
Session Start: Fri Sep 29 22:17:27 2000
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is 'Klan meeting tonight was cancelled due to excessive BLACK RAGE!'
*** Set by Sentroid91 on Fri Sep 29 21:06:20
* DarkonZero ducks and covers.
KatLadyhey DZ
IncredibleMeltingManHi there, DZ!
DarkonZeroHey all.
* DarkonZero goes back to ducking and covering.
* DeRaptor throws pillows
* IncredibleMeltingMan gets a pillow in his face.
* Mepitans gives De BIG HUGS
IncredibleMeltingManHeh, Mep's so nice, eh?
* KatLady gets a pillow in the mouth and starts spewing feathers
DarkonZeroMeps.....he got that gentle touch.
* Mepitans gives everyone BIG HUGS
* DarkonZero goes back to ducking and covering.
MepitansIt is nice time for meps
MepitansNo sarcasm
Mepitansno scarring
MepitansJust nice Meps
KatLadypracticing the school shooting drill, huh DZ?
* Sentroid91 still need a graphics mastah... even more so now that he made the other half of his project
* DarkonZero goes back to ducking and covering.
Sentroid91i b
[Sentroid91 SOUND]
* DeRaptor hits Mep with a pillow
* Mepitans hugs the pillow
DarkonZeroIt's been 7 long years since I've been in school.
* DarkonZero goes back to ducking and covering.
Sentroid91okay.. how bout this.....
* RobertoKay is impressed with his MP3 list on text.
RobertoKay154 and counting.
Sentroid91either one of you graphics mastah's helps me... or I cut out that pic of De in 62 or 63.gif and paste it onto my project
MepitansI have 800 on the other computer and about 70 on this one
DarkonZeroI only got 117.....but I ripped them just for broadcasting.
MepitansAre you covering?
DarkonZero32kbps they are.
* DarkonZero goes back to ducking and covering.
Sentroid91okay... it's your funerals..
Sentroid91oh, and it's 73.gif, BTW
*** DarKrow is on IRC
*** DarKrow has joined #Deep13
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o DarKrow
DarkonZeroHey DK.
KatLadyheya DeeK
* DarkonZero goes back to ducking and covering.
MepitansI am in nice Mep mode!
IncredibleMeltingManHey there, DK>
RobertoKayDo you need a desk, DZ?
MepitansNo sarcasm, or scarryness, or pissing people off@
* DarKrow is very happy now
RobertoKayAnd hi, DK.
DarkonZeroNice Mep.....reminds me of ShinyBob.
* DarkonZero goes back to ducking and covering.
DarKrowThat was amazing
MepitansShiny Bob is in the closet
MepitansI am not.
DarKrowthe best friggin' RHPS I've been to
MepitansHow could we be similar?
RobertoKayYou guys both hit the same bong every day.
Sentroid91hmm... I curse that Anon
DarKrowThey had the best damn Frank i've ever seen. Same with Columbia
* RobertoKay goes away to see the criminal action.
* DarkonZero goes back to ducking and covering.
Sentroid91in bed
DarkonZeroBest place.
* DarkonZero goes back to ducking and covering.
Sentroid91in the bed
DarkonZeromore like under.
* DarkonZero goes back to ducking and covering.
Sentroid91under the in bed
MepitansI am being nice, please stop saying I use drugs, I do not find this comedic.  It hurts my feelings.
DarkonZeroMeps....you're high on sugar.
* Sentroid91 wonders why his Russian Grandfather must hide under the bed instead of in it
* DarkonZero goes back to ducking and covering.
DarkonZeroOld version Darkon is back. I am now back to V.0.
* DarkonZero goes back to ducking and covering.
Sentroid91okay so let's all vote..... okay well first i'll explain myself....
MepitansI am a very nice man.
Sentroid91ah, so that explains the looping
*** UrbanD is on IRC
DarkonZeroNext on cops!
*** UrbanD has joined #Deep13
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o UrbanD
* UrbanD ninjas his way in, pretty pretty dancing all the while.
* DarkonZero goes back to ducking and covering.
* Sound request: can't find 'prettydancing.wav'
[UrbanD SOUND]
IncredibleMeltingManHe there URban.
KatLadyhey Urb
UrbanDhello all my peoples!
Sentroid91anyways.... I was walking in college today, and I saw an ad for NFL2K1 for Dreamcast, followed by the words "THE WHOLE COUNTRY IS INBOUNDS
UrbanDhello to mep!
UrbanDand hello to melt!
UrbanDand hello to kat!
KatLadyguess what Urb?
* RobertoKay dances like he's never danced before in revelry.
UrbanDand hello to .. manny!
DeRaptor'lo urb at sjsu.
UrbanDwhat, kat?
MepitansManny would you like to see me dance?
KatLadyI'm an op in #Satelliteoflove
* RobertoKay is too busy dancing to answer questions.
Sentroid91so anyways... I had a good idea to change this to D13C2K1 and the slogan to "THE WHOLE COUNTRY IS IN BED"
RobertoKayBut dance if you want to.
