
Session Start: Wed Jan 29 03:05:25 2003
Session Ident: #Deep13
* Now talking in #Deep13
* Topic is '9http://www.deep13.org <-- Every URL is here. | It's "nuclear," Shrub. Nu-clee-er. | http://deep13.org/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=101&mode=&order=0&thold=0 - Vote for Superbowl Ads| It's Tonic's birthday!... BIRTHDAY BEATDOWNS!'
* Set by RobertoKay on Tue Jan 28 18:48:18
* DarkonZero is on IRC
* PrincessLeia2 is on IRC
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Your nick has been registered with PsiBlade. If you are the owner of this nick, please identify now.
-NickServ- [SYNTAX] /NickServ identify <password>
-ChanServ- [#Deep13] Welcome to #deep13. Be sure to visit our website at http://www.deep13.org/ but you probably already knew that.
* Disconnected
Session Close: Wed Jan 29 03:27:01 2003
Session Start: Wed Jan 29 04:21:46 2003
Session Ident: #Deep13
* Now talking in #Deep13
* Topic is '9http://www.deep13.org <-- Every URL is here. | It's "nuclear," Shrub. Nu-clee-er. | http://deep13.org/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=101&mode=&order=0&thold=0 - Vote for Superbowl Ads| It's Tonic's birthday!... BIRTHDAY BEATDOWNS!'
* Set by RobertoKay on Tue Jan 28 18:48:18
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Your nick has been registered with PsiBlade. If you are the owner of this nick, please identify now.
-NickServ- [SYNTAX] /NickServ identify <password>
* DarkonZero is on IRC
* PrincessLeia2 is on IRC
-ChanServ- [#Deep13] Welcome to #deep13. Be sure to visit our website at http://www.deep13.org/ but you probably already knew that.
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Password Accepted - You are now identified
* killerbie (Jagu@Psi-53CC0BA.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #Deep13
* killerbie is now known as Crowbie
* Crowbie is on IRC
* ChanServ sets mode: +o Crowbie
* Crowbie is now known as bieeeeee
* Crowbie has left IRC
DarkonZeroAnd now a moment of silence......a long moment.......maybe spanning all morning.
* PrincessLeia2 yawns
* DarkonZero quits watching "The Blob".
DarkonZeroI need to kill my brain.
* Jouva is on IRC
* Jouva (jouva@fluffy.moufette.com) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +ao Jouva Jouva
* @Jouva shoots out a decoy scientist and watches it explode.
DarkonZeroMorning Jo.
* DarkonZero continues killing his brain.
@bieeeeeefurnet is teh split
* DarkonZero is now known as DZ{Away}
* DarkonZero has left IRC
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] You are already identified
* Jouva (jouva@fluffy.moufette.com) Quit (Quit: *bang* *bang* Oh thank you very much. A shot in the face. How nice.)
* Jouva has left IRC
PrincessLeia2http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/common/story_page/0,5744,5907075%255E1702,00.html  <-- we are all going to die
* DZ{Away} is now known as DarkonZero
* DarkonZero is on IRC
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] You are already identified
DarkonZeroHow original.
* PrincessLeia2 shrugs
DarkonZeroLuckily...I get up every now and then.
DarkonZeroI don't need to tack on another condition to myself.
PrincessLeia2but it's fun!
DarkonZeroUntil you drop dead.
DarkonZeroRemember...it's all fun and games until somebody drops dead of a blood clot.
* DarkonZero laughs at the new aimbot hack for Quake 3.
DarkonZerohttp://www.planetquake.com/images/photo/index.asp?id=409811 <-too funny.
PrincessLeia2i've never played q3 %(
DarkonZeroI thought it was a serious thing until I looked at the larger pic.
PrincessLeia2hehe @ OS's quotey on the ircstats
PrincessLeia2"I had a porno DVD too! But... I hid it and now I can't find it :("
DarkonZeroI got bored earlier.....so I pre-ordered FF: Origins......stupid me.
DarkonZeroBoredom makes me buy things.
DarkonZeroI was even gonna order books.
PrincessLeia2cool, you'll have to tell me how much you love it
DarkonZeroWell....I gotta wait till April 8th.
PrincessLeia2aw %\
DarkonZeroThat's the only thing that sucks about pre-ordering.
PrincessLeia2but it's great when it comes in the mail 3 months later and you're like "OMG OMG OMG I ALMSOT FORGOT ABOUT THIS!"
