
Session Start: Mon Jan 06 00:00:00 2003
Session Ident: #Deep13
@RobertoKayI agree with you 100% that the parents should be directly responsible for their own creation.
DarKrowdamn straight!
@RobertoKayAnd I agree that the way children turn out are the direct result of the rearing of the parents, or lack thereof.
DarKrowI suppose it has a lot to do with my philosophy of life.
DarKrowFind what makes you happy, and stick with it.
@RobertoKayI just don't think it makes sense that at the same time, you choose not to set an example.
@RobertoKayThat's all.
DarKrowI'm not capable of setting that example. I have very little to no paternal instinct.
@RobertoKayYour views are correct. Your response to them confuses me a bit, though.
@RobertoKayThen read a few Bill Cosby books or something.
DarKrowUh. Pass.
DarKrowThe very presense of a child, especially the larval ones makes me feel sick.
DarKrowThey say babies are supposed to look cute, in order to create a desire to care for them, or something like that.
DarKrowThey look like little frickin' larvae
DarKrownot appealing
@RobertoKayWell, you're an odd person, DeeK.
@RobertoKayBut I can't change that.
DarKrowodd, but certainly not alone.
DarkonZeroTo each their own.
@RobertoKayWell, when you put it that way, God help us all.
* DarkonZero is the "...to each their own..."guy.
@RobertoKayI'm just going to close by saying I intend to be a parent myself given the correct circumstances and I'll take a lot of philosophies into consideration.
@RobertoKayOr something.
* @RobertoKay is the "... or something." guy.
* DarkonZero hates spell checkers.
@RobertoKayYou're kidding.
DarkonZeroDamn thing always wants me to change "gonna" to "gonads".
DarKrowPerverted spell checkers
@RobertoKay"I'm gonads go to the market."
DarkonZeroI just made another LJ entry....short....simple.
DarkonZeroI'm a bit worried.
DarkonZeroAnd very lazy.
* DarKrow listens to Thomas Dolby
@RobertoKayYou know, in all seriousness, I should consider studying psychology.
DarkonZeroYou gotta watch out for that girl that blinds you.
DarKrowWrong song, DZ.
DarkonZeroBut still.
DarKrowThat's one of the problems with listening to one hit wonders
DarkonZeroTrue dat.
DarkonZeroGary Numan....
DarKrow<Me> I'm listening to Devo
DarKrow<Me> Uh... no... Wrong album
DarKrow<Pleb> Didn't they only have the one?
DarkonZeroNow.....the band Fretblanket.....they only had one album.
DarKrow<Me> They had 8 albums of studio work, three live albums, two albums of old basement recordings and a fuckton of greatest hits albums
@RobertoKayDK, not everyone's a stark raving fanatic like you.
DarKrow<Pleb> Uh......
DarKrowManos, there's worse than me
@RobertoKayAnd if they were, well, God help us all.
@RobertoKayI still stand by my last statement.
DarKrowThis guy needs a life
DarkonZeroYeah....you said it Steve-Dave.
DarkonZeroYou'll figure it out later.
DarKrowhere ya go. He's so obsessed he has Bob 2's bathrobe - http://the-wall.net/~devo-obsesso/html/ultrageek-itempages/bob2bathrobe.html
DarKrowit was a gift, but the point stands
@RobertoKayWell, you jokers have been a deal of an amusement ever since I came in, but I'm out.
* RobertoKay (hquiej@Oper.PsiBlade.net) Quit (Quit: Arubadubadubadubadubadu. http://www.deep13.org/gqindustries)
* RobertoKay has left IRC
DarkonZeroThis was fun...and still can be.
* DarkonZero looks for MP3s of Stephen Lynch.
DarKrowI need Edgard Varesse MP3s
DarKrowZappa loved the guy
* DarkonZero laughs at "Gerbil" from Stephen Lynch.
DarkonZeroGO GERBIL GO!!!
* DarKrow (~darkrow@Psi-16A68F0D.telocity.com) has left #Deep13 (Client Exiting)
* DarKrow has left IRC
DarkonZeroI go now.
* Disconnected
Session Close: Mon Jan 06 00:55:24 2003
Session Start: Mon Jan 06 02:34:51 2003
Session Ident: #Deep13
* Now talking in #Deep13
* Topic is '9http://www.deep13.org | http://www.livejournal.com/community/deep13/ | Join the Army. Meet interesting people. Kill them.'
* Set by teenMSTie on Thu Jan 02 20:07:45
-ChanServ- [#Deep13] Welcome to #deep13. Be sure to visit our website at http://www.deep13.org/ but you probably already knew that.
* DarkonZero is on IRC
* Min is on IRC
* PrincessLeia2 is on IRC
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Password Accepted - You are now identified
* DarkonZero goes away for awhile.
-> *Nickserv* identify giz91473
* DarkonZero is now known as DZ{Away}
* DarkonZero has left IRC
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] You are already identified
* KServo gets extremely bored and plans to watch the new 'Lord of the Rings' film.
