
Session Start: Mon Feb 03 02:49:19 2003
Session Ident: #Deep13
* Now talking in #Deep13
* Topic is '9http://www.deep13.org | #Deep13 sends its thoughts and prayers to the families of the Columbia astronauts. | Have a happy holidays. | #Deep13 radio's 24/7 radio will be down for maintenance | #Deep13: Full of country goodness and green penis.'
* Set by Jouva on Sun Feb 02 17:16:18
-NickServ- [SYNTAX] /NickServ identify <password>
-ChanServ- [#Deep13] Welcome to #deep13. Be sure to visit our website at http://www.deep13.org/ but you probably already knew that.
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Password Accepted - You are now identified
* DarkonZero is now known as DZ{Away}
* DarkonZero has left IRC
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] You are already identified
* bie (Jagu@Psi-53CC0BA.dyn.optonline.net) Quit (Ping timeout)
* Yeas (yeas@Psi-281C595A.cac.psu.edu) has joined #Deep13
* Ocean-Saurian (Ocean-Saur@Psi-3B4833D8.ipt.aol.com) Quit (Connection reset by peer)
* Ocean-Saurian has left IRC
Yeasgood morning to you too
Yeaswhat are you doing up soearly? ;)
Yeaser so early
* DZ{Away} is now known as DarkonZero
* DarkonZero is on IRC
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] You are already identified
PrincessLeia2i'm usually up this early on weekdays
YeasHey DarkonZero
PrincessLeia2at least, i should be
PrincessLeia2morning deez
DarkonZeroAnother late night/early morning......and again I can't sleep.
* PrincessLeia2 gives deez a cookie
YeasWell, I just got home from work, thats the only reason I'm up.
* PrincessLeia2 gives Yeas a cookie too
PrincessLeia2i try to get up early so i can get to bed at a 'normal' time
PrincessLeia2otherwise my sleeping schedule is all *spleahis*
Yeasahh...does it work?
DarkonZeroI don't even know what a normal time is anymore.
YeasI hear that Darkon
PrincessLeia2yeah it works, usually
PrincessLeia2unless i fall victim to the 4 pm nap %)
YeasThose naps will get you everytime.
DarkonZeroI think I nap like 3 times a day.
YeasYah, I just sleep when I can.
YeasOff and on throughout the day
* DarkonZero remembers when he fell asleep at work once.....
DarkonZeroIt was fun....until someone startled me.
PrincessLeia2well Time works... so i try to keep the same schedule as him, so i dont feel lazy %s
DarkonZeroYou do what you can.
YeasHeh, I've done that before. It was fun here too until my co-worker started breaking the door down wondering where the hel I went. He had a line out the door.
* @Min[SLEEP] straps on her messenger bag, puts on her headphones (they match her HEV suit) and reluctantly plods off to school, listening to her discman all the way.
* Min[SLEEP] is now known as Min[SCHOOL]
YeasI wonder if I can grab her milk money.
PrincessLeia2omgomgomg i just got spam that told me i can get FREE AOL YAH!
Yeassend that offer thisa way!
* PrincessLeia2 fwds
DarkonZeroQuit forwarding your porn to me...I already get enough as it is.
YeasPorn? You can -never- have enough.
Yeaser.. I mean, porn...bad...
DarkonZeroWhen it comes to beastiality......I think there is enough of that.
YeasYah, that and all those "bathroom" related fetishes
PrincessLeia2and midgets
Yeasoh, come on! You have to love midgets!
PrincessLeia2not like that!
DarkonZeroAnd I'm also getting of the "male enhancement" e-mails I get.....way to bring my self-esteem down.
YeasNEVER like -that-
DarkonZerogetting TIRED of....
YeasI have an all time high on "We can save your credit!" e-mails
PrincessLeia2and low rate morgages
Yeasgotta love the low mortgage rates
PrincessLeia2like i am going to get a mortgage i hear about through a spam email
PrincessLeia23 doors down suck
YeasYah and like some sexy 18 year old is waiting specifically for me to call her. Bah, the lies.
DarkonZeroI agree too.
PrincessLeia2i got their album 'cause a friend was over with his computer (so lots of mp3s) and i'm going through them noew, this is pure trashski
YeasThey did have that one good song...wait, no...they didn't.
PrincessLeia2i have like 2 or 3 songs of theirs that "arent bad" ... but on a whole they are terrible
DarkonZeroI quit watching MTV due to the bands that suck nowdays.
PrincessLeia2kryptonite wasnt terrible, but no one who made it popular understood it
YeasI do like MTV2 though
DarkonZeroI just randomly look for stuff off the net now.
Yeasthey have some good stuff on sometimes
PrincessLeia2i dont get MTV ... dont care to watch MTV2
PrincessLeia2if i want to see a video *goes to launch.com*
DarkonZeroI haven't ben there in over a year.
YeasIf I had braodband, I'd just download the vidoes I wanted
PrincessLeia2broadband is nicey
Yeasyah my ex-girlfriend had it. I still think thats 1 reason I started seeing her in the first place.
* DarkonZero wonders if Information Society is still around.......
DarkonZeroThe "groups" website is down.......
DarkonZeroI assume it's dead.
YeasThe numbers keep shrinking
PrincessLeia2what numbers? o_O
PrincessLeia2i hate it when people rip mp3s of soundtracks and dont think to put the artist's name in the filename
Yeasgood question
Yeasi"m just winging it here, don't mind me
PrincessLeia2so Yeas .. you new? i dont think i met you before
YeasYah, I've only been here for the past two dats
DarkonZeroWhen I rip soundtracks...I tend not to put the "bands" name in cause I'm lazy.
PrincessLeia2Yeas: ah ok
PrincessLeia2DarkonZero: i hate you for that
DarkonZeroI almost downloaded MP3 of a lesbian punk band yesterday......the music rocked...but it woulda been odd singing along.
DarkonZeroHell....I have my lesbian tendancies......but.......
PrincessLeia2everyone should name their mp3s Artist-Song_Title.mp3 ... that would make my life so much easier
PrincessLeia2DarkonZero: i think i would be afraid if you didnt
PrincessLeia2buncha weirdos in here %P
DarkonZeroYou're telling me.
Yeaswouldn't want it any other way
* DarkonZero names all his MP3s Artist-Song title.mp3
PrincessLeia2no spaces!
DarkonZeroMine always do.
Yeasyah i need spaces
Yeasi hate underscores
DarkonZerosame here.
DarkonZeroThey hurt my eyes like O-Ss spelling.
PrincessLeia2You\ Owe\ Me\ Nothing\ in\ Return.mp3  <-- stupid spaces
* PrincessLeia2 renames songs
PrincessLeia2and inconsistant caps
DarkonZeroI always put caps in.....unless I'm lazy.
