
Session Start: Tue Jan 28 00:00:00 2003
Session Ident: #Deep13
* Ocean-Saurian is on IRC
* Ocean-Saurian (Ocean-Saur@Psi-8D76A0E.ipt.aol.com) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +o Ocean-Saurian
* Ocean-Saurian changes topic to '9http://www.deep13.org <-- Every URL is here. | Al Sharpton> I will not rest until there's a black Keebler elf in that cartoon tree. | http://deep13.org/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=101&mode=&order=0&thold=0 - Vote for Superbowl Ads| It's Tonic's birthday!... BIRTHDAY BEATDOWNS!'
* DZ{Away} is now known as DarkonZero
* DarkonZero is on IRC
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] You are already identified
* Disconnected
Session Close: Tue Jan 28 02:04:49 2003
Session Start: Tue Jan 28 02:08:49 2003
Session Ident: #Deep13
* Now talking in #Deep13
* Topic is '9http://www.deep13.org <-- Every URL is here. | Al Sharpton> I will not rest until there's a black Keebler elf in that cartoon tree. | http://deep13.org/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=101&mode=&order=0&thold=0 - Vote for Superbowl Ads| It's Tonic's birthday!... BIRTHDAY BEATDOWNS!'
* Set by Ocean-Saurian on Tue Jan 28 01:01:45
-ChanServ- [#Deep13] Welcome to #deep13. Be sure to visit our website at http://www.deep13.org/ but you probably already knew that.
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Password Accepted - You are now identified
* DarkonZero is on IRC
* Ocean-Saurian is on IRC
* PrincessLeia2 is on IRC
* Sentroid91 is on IRC
* Sentroid91 is now known as Sentroid[SLEEPING]
* Sentroid91 has left IRC
@Ocean-SaurianHey DZ
* ChanServ (Services@psiblade.net) Quit (TX.US.PsiBlade.net services.psiblade.net)
@Ocean-SaurianUh oh
DarkonZeroHey there.
@Ocean-SaurianWhat's up?
@Ocean-SaurianI repied to one of your Journal entries
DarkonZeroThe mere mention of my name scares of ChanServ.
DarkonZeroI read it and I'm replying back as we "speak".
@Ocean-SaurianHeh, I wish people would respond to my LJ more, but I don't like to flaunt it like Tonic does... I kinda think that's rude, but then again, I am a passive person and I think anything I do is assertive
@Ocean-SaurianIf there was a more humble way to flaunt it, I would do so
DarkonZeroI just tell people once....if they read...they read....if they don't...they don't.
DarkonZeroI really don't mind not getting comments all the time.
DarkonZeroIt gives me more time to read them.
DarkonZeroIf I get any.
@shadewut fux
@Ocean-SaurianSorry Shade
DarkonZeroMy name scares ChanServ.
@Ocean-SaurianI mentioned DZ and Chanserv got a burr up his ass or somthing
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Your nick has been registered with PsiBlade. If you are the owner of this nick, please identify now.
-NickServ- [SYNTAX] /NickServ identify <password>
@shadewell, stop that
* ChanServ (Services@psiblade.net) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +oq ChanServ ChanServ
* @Ocean-Saurian pokes ChanServ
DarkonZeroOk..it's a one time thing.
DarkonZeroOr the radio button for "don't fear DZ" was finally clicked.
* @Ocean-Saurian is hungry
* @Ocean-Saurian chews on DZ
@Ocean-SaurianHmm... Ponolicouis!
* DarkonZero submits a reply.
@Ocean-SaurianI still say you are the best techie in Iraq!
DarkonZeroI'm not from there.
DarkonZeroWhat bomb?
@Ocean-Saurian<DZ> Don't blab to everyone I fix their DDR machines
DarkonZeroI don't have one.
@Ocean-Sauriancan you imagine Saddam plaing DDR?
DarkonZeroIt'll explode if I did work on a DDR machine.
DarkonZeroOne thing to say about your LJ entry.....life is a vicious circle......you just have to know when to make it a square.
DarkonZeroI don't know what I mean by the last part.
DarkonZeroI wanted to sound smart.
@Ocean-Sauriandid you post a reply?
DarkonZeroIf I did....it would probably said what I just said...so....in short.....no.
DarkonZeroBut I will now.
* DarkonZero finishes reply.
* @Ocean-Saurian runs off to stuff his mouth
* @Ocean-Saurian pokes DZ
@Ocean-Saurianwhat's the J stand for?
DarkonZeroNothing really.
DarkonZeroI just put it in for effect.
@Ocean-SaurianIt's just cool?
DarkonZeroYou could say that.
@Ocean-Saurianhmm chicken pepperonie cheese sammich
@Ocean-SaurianI have odd tastes
DarkonZeroI can see.
