds of snow07:01
* DarkonZero regrets putting the red pepper flakes into the spagehtti he at last night.07:04
DarkonZeroat to ate07:04
DarkonZeroDamn elusive vowels.07:05
* Retrieving #Deep13 info...07:05
PrincessLeia2mmm red pepper07:06
* DarkonZero wonders what the hell the staff at Livejournal.com is doing with the servers.07:06
PrincessLeia2i had spagehtti last night too %d07:06
PrincessLeia2livejournal sucks07:06
DarkonZeroAnd this being?07:07
DarkonZeroIt was running good a few days ago.07:07
DarkonZeroNow it slowed down and shit.07:07
PrincessLeia2it's often slow for me07:08
DarkonZeroNow it's working fine again.07:08
DarkonZeroTo a point.07:08
DarkonZeroEeew....just did a ping trace of their server.....89ms response.07:09
PrincessLeia292.3 ms07:09
DarkonZeroHad 18 hops to get to it.07:10
PrincessLeia2 50% packet loss07:10
PrincessLeia2they have crappy servers07:10
DarkonZeroThey're probably tweaking something.07:11
DarkonZeroLike their noses with their fingers.07:12
DarkonZeroboom boom boom boom07:20
DarkonZeroThat guy sure looked thrilled.07:29
PrincessLeia2DarkonZero: do you have ut2k3?07:50
PrincessLeia2makes all the weapons act like the ones in normal ut %o07:50
DarkonZeroHeh....them damn modders.07:51
PrincessLeia2i miss the sniper rifle %(07:51
DarkonZeroThere's gonna be a Star Wars mod for BF1942 07:51
DarkonZeroRight now the team that's making it is working on the vehicles.07:52
DarkonZeroThere should be a mod for Half-Life where you can sit down at a table. While you’re sitting down, you can pick up a deck of cards and play solitaire.08:19
DarkonZeroIn later versions, another player can put a tray of mashed potatoes in front of you and you can pick up a spoon and eat some.08:19
DarkonZeroI guess someone is getting bored with all the mods now.08:20
DarkonZeroThat reminds me....I gotta remove Vampire Slayer......as much as I like it...it's good. But I just don't play it anymore.08:21
DarkonZeroAnd it doesn't seem to be a solid mod.08:22
DarkonZeroHAHAHAHAH! A local strip club is being raided by the FBI.08:30
DarkonZeroIt actually got raided 3 and a half hours ago.08:34
DarkonZeroThis town is too much.08:34
PrincessLeia2for what08:34
DarkonZeroI dunno.....they were collecting computers and stuff....but the news media wasn't told why.08:35
DarkonZeroThe place that got raided is nearby where I live.08:36
PrincessLeia2i guess it's enough to say "strip club raided" since they are so taboo08:36
* shade (~Mystic@.) Quit (Connection timed out)08:37
* shade has left IRC08:37
DarkonZeroI guess strip clubs scare shade.08:37
PrincessLeia2he's just embarassed 'cause his crappy services are down again08:37
DarkonZeroheh.....he tries.08:38
PrincessLeia2i know, i can go through my mp3s and get rid of all the ones that are annoyingly broken08:39
PrincessLeia2my favorite pants ripped yesterday %(08:42
DarkonZeroSame thing happens to all mine...but I gotta quit wearing them constantly.08:42
PrincessLeia2i had to throw these out... they were pretty old08:43
PrincessLeia2i should work on not getting so emotionally attached to everything s'why i'm such a packrat08:45
DarkonZeroYou're not the only one.08:46
DarkonZeroI still have a toy I got when I was 9.08:46
PrincessLeia2i have lots of my old toys08:47
PrincessLeia2and my blankie08:47
PrincessLeia2and a cork from a piggy bank i broke when i was 708:47
PrincessLeia2all sorts of useless things08:48
DarkonZeroAlways hold onto the things that hold a lot of sentiment.08:48
DarkonZeroNever know when you need to get cheered up.08:48
DarkonZero...by nostalgia.08:48
PrincessLeia2heh, i think my problem is i tend to personify everything08:48
PrincessLeia2it's a little crazy %s08:49
