
Session Start: Sat Nov 11 00:00:00 2000
Session Time: Sat Nov 11 00:00:00 2000
*** ecilam (ecilam@PPPa63-ResaleAmarillo2-3R7050.saturn.bbn.com) has joined #deep13
*** ecilam (ecilam@PPPa63-ResaleAmarillo2-3R7050.saturn.bbn.com) has left #deep13
*** DeRaptor (deraptor@pm4-204.corp.redshift.com) Quit (Quit: No animals were harmed during the making of this IRC session. A few evangelists were gutted and eaten, though. (www.terribleclaw.com))
*** DeRaptor has left IRC
*** DAway (Mystic@cms053.web-ster.com) Quit (Quit: (Insert witty quit message here))
*** Multistah (Huh@host-209-214-46-8.pfn.bellsouth.net) has joined #Deep13
*** Multistah (Huh@host-209-214-46-8.pfn.bellsouth.net) has left #Deep13
JoMomma <DarKrow> There's thousands of good interfaces on websites. www.litestep.net / www.doomworld.com / www.electricstoat.com
JoMommastupid fuck
*** Calvin-Crowe is on IRC
*** Calvin-Crowe (icu@brga1pool0-a105.blrg.tds.net) has joined #Deep13
JoMommaI am here
JoMommabtw, DK is a moron
JoMomma <DarKrow> There's thousands of good interfaces on websites. www.litestep.net / www.doomworld.com / www.electricstoat.com
JoMommaand I bet ya they all use server side includes
JoMommaoh already
JoMommalitestep has php
JoMommadoomworld uses php as well
JoMommawell I'm quite surprised that electric stoat doesn't use server side
Calvin-Crowesites with 90% text are the best
Calvin-Crowemore pictures: more complicated
JoMommayep yep
Calvin-CroweDK thought my site would be horrible because I use frames....then he looked at it
Calvin-CroweHe probably expected my frames to have the grey borders
JoMommahe looked at it though
JoMommahe didn't like it, but he didn't seem to bash the frames
Calvin-Crowe<DK> frames suck
JoMommauntill you said "should I make a non-frames version"
Calvin-CroweIf I DID make a non-frames version, it'll be pretty low-tech
JoMommahe's trying to make it into a professional site
JoMommawell... not necessirally
JoMommawell it depends on the situation
Calvin-CroweI'll put EVERYTHING for the site on one htm
JoMommano no like
JoMommaif you WERE able to say... get a real hosting company
JoMommayou could do it w/ server side includes and tables
* Calvin-Crowe opens his wallet and watches a moth colony fly out
JoMommabut you don't
JoMommaright exactly
Calvin-Crowewhere's the bug spray?
* Calvin-Crowe watches the moths eats DZ
JoMommaI don't get it... I like cahoots, but when I try to explain something by talking, I screw up a lot
JoMommaI guess when I type I have more time to think
JoMommacause it takes longer for me to type and stuff
JoMommawell, compared to speaking that is
Calvin-CroweI put some neat javascript buttons on there
JoMommaonly thing is the globe is still a tad cut wrong... just a tad
Calvin-Crowethere's a white line
JoMommano... at the bottom
JoMommayou traced it out wrong
Calvin-CroweWhat's your screen res?
Calvin-CroweSame as me...
JoMommaits not that... its just cut out wrong
Calvin-CroweI'll fix it in a sec
JoMommauhhh... oh and the looney toons pics are offset 1 pixel horizontally and vertically
Calvin-CroweI know...
Calvin-CroweThe color version wasn't computer colorized
JoMommaor something... actually it looks like it bends
Calvin-CroweIt's from a Korea remake
Calvin-CroweIt was transferred pretty bad too...
Calvin-CrowePorky loses a shoulder
Calvin-CroweI actually aligned those two images at the circle in the middle
Calvin-CroweThe planet cut-off is the image...
JoMommanah its not that its shifted
JoMommathe planet one isn't shifted
JoMommaat the bottom, its got some excess gray background
JoMommabtw, wtf was this that I've seen before that you had on your site... "MST3K TV" or some crap...
Calvin-CroweThe MST Channel?
Calvin-CroweI forgot to add it back
Calvin-Crowedoes my MST site have frames?
*** Locdog07 is on IRC
*** Locdog07 (D.Billany@loc-dog.demon.co.uk) has joined #Deep13
* Locdog07 censors everybody. I say NO MORE! This chat room is unacceptable.
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Locdog07
Locdog07anyone got GTA 2 for PC
* Calvin-Crowe peels the censor bar off of his eyes
Locdog07that is unacceptable
Calvin-CroweI can see clearly now.
* Sound request: can't find 'bikini.wav'
[Calvin-Crowe SOUND]
*** Locdog07 (D.Billany@loc-dog.demon.co.uk) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
*** Locdog07 has left IRC
*** sampras (ti25ch66@asy85.as28.sol.superonline.com) has joined #Deep13
samprashi gays
JoMommagays? heh
sampraswhere ya gays from
JoMommamust be talking to someone else
sampraswhere ya guys from
sampraswhere ya guys from
sampraswhere ya guys from
sampraswhere ya guys from
sampraswhere ya guys from
sampraswhere ya guys from
sampraswhere ya guys from
sampraswhere ya guys from
sampraswhere ya guys from
JoMommathanks for flooding
sampraswhere ya guys from
sampraswhere ya guys from
sampraswhere ya guys from
sampraswhere ya guys from
samprasyou are welcome
samprasfuck you all.çwhat a shit server
*** sampras (ti25ch66@asy85.as28.sol.superonline.com) has left #Deep13 (12,15-1>12 12Klavye 10[7ELiTe10] 12-1>)
JoMommaeh... sfw
JoMommawe like it small
Calvin-CroweWhat a dickweed!
