
Session Start: Tue Jan 07 00:17:07 2003
Session Ident: #Deep13
* Now talking in #Deep13
* Topic is '9http://www.deep13.org | http://www.livejournal.com/community/deep13/ | Join the Army. Meet interesting people. Kill them.'
* Set by teenMSTie on Thu Jan 02 20:07:45
* DarkonZero is on IRC
* Ocean-Saurian is on IRC
* PrincessLeia2 is on IRC
-ChanServ- [#Deep13] Welcome to #deep13. Be sure to visit our website at http://www.deep13.org/ but you probably already knew that.
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Password Accepted - You are now identified
* Disconnected
Session Close: Tue Jan 07 00:54:59 2003
Session Start: Tue Jan 07 03:07:24 2003
Session Ident: #Deep13
* Now talking in #Deep13
* Topic is '9http://www.deep13.org | http://www.livejournal.com/community/deep13/ | Join the Army. Meet interesting people. Kill them.'
* Set by teenMSTie on Thu Jan 02 20:07:45
* DarkonZero is on IRC
* Ocean-Saurian is on IRC
* PrincessLeia2 is on IRC
-> *Nickserv* identify giz91473
* DarkonZero is now known as DZ{Away}
* DarkonZero has left IRC
* ChanServ (Services@psiblade.net) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +oq ChanServ ChanServ
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Your nick has been registered with PsiBlade. If you are the owner of this nick, please identify now.
-NickServ- [SYNTAX] /NickServ identify <password>
-> *Nickserv* identify giz91473
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Password Accepted - You are now identified
* TonicBH (~BBrown932@Psi-1FA1F415.ptld.uswest.net) has joined #Deep13
* @Min[SLEEP] straps on her messenger bag, puts on her headphones (they match her HEV suit) and reluctantly plods off to school, listening to her discman all the way.
* Min[SLEEP] is now known as Min[SCHOOL]
* TonicBH sighs
* Jouva (jouva@fluffy.moufette.com) has joined #Deep13
* Jouva shoots out a decoy scientist and watches it explode.
* ChanServ sets mode: +aohv Jouva Jouva Jouva Jouva
* Jouva (jouva@fluffy.moufette.com) Quit (Quit: *bang* *bang* Oh thank you very much. A shot in the face. How nice.)
TonicBHis anyone alive?
* TonicBH goes to school.
* TonicBH is now known as Tonic|School
* Tonic|School is away: bye
* Sentroid[SLEEPING] has returned.
* Sentroid[SLEEPING] is now known as Sentroid91
* Sentroid91 is on IRC
* ChanServ sets mode: +qohv Sentroid91 Sentroid91 Sentroid91 Sentroid91
* Sentroid91 (~servo911@Oper.PsiBlade.net) Quit (Ping timeout)
* Sentroid91 has left IRC
* Sentroid91 is on IRC
* Sentroid91 (~servo911@Oper.PsiBlade.net) has joined #Deep13
* Sentroid91 injects poison into #Deep13
* Sound request: can't find 'nwo.wav'
[Sentroid91 SOUND]
* ChanServ sets mode: +qohv Sentroid91 Sentroid91 Sentroid91 Sentroid91
* KServo[Sleep] (~creaturec@206B671D.626100BC.5C98C3CE.IP) has joined #Deep13
* KServo[Sleep] is now known as KServo
* Sentroid91 (~servo911@Oper.PsiBlade.net) Quit (Ping timeout)
* Sentroid91 has left IRC
* Peacimowen (~Taiyoushi@A0AFBE1.E2CAB193.276B6CBD.IP) Quit (Connection timed out)
* Jouva (jouva@fluffy.moufette.com) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +aohv Jouva Jouva Jouva Jouva
* @Jouva shoots out a decoy scientist and watches it explode.
* Time (~time@Admin.PsiBlade.net) Quit (Quit: o_O shrubbery)
-> *NickServ* identify giz91473
* DZ{Away} is now known as DarkonZero
* DarkonZero is on IRC
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] You are already identified
* Jouva (jouva@fluffy.moufette.com) Quit (Quit: *bang* *bang* Oh thank you very much. A shot in the face. How nice.)
* Disconnected
Session Close: Tue Jan 07 11:45:59 2003
Session Start: Tue Jan 07 13:59:33 2003
Session Ident: #Deep13
* Now talking in #Deep13
* Topic is '9http://www.deep13.org | http://www.livejournal.com/community/deep13/ | Join the Army. Meet interesting people. Kill them.'
* Set by teenMSTie on Thu Jan 02 20:07:45
* DarkonZero is on IRC
* DarKrow is on IRC
* Ocean-Saurian is on IRC
* PrincessLeia2 is on IRC
-ChanServ- [#Deep13] Welcome to #deep13. Be sure to visit our website at http://www.deep13.org/ but you probably already knew that.
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Password Accepted - You are now identified
DarkonZeroThere's a disconcerning nick if I ever did see one.
DarKrowThat was my reaction
DarKrower squicky
DarkonZeroSounds like someone needs a doctor.
DarKrowor some Midol
@Ocean-Saurian<Min[BLEEDING]> Idunno. MY ANUS. (insert Greidanus joke here)
@Ocean-Saurian<PrincessLeia2> min came from a long like of greidanus'
@Ocean-Saurian<Min[BLEEDING]> Heheh.
@Ocean-Saurian<Min[BLEEDING]> Bloody anus.
* Cal is on IRC
* Cal (~pmccart@Psi-259697AF.wi.tds.net) has joined #Deep13
DarkonZeroHey Cal.
* Jouva (jouva@fluffy.moufette.com) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +aohv Jouva Jouva Jouva Jouva
* @Jouva shoots out a decoy scientist and watches it explode.
DarkonZeroAwww fuck.....it's Jo.
DarkonZeroI mean...Hi Jo.
DarkonZeroWhat up, homey?
DarKrowDinner Is Dun
DarkonZeroDinner is dung?
Cal<DZ> Yum! Canned soup and frozen waffles!
DarKrowWell, DZ's unemployed right?
DarKrowI had one of those homestyle bakes things.
* DarKrow listens to Devo - Girl U Want (Boston 1982)
DarkonZero#Deep13...we have 8-track minds.
DarkonZeroI dunno what I meant by that.
DarkonZeroI'm sleepy....again.
DarkonZeroAll I do now is sleep alot.
CalProbably because you're malnourished
CalDo you eat mustard, too?
DarkonZeroI think all the times I lost sleep due to my former job is being made up now.
* DarkonZero takes a nap.
DarKrowI go now
DarKrowand remember: F and U. Put 'em together.
* DarKrow (~darkrow@Psi-16A68F0D.telocity.com) Quit (Quit: Client Exiting)
* DarKrow has left IRC
* Sentroid91 is on IRC
* Sentroid91 (~servo911@Oper.PsiBlade.net) has joined #Deep13
* Sentroid91 injects poison into #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +qohv Sentroid91 Sentroid91 Sentroid91 Sentroid91
@Ocean-SaurianHey Scento
-> *Nickserv* identify giz91473
* DarkonZero is now known as DZ{Napping}
* DarkonZero has left IRC
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] You are already identified
* shade-gentoo (~Mystic@NetAdmin.PsiBlade.net) has joined #Deep13
* shade-gentoo (~Mystic@NetAdmin.PsiBlade.net) Quit (Quit: (Insert witty quit message))
* shade-gentoo (~Mystic@NetAdmin.PsiBlade.net) has joined #Deep13
* shade-gentoo (~Mystic@NetAdmin.PsiBlade.net) Quit (Quit: (Insert witty quit message))
* shade-gentoo (~Mystic@NetAdmin.PsiBlade.net) has joined #Deep13
@Ocean-SaurianIs that like...
@Sentroid91what's with Min
@Ocean-Saurianshe claimed she was bleeding
@Sentroid91what? out the ass?
Cal0,1FilmQuote:1,0 Emperor Joseph II: Your work is ingenious. It's quality work. And there are simply too many notes, that's all. Just cut a few and it will be perfect. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Which few did you have in mind, Majesty? (from Amadeus)
@Ocean-SaurianI guess...
@Ocean-SaurianI mean... I'd hope not
Cal0,1FilmQuote:1,0 Austin: So, Basil, if I travel back to 1969 and I was frozen in 1967, I could go look at my frozen self. But, if I'm still frozen in 1967, how could I have been unthawed in the 90's and traveled back to the Sixties? [goes cross-eyed] Oh, no, I've gone cross-eyed. Basil: I suggest you don't worry about those things and just enjoy yourself. [to camera] And, you too. (from The Spy Who Shagged Me)
@BloodyanusMY POOR DAMN ASS!!
@BloodyanusAnd yes, it was the ass.
@BloodyanusThus I am BLOODYANUS.
@Sentroid91Diarrhea type ass-bleeding?
@BloodyanusJust blooood.
@Bloodyanusbloody blood.
@Sentroid91Not the other thing?
@BloodyanusOut of mah anus. I'd kinda KNOW it.
@BloodyanusLadies tend to know when it's THAT.
@Sentroid91Uh know.... You know what I meant.
