
Session Start: Sun Jan 26 00:00:00 2003
Session Ident: #Deep13
* bie4u (Jagu@Psi-53CC0BA.dyn.optonline.net) Quit (Ping timeout)
* Guest (deep13@Psi-20E51D01.ipt.aol.com) has joined #Deep13
Guestwhats everyone talking about
@Sentroid91everyone's pretty much dead
Guestit seems like that LOL
* killerbie (Jagu@Psi-53CC0BA.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #Deep13
* killerbie is now known as Crowbie
* Crowbie is on IRC
@Sentroid91today was officially dead day
* ChanServ sets mode: +ohv Crowbie Crowbie Crowbie
* Crowbie is now known as bie4u
* Crowbie has left IRC
Guestyes it is
DarkonZeroI'm only somewhat dead.....not fully dead.
* @edahs bie4me
Guestdeep 13 thats mst3k right
Guestok good
@Sentroid91I would hope so... since you're connecting to deep13.org
Guesti know just double checking though , would'nt want to feel silly if no one knew what the hell i was talking about LOL
Guestim a huge fan of mst3k
DarkonZeroWe used to be big on porn....but then we moved onto MST3K.
GuestLOL, yes me too...just kidding
Guestim a girl i will never admit to that LOL
Guestporn i mean
@edahsporn is completely natural
Guesti agree, nothing wrong with that
DarkonZeroI'm a guy...and I try not to admit to it...but I have to...it's in the guy handbook.
Guestyeah you guys and your porn
@Sentroid91Lego Porn
DarkonZeroEspecially that.
@edahsThose yellow c hands turn me on
DarkonZeroBut now off porn....welcome to #Deep13.....and enjoy your stay.
@Sentroid91Especially the Jesus Lego Porn... that stuff was just weird
DarkonZeroThat's if anyone else talks other than me.
DarkonZeroThe Jesus stuff was funny.
DarkonZeroI forgot the site though.
Guesthey i'm talking to you porn man
@Sentroid91I think I might still have the URL... somewhere
DarkonZeroIt's www.reverend(something).com
Guesti never seen the jesus lego
@Sentroid91nopes... I think it's on my old comp
* Ocean-Saurian is on IRC
* Ocean-Saurian (Ocean-Saur@Psi-166C91DC.ipt.aol.com) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +ohv Ocean-Saurian Ocean-Saurian Ocean-Saurian
Guesti wanna talk mst3k
@Sentroid91Go head on. :D
@Sentroid91BTW: You can change your name by typing /nick "nicknameofyourchoice"
@Sentroid91just so you don't have to stay on as Guest
Guestoh good thanks i was going to ask you about that
* Syntopicon thinks it is time for him to climb into bed
Guestwait i type it on here
* RobertoKay is on IRC
* RobertoKay (hquiej@Oper.PsiBlade.net) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +aohv RobertoKay RobertoKay RobertoKay RobertoKay
Guesthey where do i type my name
@Sentroid91just type /nick anything
Guestoh wait i feel like such an as* i figured it out LOL
* Guest is now known as maryjanewatson
maryjanewatsongot it LOL i am usually smarter than this
* @edahs gives maryjanewatson a cookie
* Syntopicon steals the cookie
* Syntopicon eats
* Syntopicon then goes to bed
* Syntopicon (~syntopico@84417EC.761338A7.37687273.IP) Quit (Quit: )
* @edahs gives another cookie
maryjanewatsonthat chump took my cookie
maryjanewatsonmary accepts "yummy"
* @edahs hands maryjanewatson a /me
@edahsUse /me action for actions
@edahsie /me dances
* @edahs dances
maryjanewatsoncan you type in anything
maryjanewatsondo another one
@edahs/me goes boom fo shizzie mah nizzie
* @edahs goes boom fo shizzie mah nizzie
maryjanewatsonwheres everyone else LOL
@edahssleeping or otherwise disposed of
maryjanewatsonmust be, i see all these names and no ones talking
@RobertoKayMe no sleepy. Me very... uh... bored.
maryjanewatsonwell roberto bring up a topic to talk aout then
@Sentroid91I like dnL
@Sentroid91The new 7up drink
* DarkonZero can't find the link.
DarkonZeroI shoulda Googled it.
maryjanewatsonhow old are you guys if u do not mind me asking
maryjanewatsonme too
DarkonZeroI just don't act my age.
* DarkonZero found the link.
maryjanewatsonme niether too goofy
@Sentroid91I am 100000000000000 years old
maryjanewatsonwow sentroid amazing
DarkonZerowww.thereverend.com/brick_testament/ <-Bible studies.....with Legos.
@RobertoKayEighteen and four/twelfths.
@Sentroid91actually i'm 91
@RobertoKayEighteen and one-third.
DarkonZeroI gotta couple months till I'm 27.......
@Sentroid91minus 70
* @edahs be 632449729 Seconds old. (20.041122551 years old)
maryjanewatsoni just turned 26 three weeks ago, wow
DarkonZeroI was reminded about how old I was when I saw somebody's Nirvana shirt.
@Sentroid91I'm Fifty! Fifty years old!
DarkonZeroI had loads of fun today.
maryjanewatsontotaly, my god i feel so old when i see stuff like that, nirvana was popular when i was 14 LOL
DarkonZeroI almost lost my shoe in the mud.
@RobertoKayBTW, may I ask how you found us?
@Sentroid91My site. :D
maryjanewatsonwho is btw
@Sentroid91She was having trouble with Jo's damn java applet, so I referred her to your leet one.
DarkonZeroNet lingo.
@RobertoKayIt means "by the way".
@RobertoKayYes, because mine is stolen.
@RobertoKayAnd therefore better.
maryjanewatsonLOL, you know what i knew that, man i am making a as* outta my self really i am not that dum
DarkonZeroStolen things are good.
@RobertoKayBetter than cheap things.
DarkonZeroWhich sometimes you have cheap, stolen things.
@RobertoKayAnd don't be afraid, let the expletives fly.
@edahsFeel free to openly swear.
@edahsWe don't fucking care
DarkonZeroI forgot how to.
maryjanewatsoni'm a lady dammit, i do nout fuckiang swear
@RobertoKayOr you just don't do it right. :P
maryjanewatsonor spell
@Sentroid91There are other ladies in here too... and they curse alot
* @Sentroid91 points to Min in general.
DarkonZeroMostly at me.
@RobertoKayBut they don't act like ladies.
DarkonZeroEveryone curses at me.
maryjanewatsonlol, how come none of them are talking
@RobertoKayWhich is not to be confused with the meaning of this following quote...
@RobertoKayxquote, search neither is
@Sentroid911,12Quote containing "neither is":12,1 <RobertoKay> Kitana hates Sent. But she's not really a woman. <RobertoKay> And then again, neither is De. 1,12Number of Quotes found: 1
@RobertoKayWell, Min is asleep.
@RobertoKayLeia is idle during these hours.
@RobertoKayKL is not here.
DarkonZeroShe's sleepin'.
@RobertoKayAnd am I missing someone?
@Sentroid91don't forget drunk. :D
maryjanewatsonso everyone here talks together all the time?
* @RobertoKay slaps himself in the forehead.
DarkonZeroNot always.
@RobertoKayAsleep too. I think.
@Sentroid91Oh and Robby?
* Sentroid91 is now known as Brendon_Small
* Sentroid91 has left IRC
@Brendon_SmallI'm a pretty lady
@Brendon_SmallI'm a very pretty lady.
@RobertoKayThanks for the quote.
* bie4u (Jagu@Psi-53CC0BA.dyn.optonline.net) Quit (Ping timeout)
@RobertoKayOh, and I almost forgot Tonic. Except he doesn't count.
maryjanewatsonso are any OF you girls
* DarkonZero tries to figure out why he's been staring at a blank browser for 5 to 10 minutes.
@RobertoKayWell, we just listed off the only females in this room.
DarkonZeroI am on Wed'.
@Brendon_SmallRobby... thank's for putting that image back in my brain.
@RobertoKayRobertoKay should clue you in on that.
@RobertoKayBecause Roberto is a male name.
DarkonZeroKServo is another.
@RobertoKayAnd Sent, it's worse knowing that he really is doing what he's doing FOR REAL.
maryjanewatsoni love tom servo
@RobertoKayOh, yeah.
@RobertoKayKServo from the U.K.
@RobertoKayAnd Sent, what about your stalker? Does she count?
DarkonZeroShe should be awake then.
* killerbie (~Jagu@Psi-53CC0BA.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #Deep13
* killerbie is now known as Crowbie
* Crowbie is on IRC
maryjanewatsoni want a little servo robot sooo bad
* ChanServ sets mode: +ohv Crowbie Crowbie Crowbie
* Crowbie is now known as bie4u
* Crowbie has left IRC
@Brendon_SmallIf I can get her ass in here again, then yes
@RobertoKaySo to recap, Min, KatLady, Leia, bie and KServo.
@RobertoKayOur only females.
@Brendon_SmallAnd technically she's not really my stalker anymore
@Brendon_SmallWhich means be nice to her, ok?
@Brendon_SmallOh yea.. Tigger
@RobertoKayDamnit, Deez, LIST THEM ALL OFF.
maryjanewatsonso what do you all talk about??
@RobertoKayAT ONCE.
DarkonZeroThey come to me as we go....OK!
@RobertoKayMin, KatLady, Leia, bie, KServo and Tigger.
DarkonZeroI think that's all of them.
@RobertoKayI think that puts us above a shitload of gamer forums in terms of total females.
DarkonZeroTrue dat.
@Brendon_Smalland there "was" Raptorr also....
maryjanewatsontrue dat?
@Brendon_Smalli won't get into that, though
@RobertoKayxquote, search neither is
@Brendon_Small1,12Quote containing "neither is":12,1 <RobertoKay> Kitana hates Sent. But she's not really a woman. <RobertoKay> And then again, neither is De. 1,12Number of Quotes found: 1
DarkonZeroI'm speaking ebonics....even though I'm white.
DarkonZeroEr....half white.
maryjanewatsonebonics, LOL
@RobertoKayAnd also, there WAS rockerbot.
@edahsDarkonZero is a woman on Sundays
@RobertoKayAnd Perelandra from the old school.
@Brendon_Smalland Jerela
maryjanewatsonso you guys sit and count all the girls in the room?
DarkonZeroOnly if were bored.
@RobertoKayWell, but we do it because we like to convenience people.
maryjanewatsonwow must be bored LOL
DarkonZeroAnd I usually hit on them all.
@Brendon_Smallwell because they're are more men than there are women... so...
@Brendon_SmallPlus some of us get to confused too easily
@RobertoKayThat goes for a lot of the Internet, really.
DarkonZeroBut I'm being nice tonight.
@RobertoKayBut now that we mention it, it makes me wonder how many Internet gamer communities have less females than we do.
@RobertoKayGamer or something similar.
@RobertoKayLike D&D.
@RobertoKayWhere we probably have every last one of them beat.
maryjanewatsonI actually like D&D
DarkonZeroExcept maybe the all female gamer groups.
@RobertoKayWhich probably have like an overall number of regulars as we do.
@edahsI miss Jerel
@RobertoKayxquote, search poor idiot
@Brendon_SmallThere are no quotes containing poor idiot. But thank you for playing.
* maryjanewatson (deep13@Psi-20E51D01.ipt.aol.com) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
@RobertoKayI think the D&D comment might have offended her.
* @Brendon_Small hits Robby
@RobertoKayEither that, or AOL screwed with her.
DarkonZeroI'm going with AOL.
@RobertoKayLet's say it's the latter for my sake and reputation.
@RobertoKayBecause I'm so wonderful.
DarkonZeroBut remember....don't dis D&D.