Calvin-CroweAdded quote*** sampras (ti25ch66@asy85.as28.sol.superonline.com) has joined #Deep13 <sampras> hi gays <JoMomma> gays? heh <sampras> where ya gays from <sampras> where ya guys from <sampras> where ya guys from <sampras> where ya guys from <sampras> where ya guys from <sampras> where ya guys from <sampras> where ya guys from <JoMomma> thanks for flooding <sampras> where ya guys from <sampras> fuck you all.çwhat a shit server *** sampras (ti25ch
Calvin-CroweIdiocy is immortalized in #Deep13
JoMommabtw that got cut off
JoMomma<sampras> fuck you all.çwhat a shit server *** sampras (ti25ch
JoMommabrb and stuff
Calvin-CroweIt's all I can put in
Calvin-Crowe9,1Quote:1,9 <DarKrow> The crooks know better than to mess with RHPS fans <Sentroid91> actually I was referring to anal raping fags <DarKrow> Not everyone who goes to RHPS is GAY! <Sentroid91> I don't care about gays <Sentroid91> I care about being anally raped by gays <DarKrow> THEY WON'T RAPE YOU!
Calvin-Crowe9,1Quote:1,9 <Raven-X> I know, I learned how to wipe my ass
Calvin-Crowe9,1Quote:1,9 <Greidanus> ...hey! <Cal-Crowe> ho <Greidanus> ...hey! <Cal-Crowe> ho <Greidanus> ...heave! <Cal-Crowe> ho <Greidanus> ...whore! <Cal-Crowe> house <Greidanus> LOL
Calvin-Crowe9,1Quote:1,9 <MSTManos> <jasoN> my dad has a cock <MSTManos> <jasoN> he trains it <MSTManos> <jasoN> it's helluva tough <MSTManos> That was FUNNT beyond all recognition.
Calvin-Crowe9,1Quote:1,9 <Lodovik> HAHAHA YOU MAKE ME NUTS JUGGLE!
Calvin-Crowe9,1Quote:1,9 <Lodovik> I M LAFFING
Calvin-Crowe9,1Quote:1,9 <jasoN> Cal, make Sent reattach my unit <Cal-Crowe> HELL NO!
Calvin-Crowe9,1Quote:1,9 <Locdog07> De is "wimpy and shit" <UrbanD> she's helluva butch looking. <Calvin-Crowe> This'll be a blood bath...
Calvin-Crowe9,1Quote:1,9 <MeltingMan> Sqirrels...those who use them take command...those who don't....DIE!!!!!!!!
Calvin-Crowe9,1Quote:1,9 <stud> What do you do for a living <Sentroid91> I kill people <stud> What do you mean you kill people <Sentroid91> wait... did I say kill.. ha! I meant to say bill, I bill people. I'm with the IRS. <stud> you wouldn't killme thou right <Sentroid91> Did you pay your taxes?
Calvin-Crowe9,1Quote:1,9 <Calvin-Crowe> Greid, do you take a lot out of a man? <Greidanus> NO. <TServo4> She does. <TServo4> She's just in denial.
Calvin-Crowe9,1Quote:1,9 <omega> oh ye and im Tom Curze
Calvin-Crowe9,1Quote:1,9 <DarKrow> Why is skinz.org so slow?<DeRaptor> cuz there's lots of morons like you on it. :)* DeRaptor hides.<Cal-Crowe> LOL!* DarKrow finds De and hurts her<DeRaptor> ow ow!
Calvin-Crowe9,1Quote:1,9 <DeRaptor> wow, I do sound like a monkey.
Calvin-Crowe9,1Quote:1,9 <Cal-Crowe> I'm going to be adding a ton of stuff this week to my site <eliaN> did yiu add my Mr.T shrine? <Cal-Crowe> Nope <eliaN> why NOT?? <Cal-Crowe> It's a MST3K site.... <eliaN> ms T 3k! <eliaN> can't have MST without T, foo'! <Cal-Crowe> Mrs. T? <eliaN> i should quote me on that <Cal-Crowe> She makes Perogis
* Sound request: can't find 'deisloony.wav'
[Calvin-Crowe SOUND]
*** Locdog07 is on IRC
*** Locdog07 (D.Billany@loc-dog.demon.co.uk) has joined #Deep13
* Locdog07 censors everybody. I say NO MORE! This chat room is unacceptable.
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Locdog07
*** Locdog07 (D.Billany@loc-dog.demon.co.uk) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
*** Locdog07 has left IRC
* Sound request: can't find 'deisloony.wav'
[Calvin-Crowe SOUND]
Calvin-Crowe9,1Quote:1,9 <Greidanus> ANYBODY WANT TO LEND ME QUOTES!? <Cal-Crowe> No. * Greidanus kicks Cal's arse
Calvin-Crowe9,1Quote:1,9 * Locdog07 realizes he prolly has no quotes in Cal's quoter
Calvin-Crowe9,1Quote:1,9 <Starshipe> jessee can you show us that beutiful ass? * jasoN looks at shipe <jasoN> o_O <Starshipe> lol wrong chat guys sorry lol
Calvin-Crowe9,1Quote:1,9 * DeRaptor goes pokemon hunting...with an uzi!
* Sound request: can't find 'deisloony.wav'
* Calvin-Crowe /quote
Calvin-Crowe9,1Quote:1,9 <jasoN> Cal, make Sent reattach my unit <Cal-Crowe> unit? <jasoN> yeah<jasoN> he thinks he's a rabbi <Cal-Crowe> Sent circumsized you? <RabbiSent> He wants his Mr. Baloney back <jasoN> and he cut it off <Cal-Crowe> I'm not touching it! <jasoN> not even for a klondike bar? <Cal-Crowe> HELL NO!
Calvin-Crowe9,1Quote:1,9 <Greidanus> QUOTE WARS!!