* Sentroid91 is now known as Dr_Evil
* Sentroid91 has left IRC
@Dr_EvilOhhh... I dunno.... Who am I?????
* @Bloodyanus throws Sent a frickin' bone.
* Dr_Evil is now known as Sentroid91
* Sentroid91 is on IRC
* @Sentroid91 doesn't understand how blood just comes out of the ass..... but in the same sense I guess it's not so different than when it comes out of the nose.
@BloodyanusHee. A friend of mine suggested I should be on the lookout for anus vampires.
@Sentroid91Ass Dracula?
shade-gentooDracula Ass, the Ass of the undead.
@Sentroid91Ass Dracula> I've come to suck your ass!
@BloodyanusI dun want omega in my ass.
* shade-gentoo opens a timegate and waits
* @Bloodyanus smacks shade with a gatekey
@Bloodyanus7,1Min's MUTATED Quote Machine:14,1 <Sentroid91> Empty with penis * Locdog07 empties the penis.
* @Sentroid91 grabs the gatekey and paints it gold
* @Bloodyanus throws they gold gatekey in a pile of identical gold keys.
* Sentroid91 is now known as Goldmember
* Sentroid91 has left IRC
* @Goldmember unzips his pants and reaches in to find a gold key
@GoldmemberMy winky was a key!
* Goldmember is now known as Sentroid91
* Sentroid91 is on IRC
@BloodyanusGoldmember was a funnt movie. Aside from the oddly massive amounts of innuendo in the beginning of the movie.
@Sentroid91And the Schmoke and a Pancake
@BloodyanusI liked that...
@BloodyanusAnd it was shmoke and a flapjack.
@BloodyanusLookie at meh progress!
@Bloodyanus http://www.nationstates.net/cgi-bin/index.cgi/target=display_nation/nation=iori
@Sentroid91actually it was cigarette and a flapjack
@Bloodyanusno, cigarette and a pancake, from when he elaborated.
* @Sentroid91 0wnz the movie. :P
@BloodyanusI OWN TEH MOVIE, too.
@Sentroid91http://www.dvdaficionado.com/dvds.html?cat=1&id=sentroid91 - 0wnz 92 titties... er titles
@BloodyanusYou have that many titties, Sent?
@Sentroid91more than even De
@Sentroid91xquote, search titties
@Sentroid[NotHome]1,12Quote containing "titties":12,1 <DeRaptor> My titties are very tough. They once whooped the asses of 300 ninjas. 1,12Number of Quotes found: 1
@BloodyanusDe has more dicks than you'll ever have, though.
@Sentroid91That's for damn sure. :D
@Bloodyanus7,1Min's MUTATED Quote Machine:14,1 * Min gores out DarkonZero's eyeballs with a melon baller. * Min flings DarkonZero's eyeballs at Chanserv. <Min> YAAAAAAAY <DarkonZero> Great.....I can't see what I'm feeling around for.....wait....that kinda makes it an adventure.
@Sentroid91xquote, search kitana
@Sentroid[NotHome]1,12Quote containing "kitana":12,1 * Kitana waves ~ ~ <Sentroid91> What the hell was she waving at us? <jasoN> ~'s ? <Sentroid91> looks like drool <jasoN> maybe she waved her tongue at us <Sentroid91> You mean like she wants some? <jasoN> maybe <jasoN> we're pretty studly 1,12Number of Quotes found: 3
@Sentroid91xquote, search kitana
@Sentroid[NotHome]1,12Quote containing "kitana":12,1 <MSTManos> I think since omega did that to CG, we should be allowed to nuke him. <CallipyG> hehe <CallipyG> i think so too <MSTManos> Yep. <MSTManos> <Kitana> no. nukes are bad. one nuke = k-line <MSTManos> <Kitana> k-line for all of you <MSTManos> <Kitana> nuking is not a right it is a privelege <MSTManos> <MrB> You are evading a nuke <MSTManos> <Lodovik> NUKES MAKE ME NUTS JUGGLE! <MSTManos> <omega> w
@Sentroid91xquote, search kitana
@Sentroid[NotHome]1,12Quote containing "kitana":12,1 * Kitana waves ~ ~ <Sentroid91> What the hell was she waving at us? <jasoN> ~'s ? <Sentroid91> looks like drool <jasoN> maybe she waved her tongue at us <Sentroid91> You mean like she wants some? <jasoN> maybe <jasoN> we're pretty studly 1,12Number of Quotes found: 3
@Sentroid91xquote, search kitana
@Sentroid[NotHome]1,12Quote containing "kitana":12,1 <RobertoKay> Kitana hates Sent. But she's not really a woman. <RobertoKay> And then again, neither is De. 1,12Number of Quotes found: 3
@BloodyanusHeh! DeeK's country's a civil rights lovefest.
@Bloodyanus7,1Min's MUTATED Quote Machine:14,1 <TonicBH> fock ye
* RobertoKay is on IRC
* RobertoKay (~hquiej@Oper.PsiBlade.net) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +aohv RobertoKay RobertoKay RobertoKay RobertoKay
@RobertoKayWhat a refreshing day today.
@BloodyanusMy ass is not refreshed.
@Sentroid91<Grunt> I! SHIT! MA! ASS!
@BloodyanusGo boggle your eyes at someone else's poor ass!
@Bloodyanus7,1Min's MUTATED Quote Machine:14,1 <UrbanD> i'm not a potato bitch <spyorama> he's a potato whore
Cal0,1FilmQuote:1,0 Sultan: Have you any famous last words? Baron Munchausen: Not yet. Sultan: "Not yet"? Is that famous? (from The Adventures of Baron Munchousen)
Cal0,1FilmQuote:1,0 Pee Wee Herman: It's like you're unravelling a big cable-knit sweater that someone keeps knitting and knitting and knitting and knitting and knitting and knitting... (from Pee-Wee's Big Adventure)
Cal0,1FilmQuote:1,0 Captain Jeffrey Spaulding: One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got in my pajamas, I don't know. (from Animal Crackers)
Cal0,1FilmQuote:1,0 Sultan: Have you any famous last words? Baron Munchausen: Not yet. Sultan: "Not yet"? Is that famous? (from The Adventures of Baron Munchousen)
Cal0,1FilmQuote:1,0 Charlie Allnut: I don't know why the Germans would want this God-forsaken place. Rose Sayer: God has not forsaken this place, Mr. Allnut, as my brother's presence here bears witness. (from The African Queen)
@RobertoKayDon't overload on quotes there.
@Bloodyanus7,1Min's MUTATED Quote Machine:14,1 <Greidanus> WHY IS LOC IN MY BUTT!?
@Bloodyanus7,1Min's MUTATED Quote Machine:14,1 * IncredibleMeltingMan ponders #Deep13 cereal again. <DeRaptor> It would make the milk you-flavored! <DeRaptor> there would be green and tan mes and green marhmallowy Ns and licorice lings and stuff <Greidanus> and chocolate beavers <DeRaptor> yeah...mmmmm...wait... <IncredibleMeltingMan> Wow. <IncredibleMeltingMan> Kellogs Porn Flakes
@Sentroid91omega> I VHANT TO SUCK UR ASS!
@RobertoKaySpeaking of which...
@RobertoKayI saw a billboard today on the way to school with a kid that looked like omega covering a good part of it.
* Joft (~joft@Psi-1512F44D.wtrbct.adelphia.net) has joined #Deep13
@RobertoKaySans a few inches of forehead.
Joftit's nite already
@RobertoKayNot where I'm at.
@RobertoKayActually, to be fair, it's only late afternoon here.
JoftI hate time differences
JoftI can't stay up later than 2 AM here
Joftso I can only talk with people in Cali till 11 their time
Joftand most people hardly even get online by that time...
Joftwut os?
@shade14-12Operating System:14 Windows XP Home Edition, Service Pack 1 (5.1 - 2600) 12Uptime:14 1d 22h 25m 22s
@shadeI want to get fixedsys on mIRC under 'nix, but I can't find the fixedsys font file
@Bloodyanusshould be in fonts, foo'
@shadeAlready looked.
Joftnot a single file or folder containing "fixedsys" on my comp
Joftit's within the operating system
@shadecourier sucks
@shadeI want my fixedsys
Joftdownload it shad
@RobertoKayMaybe fixedsys doesn't want YOU.
@Ocean-SaurianWow that's a bitch
@Ocean-SaurianNo actually
@Ocean-Saurianthat makes sense
@Ocean-SaurianWindows XP doesn't use DOS, I think
Joftunlike you
@Ocean-SaurianWindows XP is it's OWN version of dos
Calhttp://www.templeofdominoes.com/tarot/indexnojava.html  <- Tarot cards tell your future, Charlie Brown.
@shadewhat does xp and dos have to do with this entire conversation? :p
@Ocean-SaurianIt dosn't use Fixessys
@Ocean-SaurianBecause there is no need for it
@JouvaWhy not?
* @shade would like to note that this mIRC client is using fixedsys as its font right now
@JouvaWhy is there no need for fixedsys?