DarkonZeroA little.....but not hurtful.08:49
DarkonZeroA kid got banned cause of his anti-Bush shirt.08:50
PrincessLeia2that sucks, and makes me full of anger08:50
DarkonZeroThis country sucks.08:51
PrincessLeia2that is wrong on so many levels08:51
DarkonZeroMakes me wanna move to Canada.08:51
PrincessLeia2lets start with freedom of speech, then we will proceed to politics08:51
DarkonZeroI just caught it on CNN.08:52
DarkonZeroEr....CNN Headline news.08:52
DarkonZeroYeah....it happened yesterday.08:54
DarkonZeroI'm behind.08:55
* DarkonZero resent his internal clock.08:55
DarkonZeroreset even08:55
DarkonZeroI'd wear that shirt........I need a new shirt in my collection.08:56
PrincessLeia2then they'd have reason to put you on the FBI's "watch list"08:57
DarkonZeroI know I'd piss off a bunch of Republicans.08:57
DarkonZeroI'm glad I'm not registered to vote.08:58
DarkonZeroToo much bullshit.08:58
PrincessLeia2our country was founded on being protected from things such as this08:58
DarkonZeroNow our country is afraid of a kid in a shirt.08:59
DarkonZeroI know I'd be watched if I had a shirt made that said "Hey, shoot this guy!" and it had a pic of Dubya on it.09:00
PrincessLeia2hehe, yes09:01
PrincessLeia2that's a little more reasonable tho09:01
* DarkonZero goes to find a place to make that shirt for him.09:01
PrincessLeia2that could be considered a threat09:01
DarkonZeroTrue......but that's because of folks who don't understand humor...and such.09:02
PrincessLeia2no humor!09:03
DarkonZeroWhere? China?09:03
PrincessLeia2no where!09:03
DarkonZeroGranted those jokes that Joey had were funny...but he coulda waited a week or so. I always think there is a correct time and place for things...and the next day isn't one.09:05
DarkonZeroAnd the reason why I don't say much about what currently going on in the world is that I really quit caring cause things are gonna be done anyway if I like it or not.09:07
PrincessLeia2true that... after the anti-war protests all over the country and world bush said he wouldnt let that deter him from his goals09:08
PrincessLeia2dont listen to the public, what a great leater09:08
DarkonZeroHe's just trying to show up his daddy.09:08
DarkonZero<Dubya> DADDY! LOOK AT WHAT I CAN DO!09:09
DarkonZeroKinda a coincidence that he's going after Iraq also.09:10
PrincessLeia2woo princessleia.com hit the 9000th hit09:11
DarkonZeroWHAT'S THE PRIZE!?!?09:11
PrincessLeia2i think i am going to rewrite that counter tho09:11
PrincessLeia2right now it's just in php, i could make it in php and mysql, it would be much love09:12
DarkonZeroNo prize for DZ?09:12
PrincessLeia2egads, i still have ace of base mp3s09:13
DarkonZeroI SAW THE SIGN!09:13
PrincessLeia2this one is Ace_Of_Base-All_That_She_Wants.mp309:13
PrincessLeia2idont think i have the sign son09:14
DarkonZeroI remember when I used to like listening to Ace Of Base.09:14
DarkonZeroThat was back in high school.09:14
DarkonZeroOnly a few bands that I listened to back in high school stuck with me.....one being Jesus Jones.09:15
DarkonZeroOf course....Jesus Jones faded outta the spotlight when I was in high school.09:15
DarkonZeroThey're trying to make a comeback.09:16
PrincessLeia2i had an unhealthy obsession with NIN in high school09:16
PrincessLeia2which is obviously still with me, albeit a bit more healthy now09:16
DarkonZeroMy obsession with NIN was moderate.09:17
DarkonZeroA friend of mine....hers...I dunno....she had Trent Reznor's home address.09:18
PrincessLeia2i dont obsess over people09:18
* PrincessLeia2 rm -r 's her Ace_Of_Base directory09:18
DarkonZeroI have currently...121 NIN songs on my HD.09:19
* PrincessLeia2 gives DarkonZero a chocolate penguin minty09:19