@Brendon_SmallAnd don't do drugs.
@edahsEven though she had a normal quit message, not one that says she got owned by aol
DarkonZeroHell....I used to play D&D...until I couldn't find a group to join into a campaign.
@RobertoKayIn jail.
DarkonZeroYay! G.I. Joe is on.
* @RobertoKay wonders if the Los Angeles County Jail system has a D&D group.
* @Brendon_Small wonders if Boggo Road has a D&D group
DarkonZeroIf they did.....they'd probably do live role-playing with actual knives.
@RobertoKayProbably comprised of kiddiepr0n webmasters.
@RobertoKayNothing against D&D players.
@Brendon_Smalland Nathan Jones
@RobertoKayNo. He's too busy talking to his rat.
@Brendon_SmallYou're thinking of Mankind
@RobertoKayEither that or Scott Keith mislead me.
@RobertoKayI blame my inaccuracies on the time.
@Brendon_SmallHe probably said it as a joke
@Brendon_SmallRemember the Mankind promo vignettes?
DarkonZerowww.rpg.net <- was a cool site until the color scheme hurt my eyes.
@RobertoKayMan. I went the whole day without a new mail message.
@RobertoKayWell, I got one, but it was from a mailing list, so therefore does not qualify.
@RobertoKayI guess I'll wait again tomorrow.
@RobertoKayBecause I'm going to bed now. Nightness, folks.
* DarkonZero think the Crimson Guard Commanders are wimps.
* RobertoKay (hquiej@Oper.PsiBlade.net) Quit (Quit: Arubadubadubadubadubadu. http://www.deep13.org/gqindustries)
* RobertoKay has left IRC
@Brendon_SmallYou should'nt speak too soon though
@Brendon_SmallCause you won't be able to tell when the next Penis Enhancement spam jumps up and bites you on the ass
DarkonZeroUm....who are you talking to?
DarkonZeroWell...I get pron e-mails all the time...and they're all the same.
@Brendon_SmallPenis Enhancement?
@Ocean-SaurianYeah, it dosn't work
@Ocean-Sauriannot that I would know
@Ocean-Saurianor anything
DarkonZeroI get those too....even breast enhancement ones.
@Ocean-Saurianheh...hehehehe? God damn I hate me
@Brendon_SmallJoey's used those too
@Brendon_Small<Joey> Those don't work either.... I gave mine to Tonic
@Ocean-SaurianYeah, they don't wor... god damnit, I am not saying anything anymore
DarkonZeroOk...ok...leave the lad alone he done nothing wrong.
@Ocean-Saurian...how did you know? ARE YOU WATCHIN ME?!
@edahsthe best spam email I got
@edahs(background info: I have naturally curly hair) "Make your hair curly and beautiful"
DarkonZerohttp://www.game-skins.com/gssh029.shtml <Sent.....you would probably like this shirt.
* DarkonZero is happy that he might have a job soon.
DarkonZeroIt's really good that they wanna negotiate about how much I wanna get paid.
DarkonZeroI just hope I get it.
-> [DarkonZero] PING
[DarkonZero PING]
[DarkonZero PING reply]: 1sec
@Brendon_Smallwhat job?
@Brendon_Smalland BTW: OOOOH!
DarkonZeroOddly enough it'll be at the place where I used to work at. I talked to the guy that works there in the VR booth and he said he wants to replace the guy he currently has with me once I mentioned I was looking for work.
DarkonZeroThanks for the forced enthusiasm.
@Brendon_SmallUsed to work at..... in the casino? or is this before that?
DarkonZeroThe casino.
@Brendon_Smallthe OOOOOH was for the MechAssault Tee
* DarkonZero shoots his foot.
DarkonZeroYeah....when I was the arcade tech....the guy that works the VR booth came by with joysticks...I repaired them for him.
@Brendon_SmallIs that where you killed Time Traveler?
@Brendon_Smallremember that whole thread on the Shitbored?
DarkonZeroOh yeah.
DarkonZeroThe job involves me running some games that have UT on them...and also the ol Jedi Knight game.
@Brendon_SmallBTW: You hear SW Galaxies is being ported to X-Box?
@Ocean-SaurianNo longer PS2?
DarkonZeroI read it somewhere.
@Brendon_SmallThat's gonna be frickin awesome
DarkonZeroPS2 is getting Everquest.
@Ocean-SaurianMan why play it on the X box when you have a computer?
DarkonZeroI'm gonna get it for my comp......and when the space travel expansion come out....it'll be even more awesome.
@Ocean-SaurianI wanna be a politition (sp?)
DarkonZeroA politician.
DarkonZeroI wanna be a Storm Trooper.
DarkonZeroHave the weeak ass armor and shit.
DarkonZeroActually....I wanna be a Biker Scout...then see if I can become a bounty hunter and keep the armor.
DarkonZeroI like the Biker Scout's armor design.
@Ocean-SaurianI like the helmet
@Ocean-SaurianIf anything I wanna be a Jedi
DarkonZeroThat's what I like about it.
DarkonZeroEveryone is gonna try and go Jedi.
@Ocean-Saurianwell if you are a bounty hunter you can always kill a biker scout
DarkonZeroBut they're gonna make it difficult to be one.
@Ocean-SaurianI think I figured out the jedi this
@Ocean-Saurianyou have to search for tiny itty bitty details
@Brendon_SmallI wanna be R2-D2
DarkonZeroHeh....Sent the Astromech.
@Brendon_Smalloh and Joey: tis better to play it on X-Box Live because they're not gonna charge you per month
@Ocean-Saurianoh really?
@Brendon_SmallWell... they've already charged people $49 to sign up for the service... so I doubt it
DarkonZeroThey might still.
@Brendon_Smallwell if they did, it'd be ridiculous
DarkonZeroThey usually do it to keep cheaters from coming in.
@Brendon_SmallHow do you cheat in a live RPG?
DarkonZeroYeah....thats's why Phantasy Star Online went from free to a pay to play.
@Brendon_SmallYes... but see... that was Sega Dreamcast
DarkonZeroThere are ways.
@Brendon_SmallThe people who 2 years earlier made an internet adaptor that was $100
DarkonZeroPeople will hack there armor values and shit.
@Brendon_Smallfor Saturn
@Brendon_SmallDreamcast was hackable too
@Brendon_SmallThis is Microsoft we're talking about
@Brendon_SmallThe people who if you've fixed your console to play imports doesn't let you log on to Live
DarkonZeroI know of that.....and I found it funny when I heard all the complainers.
@Brendon_SmallIn other words... MS had more security for that kind of stuff
DarkonZeroDreamcast runs off od Windows CE.
@Brendon_Smallunlike Dreamcast who didn't know their ass from their elbow when it came to making online technology
@Brendon_Smallright... that too
DarkonZeroBut....most companies do go to pay to play just to keep cheaters off.
DarkonZeroEven though some do get through even if they play.
DarkonZero-play + pay
@Brendon_Smallwell my point being... i don't see anyone being able to "cheat" through X-Box Live
DarkonZeroSoftware hack.
@Brendon_SmallSee, you're not listening
@Brendon_SmallX-Box = Microsoft
@Brendon_Smallas in "We monitor your X-Box all the frickin' time and if you fuck with us you won't get back on"
* Guest (deep13@Psi-166C91DC.ipt.aol.com) has joined #Deep13
DarkonZeroYeah......Microsoft also runs Asheron's Call......and that has rampant cheaters.
Guestoh that's me
Guesthold up
@Brendon_SmallThat's on PC, though
@Brendon_SmallMS runs MechAssault and nobody cheats off of that.
Guestok, see ya!
* Guest (deep13@Psi-166C91DC.ipt.aol.com) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
@Ocean-Saurianfucking retard
@Brendon_Smallbye Joey
DarkonZeroWell....we'll find out sooner or later.......cause Sony is the provider of the game..and it's their call on what goes with their game.
@Ocean-Saurianif they find a way to screw up that game I will NEVER trust Sony with a damn thing
@Brendon_SmallBut since it'll be on X-Box live, and since no other game so far has an additional payment slapped onto it it's really their call
DarkonZeroYou sure about that?
DarkonZeroCause if they do that....they are gonna piss off a bunch of PC users.
DarkonZeroBusiness is business.
@Brendon_SmallWell a bunch of PC users didn't pay $49.99 to actually connect to X-Box Live for 1 year so who are they to whine?
DarkonZeroAnd I don't think Sony Online Entertainment is gonna roll over for Microsoft and lose a profit.
@Brendon_Smallsee there's two sides to the story
@Brendon_Smallon one hand: if they made it free they'd "piss off the PC users" as you put it since you have to pay for the PC version
@Brendon_Smallon the other: if they made it pay it would be like ripping off the X-Box Live people since every other game made so far has been free to connect to.
DarkonZeroAgain.....business is business.
@Brendon_SmallIn all honesty if X-Box hopes to make a profit off of it they would make it free
DarkonZeroThat's Microsofts deal.....they have the subscription rate for their shit...Sony has the subsciption rate for their shit. PC users have to pay to get online.......and then they are charged again for the game subscription.
DarkonZeroSo.....to sum it up.....Sony is running the servers.....Microsoft isn't.
@Brendon_SmallSony's servers but running through X-Box Live
@Brendon_Smallsee I don't see how Sony should even be involved
DarkonZeroYeah......but it's their option to make it pay to play.....not Microsoft.
@Brendon_SmallThey make Playstation.
@Brendon_Smallwell then they're fucking over microsoft's users
DarkonZeroAgain.....business is business.
DarkonZeroSomebody gets screwed.
@Brendon_Small<Sony Exec> We're giving you the rights to use this game on X-Box Live, but since we're competitors to X-Box, we're gonna take the profit away from you and charge people on top of what you'll be charging them in December to play online.
DarkonZeroBut Sony is screwing over PS2 owners by making the game X-Box exclusive.
@Brendon_Smalland at least the PC people are only paying monthly for the subscription to SWG and their own ISP
DarkonZeroAgain.....Microsoft runs X-Box Live.....Sonry runs the servers for SW Galaxies.
DarkonZeroSony even.
@Brendon_Smallso you figure to use the PC version you'd have to pay the one time $50... since all new PC games are these days.... then probably $30 a month for subscription... and then in my case for my Cable another $40 a month. It's really not worth it
@Brendon_Smallespecially me not playing all that much
@Brendon_Smallthe x-box version would be that... plus whatever Microsoft plans on making the standard yearly fee for Live use after Dec 2003
DarkonZeroYeah.....X-Box has a yearly fee.
DarkonZeroSo I don't see why Sony can;t make a monthly.
DarkonZeroPC users are still getting screwed.
@Brendon_Smallbecause they're gonna make it $30 a month and nobody's gonna want it unless they're friggin 24/7 hardcore gamer
DarkonZeroAnd that's business.
DarkonZeroThe monthly also goes for server upkeep.
@Brendon_SmallYou mean bidness
* Sound request: can't find 'dustyass.wav'
[@Brendon_Small SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'kissass.wav'
[@Brendon_Small SOUND]
@Brendon_Smalli still can't help but laugh at that
DarkonZeroDamn....I'm hungry.
* DarkonZero is now known as DZ{Away}
* DarkonZero has left IRC
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] You are already identified
@Brendon_Small<Bischoff> I'll see you all next week in Panama City.... *2 days later* ..... I just got fucked out of the TV deal by AOL
* Brendon_Small is now known as Sentroid[SLEEPING]
* Disconnected
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** Looking up your hostname...
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** Checking ident...
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** Found your hostname
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** No ident response; username prefixed with ~
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Your nick has been registered with PsiBlade. If you are the owner of this nick, please identify now.