DarkonZeroBut it'll be fun playing FF1 again after so long....I miss having my Nintendo.
DarkonZeroI actually did forget about stuff I ordered once.
DarkonZeroI thought I got something for free.
DarkonZeroOf course...I have a game that I wish I never won in a contest.
PrincessLeia2i really want origins! i bought anthology and chronicles like 2 years ago
DarkonZeroSo did I.
DarkonZeroI still haven't played it.
PrincessLeia2i have all the FF games for the psx ... cept for 8
DarkonZeroI got all of them....now I just need a PS2 to play 10.
PrincessLeia2and that is basically all i have for games, my ex kept all the rest, even tho he didnt even have a ps!
DarkonZeroWhich I'll buy and probably never play.
PrincessLeia2it wasnt very good %(
PrincessLeia2it was pretty, but i didnt like it much
DarkonZeroYeah....I hear that from some people.
PrincessLeia2then again i know some people who have played it 3423214 times because they loved it so much
DarkonZeroKinda like 8....most people don't like it.....then there are some that do.
PrincessLeia2yeah... but 8 was really popular with non FF fans
PrincessLeia2the most popular FF game
PrincessLeia2sad really... i didnt like it, too pop ... 9 rocked
PrincessLeia2and 5
PrincessLeia27 was good
DarkonZeroHeh....I didn't get too far in 7.
DarkonZeroOr 8.
DarkonZeroor 9.
DarkonZeroOr even 5 and 6.
PrincessLeia2i'm not good at finishing them %(
PrincessLeia29 is the only one i actually finished, heh
DarkonZeroNeither am I.
PrincessLeia2i get really bored at the end when you have to use certain impossible-to-figure-out-yourself combos
PrincessLeia2and i never played any of the first FF games
DarkonZeroReason why I don't get far is that I end up buying a new game.
DarkonZeroI played 1 and 4 and completed those.....back on the ol NES and SNES.
DarkonZeroThose were the days where I can spend all day level building...but now I get bored of it.
PrincessLeia2i should try to play 4 again
PrincessLeia2i never got very far
DarkonZeroIt's fun.
DarkonZeroIt'll get frustrating at times.
DarkonZeroI got lost once in an area.
PrincessLeia2i dont mind spending time leveling up, it's the impossible combos that always piss me off
DarkonZeroI think I just gotta change my mindset when playing....I'm always thinking that I got something important to do when I play.
PrincessLeia2i actually feel guilty when i play games (or chat excessively, doh!) during the day
PrincessLeia2the whole "time is working to take care of me and i stay home and play games" thing
DarkonZeroAh.....I can understand.
PrincessLeia2at least i can justify writing in my weblog... writing is good! hee
DarkonZeroI can't justify anything I write in mine.
DarkonZeroI just do it for the hell of it.....I guess.
PrincessLeia2well it's not that i write intelligent things, it's just ... mmm writing supposed to be one of those good time wasters
DarkonZeroYeah...I think I do the same.
* DarkonZero looks at the games he has on the floor.....
DarkonZeroI got too many.
PrincessLeia2i dont
DarkonZeroHell.....I'll send ya my crappy ones.
PrincessLeia2lol, like what?
DarkonZeroI got Reboot....it kinda sucks. I liked the toon but the game.....ugh.
PrincessLeia2i had lots of cool stuff before my ex kept it all, i sometimes regret running away from him as fast i did with only have my stuff
PrincessLeia2i never really liked the cartoon
DarkonZeroI only liked the later season.....the early seasons were kinda sappy.
PrincessLeia2ah, i probably watched the early seasons
DarkonZeroIt got darker in the later seasons.
PrincessLeia2the plots sucked, it was like the only draw to the show is it was supposed to be "cool and futuristic" and that wasnt enough to hold my attention
* DarkonZero 's brain is wandering.
DarkonZeroI have the urge to buy something again.
DarkonZeroBut I don't know what.
* PrincessLeia2 takes away DeeZ's credit card
DarkonZeroI need that.
PrincessLeia2i thought you said you werent supposed to be buying things (%
DarkonZeroHow else will I buy ya a gift......that'll use....and call my own.
PrincessLeia2oh yeah
* PrincessLeia2 gives it back
DarkonZeroYeah....I'm not supposed to be buying things......
* DarkonZero is ashamed.
PrincessLeia2it's 9 months before my birthday today
PrincessLeia2that means it's my happy conception day
PrincessLeia2or happy worst mistake my parents ever made day
PrincessLeia2i guess it depends on your point of view %s
DarkonZeroMy God.....I'm still frickin' awake.