* Tonic|Sleep (~BBrown932@Psi-1FA1F415.ptld.uswest.net) Quit (Connection reset by peer)
* TonicBH (~BBrown932@Psi-1FA1F415.ptld.uswest.net) has joined #Deep13
TonicBHhi o.o
PrincessLeia2morning tonic
* PrincessLeia2 eats strawberry yogurt
* TonicBH can't sleep x-x
PrincessLeia2i used to have sleeping problems that were seemingly as bad as yours
TonicBHall I've gotten for sleep is about 2 hours (11PM-1AM) and random 10-30 naps since
PrincessLeia2i got on a normal schedule and it isnt as bad as it used to be
PrincessLeia2heh %s
* TonicBH goes back to school today :\
* TonicBH needs to go seek a therapist that's works on Gender issues here :/
PrincessLeia2that might be wise
TonicBHit's more for the transvestism or whatever
PrincessLeia2i am sure it will very helpful %) answer a lot of your questions
TonicBHwhat's that supposed to be? :P
PrincessLeia2in vim the command :q is used to quit
TonicBHyou're leaving? :/
PrincessLeia2i missed %)
PrincessLeia2i was just exiting a vim file
PrincessLeia2vim is a text editor
PrincessLeia2i was working on wallaceandgromit.net
TonicBHas much as getting advice from people is helpful it doesn't help much at all xX
PrincessLeia2i think the advice you get from friends mostly confirms things you already know for yourself %)
TonicBHthat's what I've though
PrincessLeia2if you went to a theripist that specializes in this sort of thing i am sure you could learn a great deal
TonicBHonly problem is that they're a bit spendy x.x
PrincessLeia2i am sure insurance would cover most of it
TonicBHwe don't have any insurance
TonicBHat least no medical insurance :s
PrincessLeia2heh, i didnt have any growing up either
TonicBHI'm unsure what therapy would fall into a certain insurance :\
PrincessLeia2actually, this is the first time in 15 years or something i've had health insurance
PrincessLeia2it would fall under medical insurance
TonicBHgrarck bugger
TonicBHand since both my parents are out of work, we can't just get it :s
TonicBHso grar
PrincessLeia2when i was having trouble in high school and had to see a therapist my parents had to pay for it out of pocket, it was evil
TonicBHI know
TonicBHprobably costs $50 or so to make one visit to one x.x
PrincessLeia2heh, my parents both worked, we just couldnt afford to pay the monthly payment for med insurance, so we just paid for doctors visits and hoped there wasnt an accident or something
PrincessLeia2heh, $50 at least ... the one i went to was like $125
TonicBHoh jesus criminy
TonicBHmaybe I should just forget trying the "being female" thing until later... -_-
PrincessLeia2they are bloodsuckers
PrincessLeia2well there are free clinics and such in most areas, maybe you can see if you can get some sort of discount rate through one of those?
PrincessLeia2it's worth looking into anyway
TonicBHmore and more and more crap is piling up on this... I bet Tina had to go through the same damn thing as well -_-
* KServo walks into the room
PrincessLeia2'lo KServo
KServoHi, how's it going?
PrincessLeia2ok %)
* TonicBH sighs. "just PEACHY. -_-"
PrincessLeia2i put a poll up on wallaceandgromit.net : http://www.wallaceandgromit.net/WNGPoll.php
PrincessLeia2how are you?
KServofine thanks
KServoa bit tired, but I'll get over it
* PrincessLeia2 frowns at ircstats
PrincessLeia2heh, well it's monday
PrincessLeia2h8 mondays
KServoback to school tomorrow o__o
TonicBHwho doesn't hate them? -_-
* TonicBH has to go back to school TODAY. grarmumblebitch
KServoTuesdays are worse for me, but I'm not picky about what day I hate
TonicBHMondays = worse
TonicBHFridays = best. XP;
PrincessLeia2fridays are nice
PrincessLeia2and weekend
TonicBHo/` only 22 days... o/`
KServoTuesdays = 4-5 sets of homework = 3 hours
PrincessLeia2i like wed and thurs
PrincessLeia2those are days i actually get stuff done
KServobut I get to watch LOTR today
PrincessLeia2the new one?
* TonicBH has not seen any of the LotR films, nor read the books
PrincessLeia2TonicBH: %( aw
PrincessLeia2we saw the two towers on friday
* KServo is really excited because she's not seen The Two Towers yet and it's supposed to be cool and she has a crush on Frodo (Elijah Wood) and, and...
PrincessLeia2i read the books a long time ago, started rereading them when i heard they were making movies, but inever finished
* KServo is now known as KServo[Lunch]
* KServo[Lunch] runs off to have lunch
PrincessLeia2i was joking with a friend of mine when we were at a bookstore recently.. i was like "i used to think elijah wood was cute, but then i grew up, and he didnt"
* TonicBH chuckles
PrincessLeia2http://www.starwars.com/episode-ii/news/2002/12/news20021223.html  <--- i ordered that last night
TonicBHo/` only 22 days... o/`
* KServo[Lunch] is now known as KServo[Movies]
* TonicBH goes to school.
* TonicBH is now known as Tonic|School
* Tonic|School is away: bye
* Sentroid[SLEEPING] (~servo911@Oper.PsiBlade.net) Quit (Ping timeout)
* KServo[Movies] (~creaturec@11E082A1.CB78B61A.5C98C3CE.IP) Quit (Ping timeout)
-> *NickServ* identify giz91473
* DZ{Away} is now known as DarkonZero
* DarkonZero is on IRC
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] You are already identified
* Cal is on IRC
* Cal (~pmccart@Psi-259697AF.wi.tds.net) has joined #Deep13
DarkonZeroYo Cal.
CalYa never know where ya going till you get there
CalYou be be going off to Egypt or to Nome!
Calhey Rob
DarkonZeroWrong guy.
CalI knoq
CalI know
CalHey Loc
DarkonZeroHey Steve-Dave
* DarkonZero will return later.
* Disconnected
Session Close: Mon Jan 06 10:52:47 2003
Session Start: Mon Jan 06 11:35:12 2003
Session Ident: #Deep13
* Now talking in #Deep13
* Topic is '9http://www.deep13.org | http://www.livejournal.com/community/deep13/ | Join the Army. Meet interesting people. Kill them.'
* Set by teenMSTie on Thu Jan 02 20:07:45
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Your nick has been registered with PsiBlade. If you are the owner of this nick, please identify now.