* Attempting to rejoin channel #Deep13
-NickServ- [SYNTAX] /NickServ identify <password>
* Rejoined channel #Deep13
* Topic is '9http://www.deep13.org | http://www.livejournal.com/community/deep13/ | I thought I had heard everything.... and then Johnny Cash went and covered a NIN song. o_O | #Deep13 Radio returns: http://www.deep13.org/listen.pls | R.I.P. Nell Carter'
* Set by RobertoKay on Thu Jan 23 16:10:03
-ChanServ- [#Deep13] Welcome to #deep13. Be sure to visit our website at http://www.deep13.org/ but you probably already knew that.
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Password Accepted - You are now identified
* PrincessLeia2 is on IRC
* DZ{Away} is now known as DarkonZero
* DarkonZero is on IRC
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] You are already identified
* Disconnected
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** Looking up your hostname...
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** Checking ident...
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** Found your hostname
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** No ident response; username prefixed with ~
* Attempting to rejoin channel #Deep13
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Your nick has been registered with PsiBlade. If you are the owner of this nick, please identify now.
* Rejoined channel #Deep13
* Topic is '9http://www.deep13.org | http://www.livejournal.com/community/deep13/ | I thought I had heard everything.... and then Johnny Cash went and covered a NIN song. o_O | #Deep13 Radio returns: http://www.deep13.org/listen.pls | R.I.P. Nell Carter'
* Set by RobertoKay on Thu Jan 23 16:10:03
-NickServ- [SYNTAX] /NickServ identify <password>
-ChanServ- [#Deep13] Welcome to #deep13. Be sure to visit our website at http://www.deep13.org/ but you probably already knew that.
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Password Accepted - You are now identified
* DarkonZero is on IRC
* Min is on IRC
* PrincessLeia2 is on IRC
PrincessLeia2morning DeeZ
DarkonZeroI never thought I was peered.
DarkonZeroYou love to hate him.
DarkonZeroThat's Peer!
* DarkonZero the idiot lad didn't sleep since 2:30 PM yesterday....PST.
@MinWouldn't you love to pee on peer?
DarkonZeroYes....yes I would.
* DarkonZero pees on Peer.
PrincessLeia2it was a ping timeout
DarkonZeroAaaaahhhh.....draining the wizard.
DarkonZeroI still blame it on Peer.
DarkonZero<Peer> Fuck you DZ.
DarkonZero<Peer> No.
DarkonZeroOk...you win this round.
* DarkonZero goes to get some apple juice....
DarkonZeroApple goodness.....mmmmmmm.
* DarkonZero returns.....
DarkonZeroNothing like drinking something that looks like urine in the morning.
@MinThat's why I drink OVALTINE! Or Fruite. They good.
@MinChocolate malt... I love you, maltose...
DarkonZeroDammit....I gotta fight the urge to pre-order Final Fantasy Origins........
DarkonZerohttp://www.gamestop.com/product.asp?product%5Fid=261548 - ONLY $30.....er...plus shipping.
-> [DarkonZero] PING
* Disconnected
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** Looking up your hostname...
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** Found your hostname (cached)
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** Checking ident...
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** No ident response; username prefixed with ~
* Attempting to rejoin channel #Deep13
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Your nick has been registered with PsiBlade. If you are the owner of this nick, please identify now.
* Rejoined channel #Deep13
* Topic is '9http://www.deep13.org | http://www.livejournal.com/community/deep13/ | I thought I had heard everything.... and then Johnny Cash went and covered a NIN song. o_O | #Deep13 Radio returns: http://www.deep13.org/listen.pls | R.I.P. Nell Carter'
* Set by RobertoKay on Thu Jan 23 16:10:03
-NickServ- [SYNTAX] /NickServ identify <password>
-ChanServ- [#Deep13] Welcome to #deep13. Be sure to visit our website at http://www.deep13.org/ but you probably already knew that.
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Password Accepted - You are now identified
PrincessLeia2ping again
DarkonZeroI even pinged myself.
DarkonZeroAnd d/c'ed
DarkonZeroI have a bad connection happening......maybe a reboot is needed.
DarkonZeroI shall return......maybe.
* Disconnected
Session Close: Sun Jan 26 07:46:33 2003
Session Start: Sun Jan 26 07:50:42 2003
Session Ident: #Deep13
* Now talking in #Deep13
* Topic is '9http://www.deep13.org | http://www.livejournal.com/community/deep13/ | I thought I had heard everything.... and then Johnny Cash went and covered a NIN song. o_O | #Deep13 Radio returns: http://www.deep13.org/listen.pls | R.I.P. Nell Carter'
* Set by RobertoKay on Thu Jan 23 16:10:03
-NickServ- [SYNTAX] /NickServ identify <password>
-ChanServ- [#Deep13] Welcome to #deep13. Be sure to visit our website at http://www.deep13.org/ but you probably already knew that.
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Password Accepted - You are now identified
* DarkonZero is on IRC
* Min is on IRC
* PrincessLeia2 is on IRC
DarkonZeroThank you.....you're so kind.....
* DarkonZero starts crying.
-> [DarkonZero] PING
[DarkonZero PING]
[DarkonZero PING reply]: 1sec
-> [DarkonZero] PING
[DarkonZero PING]
[DarkonZero PING reply]: 1sec
* DarkonZero leaves to take a nap or something.
* DarkonZero is now known as DZ{Away}
* DarkonZero has left IRC
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] You are already identified
* Ocean-Saurian is on IRC
* Ocean-Saurian (Ocean-Saur@Psi-2B26012C.ipt.aol.com) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +ohv Ocean-Saurian Ocean-Saurian Ocean-Saurian
* @Ocean-Saurian waltzes into the room with his Audigy sound card
* PrincessLeia2 drops some chocolate and caramel cookies into Ocean-Saurian's tank
* @Ocean-Saurian looks at Leia and munchies on the cookies
PrincessLeia2http://www.serta.com/pages/commericals.html  <-- <3 the penalty commercial
@Ocean-SaurianDo ya have a hang over?
@Ocean-Saurianeat some slightly burnt toast, I promis you it will help
@Ocean-Saurianyour body is running low on carbon, and burnt toast is a good source of carbon
@Ocean-Saurianinfact eating anything will help
PrincessLeia2yeah i should eat something
PrincessLeia2maybe i will make eggs, or french toast %d
@Ocean-SaurianHmm... people seem reluctant to eat burnt toast
@Ocean-Saurianoh Leia
* @Ocean-Saurian pokes Leia
@Ocean-Saurianguess what, hey Leia, guess what, hey hey! *waves arms around* hey guess what?
@Ocean-SaurianI put in the Audigy 2 card all by my little self!
@Ocean-SaurianI am so proud!
PrincessLeia2YAY %)
PrincessLeia2good job
@Ocean-SaurianI thought it was going to be a total bitch to instal (because I had another sound card in there)
PrincessLeia2onboard or another pci card?
@Ocean-Sauriananother pci one
@Ocean-SaurianSee I had on board
@Ocean-Saurianand my friend conned me into getting a 30 doller sound card
@Ocean-Saurianand it sounded like crap
@Ocean-SaurianMy on-board sound card sounded better then the 30 buck POS
PrincessLeia2that's sad
@Ocean-Saurianyeah it was SB too, that was a shocker
PrincessLeia2weird o_O
PrincessLeia2i've always had good luck with SB
@Ocean-SaurianI dunno, maybe the on board sounde card was top of the line
* PrincessLeia2 shrugs
* PrincessLeia2 updates her wng news section : http://www.wallaceandgromit.net/News.html
PrincessLeia2anyway, i need to go wake up Time and go eat food
* @edahs foods
* KAway returns from an unsuccessful trip to the music store
* KAway KServo
* KAway is now known as KServo
* Cal is on IRC
* Cal (~pmccart@Psi-23306EFB.wi.tds.net) has joined #Deep13
KServoHey Cal
* Tigger (Tigger@Psi-3BFF1CC.client.attbi.com) has joined #Deep13
KServohi Tigger
* Tigger waves
* KServo runs off to have her dinner.
* Tigger blinks
@MinShe lives in the UK, foo'/
Tiggerdon't call me foo...i know that..
Tiggeri was just joking
@Ocean-Saurianoh hey Tig
Tiggerhi Ocean-Saurian
* KServo returns again
* Tigger is now known as TigAFK
@Min7,1Min's MUTATED Quote Machine:14,1 * Locdog07 buys an ocarina stuffed with heroine * Locdog07 plays a tune and sees stars <Locdog07> and you wonder why Malon always looked so happy. She's permanently on this stuff. <Locdog07> <Malon> Epona likes it too... *twitch* <Locdog07> <Malon> Go on... play Epona's song... she'll always come...
@Min7,1Min's MUTATED Quote Machine:14,1 <Greidanus> maybe I'll hide my HM64 cart in my personal box of ramen noodles... <DarkAngel> I take the noodles and cover them with the powder, then eat them like a sandwich or something <UrbanD> it's the breakfast of champions
KServo!mquote, search eye
@Minno exclamation point. x_x
* TigAFK (Tigger@Psi-3BFF1CC.client.attbi.com) Quit (Connection timed out)
@Ocean-Saurianwhat the...
* Cal (~pmccart@Psi-23306EFB.wi.tds.net) Quit (Connection reset by peer)
* Cal has left IRC
@Ocean-SaurianMy highschool ring cracked... the hell?
* Cal is on IRC
* Cal (~pmccart@Psi-11AD3866.wi.tds.net) has joined #Deep13
KServoOcean-Saurian: Oops
KServoMin: I can never remember... ^^;
KServomquote, search eye
@Min7,1Quote containing "eye":14,1 * Greidanus whimpers as her eyes flood with tears * Calvin-Crowe watches the room fill with water <Calvin-Crowe> Anus In Wonderland 7,1|14,1 3 7,1out of14,1 243 7,1quotes found.
* Tigger (Tigger@Psi-3BFF1CC.client.attbi.com) has joined #Deep13
* morey|away| (moreyspook@Psi-193196C8.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #Deep13
* @Min eats a peanut butter and fluff sammich.
@Minmarshmallow fluff... mmmm.
@MinIt's more of a New England thing, I believe.
@Min7,1Quote containing "eye":14,1 <HellMacGee> Kat got hold of my one-eyed hamster first. <HellMacGee> Wanna see it? 7,1|14,1 3 7,1out of14,1 243 7,1quotes found.
Tiggerhmm interesting
Tiggernever heard of that before
Tiggerthats why i asked
KServoPeanut butter and Marshmallows?  Ew.
Tiggerone eye'd hamster?
@MinIt's not exactly marshmallow... it's like a gooey white substance made of confectioners' sugar, water and vanilla, I believe. It's mad good.
Tiggerthat sounds interesting
@MinGreat with peanut butter... mmmm...
KServoWhat do you people like about peanut butter anyway?
Tiggeri love peanut butter..lol
@MinIt's like... great!
@Ocean-Saurianwhen I read "gooey" I thought of windows interface... geez I am becoming a nerd
@MinI love you, Mr. George Washington Carver... I hope to whatever god there is out there... (Harry Thunderer or Cosmic Muffin...) that you're in some afterlife paradise... the people in his time thought peanuts were only good for crop rotation and hog feed... but he invented prolly hundreds of uses for the peanut...
@MinHis crowning achievement, being peanut butter.
* edahs (~Mystic@.) Quit (Connection reset by peer)
KServoI can't stand the taste of peanut butter.  It just smells like processed poop to me.
@MinAnd it was even more revolutionary that he was African American. African Americans back then weren't SUPPOSED to be inventors.
