
Session Start: Tue Aug 21 14:47:11 2001
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is 'I (essentially) won Aerosmith Tickets! W00t!'
*** Set by DarKrow-Sleeping on Mon Aug 20 23:05:46
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Tue Aug 21 14:47:20 2001
Session Start: Tue Aug 21 22:31:34 2001
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is 'I (essentially) won Aerosmith Tickets! W00t! <Cal> There's a sucker born every minute...'
*** Set by Cal-Crowe on Tue Aug 21 15:36:31
*** Retrieving #Deep13 info...
*** DarkonZero changes topic to 'I (essentially) won Aerosmith Tickets! W00t! <Cal> There's a sucker born every minute... <Darkon> Let the truth be known.'
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Tue Aug 21 22:32:08 2001

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