
Session Start: Sat Oct 21 23:24:36 2000
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is 'Oh Lord, bless this thine hand grenade, and that it my blow thy enemies to tiny bits, in thy mercy...'
*** Set by Greidanus on Sat Oct 21 19:26:24
DeRaptorheeeeey deez.
* DeRaptor runs.
DarkonZeroNO DEEZ!
DarkAngelHi DZ
RobertoKayAnd so, that means having drugs are natural rights of ours.
* TonicBH milky way
TonicBHDark Zero!
DarkonZeroNow.....where did Miss France run off to?
RobertoKayDA, you misunderstood. Jesus didn't create the platypus.
DarkAngelHe didn't?
DeRaptorMiss France is melt, right?
DarkonZeroJesus created water polo.
RobertoKayGod did.
RobertoKayRemember? Jesus couldn't create anything.
DarkAngelAh, but we were TALKING about god.
DarkAngelOh wait
DeRaptorexcept a lot of wine. I guess that was the best thing he could find to get intoxicated with.
RobertoKayNo, were talking about Jesus.
DarkonZeroReligious Discussion 101?
RobertoKayYeah. Discussing whether Jesus was high or not.
DarkonZeroJesus looked like a hippie.....
RobertoKayDA stated that Jesus was high because he created the platypus.
RobertoKayHe did.
RobertoKayMore so on "Jesus Christ Superstar."
* TonicBH downloads Lump
* DarkonZero makes a lump.
DeRaptorso, melt is still jesus, right?
DarkonZeroMelty is the happy-go-lucky hippie.
TonicBHNo, the SONG Lump, DZ!
RobertoKay<TonicBH> Don't mock my favorite song!
DarkonZero<TonicBH> Now I gotta make a lump.
* TonicBH smacks Rob
TonicBHLump is NOT my fave song
TonicBHDTBS is.
RobertoKayDT... BS?
DarkonZeroDottie The Bisexual Surgeon?
RobertoKayAnd I was kidding with you, Tonic, which was the basis of my first joke.
TonicBHDare to be Stupid
RobertoKayIt's not a bad song.
DarkonZeroSancho.....more work on the subtle humor for the simple to understand.
RobertoKayTrue that,
DarkonZeroAnd now for something completely chaotic.
RobertoKayI think we were having a discussion on stoned deities.
* TonicBH thinks he has more Weird Al MP3s than anybody else in the room
DarkonZeroWell.....if there is a God...he/she must be stoned in order to create a platypus.
* DarkAngel would have more than Tonic, if he had the HD space, and a CD that would work with CD-Audio.
TonicBHcorrection: Jurassic Park is my favorite.
RobertoKayHow many, Tonic?
DarkonZero<TonicBH> 3
TonicBHhold on...
RobertoKayAnd don't think that I'm betting against you.
DarkAngelI have nearly 10 Weird Al CDs :P
DeRaptorI think you need to be more stoned to create humans than to create a platypus...
TonicBH15, including 1 music video.
DarkAngel15 mp3s?
jasoNi have all of Weird Al's CD's, so your mp3s don't impress me much
DarkonZeroShall we point and laugh?
DarkAngelI don't have many Weird Al mp3s, becasue THEYRE ALL ON CD
* DarkAngel points to his collection.
TonicBH& 1 Video.
jasoNi dont get how people have so many mp3s...my harddrive is full as so as it is
RobertoKayMy number is smaller, although I have 13.
RobertoKayBut no videos.
TonicBHN: INCLUDING Both Greatest Hits, Al in the Box, The TV & Food ALbums?
DarkAngelRunning with Scissors comes with a video.
RobertoKayNot necessarily a music video, DA.
jasoNdont have al in the box
TonicBH3 words: Uninstalling useless crap
jasoNbut i have the others
DarkAngelIts still a video.
TonicBH17DarkA17ngel1: Not on mine.
TonicBHJust 12 f'in tracks.
* TonicBH writes note to kill Bill Gates
TonicBHBut, I bought mine in August 2000
RobertoKayBy the way, my MP3 count has increased up to 200+
RobertoKay211, methinks.
* TonicBH wants Al in the Box more than any other album
* TonicBH wants CD Singles of Al as well.
DarkonZeroI had over 500......but those were all I made myself.
* TonicBH splashes everyone with water
* DeRaptor splashes ton with NaOH.
* DarkonZero kicks the two ninnyhammers.
DarkonZeroSTOP IT!
* TonicBH still wants CD Singles of Weird Al
* DarkAngel hides his CDs
jasoN2Quote:15,2 <ItIsTheCambotWhoIsMad> BobIshmael--$2.50. DeRaptor--$3.99. Goku--$3.64. Lyrics to Mr. Roboto--Priceless. Some things can't be bought, but for everthing else, there's American Express...unless you're Locdog.
* TonicBH gasps
* DeRaptor wonders why there are so many flies in her room all of a sudden.
DarkAngelTake a shower, De.
* DarkAngel runs.
TonicBHDZ said a De word
DeRaptorthey're like all flying at my light.
[TonicBH:#Deep13 PING]
DarkAngelDe, stop using the bug zapper as a room light.
DarkonZeroGuess they're smart.
-> [TonicBH] PING
* TonicBH has 4 CDs unrelated to normal music
TonicBH& she said, "feh".
jasoN2Quote:15,2 <Locdog07> * MeltingMan ponders the book "1001 Naughty uses for PEZ"..... <Locdog07> <TServo4> heh....oh deeeeee....
jasoN2Quote:15,2 * DeRaptor juggles her nuts. <DeRaptor> whee!