PrincessLeia2i love mondays, i always find so much to complain about %s
DarkonZeroI thought you did that everyday?
Yeas"Sound's like somebody's got a case of the moondays"
PrincessLeia2moreso on mondays
DarkonZerotrue dat.
PrincessLeia2i think people just bother me to no end
* DarkonZero hides.
YeasI'll do my best.
DarkonZeroI'm people.
PrincessLeia2not you people, just people people
* DarkonZero quits hiding.
Yeasyah, your just people
Yeasits those people people...oooh those people people!
* DarkonZero wonders if he should stop liking Linkin Park.
DarkonZeroThey rock though.
DarkonZeroBut they get overplayed.
PrincessLeia2they may rock, but they rap as well, and that's not cool
YeasIf by rock you mean "don't rock, then sure.
YeasI've got a few bands that I know I shouldn't like
Yeaswhich sounds kinda weird
PrincessLeia2i think we all have embarassing songs in our mp3 list %P
Yeasoh thats for sure
DarkonZeroI gots plenty of embarassing songs in mine.
* Yeas plays celine dion - my heart will go on
Yeasor not
DarkonZeroOh God......
PrincessLeia2Yeas: please tell me you are joking
DarkonZeroI'm not that bad.
YeasI couldnt be joking more
* PrincessLeia2 catches her breath
PrincessLeia2i should remake my mp3 list
PrincessLeia2it's... old
YeasThat takes up to much time
YeasI just skip over the ones i dont want to hear
PrincessLeia2i mean... the list i have of all my mp3s
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 4,1"Something Good"4,16,0 from 6,014,1Utah Saints14,16,0.6,0
DarkonZeroI remember when the song I'm listening to came out my sophomore year in high school.
PrincessLeia2i dont remember that song
* Yeas is now known as YeasBRB
DarkonZeroit's really not that good.
DarkonZeroI forgot why I went looking for it.
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 4,1"Move Mountains (LIVE)"4,16,0 from 6,014,1Jesus Jones14,16,0.6,0
PrincessLeia2gah, i have too much everclear
PrincessLeia2that's what happens, i like a band "back in the day" ... then i get a bunch of their albums from friends, and then realize that i dont really love them anymore
DarkonZeroI get the same way.
* DarkonZero needs to rip his NIN CDs.
PrincessLeia2oooh, which ones do you have?
DarkonZeroI have pretty much all of them except for the recent live release.
PrincessLeia2i should have made mp3s of the cds that my ex had... together we had almost them all
DarkonZeroI may have missed a couple of the more reecent ones...but I got most of the past ones.
PrincessLeia2luckily i got away with my babies
PrincessLeia2do you have halo 1? ummmm down to it single
PrincessLeia2make mp3s of that one!
DarkonZeroI got 1 through 16.
DarkonZero12 was the video set.
PrincessLeia2i never got the videos
DarkonZeroVery disturbing images.....
PrincessLeia2i have halo 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, and 14
DarkonZeroThe "Happiness In Slavery" video is a really good one.
DarkonZeroI got 2 versions of 10.
PrincessLeia2i think we have 6.. i cant find it
DarkonZeroThey're pretty much the same...except a couple of track.
PrincessLeia2i have an import version of 9
DarkonZeroI think I have the domestic.
PrincessLeia2which is basically the same as the normal one.. but it's 2 cds and more expensive, hehe
PrincessLeia2i got it because i couldnt find the domestic one
DarkonZeroIt's hard to find some of the domestic ones at times.
PrincessLeia2i used to have halo 1 (one of the ones my ex kept) ... that i found at a used cd store
DarkonZeroHard to keep a hold on good things....especially in a relationship.
DarkonZeroMake that "former" relationship.
DarkonZeroI'm thinking of getting rid of the two Roxette MP3s I have.....
DarkonZeroI like "Joyride" and the other was remixed by Jesus Jones.
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 4,1"A320"4,16,0 from 6,014,1Foo Fighters14,16,0.6,0
DarkonZeroA beautiful sounding song about a plane crashing.
PrincessLeia2i think Yeas fell asleep somewhere
DarkonZeroI agree.
DarkonZeroClose my eyes and hope that it's a real smooth flight this time........
* PrincessLeia2 fixes the names of her stabbing westward songs
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 4,1"Everlong"4,16,0 from 6,014,1Foo Fighters14,16,0.6,0
PrincessLeia2i had the opportunity to go to a NIN concert in buffalo once
DarkonZeroI had one here in Vegas.
PrincessLeia2my ex wouldnt let me because thought that the guy who invited me to go had a "thing for me"
PrincessLeia2he invited me 'cause his friend bailed on him, and he knew i liked NIN
DarkonZeroI missed out due to not having money to get tickets.
PrincessLeia2bummer %\
DarkonZeroI actually have never been to a concert........
DarkonZeroI missed out on alot of things.
PrincessLeia2Time went to NIN back when they were an opening band for some concert ... that's when he got pretty hate machine, heh
PrincessLeia2i've never been to a rock concert
PrincessLeia2i've been to "bands in the park" .. and one ambient show in a church... which could be called a concert
DarkonZeroI even missed out on a couple of They Might Be Giants conserts here.
* YeasBRB is now known as Yeas
Yeasnever been to a concert? that sucks
PrincessLeia2i missed a TMBG concert in rochester 'cause i was poor at the time
YeasI missed out on going to my fave bands concert because my friends forgot to buy a ticket for me and when i went to get one they were sold out.
Yeassoooo pissed
DarkonZeroIt happens.
Yeassure does
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 4,1"My Hero"4,16,0 from 6,014,1Foo Fighters14,16,0.6,0
YeasFoo Fighters, I like some of their stuff
DarkonZeroI missed out on seeing the Foo Fighters......about 3 or 4 times.
YeasAnyone ever heard of Spoon?
YeasSpoon's my current fave. The guys I missed in NYC
YeasSpeaking of geogrophy, out of curiosity where are you guys from?
DarkonZeroI'm in Vegas.
PrincessLeia2i'm from lots of places, but my current position is phildelphia
YeasAh cool, I"m from PA too
PrincessLeia2sucks here
DarkonZeroMy dad is only from PA.
DarkonZeroI was born in Utah.
YeasWhat area was he from?
DarkonZeroBut I'm not mormon.
PrincessLeia2i was born in GA
DarkonZeroMy dad came from Lewistown.
YeasAh, i see
PrincessLeia2wow, it's only 8
PrincessLeia2i should eat some breakfast
YeasI'm eating cake for breakfast
DarkonZeroI should sleep....but I'll probably get to playing Chrono Trigger again.