DarkonZeroI'm aimlessly wandering around the net trying to find something interesting........and I end up reading webcomics instead.
PrincessLeia2i'm entering info into the address book i wrote
PrincessLeia2i know, i know, the excitement of my life is hardly barable
PrincessLeia2did i just butcher two words? *sigh*
DarkonZeroI dunno....my spellchecker is off...meaning my brain.
PrincessLeia2ah good, then no one will know
* bieeeeee is now known as biezzzzz
DarkonZeroI got bored....started messing with ASCII characters.
DarkonZeroI need a drink.
* DarkonZero goes to make some hot cocoa.
* DarkonZero returns....sans cocoa.
DarkonZeroAh well...maybe later.
* @Min[SLEEP] is BACK, dammit!
* Min[SLEEP] is now known as Min
* Min is on IRC
* DarkonZero is sleepy....sleepy....sleepy.
* DarkonZero is now known as DZ{Away}
* DarkonZero has left IRC
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] You are already identified
* DZ{Away} wanders off for a comfortable place.
@Min7,1Min's MUTATED Quote Machine:14,1 <jasoN> naked muppets <jasoN> ooh baby
@Min7,1Min's MUTATED Quote Machine:14,1 <MeltingMan> WHY IS EVERYONE IN MY BUTT!
* Ocean-Saurian is on IRC
* Ocean-Saurian (~deep13@Psi-3ECF5070.cust.uslec.net) has joined #Deep13
Ocean-Sauriananyone awake?
* ChanServ sets mode: +o Ocean-Saurian
@Ocean-SaurianKeep on sleepin'
@Ocean-SaurianI'll just sit here... being depressed
@Ocean-Saurianheh nah I am joking
* PrincessLeia2 drops a grilled cheese on rye sammich into Ocean-Saurian's fishtank
@Ocean-SaurianThough I wish more people were on aim
* @Ocean-Saurian gobbles up the grilled cheese
* @Ocean-Saurian licks lips
@Ocean-SaurianYou know...I am a chef too... I can make a mean grilled cheese
PrincessLeia2what kind of cheesy do you use?
@Ocean-SaurianI like the kraft deli style
@Ocean-Saurianand not the ones individually wrapped
@Ocean-Saurianwith Italian bread...oh and peanut butter
PrincessLeia2peanut butter and cheese?!
@Ocean-Saurianheheh No peanut butter, that would be nasty as hell
@Ocean-Saurianbut gum balls are good in it heh
PrincessLeia2weirdo %P
@Ocean-SaurianNah I am joking
@Ocean-SaurianThough I am at school... I just got done taking a test in net 150
@Ocean-Saurianeasy stuff... now that I know internet protocols
@Ocean-Saurianand IP addresses
@Ocean-SaurianI wish more people were on AIM
@Ocean-Saurianoh, I gotta go
PrincessLeia2i am %D
PrincessLeia2oh find then
PrincessLeia2GO! %P
@Ocean-SaurianWell, I'll be right back
@Ocean-SaurianI have to switch comps
* Ocean-Saurian (~deep13@Psi-3ECF5070.cust.uslec.net) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
* Ocean-Saurian has left IRC
* Jouva is on IRC
* Jouva (jouva@fluffy.moufette.com) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +ao Jouva Jouva
* @Jouva shoots out a decoy scientist and watches it explode.
* Ocean-Saurian is on IRC
* Ocean-Saurian (~deep13@Psi-3ECF5070.cust.uslec.net) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +o Ocean-Saurian
@Ocean-Saurianthank ya
PrincessLeia2i definately like chanserv setting fewer modes better
* PrincessLeia2 pats ChanServ
@Ocean-Saurianfewer mods?
PrincessLeia2bleh, stupid perl
@Ocean-SaurianIt seems they had AIM on this computer but took it off
@Ocean-SaurianI gotta wait here until 1:00
@Ocean-SaurianI wanna get home... to The Great Fox
@Ocean-Saurianare you on AIM?
PrincessLeia2not anymore
PrincessLeia2i turned it off
@Ocean-Saurianoh well fine... be like that
@Ocean-Saurianbe all like "Not anymore"
@Ocean-Saurianand then be all like "I turned it off!"