@Ocean-SaurianWell, I thought it didn't
@Ocean-SaurianBecause in dos it uses fixedsys
@Ocean-SaurianBut, XP is just it's own version of dos
@shadeI can't find a download site for fixedsys anywhere :(
@Ocean-SaurianI mean... it was just a thought, no need to get nasty over it
@Ocean-SaurianShade, why don't I just give you the font?
@Ocean-SaurianIf I could find it...
@shadeif you can find it
Joftget a font editor and make your own fixedsys
Joftor mount your winXP partition and get it from there/
@shadeI don't know where on my winxp partition it is
@shadeotherwise I'd already have it]
Jofto yea
* Myth (heylo@Psi-2CFA505D.pubip.gamewood.net) has joined #Deep13
@Ocean-SaurianI dunno
@Ocean-SaurianIt dosn't exist I guess
@Ocean-SaurianJust like the internet
@BloodyanusOr Dubya?
@Ocean-SaurianActually my networking teacher said "the internet dosn't exist" and I was shocked. His explaination was that it was only a giant mesh of computers
@Ocean-SaurianWhich is true
@Ocean-SaurianMy world was shattered
@BloodyanusI wish Dubya didn't exist... and was only some evil capitalist Nazi cyborg.
MythI've been watching the Back to the Future movies today
@Ocean-SaurianWell, he is a conservitive republican... he is like... a volvo with a gunrack really
@BloodyanusI've been into drawing political cartoons, lately. XD
@RobertoKayOps: meeting.
@Ocean-SaurianI didn't get the memo!
* Bloodyanus is now known as Min
* Min is on IRC
@Sentroid91Where's this meeting, cap'n?
@MinMe neither.
@Ocean-Saurianthe soupah secreto opping room
@RobertoKayFirst, who knows what's the command to send notices to ops?
@RobertoKayEr... no.
@MinI was gonna say...
@Min<RobertoKay> Bad op! Go to your room!
@RobertoKayCaps lock gets stuck occasionally.
@RobertoKayBut it doesn't work.
@Ocean-SaurianWell... are we going to do the meeting in here?
@Ocean-Saurianor another room?
@RobertoKayNo, no.
* shade-gentoo (~Mystic@NetAdmin.PsiBlade.net) Quit (Quit: (Insert witty quit message))
@RobertoKayForget it. I'll just private message individual ops.
@RobertoKayBy the way...
@RobertoKay<Ocean-Saurian> What do I click?
@RobertoKay<RobertoKay> Click?
@RobertoKay<RobertoKay> Why, in my day, all we had was a keyboard.
@RobertoKay<RobertoKay> And we typrd /join #channel key
@RobertoKay<Ocean-Saurian> Heh
@RobertoKay<RobertoKay> And in my day, our keyboards never worked
@RobertoKayOh, ops, I sent you a /notice.
@RobertoKayIn case you're curious.
* Tonic|School is no longer away
* Tonic|School is now known as TonicBH
@RobertoKayHello, Skippy.
TonicBHhi Leia
@RobertoKayTonic reminds me of Skippy from Family Ties.
@RobertoKayAnd the name suits him.
@Ocean-SaurianYeah... I never thought of that
@Ocean-SaurianMy god...
@Ocean-SaurianIt does!
* PrincessLeia2 wanders over and drops some french fries into Ocean-Saurian's tank
@RobertoKayAnd moreso than you, Joey.
* @Ocean-Saurian gobbles them up
-> *NickServ* identify giz91473
* DZ{Napping} is now known as DarkonZero
* DarkonZero is on IRC
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] You are already identified
@Ocean-SaurianHuh? Nah, Woody from Cheers suits me
DarkonZeroSee...I told you I ws sleepy O-S.
PrincessLeia2i went to bed at 5:30 tonight
@Ocean-Saurianyou'll be up all night
DarkonZeroI just took a long nap.
DarkonZeroI just woke up from it.
PrincessLeia2naps always seem like a good idea
DarkonZeroMine I think was for 3 hours.
PrincessLeia2mine too
PrincessLeia2noew i am fairly awake and i dont think i will sleep much tonight, ugh!
DarkonZeroI'll be up all night.....I know that much.
PrincessLeia2well i am trying to stay on a normal sleep schedule %(
PrincessLeia2i was like "cannot take nap, ok, i will just lie down for a bit and not sleep, HAH!"
DarkonZeroSo am I....I gotta start looking for work again.
PrincessLeia2i got up at like 6 this morning, i am not used to such early mornings
PrincessLeia2had to take Time to work so I could go to the car fixing place... i had a terrible day
DarkonZeroI feel miserable....pretty much most of my family is sick from something.
PrincessLeia2read your lj ... good to hear things worked out with the previous job n stuff
DarkonZeroMy head fels like it gained a pound.
DarkonZeroThank you.
PrincessLeia2i think i am just depressed, i'm in a terrible mood and for the past 5 days or so i have just wanted to sleep
Joftsleep right, eat right, you'll be fine
@RobertoKayDeeZ does neither, though.
DarkonZeroI like it when it's dark outside.
PrincessLeia2dark is nice
DarkonZerothe sun hurts my eyes.
PrincessLeia2i got a headache from all the sun exposure today
Joft<--- night person
PrincessLeia2i hate going outside
PrincessLeia2in the daytime
DarkonZeroThe same for me.
PrincessLeia2especially driving
PrincessLeia2i went to pick time up around 3:30 ... and the entire drive it was all *sun in my face*
PrincessLeia2this was after an entire day of stressful crap! ... it did not cheer me up
Joftdouble sun glasses
* @Min hugs Leia
* PrincessLeia2 hugs Min back
* DarkonZero tries to rmember if he was supposed to call his friends today.
@MinI am still...
* Min is now known as Bloodyanus
* Min has left IRC
PrincessLeia2well i wear normal glasses, so sunglasses are a bit difficult to wear, at least if i want to see
PrincessLeia2Min: %(
PrincessLeia2hope you feel better
Joftwut happen
@BloodyanusIt's also a play off my old nickname, Greidanus. XD
@BloodyanusBeats me.
PrincessLeia2Joft: we are all dying in slow terrible ways
Joftyour butt just started bleeding for no reason?
@BloodyanusPretty much.
Joftph33r teh ninj4
PrincessLeia2no, the plague
@BloodyanusThe Butt Masque of Red Death.
Joftteh ninj4 is not afraid of the plague
@BloodyanusMy precious, precious ass blood...
DarkonZero|<u|\|g f00
MythI gtg
Mythcya peoples
* Myth (heylo@Psi-2CFA505D.pubip.gamewood.net) Quit (Quit: Myth go Buy Bye)
PrincessLeia2i think myth was scared away by the Bloodyanus
JoftI'm about to, too
DarkonZeroWell...at least I'm not coughing up blood like I was a year ago.
PrincessLeia2heh, i know i am out of it when it takes me 30 seconds to read ---> |<u|\|g f00
* Bloodyanus is now known as Min
* Min is on IRC
Joftway out of it
PrincessLeia2i bought golden grahams today
DarkonZeroI have never eaten that cereal.
PrincessLeia2it's yummie
PrincessLeia2i havent had it in forever
* @Ocean-Saurian paws at leia wanting somt golden grahams
PrincessLeia2i am having a retro month, last week i bought frosted flakes
@Min3\/3|2y80|)y |_0\/3z |<u|\|g f00 f1g|-|71|\|g!
DarkonZeroI was like brought up on Coco Puffs.
* PrincessLeia2 opens the box of GG's and puts some in a cup for Ocean-Saurian
PrincessLeia2Min: omg
* @Ocean-Saurian tries to read the leet
PrincessLeia2actually, that didnt take too long to read, maybe i am coming out of it
PrincessLeia2i never liked coco puffs
PrincessLeia2as much as i like chocolate, i dont think i have ever been a fan of chocolatey cereals
@Min3y3 /\/\ 73|-| |_337 5p33|<.
DarkonZeroI remember when I was a kid....I accidentally poured the hot water I was usuing to make hot cocoa into my Coco Puffs.
* @Ocean-Saurian laughes
@MinI prefer HOT CEREALS! Cream o' Wheat... yum.
PrincessLeia2my dad told me a story once, he poured the "sour milk" that his ma was leaving out for some recipe into his cereal, he hadnt been able to eat them since
DarkonZeroAs you can tell...I'm very coordinated.
PrincessLeia2mmm cream of wheat is yummie
PrincessLeia2my ma never liked it, but she's a nazi
@Ocean-SaurianI once took a swig of pure vanilla extract
PrincessLeia2among other things
DarkonZeroI miss the cereal C-3POs.
PrincessLeia2vanilla extract is 70 proof
@Ocean-SaurianHey! I was like...17 give me a break
@Miner, Frankenberry
PrincessLeia2Ocean-Saurian: hee
PrincessLeia2sometimes, people steal it from stores to get drunk
@Sentroid91Boo Berry
@Ocean-SaurianIt smelled good... so logic follows... it TASTES good
PrincessLeia2i could never 'drink' it... it's sooo nasty
@Sentroid91Lucky Charms
PrincessLeia2Yucky Charms!