Yeastoo lazzy to make eggs n' such
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 4,1"Ohm Sweet Ohm"4,16,0 from 6,014,1Cheap Trick14,16,0.6,0
Yeasheh, Cheap Trick
DarkonZeroThey rock.....on occasion.
YeasI'll give you that.
PrincessLeia2mmm bagel
PrincessLeia2heh, i would eat cake for breakfast if we had any
DarkonZeroI had some Crispix.
DarkonZeroNow my insides are crunchy.
Yeashmm, i do have cereal
PrincessLeia2we are out of milk %\ no cereal for me
Yeasthat doesnt take too much effort
PrincessLeia2i prolly have to go grocery shopping tonight *uggh*
YeasI have a friend who will use water if he's out of milk
Yeasyah, i want to smack some sense into him
DarkonZeropoor man's milk.
* PrincessLeia2 reads deez's lj
PrincessLeia2you should try opera for a browser %)
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 4,1"Girlfriend"4,16,0 from 6,014,1Matthew Sweet14,16,0.6,0
PrincessLeia2it's nicey
PrincessLeia2i am sure you can find a registration code somewhere for it so you dont get icky ads
Yeasi've heard about it for years, never cheked it out
PrincessLeia2it pwnz
Yeasi'm an explorer drone
Yeaswhats the url?
PrincessLeia2it used to suck, but it's really nice now
DarkonZeroLast version of Opera I used was 5.2.1...I think.
PrincessLeia2the pop-up refuser rocks
Yeassounds cool allready ;)
PrincessLeia2it doesnt have all the plugins that IE has... but it works for general browsing
PrincessLeia2actually... it might, i havent used the windows version enough
* DarkonZero hasn't been to Analog X for a while.
PrincessLeia2IE is evil for letting people write sloppy html
PrincessLeia2s'why IE-specific pages look like crap in other browsers
Yeaswelp, i've begun the download. Out to take over an hour ;)
DarkonZeroSloppy things for sloppy people.
PrincessLeia2who need end tags! it works for me!
YeasI like sloppy joe's? Does that make me sloppy?
PrincessLeia2yes %P
YeasWell, judging by my room
* Jouva is on IRC
Yeasyour right
* Jouva (jouva@fluffy.moufette.com) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +ao Jouva Jouva
* @Jouva shoots out a decoy scientist and watches it explode.
DarkonZeroYo Jo.
DarkonZeroAs in reference to a certain sound file some of us have.
PrincessLeia2so i installed age of mythology, and i was disappointed to find out that it's just like warcraft
PrincessLeia2who copied who?
PrincessLeia2i assume warcraft was first..
Yeaswell warcraft was 1st
PrincessLeia2freaking M$
Yeasi like the original age of empires
PrincessLeia2never played it
DarkonZeroMost games are alike nowdays.
Yeasin some respects
DarkonZeroMy habits of reinstalling games got me again.....Q3A is back on my HD.
@JouvaBTW DZ... what the heck is with this "#4" ?
DarkonZeroAs in reference to a certain sound file some of us have.
@JouvaWhich is?
DarkonZeroDe singing.
DarkonZeroDe was singing Ana Ng.
DarkonZeroOn Bob's voice mail box.
@JouvaAnd what file might this be
DarkonZeroIt's aptly named "4"
DarkonZeroThere were 15 total.
@JouvaAhhhhhhh as opposed to the infamous 3.wav?
DarkonZeroDamn...I thought it was 4.
@JouvaWell... there was a 3.wav
@JouvaIs that the one?
DarkonZeroIt's 3.....I forgot who 4 was.
@JouvaAhh ok
DarkonZeroI keep getting them mixed up.
@JouvaMay I have a copy of this file?
@JouvaCause I know 3.wav was being "re-made" by De to get rid of it
DarkonZeroI'm behind a firewall.
@JouvaWith root beer
DarkonZeroAh......4 was either 'ling or Cal......
DarkonZero4 is Timmyling.
@JouvaOk well I need to goto work now.
DarkonZeroI forgot what number I was.
@JouvaE-mail 3.wav: jouva@moufette.com
DarkonZeroNo problemo/
YeasI'm lost, but it's cool. I am the newbie after all here ;)
* Jouva (jouva@fluffy.moufette.com) Quit (Quit: *bang* *bang* Oh thank you very much. A shot in the face. How nice.)
* Jouva has left IRC
PrincessLeia2talking about old chatters
PrincessLeia2and their wav files
DarkonZeroIt's an old thing we did on somebody's voice mail box.
* PrincessLeia2 pulls out her cane
PrincessLeia2remember back in the days before mp3s?
PrincessLeia2when we played midis in chat! Harhar
DarkonZeroThis was about 2 years ago.
Yeasbefore mp3's?
Yeaswas there such a time?
Yeasnah, more like 4
DarkonZeroWell....all the wavs were recorded about 2 to 3 years ago.
PrincessLeia2wavs apparently have always been popular here..
DarkonZeroNot as of late.
PrincessLeia2i have like 50 mb of wavs from 1999 when they were big in #13thhour
DarkonZeroI hate all the ones Sent keeps sending.
PrincessLeia2but we grew out of it, hee
* IdleBoy (yeas@Psi-32A47445.cac.psu.edu) has joined #Deep13
IdleBoyI hate modems
PrincessLeia2me too
* IdleBoy is now known as Yeaster
DarkonZeroI currently have 1,726 wavs
Yeasterwhy thank yah
PrincessLeia2Yeaster: have you registered your nickname?
Yeasteroh, nope
PrincessLeia2ah ok
PrincessLeia2well you should, 'cause then you can get nickserv to kill your ghosty nick %)
Yeasteri'll have to do that
* Yeas (yeas@Psi-281C595A.cac.psu.edu) Quit (Killed (PrincessLeia2 (bye ghosty)))
* Yeaster is now known as Yeas
YeasI use to use efnet
Yeasno name registers back in the day ;)
PrincessLeia2most of us came from scifi.com ... no services there
DarkonZero#Deep13 has a long history.
Yeashow long?
PrincessLeia25 years
Yeasthats pretty good
DarkonZeroThe history is up on the site.
DarkonZeroIt's funny.
YeasI'll have to read up on it
PrincessLeia2and boring
DarkonZeroRobby wrote it.....what do you expect?
DarkonZeroI kid.....a little.
YeasWell I'm glad I found this place.
YeasI needed some place to hang out in
DarkonZeroHas Robby and Sent like bombarded you yet with you staying?
PrincessLeia2they do that? heh
PrincessLeia2buncha lamers in here, i tell ya
DarkonZeroI can't stand when they do that.
Yeaswho me Darkon?
Yeasnope, not yet
PrincessLeia2people will stay if they want too, no need bother them about it
YeasDo I get a cookie if i stay? ;)
PrincessLeia2i remember when i came in here a little over a year ago, and it was *ded* ... like sent was the only one ever here
PrincessLeia2i can understand begging people to stay then, but now it's really not needed...