PrincessLeia2i did, no one was talking to me, and if they wanted to i realized i wasnt in the mood for it
@Ocean-Saurianpeople drive though mall parking lots like it's a free for all type of deal
PrincessLeia2leap years are a terrible creation
@Ocean-Saurianyeah really, if you are born on that day, it's worse
PrincessLeia2it's a pain because i am writing a script... and leap years make it very complicated
@Ocean-Saurianhey leia.. there is this cool feature on computers, like find sombody else who already did the work and the... ok get ready for this... you can COPY and then PASTE it
PrincessLeia2well i am writing a perl script to work with a mysql database that i wrote a couple months ago... in all i dont believe this has been done, and if it has the form would be different so it wouldnt be so easy anyway
@Ocean-Saurianwell... just turn the computer off and go watch TV for the rest of your life... no more computer for you
PrincessLeia2lol too
PrincessLeia2i like writing scripts, it's a good thing to keep my mind occupied, just gets frustrating sometimes %)
PrincessLeia2this one is turning out to be fairly simple actually, maybe i am getting good at this perl thing
PrincessLeia2see... it queries a database each day, if tomorrow's date matches a day in the 'birthday' column of the database then it sends me an email birthday alert %)
@Ocean-SaurianIs pearl hard to learn?
PrincessLeia2perl ... it's not easy %(
@Ocean-Saurianoh dang, how lazy can you get? heh
PrincessLeia2lol, not lazy!
PrincessLeia2just forgetful
@Ocean-SaurianThat's what Bush's father said when He was going to kill Saddam
PrincessLeia2i usually remember birthdays but i feel AWFUL when i forget one %(
PrincessLeia284 entries in our addressbook, and at least 2/3 of those have birthdays attached
@Ocean-SaurianI don't ask a person when their birthday is... because they 1. tell me when it's coming and 2. I won't be held responsible for remebering
PrincessLeia2that's a lot to remember %(
@JouvaThat was like... so funny
@Ocean-Sauriangood lord
@Ocean-SaurianThose costums look terrible
@JouvaJust like the movies!
@Ocean-Saurianbut then again, I am a godzilla buff
@Ocean-SaurianThat one never happend though
@JouvaBut it was still funny to see them interact
@Ocean-SaurianThere was never a godzilla vs gamera heh
@Ocean-SaurianI guess I had to be there
@Ocean-Sauriandid they plan that?
@JouvaThey did it like two other times
@Ocean-Saurianwell, I must be off
@Ocean-Sauriantalk to you guys later
* Ocean-Saurian (~deep13@Psi-3ECF5070.cust.uslec.net) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
* Ocean-Saurian has left IRC
@Min7,1Min's MUTATED Quote Machine:14,1 <Arven> STOP EATING MY NUTS!
@Min7,1Min's MUTATED Quote Machine:14,1 * DarKrow sits on Loc <DarKrow> SANTA! * Locdog07 blinks <Locdog07> Does DK want me to say "You've been a good boy this year" while in contact with his butt? <KatLady> ack!
@JouvaTime for work
* Jouva (jouva@fluffy.moufette.com) Quit (Quit: *bang* *bang* Oh thank you very much. A shot in the face. How nice.)
* Jouva has left IRC
@Min7,1Min's MUTATED Quote Machine:14,1 <Sentroid91> Urban must pay fo his sins by going in bed *** UrbanD has quit IRC (Quit: this is your world in which we grow, and we will grow to hate you.) <Sentroid91> See?
@Min7,1Min's MUTATED Quote Machine:14,1 * MeltingMan finds a bundle of Mars' bloody teeth and tongue outside his tent....
@Min7,1Min's MUTATED Quote Machine:14,1 <Locdog07> ?u funy <TServo4> ?backwards talking we are why <Locdog07> ?yoda english teacher our was.
