
Session Start: Sun Jan 19 07:34:45 2003
Session Ident: #Deep13
* Now talking in #Deep13
* Topic is '9http://www.deep13.org | http://www.livejournal.com/community/deep13/ | Burn in Hell, Sex and the City!!! AHAHAHA! http://www.whowouldyoukill.com/sexandthecity.html | #Deep13 Radio returns: on WinAmp[RealPlayer too] right now at http://www.deep13.org/listen.m3u | Because we can't have too many URL's.'
* Set by Sentroid91 on Sat Jan 18 17:51:49
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Your nick has been registered with PsiBlade. If you are the owner of this nick, please identify now.
-NickServ- [SYNTAX] /NickServ identify <password>
-ChanServ- [#Deep13] Welcome to #deep13. Be sure to visit our website at http://www.deep13.org/ but you probably already knew that.
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Password Accepted - You are now identified
* DarkonZero is on IRC
* Min is on IRC
* PrincessLeia2 is on IRC
TonicBHis Leia alive?
DarkonZeroHell if I know.....
KServoShe was around this morning... uh, yesterday.
TonicBH[06:41:15] <PrincessLeia2> morning o_O
KServohi, hi, everybody.  To those of you not woke
KServoTo those of you not woken up yet, hi.
KServoMy bro's pestering me to watch MST with him, so I'm going.
DarkonZeroI'm like half asleep.
* KServo is now known as KMovieSign
* Ocean-Saurian is on IRC
* Ocean-Saurian (~sirmegagi@Psi-2639A916.ipt.aol.com) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +ohv Ocean-Saurian Ocean-Saurian Ocean-Saurian
@Ocean-SaurianIt's just DZ
DarkonZeroYeah....you better believe it, Bucko!
@Ocean-SaurianLet's boogie
* @Ocean-Saurian turns the disco lights on
DarkonZeroGay Bar Moment #30,143,332
* Jouva is on IRC
* Jouva (jouva@fluffy.moufette.com) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +aohv Jouva Jouva Jouva Jouva
* @Jouva shoots out a decoy scientist and watches it explode.
@JouvaYo Yo Ma.
* DarkonZero needs a job....so he took up selling weed.
DarkonZeroIf that were only true.
@Ocean-SaurianHey DZ? I need some weeds, I don't like flower
DarkonZeroI;d be rolling in mad cash.
DarkonZeroBAD JOKE!
@Ocean-SaurianMad cash? Why not Happy Cash?
* teen[SLEEP] is now known as teenMSTie
DarkonZeroO-S......don't quit your day job...if you had one.
* teenMSTie awakens
* ChanServ sets mode: +ohv teenMSTie teenMSTie teenMSTie
@Ocean-Saurianbut... my day job is to make bad jokes
DarkonZeroShit...I hope you're not getting paid....cause yur bad jokes suck more that a gay man.
DarkonZero-that +than
@Ocean-SaurianI would think vacuum cleaners could suck more then a gay man
@teenMSTieYou started it.
* @teenMSTie pistol-whips DeeZ for being so stupid.
* DarkonZero punches the fuck outta teen.
* @teenMSTie blinks
* RobertoAway is now known as RobertoKay
* RobertoKay is on IRC
* DarkonZero punches the fuck outta Robby.
@RobertoKayThis is probably the earliest I've been... OW!
* @RobertoKay shoots DZ in the testicles.
DarkonZeroI'm still half asleep.
DarkonZeroSee....delayed reaction.
@RobertoKaySo where was I? Oh, yes. This is probably the earliest I've been up on a Sunday morning.
DarkonZeroI usually go to sleep at this time.
DarkonZeroI was off and on with sleep since 3 AM.
* DarkonZero needs to finish cleaning his room so he can sleep on his bed.
DarkonZeroAll my stuff is piled around my bed.
DarkonZero...and on it.
DarkonZero....and under it.
@Ocean-Saurian<DZ> You wouldn't believe how much space body organs take up!
DarkonZeroI keep those in the fridge....THANK YOU VERY MUCH!
@Ocean-Saurianoh Mr. Robot
DarkonZerohttp://www.cafeshops.com/cp/prod.aspx?p=reallifecomics.4417067&zoom=yes#zoom <-I want the t-shirt of this.
* DarkonZero is spending money like he still has a job.
DarkonZeroDamn money spening addiction.
DarkonZerospeding even
DarkonZerospending even again.
* @Ocean-Saurian buys 3 shirts
@Ocean-SaurianYou want one DZ?
DarkonZeroNah....I'll get one on my own.
* @Ocean-Saurian hands DZ one shirt
* DarkonZero needs a coffee or something....
DarkonZeroHmmm....coffee flavored ice cream isn't sounding too bad now.
DarkonZeroI wish I had some.
@RobertoKaySo have you gone on your word to go outside today, DeeZ?
DarkonZeroAgain....broken promises to myself.
DarkonZeroOh....wait...I thought you said yesterday.
@Ocean-Saurian<DZ> I hate that, DZ is such a dick about promising things
DarkonZeroI was gonna go out yesterday.
DarkonZeroI might get out today and go to Fry's.
* teenMSTie (teenMSTie@1E5FC60.FBFA26E1.742A5DD3.IP) Quit (Ping timeout)
DarkonZeroIf I had a car...I'd road trip out to Cali and visit Robby...then steal his camera.
@RobertoKayYou would.
DarkonZeroVery much so.
DarkonZeroBut I ain't all nija and shit...so you'd be able to be me down.
DarkonZero-nija +ninja
* teenMSTie (teenMSTie@1E5FC60.FBFA26E1.742A5DD3.IP) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +ohv teenMSTie teenMSTie teenMSTie
DarkonZeroOk....who wants to start a #Deep13 Welcoming Party? Like when someone enters.....we beat the shit outta them.
DarkonZeroFor example.....teen just entered.
DarkonZeroShould we welcome him?
* DarkonZero welcomes teen by beating the shit outta teen.
DarkonZeroSee....a nice, friendly gesture.
@teenMSTieIs it just me, or is DeeZ being especially stupid this morning?
DarkonZeroI'm half asleep.
DarkonZeroSo......fuck off!
@teenMSTieWell ... WAKE UP, dumass.
DarkonZeroThat's dumbass.
@teenMSTieto you, it is.
DarkonZeroRight back at ya.
DarkonZero<^> 0_0 <^>
DarkonZeroYou choose the bird.
@MinAnd... is it just me, or is teen becoming more and more of an ass as time goes along? XD
@RobertoKayWell, at this hour, anyone who speaks can be an ass.
* DarkonZero steps up to the mic.
DarkonZeroI am an ass.
@RobertoKayBy the way, I hate Sundays and people should know that.
DarkonZeroI'm with ya.
DarkonZeroSo...Happy Sunday, Robby.
@RobertoKayThanks, DeeZ.
DarkonZeroNo prob.
* DarkonZero is now known as DeeZer
* DarkonZero has left IRC
* DeeZer is now known as DarkonZero
* DarkonZero is on IRC
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Your nick has been registered with PsiBlade. If you are the owner of this nick, please identify now.
-NickServ- [SYNTAX] /NickServ identify <password>
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Password Accepted - You are now identified
* DarkonZero is now known as DZ{Away}
* DarkonZero has left IRC
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] You are already identified
* KMovieSign is now known as KServo
@Min7,1Min's MUTATED Quote Machine:14,1 * Defie likes candy canes * Cal-Crowe likes pipe bombs
@MinSundays DO suck.
@Ocean-SaurianI thought today was Monday
@Ocean-SaurianSo, I am glad it's Sunday
KServoBut tomorrow is Monday.  That's the worst part
@Ocean-SaurianThe Jersey Devil!
@Ocean-Saurianoh sorry
* DZ{Away} is now known as DarkonZero
* DarkonZero is on IRC
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] You are already identified
@Ocean-SaurianThe Jersey Devil!
DarkonZeroIt's just me.
DarkonZeroActually....I'm just The Devil.
DarkonZeroI don't live in Jersey.
@Ocean-SaurianI hate the Jersey Devil
@Ocean-Saurianhe takes publicity away from me
DarkonZeroThe Jersey Devil would be Sent.....he lives in Jersey...I think. Or he used to reside there.....but still.
@Ocean-SaurianNo, Ive seen Sent... he dosn't look like the Jersey devil at all... maybe a Jersey or a Devil... but not both
DarkonZeroWait....he's the Jersey Summer Sausage.
DarkonZeroStupid me.
@Ocean-Saurianit all makes sense now
DarkonZeroNothing like him being a big weenie.
DarkonZeroI'd like to say that when he's awake.
DarkonZero...or here.....
* You were kicked by Ocean-Saurian (Sent told me to do this)
Session Close: Sun Jan 19 10:05:24 2003
Session Start: Sun Jan 19 10:13:31 2003
Session Ident: #Deep13
* Now talking in #Deep13
* Topic is '9http://www.deep13.org | http://www.livejournal.com/community/deep13/ | Burn in Hell, Sex and the City!!! AHAHAHA! http://www.whowouldyoukill.com/sexandthecity.html | #Deep13 Radio returns: on WinAmp[RealPlayer too] right now at http://www.deep13.org/listen.m3u | Because we can't have too many URL's.'
* Set by Sentroid91 on Sat Jan 18 17:51:49
-ChanServ- [#Deep13] Welcome to #deep13. Be sure to visit our website at http://www.deep13.org/ but you probably already knew that.
* @Ocean-Saurian hugs DZ
@Ocean-SaurianI didn't want to!
@Ocean-SaurianBUT HE MADE ME!
@Ocean-Saurian...telepathically that is
@Ocean-Saurianand without him knowing it
@Ocean-Saurianbut that's beside the point
DarkonZeroMake that more like "pathetically".
@Ocean-Saurianwell that too
DarkonZeroHehe...I was too busy typing out a LJ entry.
* DarkonZero continues on the LJ entry.
* DarkonZero finishes and posts.
* TonicBH (~BBrown932@Psi-1942E5D3.customers.uswest.net) Quit (Connection reset by peer)
* @Ocean-Saurian laughs at TonicBH
* Time (~Time@Admin.PsiBlade.net) has joined #Deep13
* Cal is on IRC
* Cal (~pmccart@Psi-11AD3866.wi.tds.net) has joined #Deep13
DarkonZeroYo Cal.
* @Ocean-Saurian laughs at Cal
* Cal checks to see if his zipper is down
DarkonZeroRobby looks like he wants to help ya there Cal.