Calvin-Crowe9,1Quote:1,9 <Sentroid91> www.anyonewhoisntoncahootsnowisaweenie.com * DeRaptor is a weenie! * Calvin-Crowe is a corn dog! <DeRaptor> Oooooh I wish I was an oscar meyer weenie...that is what I'd really like to beeeeheeeheeee <Sentroid91> in bed <TonicBH> GAH! <DeRaptor> sheeesh
Calvin-Crowe9,1Quote:1,9 <TheCambot> Ling, are you sure you were using IRC and not, like, Minesweeper?
* Sound request: can't find 'deisloony.wav'
* Calvin-Crowe /quote
Calvin-Crowe9,1Quote:1,9 <Cal-Crowe> http://calvincrowe.tripod.com/mstmain.htm won't you?
Calvin-Crowe9,1Quote:1,9 <TheCambot> You add ANYTHING to your quote list, don't you? These aren't even quotable sayings!
Calvin-Crowe9,1Quote:1,9 * DeRaptor kills Garth Brooks. * Greidanus kills.... everyone in Nashville <Greidanus> whoah, look at the blood
Calvin-Crowe9,1Quote:1,9 <UrbanD> but nothing beats blair witch action figures.<UrbanD> life like map losing kung-fu grip and cigarette smoking motions.<UrbanD> pull the string and they say 4 fun phrases like "FUCK YOU!!!" and "NO, FUCK YOU!!!" and "WHERE ARE YOU?!" and "(muffled yelling)"
Calvin-Crowe9,1Quote:1,9 <Greidanus> lint to the past!
Calvin-Crowe9,1Quote:1,9 <Greidanus> c'mon! who's the woman!!! I BE DA WOMAN!! <Greidanus> why'd I do that? <Sentroid91> Uh.... cause you're tired?
Calvin-Crowe9,1Quote:1,9 <JoMomma> guess what I saw today that I haven't seen in a long time <JoMomma> guess, loc <Locdog07> Your penis?
Calvin-Crowe9,1Quote:1,9 <JoMomma> <DeRaptor> I lick nuts
Calvin-Crowe9,1Quote:1,9 <rockerbot27> You never kicked me out for being annoying! *** rockerbot27 was kicked by Sentroid91 (ask and you shall recieve. hehee)
Calvin-Crowe9,1Quote:1,9 <Locdog07> <Patient> Doctor, I've been seeing spots in front of my face, and I have dizzy spells.... <Locdog07> <Dr. Malon> Okay...I prescribe this: <Locdog07> <Dr. Malon> OOO-OOO-OOO! OO-OO-OOO! OOO-OOO-OOOO-OO!
Calvin-Crowe9,1Quote:1,9 *** JeSsE (jesse@mctnts10d71.nbnet.nb.ca) has joined #Deep13 <Cal-Crowe> What the hell do you want, Jesse? <JeSsE> who are ypou? <JeSsE> who are ypou <Cal-Crowe> I'm a hit man <Cal-Crowe> You're next.
Calvin-Crowe9,1Quote:1,9 <Greidanus> I wanna be the girl with the most cake! * Greidanus hits herself <Greidanus> I should not quote Hole.<Locdog07> don't hit yourself, greid * JoMomma read that as * Greidanus eats herself <Greidanus> I'm not cake encrusted! <Locdog07> wow. <JoMomma> well I hope not <JoMomma> <GreidanuSlimJim> EAT MEEEEE
Calvin-Crowe9,1Quote:1,9 <Qrow> where the phuque is sentroid...
Calvin-Crowe9,1Quote:1,9 <Greidanus> ack... gotta go <Calvin-Crowe> Bye beaver <Calvin-Crowe> I'll protect your dam *** Greidanus has quit IRC (Quit: * Greidanus recedes to her sink-side dam in #Deep13) * Calvin-Crowe destroys the dam
Calvin-Crowe9,1Quote:1,9 <Cal-Crowe-> I'll send him a SEXO message
Calvin-Crowe9,1Quote:1,9 <omega> i say f*ck you and leave me alone <gamma> Omega: saying "f*ck you and leave me alone" isn't going to make us f*ck you or leave you alone.
Calvin-Crowe9,1Quote:1,9 *** JeSsE (jesse@mctnts10d71.nbnet.nb.ca) has joined #Deep13 <Cal-Crowe> What the hell do you want, Jesse? <JeSsE> who are ypou? <JeSsE> who are ypou <Cal-Crowe> I'm a hit man <Cal-Crowe> You're next.
* DarkonZero is now back! Away cause - 4,1(Food....gotta have it......like sex. But I think sex is what some poeple want more of.....eh...nevermind.)4,1
DarkonZeroDamn....I did a helluva lot of eating....
DarkonZeroI'm stuffed.
DarkonZeroMy away message makes me look like I was eating for like hours....I forgot to change it.....cause I fell asleep.
Calvin-Crowe<DZ> I keep eating and eating and....
*** UrbanD is on IRC
*** UrbanD (~noth1ng@x130-65-213-13.sjsu.edu) has joined #Deep13
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o UrbanD
* UrbanD ninjas his way in, pretty pretty dancing all the while.
* Sound request: can't find 'prettydancing.wav'
[UrbanD SOUND]
DarkonZeroSpace Mutiny is on....
* DarkonZero is now away! - 4,1Reason:(MST3K is on in my time zone.....)4,1
Calvin-CroweI just watched it
DarkonZeroMy cable company musta switched satellites that was getting Sci-Fi.....now everything is on PST time.
Calvin-CroweThey just made a PST feed
*** UrbanD (~noth1ng@x130-65-213-13.sjsu.edu) Quit (Quit: this is your world in which we grow, and we will grow to hate you.)