* Cal is on IRC
* DarkonZero is on IRC
* Min is on IRC
* Ocean-Saurian is on IRC
* PrincessLeia2 is on IRC
* Sentroid91 is on IRC
-NickServ- [SYNTAX] /NickServ identify <password>
-ChanServ- [#Deep13] Welcome to #deep13. Be sure to visit our website at http://www.deep13.org/ but you probably already knew that.
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Password Accepted - You are now identified
@shadeand I curse xchat
@shadexchat requires so much from gnome, and I'm a kde person
PrincessLeia2i believe he was using chatzilla in windows
@shadeso I shun it
* @shade shake fist
PrincessLeia2i dont even think i have xchat installed
@Ocean-SaurianHey Shad you know networking right?
DarkonZeroTrillian is an idiot program...can't even alphabetizes things correctly.
PrincessLeia2i've never used trillian
DarkonZeroI just installed it.
PrincessLeia2but i imagine it would be better than having 4 messangers running
DarkonZeroCause AIM and ICQ were taking up space.
PrincessLeia2icq is a mem-hog
@Ocean-Saurianis there somthing wrong with IRC (not talking about linux)
@shadeOcean-Saurian: Yes, I'm a networking person
PrincessLeia2something wrong? o_O
@Ocean-SaurianShade... I made a cat 5 cable!
@Ocean-SaurianLeia: well people complain about it
PrincessLeia2this specific server? or irc in general?
PrincessLeia2people who complain about irc are dumbheads
@Ocean-SaurianI mean mIRC not IRC
@shadeOcean-Saurian: Congradulations? :p
@shademIRC is the best gui client
@shadehands down
PrincessLeia2i think the reason so many people have problems with it is the scripting lang is very simple, so it lets annoying 13 year old kids write evil things and think they are leet
PrincessLeia2but yeah, mirc is the best gui client
PrincessLeia2n stuff
@Ocean-SaurianI don't know how to write a script... I think it's nearly impossible to write one (for me) and I am starting to have the mentality that if you can write a script, you are a hacker too
@shadeit would be cool of mIRC was ported to linux using both qt and gtk
PrincessLeia2heh, not an mirc script
@shademIRC's scripting language is easy, yet fairly powerful
@shadeand no, programming != hacking
PrincessLeia2i am fairly good with perl and php, but i would hardly even think to call myself a 'hacker'
* PrincessLeia2 couldnt hack her way out of a paper bag %P
Timeyou could too
@Ocean-Saurianwhy would you want to?
TimeOcean-Saurian: because paper-bags are stuffy
PrincessLeia2uh, well if i was in a paper bag, i would prolly wanna get out
@Ocean-SaurianWell... why would you get the bag on your head in the first place? I mean you already KNOW the disavantages of it...
* DarkonZero goes to make a phone call.
PrincessLeia2i was thinking that someone else put me in a paper bag
@Ocean-SaurianBut why hack the back? why not take your hands and remove it from your head?
PrincessLeia2i never said it was on my head, i said i was inside it
PrincessLeia2it's a big bag
TimePrincessLeia2 knows more about unix than Rubicant.
@Ocean-Saurianwell you have fingers right? Just rip your way out
Timeas a matter of fact, she knows more about unix than the majority of you fools.
PrincessLeia2i think we have taken this metaphor too far
PrincessLeia2i know some..
* @Min is BACK, dammit!
DarkonZeroOh fuck.
@Ocean-SaurianHey! I might be a fool, and everyone might know that I am fool, BUT YOU SHOULDN'T CALL ME A FOOL... I mean that's only for weekends Time
@Sentroid91Damn fool
PrincessLeia2buncha fools in here
DarkonZeroMin....if I could do that....wouldn't you think I'd be doing that now?
TimeOcean-Saurian: its a generalization, if I thought you were a fool I'd make is crytal clear 8)
@Sentroid91New Nestle Buncha Fools
@Ocean-Saurian"Is" already is crystal clear, why make it crytal clear?
@Ocean-Saurianand you call me a fool, sent
@Sentroid91No... IS
PrincessLeia2i wanted pepsi today, but i couldnt get the cap off the bottle
PrincessLeia2it was very sad
PrincessLeia2i am such a girl %(
DarkonZeroFight the power that is Pepsi.
@Sentroid91Pepsi Blue
@Ocean-SaurianHey blue pepsi is good
@Sentroid91No fool. Not Blue Pepsi
@Sentroid91Pepsi Blue
DarkonZeroIt tastes like a melted slushie.
PrincessLeia2i dont like melted slishies
@Sentroid91Metal Slishies?
PrincessLeia2so who wants to be in my ircbot's email database thingy?
PrincessLeia2it's neat, and has webpage access too
@Ocean-Saurianwell, are you going to actually e-mail us?
@Ocean-Saurianor will it just sit there?
PrincessLeia2it's more of a database for people to contact each other... like a bunch of people put their addys in, and you can access the list
PrincessLeia2 /msg r2d2 ~search nickname .... and it'll give you results
PrincessLeia2but only if you are on a users list
@Ocean-SaurianWill I have to know how to hack or somthing?
PrincessLeia2to get on the user list you give me info %)
DarkonZeroYou could add my name....but I fear it.
@Sentroid91h@x0r f00l
@Ocean-SaurianYeah, you can stick my name in there
PrincessLeia2ok, i need name, email, webpage (you dont have one do you?), birthday and ... um... instant messangers
* KServo[Movies] (~creaturec@26B92344.5ED34CBB.5C98C3CE.IP) has joined #Deep13
PrincessLeia2'lo KServo
DarkonZeroThat's asking alot.
@Ocean-Saurian<DZ> I mean... that's personal!
DarkonZeroNow I feel that you're running a corporation.
@Ocean-Saurianshe's the new owner of red hat
PrincessLeia2well that's why i ask people before putting the info in and the database is password protected for only verified users to use %)
DarkonZeroI'll thin about it.