* DarkonZero runs.
* Tonic|afk (bbj17@Psi-1942E5D3.customers.uswest.net) has joined #Deep13
* Tonic|afk is no longer away
* Tonic|afk is now known as TonicBH
* DarkonZero checks how much HD space his puter has after installing Tribes and Tribes 2.
DarkonZero2.25 GBs.
* DarkonZero is a game maniac.
DarkonZeroI bought 2 last night.
DarkonZeroRobot Battle and Orbz from GarageGames.com
DarkonZeroThey're not too bad....the makers of those game used the Torque Gaming Engine well.
CalDZ, does Tribes 2 have all the Tribes 1 maps?
CalI liked the old version of Capture the Flag
DarkonZeroThey still got CTF.
DarkonZeroAnd they kinda got a mod for Tribes 2 that makes the game play like Tribes.
DarkonZeroIt should come with your copy.
* KServo prefers 2.5d gameplay
DarkonZeroName a game.
KServoKlonoa - great retro feel, if you guys can handle the cute stuff.
DarkonZeroAh....a platform game.
DarkonZeroI haven't played those for quite some time.
DarkonZeroLast one I played was Crash Bandicoot.
KServoMm-hmm.  Platforms and Sim games are the things that hold my life together.
DarkonZeroI never finished it.
DarkonZeroI play different games.
DarkonZeroBut I mostly stand by the 3D ones.
DarkonZeroEr...3D shooters
CalOnline multiplayers are the best
CalOne reason why I like Tribes :D
DarkonZeroYou gotta get HL then Cal.
DarkonZeroTeam Fortress.
* TonicBH needs to buy the HL pack
CalI'll get it when it becomes cheaper
TonicBHit probably is cheaper
DarkonZeroLike how cheap?
TonicBHI mean, it's a five-year-old game
CalIt's like 30 dollars on amazon
KServoThe only online game I have is Dune 2000. :-(
Calwhich version of HL should I buy?
DarkonZeroTry for the Platinum.
TonicBHPlatinum has the additional games, right?
TonicBHlike CS, Blue Shift and OP4?
DarkonZeroAnd TFC
CalPlatinum is 50 dollars
Calno way
TonicBHCal, go to a store
DarkonZeroEB has it for $40.
TonicBHget off your arse
DarkonZeroOr got to a local store.
TonicBHMin: meeeeeeee :|
CalIt's just as expensive at stores
CalMaybe a few dollars cheaper
DarkonZeroNot really Cal.
@MinFind a Best Buy, foo'
@MinOr CompUSA
DarkonZeroIt should be like $30-$40.
DarkonZeroAnd you get a nice pack.
* TonicBH writes down "Half-Life Platinum Pack: Comes with original Half Life, Team Fortress Classic, Counter-Strike, Blue Shift and Opposing Force"
@MinIt's well worth it, I say.
DarkonZeroI play DoD more.
TonicBHI play CS
CalIt's 40 bucks at Best Buy
CalStill too expensive
@MinMostly because of hackers and crud.
TonicBHbut I play other half-decent mods :I
TonicBHlike... Poke646
TonicBHor T2DEF
DarkonZeroCS just got itself mostly into team deathmatching....which I was trying to get away from.
TonicBHMin: Half-Life Mods
@MinPoke646 is the best HL mod out there, aside from Heart of Evil.
TonicBHyou know, modifications of HL to make it something new?
TonicBHPoke646 *IS* well done
CalMost Tribes mods are funnt
* DarkonZero remember playing They Hunger for HL....never finished it.
CalThere is one out there where you can shoot out shrikes from a gun
TonicBHbut they MUST plaster in huge-ass letters "Half-Life program REQUIRED."
DarkonZeroValve just recently acquired Day of Defeat.
@MinBut then it'd be endorsing the storyline. So it remains free-domain.
TonicBHbut, Min: www.peppyfool.com is the site for Todesangst
@MinTodesangst 2 was pretty gewd. The voice acting was kinda cheesy, though.
DarkonZeroRocket Crowbar is the shit!
TonicBHsounded more like... hispanic
@MinYou dun know your accents, do ya?
TonicBHI know what a dutch person sounds like
@MinI do too.
@MinAnd dun give me Goldmember as an example. x_x
* DarkonZero laughs at anyone who preordered TF2.
TonicBHnever saw Goldmember, so yeah
TonicBHand now I'm bored of HL again.
TonicBHbut I need to actually GET it
@Min<Goldmember> Look everybody My winky was a key!
TonicBHbecause every time I use my secondary fire I see "Unknown command: _special"
@MinMine does that, too. It still works, though. :P
@MinSecondary fire, that is.
TonicBHit just gets annoying
TonicBHI have developer 1 on to point out obvious stuff happening in the game
TonicBHlike "found hd_grunt, but can't play!"
@MinI like messing with the haiku easter egg in OpFor.
TonicBHI wanna play OpFor
TonicBHdamn it, downloads won't work, etc
@MinI can zip that up for ye.
DarkonZeroCurrent games on my puter: HL, OppFor, Blue Shift, TFC, DMC, Ricochet. CS, DoD, S&I, Battefield 1942, Medal of Honor: Allied Assault, RtCW, Tribes, Tribes 2, Asheron's Call, Crimson Skies, Magic The Gathering Online, Homeworld, Robot Battle, Orbz, Progress Quest, and a hentai game.
DarkonZeroOoops....forgot UT2K3.
@MinRicochet SUCKS
@MinYou hentai foo'.
DarkonZeroRicochet didn't take off well.
DarkonZeroI kinda liked Ricochet.
@MinI hated it. Heheh.
DarkonZeroDMC was fun.....for a while.
@MinWho wishes to play some Half-Life moddy goodness?
DarkonZeroI get tired of Deathmatching.
TonicBHCurrent games: HL, Blue Shift, Star Peace, Press Your Luck, Whammy!, Card Sharks, The Joker's Wild, Russian Roulette, Lingo, Wheel of Fortune, Furcadia (if that counts as a game), Progress quest and many others
@MinDeathmatching does get boring.
TonicBHMin: Multiplayer I assume?
DarkonZeroWhich mod, eh?
@MinHmm... idunno, maybe some S&I or NS
@MinOr something else, if you want.
DarkonZeroUgh....I can't stand NS.
@MinI like it... ish fun being ALIENS
DarkonZeroI kinda like it...but the bugs bother me.
DarkonZeroI'm waiting for 1.1
@MinHmm. I've never encountered any bugs. o.o
DarkonZeroI forgot what bugs I encountered.
@MinLessee what other mods I have...
DarkonZeroAnd with my puter only having 2.25 GBs left.
DarkonZeroI'm not d/l'ing it again.
DarkonZeroOh wait...I don't have to
DarkonZeroI backed it up.
DarkonZeroI forget I do that.
@MinI'd download DoD, but the Fileplanet servers it's on are always clogged.
DarkonZeroI backed that up too...I think I still have the pre v1 betas.
@MinBut is your DCC working at all with yer firewall and crud?
DarkonZeroHehe....I still have CSv7.1b beta.
DarkonZeroICQ works for me.
* teenMSTie (teenMSTie@1E5FC60.FBFA26E1.742A5DD3.IP) Quit (Ping timeout)
DarkonZeroOk....maybe ICQ suck eggs.
* DarkonZero blames his brother.
DarkonZeroHe set it up.
* teenMSTie (teenMSTie@1E5FC60.FBFA26E1.742A5DD3.IP) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +ohv teenMSTie teenMSTie teenMSTie
DarkonZeroSorry Min.....can't get it through.
DarkonZeroTry here....
* DarkonZero contemplates reinstalling NS.
* DarkonZero goes and takes a nap instead.
* DarkonZero is now known as DZ{Away}
* DarkonZero has left IRC
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] You are already identified
* teenMSTie is now known as teen[studying]
@JouvaOk, I have an UNDJed version of #Deep13 radio up now.
@JouvaActually.. now that I got it to work...
* Ocean-Saurian (~sirmegagi@Psi-2639A916.ipt.aol.com) Quit (Connection reset by peer)
* Ocean-Saurian has left IRC
* Jouva changes topic to '9http://www.deep13.org | http://www.livejournal.com/community/deep13/ | Burn in Hell, Sex and the City!!! AHAHAHA! http://www.whowouldyoukill.com/sexandthecity.html | #Deep13 Radio returns: on WinAmp[RealPlayer too] right now at http://www.deep13.org/listen.pls | Because we can't have too many URL's: htt'
* Jouva changes topic to '9http://www.deep13.org | http://www.livejournal.com/community/deep13/ | Burn in Hell, Sex and the City!!! AHAHAHA! http://www.whowouldyoukill.com/sexandthecity.html | #Deep13 Radio returns: http://www.deep13.org/listen.pls | Because we can't have too many URL's: http://www.bash.org/?60660'
* Cal (~pmccart@Psi-11AD3866.wi.tds.net) Quit (Connection timed out)
* Cal has left IRC
@RobertoKayBut what if someone wants to DJ?
@RobertoKayWhy did the broadcast just stop?
@JouvaErrr uh oh
@JouvaI hope somebody didn't send a bad mp
KServo3 bad MPs?
@RobertoKayWhat is this FTP people keep speaking of?
@RobertoKayGetting it fixed, Jo?
@JouvaI'm having a program that searches for issues with the mp3 files
@JouvaJust deleting the bad files
@JouvaThere's many of them
@JouvaOk now I got em
* Cal is on IRC
* Cal (~pmccart@Psi-11AD3866.wi.tds.net) has joined #Deep13
CalThis room is better when DK is out
CalThat being said, he's bound to come in here any minute.
@JouvaHe's probably heading back to NY
@RobertoKayHe DID say Sunday.
@RobertoKayAnd I hope he stays in NY.
* Cal looks for music to dub into his film
@MinWhat kind o' music?
CalMostly classical
CalThe hero of the video kills the bad guy by playing Vivaldi.
CalOr rather knocks him house
Calknocks him OUT
CalHe gets killed in a later scene by play-doh
KServoWhat colour?  You can't ever trust the blue stuff, believe me.
* teen[studying] is now known as teenMSTie
CalI shouldn't have had that leftover chinese food
Calsoooo sleeeeeppppyyyy
* Ocean-Saurian is on IRC
* Ocean-Saurian (~sirmegagi@Psi-2D344E81.ipt.aol.com) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +ohv Ocean-Saurian Ocean-Saurian Ocean-Saurian
* @Ocean-Saurian dances
KServohi O-S
@Ocean-SaurianHey there
* @Ocean-Saurian dances
KServoyou like dancing, yep?