*** UrbanD has left IRC
Calvin-CroweUrb go down the hole
*** Locdog07 is on IRC
*** Locdog07 (D.Billany@loc-dog.demon.co.uk) has joined #Deep13
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Locdog07
* Locdog07 censors everybody. I say NO MORE! This chat room is unacceptable.
JoMommaI don't get it... why do I like cahoots if I start mumbling when I talk
* Locdog07 blinks
Calvin-CroweYou're compulsive
JoMommawell not "mumble" but just keep changing what I wanna say
JoMommaI like to actually HEAR the people who I'm talking to at times
* Sound request: can't find 'polka84.wav'
[Calvin-Crowe SOUND]
Calvin-CrowePOLKAS ON 75!
Calvin-CroweIt's from "In 3-d"
Calvin-CroweIt has Jocko Homo in the polka
Locdog07lemme hear
JoMommaif it said "75" then why is it 84?
* Locdog07 just had a GTA 2 Multiplayer game
Locdog07and won
Locdog07it was awesome
Calvin-CroweIt's helluva compressed
Calvin-Crowemp3 wav
JoMommaI keep forgetting what "GTA" stood for
Calvin-CroweGrand Theft Auto
Locdog07I chased the other guy onto a bridge and his car was on fire, and I stood on the other side of the bridge and he leapt out of his car off the bridge to the road below and then I shot the car and it exploded... looked effin' awesome
JoMommaI realized it 2 seconds after I finished typing that
JoMommaI was trying to remember as I was typing it too
Calvin-CroweI lufe attacking other vehicles
Calvin-Crowein the games of course
JoMommaoh... I was about to say...
Locdog07then later on he got a van load of guys to come with him to attack me, but I had three cops chasing me and his guys started attacking the cops, and he got all frustrated and chased after me on his own, and I managed to get into a car and drove right by him and ran over all his guys...
Calvin-CroweLoc is a regular Sweettooth
JoMommayes he likes having candy
JoMommathe hell is that?
* Locdog07 blinkd
* Sound request: can't find 'polka.mid'
[Calvin-Crowe SOUND]
JoMommaoh now he's swedish
JoMommaojnk pjg
Calvin-Crowe9,1Quote:1,9 <Greidanus> I wanna be the girl with the most cake! * Greidanus hits herself <Greidanus> I should not quote Hole.<Locdog07> don't hit yourself, greid * JoMomma read that as * Greidanus eats herself <Greidanus> I'm not cake encrusted! <Locdog07> wow. <JoMomma> well I hope not <JoMomma> <GreidanuSlimJim> EAT MEEEEE
Calvin-CroweLoc go peered
JoMommaThjs js a pjg. The pjg goes ojnk ojnk ojnk
JoMommawell he better not go peer near me
*** Locdog07 (D.Billany@loc-dog.demon.co.uk) Quit (Ping timeout)
*** Locdog07 has left IRC
JoMommahow come you're so touchy about telling us your REAL name?
*** Locdog07 is on IRC
*** Locdog07 (D.Billany@loc-dog.demon.co.uk) has joined #Deep13
* Locdog07 censors everybody. I say NO MORE! This chat room is unacceptable.
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Locdog07
Locdog07send again
JoMommajust wondering why you're so touchy about telling us your REAL name
JoMommawell not TOUCHY... but you just don't wanna do it
JoMommadude I even know anon's name
JoMommahe didn't tell me, but still...
* Sound request: can't find 'tsunami.wav'
[Locdog07 SOUND]
JoMommaI mean its no big DEAL, but still...
* JoMomma is back: I'm not sleeping anymore damnit!
Locdog07teriyaki taste like saki!
Locdog07so who IS the president?
Calvin-CroweF*CK CASTRO
* Locdog07 forms the Radicalz with Jo Momoit, Senty Guerrero, Dean DarkonLenko, and Loccy Saturn
JoMommaheh... "Momoit" still sounds like "Momma"
JoMommaexcept its uhh... "mom ah"
JoMommaoh yeah
* Sound request: can't find 'polka.mid'
[Calvin-Crowe SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'polka84.wav'
[Calvin-Crowe SOUND]
Locdog07Dee Eee Vee Oh.
* Locdog07 still wishes Smithers singing Whip It had been better
*** TServo4 is on IRC
*** TServo4 (TServo4@user-2iveapm.dialup.mindspring.com) has joined #deep13
Locdog07hi ts4
TServo4heh, I almost went to DALnet by accident..
Calvin-CroweThat's TS4!
* Sound request: can't find 'tsunami.wav'
[Locdog07 SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'tsunami.wav'
[Locdog07 SOUND]
Calvin-CroweTHE HELL?
* Locdog07 laughs
* Calvin-Crowe runs
Locdog07the best part is the beginning
Calvin-CroweLoc, do you have elmo.wav ?
* Sound request: can't find 'tsunami.wav'
[Locdog07 SOUND]
* TServo4 scratches his head.
Calvin-CroweI need that old elmo sound
Calvin-Crowe<Elmo> la la la la Elmo song.....*BOOM BOOM* SHUT THE FU*K UP!
Locdog07<Elmo> This is the song, la la la la, Elmo song... *boom boom boom* <Kid> Shut the fuck up
Locdog07I doubt Elmo would tell himself to shuttup
Calvin-CroweYou never know
* Sound request: can't find 'youarepoor!.wav'
[Locdog07 SOUND]
Calvin-CroweLoc, you got that onE?
* Sound request: can't find 'tsunami.wav'
[Locdog07 SOUND]
Calvin-CroweI want to make a series of "elmo.wav" sounds like the blues clues ones
Locdog07you gotta hand it to Bush and Gore, they sure managed to prove they can be interesting
Locdog07I mean, they had a krazy fuck up of an election
* Locdog07 yawns
TServo4Oh, cal...guess what I found a copy of?