@Ocean-SaurianI'll thin about it too
DarkonZeroI'll be thin about it.
* KServo[Movies] is now known as KServo
* DarkonZero watches the MSN Messenger try icon......who's gonna win...the green or white guy?
@Sentroid91The black guy
DarkonZeroGreen guy got x'd.
* DarkonZero forgot why he installed yahoo messenger.
DarkonZeroOh well....better to be cenile than stupid.
DarkonZeroOk...I'm stupid.
KServoI agree
@Sentroid91I picked a bad time to go senile
@Sentroid91Do we sell literocola?
@Ocean-Saurianarrrg... this off board soundcard sucks ass
DarkonZeroSent wants a large Farva.
@Ocean-Saurianthe on board sound card was MUCH better
@Sentroid91No, I don't want a large Farva!
DarkonZeroWhat brand is it O-S?
DarkonZeroThe off board one.
PrincessLeia2onboard sound was better than a sound card ? that's sad
DarkonZeroI got an old SB Live Platinum.....
PrincessLeia2i've got a SB live
DarkonZeroNot even the 5.1
DarkonZeroMine came with the front end thing.....which I've never installed.....yet
DarkonZeroAnd game of grab ass.
DarkonZeroBugs wins.
@Sentroid91In desperation... has anyone here watched that new Baby Looney Tunes?
PrincessLeia2oh, time has the front thing on his computer
DarkonZeroI watched a bit of it...and contemplated suicide.
PrincessLeia2i have the soundblaster live card he got with his dell about a year ago
@Sentroid91Reminded me a bit of those Baby Plucky cartoons on Tiny Toons
DarkonZeroDon't remind me of those.
@Sentroid91<Baby Plucky> .....eeew
DarkonZeroBaby Plucky annoyed me.
DarkonZeroI'm serious.
* Sentroid91 is now known as Baby_Plucky
* Sentroid91 has left IRC
* @Baby_Plucky flushes DeeZ
DarkonZeroAwww fuck.
@Baby_PluckyDZ go down the hoooooole
DarkonZeroThat episode in particular.
* @Baby_Plucky flushes a toy boat
@Baby_PluckyToot-toot go down the hoooooole
DarkonZeroWhat's with the fucking tugboat?
* @Baby_Plucky flushes his diaper
@Baby_PluckyDiaper go down the hoooooooole
* @Baby_Plucky flushes a roll of toliet paper
@Baby_PluckyToilet pinter go down the hoooooooole
* @Baby_Plucky has returned.
* Baby_Plucky is now known as Sentroid91
* Sentroid91 is on IRC
DarkonZeroAbout time you stopped.
DarkonZeroYou like spent an hour doing that.
@Sentroid91i bet i did
PrincessLeia2heh, irctime
PrincessLeia2it's much different than real time
DarkonZeroMostly realtime.
DarkonZeroI felt I aged a year.
PrincessLeia2like the kids on the scifi server who are 15 and have had their rooms there for 20 years
PrincessLeia2"omg this is the oldest room on the server, i started chatting when i was -5"
@Sentroid91sucks to be them, don't it?
PrincessLeia2buncha punks
@Sentroid91Nestle Buncha Punks?
DarkonZeroDid the Cab Co. disband?
PrincessLeia2i havent seen the cabco in a looong time
DarkonZeroI remember hanging with them before going into #Deep13.
@Sentroid91That Hovercraft dude was from Cab Co.... but I haven't seen him in a few months now
PrincessLeia2journeyman had a problem with me
@Sentroid91They suxed, though
DarkonZeroI think Journeyman had problems with everyone.
@Sentroid91They said some really mean stuff right after MST was cancelled
PrincessLeia2i chatted in there to talk to methos mostly
DarkonZeroDamn.....that was almost 6 years since I've been there.
DarkonZerowas to is
PrincessLeia2it's been almost 4 since i was there
PrincessLeia2not since i was in high school *gasp*
DarkonZeroI was unemployed at the time.
PrincessLeia2me too, but i guess that goes without saying...
DarkonZeroOdd.....I'm unemployed now.
CalLets go to scifi and annoy
PrincessLeia2i do that often enough
* PrincessLeia2 goes to scifi to annoy
DarkonZeroI miss harassing HomeGame.
PrincessLeia2it's usually boring tho
PrincessLeia2since the same people are in like, every room
@Sentroid91speaking of which... I better go to scenenet and make sure I still hold their room
DarkonZeroScifi is full of cybering punks.
DarkonZeroI remember when Sent harassed a couple of them one night.
PrincessLeia2yeah, most of the old rooms are gone
@Sentroid91Cal: HomeGame's on scenenet now.
@Sentroid91and I have control of their room.
PrincessLeia2scifi sucks, no one good is there anymore *leaves*
PrincessLeia2ok, maybe 3-4 people
PrincessLeia2but it's not worth the lameness
DarkonZeroN still shows up there....for #starwars
@Sentroid91As part of its ongoing policy of right-sizing, the SciFi Channel has shut the HomeGame out of its chatroom.
@Sentroid91Barring a reprieve from their CEO, Barry "Killer" Diller, the HomeGame will convene at...
@Sentroid91Access is also available through...
PrincessLeia2i would connect to there and forget about it, but then the server would reset and people would be all "omg you took over the room by being the first to rejoin *floodandnuke*
@shadeI never had that problem, cause everyone trusted me with their keys, so I autoset them all
CalHomegame isn't on that server
@Sentroid91I wonder how many people there can still take a good pingkilling.
PrincessLeia2that's actually why we finally left, we could never get everyone around at the same time so we'd be without ops for days
@Sentroid91because services are down, genius. :P
PrincessLeia2plus we had a moderated room there toward the end, and that was lame
PrincessLeia2it was the only way to keep out annoying people %)
DarkonZeroRaiding Dominion was fun for us in the past.