@Ocean-SaurianActually the BEST sandwich to eat is a mashed potato, frito, cheese sammich
@Ocean-SaurianIt's heaven
@Ocean-Saurian<DZ> Note to self... never accept food from Joey... he apperntly doesn't know the differance between a good sandwich from a week old gym sock
@Ocean-Saurianoh DZ guess what?
@Ocean-SaurianI am going to get a Fett Helmet unpainted
@Ocean-SaurianIt's going to be teh 1337n355
DarkonZeroBut will your backpack have jets?
@Ocean-SaurianI dunno
@Ocean-SaurianI can choose to do Boba, Jango or my own custom
@Ocean-SaurianIf I do custom I can do whatever the hell I want
@Ocean-SaurianBut if I do Boba I'll have nerds breathing down my back because of minor details
DarkonZeroTrue dat.
@Ocean-Saurian<Nerd> You know there is supposed to be a small scratch right there where silver is supposed to show!!!!
* @Ocean-Saurian tries to burn a CD while on line
DarkonZeroI just realized that you're up early.
DarkonZeroI'm up late.
@Ocean-SaurianEh, there is a fine line between late and early
DarkonZeroI wanna stay awake and see if Leia will damn me again for being away and having a life.
@Ocean-Sauriandamn this CD burner is like... light speed...
@Ocean-SaurianWell, I mest be off
@Ocean-Sauriantalk to you guys later
* Ocean-Saurian (Ocean-Saur@Psi-8D76A0E.ipt.aol.com) Quit (Quit: Connection reset by peer)
* Ocean-Saurian has left IRC
* @Min[SLEEP] straps on her messenger bag, puts on her headphones (they match her HEV suit) and reluctantly plods off to school, listening to her discman all the way.
* Min[SLEEP] is now known as Min[SCHOOL]
PrincessLeia2life haver %P
DarkonZeroI can't help that.
DarkonZeroI'm sorry.
PrincessLeia2i'm just joking anyway, it's good that some of us get out
DarkonZeroBut I digress.
DarkonZeroYeah...I really get out in weeks and I lose a shoe in the mud.
PrincessLeia2i'll comment on livejournals more, just seemed like no one in here was into that
PrincessLeia2hehe, so i read
DarkonZeroI only comment when I feel a need to.
DarkonZeroI've only had few comments to my LJ.....but I don't mind if nobody does.
PrincessLeia2(This is a response to the 1st paragraph of your book long LJ entry)  <--- O-S's comment on my last entry
PrincessLeia2part of the comment
PrincessLeia2i think it was one of the longest entries i've ever written
DarkonZeroI haven't written long entries in a long while.
DarkonZeroOf course I'm barely talking about the one girl I "obsessed over".
PrincessLeia2i talk about everything
DarkonZeroI would....but there are somethings that I like to keep private.
PrincessLeia2hrm, i mean, i guess i dont that about EVERYTHING... but close to it
DarkonZeroI eventually will blab about my private matters every now and then.
PrincessLeia2i sometimes get paranoid about who is reading it, then i'll go back to telling tons of stuff, then i go back to paranoia again... it's a strange cycle that is easy to track if you ever go back and read some of my old entries (which, sadly, i have done)
DarkonZeroHeh....I get that way too.
PrincessLeia2i had entire weeks where I was *just* talking about computer projects, hehe
DarkonZeroI just found out recently that the girl I "obsessed over" got a LJ and I end up not wanting to tell her about my LJ (though I told her once about it, but she's forgetful) cause I wrote so much stuff about her.
PrincessLeia2... then yesterday a real life aquantaince got a livejournal, i freaked... didnt give him my username because it would strangely mix my online life and real life in scary ways... i have some issues o_O
DarkonZeroMy sentiments exactly.
DarkonZeroI'm like afraid that she'll get mad about some things that may not agree with her.
DarkonZeroLike me not believing she's gay.
DarkonZeroBut that's me.
DarkonZeroI'm stupid that way.
* PrincessLeia2 shrugs
DarkonZeroIt was fun bickering with her again though.
PrincessLeia2i tend to be really sneaky about my entries, it's rare that i mention names %)
PrincessLeia2when saying bad/negative things about someone
PrincessLeia2i've even written things about people subscribed to my journal!
DarkonZeroThat's the only way to be when it comes down to it.
DarkonZeroWell....not really.
DarkonZeroYou could be brutally honest.
PrincessLeia2but the problem with that is i usually regret it %)
PrincessLeia2i never say mean things about people unless i am very upset
DarkonZeroYou have to be honest every now and then...and if the person that you're talking about doesn't like it....oh well. They'll get over it eventually.
DarkonZeroI live with guilt most of the time.
DarkonZeroI think that's why I'm bitter at times.
PrincessLeia2right, but a livejournal is not a good medium for conveying feelings %)
DarkonZeroVery true.....
