
Session Start: Fri Jan 03 00:00:00 2003
Session Ident: #Deep13
@RobertoKayI don't know. Who is your good friend?
DarkonZeroFine...you're not my good friend anymore.
DarkonZeroBut I don't think you care anyway.
@RobertoKayI'm kidding, you big doof.
DarkonZeroUh....I was too.
* DarkonZero continues his LJ entry.
DarkonZeroIt's a long one.
DarkonZeroAbout girls.
DarkonZeroBut mostly revolves around one of the 2.
@RobertoKayI should get around to adding an entry on my journal.
DarkonZeroI just write out of a need to say shit.
DarkonZeroAnd I feel better about stuff when I get stuff out.
* teenMSTie (teenMSTie@Psi-22219932.dialip.mich.net) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +ohv teenMSTie teenMSTie teenMSTie
@RobertoKayWhy the dialup?
@teenMSTieMeh. My dad booted me off the cable modem.
* @teenMSTie grumbles about the slowness.
@teenMSTieCan't wait to get back to school, where I have my own eithernet port.
* @teenMSTie sighs
@teenMSTieAbsolutely nothing on television.
@RobertoKayWell, it's late.
* @teenMSTie sighs.
@teenMSTieI know.
@teenMSTieEven moreso on this side of the country.
@RobertoKayCrowd's dead tonight.
DarkonZeroYeah...I killed them earlier.
@teenMSTieIts been like this all day.
DarkonZeroNot entirely.
@teenMSTieMore than usual, though.
DarkonZeroFuck....it took me over an hour to type out my LJ entry.
DarkonZeroDidn't seem like an hour though.
@RobertoKayIt never does.
DarkonZeroEspecially when typing about girls.
DarkonZero...and my problems with them....which is often.
DarkonZeroUgh...I just need more sleep.
DarkonZero...or ice cream.
* DarkonZero goes to get ice cream.
* DarkonZero returns with ice cream.
@RobertoKayIce Cream... the official sponsor of DZ's cravings.
* DarkonZero goes to throw away the ice cream container.
* DarkonZero returns.....with a vengence....DUHN DUHN DUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHHHNNNNNN.
* @teenMSTie yawns.
* @RobertoKay PULLS UP.
* RobertoKay (hquiej@Oper.PsiBlade.net) Quit (Quit: Arubadubadubadubadubadu. http://www.deep13.org/gqindustries)
* RobertoKay has left IRC
DarkonZeroHe got bored.
* @teenMSTie sighs
DarkonZeroI know...bored too?
DarkonZeroEveryone will be awake.....in a couple of hours.
@teenMSTieI need to sleep at some point tonight.
DarkonZeroMy god....I haven't slept since 8:30 AM yesterday.
DarkonZeroI'm sleepy....but I don't wanna sleep.
@teenMSTieWell, I'm not as young as I used to be.
DarkonZeroNeither am I.
DarkonZeroFuck...I just realized I'm starting my journey into my late 20s.
@teenMSTieI'll be old enough to drink in two and a half years.
@teenMSTieYou know, when you turn twenty, you are half-way to 40, which is over-the-hill.
DarkonZeroI'm almost 30.
@teenMSTieYou're old, dude.
DarkonZeroNot too old.
DarkonZeroBut yeah...I'm up there.
@teenMSTieBut old, nonetheless.
DarkonZeroAnd I'm chasing after 18 year old girls.
@teenMSTieMe? I'm in the prime of my life. Which is unfortunate, since I'm really not taking advantage of that.
DarkonZeroWait till you're my age and realize you missed out on alot of things.
@teenMSTieLike partying?
@teenMSTieGeting drunk and having sex I won't remember? Then having to check my dick for spots for the next month?
DarkonZeroShit...I missed on college....at you have that.
DarkonZeroat least even
DarkonZeroWhoa....sleep kicking in.
@teenMSTieYou didn't go to college, or you didn't party durring college?
DarkonZeroI never went to.
DarkonZeroBut....there is always time for schoolin'.
@teenMSTieCollege is fun, but its hard.
@teenMSTieYou have to study and stuff.
DarkonZeroHeh....I have't done that for years.
@teenMSTieNeither have I, and my GPA reflects that. :0
@teenMSTieOh, well. I bed now.
* teenMSTie (teenMSTie@Psi-22219932.dialip.mich.net) Quit (Quit: I fart in your general direction! Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelled of elderberries! -Monty Python)
* DarkonZero nods off for a bit.
-> *Nickserv* identify giz91473
* DarkonZero is now known as DZ{Napping}
* DarkonZero has left IRC
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] You are already identified
* Ocean-Saurian is on IRC
* Ocean-Saurian (Ocean-Saur@Psi-F938DB5.ipt.aol.com) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +ohv Ocean-Saurian Ocean-Saurian Ocean-Saurian
* @Ocean-Saurian pouts
* PrincessLeia2 packs Ocean-Saurian some chips
@Ocean-SaurianAww, thanks
PrincessLeia2do you have many classes today?
@Ocean-SaurianI have 2
@Ocean-SaurianI have 2 classes everyday
* Tonic|Sleep doesn't have to go to school until the 6th
PrincessLeia2morning tonic
PrincessLeia2oh, well 2 isnt bac
Tonic|Sleepmorning Leia
* Tonic|Sleep is no longer away
* Tonic|Sleep is now known as TonicBH
PrincessLeia2it's early o_O
* @Ocean-Saurian swims off to school
@Ocean-SaurianSee ya!
TonicBHso I go to school 3 days later, whoop-de-shit
* Ocean-Saurian (Ocean-Saur@Psi-F938DB5.ipt.aol.com) Quit (Quit: )
* Ocean-Saurian has left IRC
* @Min[SLEEP] straps on her messenger bag, puts on her headphones (they match her HEV suit) and reluctantly plods off to school, listening to her discman all the way.
* Min[SLEEP] is now known as Min[SCHOOL]
PrincessLeia2ok, well everyone going back to school is not a bad thing
PrincessLeia2i can do work instead of being lazy and chatting all day
@Min[SCHOOL]...or can you!?
PrincessLeia2prolly not
* TonicBH wonders what he'll call himself online :P
TonicBHwhen I do the female thing :P
* TonicBH chuckles
TonicBHI meant more online as a whole
TonicBHmaybe "The person formerly known as TonicBH"
TonicBHif I'd do it in chat I could do "TPFKATonic" :P
TonicBHyou still alive there, Leia?
PrincessLeia2uh, about to go do some cleaning
* teenMSTie (teenMSTie@Psi-31A51C59.client.attbi.com) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +ohv teenMSTie teenMSTie teenMSTie
* @teenMSTie walks in.
* teenie2 (teenMSTie@Psi-3ACB8374.client.attbi.com) has joined #Deep13
teenie2Friggen-A, man.
* teenMSTie (teenMSTie@Psi-31A51C59.client.attbi.com) Quit (Killed (NickServ (Ghost command used by teenie2)))
* teenie2 is now known as teenMSTie
* ChanServ sets mode: +ohv teenMSTie teenMSTie teenMSTie
* @teenMSTie sighs
* teenMSTie (teenMSTie@Psi-3ACB8374.client.attbi.com) Quit (Connection reset by peer)
* teenMSTie (~noneofyou@Psi-3ACB8374.client.attbi.com) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +ohv teenMSTie teenMSTie teenMSTie
* Jouva (jouva@fluffy.moufette.com) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +aohv Jouva Jouva Jouva Jouva
* @Jouva shoots out a decoy scientist and watches it explode.
@teenMSTieHey. Its Jo.
* Jouva (jouva@fluffy.moufette.com) Quit (Quit: *bang* *bang* Oh thank you very much. A shot in the face. How nice.)
* @Sentroid[SLEEPING] has returned.
* Sentroid[SLEEPING] is now known as Sentroid91
* Sentroid91 is on IRC
@teenMSTiewakin wakin eggs and bacon
* @teenMSTie bbl
* teenMSTie (~noneofyou@Psi-3ACB8374.client.attbi.com) Quit (Quit: I fart in your general direction! Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelled of elderberries! -Monty Python)
TonicBHwhy don't I just not fucking leave my room now -_-
TonicBHit's like no matter whatever the fuck I say or do, I piss off mom -_-
TonicBHso I couldn't find her stupid inhaler, and I accidentally slammed the door because the window was open
* Sentroid91 is now known as Sentroid[SLEEPING]
* Sentroid91 has left IRC
TonicBHshe has no right to call me stubborn and a jerk, NOR does she have the right to smack me upside the frickin' head
@Sentroid[SLEEPING]http://xbox.ign.com/articles/381/381343p1.html - wow, neato.
* PrincessLeia2 gives Tonic a hug
PrincessLeia2parents are evil sometimes
* TonicBH huggles Leia back
PrincessLeia2my mom has a terrible temper, she used to smack my sisters and i around a lot.. i guess part of my low self esteem comes from that sort of thing
PrincessLeia2but life goes on and i cant keep blaming others for my shortcomings, heh
PrincessLeia2anyway, dont worry, once you move out of the house parents usually start treating you a little differently, mostly because they are afraid you will just leave and never come back i'm sure %)
* Cal is on IRC
* Cal (~pmccart@Psi-61DFE23.wi.tds.net) has joined #Deep13
CalGoosio goosio goosio
Calmy head is exploding
Calmy mouth tastes like a pickle
* KatLady is on IRC
* KatLady has left IRC
* KatLady is on IRC
* KatLady (~MSTieGate@Psi-33D4BBD7.phila.k12.pa.us) has joined #Deep13
KatLadyhey Cal
KatLadygotta go
KatLadyI'm in school and teach is comin'
KatLadybyes and laters to all
* KatLady (~MSTieGate@Psi-33D4BBD7.phila.k12.pa.us) Quit (Quit: HabberNet JavaChat -- http://www.habber.net/chat)
* KatLady has left IRC
* Sound request: can't find 'letter.wav'
PeacimowenThat sound did NOT belong in the game I was playing
* Cal (~pmccart@Psi-61DFE23.wi.tds.net) Quit (Connection timed out)
* Cal has left IRC
* Cal is on IRC
* Cal (~pmccart@Psi-61DFE23.wi.tds.net) has joined #Deep13
* Sound request: can't find 'letter.wav'
* Jouva (jouva@fluffy.moufette.com) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +aohv Jouva Jouva Jouva Jouva
* @Jouva shoots out a decoy scientist and watches it explode.
TonicBHheh, I'm writing a new MiSTing
TonicBHto get my creative juices back
TonicBHso I'm doing a Half-Life fic-a-thon
TonicBH(short fics, not long lengthy ones)
* Cal (~pmccart@Psi-61DFE23.wi.tds.net) Quit (Connection timed out)
* Cal has left IRC
@JouvaWork again
* Jouva (jouva@fluffy.moufette.com) Quit (Quit: *bang* *bang* Oh thank you very much. A shot in the face. How nice.)
* Tigger (Tigger@Psi-3BFF1CC.client.attbi.com) has joined #Deep13
* Tigger is now known as TigAFK
* Cal is on IRC
* Cal (~pmccart@Psi-61DFE23.wi.tds.net) has joined #Deep13
* teenMSTie (MatthewDR@Psi-375C1F8B.client.attbi.com) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +ohv teenMSTie teenMSTie teenMSTie
* @teenMSTie does a dance
* Cal plays a fiddle
* @teenMSTie square dances with ChanServ
CalProminade across the foor
* teenMSTie (MatthewDR@Psi-375C1F8B.client.attbi.com) Quit (Ping timeout)
* teenMSTie (~noneofyou@Psi-3ACB8374.client.attbi.com) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +ohv teenMSTie teenMSTie teenMSTie
Calsass shay right on out the door
CalOut the door and into the glade
Caland everybody prominade
CalStep right up you're doing fine
CalI'll pull your beard, you'll pull mind
CalYank like you did before
CalBreak it up with a tug of war
@teenMSTieThat sounds dirty.