@Ocean-SaurianWell... girls like to dance... so I am practicing, you know if a girl ever feels sorry for me and takes me on a date
* KServo runs and hides in the corner befor O-S can get to her
* @Ocean-Saurian looks at her running...
@Ocean-SaurianI lose more women that way...
* KServo is now known as KServo[Sleeeep]
* @RobertoKay is going to go out now.
@RobertoKayBye, everyone.
* RobertoKay (~hquiej@Oper.PsiBlade.net) Quit (Quit: Client Exiting)
* RobertoKay has left IRC
CalI am running a 12PartyBoard  version: v1.4beta server. type "/party" to connect or !partyinfo for more information
@Ocean-Saurianoooh hold on...
@Ocean-Saurianput it back up
@JouvaUPDATE: I have since been informed that the Twin Towers collapsed in 2001, not 2002.
@JouvaIt also so doesn't look like him
* @Ocean-Saurian blinks
@Ocean-SaurianThey did fall in 2001?
* @Ocean-Saurian destroys his delorean
@Ocean-SaurianI hate that machine
@Ocean-SaurianFor... it was... a ...
@Ocean-SaurianMY DELOREAN!!!!!
@Ocean-Saurianhey Cal put the party board back up
* PrincessLeia2 drops some french fries into Ocean-Saurian's fishtank
@Ocean-Saurianyou are back
PrincessLeia2for a bit
@Ocean-Saurianwhere didja go?
PrincessLeia2Time likes to get work done during the weekend, so some weekends I am not around much
PrincessLeia2i actually went out yesterday, to a computer show, but it  sucked 'cause we thought it was open til 9 pm, turns out the "computer show section" closed at 4... 7 minutes after we got tehre
PrincessLeia2plus we waited in almost an hour of traffic to get there %s
* Syntopicon (~syntopico@84417EC.761338A7.37687273.IP) has joined #Deep13
PrincessLeia2'lo syn
* @Sentroid[SLEEPING] has returned.
* Sentroid[SLEEPING] is now known as Sentroid91
* Sentroid91 is on IRC
@JouvaSent: New rule.
@Ocean-Saurian<jo> no sleeping
@JouvaThat too
@JouvaBut Sent: All mp3 uploads for the radio will now go into incoming
PrincessLeia2just what we need, a sleep-deprived sentroid
@Jouva - [./Alan Parsons Project - Eye in the Sky.mp3] has internal corruption! 5 bad frames.
@JouvaOh n/m robby left
@Sentroid91Well I hope you moved the ones me at home sent
@Ocean-Saurianred in the mornin' sailors warnin'! Red a night, sailors delight
@Ocean-SaurianHey Leia, did you know these "friends" of mine, never gave me anything to eat? I mean... geez, not even a cumb
@Ocean-SaurianDon't leave, or I'll starve...
* PrincessLeia2 pours some cherry pepsi down Ocean-Saurian's little drinking tube into his tank
PrincessLeia2hehe, ok
PrincessLeia2i luv cherry pepsi %d
@JouvaOk quick poll
@JouvaHow many of you who will want to listen to the radio have dial up?
@JouvaInfact... how many of you in here have dialup
@Ocean-Saurian...I don't!!!
Timedialup rocks
@JouvaOk let's see as of right now
@Ocean-SaurianIt does?
TimeOcean-Saurian: 8p
@JouvaYou're still on high-speed, right time?
Timeyes 8)
* @Ocean-Saurian whimpers since he can't have DSL or Cable
Time(you think I was serving irc with dialup?)
TonicBH"8p" looks funny"
@Ocean-Saurianwell, everyone has their own reasons
@Ocean-SaurianI mean... in a way it's good because it's harder to hack sombody on dialup
SyntopiconI definately dont have dialup
@JouvaI wasn't sure if you had high-speed at home, Time :)
Calblah blah blah blah blah
@JouvaOr if it was served at home
Cal*boom* *boom* *boom* *boom* *boom*
@Ocean-SaurianWell, we are getting fiber optic cable put in at the end of Feb. and I'll go faster then you regular cable suckers
@JouvaSo I DO know that the following people have high-speed
PrincessLeia2i neeeeed high speed internet
@JouvaMe, Crowbie, Min, Sent, Cal, Robby, Time, PL2
@Ocean-SaurianBroadband people have no respect for dialup people
@JouvaTonic does too I believe
@Ocean-Saurianand the slow ass connection
@JouvaTonic, do you have high-speed?
* TonicBH has teh DSL
@JouvaWhat about teen? Anybody know?
PrincessLeia2of the people in here... Rubicant, Peacimowen, and praxis also do
PrincessLeia2and syn
@Ocean-SaurianAh! STOP! my ears are like bleeding now
PrincessLeia2praxis has kickass roadrunner, damn him, hee
praxis@home was better
praxisno caps
PrincessLeia2<3'ed rr
praxislike... at all :x
praxisyeah well
praxistheyre cheaper than anywhere else
praxisi live in nyc so everything costs $482
SyntopiconI have the college Lan, and considering the restrictions I usually get very good speeds
PrincessLeia2i guess i lived in really good areas for roadrunner ... rural upstate NY and rural Maine (uh, ok, so there is no such thing as un-rural maine)
PrincessLeia2... hmm well there is "rural" and "deep woods"
@Ocean-Sauriangod damn... stop you guys... making me... jelous... I want... high speed...
PrincessLeia2moose (:E
PrincessLeia2Ocean-Saurian: can you get high speed in your area?
@Ocean-SaurianNo... :(
PrincessLeia2aw %(
Syntopiconnot even a sat connection?
@Ocean-Saurianlazy basterds don't want to upgrade the cable or phone lines
PrincessLeia2no dsl?
@Ocean-SaurianWell, sat connection costs WAY more then DSL and cable
SyntopiconI actually considered that just so I could say I had a satellite connection
PrincessLeia2we have called a bunch of different DSL places and none of them service our area, it sucks *kicks comcast*
@Ocean-SaurianWell, I live kinda far away from my phone service people... and the phone cables are compatible with it
@Ocean-Saurianare not*
PrincessLeia2... actually i should not complain about comcast, our connection has been completely stable lately
@Ocean-Saurianeveryone do me a favor and call cox up asking them for a cable line
SyntopiconIll get right on that
SyntopiconHi praxis, how are you?
praxismy anus is bleeding!
@Ocean-SaurianI should call cox, just to bug them...
SyntopiconThat sucks!
SyntopiconYou should put a tissue up there.
@Ocean-Saurianbe back later
* Ocean-Saurian (~sirmegagi@Psi-2D344E81.ipt.aol.com) Quit (Quit: I hate Cox....)
* Ocean-Saurian has left IRC
Syntopiconthat doesnt look healthy
PrincessLeia2^^ alien eyes
PrincessLeia2i dont get out enough %s
* PrincessLeia2 types up book reviews
@Min7,1Min's MUTATED Quote Machine:14,1 * superspy kicks napster <superspy> DOWNLOAD <DarkonZero> Uh.....like that'll help.
* TonicBH decides to go to bed.
* TonicBH is now known as Tonic|Sleep
* Tonic|Sleep is away: gonna try to take a nap
@Min7,1Min's MUTATED Quote Machine:14,1 <Calvin-Crowe> Prince of Space should be remade as an anime movie <Calvin-Crowe> with ultraviolence <Calvin-Crowe> and cussin' <Greidanus> <Cal> and Krankor NUDE!
@Min7,1Min's MUTATED Quote Machine:14,1 * DeRaptor wonders how a girl can hump somebody's leg.......oh. <Locdog07> <De> I have to experiment before I figured it out
@Min7,1Min's MUTATED Quote Machine:14,1 *** Topic is '<Calvin-Crowe> My butt is called a happy meal because it makes DK happy and he munches it while he lufes Brittney Spears'
Tonic|Sleepmquote, search spears
@Min7,1Quote containing "spears":14,1 *** Topic is '<Calvin-Crowe> My butt is called a happy meal because it makes DK happy and he munches it while he lufes Brittney Spears' 7,1|14,1 1 7,1out of14,1 243 7,1quotes found.
* Rubicant (~Rubicant@Psi-1F261BA3.sub3.oplnk.net) Quit (Ping timeout)
CalI am running a 12PartyBoard  version: v1.4beta server. type "/party" to connect or !partyinfo for more information
@Min7,1Min's MUTATED Quote Machine:14,1 <Greidanus> stop with the IRCese trout fighting!
@Sentroid911,15megascript Quoter:15,1 * MSTAnon wants his baby seat.
@Min7,1Min's MUTATED Quote Machine:14,1 <Locdog07> Greid has a cruuuush on Liiiink <Locdog07> From Zelda <Locdog07> Not 'ling <Greidanus> yes, I'm addicted to polygonal heroes <Locdog07> dude
@Min7,1Min's MUTATED Quote Machine:14,1 * UrbanD slams his head into the desk repeatedly
@Min7,1Min's MUTATED Quote Machine:14,1 * DarkonZero realizes that he is a major target for hate.
@Min7,1Min's MUTATED Quote Machine:14,1 <TonicBH> Are we not sick!?! WE ARE PERVERTS
@Min7,1Min's MUTATED Quote Machine:14,1 <Greidanus> I wanna be the girl with the most cake! * Greidanus hits herself <Greidanus> I should not quote Hole. <Locdog07> don't hit yourself, greid * JoMomma read that as * Greidanus eats herself <Greidanus> I'm not cake encrusted! <Locdog07> wow. <JoMomma> well I hope not <DarkonZero> Ok enough with the porn.
@Min7,1Min's MUTATED Quote Machine:14,1 <Arven> Yes as in yes, or yes as in yes as Morpheus from The Matrix?
@Min7,1Min's MUTATED Quote Machine:14,1 <Darkon0> Ok.....who kicked me? * Cal-Crowe hides his boot <Darkon0> CAL!!!!!!! <superspy> dz, cal doesn't have ops <Darkon0> He used his moronic powers..... <Darkon0> I know it....]
@JouvaThe radio streamer for the mp3s on the server was just installed, and is a different one than I expected to use. Good news is that it supports a few more features than the other streamer. Bad news is that it has a few known bugs, but they're being fixed as I've just mentioned them
@Min7,1Min's MUTATED Quote Machine:14,1 <X_X> 0_0 <O_O> yes?