PrincessLeia2i cant stand guilt, and i'm an awful liar... I either have to be honest with people or ignore them
DarkonZeroI can't lie well either.
DarkonZeroI tend to look away when I do.
PrincessLeia2so i discovered that after you lose premium subscription you can keep your theme, but you cant edit it anymore
DarkonZeroYeah....I was kinda reading about it.
PrincessLeia2... but too many people were asking me how i got it to look like that, so i just changed the skin to a basic one
PrincessLeia2Catherine Zeta-Jones is hot
DarkonZeroAll I did to mine was change the color of the links...I couldn't stand the lavender color.
PrincessLeia2i can see how it'd get annoying
DarkonZeroI have a thing for black, red, and gray.
PrincessLeia2i have a thing for black, blue and purple (%
PrincessLeia2but no themes match my mood properly... *shrugs* it looks fine tho
DarkonZeroBlue is another color I like.
PrincessLeia2most of my stuff on my computer is black and purple
DarkonZeroAnd yes.....Catherine Zeta-Jones is hot.
DarkonZeroMy room is dark...so I think of my computer being gray.....even though it's beige.
PrincessLeia2i'm glad you agree, i have found too many people who dont, and it bugs me
PrincessLeia2heh, mine is beige with a black cdrom drive %s
PrincessLeia2http://bevilacqua.us/R2D2.html  <-- my computery, YAY!
DarkonZeroAh....a single lamp lighting the area......just like me...but my light is gonna burn out entirely sometime soon.
DarkonZeroI have trouble getting it to light.
* DarkonZero needs to find his mic.
DarkonZeroI broke the one on my headset.......
PrincessLeia2i used to have a headset one, it sucked
PrincessLeia2i hate people who *always* say 2 instead of to .. and 4 instead of for
DarkonZeroI just need a mic cause I thinking of DJ'ing on the #Deep13 Radio later this week.
PrincessLeia2i would... but i am lazy, and i am never around when everyone else is
DarkonZeroIf I didn't sleep during the day.....I'd listen to your broadcast.
DarkonZeroI'm gonna be doing mine during the day....since I already have someone wanting to listen.
DarkonZerono problemo.
PrincessLeia2well, if you play good stuff i'll listen... none of sent's half-songs
DarkonZeroI think you may like what I got.
DarkonZeroThe person who's willing to listen to my broadcast wants me to put some J-pop stuff on too.
PrincessLeia2i might tune out for that
DarkonZeroI told her I'd call it the "Neko Block"
PrincessLeia2eh, so it was tonic's bday ... yesterday?
DarkonZeroWe'll beat him with sticks.
DarkonZeroBut he's bummed.
PrincessLeia2i see %(
DarkonZeroHe'll be fine....I think.
PrincessLeia2i see he's not here right now..
DarkonZeroI can't remember if he left on his own...or got peered.
PrincessLeia200:56:50 < TonicBH> off I go
PrincessLeia200:56:55 -!- TonicBH [TonicBH@Psi-12A36A9E.tnt3.portland.or.da.uu.net] has quit
DarkonZeroOk...he left...
PrincessLeia2it's weird in here without tonic o_O
DarkonZeroIn what way?
PrincessLeia2uh, just that he's always here
PrincessLeia2i hate mornings
DarkonZeroHeh....odd...Robby said it best. It's odd for me always being here....I used to rarely make an appearance in here.
DarkonZeroI hate mornigs also...that's why I sleep through them.
PrincessLeia2i am definately a night person
PrincessLeia2it's good for you always to be here %) otherwise i talk to myself all day, and that's no fun
DarkonZeroBut what about yesterday?
DarkonZeroYou damned me.
DarkonZeroDamning the already damned......making me more damned than I was.
PrincessLeia2i just wanted to use you
PrincessLeia2a friend of mine wanted a lj code, and i am out
PrincessLeia2but he found one eventually
DarkonZeroI got plaenty to spare still.
PrincessLeia2i had 3... gave one to Cal (who has ONE stupid entry), one to Peacimowen, and one to my friend Ash
DarkonZeroYeah....I saw Cal's.
DarkonZeroWow....it's so enthralling.
PrincessLeia2and noew i dont even like cal 'cause he is a big meanie-head
DarkonZeroCal tends to be that way.
* DarkonZero thinks he's listening to Julian Lennon too much.
DarkonZeroI just d/l'ed the album yesterday.
PrincessLeia2who is julian lennon?
DarkonZeroJohn Lennon's first son.
DarkonZeroI also listen to Sean Lennon alot.
PrincessLeia2another son?
DarkonZeroYeah.....through Yoko
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 4,1"Ohm Sweet Ohm"4,16,0 from 6,014,1Cheap Trick14,16,0.6,0
PrincessLeia2cheap trick!
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 4,1"Sweetmeat"4,16,0 from 6,014,1Pigface14,16,0.6,0
DarkonZeroOdd song....but I like it.