DarkonZeroWhat a haunting thought.
DarkonZeroI thought her being French was bad.
jasoN2Quote:15,2 <CallipyG> i'm moist!
DarkonZeroJust as bad.
jasoN2Quote:15,2 <Immortal> whiff my anus, now!
jasoNthey're not getting any better, huh?
TonicBHA Weird Al CD-$15. Another Weird Al CD-$15. Permanent Record: Al in the Box-$35. Getting an autograph from Weird Al-Priceless. There's some things money can't buy, everything else, there's some cheap card with a small credit limit.
DarkAngelNo, not really.
jasoN2Quote:15,2 <Timmyling> Wow, "IMM" is in "Timmyling." <Greidanus> heh * jasoN refrains <DeRaptor> and N is in Greidanus....WAIT! EWWW! AGH! * DeRaptor runs.
TonicBHWhat, Mastercard?
DarkAngelTonic is lagging.
jasoN2Quote:15,2 <Sentroid91> <Mepitans> HAHA! NAKED DARKRAI MAKES ME NUTS JUGGLE!
jasoN2Quote:15,2 <jasoN> be a man <UrbanD> no.
* TonicBH smacks himself
* jasoN smacks tonic
DeRaptor/addq  <Timmyling> Wow, "IMM" is in "Timmyling." <Greidanus> heh * jasoN refrains <DeRaptor> and N is in Greidanus....WAIT! EWWW! AGH! * DeRaptor runs.
DeRaptor[23:53] <TonicBH> What, Mastercard?
DeRaptor/addq  <Timmyling> Wow, "IMM" is in "Timmyling." <Greidanus> heh * jasoN refrains <DeRaptor> and N is in Greidanus....WAIT! EWWW! AGH! * DeRaptor runs.
DeRaptor[23:53] <TonicBH> What, Mastercard?
DeRaptorAdded quote 0,1<Timmyling> Wow, "IMM" is in "Timmyling." <Greidanus> heh * jasoN refrains <DeRaptor> and N is in Greidanus....WAIT! EWWW! AGH! * DeRaptor runs.
TonicBHWhat should I do!
DarkonZeroN....remember.....De can't find hunor by herself....
jasoN 2Quote containing quote stealer:15,2 <Goku> QUOTE STEALER!!!!!!!!!!!! <Goku> QUOTE STEALER!!!!!!!!!!!! <Goku> NO! <Goku> AGH!!!!!!!!!! <Sloloem> I was there last night when it was said <Sloloem> I just didn't quote then <Sloloem> I have log proof <Goku> Jeeze, I don't care that much
*** TonicBH has quit IRC (Quit: Do NOT mess with me, punk.)
DarkonZeroHumor even.
*** RobertoKay has quit IRC (Quit: ¿Quien soy yo? Find out at http://www.crosswinds.net/~manosmen)
*** RobertoKay has left IRC
jasoN2Quote:15,2 <UrbanD> r u ppls on it now?
DarkonZeroRobby leaving unannounced.......that ain't kosher.
jasoNi am offended
DarkonZeroAs am I.
DarkAngelUH OH
* jasoN files a formal complaint
* DarkonZero files an umformal complaint...but is equally as good as N's complaint.
jasoN2Quote:15,2 * TonicBH is listening to Weird ak <TonicBH> Ack <TonicBH> Al, even <Greidanus> weird ACK!
*** TonicBH has joined #Deep13
jasoNwell done, DZ
DarkonZeroI guess I get my "n" and "m" mixed up nowdays.
jasoNit happens
* TonicBH just got a kooky email about porn
DarkAngelI like umformal complaints.
jasoNkooky porn!
TonicBHThe email address: ivanahumpalot@iwon.com
DarkonZero<TonicBH> I check it out later when no one knows.
jasoN<TonicBH> Oh, kooky porn, take me away
* TonicBH smacks DZ
* DarkonZero gave TonicBH a BOOT TO THE HEAD!
* jasoN ducks
DarkonZeroThere....I feel better.
* TonicBH smacks N
* TonicBH falls to floor & sees stars
DarkonZeroI'd give De a BOOT TO THE HEAD......but it ain't Christmas yet.
jasoN2Quote:15,2 <MSTAnon> Woo-hoo! Thanks, jasoN! <ThejasoN> is that one ok? <DarkonZero> <MSTAnon> NO! MAKE MORE! <DarkonZero> <MSTAnon> MAKE MORE OR THIS DOMINATRIX WILL BEAT YOU...and I'll watch. <MeltingMan> Hehehe....wow
* TonicBH sleeps
jasoNDZ, that's one of your best quotes ever
*** TonicBH is now known as Tonic-Knockedout
jasoNOn that day, you became my hero
DarkonZeroI thought my quote about Plankster was funnt.
jasoNwhich one was that?
DarkonZeroHis identity crisis.
jasoN15No quotes containing 2Plankster15 were in my file.
DarkAngeljquote, search Plankster
jasoN15No quote containing 2Plankster15 were in my file.
DarkonZeroI'm talkin' of Bobby Plank.
DarkonZeroEr.....whatever he's going by now.
DarkonZeroNut Juggler.....
Session Close: Sun Oct 22 00:00:00 2000

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