TServo4Miss Glory...it's a real great print of it(16mm)
* Locdog07 kicks Cal's DCC
* Locdog07 sighs and wants to go to sleep
Calvin-Crowethat's enough
Locdog07be back later
*** Locdog07 (D.Billany@loc-dog.demon.co.uk) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
*** Locdog07 has left IRC
Calvin-Crowesee y-
* TServo4 points up to Cal.
Calvin-CroweIt ain't polite to point!
* Calvin-Crowe pokes TS4's eyes out
TServo4Not at you, dimwitt..
TServo4at what I said before.
Calvin-Croweelmo.wav ?
TServo4Guess what I found a copy of?
TServo4Miss Glory...it's a real great print of it(16mm)
Calvin-CroweNo fading?
TServo4None, it's beautiful Technicolor.
Calvin-CroweGreat find.....1936
TServo4Yeah, real early one.
Calvin-CroweAlso, it's Text Avery's first color cartoon for directing
TServo4I also have a bunch of Harveytoons, also..
Calvin-CroweI think it is THE first cartoon he directed
Calvin-CroweWith the noveltoon opening or the harvey opening?
TServo4Oh, and I have a great copy of Buddy's Theater, too.
TServo4Harvey opening.
Calvin-CroweThe Noveltoon opening is better
TServo4Yeah, well, what can you say, these are TV prints.
TServo4Buddy's Theater has the REALLY old Merrie Melodies opening, though
TServo4and the Jester ending..
TServo4I also got a print of "Artist's Nightmare"
TServo4But that's a little scratchy
Calvin-CroweA Cartoonist's Nightmare
TServo4Oh, right.
TServo4It's labeled "Aritists"
TServo4on the side
TServo4Someone messed up
Calvin-CroweCN has yet to air the pre 1936 Looney Tunes
Calvin-CroweNo Boskos or Buddy's
TServo4The Boskos are "Do Not Air" Tapes.
TServo4I got em.
Calvin-CroweNickelodeon showed them all the time
Calvin-Crowebefore they cancelled their cartoon show in 1998
TServo4Well, CN thinks that they're too racist.
Calvin-CroweMost of them are fine
Calvin-Crowebut that doesn't explain the Buddy cartoons...
TServo4Is the demand high?
Calvin-CroweThey show the same stuff too much
Calvin-CroweSpeedy hasn't been around since he was on Nick
TServo4Yeah, I dun think I have any later 40's-early 50's cartoons..
TServo4Mostly 30s stuff.
Calvin-CroweThe only pre-1936 titles they have shown are the Merrie Melodies that are in two/3 strip
Calvin-Croweand the 2 Cinecolor's
Calvin-CroweAnd the 1931-1933 Merrie melodies that were redrawn
TServo4Yeah, which sucks, pretty much.
TServo4Cartoonist's nightmare has a different opening than they show on CN, though.
Calvin-CroweThey haven't put it on CN yet
TServo4They use to have those "classics"
Calvin-CroweIt's funny though
TServo4That was a couple years back, though.
Calvin-CroweCN has access to 100% of the WB cartoons
TServo4They be jackasses
Calvin-CroweWell, CN is not at fault
Calvin-CroweWB is too lazy to send CN tapes of the titles
Calvin-CroweThat's why they show redrawn lt's even though there are comp. colorized and B&W prints availible
*** Mrs_Butterworth (TServo4@user-2ivebl8.dialup.mindspring.com) has joined #deep13
Mrs_ButterworthStupid peer
Calvin-CroweWell, CN is not at fault
Calvin-CroweWB is too lazy to send CN tapes of the titles
Calvin-CroweThat's why they show redrawn lt's even though there are comp. colorized and B&W prints availible
*** TServo4 (TServo4@user-2iveapm.dialup.mindspring.com) Quit (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Mrs_Butterworth)))
*** TServo4 has left IRC
*** Mrs_Butterworth is now known as TServo4
*** TServo4 is on IRC
TServo4Oooh, I gots some Popeye's, too.
TServo4Haven't looked at the titles yet.
TServo4They're still in Atlanta.
Calvin-CroweThe LOC has 16mm prints of the colorized Popeyes
TServo4I've got some Cinecolor ones, though.
Calvin-CroweReal color isn't bad
Calvin-CroweAs in stuff like Cinecolor/Tech
TServo4Oh, went to see "Little Nicky" last night.
TServo4Want my opinion?
Calvin-CroweHow bad was it?
TServo4Good jokes, Extremely bad plot and acting, a total waste of a good ex-SNL cast.
* Sound request: can't find 'ricky.mid'
[Calvin-Crowe SOUND]
Calvin-CroweLittle Ricky
Calvin-CroweBTW, now that you saw the movie....do you want to kick a cat or a dog
Calvin-CroweShould the director be killed or tortured first?
TServo4Adam Sandler, first.
TServo4Then the Screenwriters.
TServo4Then the Director.
JoMommareturn exit_client(cptr, cptr, cptr, "Bad User");
JoMommaBad user... bad bad user!
Calvin-CroweYOU YOU YOU
TServo4I'm looking for an original print of "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" in Super-scope...none of the tape prints have it.
Calvin-CroweYou don't want superscope
TServo4I got a lead.
Calvin-CroweREALLY grainy
TServo4I do...I weant to see what the original picture looked like.
Calvin-CroweIT uses half the frame
Calvin-CroweIt compresses vertically instead of horizontally
TServo4Yeah, it's a 2:73 ratio, I believe.
Calvin-CroweIt's a weird format
TServo4It's not animorphic, either.
TServo4It's printed that way.
Calvin-CroweOh yeah
Calvin-CroweGot a new main page
Calvin-CroweDK doesn't like it so I know it's a great layout
TServo4DeeK made me this horrible site map...I didn't like it at all.
JoMommaits too wide
Calvin-CroweWhich one?