PrincessLeia2never heard it
* PrincessLeia2 yawns
DarkonZeroSleepy, eh?
DarkonZeroI'm getting there.
PrincessLeia2stupid mornings, coming so early in the day
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 4,1"Philosophy In A Tea Cup"4,16,0 from 6,014,1Trigun OST14,16,0.6,0
DarkonZeroI need more anime soundtracks.
DarkonZeroEr....good anime soundtracks.
* Jouva is on IRC
* Jouva (jouva@fluffy.moufette.com) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +ao Jouva Jouva
* @Jouva shoots out a decoy scientist and watches it explode.
DarkonZeroHey Jo.
@JouvaWork time, weeeeeeee
* Jouva (jouva@fluffy.moufette.com) Quit (Quit: *bang* *bang* Oh thank you very much. A shot in the face. How nice.)
* Jouva has left IRC
* TorgosHand (TorgosHand@Psi-3C5D9AF2.ipt.aol.com) has joined #Deep13
* TorgosHand (TorgosHand@Psi-3C5D9AF2.ipt.aol.com) Quit (Quit: )
DarkonZeroHmmm....which hand though....the left or right?
* DarkonZero takes off...
* Disconnected
Session Close: Tue Jan 28 05:51:27 2003
Session Start: Tue Jan 28 12:35:53 2003
Session Ident: #Deep13
* Now talking in #Deep13
* Topic is '9http://www.deep13.org <-- Every URL is here. | Al Sharpton> I will not rest until there's a black Keebler elf in that cartoon tree. | http://deep13.org/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=101&mode=&order=0&thold=0 - Vote for Superbowl Ads| It's Tonic's birthday!... BIRTHDAY BEATDOWNS!'
* Set by Ocean-Saurian on Tue Jan 28 01:01:45
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Your nick has been registered with PsiBlade. If you are the owner of this nick, please identify now.
-NickServ- [SYNTAX] /NickServ identify <password>
-ChanServ- [#Deep13] Welcome to #deep13. Be sure to visit our website at http://www.deep13.org/ but you probably already knew that.
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Password Accepted - You are now identified
* @Ocean-Saurian sighs and waits to be digested
PrincessLeia2eating fellow chatters, sheesh
PrincessLeia2hi DeeZ
Syntopiconwell, if it tastes good
@Ocean-SaurianI say the worst things when people enter
PrincessLeia2homo moment # 45
@Ocean-Saurianlike one time a a newbie came in and at the time I said "Can you imagine buying a car that has cum in the exaust pipe?"
DarkonZeroWhoa....for a moment I thought a cyber orgy was going on.
@Ocean-Saurianand he left
SyntopiconI would have too
PrincessLeia2i think cyber orgies are banned
Syntopiconthen Id have promptly used the idea
* PrincessLeia2 looks at jo's list of 45324545 banned things
Syntopiconon my own car
@Ocean-SaurianHe has banned things?
PrincessLeia2oh, and we cant use the letter "y"
Syntopicony not?
PrincessLeia2i was joking
@Ocean-Saurianwhere is this list?
PrincessLeia2there isnt really a list
PrincessLeia2he just gets in crankie moods and tells us to stop talking about certain topics... lik "no religious debating" on bible sunday %( *sniff*
@Ocean-SaurianWell, we I apperntly can't say somthing to teen without it being religous
@Ocean-Saurian<Me> Hey teen, what time zone are you in? <Jo> STOP TALKING ABOUT RELIGION!
Syntopiconthen you say...JESUS CHRIST JO, SHUT THE FUCK UP!
Syntopicongot that?
@Ocean-Saurian<Jo> I just want you and teen to get along <Me> and people in hell want ice water, what the hell is your point? ***Ocean-Saurian has been banned
@Ocean-SaurianHehehe Will do Syntopicon
Syntopiconwhats it matter if people get along anyway
* PrincessLeia2 shrugs
SyntopiconI mean really, who cares
Syntopiconlet the stronger survive
Syntopiconn stuff
@Ocean-Saurianwell, in todays world the weak, strong, inbetween survive
* Syntopicon finishes digesting Ocean-Saurian
* @Ocean-Saurian washes himself off
DarkonZero?me looks at a couple of subjects in the e-mail he gets....
Syntopiconthat was a good meal
DarkonZeroI need s to wake up.
* @Ocean-Saurian rubs rubbing alcohol all over his body
PrincessLeia2stomach acid burns?
@Ocean-Saurian<Syn> That was so good... I think I'll eat it again! 6* Syntopicon eats Ocean-Saurian again
PrincessLeia2purple o_O
Syntopiconlol, dont be surprised if I do  ;P
@Ocean-Saurianwell, that's the action color to me
Syntopiconmine is yeller
* @Ocean-Saurian hops back into his fish tank and hides under his castle
DarkonZeroBecome a hunting club field tester....hmm. <Me> Lemme check out this gun *gun goes off* <Me> Sorry Bill....didn't mean to take off your face.