* Ocean-Saurian is on IRC
* Ocean-Saurian (Ocean-Saur@Psi-3DE014E2.ipt.aol.com) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +ohv Ocean-Saurian Ocean-Saurian Ocean-Saurian
@Ocean-SaurianArg... please don't talk about cable modems and DSL... It makes me so envious
@Sentroid91Cable modems
* @Ocean-Saurian jumps out the window
@Sentroid91DSL Modems
* @Ocean-Saurian is dead
@Ocean-SaurianAh fuck you guys, I am going to get a T3 in my house
@Ocean-Saurianand then we'll see who is faster
@Ocean-Saurian*Year 2056*
@Sentroid91Wanna buy me one while you're at it? I mean you obviously have enough money
@Ocean-SaurianAh fuck you guys! I'll get a SPDOIRGHS3457437345735 Line
@Sentroid91I'm gonna get a T91 when you get that. :P
@Ocean-SaurianWell, if I ever got a T3 in my house I would let every Deep 13 link to it
@Ocean-SaurianDeep 13er*
@Ocean-SaurianBecause a T3 line is overkill for 30 people... let alone me
CalWhat do you have to say in your defense?
@Ocean-SaurianI want fast connections
@Ocean-SaurianTommarrow I am going to have a call a thon
@Ocean-Saurianwhere I call verizon... ask them for DSL, then I call cox, and ask them for cable... and I go back and forth
@Ocean-Saurianuntil they get so pissed off at me they GIVE me my own cable/DSL line
* @Ocean-Saurian watches a godzilla movie
@Ocean-Sauriangodzilla is so cool
@Ocean-SaurianI wish he was my older brother
@Sentroid91<Joey> I wish I was Baby Godzilla from Godzilla's Revenge
* @Ocean-Saurian shivers
@Ocean-Saurianthat's terrible
@Ocean-Saurianhow could you speak so filthy?
@Ocean-SaurianDo you kiss other people with that mouth of yours?
@Sentroid91Other times I just use it to put food and beverages into it
@Ocean-Saurianoh... that's ok then
* RobertoKay is on IRC
* RobertoKay (hquiej@Oper.PsiBlade.net) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +aohv RobertoKay RobertoKay RobertoKay RobertoKay
@Ocean-SaurianHi Robby.... we were talking about kissing
@Ocean-SaurianIf you like to kiss Rob... you can KISS MY ASS
@RobertoKayLet me guess. You came up with that all by yourself?
@Ocean-SaurianI was surprised
@Sentroid91Bite my shiny metal ass
@RobertoKaySounds like something Mep would say.
@Ocean-Saurianor Bender
@RobertoKayHim too.
@Sentroid91Moreso Bender.
@Sentroid91And not Bong Boy
@Ocean-Saurianlook who is talking Mr. Icouldn'tholdmyliqureifitwasinabucket
* TheFlamingDuck (~FDuck@Psi-28DF79F4.ipt.aol.com) has joined #Deep13
@Ocean-SaurianNo thanks
TheFlamingDuckeveryone needs insurance
@Ocean-SaurianI don't
@Ocean-Saurianmy life is only 3 cents... I can find that on the street
@Ocean-Saurianmy car you ask?
@Ocean-SaurianI don't have one
@Ocean-SaurianHouseing you ask?
@Ocean-SaurianI own a box... found that on the street too
TheFlamingDuckyou sound like my friend
TheFlamingDuckexcept he's not a friend, he's a bum i once saw
@Ocean-Saurianuh... I do my best?
@teenMSTieI have no car. I live in a colege dorm. My net assets, taking student loans into account, is -$458
TheFlamingDuckgood job, you win
TheFlamingDuckoh well, good luck with colege, too bad you couldnt afford the one with 2 l's
TheFlamingDuckim so witty
TheFlamingDuckand annoying
* DZ{Away} is now known as DarkonZero
* DarkonZero is on IRC
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] You are already identified
@Ocean-Saurianspeaking of annoying
@Ocean-Saurianhey DZ
DarkonZeroYo...that's me.
* TheFlamingDuck (~FDuck@Psi-28DF79F4.ipt.aol.com) Quit (Foozone.Quit: )
DarkonZeroHeh....the song playing now was a question on The Weakest Link.
* Tonic|Sleep is no longer away
* Tonic|Sleep is now known as TonicBH
* @Ocean-Saurian smeks tonic
@Ocean-Saurianwake up
TonicBHI'm awake
* DarkonZero punches O-S in the face.
@Ocean-Saurianman... I dunno how DK can LIKE aisan women... some of them are ugly as hell
@Ocean-Saurian...what the fuck me
DarkonZeroHeeeeyyy.....I like asian women.
@RobertoKayMaybe because you live in a suburb in...
* @Ocean-Saurian bicycle kicks DZ
@RobertoKayWhat state are you from, Joey?
@Ocean-SaurianWell, some of them are very attractive... others are ugly as hell
@Ocean-SaurianI live in VA
@RobertoKayMaybe it's because you live in a suburb in Virginia.
@RobertoKayWhere I imagine there are very few of them.
DarkonZeroHell....I even like hispanic and black girls.......
@Ocean-SaurianUh... if I live near people I become more attracted to them?
@RobertoKayNo, you're just not used to them.
@RobertoKayIf they don't live there.
* TonicBH likes black girls but could care less
@RobertoKayOr something.
@Ocean-SaurianHispanics are all right... black girls is somthing I would rather stay away from if I was looking for a date
@Ocean-SaurianI am not racist... but I just don't perfer black women...
@Ocean-Saurianas dates
@Ocean-Saurianas friends, yeah sure why not?
* @RobertoKay hates the smell coming out of the kitchen.
@RobertoKayA combination of egg and some other shit that makes the original egg smell much stronger.
DarkonZeroIt's just shit.
@RobertoKayThey just showed a Dr. Pepper commercial with Rum DMC, obviously before Jam Master Jay was killed.
DarkonZeroRum DMC?
@RobertoKayRum DMC.
@RobertoKayI'm coming down with what DZ has.
DarkonZeroRun DMC.
* DarkonZero remembers to buy Run DMC CDs.
DarkonZeroEventually....I'll play my game of Robot Battle.....but I gotta learn the programming part of the game in order to play.
* Jouva changes topic to '9http://www.deep13.org Vote! Now!| http://www.livejournal.com/community/deep13/ | Burn in Hell, Sex and the City!!! AHAHAHA! http://www.whowouldyoukill.com/sexandthecity.html | #Deep13 Radio returns: http://www.deep13.org/listen.pls | Because we can't have too many URL's'
@JouvaYes... vote... NOW
@JouvaI haven't said ORF in a while
@Ocean-SaurianVote on what?
@JouvaLook at the latest news item
* Jouva changes topic to '9http://www.deep13.org Read the latest news item and vote! Now!| http://www.livejournal.com/community/deep13/ | Burn in Hell, Sex and the City!!! AHAHAHA! http://www.whowouldyoukill.com/sexandthecity.html | #Deep13 Radio returns: http://www.deep13.org/listen.pls | Because we can't have too many URL's'
* Jouva changes topic to '9http://www.deep13.org Read the latest news item and vote! Now!| http://www.livejournal.com/community/deep13/ | Burn in Hell, Sex and the City!!! AHAHAHA! http://www.whowouldyoukill.com/sexandthecity.html | #Deep13 Radio returns: http://www.deep13.org/listen.pls | Because we can't have too many URLs'
@Jouva*fixes grammar*
TonicBHvote on the what?
DarkonZeroWas there a link or something?
@Ocean-Saurianthere is no "read more"
TonicBHthe poll is about Trace going to some con
TonicBHyou fool
* Sentroid91 (~barry@Oper.PsiBlade.net) invites you to join #Wrestling
@Ocean-SaurianWho else has dial up?
@Ocean-SaurianNo read the latest.. fool
* ChanServ sets mode: +qhv Sentroid91 Sentroid91 Sentroid91
TonicBHthere's no poll to this
@JouvaWhat... the... fuck...
@JouvaLemme delete it
@RobertoKayYou have to add extended text to get a "Read More"
@JouvaThere... a space
@JouvaVote now
@JouvaIf you don't vote and you have a modem and wanna listen to it, DO NOT bitch to me about me raising the bitrate.
@JouvaThis is your chance to stop it from happening if you want to listen and you have a low bandwidth connection
@Ocean-SaurianI voted
@Ocean-Saurianand I wasn't the one who sai "I don't listen"
@Ocean-Saurianor the person who said it didn't matter
@Ocean-Saurianor the person who said would like a higher bitrate
@Ocean-Saurianor the person who said that he/she didn't like catfish
@Jouva<Sentroid91> Cole> 29 guys have been entered
@JouvaGay moment #2,678
DarkonZeroThe lower the bitrate the more people can listen.
@JouvaDZ: It's multi-homed T1
@JouvaSoon to be T3
CalFoo moment: #183902147802348902382340234\
@JouvaThe bandwidth may not be an issue considering that not MANY people listen as is
@JouvaWe need EVERYBODY to vote
DarkonZeroI noticed the broadcast is going at 16 kHZ.
@Ocean-SaurianI would host it, and listen to it if I had a FUCKING CABLE CONNECTION!
DarkonZeroBut it still sounds good.
@Ocean-SaurianFUCK COX!
@JouvaIf you wanna hear better music
@JouvaYou wouldn't be able to host many people ;)
@JouvaYou only get 128kbps out max most of the time from cable modem
@JouvaThat's how many cable companies work
@Ocean-SaurianI meant DJ it
DarkonZeroI'd DJ once I can figure out the fuckin' DSP from play all the sounds off my computer.
CalCap'n Lou
CalCap'n Lou
* DarkonZero damns his SB Live card.
@JouvaOS: Oh ok. Right now I'm discussing the UNDJed version
CalI'm a man of a thousand faces
@Ocean-Saurianonce I get cable I wanna download all the episodes of MST3K and people can download them from me directly
* DarkonZero read that as "<Cal> I'm a man of a thousand feces."
* DarkonZero has to rip his Alpha Team CD.
DarkonZeroNothing like the Speed Racer Hardcore theme in techno.
* Sound request: can't find 'burger.wav'
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
@Ocean-SaurianHey... Jo cancled all the votes
@JouvaCause basically...
@JouvaIt created two polls
@JouvaAnd I couldn't figure out which was which
* Halo09 is on IRC
DarkonZeroMC Chris broadcasts so well.
DarkonZeroI thought it had too much bass.