KatLadywell exuuuuuuuuuuse me if I happen to be proud of it.
* UrbanD dances like he don't even care!
UrbanDno, it's cool, kat.
UrbanDthe whee was a serious whee
UrbanDnot a sarcastic whee
KatLadyi see
* RobertoKay dances to the prevailing of justice.
Sentroid91and of course changing the football guy on the cover to either 1) A pic of our toon people sillouttes in front of a NYC skyline....
* DarKrow dances to the memories of RHPS
MepitansI am in nice Mep mode, so I cannot say "Big fucking deal"
* UrbanD dances to the beat of Yanni!
Sentroid91and if I cannot find a mastah graphics artist, i'll have to settle for that freaky De pic at http://www.msties.com/spotlite/gateway73.JPG  
*** DarKrow has quit IRC (Quit: * DarKrow opens the Multiverse Vortex and jumps in. The vortex closes behind him. ( http://www.electricstoat.com/rich ))
*** DarKrow has left IRC
MepitansHow many people are going to be at D13?
Sentroid91there's also a 3). But I can't think of one yet
Sentroid91Beats me
Sentroid91I know i'm going, though
MepitansYou could get group rates on alot of stuff
Mepitansif yuo call in advance
* UrbanD is working on .. uh .. his animation!
Sentroid91Hopefully Anon won't be
DarkonZeroNot sure if I will go...since I'll be  probably meeting Bob for the San Diego Comic Con......
* DarkonZero goes back to ducking and covering.
Sentroid91  9,1Quote containing pokemon: 1,9 <BobIshmael> I have green hair, so I must have a life. * BobIshmael points to his newly greened hair. <CallipyG> Are you hanging out with the "wrong crowd" again? <Sentroid91> Yeah, he's hanging around with the San Diego Pokemon Fan Club <BobIshmael> Yeah, Sent, that's it. <Briggs> It all makes sense now.
MepitansSee, nice mep is helpful
UrbanDwhat do you need a graphics artist for, sent?
Sentroid91well for me, this con will be costing $0
Sentroid91I need someone to make the #1 I was thinking of
* RobertoKay needs to go to the SDCC as well.
RobertoKayWell, hopes.
Sentroid91they silloutte of our toons in front of the NYC skyline
UrbanDoh.  you need a cartoonist.
DarkonZeroSancho...same here.
* DarkonZero goes back to ducking and covering....
Sentroid91no. I need a graphic artist
Sentroid91a mastah graphics artist
UrbanDor a cartoonist.  that can draw cartoons.  of your character silouhettes.
RobertoKayI'm gonna close it now, DZ.
* DarkonZero goes back to ducking and covering....
RobertoKayLet me wait until it ends...
DarkonZeroYou got 30 seconds.
* DarkonZero goes back to ducking and covering....
Sentroid91you can't imagine how painfully annoying that's starting to get, my russian grandfather
UrbanDheh.  i concur, gustapo.
MepitansBye people, I love you all.
RobertoKayGOOD GOD!
MepitansNice Mep must leave now.
DarkonZeroWho's Russian....and a grandfather?
*** Mepitans has quit IRC (Quit: )
*** Mepitans has left IRC
Sentroid91this guy....
[Sentroid91 SOUND]
* RobertoKay faints...
Sentroid91<Sent's Russian Grandfather> Oh... crappies
IncredibleMeltingManHeh, you should put a limit on what the can download.
RobertoKayWell, the guy has a T3.
RobertoKayAnd he's downloaded 9 tracks already without my knowing.
UrbanDwhat album?
DarkonZeroWell....you were listening to winamp and chattin'.....
*** KatLady has left #Deep13
*** KatLady has joined #Deep13
IncredibleMeltingMan<Rob> Spice World
KatLadyclosed the wrong window
UrbanDi'll say.
RobertoKayGod no, Melt.
RobertoKayThat's it.
IncredibleMeltingManI'm sorry.  That was mean.
RobertoKayIt was...
Sentroid91okay... I did the prototype for my little banner... who wants it?
* RobertoKay gives Melt a Puritan flogging.
IncredibleMeltingManI'm sorry already!
DarkonZeroBefore I get razzed.....
* DarkonZero hides his Bis CDS.
IncredibleMeltingManBix is cool!
IncredibleMeltingManBis, even
DeRaptor<Melt> They sing about powerpuff girls! tee hee.
[KatLady SOUND]
DarkonZeroWhat? I don't have Bis cds?
DarkonZeroSecond ? to !
* IncredibleMeltingMan has his sounds off...so so he can't hear stuff.
IncredibleMeltingManWell, get some.
DarkonZero"Tell It To The Kids".......never heard of that song.
Sentroid91nobody wants my D13C2K1 proto ad?
KatLadyyou have a D13C2K1 proto ad?
Sentroid91brandy new
DarkonZerowww.bisnation.com.....never been there!
KatLadycan I see or whatever?
Sentroid91Made it without the help of a graphics mastah
DeRaptortell me who all's gonna be at d132k1 and I'll draw it.
