
Session Start: Sat Dec 07 00:00:00 2002
Session Ident: #Deep13
DarkonZeroAll I can picture is straining.
DarkonZeroAnd a minor bluish look in their faces.
* Ocean-Saurian (Joel@Psi-33FBBCC7.ipt.aol.com) Quit (Connection reset by peer)
* Ocean-Saurian has left IRC
DarkonZeroWow.....I'm really killing them now.
DarkonZeroI'm so alone........
* teenMSTie (teenMSTie@22EC5350.FBFA26E1.742A5DD3.IP) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +ohv teenMSTie teenMSTie teenMSTie
DarkonZero<DarkonZero> Wow.....I'm really killing them now.
DarkonZero<DarkonZero> I'm so alone........
DarkonZero* teenMSTie (teenMSTie@22EC5350.FBFA26E1.742A5DD3.IP) has joined #Deep13
DarkonZero* ChanServ sets mode: +ohv teenMSTie teenMSTie teenMSTie
DarkonZeroI was so alone....for a millisecond.
* teenMSTie (teenMSTie@22EC5350.FBFA26E1.742A5DD3.IP) Quit (Ping timeout)
* DarkonZero idles.
* DarkonZero trees....
DarkonZeroI'll be back room and conquer you!
* Disconnected
Session Close: Sat Dec 07 00:46:43 2002
Session Start: Sat Dec 07 02:38:40 2002
Session Ident: #Deep13
* Now talking in #Deep13
* Topic is '9http://www.deep13.org (New news item posted by Jo... because he doesn't care!!!) | New news thingy you should see at Deep13.org. Or Rob. | UNFAIR ADVANTAGE: "Pole Sets World Record for Pole-Sitting" -- AP headline'
* Set by Ocean-Saurian on Fri Dec 06 23:02:28
-NickServ- [SYNTAX] /NickServ identify <password>
* DarkonZero is on IRC
* Mepitans is on IRC
-ChanServ- [#Deep13] Welcome to #deep13. Be sure to visit our website at http://www.deep13.org/ but you probably already knew that.
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Password Accepted - You are now identified
TonicBHwww.geocities.com/BBrown9326/vgstupidities.html <---- updated
TonicBHwww.geocities.com/BBrown9326/vgstupidities/index.html <---- take two
* teenMSTie (teenMSTie@22EC5350.FBFA26E1.742A5DD3.IP) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +ohv teenMSTie teenMSTie teenMSTie
@teenMSTieIs it possible to make Windows XP restart in DOS mode?
@teenMSTieAs teen asked himself "teen," he asked...
DarkonZeroSorry....I'm dead.
@teenMSTiethats unfortunate
DarkonZeroI'll get better.
@teenMSTieWell, of course.
DarkonZeroBe less dead is always better.
DarkonZerobeing even.
@teenMSTieRight, right.
@teenMSTieI myself have been dead on several occasions.
@teenMSTieThe day before yesterday, for example.
@teenMSTiePerhaps even later today.
* DarkonZero finishes reading Tonic's site.
DarkonZeroFunnt shit Ton.
@teenMSTiewhat da url?
* DarkonZero is in definite need of web design skills.
DarkonZeroI am shamed by my site.
* @teenMSTie has basic web design skills, but he chooses not to use them.
DarkonZero....but after my nap.
@teenMSTieumm ... no
@teenMSTieThat time of the month, eh?
DarkonZeroIf I was a girl.....maybe.
* Tonic|Sleep (~bbj17@Psi-1030373B.ptld.uswest.net) has joined #Deep13
* TonicBH (~bbj17@Psi-1030373B.ptld.uswest.net) Quit (Connection reset by peer)
* Tonic|Sleep is now known as TonicBH
TonicBHgrar, ISP must die, etc
DarkonZero<Ton's ISP> I'm shakin' in me boots.
DarkonZeroWell....I'm off to bed....later.
-> *Nickserv* identify giz91473
* DarkonZero is now known as DZ{Sleeping}
* DarkonZero has left IRC
-NickServ- [ERROR] Your nick is not registered.