@Ocean-Saurianwell, it burnt the fuck out of my mouth and I spit it out
PrincessLeia2i hate fake marshmellows in my cereal
DarkonZeroI did that in high school....my friend was like telling me vanilla extract is like alcohol.....so we drank some....then went to Driver's Ed class.
@Ocean-SaurianI have ALWAYS wanted to try boo berry
PrincessLeia2almond extract is yummie
PrincessLeia2DarkonZero: lol
@Min7|-|3y|23 /\/\4g1(4|_|_y |)3|_1(10u5!!!
PrincessLeia2are not
@Ocean-Sauriandude, my friend took a swig of pure mint extract
PrincessLeia2oh gosh
* PrincessLeia2 tries not to imagine that
Joftwhat happened to him?
@Ocean-Saurianjust think how much THAT burnt
PrincessLeia2he turned into a mint plant %s
@Ocean-SaurianHis throat like swelled up
DarkonZeroSeems like someone was allergic.
@Ocean-SaurianNo, it just burnt
@MinOr it was that effective. o.o
DarkonZeroEither way.
PrincessLeia2he was mintz0rd
* DarkonZero feels like drinking vinegar.
@MinAcetic acid... ugh.
DarkonZeroI know.
PrincessLeia2vinegar gives me heartburn
PrincessLeia2hmm, then again, most everything does
@Ocean-SaurianI like lego's but the red ones give me heartburn
@MinTake a bismuth! XD
PrincessLeia2those make me sicky, i take rolaids, i buy in bulk (not really, but it would be funny wouldnt it?)
@Min7,1Min's MUTATED Quote Machine:14,1 <Arven> Yes as in yes, or yes as in yes as Morpheus from The Matrix?
@Min7,1Min's MUTATED Quote Machine:14,1 <JoMomma> BLACK RAGE BLACK RAGE BLACK RAGE
@Min7,1Min's MUTATED Quote Machine:14,1 <JoMomma> now uh... everybody say some stupid things so I can get more quotes
@Min7,1Min's MUTATED Quote Machine:14,1 <Calvin-Crowe> Added quote: <UrbanD> yes, CC. i am an asian gigolo. <UrbanD> <Kurt Angle> And that, my friends... is true.
PrincessLeia2Ocean-Saurian: http://www.starwars.com/episode-ii/news/2002/12/news20021223.html <-- i bought that a couple days ago online (waiting to get it in the mail)
@Min7,1Min's MUTATED Quote Machine:14,1 *** Topic is '<Calvin-Crowe> My butt is called a happy meal because it makes DK happy and he munches it while he lufes Brittney Spears'
@MinYay for flannel!
@Ocean-SaurianCRAP ON R2!
@MinThough I wish it was a teensy bit warmer.
@Ocean-SaurianHeh, I am joking
* DarkonZero so wants to kick the Army's ass.
DarkonZeroDamn their popup ads.
* @Ocean-Saurian pets R2
* PrincessLeia2 luvs r2
@Min7,1Min's MUTATED Quote Machine:14,1 <JoMomma> you have a missile silo on your house?
@Min7,1Min's MUTATED Quote Machine:14,1 <Locdog07> Take off that bra, Charlie Brown
PrincessLeia2heh, Time showed a friend at work that password protected r2 site i have, and his co worker was like "o, wow, it's r2"
@Ocean-SaurianI love R2 about as much as I love my stuffed ewok
* @Ocean-Saurian laughs
DarkonZeroI think I shall dub my computer HAL 9000.....since it does whatever it wants.
PrincessLeia2i named mine r2d2 ... for the same reason
DarkonZeroBut mine does bad things.
PrincessLeia2luckily it doesnt try to kill me like HAL would
DarkonZeroMine is.
DarkonZeroWait...that's my parents.
@Ocean-Saurianand me
DarkonZeroAnd do you see coming over to your house?
@Ocean-SaurianWell mine was named the great fox... because you know... it was... powerful in it's day
@Ocean-Saurianwhen I get more computers they are going to be arwings
@Ocean-SaurianYeah the smaller ships the characters in star fox fly
@MinI shall christen my computer "The Posessed One." For it has Windows XP.
@Ocean-SaurianI hate windows
PrincessLeia2me too
@Ocean-SaurianNot windows
PrincessLeia2i have win4lin noew, its neat
@Ocean-SaurianBut windows XP
@MinYou gotta admit though, it's much more stable than all the past versions of windoze.
@Sentroid91I guess i'll call my VAIO Megatron
@Sentroid91Because it's gray and has big guns
@Ocean-SaurianUh... yeah, even though they basically networked all windows XP computers together
PrincessLeia2i am happy with win2k ... but i dont know much about stablity since i'm not there enough
@Ocean-SaurianWindows 2000 is much more stable and safer to us the XP, but that's my opnion... and you can't have it
@MinYay for the fucking "Patriot Act." The most ironic name they could think of... Hrrm.
@Sentroid91http://www.figures.com/databases/action.cgi?setup_file=fignews2.setup&category=actionfigures&topic=155&show_article=45 - HAH!
DarkonZeroBobble heads.
* PrincessLeia2 takes a screenshot of windows in linux
@MinI think capitalist nazis will try and take over the world. x_x
* DarkonZero needs a frickin' better monitor.
@Min7,1Min's MUTATED Quote Machine:14,1 <JoMomma> jeez it DOES sound like a porno
PrincessLeia2http://www.princessleia.com/images/MyImages/screen/win4lin.png <-- teh win4lin
@Ocean-Saurian<Sent> I wanna have kids.... just to name them, I wanna name them megatron and optiumus prime
PrincessLeia2windows is open in a seperate terminal
* @Min snickers.
* @Sentroid91 slits Joey's throat
@Ocean-SaurianThat defeats the purpose of linux!
@Min<Sentroid91> How dare you unearth my plot...
* Cal impales Sentroid91 on a mint julep
PrincessLeia2does not, it just gives me the ability to use windows apps in linux'ish
* @Sentroid91 cuts off Joey's testicles
@Sentroid91<Joey> I'd name my kids, but I don't have any balls left.
CalSent is going to name his first born The Chosen One
@Min7,1Quote has been added:14,1 * Cal impales Sentroid91 on a mint julep 7,1Thank you for your stupidity.
@Sentroid91<Joey> Guess i'll have to adopt
CalChosen One Galbo
DarkonZeroWhen in doubt....go straight for the balls.
CalIf the child is a girl...
CalLing Galbo
Calsecond born
* @Ocean-Saurian is still alive and untouched... thanks imagination
CalWimp Lo Galbo
@Sentroid913rd born....
CalMaster Tang Galbo
* @Sentroid91 applies pressure to his index and middle fingers on his right wrist.
* @Sentroid91 shoots out a green cable and impales it through Cal's chest.
Calthe next son *OWWWWWW* would be Master Tang Galbo
DarkonZeroSo much violence.
* PrincessLeia2 gives Ocean-Saurian summore golden grahams
@Sentroid91The next son is gonna EC-Dub someone's sorry ass.
* @Ocean-Saurian gobblems them up
* Cal hooks up a car battery to Sent's tongue
* Sound request: can't find 'blades.wav'
* @Sentroid91 slices Cal's face up with his razor glove.
* PrincessLeia2 grumbles and does shwindoze updates
* Cal duct tapes it back together
* Sound request: can't find 'blades.wav'
* @Sentroid91 slices Cal's face up with his razor glove.
* Sound request: can't find 'blades.wav'
* @Sentroid91 slices Cal's face up with his razor glove.
* Sound request: can't find 'blades.wav'
* @Sentroid91 slices Cal's face up with his razor glove.
* Cal duct tapes it back
* Cal duct tapes it back
* Cal duct tapes it back
* Sound request: can't find 'blades.wav'
* @Sentroid91 slices Cal's face up with his razor glove.
* @Sentroid91 applies pressure to his right pinky finger.
* @Sentroid91 shoots a red acidic substance into Cal's face and watches as they shatter into pieces.
* Cal goes to Hammacher Schlemmer to buy a new Cal
DarkonZeroOoooooh......the GBA SP.
@Min7,1Min's MUTATED Quote Machine:14,1 <DarKrow> can we stop the quotes please <jasoN> no <Greidanus> and no.
@Min7,1Min's MUTATED Quote Machine:14,1 * DarKrow gawks at Family Guy <Locdog07> <DarKrow> Meg is hot! <TonicBH> gawks? <DarKrow> yes <Locdog07> wow... I was right
DarkonZeroYes.....must have.
* Cal pours HCl into Sent's nasal cavity
PrincessLeia2GBA SP ?
* PrincessLeia2 kills the acronym god
@MinLike vomiting through your nose!
DarkonZeroGame Boy Advance SP.
* @Sentroid91 takes out his hand taser 1=======[11~~~~~
* @Sentroid91 fries Cal with it.
PrincessLeia2i think i understood the GBA part, just not the SP
CalIt takes more than that to kill Superblah!
DarkonZerohttp://www.ebgames.com/ebx/categories/products/product.asp?pf_id=520112 <- Here.
* @Min bludgeons Sentroid91 with a heavy length of PVC piping.