CalNow into the brook and fish for the trout
CalDive right in a splash about
Caltrout trout pretty little trout, one more splash and come right out
CalShake like a hound dog, shake again
CalWallow around in the old pig pen
Calwallow some more, you'll know how
Calwallow around like an old fat sow
@Sentroid[SLEEPING]Predator is on Action East
Calin bed
CalI would have liked it if it continued with...
Cal<Predator> Ok
@Sentroid[SLEEPING]<Predator> Yeah.
Cal*shoots missile into Arnie's chest, blowing him up."
* @Sentroid[SLEEPING] has returned.
* Sentroid[SLEEPING] is now known as Sentroid91
* Sentroid91 is on IRC
* @teenMSTie welcomes Sent
@Sentroid91heh... Jesse Ventura
@teenMSTieJesse "The Nothing" Ventura
CalBiff Hardsteak
TimeStone Slamchest
@teenMSTieBrick Hardmeat
CalJunk Fistdent
@teenMSTieDon Johnson
@teenMSTieoh, wait.
* teenMSTie is now known as BotServ3
* Sentroid91 is now known as BotServ1
* Sentroid91 has left IRC
* BotServ3 is now known as teenMSTie
* Cal is now known as BotServ27
* Cal has left IRC
* BotServ27 spins around in a drunken haze
* BotServ27 is now known as Cal
* Cal is on IRC
* Cal tries to think of what the point of that was being the point which is unfounded, huh?
* BotServ1 is now known as BotServ2
* BotServ2 is now known as BotServ3
* BotServ3 is now known as BotServ4
* BotServ4 is now known as BotServ5
* BotServ5 is now known as PoopServ2
* TonicBH afks to get his popcorn
* PoopServ2 is now known as ButtServ2
* TonicBH offers everyone some popcorn
PrincessLeia2mmm popcorn
* ButtServ2 is now known as SexoServ2
* PrincessLeia2 takes a handful and hops back onto her couch
* @teenMSTie pokes tonic
* SexoServ2 is now known as PornServ2
-> *NickServ* identify giz91473
* DZ{Napping} is now known as DarkonZero
* DarkonZero is on IRC
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] You are already identified
* @teenMSTie welcomes DeeZ
DarkonZeroWOW! PORN!
@PornServ20,1Type !pr0n for some
DarkonZeroYeah....and I'll end up at www.yzzerrd.com
@PornServ2uh... no you won't
@PornServ2What does that have to do with pr0n?
PrincessLeia2yay, the poll on my site is all done with php and mysql happiness
@PornServ2all my polls are PHP
PrincessLeia2yeah 'cause they are php nuke
PrincessLeia2mine are written from scratch with my superior brain power (hah!)
PrincessLeia2and too much spare time
DarkonZeroI have spare time....just not brain power.
@PornServ2I think i'll go play some Unreal Championship
* PornServ2 is now known as Sentroid-[UnrealChampionship]
* Sentroid-[UnrealChampionship] is now known as Sentroid[UnrealChampionship]
* @Min[SCHOOL] is BACK, dammit!
* Min[SCHOOL] is now known as Min
* Min is on IRC
DarkonZeroIt's Min!
DarkonZeroHey there.
@MinPornServ? o_o
DarkonZeroI dunno.
DarkonZeroIt was great though.
@MinSent is teh crazy bastard.
PrincessLeia2among other things
DarkonZeroSometimes he has a ID 10T prob.
@Sentroid[UnrealChampionship]http://www.mstiegate.com/de-n-crow.jpg - here's your pr0n
PrincessLeia2ya, when he gets teh druz0rd
DarkonZeroOh god.
DarkonZeroYou still have that pic?
@Sentroid[UnrealChampionship]You send them... I keep 'em
@Sentroid[UnrealChampionship]crazy ass foos
DarkonZeroI think I lost my copy.
@Sentroid[UnrealChampionship]I still have the pic of your head
@Min7,1Min's MUTATED Quote Machine:14,1 <The_CbC> beer.....manna for the sick and hungry, friend to the elderly and small children
@Sentroid[UnrealChampionship]and your desktop
* Ocean-Saurian is on IRC
DarkonZeroMy head?
* Ocean-Saurian (Ocean-Saur@Psi-37EB35AF.ipt.aol.com) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +ohv Ocean-Saurian Ocean-Saurian Ocean-Saurian
@MinYeah, I still have the DeeZ's scanned head
DarkonZeroOh yeah.
@Min7,1Min's MUTATED Quote Machine:14,1 <MeltingMan> Sqirrels...those who use them take command...those who don't....DIE!!!!!!!!
DarkonZeroThe one I named stupid.
PrincessLeia2he scanned his head too?
PrincessLeia2face scanners
PrincessLeia2well at least i dont feel so foolish, having done it once *cough* hrmmm
PrincessLeia2'lo Ocean-Saurian (%
@Sentroid[UnrealChampionship]Min scanned her head too
@Sentroid[UnrealChampionship]so did DeeK
* PrincessLeia2 goes over and droms some gummie bears into Ocean-Saurian's tank
@Ocean-SaurianCat scanners
@Sentroid[UnrealChampionship]YA KNOW, GEORGE! BACK IN THE OLD DAYS!.....
@Ocean-SaurianI was lagging
* @Ocean-Saurian munchs on the fries
@Ocean-Saurianand I am learning networking....
@Ocean-Saurianand I am going to learn Linux/Unix
* @Ocean-Saurian looks at the gummie bears
PrincessLeia2Ocean-Saurian is a creature of habit
@Ocean-Saurianthey tasted like fries?
* @Ocean-Saurian hops out
* PrincessLeia2 passes DarkonZero a cup
DarkonZeroUhhh.....he's been splashin' around in it.
PrincessLeia2someone spiked his tank %s
@Ocean-Saurian<Leia> Drink up!
DarkonZeroDon't know what else he does in his tank.
DarkonZeroPerish the thought.
* @Ocean-Saurian turns on his tank's filter
@Ocean-SaurianHmm... this "air thing" isn't so bad...
* PrincessLeia2 cleans out Ocean-Saurian's tank and fills it back up with clean water
PrincessLeia2filter will take too long
* DarkonZero contemplates becoming a hitman for a living.
@Ocean-SaurianOh thanks
* @Ocean-Saurian hops into his tank again
DarkonZeroHe farted.
* @Sentroid[UnrealChampionship] leans over Joey's tank and drools acide
@Ocean-SaurianHmm... I love acide!
* @Ocean-Saurian puts the metal plate over his tank
* PrincessLeia2 makes sure the acid filter is properly attached
* DarkonZero fills O-Ss tank with pirahnas.
* @Ocean-Saurian eats the pirahnas
@Ocean-SaurianHmm... thanks for lunch
PrincessLeia2sushi %d
* Cal watches the pirahnas eat through Joel's chest
PrincessLeia2wait.. i thought you stopped eating fish?
@Ocean-SaurianAhhhhhhhhhh! TIME... SPACE... CONTINUIM... RIPPING... APART....
@Ocean-SaurianWell, if I didn't eat them they would have eaten me
* @Ocean-Saurian is glad imagination saves his day
* @teenMSTie overfeeds Ocean
PrincessLeia2why everyone so mean to the poor Ocean-Saurian ?
@Ocean-SaurianYou know, I don't know
@Ocean-Saurianprobably because I take it
DarkonZeroHe takes in the as.....er....nevermind.
@Ocean-SaurianWell, I mean... you can't really mess with anyone else that is an op
PrincessLeia2yeah, the ops are all crazy
@Ocean-SaurianIf you mess with sent, he'll ban you... Jo owns 1/3 of the network (I think) and.. and... and STOP BEIN' MEAN!
* PrincessLeia2 poeks crazy op Min
* @teenMSTie is nice ... most of the time.
* DarkonZero is a complete jerk.
DarkonZeroSee....no one disagrees.
PrincessLeia2everyone go to my site and see my pretty new poll! hurry! go noew!
@Ocean-SaurianAH DAMN
DarkonZeroWAH DAMN?
DarkonZeroAskin out a girl...<In DZ Speak> Hey...I had a few drinks....and I saw you and thought, "Hey...wouldn't she look nice on my lap."
PrincessLeia2so this is why you are single?
DarkonZeroActually...I'm a harmless pervert.
DarkonZeroEmphasizes pervert.
PrincessLeia2good to hear
DarkonZeroAlways to be of service.
PrincessLeia2i've never asked a guy out, but i guess i havent been single much since i turned 17
PrincessLeia2for a total of like... 4 weeks maybe, prolly less than that
@teenMSTiehave to restart
DarkonZeroI've been single....well....for a long time.
DarkonZeroAnd not by choice.
PrincessLeia2and the guys always came to me first, the crazies
* teenMSTie (~noneofyou@Psi-3ACB8374.client.attbi.com) Quit (Connection reset by peer)
PrincessLeia2good thing too 'cause i am souper shy (contrary to popular irc belief)
DarkonZeroI'm shy until I really get to know the someone.
DarkonZeroYes....the someone.
@Sentroid[UnrealChampionship]someone coming
PrincessLeia2my shyness doesnt make sense, i've tried to figure it out in an effort to overcome it, but no use
* Sound request: can't find 'austinblooper.wav'
[@Sentroid[UnrealChampionship] SOUND]
PrincessLeia2i'm not shy when i'm drunk %D
@Ocean-SaurianI am more open now then I ever have been
DarkonZeroBeing drunk always helps...
@Ocean-SaurianBut I think I am shy due to the fact that I don't want to offend anyone
PrincessLeia2they say you grow out of your shyness in most cases
@Ocean-SaurianLike when I say somthing I get scared that I offended them some how
PrincessLeia2i've really had to work at it, but still, if i am with 5 or more people, even close friends irl, i tend to be quiet
DarkonZeroTo overcome my shyness...I act perverted.
PrincessLeia2yeah, i tend to overanalyze entire conversations, i will have a good day, then get home and think about everything that happened and be all paranoid that i said something wrong, or did something wrong, it's terrible
PrincessLeia2i think i have some issues %(
DarkonZeroNaw....that's normal.
DarkonZeroI do the same thing.
PrincessLeia2oh good
PrincessLeia2<everyone else> you crazies!
* teenMSTie (~noneofyou@Psi-3ACB8374.client.attbi.com) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +ohv teenMSTie teenMSTie teenMSTie
DarkonZeroAnd it better not be pants baloney.
@Ocean-Saurianand what sucks ass, is when I don't think I said anything to offend sombody, I most likly did
PrincessLeia2wb teen
PrincessLeia2i think we're all socially inept %(
DarkonZeroBeing social is odd.
@Ocean-SaurianI mean, geez people get so bitchy when you say "fuck you"
PrincessLeia2oh, well that's understandable %P
@teenMSTieI've been single my entire life
* Sound request: can't find 'austinblooper.wav'
[@Sentroid[UnrealChampionship] SOUND]
DarkonZeroAs have I.
@Ocean-SaurianDamn, I don't feel alone anymore
PrincessLeia2i met everyone i ever dated online
DarkonZeroI've been close a couple of times...but I fucked it up.
@Ocean-SaurianWell, Leia?