Sentroid91heh... right
IncredibleMeltingManOkay, DZ.
Sentroid91you'll draw it... like you made the new MSTieGate logo
KatLadythankees Sent
* Sentroid91 should add that De pic as assurance that De will make the NYC skyline graphic
DeRaptorI made you a nice logo already
Sentroid91yeah... last year
Sentroid91anybuddy else want the proto banner?
RobertoKay<MSTManos> Hi.
RobertoKay <MSTManos> Enjoyed downloading a whole CD off of me?
RobertoKay <surprize_package> hell ya i appreciate it
RobertoKayThis is on Napster.
KatLadyhehehee. it's really funnt Sent!
Sentroid91heh. thanks
DarkonZeroThere's that boost of confidence that everyone needs!
KatLadyI likes it.
* UrbanD runs and hugs De!
Sentroid91it's about this time that a crickets.wav would come in handy since nobody's even responding to my question.
KatLadybye bye all!
* RobertoKay does.
Sentroid91problem is I no longer have a crickets.wav
KatLadyand good night too1
Sentroid91k, Robby
* /sound: no such file 'crickets.wav'
DarkonZeroThere was a quiz?
UrbanDdamn.  i missed class when they announced that.
DarkonZeroI failed!
Sentroid91Go back to bed, DZ
KatLadygotta go now
Sentroid91k. c-ya
KatLadybye SEnt
*** KatLady has left #Deep13
Sentroid91Did Mep poison you guys again?
DarkonZeroUrb........you know you have to share.
DarkonZeroCome on, man!
*** KatLady has left IRC
UrbanDhere, you can have some Cheerios.
DarkonZeroI didn't want Cheerios.
UrbanDwell, who's fault is that?
DarkonZeroNot mine.
UrbanDmaybe you should learn to want Cheerios.
* Sentroid91 throws Urkel-O's at both Urb and DZ
DarkonZeroHell.....time for some Raisin Bran.
* RobertoKay teaches Urb something... with a Puritan flogging!
Sentroid91eat this, dammit
UrbanDbanana and strawberry flavoured Ukrel-O's!!!
UrbanDrussian fud.
Sentroid91in bed
* DarkonZero eats his Raisin Bran...
Sentroid91in... you know where
DeRaptor<Rob> Mmmmm...kinky puritan floggings!
* DeRaptor runs.
*** AboveAverageMeltingMan has joined #Deep13
UrbanDmm! kinky stuff!
AboveAverageMeltingManHi again.
*** IncredibleMeltingMan was kicked by UrbanD (UrbanD)
DeRaptorwb YOU
*** UrbanD sets mode: +o AboveAverageMeltingMan
*** IncredibleMeltingMan has left IRC
* RobertoKay gives De a fat-assed Puritan flogging.
AboveAverageMeltingManThank you.
RobertoKay<MSTManos> I would imagine you have a CD-RW ready to go.
RobertoKay <surprize_package> im keepin it on my computer for now
RobertoKay <surprize_package> just got nap today
RobertoKay <MSTManos> Ah.
RobertoKay <MSTManos> Running a T3 line for real?
RobertoKay <surprize_package> yep CSUN
RobertoKay <surprize_package> dorms
RobertoKay <MSTManos> Cal State Northridge?
RobertoKay <MSTManos> Kick-ass.
*** AboveAverageMeltingMan is now known as IncredibleMeltingMan
*** IncredibleMeltingMan is on IRC
RobertoKayContinued from Napster.
*** Sentroid91 changes topic to 'Rosh Shahana does some weird fucking shit to people... especially in here.'
DarkonZeroTHE HOLY HELL!?!?!
UrbanDis that holiday today?
Sentroid91it was
UrbanDthat's funny, cuz the other day i saw some "HAPPY ROSH SHAHANA" pr0n on a newsgroup.
RobertoKaySince when?
Sentroid91since Friday
* UrbanD ninjas his way in, pretty pretty dancing all the while.
* Sound request: can't find 'prettydancing.wav'
[UrbanD SOUND]
Sentroid91oh... crappies
* Sound request: can't find 'hurtde2.wav'
[Sentroid91 SOUND]
* RobertoKay needs to find a way to live in college dorms for free, T3/T1 Internet access.
DarkonZeroKill someone.
Sentroid91in bed
UrbanDlots of colleges have regulations about bandwidth abuse.
RobertoKayOnce I go to college, anyways.
DarkonZeroKill someone.
RobertoKaySo, the guy who just downloaded a whole CD off of me will be gone in minutes.
* UrbanD hides./
Sentroid91that'll be awhile though
Sentroid91And i'm sure it'll be twice as long away for whatshisface
DeRaptormy sister really likes the f word
UrbanDxquote, search I like
Sentroid91  9,1Quote containing I like: 1,9 *** Now talking in #30waqas *** Topic is 'hi, im waqas. i am a gayfer bucktoohth bastard i like to fuc* chickens <omega> i lufe you, waqas mor than tom curze! <Lodovik> HAHAHA YOU MAKE ME NUTS JUGGLE!'