* Tigger (Tigger@Psi-3BFF1CC.client.attbi.com) has joined #Deep1309:20
* Jouva is on IRC09:20
* Jouva (jouva@fluffy.moufette.com) has joined #Deep1309:20
* Jouva shoots out a decoy scientist and watches it explode.09:20
PrincessLeia2my mp3 collection ownz you all09:21
Tiggerno mine does09:21
DarkonZeroOh...hey Tigg.09:21
Tiggerhi dz09:21
Tiggeryeah..i just kinda snuck in here...and nobody really noticed..09:21
Tiggerjust as usual..hehe09:21
DarkonZeroI got 1100 MP3s....09:21
PrincessLeia2i think i had 1600 at last count09:21
DarkonZeroMake that 1098.09:21
PrincessLeia2but now i have oggs too09:22
Tiggercan anybody guess how many mp3's i have?09:22
DarkonZeroTwo are songs I made.09:22
PrincessLeia2after i spent 2 weeks weeding through all my mp3s i will do another count09:22
Tiggergood guess...09:22
Tiggeryer right..lol09:22
PrincessLeia2<3 mp3s09:22
Tiggerwhats the point in having mp3's when you dont have any sound..09:22
PrincessLeia2aw %s09:22
DarkonZeroI still have some CDs to rip......I should reach about 1700.09:23
DarkonZeroMaybe above 2000.09:23
PrincessLeia2http://www.princessleia.com/mp3s <-- teh list for your amusement09:23
Tiggerhrm..anybody wanna loan me $175 so i can fix my computer?..lol09:23
DarkonZeroIf I had the money I would.09:23
PrincessLeia2wow, my mp3 list has changed a lot since this09:24
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 4,1"Happiness In Slavery"4,16,0 from 6,014,1Nin Inch Nails14,16,0.6,009:25
DarkonZeroDamn that evasive "e"09:25
PrincessLeia2ok not a lot, but i forgot how many mp3s i have gotten lately09:27
PrincessLeia2ew lag09:27
PrincessLeia2[Lag: 104.74 (??)]09:27
PrincessLeia2that was not fun09:27
-> [DarkonZero] PING09:27
[DarkonZero PING]09:27
[DarkonZero PING reply]: 1sec09:27
DarkonZeroOH GOD! 09:27
DarkonZero[DarkonZero PING reply]: 1sec09:27
DarkonZeroI"M LAGGING!09:27
* PrincessLeia2 puts the penguin mintys back in her desk09:28
PrincessLeia2it's always dangerous when i rediscover these09:28
Tiggerpenquin mints?09:28
PrincessLeia2i put them on my desk and it's *munch* *munch* *munch* *starts shaking* *munch* *starts typoing* EAK!09:28
PrincessLeia2caffeinated peppermints09:28
PrincessLeia23 little mints = one coke09:29
* Tigger steals the mints from PL2 and hides them09:29
DarkonZeroHmmm.....that makes me want to crunch them up and then snort them.09:29
PrincessLeia2i meant the soda coke!09:30
* Tigger hides the mints from dz too09:30
DarkonZeroNo high for DZ?09:30
* PrincessLeia2 passes deez the heroine09:30
DarkonZeroToo soft.09:30
PrincessLeia2very addictive09:31
PrincessLeia2this from the chat room that went online to find out how a bong worked09:31
DarkonZeroI remember that day.09:31
PrincessLeia2god we are pathetic09:31
DarkonZeroBut it was fun.09:31
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 4,1"Who? Where? Why? (7 Inch Mix)"4,16,0 from 6,014,1Jesus Jones14,16,0.6,009:32
* Tigger runs around in circles09:33
DarkonZeroShe ate the whole tin.09:33
* Tigger stops09:33
DarkonZeroWow.....sudden crash.09:34
* Tigger looks around09:34
PrincessLeia2hmmm, i wont listen to all my new mp3s i will just assume they are not broken09:35
PrincessLeia2ugh, lag again09:35
PrincessLeia2[Lag: 110.99 (??)]09:35
PrincessLeia2that can stop noew09:35
* DarkonZero remembers a scene from the movie "Madhouse" where the cat takes a hit of cocaine.....then runs around in circles....then supposedly drops dead.09:35
PrincessLeia2it gets up to like 2 minutes lag and then goes back to being fine09:35
PrincessLeia2poor kitty09:35
* Tigger blinks09:36
PrincessLeia2god i hate mozilla09:36
DarkonZeroDammit.....with 1100 MP3s....I thought there would be something good to listen to.09:36