DarkonZeroIf they wanna stay...they stay...if they wanna go....they go.
* Yeas (yeas@Psi-32A47445.cac.psu.edu) has left #Deep13
* Yeas (yeas@Psi-32A47445.cac.psu.edu) has joined #Deep13
DarkonZeroI thought so.
PrincessLeia2he said audios
DarkonZeroI used to rarely show up back then........
DarkonZeroOf course...I was working.
PrincessLeia2i never came in often... i only started becoming a "regular" back in july
YeasWork. Booze. Work Booze.
* DarkonZero can't remember even being in #Deep13 before Nov.
DarkonZeroI'm getting stupid.
* Yeas can't remember even being in #Deep13 before Saturday
PrincessLeia2and old!
DarkonZeroAnd forgetful.
PrincessLeia2i think i stopped in here back in like ... '99 when it was on scifi
PrincessLeia2i knew locdog and de from #tom-servo on scifi
DarkonZeroSame nick...or diff?
PrincessLeia2same nick
Yeaseven with the 2?
PrincessLeia2i've always been PrincessLeia2
Yeasnow thats hardcore
Yeasi've always been Yeas
Yeasfor many many years now
DarkonZeroI started with the java client at the scifi server.
PrincessLeia2that's good, i hate people who change their nicks a lot
YeasPeople ask if I'm chinese or something
PrincessLeia2DarkonZero: me too, back in october of 98 .. about a month after i got online
DarkonZeroI was always with #TheArmageddonCabCo
PrincessLeia2ugh, i dont miss #TACC
PrincessLeia2i used to go there to talk to methos
PrincessLeia2journeyman hated me
PrincessLeia2but i hear he had a problem with everyone %)
DarkonZeroThey became a bunch of royal jerks.
PrincessLeia2i think methos used the nick connermcleod back then actually
DarkonZeroI happend to join #Deep13 after the original owner started zooming my room of #MST3K! and calling it a filthy place.
YeasYou know what, I'd love to remake the Muppet Movie using MST charachters.
Yeasdunno where that came from
Yeasbut i think itd be funny
DarkonZeroIt would probably work.
Yeasoh, i bet it would
YeasStarring:: Crow T. Robot as Kermit D. Frog
DarkonZeroI miss De.....even though she's deranged.
DarkonZeroRobby and Sent would so harp on me upon hearing that.
DarkonZeroI was surprised that N made an appearance a few days ago.
PrincessLeia2N was coming in a bunch a few months ago, then just stopped
PrincessLeia2maybe that was before you were hanging around here a lot again
DarkonZeroHe does that.
DarkonZeroHe feels that a couple of peeps in here wouldn't want him to be here.
YeasThe man has love in his tummy
* DarkonZero puruses the History of #Deep13.......
DarkonZeroIt is a bit long.
PrincessLeia2it's too long
DarkonZeroYou're mentioned in it.
PrincessLeia2i saw
YeasYah, i'm about 20 minutes into it. Figure another 6 chapters and a few more days
Yeasand done!
PrincessLeia2i am more of a #13thHour member than a deep13er anyway... even tho i've been chatting in here more lately
DarkonZeroI'm like mentioned 5 times.
DarkonZeroAnd for no plot forwarding reasons.
PrincessLeia2"all bad"
PrincessLeia2Yeas: dont zoom my room you bia %P
YeasYour one of those charachters that die in the first 5 minutes of the movie
YeasI didn't zoom! I Peeked!
PrincessLeia2i see
PrincessLeia2wow deez, most of those refs to you were bad
DarkonZeroAnd they had me as a newcomer.
Yeasoh wait...
PrincessLeia2they had me listed as coming because of the scifi bboards
PrincessLeia2which isnt entirely true, i had known about this room for years, just could never find it til i found sent's bboard posts
DarkonZeroThey had me as a newcomer when we moved to Starlink....I was there long before that move.
PrincessLeia2i guess it was an "ops only" history %)
DarkonZeroYou know how they are.
DarkonZeroExcept for Min.
Yeasthey're like -that- are they?
PrincessLeia2Min is leet
Yeasleet like a mofo
DarkonZeroMin quotes too much though.
DarkonZeroI miss speaking with her.
PrincessLeia2she's been quieter lately... to me anyway
YeasShe's busy with all that learning crap
PrincessLeia2besides quoting
DarkonZeroMin will like say a couple of things...then quote up the ass.
Yeas"I don't thinkumso brutha"
PrincessLeia2hehe, yeah
YeasI need a script of random MST quotes
DarkonZeroDe used to have alot.
DarkonZeroUntil some of us ran her off.
PrincessLeia2i hate quoter scripts
Yeaserm...yah, me too!
Yeasquoter scripts, bah!
DarkonZeroAs long as I've been in #Deep13....I never accepted ops.......and i forgot my reason why I never accepted ops.
Yeas"With great power comes great responsibility"
DarkonZeroNow I remember.....it's a bullshit position.
PrincessLeia2i dont care about ops in here
DarkonZeroI did at one time....then I changed my mind.
PrincessLeia2'cept there are like, no ops here during the morning ... and before i was an ircop that got annoying
DarkonZeroI think I remember those days.
DarkonZeroI popped in early mornings at times......and I'd be the only one here.
PrincessLeia2no way to get rid of lamers who made problems during that time
* Yeas hides in the corner
DarkonZeroJoin us in conversation.
DarkonZeroWe may be bitchin'.....but that will soon pass.
* Yeas walks back into the light
DarkonZeroI've noticed I;ve been complaining alot more.
DarkonZeroAbout #Deep13.
YeasWell, it is Monday
PrincessLeia2i have been complaining about everything a lot, and that's bad
DarkonZeroAh well......
DarkonZeroWe'll get over it.
DarkonZeroAnd now....onto something completely different.
YeasI'm not much of a complainer, more a constructive observer of all things wrong.
DarkonZero#Deep13 was like that toward other chat rooms.
YeasSuperiority complex eh?
DarkonZeroIn a way.....yes.
DarkonZeroWe'd room raid back in the day.
PrincessLeia2yeah, around july when i first came here, the only thing that made me stay was sorta knowing locdog... it was hard to be accepted
PrincessLeia2s/first came here/first became a regular
DarkonZeroLoc hardly showw anymore....BTW....it's his b-day.
PrincessLeia2luckily noew there are more people who are nice... but then it was very hard
DarkonZero<PrincessLeia2> luckily noew there are more people who are nice...
DarkonZeroI'm hardly that.
PrincessLeia2ok, friendly %P
DarkonZeroAnd that too.
YeasYour quazi evil
DarkonZeroI'm a jerk...plain and simple.