PrincessLeia2i think it's all due to the terrible male:female ratio on irc %)
@Ocean-SaurianI don't think too many guys wanna look for dates in deep 13
@Ocean-Saurianthere is only like... 3 girls
Cal#Deep13 is a lousy pickup channekl
DarkonZeroI so wanna go out with O-S.....he's hot.
@Ocean-SaurianYeah tell me about it
@Ocean-SaurianOh dear lord
PrincessLeia2Tigger is a girl
DarkonZeroYay....someone we can fight over.
@Ocean-SaurianI am already seeing sombody! *shows everyone his change machine*
@Ocean-SaurianHer name is "Coiner 2000"
DarkonZeroI'm too busy chasing after a supposedly gay girl.
DarkonZeroAnd/or my friend's sister.
PrincessLeia2chasing amy huh?
@Ocean-SaurianChasing Amy?
CalYou may not be victorious.
@Ocean-Saurianthat movie was about a gay girl?
DarkonZeroI know Cal.
CalUnless you're very feminene to her
PrincessLeia2well she was bi ... sorta
* TigAFK is now known as Tigger
CalBi polar?
* @Ocean-Saurian fights over Tigger
@Ocean-Saurian*aheam* hi...
* @Ocean-Saurian turns red and buries himself in the gravel
* Tigger looks around
PrincessLeia2<pl2 pickup line> :)
PrincessLeia2no talky, too shy
DarkonZeroMy friend doesn't want me going after his sister cause he thinks I'm a big perv and might put her in a porno movie or something.
PrincessLeia2i dont want you going after my sister either
DarkonZeroHonestly...I'm not a bad guy.
PrincessLeia2but she is only 19, and has a boyfriend from... alberta, AHAHHAHAHAHAAAQ
PrincessLeia2yes q
PrincessLeia2and my other sister is only 13... so definately not, that would be wrong
* DarkonZero is the worst case scenario.
Tiggeranybody can go after my sister if they want to...i dont care..lol
Tiggercause i dont have a sister
PrincessLeia2my brother can date your sister
* Tigger looks around
PrincessLeia2my youngest sis grew up too fast, she is 13 and all liking boys n stuff %(
Tiggerlol..i do have a brother..but he is just odd...
Tiggerhe claims to have never even liked a girl..lol
PrincessLeia2how old is he?
DarkonZeroIt kinda sucks for me.....cause the only girl I know that really likes me is engaged and gonna get married.
Tiggerhe'll be 20 in february
PrincessLeia2DarkonZero: %\
Tiggerwe really begin to wonder about him
DarkonZeroI have the worst luck.
Tiggerheh..luck sucks sometimes..
DarkonZeroThat's life.....oh well.
CalBad luck can result in good luck
Tiggersometimes yes
PrincessLeia2ty fortune cookie cal
* @shade will be 20, on the 11th
@shadeI am 630504811 Seconds old. (19.979491818 years old)
Calfor example
DarkonZeroDamn....I feel old again.
Calchoking to death on the fortune cookie
PrincessLeia2hell even i am feeling old
Calbut the fortune says you will live long time
DarkonZeroteen called me old earlier.
Tiggeri lost my little age script thingy like that..
@teenMSTieYou are.
PrincessLeia2Time is 27 ... how old are you DZ?
DarkonZeroAlmost 27.
* PrincessLeia2 huggles her Timeski
* Tigger isnt even 18 yet..lol
DarkonZeroWow....I'm getting stupid...I'm having a hard time remembering how old I am sometimes.
* Cal is 18
DarkonZeroPeople think I'm 19.
DarkonZeroWhen they see me.
@shadeOnce I turn 21, I will stop celebrating birthdays
* @teenMSTie is 18.5
* Tigger hrms..i wont be like 21 till my last year of college..hehe
PrincessLeia2i think i'd get ID'ed more often for beer if i was not with Time most of the time when i went out... on time this summer i went to the movies with my friend Nita and got id'ed for an R-rated movie
DarkonZeroMay 13 will be my 27th b-day.
PrincessLeia2so at least i dont look *old*
[@Sentroid[UnrealChampionship] SOUND]
CalYou know
CalI've been able to see R rated movies for 1 1/2 years
CalYet I haven't gone to one yet
Tiggerhrm..around here you can see R rated movies at 17
@shadehere too, but that doesn't mean you won't get carded :p
DarkonZeroI get carded at the casinos here in Vegas every once in a while.
@Ocean-Saurianwell 18 was my last year to really celebrate somthing, when I am 21 it will be useless that I can drink
@Ocean-Saurianbecause... I CAN'T drink
@shadewhy not?
[@Sentroid[UnrealChampionship] SOUND]
@Ocean-Saurianif I do, it'll be the last drink I drink
* Cal strangles Sent
@Ocean-SaurianI am allergic to alcohol
@shadewell, thats good
[@Sentroid[UnrealChampionship] SOUND]
@shademeans you can never be an alcohalic
@Ocean-Saurianand I never have to go through a hang over
CalClean and sober
* Tigger hrms..i have never drank alcohol..but i dont know if i ever will..lol
Calat least sober
Tiggerwho knwos
Tiggerer knows
PrincessLeia2so how did you discover you were allergic?
@shadesocial drinking is ok
@shadedrinking to get plastered is silly
@Ocean-SaurianNew years eve (not this recent one)
PrincessLeia2is not
PrincessLeia2actually, i *never* drink alone
[@Sentroid[UnrealChampionship] SOUND]
@shadeI know that on my 21st birthday, my dad will probably take me out to down margaritas
CalI won't drink
PrincessLeia2if i drink time drinks too
CalI've tried a few drinks of just a sip
CalBeer made me gag
@Sentroid[UnrealChampionship]My dad took me down to A.C. for my 21st
CalVodka made me gag
@Ocean-SaurianI mean I took a few drinks and I started to get all red and hot, and sweaty and stuff
@Sentroid[UnrealChampionship]Gin and Tonic made me gag
@Sentroid[UnrealChampionship]Then again, Tonic always makes me gag.
@shadebeer is discusting
@shadevodka is meant to be mixed
* TonicBH whaps Sent
@shadeI luv the taste of margaritas and schnapps
CalI was really sick with the flu one time...and I was told it would help if I took a shot of whiskey mixed with some honey and other stuff
CalIt made me SICKER
* @Sentroid[UnrealChampionship] takes out his hand taser 1--------[11~~~~~
* @Sentroid[UnrealChampionship] fries TonicBH with it.
PrincessLeia2yeah, straight vodka shots are not yummie
* @Sentroid[UnrealChampionship] takes out his Firebolt Shotgun
* @Sentroid[UnrealChampionship] shoots TonicBH and watches as they combust and run around the room screaming.
DarkonZeroTequila also.
* TonicBH just disintegrates into ash
CalIn other words, I'll gladly have a red baron while my buddies enjoy a Martini
PrincessLeia2i'll drink it all
* PrincessLeia2 makes jello shots
* Tigger looks around
Tiggereverybody around here usually goes up to canada once they turn 19
@shadeI wanna do jello body shots
* DarkonZero feels the need to try sake.
CalI However...
PrincessLeia2hehe, jello body shots
CalI might order a 7up in a martini glass
PrincessLeia2i like strawberry daquari mix and vodka... speaking of which, i didnt say anything too strange on new years eve, did i?
DarkonZeroI dunno.
DarkonZeroI like showed up for a minute.
PrincessLeia2i kept coming in between games, but after a while it all became a blur
@teenMSTieYou told us all that you love us.
PrincessLeia2oh, i always do that when i drink
[@Sentroid[UnrealChampionship] SOUND]
PrincessLeia2i am full of compliments when i am drunk, once i told a friend of mine that he was my favorite hateful friend
PrincessLeia2he is very bitter (TitusCrow)
Tiggereverybody says that i would be a fun drunk...just because of the way that i always act normally
PrincessLeia2and once, at a memorial party last year, i told my friend Nita how pretty i thought she was, luckily she is a good friend and she was drunk too so all she did was return the compliment
DarkonZeroPeople think I'm high all the time.
@teenMSTiePeople tell me I would be a goofy drunk.
Tiggeri used to get asked if i was high..lol..
[@Sentroid[UnrealChampionship] SOUND]
PrincessLeia2back in high school people said i would be a fun drunk, but i think that is because i was shy and they just wanted me to lose that inhibition
* PrincessLeia2 beats sent with a crowbar
Tiggercause every once in a while..i will get extremely hyper like..
Tiggerhehe..well..i'm an extremely shy one in my school..lol
CalI took a tiny cognac glass from the our glass drawer..
@teenMSTieWe found out that Sent is a MEAN drunk.
CalI'm drinking sprite out of it
PrincessLeia2yeah, i heard about sent's evil drunkenness
* Tigger nods
CalSent is like the drunk, abusive grandfather I never had!
DarkonZeroIt makes Cal feel like an adult
* PrincessLeia2 drinks out of her lion king cup
* PrincessLeia2 drinks BEER out of her lion king cup
DarkonZeroThe last time I got drunk...of a year old can of Guinness....I got all depressed and then angry.
DarkonZeroof to off
PrincessLeia2oh guinness, i think i will have some of that tomorrow when i go to unos %d
DarkonZeroI pretty much yelled at everybody in here.
DarkonZeroNever gonna touch the huge 64 oz. again.
[@Sentroid[UnrealChampionship] SOUND]
CalI'm bi-polar, so if I got drunk, I'd probably do something really dumb
@teenMSTieI have teh log of Sent's drunkeness. We should put it up on D13.org
CalLike saw off all the parking meters in town
* TonicBH wonders if he should try meditation because he's BLOODY TIRED AND CONFUSED. >_<
PrincessLeia2Cal: you dont need to be drunk to do something really dumb %P
@Sentroid[UnrealChampionship]Well if I have anything to say about that... and I do.... it won't make it. :P
* PrincessLeia2 gives TonicBH a hug
Calkid tested, mother approved
* TonicBH hugs back
TonicBHI'm just very tired today
PrincessLeia2you can put it on my site %D
TonicBHplus I'm confused over this "being female" thing, and no, Joey is *NOT* helping me on this
@Ocean-SaurianI am telling him to meditate
@Sentroid[UnrealChampionship]The question to that is... who'd go to your site? :D
@Ocean-Saurianbut... that's a jedi's answer to everything
TonicBHand I don't watch your friggin' stupid Star Wars movies
DarkonZeroSounds like Sent is drunk again/
TonicBHonly SW film I *EVER* saw was Episode I
TonicBHand it was... blah
@Ocean-SaurianHey screw you tonic
TonicBHJar Jar Binks... whoever the fuck put him in the cast should be hung by a noose
PrincessLeia2TonicBH: you are a SINNER!
PrincessLeia2episode 1 sucks
PrincessLeia2i dont even own it
PrincessLeia2i have 2,4,5,6 but on 1
TonicBHbut I've never seen 2, 4, 5 or 6.
PrincessLeia2so dont judge them all by #1
CalGeorge Lucas needs to take some pointers from Peter Jackson
Calas in...
PrincessLeia2they arent stupid %P!
Caldon't make CGI look crappy
@Ocean-SaurianIt isn't bad... Jar Jar binks needed to be in the movie
TonicBHworks for me
CalJar Jar isn't terrible
TonicBHas what, an annoying frickin' sidekick?
CalThe CGI is great
CalDo you really care about him?