@MinMaybe British peanut butter sucks? Dunno. I could send you a jar of Jif or Peter Pan. XD
* not_shade (~Mystic@.) has joined #Deep13
@Ocean-SaurianI fear peanut butter more then a nuke
@Ocean-Saurianpeanut butter has SO many carconogenics it isn't funny
@MinEverything is a carcinogen, if you think about it. :P
* not_shade is now known as shade
* ChanServ sets mode: +ohv shade shade shade
@MinToo much of anything isn't good, and can be considered carcinogenic.
@Ocean-Saurianright but peanut butter and resin (a man made carcinogenic) smell the same
@MinDepends on what kind of resin you mean. There's natural resins and man-made ones. :P
@Mini.e. Completely dried sap from a conifer is considered a legitimate resin...
@Ocean-SaurianI mean the white resin people use for molding things
@Ocean-Saurianwhite/yellow/cream color
@Ocean-SaurianI mean, peanut butter is more likly to cause cancer then corn on the cob that's my point
* @Min shrugs
Tiggerahh well...i dont care..lol
@MinDepends on where the peanuts are grown.
Tiggerif i get cancer or something like that...maybe it was supposed to happen that way..
CalIf the peanuts are from Chernobyl, cancer is likely
@MinYeah, what with the modern world and the shit we pump into this biosphere every day.
Cal"Three Mile Island brand Peanuts"
CalActually, we don't put that much filth into the air
@Min"Straight from the reactor to you!"
CalVolcanoes are the main problem
@MinI know. Especially compared to the last two centuries.
CalI'd like to see Greenpeace try to plug up the volcanoes
@Ocean-Saurianglobal warming=fraud
CalThat would be very funny though
Cal"Greenpeace is being sued for 14 trillion dollars for starting over 12,000 earthquakes around the globe"
@MinBut still... volcanoes are natural. They may have an effect, but remember: the planet's gone under many changes in the past, without human influence.
CalCome on...we've only been monitoring the ozone layer for 20 years
@Ocean-Saurian<Greenpeace> hmm... think a giant cork would work?
Caland the earth has been around at least for a few decades before that
@Ocean-SaurianWhat do you guys think about global warming? If anything we should be worried of another ice age IMHO
CalSo what?
@MinThis planet used to harbor carbon and ammonia-based lifeforms before natural processes started to react with the methane in the atmosphere and the seas of ammonia.
@MinThe oxygen and water being produced was hazardous to this simple life in the ammonia oceans and died out. It's been proven.
CalI can hear it now
@MinSuch microfossils were found.
Cal"Greenpeace sues Earth for causing greenhouse gasses"
@Ocean-Saurianwow first room I started to talk about global cooling and nobody called me crazy
@Ocean-Saurian<Cal> Crazy
@Ocean-Saurian<Min> Crazy
@Ocean-Saurian<Tigger> Hrmm
CalOh...if you want to see some real loonies
@Ocean-Saurian<Cal> www.ocean-saurian.com
CalSomeone emailed me a link to this...
CalTheir way of protesting against global warming is to stand outside gas stations made up to look like tigers
@Ocean-Saurianthe fuck...
CalGee...do I see a connection?
CalIf I saw them doing that, I'd just go up and say...
@Ocean-Saurian...I sure as hell don...oh wait, yeah nevermind
CalMorse code for
* @Ocean-Saurian starts to cry from looking at a pic
@Ocean-Saurianhttp://www.bodypainting.co.uk/portfolio/bodypainting2/spiderman.html (nude)
CalI'm not even going to look at that
@Ocean-SaurianI'll never be the same
@Ocean-SaurianIt's like looking at goatse
CalWTF is with this site? An overweight naked man painted like Spiderman
* Tigger stays far far away from that site
@Ocean-SaurianNow you know why I was crying!
Calno shit
* RobertoKay is on IRC
* RobertoKay (hquiej@Oper.PsiBlade.net) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +aohv RobertoKay RobertoKay RobertoKay RobertoKay
KServoOh, it was in the news a couple of months ago about those guys dressing up like tigers and standing outside the petrol stations, and I just thought 'What the?'.  These people are seriously scary, and must be hunted down at all costs.
KServoAnd the amazing thing is that these people haven't died yet from standing outside in the cold.  I mean, it's freezing WITH clothes on, dammit.
@Ocean-SaurianKServo their love for mother nature keeps them warm
CalI wonder what made them think Exxon would actually take them seriously?
@Ocean-Saurianwho knows
KServoThe fact that nobody who's anybody would actually paint themselves orange and stand in front of a petrol pump in the nuddy.
@Ocean-SaurianI would!
CalAt least they're not fully naked in those
KServoBut still...
@Ocean-Saurianheh, like that spiderman... ugh...
Cal"Daddy, there is a man in his underpants dressed as a tiger"
* KServo shudders
KServoWell, fine then, the fact that nobody who's anybody would actually paint themselves orange and stand in front of a petrol pump in the DAMN NEAR nuddy.
@Ocean-Saurian"Daddy, my teacher says we can be anything we want... and I go in the nude and be a tiger too?!"
CalKServo, where are you from?
KServoReet up north, pet.
KServoNorth England.
KServooh what?
CalYou have to watch out for the loonies, then.
Calthe nuddy spiderman loonies
KServoWatch out?  I live 15 minutes away from a town that is absolutely crazy.  And stupid.
KServoWhere they think futuristic is something out of a Flash Gordon comic.
KServoThe outside of the shopping centre was done in the 1970s, and they thought that it would look all 'cool' and 'great' to have it done in small white rectangular slabs.  You have to see it to understand, but the statue of the woman in a short dress carrying a small child in one arm and a load of bags in the other speaks for itself.
KServoThen there's the scallys and moshers.  Don't let me get started about them. O_0
@Ocean-Saurianwhat the heck are Moshers?
KServoMoshers, grungies, scary kids/older teens who glare menacingly at you and wear chains from every pocket and orifice on their face.  Except their mouth, for breathing reasons.
@Ocean-SaurianBreathing... you guys BREATH in england? the hell is wrong with you people?
* morey|away| (moreyspook@Psi-193196C8.dyn.optonline.net) Quit (Quit: you didn't tell me this ws a synthesizer)
KServoOne kid in the Boys' Junior section of our school got ribs broken by a scally/mosher with a chain.  The kid who beat him up was only ten.
CalAt least they're not nuddy at school
Calor am I unfortunately wrong?
KServoBeing nude at school isn't allowed, I don't think.  But maybe on non-uniform days (i.e. once in a milennia) you could stick on a pair of underoos (and a top) and paint yourself whatever colour you want, as long as it's school colours.
@RobertoKayYou don't think?
@RobertoKayBTW, anyone wanna add or update their pic for public display on Deep13.org?
KServoDarn, knew I had to do something this weekend x_x
CalNot I
CalI'm fine with the "Servo and me" picture
@Ocean-SaurianThat's no frickin servo! heh
Tiggeryeah..i just had my pic put on there..lol
@Ocean-SaurianRob's hair looks blue...
CalRobby, are you going for the "Jack Torrance, the psychopath" look?
CalYou look damn evil in that photo.
Tiggerdude...in that pic of mine..thats on there...my hair was blue..lol
Tiggerits hard to tell tho...
@Ocean-Saurianoh huh... it is
Tiggeri had blue spiking gel in my hair..and it was like really dark blue..but yeah...lol
@Ocean-Saurianmin needs to changer her pixilated pic
KServoI feel all guilty with not having a picture to send in or anything.
@Ocean-Sauriangod damn, I have such a hubbub name...
CalAt least it's not Poindexter Smith
@Ocean-SaurianJoey Riley... and then there is names like, Lyz Krumbach, John J. Galbo, Jeff Zehnder
Calit's not Bobby Plank
Tiggeri had a cow named riley..lol
KServoOr Edward Woodward.
KServoIf you don't know the joke to that, you don't need to know.
@Ocean-SaurianMy name was actually on All In the Family... Mike and Gloria named their Child "Joseph Micheal Stivic" and my name is "Joseph Micheal Riley" that's odd...
CalSo, you're Meathead?
@Ocean-SaurianWHOA! It's snowing!
CalWhat state (as in geography) are you in?
Tiggerits not cold enough to snow here
@Ocean-Saurianat like... a 30 degree angle
KServog2g, night all.
KServoOh, and for more information on scallys, moshers, townies and other plagues of British society, look at http://www.dotvsdot.co.uk/vs/0/1715.html
* KServo (~creaturec@Psi-1B6A833E.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk) has left #Deep13
@Ocean-SaurianSee ya
@Ocean-SaurianI am in VA
@Ocean-SaurianNorth VA
CalThat means north georgia will probably get some
* Cal looks outside
@Ocean-SaurianYou live in Georgia? Hmm...
Tiggerit was snowing in northern south carolina the other day
CalIt's clear
CalIt snowed last night, though
@Ocean-SaurianThat's not too far away from where I live... my family has driven to Georgia before
@Ocean-SaurianI'll come visit you cal!
@Ocean-Saurian<Cal> Dear lord... save me
CalSorry, I had to order some barbed wire and gates for my house
CalYou were saying?
* Turquoise (~java@Psi-2384FB2A.malvrn01.pa.comcast.net) has joined #Deep13
@Ocean-Saurianhey Turquoise
Turquoisehah didn't think i'd come back
* Tigger blinks
CalHey Turk
Turquoisebut... when the dramatic monologue i hafta write for english surfaced in my mind... i needed SOMETHING to cover it up
Turquoiseso what's up yall
@Ocean-Saurianwhy didn't you think you would come back?
@Ocean-Sauriandid you hate us?
Turquoisehaha no
@RobertoKayAnd who are you?
@Ocean-Saurianwhy did you hate us?
@Ocean-SaurianWHY DO YOU HATE ME!
Turquoisei meant, so soon
@RobertoKayBecause everyone hates you, Joey.
Turquoiseso.... what are yall doing...
@Ocean-Sauriangoofing off
CalI'm deciding whether I want to work on video editing or my website
@RobertoKayI'm supposed to be cleaning.
@RobertoKayAnd now that Cal mentions "website"...
Turquoisehehe. fun. im just avoiding hw...
CalI forgot about that
Tiggerlol..i'm cleaning..avoiding homework..and like trying not to hurt myself anymore
Turquoiseheh. you guys in high school, college, or beyond?
Cal<- senior in high school
CalIt's about damn time, too.
@Ocean-Saurianit's a bitch
Tiggersenior in high school
Turquoisehah. damn. i'm in the hellish junior year.
Tiggeri just filled out my financial aid application for college for next year too..
@Ocean-SaurianJunior year was actually my best year
Turquoisewhere'd you apply?
Tiggerand almost done filling out college appllications
Tiggeri'm applying to 5 colleges
Turquoisewell i like junior year but it's tons of work, esp with 5 AP's
Turquoisewhere where
TiggerCalifornia Polytechnic State University, Oregon State University, Washington State University, South Dakota State University, and University of Arkansas
Tiggermy senior year is turning out to be extremely difficult..but i am getting like really good grades..so i am happy..lol
Turquoisecool cool
* Tigger nods
Turquoisei have a huge chunk of skin that just fell off my thumb... isn't THAT cool...
* RobertoKay changes topic to '9http://www.deep13.org <-- Every URL is here. | What's this about a bowl that's so super that's happening today?'
Turquoisehaha... i'm having a party
Turquoisea commercial-watching party, that is.
* Ocean-Saurian (Ocean-Saur@Psi-2B26012C.ipt.aol.com) Quit (Ping timeout)
* Ocean-Saurian has left IRC
Tiggereww...not as bad as my nasty open flesh wounds on both of my ankles..lol
Tiggerstupid roller blades chewed my skin off..lol
* Sentroid[SLEEPING] (servo911@Oper.PsiBlade.net) Quit (Ping timeout)
Turquoisehaha i haven't rollerbladed in like... 10 years. heh
@RobertoKayTurquoise, I didn't take the time to notice this, but...