@Min7,1Min's MUTATED Quote Machine:14,1 *** UrbanD sets mode: -s *** ChanServ sets mode: +s <UrbanD> YOU ASS! * UrbanD puts a whoopin on ChanServ
@Min7,1Min's MUTATED Quote Machine:14,1 <Greidanus> maybe I'll hide my HM64 cart in my personal box of ramen noodles... <DarkAngel> I take the noodles and cover them with the powder, then eat them like a sandwich or something <UrbanD> it's the breakfast of champions
* Ocean-Saurian is on IRC
* Ocean-Saurian (Ocean-Saur@Psi-2FB45420.ipt.aol.com) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +o Ocean-Saurian
* Ocean-Saurian changes topic to '9http://www.deep13.org <-- Every URL is here. | It's "nuclear," Shrub. Nu-clee-er. | http://deep13.org/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=101&mode=&order=0&thold=0 - Vote for Superbowl Ads'
* PrincessLeia2 curls up on the couch and mutters about her stupid headache
@Ocean-Saurianbang a pillow aginst your head
* @shade patpats Leia
PrincessLeia2headaches put me in a crankie mood, i hate being crankie
@shadetwo extra strength tylenol usually numbs out most of my headaches in about 20 minutes
PrincessLeia2i took some advil migrane, they usually help... tylenol never works on me
* @Ocean-Saurian runs off to take a nap
* PrincessLeia2 goes to lie down
@Min7,1Min's MUTATED Quote Machine:14,1 <Locdog07> Would you like banana slices with that? <DarkonZero> Naw.... <JoMomma> Noooo don't slice his banana <Locdog07> You sure? <Locdog07> I'm sure I could find a- Jo beat me to it <Locdog07> Jo always beats me to the banana <JoMomma> I don't wanna beat your banana <Sentroid91> o_O
* Cal is on IRC
* Cal (~pmccart@Psi-11AD3866.wi.tds.net) has joined #Deep13
* Tigger (BoO@Psi-3BFF1CC.client.attbi.com) has joined #Deep13
@Min7,1Min's MUTATED Quote Machine:14,1 *** TServo4 (trats_pmuj@ZiRC-36847.dyn-adsl.bestweb.net) has joined #Deep13 <TServo4> bottle of claret for you if I'd realised. I'd forgotten all about it George, I'm sorry. <TServo4> Well, do next time. <TServo4> Will you forgive me? <TServo4> Mmm.. Yes ... <TServo4> Cheeky bitch! <TServo4> Everyone one of them knew that as time went by they'd get a little bit older and a little bit slower... *** TServ
* Jouva is on IRC
* Jouva (jouva@fluffy.moufette.com) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +ao Jouva Jouva
* @Jouva shoots out a decoy scientist and watches it explode.
* Tigger is now known as TigAFK
* TigAFK is now known as Tigger
@Ocean-SaurianIt's Tigger
* Tigger nods
Tiggeryes it is
Tiggera very busy tigger
* @Ocean-Saurian wonders what MP3's should he download
* Cal furiously writes away on his Senior English TERM PAPER notecards.
CalO'Toole Rejects Oscar; Academy Says He Earned It
CalAfter receiving a letter from Peter O'Toole appearing to reject an honorary Oscar that the motion picture academy had planned to present to him this year, the academy's board of directors has sent a note to the actor saying, "The board unanimously and enthusiastically voted you the honorary award because you've earned and deserved it." In a handwritten note, O'Toole said that he was "still in the game and might win the lovely bugger outright."
CalI'm not dead yet!
* Jouva is now known as Jouva-FOOD
* Jouva has left IRC
* @Sentroid[SLEEPING] has returned.
* Sentroid[SLEEPING] is now known as Sentroid91
* Sentroid91 is on IRC
* DZ{Away} is now known as DarkonZero
* DarkonZero is on IRC
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] You are already identified
* Tigger is now known as TigAFK
* RobertoKay is on IRC
* RobertoKay (hquiej@Oper.PsiBlade.net) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +ao RobertoKay RobertoKay
* Sound request: can't find 'rosebud.wav'
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'nilknarf.wav'
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'apocwow.wav'
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
DarkonZeroMan...this new aimbot that going around is ruining all FPS games.
@Ocean-SaurianI love deadAIM
@Ocean-Saurianit's so friggin cool
@Ocean-SaurianGod damn, has anyone seen the Tech TV mishap?
DarkonZeroWhich is?
@Sentroid91I dun get TechTV
@Ocean-Saurianit's all over the net
* Sound request: can't find 'apocwow.wav'
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'nilknarf.wav'
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
CalI've seen it
CalIt's funny as heck
Cal"It's one of a kind...there is nothing like it in the world..."
* Lo9iK-studying (~lo9ik@Psi-2D34F5BE.cox-internet.com) has joined #Deep13
* Lo9iK-studying is now known as Lo9iK
* Lo9iK is on IRC
Lo9iKi am sooo tired
Lo9iKi can't
Lo9iKi still have much to do
Lo9iKthis has to be the busiest week i have in months
Lo9iKdid you whale male that stuff?  cause i never got anything
DarkonZeroYeah....last night.
Lo9iKto my aol name?
Lo9iKi never got it
DarkonZeroLemme do it again.
Lo9iKcan you foward it since it is already uploaded?