Caland he's pretty one-dimensional
@Ocean-SaurianRight, he wasn't a MAIN part of the movie, but he was a needed character. Like Crow or Tom servo
TonicBHif I slept now you'd probably not see me talk again in 7 hours from now
Calbut at least Crow and Tom Servo have developed characterizations
@Ocean-Saurianright, so has Jar Jar
CalWell, he's mostly Sgt. Comic Relief in the film
@Ocean-SaurianBut they needed to make him have a big impact, because he dosn't say anything in the future movies
@Sentroid[UnrealChampionship]it's not like Jar Jar is a Teletubbie
* TonicBH closes his eyes, taps his fingers on the keyboard, listening to one of his favorite tunes from a James Bond movie
@Sentroid[UnrealChampionship]<Jar Jar> AGAIN! AGAIN!
@Ocean-Saurian<Jar Jar> Jar Jar go bye bybe!
* Sound request: can't find 'teletubbies.wav'
[@Sentroid[UnrealChampionship] SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'teletubbies2.wav'
[@Sentroid[UnrealChampionship] SOUND]
* DarkonZero decides to watch Army Of Darkness....official bootleg edition.
CalAt least they're not as bad as the Star Trek movies
CalOfficial Boomstick Edition
@Ocean-SaurianHey, First Contact and Nemisis was awesome
@Sentroid[UnrealChampionship]I liked First Contact
PrincessLeia2i actually liked first contact, and i am not a big trek fan
@Sentroid[UnrealChampionship]and part 5 was a classic
@teenMSTieI loved ALL the Star Trek movies!
@teenMSTieEven TMP, VH, and Insurection.
TonicBHit sucks that none of my "really good friends" are online at the moment
@Sentroid[UnrealChampionship]Of all the ST movies i've seen
@Sentroid[UnrealChampionship]5 was the best, 6 sucked, 7 was so-so, and 8 was pretty good.
Cal1,3,4,5,6 all suck
Cal2 is cool just because it has KHAAAAAAAAN! in it
CalGenerations is awful
CalFirst Contact is OK
CalInsurrection is just silly
CalNemisis looks lousy
@Ocean-SaurianIt's good
PrincessLeia2yay time is home
CalIt's time *raises both eyebrows twice* for time!
Cal(Yellow Submarine quote)
* Sentroid[UnrealChampionship] (servo911@Oper.PsiBlade.net) Quit (Ping timeout)
CalHow can I drive when you drive me MAD?
DarkonZeroAlmost time for the pit fight with the deadites...WOOOO!
@teenMSTie1 was boring, but entertaining because it was EPIC, man. 2 was cool. 3 was cool because it had klingons and fighting an
* TonicBH tries to think of what to do. "I hate living here. I just wanna get the hell out of this PoS house of mine."
@teenMSTie4 was funnt. 5 made interesting social commentary on religion. 6 had a lot of midevil phaser phire.
* TonicBH would prefer to be left alone right now.
CalIf I said you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?
DarkonZeroPIT FIGHT!
@shadeThe even number ST movies were good
@shadethe odd number ones were bad, though 3 was ok
* DarkonZero decides to quit watching AOD and watches something else.
DarkonZeroI'm picky today.
* teenMSTie (~noneofyou@Psi-3ACB8374.client.attbi.com) Quit (Ping timeout)
* teenMSTie (~noneofyou@Psi-3ACB8374.client.attbi.com) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +ohv teenMSTie teenMSTie teenMSTie
* Tigger is now known as TigAFK
* teenieClone (~noneofyou@Psi-3ACB8374.client.attbi.com) has joined #Deep13
@Ocean-Sauriangod damnit, do people really need me so badly?!?
* Ocean-Saurian (Ocean-Saur@Psi-37EB35AF.ipt.aol.com) Quit (Quit: )
* Ocean-Saurian has left IRC
* teenMSTie (~noneofyou@Psi-3ACB8374.client.attbi.com) Quit (Ping timeout)
* teenieClone is now known as teenMSTie
* ChanServ sets mode: +ohv teenMSTie teenMSTie teenMSTie
CalIsn't the pit fight in AOD duplicated in The Two Towers?
* teenMSTie (~noneofyou@Psi-3ACB8374.client.attbi.com) Quit (Ping timeout)
Calah...nice peering
* TigAFK is now known as Tigger
* DarkonZero returns.....
* Tigger looks around
DarkonZeroWhat do you see?
Tiggernot much..lol
Tiggera bunch of poeple that are here but not
DarkonZeroI'm all that and a can of bug spray.
Tiggeroh and i suppose yer here too..
@shadeTigger is full of hate for you, DarkonZero
DarkonZeroIt's like a narcoleptic convention in here.
DarkonZeroI know.
Tiggerhrm..i dont hate anybody...well..i take that back..there are a few people that i hate..lol
Tiggerbut nobody in here
DarkonZeroI bet you hate ChanServ.
DarkonZeroI do.
DarkonZero<ChanServ> I hate you too.
Tiggerchanserv is cool
DarkonZeroDid a can of nitrous go off?
* Tigger looks around
* Tigger hrms and goes off to work on some annoying homework that she hasta get done for when she goes back to school next week..
DarkonZeroGet that done!
* Tigger is now known as Tig[HereButNot]
* DarKrow is on IRC
* DarKrow (~darkrow@Psi-16A68F0D.telocity.com) has joined #Deep13
DarkonZeroYo DeeK.
* Cal (~pmccart@Psi-61DFE23.wi.tds.net) Quit (Connection timed out)
* Cal has left IRC
* Jouva (jouva@fluffy.moufette.com) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +aohv Jouva Jouva Jouva Jouva
* @Jouva shoots out a decoy scientist and watches it explode.
* Ocean-Saurian is on IRC
* Ocean-Saurian (Ocean-Saur@Psi-261FD792.ipt.aol.com) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +ohv Ocean-Saurian Ocean-Saurian Ocean-Saurian
DarkonZeroNow everyone returns.
@Ocean-SaurianHuh? did somthing happen?
DarKrowDZ, that's Jor-El
DarKrowI think
DarkonZeroI'll be back later.
-> *Nickserv* identify giz91473
* DarkonZero is now known as DZ{Away}
* DarkonZero has left IRC
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] You are already identified
* Sentroid91 is on IRC
* Sentroid91 (servo911@Psi-3E986347.midltn01.nj.comcast.net) has joined #Deep13
* Sentroid91 injects poison into #Deep13
* Sound request: can't find 'nwo.wav'
[Sentroid91 SOUND]
* ChanServ sets mode: +qohv Sentroid91 Sentroid91 Sentroid91 Sentroid91
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
DarKrowHey, at least I got one.
@Sentroid91I'd be ashamed to wear one of those.
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
DarKrowWe're... not on the same page, are we?
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
@JouvaI'll listen later
DarKrowyou know, I can't hear those sounds, Sent
@Sentroid91Am I supposed to care? Cause I sent them to Jo and DZ, not you.
@JouvaDK: They're wrestling sounds, so you don't wanna hear them.
@Sentroid91Hence, i'm not wasting my time.
@Ocean-Saurianwhen Jo says "wrestling" he means "Devo"
@Ocean-Saurianand when he says "Devo" he means "Rocky Horror Show"
@Ocean-Saurianand when he says "Rocky Horror Show" he means...what DO you mean Jo?
@JouvaThen I mean Pink Floyd
* Tig[HereButNot] is now known as Tigger
DarKrowTo be honest, I've expanded my musical horizons quite a bit
DarKrowAfter this album ends, I plan to put on Ex-Models, and then some Bo-Diddley
@Sentroid91hold on
DarKrower - "-"
DarKrowBo Diddley
DarKrownot Bo-Diddley
@Sentroid91http://mstiegate.com/austinblooper.html - there
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
* DarKrow listens to Ex-Models
-> *NickServ* identify giz91473
* DZ{Away} is now known as DarkonZero
* DarkonZero is on IRC
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] You are already identified
* Tigger looks around
DarkonZeroI return...but I go to install a couple of game patches.
* Disconnected
Session Close: Fri Jan 03 14:52:44 2003
Session Start: Fri Jan 03 14:57:23 2003
Session Ident: #Deep13
* Now talking in #Deep13
* Topic is '9http://www.deep13.org | http://www.livejournal.com/community/deep13/ | Join the Army. Meet interesting people. Kill them.'
* Set by teenMSTie on Thu Jan 02 20:07:45
-ChanServ- [#Deep13] Welcome to #deep13. Be sure to visit our website at http://www.deep13.org/ but you probably already knew that.
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Password Accepted - You are now identified
* DarkonZero is on IRC
* DarKrow is on IRC
* Min is on IRC
* Ocean-Saurian is on IRC
* PrincessLeia2 is on IRC
* Sentroid91 is on IRC
* DarkonZero burps.
Tiggerexcuse you
* teenMSTie (MatthewDR@Psi-375C1F8B.client.attbi.com) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +ohv teenMSTie teenMSTie teenMSTie
* Tigger nods
DarkonZeroDammit....QUIT BLOWING ME UP!
* NOT-Jouva (deep13@Psi-17C43619.moufette.com) has joined #Deep13
DarKrowIf you're not Jouva, who are you?
NOT-JouvaThen I'm NOT-Jouva
@JouvaHe's an imposter get him!
NOT-JouvaAHHHHH I've been found out!
* DarkonZero kicks Jouva's ass.
NOT-JouvaIn bed
DarkonZeroOoops....wrong Jouva.
DarKrowOr Rob
NOT-JouvaOr Phil
DarKrowGr... figured
DarKrow-d +s
NOT-JouvaCome to PhilCon! The Con designed for people named Phil!
DarKrowthe second I get comfy, with my blanket, and my laptop, I have to piss
DarkonZeroThanks DK.
NOT-JouvaGet to the part where you pee!
DarkonZeroin bed
NOT-JouvaDZ: Why is this the Summer olympics?
DarkonZeroI dunno.
NOT-JouvaOh. I thought we were having water sports events in here.
@teenMSTieI've been in the room for 11 minutes.
@teenMSTieHooray for auto-join?
* RobertoKay is on IRC
* RobertoKay (~hquiej@Oper.PsiBlade.net) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +aohv RobertoKay RobertoKay RobertoKay RobertoKay
DarkonZeroCongratulations.....you get an ass kicking.
@teenMSTieWho, me?
DarKrowhey Manos!
@RobertoKayI came in at the right time, it seems.
@RobertoKayFor those who are interested, new journal entry.
NOT-JouvaYa know, I considered puting LJ code on my server'
NOT-JouvaExcept that at this point, I don't have mod_perl installed and I'd have to recompile Apache and stuff
@teenMSTieWhat would an LJ code do"
DarKrowJouva, just use MovableType or something
DarKrowI use MT for sanspoint.com
DarKrowand it works nicely
@teenMSTieI tried installing the LJ-mIRC client on my machine, but the damn thing don't work.
* @RobertoKay just uses Greymatter.
DarKrowGreymatter blows
DarKrowAll my archvies got b0rked nasty
@RobertoKayMaybe it just didn't like you.
DarkonZeroDon't let the Swedish Chef near them.
DarKrowSo, when I converted to MovableType, I had to dig in and manually re-edit the dates
@RobertoKayAnd I also uploaded a triad of digital camera shots of my room.
DarkonZeroI still have 10 LJ codes left for anyone who wants one.
* DarKrow listens to Bo Diddley
DarKrowI saw
@RobertoKayExciting to the max.
DarKrowI'm not posting pics of my living quarters until I get back to college
@teenMSTieGeez, DeeZ. Thats a butt-load of LJ codes.
@teenMSTieI got mine from Jo.
* @teenMSTie hugs Jo.
DarkonZeroI'm a paying member.
@JouvaAnd yeah so am I
DarkonZeroYAY FOR US!
@RobertoKayHooray for paying Livejournal users.