Turquoisehah.. yeah
Turquoiseeh... i deal...
Turquoisethe sickest part is
Turquoisei had a 97 average first marking period
Turquoiseand i'm currently #1 or 2 in my class of 400ish
Turquoiseand... as you can see... i don't exactly work that hard... homework is secondary to like, everything else in my life.
* Sentroid[SLEEPING] (~servo911@Psi-3E986347.midltn01.nj.comcast.net) has joined #Deep13
* Sentroid[SLEEPING] injects poison into #Deep13
* Sound request: can't find 'nwo.wav'
@RobertoKayStill asleep?
* Disconnected
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** Looking up your hostname...
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** Checking ident...
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** Couldn't resolve your hostname; using your IP address instead
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** No ident response; username prefixed with ~
* Attempting to rejoin channel #Deep13
* Rejoined channel #Deep13
* Topic is '9http://www.deep13.org <-- Every URL is here. | What's this about a bowl that's so super that's happening today?'
* Set by RobertoKay on Sun Jan 26 13:26:09
* Cal O_O's
Turquoiseyeah  i got 4 on bio, 5 on euro... this year i'll be taking three, next year prob like 6 or 7(tests, that is)
@RobertoKayYeah. American History, English Language, English Literature, Art History, American/Comparitive Government.
* Cal is on IRC
* Min is on IRC
* PrincessLeia2 is on IRC
* RobertoKay is on IRC
Turquoiseenglish language-- how'd you do on that?
@RobertoKayMultiple choice blows.
Turquoisethat class is sooo weird
Turquoisewe just took an AP test as our midterm, i SWEAR i failed. turquoise's first F....
@RobertoKayAmerican History and Art History were a breeze.
@RobertoKayFive and four respectively.
* shade (~Mystic@.) Quit (CA1.US.PsiBlade.net TX.US.PsiBlade.net)
* praxis (~praxis@Psi-31171F76.nyc.rr.com) Quit (CA1.US.PsiBlade.net TX.US.PsiBlade.net)
* Peacimowen (~Taiyoushi@Psi-3BEDA166.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) Quit (CA1.US.PsiBlade.net TX.US.PsiBlade.net)
* ChanServ (Services@psiblade.net) Quit (CA1.US.PsiBlade.net TX.US.PsiBlade.net)
* Tigger (Tigger@Psi-3BFF1CC.client.attbi.com) Quit (CA1.US.PsiBlade.net TX.US.PsiBlade.net)
* PrincessLeia2 (~Lanfear2@Admin.PsiBlade.net) Quit (CA1.US.PsiBlade.net TX.US.PsiBlade.net)
* PrincessLeia2 has left IRC
* Min (~avasquez@Psi-26525BE8.ply.adelphia.net) Quit (CA1.US.PsiBlade.net TX.US.PsiBlade.net)
* Min has left IRC
@RobertoKayAnd to tell the truth, I can't remember much about Art History.
@RobertoKayBut I'm smart enough to know a netsplit when I see one.
Turquoisehehe.. i'm not into art at all
Turquoisei think i better go tho
Turquoiseif i wanna be productive and get my english thing done.. and still have a party tonight.. yeah.
* Disconnected
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** Looking up your hostname...
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** Checking ident...
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** Found your hostname
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** No ident response; username prefixed with ~
* Attempting to rejoin channel #Deep13
* Rejoined channel #Deep13
* Topic is '9http://www.deep13.org <-- Every URL is here. | What's this about a bowl that's so super that's happening today?'
* Set by RobertoKay on Sun Jan 26 13:26:09
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Your nick has been registered with PsiBlade. If you are the owner of this nick, please identify now.
-NickServ- [SYNTAX] /NickServ identify <password>
-ChanServ- [#Deep13] Welcome to #deep13. Be sure to visit our website at http://www.deep13.org/ but you probably already knew that.
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Password Accepted - You are now identified
* Cal is on IRC
* Min is on IRC
* Ocean-Saurian is on IRC
* PrincessLeia2 is on IRC
* PrincessLeia2 wanders
* Tigger wonders
* Tigger is now known as TigAFK
* DZ{Away} is now known as DarkonZero
* DarkonZero is on IRC
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] You are already identified
* Sentroid[SLEEPING] has returned.
* Sentroid[SLEEPING] is now known as Sentroid91
* Sentroid91 is on IRC
* ChanServ sets mode: +qohv Sentroid91 Sentroid91 Sentroid91 Sentroid91
@Sentroid91I'm a pretty lady
DarkonZeroOne day...someone will take your word for it.
@Sentroid91I sure hope so.
* @Sentroid91 fixes the Radio
* TigAFK is now known as Tigger
@MinI don't see why people like to watch sports so much... oy.
@Ocean-Saurianme either
CalI used to watch the Super Bowl for commercials and halftime
* Tigger shrugs
Tiggeri only want to watch the halftime show..lol
Tiggerto figure out who is supposed to be in it
@Ocean-Saurianwhat's the half time show?
DarkonZeroI don't see why ESPN has to have commentators at televised Magic: The Gathering tourneys.
CalWell, commercialization makes me sick and I don't want to see Steve Tyler warble
* @Sentroid91 pokes people with his hockey stick. :P
CalHockey rules, though
CalBecause of the intentional violence :D
@Sentroid91It's the closest you can get to Rollerball. :D
DarkonZeroI was at a televised hockey game once.......too many fucking commercial breaks ruined the game for me.
* Disconnected
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** No ident response; username prefixed with ~
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** Looking up your hostname...
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** Found your hostname (cached)
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** Checking ident...
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** No ident response; username prefixed with ~
* Attempting to rejoin channel #Deep13
* Rejoined channel #Deep13
* Topic is '9http://www.deep13.org <-- Every URL is here. | What's this about a bowl that's so super that's happening today?'
* Set by RobertoKay on Sun Jan 26 13:26:09
* @Sentroid91 checks Min into the corner
* Cal is on IRC
* DarkonZero is on IRC
* Min is on IRC
* Ocean-Saurian is on IRC
* PrincessLeia2 is on IRC
* Sentroid91 is on IRC
-> [DarkonZero] PING
DarkonZeroDammit....I'm laggin.
* Disconnected
Session Close: Sun Jan 26 14:19:17 2003
Session Start: Sun Jan 26 16:32:02 2003
Session Ident: #Deep13
* Now talking in #Deep13
* Topic is '9http://www.deep13.org <-- Every URL is here. | What's this about a bowl that's so super that's happening today? --- Well it's super cause they'll be showing 30 sec commercials of The Hulk, Terminator 3, and Matrix Reloaded tonight. :D'
* Set by Sentroid92 on Sun Jan 26 14:37:56
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Your nick has been registered with PsiBlade. If you are the owner of this nick, please identify now.
-NickServ- [SYNTAX] /NickServ identify <password>
-ChanServ- [#Deep13] Welcome to #deep13. Be sure to visit our website at http://www.deep13.org/ but you probably already knew that.
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Password Accepted - You are now identified
* Cal is on IRC
* DarkonZero is on IRC
* Min is on IRC
* PrincessLeia2 is on IRC
* RobertoKay is on IRC
* Sentroid91 is on IRC
CalThere is already a webpage with screencaps from the trailer
DarkonZeronever know when you need to throw a tank...especially across a desert.
@RobertoKayIn jail.
CalIn jair
DarkonZeroI already seen that.
DarkonZerohttp://chicanery.akware.net/ <- the site where it came from.
* Rubicant (~Firefiend@Psi-1F261BA3.sub3.oplnk.net) has joined #Deep13
* bieeeeee is now known as bieeeeee|out
* Rubicant refuses to watch anything sports related....
-> [DarkonZero] PING
[DarkonZero PING]
[DarkonZero PING reply]: 1sec
@RobertoKayI thought the Super Bowl was a billion-dollar commercialization ploy, though.
DarkonZeroIt is.
Rubicantit really is.
@RobertoKayYou know, Austin Powers was funny before it became a commercialization vehicle for large corporations.
RubicantShaggadelic baby.
@RobertoKayOtherwise, by itself, it's a pretty funny movie.
@RobertoKayBut it's not as funny when it's used to sell Pepsi.
CalGoldmember wasn't even that funny outside of the intro
* Rubicant watches two fat ladies marathon
Rubicantanyone want to buy a 5 user copy of Norton Antivirus Corporate Edition?
CalJust not here
-> [DarkonZero] PING
[DarkonZero PING]
[DarkonZero PING reply]: 2secs
@RobertoKayOh. And I don't care about Beyonce Knowles.
CalGoldfinger is a lot funnier
Caland it's not even a comedy
@RobertoKayAnd it won't goad you into buying things.
CalHowever, I'm going to crush someone's skull if they do a commercial with "I don't expect you to talk, I expect you to - gap - buy this Happy Meal!"
@RobertoKayMy worst fear is if someone decides to parody "1984".
* DarkonZero makes a commercial where it does what Cal said.
Cal& The Magic Band-Aid
Cali inventd tomattos give me money
* DarkonZero is now known as DZ{Away}
* DarkonZero has left IRC
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] You are already identified
* @Sentroid91 returns
* Min (~avasquez@Psi-26525BE8.ply.adelphia.net) Quit (Connection timed out)
* Min has left IRC
@Sentroid91remind me later, i'm gonna make a list of all the commercials and have everyone vote on best, worst, and funniest
* @Sentroid91 goes back downstairs
* Disconnected
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** Looking up your hostname...
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** Checking ident...
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** Found your hostname
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** No ident response; username prefixed with ~
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Your nick has been registered with PsiBlade. If you are the owner of this nick, please identify now.
-NickServ- [SYNTAX] /NickServ identify <password>
* Attempting to rejoin channel #Deep13
* Rejoined channel #Deep13
* Topic is '9http://www.deep13.org <-- Every URL is here. | What's this about a bowl that's so super that's happening today? --- Well it's super cause they'll be showing 30 sec commercials of The Hulk, Terminator 3, and Matrix Reloaded tonight. :D'
* Set by Sentroid92 on Sun Jan 26 14:37:56
* Cal is on IRC
* PrincessLeia2 is on IRC
* RobertoKay is on IRC
* Sentroid91 is on IRC
-ChanServ- [#Deep13] Welcome to #deep13. Be sure to visit our website at http://www.deep13.org/ but you probably already knew that.
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Password Accepted - You are now identified
CalSNL Halftime?
@Sentroid91SNL Halftime Halftime show
* Rubicant (~Firefiend@Psi-1F261BA3.sub3.oplnk.net) Quit (Quit: )
* Sentroid91 changes topic to '9http://www.deep13.org <-- Every URL is here. | What's this about a bowl that's so super that's happening today? --- Well it's super cause they'll be showing 30 sec commercials of The Hulk, Terminator 3, and Matrix Reloaded tonight. | <Al Sharpton> I will not rest until there's a black Keebler elf in tha'
* Sentroid91 changes topic to '9http://www.deep13.org <-- Every URL is here. | What's this about a bowl that's so super that's happening today? | <Al Sharpton> I will not rest until there's a black Keebler elf in that cartoon tree.'
CalDid Al Sharpton really say that?
@Sentroid91On SNL Halftime.
@Sentroid91Tracy Morgan
@Sentroid91wow. Apple.com already has The Hulk and Bruce Almighty superbowl spots
CalBruce Almighty is dumb
Calunless the movie miraculasly (no pun intended) is better
@Sentroid91you're dumb
Caland to think Steve Oedekerk wrote part of it
@Sentroid91it looks funnt
Calit better not be 40 minutes of a dog using the toilet.