@JouvaOk somebody sent me a bad mp3
DarkonZeroThe next one?
DarkonZeroThe next track was Midnight Oil.
DarkonZeroAnd I was enjoying the stream.
* Lo9iK (~lo9ik@Psi-1D6C89C2.cox-internet.com) has joined #Deep13
Lo9iKwhat up
Lo9iKwould know of any good place to get mst3k eps?
DarkonZeroNot me.
DarkonZeroSomebody else in here might.
Lo9iKi thought someone would know seeing this is mst3k.org
Lo9iKthanx though
@RobertoKayAren't you interested in #Deep13?
Lo9iKi have no idea what that is
Lo9iKlet me see
CalTroll sued for $1000!
DarkonZeroWho the hell uploaded the bad ones?
@JouvaI dunno what that was DZ
@JouvaBut the thing is...
@JouvaI have a program to check them
DarkonZeroIt said it was a Evil Dead sound.
* Cal (~pmccart@Psi-11AD3866.wi.tds.net) Quit (Quit: At that moment, the Chosen One learned a valuable lesson about iron claws - they hurt like crap, man!)
* Cal has left IRC
@Min7,1Min's MUTATED Quote Machine:14,1 <PrincessSleia2> never used dalnet <PrincessSleia2> pervs there <Peppermint-Saurian> ...then why do you come here leia? <PrincessSleia2> well the pervs here dont ask me to cyber <bie_has_a_holiday_nick> hey leia <bie_has_a_holiday_nick> want to cyber
Lo9iKpretty funny
DarkonZeroThis broadcst sounds excellent BTW.
* feJ (~none@Psi-1D0BFBE3.student.appstate.edu) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +ohv feJ feJ feJ
@feJAnd when the night is clouded
DarkonZeroHey feJ.
@feJThere is still a light that shines on Deep13
@feJShine until tomorrow
@JouvaSong MAY change... dunno.
DarkonZeroWe'll find out.
DarkonZeroWent over smoothly.
@JouvaOk testing a script
@JouvaThis SHOULD now change the song...
DarkonZeroThere it goes.
@JouvaThe previous one wasn't gonna intentionally do it but might have
DarkonZeroAwww...a clean version of a song......
DarkonZeroDamn minors.
@JouvaOk this should stop it...
@JouvaAnd it does...
@JouvaAnd it should be back up now
@JouvaAnd it is
DarkonZeroI wonder who else is listening other than me.
* @RobertoKay holds up his hand.
Lo9iKcool, you got a lil ska playing up on the shoutcast
Lo9iKi'm impressed
@feJim not listening though
DarkonZeroI'm thinking of what else to upload.
Lo9iKwhat are you uploading?
Lo9iKmusic or sounds
@RobertoKaySongs for the radio station.
Lo9iKis there a list of what is already up?
@JouvaYa know what...
Lo9iKor is it on a ftp
DarkonZeroI don't think Superfly's Johnson will go over well.....since it is wokkachiwokka music with dialog from Daikatana taken outta context.
Lo9iKlol...doors, haven't heard then in forever
@Jouva[20:50:53] -ChanServ- [REGISTER] You have successfully registered #Deep13Radio
@JouvaJoin so I can talk more about it :P
@Ocean-Saurianare people able to contribute to these songs?
DarkonZeroI did.
@RobertoKayThe last two Doors songs courtesy of me.
@RobertoKayJo should tell you how.
@Ocean-SaurianHey I have this spider man song
@Ocean-Saurianhey... I think this song was on the Tomb Raider sound track
Lo9iKhow does this server and all stay running?
@Ocean-Saurianhmm... nope
Lo9iKlike, who is paying for it
@Ocean-Saurianvery carefully
@Ocean-Saurianwe have a robot
@Ocean-Sauriannamed Deep 13oid
Lo9iKthat works
@Ocean-Saurianand Jo put him together with old computers
Lo9iKdoes he get the mail and newspaper?
@Ocean-Saurianand so, he plays these songs
@Ocean-Saurianwhy would he?
@Ocean-Saurianhe's just a robot
@Ocean-Saurianthough, he did get a letter to apply for a credit card
Lo9iKdo what gets the mail and newspaper? the dog?
@Ocean-SaurianOh no the robotic dog Aibo gets those
Lo9iKOH, now it makes sense
Lo9iKwait a minute, this isn't crystal meth....
Lo9iKstupid tag messing up
Lo9iKso how many people have work tomorrow?
DarkonZeroI woulda worked tomorrow morning......that's if I still had a job.
* @Ocean-Saurian hugs DZ
* @Ocean-Saurian realizes what he's doing
@Ocean-SaurianEW! ICK
@RobertoKayGotta go.
* RobertoKay (hquiej@Oper.PsiBlade.net) Quit (Quit: Arubadubadubadubadubadu. http://www.deep13.org/gqindustries)
Lo9iKanyone play quake? i just started playing rocket arena again last night
DarkonZeroQ3 or Q1?
Lo9iKi never played much q1
Lo9iKi started with 2
DarkonZeroI have Q3....but it's not installed.
Lo9iKi haven't played any games since before summer until last night
DarkonZeroI played Rocket Arena until cheaters started popping up.
Lo9iKmaybe that is why i seem so bad
Lo9iKi just thought everyone was really really good
Lo9iKre-install it sometime, we'll play
DarkonZeroSome are.....but not all.
DarkonZeroIf I find the HD space...I might do so.
DarkonZeroI'm a bit rusty at Rocket Arena.
Lo9iKwell, i am horrid
Lo9iKso its all good
Lo9iKis this song from rocky horror?
DarkonZeroI think not.
DarkonZeroIt was on the Wayne's World movie.
Lo9iKi was trying to place it
Lo9iKyeah, but the chick sang it
DarkonZeroYeah....Tia Carrera did a re-hash.
DarkonZeroThat's was the original.
DarkonZeroStream died.
Lo9iKi noticed
Lo9iKit was flakin out before
DarkonZeroDamn....and I was enjoying it.
Lo9iKnow it is just dead
DarkonZeroIt'll probably be back up sometime.
Lo9iKdo most people have a live journal?
Lo9iKthere are a ton of people, its very interesting
DarkonZeroI got one....and some of the others in here do.
Lo9iKi wonder how many people read the other persons stuff
DarkonZeroI get a few reads......
Lo9iKi used to keep an online journal, but it started making people mad, because they said i was putting to much out there
DarkonZeroHell....I even read my own.
Lo9iKyeah, it is cool to go back and read it
Lo9iKbut i mean, i wonder if people just pop on there and read yours, like people you don't know and they don't know you
Lo9iKthey just find it interesting to read about you
DarkonZeroI had one person do that.
Lo9iKi don't know if that makes much sense
Lo9iKdid they contact you
Lo9iKi had one person meet me, and say they felt so conected to me cause of everything they read, but she was crazy
* Cal is on IRC
* Cal (~pmccart@Psi-11AD3866.wi.tds.net) has joined #Deep13
Lo9iKshe was like 15 and wanted to run away from home or something, i was like...oh
CalWow...lots of people today.
DarkonZeroSo you had a 15 year old wanting to stay with ya.....heh.
DarkonZero18 folks today.
DarkonZeroAnd wb Cal.
Lo9iKhold on  a sec
Lo9iKso it is official
Lo9iKi have a stalker
Lo9iKi don't know rather to be flattered or scared
DarkonZeroBe both.
Lo9iKsomeone knows my friends, and which classes i am in
Lo9iKand it is a dude
CalAnyone want to see the near-final cut of the film I'm working on?
CalThe file is only 15MB
Lo9iKyou make it yourself?
DarkonZeroI'll take later Cal.
Lo9iKlike wrote it and everything?
CalI'm sort of an amateur filmmaker
Lo9iKi make movies too
CalNot porn, I hope
Lo9iKi like digital editing
CalDigital editing keeps the editor sane.
Lo9iKhee hee
Lo9iKi do a few claymation stuff every now and then too
@Ocean-Saurianwho the fuck uploaded Marlyn Mansion?
Lo9iKafter i graduate, i am going to get a job, and then go to night school in some tech college for digital design, and editing, and prolly animation
CalJoel: It wasn't me
CalLo9iK, what connection do you have?
CalAs in speed
DarkonZeroIt wasn't me O-S.
DarkonZeroI can't stand Manson.
CalI think it was Senty
@feJif you want to send the file my way cal, id like to see it
@feJlet me turn on rm files
DarkonZeroI'll take once I'm finished d/l'ing another Torque based game.
@feJsend now
CalJef, accept
@feJi click accept... i think
@feJtry again
@feJapparently its not liking me
Calit's my damn linksys
DarkonZeroJef can't tell the difference between Accept and Ignore.
@feJits supposed to auto accept
@feJwhic hit did
@feJbut cals decided not to send
@feJcheck the setting in your router to allow it
DarkonZeroDamn our Linksys Firewalls.
CalI'll just re-route my line
@feJok sure
@feJjust figgur out how to send
* @Ocean-Saurian dances
* @Ocean-Saurian boogies
@feJahhhH! joey getting down with his bad self!
* @Ocean-Saurian grabs Jef and boogies with him to the Nerdcore
* @teenMSTie shrugs
* @teenMSTie dances with ChanServ
DarkonZeroThe Nerdcore?
* @teenMSTie riverdances
DarkonZeroStream is down.
* OtherCal (~pmccart@Psi-274D5B7B.wi.tds.net) has joined #Deep13
@teenMSTietwo cals
@feJ2 Cal's are better than one... wait, no they arent
@feJhey! its working
@Ocean-SaurianNo radio anymore?
* OtherCal pokes Cal
DarkonZeroJo has to fix it.
@teenMSTieCal, why can't you ghost?
DarkonZeroBut again O-S...the Nerdcore?
TimeEvil Dead DVD is awesome.
TimeI haven't seen that movie in forever.
DarkonZeroIt is a good movie.
DarkonZeroI bought the Book of the Dead edition.
Timekewl, we just rented.
DarkonZeroI got Army of Darkness Offical Bootleg Edition.....I just need the Evil Dead 2 DVD to round out my collection.
DarkonZeroStream is back up.
OtherCalThere is a better version coming in a few weeks
OtherCalArmy of Darkness: Boomstick Edition
DarkonZeroOf which?
OtherCalHas both the theatrical and director's cut
OtherCalEach has DTS and Dolby Digital sound
DarkonZeroI wish I had more money to waste.