JoMommaits like... on the edgese
JoMommastupid... now my "e" key is sticking...
JoMommaI dunno who to blame there, De or sent
* JoMomma is away: Food
*** DarKrow is on IRC
*** DarKrow (rich@client-151-197-120-207.bellatlantic.net) has joined #Deep13
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o DarKrow
TServo4Speak of the Devil.
JoMommaor speak TO the devil
DarKrowI'm not the devil
DarKrowI just worship the guy. Cut me some slack
JoMommaI don't wanna know
DarKrowthat was a joke
JoMommaI know THAT
Calvin-CroweGAH DK IS HERE!
Calvin-CroweOh hi DK
*** UrbanD is on IRC
*** UrbanD (~noth1ng@x130-65-213-13.sjsu.edu) has joined #Deep13
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o UrbanD
* UrbanD ninjas his way in, pretty pretty dancing all the while.
* Sound request: can't find 'prettydancing.wav'
[UrbanD SOUND]
DarKrowHi Urb
JoMommagonna order pizza, brb
* Calvin-Crowe throws a book of ettiquite at DK
* Calvin-Crowe sics Martha Stewart on DK
DarKrowThat has corners!
* DarKrow eats Martha Stewart
* DarKrow is listening to - 1 - Pink Floyd - What Do You Want From Me ( 4:08 )
* Sound request: can't find 'polka84.wav'
[Calvin-Crowe SOUND]
DarKrowI think this is the best Pink Floyd song from the Post Roger Waters era
Calvin-CroweThe best Pink Floyd song is Yesterday
UrbanDthe best pink floyd song is ...
UrbanDoh yeah.
UrbanDthey suck.
UrbanDmy fault.
DarKrowPink Floyd never did one called 'Yesterday'
* UrbanD runs!
DarKrowthat's the Beatles
Calvin-CroweYes they did
DarKrowPink Floyd did not make a song called "Yesterday"
Calvin-CroweMy favorite Beatles song is We're not gonna take it
DarKrowThat's "The Who"!
UrbanDi personally like "Start Me Up" by AC/DC.
Calvin-CroweWhy are you asking me?
UrbanDand "Back in Black" by Queen.
UrbanDQueen RULES!
Calvin-CroweWho did we're not gonna take it?
DarKrow"The Who"
UrbanD<Edge> YEAH she does!
Calvin-CroweI'M ASKING YOU!
DarKrowThis is not Abbot and Costello
Calvin-CroweWho did we're not gonna take it?
* DarKrow is listening to - 2 - Pink Floyd - Learning to Fly ( 5:15 )
TServo4No, I'm asking you, Who?
Calvin-CroweWho wrote it?
TServo4No no no...WHO WROTE IT!?
UrbanDThe Band did We're Not Gonna Take It?
DarKrowPete Townshend
TServo4Yes, Who sung it
Calvin-CroweWho has him?
UrbanDwait, who?
TServo4What band sung it?!
UrbanDwho was he?
TServo4I dunno! that's why I asked you!
UrbanDwait, he was who again?
Calvin-CroweDK, even a little cretin like Qrow can answer me....WHO WROTE THAT SONG?
UrbanDWho was The Band?
Calvin-CroweI'm ASKING YOU!
TServo4DeeK!  ANSWER US?
Calvin-CroweYES! didn't make that song!
Calvin-CroweDK, who really wrote that?
TServo4They did, "Owner of A Lonely Heart"!
UrbanDwait, I thought The Band was someone else.
TServo4*YES Orchestra Hit*
DarKrow"Owner of a lon-ly heart!"
* Sound request: can't find 'rimshot.wav'
[UrbanD SOUND]
DarKrow"Much better than the..."
DarKrow"Owner of a bro-ken heart!"
DarKrow"Owner of a bro-ken heaaaaaaart!"
Calvin-CroweWho sang "Owner of a loneyly gearT?"
DarKrow"Owner of a lon-ly heaaaaaaaart!"
TServo4Okay, DeeK...we know.
Calvin-CroweWho sang "Owner of a lonely heart?"
TServo4The band, "Yes".
Calvin-CroweThen who sang we're not going to take it?
TServo4aww forget it.
* DarKrow is listening to - 3 - Pink Floyd - Keep Talking ( 6:52 )
Calvin-CroweWhy won't you answer me?
UrbanDwhy the hell won't my Search work anymore?
Calvin-CroweWho wrote songs with Pete Townshead?
* UrbanD snickers
Calvin-CroweYes wrote songs with Pete Townshead?
DarKrowno Who did
Calvin-CroweI"M ASKING YOU!
* Sound request: can't find 'rimshot.wav'
[UrbanD SOUND]
Calvin-Croweon the hill?
* Sound request: can't find 'tickets.wav'
[TServo4 SOUND]
Calvin-CroweI BRB
Calvin-CroweWho wrote some songs
Calvin-CroweThe Who
Calvin-CroweSay the "iwetom" thing
UrbanDhahaha that routine works for WindowsMe, too.
UrbanDDid you buy the new version of Windows?
UrbanD>>> Me>
DarKrowScreenies of Windows 2001
UrbanD>>> Yeah.
UrbanDWhat's it called?
* Sound request: can't find 'iwetem.wav'
[TServo4 SOUND]
UrbanD>>> Me.
UrbanDYeah, you.
TServo4I dun have it here, though.
Calvin-CroweWhat is that?
*** Calvin-Crowe (icu@brga1pool0-a105.blrg.tds.net) Quit (Quit: Ping Timeout)
*** Calvin-Crowe has left IRC
UrbanDwhat is that, dk?
DarKrowWindows Whistler
DarKrowWin 2001
* DarKrow is listening to - 4 - Pink Floyd - Coming Back To Life ( 6:55 )
UrbanDlooks fake to me.