YeasWell you've been nice so far, should I be expecting hell soon?
* DarkonZero is now known as HellMacGee
* DarkonZero has left IRC
* HellMacGee is on IRC
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] You are already identified
* PrincessLeia2 whispers to Yeas *he's always been nice to me, this is all an act*
* Yeas runs for the hills
HellMacGeeI'm here.....
HellMacGeeWho needed me?
HellMacGeeEh.....I;m too tired.
PrincessLeia2not me!
* HellMacGee is now known as DarkonZero
* HellMacGee has left IRC
* DarkonZero is on IRC
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] You are already identified
* DarkonZero has to remember to unlink some of the nicks he has.
YeasBRB, drink run
DarkonZeroLike my "away" nick.
Yeashey, suns up, why not!
DarkonZeroAnd Leia.....you were so wasted on Saturday.
Yeasok BRB with some -Orange Juice-
PrincessLeia2i know %(
Yeas...and vodka...
* Yeas is now known as YeasBRB
DarkonZeroYou did a table dance and stuff.
PrincessLeia2i could have gotten worse, but we ran out of beer
PrincessLeia2did not %P
DarkonZeroI knwo....
DarkonZeroknow even
DarkonZeroAt least you were having fun that night.....
PrincessLeia2yeah, i was
PrincessLeia2i was so drunk that i watched some Dr Who that night
PrincessLeia2i was like "wow, i dont remember it being this bad"
DarkonZeroAt least you weren't here when I had a "arguement" with Sent about fees.
DarkonZeroWe were talking about pricing plans......on a game......
DarkonZeroAnd we were at it for about 15 minutes.
* DarkonZero looks at how many logs he has.....
DarkonZeroA bit over 1200.
PrincessLeia2heh, i periodically clean out my logs
PrincessLeia2and now only my ircbot logs, so there arent many
DarkonZeroI plan on cleaning out my logs....then I forget about them.
DarkonZero1700+ wavs I have......yeesh.
DarkonZeroAnd the 150 random things that have been sent to me over the years.
* DarkonZero wanders off for a good glass of apple juice.
DarkonZeroI be back.....little bit.
* DarkonZero returns
DarkonZeroUgh....I don't wanna leave the house today.
* YeasBRB is now known as Yeas
DarkonZeroer.....apartment even.
PrincessLeia2me neither, but i'll have to to go stupid dumb grocery shopping
DarkonZeroI might have to go with my dad on a job today.
Yeasi just did all my grocery shopping yesterday
YeasGood thing my parents paid for it all
YeasAnd i got a free Olive Garden dinner
YeasTwas a good day.
PrincessLeia2that's about how much we spend on grocersy for a week and a half
YeasI can live of 120 worth for about 3 weeks
DarkonZeroI bought $100 worth of groceries on Fri........and they're almost all gone.
Yeasmaybe 4 if i stretch it
PrincessLeia2well there are two of us
YeasI feed my own mouth, no other!
YeasAhwell, I need to get off for ahwile. I'm going to get some errands done and then hit up Blockbuster.
PrincessLeia2have fun
Yeassure will!
Yeaslater guys
* Yeas (yeas@Psi-32A47445.cac.psu.edu) Quit (Quit: ircN 7.27 + 7.0 for mIRC (2002/01/10 00.00))
* PrincessLeia2 (~Lanfear2@Admin.PsiBlade.net) Quit (Quit: leaving)
* PrincessLeia2 has left IRC
* PrincessLeia2 is on IRC
* PrincessLeia2 has left IRC
* PrincessLeia2 is on IRC
* PrincessLeia2 (~Lanfear2@Admin.PsiBlade.net) has joined #Deep13
DarkonZeroSorry....I was reding something.
PrincessLeia2Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet, and so are you.
DarkonZeroreading even
PrincessLeia2But the roses are wilting, the violets are dead, the sugar bowl's empty and so is your head.
PrincessLeia2i wasnt talking about you %P
PrincessLeia2you arent sweet
DarkonZeroI know that.
PrincessLeia2>Kind, intelligent, loving and hot
PrincessLeia2>This describes everything you are not.
PrincessLeia2I see your face when I am dreaming
PrincessLeia2That's why I always wake up screaming.
PrincessLeia2these are great
PrincessLeia2the first entertaining fwd i've gotten in ages
* KatLady is on IRC
* KatLady has left IRC
* KatLady is on IRC
* KatLady (~MSTieGate@Psi-33D4BBD7.phila.k12.pa.us) has joined #Deep13
PrincessLeia2My feelings for you no words can tell
PrincessLeia2Except for maybe "go to hell".
PrincessLeia2hi Kat %)
KatLadymorning Leia
KatLadyhey DeeZ
KatLadydude I hate this damn monitor!
KatLadymy comp kept freezing up on me so I switched comps
PrincessLeia2gah, it's almost 10
KatLadyand this monitor is so friggin dirty
KatLadyit's disgusting. and it makes the text blurry
KatLadyit's giving me a headache
PrincessLeia2heh, dirty school monitors %s
* PrincessLeia2 lurks
* DarkonZero can't remember what he was gonna do next.
* KatLady rubs her eyes
KatLadyI have to like squint to be able to read any text
KatLadyand I dun have my glasses on either
KatLadyI lost 'em
DarkonZeroAAAaaagh....I'm falling asleep in my chair.
* KatLady (~MSTieGate@Psi-33D4BBD7.phila.k12.pa.us) Quit (Quit: HabberNet JavaChat -- http://www.habber.net/chat)
* KatLady has left IRC
* KatLady is on IRC
* KatLady (~MSTieGate@Psi-33D4BBD7.phila.k12.pa.us) has joined #Deep13
KatLadydamn comp
KatLadystupid thing DCed me
* KatLady goes to play games or something.....
* DarkonZero fights to stay awake.
* DarkonZero takes off since he's losing the fight.
* DarkonZero is now known as DZ{Away}
* DarkonZero has left IRC
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] You are already identified
KatLadygotta go
KatLadybell rang
KatLadybyes and laters to all
* KatLady (~MSTieGate@Psi-33D4BBD7.phila.k12.pa.us) Quit (Quit: HabberNet JavaChat -- http://www.habber.net/chat)
* KatLady has left IRC
* Yeas (yeas@Psi-1D9FFCCD.cac.psu.edu) has joined #Deep13
* Yeas is now known as IdleBoy
* IdleBoy is away, doin' "stuff" [log:OFF] [page:OFF]
* Jouva is on IRC
* Jouva (jouva@fluffy.moufette.com) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +ao Jouva Jouva
* @Jouva shoots out a decoy scientist and watches it explode.
* Jouva (jouva@fluffy.moufette.com) Quit (Quit: *bang* *bang* Oh thank you very much. A shot in the face. How nice.)