PrincessLeia2crashed again without me knowing09:36
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 4,1"Chop Suey!"4,16,0 from 6,014,1System Of A Down14,16,0.6,009:37
PrincessLeia2two crashed mplayers too *ich*09:37
PrincessLeia2i will just keel them09:37
PrincessLeia2(lyz@r2d2) lyz $ uptime09:38
PrincessLeia2 12:38:20 up 18 days,  6:37,  5 users,  load average: 0.11, 0.25, 0.2909:38
PrincessLeia2our webserver has been up for 66 days, woo09:39
PrincessLeia2<3 linux09:39
* Tigger bounces around on her springy tail09:41
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 4,1"Piggy (Nothing Can Stop Me Now)"4,16,0 from 6,014,1Nine Inch Nails14,16,0.6,009:41
PrincessLeia2ah! art bell is gone!09:41
PrincessLeia2i knew he retired, i didnt know someone took over the show %s09:41
* Jouva-SERVER (~jomomma@Psi-2EEEBE7F.mst3k.org) has joined #Deep1309:41
Jouva-SERVER 9:38AM  up 28 days, 20:15, 1 user, load averages: 0.01, 0.05, 0.0309:41
Jouva-SERVERFreeBSD skunky.moufette.com 4.5-RELEASE FreeBSD 4.5-RELEASE #0: Mon Jan 28 14:31:56 GMT 2002     murray@builder.freebsdmall.com:/usr/src/sys/compile/GENERIC  i38609:42
Jouva-SERVERAnd how did you get 66 from 18? o.o09:42
Jouva-SERVEROh n/m different machine09:42
* DarkonZero smacks Jo.09:42
PrincessLeia2(lyz@minute) lyz $ uptime09:42
PrincessLeia2 12:38:18 up 66 days, 13:56,  4 users,  load average: 0.01, 0.04, 0.0009:42
Jouva-SERVERThe only thing that took down this server was poweroutages09:42
Jouva-SERVERThat and me changing root's shell to an invalid one. 09:43
Jouva-SERVERBut of course no actual crashes.09:43
PrincessLeia2i havent had my workstation crash since the graphics card went froozy after 70 days up09:43
PrincessLeia2i was so upset09:44
PrincessLeia2uptime obsession %)09:44
PrincessLeia2usually i have to shut down to go to lan parties09:44
DarkonZeroThat reminds me....09:44
* Tigger goes off to afk'land...ttyl09:45
* Tigger is now known as TigAFK09:45
DarkonZeroCan't wait till I get money together and me and a friend are gonna organize a huge lan party here in Vegas.09:46
PrincessLeia2we were supposed to go to a lan party on saturday, but missed it because of car troubles %(09:47
DarkonZeroIt happens.09:47
* Jouva-SERVER (~jomomma@Psi-2EEEBE7F.mst3k.org) Quit (Quit: Read error: 666 (Connection reset by Satan))09:47
DarkonZeroDAMN THAT SATAN!09:48
DarkonZerofuq....I was thinking of reinstalling UT2K3 again........but I don't have the drive space...unless I get rid of my MP3s.09:53
DarkonZeroBut.....after like a week....I'd uninstalling again.09:54
DarkonZeroI'm very picky about my games.09:55
DarkonZeroI'm actually finally having fun with Asheron's Call.....though I still am anti-social in the game.09:56
DarkonZeroAnd I fianlly got the frickin' money back that I lost when my character dies twice in the same place.09:56
DarkonZerodied even09:56
DarkonZeroYeah.....the second time was trying to get the money after the first.09:57
* Jouva (jouva@fluffy.moufette.com) Quit (Quit: *bang* *bang* Oh thank you very much. A shot in the face. How nice.)09:58
* Jouva has left IRC09:58
DarkonZeroBut I gots my guy a good weapon with a electrical attack factor.09:58
DarkonZeroNow he's at a level of 13 and has 20000 or so in money.09:59
DarkonZeroOf course....I do all the easy quests over and over.09:59
PrincessLeia2i am going to work on things noew10:00
* PrincessLeia2 wanders off10:00
* DarkonZero takes leave of his keyboard.10:01
* DarkonZero is now known as DZ{Away}10:01
* DarkonZero has left IRC10:01
* shade is on IRC10:13
* shade (~Mystic@.) has joined #Deep1310:13
* Guest30240 (~MSTieGate@Psi-2E45E192.nott.cable.ntl.com) has joined #Deep1310:13