@Sentroid91The cat doesn't have thumbs, Focker
CalOh yeah?
@RobertoKayInterception Bowl I
@Sentroid91Technically this is my commercail
* KonEl (heylo@Psi-22D3982E.pubip.gamewood.net) has joined #Deep13
KonElis everyone dead here?
@Sentroid91Or they're watching the Bowl
@bieeeeee|outteh sux0r bowl
* bieeeeee|out is now known as bieeeeee
* @bieeeeee was away 1.556944 hours. (93.416667 minutes) or (5605 seconds).
@Sentroid91or the commercials. :D
@bieeeeeeMatrix: reloaded
@Sentroid91teh HULK
* @Sentroid91 throws a tank at Bie
KonElThere was a Hulk commercial?
@RobertoKayInterception Bowl.
@RobertoKayAnd ye.
@Sentroid91Apple.com already has it online
@RobertoKayThere was an announcer named "Bob Trumpy" many a moon ago.
@RobertoKayThat's funny on a few levels.
* @bieeeeee gets tanked?
* Rubicant (~Rubicant@Psi-1F261BA3.sub3.oplnk.net) has joined #Deep13
@Sentroid91yay. more commercials
@Sentroid91Anyone watch those last few commercials?
@Sentroid91you all suck ass.
* @RobertoKay did.
@Sentroid91bout time
@RobertoKayI strangely found the Coors one kinda funny.
@Sentroid91Did you get one with Perry Mason and office supplies?
@RobertoKayPerry. Mason.
* @RobertoKay goes back to his shell.
@Sentroid91nevermind... even though you weren't helping
* KonEl isn't watching the bowl
* @RobertoKay is curious about the mysterious smoke coming from the I-10.
@RobertoKayOr I think it's smoke.
CalIt's coming from Mep's bong
@RobertoKayIt's definitely smoke.
@Sentroid91It's your head from not making any sense
@RobertoKayOtherwise, two L.A.F.D trucks wouldn't have just passed by my place.
@RobertoKayShut up. It's not like I made a feasible attempt to do so in the first place.
@RobertoKayI blame the smoke.
@RobertoKayAnd the L.A.F.D.
* @RobertoKay thinks he'll get the camera ready for any explosions.
KonElah my webpage still exists
KonElI figured geocities would have closed it by now
@Sentroid91Nooo... I asked you a question and you replied with "The Coors one was funny"
@Sentroid91Luckily Sabby answered my question
@Sentroid91And then some.
@RobertoKayWouldn't that have implied something regarding your request?
Rubicantwow...theres some screwed up people at the Super bowl...
RubicantSAN DIEGO, Jan. 26 —  With his Darth Vader helmet, black cloak, spikes and light saber, die-hard Oakland Raiders fan Charles Ybarra quickly caught the attention of Super Bowl security screeners.
@Sentroid91It implied that you were ignoring me.
Rubicant 4th QTR (12:12) 1 2 3 4 T  
RubicantOAKLAND RAIDERS 3 0 6 6 15
RubicantTAMPA BAY BUCCANEERS 3 17 14 0 34
@RobertoKaySent, shut up.
@Sentroid91The Coors was funny, Rob.
@RobertoKayQuiet, I'm busy paying attention to the fire.
Rubicantwhat son fire?
@Sentroid91There's a fire in his Coors, Rubi.
* Rubicant (~Rubicant@Psi-1F261BA3.sub3.oplnk.net) Quit (Quit: )
@Sentroid91Anyone who isn't dead, retarded, drunk, stoned, or ignoring me on purpose: Did ya catch that last Budweiser commercial?
@Sentroid91why not?
CalI wasn't watching the Superbowl
@Sentroid91ok then....
@Sentroid91Anyone who isn't dead, retarded, drunk, stoned, ignoring me on purpose, or stupid enough not to actually watch the Super Bowl... even if only for the commercials: Did ya catch that last Budweiser commercial?
@Sentroid91why not?
KonElnot watching the bowl
CalCommericals with humor are simply done to hide their commercialization
@Sentroid91Anyone who isn't dead, retarded, drunk, stoned, ignoring me on purpose, or stupid enough not to actually watch the Super Bowl... even if only for the commercials: Did ya catch that last Budweiser commercial?
@Sentroid91note that lastone
@Sentroid91It means "Don't answer me if you're not watching because you are an idiot."
KonEldidn't notice that last part
KonElAnd I'm not watching it because I hate football
@Sentroid91I'm not much of a fan either, but i'm pretty much ignoring it so I can watch the commercials.
* @Sentroid91 = Not an idiot O:-)
@Sentroid91And Cal = idiot because he's determined that a movie is "dumb" simply by watching a 30 second trailer
@Sentroid91oops... time for commercials
KonElwhat movie?
@Sentroid91Bruce Almighty
CalI saw the full trailer before TTT, too.
CalI hope I'm wrong
CalThe Two Towers, you blockhead.
@Sentroid91It's called Lord of the Rings, genius
* Rubicant (~rubicant@163532C8.987D73B2.2712C725.IP) has joined #Deep13
CalWell, when I think of Lord of the Rings, I think of the animated version from the 1970's
@Sentroid91The Hobbit
KonElwhat movie/
KonElwhat movie did Cal say is dumb?
@Sentroid91Bruce Almighty
KonElnever heard of it
@Sentroid91coming out this summer
@Sentroid91Jim Carrey gets God-type powers
@Sentroid91looks pretty funnt
KonEland I've seen Lord of the rings 2 and I don't remember a trailer for that
CalIt was one of a gazillion before The Two Towers where I saw it
KonElI do want to know who's in Dumb and Dumber's prequel
CalThere was like 20 minutes of trailers X_x
@Sentroid91Dumb and Dumberer
KonElI found it
* Turquoise (~java@Psi-2384FB2A.malvrn01.pa.comcast.net) has joined #Deep13
KonEldon't know who these people are but it isn't the right people
KonElHi Turqouise
Turquoisewhat's up?
Turquoise(the most generic question EVER)
@Sentroid91not much of anything.
Turquoise(followed by the most generic answer EVER)
@Sentroid91yay. more commercials
Turquoiseit's gonna be the bucs
Turquoiseif the raiders had started their comeback like 5 min earlier in the game, they'd have a chance
Turquoisebut their offense woke up a bit too late
@Sentroid91shame i'm not really paying attention... except for the commercials
Turquoiseditto. i had a girls-only commercial watching party... we watched mst3k during the game
@Sentroid91You're the one from last night, no?
@Sentroid91and you were using AOL instead of Comcast? o_O
Turquoisehuh? i haven't used AOL in years...
KonElawesome A new Evil Dead game
@Sentroid91Guest was deep13@ACAFA5BE.ipt.aol.com * Deep13.org Visitor
@Sentroid91Guest using PA.US.PsiBlade.net Sun Jan 26 01:25:28 2003
@Sentroid91that isn't you?
Turquoisehmm, nope...
Turquoisei don't use aol
Turquoisei use comcast.... always..
* @Sentroid91 shrugs
@Sentroid91Yeah, so do I
@Sentroid91so where'd you find us from?
Turquoisewell.. i've recently become re-obsessed w/ mst3k.. and my favorite line ever is "tag, you're god" from the brain that wouldn't die... and i typed it into google
Turquoiseand this site came up as having the audio
Turquoiseand voila
@Sentroid91ah.... mst3k.org... Jo's
@Sentroid91Eh... that's ok... I got one person on mine last night. :D
KonElevil dead meets state of emergency
@Sentroid91old news. XP
* @Sentroid91 turns around
@Sentroid91Oh... looks like Tampa won.
Turquoisehah... THAT wasn't surprising...
Turquoiseit's not over yet
Turquoiseat least, not on my tv...
@Sentroid91Well.. unless Oakland can magically get 21 points in 20 seconds
@Sentroid91excuse me.... 29
Turquoisehaha... much different...
Turquoisethat makes me feel better bout the eags losing to them last week
* @Sentroid91 wishes SNL Halftime were still on
Turquoiseew halftime was terrible
@Sentroid91I bet it was...
@Sentroid91I'm talking about the SNL one on NBC
Turquoisewait, SNL?
Turquoisedamn, didn't watch... should've.
Turquoisedidn't know about it.
@Sentroid91Funny as hell
@Sentroid91<Al Sharpton> I will not rest until there's a black Keebler elf in that cartoon tree.
@Sentroid91And Jimmy Fallon's band was a lot better than listening to Shania. :D
Turquoisehmm anyone ever read faulkner's "as i lay dying," or hawthorne's "scarlet letter"?
@Sentroid91can't say that I have
Turquoiseseriously, not even scarlet letter?
Turquoisewow... do you read at all?
@Sentroid91I don't know how to read or write
Turquoisehaha as is evident by your participation in this chat
@Sentroid91No... I kid
@Sentroid91I've read many a book... just not either of those two.
KonElI gtg
KonElbye peoples
* KonEl (heylo@Psi-22D3982E.pubip.gamewood.net) Quit (Quit: Myth go Buy Bye)
Turquoisei see... i woulda thought everyone had to read it
Turquoisein high school
@Sentroid91What? In high school?
Turquoiseit's a great book... though i'm the only person out of  the 80 people who had my teacher who liked it... but hey. it's not a classic for no reason.
@Sentroid91In High School I read: To Kill a Mockingbird, Tale of Two Cities, Hunchback of Notre Dame, Julius Caesar, Romeo and Juliet, The Time Machine, and a few others
Turquoisehm.. guess i can't get any homework help HERE, then, heh
@Sentroid91Get the Cliff Notes.... that's how I read Tale of Two Cities. :D
CalTo Kill A Mockingbird is a great book
CalIt's one of the few that is as good as it's touted to be
@Sentroid91in jail
Calin jair
Turquoisehaha, no i've read all the books
CalRead The Maltese Falcon and The Thin Man, too
Turquoisei just hafta write a dramatic monologue about a guy in as i lay dying who's based off a guy in scarlet letter
Cal"HOBOKEN! Oooooh! I'm dying here!"
Turquoiseanyone here religious?
@Sentroid91sort of
Turquoisehow does the beginning of a sermon usually begin?
CalI'm Catholic.
@Sentroid91The priest walks in with his alterboys
* Cal slaps Sentroid91 with a brick
@Sentroid91and then everyone sits down
@Sentroid91what? i'm not wrong
Turquoisei mean, a sermon, not a service
Turquoiselike, the big speech they give with religious meaning? this ringing a bell?
CalWell, at my parrish, the pastor starts off talking
CalThat's it
CalUsually, it's a joke
@Sentroid91The preist or someone starts off by saying "A reading from...."
Turquoisehm... ah screw it
CalThat's the gospel
Turquoiseim not gonna write it tomorrow
Turquoisei mean
Turquoisemy dramatic monologue is from the pov of a minister
@Sentroid91Can't Bon Jovi write a new hit song? This song is like 2 years old now.
@Sentroid91It's like... why not get Ricky Martin to perform on the post-show?
Turquoisei'm not watching anymore, i have my winamp blasting
@Sentroid91which reminds me... I wonder if the damn Radio bcast is still running....
Turquoiseradio bcast?
Calin jair?
@Sentroid91We have our own Radio Broadcast that you can listen to on WinAmp
Turquoisehah. i'm soo naive about all this crap
Turquoise"we" = who?
@Sentroid91I have to restart the feed, though. the computer's broked
Turquoisei seee...
* Turquoise is confused
@Sentroid91what's to be confused about? We stream mp3s
* Min is on IRC
* Min (~avasquez@Psi-26525BE8.ply.adelphia.net) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +ohv Min Min Min
Turquoisethe we, the whole process here
* @Min breathes a sigh of relief, crawls over the couch and falls head-first onto the floor, shouting, "HIIII-OW!!"