DarKrowIt's beta
UrbanDlooks fake to me.
UrbanDso what is Win2001 an upgrade to?  2000, or Me?
DarKrowIt's gonna combine both OSes into one
DarKrowAll versions of Win 2001 will be NT Based
UrbanD..so what is Me right now?
DarKrowWinMe is based on Win9x
UrbanDbut 9x ran on DOS.
DarKrowI know
UrbanDMe doesn't.
DarKrowWinMe hides DOS
DarKrowyou can get to it with a small, free hack. Or a boot disk
DarKrowcheck cNet
UrbanDit runs a dos emulation, but you can't boot to dos
DarKrowyou can boot to DOS with a boot disk
DarKrowand with the hack
DarKrowI like the new Themes in Whistler. It makes WindowBlinds obsolete
TServo4Heh...Mr. Frump in the Iron Lung is funnt.
UrbanDi know the url, but what image has a theme?
* DarKrow is listening to - 5 - Pink Floyd - Hey You ( 4:38 )
UrbanDi remember when PC users laughed at macs for having cute little icons, likening them to baby or toy computers.
UrbanDnow we have this: http://www.m0ss.com/Images/Whistler2250/controlpanel1.jpg
UrbanDdeek, can you help me with the DOS hack?
* DarkonZero is now back! Away cause - 4,1(MST3K is on in my time zone.....)4,1
* DarkonZero is now away! - 4,1Reason:(I gotsa work....makes da money....pays da bills...getsa a hooker.)4,1
* DarKrow is listening to - 6 - Pink Floyd - A Great Day For Freedom ( 4:30 )
DarKrowcheck www.cnet.com
DarKrowI'm busy
UrbanDthe hack is on.. cnet?
* DarKrow is listening to - 7 - Pink Floyd - Sorrow ( 10:48 )
UrbanDi canna find it.  let me know when you're unbusy.
DarKrowcheck the cNet sites
DarKrowi think it was on help.com
UrbanDi did search .. nothing doing.
* UrbanD stares at his 270kb/s download speed
TServo4gotta go
*** TServo4 (TServo4@user-2ivebl8.dialup.mindspring.com) Quit (Quit: Later...I guess...)
*** TServo4 has left IRC
* DarKrow is listening to - 8 - Pink Floyd - High Hopes ( 7:52 )
* DarKrow is away: auto-dead after 15 minutes [l\off] [p\off]
* DarKrow is back -- gone for 22s
DarKrowdamn autoaway
* DarKrow is listening to - 9 - Pink Floyd - Another Brick In The Wall ( 7:07 )
*** UrbanD (~noth1ng@x130-65-213-13.sjsu.edu) has left #Deep13
JoMommaWhistler reminds me of things like Encarta
JoMommathe way they draw the title bar buttons and such
JoMommabut try and tell me that DOESN'T have a Mac-like look to it
JoMommaack... new start menu is funky
*** UrbanD (~noth1ng@x130-65-213-13.sjsu.edu) has joined #Deep13
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o UrbanD
* UrbanD ninjas his way in, pretty pretty dancing all the while.
* Sound request: can't find 'prettydancing.wav'
[UrbanD SOUND]
* DarKrow is listening to - 1 - Pink Floyd - Speak To Me ( 2:29 )
*** DarKrow (rich@client-151-197-120-207.bellatlantic.net) Quit (phoenix.ky.us.mysteria.net voyager.il.us.mysteria.net)
*** DarKrow has left IRC
JoMommaahh firewall too
*** DarKro_ (rich@client-151-197-120-207.bellatlantic.net) has joined #Deep13
*** UrbanD (~noth1ng@x130-65-213-13.sjsu.edu) Quit (Quit: this is your world in which we grow, and we will grow to hate you.)
*** UrbanD has left IRC
*** DarKro_ (rich@client-151-197-120-207.bellatlantic.net) Quit (Ping timeout)
*** DeRaptor is on IRC
*** DeRaptor has left IRC
*** DeRaptor is on IRC
*** DeRaptor has left IRC
*** DeRaptor is on IRC
*** DeRaptor has left IRC
*** JoMomma (jomomma@cn891270-a.wall1.pa.home.com) Quit (Quit: You are the driver... what would you do... if this happened to you. Manos...)
*** JoMomma has left IRC
*** JoMomma is on IRC
*** JoMomma has left IRC
*** JoMomma is on IRC
*** JoMomma has left IRC
*** JoMomma is on IRC
*** JoMomma has left IRC
*** JoMomma is on IRC
*** JoMomma has left IRC
*** JoMomma is on IRC
*** JoMomma has left IRC
*** JoMomma is on IRC
*** JoMomma has left IRC
*** JoMomma is on IRC
*** JoMomma has left IRC
*** JoMomma is on IRC
*** JoMomma has left IRC
*** JoMomma is on IRC
*** JoMomma has left IRC
*** Arven (Mike@AC8325BC.ipt.aol.com) has joined #Deep13
*** Arven (Mike@AC8325BC.ipt.aol.com) Quit (Connection reset by peer)
*** Joel is on IRC
*** Joel (sirmegagig@AC8F9BD5.ipt.aol.com) has joined #deep13
*** Joel (sirmegagig@AC8F9BD5.ipt.aol.com) has left #deep13
*** Joel has left IRC
*** TServo4 is on IRC
*** TServo4 (TServo4@user-2ive60c.dialup.mindspring.com) has joined #deep13
TServo43 people.
TServo4That's it.
TServo4Just 3.
*** TServo4 (TServo4@user-2ive60c.dialup.mindspring.com) Quit (Quit: Later...I guess...)
*** TServo4 has left IRC
*** Greidanus is on IRC
*** Greidanus (Greidanus@isp15-102.ply.adelphia.net) has joined #Deep13
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Greidanus
*** Greidanus (Greidanus@isp15-102.ply.adelphia.net) Quit (Quit: Hi-keeba!!)
*** Greidanus has left IRC
*** Arven (Mike@AC833329.ipt.aol.com) has joined #Deep13
*** Jef (Jef@AC9F99D4.ipt.aol.com) has joined #deep13
Jefwocka chicka!