* Syntopicon drops a baited hook on a line into the tank
PrincessLeia2hrm, time should be home soon
* Syntopicon hums softly
* Syntopicon gets out a case and opens a can
* Syntopicon drinks
* @Ocean-Saurian yanks on line just to mess with him
* PrincessLeia2 frowns at Ocean-Saurian's pitiful little castle
* Syntopicon doesnt notice, but keeps drinking
* PrincessLeia2 shows Ocean-Saurian the blueprints that she just finished for the new one
DarkonZeroGet paid for your opinions.... <Me> Your e-mails suck! Here's the address to send the money.
@Ocean-SaurianOh yay!
@Ocean-SaurianLooks good heh
PrincessLeia2see, this drawbridge really works, you just pull this lever inside the castle right there
Syntopiconlol, psychos
PrincessLeia2yeah %(
* DarkonZero gets disgusting.
DarkonZeroThat's not the only thing that was erected in his tank.
@Ocean-SaurianYEAH SO!??!
@Ocean-Saurianwrong time for me to say THAT line
* Syntopicon grabs Ocean-Saurian while hes not looking and microwaves him before consumption
PrincessLeia2crispy OS
Syntopiconteh tasteh
Syntopiconbetter than soy
* @Ocean-Saurian is glad he isn't cooked
@Ocean-SaurianI am made out of pure imagination
PrincessLeia2oh, in that case
* PrincessLeia2 passes Syntopicon the butter
SyntopiconImagination is tastey
PrincessLeia2yay time is home!
DarkonZeroOk...while she's away...we'll dumper her virtual self in a garbage can.
DarkonZerodumper her....yes
* DarkonZero oges to look for a large source of caffine.
DarkonZeroI gotta quit staying up so late.
* @Ocean-Saurian drowns in drool
DarkonZerohttp://www.swords-online.com/data/shop/images/so006_large.jpg <-The sword I want.
PrincessLeia2i am making pot pies %d
DarkonZeroAre we invited over?
PrincessLeia2yeah, that's why i came back
PrincessLeia2who wants chicken pies?
PrincessLeia2nice sword
PrincessLeia2heh, it's times like this i regret not having a microwave, the directions say "put in microwave for 10 minutes" ... or "bake in oven for 30 minutes, then cover with foil and bake another 30-40 minutes"
PrincessLeia2but i am sure they will taste better from the oven...
DarkonZeroThey will.
* PrincessLeia2 virtu-microwaves one for Ocean-Saurian
* PrincessLeia2 puts it on a plate and puts it on the edge of Ocean-Saurian's tank
* PrincessLeia2 reaches into the tank and removes Syntopicon's fishing-line, then puts the pot pie in
PrincessLeia2ok, i am gonna go do dinner related prep things again
* PrincessLeia2 wanders off
DarkonZerohttp://www.swords-online.com/data/shop/images/MR-COUNTDOOKU105-5_large.jpg <-How sabers should look.
@Ocean-Saurianuh, no
@Ocean-Sauriantotally inaccurate
@Ocean-SaurianI'll pull my own handle from a vacuum former
DarkonZerohttp://www.swords-online.com/data/shop/images/MR-ANAKINBLUE201-4_large.jpg <- or this.
* Jouva is on IRC
* Jouva (jouva@fluffy.moufette.com) has joined #Deep13
* Jouva shoots out a decoy scientist and watches it explode.
* ChanServ sets mode: +ao Jouva Jouva
DarkonZeroHey Jo.
DarkonZerohttp://www.poseidon.co.jp/5F/vash_a/vash_1.html <- A gun I'd like to have.
@JouvaOh the 404 gun?
DarkonZeroThe site came up for me.
* Syntopicon (~syntopico@84417EC.761338A7.37687273.IP) Quit (Connection timed out)
* Disconnected
Session Close: Tue Jan 28 13:51:00 2003
Session Start: Tue Jan 28 18:49:04 2003
Session Ident: #Deep13
* Now talking in #Deep13
* Topic is '9http://www.deep13.org <-- Every URL is here. | Al Sharpton> I will not rest until there's a black Keebler elf in that cartoon tree. | http://deep13.org/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=101&mode=&order=0&thold=0 - Vote for Superbowl Ads| It's Tonic's birthday!... BIRTHDAY BEATDOWNS!'
* Set by Ocean-Saurian on Tue Jan 28 01:01:45
* Cal is on IRC
* DarkonZero is on IRC
* Jouva is on IRC
* Min is on IRC
* Ocean-Saurian is on IRC
* PrincessLeia2 is on IRC
* RobertoKay is on IRC
* Sentroid91 is on IRC
-ChanServ- [#Deep13] Welcome to #deep13. Be sure to visit our website at http://www.deep13.org/ but you probably already knew that.