Sentroid91she likes the word farmer?
RobertoKayI'm now an official MP3 pimp.
DarkonZero<BobIshmael> How very odd......
UrbanDxquote, search I like pipe bombs
Sentroid911There are no quotes with2 I like pipe bombs 1in them, foo!
UrbanDxquote, search I like pipe
Sentroid911There are no quotes with2 I like pipe 1in them, foo!
UrbanDxquote, search pipe bombs
Sentroid911There are no quotes with2 pipe bombs 1in them, foo!
UrbanDwho has that quote?
Sentroid919,1No quotes containing 1,9i got knife9,1 were in my file.
Sentroid91  9,1Quote containing i got: 1,9 <MSTManos> I think since omega did that to CG, we should be allowed to nuke him. <CallipyG> hehe <CallipyG> i think so too <MSTManos> Yep. <MSTManos> <Kitana> no. nukes are bad. one nuke = k-line <MSTManos> <Kitana> k-line for all of you <MSTManos> <Kitana> nuking is not a right it is a privelege <MSTManos> <MrB> You are evading a nuke <MSTManos> <Lodovik> NUKES MAKE ME NUTS JUGGLE! <MSTManos> <omega> waht
RobertoKayxquote, search Hump
Sentroid91  9,1Quote containing Hump: 1,9 *** Sentroid91 is now known as Lodofoo * Lodofoo humps a dog <Lodofoo> [s9=mS] Now Playing: Mp3: C:\Program Files\Scour Exchange\My Files\Triumph_-_I_Will_Poop_On_You.mp3 <DeRaptor> Loc would probably enjoy that.
RobertoKayxquote, search BubbaHump
Sentroid91  9,1Quote containing BubbaHump: 1,9 *** Cal-Crowe is now known as BubbaHump <BubbaHump> DAH!!! *** BubbaHump is now known as BubbaGump <Sentroid91> Bubba Hump? <Sentroid91> Cal's become a porn star...... again <BubbaGump> Please look away from the humping
Sentroid91  9,1Quote containing I get it out: 1,9 <MSTAnon> I get it out for Halloween and Turkey Day.
Sentroid91  9,1Quote containing S&M: 1,9  <MSTAnon> S&M is good.
Sentroid91there was something else he said that I saved....
*** JoMomma has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
Sentroid91  9,1Quote containing GameCube: 1,9 <MSTAnon> The Gamecube announcement made me moist... <Sentroid91> in bed
DarkonZeroxquote, search plank
Sentroid911There are no quotes with2 plank 1in them, foo!
Sentroid91yeah, there was that
RobertoKayxquote, search breast
Sentroid91  9,1Quote containing breast: 1,9 <DeRaptor> And bring up some topic other than Bob's...ugh...*vomits again.* <Sentroid91> Bob's breasts?
Sentroid91  9,1Quote containing baby seat: 1,9 * MSTAnon wants his baby seat.
RobertoKayxquote, search "I'm
Sentroid911There are no quotes with2 "I'm 1in them, foo!
UrbanDwait, that one kid's name is really Bobby Plank?
RobertoKayxquote, search Anon is gay
Sentroid911There are no quotes with2 Anon is gay 1in them, foo!
RobertoKayxquote, search gay
Sentroid91  9,1Quote containing gay: 1,9 *** Now talking in #30waqas *** Topic is 'hi, im waqas. i am a gayfer bucktoohth bastard i like to fuc* chickens <omega> i lufe you, waqas mor than tom curze! <Lodovik> HAHAHA YOU MAKE ME NUTS JUGGLE!'
Sentroid91yeah... that guy... whatshisface
DarkonZeroxquote, search identity
Sentroid911There are no quotes with2 identity 1in them, foo!
UrbanDhow do you know thats his real name?
Sentroid91  9,1Quote containing Sears: 1,9 <Calvin-Crowe> Sent should be out of Sears by now * Calvin-Crowe slaps Sent91-Working around a bit with a large trout <Calvin-Crowe> HE CAN'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT THAT! * Sent91-Working gets out his acoustic equalizer. <Calvin-Crowe> EEK!!! * Calvin-Crowe RUNS!
DarkonZeroHmmm...seems that the thing I said about Lodo is forever lost.
RobertoKayxquote, search nuts
Sentroid91  9,1Quote containing nuts: 1,9 <MSTManos> I think since omega did that to CG, we should be allowed to nuke him. <CallipyG> hehe <CallipyG> i think so too <MSTManos> Yep. <MSTManos> <Kitana> no. nukes are bad. one nuke = k-line <MSTManos> <Kitana> k-line for all of you <MSTManos> <Kitana> nuking is not a right it is a privelege <MSTManos> <MrB> You are evading a nuke <MSTManos> <Lodovik> NUKES MAKE ME NUTS JUGGLE! <MSTManos> <omega> waht
Sentroid91delete "the thing I said about" from your sentence, DZ
RobertoKayThat... quote... isn't complete.