OtherCaltons of extras and stuff
* DarkonZero now needs to look for a job.
@Min7,1Min's MUTATED Quote Machine:14,1 <DeRaptor> * TonicBH is trying to get in someone's drawers
DarkonZeroDammit....it doeasn't go over well in momo.
DarkonZeromono even.
DarkonZeroand deosn't.
* DarkonZero dies.
DarkonZeroDammit.....only the left channel comes through.
DarkonZeroI might have to try and makr a mono version of the track....if it's possible.
DarkonZeroAnd that was a good skit too.
DarkonZeroAs with Glory Hole and Co-efficient.
* Cal (~pmccart@Psi-11AD3866.wi.tds.net) Quit (Connection timed out)
@teenMSTieI'm bored
* DarkonZero will return momentarily....
* Disconnected
Session Close: Sun Jan 19 19:22:05 2003
Session Start: Sun Jan 19 19:49:37 2003
Session Ident: #Deep13
* Now talking in #Deep13
* Topic is '9http://www.deep13.org Read the latest news item and vote! Now!| http://www.livejournal.com/community/deep13/ | Burn in Hell, Sex and the City!!! AHAHAHA! http://www.whowouldyoukill.com/sexandthecity.html | #Deep13 Radio returns: http://www.deep13.org/listen.pls | Because we can't have too many URLs'
* Set by Jouva on Sun Jan 19 16:54:01
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Your nick has been registered with PsiBlade. If you are the owner of this nick, please identify now.
-NickServ- [SYNTAX] /NickServ identify <password>
-ChanServ- [#Deep13] Welcome to #deep13. Be sure to visit our website at http://www.deep13.org/ but you probably already knew that.
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Password Accepted - You are now identified
* DarkonZero is on IRC
* Halo09 is on IRC
* Jouva is on IRC
* Min is on IRC
* Ocean-Saurian is on IRC
* PrincessLeia2 is on IRC
* Sentroid91 is on IRC
@JouvaNew feature
@JouvaCheck out the Random Quote block on deep13.org
TonicBH<Joel> at the con dose anyone remeber the sattilight news chat? <JoMomma> we would if you spelled it right :)
* TonicBH chuckles
TonicBHeven if that isn't him, that's a funny typo
@Sentroid91it is, though
TonicBHI'm surprised he hasn't reacted yet
DarkonZeroHe will eventually....by call ing us all meanies.
DarkonZeroYes....call ing.
DarkonZeroI'm lagging.
* @Ocean-Saurian is too busy crying
@Min7,1Min's MUTATED Quote Machine:14,1 *** Greidanus is now known as MrRogers <MrRogers> Will you be my neighbor?
@JouvaQuote from Yo' Momma: <Locdog07> How's your comic coming aling, 'long?
* TonicBH laughs like Butt-head from Beavis and Butt-Head
@JouvaQuote from Yo' Momma: <DeRaptor> I only kill in bed!
@JouvaQuote from Yo' Momma: --> Maano (~mbts2k@ has joined #deep13 <JoMomma> Maanos... the Haands of Faate?
@Ocean-Saurianhey, at least you guys molded me to who I am today
@JouvaQuote from Yo' Momma: <DarKrow> <PizzaHut> We put cheese in places you've never dreamed of!
@Ocean-Saurian*hack* *hack* *hack*
TonicBHis in my ass one of them?
DarkonZeroTonight is a fun night in #Deep13...well....for me it is.
DarkonZeroGood tunes...and somewhat good convo.
OtherCalHey, is DK banned?
* OtherCal is now known as Cal
* Cal is on IRC
Lo9iKhello, i'm back
CalIt's kind of weird having him here
Caland not blabbing on
* teenMSTie (teenMSTie@1E5FC60.FBFA26E1.742A5DD3.IP) Quit (Quit: Eat crap and die.)
@JouvaHe's still in transit
DarkonZeroWe'll kill him later Cal.
CalMaybe a bear will hijack his car and eat him
DarkonZeroWe could only wish for happy things like that to happen.
@JouvaAnd heck... sent too
@Sentroid91What you want, Grizzly Addams?
@JouvaDownload this: http://the.earth.li/~sgtatham/putty/latest/x86/putty.exe
Lo9iKhey cal, you asked like an hour ago, but i have cable connection
DarkonZeroLemme delete all my porn e-mails first.
@JouvaAnd then create a session, give it a host deep13.org, select the SSH protocol
@Sentroid91i have it here already
DarkonZeroI'm like getting more and more each day.
Lo9iKfuturama is on, yey!
@JouvaAnd then goto the connection sectin of categories and put in "deep13radio" as auto-login username
@JouvaActually lemme message this to you both
* Jouva (jouva@fluffy.moufette.com) Quit (Quit: *bang* *bang* Oh thank you very much. A shot in the face. How nice.)
* Tigger (Tigger@Psi-3BFF1CC.client.attbi.com) has joined #Deep13
DarkonZeroDamn...I forgot the song was short.
DarkonZeroThe Chipmunks do Korn.
Lo9iKhee hee
DarkonZeroThis is too funnt.
Lo9iKaquabats, i think the coolest song is the cat with two heads
DarkonZeroI heard that song once....it is cool.
Lo9iKi mean, how pointless is making a cat with two heads
Lo9iKgreat stuff
DarkonZeroI forgot where I heard it.
DarkonZeroThat Korn track was hilarious.......
Lo9iKthis is a lil depressing
* Lo9iK getting sad
DarkonZeroThe song should be ending soon.
* Tigger (Tigger@Psi-3BFF1CC.client.attbi.com) has left #Deep13
Lo9iKso what is going on?
DarkonZeroNothing much with me.
Lo9iKi went to wendys, grabbed me a frosty
Lo9iKwendy's rox the house
DarkonZeroI could go for some ice cream right now.
Lo9iKi'm watching adult swim
@Ocean-Saurianme too man
Lo9iKwhat kind of ice cream do you want?
DarkonZeroDamn....I dunno.
Lo9iKi am a simple man, i like cookies and cream, or mint chocolate chip
DarkonZeroI like this one flavor that Ben & Jerry's put out....but they don't make it anymore.
Lo9iKand don't sell yourself short, get blue bell if you have the money
DarkonZeroConsession Obsession.
Lo9iKnever heard of that
DarkonZeroIt was a recent new flavor...but then I don't see it anymore.
Lo9iKhave you ever made ice cream?
Lo9iKneither have i
Lo9iKbut i would like to
DarkonZeroI'd like to also.....
Lo9iKdid i kill conversation in here? people were talking until i started
DarkonZeroDammit...I ate too many chicken fingers...and now I'm sleepy again.
@Sentroid91no. it happens on occasion
Lo9iKlol...chicken tenders make you sleepy?
DarkonZeroI ate too many.
Lo9iKso what are you doing sentroid?
Lo9iKwhere you from dz?
Lo9iKi'm in louisiana
DarkonZeroI think I'm the only Deep13'er in Nevada.
Lo9iKnot much going on over here
Lo9iKhow long have you been in deep13
DarkonZeroI haven't been outside for 3 weeks......so I don't know what's going on.
Lo9iKwhat?!?  why not?
DarkonZeroI've been a Deep13'er for about 5 years.
DarkonZeroI dunno why I don't go outside.....I'm probably lazy.
Lo9iKhow old are you?
Lo9iKdo you work in your house, or were you the one that don't work currently
Lo9iKi forgot who said that earlier
DarkonZeroI don't work currently.
DarkonZeroI had a job in an arcade.
DarkonZeroBut I got fired.
Lo9iKthat sux
DarkonZeroThat stuff happenes.
Lo9iKi'm 22, i am a computer tech.
DarkonZeroI worked on arcade games for only a couple of years.
Lo9iKi haven't been to an arcade in forever
DarkonZeroI was in the middle of my training.
DarkonZeroI'm generally known to be a slacker.
Lo9iKso did you actually work on them, or do you just change out entire boards
DarkonZeroI'd switch out boards and sometimes make fixes.
Lo9iKyeah, i am pretty lazy, but i get everything done that needs to be, except pay for insurance on my house...i kinda forgot
DarkonZeroI still live at home.....kinda helping my parents out...except for now.
Lo9iKthat is cool
Lo9iKi would live at home if i was still in the same town
Lo9iKfree food and rent
DarkonZeroMoving happens too.
Lo9iKnothing wrong with that
Lo9iKwhat the hell did they do to the oreo?!?!?  half coffee and half original creame
Lo9iKthat sounds sick
Lo9iKbut i don't like coffee
Lo9iKthat is almost as sick as coffee ice cream
DarkonZeroI drink coffee on occasion.
DarkonZeroI have to put lots of sugar in it.
Lo9iKto me, it taste like ash
Lo9iKlike burn a piece of toast, and just eat the blackness, and that is coffee
DarkonZeroDammit...only a few hours more till I get to watch Adult Swim and I'm getting all sleepy.
Lo9iKweird, what time is it over there
Lo9iKthe oblongs are on over here
CalI'm going to watch Tillie's Punctured Romance
DarkonZero8:31 PM
Lo9iKit is 10 30
CalIt comes on at midnight
Lo9iKtillie's?  what is that?
CalFirst feature-length comedy
Lo9iKwhat channel?
CalTurner Classic Movies
Lo9iKdoh, i don't get that i think
* DarkonZero stops listening to the stream.
CalI don't know how good it is...I'm just interested because I like silents
@Sentroid9111:30 actually
Lo9iKand what time is it for you?
Lo9iKright now
@Ocean-Saurianhey DZ?
Lo9iKlol...or not
@Ocean-SaurianWhere can I download the nerdcore remix
Calheh...oblongs are funnt
DarkonZeroFrom Fronalot's site.
DarkonZeroFrontalot even.
Lo9iKi like aqua teen and sea lab and home movies
Lo9iKi'm not too much a fan of oblongs
Lo9iKwhat a weird site, it has no words
Lo9iKi mean, sentences
@Sentroid91not yet
Lo9iKis that your site or something?
@Sentroid91not really open yet
@Sentroid91mstiegate.com is my main site
* RobertoKay is on IRC
* RobertoKay (hquiej@Oper.PsiBlade.net) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +aohv RobertoKay RobertoKay RobertoKay RobertoKay
Lo9iKis that a template, or did you make it from scratch?