Turquoiseyou guys have like a system
@Sentroid91We = #Deep13.
@Sentroid91we're a group of sorts
Turquoisei... see... (said the blind woman)
@Sentroid91I've been coming here for 5 years.... I hope that gives you some idea about the We thing
@Sentroid91ah.. there goes the radio
@Sentroid91if you wanna listen in, just go to Open, Location and type deep13.org:8432
@Sentroid91in winamo
* praxis (~praxis@23B25EAC.EFE653FB.4303345E.IP) has joined #Deep13
Turquoiseheh... maybe sometime, but right now i have a pretty good playlist going
@Sentroid91ok then
Turquoiseso are you college or beyond?
@Sentroid91Beyond..... the beginning of college.... somewhere in the middle of that. :D
Turquoiseheh.. so where do you go?
@Sentroid91I'm in a County College
@Sentroid91How about you? College?
Turquoisehigh school..... the unfortunate abyss...
Turquoisehence why i am writing a stupid paper
@Sentroid91Senior? Junior? Freshman?
@Sentroid91so that would make you about... 17.... 18... am I right? ...probably not. :E
Turquoiseyes. i feel like if i say it creatively, it will seem more exciting. but it never really does.
@Sentroid91I'm not usually right with age stuff
* Turquoise (~java@Psi-2384FB2A.malvrn01.pa.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: HabberNet JavaChat -- http://www.habber.net/chat)
@Sentroid91wow... apparently Tampa winning was BREAKING NEWS for CNN
CalLike breaking YOUr neck?
@Sentroid91Like kicking youare ass
Calyouare a moron
@Sentroid91youare motherbitch
* DZ{Away} is now known as DarkonZero
* DarkonZero is on IRC
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] You are already identified
DarkonZeroAw fuck.....crap movie on.
DarkonZeroWell...it's a crap movie after watching it a few hundred times.
@Sentroid91Dave Chappelle is on again
@Sentroid91Black-White Supremacist
DarkonZeroYay....it's at the part in Independence Day where the dumbasses die.
* Rubicant (~rubicant@163532C8.987D73B2.2712C725.IP) Quit (Client exited)
DarkonZeroWhere's Jeff Goldblum to say the day?
@Sentroid91He's at the Trent Lott Foundation
DarkonZeroYo...youz ain't no Dave Chappelle.
@Sentroid91WHITE POWER!
* @Sentroid91 explodes
DarkonZeroShut yo lip before I get Kunta Kinte to do it for you.
* Ocean-Saurian is on IRC
* Ocean-Saurian (Ocean-Saur@Psi-839C6D8.ipt.aol.com) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +ohv Ocean-Saurian Ocean-Saurian Ocean-Saurian
DarkonZeroYO! Who down wit da poppie suit?
DarkonZeroCan I get a "HUZZAH!" up in dis hizzouse!?!
DarkonZeroYo yo yo.....I NEED A "HUZZZZAAAAAAH!" up in dis hizzzouse.
DarkonZeroYo.....you ain't down wit da poopie suit.
* DarkonZero sends Kunta Kinte after Sent.
* Tigger (Tigger@Psi-3BFF1CC.client.attbi.com) has joined #Deep13
DarkonZeroWhuzzap Tigg?
Tiggernot a whole lot..
DarkonZerodat be whack.
Tiggergot bored today and decided to clean up my room and move things around...then i get my computer set back up..and my sound didnt work at all..
Tiggerdumb dumb me plugged my speakers into the wrong hole..lol..but my sound works now
DarkonZerodat happenz.
@Ocean-Saurianha! I did that yesterday!
@Ocean-SaurianI forgot to plug in my speakers... trust me, the sound card works MUCH better with it plugged in
DarkonZerono shiznit.
@Ocean-SaurianDZ turned into a black man
DarkonZeroyup yup
* Turquoise (~java@Psi-2384FB2A.malvrn01.pa.comcast.net) has joined #Deep13
@Ocean-Saurianhey Turquoise
Turquoiseheh, hey. sorry my "brb" ended up turning into like an hour, sentroid
* DarkonZero quits watching Independence Day.
DarkonZeroI forgot I had it on that movie.
@Sentroid91Vote for Superbowl Ads
Turquoiseheh... later...
* Sentroid91 changes topic to '9http://www.deep13.org <-- Every URL is here. | Al Sharpton> I will not rest until there's a black Keebler elf in that cartoon tree. | http://deep13.org/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=101&mode=&order=0&thold=0 - Vote for Superbowl Ads'
* @Min sits in a corner of the room, sets her HEV suit to sleep mode and drifts off into subconsciousness, clutching a crowbar for protection.
* Min is now known as Min[SLEEP]
* Min has left IRC
Turquoisen-e-way... still haven't written that dramatic monologue...
* Turquoise (~java@Psi-2384FB2A.malvrn01.pa.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: HabberNet JavaChat -- http://www.habber.net/chat)
Calhttp://www.albinoblacksheep.com/video/yatta.html  "Who are these fucktards?"
* Cal (~pmccart@Psi-11AD3866.wi.tds.net) Quit (Quit: At that moment, the Chosen One learned a valuable lesson about iron claws - they hurt like crap, man!)
* Cal has left IRC
* RobertoKay is now known as RobertoAway
* RobertoKay has left IRC
* Rubicant (~rubicant@Psi-1F261BA3.sub3.oplnk.net) has joined #Deep13
* Rubicant pouncehugs Tigger...
@Sentroid91in jair
* Tigger yipes
* Rubicant rolls off Tig and disappears
@Ocean-SaurianJudi and Gayle were walking down the street. Judi noticed a compact on the sidewalk and leaned down to pick it up. She opened it, looked in the mirror, and said, "Hmmm, this person looks familiar."
@Ocean-SaurianGayle said, "Let me look." So Judi handed her the compact.
@Ocean-SaurianGayle looked in the mirror then turned to Judi. "You dumbass -- that's *me*!
* Tigger (Tigger@Psi-3BFF1CC.client.attbi.com) Quit (Quit: Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.)
* DarkonZero downloads hella MP3s from EMusic.....
-> [DarkonZero] PING
[DarkonZero PING]
[DarkonZero PING reply]: 1sec
* DarkonZero hella burps.
* Rubicant adjusts Xine's color..
-> [DarkonZero] PING
[DarkonZero PING]
[DarkonZero PING reply]: 2secs
-> [DarkonZero] PING
[DarkonZero PING]
[DarkonZero PING reply]: 2secs
-> [DarkonZero] PING
[DarkonZero PING]
[DarkonZero PING reply]: 2secs
-> [DarkonZero] PING
[DarkonZero PING]
[DarkonZero PING reply]: 2secs
@Ocean-Saurianuh... all right
DarkonZeroSelma Hyfuck?
* Ocean-Saurian (Ocean-Saur@Psi-839C6D8.ipt.aol.com) Quit (Connection reset by peer)
* Ocean-Saurian has left IRC
@Sentroid91Selma Fyuck
* morey|away| (moreyspook@Psi-193196C8.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #Deep13
morey|away|hey im not away
* morey|away| is now known as moreysurf8
-> [DarkonZero] PING
[DarkonZero PING]
[DarkonZero PING reply]: 1sec
-> [DarkonZero] PING
[DarkonZero PING]
[DarkonZero PING reply]: 1sec
@Sentroid91Go robot... it's your birthday....
* RobertoAway (hquiej@Oper.PsiBlade.net) Quit (Quit: Arubadubadubadubadubadu. http://www.deep13.org/gqindustries)
@Sentroid91I said robot, not robby
moreysurf8geez bebop dvd's are so expensive
DarkonZeroThey are?
@Sentroid91no shite
* Tigger (BoO@Psi-3BFF1CC.client.attbi.com) has joined #Deep13
@Sentroid91YOU BASTARD!
@Sentroid91YOU KILLED BEN!
* Tigger blinks
* Tigger hides
DarkonZeroDon't mind him....his tourettes is acting up.
@Sentroid91TEH HULK
moreysurf8orangette coleman :-D
* Tigger hrms
@Sentroid91Was that MC Chris with the glasses? Do you know?
moreysurf8schoolhouse rock!
@Sentroid91o/Interjections/o SHIT! FUCK!
@Sentroid91Brak's My Momma?
moreysurf8thundercleese roxors
@Sentroid91'specially that he's voiced by Frylock. :D
@Sentroid91this is funnt....
* Sound request: can't find 'zorak.wav'
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'zorak.wav'
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
* Halo09 is on IRC
* Halo09 (~none@Psi-3302993B.dsl.sntc01.pacbell.net) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +ohv Halo09 Halo09 Halo09
moreysurf8MORE CORN!
@Halo09why does billionaire ted seem like such a good guy all of the sudden?  hmm.
* Tigger hides
moreysurf8KING CARL
@Sentroid91Carl kicks ass
@Sentroid91ACTION FRANK!
* Lo9iK is on IRC
moreysurf8ughh ripping friends, time to turn on the critic
* Lo9iK (~lo9ik@Psi-2D34F5BE.cox-internet.com) has joined #Deep13
Lo9iKyo yo yo
Lo9iKmc chris is roxor
Lo9iKeven though i could only get one song
Lo9iKbut it is a cool song
DarkonZeroWhich one?
Lo9iKfett's vett
@Sentroid91My backpack's got jets.
Lo9iKi just heard it on a rerun of sealab
@Sentroid91it was just on
Lo9iKand i was like, i'm going to go get it
Lo9iKhis site is down, the mp3 section anyways
DarkonZeroAh....I got all of them....even a early version of Fett's Vett and one called "Number One With The Ladies"
@Sentroid91I've got I Want Candy
Lo9iKi want
DarkonZeroThe early version of Fett's Vette sucks.
Lo9iKyou have an ftp or anything
@Sentroid91We have one for the radio... but I doubt Jo would approve of me giving it out
Lo9iKoh well
Lo9iKin time, i am sure i'll get them
Lo9iKis the radio working again?
DarkonZeroI do have a WhaleMail account...I could "e-mail" them to ya.
@Sentroid91i'm fixing it up now
Lo9iKi set up a shoutcast over here...it ran for like 6 hours and just crashed
Lo9iKthat is the biggest mail space i have
Lo9iKdon't laugh that i have aol
* Lo9iK laughs at himself
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
DarkonZeroWell....I think what my whalemail does is give you a chance to d/l from their server.
DarkonZeroI forgot how it works.
Lo9iKthat is cool
DarkonZeroBut I did need a e-mail account.
Lo9iKi set up a facethejury.com account today
* moreysurf8 watches the critic
Lo9iKi will get rated..wooo
Lo9iKthe critic is on?
moreysurf8comedy central
Lo9iKno way
moreysurf8yes way
Lo9iKhave you seen the made for internet episodes of critic?
moreysurf8IT STINKS
* Rubicant is now known as Rubi[sleep]
@Sentroid91Radio is back up
moreysurf8yea...they were ok
Lo9iKi just thought it was cool they did that
Lo9iKsound on my tv keeps going out :(
* @Halo09 goes shirtninja
* Halo09 is now known as shirtninja
* Halo09 has left IRC
@Sentroid91SHIRT RIPPER!
DarkonZeroShirt Ninja vs. DDR is funnt.
* Rubi[sleep] is now known as Rubi{sleepingonalinuxpillow]
Lo9iKwhat is that about
Lo9iKvideo? song?
DarkonZeroThe Shirt Ninja thing?
@shirtninjashirt ninja.  it's one of the oldest "omg cool thing on the internet" things there is.
DarkonZeroGreg ordering a bottle of Bawls was funnt too.