RobertoKayxquote, search rat
Sentroid91  9,1Quote containing rat: 1,9 <Greidanus> goddamn, there's a rat or something living on the top of my house... <Sentroid91> Lodovik is on your roof?
*** JoMomma has joined #deep13
Sentroid91  9,1Quote containing I do servo: 1,9 <TonicBH> I do Servo better than the others
RobertoKayxquote, search Sea World
Sentroid911There are no quotes with2 Sea World 1in them, foo!
RobertoKayxquote, search SeaWorld
Sentroid911There are no quotes with2 SeaWorld 1in them, foo!
RobertoKayxquote, search Hurricane Harbor
Sentroid91  9,1Quote containing Hurricane Harbor: 1,9 <BobIshmael> Well, as much as I'd love to continue in this conversation... I need to get to sleep and go back to having one of those... things tomorrow. <BobIshmael> Those things... What're they called? <Sentroid91> as do I. I've got something fun planned. <BobIshmael> Adios, pal. <Sentroid91> Ever hear of Hurricane Harbor? *** BobIshmael has quit IRC <Sentroid91> I guess not. He doesn't get out
Sentroid91  9,1Quote containing "a": 1,9 <JoMomma> there's an "a" in there ya know <Sentroid91> thaere? <JoMomma> no then I'd say <JoMomma> There's an "a" in "there" ya know <JoMomma> but I didn't
* Sentroid91 gives Urban a Lodo/Meppy vaccine
DarkonZeroUrb....you need Jesus.
IncredibleMeltingManCount Chocula is scary but he makes good cereal.
Sentroid91what'r you, Wesley Willis now?
RobertoKayNo... he needs Black Jesus.
DarkonZeroIt's an ongoing thing at my workplace.
Sentroid91Chris Rock?
Sentroid911,9[s9=mS]=Now Playing 9,1-9=9-+{9,1Wesley Willis - Jesus is the answer.mp3 9}+-9=1-9Size9-1=9-+{9 3.83MB 9}+-9=1-
DarkonZeroEveryone needs Jesus.....except for me.
DarkonZeroMeps....he'll scare Jesus.
UrbanDi edon't need jesus!
DarkonZeroBob will argue with Jesus.
DarkonZeroIronf will crush Jesus.
Sentroid911,9[s9=mS]=Now Playing 9,1-9=9-+{9,1wrestling - ECW - Rob Van Dam (Kilgore - Walk).mp3 9}+-9=1-9Size9-1=9-+{9 5.02MB 9}+-9=1-
Sentroid91Jesus and Pals
DarkonZeroLodo thinks he's Jesus.
*** Mepitans is on IRC
*** Mepitans has joined #Deep13
Sentroid91in bed
MepitansNice Mep is back
Sentroid91<Lodo in bed> I'M JESUS!
IncredibleMeltingManHiya Mep!
MepitansHi Melty!
DarkonZero<Lodo in bed with his stuffed animals thinking he's Jesus> FOLLOW ME FOR I AM YOUR SAVIOR!
Sentroid91<Lodo with his blow-up doll which his foster father, Vanilla Ice bought for him> I M LAFFING!
DarkonZeroThen afterwards...he sins with the stuffed animals.....moving on.
RobertoKayWhat would be more disturbing is if Lodo pulled out a guitar, and started singing about how much Jesus loves you with that Arnie Grape voice of his.
Sentroid91What's Eating Arnie Grape?
RobertoKayMore like Waths' gatEin bieAr ?peGra
Sentroid91That's the Romanian version
RobertoKayBut I don't know if mental retardation is linked to dyslexia...
DarkonZeroWell....I'm dyslexic....on my own assumptions.
Sentroid91Wahts Eatung tom curze?
Sentroid919,1No quotes containing 1,9Nato9,1 were in my file.
Sentroid91  9,1Quote containing clinton: 1,9 <NADO> I'm REpublican . I like Clinton
Sentroid91  9,1Quote containing grits: 1,9 <Priv_Michael_Ford> spricht hier jemand deutsch? <Sentroid91> Sieg heil mine furher <Priv_Michael_Ford> kannst du noch mehr deutsch Sentroid91? <Sentroid91> ja. <Priv_Michael_Ford> ok dann, ciao <Sentroid91> bite me <Priv_Michael_Ford> kiss my... <Sentroid91> grits? <Sentroid91> yes. it's kiss my grits. <Priv_Michael_Ford> are you all from america? <Sentroid91> No. We're all from the United States
Sentroid919,1No quotes containing 1,9monica9,1 were in my file.
Sentroid91  9,1Quote containing pie: 1,9 <freeze> jason Æ))) <Locdog07> Biography, tonight on Æ <Greidanus> Titan Æ <Sentroid91> ÆIOU <UrbanClean> In bÆd <Sentroid91> N bÆngs erotic pies <UrbanClean> oh wow! <jasoN> mmm...erotic pie * DeRaptor wants erotic pie! *** UrbanD is now known as EroticPie <DeRaptor> uh...unless it's Urban. <DeRaptor> that's an owl pie. That's not erotic.