Lo9iKyeah, that was on yesterday....that movie rox
@Sentroid91it's PHP, actually
Lo9iKi wanted to learn php, but i never got around to it
@Sentroid91deep13.org and mstie.net use the same technology
Lo9iKwe made a web search engine in php, but i didn't help much since i didn't know it
Lo9iKso i guess you did deep13's site
@Sentroid91actually RobertoKay did
* Peacimowen (Taiyoushin@Psi-3BEDA166.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) Quit (Ping timeout)
@RobertoKayJouva handles all the confusing technoshit behind PHP.
@RobertoKayI just essentially filled in the blanks plus the template.
Lo9iKconfusing technoshit...that is funny
Lo9iKwell good job on the sites
@RobertoKayThat's a copyrighted catchphrase of mine, thank you very much.
Lo9iKi didn't see the symbol the ©
* Peacimowen (Taiyoushin@Psi-3BEDA166.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) has joined #Deep13
@RobertoKayYou have to personally go to the #Deep13 central office in Gaylord, Michigan to read all the channel-related copyright info.
Lo9iKis that a real place
Lo9iKi'll have to do that on one of my free weekends
Lo9iKthat is kinda funny
Lo9iKholy crap! there really is a gaylord michigan
Lo9iK"god's country"
Lo9iKsnow and happy people
@RobertoKayYou think we make these things up?
Lo9iKwell, better off place than where i am at   www.ruston.com
Lo9iKcome on now, it is gaylord
Lo9iKi was a litle bit skeptical
Lo9iKbut now you have my complete faith
Lo9iKi shall never doubt you again
CalI live near Harlem
CalHarlem, GA
Lo9iKuntil just now, i thought the weirdest name was smackover, arkansas
Lo9iKGA is a pretty place
@Sentroid91what about intercourse, PA?
Lo9iKthis is so educational
Lo9iKthat is pretty good
DarkonZeroThere is also a Intercourse, AL......
Lo9iKtwo intercourses
DarkonZeroSounds odder coming from AL.
Lo9iKpeople there can say they were born in intercouse, and it will have a double meaning
Lo9iKchildish, but entertaining none the less
Lo9iKdo you think that mp3's will ever be illegal?
Lo9iKthey had one of those big movie companies purposely put a movie on kazza, and when someone downloaded it, they tracked it, and fined him an outrageous amount of money
Lo9iKwell, i only say that, cause it is soo hard for me to get music i want now
DarkonZeroThe RIAA sucks.
Lo9iKall the cool things are gone
@Sentroid91use WinMX
Lo9iKwinmx doesn't have underground stuff
Lo9iKi used to use audiogalaxy
Lo9iKand that had everything
Lo9iKi use winmx, because it doesn't sport spyware
Lo9iKi just put kazza light on today
@Sentroid91me too.... shame they took the fall
@Sentroid91sadly they still send me e-mails
Lo9iKi used ag back when it was just ftp searches
DarkonZeroI avoided Kazaa completely.
Lo9iKthat is another thing, ftp seems to have died
Lo9iKyeah, i gave in
Lo9iKi really wanted mst3k episodes, and the only place i could find them and actually download was kazza
@Sentroid91I started using AG when I got banned from Napster.... which was about a month before they killed it
DarkonZeroI use a progie called Soulseek.....but it's slow.
Lo9iKi'll check that out
@RobertoKayBarbara Orbison banned Sent.
* @Sentroid91 punches Robby
@RobertoKayWhat was that for?
@Sentroid91i'd like not to be reminded of that, thanks. :P
DarkonZeroWhat was the banning for, eh?
Lo9iKsea lab on now :-D
Lo9iKdoh, it is the time travel one
Lo9iKi watched that one too much, i have it on my pda
* DarkonZero goes to rebbot.
DarkonZeroreboot even.
* Disconnected
Session Close: Sun Jan 19 21:01:28 2003
Session Start: Sun Jan 19 21:09:35 2003
Session Ident: #Deep13
* Now talking in #Deep13
* Topic is '9http://www.deep13.org Read the latest news item and vote! Now!| http://www.livejournal.com/community/deep13/ | Burn in Hell, Sex and the City!!! AHAHAHA! http://www.whowouldyoukill.com/sexandthecity.html | #Deep13 Radio returns: http://www.deep13.org/listen.pls | Because we can't have too many URLs'
* Set by Jouva on Sun Jan 19 16:54:01
* Cal is on IRC
* DarkonZero is on IRC
* Halo09 is on IRC
* Min is on IRC
* Ocean-Saurian is on IRC
* PrincessLeia2 is on IRC
* RobertoKay is on IRC
* Sentroid91 is on IRC
-ChanServ- [#Deep13] Welcome to #deep13. Be sure to visit our website at http://www.deep13.org/ but you probably already knew that.
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Password Accepted - You are now identified
@RobertoKaywb, DeeZ.
Lo9iKdz, slsk is da bomb
@RobertoKayIt's hosted on Jo's machine.
DarkonZeroNo problemo.
Lo9iKwhere did you find it
DarkonZeroAnother "Deep13'er" told me of it.
Lo9iKit is cool, cause i can click on something, and it will actually download
@Ocean-SaurianI am hiding out
Lo9iKit is a nice feature
@Ocean-Saurianpeople think I am away
@Ocean-Sauriantee hee
* @Ocean-Saurian dances to the remix of nerdcore
DarkonZeroIt's Nerdcore Hip-Hop.
DarkonZeroThe Ye Olde Skool Mix.
* @Ocean-Saurian dances to the remix of Nerdcore Hip-Hop
Lo9iKnever heard of nerdcore
DarkonZeroIt's a type of hip-hop that is slowly gaining popularity.
* @Ocean-Saurian boogies
@Ocean-Saurianit's like rap mixed with technology
Lo9iKis that the name of the group, or is it the genre
@Ocean-SaurianOh it is?
Lo9iKwhat is a band so i can hear
Lo9iKor group rather than band
DarkonZeroMC Frontalot is one.
Lo9iKoh yeah
Lo9iKi heard that on the broadcast earlier
DarkonZeroMC Hawking is another.
@Ocean-Saurianwhat does MC stand for?
DarkonZeroMaster of Ceremonies.
DarkonZeroIs a rap thing.
@Ocean-SaurianAh so I noticed
DarkonZeroMC Chris is another.
@Sentroid91MC Face
@Ocean-Saurianso is MC pee pants
DarkonZeroMC Pee Pants is MC Chris.
Lo9iKthis is all starting to make sense now
DarkonZeroMC Face?
@Sentroid91Tom Green
@Sentroid91before he was famous
DarkonZeroOh yeah.
@Sentroid91or infamous
Lo9iKtom green?  ha ha
Lo9iKsounds like parapa the rappa
Lo9iKor that is what it reminds me of
Lo9iKit is pretty groovy
Lo9iKdeffinately old schoolish
* DarkonZero decides to play Final Fantasy later.......
DarkonZeroI'm gonna finish one of them.
Lo9iKwhich one
DarkonZeroSeeing that I got 4 through 9....I think I'll start with 4.
Lo9iKyou are going to try to beat them all?
DarkonZeroI'm gonna try to..
DarkonZeroBut not in one night.
Lo9iKgood luck
Lo9iKi never got into ff
DarkonZeroIf I tried to beat all of them in one night....that'll be rediculous.
Lo9iKi played the 7th one a lot
Lo9iKthat would be very impressive
Lo9iKmost of them have like 40 hour play time i think
* DarkonZero checks his internal spellchecker....or his brain some people say.
DarkonZeroI got like 30+ PS games...I only beaten 2.
@Min7,1Min's MUTATED Quote Machine:14,1 <netz> I'm a cow. * Sentroid91 milks netz * Sentroid91 throws milk at people <DeRaptor> that's...not...milk...
DarkonZeroAnd here I thought Min was sleepin'.
Calegg salad sammich is teh good
@RobertoKayI'm bored. So I'm going to have another mic broadcast tonight.
DarkonZeroCool....I'll listen in in a bit.
@RobertoKay10 PM.
@RobertoKay1 AM Eastern.
DarkonZeroRobby....no more Letterman laugh.
DarkonZeroIt makes you sound whiter than me.
* teenMSTie (teenMSTie@1E5FC60.FBFA26E1.742A5DD3.IP) Quit (Quit: Eat crap and die.)
@RobertoKayNo... it comes out naturally.
DarkonZeroOh boy.
CalRobby, you sound just like John Lennon in this one
@RobertoKayThat's because you're a smart(ass) person.
Lo9iKyeah, it is on!!!
Calwhat song is this?
@RobertoKayApparently, Motorhead.
Lo9iKdoes anyone have AIM that would look up someone's profile for me, as a favor? just need to know if it shows a name
@RobertoKayI would imagine all AIM should.
Lo9iKscreename FreddyFortyThree
@RobertoKay"No Profile"
Lo9iKthat is the person that is stalking me
@RobertoKayFeeling right at home with us?
@RobertoKayThen do us a favor.
Lo9iKdo i have to kill someone?
Lo9iKi'll idle in here for a while
Lo9iKuntil i get a life or something like that...lol, but i don't think that would happen
Lo9iKyeah, it is cool in here, good music, cool movies/episodes...i got a cool mp3 search now
Lo9iKit's all good
Lo9iKi just feel like i am typing too much
DarkonZeroAt least someone is.
DarkonZeroAccording to the channel stats....I'm the topper.
Lo9iKyeah, you talk
Lo9iKit is good though, at least i can talk to someone
Lo9iKok, i gots the frontalot demo  
Lo9iKwhew, that took a lot out of me
Lo9iKall that clicking and stuff
Lo9iKhis demo cd
DarkonZeroAH......a contributor.
DarkonZeroWelcome fellow sucker.
Lo9iKwhoa, this is pretty cool....check out "general levy"
Lo9iKnot nerdcore, but it is pretty cool
* RobertoKay (hquiej@Oper.PsiBlade.net) Quit (Ping timeout)
* RobertoKay has left IRC
* Lo9iK drools
Lo9iKhee hee
CalI....I killed Robby!
* RobertoKay is on IRC
* RobertoKay (hquiej@Oper.PsiBlade.net) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +aohv RobertoKay RobertoKay RobertoKay RobertoKay
CalWobbly Robby Kay
@RobertoKayNever try to look for anything in the back of your computer while it's actually on.
DarkonZeroI've did that with arcade machines.....I gave myself electro shock therapy.
@Sentroid91I did that with the X-Box display at work
CalLivin' With A Hernia!