@shadeI remember when I first got into scripting
@shadeI was such an asshole
@shadeenter #dominion with pingbots
PrincessLeia2i wasnt, i just like color too much
PrincessLeia2and sounds
PrincessLeia2i would hate myself now
DarkonZeroWe did this Church of IRC bit when we raided.
@shadeI found a floppy with my first bot's scripts
DarkonZeroMade up random quotes and shit.
@shadeI nearly vomited looking at how messy it was
PrincessLeia2i have a zip disk with a really old r2d2 on it
PrincessLeia2like, circa 1999 *shudders*
@shadethis floppy was dated 1998
PrincessLeia2i didnt even get online til sept of '98...
@shadelast version before I stopped writing him
PrincessLeia2didnt use mirc til november
DarkonZeroI didn't get online until 96 or 97
@shadeI got online '95 or '96, chatted on palace till about early-mid '97, got on IRC
PrincessLeia2oh i used to chat in the palace, haha
DarkonZeroI was mostly BBS'ing local shit before.
PrincessLeia2that was so silly
* PrincessLeia2 looks for a screenshot of her avatar
@shadepalace was fun for the time
@Sentroid91I got online about 95.... chatted in AOL.... then switched to Prodigy... chatted on Yahoo! and then later Events
@shadeI had many a avater
@shademade a few
PrincessLeia2when i got there there was hardly ever any people there
@shadeI was on when it was popular
@shadeSouthPark's palace had just taken off
@shadeso I tried it out
@shademet many friends
@shadeended up on several otehr palaces
@shadeIncluding Finchnest, which I miss dearly
@shadeI never realized how poorly programmed palace was... :p
@shadeIt's constantly eating 100% cpu time
@shadeand raises temps by a few degrees :p
@Sentroid91oh great. DeeK's on
PrincessLeia2http://www.princessleia.com/images/MyImages/pl2av.jpg  <-- palace avatar
DarkonZeroI remember going onto Cybertown......too funnt.
PrincessLeia2i think i had a trinity one too, but i usually used that one
@Sentroid91Man do I miss Mothership
PrincessLeia2i used to go to cybertown too, that was... hrm... lame
PrincessLeia2i probably still have an account there
DarkonZeroSomeone like came into my house and trid to sell me shit.
@shadeTMS is still up
@Minpalace was odd. Heh. As was cybertown. But it was fun havin' your own house.
@shadeI had my own palace running at one time
@shadebut not enough interest was shown, so I took it down
PrincessLeia2i had my own palace too, but no one ever came
DarkonZeroFuck...Cybertown is still going.
PrincessLeia2yeah, a friend of mine still chats on cybertown
PrincessLeia2he is, a bit odd o_O
@shadeI had people who would check out my palace,a nd even offered to help build it
@shadebut noone actually stuck around
@shadeI tried to recreate Finchnest, I miss that place so much :(
* DarkonZero has a bunch of old links left in his favorites folder.
@shadeit was a palace server
* DarkonZero clicks on an old link for the Renegade BBS software.
@MinPalace is dead now, isn't it?
DarkonZeroStill says the same thing I saw 2 years go.
@shademost of the palaces I went to are dead
DarkonZeroApril 5/00
DarkonZeroThe Renegade page is currently getting its update. It'll be finished by the weekend at the latest.
@shadebut the software and community are still alive
@shadeby weekend they mean never
@Sentroid91"Just hang on....." "It takes a while..."
DarkonZeroI remember running a BBS with my friend......he wanted me to run it remotely.....only prob he only had 2 phone lines and not many users signed on.
DarkonZeroMy god...I think I still have the ASCII drawing proggies on some floppies somewhere.
DarkonZeroThe memories......
@MinPLANE OF GOOFINESS. Ish simple, but fun and mad addictive.
DarkonZeroMin....you already got me into ProgressQuest.
PrincessLeia2addictive is bad
* PrincessLeia2 doesnt clicky
PrincessLeia2i have to go grocery shopping this afternoon, i HATE grocery shopping
@MinFeh. ISH FUN.
PrincessLeia2you want to do it for me?
@MinYou get to kill Britney Spears cubes of DEATH
* PrincessLeia2 hands Min a shopping list
PrincessLeia2i think i would like grocery shopping more if i got to kill
DarkonZeroAlright....Renegade is still around.
@shadecreate a shopping cart with rocket launchers
PrincessLeia2i think killing other shoppers is illegal in this state
PrincessLeia2but i believe it's ok to kill the bag boy if he puts the lettuce in the same bag as the chicken
DarkonZeroI was a bag boy once.
DarkonZeroI sucked at it.
PrincessLeia2i worked at a gas station, and sometimes i had to put things in bags, but it was never an official job title
DarkonZeroI'm like "It's in the bag....you deal with it!"
PrincessLeia2dont some stores send bag boys to bagging lessons?
DarkonZeroBaggers school.....heh
* DarkonZero wonders when his bishojo games will be arriving.
PrincessLeia2bishojo o_O
PrincessLeia2i ordered "r2-d2: beneath the dome" last night... free shipping so i'll get it before next christmas
DarkonZeroNothing like me...a bored lonely guy getting dating sim type games.
DarkonZeroI should be getting a large shipment of t-shirts today.
PrincessLeia2getting packages in the mail is fun
DarkonZeroAll the belated Christmas gifts for my friends.
PrincessLeia2i didnt get many christmas presents for people this year
* DarkonZero wonders if his MC Chris CD came in the mail yet.
PrincessLeia2my two sisters and time
DarkonZeroDammit...I hate living in an apartment complex....the mailbox is too far.
DarkonZeroI gotta like walk up to the front of the complex.