Calho hoo!
@JouvaWoooo PVC
* @Sentroid91 zaps Cal in the nuts with his air taser
PrincessLeia2oh, that's neat
CalIt takes more than that to kill Superblah!
* @Min smeks Sentroid91 with a loaded 15,4CROWBAR.
* Cal puts his head back on
* killerbie (Jagu@Psi-53CC0BA.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #Deep13
* killerbie is now known as Crowbie
* Crowbie is on IRC
* ChanServ sets mode: +ohv Crowbie Crowbie Crowbie
* Crowbie is now known as JessK
* Crowbie has left IRC
* Max0r (atyu@Psi-46338E1.pchnet.com) has joined #Deep13
* Cal lightly bashes in Min's head with a loaded 13,8CLOWN
@JouvaPick a name foo!
* @Min smeks Cal with a loaded 15,4CROWBAR.
DarkonZeroDon't make me drop the hammer.
@JouvaOk max... ya know how me and Jess and some of the others act stupid in #deaddog! ?
@MinGo Wax0r j00r legs, Sent.
PrincessLeia2"we do it here too, only worse"
* Cal laminates Min
@JouvaPL: Exactly!
DarkonZeroI thought it was only me that does that?
@JouvaPL: Actually, me and Jess have "in bed" and "with root beer" going in in #deaddog! :P
PrincessLeia2we are a sad sad group of individuals
* @Min gores out Cal's eyeballs with a melon baller.
* @Min flings Cal's eyeballs at Chanserv.
PrincessLeia2Jouva: ah
Max0rOr Rob.
* @JessK is a stupid head
* JessK is now known as biex0r
@Sentroid91Or Donald
DarkonZeroThere's like an all out melee brawl going on...and I wasn't invited.
@MinOr Ronald. McConald.
@JouvaOr Phil.
PrincessLeia2ok, so win98 has been sitting here for like 2 minutes "updating system settings" ... is that bad?
* PrincessLeia2 kicks it
@JouvaWhat did you upgrade PL?
@JouvaInternet Explorer?
@JouvaYeah then it'll be fine
@Sentroid91Infernal Exploder
@JouvaIt takes a while.
@Min7,1Min's MUTATED Quote Machine:14,1 <S9-Sentry> ***MadWolf changes topic to Sent when you are my worst nightmare then i'm a pope i think i'm your worst nightmare <S9-Sentry> omega's the pope?
PrincessLeia2i havent done this in a very long time, i dont remember %s
@Min7,1Min's MUTATED Quote Machine:14,1 <TServo4> later poopies... <TServo4> hafta take my bowl of zoloft..
@JouvaYeah it does take a while for IE's settings to be applied
PrincessLeia2ah, there it goes
@JouvaSee :)
@JouvaIt is kinda scary though
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 4,1"Gerbil"4,16,0 from 6,014,1Stephen Lynch14,16,0.6,0
PrincessLeia2it's on win4lin, i was just hoping it wasnt some strange bad thing that happens sometimes %)
Calhttp://www.serkis.com/images/0021.jpg  DeRaptor?
DarkonZeroThanks Cal for sharing.
PrincessLeia2i discovered the other day while going through ollllddd logs that i used to chat with her, which is interesting because i completely forgot
DarkonZeroI like looked at that picture for a second.
PrincessLeia2back when i was a n00b
PrincessLeia2oh so many years ago *gets out her cane*
DarkonZeroThink young.
* TonicBH giggles :\
PrincessLeia2i am under a great deal of stress, i feel about 45 right now
DarkonZeroI feel like I'm 103.
DarkonZeroOr past dead.
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 4,1"If I Were Gay"4,16,0 from 6,014,1Stephen Lynch14,16,0.6,0
DarkonZeroIt's a funny song.
PrincessLeia2i'll take your word for it (%
DarkonZeroAnd if I were gay....we'd swim in romance....but I'm not gay....so get your hand outta my pants.
DarkonZeroThat's one of the lines.
@Sentroid91FAR OUT: Farscape fans, take heart: The Sci Fi Channel is as upset over the show's untimely demise as you. "We never wanted to cancel it," Sci Fi president Bonnie Hammer tells TV Guide Online. "[But] the ratings had softened, and it was getting increasingly expensive to produce.
@Sentroid91 We just couldn't make the financial deal." For the complete story, including Hammer's thoughts on a Farscape TV movie, click here.
@Sentroid91FAR OUT: Farscape fans, take heart: The Sci Fi Channel is as upset over the show's untimely demise as you. "We never wanted to cancel it," Sci Fi president Bonnie Hammer tells TV Guide Online. "[But] the ratings had softened, and it was getting increasingly expensive to produce. We just couldn't make the financial deal." For the complete story, including Hammer's thoughts on a Farscape TV movie, click here.
* PrincessLeia2 takes away sent's paster
DarkonZeroTwice a fun now.
* Max0r (atyu@Psi-46338E1.pchnet.com) Quit (Quit: Bzzt)
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 4,1"Special Fred"4,16,0 from 6,014,1Stephen Lynch14,16,0.6,0
PrincessLeia2it's not hard to boycott scifi... since most of their shows suck anyway
@Sentroid91pretty much
@Sentroid91My aunt just asked me if they aired Buffy reruns and my reply was "SciFi reruns crap"
PrincessLeia2do they air buffy reruns?
DarkonZeroI like quit watching SciFi after the B5 run.
@Sentroid91No. FX does
@Sentroid91Weeknights at 6pm and 7pm
PrincessLeia2i quit watching scifi when we got rid of standard cable
DarkonZeroAfter watching the whole series twice...it kinda gets boring to watch again.
@Sentroid91Certain UPN and Fox affiliates do also
PrincessLeia2oh, i dont watch buffy, i think it's silly, i just wasnt sure you were putting it into the "crap" pile or not %)
@Sentroid91This season's getting pretty interesting.
TonicBHGeneralBlitz49 (6:59:54 PM): Prepare to live the rest of your life as a disjointed freak if you go through with that. No one likes you anymore.
TonicBHGeneralBlitz = Chuck Gibson = Grade-A asshole.
CalFarscape = Star Trek
PrincessLeia2gah! MS is spamming me at atomfilms.com %(
Cal---------------------------------------> :^*
@Sentroid91Not home there, Cap'N
* Rubicant (~Blah@Psi-1F261BA3.sub3.oplnk.net) has joined #Deep13
Cal*^: <---------------------------------
Cal---------------------------------------> :^*
RubicantCal under the influence of Juan Valdez.
PrincessLeia2my scrolly mouse dosent work in win4lin
PrincessLeia2that's not cool
PrincessLeia2<3 scrolly
* Rubicant whaps PL2 upside the head softly.
* PrincessLeia2 smacks Rubicant with a pillow
@Sentroid91==============>  (_{_}_)
* Rubicant dumps a 2 ton brick of goose down on PL2
Cal---------------> (_)_) <-----------------
PrincessLeia2AH FEATHERS!
* Cal tars Lubricant
DarkonZeroOk...who brought the lube?
* DarkonZero looks at Cal.
RubicantDark....so...has anyone ever asked you what the zero in your name represents?
Rubicantis it your IQ? :)
CalIt's a placeholder
DarkonZeroIt was my IQ....until I read a book.
* Rubicant nods....reading is good :)
CalThe book made it a negative figure.
DarkonZeroThe book was "The Little Engine That Could".
CalReading is good...
PrincessLeia2we are reading green eggs and ham for the #deep13 book club
CalHave you read The Book of Moron today?
Calerr, Mormon
DarkonZeroI actually told a couple of Mormons that they were like one "m" ahead of being a moron.
DarkonZeroThey didn't like me much.
CalWhat are some good senior pranks?
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 4,1"DQ Blizzard"4,16,0 from 6,014,1MC Chris14,16,0.6,0
PrincessLeia2a friend of mine's father once told a couple of mormon women that came to his door that he was indeed mormon and currently looking for more wives
Rubicantputting a porn movie in your biology class's video player
PrincessLeia2..they left
CalI mean something that'll only get you detention if you're caught
Rubicanthumorous entry on Slashdot...
RubicantA thread on Straight Dope asks what would happen if someone else had written the Lord of the Rings. Reader submissions include Ernest Hemingway, Douglas Adams, Mark Twain, HP Lovecraft, ee cumings, Milton, Mickey Spillane, Danielle Steele, Ayn Rand(!!), Ray Bradbury, Gilbert and Sullivan and Tom Clancy. My favourite is Dr. Suess: 'Gandalf, Gandalf! Take the ring! I am too small to carry this thing!' 'I can not, will not hold the One. You have a
PrincessLeia2egads, ayn rand
DarkonZeroI was born in Utah....and when I tell people that....they presume I'm a Mormon.
RubicantDr Seuss on LOTR
PrincessLeia2DarkonZero: fucking mormon ;)
CalNorton Juster's The Lord of the Rings
RubicantCal....laxative in cookies to the teacher.
DarkonZeroI'm a non-practicing Catholic, thank you.