Calhurts me bad
Calin a tender location
Lo9iKi was working on an at case, a computer with the big button you hit to turn on and off the computer, and i was unscrewwing the harddrive and the screwdriver hit the contacts for the power button, and boom...all the lights went off at work, screwdriver flew out my hand, all i saw was a big flash of light, and then the floodlights kicked on cause all the power went off
Lo9iKhee hee
Lo9iKdon't worry, i'm a professional, please bring me your computer to fix
@RobertoKayBroadcast in a minute. Connect now...
DarkonZeroAfter getting a few good jolts...Ifound myself being more mellow.
CalWhere did you get this version?
CalIt's like mono
Lo9iKyou sure that just isn't the server?
DarkonZeroThe server broadcasts in mono.
CalIt needs to be in stereo
Calall the beatles songs are getting kareoke-ized
Lo9iKyou ever did kareoke?
@RobertoKayWe're on the air.
DarkonZeroUnfortunately the codec only allows 24 bit mono broadcasts.
* Cal looks down
Lo9iKi only did once, i had to in order to leave a party
* Cal falls
Lo9iKi went with my boss to a wedding, and he said he wasn't goign to leave until i did...and then he turned into a kareoke junkie
Lo9iKand we didn't leave for another two hours
Lo9iKso the moral of this story is, don't go with your boss to a wedding, drive yourself
DarkonZeroYeesh....he's so cruel.
DarkonZeroNice news update there.
DarkonZeroOh God......
CalI think I'm going to play the entire Ring cycle by Wagner
Calnext time I broadcast >:D
CalRobby ate some deep dish pizza
Lo9iKso who is talking?
CalRobby's demon
Lo9iKplay anything!
Lo9iKrobby on the hour every hour
CalRobby hit puberty like a aircraft carrier crushing a house of cards
CalAndre The Giant called, he wants his voice back.
Lo9iKi haven't seen andre in anything other than princess bride
Lo9iKturn up your mic
* DarkonZero still tries to figure out how to keep the system sounds from playing through his broadcasts.
Lo9iKthat could be a problem
Lo9iKjust turn off all the system sounds
CalBob "Mumbles" Dylan
DarkonZeroI'd like not to.
DarkonZeroBut it seems I might.
Lo9iKi don't know if you can do anything about that
@Sentroid91Rob's track names are fuxored
Lo9iKactually, the plugin should only take mp3
CalRobby, is there a reason why everything is slowed down?
Lo9iKi think
DarkonZeroUnless I make another box to do my DJ'ing from.
Lo9iKcheck out the plugins
Lo9iKcause we have an inhouse shoutcast thing, and i don't think we hear system sounds
Lo9iKbut we may have just disabled them
Lo9iKi'll let you know next time i turn it on
DarkonZeroThanks...that'll be some help for me.
DarkonZeroI was gonna build a box just to broadcast from so I can have a pretty straight forward machine.
DarkonZeroI'll do it eventually.
Lo9iKdid they pass that law that you have to pay the artist everytime you play a song
Lo9iKor something like that
DarkonZeroI think it got overturned.
DarkonZeroI haven't kept up with the news.
Lo9iKwell that is good
Lo9iKyeah, me either
Lo9iKi get a lil here and there
* Lo9iK is now known as Lo9iK-sleep
Lo9iK-sleepi am going to sleep
Lo9iK-sleeptis late
Calnighty night
DarkonZeroJust rebuffer.
* @Ocean-Saurian continues to boogie to the remix of "Nerdcore Hip-Hop"
DarkonZeroI'm talking to the ones listening.
@Ocean-Saurianthis is purely awesome
DarkonZeroThe names are being lagged cause the clients need to be rebuffered.
@Ocean-SaurianDon't tsh-trip, d-ad-ad-ad-don't trip
DarkonZeroI do it every once in a while just to get the names correct.
DarkonZeroBaddd Spellah....excellent remixer.
CalYo detesto mis abuelos de fungi.
@Ocean-SaurianWhat else has Baddd Spellah done?
DarkonZeroHe does his own stuff.
DarkonZeroI got a couple of ones he did.
DarkonZeroI can't remember his site though.
@Min7,1Min's MUTATED Quote Machine:14,1 <Sabeau> Help keep the dumbass poulation to a minimum, make sure you get yourself spayed or neutered. <TonicBH> Sabeau is Bob Barker! <TonicBH> Now will Sabeau have nice sexual fantasies with Min and sue her in the end?
* @Min sits in a corner of the room, sets her HEV suit to sleep mode and drifts off into subconsciousness, clutching a crowbar for protection.
* Min is now known as Min[SLEEP]
* Min has left IRC
@Ocean-Saurianyou know
@Ocean-SaurianCan I live with another Deep 13er here?
@Ocean-Saurianfor like... a week?
@Ocean-SaurianI can live in the closet, I don't mind
CalWhere do you live?
CalAs in city, state?
Calor don't.
DarkonZeroHeh....Robby is especially harsh tonight.
@RobertoKayBy the way, the preceding was scripted.
@RobertoKayI'm not lying.
CalRob: read war & peace
DarkonZeroEven saying "gay" so much?
@RobertoKayTwice. In reference to musicals.
* DarkonZero resubmits his order with Gameskins.
@RobertoKayBy the way, wasn't it better how I scripted my dialogue?
DarkonZeroI like the random choas of speaking to a select few.
DarkonZerochaos even
@RobertoKayYeah, but you didn't throw me a bone out there, so.
DarkonZeroI decided to be nice.
CalDumbass and the Fag don't need no scripts
DarkonZeroAnd you're speaking of who, Cal?
@RobertoKayHe's high again.
CalThey're movie reviewers
CalI thought it would sound funny
@Sentroid91how did you interrupt the DJ-less broadcast anyway? Through putty?
Calputty tat
@RobertoKayOkay. Now I've just outlined my next dialogue instead of scripting it word-to-word.
CalMy patent papers are wondering why we stopped.
@Ocean-Saurianoh cal
@Ocean-SaurianI live in chantilly va
Caloh ok
@Sentroid91AAARGH!... oh
@Ocean-Saurian<sent> I thought I hated Chantilly
@Ocean-Saurian<sent> but I don't...
@Ocean-Saurianheh I was?
@Ocean-Saurianwhat were you yelling aboot?
@Sentroid91the broadcast
DarkonZeroFreestylin' Robby!
@Sentroid91Bon Jouva
DarkonZeroBless you!
@Sentroid91Craig Kilborn
DarkonZeroAh...I thought so...I knew I should turn off the speakers.
DarkonZeroBut....I dunno if that works entirely.
@Ocean-Saurianwell I must be off
@Ocean-Sauriantis late you know
* @Ocean-Saurian swims off, and sleeps in heavenly peace
* Ocean-Saurian (Ocean-Saur@Psi-3DE014E2.ipt.aol.com) Quit (Quit: I hate Cox....)
* Ocean-Saurian has left IRC
@RobertoKayJR notes that
@RobertoKayis a very emotional challenger...in bed.  HHH is the Cerebral
@RobertoKaybed.  Steiner pounds away to start...in bed.  Okay, enough of that.  
@Sentroid91Steiner made HHH his biatch
@Sentroid91in jail
@RobertoKay -**1/2  
@RobertoKayHHH tried, but no one gets Freakzilla over DUD at this point.  Buh-bye,
@RobertoKayScott, hope you enjoyed your month in the WWE.  By the way, for those
@RobertoKaywho praised the WWE for keeping them separate as "great booking" to
@RobertoKaybuild interest in the match, I hope you now understand why they were
@RobertoKayout of the ring leading up to this.  Go ahead, Steiner drones, defend
@RobertoKaythis shit,
@RobertoKayI dare you.  
@Sentroid91The Benoit-Angle match was better anyway
@RobertoKayOne last counter for Benoit, but Angle turns it into
@RobertoKaya heel
@RobertoKayhook to finish at 19:47.  But I bet that according to HHH, neither of
@RobertoKayguys know how to work.  This is your first match of the year contender,
@RobertoKaywith the setup of the awards it'll be forgotten by November.  ****3/4  
@RobertoKaydeducting 1/4* for the chinlocks in the middle, for those who will
@RobertoKayask.  The crowd then shows huge class and gives Benoit a standing
@RobertoKayafter the match for the effort.  See, now they've got a dilemma -
@RobertoKaybuilt up Benoit as a big babyface now, but they have nowhere to go with
@RobertoKayhim because Brock-Angle is carved in stone for Wrestlemania.  My
@RobertoKaysolution?  Move him to RAW and put him over HHH for the World title,
@RobertoKaythus keeping the momentum going and giving HHH a fresh babyface to feud
@RobertoKayIs anyone awake?
DarkonZeroI'm watching TV.
@Sentroid91I'm listening to broadcast
@Sentroid91and watching TV
DarkonZeroI'm doing the same.
@Sentroid91no you aren't
@Sentroid91you just said you were watching TV
DarkonZeroI also have Wimamp going.
DarkonZeroIt's likea new version.
@Sentroid91This is live.... streaming... broadbrain
* KServo[Sleeeep] is now known as KServo
@RobertoKayQuarter to 8, KS?
* KServo runs (well, gets driven) off to school.
* KServo is now known as KSchool
@Sentroid91it's you.
@Sentroid91<Sentroid91> oh yeay... apparently the script to the Radio dies when the UNIX Bcast goes off
@Sentroid91<Sentroid91> go look
@Sentroid91<Sentroid91> Takes me back to DK3.com
DarkonZeroThis is what I see....
@Sentroid91no i see it
@Sentroid91don't paste
* DarkonZero pastes anyway.
DarkonZeroThat's all I got.
@Sentroid91you know what else I just noticed?
@Sentroid91MST 3K Schedule
@Sentroid91January 25: [912] The Screaming Skull (with short, "Robot Rumpus")
@Sentroid91Feburary 1: [911] Devil Fish
@Sentroid91Fenruary 8: [1004] Future War
@Sentroid91Lousy Fenruary weather
@RobertoKayEdit it, then.
@Sentroid91i'm gonna. :P
@RobertoKayAdministration/Blocks/MST 3K Schedule-->Edit
@Sentroid91I know
@RobertoKayHere's the last song for the evening.
@Sentroid91I also know how to spell.... :P :P
@RobertoKayYou BASTARD!
@RobertoKayBut whatever.
* @Sentroid91 snickers
@RobertoKayAnyway, you're up Sent.
@RobertoKayThere was NO script.
@Sentroid91I loves when we time it right. :D
DarkonZeroThose fucking Wonder Twins.......heh.
Session Close: Mon Jan 20 00:00:00 2003

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