PrincessLeia2our mailbox is close... but the mailman wont pick up outgoing mail
PrincessLeia2since leaving home i havent had one mailman who picks up mail... is that not their job anymore?
DarkonZeroI dunno.
PrincessLeia2i mean... i am sure the mailman's job is very very hard and all *grr*
DarkonZeroI just can't wait till we move into a house.
DarkonZeroWe should be getting a house soon.
DarkonZeroMy family and I.
PrincessLeia2i want a house too %(
PrincessLeia2when i get a house i can get a kitten (%
PrincessLeia2<time> ugh
DarkonZeroI miss owning cats.
PrincessLeia2me too %(
PrincessLeia2i had to get rid of my kitty when i moved a little over a year ago
DarkonZeroI had 8 at one house we lived in in Georgia...the owners left them behind.
PrincessLeia2http://www.princessleia.com/images/MyImages/Photos/mrbones.jpg <-- mr bones
PrincessLeia2i missz0r him %(
DarkonZeroLooks like the cat I had at the house....it was female though and had kittens...making it 8.
@Ocean-SaurianIt's snowing but the ground is wet :/
PrincessLeia2kittens yay
PrincessLeia2yay time is home, afk
* DarkonZero awaits a phone call.
* @Ocean-Saurian calls DZ
DarkonZeroDammit...I like called labor relations an hour ago.
DarkonZeroI need to give them the info they asked for.
DarkonZeroGreat....at this rate...I may not win my job back.
DarkonZeroUnless they don't want me back.
DarkonZeroI dunno.
* Disconnected
Session Close: Mon Jan 06 13:04:43 2003
Session Start: Mon Jan 06 13:10:20 2003
Session Ident: #Deep13
* Now talking in #Deep13
* Topic is '9http://www.deep13.org | http://www.livejournal.com/community/deep13/ | Join the Army. Meet interesting people. Kill them.'
* Set by teenMSTie on Thu Jan 02 20:07:45
-ChanServ- [#Deep13] Welcome to #deep13. Be sure to visit our website at http://www.deep13.org/ but you probably already knew that.
* Cal is on IRC
* DarkonZero is on IRC
* Min is on IRC
* Ocean-Saurian is on IRC
* PrincessLeia2 is on IRC
* Sentroid91 is on IRC
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Password Accepted - You are now identified
DarkonZeroI return.
* Min (~avasquez@blackmesa.us.gov) Quit (Connection reset by peer)
* Min has left IRC
* Min is on IRC
* Min (~avasquez@blackmesa.us.gov) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +ohv Min Min Min
@ChanServ[Min] Hey look... it's that crazy mutant human/lizard-hybrid....
* @Min breathes a sigh of relief, crawls over the couch and falls head-first onto the floor, shouting, "HIIII-OW!!"
* @Ocean-Saurian offers everyone some of his Ramein soup
DarkonZeroIt better not be from your tank.
@Ocean-SaurianNo it isn't
@Ocean-SaurianHey everyone
@Sentroid91Hey fool
@Ocean-Sauriango get a free razor
@Ocean-SaurianSent, why the hell do you keep calling me a fool?
@Sentroid91Because you said you was.
@Ocean-SaurianIt was called sarcasum
@Sentroid91Oh well
@Sentroid91I tooks it for seriousnessness
@Ocean-SaurianWell, if it was true, then you must have been a fool for opping me.
@Ocean-Saurianmore foolish really
@Sentroid91Who's the bigger fool? The fool or the fool who follows him?
@Ocean-SaurianWho said I was following you?
@Ocean-SaurianHey man... leave the dog sized booger guy out!
Callizisdaname: hi! busy? wanna chat  
Callizisdaname: i have a few pics on my site.. im not ugly.. there is a link to it in my profile. look for elisabeth on that page. thats me.
Callizisdaname: frustrating.. my yahoo is messin up on me again im gonna move to the chat on my homepage, ok, follow me there and Ill wait for you- Im Liz, www.cyberfungirls.com
Calcalvin_crowe: I'm Amish, so I don't have the internet.
DarkonZeroGood one Cal.
DarkonZeroDZ drama is now over....time to look for a job without the classification of being fired looming over me.
CalGo start your own business
CalWhat are some of your hobbies, talents, etc?
DarkonZeroI don't know anymore Cal....I dabble too much in different things.
* DarkonZero thinks of being a Pro Wrestler.
DarkonZeroMy dad said I'd make a good one.
* Jouva (jouva@fluffy.moufette.com) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +aohv Jouva Jouva Jouva Jouva
* @Jouva shoots out a decoy scientist and watches it explode.
CalDZ, you could be a hitman
DarkonZeroThought of that.
DarkonZeroMy aim needs to be better.
DarkonZeroI'll just try the other arcades in town.
DarkonZeroI like loser jobs.
* Myth (heylo@2C21B3D5.480A8C2B.775C4435.IP) has joined #Deep13
Mythin bed (I wish)
@Ocean-SaurianYeah that's jo
* DarkonZero takes his poster of J-Lo and leaves.
@Ocean-SaurianCA1.US.PsiBlade.net Pancakes. Oh I blew it. (irc.mst3k.org)
@Ocean-SaurianCA1.US.PsiBlade.net Pancakes. Oh I blew it. (irc.mst3k.org)
DarkonZeroYou realized that when, O-S?
@JouvaYes. You said that already.
@Ocean-Saurianoh damn
@Ocean-SaurianEveryone has that
DarkonZeroSteve-Dave doesn't.
@JouvaYou thought that was me?
@JouvaThat's just a server tag.
* Min (~avasquez@blackmesa.us.gov) Quit (Quit: Massachusetts: Born free, taxed to death.)
* Min has left IRC
* DarkonZero just looked at a picture of Nirvana on SNL...
@Ocean-SaurianThanks for pointing that out captian obvious
DarkonZeroDave Grohl is flyying an upside-down dirty bird.