* @teenMSTie sings: DZ, discovery zone, learnin' what I can do on my own
@teenMSTieThis is good stuff, Tonic. I love reading about the stupid crap people do.
* teenMSTie (teenMSTie@22EC5350.FBFA26E1.742A5DD3.IP) Quit (Ping timeout)
* Ocean-Saurian is on IRC
* Ocean-Saurian (~sirmegagi@Psi-222DAAAD.ipt.aol.com) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +ohv Ocean-Saurian Ocean-Saurian Ocean-Saurian
* teenMSTie (teenMSTie@22EC5350.FBFA26E1.742A5DD3.IP) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +ohv teenMSTie teenMSTie teenMSTie
@Ocean-SaurianHI TEEN
-> *Nickserv* identify giz91473
* Disconnected
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** Looking up your hostname...
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** Checking ident...
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** Found your hostname
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** No ident response; username prefixed with ~
* Attempting to rejoin channel #Deep13
* Rejoined channel #Deep13
* Topic is '9http://www.deep13.org (New news item posted by Jo... because he doesn't care!!!) | New news thingy you should see at Deep13.org. Or Rob. | UNFAIR ADVANTAGE: "Pole Sets World Record for Pole-Sitting" -- AP headline'
* Set by Ocean-Saurian on Fri Dec 06 23:02:28
-ChanServ- [#Deep13] Welcome to #deep13. Be sure to visit our website at http://www.deep13.org/ but you probably already knew that.
* Mepitans is on IRC
* Ocean-Saurian is on IRC
-NickServ- [ERROR] Your nick is not registered.
-> *Nickserv* identify giz91473
* DZ{Sleeping} is now known as DZ{Away}
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Your nick has been registered with PsiBlade. If you are the owner of this nick, please identify now.
-NickServ- [SYNTAX] /NickServ identify <password>
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Password Accepted - You are now identified
* TonicBH decides to go to bed.
* TonicBH is now known as Tonic|Sleep
* Tonic|Sleep is away: late snooze
* @Min[SLEEP] wakes up, disabling the sleep mode on her HEV and sits up.
* Min[SLEEP] is now known as Min
* Min is on IRC
@Min7,1Min's MUTATED Quote Machine:14,1 <Greidanus> heehee... my parents have bribed me to go to confirmation class with 77 bucks worth of MST merchandise <Mepitans> <anus> I will believe in God for this amount.<parents> Agreed.
@Min7,1Quote containing "pee":14,1 *** TServo4 (trats_pmuj@ZiRC-36847.dyn-adsl.bestweb.net) has joined #Deep13 <TServo4> bottle of claret for you if I'd realised. I'd forgotten all about it George, I'm sorry. <TServo4> Well, do next time. <TServo4> Will you forgive me? <TServo4> Mmm.. Yes ... <TServo4> Cheeky bitch! <TServo4> Everyone one of them knew that as time went by they'd get a little bit older and a little bit slower... *** TServo4 (trat
@Min7,1Quote containing "pee":14,1 *** TServo4 (trats_pmuj@ZiRC-36847.dyn-adsl.bestweb.net) has joined #Deep13 <TServo4> bottle of claret for you if I'd realised. I'd forgotten all about it George, I'm sorry. <TServo4> Well, do next time. <TServo4> Will you forgive me? <TServo4> Mmm.. Yes ... <TServo4> Cheeky bitch! <TServo4> Everyone one of them knew that as time went by they'd get a little bit older and a little bit slower... *** TServo4 (trat
@Min7,1Quote containing "pee":14,1 <MeltingMan> I need peewee3.wav <jasoN> then accept it, ya hoser 7,1|14,1 3 7,1out of14,1 241 7,1quotes found.
@Min7,1Quote containing "pee":14,1 *** TServo4 (trats_pmuj@ZiRC-36847.dyn-adsl.bestweb.net) has joined #Deep13 <TServo4> bottle of claret for you if I'd realised. I'd forgotten all about it George, I'm sorry. <TServo4> Well, do next time. <TServo4> Will you forgive me? <TServo4> Mmm.. Yes ... <TServo4> Cheeky bitch! <TServo4> Everyone one of them knew that as time went by they'd get a little bit older and a little bit slower... *** TServo4 (trat
@Min7,1Quote containing "pee":14,1 <MeltingMan> I need peewee3.wav <jasoN> then accept it, ya hoser 7,1|14,1 3 7,1out of14,1 241 7,1quotes found.