PrincessLeia2i say i am from maine and people assume i am a crazy backwoods, lobster-loving crazy person
DarkonZeroSo I basically don't molest anybody.,
PrincessLeia2they are right %D!
CalI'm going to just try what Jim Mallon did
* Rubicant is nondenominational....see his church website at www.lakewood.cc
PrincessLeia2(dont to there, it's pr0n"
* TonicBH sighs -_-
CalGet a bunch of people together to put pink flamingos on the lawn of the school
* PrincessLeia2 gives tonic a hug
* DarkonZero clicks.
PrincessLeia2no, not really %(
DarkonZeroDammit....you got my hopes up.
PrincessLeia2i think rubicant just goes for hentai anyway
TonicBHGod, Chuck is saying such very hurtful things.
* PrincessLeia2 hides behind Ocean-Saurian
* Rubicant has no hentai
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 4,1"Fett's Vette"4,16,0 from 6,014,1MC Chris14,16,0.6,0
PrincessLeia2the evil pirate LeChuck!
Rubicanthaving hentai and having access to it are two diffeent things :)
Rubicantof which...I have neither
DarkonZeroI had access....then I like ruined it.
DarkonZeroI looked too much.
PrincessLeia2once, i bought a hentai comic for an underaged friend of mine
PrincessLeia2he had the biggest crush on me too, an odd kid that one
RubicantPL2...I just dusted off my copy of FFX
PrincessLeia2i never finished FFX
RubicantLulu rocks....but Yuna is godhammer!
PrincessLeia2lulu is my hero
PrincessLeia2one of my livejournal icons is lulu
PrincessLeia2she is teh leet
* DarkonZero realizes he never finished any of the FF games he has.
Rubicant....you could go as lulu to gencon....but youd have to do something about the bust.
RubicantIve maxed out my clock on FF3...
PrincessLeia2her bust is unnatural
Rubicant150 hours...STILL havent finished it
Rubicantshes gotta have one hell of a pushup bra in that dress.
PrincessLeia2actually, lulu doesnt seem to be stick-thin like most chicks in games, so i suppose it's possible..
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 4,1"QuakeMaster"4,16,0 from 6,014,1MC Hawking14,16,0.6,0
PrincessLeia2still, making that costume would be a nightmare
Rubicantconservative estimate....probably a D or a DD cup...
Rubicantfrom the pictures Ive seen....Leia has the hair and the height.
Calof us
Calis wearing
Cala pushup bra
* DarkonZero hides.
Rubicantall shed need is the dress and.......well...the bust.
PrincessLeia2hey it's not my fault i am not unnatually endowed
PrincessLeia2my hair isnt dark enough anyway
Rubicantthey make a word for that....Revlon
PrincessLeia2oh no, i think i would look awful with dark hair
PrincessLeia2it would accent my paleness in a terrible way
PrincessLeia2i'd look dead
Rubicanthow about Aeris?
DarkonZeroMy friends keep insisting when FOX makes the DBZ movie that I try for the part of Yajerobi. They say I look like him.
RubicantPL...look at Lulu....she doesnt exactly look alive..
CalWhy is Fox making a DBZ movie?
DarkonZeroI dunno Cal.
PrincessLeia2heh, i suppose she doesnt
PrincessLeia2looking dead wouldnt be too bad i guess
CalTom Cruise as Goku
* Joft is now known as JoftWhoWaits
TonicBHy'know, I saw something funny on a transit bus
Rubicanta mirror?
Calsomeone jerking off?
TonicBHI saw two ads, both for money
PrincessLeia2free money!
TonicBHand they were almost identical
* Sound request: can't find 'manosbob.wav'
TonicBHbut they were for different companies
TonicBHBUT had the same 5 people, just the pictures were differently sized
* Sound request: can't find 'manosbob.wav'
* JoftWhoWaits is now known as JoftThePatient
Rubicanttwo different companies with the same parent
CalCome on, there's free money involved
PrincessLeia2or they picked their pictures out of the same "generic politcally correct pool of people pictures"
* PrincessLeia2 is now known as PrincessLulu2
* PrincessLeia2 has left IRC
* PrincessLulu2 sends out her moogle stuffed toy to attack Rubicant
Rubicantnow we just need to get Time to change his name to Wakka
@Mino/` Taco Bell... Taco Bell... product placement for Taco Bell... o/`
* Rubicant grabs the toy and pets it...befriending it..
CalMaster Tang...what are you doing here?
* @Min sits in a corner of the room, sets her HEV suit to sleep mode and drifts off into subconsciousness, clutching a crowbar for protection.
* Min is now known as Min[SLEEP]
* Min has left IRC
* Rubicant summons a Malboro and has it attack PrincessLulu2
* @biex0r sits on Rubi
* Rubicant enjoys being sat one
* Rubicant enjoys being sat on
* PrincessLulu2 hides
* Cal slaps Min[SLEEP] around a bit with a large trout
* Cal slaps Min[SLEEP] around a bit with a large trout
* Cal slaps Min[SLEEP] around a bit with a large trout
RubicantI trust you got to the calm lands Leia?
* Cal slaps Min[SLEEP] around a bit with a large trout
* Cal slaps Min[SLEEP] around a bit with a large trout
CalMin is going to bed smelling like FISH
* JoftThePatient winks suggestively at himself
Rubicantshe sleeps like the dead..
PrincessLulu2Rubicant: i didnt get very far, it really didnt like the game much %(
PrincessLulu2i should play it more, but i feel guilty if i play games while time is at work %s
* Cal is now known as Cthulhu
* Cal has left IRC
* Cthulhu is now known as Cal
* Cal is on IRC
RubicantLeia...you remember Evil Oscars from Final Fantasy 3?
RubicantCal...its Suthulu
RubicantCal...its cuthulu
PrincessLulu2Rubicant: yeah
Calcut on the dooted line
RubicantTheyre called Malboros in FFX
Caldotted line
Rubicantand they are BAD ASS
PrincessLulu2i bet
Rubicantcompletely 3d rendered
Rubicantihltori mah san vaikhu
RubicantPL...youve heard of the Compaq Center...right?
Cal4,0,-..-,  ,-..-,  ,-..-,  ,-..-,  ,-..-,  ,-..-,  ,-..-,  
Cal4,0,-..-,  ,-..-,  ,-..-,  ,-..-,  ,-..-,  ,-..-,  ,-..-,  
Cal4,0,-..-,  ,-..-,  ,-..-,  ,-..-,  ,-..-,  ,-..-,  ,-..-,  
Cal4,0,-..-,  ,-..-,  ,-..-,  ,-..-,  ,-..-,  ,-..-,  ,-..-,  
Cal4,0,-..-,  ,-..-,  ,-..-,  ,-..-,  ,-..-,  ,-..-,  ,-..-,  
DarkonZeroTake your lithium.
CalI use Nicad
TonicBHxquote, thake
TonicBHxquote, search thake
@Sentroid[NotHome]1,12Quote containing "thake":12,1 <Sentroid91> ALL OF YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP BEFORE I HAVE A HOT BLOND BIG-TITTED GIRL FUCK YOUR BRAINS OUT! <Cal> in bed <Sentroid91> DAMN FUCKING RIGHT IN BED!!! <DarkonZero> Sent...thake your lithium. <DarkonZero> THAKE! <Sentroid91> thake? <Sentroid91> You funnt, DeeZ 1,12Number of Quotes found: 1
@Min[SLEEP]xquote, search thake
@Sentroid[NotHome]1,12Quote containing "thake":12,1 <Sentroid91> ALL OF YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP BEFORE I HAVE A HOT BLOND BIG-TITTED GIRL FUCK YOUR BRAINS OUT! <Cal> in bed <Sentroid91> DAMN FUCKING RIGHT IN BED!!! <DarkonZero> Sent...thake your lithium. <DarkonZero> THAKE! <Sentroid91> thake? <Sentroid91> You funnt, DeeZ 1,12Number of Quotes found: 1
@Min[SLEEP]Demn joo.
CalHeh.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                0,0NO HIDDEN MESSAGE HERE!
DarkonZeroCal....put your shoes on...we're at grandma's.
CalWheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed of deceit.
DarkonZeroThat's alot of weed.
PrincessLulu2have you ever seen a $20 bill?
PrincessLulu2have you ever seen a $20 bill ON WEED?
DarkonZeroI bought weed for $20.
Rubicantno....if youre on weed and see 20s.....you aint got enough weed
@biex0ryou knew Shy?
TonicBH"I used to suck dick for crack"
CalTonic, I'm making fun of the censored line
* RobertoKay (~hquiej@Oper.PsiBlade.net) Quit (Quit: Client Exiting)
* RobertoKay has left IRC
CalYou son of a
DarkonZeroNice going Cal...you killed Robby.
PrincessLulu2you no good killer
TonicBHWhat's he the son of? a sailor? Son of a, son of a preacher man maybe?
* Cal nails his 95 theses to Tonic's forehead
TonicBHServo: Something!
* TonicBH dies of the nailing x-x
PrincessLulu2nailed to death
PrincessLulu2what a way to go %s
* PrincessLulu2 is now known as PrincessLeia2
* PrincessLeia2 is on IRC
* TonicBH returns to life :D
* Rubicant shoots Tonic...