DarkonZeroHmmm....a lackluster YAY for us.
DarKrowI have sanspoint.com
DarKrowI don't need a LiveJournal
* NOT-Jouva (deep13@Psi-17C43619.moufette.com) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
DarkonZeroRobbo....linko to your journal...
@RobertoKayWell, isn't that special?
DarkonZeroI keep forgeting.
DarkonZeroRobby and his tourist-like picture taking.
* Cal is on IRC
* Cal (~pmccart@Psi-61DFE23.wi.tds.net) has joined #Deep13
* Ocean-Saurian (Ocean-Saur@Psi-261FD792.ipt.aol.com) Quit (Connection reset by peer)
* Ocean-Saurian has left IRC
@RobertoKayI don't get out much. That's why it's tourist-like.
DarkonZeroHeh...my pics of my trip to Canada are real bad.
DarkonZeroThat's why I never scanned them.
DarkonZeroEven though I have photo cds of them.
@RobertoKayBut they suck enough that you still wouldn't want to upload them to a website.
@RobertoKayRight or wrong?
DarkonZeroVery right.
DarkonZeroI wanted to.....but then I did some thinking.
DarkonZeroFuck beans....no Zoids on today.
* DarkonZero throws Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust into the DVD player.
CalDZ, what is Hellsing?
Session Start: Fri Jan 03 15:50:52 2003
Session Ident: #Deep13
* Now talking in #Deep13
* Topic is '9http://www.deep13.org | http://www.livejournal.com/community/deep13/ | Join the Army. Meet interesting people. Kill them.'
* Set by teenMSTie on Thu Jan 02 20:07:45
* Cal is on IRC
* DarkonZero is on IRC
* Min is on IRC
* PrincessLeia2 is on IRC
* RobertoKay is on IRC
* Sentroid91 is on IRC
-NickServ- [SYNTAX] /NickServ identify <password>
-ChanServ- [#Deep13] Welcome to #deep13. Be sure to visit our website at http://www.deep13.org/ but you probably already knew that.
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Password Accepted - You are now identified
DarkonZeroThanks.....my picture went out.
DarkonZeroscreen was all black.
@Min7,1Min's MUTATED Quote Machine:14,1 <Bobo> panties panties panties
@Min7,1Min's MUTATED Quote Machine:14,1 <IncredibleMeltingMan> What do you use Masking tape for, Jo? <Greidanus> for tying up his mother <JoMomma> in bed <JoMomma> err <IncredibleMeltingMan> That's so wrong.
* Tigger (Tigger@Psi-3BFF1CC.client.attbi.com) Quit (Quit: What goes oom oom?...................................A cow walking backwards.)
* Cal watches his 3rd movie for today
CalI watched Top Secret! around noon
CalJust finished Notorious
Cal8 1/2 is just starting
* teenMSTie (MatthewDR@Psi-375C1F8B.client.attbi.com) Quit (Ping timeout)
* @RobertoKay gots ta go, bitch.
* RobertoKay (~hquiej@Oper.PsiBlade.net) Quit (Quit: Client Exiting)
* RobertoKay has left IRC
* teenMSTie (MatthewDR@Psi-375C1F8B.client.attbi.com) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +ohv teenMSTie teenMSTie teenMSTie
* Guest48766 (~MSTieGate@Psi-503CD9C.buf.adelphia.net) has joined #Deep13
* Guest48766 (~MSTieGate@Psi-503CD9C.buf.adelphia.net) Quit (Quit: HabberNet JavaChat -- http://www.habber.net/chat)
* andyp1986 (~MSTieGate@Psi-503CD9C.buf.adelphia.net) has joined #Deep13
* teenMSTie (MatthewDR@Psi-375C1F8B.client.attbi.com) Quit (Quit: I AM ALL THAT IS MAN!)
* Guest31107 (~MSTieGate@Psi-3633E3C0.ipt.aol.com) has joined #Deep13
* Guest31107 (~MSTieGate@Psi-3633E3C0.ipt.aol.com) Quit (Quit: HabberNet JavaChat -- http://www.habber.net/chat)
Calhttp://www.warmestplace.com/ <- what is this?
@JouvaThe warmest place
Calwhat is there?
DarkonZeroThe Matrix....Neo.....The Matrix.
* @Sentroid91 has returned.
@Sentroid91So I rented the damn movie. :P
* teenMSTie (MatthewDR@Psi-375C1F8B.client.attbi.com) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +ohv teenMSTie teenMSTie teenMSTie
* Hombre (Hombre@Psi-21DE910A.rasserver.net) has joined #Deep13
Hombrehey all
* Tigger (Tigger@Psi-3BFF1CC.client.attbi.com) has joined #Deep13
Hombreanybody wanna riff Nutty Professor on Fox?
@Sentroid91not especially
@Sentroid91I'm saving all my riffing energy for later tonight
Hombrelater tonite? there's an MSTapes?
@Sentroid91Someone didn't get the memo.
Hombreno shit sherlock
Hombrewhat is the movie? LOTR?
@Sentroid91actually we're all going to play "Beat the Sabby with wooden reeds"
@Sentroid91And then we're riffing Time Machine
Hombrewell, just don't fuck me
@Sentroid91and then everyone will fuck you
@Sentroid91except me
Hombreok, I havent even seen that one yet....so it should be fun
Hombredamn...too bad Im wearing my ASS GUARD!
* DarKrow is on IRC
* DarKrow (~darkrow@Psi-16A68F0D.telocity.com) has joined #Deep13
DarKrowAh, Thelonioius Monk.
DarKrowExcellent Tunes
* teenMSTie (MatthewDR@Psi-375C1F8B.client.attbi.com) Quit (Ping timeout)
* teenMSTie (MatthewDR@Psi-375C1F8B.client.attbi.com) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +ohv teenMSTie teenMSTie teenMSTie
@teenMSTieDammit. attbiSEXUAL is REALLY pissing me off lately.
Tiggeri havent had probs with attbi..
@teenMSTieMaybe my cable modem is just dumb.
@teenMSTieSo, what is the MSTapes riffing tonight?
* @Sentroid91 looks at Sabby
@Sentroid91Should I tell him?
DarKrowI'd MSTape, but I ain't going out to Blockbuster in the rain
@Sentroid91there's a broadcast now, y'know
HombreSent, you should tell him
* @teenMSTie checks the topic in #SOL
@teenMSTieI looked for myself, you dorks.
@Sentroid91teen: We're all going to play "Beat teen in the ass with bamboo."
@Sentroid91And then we're riffing
DarKrowyou'd like that, huh, Sent?
Hombrewe will be riffing....your ass
@teenMSTieOkay. Well, while you're playing "Beat teen in the ass with bamboo", I'll be over here making out with your sister/mother/brother
@Sentroid91actually I could think of something i'd enjoy better, DeeK. :D
@teenMSTieIts actually more of an any of the above thing, Sabby.
Hombreteen, your ass is your business
@teenMSTieYour ass is ... uh ... grass ... hey! That rhymes!
@Sentroid91oh and FYI teen: Sister's in L.A., mom's dead, no brother. :P
DarKrowYour ass is full of shit.
DarKrowYou should go to the bathroom
DarKrowand bring some Ex-Lax
* @teenMSTie is feeling stupid tonight. He took some lcd he found under the refrigerator, and now hes having a bad trip.
DarKrowno wonder.
@teenMSTieor not
@teenMSTieor Rob.
* @teenMSTie took a Liquid Crystal Display that he found...
DarKrowquiet tonight
* Tigger becomes loud
* @teenMSTie sings: DZ, Discovery Zone.
* Hombre watches MPFC: Mr. Neutron
DarkonZeroWow....Tigg got loud.
DarkonZeroWonder what made her do it.
* Tigger runs around the room causing all sorts of commotion
DarkonZeroSexy commotion.
* Tigger comes to a sudden halt
* Tigger stops and goes back to the corner to being shy
DarkonZeroShy and sexy.
* @teenMSTie smacks DeeZ around a bit.
DarkonZeroIn a sexy way?
* Tigger shakes her head
HombreMorey says he'll probably make the riff tonite
* @teenMSTie throws DeeZ into the shower and turns it on cold.
DarkonZeroSorry....Austin Powers Syndrome.
DarkonZeroI'm watching it now.
* shade (~Mystic@.) Quit (Quit: (Insert witty quit message))
* DarKrow (~darkrow@Psi-16A68F0D.telocity.com) Quit (Client exited)
* DarKrow has left IRC
* DarKrow is on IRC
* DarKrow (~darkrow@Psi-16A68F0D.telocity.com) has joined #Deep13
* Tigger looks around
DarkonZeroSayonara....I'm out. Latah.
* Disconnected
Session Close: Fri Jan 03 17:38:25 2003
Session Start: Fri Jan 03 19:21:00 2003
Session Ident: #Deep13
* Now talking in #Deep13
* Topic is '9http://www.deep13.org | http://www.livejournal.com/community/deep13/ | Join the Army. Meet interesting people. Kill them.'
* Set by teenMSTie on Thu Jan 02 20:07:45
* Cal is on IRC
* DarkonZero is on IRC
* DarKrow is on IRC
* PrincessLeia2 is on IRC
* Sentroid91 is on IRC
-ChanServ- [#Deep13] Welcome to #deep13. Be sure to visit our website at http://www.deep13.org/ but you probably already knew that.
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Password Accepted - You are now identified
DarkonZeroThat's me.
DarKrowIs it?
DarkonZeroNo....it's Jo.
DarKrowHi Jo!
DarKrowI know my chicken
DarKrowyou got to know your chicken
DarkonZeroI know my spank monkey.
* @teenMSTie knows how to choke his chicken.
* @Sentroid91 has returned.
@Sentroid91Man, this movie sucks cock.
CalYou have children???
CalGod help us.
@Sentroid91I gave it a good skimming
DarKrownot children
CalThat means teen has SPAWN
* DarKrow smacks Cal
* @teenMSTie brb
* teenMSTie (MatthewDR@Psi-375C1F8B.client.attbi.com) Quit (Quit: I AM ALL THAT IS MAN!)
* DarkonZero listens to a CD track of 4,1"Bubbles"4,16,0 from 6,014,1System Of A Down14,16,0.6,0
* DarKrow listens to an MP3 of "Know Your Chicken" by Cibo Matto
DarkonZeroMay I remind you....
* DarKrow is confused
CalIt's ok, DK
CalYou're not alone.
* DarkonZero wishes his parents wouldn't always check if he commiting suicide every 5 minutes.
DarKrow<DZ'sParents> YOU DEAD YET?!
DarKrow<DZ> NO!
DarKrow<DZ'sParents> FUCK!
Cal* DZ'sParents hand DarkonZero a pistol
DarkonZeroMy parents always keep checking my door which is locked and knock on the door and ask if I'm alright.
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
DarkonZeroFeel's like I'm in high school again.
DarkonZeroHow come I feel like I'm gonna be living with my parents through my 30s?
CalThe walleye are deep down
CalDZ, why are you living with your parents at age 17?
DarkonZeroI'm helping them out with bills and shit....and right now I really have no other place to go.
CalGet a good job with your pay and you're O.K.
DarkonZeroPay for job?
DarkonZeroa job even
CalGrab that cash with both hands and make a stash
* teenMSTie (~noneofyou@Psi-3ACB8374.client.attbi.com) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +ohv teenMSTie teenMSTie teenMSTie
DarKrowOur First Love, And Last Love Is... Self-Love
@Min[HALF-LIFE]I thought we loved our mothers, first. XD
* @Min[HALF-LIFE] is BACK, dammit!