Lo9iKtry lo9ik@yahoo.com
* Cal (~pmccart@Psi-11AD3866.wi.tds.net) Quit (Quit: At that moment, the Chosen One learned a valuable lesson about iron claws - they hurt like crap, man!)
* Cal has left IRC
* Cal is on IRC
* Cal (~pmccart@Psi-11AD3866.wi.tds.net) has joined #Deep13
DarkonZeroOk....just sent ya another one.
DarkonZeroALRIGHT! Cartoon Network picked up .hack!
@Sentroid91For Adult Swim?
DarkonZeroIt's gonna be on Feb. 3.
@Sentroid91On Adult Swim?
DarkonZeroI didn't see.
@Sentroid91what time?
DarkonZeroYou find the fuck out.
Lo9iKcool, i got it
Lo9iKi know your name now...muh ha ha ha
@Sentroid91his name is David Beavers
Lo9iKsomeone said the other day no one knew his name or something like that
@Sentroid91yes, I know. I like adding the s cause it sounds goofier. :D
DarkonZeroJohn Galbronie.
Lo9iKthis is cool, going 183K...whops, no 100K
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
Lo9iKi'm a john too
Lo9iKbut i go by johnny
@Sentroid91i'm just a birdie too
DarkonZeroAh. .hack//SIGN will be on Feb. 1st at 3:00 PM.
@Sentroid91so then it's not Adult Swim.
DarkonZeroIt'd be cool if CN picked up Trigun for it's Adult Swim line-up.
@Sentroid91I think they did
DarkonZeroToo bad there is only 26 episodes.
DarkonZeroLuckily I have them all.
@Sentroid91Did you know the guy who does the voice of Vash was Adam from Season 2 of Power Rangers?
DarkonZeroIf CN picked up Hellsing...alot of editing would have to be done.
@Sentroid91I hope CN starts showing Tenchi OAV 3 soon... unedited
CalI've heard of Helling
DarkonZeroAnd now DBGT is in the process of being dubbed.
@Sentroid91of course before that i'll have to catch-up with DBZ
CalThey need some anime dubbed like Kung Pow
CalEspecially Tenchi
@Sentroid91Unless it doesn't follow
DarkonZeroDBZ ends with the Buu story arc.
Lo9iKhave you seen hacksign?
Lo9iKi heard it was horrible
DarkonZeroThis Satuday will be the first time I'll see it.
Lo9iKbut hellsing is da bomb
DarkonZeroI like the concept of .hack/
@Sentroid91But does DBGT pick up where DBZ ends?
DarkonZeroFrom what I can remember....DBGT brings back real old enemies....and Goku gets turned into a kid.
Lo9iKthat is the whole cd of mc chris?
DarkonZeroThe new album was only 8 tracks.
DarkonZerohttp://www.dbgt.com/index.php?dbgt=information/dbgtintro - a small synopsis on GT
DarkonZeroHmm....I guess it kinda follows.....
DarkonZeroToriyama had nothing to do with GT though.
DarkonZeroSSJ4 kinda looks dumb though.
DarkonZerohttp://www.dbz.pgdnet.com/details.php?image_id=3204 - SSJ4 Goku
DarkonZeroDamn....I'm hungry.
* DarkonZero is now known as DZ{Away}
* DarkonZero has left IRC
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] You are already identified
* shade is now known as hi
* hi is now known as shade
* Cal (~pmccart@Psi-11AD3866.wi.tds.net) Quit (Quit: At that moment, the Chosen One learned a valuable lesson about iron claws - they hurt like crap, man!)
* Cal has left IRC
* Cal is on IRC
* Cal has left IRC
* Cal is on IRC
* Cal has left IRC
* Cal is on IRC
* Cal (~pmccart@Psi-11AD3866.wi.tds.net) has joined #Deep13
@Ocean-Saurianabcd extasy gummy bears are chasing me, one is red, the other blue, the yellow one just stole my shoe
@Min7,1Min's MUTATED Quote Machine:14,1 <DarKrow> Shroeder got a sex change, Charlie Brown
@MinWow. What are YOU on?
* TigAFK is now known as Tigger
* @Ocean-Saurian laughs
@Ocean-SaurianThats the first time Min asked me... what a change
@Ocean-Sauriannot a sex change I mind you
Calabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy and z
Calnow I know my ABCs
Calnext time won't you
* Tigger throws all her college applications out the window and just leaves them out there in the rain
@Ocean-SaurianYou go man!