@Min7,1Quote containing "me pee":14,1 <Mepitans> urine in my SOOUL <Mepitans> it makes me PPEE <Mepitans> I have class in 4 hours <Mepitans> THAT MAKES ME PEEE <Mepitans> lots of stuff <Mepitans> MAKES ME PEEE 7,1|14,1 1 7,1out of14,1 241 7,1quotes found.
* @Min installs her nice new external CD-RW drive. YAAAAY.
@MinBut I must figger out which ports are USB 2.0...
* Disconnected
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** Looking up your hostname...
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** Checking ident...
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** Found your hostname
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** No ident response; username prefixed with ~
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Your nick has been registered with PsiBlade. If you are the owner of this nick, please identify now.
-NickServ- [SYNTAX] /NickServ identify <password>
* Attempting to rejoin channel #Deep13
* Rejoined channel #Deep13
* Topic is '9http://www.deep13.org (New news item posted by Jo... because he doesn't care!!!) | New news thingy you should see at Deep13.org. Or Rob. | UNFAIR ADVANTAGE: "Pole Sets World Record for Pole-Sitting" -- AP headline'
* Set by Ocean-Saurian on Fri Dec 06 23:02:28
-ChanServ- [#Deep13] Welcome to #deep13. Be sure to visit our website at http://www.deep13.org/ but you probably already knew that.
* Cal is on IRC
* Mepitans is on IRC
* Min is on IRC
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Password Accepted - You are now identified
PrincessJingle2'lo dz
* Cal (pmccart@Psi-DEC9311.wi.tds.net) Quit (Ping timeout)
* Cal has left IRC
* Cal is on IRC
* Cal (pmccart@Psi-D15C51B.wi.tds.net) has joined #Deep13
CalIt looks like AOL-IM is causing my poor connection
PrincessJingle2i havent turned on my im's in a while
* PrincessJingle2 turns them on
* PrincessJingle2 gets msged
* PrincessJingle2 gets msged by a mystery deep13 person
@Snowbieomg hhehe
@Snowbie"you and Archie Bunker would be good friends" >D
@Peppermint-Saurian"you and Heathcliff Huxtable would be good friends"
* Disconnected
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** Looking up your hostname...
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** Found your hostname (cached)
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** Checking ident...
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** No ident response; username prefixed with ~
* Attempting to rejoin channel #Deep13
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Your nick has been registered with PsiBlade. If you are the owner of this nick, please identify now.
* Rejoined channel #Deep13
* Topic is '9http://www.deep13.org (New news item posted by Jo... because he doesn't care!!!) | New news thingy you should see at Deep13.org. Or Rob. | UNFAIR ADVANTAGE: "Pole Sets World Record for Pole-Sitting" -- AP headline'
* Set by Ocean-Saurian on Fri Dec 06 23:02:28
* Cal is on IRC
* Mepitans is on IRC
* Min is on IRC
-NickServ- [SYNTAX] /NickServ identify <password>
-ChanServ- [#Deep13] Welcome to #deep13. Be sure to visit our website at http://www.deep13.org/ but you probably already knew that.
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Password Accepted - You are now identified
@Min7,1Min's MUTATED Quote Machine:14,1 <Sentroid91> yes, we're all female.... except for DeRaptor <Goku> And Sent will be your bitch if you give him some pie.
@Min7,1Min's MUTATED Quote Machine:14,1 <Cal-Crowe> My nuts are juggling themselves.
@Min7,1Min's MUTATED Quote Machine:14,1 <TServo4> That's no toilet seat... <TServo4> That's a battlestation!
@Peppermint-Saurianoh Leia
@Peppermint-Saurianyou know those things on your site, like old sayings and the orgins of them?
CalJoel: Bueller? Bueller?
@Snowbiebueller...bueller...oh yeah...bueller....work it bueller...