*** UrbanD has quit IRC (Quit: this is your world in which we grow, and we will grow to hate you.)
*** UrbanD has left IRC
Sentroid91I think I should be going now
Sentroid91in bed
*** Sentroid91 is now known as Sentroid-Sleeping
*** Sentroid91 has left IRC
MepitansBye Sent
DarkonZero<BobIshmael> How very odd......
MepitansWhere is Bob?
Sentroid-SleepingBob is dead
MepitansDZ where is BOb?
DarkonZeroBob is fine iin the real world.
MepitansSent that is not nice, I am nice Mep so I will not be mean to you.
Sentroid-SleepingI know it's not nice, but don't you remember how much of a prick he was when he was last here?
DarkonZeroOther than that........I know nothing more about Bob.
MepitansWas I here?
RobertoKayJust when exactly WAS the last time Bob was here?
Sentroid-Sleepinglast time I can recall.....
Sentroid-Sleeping  9,1Quote containing hurricane harbor: 1,9 <BobIshmael> Well, as much as I'd love to continue in this conversation... I need to get to sleep and go back to having one of those... things tomorrow. <BobIshmael> Those things... What're they called? <Sentroid91> as do I. I've got something fun planned. <BobIshmael> Adios, pal. <Sentroid91> Ever hear of Hurricane Harbor? *** BobIshmael has quit IRC <Sentroid91> I guess not. He doesn't
Sentroid-Sleepingme go now
MepitansBob is cool now I guess
Sentroid-SleepingI wouldn't know
MepitansI rejected society so I could chat.
MepitansPeople suck.
Sentroid-Sleepingcept us
* RobertoKay has embraced society more, and yet, he's embraced this channel more at the same time.
MepitansYes....thats the ticket.
DarkonZeroHmmm......society has been treating me well.
RobertoKayWell, MY society.
MepitansI am in highschool
MepitansSociety sucks.
RobertoKayConformist soicety can kiss my Latino ass.
DeRaptorwell, uh...goodness prevails then! hurrah!
DarkonZeroHigh school society.
Sentroid-Sleeping<RobertoKay> I am King Thug! THE KING OF SoCal! HAHAHAHAHA!
Sentroid-Sleepinghey Robby... now that i'm thinking.... where abouts in SoCal do you live?
RobertoKayJust a few minutes away from Beverly Hills.
Sentroid-Sleepingand is it less than an hour away from Northridge?
Sentroid-Sleepinghmm... I think that's close.
RobertoKayBut in the boundaries of a ghetto and someplace... uh...
RobertoKayI'm not sure. Never been there.
RobertoKayFelt a 6.6 quake from there, but that's it.
Sentroid-Sleepinguh yeah
DarkonZeroMy town is considered ghetto outside the strip.
Sentroid-Sleepingjust curious, is all.
DarkonZeroThen...outside the ghetto area.....it's snobville.
RobertoKayI live in the boundary of the ghetto and suburbia.
Sentroid-SleepingDe lives 8 hours from my sister(who lives in Northridge) I could go back to Yosemite for a trip like that
RobertoKayAnd how am I involved?
DeRaptormy eye itches
Sentroid-Sleepingoh. I just figured perhaps there was a chance we could interact if in fact I did visit my sister
Sentroid-Sleepingyes, and your face is killing me
DarkonZeroHe's saying he'll visit.
Sentroid-Sleepingmore like he'd
DarkonZeroJust like I'm trying to do.
RobertoKayWe should have a pre-con.
Sentroid-Sleepingyeah, in January
RobertoKayAll the Western 13'ers... plus Sent.
DarkonZeroWhich con?
Sentroid-Sleepingwell I can't guarantee that i'd be able to get out there
DarkonZeroComic Con?
RobertoKayA pre-Deep13 Con.
Sentroid-Sleepingalthough I do have a new niece now, so perhaps I could pull something off
RobertoKayBut the SDCC is still on my mind.
RobertoKayOn a little child!?
DarkonZeroStealing candy from a baby again?
Sentroid-Sleepingexcept i'm a bit low on the $ now... which is why i'm rather pleased that we'll be in NYC in July since as i've said before will probably cost me $0
* RobertoKay tries not to attempt the $180 he's gotten for his birth... I mean... what's up with those Knicks?
DarkonZeroHmmmm.....July.......I think that's when the Comic Con is happeneing.
DarkonZeroOr August.
DarkonZeroSo.....I'll be broke.
Sentroid-Sleepingand probably the 3rd Gateway Kon
MepitansIt would cost me gas
Mepitanshotel MAYBE, if I wanted to stay with you guys
IncredibleMeltingManBruce Campbell's gonna be at the next Gateway con.
Mepitansif not I could stay with my cousin
Sentroid-SleepingI still can't imagine why the hell they would pick such a remote place
Mepitansand he could get me massive alcohol
RobertoKayWell, Bob said we should mail him around the time of its beginning.
Sentroid-Sleepingof what's beginning?