* Min[HALF-LIFE] is now known as Min
* Min is on IRC
* @Min pistol-whips DeeZ.
DarkonZeroAnd that was for?
* DarkonZero gets out his BIG CARTOON MALLET!
* DarkonZero hits Min with his BIG CARTOON MALLET!
* Cal dances the was ling
* @Min pistol-whips DeeZ.
* Tigger looks around
DarKrowmmm... pistol-whip
* DarkonZero humps Min's leg.
* DarKrow sprays DZ with the garen hose.
@MinGaren hose?
DarKrowGarden hose
@MinIs that like, lederhosen?
DarKrowIt's like a typo
DarkonZeroIt looked like Min didn't mind.
* DarkonZero continues humping.
* DarKrow sprays DZ with the garden hose again.
* DarKrow thwaps DZ on the nose with a rolled up newspaper
* Tom (~tomservo1@Psi-36EC2072.phil.east.verizon.net) has joined #Deep13
* Tom (~tomservo1@Psi-36EC2072.phil.east.verizon.net) Quit (Quit: Tom)
DarkonZeroShe's not objecting to it....unless you are wanting to hump her leg.
DarkonZeroDeeK's in need of some leg lovin'.
@MinI dun mind DeeZ humping my leg, but DeeK-that's another story.
DarkonZeroAwww.....thanks Min.
DarKrowwhere would you prefer me to hump you?
* Tom (~tomservo1@Psi-36EC2072.phil.east.verizon.net) has joined #Deep13
DarkonZeroHello again.
* Tom (~tomservo1@Psi-36EC2072.phil.east.verizon.net) Quit (Quit: Tom)
DarKrowI get no love
@MinDamn straight, you don't.
DarkonZeroTom Zoomer in teh hizzouse!
DarKrowWon't someone please love me?
DarKrowI'm low mantainence
DarkonZeroRob musta heard ya....he even left AIM.
@teenMSTieI'm too much man for you, DeeK.
DarKrowSomeone FEMALE
DarKrowI'm polite, I'm friendly, I hold doors!
DarKrowI pull out chairs, and help people to their seat!
DarKrowI'm a nice guy!
@MinDo you give money?
DarKrowNo, but I don't have any
DarKrowand you can't buy love anyway
@MinYeah you can. Go get a prostitute!
* Tom (~tomservo1@Psi-36EC2072.phil.east.verizon.net) has joined #Deep13
DarkonZeroThat's my problem....I kinda try to use money.
DarkonZeroI buy stuff for all the girls I'm interested in.
DarKrowSex != Love
* Tom (~tomservo1@Psi-36EC2072.phil.east.verizon.net) has left #Deep13
@MinLike the girl whose leg you're humping?
DarKrowWho said I was humping someone's leg?
@MinNot you, DeeKer.
DarKrowI'm not just interested in sex! It would be a nice bonus, but I'm more interested in a relationship
DarkonZeroWhere'd sex come in?
DarkonZeroOther than me humping some leg.
DarKrowMin reccomended a prostitute
@MinYou'd love one, DeeK, ya know it.
DarkonZeroWell....you don't have to have sex with the pro.
DarKrowIt's not love
* Tom (~tomservo1@Psi-36EC2072.phil.east.verizon.net) has joined #Deep13
@MinThen why's it called makin' love? *is being stupid! YAAAAY*
DarkonZeroMy friends are actually thinking of taking me to a whore house upstate.
* Tom (~tomservo1@Psi-36EC2072.phil.east.verizon.net) has left #Deep13
DarkonZeroThe hell?
DarKrowTraditionally, it's done between people who "love" each other.
DarkonZeroGuess me saying "whore house" doesn't go over well.
@teenMSTieWhite House?
DarkonZerowah wah waaaaaaaaahhhhhh
DarKrowHonestly, I'm a nice guy, I'm just socially awkward
* Tigger looks around
Tiggersocially awkward?
@MinNobody in here shall wub j00!
Tiggerthats interesting
DarkonZeroI'm a nice guy who uses social awkwardness as my advantage.
@MinI'm socially aware... and I avoid it, natch.
DarKrowI'm just not good in social situations.
* Tigger is just plain shy...and like wont talk to anybody..lol
@MinTo get sympathy from the ladies?
DarKrowI'm introverted
DarKrowand awkward
@MinIntroversion's gewd.
DarkonZeroYou could say that.
* TomServo1245 (~tomservo1@Psi-36EC2072.phil.east.verizon.net) has joined #Deep13
DarKrowNot when you don't want to be alone
Tiggereverybody that i talk to online gets more conversation out of me than anybody in person..lol
DarKrowstaying this time, Tom?
@MinTrue. Heh.
* ILikeMike (~MSTieGate@Psi-2D6A1329.ipt.aol.com) has joined #Deep13
DarKrowLike Mike?
DarKrowLil Bow Wow?
ILikeMikeIt means I like Mike Nelson better than Joel Hodgson on MST3K.
TomServo1245It is 11 eastern time, right?
TomServo1245that TTM starts
@Sentroid91in #SatelliteOfLove
ILikeMikeWhat's the link?
@Sentroid91none yet
TomServo1245yeah, it seems like it started but no link
@Minj031 r0xx0rz j00r b0xx0rz!!!!!!1
TomServo1245what's that?
@teenMSTieJoel Rocksers your boxers.
@teenMSTieIs what it says..
TomServo1245oh, I see it now
@MinLeet speek must be mastered.
TomServo1245does anyone know the link to TTM?
@MinI am still only a disciple!
TomServo1245in what? Leet Speak?
* teenMSTie is now known as teenRIFFING
DarKrow5|-|3 1z
@Sentroid91Servo: None yet, I haven't plugged in to the broadcast yet
* teenRIFFING is now known as teenMSTie
@Min3y3 4m 5t11_1_ 0nly 4 d15c1p1_3... 0f 1_33t
DarKrow1 |V| |\|07 @ |V|@573|2 Y37
TomServo1245what's that? more Leet Speak?
@teenMSTieOnly four deciples of leet?
TomServo1245is that the word Weird?
DarKrowwe sd al uz 2 lr wd
DarKrowtt wd be cl
DarKrow(we should all use 2 letter words)
DarKrow(that would be cool)
@MinBecause you suck.
DarKrowfk yu
TomServo1245because it would be very hard to understand at times
DarkonZeroGd 1 DK.
@Minj00 15|-| 73|-| 1|)j17.
DarkonZeroOh....a ID 10T.
* RobertoKay is on IRC
* RobertoKay (hquiej@Oper.PsiBlade.net) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +aohv RobertoKay RobertoKay RobertoKay RobertoKay
@MinThe Japanese scare me, sometimes.
DarkonZeroIn what way?
@MinLike in this. [22:54:46] <DarkonZero> She's not objecting to it....unless you are wanting to hump her leg.
@Min[22:54:50] <teenMSTie> hah
@Min[22:55:10] <Cal> Hoo-hah!
@Min[22:55:13] <Min> O_O
@Min[22:55:26] <DarkonZero> DeeK's in need of some leg lovin'.
@Min[22:55:30] <Min> I dun mind DeeZ humping my leg, but DeeK-that's another story.
@Min[22:55:42] <DarkonZero> Awww.....thanks Min.
DarkonZeroI scare the Japanese, sometimes....I gotta quit attacking Tokyo.
DarKrowHey Rob
DarKrowMin, that's old
TomServo1245Min, is that the link to TTM?
DarkonZeroI love the song.
DarkonZeroYes....yet funnt.
DarKrowis that the english version?
DarKrowIt's a shitty translation
DarKrowThat's the proper translation
@MinUm. Yay.
@teenMSTieEverybody come participate in the riff of "The Time Machine in #SOL.
@teenMSTieStarts in t-minus ten minutes.
@RobertoKayAnd those who don't want to, we'll still be serving drinks.
* teenMSTie (~noneofyou@Psi-3ACB8374.client.attbi.com) Quit (Connection reset by peer)
* teenMSTie (~noneofyou@Psi-3ACB8374.client.attbi.com) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +ohv teenMSTie teenMSTie teenMSTie
DarkonZeroPeer loves ya teen.
* Tigger looks around
DarkonZeroHey Tigg.
@teenMSTieI seem to have this problem, that CAT5 cables don't fit into my eithernet port properly.
Tiggerhey DZ
@teenMSTieOn my laptop.
@teenMSTieThey don't go in far enough to click.
* OtherCal (~pmccart@Psi-157F400D.wi.tds.net) has joined #Deep13
DarkonZeroJust ram it in there.
* teenMSTie is now known as Picared
* Picared is now known as Picard
* TomServo1245 (~tomservo1@Psi-36EC2072.phil.east.verizon.net) Quit (Quit: )
* Picard is now known as teenMSTie
* TonicBH (~BBrown932@Psi-1FA1F415.ptld.uswest.net) has joined #Deep13
* TomServo1245 (~MSTieGate@Psi-36EC2072.phil.east.verizon.net) has joined #Deep13
* TomServo1245 (~MSTieGate@Psi-36EC2072.phil.east.verizon.net) Quit (Quit: TomServo1245)
@MinThis one gets all Monty-Pythonish at the end!
* Tigger hrms
@MinDaddy... does this mean that we're martians, now?
* TomServo1245 (~MSTieGate@Psi-36EC2072.phil.east.verizon.net) has joined #Deep13
* Cal (~pmccart@Psi-61DFE23.wi.tds.net) Quit (Connection reset by peer)
* Cal has left IRC
DarKrowIDENTIFY THE OBJECT IN MY HAND: http://www.sanspoint.com/images/ObjectOfMystery.jpg
TomServo1245One Ring To Rule Them All?
DarkonZeroIt better not be your penis.
TomServo1245it's not
@MinLooks like a semi-corroded brass ring.
OtherCalAnyone want a wav of the theme for my video company opening logo?
DarkonZeroLooks like some sort of O ring.
DarKrowIt's not brass
* Sound request: can't find 'CTUtheme2.wav'
[OtherCal SOUND]
DarkonZeroIt better not be a cock ring.
DarKrowIt is not a cock ring
DarkonZeroNot bad Cal.
Tiggerhonestly..to me it looks like a ring you would put in the nose of a bull...like  a cow
[OtherCal SOUND]
@Min7,1Min's MUTATED Quote Machine:14,1 <DrEvil> who's the asshole <BobIshmael> I think the asshole is DrEvil. * DeRaptor chuckles * Goku gets ready for another exciting game of "Who's the asshole"
@RobertoKayWell, the suspense is killing us, so just tell us what it is.
DarkonZeroEvery time someone sends me a sound...I get to hear it twice. First time is when the sound plays after d/l'ing....the second is when someone does it again.
DarKrowA ring from a old fashined Carousel
DarKrowbut not the brass ring
DarkonZeroAnd you have one for what reason?
DarkonZeroGood enough.
* TomServo1245 (~MSTieGate@Psi-36EC2072.phil.east.verizon.net) Quit (Quit: HabberNet JavaChat -- http://www.habber.net/chat)
@RobertoKayFrom an abandoned fairground?
* TomServo1245 (~MSTieGate@Psi-36EC2072.phil.east.verizon.net) has joined #Deep13
* teenMSTie (~noneofyou@Psi-3ACB8374.client.attbi.com) has left #Deep13
@RobertoKaywb anyone who hasn't been here consecutively for more than three or four minutes.
DarKrowfrom an active amusement park
* OtherCal is now known as Cal
* Cal is on IRC
@RobertoKayBecause I was gonna say, you don't see enough abandoned fair grounds in this day and age.