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Password Accepted - You are now identified
* RobertoKay changes topic to '9http://www.deep13.org <-- Every URL is here. | It's "nuclear," Shrub. Nu-clee-er. | http://deep13.org/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=101&mode=&order=0&thold=0 - Vote for Superbowl Ads| It's Tonic's birthday!... BIRTHDAY BEATDOWNS!'
DarkonZeroThat's me!
@RobertoKayDoes anyone here actually have a serious interest in politics?
DarkonZeroNot I.
@RobertoKayI mean, not like "I want to run for city councilman" serious. I mean like you actually care about it.
@RobertoKayMmmm. Mustard.
DarkonZeroWe lost Robby to the mustard.
@RobertoKayFirst thirty minutes: social crap.
@RobertoKayNext thirty minutes: WAR!
DarkonZeroI was watching to see if there were any verbal screw-ups.
@Sentroid91<Homer> It's pronounced NU-CU-LAR
@RobertoKayNOW I remember why the hydrogen-powered car thing made me suspicious.
@RobertoKayI think it was his subtle way of telling anti-war people "we're not in it for the oil."
@RobertoKayWhich I don't buy.
@RobertoKayNew batteries I buy.
@Sentroid91I want my fucking money
@RobertoKayHis "we won't need foreign sources for energy" I don't.
@RobertoKayBut still, on paper, it's a good idea.
@RobertoKayAside from it being used to supposedly pigeonhole the whole oil debate.
@Sentroid91When did Ted Kennedy become speaker?
CalI bet we won't go to war
CalWe'll say they're not a threat
CalThen when a quarter of our population is dead, we'll do something
CalIt's always like that
@Sentroid91What about Werewolf attack?
@RobertoKayA whole thirty minutes dedicated to Iraq and their "nucular" threat, but for some reason, he doesn't bring up North Korea and Pakistan.
@RobertoKayRemember the "Axis of Evil
@RobertoKay"? Me neither.
@RobertoKayAxis of Evil today: Iraq, Iraq, Iraq
@RobertoKayAs opposed to Iraq, Iran, and North Korea.
@Sentroid91Which is composed of The economy, Enron, Dick Cheney, Evil Kinevel, Japan, Germany, Italy, Iraq, Iran..... and one of the Koreas
@RobertoKayMan. I really liked how the South Koreans got pissed at Shrub for that.
@RobertoKayGeez. I wish I didn't remember that SNL skit.
@RobertoKayShrub. Go outside, Sent.
@Sentroid91....and one of the Koreas
@RobertoKayShrub = Bush.
@Sentroid91Hey Rob?
@Sentroid91Coors was funny
@RobertoKayAnd you're really reaching.
@RobertoKayAnd failing.
@RobertoKayWith dnL.
CalI think we deserve to get nuked before we make a decision
CalIt'll wake people up
* Lo9iK-studying (~lo9ik@Psi-2D34F5BE.cox-internet.com) Quit (Ping timeout)
DarkonZeronuked as in "smoking weed"?
@Sentroid91With Grade A Nathan Jones Milk
@RobertoKayCal: it sounds stupid, but it'll be the only way I'll agree to war.
DarkonZeroI can go for being nuked.
CalWorld War I...
CalWe didn't get in until we found out that Germany was trying to get a war between Mexico and us
CalWorld War II
@RobertoKayThe Lusitania sinking also had something to do with it.\
CalThat too
CalI was getting to that
CalWorld War II...we waited until Pearl Harbor was bombed
CalAt this rate, we'll all be eradicated before we do something
@Sentroid91We didn't wait for Desert Storm.
@RobertoKayThat was a nothing war.
@Sentroid91What did we wait for in Vietnam?
@RobertoKayBut not as bad as 'Nam.
@RobertoKayOh, Sent...
@Sentroid91What did we wait for in Korean War?
@RobertoKayNam was a huge growing mistake.
CalThat was one big fuck-up
@RobertoKayIt started with Ike's "advisors."
@RobertoKayThen it continued with JFK's arrangement to send "a few" troops there.
@RobertoKayAnd then LBJ finally brought it to fruition into a full-fledged war.
@Sentroid91With http://www.mstiegate.com/mypictures/2.jpg
@RobertoKayYour eyes match the label.
@RobertoKayHeh. Bush and Lieberman.
@Sentroid91so i've heard
@RobertoKayAnother wacky, hilarious, Must-See-TV candidate.
CalI know what I'd really do with a time machine
CalI'd bring back a flame thrower and torch the negative to Kangaroo Jack
@Sentroid91I'd go back in time and go milk Nathan Jones in Boggo Road
@Sentroid91Could be a hit of a drink
@RobertoKayAustralian Milk.