@Ocean-SaurianGo to a corperate college... where they don't give a damn if you have the money!
@Ocean-Saurianwait...man? you go... uh...person
@Ocean-Sauriansome how that isn't as nearly as strong as I wanted it to sound
Tiggerthe reason i got rid of them is because of the fact that its too late to send them now..
@Ocean-Saurianoh really?
@Ocean-Saurianafter all that hard work...
Tiggermost of them are supposed to be at the colleges and in their hands by saturday..with everything they asked for included
Tiggerand so i should have gotten them mailed yesterday or today...but i dont have everything i need to send with it..
* RobertoKay (hquiej@Oper.PsiBlade.net) Quit (Quit: Arubadubadubadubadubadu. http://www.deep13.org/gqindustries)
* RobertoKay has left IRC
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] You are already identified
* DZ{Away} is now known as DarkonZero
* DarkonZero is on IRC
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] You are already identified
* shade is now known as o_o
* o_o is now known as hi
* Tigger blinks
* hi is now known as o_o
* Cal (~pmccart@Psi-11AD3866.wi.tds.net) Quit (Quit: At that moment, the Chosen One learned a valuable lesson about iron claws - they hurt like crap, man!)
* Cal has left IRC
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 4,1"Paradise"4,16,0 from 6,014,1Trigun OST14,16,0.6,0
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 4,1"Knives"4,16,0 from 6,014,1Trigun OST14,16,0.6,0
* DarkonZero dies.
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 4,1"H.T."4,16,0 from 6,014,1Trigun OST14,16,0.6,0
* o_o is now known as shade
Tiggershade...have you ever looked at OSU's application?
Tiggeroh okay..lol
@Min7,1Min's MUTATED Quote Machine:14,1 <DarkonZero> Well....I think I killed it Martha.
@Min7,1Min's MUTATED Quote Machine:14,1 <TServo4> later poopies... <TServo4> hafta take my bowl of zoloft..
* @Min sits in a corner of the room, sets her HEV suit to sleep mode and drifts off into subconsciousness, clutching a crowbar for protection.
* Min is now known as Min[SLEEP]
* Min has left IRC
* DarkonZero wonders if Min ever "speaks" anymore.
DarkonZeroYou like get two words outta her....then quote city.
DarkonZeroAh well....Min will be Min.
* Tigger nods
* DarkonZero takes Min's crowbar and beats Min in the skull.
* Tigger sings "dont worry be happy" and tries to cheer herself up
DarkonZeroYou'll be fine.
Tiggerstupid dang college applications due..
* DarkonZero hides under the table.
* Tigger looks under the tabel
Tiggerer table
Tiggerdang..i am learning bad spelling habbits from poeple that i hang around with
DarkonZeroLike most of us in here.
* DarkonZero hides the refridgerator.
* Tigger blinks
DarkonZeroIt's cooler in there.
DarkonZeroAnd there's like food and stuff.
@Ocean-Saurianj00 7yp3 64d?
* DarkonZero now hides in the basement.
DarkonZeroI gotta find a new place for those bodi.....er....presents.
* Jouva-FOOD is now known as Jouva
* Jouva is on IRC
* Jouva (jouva@fluffy.moufette.com) Quit (Quit: *bang* *bang* Oh thank you very much. A shot in the face. How nice.)
* Jouva has left IRC
DarkonZeroYo Jo.
* DarkonZero wants to blow up American Idol.
Lo9iKai is funny
Lo9iKit has to be set up, i mean, there is no way the sucky people could do that to themselves
DarkonZeroNo....it's a possibility.
Lo9iKfor a spot to be on tv, woo hoo
Lo9iKwhere do sign up?
DarkonZeroI think you gotta show up to one of the audition spots....they had one here in Vegas.
Lo9iKi like the show, you see everyone with such high hopes, they are completly into it
Lo9iKwant to read something funny?
Lo9iKit is kinda long, i have no idea how much you can paste into here
Lo9iKwe'll see
Lo9iKthis is a conversation a friend of mine had, he was striving to make the girl feel dumb, i don't think he accomplished the goal..but funny none the less
Lo9iKRom069: did you know that the average table contains over 376 trillion electrons in its atomic structure?
Lo9iKPrEtTy69PiStOl: REally i didn't know that
Lo9iKRom069: are you arguing with me?