DarKrowKnoebel's Amusement Park
DarKrowin Danville, PA
* @Sentroid91 departs for riff
* Sentroid91 (servo911@Oper.PsiBlade.net) has left #Deep13
* @Min sits in a corner of the room, sets her HEV suit to sleep mode and drifts off into subconsciousness, clutching a crowbar for protection.
* Min is now known as Min[SLEEP]
* Min has left IRC
* ILikeMike (~MSTieGate@Psi-2D6A1329.ipt.aol.com) Quit (Ping timeout)
DarkonZero'nite Min.
CalMin go to bed
Caland don't come back...
Calin bed
@RobertoKayWhy is someone whom I've never possibly met asking me about characters in my dreams?
CalYou're hallucinating.
DarkonZeroAnd this being?
DarKrowdo you wear your sunglasses at night, so you can, so you can keep track of your dreams?
@RobertoKay"Towers of Air" on AIM.
@RobertoKay[08:52] Towers of Air: Thank you for completing this survay. My name is marc and I'm a guy on the internet who wants to write a novel
@RobertoKay[08:52] RobertoKaye: And how did you find me?
@RobertoKay[08:52] *** Error while sending IM: This user is currently not logged on
@RobertoKayWhat the hell?
DarkonZeroWell....I can top that guy....I'm a guy on the internet who wants sex from various women.
DarKrowI AM writing a novel
* djgamer (~MSTieGate@Psi-1D0FFC3D.client.mchsi.com) has joined #Deep13
DarKrowHey Manos, your stalker just IMed me
@RobertoKayYou'd better be kidding me.
DarKrowTowers Of Air, right?
@RobertoKayHow the hell did he get both our names?
* Hombre (Hombre@Psi-31C619F7.rasserver.net) has joined #Deep13
@RobertoKayRedneck boy!
HombreCalifornia slut!
DarkonZeroI hear dueling banjos.
* Tigger is now known as TigBRB
DarKrowHey Manos, warn Tower Of Air for me, would ya
DarKrower Towers
@RobertoKayI'll see.
* TomServo1245 (~MSTieGate@Psi-36EC2072.phil.east.verizon.net) Quit (Quit: HabberNet JavaChat -- http://www.habber.net/chat)
DarKrowwww.castlezzt.net - Towers Of Air's website.
DarkonZeroJack Masters....
DarKrow*saves conversation log*
DarKrow*blocks Towers Of Air*
Hombreit's official
Hombrethe Ohio State Buckeyes are the 2003 National Champions
* TigBRB is now known as Tigger
Tiggeryes i just saw that Hombre
@RobertoKaySo his source was Chuck.
DarkonZeroGUess so.
DarkonZeroApparently I haven't been bothered yet.
DarkonZeroYAY FOR ME!
DarKrowI think I scared him off of hounding random AIM people
Tiggeri never get spoken to by random people on aim..lol
DarkonZeroI got random porn spam.
DarkonZeroAnd I responded back.
Hombreyeah, but DeeZ you requested that porn
DarkonZeroJo is so high right now.
Hombrehigh on God
* Sound request: can't find 'berserkpromo.wav'
[@Jouva SOUND]
@Jouva<Berzerker> HUSS!
@Jouva<Berzerker> HUSS!
@Jouva<Berzerker> HUSS!
DarKrowMy love for you is ticking clock. BERZERKER!
DarKrowWould you like to suck my cock? BERZERKER!
HombreDid he just say making fuck?
DarKrowMy love for you is *something* truck. BERZERKER!
DarKrowWould you like some making fuck? BERZERKER!
HombreDeeK rank your Top 5 comedies of all time
* teenieClone (~noneofyou@Psi-3ACB8374.client.attbi.com) has joined #Deep13
* teenieClone (~noneofyou@Psi-3ACB8374.client.attbi.com) has left #Deep13
@RobertoKayDamn it. I think it's about time we had a get-together.
* TomServo1245 (~MSTieGate@Psi-36EC2072.phil.east.verizon.net) has joined #Deep13
@RobertoKay[09:37] SpitSpingola: WHY YOU NO LIKE TOWERS OF AIR?
@RobertoKay[09:37] RobertoKaye: Because I was taught not to talk to strangers.
@RobertoKay[09:38] SpitSpingola: BY WHO?  Towers is cool.  Be his friend.
@RobertoKay[09:39] RobertoKaye: No.
@RobertoKay[09:39] RobertoKaye: He's already blocked.
@RobertoKay[09:40] SpitSpingola: BUT WHY?
@RobertoKay[09:40] RobertoKaye: Because I don't talk to strangers.
@RobertoKay[09:40] SpitSpingola: YOU KNOW!
@RobertoKay[09:40] RobertoKaye: And I will never meet him anymore. Good day.
* Hombre (Hombre@Psi-31C619F7.rasserver.net) has left #Deep13
@JouvaJust for that robby...
@JouvaI'm gonna use my old screen name and torture that guy
@RobertoKayYou're a good man, Jo.
@JouvaUsing my laptop heh
@JouvaShould I PEZ him?
@RobertoKayI dunno. He's stupid, but in a Melt/De sort of way.
@RobertoKayIn other words, just acting retarded.
* Jouva-LAPTOP (jouva@Psi-17C43619.moufette.com) has joined #Deep13
Jouva-LAPTOPI paste the bits in here
* TServo4 is on IRC
* TServo4 (enin_rebmu@Psi-CB32C51.dyn-adsl.bestweb.net) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +ohv TServo4 TServo4 TServo4
@TServo4I am teh midi king!
Jouva-LAPTOPHmmm brb :P
* Jouva-LAPTOP (jouva@Psi-17C43619.moufette.com) Quit (Quit: Jouva-LAPTOP)
* Jouva-LAPTOP (jouva@Psi-17C43619.moufette.com) has joined #Deep13
Jouva-LAPTOPDah too quik
* Jouva-LAPTOP (jouva@lapskunk.moufette.com) has left #Deep13
* Jouva-LAPTOP (jouva@lapskunk.moufette.com) has joined #Deep13
@TServo4And I just finished another favorite piece of mine..
Jouva-LAPTOPSupahDelfin (12:38:54 AM): Dude. You stole my pez!
Jouva-LAPTOPSpitSpingola (12:39:55 AM): SUPAH.  I steal no pez.  
Jouva-LAPTOPSupahDelfin (12:40:11 AM): But you stole my PEZ! I saw you!
Jouva-LAPTOPSupahDelfin (12:40:21 AM): I have video footage of it!
Jouva-LAPTOPSpitSpingola (12:41:00 AM): YOU LIE!  
Jouva-LAPTOPSupahDelfin (12:41:18 AM): NO! I have the tape of you stealing my PEZ!
@TServo4"Alone" from "A Night At The Opera"
Jouva-LAPTOPWooo a night at the opera
@TServo4Hah...who's this?
Jouva-LAPTOPSome guy who defended Robby's stalker
@TServo4<Groucho> Do you follow me?  <Mrs Claypool> Yes... <Groucho> Well stop following me... I'll have you arrested.
DarKrowIt's Melto
Jouva-LAPTOPSupahDelfin (12:42:21 AM): Of course you don't own it! You stole it! It's not yours! MINE!
Jouva-LAPTOPSupahDelfin (12:42:30 AM): Gimme back!
DarKrowJo, that's Chuck
@RobertoKayYou know that's Chuck, right?
Jouva-LAPTOPEven more fun then *shrug*
@TServo4duh duh duhhhhhh
Jouva-LAPTOPSpitSpingola (12:43:42 AM): I can't.
Jouva-LAPTOPSupahDelfin (12:43:51 AM): You ate it didn't you?
Jouva-LAPTOPSupahDelfin (12:43:55 AM): YOU ATE MY PEZ?!
Jouva-LAPTOPSpitSpingola (12:45:00 AM): YEAH AND IT WAS GOOD (also a lie)
Jouva-LAPTOPSupahDelfin (12:45:14 AM): You lied in bed with it?!
* TomServo1245 (~MSTieGate@Psi-36EC2072.phil.east.verizon.net) Quit (Connection reset by peer)
@TServo4Oh god.
@TServo4That guy was here?
@TServo4He's been stalking me online for the past two months
Jouva-LAPTOPSpitSpingola (12:47:16 AM): I AM A CRUEL MAN.
@TServo4Are you getting that midi, Jo?
Jouva-LAPTOPI don't want it :P
@RobertoKayHey, guys?
@RobertoKayI think we really need to seriously discuss what we want to do to celebrate our fifth anniversary.
Jouva-LAPTOP"Do" in what sense
@RobertoKayWell, that's what I want to discuss.
@RobertoKayWhat should we do to celebrate.
@RobertoKayI mean, in all sincerity, five years is a milestone.
Jouva-LAPTOPDoes this require physical moving to a specific location in the United States on a designated date and time?
@RobertoKayIt may, but that's up to a collaborated decision.
@RobertoKayI think we need to have a conference where we discuss what we want to do.
Jouva-LAPTOPIf so, then count atleast half of #deep13 out of it ;)
* teenieClone (~noneofyou@Psi-3ACB8374.client.attbi.com) has joined #Deep13
* teenieClone (~noneofyou@Psi-3ACB8374.client.attbi.com) has left #Deep13
@RobertoKayBut still, Gateway was a success.
@TServo4Only by chance.
@TServo4It was just chance that everyone just happened to be there.
@RobertoKayWell, still though.
@RobertoKayI mean, if there was like some well-done organization, a con could work.
@TServo4Perhaps if there were a convention to go to... DuckCon for example with Trace
@TServo4it just can't be us sitting around a room for a week.
DarkonZeroI'd attend....if I had money to do so.
DarkonZeroBut my money saving plans were shot.
@RobertoKayActually, Serf, that's a pretty good point.
DarKrowI'm going to Brunchmonocon
@TServo4Personally, I'm done with conventions.  I've been doing them for years and aside from ChillerCon which I rarely do anymore, they're getting weaker and weaker.
@RobertoKayI've never done a con, personally.
@TServo4I used to go to them for the autographs or the merchandise, and my interest in the selection of both have dwindled.
@RobertoKayBut I've broke for 18 years of my life.
DarKrowBrunchmonocon is less of a convention than a group of online people meeting in the flesh
DarkonZeroNeither have I.
@RobertoKayBEEN broke.
@JouvaWell... PhilCon is boring.
@JouvaPhilCon is more... "We like sci-fi novels" con.
DarkonZeroI was planning on going to the ComiCon this year.
@JouvaMeaning "old people" con.
* Halo09 is on IRC
@TServo4See, I don't mind a paper show so long as there's something to buy there.
@TServo4Posters...stills, comics...whatever
@TServo4Nowadays it's overpriced goods and guys in costumes (no offense)
* Halo09 (~none@Psi-3FDAF77.dsl.sntc01.pacbell.net) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +ohv Halo09 Halo09 Halo09
@JouvaWell ComiCon is scheduled during AnthroCon so...
@TServo4Well, there'd be costumers anyway.
@TServo4Dragoncon is so out of the question.  I don't like Atlanta OR the show anymore.
@RobertoKayI think a general get-together where we simply roam through the streets of a large city would be a fun idea.
@RobertoKayBut that's just me.
DarkonZeroWow...the Society for the Promotion of Japanese Animation is attending that one.
@RobertoKayDK, just because you go to school there, no.
DarkonZeroI kinda second Robby's plan.
DarkonZeroVegas anyone?
DarKrownone of us can gamble, foo
@RobertoKayVegas isn't fun for people under 21.
DarkonZeroI know it isn't.
DarkonZeroHello....I live there.
@TServo4Well, I'd have quite a time there.
