
Session Start: Sat Sep 15 13:39:29 2001
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is '#Deep13:Mysteria sends its condolences to all those who have perished in Tuesday's national threat. | #Deep13 now on events.scifi.com:6667(Note: SciFi's server is down because it was near WTC.) | Give blood... 1-800-GIVE-LIFE | I guess Bill Gates isn't a heartless bastard like some people thought.'
*** Set by Sentroid91 on Fri Sep 14 17:18:01
@Locdog07heya DZ
* DarkonZero wonders if he should change his nick to DarkonZ-Mastur...NAAAAHHHH!
DarkonZeroHey Loc.
* @Locdog07 boogies to Polysics
DarkonZeroATTMTN is gonna make a comeback. I'm able to use newgroups for free again.....and I can't believe my ISPs newsgroup server has access to ATTMTN.
DarkonZeroNo.....not k.
@Sentroid-Working  9,1Quote containing away: 1,9 *** Cal-Crowe is now known as BubbaHump <BubbaHump> DAH!!! *** BubbaHump is now known as BubbaGump <Sentroid91> Bubba Hump? <Sentroid91> Cal's become a porn star...... again <BubbaGump> Please look away from the humping
*** Sentroid-Working is now known as Sentroid91
*** Sentroid91 is on IRC
@Sentroid91Someone needs to take my ATM card away from me.
@Sentroid91no. ATM
@Sentroid91Automatic Tellear Machine
DarkonZeroWhy is that?
@Sentroid91I bought yet another DVD today
@Locdog07what DVD?
@Locdog07STOP IT!
@Locdog07STOP IT!
@Sentroid91oh sheet
@Sentroid91it has Widescreen and Standard formats
@Sentroid91uh oh....
@Sentroid91the dreaded 2 sided DVD
@Locdog07You fool
@Locdog07You got a bad movie on a bad DVD
@Sentroid91I hope this shit works... othewise i'm gonna be reeeealy pissed,
* @Sentroid91 puts it in his PS2 very carefully
* @Aidan-Photoshopping runs around shouting "JINX JINX!!!!"
@Locdog07Shit on DVD
* @Sentroid91 wonders why the DVD has spanish subtitles on when it first starts.
@Locdog07Because only Spanish people like it
@Locdog07Mostly because they can't understand the dialogue
@Locdog07and they're blind, too
@Sentroid91makes sence
@Locdog07and deaf
@Locdog07and dead
* @Locdog07 shall bbl
@Locdog07bye all
*** Locdog07 (D.Billany@loc-dog.demon.co.uk) Quit (Quit: )
*** Locdog07 has left IRC
@Sentroid91"Hey. I'm a police officer."
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Sat Sep 15 14:00:06 2001

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