* Jouva has left IRC
* Min[SCHOOL] (~avasquez@Psi-26525BE8.ply.adelphia.net) Quit (Connection timed out)
* KServo (~creaturec@2B0290CC.BD9CEA77.5C98C3CE.IP) Quit (Ping timeout)
* Sentroid[SLEEPING] is now known as Sentroid[NotHome]
* KServo (~creaturec@Psi-2EDE121B.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk) has joined #Deep13
* Disconnected
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** Looking up your hostname...
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** Checking ident...
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** Found your hostname
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** No ident response; username prefixed with ~
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Your nick has been registered with PsiBlade. If you are the owner of this nick, please identify now.
* Attempting to rejoin channel #Deep13
-NickServ- [SYNTAX] /NickServ identify <password>
* Rejoined channel #Deep13
* Topic is '9http://www.deep13.org | #Deep13 sends its thoughts and prayers to the families of the Columbia astronauts. | Have a happy holidays. | #Deep13 radio's 24/7 radio will be down for maintenance | #Deep13: Full of country goodness and green penis.'
* Set by Jouva on Sun Feb 02 17:16:18
-ChanServ- [#Deep13] Welcome to #deep13. Be sure to visit our website at http://www.deep13.org/ but you probably already knew that.
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Password Accepted - You are now identified
* Jouva is on IRC
* PrincessLeia2 is on IRC
* DZ{Away} is now known as DarkonZero
* DarkonZero is on IRC
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] You are already identified
* Cal is on IRC
* Cal (~pmccart@Psi-3207D00B.wi.tds.net) has joined #Deep13
CalI just got back from the dentist
* Cal shows the cap on his front tooth
DarkonZeroIs that all you wanted for Christmas?
CalNot really
* DarkonZero downloads the original DOAXBV commercial that never aired.
@JouvaIn bed
@JouvaBTW, what's this "In Jail" thing about
DarkonZeroIt was something Cal said.....
DarkonZeroAnd Sent kinda stuck with it.
CalI collect 8% royalties for each time it's used
DarkonZeroYou know how Sent gets.
DarkonZeroThe original tagline for the DOAXBV commercial..."Play with a friend or play with yourself."
* DarkonZero just got his copies of Final Fantasy Tactics and Star Ocean: The Second Story.
DarkonZeroHmmm.....it didn't say that the Star Ocean game was a 2 discer.
* Min[SCHOOL] (~avasquez@Psi-26525BE8.ply.adelphia.net) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +o Min[SCHOOL]
@ChanServ[Min[SCHOOL]] Hey look... it's that crazy mutant human/lizard-hybrid....
* @Min[SCHOOL] is BACK, dammit!
* Min[SCHOOL] is now known as Min
* Min is on IRC
@JouvaCal: Raldo.
* Sound request: can't find 'nilknarf.wav'
[@Jouva SOUND]
* Sentroid91 is on IRC
* Sentroid91 (servo911@Oper.PsiBlade.net) has joined #Deep13
* Sentroid91 injects poison into #Deep13
* Sound request: can't find 'nwo.wav'
[Sentroid91 SOUND]
* ChanServ sets mode: +qo Sentroid91 Sentroid91
* Sentroid91 sets mode: +o Sentroid[WORKING]
-> [DarkonZero] PING
[DarkonZero PING]
[DarkonZero PING reply]: 1sec
@Sentroid91HOLLYWOOD REACTS: Following Saturday's tragic space shuttle disaster, Paramount Pictures quickly pulled trailers for its upcoming movie The Core from theaters. The promo for the sci-fi thriller, which stars Hilary Swank and Aaron Eckhart, showed a space shuttle in jeopardy. The studio, however, still plans to release the film on March 28.
* Disconnected
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** Looking up your hostname...
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** Checking ident...
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** Couldn't resolve your hostname; using your IP address instead
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** No ident response; username prefixed with ~
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** Looking up your hostname...
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** Checking ident...
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** Found your hostname
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** No ident response; username prefixed with ~
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** Looking up your hostname...
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** Found your hostname (cached)
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** Checking ident...
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** No ident response; username prefixed with ~
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Your nick has been registered with PsiBlade. If you are the owner of this nick, please identify now.
* Attempting to rejoin channel #Deep13
* Rejoined channel #Deep13
* Topic is '9http://www.deep13.org | #Deep13 sends its thoughts and prayers to the families of the Columbia astronauts. | Have a happy holidays. | #Deep13 radio's 24/7 radio will be down for maintenance | #Deep13: Full of country goodness and green penis.'
* Set by Jouva on Sun Feb 02 17:16:18
-NickServ- [SYNTAX] /NickServ identify <password>
-ChanServ- [#Deep13] Welcome to #deep13. Be sure to visit our website at http://www.deep13.org/ but you probably already knew that.
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Password Accepted - You are now identified
* Cal is on IRC
* DarkonZero is on IRC
* Jouva is on IRC
* Min is on IRC
* PrincessLeia2 is on IRC
* Sentroid91 is on IRC
-> [DarkonZero] PING
[DarkonZero PING]
[DarkonZero PING reply]: 1sec
CalI think some bright young star is hopped up on goofballs.
Calyay...the novacane is wearing off
DarkonZeroOf course....Cal isn't a bright young star yet.
CalDZ, I was quoting from Catalina Caper
DarkonZeroAnd I was just kidding.
CalAt the party
CalThe nazi party
* DarkonZero takes off to install a game patch.
* Disconnected
Session Close: Mon Feb 03 15:57:56 2003
Session Start: Mon Feb 03 17:08:20 2003
Session Ident: #Deep13
* Now talking in #Deep13
* Topic is '9http://www.deep13.org | #Deep13 sends its thoughts and prayers to the families of the Columbia astronauts. | Have a happy holidays. | #Deep13 radio's 24/7 radio will be down for maintenance | #Deep13: Full of country goodness and green penis.'
* Set by Jouva on Sun Feb 02 17:16:18
* Cal is on IRC
* DarkonZero is on IRC
* Jouva is on IRC
* Min is on IRC
* Ocean-Saurian is on IRC
* PrincessLeia2 is on IRC
* Sentroid91 is on IRC
-ChanServ- [#Deep13] Welcome to #deep13. Be sure to visit our website at http://www.deep13.org/ but you probably already knew that.
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Password Accepted - You are now identified
DarkonZeroBattlefield 1942 is so fun.....I like rolled a jeep 5 times and then jumped out almost getting killed.
@Sentroid91I rolled the jeep in the UT2K3 Jeep Demo
DarkonZeroMy rolling of the jeep was actullay unintentional.
DarkonZeroactually even
@Sentroid91so was mine
DarkonZeroThen there was another time when someone jumped into the jeep with me....he jumped out cause I kinda lost control going down a steep hill.