* Guest30240 (~MSTieGate@Psi-2E45E192.nott.cable.ntl.com) Quit (Quit: Guest30240)10:13
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Your nick has been registered with PsiBlade. If you are the owner of this nick, please identify now.10:14
-NickServ- [SYNTAX] /NickServ identify <password>10:14
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Password Accepted - You are now identified10:15
* ChanServ (Services@psiblade.net) has joined #Deep1310:16
* ChanServ sets mode: +oq ChanServ ChanServ10:16
* ChanServ sets mode: +o shade10:16
* DZ{Away} is now known as DarkonZero10:29
* DarkonZero is on IRC10:29
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] You are already identified10:29
* Disconnected10:29
Session Close: Thu Feb 20 10:29:39 2003
Session Start: Thu Feb 20 11:02:00 2003
Session Ident: #Deep13
* Now talking in #Deep1311:02
* Topic is '9http://www.deep13.org | DarKrow couldn't decide whether to stay or go and joined in 41 times during this reporting period. | 60 lines of txt until DeeK is off the stats | Return of the beggers! http://www.geocities.com/pleasegiveadollar/| http://Deep13.youaremyfriend.com'11:02
* Set by Sentroid91 on Wed Feb 19 23:30:5011:02
-NickServ- [SYNTAX] /NickServ identify <password>11:02
-ChanServ- [#Deep13] Welcome to #deep13. Be sure to visit our website at http://www.deep13.org/ but you probably already knew that.11:02
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Password Accepted - You are now identified11:02
* DarkonZero is on IRC11:02
* Min is on IRC11:02
* Peacimowen is on IRC11:02
* PrincessLeia2 is on IRC11:02
* shade is on IRC11:02
* Time is on IRC11:02
* Disconnected11:18
Session Close: Thu Feb 20 11:18:39 2003
Session Start: Thu Feb 20 20:51:58 2003
Session Ident: #Deep13
* Now talking in #Deep1320:51
* Topic is '9http://www.deep13.org | DarKrow couldn't decide whether to stay or go and joined in 39 times during this reporting period. | 60 lines of txt(or 1 day) until DeeK is off the stats | Return of the beggers! http://www.geocities.com/pleasegiveadollar/| http://Deep13.youaremyfriend.com'20:51
* Set by Sentroid91 on Thu Feb 20 18:27:4620:51
* DarkonZero is on IRC20:51
* Min is on IRC20:51
* Ocean-Saurian is on IRC20:51
* Peacimowen is on IRC20:51
* PrincessLeia2 is on IRC20:51
* shade is on IRC20:51
* Time is on IRC20:51
-ChanServ- [#Deep13] Welcome to #deep13. Be sure to visit our website at http://www.deep13.org/ but you probably already knew that.20:51
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Password Accepted - You are now identified20:51
Tiggerhi dz20:52
DarkonZeroI am Galstaff.....sorcerer of light.20:53
* DarkonZero casts magic missile on the room.21:01
DarkonZeroThe "face-off" is now over.21:11
DarkonZeroTime won.21:12
DarkonZeroPoor sport.21:12
* @Ocean-Saurian tosses a can of green beans =====================(__()21:34
@Ocean-Saurianthat's what they did in AOL chat rooms21:35
@Ocean-Saurianand also cans of spam21:35
* DarkonZero opens a can of whoop-ass.21:35
@Ocean-Sauriangah, it's outdated DZ21:36
DarkonZeroSo is spam.21:36
@Ocean-SaurianCan't argue that one21:36
@Ocean-SaurianSPAM=Stuff Posing As Meat21:38
@Ocean-Saurianactually the wosrt combination with spam would be macaroni and cheese...21:38
DarkonZeroNo.....with Jello.21:39
DarkonZeroI've seen it done.21:39
DarkonZeroBut I would never eat it.21:39
@Ocean-SaurianEw, I don't know why sombody would do that21:40
DarkonZeroIt was part of a spam cookoff.21:40
DarkonZeroBut still....21:40
@Ocean-Saurianew, I just thought of a really gross idea... what if sombody had a whole thanksgiving layout... but everything was made outta spam21:41
@Ocean-Saurianspam molded into the shape of a turkey21:41