@JouvaIf it was obvious you wouldn't have thought it was me ;)
@Ocean-SaurianWell, I found it out AFTER I made my mistake
@JouvaWell then it's not obvious ;)
Myth?me is sad to see his fav comic cancelled (the one that always had mst references)
* Myth is sad to see his fav comic cancelled (the one that always had mst references)
@Ocean-Saurian?me is sad too
DarkonZeroTwice as apparent now.
Mythstupid Myth
DarkonZeroJust call O-S stupid...it makes everyone feel better.
@Ocean-SaurianDamn you all
@Ocean-SaurianI don't understand why people must pick on me
DarkonZeroSorry....I've been damned already....you're too late.
@Ocean-Saurian<random person> it's just a joke
@Ocean-SaurianYou guys keep on making fun of me, I'll bound to think that you all hate me or somthing
MythI'm gonna mis searching every issue for the mst refeences
Mythif they hated you you'd know it
DarkonZeroWe only love to hate you.
DarkonZeroSee.....there is love.
@Ocean-SaurianYou love to hate? That isn't love
@Ocean-Saurianwell, first... define love for me DZ
DarkonZerohating stuff that's love.
DarkonZeroninny who is being too serious now.
@Ocean-SaurianWell, can't I go into a place without being taunted/make fun of/picked on for a day?
* DarkonZero pleds the 5th.
DarkonZeropleads even
* DarkonZero takes a vow of silence.
* DarkonZero takes his soccer ball and goes home.
* Myth continues the never-ending search for screenshots from GTA 3 Advance
Mythhow come I can find 900 sites about it but not one screenshot?
DarkonZeroProbably not at the point yet.
@Ocean-SaurianI'll buy sombody one of those if they drink it all in a half hour
DarkonZeroGame time...later.
* Disconnected
Session Close: Mon Jan 06 14:37:56 2003
Session Start: Mon Jan 06 15:47:18 2003
Session Ident: #Deep13
* Now talking in #Deep13
* Topic is '9http://www.deep13.org | http://www.livejournal.com/community/deep13/ | Join the Army. Meet interesting people. Kill them.'
* Set by teenMSTie on Thu Jan 02 20:07:45
-ChanServ- [#Deep13] Welcome to #deep13. Be sure to visit our website at http://www.deep13.org/ but you probably already knew that.
* Cal is on IRC
* DarkonZero is on IRC
* Ocean-Saurian is on IRC
* PrincessLeia2 is on IRC
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Password Accepted - You are now identified
DarkonZeroI am Sven.
@Ocean-Saurianwe are all gay here, so if you wanna get rapped... go somwhere else... I was joking
DarkonZerorapped? You gonna spit rhyme?
* Sound request: can't find 'doorbell.wav'
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 4,1"If I Were Gay"4,16,0 from 6,014,1Stephen Lynch14,16,0.6,0
* Tig[Homework] is now known as TIgger
* TIgger is now known as Tigger
DarkonZeroFunny ass song.
DarkonZeroHey Tigg.
DarkonZero"And if I were gay...we would tear down the walls. But I'm not gay...so would you stop cupping my.....hand.
Tiggeruhm hi
DarkonZeroSorry....comedy songs.
DarkonZeroComedy songs in poor taste.
DarkonZeroBut I like them.
DarkonZeroThe gerbil song is kinda gross.
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 4,1"Ladybird"4,16,0 from 6,014,1Ladytron14,16,0.6,0
Tiggerhrm..my teacher gave of this little quiz like that..that was called Recapping the year 2002...and hardly anyboyd got anyhting right..lol'
Tiggeranybody know what two countries were on the brink of nuclear wat at the begining of 2002?
DarkonZeroCan't recall.
Tiggerit was india and pakistan
DarkonZeroTwo countries that sound the same phonetically almost had a little shindig....heh.
Tiggerhow about this one..in february the olympics were rocked by what scandal?
@Ocean-SaurianRussia thought they won a medal or somthing
Tiggerit was when the french judges were like payed to vote against the usa
-> *Nickserv* identify giz91473
* DarkonZero is now known as DZ{Away}
* DarkonZero has left IRC
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] You are already identified
Tiggerhrm..how about this one..what ahll of fame baseball player and perhaps the game's greatest hitter died this year?
* Min is on IRC
* Min (~avasquez@blackmesa.us.gov) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +ohv Min Min Min
@ChanServ[Min] Hey look... it's that crazy mutant human/lizard-hybrid....
* @Min breathes a sigh of relief, crawls over the couch and falls head-first onto the floor, shouting, "HIIII-OW!!"
@Min7,1Min's MUTATED Quote Machine:14,1 <DeRaptor> * TonicBH is trying to get in someone's drawers
@Min7,1Min's MUTATED Quote Machine:14,1 *** Topic is 'MAAAARRRRSSSS?!?!?!?! Your mother was a hamster! And your father smelt of Elderberries!!!!'
@Ocean-Saurianhey time?
@MinThe equation above has been pointed out to me by several people at this point, and I have to admit, it's rather amusing. You take '3v1l l33t', which can also be written as '666' (evil) and '1337' ('leet'), add them together, and you get 666 1337=2003. How odd.
TimeMin: ever seen the movie Pi?
@Ocean-Saurianhe time, What is the differance between Cat 3, Cat 5, Cat 5e, and Cat 6?
Timethe termination configuration I think.
Timewhat are the exact differences? hell if I know 8D
@Ocean-Saurianhmm... a lot of people don't know this... I assume this isn't somthing I NEED to know when I network for a living
Timeconsidering that I've been working with SMF for the past three years, you wont need to worry about it.
TimeSingleMode Fiber
@Ocean-SaurianSuper Mario fighter?!