DarkonZeroBut I recovered.
DarkonZeroNow to work on flying the planes.......
DarkonZeroI think I just setup my Sidewinder joystick for the planes.
@Ocean-SaurianI think I've plaied that game before
@Ocean-Saurianor played
@Ocean-SaurianGah, losing english skills
@Ocean-Saurianbrain chemicals... falling...
DarkonZeroA new patch for the game came out today.....
DarkonZeroThe game runs faster now.
@Ocean-Saurianrapid... rate... can't f-f-fuction prop *dies*
DarkonZeroEven on a 64 player server.
DarkonZeroThe only problem I have when flying the planes....I hit the trees.
DarkonZeroand the ground.....
DarkonZeroand my team.....
DarkonZeroand sometimes buildings.
@Ocean-SaurianWhat about buildings?
@Ocean-SaurianDamn you can read my mind
@Sentroid91Buffy can.
* TigAFK is now known as Tigger
* DarkonZero watches the original DOAXBV commercial again....
DarkonZeroThe ending tag is the kicker.
@Sentroid91Balls and boobies
DarkonZero"Play with a friend or play with yourself"
DarkonZeroIt's the same commercial that's out now......just it has that line.
DarkonZeroI also got pictures of the original print ads.
@Sentroid91Proof that Spock will do anything... even a voiceover in Transformers: The Movie
DarkonZeroWho else woulda voiced Galvatron?
@Ocean-SaurianCarrot Top
* DarkonZero tranfers the clip to his HD to show his dad later.
DarkonZeroMy dad will piss himself with laughter.
@Ocean-SaurianGuess you're going to need a bucket
@Ocean-SaurianI wish I knew how to make my dad laugh, but he likes fart jokes... and other sorts of childish humor
Tiggeri've been good at making my dad cry
Tiggerit sucks
@Ocean-SaurianIt's like "Hey Dad! *intelligent joke*" and he goes "Huh..."
Tiggeris he blonde?
Tiggeror just old?
@Ocean-SaurianBut with a fart joke it's like "Hey Dad! Fart!!!!" and he laughs like crazy
@Ocean-SaurianNo he isn't blonde or old
DarkonZeroDads like the simple things in life.
@Ocean-SaurianI was watching him watch TV and there was a gorilla on the plane and he drank wine and then sombody asked the ape how the wine was... the ape then burped in that person's face, causing my dad to turn red in the face with laughter
@Ocean-SaurianWhat the hell is so funny about that?
DarkonZeroThat's what you call basic humor.
@Ocean-SaurianNow my question is, if he kills himself over that joke... why doesn't he like south park?
DarkonZeroWho knows......
* DarkonZero thinks of putting JK2 back on........
DarkonZeroI feel like saber dueling.
* DarkonZero goes to install JK2.
* Disconnected
Session Close: Mon Feb 03 17:49:45 2003
Session Start: Mon Feb 03 18:18:46 2003
Session Ident: #Deep13
* Now talking in #Deep13
* Topic is '9http://www.deep13.org | #Deep13 sends its thoughts and prayers to the families of the Columbia astronauts. | Have a happy holidays. | #Deep13 radio's 24/7 radio will be down for maintenance | #Deep13: Full of country goodness and green penis.'
* Set by Jouva on Sun Feb 02 17:16:18
* Cal is on IRC
* DarkonZero is on IRC
* Jouva is on IRC
* Min is on IRC
* Ocean-Saurian is on IRC
* PrincessLeia2 is on IRC
* Sentroid91 is on IRC
-ChanServ- [#Deep13] Welcome to #deep13. Be sure to visit our website at http://www.deep13.org/ but you probably already knew that.
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Password Accepted - You are now identified
@Sentroid91and he must've been the guy talking
@MinEh... who added the prayers part? teen? Heh.
DarkonZeroExcited about your fantasies again?
* DarkonZero hides.
* Tigger looks around
DarkonZeroYou must die now.
DarkonZeroWrong person.
DarkonZeroSorry Tigg.
* Tigger eeps
* DarkonZero takes off for some eats.....
* DarkonZero is now known as DZ{Away}
* DarkonZero has left IRC
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] You are already identified
* Tigger goes afk for calculus homework
* Tigger is now known as TigAFK
* KonEl (heylo@Psi-126FC8EA.pubip.gamewood.net) has joined #Deep13
@Ocean-SaurianHey Time
@Ocean-SaurianYou asked me what TV card I got? It's the ATI all in wonder (64 mb)
TimeOcean-Saurian: neat 8)
CalI need to get one of those
CalThe attachment I have is for video editing
TimeOcean-Saurian: I've been looking for one but wont buy it until I find V4L support.
@Ocean-SaurianV4L? Is that for Linux?
CalI think some bright young star is hopped up on goofballs.
TimeOcean-Saurian: That's correct. Video 4 Linux
@Ocean-SaurianWell, ATI does deal with A LOT of other companys (Nintendo for one) so it might come out... 50 50 chance I would say
TimeOcean-Saurian: I have a few friends that are looking into designing a digi-vcr with the V4L support, and that's definitely what I want it for. I'm thinking a nice, quiet 1U box in the living room with a V4L card and a SoundBlaster Live! Platinum would make an awesome soundsystem.
@Ocean-SaurianI have the soundblaster audigy-2 platinum right now
TimeI have the SB Live! Platinum.
TimeGreat card for the price.
TimeOnly disapointment was the recording quality wasn't so hot last time around when I recorded Silentium
TimeBut that may have been my fault.
TimePlayback is awesome, especially for gaming.
TimeAnd its linux compatibility is getting very good, even though I need to get on the ALSA wagon.
TimeBeen slacking on that issue. 8)
@Ocean-SaurianI need to learn linus
TimeWhat's stopping you?
@Ocean-SaurianI don't have the time
TimeThat should be driving you 8)
TimeWhat are you studying in school?
@Ocean-SaurianWell, they are going to teach Unix and Linux at college
TimeAwesome 8)
@RobertoNappingLearn about Linus Torvalds.
@RobertoNappingThe man, the myth, the... Finn.
@RobertoNapping... Finn, right?
TimeI thought.
@Ocean-SaurianBut I might need some extra work on it, I am sure you'll be there right Time? Heh... right? ...where did you go?
@RobertoNappingSame area.
TimeHah, that's arguable.
@Ocean-SaurianI am actually in Networking right now
@Ocean-SaurianI wanna get out
@Ocean-Saurianand go into CET
TimeThat's like saying I grew up in West Philadelphia as compared to North Philapdelphia.
TimeOcean-Saurian: what's CET?
@Ocean-SaurianComputer Electronics Technology
TimeOcean-Saurian: networking is critical.