DarkonZeroComic Con.
RobertoKayThe Comic Con me, DZ and Bob are planning.
DarkonZeroWe're invading.
Sentroid-Sleepingwell I better go. gotta get up around 8
RobertoKayYou know something, DZ? I'm already eligible for a driver's learning permit...
DarkonZeroLater Sent.
Sentroid-Sleepingoh.. that reminds me...
DarkonZeroWell.....go get it Sancho.
RobertoKayI was thinking maybe afterwards, we could do a little... regional touring?
Sentroid-SleepingDZ... Robby... I have a licence
DarkonZeroto kill.
MepitansIf we got a hotel
RobertoKayIn bed.
Mepitanswould it be in NYC?
Mepitansor outside?
Sentroid-SleepingAnd I had another revelation.... renting a van for D13C2K1
RobertoKay<Sentroid-Sleeping> DZ... Robby... I have a licence <DarkonZero> to kill. <RobertoKay> In bed.
MepitansA 1982 custom GMC van?
Sentroid-Sleeping<Timmyling> 1984
RobertoKayThe book?
DarkonZeroSent...are you trying to say you'll run us over?
Sentroid-Sleepingno. the Van Halen album
DarkonZeroDo.....there is no try.
Sentroid-Sleepingno, i'm trying to say that i'm willing to be the chauffer for D13C2K1
RobertoKayUm... that's a lot of miles, though.
Sentroid-Sleepingand not just cause of that "If Chauffers Ruled the World" stuff either
Sentroid-Sleepingalot of miles? driving around NYC/NJ?
DarkonZeroI think Sent is trying to tell us to go to Jersey.
MepitansWe are invading the Stash
RobertoKayOh... I thought you meant...
Sentroid-Sleepingno, DZ i've done that already
Mepitansit is like 30-40 min from NYC?
RobertoKayHe has.
Sentroid-Sleepingfrom where I am?
* RobertoKay feels like getting his picture taken at the MSG.
Sentroid-Sleepingabout 30 by train
Mepitans30 by train
Mepitanswe are invading
RobertoKayIs it possible to be taken to the MSG?
RobertoKayI want to see what it's like.
Sentroid-Sleepingwe are invading..... my house?
MepitansWe are invading The Stash
RobertoKayMadison Square Garden.
Sentroid-Sleepinguh.. Mep....
DarkonZeroWe'll trash your house Sent....then leave.
Sentroid-SleepingThe Stash is in Red Bank
MepitansI know
MepitansThat is like 30-40 min from NYC right?
* RobertoKay wants to know what this Stash is.
Sentroid-Sleepingso then why the fu are you asking me how far I am from NYC?
Sentroid-SleepingIt's Kevin Smith's comic store
Mepitans<Mepitans> We are invading the Stash <Mepitans> it is like 30-40 min from NYC?
RobertoKayThe fat guy?
Sentroid-Sleepingwell in that case, it's got to be about an hour or so away from NYC
Sentroid-Sleepingyou can probably also take the train there
Sentroid-Sleepingi'm almost positive
MepitansIt would be somethign to do
Sentroid-SleepingNJ Transit trains rule
Mepitanstheres cool shit in Red Bank
Sentroid-SleepingHey, I know... let's go to Six Flags Hurricane Harbor</sarcasm>
DarkonZeroLet's just drive around in Philly and look for 'ling's house and trash it.
Sentroid-Sleepingthe one we have really sucked
Sentroid-SleepingI like the CA one alot better
Sentroid-Sleepinganyways... me go now.. c-yas
* /sound: no such file 'sleep.wav'
Sentroid-Sleeping  9,1Quote containing Darkrow punches N: 1,9 <Sent-ASLEEP[DoNotBother]> <mimmicking DK> GO TO SLEEP! GO TO SLEEP! * DarKrow punches N <Sent-ASLEEP[DoNotBother]> ? <DarKrow> DOH! <Sent-ASLEEP[DoNotBother]> HAH! <DarKrow> Sorry N * Sent-ASLEEP[DoNotBother] runs * DarKrow punches Sent
* RobertoKay suggests Hurricane Harbor for the pre-con.
DarkonZeroI'll think about it.
Sentroid-Sleepingthe CA one?
Sentroid-Sleepingor the shitty Jersey one?
RobertoKayYes, the CA one, now go to sleep, Sent.
RobertoKayI have to convince the kid that rest is important...
Sentroid-Sleeping<sleepily> that.....one's.....niiiiiice.......
* Sentroid-Sleeping zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz........offline
* DarkonZero puts Sent's hand in warm water.....
DarkonZeroTee hee!
* RobertoKay cannot believe there's actually a guy on Napster with an actual (ACTUAL!) 14.4k modem downloading off of him.
DarkonZeroSancho.....believe it.
RobertoKayAren't those obsolete?
RobertoKayOr dead?
RobertoKayLike the 386's?
* Sentroid-Sleeping comes out of his sleep and pics up his ice beam with whatever energy he has lef
DarkonZeroSurprisingly enough.....there are morons that don't know what modem they have too.