@shirtninja"no! gah!"
@shirtninja"i just really want the taste of bawls right now"
@shirtninjamy shirt ninja: http://www.machinewashcold.com/cam/cam.jpg
Lo9iKthat is great
@Sentroid91Fucking Cam?
@shirtninjahmm... i may go live cam as ninja.
Lo9iKthis website is great
Lo9iKhee hee, he said bawls
Lo9iKi had no idea places really sold that, i just thought you had to order it
@Sentroid91Who here likes 3rd Rock?
Lo9iKyou know what drink i like?   jones cola
Lo9iKi never saw it
* shirtninja (~none@Psi-3302993B.dsl.sntc01.pacbell.net) Quit (Quit: Connection reset by everybody's mother.)
Lo9iKi was always away when it came on tv
* Lo9iK is now known as Lo9iK-sleep
* Lo9iK has left IRC
* shirtninja (~none@Psi-3302993B.dsl.sntc01.pacbell.net) has joined #Deep13
* TonicBH (~bbj17@Psi-337C2094.tnt1.portland.or.da.uu.net) has joined #Deep13
shirtninjashirtninjacam is go: http://www.machinewashcold.com/cam/
DarkonZeroNothing there.
shirtninjaer.  shirtninjacam is experiencing ninja difficulties
shirtninjaah, yes. shirt ninja cam lives again: http://www.machinewashcold.com/cam/cam.jpg
DarkonZeroI see.
shirtninjason of the bitch
shirtninjano .jpg
DarkonZeroDude.....quit looking at porn.
shirtninjano porn.
shirtninjaa ninja needs not porn\
DarkonZeroYou look like a tired ninja.
shirtninjawell im looking down and stuff, at my monitor.
shirtninjafine, better angle and better lighting now.
shirtninjaeven shirtninjas have to organize their CDR media.
* Tigger (BoO@Psi-3BFF1CC.client.attbi.com) has left #Deep13
moreysurf8did anyone here watch chappelles show? it was hilarious
shirtninjawhen is that on? i keep missing it
DarkonZeroI watched it when it aired....
moreysurf8wednesday 10:30
DarkonZeroIt's gonna be on again at 12:30
moreysurf8DZ what time zone are you in?
moreysurf8cause im eastern
DarkonZeroShit...it's on now...ooops.
DarkonZeromake that 10:30 then tonight.
moreysurf8wait but the critic is on now...im watching it
DarkonZeroDammit....I missed the training video skit.
DarkonZeroThat shit was helluva funnt.
moreysurf8the best was...the KKK sketch
DarkonZeroThe travel stenographer!
@Sentroid91<Dave Chappelle> If they have Apple, tell them we're PC. If they use PC, tell them we're Apple. If they have both, tell them we use Linux. If they have that too, tell them the computer's down... it usually will be.
moreysurf8was scarface from half baked in that sketch?
moreysurf8turn around ask for heffer with cheese yo'....why you gotta make me feel inferior when im on the grill b?
@Sentroid91I'll pretend i'm Jamaican, man!
moreysurf8abracadabra yo!
DarkonZeroDude....Meps is IM'ing me...and is being all fucked up.
moreysurf8did anyway watch Jimmy Kimmel Live?
moreysurf8I forgot about that
DarkonZeroDid he call us niggers? AWESOME!
moreysurf8hahah that line was great
* mandalayleigh (mandalayle@Psi-1C57E764.ph.ph.cox.net) has joined #Deep13
mandalayleighhi...so yeah...
mandalayleighhey, Lo9ik! you IM'd me! hehe
@Sentroid91he's sleeping
mandalayleighoh, he's in sleep, never mind
mandalayleighhe IM'd me and said I was on his buddy list and he didn't know why, hehe
mandalayleighand I didn't respond...
@Sentroid91sheesh.... Chipmunks took over the radio again
@Sentroid91funniest had to be when Korn got Chipmunk-ized
@Sentroid91bah... I killed the chat again.
mandalayleighyes, you're a room clearer...
DarkonZeroNo....I'm the only assassin here.....
@Sentroid91Or Rob
@Sentroid91Speaking of which... where the frig did he go? I think he was on fire or something
@Sentroid91theSentroid91: Coors was funny
@Sentroid91Auto response from RobertoKaye: I am currently away from the compute
* @Sentroid91 pokes people
DarkonZeroNOT THERE!
* moreysurf8 watches duckman
* @Sentroid91 continues watching Freddy Got Fingered
@Sentroid91I didn't know an elephant's thing was that big. o_O
DarkonZeroWatch the Discovery Channel.
@Sentroid91why? So I can see Croc Hunter humping an Elephant?
DarkonZeroOnly way to learn.
@Sentroid911,12Quote containing "croc hunter":12,1 Swimfan4u: Cool. Ask me another questions :-) Servo411: Have you fucked the Croc Hunter? Swimfan4u: I think I've fucked the Croc Hunter, but I'm not sure... I'm forgetting everything these days 1,12Number of Quotes found: 1
@Sentroid91that was classic
@Sentroid91I think I have another one somewhere
@Sentroid911,12Quote containing "mstie":12,1 <Sentroid91> and she didn't even answer that guy's second question about whether or not MST is staying at the 9am EST time slot <DeRaptor> because it was a stock answer just for "why did you cancel mst3k", not for "is mst3k staying". <Locdog07> <MSTie> And will MST still be on at 9am? <BonnieHammer> Yes, I am very pretty, aren't I. 1,12Number of Quotes found: 5
@Sentroid911,12Quote containing "mstie":12,1 <Sentroid91> and she didn't even answer that guy's second question about whether or not MST is staying at the 9am EST time slot <DeRaptor> because it was a stock answer just for "why did you cancel mst3k", not for "is mst3k staying". <Locdog07> <MSTie> And will MST still be on at 9am? <BonnieHammer> Yes, I am very pretty, aren't I. 1,12Number of Quotes found: 5
@Sentroid911,12Quote containing "mstie":12,1 <MSTieBot> Who does Sentroid91 still want to hurt? <JoMomma> hoochie mama! 1,12Number of Quotes found: 5
@Sentroid911,12Quote containing "mstie":12,1 --> AllFagsShouldDie(FagsSuck@iesh.ldrl.eoxd.wbps.this.chat.server) has joined #MSTie-News --> AllFagsShouldDie(FagsSuck@iesh.ldrl.eoxd.wbps.this.chat.server) has left #MSTie-News <Erhardt> All cigarette butts must die! 1,12Number of Quotes found: 5
@Sentroid911,12Quote containing "mstie":12,1 <Sentroid91> and she didn't even answer that guy's second question about whether or not MST is staying at the 9am EST time slot <DeRaptor> because it was a stock answer just for "why did you cancel mst3k", not for "is mst3k staying". <Locdog07> <MSTie> And will MST still be on at 9am? <BonnieHammer> Yes, I am very pretty, aren't I. 1,12Number of Quotes found: 5
@Sentroid911,12Quote containing "mstie":12,1 <Sentroid91> and she didn't even answer that guy's second question about whether or not MST is staying at the 9am EST time slot <DeRaptor> because it was a stock answer just for "why did you cancel mst3k", not for "is mst3k staying". <Locdog07> <MSTie> And will MST still be on at 9am? <BonnieHammer> Yes, I am very pretty, aren't I. 1,12Number of Quotes found: 5
@Sentroid911,12Quote containing "mstie":12,1 --> AllFagsShouldDie(FagsSuck@iesh.ldrl.eoxd.wbps.this.chat.server) has joined #MSTie-News --> AllFagsShouldDie(FagsSuck@iesh.ldrl.eoxd.wbps.this.chat.server) has left #MSTie-News <Erhardt> All cigarette butts must die! 1,12Number of Quotes found: 5
@Sentroid911,12Quote containing "mstie":12,1 <MSTieBot> Who does Sentroid91 still want to hurt? <JoMomma> hoochie mama! 1,12Number of Quotes found: 5
@Sentroid911,12Quote containing "mstienebula":12,1 MSTieNebula: Hi! MSTieNebula: I'm a manic-depressive...I want to kill myself! Swimfan4u: You are a ? Does it pay well? 1,12Number of Quotes found: 1
mandalayleighhehe, that was me...I remember that...
@Sentroid91now the damn thing only says "i'll be back"
moreysurf8too bad swimfan4u doesn't work anywork
DarkonZeroOh crap...a sequel.
@Sentroid91Watch... they'll probably set it back up when they release the DVD
@Sentroid91A sequel to....?
@Sentroid91Well... at least they'll probably set the AIMBot up again
moreysurf8heh I was just thinkin of line from the mitsubishi sketch on chapelles show
@Sentroid91The next question I give her should be "Have you ever fucked Simon Cowell?"
moreysurf8"damn dancin' makin mah penis soft"
@Sentroid91You are the driver
@Sentroid91What would you do..
@Sentroid91..if this happened to you...
@Sentroid91they play such soothing music on the weather channel
moreysurf8well it's almost 2:30 time to go to sleep
@Sentroid91oh you wimp
@Sentroid91and it's only 2:20. :P
@Sentroid91heh... I like how Sgt Hartman has a show on The History Channel now
mandalayleighsent, how did that Lo person get my screen name?
@Sentroid91Dunno. I never gave it to him....
@Sentroid91Mebbe he did a MST3K search?
mandalayleighI'm not on aol though...
mandalayleighhe doesn't even know why I'm on his buddy list, hehe
@Sentroid91He's probably a stalker. :D
@Sentroid91Which would been funny... cause then I can call him "My stalker's stalker."
mandalayleighyep...do you stalk anyone sent? so the chain of stalkers can continue?
@Sentroid91i've been stalking you lately. :D
mandalayleighno, you haven't...don't forget who stalks who here...
* shirtninja (~none@Psi-3302993B.dsl.sntc01.pacbell.net) Quit (Quit: Connection reset by everybody's mother.)
* @Sentroid91 snickers
mandalayleighI stalk you sent, you don't stalk me, don't you forget that
mandalayleighI hate the girl in this song...
@Sentroid91what girl?
mandalayleighthe girl this guys is singing about
moreysurf8what song??
mandalayleighfree fallin...
moreysurf8pom tetty
@Sentroid91Why? Cause she likes Elvis?
mandalayleighbecause she's so boring...
moreysurf8I think im gonna create a rap group of communists and call them "THA COMMUNISTAZ"
moreysurf8cause.....ya know I have to spell something incorrectly or else it's not cool
moreysurf8"that bitoch can dictate my prolateriat anytime...word"
* TonicBH (~bbj17@Psi-337C2094.tnt1.portland.or.da.uu.net) Quit (Quit: "The Future is Whatever you make it. So make it a good one."-Back to the Future Part III)
* Sound request: can't find 'letter.wav'
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
moreysurf8ok im going to sleep and I don't care what you say
moreysurf8plus I took a benadryl about a half hour ago and it's starting to kick in
@Sentroid91I hate that stuff
moreysurf8well I have a sinus infection so I have to take it
moreysurf8I don't like it either..it's makes me all tired
moreysurf8and with that...I go to sleep
* moreysurf8 (moreyspook@Psi-193196C8.dyn.optonline.net) Quit (Quit: sleep, thats where I'm a viking!)
mandalayleighhehe, I'm still here?
mandalayleighI shouldn't be here..hehe
* mandalayleigh (mandalayle@Psi-1C57E764.ph.ph.cox.net) has left #Deep13
-> [DarkonZero] PING
[DarkonZero PING]
[DarkonZero PING reply]: 1sec
* DarkonZero is now known as DZ{Away}
* DarkonZero has left IRC
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] You are already identified
Session Close: Mon Jan 27 00:00:00 2003

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