@Sentroid91Boggo Juice
@Sentroid91"The drink that came from a man's teet"
@RobertoKayGoes great with cookies!
* TigAFK is now known as Tigger
@Sentroid91Debra's cookies
* @Sentroid91 needs to get the new Raw magazine tomorrow
@RobertoKayWell, that was a fun State of the Union.
@RobertoKayCan't wait until next year.
@MinArr, me buckles.
Tiggeruhh hrm
@RobertoKayIt helped to confirm at least how apathetic this channel is about politics.
@RobertoKayYou guys really need to read a paper. Me and Cal had the only noteworthy comments here.
CalThe MPAA rates this PG-13. It is too vulgar for anyone under 13, and too dumb for anyone over 13.
@RobertoKayI didn't even bother reading it, but I read that line.
CalEbert: The way the movie handles the switch is that Rob Schneider, visually appearing as himself, has Jessica trapped inside. He/she convinces his/her best girlfriends of this transformation. This is one of the most astonishing events in the history of mankind, incredibly and miraculous, and so what inflames the curiosity of the three girlfriends? His penis.
@Sentroid91A durp a durp a tiddly durp a tiddly tum
@RobertoKayOh, goody. The democratic response.
@Sentroid91Hi. I own a Chineese Wok
@Sentroid91And someone staples fur on my head for eyebrows
@Sentroid91Kim John Eww?
* DarkonZero is now known as DZ{Away}
* DarkonZero has left IRC
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] You are already identified
@Sentroid91When my father bombed Pearl Harbor
@RobertoKayDemocratic response. Yes.
CalSent, you're as Japanese as chop suey.
@RobertoKayIt sounds more like a "We agree with you, Mr. Bush, sir" speech.
@Sentroid91We need strong broads
@RobertoKayI love my new picture.
@Sentroid91you and your super-bright blue shirt. :P
@RobertoKayOh, now it's a response.
@RobertoKayI should've worn something darker.
@Sentroid91Lie Lie and Lie
@Sentroid91It must be heard
@Sentroid91It must be understood
@RobertoKayNo, I think he's making a good point.
@Sentroid91And it must be pleasing
@RobertoKayDoesn't mean anyone's gonna act on it.
@Sentroid91Oh, and it must have a wire rack
@Sentroid91Because this guy speaks for himself.
@JouvaUpside Down Economics
@RobertoKayWith dnL.
@Sentroid91voodoo economics
@Sentroid91With http://www.mstiegate.com/mypictures/2.jpg
@RobertoKayAnd Sent's matching eyes.
@JouvaDoes it taste gud?
@Sentroid91What? My eyes?
@Sentroid91oh oh...
@Sentroid91uhm... yes
@RobertoKayI like how he's kissing Bush's ass in terms of the war, but pretty much dissents everything else.
@Sentroid911,12Quote has been added: 12,1Have a nice day: <@Sentroid91> With http://www.mstiegate.com/mypictures/2.jpg <@RobertoKay> And Sent's matching eyes. <@Sentroid91> :P <@Jouva> Does it taste gud? <@Sentroid91> What? My eyes? <@Jouva> DNL! <@Sentroid91> oh oh... <@Sentroid91> uhm... yes
* Sound request: can't find 'nwo.wav'
[@Jouva SOUND]
@JouvaActually wait
@JouvadnL... the official drink of...
* Sound request: can't find 'nwo.wav'
[@Jouva SOUND]
CaldnL, the official drink of dyslexics
@Sentroid91The official drink of Nathan's Man Milk
@RobertoKayAnd Sent's eyes.
@RobertoKayMore like 9o_O
@Sentroid911,1C9o_O1,1rs was funny
@RobertoKayShut up.
* @Sentroid91 snickers
@Min`,ooj 'sjnoh dnL akew
@Sentroid91uhm.... yeah
@Sentroid91And always remember... I love you
@Minhttp://www.mstiegate.com/mypictures/8.jpg Duck and cover...?
@Min'twas a comma, foo'.
@JouvaYeah that too
Cal<Sentroid91> Am I too turtle enough for the turtle club?
@JouvaThen it should be
@Jouva`,ooj 's,jnoh dnL akew
* RobertoKay is now known as RobertoAway
* RobertoKay has left IRC
CalRob is smart
@JouvaIn bed
CalI'll take his idea
@Minyours, not your's
* Cal goes
* Cal (~pmccart@Psi-11AD3866.wi.tds.net) Quit (Quit: At that moment, the Chosen One learned a valuable lesson about iron claws - they hurt like crap, man!)
* Cal has left IRC
* @Ocean-Saurian goes on cal
@JouvaBut it's posessive
@JouvaWait hmm
@JouvaThat's a hard one :P
@JouvaCause you can say like... Make 7up his
@Minand yours is posessive, as well. It just depends upon the context... which I'm pretty sure in this case, it's yours and not your's
@Sentroid91make dnl your's's
@JouvaOh wow, it is yours.