* Sentroid-Sleeping takes out his Ice Particle Beam and shoots DarkonZero with it.
* Sentroid-Sleeping watches as DarkonZero is turned into ice and then shatters into a thousand pieces.
* Sentroid-Sleeping collapses
*** deLatron has joined #deep13
Sentroid-Sleepinghmm.. De's cousin?
IncredibleMeltingManHey there, deLatron
deLatronsorry for the bust in
deLatronhi iMM
DarkonZeroThat sounds like a glam rockers name.
Sentroid-Sleepingthe busts?
*** Qrow3000 is on IRC
RobertoKayWe have no drugs. Honest.
RobertoKayNor do we have bootleg alcohol.
RobertoKayOr playing cards.
RobertoKayOr dance CDs.
deLatroni have to go then
MepitansYEs I have no drugs
MepitansDrugs are bad
RobertoKayOr Joe Don Baker porn.
DarkonZeroDisco forever!
MepitansTHey are for the bad people
* DarkonZero wounds himself.
deLatronyes you are right Mep
MepitansYes I am
* DarkonZero groans in pain since he is watching Gamera.
deLatronbust-in....I start greeting before i was greeted
* RobertoKay listens to the Doors for some semi-relaxation.
RobertoKayUh, the order of greeting really doesn't matter.
RobertoKayWe're not just any IRC room.
DarkonZeroWE ARE DEVO?
* DeRaptor belches loudly.
RobertoKayYes... we are Devo... and a burping dinosaur.
* RobertoKay doesn't even have one Devo MP3.
DarkonZeroSounds like someone ate too much bea curd.
DarkonZerobean even.
RobertoKayAunt Bea curd?
DarkonZeroSancho....I don't have any either.
DarkonZeroBy witch I mean Devo MP3s.
DarkonZeroI deleted all mine.
DarkonZeroBut I can alwyas make them again.
DarkonZeroDamn dyslexia.
MepitansGood night people
MepitansI love you all
DarkonZeroLater Meps.
MepitansThis is nice Mep, signing off
MepitansDZ I am nice Meps
DarkonZeroNice Meps......no pizza.
MepitansNice Meps loves
*** Mepitans has left #Deep13
*** Mepitans has left IRC
DarkonZeroNow he is Left Meps.
deLatrondeep13 have it nice
*** deLatron has left #deep13
DarkonZeroYes...it is rather late.
DeRaptorRobby should hear Devo.
DarkonZero1....2.....3.....4.....tell them abpout what she wore.
DarkonZeroShe wore an isty bitsy teenie weenie yellow polka-dot bikini!
DarkonZeroAnd on that note.....I duck and cover.
DeRaptorI know I let you tell me what to do...You were confident you knew best...
* DarkonZero ducks and covers.
DeRaptorNow things ain't workin' like you want them to, your confidence is what I detest
DeRaptorYou got me...lookin up high...you got me...searchin down low...you got me...I know you know...YOU GOT ME JERKIN BACK AND FORTH!
* Sound request: can't find 'jerkinbackandforth.mid'
[DeRaptor SOUND]
DeRaptorYou told me people like to suffer...You told me that's the way it is
DeRaptorYou said that things were getting better, you said I should accept all this
DeRaptorYou think it's funny...but what I say is true!
DeRaptorThe reason that I live like this is all because of you!
DarkonZeroTime to do some CD rippin'.
DarkonZeroActually...I'll do that later.
DeRaptornananana na nana na na na na na
DeRaptornanana na na nana nana  naaaaa
DarkonZeroHey kids......Gamera is drawn to energy!
DeRaptorcool! He'll be repelled from this room then!
* DarkonZero has nougat energy!
DarkonZeroD-E-V-O FROM O-H-I-O!
DarkonZeroSpace Girls are cold as ice...
DarkonZeroKiss you once....kiss you twice......
* IncredibleMeltingMan needs to buy the first Hardcore Devo CD at some point...
DarkonZeroYou shake...shiver.....then you're blue.
DarkonZeroNow you got the Space Girl Blues.
DarkonZeroI want your mechanism......
DarkonZeroI need your mechanism.
DarkonZeroI am a mechanical man.....
DarkonZeroI am a mechanical man.....
DarkonZeroTwo mechanical arms......
DarkonZeroTwo mechanical legs......
DarkonZeroI'm a 2+2=4 man.
DarkonZeroOne dumb thing.....is how it starts.
DarkonZeroOne dumb thing....is all it takes.
DeRaptor<IncredibleMeltingMan> Naughty lyrics make me happy!
DarkonZeroOne dumb thing......leads to another.....
DarkonZeroOne dumb thing......is how it started.
DarkonZeroOne dumb thing......is all he did.
DarkonZeroOne dumb thing......lead to another.....now it's over cause of one dumb thing.
DarkonZeroA glance.....a stance.....a broken romance.
DarkonZeroA disconnected tellephone.
Session Close: Sat Sep 30 00:00:00 2000

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