
Session Start: Sat Jan 26 15:56:59 2002
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is '2http://www.deep13.org | We don't hire Malaysian children.'
* DarkonZero idles for 15 mins.
CalSome sickos have nothing better to do than register URL's for stuff like that
DarkonZeroI shouldn't have registered thos damn URL's.....ooops.
*** TServo4 (trats_pmuj@nrbs.nohq.pqcd.odwg.this.chat.server) has joined #deep13
CalI would expect a sick maniac to do...oh...DZ did it.
DarkonZeroYeah....and I'd do it again.....in Michigan.
TServo4I will just sit in and observe.
CalAnyone here bid on ebay often?
TServo4Which is to say I will be idling
Calor bid at all?
CalI want to bid on something that'll end in 20 hours
DarkonZeroWell....go for it.
CalNo bids have been given to the item, so should I wait right before it ends or go now?
TServo4I would wait
Caloh ok
TServo4but keep an eye on it.
DarkonZeroI'd bid...but wait.
TServo4Bid on it in the last five minutes.
TServo4Is it something that is a popular item?
CalI don't think so
TServo4Cause if it's just like a tape or something, I would just bid in on it now
DarkonZeroLast five minutes the eBay servers go down... and Cal is left S.O.L.
CalIt's a set of 8 lobby cards from a movie
TServo4and then keep an eye on it
TServo4then go for it...but watch it closely.
CalMint condition, to boot.
DarkonZeroCal...keep an eye on it like Serf says....cause someone else may be waiting to topple your bid.
CalThat sounds like a good idea
CalIt's only 24.99 right now...that has to be good for a set of lobby cards...
TServo4I had a Three Stooges lobby card in crappy condition that went for $700
DarkonZeroCal forgets and bidding 5 minutes after it closes.
TServo4Turns out that Stooge lobby cards are quite rare.
DarkonZeroNOOOOOO! Mazinger Z eps....but they are in Spanish.
DarkonZeroDAMN THEM!
TServo4Better learn espanol then
Calamazon.com lists Around The World In Eighty Days (1956 movie) as out of print
CalLooks like a DVD is going to replace it
DarkonZeroWhat'd I'd really like was this litho/painting of Space Ghost done by a artist named Alex Ross. It went for $279 the last I saw of it at the now closed for good WB store.
DarkonZeroIt was a really cool looking pic.
TServo4Cal 9000.
TServo4Hal and Sal's offspring.
Calhttp://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/stores/detail/-/dvd/B0000542D2/pictures/14/102-0183261-2187314#more-pictures  10 months late
DarkonZeroWow....an Ultraman watch.\
DarkonZeroYou gotta read the header for this.....
TServo4I've got Joel's newsletters posted if anyone is interested
DarkonZeroYeah....nothing like a rare rubik's cube.
*** Raven-X (as@cmrq.bjgn.vnms.kstn.this.chat.server) has joined #deep13
Raven-Xhello everyone
DarkonZeroHey Raver.
DarkonZeroLook....it's Raver.
DarkonZeroEquipped with glowsticks.
Raven-Xheh I'm reading that HitchHiker Guide book, its funnt
TServo4Oh good...the JLA and Sam Jack pilots are supposed to be coming out on disc sometime this spring
DarkonZeroYeah....the Samurai Jack DVD is the 3 part movie......I didn't see anything about JLA though....but that's cool.
TServo4Yeah, it's about time
Raven-Xheh are any Ed Wood movies on dvd yet?
DarkonZeroNow that the toon Invader Zim is being canned.....why do merchandising now?
TServo4There's a box set I think
TServo4DZ, last sqeeze.
DarkonZeroI guess I'll buy a couple of shirts.
DarkonZeroWell.....see ya later compadres......I gott get ready for work.
DarkonZeroCiao for now!
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Sat Jan 26 16:25:01 2002

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