Lo9iKPrEtTy69PiStOl: nooooooooooo
Lo9iKRom069: because i know this for a fact
Lo9iKPrEtTy69PiStOl: agreeing really
Lo9iKRom069: i counted them myself
Lo9iKPrEtTy69PiStOl: lol
Lo9iKRom069: it took all weekend
Lo9iKPrEtTy69PiStOl: damn
Lo9iKRom069: thats what beavers build
Lo9iKRom069: ohh, i'm hot tonight!
Lo9iKRom069: ask me another question
Lo9iKPrEtTy69PiStOl: lol
Lo9iKRom069: speaking of beavers..how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Lo9iKPrEtTy69PiStOl: lol i have noooooooo idea
Lo9iKRom069: a woodchuck would chuck as much wood as a woodchuck could chuck
Lo9iKRom069: ohhhhhh....and to think i failed math
Lo9iKPrEtTy69PiStOl: lol me too
Lo9iKRom069: common interests...SCORE!
Lo9iKPrEtTy69PiStOl: hehehe
Lo9iKPrEtTy69PiStOl: soooooo who are you?
Lo9iKRom069: if my calculations are correst, thats both of us!
Lo9iKRom069: i'm rom069
Lo9iKPrEtTy69PiStOl: waht?/
Lo9iKRom069: i said i'm rom 069
Lo9iKRom069: ;-)
Lo9iKPrEtTy69PiStOl: lol
Lo9iKPrEtTy69PiStOl: whats that supposed to mean
Lo9iKRom069: oh sorry, i got something in my eye
Lo9iKPrEtTy69PiStOl: lol
Lo9iKPrEtTy69PiStOl: comeon who are you?
Lo9iKRom069: i told you
Lo9iKRom069: i'm rom069
Lo9iKRom069: and we did this gag already
Lo9iKPrEtTy69PiStOl: COME ON that don't tell me anything
Lo9iKRom069: i'm serious
Lo9iKRom069: i'm rom069
* Lo9iK (~lo9ik@Psi-2D34F5BE.cox-internet.com) Quit (Excess Flood)
* Lo9iK has left IRC
* Lo9iK is on IRC
* Lo9iK (~lo9ik@Psi-2D34F5BE.cox-internet.com) has joined #Deep13
DarkonZeroYou flodded off.
Lo9iKdid it go through?
Lo9iKyeah, i thouhgt i would
DarkonZeroI am now.
Lo9iKyeah, now that i read through it, i don't find it that funny
Lo9iKit was better to be there
DarkonZeroHe was just being punny.
Lo9iKiron girl!
DarkonZero-LL +ALL
@Ocean-SaurianI will in the American Idol!
DarkonZeroHA HA!
DarkonZeroOne girl was like all psyched and thought she was moving on.
DarkonZeroShe got sent home.
@Ocean-Saurian<DZ> I enjoy poeple suffering
DarkonZeroYes.....yes I do.
@Ocean-Saurian<DZ> Like one time I saw a photo of this kid and he dropped his ice cream on the ground and he was all crying and I laughed for hours... until my mom said that was a picture of me
DarkonZeroI have no pictures like that.
DarkonZeroI have pictures of me crying.
DarkonZeroI find them funny.
DarkonZeroI sound like a ten year old or so I've been told.
* RobertoKay is on IRC
* RobertoKay (hquiej@Oper.PsiBlade.net) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +ao RobertoKay RobertoKay
DarkonZeroGET OUT!
@RobertoKayAnd hi.
* DarkonZero takes a nap.
* DarkonZero wakes up......then goes back to napping.
* DarkonZero wakes up again.
* DarkonZero goes back to napping.
* Ocean-Saurian (Ocean-Saur@Psi-2FB45420.ipt.aol.com) Quit (Connection reset by peer)
* Ocean-Saurian has left IRC
* Tigger looks around
Tiggerhi dz
Tiggerholey moley..i didnt realize what time it was..lol
DarkonZeroGet some sleep....you need it.
DarkonZeroI know I do.
Tiggerwell..i do..but i gots more work to do before i can
DarkonZeroGood luck on it.
* Lo9iK (~lo9ik@Psi-2D34F5BE.cox-internet.com) Quit (Ping timeout)
* Lo9iK has left IRC
* Tigger (BoO@Psi-3BFF1CC.client.attbi.com) has left #Deep13
* RobertoKay (hquiej@Oper.PsiBlade.net) Quit (Quit: Arubadubadubadubadubadu. http://www.deep13.org/gqindustries)
* RobertoKay has left IRC
* Disconnected
Session Close: Wed Jan 29 23:59:00 2003

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