@Ocean-Saurianspam gravy21:41
@Ocean-Saurianmashed up spam to replace the mashed potatos21:41
@Ocean-Saurianand people don't drink coke or pepsi... they drink spam grease21:42
DarkonZeroYou can stop now....I think Tigg went to puke a couple of minutes ago.21:43
* @Ocean-Saurian laughs21:43
@Ocean-Sauriandamn, that's morbid21:44
@Ocean-Saurianspam toothpaste...21:46
* Tigger scrunches up her face21:46
@Ocean-Saurianspam mouthwash21:46
DarkonZeroMake your teeth mystery meaty with Spam toothpaste.21:46
@Ocean-Saurianspam gum21:47
@Ocean-Saurianew! That would be like chewing on raw bacon21:47
DarkonZeroWhy are you still going?21:47
@teenMSTiespam toilet paper21:47
DarkonZeroAre you THAT bored?21:47
@Ocean-Saurianwipeing your ass with a thin sheet of spam21:48
@Ocean-SaurianSpam hairspray21:48
DarkonZeroNothing makes you ass cleaner like the feel of Spam on your keester.21:48
@Ocean-Saurianspam hand soap21:49
DarkonZeroThat'll just make your hands greasy.21:49
Tiggerok..i seriously am about to puke..21:49
* Tigger (Tigger@Psi-3BFF1CC.client.attbi.com) has left #Deep1321:49
DarkonZeroNice going.21:49
DarkonZeroShe'll return.21:50
DarkonZeroLike tomorrow.21:50
@Ocean-Saurianafter she makes a billion dollers on spam gum21:50
@Ocean-Saurianspam cake froasting!21:51
DarkonZeroI think somebody did that too.21:52
@Ocean-Saurianew, how nasty21:52
* Tigger (Tigger@Psi-3BFF1CC.client.attbi.com) has joined #Deep1321:53
Tiggerare you done now?21:53
DarkonZeroHe's not.21:53
* Tigger shakes her head21:53
@Ocean-SaurianYeah I am21:53
@Ocean-SaurianI'll just IM DZ later with my long list of nasty products that you can make with stuff posing as meat21:54
DarkonZeroI'll be gone.21:54
* DarkonZero thinks of putting Joey on alert.21:55
@Ocean-Saurianhaw haw haw21:56
@Ocean-SaurianNow you can't21:56
* DarkonZero puts Joey on alert.21:56
@Ocean-Saurianand sirmegagigan is an AOL account, so I could care less21:56
@Ocean-SaurianHaw haw haw21:56
@Ocean-SaurianAh damn21:57
* Tigger alerts his other accounts21:57
Tiggercrap dude..mine only set yours to 5%21:58
DarkonZeroI blocked him.21:59
DarkonZeroThen I unblocked him.21:59
@Ocean-SaurianHmm... I have 4 accounts21:59
Tiggerhe set mine to like 20 % or something21:59
* Tigger glares22:00
@Ocean-SaurianI refuse to answer anyone on the battledroid names tonight22:00
@RobertoElsewhereBig man, huh, Joey?22:03
@RobertoElsewhereAnd yes, I'm well aware that doesn't mean shit.22:03
@Ocean-Saurianwell she started it!22:05
* @Ocean-Saurian points to Tigger22:05
@Ocean-Saurian<Robby> I don't care who started it, I'll finish it22:05
DarkonZeroNo....she started it....22:05
* DarkonZero point at O-S.22:05
* Tigger falls over laughing22:06
Tiggerwait a minute..would that be an insult to me?22:06
Tiggeri am tripping out22:06
* DarkonZero is now known as DZ{Away}22:07
* DarkonZero has left IRC22:07
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] You are already identified22:07
* RobertoElsewhere (hquiej@Oper.PsiBlade.net) Quit (Quit: You're falling, you're falling, you're falling, you're falling... http://www.deep13.org/gqindustries)22:25
* DZ{Away} is now known as DarkonZero22:48
* DarkonZero is on IRC22:48
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] You are already identified22:48
DarkonZeroI guess noodles scared Robby.22:48
* TonicBH (~bbj17@Psi-20DFA627.tnt1.portland.or.da.uu.net) has joined #Deep1323:23
* Sentroid91 is on IRC23:31
* Sentroid91 (servo911@Psi-3E986347.midltn01.nj.comcast.net) has joined #Deep1323:31
* Sentroid91 injects poison into #Deep1323:31
* Sound request: can't find 'nwo.wav'23:31
[Sentroid91 SOUND]23:31
* ChanServ sets mode: +qo Sentroid91 Sentroid9123:31