* RobertoKay is on IRC
* RobertoKay (hquiej@Oper.PsiBlade.net) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +aohv RobertoKay RobertoKay RobertoKay RobertoKay
* Disconnected
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** Looking up your hostname...
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** Found your hostname (cached)
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** Checking ident...
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** No ident response; username prefixed with ~
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Your nick has been registered with PsiBlade. If you are the owner of this nick, please identify now.
* Attempting to rejoin channel #Deep13
-NickServ- [SYNTAX] /NickServ identify <password>
* Rejoined channel #Deep13
* Topic is '9http://www.deep13.org (New news item posted by Jo... because he doesn't care!!!) | New news thingy you should see at Deep13.org. Or Rob. | UNFAIR ADVANTAGE: "Pole Sets World Record for Pole-Sitting" -- AP headline'
* Set by Ocean-Saurian on Fri Dec 06 23:02:28
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Password Accepted - You are now identified
-ChanServ- [#Deep13] Welcome to #deep13. Be sure to visit our website at http://www.deep13.org/ but you probably already knew that.
* Cal is on IRC
* Mepitans is on IRC
* Min is on IRC
* RobertoKay is on IRC
@RobertoKayRemind me to slay a few Speakeasy technical support people when I have the time.
* Snowbie is now known as bie|out
* TServo4 is on IRC
* TServo4 (enin_rebmu@Psi-CB32C51.dyn-adsl.bestweb.net) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +ohv TServo4 TServo4 TServo4
@TServo4Sticks Nix Hick Pix!
@TServo4I was going to correct them, but then realized...nah, lettem wait
@TServo4Actually, just by the title I avoided that thread for days
CalHave a potator
@Peppermint-Saurianoh cool
CalHave a potato.
* TServo4 (enin_rebmu@Psi-CB32C51.dyn-adsl.bestweb.net) Quit (Quit: I wonder if there's beer on the sun... [http://www.expoatrium.com/])
* TServo4 has left IRC
@Peppermint-SaurianI thought you meant one of those "rotato" things
* @Min enjoys the advantages of her new external CD-RW drive.
* FrozenFireball is now known as Peacimowen
* Disconnected
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** Looking up your hostname...
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** Found your hostname (cached)
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** Checking ident...
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** No ident response; username prefixed with ~
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Your nick has been registered with PsiBlade. If you are the owner of this nick, please identify now.
* Attempting to rejoin channel #Deep13
* Rejoined channel #Deep13
* Topic is '9http://www.deep13.org (New news item posted by Jo... because he doesn't care!!!) | New news thingy you should see at Deep13.org. Or Rob. | UNFAIR ADVANTAGE: "Pole Sets World Record for Pole-Sitting" -- AP headline'
* Set by Ocean-Saurian on Fri Dec 06 23:02:28
* Cal is on IRC
* Mepitans is on IRC
* Min is on IRC
* RobertoKay is on IRC
-NickServ- [SYNTAX] /NickServ identify <password>
-ChanServ- [#Deep13] Welcome to #deep13. Be sure to visit our website at http://www.deep13.org/ but you probably already knew that.
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Password Accepted - You are now identified
* Disconnected
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** Looking up your hostname...
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** Checking ident...
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** Found your hostname
-CA1.US.PsiBlade.net- *** No ident response; username prefixed with ~
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Your nick has been registered with PsiBlade. If you are the owner of this nick, please identify now.
* Attempting to rejoin channel #Deep13
-NickServ- [SYNTAX] /NickServ identify <password>
* Rejoined channel #Deep13
* Topic is '9http://www.deep13.org (New news item posted by Jo... because he doesn't care!!!) | New news thingy you should see at Deep13.org. Or Rob. | UNFAIR ADVANTAGE: "Pole Sets World Record for Pole-Sitting" -- AP headline'
* Set by Ocean-Saurian on Fri Dec 06 23:02:28
-ChanServ- [#Deep13] Welcome to #deep13. Be sure to visit our website at http://www.deep13.org/ but you probably already knew that.
* Cal is on IRC
* Mepitans is on IRC
* Min is on IRC
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Password Accepted - You are now identified
Session Close: Sat Dec 07 12:53:41 2002

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