* Sentroid91 is now known as fdgd
* Sentroid91 has left IRC
@fdgdMake 7up youare's's'
* fdgd is now known as Sentroid91
* Sentroid91 is on IRC
@MinYay for Castlevania 3 music.
* RobertoAway (hquiej@Oper.PsiBlade.net) Quit (Quit: Arubadubadubadubadubadu. http://www.deep13.org/gqindustries)
@JouvaWeeee. http://fursuit.timduru.org/view/Fursuits/FurryCon/FurtherConfusion/FC2003/fursuits,Timduru_FC2003_064.jpg
@Ocean-Saurianwow that's a big ass picture
@Ocean-SaurianI mean... that's like a Texas sized picture... smothered in BBQ sauce
* @Min sits in a corner of the room, sets her HEV suit to sleep mode and drifts off into subconsciousness, clutching a crowbar for protection.
* Min is now known as Min[SLEEP]
* Min has left IRC
@JouvaNight all
* Jouva (jouva@fluffy.moufette.com) Quit (Quit: *bang* *bang* Oh thank you very much. A shot in the face. How nice.)
* Jouva has left IRC
* RobertoKay is on IRC
* RobertoKay (hquiej@Oper.PsiBlade.net) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +ao RobertoKay RobertoKay
@RobertoKayYou are so in love with yourself today.
@Sentroid91I need new pics, foo.
@RobertoKayAnd speaking of which, you want to replace the old one on Deep13.org?
@Sentroid91I was thinking of that..... but with what?
@RobertoKayWell, you tell me.
@RobertoKayThe old pics look like something recorded in EP in 1990.
@Sentroid91Well... i'd say a tie between 1, 2, 4, 15, & 16
@RobertoKayWell, at least you're decisive.
@Ocean-Saurian1 is too damn bright
Tiggernah put #8 on there..lol
@RobertoKayAnd so is my pic on the site.
@RobertoKayEven under fair lighting conditions, my camera likes to have the flash on.
@Sentroid91and full of color
@Sentroid91and green penis
@RobertoKayI'm not asking.
@RobertoKayThough I imagine they're as green as your eyes.
@Ocean-SaurianWait that's terrible
@Ocean-SaurianI quite
@RobertoKayI robot.
@Ocean-Saurian...I'll take some for the road *eats peas* hmm hmm amm amm... oh what luck! A french fry stuck in my beard!
@RobertoKayMy favorite Orson Welles moment.
* Sound request: can't find 'rosebud.wav'
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'apocwow.wav'
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'jug.wav'
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'jug.wav'
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'evenbetter.wav'
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'fishstick.wav'
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'nilknarf.wav'
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'praywyou.wav'
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
@RobertoKayYou /sound addict.
* Sound request: can't find 'nilknarf.wav'
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
@Ocean-Saurianhe is a /sound whore
@Ocean-Saurianyes sent... nilknarf
* Sound request: can't find 'kabong2.wav'
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'nopants.wav'
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
@RobertoKay<Johnny Carson> It was so wet, Farrah Fawcett-Majors was blowing... uh, dry-blowing her... HAHAHA!
@Ocean-Saurianwhat... what the hell is wrong with me? I know better then to accept sounds from sent!
* Sound request: can't find 'nopants.wav'
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
* @RobertoKay has sounds off but accepted them anyway because they might be funnt.
* Sound request: can't find 'nilknarf.wav'
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'rosebud.wav'
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
@Ocean-SaurianI love that one
* Sound request: can't find 'rosebud.wav'
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'wtf.wav'
[@shade SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'fishstick.wav'
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'evenbetter.wav'
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'jug.wav'
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
@RobertoKayYou know, one of the real Orson Welles ads is on the internet.
@Sentroid91So i've heard
* Sound request: can't find 'rosebud.wav'
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'apocwow.wav'
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'praywyou.wav'
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
@Sentroid91BTW: Deep13 Radio's fixed
* Sound request: can't find 'omg.wav'
[@shade SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'nilknarf.wav'
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
* Ocean-Saurian (Ocean-Saur@Psi-2FB45420.ipt.aol.com) Quit (Quit: Connection reset by peer)
* Ocean-Saurian has left IRC
* Tigger (BoO@Psi-3BFF1CC.client.attbi.com) has left #Deep13
* RobertoKay (hquiej@Oper.PsiBlade.net) Quit (Quit: Arubadubadubadubadubadu. http://www.deep13.org/gqindustries)
* RobertoKay has left IRC
* DZ{Away} is now known as DarkonZero
* DarkonZero is on IRC
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] You are already identified
DarkonZeroEverybody else is doing it.
* Disconnected
Session Close: Tue Jan 28 23:40:11 2003

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