@TServo4But I'd probably end up wasting all my money.
@RobertoKayAt least you'd do it in a tragically hilarious sort of way.
@RobertoKayI mean, a five-person get-together would be cool by itself.
@TServo4One that could be turned into a best selling book and then into a film
DarkonZeroIn the past...didn't we mention St. Paul, Minnesota
DarKrowI'm not going to Minnesota
@TServo4St. Paul has nothing.
@RobertoKayAnd I think we pointed out two words: too cold.
DarkonZeroI thought so.
@RobertoKayFor some reason, I like Boston.
@TServo4Perhaps we could have been to BBI back in 99, but there's nothing there now
DarkonZeroHow about we go to Metropolis?
@TServo4It's all what it was supposed to be in the first place... office space.
@RobertoKaySounds like a plan.
@TServo4How 'bout Tokyo?
@RobertoKayBut I hear the crime rate is horrendous.
DarkonZeroI'd like to go there.
@RobertoKayHeh. #Deep13 Goes to Japan.
@TServo4Or foggy ol' London.
DarKrowvisit Loc!
@TServo4We can go see Lon Chaney walking with the queen.
@RobertoKayGet a video camera and turn it into a hilarious hour of fun involving getting accustomed to weird foreign customs.
@Halo09the only good thing the british did was make the side of the car where you get out, close to the curb.
* @RobertoKay wonders why no one makes insanely stupid, low-budget sitcoms anymore.
@Halo09but then they went and swapped the side of the road you drive on.
@RobertoKayCome on, DeeZ, be serious!
DarkonZeroI am.
@TServo4Just bloody great....
@TServo4I'm iced in.
DarKrowCanada rules!
DarkonZeroIt's nice up there.
@TServo4Which means I can't go to work tomorrow, which means I don't pick up my paycheck, which means I'll be eating macaroni and cheese for the next three days
DarkonZeroEven though I was only in Edmonton for 4 hours.
@TServo4Canada is for Commies.
@RobertoKayAnd draft-dodgers.
DarKrowSerf, get an axe
DarKrowand chop anything in your path
* Jouva-LAPTOP (jouva@lapskunk.moufette.com) Quit (Quit: *bang* *bang* Oh thank you very much. A shot in the face. How nice.)
@Halo09canada?  why would we want to go to america jr.?
@TServo4I'm considering it.
@Halo09we mostly already live in the original america.
@TServo4How many inches you got down there?
DarkonZeroI went to Canada.....just to visit relative in Calgary.
DarKrowI dunno
@TServo4They're talking about another three or four coming down tomorrow which = 5 or 6
DarkonZerorelatives even.
DarKrowI don't think we got any
DarKrowjust rain
@TServo4Lucky you.  It's been hail/snow all day here.
DarkonZeroGo outside.
@TServo4Mostly hail.
DarkonZeroHave fun.
@TServo4Tried it.
@TServo4I just got frostbite on my ass is all ;)
DarkonZeroNothing like getting pummeled with ice.
@RobertoKayAnd L.A. is just the usual okay weather.
DarkonZeroSame with Vegas....just being a bit cold.
@RobertoKayAnd yes, we do bitch about 50-degree weather.
@RobertoKayBecause we're all a bunch of jerkoffs.
* Sentroid91 (servo911@Oper.PsiBlade.net) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +qohv Sentroid91 Sentroid91 Sentroid91 Sentroid91
* @RobertoKay punches DK in the face.
@RobertoKaySent, bear with me.
@RobertoKayFifth anniversary live get-together.
@RobertoKayWhat do you think?
DarKrowhey Sent
* djgamer (~MSTieGate@Psi-1D0FFC3D.client.mchsi.com) Quit (Quit: HabberNet JavaChat -- http://www.habber.net/chat)
DarkonZeroWell....it scared off that guy.
* moreysurf8 (~moreysurf@Psi-193196C8.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #Deep13
@RobertoKayHello, morey.
@Sentroid91Does this mean you're getting Bob?
DarkonZeroI guess the thought of us all meeting each other was too much.
@RobertoKayOr he saw it the wrong way.
moreysurf8hey robby
* djgamer (~MSTieGate@Psi-1D0FFC3D.client.mchsi.com) has joined #Deep13
DarKrowhey morey
DarkonZeroI think we'll leave Bob outta this one.
* djgamer (~MSTieGate@Psi-1D0FFC3D.client.mchsi.com) Quit (Quit: djgamer)
@RobertoKayWell, I guess I could go over to his house and put him at ease with chloroform.
@Sentroid91Why? Who are we getting?
@Sentroid91Fucking Cam?
@RobertoKaySent, it's just a get-together.
@RobertoKayI don't plan on "getting" anyone.
DarkonZeroIf anyone wants to attend sorta deal.
@Sentroid91Yes... but how does this differ from every other day that i'm in here?
@RobertoKayA LIVE get-together.
@Halo09ruido sintetico
@Sentroid91as opposed to what? Lag?
@RobertoKayIn other words, taking place in the outside world of clouds, grass and bricks.
* djgamer (~MSTieGate@Psi-1D0FFC3D.client.mchsi.com) has joined #Deep13
DarKrowthe big blue room
DarkonZeroWhen you have to explain it that much...you lost him.
@TServo4Let's go to the Andes while we're at it.
@RobertoKayFair enough.
DarkonZeroLet's all go to Comdex and steal shit.
DarKrowThe Alps!
@TServo4Actually, if things don't work out for me in the next couple of years, I'm heading to South America and never coming back.
@TServo4Well, perhaps not, but it'd be nice.
@RobertoKayEither that, or Texas.
@RobertoKayBut it wouldn't be as nice.
DarkonZeroLet's all go to Oklahoma!
@RobertoKaySo, Sent, you get my drift now, or should I open up MS Paint and start drawing?
@Halo09all midwest states sound better with a -izzy suffix to their respective names
@Halo09like, north dakizzy
@Halo09and arkanizzy
DarKrowwhatever, potato
@Halo09and especially pennsylvizzy
@Sentroid91Oh I see... you rubes are planning another con?
@RobertoKayThe last one was pretty funnt.
@RobertoKayWe're thinking it over.
@Sentroid91Good luck
DarKrowPennsylvania isn't a midwest state!
@Halo09yeah but PA has an equelvant mindset as midwestern states
@RobertoKayBut just so you know, we also have a reunion IRC session.
DarKrowIt's a Northeastern state
[@Halo09 SOUND]
@RobertoKayAnd I talked to CG about it, and he's willing to do it if we ever do.
DarkonZeroLet's all go to Georgia and beat Cal.
DarkonZeroI used to live in Southern Georgia.
* Halo09 is now known as Christopher_Robbinsa
* Halo09 has left IRC
* Christopher_Robbinsa is now known as Christopher_Robbins
moreysurf8or we could go to Iowa and visit scenic uhhhh.....cornfields
* @Christopher_Robbins pulls on Tigger's tail
* Tigger growls
@Christopher_Robbinsthat's what Tiggers do best.
* Christopher_Robbins is now known as Halo09x
Tiggerdude..southern georgia is like completely on the opposite side of the united states than me
@TServo4Well...whatever.  I'm going to try to be happy sleeping.
@RobertoKayIs there a point to sending these to me again, Sent?
* TServo4 (enin_rebmu@Psi-CB32C51.dyn-adsl.bestweb.net) Quit (Quit: You know my name. Look up the number. [http://www.expoatrium.com/])
* TServo4 has left IRC
@Halo09xwhere are you Tigger?
@Sentroid91I redid them.
@RobertoKayOh? Are they in living stereo now?
@Sentroid91well... sort of
@Sentroid91But they sound much better
@RobertoKayAnd by the way, you missed one of Chuck's buddies trying to bother me with a stupid survey.
DarkonZeroWe could go to Salt Lake City and torment Mormons.
Tiggerwhere would the complete opposite of georgia be?
Tiggerthink about it?
@Sentroid91Robby: ???
Tiggerno..not quite alaska
@Halo09xwhichever is on the USCA border.
@Halo09xis that WA?
DarkonZeroSeattle anyone?
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
[@Halo09x SOUND]
DarKrowI am NOT going out to LA again
@Halo09xgawd the wwe needs austin back desperately
@RobertoKayMore specifically, crybaby.
@Halo09xa baby of class "cry"
@RobertoKayAs opposed to drybaby.
@RobertoKayOr something.
DarkonZeroWell....getting back to business.
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
* Halo09x (~none@Psi-3FDAF77.dsl.sntc01.pacbell.net) Quit (Quit: Connection reset by everybody's mother.)
* djgamer (~MSTieGate@Psi-1D0FFC3D.client.mchsi.com) Quit (Ping timeout)
DarKrowCleveland blows
DarkonZeroJesus Christ....we might as well go to Iraq then.
DarKrowtoo ho
@RobertoKayFor TV?
DarKrow* Iraq flashes its tits!
DarkonZeroYemen sounds good this year.
DarkonZeroEven North Korea.
* Tigger sends ya'll down to antarctica
DarkonZeroAt least that's somewhere.
DarkonZeroIceland seems nice.
@Sentroid91http://mstapes.mstiegate.com/logs.html -- Ladies and Gents... new page
DarKrowtoo cold
DarkonZeroOk...if this goes....when the fuck will it happen? Apparently some are thinking in the winter.
DarkonZeroOr even the frickin' summer....
DarkonZeroDependeing what was said.
DarkonZeroDepending even.
* moreysurf8 (~moreysurf@Psi-193196C8.dyn.optonline.net) Quit (Quit: you didn't tell me this ws a synthesizer)
* TorgosHand (~MSTieGate@Psi-260C5474.ipt.aol.com) has joined #Deep13
@RobertoKayThe late summer sounds good.
DarKrowI sleep
* DarKrow (~darkrow@Psi-16A68F0D.telocity.com) has left #Deep13 (Client Exiting)
* DarKrow has left IRC
@RobertoKayI robot.
CalI Vitelloni.
DarkonZeroAnd where'd you prefer to go?
DarkonZeroOther than Hell.
DarkonZeroWe could visit a cheese factory.
DarkonZeroAnd eat cheese.
DarkonZeroAnd be all blocked up.
DarkonZeroOr we can go to Chicago and watch me jump off the Sears Tower.
DarkonZeroWouldn't that be grand?
CalYou'd land on someone and break their neck
CalDu musst Caligari werden!
@Sentroid91bed now
* Sentroid91 is now known as Sentroid[SLEEPING]
* Sentroid91 has left IRC
* Tigger (Tigger@Psi-3BFF1CC.client.attbi.com) has left #Deep13
* TorgosHand (~MSTieGate@Psi-260C5474.ipt.aol.com) has left #Deep13
@RobertoKayYou know, I really like Linux. So I think I'll switch over to that for now.
* RobertoKay (hquiej@Oper.PsiBlade.net) Quit (Quit: Arubadubadubadubadubadu. http://www.deep13.org/gqindustries)
* RobertoKay has left IRC
* RobertoKay is on IRC
* RobertoKay (~hquiej@Oper.PsiBlade.net) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +aohv RobertoKay RobertoKay RobertoKay RobertoKay
* Jouva (jouva@fluffy.moufette.com) Quit (Quit: *bang* *bang* Oh thank you very much. A shot in the face. How nice.)
* Slasher (Slasher@Psi-2A81CD86.tnt5.calgary.ab.da.uu.net) has joined #Deep13
CalThe Shropshire Slasher?
CalDo you have it?
Slasherdunno what it is
CalMy pez
CalWhere is it?
* Disconnected
Session Close: Fri Jan 03 23:56:27 2003

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