DarkonZeroyolo rolo23:32
DarkonZeroWe have to stop confusing Tigg.....her brain may explode.23:34
@Sentroid91Or she might "lol" us to death.23:34
* Tigger laughs23:34
Tiggeryou guys are so weird..23:35
DarkonZeroWe know...23:35
Tiggerbut thats okay..cause i am insane..so it all works out23:35
DarkonZeroAnd that's why you love us.23:35
@Sentroid91And you should get like an award... it's not everyone who can live with a brother who runs a server full of Germans. :D23:36
@Sentroid91i couldn't do that23:36
Tiggerthere is a reason i am leaving..going off to college..23:37
Tiggermy brother runs around the house talking in german all the time23:37
@Sentroid91Mysteria: We harbor Germans23:38
@Sentroid91And #Deep13 for a short while.23:38
DarkonZeroThey're probably talking about strudels right now.23:38
@Sentroid91At least until it got boring and the Germans kept annoying us.23:38
@Sentroid911,12Quote containing "kiss my grits":12,1 <Priv_Michael_Ford> spricht hier jemand deutsch? <Sentroid91> Sieg heil mine furher <Priv_Michael_Ford> kannst du noch mehr deutsch Sentroid91? <Sentroid91> ja. <Priv_Michael_Ford> ok dann, ciao <Sentroid91> bite me <Priv_Michael_Ford> kiss my... <Sentroid91> grits? <Sentroid91> yes. it's kiss my grits. <Priv_Michael_Ford> are you all from america? <Sentroid91> No. We're all from the United States 1,23:38
Tiggerthere is a reason i have really short hair...cause i ripped it all out getting frusterated with my brother..23:39
Tiggerlol jk23:39
DarkonZeroI could believe that.23:39
DarkonZeroCause I'm gullible.23:39
* TonicBH 's channel still is on old Mysteria23:39
@Sentroid91The only thing that could've kept me from moving off of Mysteria would probably be if they kept #Millionaire23:39
Tiggerwhat was your channel TonicBH?23:40
@Sentroid91what the.... #warez?23:41
@Sentroid91I thought Mysteria didn't allow warez and porn?23:41
DarkonZeroThey need to bring up the user count I guess.23:41
DarkonZeroneeded even23:41
@Sentroid91then again, they had that #millenium-movies for a short while until we drove them away23:42
TonicBHbut, my channel's deader than...23:44
@Sentroid91I just went to #galaxypub and said "ja *hochkonjunktur*"23:46
* Tigger (Tigger@Psi-3BFF1CC.client.attbi.com) Quit (Connection reset by peer)23:51
DarkonZeroPeer strikes again!23:51
* Tigger (Tigger@Psi-3BFF1CC.client.attbi.com) has joined #Deep1323:53
Tiggerwho dunnit?23:53
* DarkonZero hides.23:54
* Tigger glares23:54
* Tigger laughs..jk23:54
* DarkonZero puts on sunglasses cause of Tigg's glaring.23:54
DarkonZeroTigg is so bright....I gotta wear shades.23:55
* DarkonZero quits using old 80s songs as references.23:56
* Tigger blinks23:56
Tiggerhrm..i was born in the 80's..i dont remember much of what happened23:56
DarkonZeroI grew up during the 80s.23:56
* TonicBH (~bbj17@Psi-20DFA627.tnt1.portland.or.da.uu.net) Quit (Quit: "The Future is Whatever you make it. So make it a good one."-Back to the Future Part III)23:57
DarkonZeroI guess the 80s scared Tonic.23:57
DarkonZeroThat would make the 70s traumatizing.23:57
@Sentroid91I'd hate to see what the 30s would do23:58
-> [DarkonZero] FINGER23:58
[DarkonZero FINGER]23:58
[DarkonZero FINGER reply]: Darkon J. Zero (DarkonZero@Factory0Studios.net) Idle 39 seconds (<^> 0_0 <^> FUCK OFF!)23:58
-> [DarkonZero] VERSION23:58
[DarkonZero VERSION]23:58
[DarkonZero VERSION reply]: mIRC v6.03 Khaled Mardam-Bey23:58
-> [DarkonZero] TIME23:58
[DarkonZero TIME]23:58
[DarkonZero TIME reply]: Thu Feb 20 23:58:53 200323:58
@Sentroid91DeeZ: I gots a reply from Rockerbot for that reply I left... let's see what I got...23:59
Session Close: Fri Feb 21 00:00:00 2003

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