* TonicBH dies
* TonicBH returns to life
* Rubicant shoots Tonic...
* TonicBH dies
* TonicBH returns to life
RubicantCal is a member of the Yaya sisterhood
TonicBHknock it off
PrincessLeia2TonicBH undies
* Cal wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwtttwwwwwwwwwwwtwwwwwwwwwwwwwtwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwtwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwtwwwwwwwwwwtw
PrincessLeia2Cal: did you run out of medication again?
TonicBH"undies"? that's just random o_O
DarkonZeroCal needs his underooos.
PrincessLeia2un - dies
PrincessLeia2like coming back to life
* Cal p
TonicBHthought you meant the underwear
Rubicantrm -rf /bin/laden
TonicBHdoi :s
* Cal is now known as OsamaBinLaden
* Cal has left IRC
PrincessLeia2rm -rf /home/rubicant
PrincessLeia2i'll take that as a yes
DarkonZeroCal ran out of medication.
Rubicantoff his prozac?
* OsamaBinLaden blows up himself with a suicide bomb
* OsamaBinLaden is now known as Cal
* Cal is on IRC
DarkonZeroOk Cal?
DarkonZeroDo you want coffee?
PrincessLeia2mmm samuel adams
* Cal (~pmccart@Psi-259697AF.wi.tds.net) has joined #Deep13
@Min[SLEEP]...wait, that sounded wrong.
DarkonZeroIt did.
DarkonZeroYou touched Cal's ass.
* PrincessLeia2 gives Min lots of soap
* Cal (~pmccart@Psi-259697AF.wi.tds.net) has joined #Deep13
* Min[SLEEP] sets mode: +b Cal!*pmccart@Psi-259697AF.wi.tds.net
DarkonZeroCal....calm thr fuck down.
RubicantAnd we have liftoff...
PrincessLeia2crap, i am never going to be able to get to sleep tonight
Rubicant"Put the Segway in my hummer!"
PrincessLeia2and everyone will go to bed and i will be so lonely %(
* PrincessLeia2 slips some caffiene into DarkonZero's drink
* Rubicant slips PL2 some decaf
DarkonZeroI'll be up all night.
PrincessLeia2i really havent had any caffiene today
@Min[SLEEP]Caffiene does not affect meeee! YAY.
DarkonZeroI like sleep around 6 AM sometimes.
PrincessLeia2i had a little freaking out episode when i picked up Time from work, it lasted about a half hour until i said something silly and then was like "ok, i will stop freaking out noew"
DarkonZeroThen again at 2 PM
* Cal (~pmccart@Psi-259697AF.wi.tds.net) Quit (Quit: At that moment, the Chosen One learned a valuable lesson about iron claws - they hurt like crap, man!)
* Cal has left IRC
@Min[SLEEP][22:40:09] [Cal VERSION]
@Min[SLEEP][22:40:29] [Cal AW]
@Min[SLEEP][22:40:40] [Cal HOW] are you gentlemen?
@Min[SLEEP][22:40:47] [Cal MAKE] your time
@Min[SLEEP][22:40:51] * Cal (~pmccart@Psi-259697AF.wi.tds.net) Quit (Quit: At that moment, the Chosen One learned a valuable lesson about iron claws - they hurt like crap, man!)
@Min[SLEEP]WHEE. I'll actually sleep, now.
PrincessLeia2hehe, gnighty min
DarkonZeroPut her hand in warm water.
DarkonZeroAh shit.
* Rubicant puts Min in some warm water
DarkonZeroI should actually have waited.
PrincessLeia2i am not sure if i should wake time up or not
* PrincessLeia2 takes out he crowbar and gently poeks her fellow chatters
DarkonZeroI'm dead.
* DarkonZero feels like chugging a bottle of DayQuil.
DarkonZeroI hate it when I have a scratchy throat.
PrincessLeia2i would say "you should chug nyquil" but you prolly wouldnt get to the bottom of the bottle before you passed out
PrincessLeia2and i am sure you'd have one hell of a hangover
DarkonZeroWow....things are quiet now without Cal.
PrincessLeia2nice isnt it?
PrincessLeia2since he wasnt exactly contributing to the conversation %s
* DarKrow is on IRC
* DarKrow (~darkrow@Psi-16A68F0D.telocity.com) has joined #Deep13
PrincessLeia2'lo DarKrow
DarKrowhey Leia
* DarkonZero thinks of throwing a DVD to watch.
DarkonZeroI missed alot of that sentence.
* DarkonZero throws a DVD.
* DarkonZero watches.
* DarKrow throws DZ's LOTR DVD at the wall and watches it shatter
DarkonZeroIT COST MT $50!
DarkonZeroMT TO ME!
PrincessLeia2so i got a little thing in the mail from blockbuster today saying i didnt return a dvd
DarkonZeroI bought the extended version.
DarkonZero...collectors box.
PrincessLeia2i was PISSED because i was already in a terrible mood, so i call them up and i was like "i got this notice.." and they were like "oh, well that's been taken care of, have a nice day"
DarkonZeroAin't it always that way?
PrincessLeia2of course
PrincessLeia2when it rains it pours
DarkonZeroWe are God's joke.
DarkonZeroIn some aspect.
PrincessLeia2god is a sadist
DarkonZeroVery much so.
DarkonZeroBut he still loves us.
DarkonZeroIn some aspect.
* DarKrow is an atheist.
DarkonZeroWait...God could be a she too.
PrincessLeia2alanis morrisette?
DarkonZeroI was just going to say that.
* DarKrow wallows in his godless heathenism
DarkonZeroGreat...I sound all religious and shit.
PrincessLeia2no you dont, Rubicant in PM sounds all religious and shit *pulls rubicant back to the channel*
DarkonZeroThink I'll change my nick for a bit.
-> *Nickserv* identify giz91473
* DarkonZero is now known as HellMacGee
* DarkonZero has left IRC
* HellMacGee is on IRC
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] You are already identified
DarKrowhey Hell
PrincessLeia2i am gonna start a cult
PrincessLeia2you know you can get all sorts of tax breaks if you are a cult
DarKrowAre you gonna "clone" a human?
PrincessLeia2too much work
Rubicantbesides....who could deal with two of her? ;)
PrincessLeia2we bake muffins and watch sister sister
* HellMacGee watches The Royal Tenenbaums.
PrincessLeia2we actually bake cookies %d!
PrincessLeia2and watch... the west wing
PrincessLeia2because that's a good show
* Rubicant (~Blah@Psi-1F261BA3.sub3.oplnk.net) Quit (Quit: )
HellMacGeeYou killed him.
* Jouva (jouva@fluffy.moufette.com) Quit (Quit: *bang* *bang* Oh thank you very much. A shot in the face. How nice.)
HellMacGeeBizarre people we are.
HellMacGeeBut at least we have fun being that way.
HellMacGee...at times.
PrincessLeia2if not we probably all would have killed ourselves long ago
* @Ocean-Saurian bites HellMacGee
* PrincessLeia2 drops some doritos into Ocean-Saurian's tank
PrincessLeia2hmm, i am not making you fat am i?
HellMacGeeDid I say "Bite me!"?
* DarKrow pokes Ocean-Saurian with the cattle prod
@Ocean-SaurianYou probably are heh
* @Ocean-Saurian bites DK
* DarKrow pokes Ocean-Saurian with the cattle prod again
PrincessLeia2maybe i should give you more carrots
* @Ocean-Saurian whines from being poked with the cattle prod and swims into his caslte
* @Ocean-Saurian and softly chews on the doritos
* DarKrow gets some cookies
PrincessLeia2this is making me hungry
* @Ocean-Saurian hisses as DK
HellMacGeeSame here.
* @Ocean-Saurian hugs his home made cat 5 cable
* @Ocean-Saurian wedges himself inside his castle so people stop pickn' on him... like DK and... Sent, and Cal and DZ and... big meanie heads
* PrincessLeia2 takes the old seaweed out of Ocean-Saurian's tank and replaces it with some fresher stuff
PrincessLeia2i think the acid in your tank the other day killed it
* PrincessLeia2 frowns at the old seaweed and throws it away
PrincessLeia2hmmm, so in the past month i have finished a bunch of things i wanted to get done
PrincessLeia2and instead of feeling good about this i am *bored* because i dont know what to do noew
HellMacGeePace yourself.
PrincessLeia2that chair reminds me of that robot in that movie
PrincessLeia2the batteries not included movie
@Ocean-Saurianthat's the type of chair I have
@Ocean-Saurianbut it has a mesh bottom
@Ocean-Saurianas well as the mesh back
PrincessLeia2i have a nice chair
DarKrowThe first one looks like it has an ass for a back
PrincessLeia2i call it the "clockbot chair" ... 'cause it's Time's old chair, he sat in it when he used clockbot as his computer
@Ocean-SaurianWell this new chair (I got it today) will be named... commanders chair... because I control The Great Fox
PrincessLeia2http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2087266253&category=20496  <-- lol
PrincessLeia2i used to call the computer chair the "commanders seat"
DarKrowI had a nice one I called "my throne"
PrincessLeia2my old chair was call ed the "omg you fucking piece of shit chair i hate you... chair"
DarKrowit was my thone until the bottom broke
@Ocean-SaurianOh yes
@Ocean-SaurianI must have that pendant
DarKrowI mean the metal plate. It was welded improperly
DarKrowand it broke.