Timethe kind of fiber that 10G transmitters utiliza
TimeGigiabit ethernet is multi-mode fiber.
Timewhich is being phased out
@Ocean-SaurianThat sounds like a cat 6
@Ocean-Saurianbut, what do I know? Since my teacher royaly screwed me over by showing me the network operations center and tried to explain it
* Cal slaps ChanServ around a bit with a large trout
* Tonic|School is no longer away
* Tonic|School is now known as TonicBH
* Tigger hrms
-> *NickServ* identify giz91473
* DZ{Away} is now known as DarkonZero
* DarkonZero is on IRC
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] You are already identified
DarkonZeroHeh....quiet it got, yesssssss?
* Tigger nods
Tiggeroh...can you guess the top 5 grossing movies of 2002?
Tiggerthat was on that quiz thing that my teacher gave..lol
DarkonZeroNot off the top of my head.
@Ocean-SaurianGodzilla 2000?
Tiggerand guesse?
Tigger#5 was My Big Fat Greek Wedding..
@Ocean-SaurianStar wars episode two
DarkonZeroAh the sleeper hit.
@Ocean-SaurianHarry Potter
Tiggerthe #4 movie was Signs
Tiggerthe #3 movie was Harry Potter
@Ocean-Saurianuh.. LOTR?
Tigger#2 was Star Wards
Tiggerer wars
Tiggercan you guess #1?
@Ocean-Sauriantell me
@Ocean-Saurianwhat genre is it/
Tiggeri donno..lol
Tiggerit wasnt LOTR
Tiggeri dont know if its scifi or not..
@Ocean-Saurianwhat is it?
@Ocean-SaurianYou didn't know if that was sci-fi?!
Tiggerwhat about the top 5 selling albums of 2002?
@Ocean-SaurianHell if I know
@Ocean-SaurianBritany Spears, N*suck are on there I think
@Ocean-Saurianthen tell us!
Tiggeri'll give you ten..tell me the top 5 of them..  Dixie Chicks Home, Shania Twain Up, Nelly Nellyville, Avril Lavigne let go, Eminem the eminem show, alan jackson drive, o brother where art thou soundtrack, 8 mile soundtrack, pink musundaztood, ashanti ashanti
DarkonZeroI only bought one of those CDs....and it was for a friend.
Tigger#5 was Pink Misundaztood
DarkonZeroThat one.
Tigger#4 - Dixie Chicks Home
Tigger#3 - Avril Lavigne Let go
Tigger#2 Nelly Nellyville
Tigger#1 Eminem The eminem show
@Ocean-SaurianI love Pink (the singer)
@Ocean-SaurianShe's hot
Tiggerany idea of the top played song on the radio in 2002?
DarkonZeroEminem ain't down with the Pee Pants though.
@Ocean-SaurianHer music you say? Fuck if I know
* Sentroid91 is on IRC
* Sentroid91 (~servo911@Oper.PsiBlade.net) has joined #Deep13
* Sentroid91 injects poison into #Deep13
* Sound request: can't find 'nwo.wav'
[Sentroid91 SOUND]
* ChanServ sets mode: +qohv Sentroid91 Sentroid91 Sentroid91 Sentroid91
@Ocean-SaurianProbably that DAMN COMPLICATED SONG!!!! ARRGG!!!
DarkonZeroYo Snet.
DarkonZeroSnet...what up!
* @Ocean-Saurian rips out his hair... if he had any that is
TiggerNickleback - How you remind me
Tiggeryou dont have any hair?
@Ocean-Saurian...I am a sea creature... why would I have hair?
Tiggercause yer an odd sea creature?
@Ocean-SaurianI AM NOT ODD
@Ocean-Saurianoh and Sent?
* Tigger hrms..ok
@Ocean-SaurianRobby hasn't been back... I think his brother killed him or somthing...
* DarkonZero wants the next page of Megatokyo!!!
DarkonZeroDammit...the story just got interesting.
* DarkonZero await his copy of MoH: Allied Assault to come.
DarkonZeroMy friends just called me....it's coming.
DarkonZeroThey got it for me as a belated Christmas present.
DarkonZeroYAY ME!
DarkonZeroShit...I got to unistall shit now.
DarkonZerouninstall even.
@Ocean-SaurianDZ, get a bigger Hard drive
DarkonZeroWell....there goes JK2, Soldier of Fortune 1 & 2, and Quake 3 Arena again.
DarkonZeroUh...I would if I were still making money.
DarkonZeroRemember....I'm unemployed.
DarkonZeroThe removal of the 4 games will just suffice.
DarkonZeroShit...I still haven't removed Half-Life from this HD yet.
DarkonZeroI like the game too much.
DarkonZeroAnd it is much needed.
DarkonZeroI'm not removing UT2K3 again.
* DarkonZero goes afk
* @Ocean-Saurian hit's DZ's harddrive with a hammer
@Ocean-SaurianThere... all fixed
* Aquarius (~LavRose@Psi-1C39A25B.hvc.rr.com) has joined #Deep13
* DarkonZero leaves.
* Disconnected
Session Close: Mon Jan 06 18:07:23 2003
Session Start: Mon Jan 06 20:35:10 2003
Session Ident: #Deep13
* Now talking in #Deep13
* Topic is '9http://www.deep13.org | http://www.livejournal.com/community/deep13/ | Join the Army. Meet interesting people. Kill them.'
* Set by teenMSTie on Thu Jan 02 20:07:45
* DarkonZero is on IRC
* Min is on IRC
* Ocean-Saurian is on IRC
* PrincessLeia2 is on IRC
-ChanServ- [#Deep13] Welcome to #deep13. Be sure to visit our website at http://www.deep13.org/ but you probably already knew that.
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Password Accepted - You are now identified
* Disconnected
Session Close: Mon Jan 06 20:36:18 2003

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