*** Jef (Jef@AC9F99D4.ipt.aol.com) Quit (Quit: )
*** Arven (Mike@AC833329.ipt.aol.com) Quit (Quit: Habbsbabbadingdong to you too!)
*** Arven (Mike@ACAF04C1.ipt.aol.com) has joined #Deep13
*** Arven (Mike@ACAF04C1.ipt.aol.com) Quit (Quit: Habbsbabbadingdong to you too!)
*** Arven (Mike@ACAF04C1.ipt.aol.com) has joined #Deep13
*** Arven (Mike@ACAF04C1.ipt.aol.com) Quit (Quit: Habbsbabbadingdong to you too!)
*** Arven (Mike@ACAF04C1.ipt.aol.com) has joined #Deep13
*** Arven (Mike@ACAF04C1.ipt.aol.com) Quit (Quit: Habbsbabbadingdong to you too!)
*** Arven (Mike@ACAF04C1.ipt.aol.com) has joined #Deep13
*** Arven (Mike@ACAF04C1.ipt.aol.com) Quit (Quit: Habbsbabbadingdong to you too!)
*** RobertoKay is on IRC
*** RobertoKay (hquiej@we-24-24-189-165.we.mediaone.net) has joined #Deep13
*** RobertoKay (hquiej@we-24-24-189-165.we.mediaone.net) has left #Deep13
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*** Arven (Mike@ACAD22B4.ipt.aol.com) has joined #Deep13
*** Arven (Mike@ACAD22B4.ipt.aol.com) has left #Deep13
*** Greidanus is on IRC
*** Greidanus (Greidanus@isp15-80.ply.adelphia.net) has joined #Deep13
* Greidanus pokes DZ
Greidanuseven Jo isn't in here. weird.
* Greidanus dumps buckets of stagnant water on DZ
*** DarKrow is on IRC
*** DarKrow (rich@client-151-197-120-88.bellatlantic.net) has joined #Deep13
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o DarKrow
*** DarKrow sets mode: +o Greidanus
DarKrowIt's almost Rocky Horror time!
* DarKrow smells toast... and throws it at his screen
DarKrowA Toast!
* DarKrow pokes people
*** rockerbot27 (rockerbot2@nas-23-197.la.navipath.net) has joined #Deep13
DarKrowyou awake out there?
DarKrowHey rocker!
* DarKrow is listening to - 3 - Rocky Horror Picture Show Soundtrack - Over at the Frankenstein Place ( 2:45 )
rockerbot27LuckyCaptianRabbitKing.......? I'm glad I wasn't here earlier...sounds scary
DarKrowI'm just listening to some music to get in the mood for tonight
rockerbot27What'are ya doin?
DarKrowGoin' to the show
DarKrowthe Rocky Horror Picture Show
* rockerbot27 slaps her forehead
rockerbot27Nobody else is awake......how nice
* DarKrow is listening to - 4 - Rocky Horror Picture Show Soundtrack - The Time Warp ( 3:19 )
rockerbot27It seems like Sent is always sleeping
* DarKrow dances to The Time Warp
rockerbot27It's just that everytime I come, he's sleeping.....I dunno, maybe it's just me
DarKrowit's Sent
rockerbot27meh, I thought I slept too much
* DarKrow is away: Dinner [l\off] [p\off]
* Greidanus is back
rockerbot27Just in time for more silence
* Sound request: can't find 'kiltedyaksmen.wav'
[Greidanus SOUND]
*** TonicBH (BBrown9326@AC9CDCD0.ipt.aol.com) has joined #Deep13
* TonicBH Joins #Deep13, From a vortex in Mobius, Listening to some Music
Greidanusyou have this sound?
Greidanusdo you have kiltedyaksmen.wav?
Greidanusaccept, foo'!
rockerbot27Gimme a break, I'm surfing a bit right now
* Greidanus bangs kiltedyaksmen.wav into rocker's head over and over and over...
Greidanusoh... you did. hee
* Sound request: can't find 'kiltedyaksmen.wav'
[Greidanus SOUND]
* rockerbot27 shakes her head
rockerbot27Oh, hi Ton
*** Jef (Jef@ACA1C8C9.ipt.aol.com) has joined #deep13
TonicBH0,7Quote of idiocy:0,10 <TonicBH> Anyways, how do I do that? <jasoNic> step 1: send me money <jasoNic> step 2: get ripped off <jasoNic> step 3: you have to listen to all my jokes (#Deep13, Mysteria)
* TonicBH is still downloading that Quake 3 Demo
Jefheh heh
rockerbot27Shockwave was enough to try my patience
Jefim supposed to download aol 6.0, but, dling from aol it will take 3 hours... im going to wait for one of their crappy cd's to come in the mail
TonicBHI got a BETA Aol 6
Jefim not even going to think about that
rockerbot27I started downloading shockwave on my super slow computer, took a shower, and it was still loading when I was dressed and stuff
Jefpretty soon I have to get around to it and upload my new website, which will take about as long
* DarKrow is back -- gone for 11m 23s
* rockerbot27 kills the stupid angelfire popup
DarKrowMmm... Pizza
Sentroid-Sleepingyou're retahded
Sentroid-Sleepingyou are
DarKrowHi Sent
Jefplease do
Sentroid-SleepingHi Ricky
* DarKrow listens to the Time Warp
rockerbot27Hey, he's up!
*** Sentroid-Sleeping is now known as Sentroid91
*** Sentroid91 is on IRC
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Sat Nov 11 23:51:14 2000

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