@Ocean-SaurianYeah but networkers are like a dime a dozen out there
TimeStill, doesn't mean you couldn't use the skills. I use those skills every day.
@Ocean-SaurianRight, but If I go into CET I can take classes that have to deal with networking
TimeCET covers Silicone deveopment? Embedded? PCB?
@Ocean-SaurianMostly jah
TimeNice 8)
TimeI'm jealous.
@Ocean-SaurianI think I should go with CET
TimeI agree.
@Ocean-SaurianI mean I know the basics already like, binary, Logic gates and such
@Ocean-Saurianas well as the mother board and... yadda yadda yadda
TimeEver work with i2c?
TimeYou will 8)
@Ocean-Saurianwhat is it?
TimeAnd most likely, some other control protocols like RS232, RS485, RS488
TimeAll of which can be linked directly to how TCP/IP functions (networking hee)
@Ocean-SaurianI fricken hate protocols... their hard to learn
TimeWhat do you think you will be doing with chips?
Session Start: Mon Feb 03 19:49:57 2003
Session Ident: #Deep13
* Now talking in #Deep13
* Topic is '9http://www.deep13.org | #Deep13 sends its thoughts and prayers to the families of the Columbia astronauts. | Have a happy holidays. | #Deep13 radio's 24/7 radio will be down for maintenance | #Deep13: Full of country goodness and green penis.'
* Set by Jouva on Sun Feb 02 17:16:18
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Your nick has been registered with PsiBlade. If you are the owner of this nick, please identify now.
-NickServ- [SYNTAX] /NickServ identify <password>
-ChanServ- [#Deep13] Welcome to #deep13. Be sure to visit our website at http://www.deep13.org/ but you probably already knew that.
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Password Accepted - You are now identified
* Jouva is on IRC
* Min is on IRC
* Ocean-Saurian is on IRC
* PrincessLeia2 is on IRC
* Sentroid91 is on IRC
TimeMaybe you should take the initative and work with it right now while the theory is in your mind.
@RobertoNappingMan. Does Kon ever contribute anything to this room?
TimeIts easier to do that with linux.
@RobertoNappingJust my humble pair of pennies.
@Ocean-SaurianWell, I can't
@Ocean-SaurianI mean
@Ocean-SaurianI have 2 computers... windows... 56k modem, no knowlegde of how to make the actually connection
@Ocean-SaurianMan Time, you are a director type of person arn't you?
TimeYou mean, in my career?
@Ocean-SaurianThere are 4 types or people Directors, Anaylizers, supporters, and creators
TimeI do all four.
@Ocean-SaurianWell, we all do
@Ocean-SaurianBut everyone dominates in one of the four
TimeI don't direct people as a boss though.
@Ocean-SaurianYeah but you're "go for the gusto" type.
* TigAFK is now known as Tigger
@Ocean-SaurianI am the person who is like "No, I need to know everything on how to do it before I do it"
@Ocean-SaurianI hate making mistakes, they piss me off
TimeThen don't make them hehe 8)
Timejust kidding
TimeMistakes make you stronger.
@Ocean-SaurianYeah but more frustration
@Ocean-Saurianand I try to not have any frustration in my life
TimeThe trick is to anticipate the possibility of a mistake and make it reversible incase it occurs.
TimeThen you will never get anything done.
@Ocean-Saurianwell, notice I said try not to
TimeKnowledge often comes from reading a man page or two about a subject then executing on that theory.
TimeMan pages don't often tell what you need.
@Ocean-Saurianwhat the hell is a man page?
@Ocean-SaurianIs there a woman page too?
Timeunix manual page, invoked using the command `man program` or `man language-function`
@Ocean-SaurianUnix is sexist... next time on 20/20
@Ocean-SaurianTime are you or have you ever been in college?
@Ocean-Saurianguess not...
* @Min sits in a corner of the room, sets her HEV suit to sleep mode and drifts off into subconsciousness, clutching a crowbar for protection.
* Min is now known as Min[SLEEP]
* Min has left IRC
@JouvaAnd Raldo...
* Sound request: can't find 'nilknarf.wav'
[@Jouva SOUND]
@Ocean-SaurianOh hehe I though Jo said "Nightmares"
* Jouva (jouva@fluffy.moufette.com) Quit (Quit: *bang* *bang* Oh thank you very much. A shot in the face. How nice.)
* Jouva has left IRC
@Ocean-SaurianYeah, I love you too Jo
@Ocean-SaurianHeh, I love home movies
@Sentroid91I'm a pretty lady.
@Ocean-SaurianYou too man?
@Ocean-Saurianoh my god dude
@Ocean-SaurianThey are talking about FUCKING TAMPONS ON CARTOON NETWORK
@Ocean-SaurianWhat the hell, man
@Ocean-SaurianIM FALLIN 4 HER
@Ocean-Saurianit was a commerical Tigger
Tiggeri kinda figured that much
Tiggeri am attempting to talk on the phone and talk online at the same time
Tiggerhaving troubles..
@Ocean-Saurian"Would you perfer I get in my car and drive you up and down the field?"
* @Ocean-Saurian holds on to his popcron
@Ocean-Saurianpopcorn damnit
* Tigger is now known as TigAFK
@Ocean-SaurianSent did you JUST see that man show commercial?
@Ocean-Saurianguess not hoser
* TigAFK is now known as Tigger
* Ocean-Saurian (Ocean-Saur@Psi-16F76F1E.ipt.aol.com) Quit (Quit: Connection reset by peer)
* Ocean-Saurian has left IRC
* TonicBH (~bbj17@Psi-2462FDD3.tnt2.portland.or.da.uu.net) has joined #Deep13
* TonicBH (~bbj17@Psi-2462FDD3.tnt2.portland.or.da.uu.net) Quit (Connection reset by peer)
@Sentroid91MST: TM's gonna be on WAM next month
* Tigger (BoO@Psi-3BFF1CC.client.attbi.com) has left #Deep13
* Sentroid91 is now known as Sentroid[SLEEPING]
* Sentroid91 has left IRC
* RobertoNapping (hquiej@Oper.PsiBlade.net) Quit (Quit: Arubadubadubadubadubadu. http://www.deep13.org/gqindustries)
* TonicBH (~bbj17@Psi-1F6B79C2.tnt1.portland.or.da.uu.net) has joined #Deep13
TonicBHI'm gonna go to bed now...
* TonicBH (~bbj17@Psi-1F6B79C2.tnt1.portland.or.da.uu.net) Quit (Quit: "The Future is Whatever you make it. So make it a good one."-Back to the Future Part III)
* DZ{Away} is now known as DarkonZero
* DarkonZero is on IRC
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] You are already identified
* Disconnected
Session Close: Mon Feb 03 23:44:40 2003

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