@Ocean-Saurian<DK> Or maybe I shouldn't drag race with my computer chair...either way it wasn't welded properly
PrincessLeia2i think i am safe as long as i only surf ebay auctions that i dont want
PrincessLeia2like wicker furnature
PrincessLeia2rubicant used to "bowl" with his computer chair... he'd jump into his chair and roll across the room and hit other furnature and see what would fall off
PrincessLeia2i dont think he is entirely stable o_O
DarKrownone of us are
DarKrowOur weirdness is what unifies us.
DarKrowI think
HellMacGeeMy friend used to eat my D&D dice.
HellMacGeeI had to wash them off all the time.
@Ocean-SaurianI ate a bug one time
@Ocean-SaurianIt was a beetle
@Ocean-Saurianpretty blue color
PrincessLeia2oh man, i had a friend who used to chew on dice
PrincessLeia2he was weird
@Ocean-Saurianit's hard swallowing VW's
PrincessLeia2i lost a nice 20-sided die that way "oh, sorry i thought it was mine"
DarKrowI used to chew on pencils and pens
PrincessLeia2i think he just did it for attention tho
@Ocean-SaurianI used to have some round dice
@Ocean-Saurianthey were really cool
PrincessLeia2i think i have my dice bag around here somewhere..
@Ocean-SaurianYou people and your dice...
* PrincessLeia2 finds it and pours them out on her desk
HellMacGeeI got mine somewhere nearby too.
DarKrowI need to find some people to D&D with
@Ocean-SaurianActually it seems you guys have more of a life then me
PrincessLeia2gah, counters
DarKrowI don't have a dice bag, just a little plastic box thingo
HellMacGeeMy 100 sided die is cool.
PrincessLeia2mine is a nice green velvety bag
PrincessLeia2i dont have any cool dice anymore, my stupid dumb ex kept them all
PrincessLeia2i used to have "official" vampire the masquarade dice
@Ocean-SaurianMan your freaking ex was a fucking cleptomaniac
PrincessLeia2it's mostly my fault actually
PrincessLeia2when i moved out i was sorta running %)
PrincessLeia2so i grabbed what i could, and never went back
@Ocean-SaurianWhy? Did he come at you with a nuke or somthing?
PrincessLeia2he was abusive
PrincessLeia2i left when i got the chance
PrincessLeia2it was not happiness %)
PrincessLeia2hmm, i wonder if the sailor moon foil cards are still being sold on ebay
@Ocean-SaurianHe was selling your stuff?
PrincessLeia2no, i changed the subject
PrincessLeia2he did try to use my ebay account once tho
@Ocean-SaurianI was like "Jesus, he was an ass"
PrincessLeia2i cancelled all his auctions %)
PrincessLeia2this was after i had broken up with him and was living here with Time
@Ocean-SaurianHow do you cancle auctions?
PrincessLeia2there is an option in your account to cancel auctions that you have started
PrincessLeia2you dont get in any trouble if no one has bid..
@Ocean-Saurianoh... huh
PrincessLeia2actually, even if there are bids i think you can still cancel auctions without anything bad happening
@Ocean-SaurianI must be off
PrincessLeia2later Ocean-Saurian
@Ocean-Sauriansee ya
* Ocean-Saurian (Ocean-Saur@Psi-3B293A1.ipt.aol.com) Quit (Quit: )
* Ocean-Saurian has left IRC
* PrincessLeia2 wanders off to find food
HellMacGeeFIND IT!
HellMacGeeI need to lay off the caffine.
DarKrowI'm an addict
DarKrowI have a fuckton of caffinated candy
HellMacGeeSo am I.
* PrincessLeia2 comes back with a plate of leftover pizza
* PrincessLeia2 shares
HellMacGeeAwww.....you didn't have to. I was just bening an ass.
HellMacGee> to ?
PrincessLeia2it took me months, and a LOT of headaches to get off my caffiene addiction
DarKrowI'm not about to go off it now
DarKrowI need to be in good form this coming semester
PrincessLeia2i dont have a reason to stay up at all hours of the night anymore
PrincessLeia2or a need anyway
DarKrowI'll get off my addiction this summer
PrincessLeia2i think the only reason the Papa John's pizza chain is sucessful is their pizza sucks less than other chains
PrincessLeia2it's so hard to find good pizza around here... any recommendations HellMacGee ?
HellMacGeeDamn....I haven't ordered from them online since forever.
HellMacGeeWhat area?
PrincessLeia2northwest philly
DarKrowNorthwest philly?
HellMacGeeHeh....wrong person to ask.
DarKrowyou're fucked.
HellMacGeeI'm in Vegas.
DarKrowThere's shit-all out in Northwest Philly
PrincessLeia2oh, i guess i am asking the wrong person then huh
* PrincessLeia2 asks DarKrow
PrincessLeia2damn you dark people
HellMacGeeDeeKer knows.
* JoftThePatient is now known as jofthepatient
PrincessLeia2there is joseph's pizza in northwest philly, that pizza is good.. but the service is terrible and it's 30 minutes from our apartment so ordering takeout usually sucks
-> *NickServ* identify giz91473
* HellMacGee is now known as DarkonZero
* HellMacGee has left IRC
* DarkonZero is on IRC
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] You are already identified
DarkonZeroShit....Vegas sucks for anything good.
PrincessLeia2so is there hope for PA pizza? ... maybe i am just too used to the kickass pizza places of NY
PrincessLeia2and people down here dont know how to make buffalo wings!
PrincessLeia2when i order buffalo wings i want them to be dripped with greasy sauce
DarkonZeroIt's the greasiness that makes it god.
PrincessLeia2oh yes
* DarkonZero gets all greasy.
DarkonZeroI AM GOD NOW!
PrincessLeia2somehow that does not spark my appetite
DarkonZeroI don't sound good enough, eh?
PrincessLeia2'fraid not
DarkonZeroAh well.
DarkonZeroThinking of a greasy me kinda killed my appitite too.
DarkonZeroIt's actually nauseating.
DarkonZeroExcept to DeeKer.
PrincessLeia2that's why he is so quiet
PrincessLeia2ashamed %\
DarKrowI'm in another chatroom foos
DarkonZeroAnd telling other how greasily good I look.
DarkonZeroothers even.
DarKrowI wasn't even paying attention
DarKrow*scrolls up*
PrincessLeia2geez, i just checked my email like 2 hours ago, and already i have 8 new spams
PrincessLeia2bestbuy.com is evil
PrincessLeia2they charge tax %(
PrincessLeia2big meanies
DarkonZeroSomebody has to.
PrincessLeia2usually websites only charge tax if their main shipping location place is in the same state you are
PrincessLeia2barnesandnoble.com does that
PrincessLeia2so ordering online is actually cheaper than going to the store to buy books (free shipping on 2+ items)
DarkonZeroLuckily...I'm not in one of thos states.
DarkonZeroBut snot bad.
PrincessLeia2well best buy is in MN and i am in PA %(
DarkonZeroCould be a state thing.
PrincessLeia2oh well, it's only 30 cents
DarkonZeroHeh....you kinda made it sound like a big deal.
PrincessLeia2well it would be if i ever wanted to order something big from there %)
PrincessLeia2this was just a $5 dvd
DarkonZeroOh man.....
DarkonZeroI'm trying to figure out why I like the movie The Royal Tenenbaums.
PrincessLeia2i've never seen it
DarkonZeroIt's good.....but I don't know why I find it good.
DarkonZeroI feel like watching Rushmore.....once I get the DVD of it.
PrincessLeia2i heard a lot of good things about it, but the previews really sucked
* PrincessLeia2 wanders off
DarkonZeroAh.....such a good movie.
DarkonZeroWith music by Mark Motherbaugh.
DarkonZeroMothersbaugh even
DarKrowMark RULES!
DarKrowD! E! V! O!
DarkonZeroHe did a cool instrumntal of "Hey Jude".
DarKrowI know
DarKrowI downloaded it
DarKrowI'm gonna go to his art show in NYC in May
DarKrowI might get to meet the dude!
DarKrowShake his hand, get his name on my Q? A! cd
DarKrowI'll bring my digital camera
DarkonZeroWell...I'm gonna go find something to eat.
-> *Nickserv* identify giz91473
* DarkonZero is now known as DZ{Away}
* DarkonZero has left IRC
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] You are already identified
* jofthepatient (~joft@Psi-1512F44D.wtrbct.adelphia.net) has left #Deep13
-> *NickServ* identify giz91473
* DZ{Away} is now known as DarkonZero
* DarkonZero is on IRC
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] You are already identified
DarkonZeroFeh...I'll be back later.....time for some MOHAA.
* Disconnected
Session Close: Tue Jan 07 22:14:46 2003

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